Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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    j , i'IiL DAILY i EJivI.1Il.A , SATUItL'AY , nLGUST 18 , 188s.
r ullshed stetmomtng , except Sunday. The
only Monday morning dklly.
One Year $10.00 ThrveMonths
8IR Month q , . , . . . 5.00 One Month. . . . . . . . . 1 ,
One Year . . , . . , . . . . . . , , , , t lA
8lxblonthL. , . . . , 1,00 One Month . . . . . . 20
American NeR Company , eoloj Agents NCwedeal
n In mho United Btstcs.
, WRRR9I'oxDRccr- :
A Oemmunlctllons relating to News Rnd Edltorlai
mMterlBhouklbeaddreseed to the } : DITOR or TLtII
All t4uAlnens Iottere and Rcmltt a.noes should be
addtcsenltoTURnnPentt IIIRa COMrMT , OMAIA.
Darts , chcckR Rnd I'MtOBhro onion to be undo pay
able to the osier of the company.
Tuts plug opemnlor will bo politely in
viled to vacate the 1Vcstorm Union offices.
't'111s telegraph strikers nccordii g to the
A59OciatCll Press depatclles nro breaking
ranks all along the line.
iT is tuna that three story buildings on
i our business streets gave way to five story
blocks Omaha is too llugotoclass herself
sj among the three stag towns ,
A aoLiMN : still broods over Washington ,
which is only broken by the echoes of
\Villinm A Chandler's profanity over
the result in New Ilnmpshire.
, \VAfM weather cannot stop the rush
of now settlers into northern Nebraska ,
where 11uudrods of thousands of acres
have been taken up since time opening of
IT is denied that bir. Gladstone was an
f original aubncribcr to the confederate
loan. Several hulldrad other Englisluneim
wish that they were in fir. Gladslone's
d Tim onpty lust is being iuiesed nrmtd ,
among Denver merchants but the do-
iciency iii the receipts of the Grand
Army reunion still continues in time vi-
ci11ityof $20,000.
A 1IUFFAIO banker nvhto was cmnvictod
of complicity in time steal of the city
' ' treasurer of over half n mullion dollars ,
" ' hoe beet sentenced to time state prison for
four years. Buffalo ms beginning in tle
1 right way to turn time rascals out.
WE forgot to iueludo the giant footprints -
prints in the Nevada sandstone amen g
the regular summer discoveries in ou gr
truly wonderful country.-Cincfnnat f
You ought to see the giant footprint 5
in the Colorado sandstone which extent
all the way from Fort Collins to Ilascall'
, park , Knufnmmimi'a ranch amid 1'icUuekin'
beer garden.
I'AvINO petitions arc circulating heel
now that the council has ngam ardor ( (
paving in the cross streets , and the U , P
curbstomo amid sandstone brigade urn her
' 0 at worl ( ill the ilmfurests of Fort Collin
stone , with the llomm. Frank 1Vnlturs n
chuof promoter of time mgmovenont. Sine
Professor Augley'a reaunt epusodu u
might perhaps be well for time U. P , elli
ciajs to aocmeu metier and a bettor iii
doruniont of tlnuir miaterial.
'l'imn luau organ of Governor Diwo
makes a dusporato effort to justify Stout'
c'dpitalatoul. Its principml argunmeit i a
(1) ( ) That Silver is afool. (2) ( ) TluttSily
is :1 : knave. (3) ( ) That Silver intended
swindle time state in underbidding Stun
(4) ( ) That Silvers bbl ss'nw Bigler thin
3 Stout's by $1,200. (5) ( ) That Silver w m
guilty of "gross nogligomee , " iii not hit
iug "suet" the board before handimig
hIs bid.
bfoutt than $00,000 of grading is uo
' being done in Omaha , and other pub )
works are iu progress , which will brit
up the total expenditure for inprov o
eimts in this city up to more tlman half
I . . n m , dollars. 'Timis is the reason wit
tiieru'is so much activity in the city con
cii , and tltis is why our citizens anti to x
payers arc watching the progress
events with absorbing interest. TI
jobbers who are making frantic efforts
thrust their urns up to the shoulders
i time city treasury have the eyes of tl
i publto upon thou ,
OMtuA'with a populntfou of nn
tllau 45,000 , uxjwmida something acv
$100,000 a year for education un her eel
111011 schools. ( If this uumeumit time iarg
iortiorm comes front the liquor liceiis
and 111105 Time direct tmtxntinn for ti
support ) f our sebuols is ptnctietlly mien
mg. A cunlpmrison of school u
pendituroa lac Omnahn and in hit
I e' large cities shows that ti
, , coat of minlnlaiming elll' scha
sj stem us by no nears uxtrai
3 gnat. In Cincinnati whore annu cam
I plaints tire now buiug mundu of the u
ce8sivo uxpenditures on the schools , t
total tax for school ptnqse5 , for 1882 w
fli.6,11'9 ; ! , thu levy for school purpu
being i2 umills or 15.8 pur cent of time u
tire tax levy , In Chicago during t
l a sane year , the total tax for the schu
j d at 9.5 stills wax $1illIt)28 , ) , nun the i
I centagu of the school tie on time to
tax , 28.2. Cincinnati's popuhttion at t
last census was about six tines great
' that that of Omaha , and time auou
mix1)emdel was in 1Irolunion. , Olden
with eluveu tmnos time pmpulntlomi
Omaha epumids twelve thnuls what we
on public schools.
In both these mild all other large cit
s Um salaries of pehicipals are Inucln higi
i titan iii Onuha. Chucmgo hllw ulcv
j' ' 1 principals receiving salaries of $2,175 , I
aunuu and Cincinnati four vimo mitt
, 52,100 pall yoar. 'Phis is a larger s
than w gaud to any teacher in Ont
outside of time auwriutoudomta ,
j sehmoola under the present system
conducted ecetondeally amid efficient
They are less of a burden upon tax p
ore Limit those of any city of our slxo
t- , time country.
"Yr.f " O + - t + h + . wa arw. µ nxxav.Y.wrey . . u. . . + . . .
The councllmnn have been convicted
( in Tus ] lsa olice ) of all the rlii in the
calendar , and the teh'grnplm slo again stares
them ire the face. The are
these :
One year ngo thin contract for limo city-pdnt
lag u'as asvsnled to Ter Bea , The tttatter of
registration lids was mints oclfineally mentioned
in the 1)1(1 ( hula Invanablo proco-
deot had j/cen / ortahlislied , by which the pill , .
licntinu of these largo anti growing lists was
Isatd for by the rjuare. Unnnr the last year
fur. Ilas charged and received pay for time
oubllcatinn of time lists at rater cl > arged for
lmcal advertising , This constituted a direct
steal from the tnx.lmyers of the city of llun
dredeof lepers.
Of course , Iiavlng had a fat stash on the pen
( sl o , Tim leis desires to continue It this year.
The ltepublicatt msdo a bid , but with no os-
peclnl desire to compete for time work. One
bid touch lower
year no the s was
than Tus iixs's , lint it was rejected by cut.
thnsatI whom Ilowwater had assisted to elect
t , the council , and who die laced honest men.
The Union , an and wcll found
cd evening news ) apes of this city , rnndo n bid
this year which , conmldenng 'Pug use's
method of lacghway robbery war by far time
lowest , amid that portion of the print ng upon
wuhlm thin Uutou s hid was lowest has been
nwrdod to that rowsnn or
The city mrinttng o1 the pnst year has boon
a t so edgeml steal. It was first a steal because
Lilo l'rpuhricaTL ' offered to do it lower than time
lies , mum It was n nmucll greater steal because
ftnsowater charged n great deal more than the
contract permitted hlnr to charge.
'rime people have long ago taulo up their
minds that wliouover 1lo + owntcr ; { rows wild
iii charging Lsitruption agaimst a ptihuic nflcial
that nflicial in some way stmids between itosa-
wntmr mind the pockets of time taxqnyors. ,
This utso is no exception to time ode.-Uepub
/icon. /
icon.Our aimminblo conpeaporary is slightly
mistaken in several particulars ,
J"'rat : It us true that regStratiolr ! fiats
hnvo always been paid for by time aquaro
time sumo as any oilier city advertising.
It is not trim that time lien last year or at
any other provioua time , charged local
rates for time registration hats. Mesara
Dunham & linker wlmo were omen time coin-
nittee last year were adverse to time line
and certainly would not have audited
fraudulent bills if such lnlbuemi presented -
ed , On time contrary , Mr. Itudlcld , who
was cinirman of time printing committee
this year called our attention to the fact ,
that time regiatratiot lists hind boo m
ncnaured by time loch which contain 5
twelve hues when we ware mmtitled to pity
by time aquaro which coiltalims only top I
hues. So imiatoad of overcharging fu r
registrations lists we had charged lc5 s
duet wu were entitled to.
Second : It istruo that the Republica )
nmtlo a lower bid last year Uuum Time Be s
and time council allowed time J&'publlca ;
to print city advertisemnonta during om
mrnntli while time gtlcatioit of ndvertisin
wcw pouting. Time result was that not
single bid was ruc0ivod front any hotly o
proposals because tiu Rcpuhlicmt ha
such a very liumited circulation in time cit :
of Omaha , 'Pine coummcil did not see fit t
do what Ilascall dud during the year
1 the holly fntud , In that year time cote
5 cii to prntialn Tutu Ben uadu time Rcpu L
S licart the ollicial paper and mts oblige
to circulate ) mud 1)1115 in order to seem
y kids oil public lvorks turd miutterialo ft ,
1 city use. It writ found profitable them u
fore to comh act with Tin ; Bat ; , eat
d lmiglmer rate just as bitaiuesa nmom has'
a found it profitttblu nud do lied it proliti
5 blo to pity Tim a Ilmrs double the rates tit
u they do tl any other paper.
t 'l'ibel : It is absolutely false that tl
eoatrnct awarded last weak by ti
- cuuneil to amt alleged pttpor thattcimotltt
even less than time RcpUbllecot and
still in its sw uldlnig clothes , is iow
s than the hid made by time Timm for megi
a trttiom lists. Under tiis coutrnct ti
: city will pay timirou cents pet- line , ls'lncr
ur , iumder tie bid of time ] iim : , it won
to ( nave only paid I r > cents per equate of t
t' lines , or 11 cents put lute. So uuieim f
n time 'ttv'o edgc(1 printing steal. "
' " It is hardly worth wlmilu to refer to ti
s - reeklesauess of making a were Ilysu e
in fiat foil still when it wits born , the of
cial pltper of time city mimemeJy to grati
ti. peraomal apitu becitinsu Tpe line ii
is thwarted time corrupt seheuos of
ig pruseilt cotmoil him time interest of time c
- zone of Omaha. In time past ten yc
a just eight such "well founded" ovoid
y papers have foatd iespittblu gran
I min tlmia city. Thu present il
, tor of time Jlrprthlioalt wits chief
of uuntrmtur eat one of these funerals tin
Iu years ago with a corpse that was gu
tm ) untou1 't ( stay" forever amid bud
in 1)ittl of huts fttlmur nerd time patroungo
time U. P. to back 41.
! n couelusuomi , let us reunark , thutt t
I > COplu have ) erg ago monde up tin
mu ntiuds which puler fmtithhlly represul
or file liockote of time tax payotx , 'l'ime pr
mm , of the pudding is in the eating and
em growing subscription lists and inerea
us putrtnnge of Tmrm 1i ie show' wino uujm
to time cuufhiunce of this community.
- - -
' European politics , if we except time
mo cilutnert incidemrt to time Spanish alit
ohs hug uxinibited no phasea of interest d
a- ing the past ) v'uuk. , Aeeotdimig to bfuh
it'adyicos time Spanish iusnrroetion is nb
x'hit aim med. A dispatch from ] iimig
lme funso to time Duo de blontpeimaier dccla
as the order hits buumi restored theuugii
acs time country , but line voleaum has u
ml' burnt snuthorud for time tiumo buiug
ho st ittl of extinguiehud. It is true t
us time urilitary uprising has not prole
tor atccamss , but mintttura in Spain , Politic
tal and socially , are in a bad way , ii
Ito tnxntiou amd time injury dote to Spa
or imiterea i through time now eonuner
int peaty whit lrr mtoe hm'u caused svi
gm ) spread disamtsfmatinn , ( ) timor rue
of hod by arury officers have raisemi tide
do loadurajntopromimineneeundafiluouce , '
army , therefore , is nhs'ays ripu for a reties
ies 't'hane , emmplud with time injury den a
er agriculturu by severe drougths ,
on uuough in thunmsolvcs to ertiatu dissa
wr faction , but there is still greater cars e
nv daugur t ) the government. 'l'ime Ca
nu feolina has boon carefully nursed in Spt
uha and time Carlists coimminamul time net
Our sympathy of socialists thruugh0ut Euru
nru Soeialismt purvadia time racks of
ly. Spanish army , tiude a lodgoneit nm
ay time militia , and has a strong hold u
in time pouplo , That Spniit is ripmtin g f
revolution is quilo ovidunt ,
all third , limo socialist element requires
is erganiudtiomi and a lender
to plunge time country into a state of civil
war. French financiers arc predicting n
Spanish revolution , and in English coin-
mercial circles time lmlief prevails that limo
present destmltory uprisings are only time
prceueors of a general uprising wluelt is
iroparing against time throno. It is rumored -
mored that a change of ministry will follow -
low the perfect restoration of quietude ,
but it is doubtful whether nay conces
sions wiiiclt limo government may make
will turn aside time impending danger.
As long as Don Carlos lives and socialism
fiourislios , just so long will limo Spadslm
memarchy be imisecuro ,
Parliament is slowly dragging time way
toward time autumn recess , with the To
rice obstructing time progress of business
ns mimicim me ; possiblo. It is generally miii
derstnod that liberal conccssmns to dir.
I'arnell's pttrty have induced time tacit
support of time Irislm uicnmbers , and it is
an open secret that the ministry hnvo
agreed vilh fir. I'arnoll to withdraw time
cutigration clnuso of time Tramway bill
and bring in it hill giving 50,000 tl hold
carry out tutu Irislm lundcr's plama of mnl
grdtion 3miIreland if Ito amid his followers
will nbahtin from furtlcr obstruction un-
nil time recess , Time Catlmolie bishops of
Irolltul , have lmimited into n telegram tr
l'armiall urging hint to accept the govern-
meimt's propositiOu on time grommd that
150,000 ; oxpmmdod in Irish eniratlol
hill greatly relieve time "congested" dis
trials of Irolaml by moving poor Irish
families to batter localities in time coun
try , and that the prestige of having
aecamrCd such a cOfCes3iOtt fron time gov
erumont will insure time election of Lynch ,
time Pitrimollite cnndidato for Sllgo ,
nud groi'tly eomtributo to sec
toss 1mm all time conmimig burouglt comitests ,
Efforts mire buiug monde to puaim time Agrl
ctdtursl Iioldinga bill , now on its pas
sage through time Ifousoof Lorda. Durum g
time week time govermuant has Leon twie u
severely queationed regmuding the Tn imm
five affair , Latest ndvncca from Madit
gascar confirm time first reports of time in
di6imities forced upon time British reap
sdemtts , amid the demand for prompt re
dress front France which was partly shit )
I pressed by Mr. Gladstouu'u ellbrts ma
berating out afresh. Fresh oxplamtion s
t are to b0 asked froum Franco rcgardin g
o Admirmd I'rcir's ' extraordinary conduct
as it is gemorally tmdcrstood that the ad
g nniral instead of ] mvimi' been recalled ant
n degraded liars rccovedonl a clango u
n station conIplod with umarked ox1)ressioit
na of approval of lmis course.
Y The convietiun of time four dyuaihitist
o at Liverpool om McDor11ott's comifessiom
of has been followed by their sontomces t
I long arena of pemial servitude. Acres
time thermal iii Ireland quiet provals bit
Ld time forces of time mimttional lettgtw are pre
d pitm imig for county comivuntions mmnedl
'e ately after time ndjourminnoit of p trlitiuen :
, . nud a yiguroua cuapnign in ovmy ; pulia :
> nentnmy borouglm , blr , l'arnell's pre
tagu is duly on time increase and tb
n atremmgth of his following uu parlianlcu
e this winter will be auil'tciotmt to immsuro
L- large degree of consideration f oum tom
itt govonunemt. Time pass'tgo of the ban ) ;
ruptcy bill to its thittl reading amid tin
Irish traminvmey bill to its sccoud rcadin
lac arc evidoneea of limo strength of the Iris
e patty un patlianment. Time last minute
is bill n'ovidcs for a govornuent guaraimt
of 1000,000 fur the opening up of t ]
Is wcsteimi districts of lrolamid by ligl
or ateaun' trtrnwmtys. Time imouso agreed
atime propeaul that 1100,000 ; of time cimur
me surpiua fund ho appli0d to onigrati
purIm SCS. 'I'revelyan , cluef secretary f
o Ireland , nsscutcd to time suggestion
ill 1'itrnoll that half of time suum lie devot
min to migration putpuses , and promimised
or iuuentl time ammonia act au tint time grit l
to emigrants should in certain cases
raised t , 18 ; pur head.
me . . -
ct Imi Frmce the geimeral olectiona , lme
lf during time filet { part of time week , result
fyy in ropublicnu gnins of moru licit 1
Heats , Time republic ; in spite of all t
na conlGeting timbals , still Rolla time con
Ito deuce of the people. ' [ 'here arc renew
itruomors of time approaching disaolutiomt
era time Connmt du Cmnbord.
ug ] 3e.idea the Suez canal , notliu' 1 '
us lately been exciting more mart
iliof Emm glamu ] thnmi what is known as time Illi
iof bill lit ludia , which is n noaaure oxten
00 lug time crimimnl jurisdiction of nati
ear.Himideo judges of it certmtiu rank to Etm
ear. ) oaus , whim have iitlmerto only been tr
Limo 1lo before mcn of their own race ,
of Inlia ( it hilts cncountured nlmost frau
opposiliomt frnnm time luglish , but
ime govurmuont has bald unit , amid time lib
mils in Emm itimtl : Ore imOW gettimig lmii it Cot
emir ter agitation in sap rort of it , 'l'ie ter
11)1 hasp thrumtoncd to hrim" time c1uestiun
uuf in 1a rlictmimolt + but the fortibo
lime mumtl miobody has meddled w itli it .tim ,
° n timdtside but btr. Aalnnetd iinrtie
sod uho carries no vvoight , rime bill is bmm
mys ate ) , but a vary iutporbtdit om , town
full rccogmition of the et uality of t
] ] intiousivitlm time whites before time 1
as liritislt subjects. 'Phis o'iuality 1
Beam often imm upset , but umovorconiplo
ly gndnted. In fact , nn this point tom
ux has been a certain likemmeaa hutweun
ur , policy of time poeto toward the rajaha ml
ur- tint of limo ] tritisI ) governnent town
rid time Ilinduos. Great things have be
d e for thunm jmi time way of udncnt i
nut m and admitting Bout to otlico , l
Al. time white mom iutve never boom put
rums time same footing with them nn time ern
titit inml courts , nor imam they over beau
lowed time siuue or nearly time snow
Ill cool salaries ,
hat Time routing of Csceree's forces
Li a moves time chief obstacles to pence
oily 1 cam , Tito pnttriote of that unhappy
nibliu arc now tunmbl'mmr ' over meta of
igim in tlmumr ea"urnesa to declaeo their to mm
lislm to I6glesias , svhu is aut ) mead to be arrn
vial lug the dettila of time peace with
tie. Chultan counnndur , Gluitcotl(1 nets
nits svithdntw liar troupe sea long as Cac
renmtioad to diaputu iglesias's title
un l hudurblmip , 'IItu result of time battl
1'lme liuaumaclmco loaves time latter iu a p
hilt , lion totmponkaltlmoritativcly for timevim
to of lus countrymncu. Even limo spcculn
ux 1'rosiduut Garcia Calderon will liar
ate veittild'o to gtmestiolm iris title to time pr
tms dcncy , shun that toward for his patrr
of services sludl be tmmdored him by n g
lint fill camgrcas.
\ , dctorins gracious condescunsimi
receiving bir , amdbfra , Gimdstonodur
lie , time last week Ia nttributod to sonww
time intoreuted mnutivos , and is doseribod
ang piucuof sYomimalydiplonncy Tlmeuri
of 11 ales sons will soon be of age ,
Ion ' ) arlianontary allewanoos will tw as
or a fur tlmmn. In the lrusont temper of
and lirhish will n'hwire
Glndatonca great infhmeuco with time mdi
eels to get them to consent to an allow.
auto which would be at all satisfactory to
Victoria or to time princes , ifor mm jesty's
graciouaness , too , mmny mot ho unconnected -
od witlm.imer desire to have time duke of
Connaught ) Wade commmnnder in chicf of
time I3ritislm army to succeed that usoleas
porsonngo time dudso of Canmbridge , limit
timat time (1nlce115110111(1 ( Intro to becono
gracious to carry liar tohms shows what
n ficb rn , time crown is in Eliglislt pehities.
It is a bauble which John huhl pnys well
for , but , its lee is rich , pcrlmps ho does
not mind that.
Cortina , tow Mexican rebel , is ottt near
Qucrotaro at the head of 300 revolution-
bts , ] t is believed that a general rising
will tttko place in limo northern provinces
of omit a uthern ueiglmbor dmrmg the
svuntor , Complaimita are made of time
arbitrary course of national adnmim ustra-
lion in intcrfurilmg with time local nutlmori-
tics ,
'l'hoilhMr. ( Ilulstomiu declared time
ministry would resign if bir. O11slow'a
niatiom coddaunmiiug time tnxntiou of India
to pay part of time Egyptian war was carried -
ried , time follon'iug , ntmmg other atlmrdp
radicals , s m ted fur time motion ; .Joint
liorlcy , Sir George Caumpiell , Joseph
Cowom , Sir "Vilfrid Lawson , llemy Iticlm
aid , mad Ind. Storey ,
11'lile Eu"ltumd proposes to reduce her
national debt uinu hundred millinna of
dollars in twenty years , France goes on
imiercasimigitems. The Fromclm govornumeimt
is now negotmtiug it loan of $ l0,000,000.
'l'ime present French (101)1 15 $5,000,000- , ,
000 , amid the anumial expenditures ore
about $1,000,000,000.
Austria le now conmpluting the gobble
of of liosuia and Ilerzeguvimia , begun six
yearn ago. 'Plus iii time lineal outcono of
time upriaumg of Iferzcgo inn , which ,
anal ! as it was , ltd to time defeat of Ser-
vin , the carnage of Pleven and Slmipka
I'ass , time roimbory of Itrnunania , and the
comibress of Berlin.
A Iluni'ly N'atnlup ; .
Time l'residerit amid l'iilip 11.
Arc bumping tlmroimrim time Vest ,
Along with several other mieim ,
Includink 1 Ir , Veit.
They'ro where time bold Ohio man
Can't follow if be would ,
And taken in the mountain air
, Is great inch only should.
But let the Nntiou'b chief beware !
1Vlmilo he is gaining strength
Ohio room ate getting rest ,
And will be been at length.
And old Knintuck's awaiting. too ,
Since state election day ,
1Vith seven stalwart nmrtyra who'll
Not listen unto nay.
1 O Arthur ! make time uwst of your
f Brief , fleeting lmolidny !
fa The ufico ( Xoeker waits to utako
You Ilium mid hall andgrair !
--Loaisvilto Courier-Journal
0a Fay Templeton gives time Mascotto at Dav
t enpert on the 2Into : ,
Tim. lrving's AntcriLaui omgagotimont will be
gin oil October 20 , and cad oil tm u 20,1881
t hiss Fmtmdu Keiiog ; will cuntiuuu her pro
faeinnul engagemmemts dmlr iug time coin lug sea ,
shim .
s- 11r. Juhut 11cCnllough will bc3in [ bir won
e agaiti at hoover nit Monday cvemmg , Auglis
t sutiL
ii lydss Mary Almdem m licit gnue to Scotland i
o nud men her retumi to London will nettle dou
to work ,
o Sig. Gnlnssi has been rc-engaged by Mnun
g ger i Inidesuu as Itch leading bantomie for tic.
tealsuu ,
d 1Vagner'a widow lmn5 refused nn Lifter
1,000,000 marks for time exclusive riglmt t
e0 ' "
'Pnrsiidl ,
, Miss Ilupo ( Noun , wig , lt'LA here with Nil
I sum , is engaged for time 1Vorcestcr , Euglaa
to festival do yepteumbcr.
cot R , L , Ley will appear in "Louts XI" m
pm Saratoga Ilmdl , Sctt , , hither ( ith , supported 1
or Hiss Ida .lufrey , late of Salvimi's eornpuly. :
of Lawrence Bammittis tire theatrical lion d
eti time Ionduu setsun. I fu lmas time entice of ii
to the best circles nud clubs , and is everywho
att received allusively- .
bo Mm. 'fue.nloruThomas has recemtl ) receiv
time score of it mien' syniphouic ) ) eenm , "Feu
the Cmadlu to time Crate , by Liszt , orciestr
ndnptatiou by Muller liemgbnua.
ld hiss Clmmra Louise Kellogg will give a semi
ed of farewell cnucorta fn lids country dimming ti
00 cotmhmg fall and wmmter season , aul will 1
Ito MIIIIRnteti by m tilts of enimieut ability.
Time return to tlmlk cummtry of mhuo. Eugeu
fi Puppeubeiui as one of i ImuuLger bnplosom
ed sopranos is awmotmced as n fixed fact , to
of Insuring to this mmuager a dramatic supra
of gramd abilities and prououucud poptdaft
Also Enuna 'rhursl > y is ovidontls' of ti
apimlelm that hie iota gathered nil the Juro ) o
w laurels Imo needs. She lmas roimsed several L
iii ( era to sing in Italian opera in Eurupe mme
ert xoavni , nud will rennmit um this country wad
dtho timaunvencut of Mr. Maurice Strakubclm ,
ye 1ss Kate Claxton will eate the "Sou
1'OIca" duriltg this aczisou , 'Tho chi play--wh1
in- SLLSdoue by Miss Laura Kocoa at item tiea
lac 1857-Imita been revised for Niss Ciax
wimp iutonds to place it ui Ram tie stage wi
tic time 1Lolp of a line cast mimic ! attractive swtio
tte ) 11ir , and.llrsV. . .r. hloremce still produ
or- this suarort n now' cunt dy in four acts writt
nt far then by Jlessrs. Jesu , anti (3111. It
lea Gilled "Facts , ear ilia Little Ihatchet. " 'b1
Floremco will appear him this play as Pint ) I'm
mt 1 ) kina , time "tnlmmted nud chntupi"mi liar , " ii
re , 11rs. Flnroncn as dluthiido Ft , rr , a eelobmt
re 1urlislm mmthunsss.
tt , Mr. Ilemry E , , li ioy nppc + Lra to unto t
t it dortnkca still atmthor eitnrptibu , as hu
teal creditui sitlm llttilug estop n uotieeat t
ie mtechludes' e , ciangu ! n hem-hit calling for
largo orchestra to pemfnrnm In tie New 1'u
nsv Jtetropolitui openmt unuso during a toms of
mas inontlms , 'l'imo mimasiciama are offered $ P. 'I
hi. nuudlt and true passage , and mustleae Tier
ore a October :3 : ,
- - - - - - - - - -
rd .
, - - -
0mm 'I'um Thuamb la already tnikiug back fn
ng tun s'Brit ' laird to Imiu ts idow , with a voice ti
nit sominls like u toy phonograph
omm There are 1 5,000 churclm members in'i
nm waudceo , uuuq of ivuunm kuop n scry Ii
it. giudity of huger coustluttly' ( mu hand ,
0tim' The Trutlmse"ker , time organ of the infid
Ivuimts amuuug its louitlonts 'all limo jtid
of time suprono court cxcout.luaticu Strung , '
ro An uld timer declares that time eanmp nn
ill iii ; ; "tutors of time jhesed are little pup butt
Pe , eoutpared w'It m thu gasp el geysers of the en
tier Jaya ,
Ileeause an Illinois Woman has done
y imurk since lair recm > t eunversiun the lumsb
mig' it w sued time ruviv > dlet wlmu ens iustrulmmom
the in dostroylug her huuceimold uscftmluuss.
. "Ifuw' tl.lttaimi the lIfo lie -timid" I +
x1.05 title of a lifty.uemit b/ok , 11'0 Llun't wnu t
to dirtut1) the author b right Cu a mnnola > lye
o of time hook , but its ho failed to wuutiuu taco t
051 pistil old time early apple , we timinkha did I
ale uxlmhast the subject. . Uil Cit ) lerrtck.
live "Tito only tb'ug ' to nmar time pluaruln of
dl I'cCIL"1"my'r sir "tu n Ihwtm editor in I > Is
unnlt of a suburban humeal , "was a little c
cst licuity between time clergyuuan and elm of
olio muurnenL cuneemlug the ownemehip of n II
ratefuuud in time earrings tlmey Itad occupied , "
Sonic folks who always go to ciurclm
Are t as mean as " mizen ; '
t'idmislotimo ireacltNlcae
Fur : ' Ids wmc
pit Tjmey keep their oeglu ay'oa on
mug Thu duWun u i > u Pmpela limo piatu
lust ' 1'u take up the eolloetiout
na a Amid as ho amiss down to their beat ,
nice They look the wrung direction.
sud A story has iXet cabled front Comtsta
I 1 uopde alleging that the omigiimd ar11 , lac wl
Noah and his famlly shipped soma live s
the soscral th > uusaud years Igu , has bueu fu
bir. withlt + m uutlmeuat center protrutilog fret
Luck will strike oil dlscoscr ngoId mine , bum
dewu a hou.e , sink a ship , break a leg , hang a man.
A great mans' evcum + tance In thli world result from
puma rhaneeS luck , however , was aster known to
chino scouglm , n cold , a sorcthrmt , astiimaor eatsrrh ,
butThomai Eklectrlc 011 115 + been known to do It ,
and Is dolor it every day. hike an her eel and fslth
1nr pubtte clew , It nine flood Rndhass reputation ,
1'eare ! obrerso what
dlr. N , Mcllao , wrebrldge ,
Ont , writer ; "I halo raid
Isrc quantities of Dr , Thors.9
Fcleclrto OIb It I + used
for cobi + , sore tit at , ercup ,
etc , and In fact for any at.
feetlon of tbethroat , and
It work , relict like mark.
It Is a.o a sure cure for
bunuwonnds , an , ' bmtree. "
Orpha 3.1lodge ! , ltdlle Creek ,
11Ich , , saS a : "I upset a tea.
kettle of ladling hot water on
hey hand , At once I applied
Thomaa' Edectrlc Oil , and the
erect was tolmmallately allay
the jain. 1 was meal In three
days. "
Thomai Eclectnc 011 can lie uasl 1 ulh internally
and externally , cud ar n pale eradicator and wound
healer so knos' of nothing so speedy , so safe , or so
certain ,
glackron Mount , lnrnt. It is of gopher wood
as described iii thin Itilde , and Is fitted up inside -
side with stalls for limo nnitnalim. R'o nro eat a
loss to nccouut for this story , inn litlhattau ,
is la Texas , Eli I'erhh > X is lac town , timid the
editor of nut crtemned cuutetnpornry is busy
dodging the police in Oenntul } 11'e cannot
intngino who tilts "daisy' " can be.
Ito lived in a conttiry'town near I'rovidence ,
IL i , mid had nut attemided church fur nmomy
woutjw , At Icagth having a friend visiting
ldum , honccontpnrdmj him nnu Sunday tAiuteet
Ing , itrritimg pm 0sot of limo edifice , mile of
time deacons beckoned hie to ono side , amid ho
expected a "talking to" for his delimiquemcy.
Ile was mmtch roIIeved , however , by Limo ( IC- '
noueimeit. Iookiug nil rnuud to assure hiui
self that to would mint lee overheard , time dia
taer of bread aul wino said to lmimn , "I
you had a very' line calf you wanted to
sell , "
The Eorutcr's 'VItl' .
'l'imo farmer came fromim time field one day ,
lima cold u k ' '
languid step weary a'ny' ,
Ilia ioudod brow and his siuowy hand
All shnwiog the work for time good of time land ;
> or lie sows ,
.1md ho hoes ,
, mud he mass's ,
All fur time gmiud of time Innd ,
By kiteieu fire stood has patient wife ,
Llv6ght of its home and joy of his life.
1Vitl1 face all aglow anbus Imaud ,
Preparing the oal for her I nsbnnd's bawl ;
For site must bojk ,
And site uutst bmdl ,
And site must toil ,
Ill for the sake of her home.
Sue shines briglmt when the farmer goes out ,
liinla sing Xweet 5oilgs , lamidos frisk about ,
Time brook babbles softly itt time glen ,
1VimUo lw works bravely' for the good of teen
For Ito sows ,
Anti Ito hoes ,
And lee iuows ,
All for the good of the land.
How briskly time wife steps about within-
The dlslles to wash and the miik to skim ,
The fires go omit , and the flies buzz about- '
For doarotuus at Itonme her heart to kept stmt
Tlmere are pies to make ,
'f here is bread to bake.
Amid stcpb to take ,
All for time sake of time home.
' 1Vhenthedayiso'er andtlmaveuinghascOm
Tim creaturea are fed anti the rnilkimr is dou
Ho takes his rest'tieatlm time old shade tree ,
Fran time labor of the land ida tlmonghits am
free ;
Though lie saw's ,
And lm Rees ,
Arul lie mints ,
lie rests foam time work of the laud ,
. ] tat the faithful svife , from situ to sue ,
Takes the burden up that's never done ;
k There is no rest , there is no pay ,
C For time iouceholul good alto nnmst work awe
For to mend time frock ,
Aul to kiiit the sock ,
, And the cradle to ruck ,
met All for tine good of tie home.
, . 1Vhen attnnw is here , with chilling blast ,
xt 'rime fanner gathers ifs crn , at last ,
Ills bares m'u full , his fields are bare ,
of For time goud ul the land Ito no'er loth care ;
1Vh0o it Mews ,
u Amid it gnat's ,
Till the scimitar goes ,
s lie rests from time work of time Lunl.
' lint the willing wife , till life's closing tiny ,
1a time clmikdren's , Cite Itusbatid's stay ,
f Flmmin day to tiny slmo has dune her hest ,
Until deatlm ulotio anti give Let test ;
For after Cite test
d Commies time rest ,
l 1Vitlm time blest ,
ro him the farmer's imeavenly boute.
ed Altvttys as Sure as Sunshine.
ill Ott'l'uesday , .Tilly 10th , time (158t (
Dntwing of llte Louisiana State Iotte
es at Now Orleans , Gom'ls G1' , Beaus
mm garel of La , , and Jubal B. Early of V
( whose iulegrity amd veracity are umi ,
is sailable ) , hind , as usual , time entire ma
mss agenamt , amid announce over their o
its signatures time result. Ticket No , 37,3-
it ) dross' tito first capital prize-Lieut , .T
y ainh Chanty ( a good nano , by the ss'a
e to win ) , of time U , S , Army , at Fort
lit Lincoln , Dak , , dtcsv $30,000 , two-fifth
xt at cost of 52 , and ho was paid by ti
en Bianmrck Nat. Bank ; Messrs. A. 1.
Baun & Co. , of Cairo , Ill , , took atotim
of $15,000 , costing $1 ; Messrs , Gus Bet
chi of Cairo , Ill , , and A. B , Gibson , of C
ire Ill „ nnothe' SI worth , or $15,011
i , Ticket No , 00,207 drew the second pr'
of $25,000 , and one-fifth , or $5,000 , we
rco to 'Pheoduro Voigt , 25 Avery at , , Boat (
at Blass. ; another to.1. T. Moore , of B
is gun , Ky. , through the Fannies' N
r. Bank , Danville , liy. ; and others its 'I
r- route , Camda , Gaimicavillu , Texas , n
hid elsewhure. Ticket No. 0,703 drew t
tlmird prize of $10,000 , ] meld by Mr , Cim
hit , D , Thompson , of , No , 2'i East 14th a
is New' York city. Any one applying
Ito DI. A. Daupium , New Orleans , La , , e
a hear till about time houemst wom'killge
thus trmsttutiem , w'imch givoti 51,000 , 0
'Ix i to time Charity Ifos1i'tal ' of New Orlca
ohm alone tmd hints distributed millions of d
mars. The next ( the 160tH ) droving tal
phteu Tuesday , Sul i. [ 1 ,
nn ,
mat p0c 1 p , Mq r + k ,
I t \
y , eynN
tta1 , lr G I
l imo : F5c . : ? ' LIiN1 :
D i n It 8 ,
ap Rheumatism , l'ourallrlil ' , Sclntic
of Lmmbage , Csctache , lienhtha , feotbacha ,
'y' Nnr + ' ' 1'brreal.NnrIBna .hp'ulsi , Hrular
, st teen' , Stale , r + , t , Hiles.
Atli t1.1. spike Ilatmlrl I'tt'4 txl ) AIiii-i. " . nnu iii rep iI0C.aluL.1
the llnrati + r , in ll I eOiJe.a
no. Tlit'Iftlttlr : t.1'OaIIJatt : ( (
' ,
lii , IXwwn " " 1b Ilallwr , , r' a
ask , , 'sy h
, i tv ism ,
h ,
Au lllustmted Inontbly journal devoted
mittthe construction and nmamarenmeut of 1"n
- Ucddes , Creameries and Cheese Factor !
dch selection and care of dalrystock. Sent
tuck ear to env oddnsas for a1.00. Hample cop
cad Iceta. TUB D 1I4YMA % ' $ l Ull.
mm it . . , 1168 do , lr1UL ( Mt , Uklep
He WESTERMANN & Coe 1 x r ,
+ ,
China an Glass ,
Ste Louis , M0. m22 Sm h' '
Dry Goods !
SA1tII'L + CO. ,
Washington Avenue and Elffh Sfreef , - - - ST. LOUIS M0 , x ,
Wholesale Grocers ! ; e
) Jonnnns ii
Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco.
; 1
, r
Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA , NEB j , , ,
r abe
o Wholesale Druggist I If 1 j j'
' ; I > I Yallllislies aM ¶ illdO ifiass " :
Hall's safe and Lock Comp'y.
' 1.
I '
r i
- D c ? 'mans i trctet. Ctsu1Lhn.
li ) .
e P
wn .8n Y + FaDer anti ' Sliao. , '
o ;
te , M . HELLMAN & CO. f
0. ,
u .o
men eat , Wholesale Clothiers ! ,
"d lw 1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREET , COR. 13TH , ,
* CO11i
, I
: N
f , °
Reina Victorias , Especiales , Roses in 7 Sizes from $60
R , t to $120 per 1000.
lie , Combination , Grapes , Progress , Nebraska , Wyoming and
es ,
oi lao , r d !
- - A