- - - - - - - - _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - : _ _ _ I AUGtJT 18 13. LIIE DAILY BEE---SATURDAY . _ - - - - - - - Au veil 1f1 ng Cht'ntsUt "it , hM become o cnnnnonto write Uie I beginning of nu iirticle , in . n 1eg it , in Loro4hig inantior. . "Then ruti it into oine ftdvcrtiomont I that we nvoil nil mich , ' ' ( SiIfl)13 ) call iittentinii to the nci- iL Of hop Bittets in iui plain , 1ionct tei nis n POil ) C , l 't ! ' ( ) induce ) eO1)1C 4 'l'o give tI em one trial , wlilcli w - their Valtic that. they will noor * Iu any. thut 18O. " - ' 'I'iin llnMI1)Y 80 favoraHu noticed in 11 japCt-E ; , ' 'flc1iiot14 811(1 8ectilar , i . 4 . " 1 laying a large nic , aii1 is MIpI1aTIt. ing all thor medicines. 'J'Iicic is no denying thu 1rtues of the I I ol , pIamt , and the proprietors of I I op Bitters have shown great KIreWdllOMS ) ' 'Il(1 ! ( aliiLy ' 4 'Iii ) ( ) ( a iimedlciiio wlios. virtues are o palpablu to c' . cr one's oh. servation. " 1)II ) Sin , Ie ? "No ! . . . "She lingered 811(1 ( , , , ifFcrcil idong , in away all the tilimo for yeats , " . 'The tloctora doing her no goil " "Atid. ttt last W85 cured by this I lop Bitters the halters sar ito notch about. " ' 'lIIdeCl ( ! Ititleed ! ' ' ! iow thiatikfitl we should be for that niediciito. ' ' - 4t lattglitrr'H I lst'ry. ' 'Eleven ) suirered years our dttiigitir Ofl . a bC(1 of ilIi.iC1 , l ' 'From a coniplicntion ( if kidimoy , liver , . rheinnatic trOUllO ) nut ! Nervous delility ) , . "Uiitler the care of the be8tpllysiciatls , ' ' \Vlmo gave her disezuw various tiamimes , ' 1ltit. no relief , : "Aiitl now she is iCtoi'CI t ( , US t1 good ; hcalthi by as simunly a remedy as Ihq ) Bit. toys , that 'we hial shmutimied for years be. ' fore Using it.-'rtIE 1tIN. : / , IatIier Is Gt ( I hg ' .VtlI. "My ilaiigtitcr "Ifow much t.cttcr father k . , Inco he tvI hop I flitter , ' . " "Ito I gcttln % c1l alter hI lorc , putTerIng from a , Ileao , loclarcul nctin,1jlo" 'IAII , wo arc ao gIit that ho , , .od our tiittcra. " A , of Utica , N. V. ' . - 1DPtfI liii' ! ' IIr'r1'i'Ldha : woi.r. flw the 1istoa qd4 , I. ij . 'PM $ . 4OD The ahoy , Is a hood ttkoneu of Mra. f.dt * . tb Im , of Lynn , ) .iJL , 'vilo aboysiIlutb.r human b,1n " 7 b rutifui1y ) Caitod the "Dear Frlind of Woman , Ipome of her corieipondent. Iootocati her. Qb aetilo'iiil davotod W berwork , wblcb 1 * tue out.oom ' a Ufo-.tudy , anil 1 obllgod to kiep sla 1a t.ttatti , t.o help tier , .n'werth. Itrg , , COnCIOnd.B blL' } , daily pouri in upon her , eii bearjn It , specif ir'Ien of iiilTertng , or joy r.t rIeMe from tt. tI pgtittlq Ccnnpoun.1 to a ni-dicir. , ( or goo4 an4 oC 0 purpnis. I ba i.erionait.T ( ovsttgatdItz .q ULlflNi of th tr'tt of thu. , ) I1 account or I tm' , nt'xlta. it It rpeomn , nIt 01 prt oc21L ( tj by th'best ptytrlin * In the ccuntrj .nI , 4a , ' ft wc.k , I1k u charm n1 aanei , , , , c - % . II . lit .iJri ciitrety ( th. , ' . , n ton o' riotit , . . fleir1. , Ltrrthcmi , trrrita' vd gaIti 'n'4rn1ti. ElAit O'Arta : , Tiou'Ir4 , rn tL''r1iIoiI , Io nit nJ tin , * % ' , t .rI. . . ( ,1tAj 'nLthCI ! , 'iii t poeI4"y 'Iati $ .i , . ot . ( p..ntirIt. . ev.'ry ri tt'ir ' ) t fbi m , anti $ tb . , tut .iul It rviTi'n ( C inttis , . fI.1 IIen. t.ti'y. nit .rutn for ttniibnt , ont ri1cvc , wti. , te ot tniah. It fUontInz. tett ) $ i.a Prptr.ttthii , $ Th'r'tt IcljiItty , $ lept'ina'4 ' : 1 , ; $ ThitttlJto : o blIIIkt , bYOCItlXifl4 jol'i , Ut ! it .i&t iae&ctuo. p atwiyi ' tiin.i17 Ui uot' It , eIIl ot itt ttmr , an . ' n.J , . iti ciintaflnet In tanncnv Itb tM1 'M aern tJ auni' : , ? 7MCI'I. lieo.t , , 'niyI. rt'nttto or , 'Ix for .S..aiid Li ro , . t. , L4Vit , rrqutrtd n to p'eLtI ciroa id It na'eq ' , , t wb. , iir , bei retoro,1 I. , pofe , : , u , , . it , . , t ir Vtilti Cnpoind , b'ti'eI , . , ? 418 P. tth mpor t hat I u ( . t4 on. F\.r ttJ' , . iiAtt ! f rflFurr , Itti' I I ' . : , . ' , , ' : % tttiin..nt.1 iloi . ' - . ' . . - r'J I.tvrr l't1tN"rL1)IOflW$3 't : , . . . or cur. &C OtSt&Lto& . . . . , I fotii.Ut ) Ct' ( ho 1vr. L1t flo , , tin e ; % Ii . tfl tin toPUh-1it7 , , c tir : i . .u.ttootttori. U , $ Irn 4.Ub ) . J\ \ . - BEWARE OF COW'4ERFEITS [ All t'cctlIetit flIPCtIEttti' tontc 0 ? I . I -2 C tt C li. I or , IitY , tiCIi $ ) VIr I 10 . : ,1 . - 4) ) L-- , vt,1 , ( $ U ( I hI. Cu i CI' fl31ijki : liii's lina 1' . icr a itt % giiu , aittl iii 0 ' diporttint jIi' fl1etlwo Orgzui \ . ; ' ' tow ilri''ii ' 1IIIJIrt a deilcinui - . - ttuvr , II , ii ti' ul , , , , , : u i at I P IUH flier 1 thu kus . try I t , luu , .a : ? J ; Iiuru , $ ( ci'uunlurrt its. Adt you J , . , : : 1ff , C ui or ilruiglt for thin geuuuuluui J- . : , , , ri 1'lu. iuiuuiuuurctiirrt1 , Iuy IU. J . ii. Ii. IIUZlt'1' . t3ONH. f ' I ) . 'I , YIrERMMiI , Sole kent . :3n. : . .rw 3. V. iIcnl , . tTvo. 11p1wrn- . 'V. _ _ r C ) } _ _ _ _ _ . z . . 1 a1,4 ; m'o ; t3 114 . . , ' $3 $ a. o . - ' " ; yi' " . ; = w mi . a 11 ! ' 0. = 0.J 0 : in : ; P 0 r ° 0 t orTi 0 hn- , . . 0 J tn ) "ij. w f'I Ct n.a.I I- ' ' _ C , , l-a : , I- t = I 1C .cD . . : p 1L 'j 0 1 ,1NitI _ , : . ' : - c _ . _ _ _ ' I - - - - - & - - - - - , - - - - . - - ----i - - - - - - A BEAST FOR BONANZA1 1rIic llllh1SS Ilic Co1llstOk Mnipu11or , t lflnw itt 11113 1'stitl TcIgt'ath ntnl liii NOV 'thittiatu' . Nw YoIIK , August 7.-Thiu Muting Stock holder , otto of the leading fitutiu cial in thin vftt , this illuming pub. hished the foh1usitig , hucatled : ' 'The iVctcin , Uuuioti and the Posthi Comumpa. ' 'my. "Time W'estcnm l'tiioit wa soul dovn hteu yesturuluty on time tmttotiiieeuiieiitthtat i1r. Mackey svuum to connect imitumacif auid otto iuuihhioit iluilars vithi thu Postal l'elo. grii1i cotumpauly.S'e full to sea aiuy 'ahiu1 reason shi , that. Commiatock hulling opera tots hattie should lupzess the saltio of any lirliluertY cxccjit the < $ , IO lie attempts to ) ( ) ) lie is ut thut Gould atiti Curry bluing COlfllaIiV yet. I t has not paid a ( liVilJIil ( $ lit ( iuirteeui years , hut iii the tuicatititne lie huat luvieul forty.four assess- , iItnut.s aggregating $8fioO,000 , uud the stock luas declined fiotit fuibimlotus prices ilowii to f.tur dohhutra vur uthuare , Tr , Mackey'K haute thutireloro (1005 tint ttipCar to be ioteiitial s'itht GGuI$1 tOld Curry ex cept to hilt it , for time whom ) roerty iii now selhuimg out the mumitmitug oxchuango at the rate of $132,000 tilLer luavimug col. hected $3iiOO,000 in nasessutiemuts , t $ ) say nctiuitug of itut $10,800,000 capititi. ¶ l'hie 1exjcaui muting coitijiany is another of Mr. Machwy's $10,800,000 concerns , which iii how sohhitug at the rate of $500 , . 000 after collecting : Lnscsiume11tum of $2 , 104,000 P.11(1 mui'er hluLving paul a single ccitt at a divnleiid. . If Mr. Mackey's imanmu hiatt any coun niercial value , 8hould it miot be comucntratcd itimil tut4Cl for the exclusive benefits of the utifortutuate stock liohulers of thu 1'Iox'icumii iumine ? If there in anythiiiug to spare after the above provision shah ho uuimult , , a iiuttriluntiout among the share hiohulersof Mr. Mackey's uthier properties might be mnatle. Ileto are time prituciimal olies , which we caut recall - call from mnomumory , but doubtless many are ouumitted : 1'ot. , Now Ca ) , . 4e $ * . eI1iuugat .A'aun..i , of .itiuea. , ( tat. , 'ient. or uibouut liut nul , tietchor . . . . $ I0,000,000 1,93,3Po 1JUOO ' CaIijnuta. , . . . . . . . . . . . 51,000,000 810,000 210OtO C.uinthiiIatwI Irgln1a r4oMIiJO ( 5I$7tOO $ 824 ,000 ( mull and Curry. . . . . . 10,800,000 $ , 'OOJOO { 4:12I'oo : luxtta , , . . . . . . . . . . . I9SOOfi ) $ ) 2,104,000 t49OOO Opluir. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1e,000,000 acoI .20' ) 4OUOO Svago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,21)0,000 ) ( , fL0O ® 2.40,000 ' 1erra ontla. . . . . . . . 10,000,000 f'tOOOOO ' 0)0,000 ) luloui , Connollulatril. . . 10,000,000 1,010,000 700,000 Ut.a11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000,000 l,320XM ( ) 4r.uooo /tule" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G02t4) $ , Yellow Jack. . . . . . . . . . 12,000,000 5,368,001) 000,000 Total..201SO0,00032tJ'0,200 ' 5,012,000 hero thou is $204,800,000 of original capital , augmented by over $82,000,000 of assessiumeuits , all soiling for about $5- 000,000. Yet this wonderful Mackey who ill to make the postal telegraph stock more valuable amid lot all the water out of tile \Vestern Ijimion , has promoted and imittimipulateti this $236,000,000 dowi , to $5,000,000 , ii called the Bonnza King , what are the victiutus caileullTiio Antics , the liest and Beleliur , time , 1'Ioxicauu , tJuuioit Cotusuhitlated , Utah utuid Yellow Jnckct never paid a farthuiuig in tliviuluuuuls ; time Cuthi frimia , huts 1aid , u uot luimug since 1851) ) ; flue Comisthidittetl , \T1 rgiumia lucu 1utki m u ith lug iii nec 1870 ; thu ophuir iii four and ono.hialf years ; the savutgu lit fourteen yearn ; utmuci ierruL-Nut'ada in twelve years ; 'ot , imot. witlistauitiltug thu gucat doitreemation on the face 'uiltue of his mulituiumg stocks , tit OumOruItuttS iuiutguu iii thu payutmeuit of ztsest. muments and their amumuual min1vodmctivcncs , ; III the way of divitlouuds--miotu'itiistuimtd ing all these tirawbacks , we say 1'1r. i\lackey is forty tituics it ituihliommutiroVhma art , the tiujucs worth , w1ut bought tiies stocks ft' , lotwccu , $75 iuud $700 a share' \Vhmutt , ionseuue , to expect to 1)orutuutnemltly strcumgtheiu ( itie 1111)lcrlY ) or to wcalcet amtothuer with i thu m none or tue mumono or tilt ) 101)11 ) tuttiit of a muuimt lik this. Chit of respect t ( sumdi mittilt as ( 'uorgo S. Coe , 11. L. Ilutrtau ututi their kindied utsuociates iii time three tory , we would liku to HjCLIk ) encourag ingly of the I'osttl : tuicgramhi. 'I'huuy ' ( ) eCtilm ) ' hliglI lOsutuuuls $ ) i It the limmaitcia woiitl iUml luts'o tuiitzuumtetl reputations , mi tiucy have uumatho stiatugo IL8)0)cjuttcs in thuci last uumturpi'iso JolumiV. . 1Iutckoy , Geo. I ) I tuUVtui. time iOtlutImiiL kiumg , t lie muminin : SharI ) . _ _ _ _ - _ - . . HiLt IMlhVtOry I'vltIttmtt' , . .1 .1V. . ( : rahamut , % VhtliWellO tiruiggist 4\.tmstltm 'ro. vrItus : I huuic bocum laiumuihhlu 1)11.1'M. . IIAl4I4'4 1AISAE ! FJlt ( ' 1'It I4UNIS ( fn the 1utt your , nuutl huuivo fouuuuul I the mu , , st u4uuIaluio muiedici uuou I have ovt I hind lum uuuy huotuo for Cuuuughun Colds auud eve Uuuusiumuu1utluui , tuInys gi 'Iuug ciuti ro satisfuetlot I'1eusouuutl tutu tutmo grosi by Saturhty's stuamu t or. ' .V1ut LIimIulr Scicumec iItmt ImI' In St'ituitIuei ( , * 8H8. ' "I'huu I'OVLII.AtL ScuuNc12 PuINl'uI f ( . Septuuumior begins with a clear oxpositlo of ' "l'lto (1uviim.1'iieoiy ( of Disease , " ii 1)t' . II. Oradlc , witu , , iii lilaiti wordu . shtow'ummg his couutmimttmud of the iutmbject , c phllitth time tiiccui3' , tieliumes the extent I uI uielu i t 1111.5 tIe far 1)0011 fimit tid Stitch ) ' nj juiietbiu , ututti ntiuuus up thlt cvlihetuco Wiliell 't rcstt. Ir. F uii L. Oswuild cot tiuiiues his jumicum1 ) prescrilutions ito recotuuuuctutiatiouuuu Of ' 'Thu ittutuuctlc ( Nature , " with a puiper on "Astiunia , " no its treuttmuiemit. In IUiliii ! Cnuushiuction' ' I'Ir.Villiuiuui E.Vattl ti seilbes mmd rectumutuictids n''tystoumm btI'llhi tug vi ti t I tot u utmuti botuol w i t hioi wootl , thiichu he huts tried utah fintutui im , ticablo ututil eihcth'o. ' ' I ilsaumity by 0110 whut hIlls been iiis&iic , iii it 1iictttr froutu thu lumsidu , of a disease whose mmu' ' itig bjuiilIgS ililil wtrkitmgs c.ttt be on iuiunit ( bsctlro1y perceived froumi tile on sithe , 1111(1 olflrs sIIggcultuuils , tietived foe ( hue ituthuot"s owit Uxjucliellcc , its to jmii iuivhiicht tilt ) treatmutomut of tile insane at t lie mumauuaguttmoi it of utsylumuis sinuid ) I ) ) ' ( , 1tt' . I' . 'I' ' . PEerriek IL thitl'urcmt. , view $ ) f ' 'Our ,1arringo at iivncu Lawa' fiouut that hmieh vuts givi 1) ) ' 1'1r ' , Stuvnit in the .1 unc nimniber tiuc ' 9ontiiiy , " cseeiutlIy ut iclates couuditiotis jim the southern states. I ' 'how thte Iutrthi ' " uts l'uopicul , by th i'iInrjuis ' the Sutlultit , time OIIIItItIIt , 1'teuti botuimijat uttiti paieouitologuutt , tluctuiusit thu e omiglu lOud an tiu1ui ty of multi atteumujuts to 11111mW it % t'ilt. Wi , auth luy viuutt utmiJ.ui thIti hiituuuuiut rn Iuteamume se.itteietl ever nil the Coultifleim itt tile 'ury earliest. btngcs of its oxiatuimc Iii hiusects and ihiseaso" Profeor A. I'.iuug , c1targou iimosqiuitoci vitil beiumg ti utiest aetmve amid oUlcicut agetuts 4n thu iii NUIluitttItmull of uuiulhuilial J,0jslu. , Sever othut articles tinell 110 ' 'trays of ju tuerviuug food , " "eguicultitnil uxperinme Lutiomts " ' 'wui'a of fooh " , ) ) ruserviumg , iii ' 'plllltit'O muluilt uuIakIIig , ' are of 1untvtic interest. The editor vzgtwoushy tutuatni Em , tlanis on ills attact oil ' 'the itca language stIjCr4titiOui , " 'I'huo Into \\'illiaun Loguim , of the Camiatiliut guologi al burvtuy , is the subject of a biograpl cal kut.ch , , t'itichm is accompanied by t iitin1 iiootrutit. 'l'htu Soptoniber Oiiuitv will cottt.ii atm iuitorcatim , deiteription of Priuf , Ale author Agasstz' labrutory at Nowpo written by Ernest Ingorsot.Simon time eider Agassiz died , his soim and. successor in time ork utiet with , Inauly difficulfios in ntlcitmptiiug to commtiimtie tue iuhaum of the summer schmool of natural history at Peal. kese Iiatud. 'rime expeiuse was so great that. time sciunol could mmot ho IruflLiho ii ) atuy sense nutt time overngimt of sui largo a class invovcd a grcatortiox Imlion Ills titiie than Mr. AgMsiz could nfflrd. It was timerefore CiOSeI ( , and a irilmratry which sitoimiti imot attcni1ut. to carry otmt tue % c'ido. ly cthmcatiotmai idea. , of time elder irofcss. or , but sliotmiti simply be the best ticsir. 51)10 worlcsiuop for Mr. Agassiz anti his traiimeth Msisthnts , was commstructed at time Neck at Newport , where the warni waters of time gulf streammi bring close to shore a Iroftmsiui ( of marine atuitnals and plant life. A dcsciiption of time laboratory , with nil its ittmirovctl , facilities for study , is titat Mr. Ingersol has funtisiicd thu CaNTLII. j iortraiLof the youtmgcr Agassiz accotuipanmes the paper. C ) si Suiee.Ing. Suucezo oum 'sluumuiay , SutCC ? $ ) for ilanger ; ituL'CZ0 tuil 'fitesulay , 18)1)4 ) ) 0. straluIor Sumeezo ntm \ cuhuuethty , 1ecel0 ! a hotter ; $ tuCC7.0 OH Erhulay , 1xpect ueurroa' Sneeze on $ iutiurday , .buy to.uuuurruuu' . - Ok ! Si , uuteumulotut , 1lI ) , ( ( $ . -'uIaker of this iud , cigar , I fol her of tiuls ' ' Lwu.for.li 1 lat' I womulcr , who you utre , \Vhunuu 3fflu ' 9m.ecy" you derive. In It straw from uluuutuuer uiueavc. Gatluereth 'tucatlu the harvest luoutu ? Can it ho thun uuuutuuuuun hoavci , Itslcateul hy tim ttouun ? Or tluc huuturululer cabbage leaf , \Vrapped utboiut vlUi aper Iruwuu , hlilluig all umy huourt vltll grief ' \1Ii the PiesuIr : of the town ? -1)isgiuoteul Suuuokor. ---z--- CONNlJ1HbITIES. 4' tm I tiulhuutma uuuitti was lately illvorcod froun hihi vifo nnl lulLs just tuiarrIel her muunthuor. Atl Ohio wsmnuum thuirty.tvn years old has suoul a bty cighutecut for breach of irotuulso. At harrisburg , 1a. , a youth 18 yearn oluh shot luluuusehf I4OVCZI tinuon , becaumso a 1l year old girl tuuuidtt't muunrry iuluuu. 'I'iio clitTercumce of forty years betttceui tIme ages of a I1 iciuignn bride ulmmd brlilegruuouuu vn.n itgaitmst the woituami , whu , was 73. I , ) rl 1eatuuulumt , n I vuuman Catlouhic , unml tuovetutll In the roll of 1uugIiii barouu , , is said to ho auuxioun to weul thu Ciilifwrnlut heiress. Ilss FIuul. ( Tile engagement is ahutuoiltmcod of Mr. Frnmmk Curtis , soul 1)1 2'lr. ueeVilhiamui , Ctmrtis , anti ? ilss Both 1)avlilsouu , daughter of tile into Eilwarl 1)uovidsotu , of New Ilrughmtoum , Statcut IuIatI. The piutrringo of a vohl kimown actor utumul ac- trao tuk lulnce ye8torday liu NnwYork. After the ceroltuommy the happy jiair loft for Chulcao , wimere , it Ii rtuimureul , tiucygn to obta'mut a di. vorco.-ltocluestcr 1'ost.x ] fuross. 'rite ilylug Mrs. Swift , of 1ociuester , Miclui. gnu , desired to see ilcr luuughuter umarried , butt time iriIegrouum could mint hue luroiighut ium tiutue. 'flucrofore , a' $ coimmitug nearest to her visht that was pOlliO , thu welchhtug svas lucid Iii her ulend Iurosouuco. ? tbs Fiumney , alias Fortescuuo , left the Snvoy 'I'iieatrc , Iii Ionihu > uu , irovilIus to her uuuarrine s'ithm ( aruuuoyle. I icr fiiu'umls are iunligiuatut at time all utuinuis to tue veuIuliuug , thulciu Invol vc Iegrmmuiatluutu , poi ntiuug iltt ) that G arunuyio' grnuudfutiuor : vaa iuutcr ! amuul hui uuuother tue iutuugiutor i uf a hituiul ngotut. Every sk iuuouutlu a notice is circuulateul he tlu , , femumalc 1ueuuituuultiaries of 1"rauuco caIiiuu I I1lti ( itil vuuu iou viuo feel humeli tied to 'c iuuut tu Now Cumleulotmia Rfll be mutatrioul to tuiao um1ujuIi. catiuum , tO that ellect tiurlouglI thu governor. 'I'IlO utuitrituiotuisi cttuuti uuiates uutuist ho yommiup atuti oxeunut frouuu iuIuYblCnI himlirunities. (8r1' ( , mutidor Iutug SOuILOtIeSS readily cutteil at till , iuietiiul , of cscnuimug [ ruin prisoum life. On flueb ' umrrivutl itt time convict outtlemumemut tirny fiat utimitu ii tiolti to 01100513 frunu , utimul tint. I tuf a qtueuuty ! mmumurry i rIsoul $ utile ! us. litu , T.o , N , Y. , Aug. 8. social oveuut o . conahuierablo huumpurtauuco OCCIIITCC1 lucre to.muiglui hum tue imuari lago of the t'icIot of time liutu \\'hilhauum C ; , Fumigu ) to tiuo Ileum , Fraumcbu F Fnugui. ' .l'huo liest ilIu4hatlul was thu uuoted mail iiouualro piesidotit of tluo 4mIuercauu ! expres cotuufaIuy , viuu ilied io.4s thaui two years ago r 'I'iuo groom vas uiuuakor of tue Cahiforumla ttH ) uetuuiily Iii 1859.(1J ( , iuus luecim city clerk home niuti Is a ) mu utuduuctut i oilticimttt umiuul Jtuiiriuttlit ) 'rime iuriio , 1,3 , r1t old nuuul tiuo groouuu tv years youuuuger. 'limo uuuatchm htui hiceuu u pueu by 'sIrs. Famguu's uhatugiuters uumuul iuouuo of lie : . roiatlvei were lureselut mit the eereuuuuuuy , wiulci \uC $ i'eufrmuuud mit 8 u'ciuuck , by time itigimt ] cv I Arthur Clovohuiuuul Cuu\n , bi.imop ofVcstcri Ne' mork , assisteul by tim 11ev. i'i. Shuhiuc : 1)mauley , rector of Ciurist'ui cimurciu , Only fort : r guests were luroseuut , mmml umu , ritteul or pruulto luivitatiotus serc hustueui. 'run weduliuug iccuurrol rr km time uira hog romul ) of tiuo iaiatlal Fnrg D muumtumioum , , ut Fuirgo : uoutuio. - Ott hue I3titnli. uf I cluLsilcul imi tim ! tie her ttuuuuier iumunul , I ! iuil ( stuI luy slulu , with loitering [ uace , l Ammul uauiuiuug souumctluuuos face to face , it \Vii vmumuIoreut siovly em time strantl. ir , ; loft beluiuuti a imougluing CrOi'd- \Vo felt nu ) mmeoti of coumuuany ; : Ourselves , nur thuotughuts , time bcmiclu , the sum 'flue clear iiltmo iuouuyuui timmut o'er us bowed. 'uluulo ims a perfect solitude , . \Vluom a mull vItii fucaco iuutl joy was fihleui , 'iVimere jairluig fears nuul cares Were u.thhleu Amiul l4)CCcll ) t'oru iumtcrrimptiutu rude. Ii 5u uuum % t'o unuudereul , hunumul hum ilultul , y O'omgiaul to ho to ouch su , mmear , So huenrt.euuumtouut , sum fotuil nuol deam , : uittuo ii uuu thuit iloasatut : i ) 'imuul tvlmeim , , uut. footsteius % Vu1 retraceul , , . 'l'iuo comuuruiles vtj 1usd left boiul umd ut 1clui1uuuuuI : ' 'ViiIi , viiat's uton , ytuom umulumi ( ) Iul boy ? \\'Iiuit ( nudes imavo 3011 ciumceul 1- Id \'iullo vuIuulel'imug )41OWJ ) ' nut ! uiloumu ? ) f You mire iuut , wotut to stroll away ; iii \\'iunt $10 time wild immves say tu.day , Y tm ) $ tmnfmutcleul numul tutukulowll ? " mg 0 I uouuiIeI. 'Fimey euuuhl , tuot ice time iuuuu1 ( If I clutsi ueul I ii miii ume , tiuo tm lutuirumod face ; itt 'l'Iuolr duller (1)05 1)01101)1 ) ) 110 trmto little foot.luriuuts in time samuui , C- , , -8. S. Couuumuut , Iii I larper's i'Itgaziuuo ' ; f : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IINlYI'ORTltF Ijsilli4. II ; lveuy styhu of utah v.uutl check vllI I ts toruu , oh SiurIied Freuucil nousli us utro I im time imelgi so ' stylu for lawum parties. is 'rho tmtllor.muuuio iiresses mu e to be inure thu Id over the fumsimitun the ciuuuitug u4ua4uum ( , 1411k gloves iii tilt ) juojuuular jersey iia1i t itt t hue tvorum dimming time sulmumuuler , uiuuui are euuubroi Ut ereul mmltung tiio hack of thue haitmul imuui mmcrM4 ti to arnus , hi Tim Vm'est Fourtecutfu lutiect , Now You 10 hives a ery hurotty girl thmim hues ileces tul en li friutut mm shiumgu.lmuut mit every uuow boutumet si I' 0 um , ihrniiIas umro oconounhummil - first , because thu y vemr I ettuut tinum iuiai ii si iks , atud thuctu loss iii 'u t'uial is requircui to tumako ut ilrosuy garuuuemmt hurIcauie. Is \Vuitereul silks unit s.thuus ice euuiuiuycd I ( ; ciuuuubinitug i Itlu iutluor inatorbms ! , sutcim mu , yam I' , humul r utuuil brnentloi , , hunt are nut uusoul lie t le i'iutlre 1110.4 , Is 'Vail zuuui shutuukr vouuuoum bUll vcar tIme Iu 'al link iulaiteil Juickots , vu Ithu mm vuIttm ) walstbuumul 0 time mtuatoriai tmimdiuug hum tiu hung lucius that fi itt. time milieu buck u1ruuery , ud Kate ( rtnmiutuumy iuamuulkerclmiafuu of viml , . ' I silk , with gumyly colored tiguIru3u4 of uld.fm .1 inunul vlulltlreum * uuu thu huetum , utr kuiottol Its cruiats for hittlo IbuIy tt , vvmur u ltim their k (1 stilts , . lir 'I'vi npruul umrcrsklu tsuuuti bug ammtl S qtit IC. umual caltgimt UI ) Ott thu heft side , tim other Iii 'I. immt , roumutleih , uuumd ummuchu Ituopol over time huh Ito utru m.oeum tmpotu time latest lumportat1oum In Paris , khti Ati ox teuumm l e.hmugmulariy syuimbollu of ccii . simip mumal muuarriago , simu mum eeiummumgc fur Ix. btglims with a Lsn' , comutluutue.s ltiu a uumg a rt , u yoke , wltlm a tuutguu , and emmda i'renonting to time virhi , the iictture of a gonietl i'aip. ' Tvo fenmalo itghils of Iloounsburg ! , Pa. , who vera vying with each other In Interview. lag a voting maim of that place , settled their ( lhllicuities In the ring a short. tuna ago. Ouie "roummmd" suffice'1 for tue occasion. Nev nttuutnn , cluoviots , tweeds , surges ntmd ltukt cloths are tumustiy in lulaitis , iii oveum ( If irregular 1attertun , , and lii (11110t mmetmtrai otme of faivti cobir , nun's gray , jial golden irwrm arid the like , etuhlverued by stripes or .Iasiie n scarlet amid gohi , Ciuunters of thiree Jr. ! . beatin , utnmtig together hike a three leaveth clover uuuako a pretty finish to tiio eugeS ! of time baspmo , tueck amid sleeves of tile iulack silk or grenadine dresses. Iumii jet bcad are ueul in the sanmo way on tue black ntmmms'.velling tlreses for laulion lum mourmuing. It l its hard to get aumybody t , , datuco at time Saratoga hotels in tluo % as it i , lu ) get a camel to go timroiigii a tucollo s eye. There is fiumo music and Plenty uf floor but mme ( ilttlCer.4. l..uuiles won't. liminc ) ) bccaiuso time motion makes their hustles flop ' 'i ' ' anti , lovH , nail tue duutIe cntm't lance becaumo tiuc tailors forgot. to allow for bending the kumees. For lawn.tctinhi sumits , especially In vogue during Septetuiber , roumiud Wai4ts , or suuug.tittltmg iua.'oiies , , viUt zoumavo Jacket ouit4iio , % lil iau cry jspuuhar. \\'ithi time rotutiul vnist vhl1 lie vorn time ciirtuultug little gyy hichiun of jithumtoti : or statniueul nmtmniltm iii two color4 of em imuusoim atil , cruauui , uti tumunul nail pmio : blue , or ti wliliw.grcetm gNuuu umd Jumulum tel , or staummpoul vI tl bluulu rones. 'fimo helm hui ' 4 at time belt I mm front atmut I s crusel , ut kuuntted I a time latch. it i cuigeul with lace or t1thm lulemuteti frml1 uf the immuuIhum. Ircsq sldrt.4 are grotiumg ilechuiemhly fuuller mmmiii vitler , atmui tiui' ; dccldoi termie ticy to linumifant styles huas , : m.'i history Lulnlnb' iovcahq , beetu al. muiont I uuvnriahuiy thu fuurerumtumucr of critmolhmme mmii rhumuhituo , we are to huave uumIes scores , j inauutufmotumrers , sehit ; luavo suunmmmimued timei r huit.hmerto tulle forces ntul begunu time work annw ( if nuakitug ) muuoiuskirt , lotte hitetmed to mu , ielu. si ye rumtuuor cuf their comnitug lei utlarity , It is sumrprisiuug as veli aq ntuutmshtmg to unto time re. imuuurlus of iuuui uuurters nail tin si I 4tes ills , , ) tlmi4 iuuliject , their oiui tulutm3 lieu tug ui. varied L4 tiuo I resent veitiui't. : Time variety of time seasium's dress material is etmdles , null in' , for time tumatter of thuat , is tluo variety of colors , ouuly regardimmg colors thuerti I , ; a hituult , fn aitluoumglu timero are tumoru hiowhl- ieriumg imimes aumd tones I mm tue siuiip w4umdows timnum omme cnuuhiI gi a a immune to , only a tiortloim of these mire v.uril by ieoiulo , viut , pretemmd to dress vehl , ( : rays at human numul aluroad are Very fasiuinuuablo-grays huu nil slumules , Fmenclu , sinto , electu he , umumker , moid soft mtmmd beautiful 11tti's gray-all mini Wormm. 'fhueso colors at'- Iuemtr in ui00ssoi $ of tulle , gartmisiicuh with gar. lands tif scarlet mo4es or iuuuiiiuies , aimul in silk , satiti , and fouuiard , no1teimel V. itim triunimmimmgmu of lace , either vluito tr black. Aimiiiumg time society womimelu of Loation is aim ohul htuiy 83 years of ago , rhme , is quite a wouu dci' . Simo has a % 'ery yotmtlufmml figure , v.umth across mm ruuummi , vouhtl be takemm for \ommuaim of 30. 11cr comuuplexlomu ii nuunmumeleul , tumid simo always weurs In time evcuuitmg time reguuimttioum do. colieto tueck ammil uuimort sleeves , dressing in time height of fa.Mluiouu and in youtlmful colors. She ii au mtccuuim1ihiiiuctl eulimestrietutue , sits omm iuor horse sery grmmcefumlly ammtl wcutrs a tall beaver wimeum rithiag. She seems to bo him iorfect health , being uuuticim better lurosertoul timan imer imtusbmutmi , who lnuks old nummi feeble. Sime is a great favorite with ylu1g acopie , anti always has ii crowd of tiuolml about her , as site is a .fu.scitunting talker. Girl rmmiitmatcs iii Emmglaumtl wear vovtmui lure. ciocly like timoso worn by uumiversity mcii , amid mmatlo by tue ieuuno tzmiitr. At hresemit they have oumiy doimumeti tlmo B. im. . , or bacimolor of , art , rolie , which hi ilack mumti browm , nmmd tue , 13. S. C. , or bachelor of sciemmco , which is yel. low atui black , but umo tloubt hum titumo timey will attain to timoso of higher degrees. Time bug bittck silk gowims , which are nil of time sammme pmitt0m , uithi large cape.liko sleeves gatimereil I into tlm uiimouuider , time skirts full muutl flow. I lag , were vortm over ordinary iuort black L dresses , vitlm lace or crepe lisse frills appear. tag above timenu at time tiuruatt. Time bmuIie , .m id , htm aauleuuuical imuiumors , suuro vimito gloves , iuutl cam ned tlm suiuutro wlmite college caps in , their hmammuls. 1'tuubroitluimy on . ilumeum tuve1imug om' siucetiumg . hua. ' bewi recemitly revived. It was nut alt - imiucim Ptacticed him time last commttmry and iii time early jeurt of tim prescumt century ; and , uur great gmaumulmrmotlmers ouiibroiticrctl beti cumitniums , lied urouis ammd wiumtlow lmamugiumgs of linemu , a I sveil as table spread anti itie vockot.s ammul . drees. 'J'hun mmmnterial cmiii b obtained of mummy : . wi itlm fromum imuull a yard to nile or two yards , a the artiebo to lie emumbroidereth reupmires , mouth tim tuuijlemtciued lineuu ima , time 1referoumca. It b iuoutltl be slutuimk before it us emmiluroitloreul , aumd tiuemm it calm be uva.slmetl itt auu tinmo , mumuti it viil also reumuove all tin stifimmess of the mmatimmal fibre , mmnd uumak ( ' 4 it soft atmul pliable to time imeedle anti if it is to lie dectrateul sviti drawim.wouk , time thmicauls catu ho pimlieti out imlOr , ) retuhily after tlmi sltriuukiumg iroce. Put time ltumemm into lint sumui4 , luuaie numb uI vlu , to 1 Imartl soap , auth let it lie iii tue vater for at 1 hour , kueiiuug it bunt , but hot boiling. liii it vi tim the imauuuis , or stlmsu it im , niuui tluovr ltm tlio siols , to take tttt all the gumium , aumul timem turim ofT time studs , aumul 1)0111 ( uef it luukewaruu m : wmter , aim , ! place over time fire to heeonio hot hnmt mint to huh. 'I'ako it froumu time lilo , mmiii V , imemu cool elmuumgiu rmub it agaiim , : umi , ri umzo ii .1 two cool wumter , amid vriuug mind bhuake i ( I thuurouugimI' , atmul luamug i t i mu tue suum until hear 0 , thy. 'I'hueum irouu Perfectly uimmmootlm , aim , your Ii imemu i , reauly for atuy nmticle ' "umm limit : like to eunbruitler , fiouui curtaimms to ba'by's crib cuter , table scarf or iomhies. - Nimi To-Night. lie hmeid item ft$5) flmmger.tini. 4iltl uwayimug $ umemrer : , liotit his imemmui , q'lmnut l uuru4eui imis uuuuuumtlm to kiss lmer hi1us ' 'Sshiumot to.umiglut , ' ' va.s all simo sniul. t. ' 'Ommo little kisi , couuuo , Famumuy , (111110 , Tiuero Is iii iuarmmm for mis , you kuitni ; , Just kisi me once aimul I'll go lmoimme Ommo little kiss , anti thea I'll go. " She raised Imer eyes amid looked aruiuumd , 'l'iletl bit imer Ill- ' 4i'u ) , hun ; J 'ii limit i his ytni ; " ' ' \'umu vlli , timitmglu , , I'll ho luoumummi , lie saul , atmul kissed 11cr Oil time u410t. , ' 'Coimmo , go mtluli , Oil iiorriii thing ; I ! ohtio.e umuy iii , lie , if , 1 sty. If it tVO hunt ii , Imito I'd riuug - \4)ti tiiulmm't di , it , mmuiy way I - I I uurruuluh van Suuit ; % (101(1 , III I 4ife. II - - - SIN6 UI4tRl'i'I lS. A tarnuttiulim mmmnauuumriuug ( iumeiueai umrunmiuui taken into Los Auugehes receumtl' , 4. . wiulto blackbird Is a coumtmumu'um bigilt iii tii streets tf ( iramugoville , Ititiuo : , . .siantd umear fimuuuusoim , , Couuim. , coimtains floating Isimuumul ai'unmt Ii fteoum iumclies thulcl .liulimOrimieim can vmtik Ullui ) I t uuimth uumako greil or imatul. of bull-huoutils thmrommghu holes i ii its ccii tre , 4' . ilhu mnea.stmrimlg three muuul oumehumulf feet I lctuitim vuu uiuumuuul ruccuutly dr 8tjuttu Butti luiumIui , it Is douulutlos frmtn time hotly of out of aim extiuuct 511C010i of gigantic hmerIilverou ill uumnuumuummullt ; that m eatumeul thu hills timouusaumuhi nmmii iuerluimi5 tolls cut tiuousaumtls , of yoams agu lit : irs. . 'tshmly , of 4ttlzmlmta , ( in. , timtm is slight iy hiusamme , vuui foutuuti time otimuir day tryiumg iii svuthl.w a kitteum , Shin hiatt it. aiummt half-wa ilown imer thanumt amid it scums st'itlm difficult Ill tlmimt shim Ciumltl be hmdtmcetl to give it. up. It 1. face tuus ommsitleiably scratehueti mmii her tuminut me badly immcerLtttui. : irs. H. A. Ileatim , \Varrotmtowum , hans k femuoultu enmmaiy that hmmms miii over eighty eg Ii lum niiouit ii ( teen nuotitims , miuuui tins luatchuoul cm lit ) twoumtysuYuil yottug caummmrles. Sue now lmmus fuoiuihy ) f eight ur ten able to take cure tluemnelves , sthullo situ sits with lfuteeuuly plea I ) ' mru oui ; tuuthuur , host of eggs , ii , FOl thin hirs few ilays after . 'ym.temuu at 0 ua % miami thu ( ) ' hmuuve II , , simehis amid float urn mmii uuum thmei i' 1111,11 iut'ik , , 'i'imomt timey muttaulu thumu or selves ti. ) solulethuiulg , umimul thu u.huehl btgium am. I t t.mmkes mu ciuuiile iii ycam fur mmii uysti , lie gou' big cnuumght ftr mu stew , auth if you vu il I l' ) tlil ititust t'uiit ti year lommgcr , ig. uilsnnmla , : tl. ' 1' . , has a curious tvehl , o ( If taitmi tug but. cithmtee'im lumelmes uuf vmit.or , vhd , ithl luveai nut humeiu , thuotmghz tiuter is coumstn , I ) ' htmtltPetl (1(1111 It to suiphily a uteastu boik to At a doptim of thult ty feet solid ice fmiums arouu iii. time 1)1110 jul the hutt0.t tveatiuor. As a strii , as drammghut of air comumon ( rout time Isuttotut , the ui ilL is bululsoii to tap a subterramiu t elmiumtuel , ice Is not to b buncurctt hum tla.clco , ; muutl I ire Wittef woulmi be a iumcst Itujimuinus bottra ill , tlmuo , , tuveam if it could ho lund , Vet thu wat ls imuunti for dmiuikitag , umrses huas to lu cooled nmm turdor to aumuko it iualamIilo , tmtmd the way It ilommo lii to cover time recejutablu uitim oumo or tu rt. thuickuiessos of tulntmket , sattmrat tia ixivurl It amutt Icing the sihmolo lit a tirmutughmty julace aw tail ftt time suum. 'I'ho result Is cool water , by 'I'ho ihiscovery of mu salt lake tiurec-ujumurt , of a inilo in diatnetef , on the toli of it volcanIc rmmeiutmtain about bti4) taullos southwest of Aibiu. 'I' ' ° L' ' ° us reportel , ly ljniteh States Mrshmai Morrisuin of I , ow Mexico , who recently visited it with Senator Logan auth Stmrvoyor.Goneral Atkinm. TIm water I.i n strongly linpreg. umateui witim salt that a thick , spongy crust lm.q furuumei , arounti Limo tuunrgln. 'l'iihq natural simp. iuh ) uI pure salt I saul to have hornm iozmg ktuuwim to time lntliaiis , ( eorgo .1 , ] iuinttncq , of Mancimester , l'a. , u.s a cat called 'lahuby. Tiio otimer iiay a thin , dllaiiiulatoi , I'imi.afu niil.of.a.boot.jutck hooking c.tt c.ttumo itit. ( ) time buick yard. 'l'abby wont out , atmul they rubbeul their noses togetlmcr ( or a nanuncumt ; then 'I'uiluiy vent Into tue kItchen aumd took suitne of iucr own mnoat to time wamm. derer , Soon seeing that thao hungry cat was nut yet. sittisimoti , Tabiuy tcnt anti brotugiut out a muow uuuply of iuueat , which thuo stratuger seenmeul to accept with every ovltieumce of grath. tiude. tiude..A. .A. toucimiuig iumciuloimt ocetirroti on mu C eorgla railroad time otimerlay. A hauly imotlceul $ lfl tue seat before her a womnaim , whose refluiemi op. lucaranco heti her to ohmgutgo him cuitiversatioti with time stranger. Noticing the iatter' beau. tifuul babe she expressoti adunhratloum , ' 'Yes , " said imo , vltii a sigh , ' ' 1 ucauti huh , itmt blind. ' ' 'fluomm , pointiuug to twu , otimer children by her sub imo aululol : "I'Itat is tint all-these , tii , , , arc f1ii tmih. ' ' Time sad aim uuiutieeituemit I irouigimt tears Li ) time eyes of tue histeumors. ' [ 'lao uuuotla- ers's sorrowful lot until the children's sad fimtturo Mvmukolmctl time ( behest usymnpatiay. 'rime depo1ts of tunber , for wimicim time Baltic 14 uuoteil , arc the iiioihumct of gcmmeuatioumuu of rcsiuu.bearluug tree. Time rieiit'st tcposits ! are , itimutteii ahuuuug thmo strip of coast bet.weetm teumull nail 1)aumtshe , tiatutugim time real hauuumo of mnuiber imas iccim , , , mipoieti ti ) lie lum the lieu of the Baltic iotweoum Jhrimboluu atuti the ummuuium. iaumul. It rests ttiiout crctaccuuiis rocks , umimil consists - sists chiefly of timeir dehiu is , friumhuug mm i > opumlar immixtuiro kumtt'ua iii 1)1100 eartlm , wlmicim alilucars tui exist tiurouigimnimt time JJruvilmco iI Sutmuulatuti , at a tiehitim of 80 to 100 feet , nuiil to couutaium aim muluuuost itmoxhaaumstltulo stujilily of amber. liii- ineumso uluammtitius of atutber itro u'as1metl tutut to sea frutum , time cia4tor 1rouuglmt dowmt by rivulets miuuii CaSt Ill ) uugaiii dumriiugstnrumus or 1mm certain % lads , 'lIme ncttuim yieiul by iuuarryiiag is 200,000 to 800,000 ioumtmuls a year , or use tinmes the iiumnumtlty estimumateth to be east Ui ) 1'Y time waves out the stti1 , $ ) f coast abtivo lumen- tltIitii , The t'ummtttalmittlle. 'l'imo ssveetc.st sommgs are timose rrimat few amen ever hoar , .timd no mmmcmi ever slug ; Time clearest skIes are timose That fumrthmost ofT appear 'I'o birds of struingoit wing ; 'I'imo tienrest loves are timoso 'rimat uuo uuiatm cmiii collie imear \Vitim 1mm best followino' . * TIJTT PuLLS TORPVD DOWELS , ? SCRDERED L.VER , and MALARIA. Prom flieso sources arlsothree.fourtlis of lImo diseases of time imuinan race. These pynpttmnmu lotbicato thoroxIstcnco ! : Loims ol Apjicttte , Bownlu ooiittTc , ( ilek Ucad. ucho , fuUuieos artomcatitig , ruver.iofl to cxertlofl of body or mind , Eructattlon of food , IrritablUty of temper , Low .phit.i , A feeling oJnav1n neglectrd numo ( lilt ) ' , IZzzluto.sJi'Iuttcrtng t the Ucnrt 1)ot before time oyeshtghly col. oreul iJrine , CONSTIPATION , ant ? do. mand the use ofa remetly that acts dircoti on the Liver. .AaaLivermetllcluioTUTT' I'ILLS have iuo equal. Their actiomion the KiduucymututitlSldnisalso prompt ; removing ali imimritlea through tlmeBo three " eu1crg of the Byuteun , " proulucing rippe. tiLe , tiound dlgostlonregulutr stools , it emoar ek1nnrnIavlgorotiobo ( . 'I'UTT'S I'XLI.S cmtuso umo nttmiseml. or griping nor imiterfcrmu with daily work anti are a perfect AThOTE TO 1tLARL oidouerl'wiurr,2C. Ouuir'.4 I MuurroySt.N.Y. ThTT' GRAY hAiti OR WiiiSiCh.IL.S cimangOti In- tuuuitly toaUosu ] iLAC1 liiruIuigle op. phlciitioui of this DY1. iott1 iy nrugglsts , cruentlyOXirCBSOulreCuIPtOf $1. omct , 44iIumrrny Ctrc't , New Yorir. . , .uTT ii r.1tBhL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FR. ik im t w I bt 'ft 'r - -u' m t r/2 I- - , r0is . ra a ) I- . . , , c - - :0. V24 -4 r4 I . . . rrINLLl. - ' cq : " v. . . . . . ' : Wf I i . . . _ vLq : ' 4 - TIlE - us i4dmiration op TIlE 0 WORLD. Mrs.S.A.Allen's . . . I- ' WORLD'S i1 nazr estorer Is PERFECTrn.vf , . Publio Boncfactroumn. 1hrs. S. . J. Mu-me fuasjmusulycarnetlulils mimic , , o nud : ilmousmndo arc tim day rejokmng y ' , cr ( nuc lwad of lunir oroduced by y her mnequilcd : ircparauuon for rester. l iuui : , invig.ratiulg , mind hicamutifyiuug the hi Ihmmr 11crVorll's flair htesurer qui1.ly 1eau11cu ilic caIp , remnoviuug mu auirtff , and arrents ti0 ! fail ; mhc ; s hum , ii trm ) ' . Is cIiauici mu its natural It r.itir , I10fr. I ; the eaae uitaliuy aunt ii huxum3u5 qu.sttiy As b youth COMPLThTENTY. " My hi.iii h ; now reotored to its yrtithftiI color ; I have not Il. a oay Iitr ; ; left. I am sat- imncl tltii : the prcparation ut IS Pot a dye , but acts on thc 3ecrctions. My hair r1 cciqe : ; to t-thI , 'hich is it- taini ) ' liii advantage to mc , : i 'ho was in danger of be- tli $ : 'ilg baki , " This is L'l testimony of all who Cu se Mrs. S. A. Au..IN's : \VoILD's hAIR RESTQREIt , Iti ' 4Ouo BotUo did ft. " 'rhais the is cuIru.uI ) UI mui.Ifl ) ' % hO l.u Iu.sd , to thmr era ) ' haurrcu.torcd to hi natural , color , and their bald apot cosered tm. , tjtt , hair , aLuer mu.hmug one bottle cC ay Zlamu. /I.M.ur04' t W0RW'S flAts Rut rvueme. ills cot a dye. as t - - Granite fronwar ; ; FOR BOILING IIPOLLING , PILESERV , BAiUNO ± NQ , / f\ rd LTGIIT HANDSOME , / .is : , DUItADLE. The Best Ware Made for the Kitchen. ' MANUFACTURED ONLY BY TIlE 'v sit iouis STAMPING COMPANY , SE LOills. For 1o v 11 tao , llaaro , all lloflofllrllihillff Ba1or. OFALL KINDS # _ : : : : - FOR _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A - txcOIs1o11 IIm1I- . ! ! TjrTic MO GATE CITY PLANING t MANUFACT IleS 01' Carpenters' Materials -ALSO- s1i1 . B ars , B1iiis , 1airs , stair Ri1lls ! , BaIllstcrs , Willo' & Daor Fraffics , &c } 'trt.ciass facltithes for thu nmanufactumro of all khnd of Moukhlmigs. l'tantng and Mutteluing a specialty Orders fruam time coumutry will be lurouluttli' executed. Autlrss nil nouuuniumnlcuttlon , to A' M0\'lfl. Proprlethr . ILTIIcxFD9 : MA4UFAcrU1tlili OF aIvaiid IronCorDices1tido \ CpsFiniaIs ; ; Skylhgimts &c ThIrteenth Street Neb WM SNTTF1IJR . . MA.NIJFAOTUIIEIC OF OF StILtCTLY 1ltST.CfJuSS Carriages , BugiRoa , \ oi AND TWO \THEEL CARTS. ,1 IIotratuat Catalogue lSit ) multi fuirimisiucti 1320 haney free Street mui.ou . npplicatiafm nail 403 S. lOtti Street , t OitA.1IA. , NEB A. i , MANUFACTUIIER OF FJNt Bllies , Carraes ! ad Sprill ¶ ao1i My RC1)OSitOry is consumtty flttCd ulth a select stock flest Workmauiatmip guaranteed. Office and Facto'y S. W. Cower 1611 , and Capitol i1vnwe , Qmaha" SALEM FLOUR. T.hs Flour Is unado at Salem , lUchuarmison Cur , cbraska . , ill the Cumntphrmeti . lteIieStnmmo Systoas. We otwo EXCLUtIVE . site of . tour flair to one firnu lii a plane. We have opcuuoi a br.umuclm at iSIS Vaphtol nveuuuo Ouumahma.Yrlto for I'rtcca. Addrcs either IuI t muui9uui&oOni Snienu or Omaha , teb ( A. M. CLARK , Oj ( ; : ; . , . .4WIiLE ( } $ 0 alilter &Paperllallo ' . .4. , e , ( lbn.Ohs ! p.SIGN WMTER&DEOORATOB. VhIOLESALI & iiurrn iWLL PAPE , WINDOW SHADES CURTAINS , 0 . Cornices , Cimotahim I'oles and Fixtures. OIL & BRUSHE 1 107 Sommtim lithu Street , - . . . NEB1i ] : j 0. PRESCOTT. N. P. C'RTICE.t J. 0. PRESCOTT & CO. , icI Xtatiii1 'PIANOS & ORCANS Music , Musical Instruments of all Descriptions. OHEAPEST MID [ OT TtELIABLE llOU $ XXL tba t.nto. CALL ANl ) EXAMINE OLTIL STOCIC OR SEND FOR PIIICES. NO. 1500 Farnm Street - - - - - OMAH On Long Time--Small Payments. At I/.EIllhlt'1o11l11ors / Fricos , A. lloo J' ' ' , 1510 nonoEuqraE r FCiTIOT ' : . : & IN ? % , . . , Heating and Bakiri ) ' Is oiiiy nttaimmu.tl , ii ) , ' tIsiIIg i OAK hs- rIft Stoves and Ranges , NIRE CA1E OVil 000fiS Fur sale by MILTON ROGERS & SONS OMAHA.