Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1883, Image 1

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    / \ , THE r OMAHA DAILY BEEI t ; '
p : l1bon- l
F ZI1WcdILetcI3r4&rnarnrneemeiit. ) .
_ {
In presenting this , oar introductory announcement we are pleased to inform the public that after improvements are
1 o p I III dISP ! aY for consideration in the 8ulldln No. 1309 'arnam Street , a complete and desirable stock of
- . '
I t is apparent that one o f the long felt wants of Orxaha is an establishment for the sale of Dry Good s '
Feeling fully assured that our efforts fie p lease the trade will be appreciated , we eelII make ii a n important po f rat at all
. , ; times to obtain from the
T h e very latestp rod u ct Ions fore ver Y de p a r t ment with the additional space gained b Y excluding Notions from our sock t . , ,
Thereb making ours an exclusive arYGoods Howe ) , k e are enabled to carry a much larger assortment than is
usualY ' carried b Y other houses , hence we do not hesitate in saying that cur stock will be more complet , n
. than any In Omaha , Wes all make 1
A Specialty , arid will also carry the latest productions of Novelties in Fancy Dress Goods and Tr Immlngs. , All our + Goods ,
, , well be purchased your Foreign and New York buyers with the greatest care and atten 4on as to style quality and
price 7 and in tare quantities , thus enabling us to sell at figures soft" Icint IY low , to secure for us a large . . .
share of the patronage.
& cicra iiisrc . /
1VII1 be furnished and fitted in the latest improved modern style , making b it the Brest convenient for our patrons and friends , who will favor us with their calls , and by placing courteous and atlcutivcladies and ge iUciiieii ag clerks in every deItitrtlnemt , we
t we will make our establisluuett the MODEL EXCLUSIVE DRY GOODS HOUSE OF OMAHA , :
1 k
Very Res ectrul ! YI . RUBAUM
( Later issues of tbls paper will announce our Grand Opening and RecP don , ) u 9 No V.- 1309 1-r'na Street's'
Au U11collditio1Ial Victory for Woaltll
OPcr Sktllod Workmoll ,
The Telegraphers Compelled to
Surrollder and Sign the
Ironclad Oath.
l' ' lletafls of the 1)efeitt and the Stani-
pctle 1im IL Jmb-tinny me
Chohcrl lint 1 cw arc
t Taken ,
T111 : LNI ) .
Time oI'ricIAL OlthlIt. :
S Pirrseuc0 , August 17.-Thomas 11.
t llughes , secretary of the Brotherhood of
TOlegraphur1received the following from
Ncw York this afternoon :
"Send following to all assenblies : The
oxocutivc board of the Brotherhood vu-
Brat to say tliat the strike is a failure.
All nmcunlwrs eel to can may return to
work immediately. Circulars follow by
( Signed ) JOHN C.t3P1ELL.
" ' SnINOTOx August 18-A committee -
tee front the local assembly of the Tutee
grii ) hors' Brotherhood called at the war
artineiit today , mind left a butter addressed -
dressed to the secretary of w w , in which
it is declared that 1Villian Ai , Ashu and
James 31. Aaho , brotliera and clerks iii
the adjutant gotoral'a oflico turd post-
oflico departtnuut , respectively , having
beet granted leave of absence on pay ,
have gone into the employ of the \Vosturn
Union Telegraph company mot I'hiladel
phis. The committee expresses a desire
that the action of tits two enployoH , in
taking the placca of uten who are contending -
tending for recoguitiot anti justice , will
' 'meet with your swift and Heveru eon-
( lennntiou , "
'rift : MANAOn1.S TICNLIh ,
Claatao , August 17-'m'ho following
was received here : "Now York , August
17.-It. C. Clon'ery , general supurintul-
dent : 'l'le strike of the operator in New
York is at ( mil end , nod 67 have been accepted -
copted to dny , 'flioy report that air.
Campbell directed the monborH to go to
work on the bast tel'IIIH they could eb-
taiu front the company , null it is oudur-
Htood that like orders have gone to other
" ( Signed ) Cjtas. A. TINKLY. ,
"Cowed Superintendent. "
p Nrsv YOaa , August 17.-1'o lt. C
f Jlowry , gcuol'nl Hnpeiitondeut : 1'1'wun
ty three Albany strikers applied for work ,
18 accepted , 'ihu 1ii'st flour hero is
crowded with sackers , 'l'Ilu mud has cvi-
dently COnnu.
" ( Signed ) Thos. T. ECKKnT ,
"Acting I'residunt. "
hh.tCK OS T116 RUN.
NKw YOItR , August 17. = l'hu state-
inont is ntado on the hest authority that
llfastor 1Vorkunau Campbell , of the lIroth-
orhood of Telo"raphors today informed
the utonbera oT thu oroanmzatoh to louk
out for thtcroselvos and make as good
terms with tie 1Vestoru t luon company
as they could secure. Each man looked
out for himself. The fo iale operators
came ill a body , thirty in all. Seventeen
were accepted , the rest rejected , their
positions having been filled. Forty-five
male operators were accepted out of six-
ty-two who applied. The order to the
assemblies an other cities does not appear
to have reached them until this evening.
It is learned front Pittsburg , Boston and
Chicago that tim operators lure coining
back on the ran.
now ITVAS 1)0N1- :
At a meeting of the assembly of thu
Brotherhood of Telegraphers to-day there
wore sonic expressions of dissatisfaction
at any further continuance of the struggle -
gle , aril tliero wore also Isla ifestatiels
of disapproval of the malagenet of tire
strike. A disruption seemed imminent ,
yet the majority were still determined to
abnlu by their obligation tvltcn becoming
members of the Brotherhood. The order
of plaster 1Vorkman Campbell was about
this time issued , declaring the strike
ended , and authorizing members to ro-
5uuru work. It was then decided that
the young women engaged in the strike
should be given the first oppor
amity to regain ehploynlelt , the Wren
not t (1 n I1dY , for refustatcmont before
Saturday. ' 1'110 women ialiuediltly cone
trooping down town to the amain ollice of
the IVestcrn l'hiou ahd tripped lightly
into the elevator to be tnkcn to the
rooms of Superintendent lituucatouu ,
Some nnasculines had anticipated then.
These himttl takult the rapid elevmitol railroad -
road , mid utceting ulenbcrs of the fray
teriity , informed them of the break.
These del not hesitate upon the order of
their going but weft at once for time office
of 11t i . Itnncstono , hence anticip.ttiug .
time girls time fourth floor was quickly
taken p0S5CsSia11 and ( told Ii rarly mtti1
: llr , lluuietlIii , lute ih time eve umg , iut
nouhccd hie could not receive more tonight -
night , but would be entirely free t0 give
further audience to niorrmw , knelt pcr-
sou , as n prelinmihary to rc-enployhroiL ,
sigio(1 a pnput mlgrecing to abandon
the Brotheilrd of 'I'ulugraplleit ' and not
again lCeolnu htonbeH of any similar
brotherhood while in the unpl y of the
1Veslern l'hton ,
Thu leaderof strikers says : "IVo have
blade a good fight , but have hcun benleu
because the forces of thu enemy svmis
stronger tiuul ours , and because the allies
Who bud promised t , aid us , failed to d0
so. 'm'ho executive corinnittee of tltu
Ilv'otlierhood is preparing a statomunt
which will 1)o published in a short tinie ,
showing the amount of money received
hull expended , 1Ve have receipts for
tivury cunt that has bceu paid out , mull
when the full history of time laoveuont
will be known it will be soon the
Brotherhood has svagcd a srni' which ,
though disastrous , is not disvreditnblu ,
11'0 have received in all loss than $10,000
Uut of this the rent of Clarendon hall
had to be paid , and the hotel hill of time
executvu committee at time Alahhattim
hotel. Skiritishiere who were on time
watch to keel ) weaklings from rotunming
to work required considerable eomey , so
there was only $6,000 or $7,000 to divide
anelg 000 operators and 200 hiiencn ,
and of this stun time lineiuom got time
larger ahuro , 'imo average amount paid
to of orators was $ t for the entire four
week that the nlel have been out , "
A number of nett not employed left
for Pittsburg amid other points toanglmt.
Some of the mini feel very sore over the
issue of time battle , but ( mope that a few
days will Jtot out all disagreeable mllemo-
rics and that time old tiulo pleasantries
will prevail. Time benefit 1)830 ball game ,
p05tpoued owing to bad weather , is now
declared oil' . Openilora here say there
will hot be nine strikers left after to-
morrow. A linmuan says the strike
Chilled this afternoon at 3 o'elock. 111as-
tor 1Vorkuimn John Cahipbcll sort out a
clispatcim from this city to all local assCml-
blies of the Brotterhood throughout
United Shttcs and Canada , stating time
executive committee haul come to time
conclusion that tune strike was a failure
nod authorizing all members of time
Brotherhood to rehirh to work iuunedi-
ntely. A circular bearing time seal of time
Brotherhood was also nhliled to each of
the mtssoimblics , giving the reasons for
abandoning the shrike. Time knowledge
that the 1Vcsterh t'mioti would never
concede time demands of the striker and
that constant dellcctiohs frour their ranks
bad weakened tlmuht surd the chances of
those who renaiucd out of regaining positions -
sitions ware ( lady becoming loss. The
order was a signal for a general break ,
101(1 shortly after 3 timey began to pour
into the otlieo of time 1Vestett Uninu iu
this city , ahd Superinteulemmtltnucstomu
seas kept busy 1Oceiving applications for
restoration until 7 p. m. ( 'p to that tiule
forty-five of the male mud eight of the fur
ntmllo applicants had been ncccptod. A
large nuulbar svee rujectud , mm : the coin-
pony had mecided to receive back only'
time hest of opurmitors 'I'Iroladies , thirty-
eight in mmiimbe , returned to time
ollico in a body , but there
was nu title to receive the mmpplieatiohs of
but few of timers , Supcrinteidclit Ilutnc-
steuu said that , as a ruts ; the hmei
suemed glad to gut back , 'I'o-miight time
force iu time ollicu humlbe ed about ii fnu-
ty , mainly strikers who lutd returned.
'I 'hie mot cluing durable duLy sineu the
strike began were thus given a rest. At
time hcudfunrters of time executive coil.
taittce of tire I rothe lumii to-night the
1,0Oluls w Uru dark , cud noun of time mm men-
hes of the commmitteu Ciild be
culc.umt ) SS'I Lm 11(1 ( hr.
CIIIrAoo , August 17-Au umoxpected
move was mule by time striking telegraph
(1peatur ih this city to might. At a
mieutiag hold at Uhich Mall , attended by
by botvicen 460 and 6(10 ( opentrH , hlns-
tur Vorkmnu Alorris rood n tele'ron ,
from Jolut Ciunpbehl , declurimi the strike
a failure and : mil 'ising time men t t Heck
onlploynmcht. 'l'ire spumker Said lmu had
at first doubted time authenticity of time
telegram , but niter talking with Cm mp
bell over a postal Le1ugrnplt wire , he had
been cnln'inced that time word bud ncti-
Italy' buuim given. Ile duchtred to tuna as-
aunmbly thud ltu would not indosu the nd-
'vice of Campbell , end would nut advisu
then to 5urlundor , 'l'ltey could dose
so 1f they chose , but in tilatcase le would
resign mud lhn'e uthiug further to
do with time ll'othurhood. Thu speaker
assorted time west hmmd sholt'ii no signs of
wcnketiimmg , but the cast , on time contrary ,
had hot been displaying time firmness
which had been expected , 1Vith tie cooperation -
operation of other largu western cities ,
ho believed the eouteet could be pro ,
longed t AI a stage whore time corn any
would have to recognize their bill of
ri gilts. 'l'obe ( mums froul Cinciimmtti
Clevelatld aimd ht. Louis were road ni-
luging that time strikers in those cities
would nut recognize Cahqbull'H , circular.
Tu a session was brought to at close at
1116 ; p. nt. , by a rising vole to continue
time fight. Prior to this meeting two or
three of time Brotlter hood bad applied amid
hull been given wm'k at time ollicu of the
1Vestcrn Union company.
At at aessioh of time executive eomimit-
tee of the local nssetmbly it was outlined
its time policy of time Chicago opueatur
that they rennin out ii nti1 ? l ondny noun
amid until they could obtain time Hig , ma-
tares of time executive committee at Now
York , tlums duclining to recognize time
sword of Canipboll umsnpaotol. ] Iron-
day time future action of thu Chicago operators -
erators would be outlined. 'I'lme strikers
cuntchded that no onu hits gone hack to
work in this city today , and thmnt time
tw o atom applying for work did so ender
otisappreheu14toh ,
IN 11nLAmsLAniA.
I'nnAin Li'nma , August 17-7'hc fail-
111 0 of time strike of time telegraphers was
Ii rst ammouucca at a mieetiog of limo
Brotherhood this uvoiiug. Thu mein received -
ceived Limo huws vuly quietly. About 36
strikers called a ion ! mfr. Junes , of the
1Vcstern l imiomi ( i , tro ] evohimi6 mind
umulu pumsonnl application for i'eiilHtmltu-
uieot. All were told to hhtke mtpplieation
iii time regular way iii time umrhing. Joncmm
Hays Imo ha1430 vacancie(3 iii this city immd
58yH Imo bolieveH there mmu 65 of the
strikers still out ,
i 1UCIl'y and the I'ostal Telograph.
SAN FIIANOIHCO , August 1fl.-'l'ime am-
nouncmuoite that Mackey had ttkel so
proitinont an interest in time postal teiu
tigritIplm eommlinnYr , , , amid time f act tlutt ho u ' m
diced hair to Donn forces with hill , excites -
cites considowblu surprise. 1)oubts of
his selioushess in time enterprise is freely
expressed by those who hest know hint ,
it is 14111(1 that Latin of them have their
luuids full of busilleas on this coast , mud
that it is not probahie they would unto'
alto any iimini meial aclmeme tiicy could not
fully control ,
' ' ' ' '
'm'ho CnHtol''I'elrgraph'.VIrrH ,
Nnw Yount , August 17.-Unniui L ,
Itobesott , tulegraplm umigineur and coo.
tractor , was the first witimess exm emitted
today by limo United Status sunatu 5ub-
comutittca lm edne'dion Iomd labor , Ile
5111(1 lie iitul niuu 111cClolhiui s estiuutto of
time cost of coil9tl'lictorm of at tulograph
lieu of eight vires , frown New Viii lc City
to Chicago , wherein the latter Hail It
cotdd 1)u cohi mid m l for oput'ntiuu for time
Hen of $736,000 , 11'ithesmm timmmglmt that
tiiia sum memo about lm if time ratl
cost (1f c(1nat notion. Such a line
woiilml Cost itt IOtst : one ti m iiuamd mini liii's
pur mile , la rugcrd to time right of way ,
witness Hitid lie ihul known of emmus whore
over $1,000 had been paid for time privi-
huge of erecting six poles. 't'hin itelmt was
probably iumporttuL in time cost of construction -
struction , On Hondo routes the costs of
ri glita of way arc muchlarger tilauothurs ,
'l'ime most mix l ) eimsive route fm-this 1'cs1wet
would be , ime thou6gilt , that of
a line between 1Vashimgtnl mind
Ilosku , and time m1 imt of wry hutwsen
1Vnshillgton and Chicago could not be nor -
r uircd except for a largo consitloration ,
Providing Ito hind time rights of way ss-
501(50(1 I)7 the Nestorn ltotnsoll
would willingly uriderttko to
reproduce time tolokmot ) inmmystein of
country for QU 000 000 amid
'oiiid not hesitate at 830,000,000 ,
The hmost valuable rights of way possessed -
ed by time ! festers l hmu company lure
those obtained front tire railroad sy'stemi
of ihu coo htm ) , mid mum estnmmmto could
rot be fueuiel of time cost of tlmesr to time
1Vcsteii Union coumpmuiy of : tcgniriog
these easetllcmts. 'J'Imo ordinary expeusu
connected with this 1tam is iuctu'red iii
obttiniigmight of way through Cities.
'T'his wan usually placed ii mmler tie head
of legal oxpomHeH for Imvyorn , useitlly
ouployed to obtain time privilege in Lhesu
callus. VIt11esmi Ilitll Ileum elgitgel ( III the
comsteuctInu of llmellntunl tTUiou , Aar
eiCnu Itmgiidand soveal enih'oad lines.
Soou'Ilung jlhuui Itrrnd-1lalchig ,
liy the process of beuul-uutkiig it is
ii ltunfed to couve L the Ihom of certain
lrllihs imltn a ccllulmi'struetrn o , ii which
it is ( most easily chewed , amid digested.
Imm nrde t0 arrive at this cud , iii euh0lie
fcrntuutuum is resorted to omit 01ileh
tiumes by Introducing Lhu siuue ii time
dough by memis of hrovema yeast. Thus
a e(1all part of time flour is converted into
glucose , w'hidm again is trnasfornmod into
alcohol mud carbonic acid. Time firmer
is recognized by iLs pcomliau' vi hums odor ,
oxhilud by the lons'eH , whuh Hulllciemtly
rinsed , Il(1lh gases prI1duce time i'miimiiig
of the dough-I. c. , tlmo porous maid
spongy mppulmitnce.
Ily this furumoitd.ion tire flour mint eily
1(1140(3 w'eighl hurl , time bread 1115(1 nttuius
t umlitics s'imiclm amity injure time process of
In order to evade those imconveuienees
clieomisls lutvu long ago senrcbud , to impart -
part the spongy structure of Limo dough by
other nmmns Liman yeast , rc14poctivuly by
51Ii(4tltiiCeH ( evolving gmieolms bodies , or
which , iii the oveti Itre tnmsfrimmell Imto
gases tlme'muselvos. 'J' ) time hest ktiowui
I'ulou ' g time bicarbonutu of soda amid creel
of t talr cerltiml well known to all
housewives. And with regard 1)l tlm14t of
Lhu bnkm6 1osvdurs of time tradu Lucy a nitre
mainly prupmrati(1nH coutuhimg thulme
sub5tnmCCH , Ilowuvo' it umnrot he said
of mhy of then that they uxot a humefi-
einl iuhluomeu (1n time systeut , hot t ) speak
of the 1rltllte'mmtlois , to whiieb Inoimt of
then have bitchy beet Hubjucted.
1Vo ere glad to lumen that I'rl f h. A :
llorxford , of Cambridge , Nitomchusultn ,
ss'ho ) muted time choir of clmhist y in IIar-
s trd Uuivom sity , unwonted uiomm time
Since a bukumg ptvparatioi firmmitlg rum
uxceiitioil to those Hpolet of , is ii id I tuts
rth'endy attminel uiiivural re amnion.
'l'hmu tdemt by w lmich I'rof. I lorsford svmui
guidedr w'IS int ( iii lY to furimislm m sit hsti-
tutu for breveK yeast , but imiso to provide -
vide Li IOsO II II tI'itiolus ehiistlttiuiits of time
fbolll' lost iii time hi-aim in tutu pro-
cuss of bolting. 'J'hosu ' moo time so Cailed
p11OsiI111ltes , wliid m urn also time hu-
tt'itivu Salts of meat , raid of time ntmost
inlliortumce f im the building up of time or-
gatilsni. If wu take imtr cuh5idurmtiun
that time nutritive vllltie of whedom flour
is Anhm twelve to fiftuum put' cunt less
than of time wheat grain , aumd that this
loss is now restored by Prof. Ilomsford's
invumtiull , then we must look ulunt it its
of time gruntust natioaill uconoiuu iuulior
taice. Aim Juattis youi I.iubig said. 'flue
'result is thu Hauno , as if thu fertility of
our wheat fields lad been iieroasd by
ouu Huvunth or onu uightim.
. . _
- - - - '
Yullow Prover at rte II1)I.
SAYANNAIi , (1m. , A ugust l7.-'l'imo sttto-
memt tout yellow fever haul nmade its ap
pearehce at Pensacola is incorrect. Time
navy yard , at which Limo fever prevails , is
suveh niilns Amut time city. Yellow fever
raged mot time same yard niuu years ego ,
but wits successfully controlled mead kept
OH L of i'ensacal11. Thu Eseahtbia ILiilos
mid outer voluitoet ulgaumizntions have
established a picket around the city.
'm'ho Crnp t Illlmit I'et'elvnl.
Special iispntcli to rims Item ,
Prnci 'Al , , Iii. , August 17.--1'110 lm'os- ,
pUCt is soameiOtt butter Lhah it wits tsvu
weeks ago , but nil Limo east half of the
township iH bale of crepes Hulce Lhu lumiI.
'There will be 0o crop at all iii that part
of the tou hship , 'Ii mu west IntlI is leok-
ing butter nod we are lowing rain ehongll
to hutku Li mu en's lilt nut good , ahd more
hnviug it just wlmoh it is wantod. Corn
is siIking emiL nnsv mad eamiug well iii-
though time fields are very weedy mud
foul ou nccoluiL of liding too sveL to culti-
A lg'rm1 b'igIiI 1'om I Ina.
JN1mIANA1'111JH , August 17.lufmumtry
drills fn the free for all contest was the
feature 0f Li me e + cmrpument this nuriiiv.
'Iii u tuliahupnlis light iufaih'y took tiiu
tiest prize , $1,600 ; lhnrmclm guards , St ,
14011114 , second , $1,000 ; l'aris , ( III , ) light
iufamtty , third , 56)0 ( ) , 'l'ime Louisvillu
momtiel artillery took the first pt'izo in
tlmu artillery drill 'J'Iiis afternoon was
devoted Lo ( I Hhm1 mAiLLie , in wimich all
the troops pm'ticiputei , mad was witumss-
cd by 20,000 peoplu 'I'lmu opposing
forces wore coimuuulel respectively by
Our. Carunbun amid Col. hitter. 'l'imo
1ntLe is forces were fortified , limit yielded
to ( ntraahaim H troops of ter it contest of
over al holm' ,
- ' + - -
A I'olIii. Ili 111IHenry.
i1INT1ti tI , , August 17.-A letter from
time grtilil cbnptur of taw ltoyul Arch
111mtsous of Qnubee huts beet lorvarded to
Lard Ieiiike' [ , grand master of time
Grand f4udgu if Jihitrk lllmmster Masons of
1Sngbmd , calliug fog' the svithdrmss-a l of
warrantee granted for working of tire
Dhuk Master lodges iii this city , 'fire
grmumd cbnptur of ( ; iiCiICO chitlllmmi smipfeimme
Jhrisdietoh uvur that dogrea in taus 1110-
vincc , mumd tie giruul l nigu of llfark Ahts-
te' Illasois of 1im iumd : hnviug exchanged
rlipi'UHCultittiVeH , thus Itetioum ill cmmiiNilIUm'eil
Its lilt mlekitosrlcdgluomt of Lime huh ciiehd-
mint sttprea11cy of time grand clutpte' of
Citlllbrnlii'H ( Irate 1'lold.
SAN FIIANOIHI'0 , August 17--'I'lmo grain
uxciululgo commmitteu Imaui issued is state.
seem sun wing tie wheat yiohd Iii various
0olniLies of California Lhu prusuut yumr
to be 63,00(1(101bushels ( ( / , nu ihcruese of
1l,000,000 ovum' last emir. 'l'imo total
barluY Yield iS Ih OO0gO0o bushels , m m ins -
CV CaMU ovum lust yuar of ,600,000 , ,
'l'imo L'Iro ( JUlef iii Ht , 1(111114.
S'r. LoU1H , August 17-'l'imo appoint-
moiit by player ! Swing , (1f Fugune F.
Cross , to lee chief of the lire dupm tmunt ,
fn Iuhtco of II , Clayton Sexton , who hits
hold that u position were dour tavcl u
ty years , mum becahio almost world wide
known , suns rejected by time city eouuell
to nigllt by a vote of I to ( I. It is not
known whetter time nmayor will sued in
nnotimer uumio ; or permit Sexton to remain -
main undisputed in lmis place ,
Four lluh11'oil K s of Oiallt Powaor
P1'CClplath ! all ASCCIIt at
WiilcVostcr ,
Il Iilceult ) lwr , SCVCiltf Cares and the
Ihpot ! Illosvn Out ol'Sighl.
Termitic CuIIIHton and 1'lxploslon.
IrxiNU'roN , Ky , August 17.-binnmt
Sturlillg nccouauodntiom train to Lexing-
tau rm ihto time rear car of time train on
the Romtucky railway mot R'incliester
crossiig , exploding four hundred kegs of
giant powder. 'l'imo depot was wrecked ,
etgihu blown to atolls , FngiheerVhoelur :
nut found , Ynrdumaster Ituidall killed ,
Coudnctor Aloldiclmel fatally iujural
rand suvuli Other's Ntrpposell t ) ho killed.
Full particulars not rceoivect.
IrmxINw'roN : , ICY. , August 17.-A di(3-
meut ius accident occurred itt Niimchestor ,
IS ashes ( Feu here , at ( I:38 : this morning ,
At Wiichestur the Kentucky Central
mold Chesapumku ati Ohio roads cross. At
the hear mooed , it freight trnimm of the
Keilucky g Cenral stood directly nemoum s
Chesapeake amid Ohio track , a car with
400 kegs of binstiag powdcr being inmlu
dintuly upon time crmssiig. 'I'IIe C , tC 0.
train rmut min this , breaking time car mid
uptn'hing several kegs of powdur , which
vmLs ignited by sparks Rout time oogihu.
I'urlmnps time hoist terrific explosion ever
knuwh iii Amurica followed , Debris
was tli'owu so high that it did not
eohlu down ( or ( ! illy tot minutes , amid
people Aram five miles in time country
rushed iu to mice if 1Vincimcmitor hind sod.
( billy hoauuu 11h lseimi11. Conductors j
Alm1liclmnel and tlmutiim were injured so (
seriously that tlluy died soon afterwards
mud five other persons woo Hu badly hurt
that they shay mint live. The depot building -
ing , mud a 0 , tC 0 , euginu null three I { .
C , cars were ithuost cunlplutely wrecked ,
'I'bis ' is sleet time ihht scriuu(3 railroad
i ,
acoidett that uvur occurred fu Kottuelcy.
' ) 'Ire hull + ulalhll $ ' for the
stnrvod np emrance (1f Its street rar nudes.
ml lx a Ilttlu eitts with the mmiF 11 lllli wimicit
thu + u poor muihnads are foil , and they will look t
R ryF 0
T ItiS mnrrclolw rcaNta or lloal'a HarwparUla
upon allhunmoraand loweemllliOllaef Owtloat
pruv'u It rho IILOOm Altmct-u : . Such has
ace , , tlo eneeess of rods arllclo at home
tint ncaily every randly la wlrolo i
gel hlurl + otule have Lecim takia It t
Ilw Saida Aue. JL rrimi . rmre , vilalltes
mill enrldue lima flood , curse dppep
alatllloulll 4 , m + dull lQ demnreunents of
lilestm + mcllUugedby cv ilnpuro blood erA
A dchliltakd condor- \ ' lion of the nervous
systemoccasloked t' czce5lve mental i
or physicaicaro ' laborordtulpaUon. it }
emdlcatcsacrof 'J ula luut all foul human , I i
and tcateroa 0 and renovatca the whole
I-dent. A 0 pocufar point in flood' . l
Harsntwrf. la fa that lb creates an ap. I
pcUte and buads up and slrengUemu umo
s stemaandpmveslnvaluableaa a protection from
, ea that rim ( Inane In cllnngea ct tha goatees ,
of cumatu and 0(1 loo.
Meurs , 0. L hood & Cot Oent1e en-It aonla
ins Much p eaanru to rawmmend ilood's Sarsapare a.
IyhraelittV hrensuch atint forsornuyea ! part [
have he n4 I g d to tak a to o of rouw1rtotI In iii
spdnxanl harocover tpunl ythhrYuutt dlin
wantsuayou t tones n. may system
purtliry my tlood,6harpers yappeUU anti Keani
to into ins over. Itestecttuii1pottiaJ 1' Too r.
aon wettMau.ite ter of jHeds.ldidtleaoz o
L1t t dru balsts. ce1n bottle , or $ e for
C.I-lOQU 'O.bpuulecari.Lowal.Mass.
- - f(1