Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 17, 1883, Page 8, Image 8

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- - - _ _ : -
Friday MorningAugust 17.
IiuIIcnIons for To.Iny.
For the ipier Mississippi mul Missouri
% nhIe ) s , fair weather in southern portions
of the Mhsissi1)pi valley , partly cloudy
nthcr ind local rnins in the northern
portion ; partly cloudy weather nnd local
raitis in the ? Iissourivallcy , winls mostly
southerly , lower barometer and stntmon
at ) ' or rising temperattiro in tim lSllssis
MpIi valley , 1111(1 falling fdllowed by rising
barometer III the northern lOrtiOlI Of time
: ! Iissotiri valley , with rising followed by
falling temperature.
-Who arc J.Ijplt , Leak & Co. 1The&W.
-Mrs. A. Sorel , the .iimly Frcncli hair
1) of Omaha , Ima rcmnovetl to No. 121
Fifteenth street , corner uf Capit.o avenue ,
.tmuiy smo block frotim tlio 1)5t0f11C ) hair
Uo' HIs and til1iiicry ( ooIs now very clmeip.
-\tr , hi. 11. h3roviuing , agent of Limo \S'elln ,
] nrgo Express Company in this city , 1mM been
uiinoted to take charge uf all the hmmMines
yest of time Becky immountalims , aimil ill lii the
fmituro imao hb ; headquarters at l'ortlmnul ,
-'ilie Iatlic of time BapMlimt. church will Imolil
aim lea cream Mociablo in the vcMtry of time
clmurclm ofl ] 'rhlay o cuing , t' ralso fmmndM to
8011(1 ft ixx to time ciumrch missionary , Mlis
.Amnbroso , of timI city , in Ilmmrnialm ,
-A very atwpiciotis wedding toolc piaco
) elstorlay , the iartk to which were Mr. ( co.
: B&rney , mun of Capt. flarmmcy of Time Jtuinmbll.
cltn job ofhico , and Mhms .Amumio Wlliiamn , of L. \VilliamM , 1sq. Tiii Br.m
CXt.Ofl(114 its congratulatioiis.
-A now tiimma scimedimlo will take effect on
tim U. P. next Sunday. No lmnirnrtaimt change
Ia nmado in time timimo of asoimgor trains.
-Timeimo are ' beautiful , lnlglmt , moonlight
-Time luau Who led time reccmmt smmccemftml
Tall 00 tIme safe at Wahoo , and wimo wasm track.
C(1 tO St. .Too , was brmmgimt to tlmb city lamit
night by Slmcrill 111cr , mm a requisition , ammd
hedged In time cmimmmmty jail. It appears timat time
fellow Imati forwarded t.VL , vailMes tAb St. .Tco
time ( lay folIoIng tlm b1mvImmg up f the safe ,
flfl(1 ( WU4 foihmvcd and watcimed until imoclaiimmcml
time baggage , when ho wtu at oimcc taken 1mm.
-A yoummg imiflU named hiermaim ( imlmmmItlm
wM lammtovciming arretcd for ombezzlemmmemmt.
Two tlisturbcrmm of time peace , ommo vngrammt aimmi
( moo Inilividmmni charged vith amisamlt nimd hat-
tory , made mum time siato mf time hotel ( orxmmaim.
-For time best fisimlmmg in thu mmmd go to
Sjiirlt lake. Ask timoso who Imave been tlmcro.
-We cx1iect to coimie imoimme lmcmmefittcd by a
week's sojcimrn at Spirit lake , and svhll avail
S ourselves of tin , low rate offered on time 11th.
.1ight dollars. Tlmlmmk of It.
-No yams will be spared to make time
Sioux City route oxciirsiomm to Spirit lake mm
time 17th omrn of iicasmiro timrouglmout.
-A gOOd agency can be secureil. Jav
4)111CC of .1 , ' .1' . 1)111mm , room 12 , Crciglmtoim
-Tho University rogommts met Vednesday at
] : Aiicoiim. Notlmhig was dune inregarl to l'rof ,
.Atmgimoy'im case.
-Now Is time time to buy furniture. Cimaricim
$ hmivcrick Is advertising Nwoopilmg rotlmmctlmnms
In all 1(1(1118 of furniture , to contimmimo through
-Ferdinand Sauor wis mmmarried to MISH
1laggio ( haimlagcr Smumday aftormmwmmm at the
ornce of 1'oiico .Jmuigo Ammmlersoii in the
Once of a ntmmmmbcr of frcimml. ? mlay ilfo ho
-'lime mimimmi svltli time innm jav I mm time immtmsoutmm
, vas rubbol of all his clotlmes nmmtl hts watch
' .Vcdmmesday night wImilo uerfmimttig. lie imatl
uimiy imis tlglmts left. ' 1'lmo clothes vcro takeim
fruimm a dressing room.
--A. : 51)CCiai car of time At.eimisomm , Topeka ammil
3anta Fe railroad is sltlo trackoml at time depot.
It liromigimt Vicc.l'resimleimt 'rnmzallmm to this
city. tr , Touzalimm is imero slimmpiy on pmlvato
bmmsiimoss. -
---'rime SVabaslm traimm' fmemmm St. IoniN arrived
three iiotmri late 'Vcdmmcstiay imigimt. It wami rumm.
mmimmg iow timm-ougim certain \hissommri jmoimmt.n
'wimero time officials imail imocu warimed train rob.
bets awaited thoimm , Time train here a baimil of
munmomi mmmcmi mumil tiLe passemigors got out their
ravoivormi , but imo attack yjms mimade.
- J.v. . Flammmmery , a prlimter , vimm , WIL $
discovered in aim iamsano cozmditlmm aimil taken otmt
to time Poorhouse tiled there Womimmostlayimight.
Au sooim as time typograpimical mimmtomm IcmLrmIol of
It they sent for the hotly amid If they do imot
hoar fromim friends , will give it decoimt lntur'
-Mr. Cimarios 11. Siikwortlm , of Ommmaha1
chief . clerk iii the audiLor's dopartmommt ol time
-U. . P. raIlroad , and MImmt Clara \Vnde , si4or
( ) 1nm. : U. S. Bmmidwlim , and for mnmiy years a
tachor in the public Hcimools of Oimiaiia1 vero
married Itov. 0. P. Chmnifco , at time rcimidoimco
cjI Mr. G. S. Baldwin , yesterday mmmormmlimg.-
3tath Journal.
-Sheriff fl. M. Miller 1mM irocurqtl is roqmml.
sition on time governor of Missouri ftmr the ar
rest of the burglars vimo hroce 1mm and robbed
the hi. & M. ticket oflico at Waiwo , vim the
night of the 7th. 'rime burglars are imutier ar.
rest at St. Joseph , amid time simorlif wont after
themu Vcdmmesday.
-Omaha Ledge , O. 141 , 1. 0. G , T , , in.
4aiIcd tIme following officers for the emmsuimmg
term , itt their last mneetimmg ; W , 0. 'P. , 1. P.
iIcLaughiIn ; P. W. 0. ' 1' . , Jolforsomm P.
Jones ; \V. V. ! , , Mrs. Cimas. 'F. Bunco ; W.
_ P. 8 , , F. } . Samiborn ; W. it. Win. J , Ward ;
v , a , , j. B. BuncofW. % M. , Jd. Jones ; W.
D. M. , May Gould ; W. I , 0. , Nettle ( oulLl ;
v. 0 , U,1 inimiel - . _ W. - Parker ,
Excited 'l'lmIIiHLIimIH.
Alover ] time hull ! arc gumlmg immto ecstasy over
Br , himmg's Now Discovery for Cmmstmnmimtiomm ,
Timeir ummioukod for recovery by time tiimmeiy
USC of this great life Having remimedy , cummte
timomm to o nearly wild km It Praibu. It is
f1maraimtoed to .ositkely cure Severe Cmuglum ,
t.olds , Asthmna , I I ny Fever , hhrommelmitis , I I oarso.
11055k L ° of yulee or any alluction of
th s } mat amid J4ummvH.
Real Emtato Trarmhfovm.
Time following docd were flied for roe.
cord In the county clorli'd ofhico Aiignt
15 , reported for T2n BEE by Autos' real
eatato agency :
John W. Itodefor , \'iiliaimma , A. L.
( hibbon , wd. , s , o , j of s. w. soc , 29 and
U. 0. - of mm. w. - , , lice , 32 , ' 1' . 16 , II. 13 ,
5ICOlt 3 acres , 82U02.
SIhL P. Iirigs to Allen Koch wd , ,
jart oI lot3 , Capitol.Add.1 135O.
Ciumxlc5 P. Thrkett and wife , to Tim ommus
gft , qe. , 0. 22 feet of lot 5 block 7
Olvan S. Vincent to Andrew J , Pop.
pletcu , Trustee , lot 0 , block 13 , lminmi's
ist Add. , eiioo.
, . .
- -
Two llSpCCtC fe Blowcrs llnr
Ono of Whom in an Old Time
1cGiickIn's Itouhicry and Coomley' $
Slugging AengctI.
Two WCOkR ago last Sunday mmiorimimig
the saloon of Counciinmamm ? 1cGmmckimm on
10th sLree , lutwcomm lnnmaiii and liar'
Hey , WRS broken into amid robbed , one of
time timioves being captureti liy ollicor
Oti time following Suimday mourning time
sammmo place was entered , time safe binwim
011mm , amId abommt $2)O ) jim cnMim carricl oil' .
Last. evcmmimmg two mmmcii voro arrested ,
omm Of wimotim , at icast , is simsimeeteil of be.
immg one of the safe blowers , while time
otimuri'hy no macalms ftiI innocent lart'
to crimmmu.
Time two mnwm are Jack ( Jleasoim , alias
hail , and Vmmi. Carrilh , and they were
arrested at Curry's saioomm on Tenth
street , by oflicers Sigwnrt atid. Armmnmmir ,
who imavo good reasoim to know timat time , '
are time mmmcmi % vim ( ) blew imp Tmtcamlckilm S
'I'hmreo or fommr days after time safe rob.
1)01It ImliLIl mmnmncd , Jimlmmm Coommey , frommi
Eaatpor , Iowa , who was just. roturmmimmg
frommi B'msiimarck , Dak. , foIl in witim a
party wimo tlCCOyel mmmi ( mlmt to time wooda
oh Sovciiteuimtii street aimd there
tried to down imirn for his jmilo.
Cooimey proved too mimucim fur imimn and getaway
away and st.artcdtn towmm , whumi anotimer
immdividual suddcimiy rose up out of time
bushes , slugged hmini and carried oil' lmms
watch aimd nhoimt $170 in casmim.
An ox.Union l'aciflc brakeman wium
suspected amid vai ; suliseqimumitly arrested
anti locked Ui ) Iii jail oim time cimargo of
drunkoimimess , but. it now turns otmt that
ho Imail imotiung to do witlm time robbery
anti that ( hiemumon was time imrimmciimal marty
to time saimmo.
. Coommoy wium sent out. in tim country to
work for a farmer and thin rtmmmmor was
aliouL that. ho had left Limo commit-
Thin immatlo time robbers eomnovhat care-
iLItS about timuir imumvtimmments , amid timu 1)0-
lice soomi hearlmed ommougli to commvinco
timemmi that ( ileasoim nmmd Carroll were not ,
oimly commimected 'vitii this nifitir , but. fist )
with the McCiuckin safe robbery. Time
arrest was accordimmgly mmmdc Inst evening.
0mm time way to jail ( Jicasoit oil'ored 51g.
vnrt his "bundle , " commaistimig of $112 ,
Lb lot imiimt escape , nmmtl trie(1 to get .away ,
hut thu oii'mcor pulled imis gumi niitt immado
imiimi take back itis mooney. No mmmoi'o ro-
sistaimco Wiut oil'ured , and botim macmm
were soomi lodged III time county jail , be-
lug decimmed too hard citizemma to be trusted -
od in time city jail.
The ollicers scumn to be certaimi timat
tlmoso are the right mmmcmi wammteti for.lmtit
cluici ; mneutkmmed , nitti if so time arrest is a
s'ury imimimortinit ommo. .Joimmm Coonoy will
1)0 bi'ommght back fromim Limo commmtry , ammd it
is imeiiCVl'dWiil ho aide to idcimtify ( icasomm
an ommo ( mf imis itsimailamits. Carroll ciainms
that imo hind notimimmg to do with time
Cornmey aiflmir , hut information receiveti
by the pohico leaves little donut
of his comtmmcctiomi with time
blowimmg up of ? tlcOuckimt's
safe , thloasomi is said to be an ox-cOn-
vict of \Viscomisin ieimitomttiary , amid a
mmotorinms crook. lIe imas visited Ommiaha
quite often in days 1titst , and was here
during thu tinmo of Canada Bill , the three-
card immonto mmman. For the 1)ast ) three
'ecks ito imas leOfl hiving out micar Koch's
garden , amid it is said had phaimimel tim
burglary of a safe comit.nimmiimg $5,000 or
$6,000. McGuckimi'mt safe was mmieroiy
robbed to away time timimo , ipid such
S'flH titti maim's gail timat lie % 'clmt lfltA ) thu
saloomi next nmormmimmg , took a drink , itml
i'ciiiarkcct that time johi was uvitlemmily tlmat
of mum expert.
Both immumt inul revolvers emi timuir per-
somrn wimomi arresteti , muiti cireummmnhimiccs
ZUO IL11 agmummat themim.
. Ihumcmuimim itrnmrni Halve.
Time greatest immetlical wommtlor of time wtmrlil.
\Vnrrammtetl to speedily cure ihmmrmms , Cuts , UI.
corn , Sale hlimoimmmm , Ftmvcr Sores , CaiicersPIIes
Clmlilmimiimms , Corns , 'l'etter , ( Jhmmmpped handmtnmpl
mill skim. . ormmptioims , gumiraimtood to cure 1mm every
itmatamico , or mimommoy rofuimdod , 25 eoimt.s uor
The First Violeilt ntbrok in Omaha.
Aim Operates' " .Vhm ( ) ' .Vemmt ti ) ' .Vomk
Unties' 1)IlftctltIom ,
Simico the toicgraplmorms' strike bogaim
notim'mmig but 1)CILCO amid quiet immivo reigned
ill tiio'ir ranks ut this city. , If the tub-
graph reports amid comuimmercini bushmoss
Imavo beemi somnowimat interrupted , it hiM
bocim known emily to Limo 3luwapapur mmmcmi
immid time tolegralit COmmmpaliy's officials.
Ntm 'ioicmico huts boumi oil'oruti , and no imo-
ccssity for caliimmg out time immilitia hits cx-
Time first infringement on timis rule was
day before yesterday , when ommo of time
strikers , minuted Cluto , anuoumiced lila in-
tcimtiomi of going to work ogalim. Cluto is
a married emiami , ammtl has a fmumilly , lie
1111.5 tlritwii his regular allowance frommi time
ftmmmd Provkled by time Trades Ascimibiy ,
amid it wmum supjmosod 'tmlid feel iii Imonor
bound to ho hyiti to tiiummm ,
Rocomitly , Imo began to tlemnmtmmtt more
1001107 , bcgimmnimmg with ammmall slimmimi , amiti
at last boldly cahlimmg for $20 , wimicim Ito
bn'md lie must have or go back to work.
'rime mluimummmd was cxtntordimmam tim view
of wimat Imo imad previously boon giv.mim . ,
but time ammiount was mnrulo ' up by immdivid.
mini mmmcmmiburmm of tImu Ilmotimurlmood , amid it
8UiptM3ol ) timat vomi1d mmuttio it ,
0mm \ \ udnesday , iUWt'Om' ) , Olmito actim.
1111) ' scmmt back amid rcsmmmmmod work at time
\Vomtter.m . Ummiomm ohlicu. his coimsimi mmict
hmimmt lit time nfterimoomm amid rc.miommstrmtted .
iv itit for imis action , timmally slappiimg
imimi ill time face with his oimlm , imammil.
Chute immade his CSCAjO ) mimiti lii imow at
vork , but a varrmtmmt was svommm out
imgmmimmst Imia cotmsilm , ivimo vns at once
tr.mmmsfurmud to ammotimer liulti of actiomm to
avoid arrest.
- -
'I'Iio IS8tC&itCrtlers Front limo ifenil'
( Itmmrlorm 1)oliam-Immmemmt of the I'limto (
'l'hme toIegraimmo immatructiomis of tue
14th inst. , to time communanding ollicer at
Fort itobison , Nob. , directing lmimmt to
somiti troop II , Filth cavalry , to Fort
Sidney , there to receive a band of
Nortimemim Cheyenne hm.diamms . amul commdmmct
timeimi to l'ilmo JUdge Agency , lak. , arc
imereby conflrimmctl. Omi completion of
timis duty limo trool ) s-ii1 returim to its
lirohmer statiomm.
l1)n ) ( rccomnmncmmthatiomm of the regi.
mmmontai commimnamider , l'rivato I icimaci hloi.
laud , troop 1) , Fifth cavalry , is tr.ns'
fcrrcil to tronji T of timat regiment , auth
s'iI1 ho sent , to his prIcr station atone.
Captaimm .1. H. Lord , A. Q. M. , Depot
Quartermmrnster , CimoycnumcVyo. . , will
proceed to Fort. Sidney , Nd , . , on inmimlic
business , and emi commmpietioum of this duty
wihI'retmirii to imis statmoim.
0mm time reconimnendation ot ids lteghmi-
emitni Commmmnammder , 1st L'memitemmauit. E. 1) .
Timounas , litim Cavalry , is assigneti to time
comnmnammd of troop 1) , of timat reg'mmmment , to
take effect Upomm time departure of 1st
Liomutonamit George B. lavis , for dimLy at
time 2hiiitary Academy.
8imcuIal l'reinIllmIN 011'rmtl to Yommuig
Ijathiept ,
Aim excimamigo is tCslOmiailiO ) ) for time fob.
lowing : ' "I'imu 1.remumiumn . list Of time lou.
gias commmmty fair , to commmmmmcnce Soptcmiibur
b0tl nmmd commtitmimu six ( lays , is omit tlim'nimgit
the efforts , of Octmrgo N. Crawford , presi.
dciit ammil Joimmi lhtmimmmer , sccretaiy. Its
lmrclmmimumlms are imlalmy , largu amid Iiborai.
Copies caum be secured by nppiicatimnm to
time secretory. Oim mgc 2 of time premmi-
iistwu read :
1.01' 2 si'i'i.i. m'itpuivms.
F. M. ImLcDommaglm , time well kmmowmi
"Little ? mlac , " will give ten copies of his
Nebraska \Vzmtcimiimami , for oimo year , its
simeciitl umremlmiummlls , timus :
For tIme best made , loaf of bread by
ammy lady mmmmdcr 22 years , ommu copy ommo
year.For oimo potmutti of the best butter made
uy ammy lad : ' ummdcr 22 years , elmo Ci1)Y 0110
year. .
For a half dozomm of time best biscumts by
ally lady under 22 yearn , one copy one
F'or best sammiplo of 1)iu-crtmSt by lady
uimder 22 years , OflO CO1)Y ommu year.
For lcst Pecimmem of piaimm sowilmg by
ally lady mmmmdor 22 years , elmo copy one
year.For best slrncimmmoml of knittimmg by lady
under 22 years , ommu COPY ommo year.
For bct darned imoho in imeul amid too
elm sock or stocking , by lady tmmider 22
years , one copy one year ,
For best patcimeti lmoio in the elbow of
It immait's coat , by a lady ummler 22 years ,
( lila C1)Y ) otmo year.
lor hiest simeciummeum of peiImmmmLmmsltil ) hy a
lady uimdur 2 years of ago , one copy Oimt )
year.For _ beAt copy of imousc.keopiimg accommmit
u ) lady timider 22 years , one copy ommo
'J'hmosu vinuimmg , amid already takmmmg Limo
\Vatelmmmmamm , vill hmavo time'mr timmie extended
( limo CfI.
'I'lmis ofi'or iii opemi to camididtttcs fiommi
liV11. anti Nebraska.
Eil. Smmilivnmm mmiii ! I 1. I . Nisloy , of flea.
tm-ice , are guests of the Ietrm)1niiLaml. )
.1. N. Iavidsoim , of Crete , is at thmoietio -
. .1.V. . ilarmis , of Crce , bt at Limo Millard.
lr , ' 1' . M. hlardeim , of l'ormm , is at time Mu-
A. II. Swami ammd Robert Uquimanlt , of Choy-
elmno , nrc at time t1ihlartl.
llcmmtoimammt 1. I , McCormick , of time army ,
Is at the Paxtomm.
11mm. F. iI. Sztckott , of Aibmmm , is imi time
city. - -
tiimcics J1lemm Tucker mmd Lomiiso 'i'tickcr , of
howe , Nub : , mu-c at. time l'axton.
it. 0 , Scott anti .T. I 1 , llroady itimmi oim , of
hirmnvmmvillo , imm'e at the i'a'ctoii.
1' . S. l'OtVill , time iiimcohmm coimtraetor , is jim
( oo , A. .lthlylm , pl-oimrletr of time itetcitimoli.
tail , z-etumimctl ( roOm time cast. yestertiny ,
? Il. Leavitt , of Asimiaimd , i mit tIme .1otro- .
1' . lb. I lills , of s'mslilammd , Ill. , amid L. 11.
hills. \.mrkvilio , Iii , , inc itt \1etrjoli- ) -
.1 , It. Clark amid wife , .1. 1) . m1eVarhnimd antI
CImamics D. Summitim , of linco1im , are at the l'ax-
toi , ,
I 1oi. .Jmtmmmomm Laimil amid . .1V. . Summali , of
hla..mtlmmgs , mire itt time Paxtoim. '
Siummcimii Itlotmmmi left yesterday for a timroe
wouks' visit to Ciimcinmmati.
? tlrs. .1 imlimis Treitechike , bier daughter amid
sister , left yostemtlay for mm two imioimtims' vbtit
1mm tue east.
l0tliil Coinm , a irummmiiteimt dry gmmods ma or.
clmmimmt of Salt Lake City , acconmpammietl hmy imis
family ummtl iEr. Charles 1 [ ahimeti , his bookkeeper -
keeper , were ammmommg time cast bouimd massongors
IMt imigimt.
? .Er. . Cimihils , a well kimown mmmorclmammt of 0g.
tlomi , i.asscil . cast last evoimiimg.
M. I ) . Welch. of Limcolmm , , registoroti at time
1'atomm lzut night ,
-v. , N. Noble aimd vlfe , of LmttmdcrVyo. . ,
are itt tlmc l'nxtoim.
It. V. ICioko , of West l'oimmt ; Joimum l'ctermt
ammd wife , of AlbiommVllhiammt ; A. U. Cobb , of
Frommmmmmit , toni IsamwE. . itmmymmmtmmmtl , of iAumcolim ,
arc guests at time l'axtomm.
fr , Ii. Timmkol , of Iowa , returmmed froimm
Clmuyemmmmo last oveimlmmg. lie lout becim iii at.
teimdaimce omm Guy. halo for soimmo time ammd
saul to Tima h3i reporter timat tlmmmt gontlemmmmm
Is mmow grtwimmg mmmtmcim better , aimd imo tltimmkis
.wlii soomm be tveil ,
IL. F , Dowmms , of Limmcoln , is at time Ithiliard.
.r. r. Smanll , of .Tmmimiitta1 Is at time Tmhlliard ,
E. F. 'tlimrtium , of Fmtirimmommt ; S. Draper , of
Niobrmmra , mmmiii tEm's. .Toimmmstomm , of Superior ,
mmro gmiosts of time \hIIImmrd ,
.1. hE. lomimmmtmmmd { ammtl vifo , of hllawatima , are
et time Millard ,
\v. A , Jot > mmmitt , of Iammmmibai , 2to. , Is at time
i'axtoim ,
14 , 5. Ttmtimlli , ( If St. J oc , is mit tIme l'axtomm ,
I , Iheiti mmmmd wife , -of Choyommmmo , arc guests of
time 1'tttomm ,
\v. S. tiartimm nimd wife , of Oroapoiis , are
at time i'zn.tomm.
Vrammk ihrmmmmdtmn , of 'I'rimmmmmpim , Neb , , is at the
Mctm-tmlMdltamm ,
F , it. i.oaelm , of Fmommmommt tiitI Trim ( 'sated , of
\ \ 'eu.immg'utor , are at time mtotropoiitmtmm ,
\ , 0. Boymmolils , \Vcepimig Vator , Is at
time Metrolmoiltami.
Ira Porter , of 1)ammvillo , Iii. ; Is itt time' ' . [ ut'
J)1EI ) .
NIVINS-Amtsomm E. , oiz of Charlotte and
Christian Novins , Atmgttst Ifitim , aged ommo
inoxmthm aumtl twcnty.oigimt days.
TONER-At St. Ma.y's coimmetory Casmldy
Sottlemmmemmt , FrancIs Tommor , aged LU
Notice of funeral hereafWr ,
l - -
L III Goes to ills Girl1 But
Makiii a Disturbiuc ) ,
Is Ciixteil 'r't'lvc hlloekpm ly time Land.
lUm'l vitli XL % % 'Immciiettci.
An amnusilmg c.'mJlo nlpcarcd III thu police
court yesterday , timat ummadu jolly .Judgo
Antlersomm laugh until his shies shook like
jolly. Fraimk Ihlaser is time imammmd of a
yollng mall wimo sometimmies takes too
mnuchi , amid wimen Imo does ho is immmprmmiemmt.
Wednesday evenimmg imo wits iii his con
icta.imtvo..good.timmio COlmlitiJlmS aimd
wami ( bored ommt 'ixteemitim treet to the
micigimborimood of Cumning , where lives a
yoummgttmmd fair one witit wlmomn lie has bceim
. . . .
terms for soimmo time. Arrivimmg
IN Till : SLISITY ( ,
miii iigimt form hioumuled forth witim joy ammd
a Motimur.hjtmimliard dress to mmieet imimmm.
'I'Imis mimadtm imiiui suspiciomms. I Ic approach-
eli an ojmeim witmdow. lie saw mmotimimmg ,
I to stretched imimmsoif fuirtimur , lost imis
hmainmiee nmii fell backwards oimto a clmnmmk
( if wood , ammd as lie explained Limo occur-
remmco to his I Itumor Imu felt simmo that itmi-
otimer fellow was ill time room pnyimm" at-
tcmmtiumi It ) his girl. ? tlltddm3iiCd uimmtrth's.
iterate imo s'i7.el time ) ( chunk
amm(1 ( hurled it witim timrommghm.traimm-witimuut.
chammge-of cars vclicity rigimt imito time
aforesaid - .
TillS Fixim' : mu1t.
I I. started limo mmutum froni Limo roommm , limit
tint a rival lover. I t waim time iatmdiord of
tue Pimmce audits lmo eammie out of time door
: mrmmmecl witlm a duuble-back.actiomt-scif-ad.
justimigVitiehcstcr , Mr. 13125cr tlmougimt.
1mm day Imad collIe , forgot all about time
other maim , forgot utli about tue girl ito
left. leiiind imiumi , amid made for North
Omaha ott linmitc'd express timmie , time
iammdlor.l . nftor hmimmi. Time race was lively.
After twelve blocks hard running tIme
lmumdiord cornered his immait , whomim ho Imad.
takemi for a burglar , iii a crock-bed , amid
mnarchctl lilimi down to jail. Yesterday
ilmmrnimig ( lmo wmmmitetl to iiiaku
t'0Mi'LAlNT3 OF 1mlJIt(1LAmt (
agaimmat imimn , but Jimdgo Amiderson being -
ing doubtful alunmt timat , listened to limo
prisommer's pitiful tale mumd seumt for time
girl. 11cr story mimatcimed lair iover's , and
hotim were made imappy by imis release nit
tout dollars amid costh , and time mmman swears
that wimemi they're mimarried .J imdgo Amider-
soil shall do tIme sphiciuig ,
Sonic smaller mmiatters cammie imp. Nellie
hobbs , Nellie Ilott and Cimas , Ci. Burke
cere brouglmt up as imimmmatcs of houses of
prostittmtioum. Thu immami plead guilty and
was fumed , but time woummemidomimanti a trial.
Dick Oralmlimm ammd .Johmt 'l'amimier ( ito rela-
timi to time Doctor ) htaid $3 each for dis.
ttiimmtmg the ( lUiel of Ume mmotropolis : , and
'I'ommi 11tmrplmy , tt guimlilime loafer , dmo
wotmldmi't work if imo could , wcitt up for
twenty days.
Emitorprising local agents wamited in this
town for au article that is sure to sell.
Live druggists and grocers preferred.
Address IlumnistomiFood Preservative Co. ,
72 kilby street , Bostomi. mn&o&wlm
Etccitkii o1 the \'mtter ' .Vorkpt Coin-
ll imy ' [ 'ovaril 1irt Ommitthi a itimil
Other llL-eetInpt.
Time city water works commipany is soon
to make several immmportant oxtomisions of
their vatoi' immains. Time principal one is
ami eiglmt-imicim pipe ft-omit Saumiders and
llammiiltomi street to Fort Ommialma which
will lie a great imolp to thoarrisomi wlmich
has had immuchm trouble in secmurimmg water.
In time western jart of south Ommiahma froimm
Sovemiteeimtit amitiVilliammm stiocts through
Seventeomitit to Cemttru street , Cciitre
street to Fifteentim , Fifteentim to Castelar ,
Castelar to 'l'imirteemitim , Tlmirfeeimthm to
Arbor , Arbor to Eluveimtli amid Eleventh
to Castelar , to conimect witim aim existing
mmiamum. Slmimmmm's aIlLtioml is also to have a
miiaiit l.ummmmiimig to fliosiicct lull cummmetery ,
wimeru it nmmty be used iii wateriumg ilowors
oIl LImo graves ,
Otimer extemmsiona will lie built on timese
routes ; urest of time gate of I ialmsc4)mmi park ;
soimtim timrougli to the govcrimmmmont corral ,
mit Sliuill's addition ; vest froimm lommglas amid
Twcmmty-foimrth to Dougias mmd 'I'wemity.
mimimtlm ; fm-omit l'icasammt amid howard streets
tO Ilarimey , autti to Farimammm via 'l'wcmity.
fifth street ; west on Farmiammi street frouit
'J'womtietim to 'l'wemmty-fourtlm ; on Spruce
street fiommm 'I'imirtl to Sccommd , especially to
hrotect time lard rmuf'immerics ammd limmeking
Imouses ; oil Leavenworth fioumi 'J'uveuty.
first 'l'woimty-thmirtl ; oii Idalmo fromim
Ctmimummg street two blocks north ; on
Ceimtor street , froma Cumniumg to Caldwell ;
Ott Divisjoim street , frotim Cu.miimmg . to
Indmammmt avenue ; on Caldwuhl street , froium
Saimtmders to lCiumg ; on Chicago , froimi
Oimmaima street to 'l'wenty-iiftim ; emi Sixth
street frommi Sprucr to Elimi ; on Ninth
street frommi hickory to Charles ; emi
Elevoimthm street , from Ca-stellar to Ccii-
tor ; emi Forest avenue , fromim St. Mary's
to I iownrtl street ; itmid omm Eighteenth
street , frotmi ( race to Elmim.
A BleHeing 10 all Mmsitkl.ueI.
Jim timesu tiimies when our Netvstapent are
flom4iel witim l'atemmt niedicitmo iu1'ertisomimoimt.s ,
it is gratifying to kumow what th lmroctmro Llmat
wilt ceratlitly cure you. If you are Ihiliouis ,
imlooti otmtof order , Liver inactive , orgommerally
debilitated , tlmc're ms imotiming iii time world timat
tviil cure yeti to quickly as Electric Bitters ,
'ritoy are a blessitmg to eli immaimklnd , aimd calm be
had for ommly fifty c-emit-s a bottle of C , F , tiootl.
mmmamm's. 1
IVilIlt Nature tieniosto uiniy
Ai t secuii'es to 1111. IlfigIm's
illugnollit lktIlhI'IISIOIS ) OVOI'y
1)10111 ) lsli , OYIt'L'OiIIOS 1lei1iies.s ,
1"l'CCkI'S , SlulloWiless , Itotigli-
hess , 'I'aii , E1'IhItlOhlS ) ititil
IUolclws , hilt ! renioves all ei'I-
tloiit'es ol' iieiit mitt excite.
hilellt. 'i'1io ' ' Mngiiolla Jialiii
liflhlt'ls ) : tito dollciilo fluId
lIatuli'lI ; coliiploxlollIuI tilitS-
no deleciloitlielug possible to
1110 closest obsoi'vatloii.
Under these CIi'CUIhlgtflhICOS
a liUllty Complexion i Jltt1
HilOrt of a crlizio. Magnolia
lialni sold oyorywlioro. Costs
oiilv 75 cents , with 1i11 dl.
' . I ,
IIA fl 'YIJ 'l'IthII ) IT ?
TItI ( lid ) AlAO ) } , THAi' "As ( )11CE OF m'nn.
'l-NTlON ll Woltill A POUND 0l cuiti : , " WAS
NlvIIt : : noRm : Ai'-rm1v I1T.uptTmIATum : ) TItAN nv
must WllOTAg4 Ills I'ISnIV ( TARRANT'S
SELTZER APERIENT uiiI"imu : i-ui :
, ( MFAm : lomi I i : o1 oNm.v ( mENLy
ltiiULAilfl : AI ) I'UmtlFlI4 TIII- SYSTEM , HUT
mum A 1 ' 11(11 1fl It IN A(1A ( I ptT lilslAH : E , ' .Vim 1011
No 0N1 0t'flmlT 10 HIsmiUAIII { : , . ti Imuuo.
.rrSpectals will PosItively not bo innerleit
unless paid in advance ,
- TO LOAfl-Moncy.
) Al1ltOAiTICKIT-To aliolrmt , at reiiid
, mtes. A. FOItMAN , 213 South. IStim St. Ul iimmt'
- ' 1lNIW TO LOA-Timu Omnha Sa1nrs hank Is
. ! I imow Irtpared to make loans on ( ) mnIIIm.t city or
IoiIas , CtitIt ream ctato at tmrroimt rate tf hmt.-ret.
oeolltlIIq-sIotm ciiirmnl , _
- -
' I ( iNi-Y 'i'll IM.'tN--Iiiu tt1tct C mt' , tI 1nttrtst
. ! L Ikml.'Tuoi Amemmcy,1ltil & Ii.tmmlis. ) 't4t1
' I ( ) NTO IlACamm at law , , tftcu 'It I ) . I. .
1 I Tlitinitt. r000m 5 , crclgmitotmlulcwk ,
' I m.oANmnon : Chattel IImortpic , rcon , 7
, J Nchra.ha 'atIoia1 Ilatik Iiuilimlmitr. 154. U
ONmY TO lOAN'I' . lictitty eans Oh chattd
- property , 2m3 Suutim 14th St. t4-1nm'
I hELP WMm'lu.
jTNTiIJ-InmmnaIIatIyni.ex1e.iemmceti1eook , . .
1 1 atitl Inumlrct. , AmhImY atCol. _ Talors , t. S. A. ,
. ' 2j I.1go street , 130.181
rANTmn-A : good girl to , lo geimeral Imouscork ,
S aimlimg amid IronluR , 31r , tiortim 18th street bet.
l.cn1ort , amiti CImIca. Call froimi 1 to 4 p. ni. Good
suges. 140.171
. 1TAN'1-lI-lIrm : , . 1. cor. Otim anti Ilarney St.
' ) - men for rallroam work.
14-m7I 11th Street , near Farnam.
) - to do general imotmcork , 1110
V I'arnatn .trcet. 14747
\ \ ) - % Inelerytawn , ad county
for the celebrated cImalmittlon 110)011) Stretcher
.nti Iroimlngmioard. Adtircs. oraiply at J.V , limo.
Icr 1105 8. 0th St. Ommnha. 118.m7 ,
) - No. I harnis mnrmker at A. 11. Lv-
1 dIck' , , Wakefield , Nob. Enmltmoymont for one
ycir , If wanted. Noime but No. t IICCd to
Cotile ilt (111CC. 113-21
\TANTII-onc : cool ! brut.n , maker. Apply to or
S addrcw F' , L.
11(1.211 ( Nortlm Imcimtm , Nob.
- ' ) - mamiorers at Florence Cut-oft.
\ tVagca I2.1O fOE 12 hunts stork. inquire of J. C.
Murphyat tile works. 120.181
% ' ( TANTII-Immmwasumer : ) : at IltOFarimammibt.
v 100-10'
"TANTEl-LailIes and -ouimg Inca to attend ce
1 1 imIrig school. Sltuatloim . J. ml. sirrir ,
105.181 ItlO Iouglss. )
- ' \S'ANT1I-To ) gruii out irutlm. l mimes
from 1osttlicc. . i2.o ( ) per acre IIiI 1)0 paId ,
iiEl1lS. ltEAh E-rvrn AGINCY , 15th antI Douglas Sts.
TANTEl-A pecond cook at the Emmunet house ,
1 1 WOillumi preferreil , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0ft-m8
% 7ANTEl-fflr1at No. 1080 Sherman avenue.
'I $ 040-tf MRS. J. M COUNSMAN ,
-1 7AN rmrA : es-'nlc amid dimmIng room girl at the
1 ercigittoim liiu.e. 040-tI
'TANTIW-Fifty laborers at Florence CutfT.
1 1 Wago. $ Zper day. Inquire of J , C. Iturpimy
at time worK. 05O-15t
IITANTD-A ! flm-stclawibarbcr. G.od wng3J1ald.
1 1 EtI. ( louis , Keamimoy , Neb. 912-lot
AmIE.SOILYOUNG ltIN In city or conutry , to
L take imfee. light aimd l1Ieaflt scork at their owii
iommmes ; $2 to $5 a day csfIy asd quIet mmmdc ; stork
sclmt by mail ; mm. . calm'.asMing ; no slant .ireply.
Please aiIIress Iteliablo Mammufactur ii gcomnpany. i'a. .
draner Ti' . 800-tu.tmi-sat.Aug'28t
' % 7ANTCD-1.ady agents for the 'Qscemm Prttect.
, , or.A now under garment for ladlc , made of
soft , flexIble rubber. Simee irotcctioii to the under.
% Iear , whelm necessary to Ito wormi. lietall for 2.00
as fast as agents calm show it. Large profits. Address
% Itim.Itamni ) , "L.-u1ics Uumidergarnment Manufacturing
Co. , No. I ) K. 3laytrcit , Chicago , Ill 790.3ims
, TANTiD-Fmrst-c1ss woniaimcook at the Gault
' ' ileuse , flea governhmment corral 043-tI
% jANTED-A girl to % vrk f."t " itoarti , niul o t'
, school.'tPi'l3 ' imuhlcliatcl3 at .oitli sitie of
Clinches street , bettteim Irene ahmlJ.enmc , cimly liromse.
- 108.16
V , Stove and iltitie.fmmimiimming tr.ttie.
U On r go.t doiit conflict t ItIm anyilmimig you bell ;
mOtIlity 1mm it , big comlltlmIMioml , t.rtpular article : lmev , Ito
( alnpctltIorl ; sittall . 1' . 0. 11o 210 CImleago.
11I-2i :
- ,
' 7ANTEI---Tsv- ci.a54 barbers , at. 1' . W.
1 icrkselms Council ItItmfitt. AtIglO-3t
, ' 7ANTiI-Goot1 jr cttcal tinnerteady Job , .I0
liermlmormtim. 1.0018 SWANSON ,
037-mmimf UIyssei , Ncb.
11TNTIm-A : sitimatfoim as assistant ltouk'imeelor ,
1 1 or any itilice ' .t ork , by a yonlig Immal , 5 $ ho calm
furnIsh glIoll rcfercimce. . Ad.ireo 'A. Ii. 'I' . " Ifee
timoce. 1)047'
X7ANTIl-Situntlon ) as housekeeper or .ealmm.
, , streit for private fainimics. "A. A. ' lIce olhice.
-AN'riI-\vithIm. : three ijioclo , of Drowneil mIami ,
, a good Imouse of at least $05011 rooms. Adlress
Mrs. F. Drake , 24061)avolllloet mttr"ot. i48-18
- : ) - old iitiihthiiig about 203O ft. , tmit-
\ \TANTIt-Ali
able for.tore. iv. lice ohllco. Ott-20 )
, . ) - worth of ) ullling adil ret , sIr
' \T.ANTEi-5O00 OiS H. ICtI. street. ( loud wrk )
or no lay. S. S. IIAIIIY ,
) - tlrtt.class liomme about 10 Imarids
, high. Mllbt be a good traik'r , 51111 C No. one
animmial Ill every 1tb1)CCL Inquire at EdImohimm & I-rlck.
.olm. Jessehry $ tore. 1000-tf
( \L1) litON WANTFI-1'.mrtles liasltig elm ! Irontt ,
_ _ _ , t.cIl In car.load lots immay sddre- imo for nile
ssook at Onmalma , el , . , and after tint tlimmn corner of
fliakoantl'limlrty.ttevomud .ttreet , lcncr. Cot.
II7ANTEI-lay boarders at 1317 Davenport St.
, 983.1st
FOIt RENT--flousos and Lots.
; 'oIu ' ImENT-Cottago of .ocii roolil. , ittim ammd
Chicago btruet , . Also a , imiall imomso , 13th amid
CapItol ameimue. 5 , 1.lII3tAN.
r-'ott IIENT-Tso , walI brick stores at 25.0O.
.i : ' ias-tt S. LIIIMAN. :
Piu IIENT-lkilrouin aimd ltthng roolmm , ssltl. or
I sithout hoaril to tto rumjectabho tiarties 907
\Vlicatorm St. hear Military BrIdge. 130-201
'Olt IIENT-liouseS. E. cot , 10th and I'aciflo St. .
I 142.151
I 11 iIoUsis : AND STOItIlS-For runt clmeaji , lIol.
I 'fi this .t ; Motter , i-ooin 20 , Oiimaha National lmaiik.
O lIliAN For rent aimO rcntappileI on purelmase.
lOT-ti l'imISCO'i'1 & CO.
; 'oIt 1IKN'l'-Four new lmouscim of 5 rimommi. . ( loud
SI cit aitti eitcrii tori , . i2.0I ) P" immontli , 1) .
'l'hoinag , Crelgfmtoim Itioek. _ _ _ _ 102-24
Oit ltIs'TTlmreo milechy' furimlsmtxt ) ooin-t , 1015
I Chicago St _ 1191.181
I tOlt l1INT-Imn.cimmemmt : , furmml.imel or uufurimliitni
for Imotisekeoping Iluri-ocs , 1010 Cimlcagost.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lids-Is'
IIOOMS--Ihy the tin ) , sseek or
iimuitim. , Afeo for lightimouekcephiig , Ikeiimer'a
lIloek.ctn.bttaint lion aril truete. 10)-lot
I 01t IuIN'r-s : reoum. , collar , seater , at 005 N. 11th.
I 'tOtt IIENT-Two furiil.imed froimt rooms , , mmttablo
for Iso gentlemneim or gLntieluaim anti m Ito.
I'leasaiit St. , nutt to West telmool. tId.J5j
rpo LuT-Nicely furnlhcil room , 1721 Iouglas.
_ I . 882-171
poll ItiNT-Front , fmirnishud room. Apply city
.1 editor' . teen , . hoe olIici. 957-ti
, -pO LUT-Nicely furnIshed rooms , Itlm hioartlj
1. gas &inl bath room. Also & few table boarders
waimtcd at 2718 Lodgu street. 933171
1it ILENT-A loasaFfron1 room ; aIu imi1fer
_ ! iom , W 1tii boa4 18121)odgo St 945-bid
-polo IIENT-Large hall , Centra location ,
.1. lirIck .tore &nd basenmeimt 10th St.
thick store-room l6tlm St.
831.10 MAOUi , opposite l'o.t oflfec.
p _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ - _ -
. ,
: : _ - ' ' \ a
for Infants and Children.
CnRtorirtpronmnl 's1) Igest Ion
and overcoimies 1"Iatulency , ( .ohistlha.
tion , Sour Stomach , Diarrimca , arnl
Feverislineos. It Insures Imealtim and
itattiral sleep , without niorpimisme.
IS Castoria Is so well adapted to ChiIdIll1 that
I recommend itnasuperlortonny pO'ription
known to umme. " IL A. Aacimmt , M , B. ,
82-rortlanu Ave. , Br1ok1yn , N. Y.
CENTAUR LINIMENT-nmt nbsouimte cure for Rhmetima-
tlsuii , Spraiuis , Biarui , Galls , .Sc. Tue imiost PowerflLlahldFcnC' .
trotting l'itlim-rcllevitig itmiti J1emiliim 1cuiietiy kiiovii to stitrn.
. -
. - . _ _ _
. . . . . _
- - ' - - - ' - ' - - ' , -
- - ; : - : 'i- .c- ? ' - - ' - - - - -
The Product of American Industry !
Full assortment coimstantiy on hand and for sale by
HENRY FUHRMAN , Fremont , Neb ,
OIt ltINT-Furitislied and uiifurimlheii rooms.
Fine location. 1'ECl , Opp. I' . 0.
& ,0.t f
Foil lt1NT-l'sidemmecs : and btorcluhhlings. fliD-
Hltl ) & SOUER , Iteal Estate Agolicy. Office
east bide 14th street , between Farnam and IJougins
atreet. . 702-tf
L MV OFFICE , weim frnisimed , wIth good library.
for sale cmmmt&r. JOHN 1. . M00ltI ,
003-1mm' Crete , cb.
-oit itF.NT.-Ncw rooms funmished or tmimturnhhed ,
with bonn ! . iteferences required. 1610 iavoim-
rolt SALE.
0R SALU-A new Imoimso amtil foil lot , near Iteser-
volt. SltuateI cn an elegant lull , oserlookiitg
the city aimil riser. Casim , 8100
149-18 ( hip. t O
VOlt S.U.E-At reasonable figures , tlmiarket ; ; ; ,
2212 Cunmlng htm-cct. l.mity titIi simiall callttal
I Ill do % s cit. Reason for soiling , wish to retire
froiii time btnine. inquire at time mimarket. 115.185
oltsAI.m : nit itE7'T-SpIcntIid upright piano-
monthly IlaYimlelits. Also a new opemi buggy on
easy terms. .1. E. I-11\S'AitLiS ,
141-221 liii I'arimaiim street
I it SALE-Somali house , new , about omme.lmalf acre
lot. m-Ly tcimml'rico ( lilly t50.
. - AMES ,
144-ti 1000 Farmiama Street.
0lL . SALE-A flrstclass brick csiilcimue property.
\.ery desirable. Must ho soIl. i4-l3 terms.
I1ALLOU 11:0)5. : ,
_ _ ! 29 ti 1421 _ Farnaum Street.
Foil I4ALI-FIIO : farmmm 177 ltCtCS near Florence ,
$4800 Oh timmme.
Smticmmdiil residence lotim St. 0 r'ommms , cast front ,
near St. car.
mxccliemmt farnm 160 acres , good Inprovcnmcntsnear ,
MmlIari. l'er acrc$40. Sliftivilit & BELL.
Foil a great bargaimi for a low ilays only ,
lot 7 , block 3 , Iianseommm liace , cmi ( icorgiaavermmmc.
mat : front , imearpark amid sticet cair line. 'iIiis srmll be
solI cicap , as I am about to 1eae the city , anti Is a
rare chamico for aimy one wIshing to 1)lmilt ) ( a hommmc or
for speculation. Call omm or altireas mc at Aimmes Real
E.tntc Agency , or 2423 Farimam street ,
133-131 EIWN si1'iNS , Owner.
JOlt SAIm-OAT S'iltA\V--lreslm amid Iii hale. , or
lotsc , at Estabrooks Stock Yards 10th streLt ,
bctweom , Capitol asemflmc aim , ! Iavcmmlort ) street.
; uoIt SALE-half Imiterest Iii a well eptablislied mid
first class laSjimg 1usimmes. ( itotil reasmi ( or sell.
lug. Smimali anioumit of mmmoimey cetmuired. i. S. 31. lIce
otfice. 122-17
.SAI.E-Huihulng 1410 larmiaum street. Immiiuire
1220 Douglas street , ifllard iiotci. 131.161
'Olt SALE-Tcii to 20 calms sweet immilk escry ilay
at 25o itcr can. " 3111k" Bee ofhico. 990 20t
Oit .sA1.F-mIcstaiirnmtammm Io.lIiig house 9 rooms.
Alilly or address , 012 1' . St. Lmmmcuiim Nd , . 907-31
O1tS.cBE-200 Ewes.
100-11mm' JOHN M. SIIEELY.
Foil SA1.E-Si houses and lots on easy immommtlmly
11n3-nmeimts. ImAI.LOIJ 111105. ,
128'2L 1421 Farmmamu Street.
ollsALn-rive lots In Siminim's additlomi at $210.
each. Long tlnie. I ) . I. Tlmomlias Crelghmton
Illock. 101-24
UCEFSALECliIAl'-At iltli street , south
) f lk'ilevue mend , or 608 North 13th st. 080-html
; oit SitLll-Nlmmcty-flse acres near time satcrworks
kIlOWli as time Slieeioy liroiterty , timid I' is most
desirable Piece of smmburban property , aril ssiil be sold
together or Imi liarcels 0mm 101mg termiit. IIALLOU 111105.
Sole itmtemitt. 14121ar.mammi St. 125-21
I OIt SALF-iiarmdsonme : rcsidsnce , 11 room. , One
itarn , trees , 1t1ctmdId iew , near car line.
'Ilirce acres. .mmmall hmommsc ; still ucimammgo for fmmrmim
Prom.erty , ei ,000.
1-'iimu let , GeorgIa ave. , cast front , liargaimm , $800.
970.17 NttmiVIlmt ( . IIliL.t. .
C Altt'E'F Foil HAh.P-44 yards of Daly lirussels at
$1.00 ieryard , all In good comiditloim. Address
% v. C. Martli , , Barker' , Block. 980-if
0ilS.kt.I1-Twcnty.eigimt iota In Ilousel aimti Stein
beim'Smmbdlvisioim to Bartlett. additlomi. These
ste cry miuslrabie lots imoar cars and ss III ha sold on
101mg tlmmmu to tlm.o deslrlmmg to hmilbi omm 8 wr ceiit lii.
terest , no adsamice Palmtemmt. IIALLOC 111105. , Sole
Agemits 1421 Faremaum St. 124-21
; ' 01u $ AIE-Door frammiusamid sash , clmcm1i. Eu-
, quite Eigimtt-eimth amid heard.
957.181 O'MAI.LIW liltos.
FOIl SALE-l-reshi hillel. . Cossi , at Coshmg street
corral , at Military bridge , 930-231
FoIl SALE-Four houses oii leased ground , $1,875.
Wlllpay2O Per c4i1L
IIAT.LOtJ 111105. , Solo Ageimts.
127.21 1421 Farmmaimm Street.
' small house oh leased grouimd , Call.
I''Olt ' Street , Opposite VrolghitoiiCollete. 779-lOt
, oit SALII-Flimu fariu close to the city ,
I i'FcI : , O1lposIto I' , 0.
-'oil HALE-liesldenco aimU busIuesstropert3 lii
1 aIm harts of Ommialma , arid 1-'arnm I.armtls 1mm all lrts
of time State. BEIIFOIIL ) & SOUEII ,
71)3-If ) 213 8. 14th. St. bet. } 'arnammm and 1)ouglas.
arkAvenimutota $ 'J00 cad , .
P ( 'apitol Asenuo lots , $1,000 each ,
ChIcago street lot , tdO0 ,
Ccmmtru Street lots , $25 enrlm. -
720-if Oppositu t'ostotIlcc.
SALE -Lots 7 amid 8 It , V'almmmt lull , eorier'f ,
Foil antI Losso aemmue , tlmt-.c are Limo 111.1.1
tioirabi lots 1mm this beautiful aililitlomm , IIAI.LUU
1110)5. Solo Agtmmts 1491 l'armaiim , St. 183-21
? OIl IIAIE-200 boat ! earhlmig Iielfr , , , $17.00.
1 I 200 Imeatl 2 atmd tlmrcu year old heifer. , $24.00.
400 Catme. . AU above are iommt cattle.
51IIANGIimtm's : ,
Cattle Commtractors , lildu , Wool ammO 'iaUow dealers ,
bioUx City , Iowa. 632:10 ,
1l'olm SALI-A beautiful Itiock of 8 iota . Ith three
.1 lieimses Central , deslrsldu for hmoimmu or limreat.
mont. BALLOU 111105. , Plolo Agents.
IW-21 1421 Immriammmstrcet. ,
8AL1 OIl EXCIIANGI-Full lot and three
Foil Cooler of 11th and l'act5o streets.
Nm. lots tim siouth Dinalma. Also 100 &CrCd of l&mmd
near Saimtomm Nebraska , sad buUdin and stock of
clothtume No. 804 Tenth utroct. Vtll exchans for
Nebraska farni lands. Further iartlcularj at Ooo ,
1 ! . l'cteroomms ciolbth Store , 804 Tenth street.
'OR SALOld imuwspapcrs mu large and small
.J _ , quautltle. at this ottloc. If
_ _ - .
What gives. our Children rosy cheek ,
What cures timeir fcve , makes theta aleen
'TI , , Caatnt-Th ,
Sheii lahies fret anti cry 5y turns ,
Wbmat cures theIr vollc , kills their worms ,
lint Castoria.
% % lmat qmmlckly cures ConstIpatIon ,
Sour Stomach , Colds , IndigestIon ,
lint Castorin.
Farewell tlmen to MorphIne Syrnps ,
Castor 011 and l'arcgorlc ,
Jinil Castorlat
_ _ _ _ _ _
tuna _ SALE-A first class second hand top buggy.
1 Call at 1319 homey street. 397tf
OST-Omm 11th or Douglas St mm ladies gold rIng
1 svlth , liamommtt and emmmerahm settIng. imittlal. L.
11. II. to 1' . IL on tmmlde LIberal reward vIbl be
glvemi If left at 1513 Dodge St. 121.161
_ _ ,
I ( JOE ) busimmess opcmmlmmgs omm flii217 N. 10th St.
ptEIN U1'-Two lll7' , xviiI tue deiher snimic to
owimer 0mm payment of elammiages amid cost& W.
J , llnlmmCourt liousa 000-5t Iowk.
I F you 5-alit a Pile fommntiatiomm _ o your bulldlmmg.eo
w. lloyd , Cammfleld house. 60i.lm
r AliEN UP-A s year old black mare , about 000
lioummds weight. C. A. Jenseim , omm Miiltary itoad ,
4 nmlle-jfrom town. 803-St howl
'tOUNI-A book commtamning 1) letters , some-
milmotographo aol other mlalrs. Ovner can have
same by calling atthl. omtlco auth paying charges.
_ _ _ _ _ 733-tf
I Fyou want ) liies drierm for aiiy rurloo see
lloyd , Cantlehil House. 605-lm
S DAViS , mactuber Trinity College , Emmgland ,
glvcs Mttslc and Singing Lessomm. Address SOt ,
Souttm 'rents Street. 063-lw
OsT-Two books , one time check nmmd orderii ,
_ _ I bctsvccmm Farmammm amid howard streets. Finder
PIC.1Se leave at flee otllco. 110.174
r 'AIt1IN U1'-July 20th , a bay hwe. Owner c
get information by calllmmg at this office
64)-St ) I each w
ALts.r. 408 Tenth Street , between Farimnmn and liar.
ney , will , sslth the aid of guardIan spirIts , obtalmm for
amiy 0fl04 % glace of the 1mst antI ilmosemIt , anil on
certain conditIons in the futuro. i1motnmmd filmoto
macb to order. rrfe'l .ati-sf-'tinn eimsr-tnt."I
atioiia1 Baiik' '
Capital , - - $100,000.00
C. W. HAMILTON , Pros't.
M. T. BARLOW , Cashier.
Accountssollcltod and koptsub-
Joct to sight chock.
Certificates of Deposit Issued payable -
able In 3 , 1 and 12 months , bearing
Interest , or on demand wIthout In-
Advances made tocustomors on
approvodsocuritlosat market rate
of Interest.
The Interests of Customers are
closely guarded and every facility
compatible with principles of
sound banking freely extended ,
Draw slghtdrafts on EnglanclIro-
land , Scotland , and all parts of Eu-
Soil European Passage Tlckots.
Collections Prompt ! ; Made.
United States Depository.
First NaioR Bailk ,
Cor. i3tlfand Farnam Sts
I- .1
The Oldest Banking Establishment
in Omvha ,
Orgatitsed in 1858 ,
Organized as a Natioimal Bank in 1863.
CAPITAL . . . . . . . $2OOOOO
HU1tVLUS ANI ) PItOFITS - $150,000
orm'icsas ASD IIIIiECT0RJ.
limmaMAs ItOt7NTZfl , l'rCoIICmt.
Joimme A. CiemmlummTos , S'lcti I'resldent.
AUQL'.TUs KoUNrZK , 83 VIce t'resldcnt
A. .1. t'em'rLmmToN ,
1II. . DAvis , CashIer ,
% v. Ii , 3trooemmvi , Asalotant Cashier ,
Transact. a general bnimklsig bimilness. Issues tIme
certificates ltearlimg interest. Dross. ttrafts on San
I'rancicO mtnt prIncIpal cities In thU Uimited States.
Also Lormdou DebUt. . , EtliimbImrii aimd time IttItiClll
cities of the ( .Jgmtlnejmt ( If Euro
mALFi ) 1'ROl'OS.tLS IVI.L ! ImE iLKCEt'EI ) 118'
S the uiinkrslgned uiitll 0 p. iii. lontla3Atm'ustt2etii
114a3 , for Iurmml.hlmmg time ltoardefiImmcatloii oltliecity
of Ommmaima ss ttim su1m statloimar % , .mi1tjliei , antI rimmtimmg
as mimay bu reipmlred for time use of tIme city .chool
dmmrlng thu C1m511i110 ) ear ,
l'roj.o.ais to be endorsed : Ilk ! . for limrnishlmig ate
tioiia- , ) amid , tmlli.lk1 amid lilds for lrlimtiimr ,
limo Hoard reserves the rIght to reject any or all
lhy order of the liosnl of EtImmati0ri
14 61 C1t.S. CUNIYEII , Seo'y.
S the underalgimed tmmmlil 8 1" 10. MomidayAugust 20th
1883. for uup1tIimmg time Board of Educatiolm of the
CIIof Ommialma , during the ensuing sear with aood ,
Imaril ammd .oIt and coal hard aomt loft to be dellveree
at auth timmies armO I1lC5 and In such quantitIes as
imisy be recuired for the tioe of thmo.cliooloInd as the
Board may tllrt..t.
l'rojtonals to be endorsed. Bids for furnishing FueL'
Tticl3oard reserlell tlto right to reject ammy or ill
cruet of the Board of E.Iucatton.
14-Ct CZIAS. CONOTEB , Sec'y