Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 17, 1883, Page 7, Image 7

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I .
I - - - - - - _ _ IIEIAJLYBEEMAk1A _ , FRhIAV1 AUGUST 17 138g.
- - - -
- - : - _ - - - - - -
The Large nud Most llc1ib1o 1fouo for
I N Music , Toyg all ' Faiioy GOos.
Ylebcr1 Liodefflan afid ardfflan Pianos1 NesteFn1 astern Cottage , Durdelle Organs1
r. : i : Ti Ii IM
. . .
The fofloIiir ro thotlnoof arrival nn departure
of Irnini from the local t1ept. The tmti stAlt from
the Unloit Pacific ( le1lot RilOlit ten tllIflhitC4 earlier
thni beloW tatetI , anti arrive at the depot fthout ten
mlnntei later.
ITrains on 1)Oflt lliic rini IC. C. rim on Chlcao tIme ,
ft htIf hour fa'ter than local , Va1ali tmin ruti
$ t. t.oui tpnc , tVcnty mmmlmiute faster thium local. 13.
P. antI Lincoln traIns nm on Cnlncil 1iluff time.
cmucoo , PocR A.D
Atltuitic l $ . . .t.:80p. : rn PacIfic Et . . . . . . . .4 ° in
amid Mnhl , . .fll : ) ' in. i amit MaI1 . .O : p. mu.
Des Molmmesm' . . . :1. : an. Ie ) .Moine ac. .O.i i' iii ,
CIIICAUO , IImLIuro AXD gumcv.
IcImaIt. ) Arrie.
Chicaso . b:3.p.m. : Coitnail WimiTie'c..45
\ I Mail and E' . . . .0,15 in ( Mall amii 1 . .7:00 : p. In.
cIIIcauQ anti
Deirt. Arthe.
' . . At.l&ntic } : t . . . . : i5 p. m. Pacific ixt . . . .D:15 : mm. in ,
. Mail and i : . . .no : a. in. Mall and i' . .0:15 : p. In.
Accommi ( ) . . . . . & : ) p. mu. Aecomn ( Mcii ) . .1:45 : p. mu.
F 1)epart. 3rrie.
Mail ftnI Ex..D:55 : am. Expre . . . . . . .535 p. In.
' : , . . . . . . . . : p. in. Mail and Ia. . . .0:45 : p. In.
Delart. Aulvc.
. Orerland Ex . . . . 11:30a.m. : Overhntlflx. . .4:00 : i' . in.
Lincoln Ex . . . . . 11:30 : a. in. lenver 1'c. . . .8:00 : a. mu.
. flenrer flx..7:00 : i. In. Local 1x..0:30 : a. In.
Local Ex..7:25a. : In.'S . . . . . . 0:0 : : , a , in.
Emigrant..5:20 : p. In. " Ic : . . . . . .6OO ; a. in ,
. vAntIt , liT , LOUIS AND i'ACIFIC' .
. ) I Depart. Arrie.
Mail andc..9:45 ) : a. in. Mall and I , . .4:50 : p. mu.
, Cannon Hall. . . .4t.O : p. in. Cannon Ball..1I:05 : a. in.
. sioux city AND I'ACII'IC.
Depart. Arrl a
For Sioux City,7:55 : n. in. Frimi Sioux Cit ) 6:50 : p. in.
. For FrtNIobrara F'nn Fort Niobrara
. , . . . . . . . . . . . : ; . iii. . . . . . . . . ' : . in.
, , ' For St. l'aul . . . .7:10 p. mu. I Fruimi St. Paul . . . , . t0 a. iii.
. LCaYCM Omaha. rjivcmi at Omaha.
I Mail and E'c. . . . 7:45 : a. in. I 1aeIflcE' . . . . 9:45 : a. in.
. Atlntlo Ex. . . . 3:40 : P in. Mail amiti flx. . 7:25 : 1 , . rn.
. All trains daily.
I , Leaves Council HlufTm. Ar1ve Coumicil ltluiT.
) au and F.x. . . .0:20 : a. In. Mail andEx. .91:55 : p. in.
I. { Attantic Ex. . . .15:15 : p. iii. At1atic Fix. . 19:10 : a. in.
) ' Leave Council I3IufT& . Leave Omaha.
. > 8 a. in. Pa. in ha. I 8 a. in. a. in , 10a.m. 11
1 Ui. 1 p. in. 2 P. 10. 3 a. in. i in. 2p. in. 3 p. in.
' 1 1" m. 5 p. in. 8 p. in. I 4 p. in. 5 I ) . Iii. U P. iii.
? Street c.wi rim half hourly to thu Union Paciflo
' depot. On Sunday the cari 1)0gb their triii at 0
? o'cloeic a. in. , and run regularly during the tiay at 0 ,
, , 11 , 2 , 4 , 5 , aiiil a o' clock , and run to city thur.
I& I
1 Graham Paper Co. ,
217 and 219 North Main St. , St. Louis.
r 1
tJCa.qli paiti for Iti ani Paper S dc , Scrap Iron
anti Metat.
l'apcr Stock Warehouses , lflO to 1227 ortli Sixth
treet. nmay2l.Im
Yestern Cornice-Nork.s
1111 Doula SL Omaha , Neb.
Calvanizocs Iron Cornices
4 J'Dormer Winuow , Flnial , Tin , Iron ami Slate
I Ithofing , SIcclt'8 iatcmit Metallic Skliglmt , Patent
adjuotcd Itatcimet lIar amid llracket SlieIimm. I am
the general acmit for the above hue of gooi. Iron
Fencing , Crcstliis , IlalustradcH , Verandas , iromi flank
I Ital&iiij.Viudow Iilimid , Cellar Guards : also general
. . agent fr l'cerson & hut patent Inside DlInd.
I - - - - - - -
. Health is Wealth !
. - ; :
I. ! . TMENT. ± = -
Dr. E. C. Wost'I Nerve anti Brain Treatment ,
i guiirmumteeti epecifle for IItcrla , IizzlnessConvnl
lions , Fitii , Nervous Neuralgia , headache , Norvoui
I'rostration caimcd 1x the use of alcohol or tobacco ,
SYakefulneci , Mental Depression , Softenimig of the
firain , rceuItin iii Insaiuity am ! leading to misery ,
decay umitl death , Premature Old Age , I1arrcimnee
\ Loai of Iioer iii either sex , Involuntary Lo.uo
I , IeIratorrii caused 1w over e.cmtioiia if
S . _ , brain , self.abino or over.lnuIulgeiice. En.eii
tame one month'e troc.tunent. ei,00 a box , r
' boxcii for 5.00. Sent by zimail iirepald on receipt
i. price
' I'o cure any case. With each order received by us
. for six boxo aceompanle0 with $5.00 , iowiIlend time
. purchaser our ritton guarantee tomefundthomoncy
if time treatment does not affect a cure. Guarantees
Iasuedoniyby C. F. GOODMAN
m&o WI Iriiv ist Onmaha Neb
, LT
: ' This remedy being injcetol miirectly to time seat of
the mibmeso , requIrc no change of dict or Imauscone ,
ne curiai or Itsnomm inemilcirmoi tobmm taken intern.
ally , \Viien Imac a a Pruientive by either cx , it i
Impoedibie to contract any lriate miiseasc but in time
m ( $ O Ui those already unfortunately afflicted we guar.
anteo three brace to cure , or o Il1 refund the
money. I'rieu by mail , iiostago lald , i per box , or
thiro boxm tom' 'IS. '
\viurrlN ;
I issued by all authorized agents.
I Dr.Felix Le Brun &Co
SOLI. : 1it(1i'ltiI'I'9ItS. (
1 , l' Goomlmnaim , Irnggit ) , Sole .tgeiit , for ( ) nmmiima ,
.ffl ii m&uwly
_ _ _ _
JAS. H , PEABODY It , 2.
esidence , No. 1407 Jones St. 011k , , No. 2fT Fir
flair. street. 015cc hour. , 12 in. to I L mu 3 p
In. to p. in. Te1eihone toe olilce , 97. Residence
of thc
huumau body enlarged , 4CVCIQIWXI and strengthened
etc. , Is and Int.erestln admcrtlseiiient long run in mJUI
i'iWr. In repiy to inquiries ' .o sIli bay that there ii
no evidence .1 hnmbu ibout tImL. Oti the comitriry
th I4ICrtIserS are ery Imiglily inmlorsetL interesteJ
P0110111 lIla ) , get soiled cIrcular gising oil partlcul&rm
by addressing : rio Medical Co. I' . 0 , box 11 , fluffilo
IJ. V v.1'3iejO Erea.
Mineral Springs !
We guarantee time cure of the foflom lug namemi .1k.
eaqem , or tin pa : Itheunuttltii , i.crofuta , Ulcermi , Ca.
tarn. . , all 1i1os1 amiti fkImi Iimscae' , D spcpsia , Ihcr
Coumplaint , Riil imey anil Illatitler Iieae.m , ( lout , Neti.
ralgia cmiii Astina ,
1 iirao pririg are time favorite renrt of time tired
mmml mielmilitated , and are time F'cehle 1.alie. ' beat
( lt.od I intel , 1d cry niiml ltatlilng nucomnimnxlatiomi.
I.o'allty iii1tIy lmlctmmrcquo amid licaliim ) .
Correspwidence solicited.
Amidreas 11ev , Si. M. TitOMl'SMaiiager. ( )
Siioani , ( Icimtry Co. , Mo.
Opposite Postoufice.
Resident Property - - - Improved
0 4 room Imoitmo on Ilarney street , urar flow
court 110111W . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500
10 0 room house near Algi. Scimnol on 1)ai en
port street. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 100
13 Ioube ILoue 12 roomue , rent.a for 40 Ir
mouth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 500
15 5 roommi house cor. lot on Ioulam , street . 1 604)
10 5 rooni house. cor. loton Farnani street. 3 000
IS Three room honac , harm , anti [ miii lot ,
Iodge street. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 000
10 Cottac , 0 rooms aiml IIrt eIa locatloim ,
near \clmster omm 10th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 000
i ) Three houses. 4 amid 5 manes each , 17th
near IlroviieIi lieU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 500
27 Eleven roommi honaea acree ; largalim . . . . . . 8 500
28 Good imoiie amid lot miearSt. Mary's RVCIIIIO 4 (100
03 house , han. , 10 acres of ground , .
part of the city. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) 600
04 house , barn , 1 acre in vest Omnaliti. . . . . . 700
81 To mica' lmoues two amid three room each
Easy tcrnm. I'iiio hart of city. . . . . . . . . . . I 500
103 IIe en room imoine , Iar..o ban. , 7 lots , No.
1 location , S. Mary'd avemmue . . . . . . . . . . . 15 000
10 Two Iioues , iii flrat.clasm order , barn aiim !
other comm cimiemices ; 1)odgc atrect ; eieant
locatimiti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 000
I house 3 roomne , omic.bnlf let , near btreet
car5caolm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 750
150 house , 12 rooms , cloaetM , c itermi aiiii c1t ,
water , half lot , corner lot nil California
street. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COO
410 Two - - .iioiio , 6 to I ) roomimi each ; one
block nod a half fromum I' . 0. , iommgias St. . It 004)
105 2 story iiotim.e , 6 roolim4 , imarmm , half lot , lath
micarurace : mmcii imimprowemi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 800
170 1Iouo omimi full emir. lot hoar Ift. Mary's
liar. I'Ieaaamit 1Lce ! ; cA1m. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 500
172 llotimme , 4 rooms , liarmi , full lot , mikely liii.
Inmprm , cii , on 18th street near llizabetIm
l'iaco. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s
176 Cottage of ! ! roomn ; omen timlmrcomivoimtemit , , ,
near 20th and ilarilil ) , lot 5Oi2. : . . . . . . . 3 000
177 New lmoiime , S rioii.m , , imarmi aiim ! oUmor ho. .
prmnemnent5 ; near new court iiOue , liar.
lie ! ' atreet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ( ItO )
145 6 room Cottae , , imarmi ILilil other Improve.
mnemite , near mm est school , oh I'ieaoaiit St . .1 000
170 Ifotise of 7 roommn , large cur. lot beautiful
' lc' mit time city ; great bargain . . . . . . . . . . . 2,200 ,
174 house of (3 ( roono , gonl barn , lot tOeil2 ! :
% ery tleilmble lot of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
150 New house , 3 lots , micur cor. l'ark A' e. ,
on Cimburmi treet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 000
IS1 SomalI Imou'.e bet. 27th amid 2th , Dougiam.
St. , lot 40ii15. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 00(1 (
18-i 5 room 110000 IICQ College anti 23d St . . . I 700
1 (0 IloUmo amid 2 full lotsomi 10th amid hickory
streets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 000
72 Sine reslilemice near ISthmand California . . 7 000
Dl hioubo am , , ! iiili lot near Sill and Walnut St 3 000
( (0 ( Cottage , S rooni , near cur. hlkkory Amid
10th htruet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 100
20 choice , large lots hear street car , iii Millard and
Caldwcil addition.
} 'Imm reihemmce iots iii ' 'I Inmucomo i'lace. ' ' ( hood
Thirty elegamit remililemit hots Iii "iLeiiick's"amhmiitiomm.
Twenty.three lots 1mm 'Siiimimms" addition.
A few choice lt iii 1. V. i'iiiiti' ' ) additiomi , '
Lots iii "Stitiimtz&mf' adilitloim.
l'riccs and termii'm gim cmi at mimy ollice , for loti Iii all
imnmt of tue city.
. Acre Tracts ,
CLASS ( A ) .
Teii acicim ncar Ft. Omnalm.n ,
l'our acre , . itcar ( Onahia.
'lets acres hear htroeraimir.
Onoacre miettr liamiscoimi irk.
Two nod one.hmaif acrm4 imortii Saimleim at itct.
'I'so acre. , iimi1mroeml , neor Fort ( ) utiaiim. ;
Tao acres hear hlaenli'i. lark.
500 acre' on Ciiiiilii street ,
hue Rare on i'icaaammt street.
Forty acrcsncar city.
if oii have city or eomimmtry ProPertY ) OO wish
I oId , semi terimis and ( till description amid vo will find
I You a Iimmrciiaaer in a short timne.
Ilusimmums hrPrt ) ' resIdence Imroperty , suburban
imrOhcrtY nmmI farnim fur sale at all tiiiies at bargaiii ,
City amiih coumity IrJmtrtY for ieammo ammil cxchaiige ,
ht.eiits coIlcteI aiim ! imoiiemi for remit iii all hiart of tli
city. hientimig houses a specialty.
hASTiNGS , NEll.
Capital , - - $250,000.
JAS , hO. Ii lAItTWEI.L , h'reshilent ,
A. L. CiAitIi'icei'rmaldciit. .
E. C. VEiLS'iEitii'reaeImrer.
C. 1' . YEi04TEit. Casluer ,
DhilECTOltS :
Samuel Alexantier , Oswaii Oliver
A. L. Clarke , K C. Webqter ,
0cc. Il . Pratt , Jami. Il. Jienriweil ,
I ) , .i. McEliiimiimry.
FirBt Mortgage Loann a Specialty
Thil Company fimrmilshies a lwrnmancmit home intltu
tlor. % 4)iero ) school lloni amid other iegliy Isstml Mu
cipai Securities to Nclraska calm lie IiOtiatil . 'r
IC m.5' i.orable terms. Loamis imiade ems nmprom&
u.s ir. all mehi settied ciimmltiei of tIme state tliroul
, onsttie oral corrcsoondmimt , . . am'
Fine Millinery.
hiAIht 0001)5 , VAVES , DANGS , 1TC.
Stock Entirely Fresh and Mew
105 1th Street Opp , Postoflico ,
. - - - - V
lion , , loliii V. Stone wn.m In the 131miff yes.
Toimi CMl1o , of mltssoiirl Valley , ia1.
blo to lmi frIomub hero yesterday.
II. \toS'IIlIamiis nmit .1 , \1c\Vl1llamn ,
( if imeol , were In tim city ye.ter.lny.
SIicrlT Fnrroll wu In the tty y.estertlay.
,1itcti Slimiq , 1s1l. , % ) i ( ) has beau ntteiiiltng
etitirt at harlan , vhero ho hail several finjmr.
taut C85C , rotiiriiem to time city yesterday.
1 1 ! . $ fliley , tim liiittcr luau , a mmes tilT for
a fc % weeks' vimit to his tmlii hOIIO in 1mlasaa.
lleuteiiiuit tti : % erimorlimiiiiIiig is At 11(11110
iIrmm. lkoiw , r1n , IIil..M Imeemi visitltig her liar.
Iimt,4 hero , .Ir. . mid lrim. Ii. S. Ctdo , niitl other
friemim1 , Is mnn sltLiig her old lioiito In .t . I. .
1'Iea'maiit. 31mo vU1 Alan llt St. 1otil' . heforo
1mev returmi tO lakota.
- - - - - - -
ilelti 1P4t11t10 'rsitiitrs.
'I'Iio following deeds were filet ! fot' ic-
CO1'd ill tilt ) 1'CCOl'lCr'S tllieo , .Aihgtlst
it ; , reported for thu liiio : by P. .1. imte-
1S11Ol1 , real estate ngehit ;
,1. S. Cn1tl'o11 tim S. S. ns1l , t)8tt. 1)1
lots 1 I , tO , 2 811(1 ( 23 , block ) , Oakhuul-
Jilleilida I 1iit'Ls'o11 to 1) . P. 1 larLwclI ,
iic.j ltWj 33 , 75 , 48-i.OO.
SI11'iII ( N , Bailey to E. A. Milhiur ot
iii. , JIltS 0 and 7 , block 1 , Gates' 1ULC1. to
O1k1alidltW.OO. .
F' . 1 1 . I IflIlcOek to , loliii BOVCll ot al. ,
lot 4 , lilock 2 , IlflhlCOCk-$100.OO.
Total st1es$8'2tOO.
C0tNChI , hii.L'I'Ii3 MAIKlT. {
\Vlicot-Ni , . ! sirilmg ; , 7t'c ; No. 8 , 03e ; ro.
jCCtCl , rOc : good tliimnitiitl.
Cormm-1)calers are iaying 8l(82e ( ; rejected
corn , Clilcago , 'lO lSc ; now iidxetl , .1'c ) ; wimito
corn , 50e : tli receljit.s of cormi itro light.
Onts-Scarco ismiti in good miemimamid at : ! oc.
11i.-I OOG 00 l ° " toil ; ! 'Oc imer bale.
Ryo-ioc ; light supply.
Corn Meal-i 2 ' 100 .
- P ° l)0111il.
\VlOd-C,00d supply ; prices at yetrds , (3 ( GO ®
Coal-1)eli'erml , hard , 11 00 1mev tomi ; soft ,
i-I tO toii.
1uttor-l'iemity amid Iii fair ilemnamimi at 25c ;
creaniery 30c.
Eggs -1oaily anlo and plenty at 1Ollc P ° "
i.aril-Fnirbamik'mi , wholesaling at 11 C.
l'oultry-Firui ; ilealers am paying for
chickens ICc ; live , 2 tiO 11cr ( lozon.
Vegetali1e4-1'4iti1toes , ! Oc ; onious , 50c : cab.
bageim , 30@400 per ( lozomi ; appico , 3 ro@4 oo
11Cr barrel.
Flour-City floimr , 1 6OQ3 40.
Broolml4 OO@3 00 PCr tloz.
r,1v1 STOCK.
( tt1o-3 00 ! ISO ; calves , t OO7 50.
lIogm-Mam'ket for lins quiet , moe tIm PiiCk
lug lioimmo are closcil ; tmliiliiers ) arc paying .1 00
@ 4
Iovit has about 800 creamnerhis. Eleven
years ago the lil'StiIt ( ) was startc(1 ill
chester. Delaware county icluls oIl' with
tbrnit 70.
Corn ill Luens ccthiity prolilisea to be a
three.fnurtlis yield of thu ai'gcst averagtm
orop over r.tisod.
Fish Coinmnissioiicr S1tmt1' has 1'CtthI'flCl
from Lake Superior wiLls 2,000,000 sttir.
geoii eggs for owa waters.
Thieves omitee'cd trr. P11011185 Mere-
( lull'S sleeping roon in the Brighton
house , iii 1mIti'iie ; , iix IIuilC' vcst of Atlall.
tic , August ( ; , amid stole siotos and securities -
ties to the aiiiotiiit of $16,000.
'lime rye 1101(15 ii ! Cherokee county are
yielding from 20 to : ; o btisliuls ver ode.
lii tWii WOOkS' tUlle tito Clarion Cr08111-
( n.y sliiji1ied. ii,00O liotimitis of' butter to
One of the hllost Complete Cailnilig factories -
tories iii the wcst has just got to work at
Cedar Falls. It cost 25,000.
( corgo 'i'aylor , tito janitor at the Kco-
5t(1tliI ( court-house , had $700 lmurie(1 at
the roots of a tree. it was thui
of a lifetilno , 801110 of the nioiioy iia'ing
beell unaided as far back as 18(11.Vllell (
ito visited the trea last ho foilhid that
ROiflCimlo 118(1 found his treasure and car-
nod it away.
'l'Jso tIorrison hlIallUfaCtul'ihlg COlIip811
has 1,0011 , ihicorporated at Fort MaIisoll
with a capital of $100,000 , to make vlows
A Bllrlington 111811 seeks revenge on
the fellow who itas alieiiittetl the mellee-
tioiis of Ilis vifo 'by ; mrefei'riimg cllarges
agaihlift Iii tile Odd FellOWs : lodge of
vlticii they are lioth fliellihers.
'I'lle 'mQ" tiiroatciiing all sorts of
dire disasters to Ct'estois if the city favorit
anotiler railroad , 'l'lle ry of time city is
I tmliberty 110w 01' mtlavci'y toy nil ti 1110 , "
' ' ' ' ' '
'I'llO 'Q' hllililt go.
( liNVOli ) , 1ow' , August 1 5 , 1883.-
'l'lio rojiimblscaii sclllttorial cmnvelltjohl for
the elittrict. COllIJim.40i1 of IiIls Amhl
: ii olltgoimltlry Coilhitieff , DIet 11010 to-day.
EaCil Coihlity 118(1 eight votes 1Iiils VaII
ihlStI'IlCtCd for 1) . Jj , IIcinslleiiller , ( If this
city , Mrutgolilury ) against lull ) , On tue
iisforinal liallot , I I CihiHllO'llilOI' itiiti .J . B ,
( reig , of 110(1 Oak , each l'ecei'cl elgilt
Votes. Oii the first forillol ballot ILeii- ;
siloinler r000ivcl flub ' tCff amid ' (10-
( % ( ) , % 'hl5 ( -
ciaremi tito IlohihilICu ( If the convulltioll ,
ills hiolIl'lhltltiOll ' . % 'OJf aCcllt'Cd l' the tlisaf-
fuctioll of Ai1)erL'cat , of JmIolltgoillury.
As 110011 11.5 thu reftilit. S'hLl3lLhhlioIlilcCd .lollll
Ilnstswoll arose flInt declared tiimst 1w did
110 I)01)080 to urn 1101111(1 ijy tite actiOll of
tile CHl1VCl1tlll1. J fo cllal'gel corrujmtion
8lld fraud Lthi(1. ( ammscrttol that \\'est's % ' ( ItA
vas tue l'CSUit. of a Cmh'l'llpt ilbirgaill 1111(1 (
sale. E. W. Stopilens , who is po1ilhlils
tile 111(1st ( ihhttUeiltial leliublicall ill Ited
011k , reiterated thu cilarges 1118(10 ( by
I Iiti'ts'tiil. 1111(1 molded tilat tile hlOhlillIhl'
: tiil VlB : hI % ( )113Q liltlili.lel tilOil % 'il(3 ( 111(510 (
I by tile rejmulilicniis of this district VIlell
tile ) ' hiiflilllte(1 ( ( t. niht1orstmhl for otiji-
. iit'ft ,
gl.mms . year
, J , .v . Stiiu , ( If titis CiUllty , 8Illgilt. to
15111r ciii 011 tIle tl'OIlbiCl vntoi's by hhlal.
I li a l'illgi hg 81 )1)eal ) for ti 10 1)11 rinl of nil
dilI'uvcllces , 011(1 tIl'ghllg tilmit for tile sake
of tue jihIlty tile vetttrs , lutist. iitliy Lu tile
I SUIIISII't of tile caiididato , lIe Illotter b
% % 'llilt 1110811 $ his hOliliiliLtiiIl ( lVfl.H securci
Other IllenhIlers of tile 1olltgoimlery
doiegatioll 0Pli0 , 1111(1 ( (111 III UllllIellStIIwl
tennIs doilollIlced the corrupt balgaul flild
- fr.ud by % SiliCll tile iIOllhiflfltiOll l'fl5 1111(110
possible. , Ititlan'est lllalhllgCd to get
, tile floor ill 11111 ( JWIl ( lefollOc , 'I'IlO I'01)Ub.
liCahls Ciflilil 1,000 majority ii ! tilis district -
trict , hut tiiere bi 1k strOlh alIt ]
soiI orgalozed ( IIlThitiOll ) t.C
I lleillslleilner ill 2l1enltgoinery 01111
ty , SlId Willie AlIdertlOlI recoivel
( " 00 majority ill that county Iat fall ,
ltmtling rojiulilicans 1lIy I10htai0iil0l' can.
Dot carry the couhity tIti fall't , IIt
i , ft Stl'O1hl CalidilatC ill Mills. ito is a
Icer-ttriuker , saiooll.frelueIlter , 811(1 (
voted 811(1 ( worked Iasf year against tile
CltSt ( itUtiollal hllhleildiflOlt. . 'FIII year lIe
111 ttlflhi1fl fur state senator 01 ! 8 lmlatfnrln
which fA'orR both cnlIat'lttlt'WiIhll 81141 stat.
iltatory proimilittion , 'l'his little 111(011-
sisteliCy W(15 ( V1ll1t (11(1 ( TItlttgOihIUr ilele'
gates 1iartictilnrly objected to 81111 it svill
cost 111111 ilundreds of tes iii this dm1111'
tii. ltmOrSOllidly , he is 8 p1eiumait. gentle-
111811 , alId staiit1 111gb Iii business circles ,
but ilo is evilontiy trying to lift Immure
t.llftht lie Call slmouliler ,
T. W' . lvimity.
Sunkl' lLmiimt itm Iii Nom ,1l'rt'0
I'Imlladeiphla Tmllme' .
II ! (111103 ( of great 1i1'sji0rit3' .lCI'SL'y
sirnkes ore greatly in deImmahll almmnlmg
Silowlhltili 811(1 ( keeliors of diiiie ImItl5t'flhI % .
A .Icrsey slinkO is especially vmtlmuitmle
from the fact that. it is CfllhlpdrIitiVely
1l8t'lmIleSS , niul liy ai il ml lllalIllIiIlat illil
lila ) ' 08811) ' ho CiminIged illto 8 l'ltttteSimlht' : ,
11. Ci > 1)18 ( Ii' 11115(1st hilly k 111(1 of el1ullluIIS
reptile. 'i'W ( ) , ' 1'1tt'i ( tLVilliain I l''y& ' ,
ii saloon-keeper of Fiftil 11151rcil sli''I.'tS ,
C.UIiICii , tljit soluetlmilmg tmf a liti5lilt"S jim
si io' siiukes , since t 11011 ho has llli'i'i1 Illim
51(111(111 1111(1 gi'en tl ) sIiltkCa ( ) lItit'ei , ' . I I m
111(5 1111(1 'eIy little to do W'itII ltlkiimd ) , of
slihikes 5111Cc a 'iCUtl5 t'pptIt'-iiCill ) ( IIC1II'ly
killed I bury \\'ilsOlm , his bat-keeper ,
5(11110 tiimio ago. I lotro's lItflhitlC ill 511111cc
1185 ' fallen .1 ' 'ilt' .
trIslilIg iIOtt' (111(11 ( ( ! ell'y
tiii , of liitlliIilOllt4Ill , llotve COlltCllts 111111.
self with siapiig turtles militi Illarihle
curiosities front tile lowei' bay , I lsitcd
Jerry at his lll1lii.llOlitOhl Itolime Olit' llit1lt ) '
recently , tltt1 ex1reSSCd lily s'isli to go
51181cc llulltilig vit1t lmtIih
, 4 'Sltltk'e htllitiit' , is it 1" he eo.clnilln'd ,
ill soinetliiimg like aStOlUSillIiL'lit .
tti go 5118110 ittllitin''ell ? , I Ilesur !
1"ihtt ) geIlts from the city hle'Ci' iIIllitM
Sluikes as 1 kitotwo on , Golll' tIm shirt mi
cii'cusi Iiltisetna litisiness ; Imlaybe ? Ntms'
\\'cll , 1 mevur. Jest tvant to iIllIt % m'imtlces'
fflt'ifl ! " 11(1 slmtmttcl % , III \iICO tilhit IlIlgilt.
11111's ) been lilistOokOhl for a Sf01011 t'llnt It , .
4. nelvttls-loolcimlg ) lit.tIo S'OhIiam ! 14t01)-
lied out front bullish LI chicken coilim. V
.l\.e iiUCtIll't yell so , .lerry i"ilnt'tlli ; I
Zt.ill't tiemif , "
' 'here's it gehitIellUtll froimi the city as
wants to go tIhmltl10 lItlIltilt' . ' ' ,1Cl'l' ' IlliV- (
ed back tO note the efFect of ills voi'ils.
Not a muscle itioved in the carewola 11100
under tile sunbtmnnet.
' ' \Voli , " she saul , It hllOlmlOImt itftti'tviti'ml ,
' 'why don't you take Iiiinl"
' 'I'll th it-for 118ig 11. dollar. ' '
Ill a few liiihltltCS , Jerry 1111(1 ( 1 voro
again joltlmmg over ( lie tllIlll'ktili ) field
ill the direction of a forest of scrub
' 'Snakes is sctt'co arolImiti t1Ieo ) latits
this year. Fire over to IiaImlllIOlltOll tray
drove 'Clii oil last suntllmer. 'l'llu Iig 'tills
took to tue pine SVtlhlil ) 'bout t1lmaIt121' of
a utile l)0lOW' ) tIle CI0hI'ih1' ill the mihley
wciods over to tile l'igllt of us 01111 tile little
01103 W85 burnett up. Its ilartler for inc
to git simalces hOW' , hut. fl'Jleii 1 lilll ( 0110
lie's sure to be a wloplCr ] ) all' big ellolIgil
to 5011(1 to 1i. circus. 'l'he iittlo 01105 1
5011(1 to 51(100115 1(11' l'estatlrants for 14151w
viiidows. 1illy I1ovo , ill CalmIdell , lIe
(13(1(1 to soil 'emit for iiie , hut lIe's gollo moit
of the bitsimiess and I ilavo to ketelt 'Clii
1(11(1 soil 'dm1 mliyseif. I SV1ts ill ) to tile
Z00.0iitICiti garlen ill f.lio city 11(51. week
to see aleut emoiliiig II iii ) PIIICY (411111cc ,
but i'mlr. ' lb'owii , tile i3111)01'ihltellIL'lIt ( , m'1lS
it\vay , hill' the dtmll'ei' Itt tile gate WiilhldIl't
let lIlt ) ill. .i\lItilbO ) i'll go ill ) IlCXt t'cck.
I aill't sceit the big slIheko for tillet teeics ,
1(11 if lIe hLhIIt Ilimileti tll atukos : tii' golly
OIl a % 'htOttioll lie's Ilidilmg ill tile lftVitiIil ) .
Can't sbtmitl lint Still , tl'ye soC , 111)41 ) mflil ) '
CtlllCS OUt for ftll iOmIgtll of tillmo Oil
cloudy tlays. Not Illudil 011811CC fur ' 1111
to-day. "
.At the edge of fib vuoilim tile IlOmse
was IllitOliiOl froili tue s'itgoi amid turileci
loose. A coveted basket , a ) Lillg0t1
stick , It lnmttic ( If ciIlorifurlmm 1111(1 It 51111111
81lllg0 were taiccil 110111 a IIIJX ill tile
' . 'tLgO1I iii tile li1tsliei W'1t' 1(11 illlitittiill
111(1080 , ftsteiied to thu 011(1 ( of a stout
stick , 1111(1 VitlIll ( Ltl'Olllll tile emiti uI tilt )
stick was a 5111811 1)1(11 ) ( If twiiiu. Al ! old
Ciitil iLil'Oll ) cilIlliIJtCl viitt : .J et'i'y 01(110(1
tile "outfit. "
Dow-it to tue edge of tIle lfig SS'amlll ) ,
where tile w'cccls 1111(1 tlit 1)1151105 ) gI'4.0'.t'
tilick aimel iligil , .Jerry s'a1fwl mftly 1111(1 ,
after fis'e illililItes of slow CreejIllig , sat
( Town 111)011 Ii log.
' 'ICee ! , quiet , 15)\ % ' , ' ' lie C1iitiOIlC(1 ,
' 'there's lots ( If 511111cc 110105 htrolllll ( 11010.
' 'here's vimeru I saw tile big lilt' tllree
veuks ago. Now you , 1101(1 tIlt ehil of
the ittriiig v1iilo I fastoll the 11101180 Ii
the Clear spot over tIICI'C. "
Tile stick (11)011 Witidil tile iIIIitlLtIOhl
1110111f0 V.115 fasteiictl (111(1 ( forced into till. ,
groulld 13(1 ( tilmtt tilt 111(11150 i'cstctl Ill au
' about 01011 mtisi'o tilt
ujll'igllt JOSitiOhl ai )
saud. 'rile strnug r000ilcl 110111 thu
11101150 to tile log.Ve lay duwil , 10110
1) ) ' side , 110111151 tile lug , with 1)111 ) 11011(15
uprlusc(1 140 that we 00111(1 ColilIlmItlil ( a
VleS' ( If fl BOhllieil'CiO $ ( ) ( Ii' tO feet Ill
've waited five IllilIlIttIS ill' Hi.
leuuco. 'l'llChl .Jorry's 111111 lllIVCtl 1180k.
wiuti ( jilickly (111(1 tile string lilIttirod 1111
illsthtmit ill tile 1511111 ,
SqileltIc ! 'I'iio 11111 tati oh 1 1 miouse cried
( lIlt 1(41 if callgllt ill It trni. bird st.illlCi ) (
d1lirmiIIg ot'Crilelul. $ q lltntlc-sftluaic (
'J'imu 1 ) ihl Ii tt at'ty. i t i llegilitr : I II tei' .
vais f It' tell Ii I i II II tes tile I 11111150 511 l'i OicOl
ill aug11 isil , Ii II t only ti It ) I I ittilIg si lthtV ( (
( If till ) 131S'Ityihlg atrhlIg ( listlIrilemi the dull
gray 511111(00 ( if tile 51(1111 , 'L'ill'lUgll ( ( Ill
ojcllilmg in tilt ti'ocn till ) 8118 Iil1'.Cll ( ( ( , % % '
ill 131111011 fury. Out iii a Cleared fluid
tilt ) ileILt till'oilCl ( 111)i'IIId ) titie iS'1t'cH
frolli a 1111118cc. 'I'lle Ilarrow ilIli/.Oll ( lIe-
youd tile trees waved iike a 1)81111ev ) , 1(11(1 (
tii u 111811011 ( iS Of the 111151105 Ii I I 1I I I lOtS III'
less in tile stiflin" ( Ill' ,
' '
( - ( - ( 'i'ilu illOilKU
S'1LK IJecolhiiIug furious. Over at tile base
of a stool1) l4Ililtitilillg IllJS'ytl. ( A streak
of yellow.grny 11111111 seellIwl tim stInt into
life , Jerry nIlligeil 1110 $ ( iftiy.
4 i tiliaku , ' ' I t t'tis I Ill t Il % VIl isper , 1 lIlt
time FIIIILkU iletLl'l it 81111 litoimped , sYitil
110151 lillrlisu(1 ; (111(1 ( ( tongue Ilaltillg laCk
1111(1 ( forth I 1k o thu fililllu of a lIp ! lit 1111111) ) .
'i'j 10 I IloIlse lIedlIliltu fi'im ItS' vit I i miniigor.
Jerry uii.ed tile crotcileil stick 111111 tilt )
CihiOlOfOlhil 1111(1 tI Ic $ lOlIgu Ill 1(1 VII5 il Ink-
11mg l'eltly ( for a spritig , 4ilU1l I HJLS' by a
HiIllleil ( IllIlleld iii ills face tiIhIt. . l1IllItitihili ( '
i 1111.1 1181 11)01 ) 1011 . I 1(5111011 b ) % ' ( ( ill ill 1(11(1
lIt ) JItIt ills 11115 ( 'liSle ( A ) lll 0111 ,
' ' 'j'Jlele'H It 5111(1cc ( Cl04\Vi i I g (1''Cl' 1 I lS' _
legs , ' ' lIe sri I I iwrem1 . ' ' I JIll I' L I llfI'G IL
II I Ilselu.
, Jerry Ilolved 11114 Imettl ; 1111011 tile hlg 11)1(1 )
lIoCIliliti 1 ! . 11181111(3 , 1 I I II 01011101 ti 54)1110.
tiling tOlleileil lll leg twice , 4 % . . CIII ) ! 11111
tilrIllgil ( lIlt ; hil S'ChhlK 001053(1 tillollbihig
ituid 1il lungs rcfIlsed tel ( ill tlleii' work ,
't'llO siiako ViUt feeling his W1I ) lLCrIss 1110 ,
I' . 800(111(1 ( ( iuIltiItIilti(1 ilIto (1 ( Ilhinutu , tue I
lluiill % to i lltI 1111 ilIIIP ( , 500111 hI Igly , 1(11(1 i3tii I
the siiaku tiragged itis heavy lellgtIlnerIaa
i1) legs. I II that 500011(1 of llirrol' 1111(1 I
disgust. tile reptilu was ILK lolIg as a 81111)0
cable 811(1 1(5 heavy as a thou.S'lluJI I
I felt uluyself free of tile wuigilt. 1 turllo
I Xll' 1101(11 , Jcrry bad l'lSell , 1111(1 with stic
. ill 118111) SS'IUI tmtuiiIIg OVOV IOU , lie 1115111
a itiligu at lfOlllUtilillg , ( tIld Witell I jullilmet
to lIii fe'ot 1 found him imollllmg ( time stick
111(4(11 ( tile siiako's neck.
" \\'ct. the silgo ( with cilloroforlmu ,
qUick , anti imolil it (10011 1111(11 ( ! Imis linac , "
\\'lliiI ) I W115 ( lnhilg tills tile Shako
t'OlI IItl iijiimstlf ni lout t lie st ick nut ! 81)1111 t
.1 dry's leg tvico btit Ill a hliohmIent the
foit1 io1at'd aimd tiny simako wa.s as 1111111
as a i'tlC.
' ' ' ' ' "
'm'I'Iiitt's tile Wa ) ' I ketch 0111 , sitl
.1 erry , as imo tt'l.h1ipt1tl t lIe snake in tinu
irou 111141 ct'otIem1 It 1111(1 tile baskt.
' 'Nt , trotll)1tI about tllat , is fibre ? 'I'o.
Imlorrotv flint 1tiI1U isimaku till stretoll lint
Si , feet o' leligtil ill a box ( hInt I've got lIp
to the lmtnise , lull' next veok he'll go to
Ncm' York or to tile hllthielhIIt (111 Arcll
street , I'lliialtll1Iliia. Tilat 11101150
( Ito bIlsilleSS , ever ) ' tiimto. 'l'hat first
simkt , skipped back Ihittu his hole wiloll
the 11101150 StOill'tl siIllL'al < IIt' . No 1150
tryin' for 'iiii to-day any Inure , \'oi1h1Il't
001110 ( lilt for P. (1l\m't of inlet . 'l'Iley'le
himigllt ) ' sharp , siinkos is. "
'l'iirlfl its a 't'itIt lI. ( i'i I ee.
I'liilmmIt'ipimht I 1 ecmmril.
'l'ilU hjsttmi's- tl i's. i1itbet1t A . (1 lott.
chest Cl' , t'ilO 1110(1 in I lrtluklyll 1st'cd. .
headIly , iml'1'SL'lttM feat Ill es tleai'rvillg of
t'iiefiii illiltotiohI lIS' liii (11 ( limit. large outsit
of 110111 11 t'ltt , lt'gin ) I I fo tv it I I 1111 iii her
ft mit II lie I 11811 tileil' Otvhl llel'stmhhltl t1uidOttlt.
illl'hitit. Siu ! Welit ( lIlt. tO 8Lll'IC0 III this
t'it , ' t'ilCIl slit ti5 ( a gill , totrIlilIg hot'
tin ll'tl 111141 tell SIlillilIgn 1 % tveuk. ( Jilt of
II f t his 5111111 I ilietilin' , 111110111 It I U It mtli lilt
I lilt 1111 I lurch itimd t II irty dolinis t year ,
she 1 lInt t ( I P ° Y hit' II (11 clot hI I 1mg : tiul
1LllillSt'ImiCl it S mtuiml it t IlIst. silt ) 811011 t I t. itli ,
oIl t 11(1 ltl'iCo ( ill hut' ClllIi(1ytl. ( , IlO4Ve'cl' ,
511(1 lO1tIl ) to Ill ) ' liy liltit Of IlCi' eathlillgs
i Ii a Iol'iiIgii 1)1111 ) Ic , Ill Id t II It oiii 11111 110001111 t
t 1111(4 oIIleiiCl kept 11 hilt I I I I It' ! ' ticat ii ,
lit \ilieil t 11110 si 10 ttItl vott Ii 11111 1 a iiiill ion
t ) thillars , overv _ ClilIt of tt'iIiL'hI % ltit tilt
direct I L'SIllt of 1101' tllrift , 111(10(1 by jtmdi.
014)115 ) litit mit Slei'llilltivt ) , iltViJittlliOiht , 'i'ile
story . is thltl ) tViliCiI ( ' 1111 ho tlulmlicated by
ev'l.y ( Wage t'hlllll3l' ill tilis ( 'It ) ' tm'tllI\ , ' .
't'lIe old Pli'e1l I tlm8t ' 11 ilelhllY saved iii
a imellhmY etimmed" ; ttt5 ( lIet'el' 111(11(1 ( true
tilaut lIt tilis ( 'tillhit h's' . Not ( lIlt ) ' 15 it S
(411111 si'ed ; fnamm jirollilily tisehi'mms UxjIthlli- (
t lIlt but it ItlilO(4 It i)0t ) cut hlgehmt isv
ltCiltliI'iilg mitidi tilll 181 PohilliCit b.y t Ilmet
miccImIlitlilItive l1ilit'Cl ill wllicil 1114)110) ' l'O-
MeImlilleS tile rolling ShmOW-lhIll , 14.tohitIy
hilIlkes 11101103' . 1 1 (3Vi 1(1 111114 0''Ohi IL 1111(11
511111 at 1154 call for a m4ltfm , ill'w4tliIe1lt 01111
take ad'ahltnge of ( llilSil'tllilit Ii's for in-
creasillg 11114 jiitSCsSiIliS. ( 'I'llUlh , 0'uhm if
ito guts Ill ) imtlhllediato ilicolime fl'oln tIle
lrperty , tilt grIltIlmIti htl'mtllCl ( ) III vitltie of
all real estate iii tins g1'ltvillg 000lltry
11(1(15 ( (1) ( his wealtil surely 111111 steatlily.
'l'lllms thrift. becomes a ceitain 11108115 of
getting i'icIi.
Hilt. tIlel'e lth'O l > leiity of ciegelitpirants
for wealtilt'il ( ) will say tllhtt slivilIg iS ttiii
BhIt' ( for tilonl , wIllie others t'iil leflIltu
to jl'htL'tiCe ) tile ec'oitiiiy lul.'cCisIth'y to SlL'm'O
hilly cohmftitlurable liilt : ( If tlIOhI' ilIColmiCs.
'l'ile fotllmer either run to speculation oi'
to risky hliSillI8til Veiltlui'eit , mimul , while
801110 of tilelmi IIllcCCt.l , time lllajOl'ity boat
titut tIltill lives ill a ilIItilClli3 ( [ sti'iiglo. 'l'ile
latter ' 'livet'Iliio tile ) ' Ih'e" nlmthi old age
( ll11'A'8 4)11. 'I'lleit' Cal'llilmg Ca)1tcity ) fall ,
tiloy Ililvo slielit tlieit' lilCOhlit year nfl Cl'
'C1tl' itS fast ItS ( ' 1(111011 , 111111 tilOy mll'e
1'CltlC'tl ( ( to (1uI)4'lllollCo ) ( Ill ( itilelil , t'it1i
t'egrcts for wllstcl ( 0pio1'tllluitioI4
1111(1 ( IlIiSILthlmfiCil iollgiIigs for tile lllxuties ,
illCtSlli't.l hIhiti iliilJileIitlellco ( tiloy 01100
1111(1. ( L\l 0101(11110 ( tile tilt'ifty workers
ll8'e Slllliiled fewer cigtis , (11811k less
ilifIlol' 1111(1 (40011 less of tile gtyetiea ; Of
life ill gohiol'al ; hIlt tiloy intro lnolztliy ) )
1111(1 fiii ly as 1111101 I CI ljoyillumi L i I I 41 tllul'
less CXpelli3i'et'l'S memitl lia'o iluver 110011
iilh'llKSetl : 113' tile tilollgllt tf ml lelm1titCSS )
( lid ago. All ) ' 3 oiimig 1111(1) itt thu ilge of
21til ( ) Call ilL ) ' by. 11110 lIlIlidred dollals It
year CICII be itsstiieil of I ) Silt Ii-
cleilt. C111)itltl-evehl if 110 tloes Ilot ,
iiicretsu ilis hlhIhilial slts'iimgs ill inter 3'Oltl'lt
-ti , stai't i II illSIlitss ) for I 1 illillelf ill a
111111111 vay Vilell lIe 15 .10 yeiii's old , 01'
to ilivest Ill hi 1ul'llhCtiVO ( plO)0l'ty ) W'iliCll
s'il1 doutiio ill vIliuu by tilu (11110 ( 110 18 (10. (
, Lt tIlhit ago 110 s'iii be able to illvost. 11114
cigilt I II' tel 1 ii 101114811(1 ( II ) ! lam's iii it CDIII-
fOl'lIlle I Ii imlIesteitIl 1111(1 ( ) til Cl. lloielt.y
Itfiel' tilltt 01113' mlmuderato exot'tiohl will io
miceiled to give 111111 1110 clIlfIrts
1111(1 UVOII Itlxuries of life , 'i'llOle 1(1,0
fotv OIll1 I 1101 L wi II ) 01111 hot 1)111. ) 11141(10 LIII
hLer1Lg0 of two (101181'S weekly for tiiufirst
tell ycitla of holsilltiSs life , 111111 111010 tlleL'e-
ititer ; so ( lISt it lCiIlires ( lilly tile I't28llll. (
tinit to 111111cc tillit I4lLVillg to li000lnu 111(1(1'
ovately svoll ofl' . S'iICiUtieif for tile en-
cotlrligulllent ( If tilr'lft have 1)0011 sbiited
ill EllgiltIhl ( 1111(1 P1111100 , Illul tIloil' Oljedt
1(4 ( celLaully 1 w(11tily ( lilt ) . I t callllot 1)0
toil eIIl'IleStIy iilljlreasel OIl every (1110
tilOt tile Ilailit of itILvilIg hll0lIC III file
slIrest imatl to wcaltil _
I'he leallmc hiii.iieMl ( ( Imicil f i'roviiieimcu , I 1. 1. coin
1)0511 I lie II iltit's hteiiieiiy Co , and tIlLs _ glmarami tee all
tcmtliimomiltils 1imilIiicd , ii tiieimm to ho gould me. 'I'iic
folkis lug , tinted May 4 , I i(3 , fromii Ii r. % i' . I I. llhimili.
armi , limo cli , .limm , , is hut (0110 tif time timmaisamimi remimark.
able ciire ( hit are Ielii miiadu l , tlmi sm miimilcrtmi
miiuI , eiimi' . SI r. iflmmmciiimril says : ' 1 liii a been greit
10 ti ritmimleil for im or si years mt itii aclitim kliiiie )
, lkime , , smith setere 1:1111 : iii lii ) back amid liils. I
fiirmmimrly cimiihci cit iii time hliimtoii imiid bums cii hull
ri.uul , hit ts aM ) , , ( ill ing to thu ciimstumumt jar , tm
gi a o liii I ho i ill road imiislumem. , as imimimy itiivrs iiimi&
icemi , iillicil , tim In , iiii miccomimit of Ilduier ihist'ase. I
licm m , trIed lullilmy miumilcimies , limit reich cml liii
iutuit relief A friend rcimiiuiuuoimltii , limo tim mimu lfiiiut'm
llemicmiy. I rciuamol a hiit tie if ( ( iii , mit ( Iii r ilriig
glits ! m liisi ill , nummi omuumuueimcI to imlm3 rio a Iit (111(0
aimil titter uislm' , ( tI I ) liuttlus I sam iitlrcly fru , fromi
all jiiiii : , amid emmioller iumyselt emim cii , mliii I ehmoerlimlij
reeouiimuieuiil tIiI ( 4' , mmulertimi ( , imuiileliie , I iiiiit's I louiieiiy
to umlI thit , muiiTerer trimiii klmiuucy ii iii lit or milseasm , ' '
i'orum imulniurif rare I % mms umllllttoil tsltim hhiiiii
slid gram ii iiiscii..e , 11111 siilTcre , I is ltii 1ctimi in iui
ilmuihi mmmiii hack mt tliiie so set rlel ( list it scemnci
I hut I , 'iiiii.i miit tluiiiii ii it , I liocil I'd urimi Ilouthlm'i '
miii me riolimmimumemi lii fur these miluucm , imilt tiioy dli
limo liii 111,451. A fihejimi of tmiii , 11101 114101 Ililmit'
JlcliuiiI ) 15101 llriili iuuriieil it time iiust , 1mm lImlu , ( Irgemi III
Ii , I r ft , tmii I ( a Littlu at ( icorgu i : . I lull'
ilrim ( store iii % l amicietcr , , ummol before i hail iiteti liii
bottle I hciiim ( ii feel iuiuiclm littler , thu hall iii tii
lilailler uill kimiummyim smero reiu'ol a great deal , sin
aft. r ii.lii tlttu ii&it.lii ( I fmimutiih that hunts jtiumiivil ,
had ilmiiiu all tii&it it wn4 jtimiuiiiiiciiilmuii , to mlii , It his
remuimI oil imil time pall , mmiy alhiotitmi ilimhirimm cii , aimmi
gaiiiui i.cmerul hiiiuiliii. ( Iui us few % teotk4 , I hate re
miemlemi I amumi si m mmtIi Dir mouit , of lay cii rs (1 ( 1
amid I isim iitil tiiii i time I nil letori of Ii hits ltetii
Cu ) for lii ) gimimil imraitii ut ( ii hay , amiil 01 I Sm U S
iliivrt ) to 1itillisii this , timust It nus lie ( lie lieami (
siluiu mimic Iitlii5 tiiti , li tii li-mi .4 our truly mmiii
iierfiii rolimeihO % v. I I. 'l'v.mi 11111 ,
Uo0rsIuib , : . . it , Ma ) 1lt31.
1204 Farnam Street ,
, MoG-uiro , Propiioto :
JAMES C , BRYAN , Muntigor.
Vhs imamidsomust Ililliaril Rail in Orluahia. Time flue
I I Wiumes , Idquord aud CI'ar are vr.vlded forjiiitrun
1 Jyll'ly.441
They always have t1c largest aiid best stock.
. ' , ? .
0-'t S
ItR ACiCNVI.El(1ii ) To 1110 TilE IIES'l' hl' ALL
Wilt ) hIA\'E i'ur ThiEli To v i'IL'i.ljl'ICAI ,
'tIsl' : . A1)Ai'i'EL ) iO
Hard and Soft Coal ,
C0l ( ! : : OR WOOD.
MANUrAcTtiK& 51
Pierci & , Bradford.
I Have Found It !
\Vii the uxrlsmiuimtlon of a in.mum wlueui ho got mm box
of Eureka i'Ilmm Olmutiuusuut , mi Imlchm k us tiluiuplu amid stIrs
elIte for l'hles mmliii all SkIll llise'aiieii. Fifty cuiitmi by
mali , 1momt1miitl.
The American Diarrhcva Cure ,
lhtui stood the test for twemuty years. flora eumro fit
all. Neaur Fiiii. lilarelmaca , lsoumtnry ) , mmliii Cliolc.
rut Morbus.
Daiio's ' Fcvr aii uu Toiiic & Crial ,
I L Is imui1ioiishiilo I o supply ( lie mut1iiii IRIC of thu salute.
.stmltI. : CUIIEVAltlt \ Ni'EI )
i'or Femor amid Agile , amid nil Malarial trOlliileI4.
l'ltlCE , l.OO.
LA hiOhtA'I'OitY , I ( I'll I SI' . , OOlAl IA , NEil.
For Sale by a/I 1
Or tout hit Espress 011 re'cellit of irire. tilted
IA1Ld MfjV
' ,
Tue I'ioneur uiil omuly Vapor Cook Stove that ii
tooiI ( lie test of 5curs amid given entire amiitherfu
Over 100,000 Now in Use I
Now Pntont Hull Ovon.
Patent rommiovablo and iuitorciuangeahilm , Jot Orlilce ,
rumitiorfmig our buiruieri. Iumiloimtriictiiilu. New Omis Valas
Onrimor OIi tWO Now Stoves. Now Safety lloiiervoir.
For suuiuimmuur use tiuuso Itmivemi are iluillllimislthilo
For tCrliis tim agelits. Price list aumil ( at1tiogilti ,
hULl , VAI'Oit STOVE CO. ,
Jo unto 2un-wIOt (1iaveiauiil , 0.
Tilis Ehectric Belt will Cure tile Follow.
illg 1)isoasoaVitiiout Medicine.
l'aiim iii time hack , I I lhi4 , I Icutil or Limiuiis , Nmurvoil ,
ilublit ) l.tuiimhiaico , ( Jeimeral hlciililty , ltimeimmiiatliimum ,
l'imrumiyal , Neim rimlgla , ScIatica , husoaso of ( liii Kiilmisy ,
Siiiimai h-lscuises ) , 'lorhilli llm or , ( hiiuit , L4oxiial Exiiauus.
( lou , Seimmimuimi Emumisdiiimi. , Aol lmiuin , I icart illiicam.e ,
iysiieim'lut , Ciiuustihatimili , Erysl ioiis , i miiiigustliiii ,
I lurimlis or hluiliture , iliujmotoumey , Cuitarrim , I'llu4 , ill.
! osy , llnmumii Agile.
$5,000 Would Not Buy ft.
i Iii.V. . J. 1 iiuisr. , lleuitrIiu Neim , , Jimim , ill. I 503
' hIrer Sir , -Klmco , i wrmitu 0011 last , I unto utlicriell.
I liii ii luiimt ( wmiiiiirrfuli chauigo ; time . lust o mill lift
iimu umimii I hat C guiiuitiii I cii iiitiuiii , slid feel toil yvar
yiiml liger sluicu I II ret gut oir Sled rio I kIt , am imlcii am am
p ahiiiui , fiurty.tlm a 115) 5 egii. I wmiiulii hut tim ktu 5,04 (
for lii ) ' hull if I ioiuld hut gut aumimther. I tm inuhil sa
to all 44 iiii stiller It Ii rimimuimiathiti , siiatk'a auuii iiiliumil
iiiimummes , lilly I Pr. I iiirumu's lIettri ileit for iiiiu of iii'
? 8o. hits .ilr ii mile of u.ll these .licasci iii atiiit .
. tiumw iksiimnLfiiily , 5 % ' , tV. iS If Ill 1.
l'mmr sub iiy I'oster hIm's , L'ouiieeli hllumllH , homm
i ? m iN (1 Fh'iCiji1ioito l'mi8tiilllco , I'reuizer iliad
a.ri'iur44alo at 1) . 1' . ( JioIuimail'14 IIrim Storm , , I I l (
Faruiauii Street , Oimulis.
hluy ) 'ouir IIIriiieamm : Straiilmtuiim Tieketi tin time
' VAIl S'l'lA 31 Hi i I I ' 5 , 'm 11111 , k t iiu siiiirtest aui
simfest rijutu. i'imr iiifiirniatlimum , clrciiiars , etc. , ( nil ( i
t , iruililress it. II. iiii : ' , 14 , ' . exir , Iitrmmauil auiii i&tI
i. hr I I. 8. NM ill I , lice 0111cc , ( himmaima , Xcii ,
3. . B. SMITH ,
Expert Book-Keepeu
A l'ructleal hiook-ketimcr titer tiulrt ) ' yearmm. Wi
V attoimil tim Eximmuuimmimig , 0eniui aumI Chmn.imig ilotik
iIusluies imieii eamm imatu their Iiisk kohl h0btVii U
imicehy at smimisil uximeilse. S'Ihi mIrIto till Vt eiiiuigs uui
retmiri , hiiiiks in imiiiriiing mm lieu roluircil. ( him es ii
struetloims cud luruilelme , . sltuatiiiis. All mvurk ouil
'I ' demmtiai.
Ot'EICE , 1510 DOIJOIJS s'i'iIEir , OMAhA.
'rut ; liVAiiNo : NEW 'OltI
"I'&IIii c : : Et. :
Calf immmii look omer luiy hew store amid sue lii ) ' tiC
Good. .
: 1207 FARNAMSTREET. 120
Under thu imiitumsgl.Iiiullt ot Mr. KalImlI ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
' Tile 1140 of ttue tt'run " Shoeb
S H 0 R'I iluio" iii tilmulieCt ioml mmith the
coulioruete imSiuiml ( ifm % greumtr9usii.
eolmt t'ys aim iileit of Jumt tm ) matl
raqulreii liy the trumvchiimg mob'
I lIe in Simmrt l.luiu , Quick 'I'lrno
auul tluo lc'st of fl4'OhimmltOihi.
U tloiimiii of ttliicli are turn.
llui4 by ( lie greatest rallmtay iii , umieritn V
And St. Paul.
It ionIc nii OPemt. ' omer 4,50(1 ( mumlies of maul n
Xsrtiicrmi ililnol4 , S'I'4'tIi4hui , Siliuumiimota , lows usimi !
1)akot aiiii ti it.i lultlii hue' , liralichie4 amid coummmee.
tiimiu , ; iailm all ( tue great hmulmiimr4 i'euitrot of time
Nortiivut ituiil i'ar 'e't , it umatilralit' , A1144 cr5 the
ilist'riiit limit of Short Liii , , , nmiil lust Ilouto lstwecn
Cilleago , Miin nuiket' , Sb I'cil and dimncapo1l. .
( : iili'alci' , M iii. uoiiee , l.a Criumso numil S'lnotma.
ClmknRii , Mlinimmikri' , . 'tlertit'eii mmmiii h'Jit'ndato.
Clmk'ago , Mllimuouki'e , Eall Claire nimil Stlilwater.
( 'lmliumgii , Milimamikru , 'I'aIMi4ll mumil Merrill.
Cliit'agii , 01 lhmumuki'im , Ileaver iaumm mil 0lmkoslm. 4
Ciilcimgil , M ihimiiiikriS'aukeiiiis amid Oconnunowiso.
Cilicagi ) , SI hit atitte , Mutillsoum miii l'rumlrloiln Chiomm.
Cimlrmo , Mlhm utmukce , tivatiiiiumum ion ! S'Riritaullt.
Chili'go , hleliiit , .lntiet 1110 mutt Mlticruil l'oliit.
Cilicagmi , ilFliu : ltiitkforil ttluii lilinmquo.
Ciiii'giu , ( 'lumutomi , hock lslamiil aii Ceilar ltAplilI.
Cliiiagiu , (2ouuicil ( hInt ! , nlmii 0mialmum.
Cimliiigo , SlImil CIt' , Siuiix l'ahh \'iumktolm. .
(8ili'147ii , Mllim uuukro , Mitchirlh 51111 Cimaumilorlalu , .
Rook islulih , I ) mItilIqmue , St. I'tul niiil OlitmuucutpollL
lIst cluiiilrt , Caiiuuar , St. I'aul auuil Mltmuicapolms.
h'iiiiiiiaim Slrepcr. utmuil the Fiiiest ilmilmig Cacti In the
mm orlil are nIh iiui time 11114111 111104 of time C H I CA C
amid emery atteuitliiui l liullit to Ia4seIigcrs tiy cotmrto-
cull , eluililo ) 014 of tim eouimpaum3' .
8. ii. MEitllll1L , A. V 11. CAItI'ENTEiI ,
( hcum'l 3laumaer. Oeii'l h'i455 , Agont.
J. T. CI..tiiK , ( lEo. It. IiEAFi'OltD ,
( kuil Siujmt. Aui&t tlemi'I i'As-i. Ag' $ .
' 5ogear
I hmaa kiionn miiiil mmatciietl tlm mie df Swift's Spa-
cIlIa for over flftv oars , aliil 11,5mm , ) uiorer kumunt mu of
a futiiiiru ( ii euro flliii > iI l'0l40i1 m lieu hirMPcrlY takeii.
I tistii It iiml iii ) ' 5(14 uiuiti troumm 1850 tim 11465 , as , liil also
a mutmuuiber ut mum mueliiluiirj , situ iii orcr5 case that
enNuI 4 % ltiilii uiuy kiumum lciigo it eltettmil a cure. I ii all
mliv life I hit a imi'm or kmmowum a rcmmueilt that. m ould so
hilly utccimmiupllli mm list It Ii recimuuiuiieimilol , to un.
I 1. 1 , . iENN. ) % 1(1 ( I , t'err , ( Ia
I list e kimon Ii utuiii mist , ! Stm lft's Slicellid for uimra
thaii I ti euitt S t'mrs , itmiii ham U Cecil luuiirm ) tI omuderfiil cc-
( iis friiumm Its iio Oman friimu any rumuueiiy lii or out of
tue i'liaruuiaeii ciii. ft ii a ( ertilul aimd motto mumtldote
( ii icil soils of himisoti ,
.1 , DiCKSON SShITiI , 01. II. ,
Atlilita , ( hum.
Thu Great Drug Ilouso of Chicago.
tVij ili uuot iiesltato to say timmt : for a yeumr h'
lctm mu , niii uiioro tif liii lft'i liiecltlc ) ( S. S. S. ) timan
other ilionil Purifiers t'iiiimimuiied , aiuii ltli IuiOii
tiuilsiuili ) I cinilts. ( gelitletuitIl mm Ito lIeml half a
iloeeii loOt 104 1iii4 it iuIi4 imiuimu iiiumm luinre guisi tlia
treumt mmlmiuut 4 % iuliii cost liliui I .000. Auiiitimcr who has
( IMeil It fin' ii Seriiliuiouu uilleetloii reluimrts us iierliiauucuit
tuirc ft iiiui lt4 1150.
$1,000 REWARD.
t.lii liii litiii to uiiiy Ciieiumlst mm ho t iii fluid , emi ami .
al sli of 104) iiiittli' H. u4. H , , oumu article of Mercury ,
liii iiiiu I'otasliuiu , , mir any tuiluuura sllli.taumeu.
TIlE HWhI'l' Si'ECi Fl (1 CO. ,
irnwer hI , Atiauita , Ga ,
4tI % 'rito lir time little hook , wimleim m Ill ho iuualittl
h'rko : Siiiiii size , 1.O0 Pr biitti. 1.umrgo sire
( iioiiilumg miiiiiblo muammtity ) , tI,75 a liimttie. All drug.
gistnseil it. V
- iii : WHITTIER ,
617 St , Char/es SI , , St. Louis , Mo ,
A itKhlfl.AhL G1IAIIUATR of two IimohicaI colleges ,
has heeui ciugagol hmnmger In the treatnient of ClihtON.
ho , NEItVOU14 , SKiN ANDIII100I ) 1)iscases than any'
either hilO iiiclai iii Mt. Louis , mmmi cIty lialiers . .hiuw anti
all ohil rmisiihcmmt14 kmiiimm' , Ctiimstiltatlomi free amid lmmvitml.
Vimcii it Is luiemimivemumejut to ' , IslI the city for treat.
lulemut , tuuoilicltues can be soul hiy uuuall tirexpres. emery.
whuerma. Cilrahiio eases gitaratutoeii ; where doubt ex-
hits it is frammkhy stuttoil. Call tur write.
Ncrtiiil , l'rnstruitiomi , Debility , Meuital amId Pimyiulral
Voikimeiercmir1id af o0i.niectTomms of Throat.
iiilu atiilhiliiue , ihluioiIJIlIliUrhtleiI .
immgSldii aiTeciomiNOll8iuro5 nuud lJIcelmiodt.
iiuemuti ti , iiarrtaguiTFmeuinaUsium , l'ihs. iij'iaiiE
tefltiiIl tim cuiuNfriiiii mmcrturkei1braIui.I3U1i.0iCAL
CASIii ret'elmu sjieiluttatteumOilml. lfliasemmarIii
frmitml hlmmlirmimimicu , , Jaceese ' 1iiiigii
'l20O pagesthowhuoho ;
ivi : ARRiIAG'iiruc&.iiit. ( mild. Many
& . ; (4Vluu sony
mnucrr3'mm huoumuay umot.
imimy , eauisu , ciiliseiluieiiCUd amid a cc. Sailed for ala ;
: ptistaiuiir stitimups 'd&w1y
I iii. lOl't . 'm llmi.'imim' , , .
hr $ , , ' ' ' 41i1 tit ( or
I I , ' i iii I' , ii mlii .ini. mitt iii' ,
V , of liii' geiieiiiulm , ' iimaius.
S liii t' 14 'i liiistii l.a. ii.iiit
S lii4 lpiImuiiicml. , II.m ' 'mum.
I ii'iuilii ilti 1111(1 ( iI Ih.oe. : : V
\ ' Il I I' IT V muuvumllui
_ _ ? tliiimilm , liii Iiitii.4 ? Xt ,
V . - ' ' .li.m I Iiiu , In iii'illliy
\ , , i I l.i , IS. lint , 'iiiiuiiiiI (
, -Y liii- sllli Clittik' is'tii
- tlL ilmil . itiil tim uiI nil Ills
lyl I l.iiii unit Ii , ( ii , it Is for
lii oNE .p.mliimt liii pomt.
I , , ' , 1111 LIII , uii miuriiiiiauiomm uililris Clicumer
lli ili hI 1511 , i .01 . it' , . , 5 , . .ho.i . , . , . u ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sIts t.
A II I I.o.u . bijuiii mlilI'0I 11010 , Irr I .r situ ens , , . ii
, , uk suiieuil. mis .mui iii , II ) , , m irsi i.4. IIIII uun5i is
I ii' ilium II r' . , tullc. iom .tI , i'.s I , tMlIl4l ! III
t'iiii cimirl , i. Iii . . I fioi5 il ii , , . Iilto.iSi : bT locisri ,
smeili.r. imi Ii , l.OV , . r , , . JlSic.i Il.5l , n , d I ' 11.5.24
plimi rwiViiit * Xr cm , . P ( i. l'i ) v .iil Iliru. , .1 a. .
I , 51.17 'mmj'm.i'll I. , l1t1 ) % ( ' . ' . Ittl,1153 cv.a
ii.t'lts" ' iti. , . i..uri I "It uunlii I viinilii 1. . lull s.I . .C
rrt ui . , , , . , I' 5.i ; r Ifrul 55 cIs .Ij , . & , , ii.iol
i , ' , I. , , , i il iIikleii ( it"
'c I ' 4 l'mi" . ' 4i , , 45 II , Jul. III. . $ I1
803 S. 1OtIi ; St. , Oniuhit
r Ii Make Bracesfortlie Correction of
Physical Deformities.
: flip and Shiuuiai Ilsi'ase ) , , Chub Feet , Still Eiuees ,
hiomt' Legs , iclmock.klmee. , etc.
Ti'usse of tile host Make k01)t ) Oh ! 11811(1
Trutm1e repaired ,
( irlituos ) immadu to order.
Siitali 'ob. ' of all kfiiils doumu fit tceliron flhid woo4.
htepalrluu of cli klmud * done idmeap , neat ititi
p ! ifOIliPtlY ,
: j. i. WEEI & CO. ,
7 803 S. 1OLl SL1 Omaha.
jylO.e Los