IFA1 Lx BNW11111111111) + . , IbJt 4a. , , . . t \ r ' rOaINfAN19aINYA 01 l' \ , grrh Only , Perfect subatltuto for Mother' . j Milk. themOSt nourishingtletf r Invalids and nursing mothers. Commendal by all 1'ti Idnus live , s In aH climates , 4o1d be a I druggI t'.6 cent. . . 'GMITCAi.1'&CO , me tuklh26t II Centrnl\Vhartlloton,3ta.a Bargains 1JY 0 ROLLINS A & COTTER f REAL ; ESTATE 4' ACENCY OAAl1A NATIONAL RANI { , lt0O11 2t. ' HOUSES. 1) Now Houses , 7 rooms each , ccllats , cisterns L and out huu'.ei , all compktu ; full lot , Nllh oak shnde trees ; near 1A'afoll urU. street-a rare chalso ' -ta,76e. , 3 Houses In goal condttlon , full lot ; rents for 4t0iernolithagjalbustucs0locntlun ; on IOUi street-a bargahr-$8Oo0. Housoand Lot oil N. lSt1I Strcet , } 1soc. a ) Now Cottagesclatcriisue1Iou , Houses , L and all ht mrst class urdur full lot' th nice ' , ehado trees ; good locationuuar Leavenworth start \t -cheap-@Soco. , e House and Lot on Cnllfur i etrect , @ 3,000. , Coed Houses , 8 ruins each , with nil con. seniences , in No. 1 condttlon ; rent for C.5 per month ; near St. .Mary'e Avenue-agood Inve.nuent- t , , 95,000. , House and Lot in South Olnnha.1,2o0. Hotel In South Omaha , near 17.1' . Depot ; a goat opportunity for the right man to nwku . .whey-easy terms-94,760. 1 H Ousoand Lot with barn , in Konntm'Y nddl tton , @ 1,400. m F in e Residence and 7Lot 91u ont. Mary'a 2 Houses and lot onCalifornia etreetf,800. LOTS AND ACRES. I Lots in a bay ) hl lfanseorn place , floc Inca , L tionnear etrcetcars ; cas terns7,2OO. . 3 Lots in E. V. Smiths addition , each EJ10 , 2 Lots in South Omaha Wilcox'.sAddition- both 97W. 5 Lots in Shinn'e addition , all tor 91S00 , , osidonCoLotnearleavcaNoithSt.cnvcred r wit ) . line oak and walnut trees-make offer. 3 Lots in Ilanscout Place , each 9750. Lots fronting on Ilanscom Park , beautiful Iota. lion for residence ; e.l0y terns-92,000 3 Whole Block ml Cuudngre btrcet , make I o0ar. fesldonce Lotpll Ccnrgia Avanlcclyh sated - hear .tieetcars , hr.1.1.1xahck'sAddltlon.11,0 Yt r Lots in Clark's addition , each $1,3o0 to 91,600. Cro Lot on California St. , no r Academy tut the A Sacred Heart ; would cut up into 10 city lots- iiakcoffer. Acre Lots containing a valuable and bank , 2 11101(10 the city limlts-9,500. Afros anti gnat )100.0 ) in South Omaha. A bark - k 3 gall. , * 2LO2. , v , Acres near Fair Grounds , well adapted for ID r ganlculn or nuncryNillsubJlvidc-f:300per t acre. Business Lots on 1'dnclpal Street. . Hood IMPROVED FARMS&WILD LANDS Acre Farm in Douglas county , tube , mllce 16D from railroad ; sscll inrpr" ed ; two story house orchardbant mil out huusesall u0lete ; price $1,500 400 cabh , balartce at 8 per term. Acre Farm hex nonce from Omaha ; ti2o 93 per acre. Acre Farm lOniIk from Omaha ; house 3 I D cad tither improvcutonts-$12,5U pcr acre. Acre Farm in Ilanlltou county ; gnat 60 nnproremcnt $ , house , Nell , slims , &e. ; easy crow-9t2,50 per acre. [ Acre Stock Farm tit llamilton IOI J county , on i'lattu r ser ; goal range ; cosy teens-0.50 per acre. Acre Stock Farm fu 3tadisut county , 6 D near ranroadexcellent ; land , goal outoldo range5.60 per acre. I Acre Stock Farm In Sherman county ; 4r } D goallandwithnice stream of snterrunning through it ; wile range-93310 , Acres of cbcap.tocklandslnman IODDDD theca tocult , iii hmiias and Nebraska 220 aer. fnnn in Kearney county , 93 per acre , 100 acre tarn , in Funns comely. All valley land , 3 nlfletl froilt county seat , 9IOOO , 51)5 acre farm In Franklin comity , 2 miles train railroad , 97 p eracreonaffth cash , bAlance on tines. 20(1 ( acre farm ht Hutier county , a mllea front rail. road , 9r1.5O x'r acre. Improved farms andltanclieoinalnlostcvcrycotta. y In the btate at the lowest ngnre. YOUNG 0.1TTLE sold on contract to supply Itanchcs. . - aIT Sr X Q IL 3 On Iteal Estate Security , llousos StoresI and Ofccs to Rent. N'Sy Call ate office and eaaudno lull Iht of yroperty fur sate Omaha National Bank , Room 20 SIDE\VALK NO'1'1OIS. Notice is hnrely hen to of the following deserllbed , proorty ; hlluatu lit tllu city of Onmlla ( aunty of Douglas and state of Nebrasku , to cmntruc sidewalklufrontofandmllolnhughame within $ Hteen ( U ) days ( rolls the 21et day of slugust A. I ) 18N3. Sal'I tdewali.s to be conYtructed in naordanco with planu and specifications on ale hi the olllro of the Board of I uliiio works , aid In compllancu Nith reeohnlons acuptud by the city council u ( , said city , , Inly ilot A. Ii. 1693 , ettIrw AI.eM h0 nH (01HTltl'CTYn. Lotsb,0,7.i8nnrthdduof 1)IsislooSt.inbkck 207-0 ft side. Late 1 , 2 , 2 k 4 , south tide of Nicholas H. , hi block 1131-0 ft Nldo. Lots 1 , 2,2& I , houth side of Nlchnla. Ht. , iii block 1971-0 ft wide. fate 1 , 2,3 k 4sounlI , 51(10 of Nicholas St. , ht block 1001-Olt NGIr. , Iit,1 , t' , 3 S I , south bum of Nicholas Ht. , mil block Nidc. r05i-0 ft . Loll 1 , 2 , 3 6. 4 , buutl ) silo of Nicholas St. bl block t11i-O ft Wide. K Iito I , 2 , 3 d 4 , seuttu subo of Nicholas it. , in block IO3i-O ft wide , Lote 1 , 2 , 8 & 4 , sotnth eldo of Nkliolas fit. , hl block its-6 ft Nldc. ADDITION Tots 1,13 , S 2 , vest bids of lung St. , in block to-0 U Nlde. Jute 1 , 2,13.114 , roost sldo 01 lilugS. iii black 0--0 ft N-tile. lute 1 , 2 , IJ A' 14 tveot tde of H f og St „ in block I0 ft selde. Lots 1 S2 , Ncst bids of hhlg lit. , in block 3. 0 ft " ( N'1(1f. J1 I I'.tiikEII $ ADal11ON. bot9I S 4 , wnt idu of liiug lit , iii bloek 15 Oft 'eta tilde. torsrz Itll.u'iiribs. . fah 1 k2 , Nebt side of 10th St. In block 11 0 ft i wide' ' ; tuts I bOtEh ide of Davenport S.iu block Iii -Oft ale. t3IDla ALas1)Ni azeunru , Iuh6SOnorth sidooflies. antS.Inbiock151 Lou 5 , cast siduof 12th HLln block t51. JAI1li $ CIIEIUIITON , h3 e ' _ augH.3t 1w L9ulrman hoard Public Works. ; ' , ; JAMES MY , Practical Horse Sheer Make. a rpocialty of Itcwdstea and tenderfoot bor. ' es , 8hop. , Dodge .tract bet , 11th cad 12th , Old BcUvui hutiee 4 STAINED clASS. The Ornanlc tal WlnlOWS ( that llavc Rccil Plccl : Iii Trimly Cathedral , All Being Gifts from Prionds Ill Memory of Departed Ones , Ono nP the ln'd Beaulll\d ( 'hure'hes In tht' Unlted States , The episcopal cathedral is ltenring coin. tICtion and will probably be cousocrntcd by the mitidlo of November , It will be , when finished , one of the must beautiful clutrchcs in : Ittuerica , althotglt ( lint nu oxpcnsivo building , in arrangeutett it follows the typical pllut of an English cathedral anti very careful attention has beenbcstowcd upon nil the detailsnnd eon vcmitionalitiesof that style of a'chttecture. ' 1'lte stained glass windows are the most striking feature of thu interior decoration , old , like all the other utatameits of time church , they have buom wholly the gifts of friends who tlestro in this uvuy to establish a lastumg utmnorinl to departed ones. lit this nrtielo we calm speakummly of the windows , 't'hose which unclose time drawn ( aru thirteen in nunibor , repro semtllig Christ imlttl his ltpostle3 , and are COpiCs of the fauumts statues b ' the Datusli sculptor , Tlmrwnltlson , ut St. St. GtorgoH chapel at Cupenhngoit , 'Veto central figure ropresemtts Tat } : HAVlJlt turd was given by Blrs. S. S. Cnldsroll. in money of lair clltirmi , Attila , April 10 , 1875 ; Joseplt , Jttly 11 , 1871) ) . 't'he ' figure OR the window is almmtost life size , the colors are vivid nnul blended with great effect. Resides the dedication nit the glass is the quotation , " \Vho was conceived by tlme Holy Ghost , burn of the Virgin . Ileginiing on the left the lirst window bears the pieturo of St. Tluuldeus aiul was ( rivet by Bishop Clarkson , as the iuscrption says , "To time glory of Gud and iii loving memory of Alvi Tabor Twing , the great omission. cry ntlvgcate , Nov. 11 , 1882 Time next is St. Sim oi , "To the glory of Gnu and in ntommny of Isabella Pat- terse ) , hob. 211 , 1876. lit token of the afrectionato ruverencu of the teachers and scholars of Brotyucll llnll fur their house- niothor. The St. Bartholotnow window - dow whichm fellows wan erected by Mrs. J , Br. Woolworth mud time Misses Butter- field , 'lit memory of Blollona Bfoulton Butterfield , born 1807 , died 1854. Her children rise up to call ! tor blessed , " St. Thomas stands next , "In memory of Caroline A. Dickey , entered into rest , March 12 , 1880. Blessed are the merciful - ful for they shall obtain mercy. Erected by her eltildrei. " St. Peter , hearing the loyS , is "lit menory of .James Loyd Breck , time greatmissiouary. Erected by time children o f time cathedral at Faibault , Minn. " 'l'imo next to time right is s.tINT JOHN , wlmo stands iii the favorite place at Jesus' right hand. Thi0 windovr is to 'Anna D , Barknlow , mitered into rest , Aug. 4 , 1872. Erected by her mother. 1 kaoa' that limy Bedeeuer livath. " On time right of Christ is St. ) sues , major , "Erected by time childro11 baptized in St. Janes cburclm , Chicago , by l3islmop Carhson ] , " Time next is St. Aidrew , "lmm nienoriani. Jane Estelle Peabody. Burn Sept. 7 , 18:1 : , died Nov. 30 , 1882. " 't'his window was Put in by Dr. Peabody , ter brother. The St. Paul window is "time gift. of the Smidmty scimeol of St. Paul , Brainard , Muni ' Bishop Hare has given time St. Philip wiiitlow"Te time gluryuf Godanl in m ont- ( W of His servant , Joltn henry lloba't , bishop of Now York. ho wawa burning and a shimming light. " The St , Bfatthety window lens placed , "Lm Nwnt- ory of Nary S. Chase , born Jnnuary n , 1827 , died .lamary 3 , 1882 , " amid bears time first lines of a favorite hymn , "Lord , forever at thy side let my l lace and per hon be. " It is time gift of her husbail. St. James , mmtinor , closes time list of time twelve , nod was giveim by BLs. Popplo- tan. 1t bears tlto words , 11Lmryada . Popplotoo , born April 4 , 1801 ; , died Novonber 17 , 18132 , Suf er little children to coimie uuta mime. " TIII : T1tANSEI'T w'INNOw.N. Ohm the north aid south sides of the cathedral in time trmmsepts , aid at the west mad of the church are three very large stuinc(1 glass windows , 20 by 14 feet , erected to the three great missionary inshops of otu' day. Time south window is to , iolum Coleridge 1 atteson , bishoi { nail martyr , wlmo Sims slain at Unkapa , one of the Mel imesinn islails , Septmubor 20 , 1871. 'I'ho window is divided into four cuutpnrttnotts. Above is the Sword "lielutesia" ( itt a circle. In one of tune divisions is represented in brilliant colors , time island near Now Zealand where Bishop I'attS"u was martyred , and un anothur the tropical feels and palms tvhicit evert discovered- woven into a mmmnt over his hotly. Beneath itro time Olsen ! ) . tions , ' "Thine heart tthall fear nod be enlarged because the tubanlanco of the sea shill bit converted undo thte , 1 bear ha may body the marks of the Lord . ha rcveruut niontory thin window is oflerud by It , 0. and R , If. C. " 'imo usiudow as the gift of Bliss Itebecca Owens of Now York city mud time bishop. Jlto w'indow' apposite is to ] lishup Sehvyn , the ninetieth bishop of hitch field 1111(1 the first of New % cialmid. 'I'ho v as full of gnrguous tacety mutt bears the lutes , ' "l 'o time glory of Cotl and in memory of George Augustus Selwyn , apostle aimd fotiltlm' . " " 'I'o revel his Sint in ! mu the time 1 preach among time leatltou. " "I count ell things but loss for the oxcolletey or time kItuWledge of Christ Jesus , our Lmd. Erected by a bunily. w'ho t'uve'e Itis immne , Clarkson , Po sdaml , N. Y , " 9'hos0 are rolativ'eH of Ihshop Clarkson. TILE tUl1AT ; W1n7'EIiN ; WJNI/ow. its to Bislmoli KCn11CP , , alit ] 1n8' , ' a : ubovo the words "ertlttiest mutt \\iscon- Hin , " lit was time first umissiouaey bishop of the nortiuvest , ' 17to words at time foot of time window 111'0 , ' "J' ( time glory of ( ted nltd in nlmnnry ( If Jaeksnlm 11t'mmmpel' , time first utissionay bishop of thq Aumermc mm church. The loving gift of the ehmldreu of time calheclt'al and its tnimiolml3. 4m laboltl more uhnnduut , faithful unto death ) , " 'I'ho ' little upper or elur0stomy windows , in dilierent colors , nru giver by Limo churches of time diocese wbcitweru it 11x- isteice when the catltch7d was co m menced. ' 1'huy are in time followingordor free time right hmltl side of the elmau col : holy 't'rinity , . ltellevue , Christ Church , 13rowivillo ; St , ? Jay N , Nebraska City ; St. LuketH , l lattsuloutlm ; holy Trinity , Lincoln ; St. StophcnsAHh- land , ' Trinity Btenorial Crete ; Brownoll Hall , ONmltSt. , Mru 'HI ' Blair , ' Nubrus ka C 111ege , Nobrdskn ( 'ity ; St. , lolnts , ll n ard ; Christ Church , Beatrice ; lloly 'l'rimmity , Seltuylor ; Chttrclt of time Ascot Sion , tlaklamml ; Tito Giwtl ShepliordKeat' ney ; St , Philips , Onmha ; SL I'eterltudu : Christ Church , Central City ; St , Pmull , Clnrksvillo ; St. Stoplteus , Silver Creek , St , Steplteus , limed Island ; St , Auj us tine , Nobraskn City ; St , ' 1'houmc , 1 ails City ; St. Peters , l'luum Creek ; Churclt of mitt Savior , North Platte ; St , Bnraalsas , Omnha ; Orace Church , CHltllilbtls : St. Jnmtcs , Fromout ; Church of the hcar liatiom , Decatur. T11H AiSLE'iS'INtIOWS. 'V'hu three aisle tvindoWS which have just boot placed in the southwest end of the chttrcll under the cletestory , attract much atteittion on necount of their real artistic utetit till quaint design 'V'hey were Nlnte in 1undou and are by far tw a , lust expeitsivo iu tire cathedral. 'Vhe first illustrates time panible of time good sheplterl ; n utau bears in his atoms time lost lamb nod alt inscriplhon reads , " \Vitlm Clmrist , which is far better , " tvitlm the quotation from i.uku , xv. ii , "And wlmeu he path fotutd it , ho layette it on his shoulders , rej0101ug. " 'T'his wiiulo v is given by E B , Sheldon , of Chicago , iu bouor of his mollmer , Frances Ogulett Slwlelon , 'l'imo mmcxt is the parable of the good Santaribmmtdthewonliim reads , " 'l'otto glow of God and in lnvumg nmemmny of \Villiumt ; II , Ogden , bore Jtuw 16,1805 ; lima : august J , 1877 " lie lived in Ilim imlammd , N. V. , maul this is erected by lmis uvifo. A motto front Luke , X , 83 , says : "Rut a certain Samaritan , as ho journeyed , eaie where Imo wmsutd , trlmett Ile sav Imi111 he Imad Coln Iassiolt till Ilini. " 'I'bis illustrates flue richly colored picture in taw uvindow. 'l'ime last of these uxllibits time scene df the parable of the pearl of great price. " 'Ib tutu glory of God tumid ] o loving nmomorv of Albalmlotm l ) . Ogden , tort .duly In , 1811 ; died , Feb. 18 , 1880. Whit , whet lm ! mad feed to o pearl of great price , w citt nod sold all that ho haul nod bought it.-Matt. XIII , , 113. " William B. mutt Binldon Ogden were 'rroutinont ' people in Clmiengo in an early . tilt- . 0TH EItj S'IN IOWN ) have arrived and are soon to be Jplaeed in Position. Of these we calutot m e it do. sc'iption , as time ) arc nickel , Mtujor Alfred llfortoit mend wife of Ft. Bri g got formerly of Ft. Omunlta , give one in imonor of their clmildrol Oo is eroete(1 to Major 'Thornburg and imis son by Mrs' Thornburg. At Limo cast end. of the churclm at time left of the cltancol will ho a window given by Bishop Clarkset's family in ttientory of their parontS. It will contain two beautiful scones of spring nnti autumn nut the lines , "Lm time utormmutg it is greet mid groweth up turd flourishutlm ; in the uvenumg it is cut dowmm dried lip and withered. " On the right of Ute chnncol will be ono to time umenory of Bev. Henry Joium Windsor , by his widow , Mrs. Windsor , of Brownell hall. Han. .1. Sterling Morton will plnco a window , in memory of ! mix wife , on the south side next to time Ogden windows. OppOsitu is a memorial of Tufiss Bessie McNamara , by time Roy. Dr. McNamara , her father , alto east windows of the nortlm porch are by Mr , ail Mrs. Lyman Ihchardsoi in memory of their children , and by firs. R , lf. Smith in memory of imer elmildren , 'l'ime other two side w iit- dnws are by Mrs. J. H. Lacey for her umtbor and sister , amid lmy Dr , ( leo. I : . Dlillcr ii memory of the child of Air. \Villiant Adnmmts. 'l'imo transom window is by Blrs .1. II. Stein to her husband. . 'l'hcre are two largo traisomns over the fruit doors of time tower that are not yet taken , which can be uuade nto morials by applying to time bishop or time dean 'l'imo other decorations of the church are nunnerous onouglt to furnish a sepa rate nrtielo. These windows , we nest add , withm the exception of tlu0se frmi Asblaid , ware mndu by u1cOulle ) YC lllilcs , of Chicago. AIt itemim as to tiloir cost may be interesting. The cbaicol window's were Ohio hummtircd dollars each ; the great tt'itisOllt windows , thrco Imun- ( ired tumid fifty dollars ; time three London windows , five hundred dollars each. The menwrial gifts to time cathedral alone will aumutt in all to over tom thousand dcl lit''s. Ab"rllt INIIANS. Two Prcnch Gent lenwn Sent Ilrrr lir'l'aventq' indinnti mud I'oules. Baron do Lagraitgo and 13aroi lg'.Bloclt , sett to Oulaha with letters of introdue- tion from time French consul at New York , are at taw Paxton. Their object hit coating Imure is to confer with ? ti. .Jnl hus iloycr , wlto has n pretty wide Iuputa tion as an Indian interpreter and curiosity - ity hunter , as to sccurimm a band of about twenty Indians with their accoutrmnunts and pn11ies , to go to Paris next year its 0110 of the attractioms at the Exposition , ' 1'hoy offered Mr. Meyer fnbulmis prices if h0 weld only accompany than with time Indians , wlmeit necnrcds and net aim their interpreter , bat Mr. Meyer can scarcely consent to heave his husimlcss lmero , tlmoungdl hme will do nil ho can to get the lmmdians , as desired. T7 a cxpe iutemmt of tahiug taw redskin for a set voyage , sve belieVe , has hover bceu tried , and ht will require "heap mommoy" amid other Promises to get lmimm to venture on tlmo big water. Coop Nob. IleumusoN , Ia. , August 4.-Thu hail stormn on time 7th or 8th burl time corm very badly ; sonme moo plowing it'unlur , Tau wet for attclting hay or thr mmiming. ! Laying has not comnmenecd yet et account - count of the weather. I , , II. Ax'rt.t. . SuprrmuCourt01 Nebruslea , . ) . S. Ilea gland , of , Lumcnster ; county , vynsadmitted to n'nutIc ( . Sinmfsol , vs , .I mimib ! s , Continued , 13. t Bl , It. It. Co , vs. t1)or'ingtom. Continued. Deuaat vs , Stator Snbmltted. State ox rah \Vhito vs. Johnson , Con tinned , ( liliespio Vs. Smiwyer Commtinned , I l'nlmur \Vitchuria' , Continucd. \Ve ver vs. ContbeH , Comtilmued , B , A' 1\l. \ It. It. Co , vs. Jeinbnehlo. Iomtinuud , Doolittlo vs , l'lunz. Coutittued. Bobanium .it , state , Subnmittal. Cnaig Vs , Stevenson. Submitted. LippuncOtt vii. Iteis , Coilimmued , Fitzgerald vim. Andrown. Submitted , Iluynolds vs. Cobb , Cnntitiwd , Lammcastor county vs. state ox rel. Jtil- lcr. Cottlinued , Donovan VS. Shamvimm , Coitinucd. State cx rel. Silver yH. Ecimdnlh Ito , furred to take testimmmogy. Shute ox cl. Blair vs , Cueing county , ilitcrmativo writ allowed. State ox rel. Sevcrnttai ( vs. ( Iastin , Subnnited , Bfany times you want to keep mleat hr fish for several days. Lay it min a solu thou of ! tux Blagnus over might , aid you can keep it fr weeks , You can also keep milk a week or mtoro by stirring in a lit , tie of the Snow Flake brand , m&utCwlut THE NEW OIL FIELDS , I A PoIiIisYIvalna 'S ' 'Observations iii Missouri , 1i i 1 Speculators Busy Leasing Land , A Coummr } ' 11'hetr ) n Tt.t Can Ii. ' Flunk at Nlght tutee Iound l herd \1'Ith oil ht the DInrmming- ) lug alaeldnery and ltot lug \Ye11H , ST , Louts , Aug , ti.-\V , \V , (3ilntnrc ( , tu'iio has boei iii the uhi bttsilless in 1'01111 syIva'tia siuee 18135 , was tnterrngmited to. day eat time subject of time nil lrnatu at Mich Ilill , Mo. flu said : "I him' just ruhtrued from llture , 'I'ho snrfnet in- dicttiuis in both Bates and Vernon counties arc time best 1 ever . 'I'Ito oil lmtdsnllnutRich l IIIll liar all biemm takutt up , but in prnspccting tut'ern nt ceumty , fmm the vieiutty of Jnrkc i 'elm- ere J fotutd time fittest mtdiathno I Imm'u seuu mumuvhero hmi tlto county. 111 about Carbon Ceulro , in both eotulties. nil can bit found ii , paying quautilies , " 1 iet one fmu'uwr tlmete trh „ sinks a tub unto his m Iii at ttigld , nod tut the uun'uiug lions it tilled with oil alntust its tlmiek as tae , wlmich ho sells at iI ( temmts a gallon to these two wmtnt to mice it for lit , bricafingg , 'l'imo nil is resc'otially . " 1'ulroleuin" ' 'Are you uttteestod in time ( 'nrbomm Cotter lindsl" "I have leased 1,700 acres "f it. " \\'lutt will you do with it' ' " 'I ant on uq' way to l'enusylvauin now tb get time mmecossary uutchiuery. 'I'het ' are will sink walls mod gum to work " "slow immany wells have they at helm I1illtn "Dmuunt ( C Feotu lure nose going duten timoir second well. ' 'ley hare it cased. \V'ilhin tee days theru will probably Ito six wells , 'Vito ttmaebittery , for live uolls nru on the road mmy. ' "Is the'o ouch exciteutett in llmat see- tioitl" "Yes , a great deal. 'l'imo place is full of Pouosylvmutia sp0ctilidors , who muru leasing all the lmutd they calm got hold of. Companies hive boot forumed , tool nut elmittory is being bought. " " ' \VImo are the principal ctnnpaniesl" " \Vri ght YC Co Scott i Co „ Collins & ; Ilarlesot , N , S. Cowles , f Co. , mod ethers. " "IS taw oil richer thiut 1'e11msylvanin oil ? " 'No , it is good oil thuugim , mend tlmere is lets of it , Time thiuq is in its iufiutey. A refinery will bo put up there in a short while and then wo will begin shipping. The oil is n thick , heavy oil , l tter titan most oil. The oil met don't want time laud , they wammt time oil , consequmttly they only lease the land , " "What do they bavo to pay for it ? " "Collins ( ti 1lardeson paid $5000 for tut option lease of 820 acres for eighteot mouths at the tote of $75 am acre. " "Wbnt is nn option lease ? " "Yott pity $5,000 dewmm , and if you do notfimtd time lived will pap you , you need not pay time balance , which , iii thus case , is $111fi00 ; , and can withdraw , lemuviug time $500 as it forfeit. hour weeks ugo hood could lie bought hit Limo vicinity of Carbn11 Centre for $18 tut acre ; mow you can't got it for $75. " \\'hat do , 'ou tlmimmk of that cunnt'y ? " " 1 thine , it a time finest min time world , Carbon Centre is four miles front lticlt hill. The supposition is that it is all oil. Time surface indications are fine. " Ault yt im' druggist for ltelllliiu6'N 1ttssla ( Salve. Keep it 11t the Imuw it , case of aeei- dents. 1'rico25c. -astir------ AI'I'ls1'ltil\1'Ia4 AltK IICI 1'I'1't'l , . tl Smut-Eyed Ne , vdowryNag'I'hut Can Iet lilat'ielt' Out on ( ) rcaxluas , Nn s fork Sol , An uushmven maim in doueb hat imd ragged coat , driving nu old grit ) , spavined torso , w'imiese fibs ammmost pr'otfllliell front ha ; satin , ] pas beet n familiar siglmt lit time roads of llummledon county , N. J. , der. hag the last week. Last 'Tuesday ho drove into Flenumgton , time county scut , nod stopped ill front of 1lunmpltroy's hoto , where ommo of time tsvo reins ens withdrawn from the rusty iron r'mgs ' of time old ] mrness and used for it hitcming ) strap. ] n time antiquated , rickety old vehicle' % ' t9 it , 'atkam of glatas for time ling. Hu emtored time bar-room , lie moved his slouch hat ( mom mm his { angled hauir , and , Htlggom'llmg up to time bier , ordered a glass of gnu with sugimr and lenoi in it. By tlmis time a crowd had assotmibled , aid one asked what ho would take for hfs hurso. "Eighty dollars , " ho replied. Oim of time e'owd offered hunt forty. " \Vhat , " le said , "forty' dollars for a horse that cam travel at mile in three min , inns. Nnt ouch. " I''J'hreo ii mu mutes , " said Julumy Imum- ( suy , it pro111i11emt pnliticimum. " 'flat hurso can't ' travel fa 1111ie 1n toll lmmilmmltes , aimd I'll bet nn it , ' , hwob'i to , nmmotlmer county politicimut. I'll tot you $20 ho cem't tray. cl a milo 011 three minutes , amd 1 will gum out to the race coursu turd speed your old plug. " ' ' dollars " time fellow , 01'werty , replied , 01'11 but you it $100 hit can , " Elislma Opulyku nod JaeohiViie amt a Htraigor Soho Iinppuucd im taw room clmippetl in willm IhunHoy'ite , rumd it puma of $10O ssitS quickly umndu u ) aid do tositud imm the hntol kou ) oi's hamIH , ' 1'11 ' their stn iriHU time owner of taw old lmorau oniekl covered the IIn01e' . Ile then trout out of tltu room to vi mute ibo hurso stood , and front aide' time grass ill time wagon hit took out a good set of lnrncSH , wlmich Imo pat 0n Lime nag , f lit Inquired of time c'0Wl ( where emu could burrow a lightur rig , ltsnlsey said ho hod a sort of a rig which lam would toms ( mini , ' 1'h0 lightervoliido Stales noun fcd , time horau w'ats hitched to it , and titeim the crowd started far time rtueo course , wimielt is nbatt lit mien nut of Flentngtiu , 'I'le hack wits min badcon(1itiou , 1t resonblcd it ) iotmhell helm ] , ' 1'hlia saaru of tlllllgs llii not discourmt a the old fullou , far hu ( I love a 1n ) tau i rack aid th e word ' ( hmi' Svnn ell' min thu race to beat Lima , J'Jyu witmussus of time rulfiiir descributime trotting of the mil(1 ling as sotuutimI mg svom durfd. ( Ito trotted tutu nmilo without a break , 'l'ime , 2:52 : , Thu old ilag loud wen for Irma 11numter $100 , 'J'liu politieitums uyeu du11Ibfoundud. 'J'lmu' Nit ) ' tile ) trill oi(1 but agiiinst old plugs again. It hni buuim discovered thin tiuostrnuger who chipped min $20 was a p uluur of time 0wmmur of the hurso , e\fte' time race at Fleumimgtim Llto two mcn drtivu to Iu- baNu , where lives Null lttinsey , amotbur prmahmeut politicinu , 'I'Ilu meiti of time 011 horse were discussed min time barroom of Jumt ) Let"tt hotel itt Lebeiuut. Thu Omen played time saute rolu at Lubanomm that they hmib at Flenimqt 1 , Null Ranm' s0 was induced to but that time old Imersu couldn't trot a milo min tiu'oe nminmtes , iIa lost of course. I t is nlleged ( hnt the two mictt lmafl front 'I'rculou , 'I'hoy Svere ill Clinton yostotalay amt treed halt )11) the santo ganmr but their faimmo 1prccttilet then , so no CI utl ( ) ntfcS were roped iii. L'amis i unerata tutu ! Cerstetts'lex , t'irmsisindeauo of l'hlladolpblmm Tlutcs , A pel'son caul be burin hero n'itlm so lunch style that , if it dots lot actually nmko (1 'itt a ) leisure it tut least smooths time Lath is y to limo grave. Fu 11erids are divided into six classes/ and "you pays your money and takes your citeieetine ; first class is so lllabltliicultt that it reminds one of n circuit procossinu , tithe is so oxpelisiyo that about ono in n fmtily , is as disa9lrums as was Bchuclt's ! ( hate lard corner , wltilo time sixth has a strong tinge of time 'Tewksbury nluls house 11101 n ptlpnblu ; odor of the holtrds ; but time third aunt fonrtlm present n happy trod nn unm- iuottl , ens ctable mcdiumm0 , wimicit is slmf- ticiou I ' s'aoll t0 sat ' 01'IImit y s isf1 al my ( ) ( ii ristinn of good nod regular standtug. 'I'ho ' funnels ate i11 the hnuts of a imeu npoly called taw "l'oapnniu ( louerlu ; dtw I'ungtes Funuebrs , " cad tht'ir stock is ms good ms Suez tonal shares sir gnvern meat buuds ; Choy furnish uvorythiug , frnu cmmpo to ciu'rui gas , meld assist to nvoreumu those dilllcultlos mold tout pliea hens IvhlicIm catIso nil orlitwr burial to ho unite h unhleaoutu' ' than ? t i'edliit whem time old folks on ItoUm tuitles mite o ) posed le IIto if a uuut has ' of nurse' lw novcr lacks for miller hisyh'ith , for ( hit enum aim ' will birtislm 6 geitllonn ulS . lookiim ' , g nuotnv ems by thu conohful , who will npparenlly ho ns mconsolmiblo as lincluwl null will not Ito cninfortcd until tIto ditto Imamwuted is enlufortably stewed away in ono of taw sepulelmn's , vItich are precisely siuiIlnr to those itt limo etst , heir r INties 10 feet. dee I So ett feet lung attui two fret and a hull wide , lined Ss'itimm stotlo and ceummt and covered with n large slob , Pnrhs is divided into 2O nrrundissu mmmculs , cmtch tuulur tIto supem'v'sion ' of a mniro , whit pessesa 1a vast a11tonut of poive' mind w ho is , to a grett extent , rg- silollslbio for taw proper observation of time Inw in his district. 'I'ho I'arisitus : , with ihuir usual c umtesy , lunke auotler district , not dowmm 011 taw city phut , its it is custuntnry for then to say , whcu speaking of it con plo whit tire living tor gotho without havimmg tepee the h ouhle or expense to go tlu'odgh Limo form n lm of a mmum'riage coreuony ; ' llousiuur mud Bhulaiui Xruakio in the lwummty-Iirst au rondissmuontVhuu tiny cue dies it is noeussnry for the persons interested , under suveru pot , nlties for non pcrfurntace , to ant ommcu proceed to tlto mnirie ma ore nflice ) with tyo.witnesscs nod to utako n decbm mtiuN of the dattb ; them time govornmmmett doctor is soul to time house altd n rigid inquily , soinowlllltslltlllar to a eoronur'S iiilltlost , is lniulo its to the entice of the death , when , if evorytiiillg is fotllul satisfactory - factory , it burial permit is granted nod the iutermuut takes place , usually witltimm .181mnurs from taw tiime of time decease , 'I'lerc is one lousing crostonm a11ulug Fremelunet ( \ , nhvn'snft timeir hunts to a pitasing funeral , and usually - ually stop muttl tlme lwarse leas pmtssed. Thu Puns cenoteries are by fur too small itud Limo dead mite , of Necessity , pocked like sardines imm a btx. Blauy schemes have been put forvnrd 1o meet the ditliculty , ineludilmg cruinittiou , mud time cremdiomm cd a necropolis at llotyaat'- Oiso , but time idct of burning in this world or in the Ilext mmieets with slit ht accuptuce , while time ritilwmty fu11eah also proved a fniluru , as time Pmlt'isimlits itossess a deeplyrooted semtiumemit Hutt respect of time i sgmditr uelhudox doscrip tiomm mast Ito shown to time dci 1. lIler1s are anise teutly , being mtnde by time immiimieipnl comicil Li. find Sites for eenetorics , old the ttsetssutn nn time subject tuts given ciao to 801110 nrgumeds of cluiriteter more novel titan grave. One member who ens anxious for a cemetery at Vin- tonnes reuurked tlutt "that 10(10 of l'uris was w'enldy defundol , nnul thntcuntoteries formed uxcollout fortifications ; ' ill proof of which ho said that "tut ( lie btttlu ; of Joie the must difliedt point to curry wits mho buryiimg gromd , which , to say time least , is tither an origimd aigimmw11t ] 11 fa"r of Imis plan , A ummmbur replied tlmtt "tile wiWtis of Iimcumltes must mint ho touched , hecrosu it is it fayor'to ' walk of the Puoplo ; " but another having ru Hpondeti that "they also walked in limo Buis do Iionlogmu , " hit replied : 'l'ust that is a wood far nristocrntn , and duos for yon Who f ( ) there tq shuts yourself oll' tut Limo ritCOS. ' A uegro rum 8 oml North Attlobnro to PCH4lllellCe , It , I . , titirteot nod n half males , without stopping , rceommtly , nut ! will , n $25 bet , EENZON & COLLIN REAL ESTATE AGENTS. 211 South Thirteenth st. Opp , Oumahn NaGoual Ilmulh. fut38,1(0,6thI , street. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . @ J.O 2 6 room hmi e , tut tAxNA , , huh street. . . . . . 1 0 0 Qc ; S ronllu hou.e , lot tAIZNO , loth street. . . . , 2 toil 411 room house , lot. S2ix0t,17thstreet. , , . , . 2oto 6I runehomebit82isI,1)tirns , strict „ I51st 7 e runt hanse , lit ( lax l2 , Muntaiat strict 1 81x ) HL.roomlunlselitYlx110,19thstreet : . ,2 300 ' 12 J duel hnonu o0 iwtsr l grunud , Case st , , , 216 mrlst65x2rohlifuroiaslrt ( t. . , . . . . . . , , . 1A0 IC Lut 4 mx122,10th street . 0 O(0 ( 17latexl32'l'entbntrot. . . , . . . . . . 5/lU0 / IS 2 story store bulldiug , lot 22x12 : , Douglas slnet. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 ( s0 10 3 room hooeo , lot 40x116 , 20th street . . , . 1 :10 : 20 5 r.son hoU.o on Iwucd grittnd , Cul"Iig i' stret. , . . . . , . . . . . 676 21 ft rooul house , lot Ultlill , IHth htrect , i Ix I 234ranlilhu11solotOl zltO,2ethhtrcet22114) 20 jujitsu a11d lit , 26at1Y1 , ( burles street. . . , 1114) 27 II iiI o aid lit , 181132 , Cs iitsl avenge 2 (814) 24 mlouse mud lot , :13z122 : , Culiforniu street. , 2 H A ) 3111nusuiuidlot , 1'mzlr2Dasmirtstreet : . 2 ( A0 sI 'tNU lot. , 11x125 wuh , Huuurtts street ; . . . 700 Nu 3Jhou.unudlotN.I9S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:80 : Nu. 2:1,1,441)x0 : uud lot tal : llurilla t tr. . , . . , , . 3r.x ) Nalit , huuuandlotN.13th8t. . . . . . . . . 2,710 farmIn land for Sale Houses For Rontl IIENXON ( C COLi4IN , tu we.1'sat ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' I'It01'0511LSJ + "TItCt'I'1' l1ItI N'J' ' IAG , ' 1AiE.n l'IiUI'0.9AIJ4 will lee rceelscd by the mart August It , 1893 , fur prhdhig of thu /egad / Notlccs of thu city' of Ot'Inha , fruui datu of contract to lhu end of thu . 'bent ilscal ytii rnding July 1,1494 , Huld olds shill hit aosinpaoilst by the oamusof the prjporoal surety oho , In the evunt of aw'ardlig , a contract , .5 Iii tuttlr into a 11,11(1 N'ittt the city of oualw for thu trio purfonuance of said foul. tor. 't'he city resents to a right to reject any and all hid. . Eui elopeeontalnbig said " . le rbllYshah l Io tnarku.l . " 1'roposab for ' legal NutlaYS ; cud addressed to time underelgrind. J , .1. to ( ' , JEWlTF. auk tO-Ot City Clerk. MAX MEYER& C01 , 1MPO1tTI ltS OF HAVANA CIGARS ! AND .1013BHI1S OF DOMESTIC I I J 1 l'ltOl'1tiFfO1tS OF THE FOLLOIVING CELEBRATED BRANDS : Reina Victorias , Bspeciales , Roses in 7 Sizes from $60 to $120 per 1000. e ANl'I'Ilh Fl1LLOWiNG LEADING FIVE CEN'I' CIGAi1S : Combination , Grapes , Progress , Nebraska , Wyoming and Brigands. WE DUPLICATE EASTERN PRICES. SEN1) FOit l'iLICE LIS'l' ANl ) SAMI'IES. l t , i ' 0' 1 0 9 1 0 CARPET SEASON .1 s JBDETW' ILER 1C , ubtvilusdthoattent0ou ; 0f thopublic ; to ] mi. j Large an e Selected Stock . -OF- IbJ W Embracing all the Late Patterns in everything in the Carpet Line , Matfllls I Oil Cloths IN LARGE QUANTITIES AND A'l' A'l'b : O-ttcark2 : r1C ® a-6ra LACE CURTAINS A SPECIALTY n t 'QT. ' 1313 Farnam Street , - - - Omaha , Neb. SALEM FLOUR. T"Is Flour I. made at Rabin , Itlelmnlsuu Car , Nehrnska , in the Ci ulbhlud huller Stone Syatorn , Ws give BXCidlSIVE sale of our flour to , ono nrun ht a place , lYe tiaoe tup Anita a hrartch at Lela Capitol av000e Onial1R write for l'rleot. Addreseither V EILeLN lX1 3 aRT PPY. n lDin&o Om ° Salem or Omaha , Mob. r 'Ill. IN-IIcI1D ; , MANUFALTUIIEIt OF I IronCornices YiDdo CapsfiniaIs1 Skylights deal Tldrtomlth Htruut Neb . I And . 7 . .1 uw .r s > ' * 1r % J . i-f rlya3 r iWY , . . C2 r en ; M i V 9 h 4 f s . . 1 Jewelers Tools an Materials. ALSO WES'I'LiLN A(1EN'TS F'OIl'J'IIE CELEBRATED ST9R TINTED SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES. Diamonds in all Qualities. RAILROAI ) WATCHES A 'SPECIALTY. ' fiord for.l'rleos . , Full Line of Silvurwnro aid .Jewehy tirade to order. Full line of Shout Bfusie , Eastern prices duplicated. Edhoim & Erickson 7c7-11O1SEL1e e B Te 1.8 the PHttti90 Ontalt Nebraska , r r'I I I 'I 1 f