a ( l i.t ll + DAILY La.i + .nIAT3 i + 'R , IDA Y AGU5 ( 1 i 18S3. r 4 - I TIlE Oi 111I-IA 13E1 1'utehe4 every morning ; cxrept Sundry. T1 only ltendy momtng dAlly , RRRe aT MAn. One ' . . . . . . . . . . Three nnnths . . . . .lQ' BIRltnnlhe. , . . . . 5.00 One 3Ionth. . . . . . . , . L , TnR wRRRLT IRA , I t' LIeTIRD FV RAT UDRFADAT. TRRU roTrAto. One . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Btx Months , 1,00 One Month. . . f. . . . Amedan Nowe Compny , Soled Agente Nowedel Pr. In the United Stales , NRARerOxnRRCr A Commnnlallons relating to News and idltorl rnAtlenebouldbeRIdraa.ett to the ErTOR or TI htL wAUAINRee LY1TRR.a. All nuslne i Lelteri And nemlttanree should ; ; .ddteAsed to TIIR n.R i'rel.leulxe CONrART , ONAIt hrattA , Chccke And t O tnmCe orders to he made pa blo to the order of the company , 8B BEE BUBLISIIING CO. , PROP. . E. ItOSEWATEf , Edttor. Iloatrs for liar worhingnicn is one r Oumlia's greatest needs. GOOD crops will not Bury autimonopol souttniomit in this Btito as sonic of the r publicnn uxchanges nssluue. SIXTE1kN per coif of the population rho United Stator arc doctors , and six ; per cent of the doctorn are quacks. Suvs1T : Cox still Labs up mud low orenely for the spenkership , but Sa. 1Clndall smiles sw cctly as lie glances ovr the latest ndviccs from the congrossion sent of tsar. TItE council is going through thu far of inviting proposals for thu legal adva tiling of the city. T1ii BEE will 1 again a bidder , just to niako the rogue showw their hand onto inure. I'ossibly w may ask the courts to Rat whothcr thu to payers have aiy rights , oven in such IItL10 matter. tvl call the attomitiou of the board c public works , rho city engineer anti tim city inapoetora to the fact that tllb grad ing contractors on Thirteenth and Sit toonth streets are soiling dirt tu'privnt psrtioB along rho line of tltu grade. On Sixteontlt atreet between , f uekao and Leavenworth , two teams are engage ht filling in a lot belonging to one of ou nterclants. Thu dirt belongs to the cit and the contractors are paid 18 cents ytird to carry it to the portions of tli streeta specified by the city engineD Iast year the city was obliged to pm chase earths for street filling at a cost ( 10 cents a yard. The contracts for ti preaont grading are let el the expre condition that the dirt belongs to ti city. Every yard Bold to private part is delibcrntorobbery. On Thirteenth street several teams r also enployod in carting city earth frc the street and filling in privy e lots which front on LI street The Thirteenth street contra wax lot at 16 cents n yard. By Relli time dirt to private phrtiei anti robhi time city the contractors hope to not themselves oven \Ve call upon the hoard of pnh workB to take prompt stops to put a at to tltia thievery. On the Lasts of t grades already establiahed , the city w need every yard of dirt which it n owns. To complete the necessary fill it muat , in the future , lie a heavy pm chaser of earth , limit meantime timosu our ofliciala who arc not in cnlluainu w the contractors must see to it that I city is not lobbed by the aeon whom pays to perform its work. 'rho ceitrn era tnuat stick to their contracts uvun a leas or they must go. And their hoe men cut ; be hold linblu for every doll ) worth of loss to the city. 11Ia. TEEi.tat is absent from (110 cnpi but the attorn.ya of the Southern I'nc arc laboring hard \Vnshingtolm der his ubaeice to complete tltuir case , soh calls for time turuiug over of the forfui land grant of tic T'oxna Pacific to 1 Iiuntingtou's company , It remnainlt b'o soon whether this tmtguiticunt dons i of 22,000,000 ncrei of government Ii in Now liluxico , Arizeua amid South California Ia to be wantonly sacrilice corporate rapacity. Time gnat hover earned by the Texas Pacific , wl aaeceaaor the Southern I'ncifiu prupt to be. Thu act of congress which autl laud the grant , made it cotditiomual u the coimatructiot of a rood from n p m 1'exruu t0 6un Diego , California. a mile of road outside of 'r'uxas scat Ii by the Texlla Pacific , 1111(1 they there forfeited usury sluldow of rigimt to pas aiuu of thu grout new elnitued by Southern Pacific. fhe San Franc Cbronlclc rocalla that it. . was t after au hnluite aiuolnt lobbyini tluit Toni Sc ( ageta succeeded in fors tlme 111W1stirO through comgreas , Ate Btago of their ollbrts they score act n powerful mind corrupt lobby. , hcndui 0. P. Huntington in pumaem , who tlnnptud by every umeaus in their pete to head oil the 'I'oxas S 1'aciikf. chief argumnett used by lfuntington leis etrikuni wills that time Sotmthorn 1'11 was actively pnslling through its a without muiking for aid , and that cong would thorefor not he jtmatitiud in gi away subaidioa of laud or loanimig credit to any road. 'Ple'Poxaa tC Company baimud its chdtn fur 111(1 Omi fact that it would bu a rtvnl road to Centiti Pucifiu ay'atei ammd it wns on strength of this claim timat time chair of the hOlmZU eemmittue , hating UI r consideration mettturea affecting ti , ( contimieitalroada , roc mnwndud the w sage of the llll. How , in the fact these facie , hIuntington can have th ' euranco to a.k for lands which wore n r ; , camel by Iho Ilosses It. Isucaie road , which could Only have Leon earned building a rival road to 1tiB , Jwslmus wnnprohenston. II bus data fs over stied to the public mnaY doImend u1t that the otlei.al. Wile acknowledge claim have boon bought body and by the monopoly , 7'111 ; nolt'J.'R tUU.1'IL. Thus pePor is in the habit Of caking I spade a spade 811(1 a rogue a rogue. .tat when it calla a tiian n rogue it means jua what it says , nolliing IIle1'0 and nolhin less.Vlmon Dr. Ctmslting dined time cit. ; council emi their stayy to lftmrlingtoii , Lure years ago , nud time council on their re turn undertook to pcrpctunto a bare faced swindle upon our tax payers this paper did not mince rant tors. It denounced llascall n a rascal and Icatftiiat no better tha line"11. It went further timan that. A the risk of losing time city printing whfc had beemm virtually awarded to it at timn time , it boldly took time jabber by Limo throat nod mie cr lot g its hold until they wore routed , horac font 811(1 dragoons , It was till cigll month's ' fight beginning to time council continuing through time courts amid ( mall , Biding , u the eolnpletu overthrow of tim rogues at time polls. Of c'Iiirso Ton III : lost the priutiiig , but it rutnined Limo html lie confidence amid saved time city ao err hundred thousand dollnra. Tim council three years ago was a dim gnaw to the city but it only umidertoo one big job in defiance of dccmtcy mm public prateat. Time present cotmc started out with very fair promiac am tunes out n good deal wo au timau tim council of tltrco years ago that was lcicke Our for its rascality. It ian'L contctmtwit 0110 big job but it begets little and bi steals at every meeting , \Vhomi time 118E in the iutorost of tit property owners and tax Payers d ( nounccd time sandstone contract as n frau mid expressly charged slat it cm estd lisp to dny that a tltousaimd dollars ha boots offered to at least one commmmcilnman support that job , we knew well emioug that time rogues with lfmtacnllnt thoirimea amid ICnufinan at their tail wed swindle time tax payers by refum big to award us time printimm \Vo knew timnt no matter how low our hi svould be they would vent their puraoiu spite by refusing to award it. To elmo then up in their true light we male n hi 60 Per cont. below time Itcliublfcan nu considerably lower than the little diahrn tlmat is being circulated in our , ntreuta t a miowspaper. It turned out as we o ; pelted. The council rejected the bid r TilE BEV without giving any rensc amd awarded time regiatrntion limits at irroaponaiblu and readorloss conce that hall run barely aix weeks , at thrl cents per line , for which the ilea nod its bid could only charge lj cents p line. Thin is not mdy petit larcem againat the tax payore , but it shows svli amall pattern picklOCkOts we have in tl council. It is not n very aurprising fc that the itaam fellows who voted for sae atomic voted for this little printing frau Timis was nmureiy spite work. T business end of time rogues irm council lm attended faithfully to muatturs of mo profit. 'limo manner and methods 1 'wlmialt ' contracts wore hold back amid co I tractonl sure bulldozed shown plainly I eta face what these fellows are afh Coupled with this the ' taki l away of ( Ito im'ipcctora free t control of time board ; public works rand their nppuintnemt . the tiotyor amid council given n cue f what is to ho dec. 'flue miayor Minis 1 has hecenu it immure puppet of IIaacr ) Ito can't take a atop or breathe withc t IInac.'lPa purmiasion , because linsc . and ICmaufnia11 bast him by lhu tltro t while tlc ) ' sin awinging tlu' dumb of i peitclunont over his head. Thu prosih s of time coumicil , IInke , has bucouno n m stool pigeon of tic snnmu ring , and Ilaasimia in Limo chair are diehatod by t 9 chief of tun rogues. Ileucoforth and i C til tic 1)001)10 kick time rogues out o g mimoro , our Public werlca will Iaflord n Ii It for spoils , and c0utlnclors still lmavo d bu paid extravagant prices for p ' work. 0 lnajatd of n Murchnnts' l'olico time t II pil'e's must organize a comb .ittoo d safety , as wpm done in Philadelphia a U Sat Francisco , ivimuru rogues wore 0 charge of the municipal maelminu , A Is imidictnuuta of time public thieves we w luiv. a Very wholesomite effect , s - - - - I' UA(7IWUNJA'I ) FI.Itti ml The stonily decline of all spuelhnt mt eucurities anti time flurry which Imes J ) t vnilod omi\Vnll street for time peat tii It dnya have aroused fears of a pens ru p0miio in Rnmu quatut's which tied tl K. exprussion in suserd of mu exciuumi m ! t is reummbered that time break iii w ateck Iiinrket in 1873 amid the failure ly Jay Cm ku t Co , procipitdud the g. of Paulo which begnm in that year aid iii 's of the conditions which procuded mg grunt doprussion of tun years ego seen ry be ouu prusont 'Plmre is n general f ) y ing that railroad construction him , y vuucod too rapidly , tlud , iuuucmisu quill t tics of floating capital havu bcoti r sorbediim no11 producttve omterprlsea IC that the printing presses have turned mil too melt plmpur fn the form of stocks lie bonds for thu good of time country , ' ' ul n guuernl decline in the pricea of stn as and congilnimits of tlullnoss frond all mg commicrciul cantors dean who look to at surfmice indicntiuns mire nntul fie almromud 8t the h1m apoet mumd Predict uu approach of unotimer panic , mu ' ! wore mire u0 grounds for audh fe lac Time country was ripe for patiiu fn t nn and it cnmu as time niltural conaequl ur of at inllutiun which , taking its moo Is. time currency Of tic eouutry' , extomulel lay to eery line of buafnusa , 'Time of Cooke failure pricked time bubble , au IB collupsud ; std six years score nueus or to bring values to their nornnl it mid Since that tiiau we have planted by selves on the solid bads of a sound ill buoy , There has boon , no doubt , o me Proauetion in several lines of mudue it aid a great dual of wild spoeulatiom Ic etoeke , For nearly a year plant we I ul soar trade adjusting itself to thou clime conditions. Values lmnvo beon'oguali production cut down , and credits cur tnki until liotio i prices have heel touched in overylhing limit speculative se curities. Evemm oil time stock market watered securities have been Imammmnor0I down fmftecm per cent below , ttim list of last year. Severn lines of 'stock lmato' ' ) cell kop up only by the strenuous uxertiou of great capitalists. Time props have li tinily ) con withdrawn with time result o n flurry on Wall street , three or four fail mires on , 'Clmange , and a great friglm among investors who were foolish enough to stake their capital on ( ho propositio ; that lithograplms were as good as gold , au that water furnishes n sound basis fu dividemida. There is no reason for Lho belief that a panic is nppronchtug. All ropnrts afire in pronouncing time tone of trade Imealtltl 'fie banka are secure , and returns from time harvests will shortly be flowing in golden stronm througlm tlto cotumtty 'Prndo iota bcel taught a lesson durimi time past year , and it has profited by it It will take aonmuthing moro tlmnn tim Imowls of n few ( liacommllite(1 apccnlntors i Wnll street to precipitate n panic upo the country 1mi its presort condition. A rw : sviceka ago it was stamidntorme an new it fa Rand that troubles some timer bars of time city council who are iutereate in sulling that article to contractora from thuir private sandbanks. Ono city ii speetor is said Lu leave been relieved from lily poaitiolm emi itcconnt of Imis refusal I accept nu inferior gtudity of stunt ngaiul tune interests of n coummcilmnn'a pocket. Iv the Buffalo comity plan ii , to bu fu iUWCt ( tlmrouglmout the state , the railron strikers is Nebraska many as well at oat adopt lilr. 1)ann'a war cry , "Time republ call party must go , " 'Vvosttso water does not agree wit time prosidemmtinl party. It is safe to so Lhat voly few oxporimiments svith\Vyrmmiii water wore tried on time trip. A poor e.1 cuao is bettor than note , Ilow Iho Itallot Is Casl tim Iho 1)ontll Ion. Consular Ilullctiu Gemmoral election days appear like Sum day , All plaee5 selling intoxicatir drinks arc closed. Time law on this ml ject is very stringent. Any porac vivlnti11g it is fiuud imeavil and ado ; attaitiud Any person who has time age 21 years , red ha s an iucomo of $4001 n city , $30 in n town , $200 in a wiling amid $200 in a township tummy vote , pr vided lie is a Brmtisii subject. Any po soil , moaning a male , owning proper in one or utore election districts , can so Ju eachm district in which his property located , provided it numounts to the ligu in othhe of the places named above. ' 1'1 noting is by ballot , amcl only emu voter allowed iii thu poll at a tutu. 'I'ho I turuiug oflicur is supposed to lea' time tickets pnntd with t1 nancs of time op posing candidat thereo11/ wino l each of ti deputies with time ntmiber required their respoctivu poles on the morning electier , Tliu tickets uunnborcd by t ; deputy retutming ofileer w'lio , its ea voter presents himself , init is the ticks lands it to time feted , meta procecda I nnathor etlixea time mark requirosl by lr f oposite the mim emu of the candidate of 1 r choice , returns to the pole , Lauds t ticket to the rcturmimig utlicer , wlmo c f numiuca it 011 time outside to see that 1 I initials are there , places it in time lox ni time process is coamplutu. Thu c mmdidn L has nothing to de with the ticket or thi proparatiou , lndccd , it is imnltwftd ti I he should. Encit caudtdato crust depo , $200 with time pruiwr authfrity before , cnmi bu rucognuzud ne such. This sr is roturmcd mil each ease shodd the t feared cnudidnto receive immure that o 0 half of all the voles polled , if not , tit a time successful c mmdidate m deposit is ) turned , Constituencies are snual Jn Ct ado compared with time United Stat mein naluritics are fi'cgnemtly as low 0 one , two Or three , ' 1'wu or thrcu hi 1 drum is cousidorod a large nmajority 0 must olectorial districta. lu this cone 1 tion , rued ill comclusien ) , it nmay ho pro ; lu add that the province of Quuboe is 1 pivotal province as to represeitaiotns the dotutnoml hoitau of ceuumona. It ha if fixed representation of Ofi imonibers , a d time representation of ( lie other prey Cos is iii proportion to limo miumiibem it their respective populations , as thu nu c her of 116 boars to the populutiom d Quebec. This is duturumined nod adjus decennially. 1'Inanolat 1'rospects , 'u Noty VurkTunos. ) TImuye have bunt some ripples of 1 on time surface of financial rmd coma Ii cial atlkirs which cleat mm sliglmt fnuliut o unummaiuuss , but give no real cause it alnrnr , 9'liu uulin funtut'rs of time sit s , thin lava beet time trouble with t me In eking iuatitutiona of St Albans a of two ethers at ladinminpolis , time auap eiumi of n nunmbur of leather liras uI 1i at toil , a modurntu inereasu in to a retort 1y cunumureinl failures and am umisuttled c mu diliomi in time stock marlmt. ' 1'Ic to Albans di0ic lty was n local atlitir , bank and Lust conpury ; imol has'imig brought it upon thensu d through their connection with Brad ti. ihnrlusv's Soutllcasturn raitroad a peci b' tious , it has no nmenid with refoo ' to thin general situation , ' 1'Imu Indio mil Iona 1611 trouble wrss rum nftur elil tit time failures comineeteti with the ree 1i wild speculntiuna iii lad amid park tim Chicago. In both those cases thu ct tlists most intiumtuly concerned es cmigagod in stnigiltunirmg out ntlhirs , s lie a fair preepuct of success , Time lent iy faibnus were ii belated amid comisequum it. inteiisitiud iuoideitt of over t'ndiug i slietinl line , amid if time basks of Jim hu uscgw emba rmssueut in consoquuncl Liiunm they aeu not likely to have nay ; si , eitl effect. 'Phu other fitilnres , u'1 It have bceu uxceptuually nminlooue , I not uxcopttunnlly lurgu , aeu 'probably ' c lesult of n mroeuas of lit uitlmtio11 wl in lass loco 6in ( b Oil for a y'oar Or two , ' production and uve'trac U. 'Time over w'imiclt oiiutlicali' force a reaction nn ? iruceae of liquidation in which the aver it ; giro w'n wore iii famed , a nun I'y of tutu nu tsv0 } aura ago , Thu acti ii. ' fu railroad builtftn g in 1881 mumd time ) m $ of 1882 nbsurbud n lure amimun l funds and atiitmuhitud not utiY the I . 1. busineai but to some extent other iur 1' tries , 'lime uuhoaltliy 1nmis on which y , iron nod stool tnulo huts long rustel n imm any comisidornbie ; fnllftmg otl um thu iliand for its prcMluch necessarily did ra truua , 1 ho cussatioi of activity tit mi d road cuiatructioh caused such n d , lug elf , amid there waa trouble at t for time rolling mills , and time general sympathies of trieq mad time effect widely felt. The tam apecudnliv'o movement wlmich incited rail road building two years ago caused ovem production and uvortrading in other d rections. 4th a matter of fact , we hm been going through time consequent rent tion far at least n year , but favorabl crops and time recimpurativo posver of tim country have pruventotl it froth Lein violent , Of late tlmere Imas been littl speculative activity , amid the process c ruaction may be regarded as subshntin ly completed , 0 utstimtling indohtodnem is not Inrgo , amid trade and prices mire o aim lintiaufllly oral basis at tteseimt. the The crop 1rostmeets , of Proseit yen mire especially reassuring. Already tim railrod eariii s of time Nortlmweat or showing n substantial increase , not emil over the reties recci It of the preset tire pondimi over year but those of corres Dried n year ago. Time movement late but yit gives i Ironmise of n health current s'o ' Good cro ; ) s nma gemieral proa Grit' for tlmia count , Tim railroads are time first to fuel time dice lint ; , general trade vury aoei sharen in i While our lina11cinl condition would 1 very critical score it not for time promim of time crops , there is everyy pruslioet tba they sv'ill tidu us over the pe mis of d pression. Thu ups mmd downs of Limo stock mnrkl and time raid emi time Cnuld and tlmeVillam immtorests } m1'e nn necessary cominuctin with to a production and trallic on svhic the of the eommtry depeul No ( oubt time geucrml cemdition of tl markut amid time opportunities of t } s ) eelllmltora dupetmd iii soamo nmeasure c time snnu causes which nfl'oct other into eats ; ml'ltt stocks , iiktl evcry'tmiml , cia lmvo been working dusvn free umthmtt figures , limit at time nanme tire the prr jnets amid risks of lime great operators n1 imi a mimeasuru indcpeudemt of the indu trial nod commercial situation , and them furnish the cimief opportunities for ti tussles of bulls and bears on Broad Btroe 1Vitlm umonoy plenty mud obtainable c easy tornma , and pleuttful crops juat b gmmng to make their way to market , Li alight disturbances of time last two weal give mio occasion for geuural uticaainca immclt less for alarm or ptumic. TI11i CATTfiE BUSINESS. Cnnc'nlratlon ofCapltal-itanchcld : oootO Acre ( + . Chayemmo Letter to 1'Iiiladolphia Press. 0nu timing is plain ; time method forming conmoiuatieia mind cniisolidatim separate intreats into a few hnnds wlmi hiss ccharacterized railroad amid ummufn Luring interests has taken nlimoat e tire possession of time stock business he Sinew the opening of ( ho season time hum bur of r mieimes sold nut to a few powe ful buyers is ostiummted at over 2C Suclm great corporations as time Swi Bros. , Gilclmrist & 'Windsor , Rand & CI amid the Posvder River Cattle conipa have absorbed a great nmamy rmmeh ( scull of which lave been regarded very large amid prosporous. Foreign en its is largely cmiccrucd in those tram furs. For imist imcu , it is well known ti Mr. Swan , of time congpaiy first nom above , iota been but tuumporary 11mamag for n ayudicato possessing mianmexae ca'a ' till , resident Lim 1'diuburg ; , wliiclt has pm chased all Limo Swami Bros. ' cattle for $ 600,000. The Powder River conga as scull , with mi capital 1300,000 ; , huts a directory coumpoacd the duke of Mnmichcstor , Lord Nevil Messrs , Sartoris and Kemp , and ot1 Englishmnen of wealth. These peoi have paid } 60 per cent nmro for tim cattle than tlmoy would .lave boon ask 12 months since. Tlmemi 1 saw but tine other day a gent tear returning through hero fr Laranie svho , I 'urns iufornmed , rep Betted q largo nccrotiomi of capital in 1 oust. h e Imad been to the Cheyir amid Arrapahou agency , hid ' territory , and pureimaed from time Ch unmil mmd Arrapahoo Indicts 500 , ( ncrea of grass land free each , within i privilege of femcimig. He seas in so datilit nbommt iuterfurcnce fromit time g ernnteiit , ns time leases } mnvo yet to ho proved by time secretary of time inter bcfaeo they can be acted upon , but a if ill welt anmootitly time m mmcli buildii would be put up at onto. IIo chin that time fund nt presort swiss vnluelesn ' the hnlinus , and hia purchase svould g I almost every Indian i11habitamt of reset'vmtiou mum a11nnnl iucomo 0f I apiece , kwon snbile I nut writing I m m infori authoritatively by n friend of time Ss' ' Bros. , whom I montiuncd just now I having sold out to the wealthy coulpa m from Edinburg and Dumlec , Scotia l that they , time brothers , hove foruted Siwami Land mural Cattle comapammy , in wh f Chicago nod 1llilsvaukeu ca ntal is dnr g interested , q'hei there are t11e SLit I art Stock compaty in North Clmcyen 1 with n capita of at least $660,000 ; I't II : ; Farris , nn time North Phil worth about the snare or uu Limo cotmpaily past fel'umcml at the } lead Ruunumg SVater , in 1Vyonmimig , ivitlm imumouau capitd , mid , fimmally , time tm u can Lnud 011(1 Cattle syndicate , orgaumi ; only a cuuplo of numtlms ago tit Brim City. t' 'lime latter is miow' fast eutupluting I details of its oganiirtion , same of w ) U will make trouble itm time eattlu basin or 1 nut mistaken , It is n eoncemttat I . of capital of great sttongth , and n I. at time exclusive control of in domains in time soutinsesten to tories. It swill have branch ollicca 1 . New York mind Leulon its w ell as Te C Its ticmimburshi1p , umu0borimmJr at prom tbommt 30 includes sotiitt of time wenltlm a Amen , land nod cattle olvmiors Ju Kum y' City , ] loth. thu United States seal I flvnn Ica11sas nod time governor of u state are mimeubues. I' In time far Boutlnvuat it is just If sonic. The largest truisaetiumis iii ca it uror male iii this eumnmtry , barring m n have just been mimdu fmi Fort Worth m' llniaosvillo , 'Texas , nggrugatiitg 'O $2,300,0)0 ) , lint I omit not nttu0 i1 iu" to print a c tulo 'm't 3y to show a tun. , ) t And it is the nmust natural tin mm time world , " 1Wlmt'B ' time use of our au , f timeliest" naked a drover , with the ai a glmestiunor into call nllawer his chi m. drums best lmiumsuif ' It costs but lit l Inntu to pioteet a largo lot of cattle t it it does n little ouu ; 600 Iced will mica Ile in grtzing as far na 10,000 Yun've to ham o about mil umny' horses aid tiles mend b0 s for time tnmmd u I p mg br.mdiug , ' 1' morn's no lirop0etiomi nt mu in thu profits , " u ar Great construnhou limun bceu a ly aionod in Iiluxtc0 by to a proposnl I Bt gonunl divorce lasv , It is looked e of as a bloww at thu Catholic church , Iu 'l'ime atturnuy gutcrl of Now fork 11f time trial of Selator L , li. Scssiomis le bribery in time senatorial election o yamtra 8g0 will surely commie off this fail s 'Thu Paumanta eual will pay Colmu' ' il. gusentumunt $80,00 } a your for a ix force of $00 coon stationed aluug time cu of time canal. STAT1 ; JorrINGS. lnsgl City has c'p mtrneted for aIWAtscholt hnuso. The bridge across the Blue near 1Vyrtuue I completed. Fred Day , at lluinphrey , nccidontallykIiIei ldurscif with a pietol. litforL , are lcing rondo t , Cetnhllsil n feral tore factory at. Culumimbus. I'lattsmmrtlis city council boa lot the can tract for grading ltnin greet , .l cotigmmry has been organized itt Fremiu t with n t"vital of 820,000 to mntndncturo g > N Ahmn is chippln g in for the construction c an opera house of urge size nmmd approved pat tern. Sixtq.four houses are wanted at Neimon Nuckulls county , to house the sngllus i opuln dun. dun.The The l'latto anmty fair will be held a Coiuttmbua , September 18th , 19th , 20th not " - 1st. ' candidates are " 1mm tire lmamrl of their friends" for six ollicca ht Shermm county , The iLaaseagers on time train wlmich killer Fox nt.tsldaad raiacd ru panne of $ l2O and son it G , the sviduw. The campaign in the crmnttes of tire state i getting warn , and Limo mcsvepa'hers moo mdroad ; among tire nlnuttes tim the sha(10. ltrogg's Island in time Jtlcsouri , near Platts nmoatlr , i)1 , mucurdiag to ' 1'ha 1Lerdd ; , time shoo the eumhlg lluni .1litchull mciee , It h oxpcctod trnins will be rmnudttg on th Tecemseh hue of the B , k JI , , butw'cou Ne braska City tmd liadrica , by ; cutcumhcr 1 , 'limo order to remote Bottlers from the Mc I'liersom rescrvlittnu Las bemm auspeudod thruugll the efforts of Scuttor 1lnndcrsem , uu mil October , Time Nebraska City Nowa toys the crop o apples this troll hm Otou cmmnty will be mucl larger , tlnn Instycar , and the apples are almus whully free frumu blumiIisim. Thu boys who burglarized a store In 1lad 1)1all last week were detected amid time guudi nbuntit ssorth , were recovered. Thu boy for aurae reason , wcro not arrested , ' 1'Ite mmunl campaneetiug of the lfethodia church of north Nelraaka slit bo held tin tie old gruuuds , Ipso mimiles south of St. James , i. Ccdur county , begluiimmg an the 23d inst. , nro watinuhmg tom days. l'caruey tc agitating n rauraad froum tit aotmtlm , m itL a meeting Imi beerm held to see whn iuduwnlents wore necessary to coax time B. M. It w"v also decided to lint the brldg over tire I'latto in passable cundltiatu Riclrardsoa has been officiated , according t time Scuthmol , of Ilunmbnldt , witlm n "confesso forger and thief , " tuunod A. F foul , who us } merctofore escaped punishncmt Ito hmas iw skipped with n youag wife meld $2500 , the pn coeds of 300 hogs stolmm from farmers , At North Bond , on time night of the 13th three masked men outerod the lumber chfico t C. Cusack amid conglolled a clerk who we sleopimig there to open time safe , which 'time rifled of $100 in cosh , n gold wntelm mmd rove ver. They then gagged amid bound time cler and departed. A 3Tr. V. Clarmo started out trot Doniphan the other day with a twumd and half of powder , some shot and a box 1 umatcbea in a box on time buggy seat. B dropped his piiio into the box mid soon afti was Iandod of the road skin , minus n porttc of ono hand and the tat of iris thigh. 'lro l t and buggy seat diaappenrod J , C , Thompson , editor of time llrowitvil liepuhlican , two weeks ago published corn thing about the town clatudn bg the laziest ma lu thu state. After tlmhmkiug it over for n for night , Tom Emibright decided that it menu biro cord mi Thursday struck the editor iris ua time noco. Time pnste brtnh artist thcreupc kuockcd Tons through a window null pmmdr him good. Tim 'l'abhoIlockArgus , inn glmviurevie of time past privntiommc , prescmt pnsporty , , an the uatui o Imriapects of 1'mvmmee cvuuty , d dares : " "iVheme " time hmmdfmd of piuacers in . tbofoualatiunisnowtobefrauulnpopulattr of tmearly ten thomismid souls , possessed 75,000 acres of cultivated land , niue tamths . which is is n high state of irnprovemon m rcachiog in vah o aver anailirnmdollars.Vhe i is the early day bulfalos , deer nail antelo were the solo damizons of time plains , n total 01,000 Mead of denesticated mmtnal.i i3 no ' found , aggregating in value over a million to I a quarter of dollars , 1Vlmeru at first was to 1 r fommd time rude store , grnes grnwa streets m l vacaut.eorncr 1(11)1 of the embryo cities , a new to be found beauthful towns amid villas tvoll populated with ram cntorprb ing and Gui fearing pomplo. " i BANGS' IISAPI'OINTJILNq' ' , 1 'L'lte Jlyitcm'y of a Jiunoy limoou. D Time brief honevmoon of F. C , Bang o the actor , though time subject of curio e and lively gossip in theatrical circles , so far free from auch scandalous circa stances as have attended time public airil r of time drauatic affairs of mnany stage pe 1 plo this year. Time affair is , howevc s Peculiarly caleulrtte(1 to excite 1)urr1 l nttoutiet , aid iii sane respects to mines o Mr. Bangs is 48 years old. and was sue o tosed to 1)0 mu contented amid dooru u bachelor , when he sudden ; arried D time hitter 1null of Jtumo , A Simi g Lagrovu , it daughter of Singer the se l ing maehinu nmmt , time inheritor of a tar , a prolpety front him , std an unsuecesaf s Imspmrant for theatrical glory under t V nano of Agnes Leotmnrd , Time story to , by Mr. Bangs' friemis is tlmat alto fell o lee with hiiu a few umomnths ago up It seeing lmiut play Chntcau.Reaud . I lute Gorscmut Brothers , std so I hits a unto bcggimig him to call upon h ( I , lie did so after cemil hesitation a1 , t 50011 lost his bachelor head , I , not his heart , for the good looking Ml i ; Lagrovo did not hesitate to show. 1t d love. 'Very suomi nho askedi him to unr ) n her , 011(1 he consented , beiub iumpoll i thereto probably by lmer promimiso , to gi d Mira $7000 with ss'hicln to piy oil t is debts acquired by an nniprospero "starring' tour , Thu mnrrtngo was 0 rather potigpuus afihir , henry 'Vu h Becclmur perfurmicd time curemmmy , std I , ties followed by n series of elaborate m 11 coptioms iii various cities. But 1d to ] lungs clnims to have made soma d l covery which shocked hinm , and withit i week l0 had loft leis bride amid taken u his bachelor life wlioe lie turd ink ! it o s 1Vhnt this discovot'y was is 11ot stunt it Hits , Bmmgs has bceu nutrridd omice l it foresoiutu 10 years ago to a F'remmclun ma nmiomed Lagrov'e , and lie , too , luft 1i rim vrillmin a ireok. It is mdy witimiu a yt e tlmnt tire huts obtaimed a divorce , d Bangs declines to furnish nay ground f o a dnvrcc , multi time presort suit broug to by his wife iii to recover rartof time $7O ( svhicll situ says svmts a loan mind not n gi l llressod mumi ( c rumor l rccemmt discovery of hoof at Scrmmtou , P i , nlivu with nnimnmmlcuhu tcius n trick of t I live stock shippers to hurt their busine q ijws " ' I avf g1 , 'gRmr ' . r ' ' it iW4A a THE GREAT m LQSAN RE4E ! or SCiatIc ro Rheumatism , lumbago , Backache , Ileadactie , Toethiche , SOr.Tl' r11M1Sw r91 n g .tip ram u. . Ili ulse 1'a I1ur , , . , NruAs. . Ilhr. , ARD ILL 01111,1 IlcamLr 11mmtlao Ilmlts d0 a.14LJnroI.t..d11.411nur e.nminrCati mIll . , IItrtl.u mu II Ill Tllx CIIA1tl.i. A. t'OUmLNII ( 'IL W , w,4A.tYJAita&cum pail.n.AJ.,1,8m , H , WESTER1 I A NN&C0 , 1 1)11'OIiTEiSS Or QUEENSWARE ! China an Glass , 608 WASHINGTON AVENUE AND 609 ST. STREET St. Louis , Mo. m4t 3m Dry Goods ! SA1VJI'L ' CO. , t Waslllfgfon Avenue and Eiffh Street , - - - ST. LOU/S M0 , STEELS JOHNSON & CO , Wholesale Grocers ! r AND JO111ii tin IS r FLOUR , SALT , SUGARS CANNED GOOI ( , ND ALL GROCERS' ' SUPPLIES ] A FULL LINE OF THE BEST BRANDS OF Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco. AGENTS FOR BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & RAND POWDER CO J , A. . WAKEFIELD WIIOLFSALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Slig1es Piokeig , Ii , , " SASIi I BOORS , BLIND 11OULDING1 LIME CEMENT PLASTER &C STATE AGENT FOR MILWAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY. , Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA , NEB C. F ; GOODMAN , . y f , Druggist1 r AND DEALER IN Pllts , c. . ifiass s OMAHA , NEBRASKA. J ' ' ' 'y ' DEALERS IN ' Hall's Safes an Lock emI I FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF PROOF&o : " 1020 Fareeam f51trci-t. Omiihn. HENRY LEHMANN JOBBER OF 3 t Sliaes. I EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED , t 1118 FARNAM STREET , OMAHA NEB , M. HELLMAN & CO. , Wholesale Clothiers ! I 1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREET , CUR. 13TH , OMAHA , NEBRASK , . Anheuser-E3usch # 0L Mq BREVING ( ASSOCIATION ' I , 'j\ \ CELEBRATED p al , : ' : T 6Ce and bottled deer ' t ) + ey' Timis Eacollunt BCer spealka for itself , p \ . . p G. ORDI.1Lb FROM ANY TART 01 r THE ; , l' ; . . . , ER I BUSC H BR EW . c STATE OR , I e Ill. ENTIRE WEST , t ttoulsr. Will be Promptly Shipped. ' ALL OUR GOODS ARE MADE TO THE STANDARD ® f ® Ll , r . r yam . t e e > A GEOIGE NENNING Sale .A Ciit for Oaaha and time W'c9t. Office Cornet 13th and Hlirmey Streets. SPECIAL NOTICE TO Grower of Live Stock and Others. WE CALL YOUIL ATTENTION TO Our CroundOil Caket It h the lest alum cheapeet food for .dock of any kind. One pound ii equal to throe pounds of corn , Stock fed with Ground OU Cake in the ) aU and Winter , Instead of running down x la Ineresse In weigh , add he In goad marketable condition in the spring. Ikdrymen , la' mi ae uthero. who use It can tetllj Its merlte , Try IL sad Judge fur yoanabos price tY5.00 er ton uo rJmarge tor eaeke Address . ' , o4 eod.me ss OOD fAN h1NShU ) : , 1L CU)11'ANYOmahA