Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 17, 1883, Page 3, Image 3

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TIlE DAILY BEE---F1IlAY AUGUST 17 , 1883. 3
rlu : IYO ( nash' National Bank
. OF OMAhA , EI3.
atd Up Capttal - - D)250,000
Surplus Fund , IIay 1 18S3 25,000
S U , JOhNSON , l'rtIdent , of Stete , Johion & Co
A. F TOU7AL1N , Vkc 1'eIt1nt , of floton.
: : v. V. MoItS ) : , ot V. V. Moro Co.
' % JOhN S. COLLINS , of Cl IL & J. S. CollIns.
' J. M. WOOLWORTh , Connot Mi1 Attorney it lAw.
1 _ . . S. ItEED , of flyron Ileed & Co.
\Y. YATIS , CMIerformny ) ycar CaMcr of the
Firot N&tonftl flanI of Omaha.
.rhL hank opened for tuIncs Alfll 27 , ISS ! .
dIrcctor ant ttockhollcN are Rmong the lead.
buolneos of Omaha , and It buslnM S conducted
epecla ) rcfcrcnco to the best nd Increalng In
r of It mereantilo patron.
ectten reccivo prompt attonUon &nd ch&rgeo
obtaInable here or eIseiere. )
Interest allowed on time depot UpOfl favorable
and upon nccount of bank5 nnd'batkerv.
Foreign Schangc , Government lIond , and County.
City $ ecurltle8 bought nd okt.
I , . W. Rodefor , Broker ,
Stocks , llond , Commercial l'apcr and all other
od ccurftIe dealt IiiI
Iuom 4 , No. 2S I'earl St. , CouncIl ll1ulT , Ia
NEv YOhK , August 1t.
Mom3y--EA.sier flt 23 per cent ; CIOCl at
, & per cent. .
l'rirno Mercautilo 1'aler-t@Gj ! 1cr cent.
Sterling 1xc1iango-13attkcr ' bflls heavy ,
at. $4.82 ; ticinand , $1.80.
Uovcnitiient.qFinn. .
Stocks-Broker are in excellent qr1t over
the trciigtlt liovii by the leading stocks ,
. I _ which have beelL violently a.srnitetl during the
, , - . last few ( lay8. Tim early advance of the 1rie
. . to 81 , \Vestern Union to 74k , of Northern
' ' l'aciflc to l4. , anti of Oregon & Trans.Couti.
\ neiital to G ( ; & is roardctl a an
t either that the public is beginning to buy free.
I ' 'Y ' or that the heavy holders of btock are do.
I terinlued to sustain the market. A. report
SVft8 circulated to the effect that Jay Gould ,
henry F. Smith and Vandorbilt' on had
.i formed an alhianco for the Pl1P0SO of Rending
: ; UI ) tocks. Thu stock market on the whole today -
day presciitcd a more natural and hiozilthful
npearnnce. TIm advance at the opCIling Was
. t caused largely by covering of RhortR. After
thii abated and the usual reaction from such
' immediate doiiianth had been experienced , the
market became comlarattvcly dull , anl froiii
this was revived by buying orders , not tniiy of
. local , but. froiii various parth of the country
, anil fioni Europe , hatter chiefly from Ainster.
! ilain and Fraiikfort.Vhieu the Vestern
Union as selling at the lowest point , brokers
credited vithi Gould orders buglit shares hib.
crally , and the urico recovered rapidly to 74.
. The advance In this stock was a Rignal for
general buying movement in other active
. shares , nod the whole list sold to the high.
est point of the day. rIL the fitial transactions
the demand for stocks for borrowing purposes
cjiitinuctl active and to-day as high as 1.16
Q : ; was paid for New Jersey Central and 1.16
. : @ .i for New York Central. Couunissioii
houses report good demand for
ing stocks for ivestinent accounts. 'I'ho net
result of the clay's business was an advance
tO 2 iOr cent.
1 couroNs.
3's . 1O3
4'sCoupons . 113
lit )
4 * ;
Pacific C's of ' 93 118
/ American Exlres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Bwi. , Cedar 1apids { & Northern 80
4 Central Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Chicago & Altoit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120.
do do ) ) fd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
Clii. , Burl. & Quiticy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Erie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
. do Pfl , asked. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Fort \Vayne &Chicago. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Hannibal & St. Josc1h asked . . . . . . . .
do do do pM. . . . . . . . . . . 00
, Illinois Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12CI
r ; .Jnd , J3loom. & Vesterii. . . . . . . . . . . . 123
' : aTlJ4a.s & Texas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
' . ) Lalco'Shuro & Michigan So. . . . . . . . . . 106
I 3lichiigan Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S5
Missouri l ¼ cific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Northern ] 'aejfic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
, ' Northvestcrit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
( ho pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
New York Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Ohio & MiSSiSSilPi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
. do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Os
Peoria , Dect ii & ivaiisvih1e. . . . . . . . 14
. Rock Island. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
I St. l'atd & Ii1iIvziikeo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . t)1 )
(10 do (10 1)1(1. . . . . . . . . . . 118
SI ; . l'auh , Mmii. & Manitoba. . . . . . . . 109
St. 1aul & ; Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
do (10 1JfC1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 02
, TJIliOfl Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Wabash , St. J4. Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . 20
( ho do , lo Pfd. . . . . . . . .
'Vetern Unlim Telegraph. . . . . . . . . . .
* skctl fEx dlv.
CHICAGO , Augustlfl.--llour--Qiiiet aiiil 'iii.
\Vhieat-flegular wheat i1tiiet and easier :
1 O2 for Aiigiut ; 1 031 for September ; 1 05
for October 1 0G for Noveirther ; 1 02A for the
year ; No. 2 1 02 ; No. 3 sring , OOc ;
No. 2 red winter , 1 00.
Coru-1"air ( lemaul and lower ; 51c for cash
and August : 60c for Septciiiber ; 6Oj&Oc (
, for October ; 48ge for November ; 4646ie for
the year.
. Oats-Quiet and weaker ; 26o for cash ; 2GAc
I for August ; 26c for September ; 26c for Octo.
her ; 25c for the year.
. -Firm at Olic.
Jlarley-Firlfler Mc ) for cash ; 62c for Sep.
tember ; 630 for October.
Flax Seed-Easier at 1 30.
TilOthIYNeW In good request fair to
lrime. ) 1 50@1 t5
1tI k-In fair demand anl ( nominally sin.
changed ; 12 1tSJi2 20 for cash and August
12 i5Q112 20 for Septernbcr ; 12 30@1 32
for Otobor ; 11 80@11 85 fur Noveiiibcr ; 11 ( k
@ 11 70 for the year.
Laril-Fair tleinautl anti firmer ; 8 30 for
, cash and August ; 8 30f8 32 for September ;
8 40(8 ( l2 for October ; 8 20@8 22 for No.
venihor ; H l2f8 lt for the year ,
liuhic IJeats-I mm fair sleimmammd ; shoulders ,
5 85 ; shtoit ribs , 6 80 ; short clear , 7 25.
flutter-Quiet nail unchanged ,
, Eigs-Qimiet amid umichamiged at 17c.
I Vhmisky-iteadY and machanged.
S Cheese-Market iiimlet nuil easy ; choice full
crealit chieddars , 7.69c ; full creammi flats , t1@
lOc ; fair to gimo'l chleddarH aiiI hats , 3@.Se ;
hard shdmns , 2@ Ic.
1ldes Ummchmangetl ; green sahteil , dammiaged ,
rile. gr000 salt cured , light , sic ; do , heavy ,
81c ; green salt caf , 12c ; dry salted , lie ; dry
- I call , l5@15.
' nl'allowUmmchaiigotl.
¶ Tor.Emo , August 16.-\Vhicat-Easler and
active No , 2 oh , I 12.
Crmm-Quiet mind easier ; No , 2 c.lm and Au.
I gust , 511c asked.
, Oats -1iler ; No. 2 , tiaehm , 27c huh.
t : Ew 1011K.
NKW YOIIK' 1tL-WIleat-Ca41 , 4y
C lower : o1tioi olMumell steady , ammm suho.
ijuently fell off @Ic , o.ksIng stronger , s'Ith ii
. 1 ( ' .jery of ( ? 1c ; ungraded red , I O1ij1 ( 2l ;
1' o. 1 113(1 , 1 05(1 ( 041 ; stealner No. 3 red , 1 05 ;
I 3 red , 1 1C1 16 ; steamer No , 2 red ,
'l ' 16h 17 ; No. 2 red , I 18j in store , 1 20a
1 20 in elevator anit I 2l@J1 221 delivered ,
Corn-Cash , iAc hewer and dull ; optiomis
opemieth lowe. mecovoroil closing
firm ; ungraded , &lf62c ; o. 2 , 65o afloat ,
Oats-Steady ; xidod wsstermi , 37j43c ( ; width
40a50c. (
Eggw-Waitern fresh firmer at 202Ic ,
f Pork-UmettlotI amid lower ; new Illess ,
14 50.
Lard-Firnier ; inimn ° steam , 8 f08 65. and 10 fair demand at lt ) @
B&trmnour. , August 11-\Vlmeat-\Veatern
higher , closing easy ; 2 winter red cash , ,
1 17@1 17. .
Cocmt'-Ihlghcr ; inkeil cash , , 6'2t62c.
OntM-Steady ; western wIdth , 37Q39c ;
muixed , 8ftC'o ,
hiyo-Flnn at 62@Glc.
Butter-1)nlI vosteru ii.iekoml , $ l6c ;
creaimmcry , l8fj'2'2e.
} : -Qtmtet at 1I"17c. " '
w hisky-Stomuly at I 17@l I7.
XASAS Cmtr August 16.-Wheat-lI ighor
auth firmim ; No. ' red fail , t)3j't13c for , :
t)1o for September ; 94o for Octolcr ; ( I2o bid
for time year ,
Corm-hilgher : ZW1'39.c for cash ; 3Sc hid
for September ; 30o asked for October ; 32o bid
for the year.
Oatslilghmer ; 211c 1)1(1 ) for cash.
Livr.nroo , August. 16.-lhroalst'Jffs-Mar.
ket stromig ,
\Vhoat-\Vimitor , 8s lhl@ts Id ; spring , 5s Gd
orm-Ncv , rips Sd.
Sr. Loti August 16.-W'hieat-Lowor
and slo % ' ; No. 2 reil sIlml strmdglmt do'mm froni
1 07 to 1 07 for cash , 1 07. to 1 07 for August :
1 08 to I O8 for September ; 1 h1 to I 10
for October.
C.rn-Lower and slow ; 46 to lCc for cash ;
41e for Aimgist ; 46 to 4ic ( for Septenber
17. to 47c for Octulior.
Oats-Lower ; 27c for cash , ; 25m'o for August ;
25c for Octoler. ,
13 -hiihI ; tIc ; lld.
Cons Meal-Quiet at 2 40.
IhitterUucltamigcd. .
Whisky-I 1 l ,
t1m.vAuKEK , Aigust 1fl.-\Vhent-Dull
( lrnoing ) ; 1 O2 for cash , and August ; 1
for September ; 1 O5 for October.
Cons-Stronger ; No. 2 , 12c.
Oats-higher ; Nb. 2 , 80e In store.
hyo-lmmactivo and hmlgher ; No. 2 , SOc.
liarley-1)uhl ; No. 2 , September , GGc.
NEw OIIL1CANS , August 16OatsWest.
era , higher 40c.
l'ork-hllgher at 13 3T.13 SO.
Corn Meal-Scarce amid firma nt.,2 75@2 80.
Corn-Quiet ; mimixed , 00Gjlb ( ; white , 62@
G& .
Lani-Dull amid noiulmiah ; tierce , ii 00 ; keg ,
9 25.
hulk Moats-Easier.
Vhmisky-Firmmm and unchanged.
CINCINNATI , August 1 6.-Wheat-Steady
and in good donninG ; No. 2 red winter , ,
1 08.
Corn-Strong and higher mit 52@521c.
Onts-Firmit at 2ti2'Jc.
Pork-iuhl amid unchanged ,
Larl-Finner at 8 ( I8.
iiIIhk test.s-Fair : deimmanil.
Whisky-Fi u itt 1 I'd.
PEomiI , August 1LCOrIIFinmi ( mid
higher ; iligh Ilmixed , S1@52c ; No. 2 mixed ,
5O@Slc. . I
Oats-Active and firn ; No. 2 white ,
Whisky-Steady at $1 15 ,
CIIICMIO. , August 1G.-The Drovers' Journal
reports :
LLmgs-Momlerately active and steady ; pack.
iimg , 1 ( ; O@ I 95 ; packing auth slopping , 11 001J
S 30 ; light , 5 30d5 1)0 ) ; skips , 3 50@5 30 ,
Closed tlull.
Cattle-Very dull ; 1S@20c off , OXCelt OIl
Texans ; experts , . 6 00t6 35 ; good. ) to choice
shipping steers , 5 OO5 75 ; coInlilon to iiio
diun , , 4 00J4 00 ; canning amid butchicrimig ,
ill large supply ; imiferiorto fair 2 O0@3 00 ; imme
( Ilillil to good , 3 5O6i4 00 ; stoclcers , 3 0OciJ4 00 ;
feeders , 3 7r 4 25.
SheepVery dull ; low grades , 5O@75c lower
ill three days ; inferior to fair 2 0O@3 00 ; miio
(10110 to good , 3 401j3 75 ; choice to extra , 4 00
24 50 ; InIubs , 1 00@3 75 1) head.
KANSAS CITa' , August Th.-Cattlo-Lower
slow mid weak ; natives , S 00 stockers mool
feeders , 3 6O@4 50 ; COWs , 2 603 75.
Hogs-Light , S 155 30 ; heavy , 4 705 00.
Sheep-Quiet and unchanged.
Sr. LOUIS , Atgmist 16-Cattle-Best ua
tives about steady ; other grades lower ; experts -
ports , S t)06j6 ) 10 ; good to chioico shiipping , 5 40
@ 5 75 ; imiedium to fair , S 00@5 25 ; conitnoim ,
4 7@5 25 ; Texas 8,1(1 Imithian steers , 3 50 ©
4 25 ; bulk of sales at 4 00@4 10 ; cows and
hollers , 3 2551J4 00.
Sheep-Supply hileral ; how gi'atles (11111 and
weak ; best , jialitfos , miot strolmg ; conimumi to
melhiummI , 2 Sul : 00 ; fair U ) good , 3 23 ! 75 ;
prie , 1 00@1 ' 25.
- - -
TltApF'r , .
ClucAco , Augu'b 1G.-lteceipts amiti slilli.
Iflelits ( If flour aii1 grain for thu past 24 htotiris
have beeti as follows :
Receipts. Ship'ts.
Flour , bhls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,000 11,000
Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 66,000 188,000
Crmi , Iluishiels. . . . . . . . . . . . 330,000 331,000
Oats , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 128,000 103,000
Ilye , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . . 38,000 31,000
Barley , bushmels. . . . . . . . . . 4,000 3,000
NEw YORK , August 1G.-Ileceiptis and ship.
IlleIltis of flour and graimi for tile jast ) 24 hours
have bceii as follows :
ReCeilitS Shmip'ts.
Wheat , bushe1 . . . . . . . . . . 121,000 05,000
Cur , , , bushmels. . . . . . . . . . . . 11(1,000 ( ' 17,000
Oats bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . .11,000 . .
KANSAS CITY , August 16-Iteceipt anti ship.
IltefltS of graimi for the vast 21 hours have been
as follows
ItecelIltIl. Ship'ts.
\Vheit : , hlIshels. . . . . . . . . . : tsooo 28,000
Corn , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 21,000 25,000
CIIICM-.O , August 17.-lteccipts and mdilp. .
IIielmt.b of live stock for tIme past 21 lmours have
been us follows :
IlOCeIIt.FI. ( Shiip'ts.
hogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,000
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 . . .
Shmeei. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,200 . . . .
KANSAS CITY , August 16.-Ileceiptis and
shipments of live stock for the past 24 hours
have beets as follows :
] iecelpts , SllIp'ts.
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . ,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' , . . .
Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
ST. LOUIS , August 1fi.-ltecelpts amid shiip.
IIIOIItM of live stock for the past 1 hours have
boots as follovs :
llocoiimts , Shilp'ts.
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,600 500
Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,400 500
" , VhmoIesaio Pi'lces.
Oyiici' o 'l'JIK O3IAIIA lIKE ,
Thursday Evomming , August 16 ,
GrIlimi ,
WHEAT-CaSh No. 2 , 88e ; No. 3 , GOc ; ye.
Jectoti 12c. : No , 2 , 1'Jc ; No , 3 , 42c ,
111K-Cash , 'l0c.
ColiN-Mixcil , 36C.
I1YO SlocIc.
FAT STEKIIII-QUICt : utml umaehiamtgeil at 3 75
1r Cows-3 00@3 35.
lions-I 7ic5 00.
Sluma'-Flrnm : itt 3 00G.3 50.
Omvs-1air : quality 5 OOW.6 01) ) ; good butch-
01 5' stOCk , 7 00.
Cmrc.1 Ieiits.
] IACON-1.JmmchmangoIl at 1213c.
SII0ULuEIIS-luhi at 8So
1)mtIEu BEEF-Ilk' .
14A11D-At 'Jc3JlOo in tierces.
'rALLOW-llrIml at 6@6c Izi barrels.
l'oultt'y ammtl Fish.
SPItING ChICKENS - Hmnahl , unchanged ,
1 25@2 00 ; large quiet at S 00 ; 01(1 , 3 35.
IVImmnc Fisii-ilnchatigod , t@lOo. ) ; idko
mind lake trout this same.
General l'rodizco
Eaat'-Unehanged &t I3ul4c.
BuriEs-Quiet. ; comnon to good , 7@lOc ;
citolco hairy , 14@ tO ; sweet , high colored grass ,
12@13 ; eookImt , 7c.
I'oTATOF-\o % ' quiet flull market well sill ) .
Phieti at 8O4Oc er 1) ) .
ONIoNS- Quiet at $4 00iil i's ) cr b11.
NEw C.t1mmmAnI-'O@7tc : h' ° ' . ,
lfoNgv-California , its eotnhi , P ° pound , 20
Q2Ic ; straIned. 10iil2c.
Cttr.msg-Iuhl. : quote h'1Ic. '
'i'OMATOICS-Qniet at 1 O0@l hfm box ,
Green Fruits.
lILtIcIiKnnlgs-lt@l8c , ler pIart.
hII.AcKttK1tIiIKs-i82Oe icr qtuirt.
laEuoNs-Qtmlct at 8 007 50 per box.
OUANGES-Califorola 4 ( hO Per box.
l'KACIIES-Nativea 1 OO1 25 l basket ;
CalifornIa at 2 75.
CAI.IIoIINIA PLUMS-Ill gooti ( lelnarni ;
2 75 Per box ,
BANANAS-Unchanged ; buIldI , 2 OOfij
Ai'rLES-3 tO@3 75 per bbl.
Inailti at $3 7@4 00 cr bOX.
CAuI'onrI.t t111A1'gs-2 tO@8 00 11cr case ,
- - -
I"lImr titit ZLlllstsmIl $ .
\ \ INTKIIVIIEATIicst quality , patemit , at
3 25@3 115.
Sr.coNu ( uA1.ITy-2 OOcJ3 25.
St'nINnVILI'.Arllest quality , hiatcilt , at
3 5O&3 65.
IIIIAN-55c P'1' cwt. .
CIIoi'rrIl FE1CI-l'er 00 lls , SSc.
Con. Mr.AI-l OO@1 10 rer cwt.
ScmuKsIso-00@iOcper : owL
Gt'OCOV $ Tiit ,
CNNr.n Goons-t)3'stors ) ( Standard ) , per
case , 3 70@8 'JO ' ; stravlierries , 2 Ib , emso ,
2 10 ; raslIllerrIes , 9 tI , er case , 8 50 ; Bartlett
pears , item euIo , 2It ) ; wltortlelesries , or Case ,
2 75 ; egg jhums , 2 II , ease , 2 110 : grcemm
gages , 2 Ib , Ier Case , 9 ( Iti ; ( It ) clioiet' , 8 Ib , t'er
case , 4 50 ; 111110 8FIIICS , 2 II' , ier case , l O0
S 75 ; leachies , 2 II , , Per Case , 8 00 ; (1(1 3 It , , 11cr
case. .1 ( ) ( ) 50 ; ito (1110) ( ) , 8 lb , er case , 2 130 ;
( II ) 1110 , 6 III , per doze , , , 2 80.
llICE- I .mmlslatm IflIIiO to cumolce , 7.fSc ;
fmur , 76j7 ; l'atIlla , ( ' , e.
l 'tsit-No. 1. nutekerel , hmiilf Uris , 7 00 ; No ,
1 lmmaCkCl'Ol , kits , 1 00 ; family lnacCeroh , half
urIs. , S 25 ; fauilly inack'erel kits , 8Sc ; No. 1
ii'1tit fish , half brls. , 7 00 ; o. 1 kits , 1 05.
Syiwm'-Stiunlard COIII. , 85c , bids ; Stuular(1 :
do , .l , gallomi kegs 1 85 ; Staimtlard do , I gallon
kes , I 130.
ot-ln lb laper , 3 80 11cr cko ; keg soda ,
NEw I'IcgLEs-Modiulli , In barrels , 6 50 ; do
iti half ilarrels , 3 70 ; small , In barrels , 7 40 ; thu
I , , half imarrels , S 42 ; gherkilms , In barrels , 8 40 ;
( II ) limialf barrels , 4 70.
' 1'is-G uupovtler , gOld , .l5l5.5e ' ; chmolco GO
Gi75c ; good lImlloriah , 4043c ; choice , GOSjOSe ;
! ollmmg l13'SOfl , good , 36t50c ; choice ,
l15cijI. 00 ; Japami iiatiu'al leaf , 85c ; .lmipmm ,
choice , 60a175c ; olotmg , good , 3.i5J40c ; Ooong ! ,
chmoieo , .10@55c ; Souchong , good , 85@loc ;
choice , 35@45c.
lloi'-Sisal : inch and larger , l0e , imu.b ,
11c melt , 11c.
'OOIfl'.NiVAItE-TWO ' lump pails , 1 75 ;
three hoop pails 2 00. 'rubs , No. 1 , 8 50 ; l'i ( )
fleer % va.sltboLimtls , 1 & ; 1)oublo Crinvim , 2 00
Welibuckets , 3 50.
LGAI-Bar , 1 65.
Sors-Kirk's Savon Imperial , 3 .t5 Kirk's
satitiet , 3 60 ; Kirk's standard , 3 7(1 ( ; Klrk'
whmite Ilussian , S 25 ; Kirk's outoca , 2 15 ;
Kirk's l'rairio Quecim , (100 ( cakes , ) .lOc ; Kirk's
inariiolia , elor. .
1iOTASIIPCIIIISY1VAUIa calls , .1 case , in case ,
3 35 ; Babbitts , ball , 2 tloz. In case , 1 90 ; Anchor
ball , 2 doz. in case , 1 50.
1'EANUTS-lloa.sted , choice , red Tennessee ,
12o pci' ib ; feicy white , 12)c ) ver Ib ; raw-white
Virgitmia , raw lie ; roasted , 13fo
CANnI,1s-iIoxcs , 40 11)5 lOs , l5c ; Ss , lSc ;
hoxe.q 40 lbs , 16 oz. , Os , 15c ,
MATCI I ES-Per caddie , 62c ; rouimd , cases ,
5 10 ; slilItim cazcs , 3 'l0.J
C0FFEs-Ordinary : grales , 3@9c ; fair 10613
10c ; good 1O61J11c ; PHn , l212c ; choice
I3@jl3c ; ? ancy green iititl yellow , 14613111c ; oh
government .1 tIVIL , 20@26e ; I evcring's roasted ,
1ic ; Arbuckhe's roasted , l4c ! ; McLaughlin's
xxxx roasted , 14c ; imn'itatiomi Java , 1G ©
VINEGAR-NOW York apjlo lOc ; Ohio ap-
pie , 13c.
SALT-Dray loads , lO bbh , 1 75 ; Ashton , In
sacks , 3 50 ; hbls dairy GO , 5s , 3 50.
Sue AIus-1'wderea , 1O.c ; cut loaf , 1Oc ;
granulated , iJc ; confectiojicris' A , Oje ; Statol.
) extra C , 8c ; extra C , 8c ; zuediutma yel
low , SAc ; dark yellow , 7c.
SrAneII-l'earI , lc ; Sliver Gloss , Oc ; Coiti
Starch , , tic ; Excelsior Gloss , 7c ; Corn , 8c.
Srlcls-l'epper , 17c allspice , ifIc ; cloves
25c cassia , 15e.
thmiEsr.-1"till : cream , I Ic.
LYE-AlneriCall 3 4o ; Greenwichi , 3 40 ;
Western , 2 75 ; I\orth Star , 2 00 ; Lewis' iyo
4 65 ; , Jewell lye , 2 75.
1)ry Goods.
] inowN CouoNs-Atlantle A 8c ; Ap , le
ton XX 7c ; Atlanta A , Sc ; hoot FF ttc ,
Buckeye LL , .1.4 , 7c : Cabot \V , 7.jc ; Chitto.
ilango A , ( ijc ; Great 1"alln B , 8c ; hoosier , 6c ;
honest \\'ulthm , Sc ; Indian lleicl A , Sc ; Izidian
Standard .t\ Sc ; Imulian Orchard , d. w. , ( ' , ( c ;
Lavreimco i4L , 6c ; 1ystio IUvcr , TAc ; l'equot
A , Sc ; Utica ( . , Sic ; Waciiusett 1i , 7c ; do
A , SAc do ] 48 l2c.
F&i : ] 3izoii Co1'roNs-Allendalo .1-I 7c ,
Alligator 3.4 , 3c ; Argyle ' 1.4 , 7c ; Atlantic
114L 6c ; Badger State X ' 1.1 , file ; Bemimmingtomm
C .1. I , lc ; ; Buckeye S1. . 1 , GAc ; 111(1001 Orchard
\.A 9.8 , 8.c ; bacotoa 1) 30 , 8c ; Lehigh B ' 1.1
Oc ; l'cpperell N 30 , 7c ; do 0 32 , 7c ; do it
$6 , 7c ; (1(1 B 89 , Sic ; Pocasset C .1.1 , 7c ;
\Vaiustitta I-I , 13c ,
BI.EAcIIGI ) CorroNs-Alldroscoggin L .1.1 ,
t.c' ) ) Ilhwksbuzo 4'ijt. ittiperial Se ; do do hmalf
bleached 1.4 , tIc ; Cabot 1.4 , 8 ¼ z ; Fidelity 1.1 ,
1)c ) ; 1'ruit of the 1notmt , thic ; tli camlric 1.1 ,
124 ; thu Water 'ri'ist , 10c ; ( Tireat Fzth1 Q , Oc :
Indiati I [ cait mlmrmmmzk 'i-I , 12c ; LIlmisIlalo , lOc ;
I ) camubtic 37 , 1'2Ac ; New 'I'ork Mills , l2.c ;
Pequot A , lOc ; l'ep > ertzl , N C 'l'wills , ] o ;
l'ocalmouta.s 1.4 , tIc l'mjcassot 5.4 , 8j ; Utica ,
llc WTamzisiztta 0 . . X , 121c ,
: i3 UCKI4 ( Colorcd-Alliany ) E brown , 8c ; ( III
C , tirali lic ; tlt , XX mstfljieis alit1 plfliIls , 12 1.2c ;
do XX brown timid thrill ) , Httiles ) and Illaitlis ,
12 1.2c ; Arlington fancy , 1tc ) ; lhnzzmnwick
bruvzz , 8 1.2c ; Chariot fancy , 12 1-2c ; do extrA -
trA hmeavy , 20c ; Fall IUverhr.avmm , extra heavy ,
11 l.2c ; Indiana A browzm , 13c ; Nopumisot A
bruvzi , lSc ,
'fICKINGS-AIIlskeng A C A 32 , lOc ; th , XX
blue 32 , 18 1.2c ; Arrowitimmma , 9 1-9c ; Glare.
znommt 1111 111 l-2c ; CttCMtAg5 , extra , 17 1-2c ;
IlaItlilton b , ii l-2c ; Lewhjbmi A 30 , ISa ; Mimi
mtohmahma 4-4 , 20c ; Ommiega , suver extra 'I-I , 28c ;
l'oarl Itiver 32 , lii 1-4c ; 1 utnzumi XX blue
strii > o , 12c' SlietUcket S , 10 1.2c ; do 58 , 12c ;
Yeozmiami'mm tdmio 29 ( Ic.
1) , hue antI browmmlG 1.2e ;
Ammdover Dl ) hihue , 15 l.'lc ; .Arhlmtgtomi X bhmzo
Scotch , 18 1.2c ' Concummi 01)0 ) , blue azmd
brown , 12 1.2c ; d'im AAA , zim , do , 13 1-2 ; do
XX tO dt , do , 14 1.2c ; I Iayim.zikor's blue auth
brown ( I l.2c' Mystic lUvorlDstripo , 161.2c ;
I'earl Iliver , ( ihimo miii bruwmi , 1'c ( ; UmclmsvIhIo ,
hilue and brow'n , 11 1.2c.
OASlmtltmcsBaniard , 5c ; Eddystotme lining ,
24 inchi ti tible face , 8c ; ( larlier A glazed , 5c ;
1tImlhtattaz1 glove finish , , 5c ; Nowpisrt ilt , . 5c ;
( It ) ghLLZCth , 5jc ; l'equot tic ) , ( IC ; Lockwoot ( huh
fitmishi , Oc.
Coitsi'v JE.NM-AIziory , Aiimlroscugglmt
attucim , 8lc ! : Clarontlomm ( ; ? c ; Conestugga sist.
theits , 7jc ; lItihlWOhl , Sc ; lImdiazm Om'clmarml , 7c ;
NmtrrAglmtIsOtt , imrlprvel , 8c ; I'eppcrill sat.
teen , 'Jc ; Jiockisirt , Ge ,
L'itmns-Ah1etin , 6I' ; Americium , Ie ; Artmohil ,
6c Berwiclc , Ic ; Cochono (1 ( ; Commestoga , ( c ;
IhinkirkC - , 67c ; Edilystommo 7c ;
(3loucster , ( ic ; I lammotmy , Sc ; 1Cmmlekerboeer ,
flc ; Merriinac 1) , 7c ; Mystic , f1c ; Srigues : ,
Ge ; SlIutImlIrIlIgo , Oc ; tb ( iimigltuzms : , 7c ; I an.
born , 61jc ; ( . ) rlomtnl : ,
( ; INOIIAlIS-AIzmnskeag 'Jc ; Argyle , 10e ;
4tlautlC , 8c ; Cutnben1iut , , 7c ; I hlghml.mmml , 7e :
Ktnmllworth , 'J1e ; Piuzmkt.t , ttc ; Sussex. 'e. '
CoTroNAmn'-Al1bersille , I3e ; Aaw , ; 'Uc ;
Autemleati , I he ; Antislami , 20c ; Cairo J ) 1(1111 ' 1' ,
h3c ; CIIUilIt 1) tutu ' 11' , I7c' 1)ocami I ) ' ' .
stripes 1) jul11 'I' h6c' Keystone , 13)0 ) ; Na , ,
tucket , Itle' Non1mreif , hOc ; Ocean 1) i&tzil ' 1' ,
I 3c ; I loyal , I 6c- Sussex , 12c ; 'fiig'zielLim. ( .
sctt slmirtimig ehmeels , I2c ; , Io Natmkiii I2cs
York , 111(1 Im Nzttiklmi , 12c ; (1(1 ( ( chioclcs , stil 11(1,1
tutu fammcy , h2c ; do S oz , 20u.
S3IEETIGsm(1rec(1ggimm , ( ( ; ( 10' I , 27c ; do
0-I , 23c ; ( ill 3'4 , 3cz : Coutinontal C 12 , 1 Ic ;
J"ruit of the JIOIzl 10' 1 ; 27c ; Now York imi hIs
08. 3r.c ; iij 78 , 30c ; do t , 22c ; I'emhinoko
10-I , 25e ; l'Olitlut 10.4 , 28c ; do 71 , lUc : do It ,
1fu ; ; Voppoaell (10 ( , 2tJc ; ( II ) 1i7 , 21c ; mb 7 , lSc ;
Utica (10 ( , 313c ; do 58,2'4cdo ; 18 , 17c ,
1)mmvas AND CIIKmIcAus--Acith , Carbolic , 45c ;
AntI 'l'urtunic , 5.'lc ' ; Jialsammi Copabia , her lb ,
70c ; hark , Sarsafras , ocr lb , I'2c' Calomel oer
lb , 75c ; Cliiohonldia , Ier ox , 1 05 ; Cimioro.
forirm Ib , 8T1c ; Jover's 1 owders , per Ib ,
81 2d ; Salts , per hi , 3c ; Glycerine ,
lure , 1'r lii 30cr Lzad , i\eetato , per hb , ? 2c ;
1)11 , Castor , } , 'o. 1. I'er gal 81 35 , 0 II Castor ,
No , 3 , IICT gal , 1 20 ; Oil , hive , , crgaI. $1 SO ;
Oil , Orlanumn , SOc ; Opium , 5 00 ; Quinlmio , 1' .
& \v' . and 11. & S. er oz , $1 00 ; I'otassltmstm ,
iotlltlo , ir II ) , i 135 ; SahIcimi pr 02 , 40c ;
luhphato of Morplitiio , per oz , 3 75 ; Sulphur
- - - . 1
flour , ier 111 , 4ci Strychiulmu' , Per tiz , $1 25 ,
l'ttints , Oils mimisi Vmirttlshies ,
Oits-IlO carboll , 1r gallon , l3 ; 15O
headlight , per gahhon , lic ; 1,5 - hzeahllght ,
lr gallon , 1k' ( 150 ° water wlmitr , lCc ; hit.
seeI , raw , per galloim , t'Gc ; lineei1 , lIIdleI , ocr
gahlomi , f'Oc ; lani , winter str d , i'er gallon , SSct
No. 1 , Tt'cNo. : 2 , 75c : castor , . \XN , 'r ' gal
hoit , 1. 85 : Nt. 3 , 1 20 : ios'eet , Pt'r p1111111 Soc ;
sperniV. . Il. , hr gjihloIi , 1 60 ; Imshm , \ \ , 11 , ,
1er ga1on , (15c ( ; iioatsfootextra , lIen gallozi , ( klc ;
No , I , 7tic : lubricating , ZerO , P'V gallon , 80c ;
siutitner , it'c ; golden imiachilne , o. I , Pt'r gal.
bit , SSc ; No , 2 , 25e ; slgimiI : , 1'r gallon
SOc ; turpentine , ocr gilihOhl , 55C itailthma , 74
l'c gallon , hIlc.
PAINTS IN Omit -W'hmtto lead , Ommtaht.s P. P. ,
Ge ; white load , St. . Janus , uro , t'Jc ' : 'starseih1e.s
green , 1 to S 1t can' , 2Oc F ZeIlek zinc , green
seal , 12c ; French zinc , red seal ' lie ; F'renehm
zltie , In vantlshi a.'lRt. , 2OC } icnc'lt zinc , itt oil
must , hfIc ; raw atil bunit. tuntier , 1 lb catty , hoc ;
rais' auth lulrnt Sienna , lOc ; vatiil3'ko ltlWIl
13c ; refitted lamphiack , 12c ; coaehm black , am !
ivory bhack , 1Cc ; tlnp hIltOk , lt.c ; 1'rttslam
limo , SOc ; ithtniunnximmc blue , 18c chrome green
Ii. l. & I ) . Itic ; 1littl , and shutter green , I. .
M. & 1) , , IC'e ; l'.uls greeti , ISe : lmtdiiin reh , ,
ISe ; Venetian rell. tie ; 1'uscziti roll , 22c ; Aitterl.
encrmmiilhmomi , I. & P. , lSc ; chronic ellois'
I. ? i. , 0 , & 1) . 0. , 1e ; 3'ehloiv ochno , lie ;
gohlomm IClIfll , IGe , patent dryer. Sc ; graimmilzg
eOlllrs. light oak , dark oak , vahmmut , clmestnit
mitt1 nil , , iSe.
lry l'niuts.
\\'ltito lead , Sc ; French , , imte , 1Oc ; Pails
\s'hmltulmg , 2c ; vlmtlng ( gilders , 1 'i' : w biting
t.'ozti'l ljc ; lauipblack , ( h ermnuttuiii : , , I Ic ;
hmulilIlllack , orhlimary , hOc ; l'niii.'lamm hIlImo , t'Sc ;
ultramnat imie , 18c ; vtummlyko , broismi , St' ; ImillilCE ,
burnt , 'Ic ; timmitler , rmo % ' 4c ; sietmtma , IIutnt , Ic ;
iit'iiii , rai' , ic ; 1trts grecim , g'mmuhmu ) , 25c ;
I'tii is grCCII , etItlnmoml2Qc ; thmt'otno iccmm , N. % . ,
20c ; cltroiue green , 1 , , 12c ; verImlilImun , Iig. ,
Toe ; vclInillIon , J. miicmic.ill , I $ t' ; I tuliati ted ,
ItIc ; rose 11111k , lIe ; \enetIali roil , Cokiisoss ,
2je ; Venetian retl , American , Ict red latil ,
74c ; cimpIlno yehhoii' , gommuimmo , 2tk ; choline yt'h.
Ion' IC. , l2c' tchmro , , rochmohie , 8e Ilehmre , h"rcmmclm ,
2c ; ncltro , Aimtenicaii , 2e ; W'lnter's umineral ,
2e ; lehmigh brtns'n , ; Sjiamiisht lnnvn ) , 2e ;
1 niimco's tizl neral , 3c.
VAIINIS1IIS-lhirrels : hr gallill , z
tore , extra , $1 10 ; fnnmmturo ! , o. 1 , i : t\1mclm ,
extra , SI .i0 coach , , No. 1 , 81 2(1 ( ; latmtar ) ,
ctnzi , $1 75 ; , i allah , 70c ; mislllmaltitmn , extra , SSc ;
shellac , $3 tO ; hiatt ! olhimnishi , $1 SO.j
Teait her.
Oak sole 85c tO 12c ; hientlock solo2Sc to 35e ;
hiemlock hip SOc to 1 00 ; nuttier 115o to 8Ic ;
Imemnheck calf , SSo to 1 20 ; Imemnlock upper , 23C
tO 2k ( : oak uppcr 24c ; alligator , 1 (1(1 to S SO ;
calf kid , 32t35 : ( , rciseu kid , 2 50 t. . ' 2 Th ; oak
hip , SOc to I 00 ; oak cull , 1 2 ( ) to I :10 : : Frenc'l ,
kip , I 10 IA ) 1 55 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rims.
IlOts , 5 50 ( A ) 7 50 ; ilmilugs , 6 00 to 10 50 ; top.
l 00 to hO fiG ; B. .L. ? ilorocco , 30 to 85.i ;
pebble 0. 1) . 'iLoroccti , 35c ; simon , 2 tie to 8 00.
11tnNKss-No. 1 star oak , 12c ; No 2 II ) ) ,
89c ; No. 1 Ohtlo oak , 88c ; No. 2 do , 85c ; No.
1 Milii'aukee , 8Th ; No. 2 do , 31c.
\Vo (1t1tO ( ( lumber lath amid shmtngleon cam's
zit Omaha at. thmu fohloivimmg prices :
.Joist' , tNl ) SCANTLINl-16 ft. anil tttilcr
2200 ; 18 ft , 23 110.
TIiI1IEIIS-II3 feet and itittler , 22 00.
'i'iituiit : ANt ) Joist-IS ft , 23 50 ; 20 ft. , 28 110 ;
22 ft. , 211 110 ; 24 ft. , 2(1110. (
FFsciNu-N : ( , . I , 1 miiitl 6 lit. , 21 00 ; No. 2 ,
22 00.
SnEErING-No. 1 (2d ( coizunon boards ) , 20 00 ;
No. 2 , 1800.
LIML'-Pcr barrel , 1 23 ; buhlc oar litilmel' 85c ;
ccmneitt , bll , 2 25 ; 1\t'ti 1hitei' bbl , 2 50 ; hair
I' ° bit. SOc ; 'l'arred felt , 100 ibs , 8 50 ; strnv :
board , 3 fO.
J1etL'y limerdwaro List.
Iron , rates , 2 1:0 : ; jilow steel mlpecialcast , 7c'
crucible , Sc ; special or German , 11e cast tool
tl , 1561320 ; VztgOim * 41)OlCeR , sot , 2 25)3 ) 00 ; bibs
P' ' ' . set , 1 25 ; felInes , sawed thry , 1 10 ; tongues ,
each , , 7O63jS5e ; axles , each , , 75c ; square imizts Per
Ii ) , 761311c ; washers , per hl , 861J18c ; rivets , per
II , , lic ; coil dialim , ocr lh , , b12c ; malleable , Sc ;
Irli wedges , ( Ic ; crowbars , Ge ; ltanoi' teeth ,
Ic ; spring tech , 76j8c ; llurdcn'sliorsehmocs , S 25 ;
Burden's znulesbioes 6 25.
IlAitnEnVIIIKJn ! car lots , 6c icr 100.
NAII.S-hlates , 10 to 60 , 3 85.
ShoT-Shot , 1 85 ; buck shot , 2 10 ; , niental
poVIer , kegs , 6 'tO ; do. , half kegs , 3 .18 ; mm. ,
quarter kegs , 1 88 ; blastimig , kegs , 3 15 ; fuse ,
Pr 100 feet , fiOc.
Coti---Ctmimtbcr1amid hhachcsmuitbt 12 00 1
- - - ) : or-
rhs run Blossbizrg , 12 \ ; Itlilil , ,
'I \Vhiitebireast ; nut , ' 1 00 ; Itn'zs , 1111111' , 'I 00 ;
Iovmi nut , 4 00 ; Ilock Sptimig , 7 00 ; Atttbmra-
citcs , 11 50@12 00 ; Caizon CII ) ' , 7 00 , 11cr tult.
Horses amid Mules.
Extra draft houses , 1752'211 ; CflhiflOil ( hraft.
horses , 100613150 ; extra farimi horses 110613125 ;
COIIIIIOUI to good farm horses , tIO@i00 ) ; extra
I ltts , 60613711 ; coimnoim phmig , 20iO.k
Mtri-Extra : , l25C u1tl0 : good , ' 100613140 ;
fair , 75@lOO ; common , 6061375.
Atcotmor.--ISS Proof , 2 25 per wino gallon ;
extra California spit'it.s , 18 $ proof , 1 25 'i'
Proof gal lou ; ttih lIe refitted mqum'it.s , I 87 1 ( ElIot ,
1 23 1 ) flr 1)10) ) ) ) ! galloim ; ro-iistiblcl v1iisldes ,
1 006131 110 ; hue bhendod , 1 1104ij2 110 Ken.
tllClCy bourbotu , 2 006137 00 ; .Kcmitticfcy mitid
1'eitii1vttiimi rycs , 2 O0@7 00.
BIANIIE-lluportcd { , 6 006131(1 ( 00 ; domestic ,
1 406131 00.
GINH-llmzlmrtcd , 'I 11O01G 00 ; domestic , 1 40
@ 300.
IIUMS-IlzlpOrted , 'I 1106J6 00 ; NewEmmghand ,
2 O06Iji 00 ; dotmiestk' , I 50Q3 110.
1'EAcJI 4Ni ) Atm'mz : ] iItNmn--1 75cj'I 00.
Cmm.titt'tuNls-1lnported : her Case , 28 00613
31 00 ; ittte"iezitm , ICE case , 19 00@11i (5) ( ) .
1emiimo umtvashieh , light 1 ftjelGc ; heavy ,
13@ltic ; ImtohiIIIL ( tmmmwn.shieti , light , I8Q20c ;
washed , choice , 32c ; fair , 80c ; tub zoo ! washed ,
28c ; hurry , black 1(11(1 ( cot.Letl wool , 2@GC tosis.
TbflCC014 ,
FINO Cur-Conummoim , 2061330c ; good , 'lfl@
GOc ; Jtose Leaf , iOc ; l'reitmltimii , 65c ; Diatminmid
Crowti , SSc ; Sis'eot Sixteen , 4Th ,
SitomcmNG-O. S. , 20c ; Mimskmvy , 25c ; fur.
lzzitii , 8 (17. , , ZOc ; lurloumm , 'I or. ti2c ; I ) imrhtammm ,
2 tlSc' Seal of North Carolina 8 ox. , 'lIe ;
Seal of ' 1'tittlt Carolina , ' 1 nz. IGe ; Soul of
North Carolina , 2 ( ) Z. , 18c ; 0. IC. luniuimmi , 4
ox. , 28e ; 0 , IC. Duirhmnir , 2 liz. , 30c ; Umicho
Ned , i's , 2'Ic ; ' 1'imt 111111 .Jerry , 23e.
l'iuu 'l'oImAcco-Chinuix , SOc ; lluhlkn , rloc ;
horseshoe , ' 18c' Star 'ISo ; ] luddy , die ; lion.
! Y' 18c ; lllaec ! , 38640c.
I'som'mtmicromistiisios ELXVAT0mu , A. isu It.
receivers ammd sizlppers of grain , Omiabma'ehi. Also buy
tmii NI.'II grali , emil IreIsIomms oil imuirghmis I : , Now York
Chicago , Milwaukee , St. Louis arid roIeiIo. SpecIal
telegrupmlo ) facilItIes lii elites. Market reports reculv.
oil ciumy fifteen mmmImtmtei , , which we is iii furnish on ai ,
1)IIIitIOti , together is Itli our st'echa4 cIrcular , InIlcat.
lug tIme tcnIsmicy of the markets. Olilco corner of
Iotmglas ammil lath , troet , IstaIIlshed 1870.
jim2Ottmim. _ _ _ _
John D. Peabody , M. D. ,
OFFICE 1(00118 ( , 8 and 5 107 FAItNASf.
1t'l1oace.17I4 flotuila. . . . . 1)151115 ) , NOhI
Graduated Midwife !
11108 Cahifmi'tuia , tStreoL
ll'1 ' iI1Si111llOO Alll
lmII'RISIN'l's : : : :
l'h'rnmI Assttramou 1u. , ( If lmdon , , Cash
/sset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
iestcIister , N. V. , Capital. . . . . . . . . . . . . , lX5),000.00
This Merchants , of NowarI , N.J. , Capital l,17SOO.OO , )
( jlrarl Fire1 I'litIa.leI hIS , L'ehhtaI. . . . . . I ,4JO.O0
Flrzet , ' Fund , Cap tal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
OFFICE-Itotuzm ; 10 , Omimalma National , Uaziklhtulkl
lu. TIphons No 75
0' ' "liv
Oldest Real Estate , Agent.
Notary Pub/ic and Practical Con-
, Clarke sthl. houses and bita , Itesidenco Lots anti
liuticttsu 14)15 * 0 otsr the city , and all medlitIon I. . .
uiilr Improved and unluitroved Sarst. ewer titan
any ellis : IMent. loaf Z -
Railway Time Tablo.
U. 1' . 11. H. , M.INt.hNI.
i.lIArs , 'fairs.
raclfle : ) , IIllh2o : p in I Atbatltlo Es'rcss7SO : it ir
" etein ) : ipremq $ p ) 1' in I Itenit Ei'ieIs. ) Sr'Op In
Urzoil Isianil 1'ams 4'il : P mu I (1. IIan(1 I'sss. 11 :4C : ft In
OMAhA AN ! ) 1lNL0lN 1.1N1.-U. I' . IKt'ol' .
Lincoln ) t . . .l2O ; ; ci I 1Incott . , . ,12:55 : in
1)UIIM\ ' TIiAIS111(11)0)1 ( ) 1)IS'ISION ,
lummy trains heave 0tnha as IeIIow 8t : a m ,
0.00 a me , tOCs3 : a iii , 11:00 : a mn'OO 1 In 500 p in , 1i
1' 10 , 5tl I , in , 6a'O mm , 10:10 : II ) .
Ilumnmy traln leave ( ' ( lUflCII IlhimlYs a foh1'vs1 RS :
a am , 0.2. . a iii , 10:25 : a in , 1h:5 : a In , I:2 : at , 2t. ' ,
p in , 3:2 : ; ' in , 1:2. : . , m , 5:25 : P lii , :5O : t'tn , 10:30 : t' ut
Sutm,1isThe lniuiny ( talus hoMe Otnali at DO0 ,
iioo a lit ; 2CO : , 4t ) , 5tO : ) , 6tki : sati 10.111 11 In.
Lcaie I'Onmucll Ithiffs at 9g5 ; and hl : ? , , a at1 2:2Z : ,
4f' : , 5:2 : smmI 13:50 : siutl 10:50 : i' in.
SIOUX CITY & I'ACIFIO-IflI'OT : 2' . 15th Street.
ls'i o Omiaha for O'NeIll ' , Ia St. l'aub I.imjo
lot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : a in
Arsti o ttfl Nehich.o , iu
hlhtitUE 1)h'ISI0N. )
tsrs osisim s , tRays eoecu. st.ens.
L'ass No. 2 . . .7 , ' . . ' a a , I'M. , No. 0. . 7a. a iut
Xe. 10..11:45 : at ' NO. 15. . . . 11:1.0 : it in
a , . . . . . ' ' ' ' .
III No 1. . . 11:20 : a III
PMS.No..St.Oatn : " No , I. . , 73.lult )
'I , (1:15 ( : a iii
C. , M. t St. , 1' . II , IL-U. V. 1HI'OT.
. . . . aamuvs ,
Stall & : . .7is : a mu Stall & 1 . . . . . . .7:2S : p in
/ttlfttll to li . . . .3:10 : o IIi lactfla . . . . . . . : ii or
1)alhy 1)afly.
VA1tAShI , ST. LOUIS .t I'AIIFIOR. ( It.-U , I' .
1)1:1'oi' : .
Onuahia..7:45 : 5 in ( liziaha..11:80 : a
, , .3to I , itt ' ' . . . . . . . . . 5ti
C. , U. t Q IL t-U. I' , 1)t.i'OT ,
ASCII'S. Liuvim.
' . . . . . . . . . . . . : a to . . . . . . . . . : a mu
tIn's : . . . . . . . . .3:40 : p ut ' . . . . . . . . . . p mit
N. t' , Eprt'ss 1ca ci. Ctumncll liltills at 5:57 : i' mt
'I i n.rrhic ' ' ' 8:20 : a umtt
'Simnilays cCettell , I titnaha timito.
(1 ( , II , I. & P. It. IL-U , I' . 1)EPOF.
* uotmvs. Lvs.
. . . . . . . . . . . . , a to I'3Iress..7:45 : mm in
: . . . . . . . . . . : i , mm , . . . . . . . . . . . . . : p iii
0. & N.V. . it. 11.-U. 1' . 11E1'Ol' .
' . . . . . . . . . . . . : ii in lres . . . . . . . . .11:45 : a lut
1xre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
.40 i lit . . . . . . . . . : ) III
Stmutavs ( CIC'iltt'tI , 'SutmllvlI. OCCIltt'tl. 3
, C. I' . It. 11-U , 1' . lIH'OT ,
. . . . . . . . . . . . : a imt : ) . . . . . . . . . : ii in
. . . . . . . . . ( ) P UI haul . . . . . . . . . . .7Et : ) I' in
tSiiialay. execIbteit.
1)Et'OT N. 15Th RI' .
NO. 2. . . . . . . . . . 8C't : ) a in No. I . . . . . . . . . . 4O : ! ' mu
No. 4 . 12:45 : p in No. . . . . . . . . . . . : a mu
Sunilays executed.
, , sT JOH C. 11. It. 11.-U , & r , hKI'OT. )
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : a mu } Ciiire-s . . . . . . . . . oo a mu
Exress. ; . . . . . . . . 7:20 : il iii . . . . . . . . . . . . : p mu
Detiver ExtireAs. . .8:15 : a mu AtlnmtIo. . . . . . : SOp In
l'ac.tflc Express. .flS5 : ii mit. Icnor 1'xpruss.OlO : a in
1xIlrCRS . . .0.50 a mit lqress . . . . . . . . . 7:5 : P III
. . . . . . . . . . . . : . p in . . . . . . . . . . . . . : is lii
'l'riiiti Ica 1n at 7:25 : , in attil arris log at 0:50 : ii mit
IlaiC Iuhhmtuum sleepers.
Opening and Closing of Maui.
aotrrs ommtx. emoss.
1.111. I'.1. a. , , , . ii.izt.
Chicago & Nontliwesterti..11:00 : 0:00 : 5$4) 2:40 :
ChIcago , Itock Islamiil & l'aclflc. II :00 : 11:00 : 5:30 : 2:40 :
Chlcagmllmmrlimigemi& ( Qmlmucy..liO0 : 0'O : ( ' 5:80 : 2:40 :
Clmleago , MOwatikee & $ L I' . . .11:00 : 0ts : ) 5:50 : 2:40 :
i'mbasIu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:80 : 5:30 :
SIoux City & i'acIfl , Ii , mona. . 0:00 : 5:30 :
0111011 I'aeiflo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:00 : 4:00 : 11:40 : 0:80 :
tmnahma Itepubilcaim Valley , . 2aki 11:10 :
II. t M. It , Nehrska. . . . . . . . . . 0:00 : 7:10 :
Chicago , St. I' . 11. t I ) . . . . . . . . . Sas ) 7cO :
Stlssour I'achtIc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0:80 : 5:80 :
SlotmxChty .5 : 1' . , Iii Neiira'ka. . 5tkI : 7:20 :
SpclaI imiall full l'Iattsmnouthm , Asillaini 51111 I imirolim
eloMeS at 5:30 : I' . Ill , , ( IIIC'iis Ut 10:30 : a. In.
0111cc oieim SUtIIifl ) N fromu 12X ) mu. to I :00 : 9 , Ifl.
U , IC. COU'I'AN'l' , I'ORttilastCr
' soux FALLS
Silo NE
ThIs cniiipamiy Is miow ireParot ti ) rctelv orders for
Building Purposes ,
Amid w ill mtiRt.o figures cii rottmiil lots for oronilt ilelhi'
cry , 1Iio CtIilIftI y Is shijipImig
Paving Blocks
to both ( lilcago zttitl Omnitlia , ntii solicits eirrcshiotiIl- )
Lilt U ItItil orlem's frilimm rout ractirs emigageul Iii lag
stracts In all ) ( If thu I ) ( II cr11 cit CII.
RumeiIi.Tm'.sIlaM's F ) ICr. , CliIrni'cst Ilv.
Iomm ItalIWim ) , Chicago Ihcciiilier 8 , 1882.
I ) . 1ivclI , I'CCIIkICIlt Sioux Falls \Vater i'mover t.'omzi-
lissit Sumt-I : liavo rccclicil frotim 3Ohir COtflftflY
simico ( ) ctoher 1 , 1882 , iihoiit 100 carlieuls of granIte
Ia lug blocks cliii Iia U lalti tlietim htweetm the itills of
'sir street rallaay tricks 1mm tIle heart if till ) city. I
hate Item umlilliC I5 lag amaterlal 1mm thIs cIty for moammy
years , ami1 I bike Il'as1mru lii saying that Iii lily 4)1(111. (
hum thu grahmhic avImiy block. fIirmiIIlod 11,1' )4)iir ) Ci'fl.
iamy ) are tlio 111(1st ( regular Iii 511510 amid oorfect hi
form , , , anti as far as I hate licoim 1(1(10 to juilge , ars
I,0NtIIIIoI III 514 iluimalile feature mu lilly tumaterlal that
has ever been iliferell or liihI Jim the ( It ) .
"nmrII , JAR. It. LAKI.
LCoiiy. I
Ni. louts , March 20 , 1883.
' 11115 tO temtlli that I hisic oxaitilimed ix plero of
granite taken Irommm ( ho Slotix I"sIls ( irimtilto ( imarric , ,
aimil. 1mm amy iJIIItilIii , It Ii. ( Ito host , touo for street iv'
hug I Iiau seezi lii Aumierlca.
( Signed ) IIINIIY Ii'AI )
l'rus. hoard Pimlillo tmmuhirovtuuemuts.
Stone lot' Paving Purposes.
Aimli any uiervorm Interested Iii sticlm Imumproyclnemut
wIll fltmd It greatly to hIss iou antao 0 , cotmmmiiimrileato
wIth iii , Vu lumilto corre.poniloiire aim time sliiJLCt. )
'his general iiiaimageiiietit ammil smuperrlsloim II ? tee
comnlany's Iusliiess Is mow It , thu Inuil. of Yiim , Mo'
Address your letters to
&o.y ,
) F 'fIli
I'NIEIt 'fhhI hhIu.rrIoN ) : 01' 'IhhI
R1igions Of thc Sci'c Hcrt
OMAlt [ , NflU.
'huis ScholastIc Year C1)tittiiUiCUN(114 ) tIicfIrstlVnImil' ( .
ilay ii , Itcptcmnhior. 'I lie cijursu lit hitrimttlori , emmibri , .
5(5 ( lie tsrloiis eloimicntary , iiiii till ( Ito Idgitur Iirtou'
cItes iif lhiul.hiwI ehiurathimu. l''j irlety if drj.ortmiient ,
hiursHaI ieatmuel.s ( , iuimI thu lIrhiucli los of mmiorallty an , ,
Olijectil of uiiceaslmig atteuitliii. hIlIturtilcu uifrellgiamm
Is iii , olt.ii'Io , to till ) aIii 11551(114 oh uiiig ) lathes , 'I lie
Frotichi Iamiguuagu It lug jhet , In ( Ii , Iiistltutloum ,
foniti 110 extra charge.
Inehuilitig h,5r111 washIng , tuItIon , atid lust rimmitemitsi
ilitillIe , $ o0. 1 ° f year. Ixtnicimargo , , drtswhmig1hialti.
tlm4c , ( kruiaiu.
Yor further lofonuntIoml apply to
Park Place , 0 11 L 1 i
SafetyFund System.
Ufu Insurance Perfect hi securIty and mit thu lowest
cost cunslsteit , therewIth.
_ c. ,
If AItTIOhICONh' ( .
/.U $ . II. t'fliY , 00110154 Agent.
At the Psatomi.
ta-coed Agents Wantedi mule-lw
( Chiongo , i3urllngton et Quincy Rnhlroad , )
0 A.
z . . . , _ _ _
II I 9 ; : ;
I ' , II _ _ _
0I s - _ _ _ _
- '
I , : L ,4 \
I ' o/ _ _ _ _
' . ' ,
Elegant hay Coaches , Parlor Cars. with l1'cIIn I Solid Traln of 1iegnnt Pa ? Coaches aed I'nfl
IIuujChuahrs ( st'ats free ) , iiittoklng Cars , nitli Re tflfl b'Macnslerpliig ( irs are rundally U.
ED ring t'iunirs. h'tullnian l' SlecpIu : Cars anti front St louIs , via Ilannibal ' Qnlncv Keokmk
( fun fiutotms I. ' U. , 9. 1)hmuing ( 'tiEs run datlyto and Ilu'nllngton Cedar hlaphils attd 'Albert L'a to S&
frotit ( 'luIt'agtt , i City , Chik'aro . ( 'concH I'tttil ( miull iiImuneapoiIst l'nnlorCarswltlu ItechInImt
IiIiulTs , elmlcisgo ties ) Moliumni ( 'luleago. St. Jo Chairs to aint frotu St I.otuis and I'eoniaandl
( ( ' 1111 , Atelilsoti , 'l'tl ) ( ' ( ti % onb' thmrntuglt line In atid from St Lotui nflIl Ottuintiva. OnI' 0111.
tvevmt CIuIc'ago , I.Inco1itt . lenvcr Throtigh ears change of cars between St louis anil Lc )
i'tit't'tt Imidlatuapolls .V L'ommmiell IliumfT via Peoria MoImue Iowa , Lincoln , Nebraska , and Dcnitr
All cllnneetlons itiad , Iii lTIon lemsits. 11. ii Coioniuio.
ktuoimt as time great'i'IIIIOUOI I CAll LfN1. it is universallyadmulued to be the
Finest Equipped Rnllrond In the World for all Clnssos of Travol.
P. 3. h'Orl'Elt , 3d 'ico.t'res't and ( lt'ttI Manager 1'ltCKVAI. LOWEI.t , Gen l'ass. Agt , Chicallo.
I ,
i : ' ° : ; :
"I " ' I .
wII1cflT :
Boiler aii Slieet Troll % VorK I
OMAhA , . - . . . . - NEIIRASICA.
Build all khmah , of Strain . hollers. , Siumoo stack. . liroechhmig lArd , \Vntor ntuti 1)11 iutks , atid ( hO 1 De
list o.Iroii itmsliuoss. htepslrliug 11(1110 in CIty StIlt Coiitttry. All work
Done at Eastern Prices and Warranted I
5'CiltiII'hiitII ) holler , . n Ill he hi , it on baud , I Ia hug liai lilaily years CiwrIommco 1mm tlu traits Iiu dhiTeremmt pasta
(11 thai coututry , I anm oiil1t1iu I I gis U miatisfactloti , Imai lag thu hc'it 511011 itid tolls In the State. kisop 'I
( 'or. 10th mIl'ieroStretts. , J. M. WILSON Proprlotor.
Wi11iam' .
oult F'OUlt'l'U IN\TOIOE OF '
SilK ailif orsteff Jei'geys I '
Black and Colored Jerseys I '
. , ' ' . ' ' ' : . '
AS TIIKY .AItIC COINO I'tST AT I'hiI.SN'1' ) h'iuclio.
1' w cr cD c ] D
Jl.e MOW COIIStItIItIV arrivihig , htII ( ] S.ICS 1110 ihICrCflSiflg ( IlfllY , SihOWihig the
iioti'iI.y huhl'l ( iirosiierity of the ahuflltresL. . 000(1 goods
Were Never so Cheap as at Present I
I' ' \ VoWi11 \ Not lie iiero1F'
yr0 (0111 ( 1LLtellLiOlI to ILIL Uhitirti 1lOV stock of
LMiES' ' USUf UDER" . " . I
BetteilhlIUlO 01' littIll gOOd'4 Chlhlhhlt ho foiiiid. 'L'Jteo we vi11 Roll at. the
Ladies' Light and High Colored
Cashmere Shav s
'r ( ) 10111W OOhhI before eflhhirgilIg luld inlproviDg our Rtoro.
Double and Single Act/nfl / Power and Hand
Plilvips , STEAM PUMPS , .
ElIgilia 'I'riimimtiiimgs , 1Iiiuiiig ! Itztchlihmuryq Ihultihig , lioso , Brns aini TrolL Fittimmg
Stoitili 1'a4killg at wluolesalu and ruail. lIA14LAlAY WIND.M1LLS , 01 EU1WU
ANI ) 501100 ! , BELLS.
Corner 10th Farnam St , , Omaha Neb.
flIALllt IN
IjuhithoIl , Sash , Boors , Bills , S1I1ll1OS , Lath
. ,1
Citil tllftl Out ; ity Prices before buying elsewhere , YnrdH1 corner 9&
aitd 1)ouglaa , Mso 7th and Douglas. ' d
. . . . . . . . 9 '
- - . - , ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' j'