Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 17, 1883, Page 2, Image 2

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    , : DAILY i713. = -1
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( . " ; ' l Ltt'7/G' , , rcltl II.L. T
E. F'I 1KHAM" "
VEGLTA13Lu . .
Sort Cur. far nth 11i3ftLE SViA d
rr.tsls , Inclnlhtg , Icncorrhun , 1"
rcrttrlnr and l'nlnfnl Jlcnstruntinn
tn9nnms1lnn and Lrlccrntlennr
th ( % Volnb , I'lnadlna , P3U .
i.u'3LU fTLRItc ,
nrunnltoakata tm u 3 , .
It\ert ( ct. itlsnTre tttelm rmRnnt
net psis durlnt Isbor nod nl rra1 iAr I cit"4s
prrra AttwErxrasas at the ° en ratm ! orir
etthr.crU brccondtoao rcmalytlwtIi. . + + g
nt IMort tin publiol and to Sill d.ntMrs mot at (
tsa7 It asthoJrralednemedp/nfle IrorLL
' 1UDNEVCOMPLAINTSoft'.nbel 5 + :
llnd.rentUcllCf in Ion f1so.
LTP1A i.PI51
1J rns4rnt , . .q' na"gn ur Itui"ta " , x P )
ix'd , At tom aatnn tire tvli rlt n tire nu4 , trr ndh . x
t'ylttnu. As anelbuslnnreu1I k t6Oe1III.nw"
rllnnlhthoetmpund.ndnlondl' ueuaT w'
Y..1 mot 1 J and 1i werlcrn went , ion tls
rwentclthrrCI. Six lotlr.fart' + T1.'Ccmrn
, .rnl by null In thu form nr 1.111. , nr or Ina nC' +
nnlln i
, tnctrn'n
i4y arnwrn' alt letters of inrulry ,
.nro ; . , load'totePi- '
, t'txentt torn T-its stnT t'nnt j
rInut \ A , ' ,
a eiaounnc nnud Torpi4ltr rf ( ho tJvr t0 oil'Gq
a a ld p.r rn ltrt r tl.u.40
r Cures (1RIITAL PItVHUAi rRVOUH LOS4 , & 0euilif y
of MANLY V10O1tHp nhintorr
lima , eta , when all other tone.
dies hale A cure pwaranteed.
91.M ) n ) , oltlc , Inrgo 1wttlo , tour
tomes the qumntlty , $5 , ny ox.
, press to any adltess. Hold k
all drugglstR. 1NlIJ811 ( M11)
CAhIN8TITUTCPruprlctors,71B Ollvo Strout HL
Lo.l. , Ma -
.IluroMold SirMtloytkopor $ Yltal Rcstoransa
lcryrsre. Ivory customer epcakn highly of It.
unlwdtatingly endomo It ae a remedy oI true mar
( . F. 0000MAa,1)nrggist
Omaha Fab. . : 1893. codl
Business Property ,
Residence Property
Suburban Property.
Lands Near Omaha
Farms in all Parts of Nebraska ,
1t00 1Loros5tooh.o d
winch [ WI : Ot'rlat
Race of Scrcral Thousand acres
218 S. 11th Street ,
. .
( iencral Dealer In
1:46 YAIINAIt HT , e O1IAIIA ,
liarO for sale .00,000 acre carefully selected 1 n
V ( astern Nclnuka , at IoW prlt'o aid on euy lcr
lmpruvtd lama our oalu lee DuuKlu Dodge , Oulfa )
Hate , Burt , Cuudag. Harry , S Shiu ton , Marl
$ M A4cr. , and Butler CounlIv&
Tuw 1HId In to 'rerlt of the Htate.
Mcy I „ aual on lmproed louts.
Kotarr I'uhUoMway. In oaleo. Crrre.paalea a
Yormerly Utah & Jaoob.
The Clnases . , I' Its l'nputnllou , 't'heir
Iress anti Chnrnt'Ior.
Correswndenro ; ni the 9pringaeld ncpntlknn ,
Cart' nr MEXICxy Judy 18 , 1881-The
people to bo met on thou streets of Mexico
may be roughly ditidcl into tlircoc1 Mos ;
t1118 is , of course , without including the
foreigners , who arc suiicicutly nuluerous ,
but who d0 nut mpssoss the some interest
to the traveler boat is to ho found in the
motives of the country. The three classes
would ho the Mexicans , the Mestizosanl
the Indians. Since all are , broadly speak.
iug , Rfexicans , it might purhaps ho bat.
ter to call thorn the upper class , the servant -
vant class , mtd the lowest class , This
does not give quite nu exact idea , since
those three classes are to bo found in any
conuntolity , while hero not only are the
islassesditi'crentbutnlsothurnces. There
is no n.tono for the servant class , the word
Mestizo is apfdiod to tlieuu mud is under.
stood wlieii used , but is not gCIIorahI ,
employed. They scout to be a peopl0
noidw n' between the Indian and the
s'liitu man. From the pictorial point of
view , the lntlinu is theiutorestiii
of these classes. T'lie scow to ho ,
they nro , ummrnnos of ythce past , lingering
tuunug the scenes of their former great.
puss ; they do mint blend with tow city life
at nth 7'ley are not idle ; far front it.
They Cote into the city in the n10rnitog
with their meagre stock of vegetables ;
mold in the afternoon you see thou vu-
turning to their hones. 'l iuy usually' go
at n dogtrot which iniprusses one as being -
ing very wearying , but they kcop up the
pace as long as they are to be seen , 'I'Ituir
faces have the niulameholy cast of a people
ple Lorna down by opprcasi ° u , 'Iltu
onward march of tune has hind little erne
inllueco oil their costoins , T'hoir dresa
has pppnroitly undurgouC 'no change of
plan since the tiny tvliot Cortcs first introduced -
troduced civilization nminng thou by the
means of gunpowder. The costume is
exceedingly simple , consisting of two
pieces. Ono is a piece of plain elude with
n slit in the center through which the
head is thrust , ' 1'ho mods fall n little below -
low the waist and it is wide enough so
that on its aides it reaches about to the
elbows , the arms being otherwise uncov.
ercd. This garment is the saute for Loth
sexes. The cloth of which it is made
focus n distinguishing markquitc as proul
moat as tau cut. It is a coarse cloth
of a pecculiar dark blue color and louse
texture. It is manufactured by the Indians -
dians and is never seen except in their
dress. The other gnrnol of tbu women
is n plain 1)1000 of this sane blue cloth
bound about the waist and falling to the
ankles. 'I'lou dress of thou met in ce11i-
1Pletud by n pair of leather trousutn reacL
nog to the knees and oppen Mnou ahx or
sevot inchtesr up the outside scams. For
head-covering thou luau vcnr a coarse
straw lint , while thou woolen are usually
bare-headd Litt occasional ) they will
witht a narrow strip t f thir blue
cloth covering the top of the bend and
falling a Pen floe shoulders , This is held
iii Ithttee by tying above it the two braids
in which the hair is worn , The hair does
toot brow long and the lack is made up by
braiding in bright colored worsteds.
't'his worsted mid a string of colored glass
beads arc almost the only oruauiuuts of
the wmCn. Once in a while a pair of
silver Latuigs will be seen , but not fre-
gnently. I hcse pooplu live on the cx-
treue outskirts of thou city or in the
small villages sm romuding , and 10000g
thuni only can be heard the original Ian-
gungu of the Rlexicnna.
' [ 'he Dlcstizos or scvant class difut
wholly' front thou Indians in dross. The
utmost characteristic feature in the ruboz o
worn by thou wouuu. 'I'bis is n dark
c0lerCd scurf of thin material , about eigh t
feet lusg and two nod n half fuut wide ,
One w'ouldl think that these scarfs iroild I
be of n variety' of beautiful colors , lti t
they are universally houcely. Thu pre
tailing color is a light bloc with narrow
white lines at frequent intervals. Tot u
rebozo completely covers the lead , oil
end hanging dawn by thou chdu , the othiu p
being brought either under the chimi or n
little higher just passing over the mouth
and thrown over the left smoulder. I
equine to be looked upon as the most in
dispensable article of a woman's dress ,
Thou usual dress is thou ordinary civilized
dress , with n great diversity of opinion ate s
to the quantity dcunicd necessary , h i
svhntnvor the amount of clothing on th u
u ppur part of the body the rebozo i us
bcI va 's worn. Its es cial service is in tai u
carr yin g of childrenra1Vhumo the child i s
carried in thu urine thou child is Pitt
of the tebozu anti the ends brought undo
th0 arm , transferring a largo part of th u
weight f'oni the arm to the shoulders btu ut
the most characteristic use is in binli11 b
the child to thou mother's back , hriugim
the entire weight on the shoulders mans
leaving thou hands uuoccudud. , Thu chill
dren seem to enjoy it , 'lhoir . hounds art
usually left free , and thoyroll nboutfrooo 0
one 51(10 to thou other in apparent cum
fort , Thou men of this 31ass ate various
1F' dressed , Thu pnoest labored wen r
Hint ) ly a blouse and n pair of trousui' ra
niadu of a course wloitu cloth culled iooan
hu. It is about the thickness of heavy
cottlnl cloth. Thu width of these trott-
ca is simply hidicroue. 'l'ley scum fully ,
ins wide as noel sacks , and the ninpl u
folds swh ig from stdo to shdn with tot 0
motion of thou walker , in it most airy
fnshlomo It scenes alilmPst tonpossiblutlut
puell0 cut live with such thin clothing ,
and it is ant surprhaimg to hear that hour
in thou valley of Rluxicu numbers of then u
1130115 punish ever' winter from cold ,
l'oiu tcuu dhotis died in one Idncu during p
night lust January.
Auml ; thou Aluxieana the dress of th u
nun t711'IUH Litt slightly f nun that in otlou
pnrtx of tic world , but lauru too th
w'Oman lucve thou tunic characteristic fat
tort's of eoatutoie. They use bright nun
light colors with a reckless inclusion
Yellows , blues , green iced res in sit k
1010(1 satin arc suet np(1 frequently in in
harnoiuns comiobinatiuuH. fink , too , i
a color which is used legprdloss of tic u
wusuqunncce. T'bou 1oem l.dress wits , not
still is puun ) g thou conservativu , thou Mach
lacu nutoitilin octal a must oip uo print
mouth becoioiiii g mead co'oriugg lit is , Lee
unlfnrtuuatul it is fast being abaldilud 1
anti its omscu is taken by Paris botonut
mood chip i limits , At a to nt o pee nir en
turtniuiiunt tl10ru urns tout n mantilla h
be aeon , but Hcoop hals were um uvur
hand , and as thou wostoill hero is to
thu womicn to kiss coo grcutiug cite
other , thou lruublu which thou riooos of th
hats gavu and tire aucceeditog rwnm7nngiu
of them wits nlmuat coulienl ,
I IIM'ul 1'lotgiice In Itiooo.Imt.
Thera are few yews in wlchclt locusts 0
grnssleppura chu let nucku their nppcat r
milieu hn southern Russimo. One host mil
, sat'us in 1oorisun a black cloud , mfg it i
tated by unbar iuturual uoovo11el t
' 1'boes 1t appears above you , sad thou rah
of thou large mood 1ouav'y bisects is so vi o
lettt'tlet t11u best thin ; ; you call 1 ( ) is
take to your 10ouls , Thou peasantry b u
Move tha n tloesu poets arc sent by ( , mid a
m essuti Burs of his wrath , std tc pr o
therefore too much imocliud to boy low
before thou scourge , and lot what they be
hove to 1)e thou justice of Gal pass h Y
In some districts they simply unite in
Prayer' and the images of tlco saints are
placed thou : ratio of the locusts , 'mist as
leas recently done in St , 1'otrsbu :
when thou col statutes wcro laced tit
front of the great contln ration , But
this year floe infliction is so terrible that
thou peasantry leave taken soulo retsomi-
ablomcasures to check it. Men , women ,
and children are busy killing the pests.
The insects are crushed , burned , ttodlhon
upon systematically by trained horses , and
rent itches are dug mot which thou enemy
lumped ti1) ,
1orsfbrd'H Ado ! 1'hatphatee
Rolhblo Article ,
Dr , E , Cutter , Boston , Mess , , says :
"I fantod it to realize thee expectations
raised , nod regard it mw n rohablo article , "
.S Ylatl'l'ABI,1 : Intl' .
'In' , Vmtlclu g of a itlnu R'hc Ions
li'rn , Aslet'p Slml o
in 1)ecenmbur last , two days before
Christmas , writes a coo-respnndcut front
Bridgeport , Conn , , unlur date of Auk ;
r , , Sherman 1V. I'iatt , residhog with lees
fatho ,1Vuozor I'iatt , m well-to-do farmer
of Murgnlt's ' Four Carnurs , town of New.
tau , tsvanty-three momiles lh'Ht,4ltl ' froth this
city , fell asleep molter retiring early , as
was his lothit. I lad lie awaked with the
next Inorning's soon , as pcoplu gu11arnlly
du , thou chrcunislaucu uw0)uld leave attracted -
tracted no ottttmtiotl , but lm did not.
Contimiuing in sound repose , hlis pllrunls ,
mid afterward hole f'iouls amid neglobors ,
bcc01ne planned at his long sloltnberimog
mod began attodyhtog as to wlmt induced
it. 1 hu case svmo put into the care of the
beat ployoiieinois , bolt the wisest of then ,
after diagmiosis , could give moo int ° lligott
Hohotlta. Rlr , flay imi his bed motion.
less , atlhibfili too pain , amid ex
eutlot , seonmgly , from these calls
which thirst mod htnigor tuake. Early ho
July , 182 , Mr. Platt , who is .96 years
old rend um00arricd , woos at work h o a bony
1101(1. ' [ 'hoe sun heat down with force ,
nll''ectiug leis hound , amid hoe rcchiioed mot
110)001 under a true coo n pile of booty' , think-
lug after a short nap to feel butter. On
rising froooo thou booty he wtnphmined of n
straw.0 feeling in thou back of lobs hound ,
notch lie was'nsshstcd to thou housu and
restoratives applied. Nothing availed to
alleviate , lee thou mutuum ne was attacked
with malarial fever , nod it is believed thou
two Causes coabiucd tunded to bring
about hole comatose condition , mind render
hint thou merit protraeteyl sleeper of modern
times , From Christmas till Rfarcli he
scarcely nooved in bed , and took moo
uourisluuont sate whnt ryas forced into
his ueuth. 1Viho leugthcmiing days
hoe exhibited signs of rutnroing anion-
pttou , but not till thou arrival of
] illy and thou apple blossollls did h °
nmvu frou ltis recumbent poshtioo , after
oat itotclligunt syllable , or open his eyes ,
Presoitl , howoverr lee submitted to b °
bolstered u1) lit bud , amid fonall like mi
htifnmot , wits put into lots clotheu and lcd tea
a chair , lie could not be induced to
speak , mull thou muscular effort , if such it
may be called , required tot' hum to poise
frono thou lied to thou chair ismas iuvariablo
followed by deep sleep , whoicbo hoisted till
hcdtitoou agami. In , luau bungernssc'ted
iteulf , amid duo'iug Join brief ivctufal ; m o-
ntotta he daily fotttod hole ivay , luioaaslstcd ,
to thou pantry to appcasu thou sauoo , his
03.05 nil thou whine closed , nod returning
to Join clmir resuuled the leap swhiclc his
friundomwere iucp ° llod to feel would cover
knos' snkhng ( , , 'l'ions lou coiltiuae(1 till
.InlyIOtho ) whole to thou surprise of loin
family , Joe strode to thou front vuliuidn.
Seated jot n mimetic cbonit , he heard to pass-
hug teaumstur address hole cattle , amid , as if
in noimhcry , sang out , "Nlooal"-thou lira t
uxch onnlion he end made durin g , 211 days.
On Moudny nigltt last weak ] 0o wont t °
loin mvoni its usual. During the nigltt he
loft it stcatloily , mud , clad Iii hole this t
gnrnooots , alippm s , tut apology for a hat ,
timid too u0ouuy , idarted to walk to this
city. lie mmoet have reached h awley
I t'ilie before noidni'dot otherwise the do-
. watclunaio tliuiu
would have see m
amid , following thou track of th o
0 1loustmctomiie railroad , reached lore Twee
t duly' Morning. Amcuog thou crowds swarm-
. nog mtt thou nhltf ) io i11 tills city' le did min t
attract nttumiho o at Ih'st ; but , after t t
I while , RIf. Ccorgu Arnold , of thou police
force , saw bole actions , and , con imiccd
t that tllov was iooonethoiug wrung , took
lulu into custody. Thu description o f
Slouru11uo 1V , Platt mud thou aloi' g of hole
long sleep owns fniioiliar to thu ohhicer , amid
lee cut about thou task of nutkito g mm idea.
tificptiou RIr. Arnold callctl ho ux
r Rhcyor Dnttiul N. Rlorgmuo , who foruiurly
lived in Nowtowmo , and one glnncu front
t that gunlleoooaot 5utlicod. It was , indeed
, Mr , Vimott , At thou ollicu of Chiuf Marsh
, various uxpudictts wore adopted to ux
tort weds fi'ono R4' . Platt , flu danced ,
walked , and smacked to blue wloeu asked
to do so , but uxloibitod no incliootthou or
desire to spunk , nod , it is asserted , did
not utter a sword whilu in Bridgeport.
Rh' , Venzar I'Iptt , leis father , was uoti-
rlied , mold lou coiveyeo thou hero of thou
lotogest mm ii mead of by railroad train to
his ltonue.
Thu atamodped restorative-eepocimcll } Ito
caF.Ste lof nervocrosiess-ios , YUmmorlfi
.kVerrhu : .
"l nun rfectlycured"snidJns.Corbhn ,
of , 111 , , "thanke to Dr.
Itielllncnd's Snl/turllnH / .o1' ° rt'flc , " A
Druggists. '
, Al oh hiCmII8hc hull ,
Boston herald.
' 1'110 ' sm olu dazzlioog prrmy of beauty ,
juwell budecked tocstrsagirls buamocd up
001 Toe this uvuniug , as at tt a ! brat dance ,
r a01d stun ill my lriunds were bus' 1illimo
u tl10ir books fu' thou dpuccs. Tiocl'u wort a
re proscribed style of threes for thou uouu'
1 50m0 wore their shirts ontskle , Ilutt00 i116
hn thou wooing nit ; sonic ivoro theta hu
sidu , mud enure of thou most aristocratic
oven wore t umots , but toll were hats. Uoi
e obserieclMhn a cortur , I was watching tot 0
atrmtlgu Costumes , hut thou ahnrp eye of th u
1 ; getertl , os'ohc(11010 ' tr'oico his chaieof state ,
t honualh hole ow u Iorhmlit ) drmllroil it
o Mexican colors ,
t "limo , Surer Fredueicu iwhy nru you uo
s "Scum guttural , l don't know lorjwu
' , l'ue } 'nu do ; you've gut to dmtnco , any
) irty ,
y 11'itlo that lee approached ne uud whet
r 1 tnicd to dart through thou crowd caugho
it and led tote sturdy hack ,
u ' 'llutu'buekouuog to a lovely ; , girl
' "conu , no' darlioog and dancu witlo ii
Sunor el Lstnnl gur ( , "
'I'le girl cnuou nod stood moo front o
tae , elllilitig ,
"That iii uoy niece , thou pietthcst ghrl hl
r thou rcun mutd thou beet daccer nl tin
canton. 'l'nku hoar , now , and out hoar loll
I. 3 nti ,
'I'kon 1 mix hmcinod that 1 uuvu' danced
_ that n ] sue uuck hot of toot-acre lot wool d
u waltz all arou11d mote. It was of no use
I. lie repented , thuro's may niucu ; look n
0) hocrh"
'l'rau enough , tlelu shoe woe , waitiot g
to for mu to hoku boor out , Oh , she was
, lonndsonu girl with regular foaturoa an d
n shoocl ahouldcis anti bun6r all nroun d
w itho old urmuoterata.
' Now that girl couldn't uudurshuul
word of my lancuage , hoot sloe must have
seen that I didnt want to dauco with hoer.
But when time musio struck up shoo lucre-
ly amilcl and said : "Vmnmonosl"
Vnmonus is "comhg along ! " but I
wouhdnl , go , I commenced to explaiu ,
"Senorita , yo no so thus kind of a dnnco ,
you know' it's all Creck to ice ; n Vim.
nia reel now' or a sailor's honor i o for
mistmmc0 f uisloel
but this- . I neu'cr :
that sentence , for shoo advanced with tire
job hoer eye , and seized one abort the waist
and said in n decided manner : "Vanlo
moos ! ' amid l vamomseh
Well , that young lady sailed all shout
tome like a swami , 1Vholo I hopped tip mod
down , stopped on hoer skirt , stud trod on
her toes , shoo reumaincd as serene as n
sununer sky , pulled this way otul that ,
whirling me tlrouud the room till I suns
giddy , and ended by fhinging nro into a
seat , while thou nudicncc sole land re-
maicd tlcunluratieck with anazanlott mot
lily war dmmcu , burst oft with loud cries
of "Viva of Anoericna0 : "
WA1t\iNC I
It. is nut to bo wondered atthoat moot Auoori
08005 arc Dyspeptics , Swallowhtg ice cdd drinks
nn n hoot suupnur day lee the udscliief , 'oS hey
tllmi tout , ado ! oil tire w of A n „ osltorot lilt-
tamrs , the itudd rem uwned 'Tonle of oxu uigito
llatnr , mud that' mtvuid all danger of cold to tbo
Itoughl mo , ; It In tout 'cI In oust 0)010.
' 1'lou sun lutd been Imiddeotall thou dreary'
morning belomd great balks of lendoi
douche. Cold gusts of wind canto dowio
from thou northwest mud sighed a mournful -
ful requiunl througlo thou dismal forests.
All nature auuned to be suffering fro11
at acntu attack of indigestion , mod ovot
thou brouello puny , standing listless ] to
front of Gnu. Shurdao s tent looked as
though he load forgotten to put on home
' ,
It ruts n cold day i11 the vmtlluy of thou
Yollowutenu , aml thou poeshdottlal party
refused to be comforted ,
At last thou cloiuf , rising superior to clh
antic influences , Iruposed a ehort hunt
tug expedition ,
" 1'urha ) s , " lmu remnmked , with not toot-
uttcraLlu look at Coo , Stn'o ) t'uvu may
rtno microns some Ycllowetouu rabbits , "
Itobuit L'mncoln ' fainted , Con , Stager
Ilusloed amgtilymtd thou guide turned pale
amid took to thou woods.
"Confound thou fellow , " mnttcrcdGo ) ,
Sheridan. 'Bos'on thumidur can we go
htoutimo' witlwut a guide ? "
"Never' mind Phil " said
, , Rir. Arthur ,
soothingly ; "we won't go far , so w'u'II
hnvu uo dillhculty in finding our way
hack , Conic along , " mud slinging loin
trusty mitts over his shoulder ho left the
cammp , followed by all except Co11 , Stager
mod ltobo't Lincoln.
* * * * * *
The eloude hind cleared away , and thou
sun was sinking to rest behind a con'utt-
tent litotnltaiu peak. Robert Lincoln was
propai ng tIme supper , amid Gumi , Stager
timid the guide were playing sevol-up. A
about was beard in time distanec , and the
guide arose amid took ao observation.
f ° 1'boomi's ' ' mini , " hu sand , pointing to
tloo southwest ' ' ' '
, 'vt'tlmoy'vegotsunthin' .
Guess it's a bar. The bronclto'e a dr'ag
gin' it. "
Lm a few minutes the Inoutiug part
reached thou camp ,
" 11'huct lopyo you got ? " asked Gorr.
Stager ,
"Ole , nothing , " ruplied Cc11. Sheridan ,
with alboctud sang frohd , "only a black
butlhlo. "
" 1Ve didn't see any Yullowstono rob
bits , Stager , " said llr. Artlatr , "so
just picked o11 tithe btlilulo nieruly to try
uoy gnu. "
"Black buflhlos , " said Ccot. Sheridan
' 'are not to boo found every day. They
mire , too to speak , n rat-a atis , ( IIow'
that for high , lliik ? ) 'Phu' do not travel
in droves like thou ordiutiuy Inn lalo , but
graze singly upon thou foot hills. Thi
some we approaehoed with great caution
amid mot ten yards rice the presidou t
knocked loium over , first pop. Robert , 1
think you load butter skin thou beast
mod ive ll have her stull'ed , and pleC(1 ii
thou- . "
'H'ell , I'll be goldurnedl" intei'rupte
thou gothic , who hued just stepped up t u
take mu look at thou dead auinml.
11 bats thou nmattorl asked Coon. Sher
idau , n little nnxiouely.
" 1Vhat't tloamider did yv shout that cos
fur ? "
' 4ow ; " exclninmed thou hunting party iii
mu cloorus.
"Ohl yes ; you moot huffslo cow , of
c0ursu , said thou chiuf ,
"BnQhlo cow lie durucd , R'hy , tho' °
nin't ' no bntl'nho'lout. duct ani11ml. 'float' s
John I , . ll0utt's old black cow trot ho us
took across thou plaine v ° ams ago Why ,
ho raised a dozer big herds oll'n tloat old
cow , and shoe's nade ) hint richo. lie
wouldn't ley lost that cow for $10,000.
. Like cz not hu'Il kill thou hull plu ty if hu
finds it out , "
* * * * * *
Thu night ills dark , turd it cold , drhz
zling rain descunded upon the presitluu-
tial Patty. 'Phony loud rolled up stakes
mud were moving regardless of thou hnclu-
torDnt weatloor , io thou general direction of
Umcie Rufus llatcho's "Butto be
dro11eheth to thou skin , " amid thou presidoit
ilk reeponso to ma grits' ] front Cun , Stager ,
"than to heave ltoutt find its cam tohltog
w itloiu too miles of that dead cow.
pl. . t'ON'O'INllln.j
leery buoy a + ec h'azuni's nmeolicatcd cum.
tloxino unvder. It is a lounsehtuld treasure ,
1'Ic uuuinno Buds ht icnloin sibin to go down
meta without Ihrst nubbin , It on , If tic baby
cries sloe goes fur thou pullasx. If thou ' ofd
000500' ' Cell0C4 hone rallied or ehonfed , heccoos u
Istsiorni is dull , &c. I'uzzuml's Powder awls
mood allays his tmutib ( uv , 'rhea alt Is gbulsoal 0
jut' , No fnumih'shoodd ho without It ,
Vllllm ; tin' Jlttlo'Csses ,
Dcnluiu iii budding anti furnitmru state
that. a necessity' exists for a nuw uucturial
for lillhrig c0moulon mattresses , Coiled
hair me too scarce rand expousive fa
onliunry usu. 11'ool'auswurs n good poor
'Peen , Lut if it Is of fair quality and ivul
scoured ht Is quits costly , In Emoghuu 1
mattresses arc preferred that more tilled 1
with alternatu In3.0rs of wool mud hair
Souc ycwa ago s i 10 Ca , rodorud ) elast h °
by th10 use of glycurmie , were used fu r
tilling mattr ° ssun timid for n tiuou gave cx
eulluntsatisfaction ' '
, ,
eve' , mippemcd to become lttmicid by ox
losuru to thou air amid time intluumocu of th 0
I Beat of time hotly , amid thou a ) oil goa mc
length ceased to belastic. ,1 nods tor
mooterinls now noted for lilting n co ) unol
, mattresses more corn'husks or ' chocks , '
1 prtriu hay that hots first Luna briefed it
thou tow of a rope , Spiuohsh or southoeru
f muss , "shoddy" whicm is prCparC(1 Gun
old tvoolat chthoes , and 'uxechsiot- '
i w hiclo consists of thou thirst shonv'iugs o
o loanl iwpud. All thteso nutterinls meehcocl
I and must of thou mire tolerably clean
'fhoy mire of cctioomtbla , however , in othe
; respects , T ley have no lasting qualities
: het value steadily declines foul the
first tinuu they nru used , All of tlioot be
t coma c0ucpnct land acute of ducat becoun
broken , Of thusu nocteriale , earn husk
mire time Lust , It is soutowloat sillguhmt
tl11it most of thou eoru huska used for till
hag tuattrossee noadu in the west cone
froou the eastern states , Riaryland fur
nishiug n large proportion of tltoni. l'os
a eibly labor is obtained chrapor thou Ilium
here , The demand for husks for filling
mnttrescs is very large in dohs city , and
it would n o pear tat lee west could sup.
n1Y it withioitt difficulty. Thorn is n gou
coral corn faint amomm farmers that there
are few kinds of rong merative labor tlur
hug Limo winter season ,
Smotisrtraory li'ItiomC ( ' .
,1 , 1V. ( irahman , whmlcsalo tint gist of
Austin 'Fox. writes : I have been In idhlnq
1)i1.1rM , jiALil9 BALSAM ) : Olt Tlltl
LUNGS for thou east year and tunic found It
ono of tloo most snlablo motlldnes I have over
hind in my hmmso fur Coughs Colds and even
Consulrlptinn , always glvingontirosatisfaction.
I'leasosend ono one gross bySnturday's steam.
Time Ilest'rlnio for 1'ruycrs ,
Albany Express.
At leis pretty country place on the
Groonbuslo lulls n lawyer made a meal of
of chokohorries and hulk , Time result
was suddot sickness , the visit of thou doe.
tor , a darkened room and hushed chill.
( Inca. Thu illness ivas severe , the family
was afore or less frightened , and the six-
year old boy was told the cause of his fa-
tber's sudden attack. Thou gontloumn mu-
covered , 11 frioul visited the house , n
man mooted for piety and prayers , lie
omtered into conversation ivlthl thou boy ,
who suddenly 1)ut to him thhe question ,
" . ' what is thou best timle to say your
Iptyurs. Phu visitor , some : oat astou
mehod , replied : " 1Ve11 , Charley , I sup.
pose whom you go to bed at night. " "I
dolt thoiuk so , replied Chancy. . 'If
not , whoo , may 1 ask ? " Chotrlcyghanced
over at his father , and answered : "I
thnlok the bust tilde is right after you've
beet emtimig chokebomries and Milk , "
Conparo the dose amid quantity of flood's
Sarsaparilla mud you have couclusivo proof
of its superior struugth cold chcapnese.
Try it.
Spctnlhttnr ( hl Trouble.
Now York world.
1Ve have speculators in grain , speeuln-
tors iii hard , speculators hn pork , ion beef ,
hn live cattle , iii iron imi leather , in almost
every lendinarticle of commerce. Thera
nru no longer legitiuutte purchases and
sales , but purchases in thou hope of mimk
hug "corners , " mud sales with thou object
not of delivering thin proportysold but of
drivilig dawn prices , covering amid
pocketing thou difference. Tloat is why
we have load iron failures amid lard failures
and leather failures , and why banks
which : have helped on the gamblers are
tumbling down like hootses built of a pack
of cards.
* Amnung the most allicacious of remu
dial agents are thou medical proparatiois
from the laboratoy of Mrs , Lydia E ,
Pimikham , Lynn , Mass ,
soon , , + dbtil".tt
. , 's3ta t i 7 i
? ' " „ 7
"c t IF . 1 .A tjll r
h -st ro
! , ! i1 + a
Fi kiF , _ ) ; ! . , ; s
ti FrtFfj' ! ; k"2 s t 1wt
q '
rn ' yrf +
' V hRk ,
4D f' '
i , rkI
0 4
: o
I ,
' . . . , .
to v : . . t .
f.s S ry . , e " V
I. ,
i t r ' to ' a
trgs . , r ! .c ,
- -
WO ? LD.
.rs. . en's
Lair ear P r
IlilliO Bo icfactror.o. Mrs , 5 ,
.i. LLGamocJii 11'CSrncdthi9file
std t'ou'aw"s are iht day rejoicing
-rcr a f ac head of hair prodnred by
her unequaled preparamin for rester.
bog. im ipnnting , and bantirying the
liar. Hr VJurld's ILir Restorer
quickly crnsca the ecalp , removing
1)ao rni and arre us the fall ; the
hair , i f gt.y , is cban ; cd to its natural
cIury log 1:5o tome viahtyand :
lu.urito : guard : , ha yvuh.
COiLiI'iEhiTA17. "My
h.sir i , nOir r2storcd to its
youthful color ; I have not
! t'11' ; hajl' lrft. I all : sat-
isfd that the preparation
i ; ant a dye , bUt acts on
Iha scrctioa ; , illy hair
CC t'4 to f.11N ivhiclt is ccr-
tiitl } at advantage to one ,
rho iia : ' in danger of be-
cnnll g bild , " flti ; is
the ( c.9 ' , ' I „ „ lank of all w'ho
rlq , : Dlrti , S , A , ALL1iN'S
' 40Ve dlid a , ' Thatisthc
, irr , . , aa " 1 .uny who have laid
t , 4 t pulavrre.tnrrtltoitsnattnal
ta t : I , . , ; , , , : eu 1. 1.1 Spot cocCtt
, , r. s11er u : i one hatlc of
r : I + ' Voan'sJIA000
I , , Io..uotadyc. 1
J. E , HOUSE ,
f ) Consulting and CIuII Engloeei an
r siwclal attention to surveyhtg Town AJdit on. an d
Lots. 1'urntahc , EsUumteoof Excavatlon. , Mnklu
Maw , Plans , let' .
0 Physician & Surgeon
llosldcnce,13th sheet , oter llehurod t : Dorman' .
store near Jackoot atrctt.
1 hklarvnco-A W'err , ' practical oxperieere.
raq 1 1
t 1 , t ;
. .nd oho Last for This Yoar.
Until September 1st , we will offer some Special ( foods ill nil Departments -
ments of our business at Greatly Iteduc'ed Prices , to Close Out ,
No such BAR'OAINB have ever before been
Offered in a General Line of FURNITL'RE ,
To , A,11 ' 1oorS. 12(16 ( , 1208 , 1210 hornluuu
Streetr Omaha.
Carraes ! , Biiaaieilloail ,
1310 nut ! 13:10 : llamcy street and 909 8 , 13th Street ,
, riltmstrated Catalogue tunmished tree upon applicatlan , f , NEB.
,11 . . , "n + tg r t . al ;
4HMfEAt A 3 s ;
tl''v - - - - - / r
' WIiOLi SALE k 111TA1L
. . t
t < " .r. i . r t' " .f r 1 WINDOW SHADES & CURTAINS 1
, n ; m ; , , i Cornices , Curtain Pole , ant Fixtures.
; ht ' it
i * ' 1 107 South 19th Stud
. . , , . Pr'q ,
alb. uaa.,171'tlw.J R'gartfutiN w
ooth9s OvaF ard
T'rosa T ia ib mot ViTaoloiE1nlo.
D. B. BEEMER , Omaha.
J. O. PRESCOTT & CO. t r
W3.ololsalo and Rotni1
Music , Musical Instruments of all Descriptions.
In the
NO. 1500 Farnam Street , - - - - OMAHA.
On Long Time--Small Payments.
FIICOS. A. lloso Jr
15)0 DODOEh9TI1E
OFMateria's '
Sash , Doors , Blinds the stairs , Stair Railings Balusters WiudOW & Door Frames , &c
Flrs dasr failities for ntanuaeturo of all klnds of Mouldtngd , 1'laning and hatching a specialty
Onlcr , truism the country will ho promptlr executed.
Address all cmmimnfeattona to Al MOYEiL Pronrlet"r
A.m r I T M
llhiios : , [ ; Eff11EIos I1I ¶ OllS it
MyReposltoryisconftautlyOiled io0thaaelcetstock , Seat Workminstiilo guaranteed ,
Office and Factory S W. Corner 16t/i and Capitol AYtmue , Qmalia
LO1iNER'17YELFTIIAND1(01yAltu ( 171tf 1T8.
OTVL1a. Z 11. - . . - - - - : la- :
Partlcutnr attention hen to no alrlnm , Satls.ct'n outrantoed
. py 1iT.1- ! : PE1 FEOTION
' e , . , l.1
( 11t Heating and Baking
+ tr4y ! ( ] , Is only attained byausiumg {
Stoves and Ranges ,
_ . - . - - - - For sale by
1I I 1
1I I 1
' 1I
(1C. .
, I
1 (
ho ,
i cal
l act
I goo
> o
' 11 0 ,
i 2e.