'I'I ' f1i fATTY RLiu1.--i jftr1Al-iA TTT1T12C11A\ i I Filer i1 ; ioolr 1 .THE DAILY Br ECUUNCII. . BLUFFS TIIURSDAY , AUGUST ' 16 , 1883 , 1 LDAILY T B EE , I C OUNCIL BLUFFS. Thursday Morning , August 1G , SUn9Cn1(770N IIATF.9t Ry Nd ef- - - pc 1 y - - - - - - - - ) 000 r _ fear . V OFFICE : o , 7 Pearl Btroottoar Broadway , ltepttbIICan County CouvenlIon. The republicans of I'ottnwattamio count' will moot in delc ate coiivontiau aL the court houao in Council 111ufrs , Thursday , Soptwnlur Li , at 10 o'clock n , m „ for the purpose of placing in mmniun- lion candidates for thu following ollces , to wit : Ono state senator , two reproamt Lives , sherifr , treasurer , n it1kor , stir. voyor , superintetileut of public schools , onroner , and ntcinbors of thu board of su'crvisors. ' Each township will ho wt titled to the following re1presontntiou : I Kane , 1st precinctr , l.aytoa . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 t Kane , 2dproduct. . ,8 , Liucohi , . . . . . , , , r.2 Kane , 3d precinct. , I Iewix . . . . . . . . . , .2 . iCano , 4th Precinct..9 . Afacededa . . . . . . . . . .3 lkouler , . , , . . , . , 2 Alhalan. . , . , . . . . . 2 Nclknnp . . . . . , . . .3 Neola. .3 i Crneent. . . . . . , , . 9 Norwalk , 2 Carson . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 I'leavant. . . . . . . . 2 Center . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Rockford , . , , , , 2 j Crose. . . . . . . . .3 SlkcrCreek. . . . . . 2 I ( arner , . . . , . . . . . . . 2 Valle . . . . . r3 ilanlin. . . . . . . 2 1Vav11 ngton. . . . . . 2 Ilttxcl lell. . . . . . . . .2 1Vnvehurd , . . . . , . , , .2 .inules. . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Wrlght. . . . . . . . . . .2 Knox. . . . . . . . . ,0 York . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 RegCrcck , . , . . , 2 'rlic priularies in each tnsvIshl ) , unless othurwisu ordered by thu tpwnslti ) cour- mittec will ho Rohl [ ondnY , September 10 at 7 p. m. B } ' order of JOII ( W , linlnn f Chairman Co , ltep. Con , Cell , MINOR MENTION. 7 Today is circus day. See ,1oaujh t''ltt'r'n fall goods. t. Cheap Railroad Ttckots at Bushnell's Thu city council will try nnti got a quoruni to.lnorrow night. 4 Book out foraueak thloves , picltpockCt fl and coufidelco gauzes to dtiy , Work on the excavation for the now rllnsonio tmnplu is nearly completed. a The St , Joe house , on lllnin street , is being greatly fulproved , repainted , nud . : l : , l The aldermen do not scent in se great a rush to draw their back pay as they wla to vote it , I Yesterday was Assumption Day , and i t teas r'tuilo generally obsuretd by the Catholics hero. t Thu Daughters of Itobekah held as el- joynblo social o lost evening at 1Villimn 1culnlur's residence. Time idol $ ullivau , with w11om ( Nicer I Mullen had such a struggle , was yenta.u tiny fined $7.60 for being drunk. Lover's hotel , on Arnie street , Ss bein g Wholly rejuvenated timid put in good 1 shape. Alr. Lowcr is to conduct it hint elf. ' 1'ho brick work on the large nusw build fug to be used by time Sandwiell 11101111 faeturing Cenplllly is being pushed mtlon , rapidly. It is about time to revive time talk about getting the C. 11. ( C Q , to build a cuss depot ! to take Ilace ) of time present Inls e sited. Mr. Charles Carroll hits had th o shadow fall on his house by the death e t hula infect child. The funeral was ] rut d yesterday. ' Officer Morse yesterday picked u l fou r auspicious chnractore , omlg obut n re there was not tiu g to hold then n taw y were turned loose with IL warning ti , , skip The shade trues are boiug trimmed uj to nlako way for telephone and telegraph wires , arid. the lopping oft'of links i uiaking several protests on the part o f owners. ' 1'110 opera house is 111Lily getting iicnre r cougdutton , mid one can now gut a prutt y y fair idea of what it is Lo art , , It is mix - puckml to be finished ready to open b V Novemnbur. License to wed tans y esteirhty given t ° t IGchnrd James and llnr iet C , ' 171on1t ) ere , Loth of ll ) hat for d township ; 01ao t ° If.lure 1 izttt , of this city , and Chu' n Winslcy , of Avoca. H. 11' Barr , of Cromwell , huts decide d L41 beco111o a lurnauuut ) resubmit of Cuul I eil Bluffs nutl has taken nu iuturust in th C mill and hroeu factory of1.P.1' . Ahlymm u , . the new unit being Barr 01 Mayne , Casady t Orcutt's show windows a t tract the attention of all passcrs b ' They are vary tasty. Time firer not ou Y have y goods to display , but town n In , ) faculty of knuwihg h OW t ° display then Y Everything indicates that the uxeursio tl to Spirit Lake , over time Sioux City rou Ee , starting to lt1Orrew , is to be more succu ss fun than was miticipated oven. It nflb nla au opportunity for an nbuudalico of ru et amid rocrettion } for very littlu Money , There were Apochal services at tl to Catholic church yesterday , it being holy day. Excellent niutio was reldur mid anti the congregations were largo midt each service , ' 1'hoso of the Catholic ci ti erns who could do so , closed their bu air nose places and dropped work also. Time job tiupnrtnemt of time Couu oil Bluffs BEE alike , is turning out sun na very fine turd unique work , jully up i ° time latent features of the art. By nddu Ig all the new stylus of typo las ( must mum th o appear , custooera may rest assured at ii Lii lrmncs of getting thu latest stylus of lurid t. ing dune here. Mrs , S , J , Brown , who was lately fimi od for keeping a louse of ill Euuu , is cats h fug it now ou mill sides , A day or ti ago shu was conpliinod of almum , al is yesterday a neighbor filed another info t , motion to inaku her keep thu , ) uac e , eluitnin g that she had abused his tauli ly' raised anld a row generally. 1Vhilu Alt , . Simpson was yustcrtl a } , buying suumu goods m Mr. Tuylar's tutor o , on Broadway , all , laid dewtn her pur tun for a few niinuttitr oil the counter , am ! d when she looked for it , it was gone. . It contained abouf $10. ' [ 'hero were soy rat pctuena win hind beer in the stand / fU and it is thought some sneak roust ha t , t got away with it. Time coming far will draw big crow tie to Council Blullt , Scptumbur 10th at ld .14th , that is , if thu public prociat tie actoryrise and a IIIVlidI ox poneiture of motley the ) art of time Blara go m , Not only enare the 1)urses ) for the me tie ] artlm uo cord the roiniutna in all d o them ) outs nuumeroue and liberal L uE arc to bo ninny novel features , ii eluding the chariot and hurdle races , ti nu baby and doll stows , the sowing utachi uo , to ho gluon to limo less girl of wosienl town , amid plenty of Gal M well a9 sights for all who come. Thorn is a strapgo quiet about the now gotcrnmmltal buildm which Council 13hdrs is in have. ' 1 hero has unE yet boon n blow struck and there seems little li kelihood of nnytlling being done this aua.9on. No ono aeons Lu know exactly why' thorn is this ( Islay , but it is surmised to ape 011 account of time hill llvosti n ! 'rnl 1 , which onuses n genornl susIone ) on 1of other activities in the architect's tier pnttlnont , Tlmoso intending to use fancy curds , decorated doei gun , chromes , comicnlitiea , e tc. , for distrifnltiotl at the coaling fair , shotld call at flu Cuuucil Bluffs BEE o ffice , whore they ts ill find fhu greatest v ariety and the most cam'/Into ' etlawiu 'r in ) In d west of Chicago. The mductiliuti of all fhu icndin ° tilnltufnc htt0rn in thin line are hero to be found , anti uu where elan is there such nn opper iduiEy to have all styles anti designs h , select Freon , q'Itose who are intending to , uae mlyLhitlg iu t11iR 1111U Rl d(1 get mil their orders early , that time cards may be printed in lima for vise. There is the proutiso of some lively litigation - gation in regard to time cuttinj ; ( loam of I'ierco street , J. M , 1'hillipfl la ptll'tlCll tarty intorcated , all it cut down Ili foot in front of hie prnpcrty. Ito has already triad to congrromisu , Chu mratiur by gob tin ° t11u council tnE least build hiw n troll tut nA the muuici 101 Fathers refuse to pay damn gas or do nuy'thing Ile y 1rn mess to fight. it out in time cn its , Ito C11tI111A that all 111'1111Ct1U11 19AIlel A11111U limo ago , is still iti force , nud that those tvorkin g on time street ru ululating time luau , lIe intinnntex timid. Iw ulaY file iufipr uuttiona magainat ovary nom ss orltinq of Chu street , nud has nh c0dy fhu mules nt fifty or mnr0. If he Ahouhl ceneludu iu du that , it would make plenty of busiuuss for limo courts. A yauug maul wino assunmod to ho a prddluq anti lull boon bearding with AL's. Aulswortli , a widow , near time du- pot , loft suddenly uudrw ith ° ut giving notice bast q'uusdny. After him was gnuu it tuns discewured that 1111 tool etnlem $2I ! frmn time enlisofl of AlIH9cA I11111111Utt amid Dinlenoy , Elva 1ndiCx who were nttuimding t ime inetltnle , flo Ivelt to time hivemy s table told hired n pony b , ride out to Ar , .Tolunsomm's , if ( ) lives north of town n few miles , amid started out that way : tut it appears Ito C1111I1gC11 ii is Cell1'HI ) mad w ontanuth , as time pony % i15 Lun l 1 t ime following day lutclud to % post near Astor , lie was mat damp aupthin g while hero , anti claimed t ° be waiting fm g oods. Before heaving lie took Cwt trunks to time du rot anti ordered one to h o obit ) mid east nud the other ( test. Ward tans forwarded to arrest whoever called for the trunks , anti the culpri t may yet be taltel iu-llelisou llullutin , .i , 1V , ltodufer luiviug hoot elected naerellry :111(1 : treasurer of Chu AIe enntile Lmn , 1'malst ' Fuld Improvumuut conquly ) : ei Council Blulls , has accepted the peer lion amid assumed the unumgonelt of time couquuly's busincas , 'l'imo following u ntamed parsons are ou thubourd of direct- o rs : ' 1' . A,1irlaa11d , C. S Lull'urts , .h 11' , ltodufor , I , A , Miller , E. I , , Shugart. 'r' , A , Ilumm rIND , President , Not. Time Second Olnsc. 'Igo fhu Pditnr of 'I'm ; lieh. Um Chu eve of the 13th instult 1 noticed in the 1runiug $ Cleo u nu ul roucoua article , foul whew they f alsely anti nnaliciously misrelrcaeuted ) 1 mu to time public. 'l'imey ' day thorn tun' u bout several charges against eta hereto- f ore , lamid it so hnppuned that ] was Feria ' s tated , but in trouLlu attain. Now lc t mu acquaint the author of that sunder sus article ugtaiust atop of time fact that ] anus. hnvu beer suspundwl before , no r have 1 It ( yet ever heel roinstnted. Lw , the only spot ; old black ono too , 011 th I force , nud the wuuuuuity know it , nud I huuddy' and respectfully trek theta it ) o1)en their eyes and ahuY will note th u feet. But if they want to advertise o r build up ( hair Hhcut , keep ou tvritin rg bogus articles amid slandering mime , and 1 ru01eu1Lur that I not the spot , but shoe E direct , because in this nuattor 1 hna o never beau iovestigaled , nor have ] shlcu being ou time force. Please aLsurt e time fact Air. ( llebu , , and nbligu time coal numity , ,1 SusrlNUCD : U FI Auuuaa' lf , It F'tutal.llls iulto lien bcou 1110(10 by those mint pnrcluasiu g their suits at NuIgett , lSmith's , me ' chant blilula , Nos , 7 and ! I Alain street Such a umistnke will lie avoided by coil ' ing and axaulimg the excellent stack , tan ° boat over uxhibilod in this city , -e- - Conratulnlionlt , auQ ' ' . On time 8th of this nh Ith there was a happy wedding tit Bellefeltaino , 0. , i II which Council 131uth1 punplu are nnturnll y interested , the eoutrncting parties Loin g Dr , Ii. E , Pnlnwr and Alisa Juslu Alnyn I , dnughWr of 1'1' . Afnynu , of this city ' Thu ceromeny took place at time rneidmlt u of the bride's Hunt , with whom ahu ] nn uti boon 1'lsiting ' for snafu little time pate t 'rime newly wuddod once hnvu conic to this city , whom it is mow that probnbl u that they will ntaku their pernumer ! t hems AIr. Pnlmor , having about cot I eluded .prr mmguntelts to ongngu in ulu r auntilo bu inosa hero , author in the pen o Cleo at his profession , IIo lute b0fo ro visited this city , at dilfurett flaws , au d has nlrundy gal dud frimub anti ucqunin b nucea here who will gladly wulconw bin b Time wife whoul lit ltas won has n ] par gu circle of friends hero , anti their uxprc s sides of well-wishes and wulcouwa for him muhun swill be all time imeartior for ti u prospect tit ] Ind runmining lucre. Silks told Iowa nt llniknegs hrothur s , ltultll'suue''rlumslUra ) , Thu following duuda trues filed for r o orl iii tune ruconler's olticu , Attgu at 16 , roportud for time IEEE by I' , J , A [ c' Ainhun , rural estate agent : 0,13 tC ( v1 ; It , lh Co , to D , A. Co u , \v ltsvj U , 71 , 118-tOte.OO. U , lf , alQ. It. ] t , Co , to 11' , M , Frnu no uwj 1.1 , 74 , ' 11$181.00 , ' drain Iiagluy to Ghatlus lmuuglul ) , to ttu ] dfi , 1f38 told 1i0 , original plat-00,0 0 T'huuuw ] { irk tit aim to Atotzm .Arco I ) . sot , lot 0 , block 15 , ] Inn's add-$160 , 00 , Atikueull to Jahn 111'hiueen tit al. , lots G , 0 and 7 , block G , Street's nil U. - $900. Toter N Cllristunson to Niols llnnso u , Inv uw 12 , 76 , a9-(12U ( , it. 1 , 1Yoodmuuoy to Snllio Corte ' , tats 0 amid 10 , block 12 , Ancodouia $176 , 1Y C , Jaunos to Mary Ileatol , lot 7 I hack 11 , Buyliea' ° d add-f,000 ; , 'Total salon , $6,769. - - - - - - I1aYO you sown those extra lnlgains iu furniture and household goods at Ma dol'e1 I3fTTL1'I ) ) AS 1'dSTOit , B etMr. . Lemmm Oncr Marc G'Irmly Scati In Cho L'ulplt. The troubles which have of Into been nHettdiug the pastorate of the Baptist church were settled at , n business tneet iug held Thursday owning ] Coup Air , Lemon n Cleo back resigned the pastorate anti w na then recalled all n supply , which called forth some opposition amid caused n number to withdraw from the society , Last 'Puosday ocelinu , at time regular business mooting of the church , he was rattled 119 n porulntlett pastor , there being 11 0 further opposition , time disaffected oumos who lout Dot nlrocdy withdrawn asking fo r anti being granted Choir letters , there Luiug fiftuml ei these , which added to time c loven who w iEhdrow before makes tts eu tysix , Thu rmunindur of limo church is united anti nms' that they have settled ilir , Luulun nit n regular pastor 011(1 all 1/Ig10A1t1U11 to 111111 19 remand ! rata time c hurch , tatY will has u uo occnsimt newer f or any further dieisinns or contcutions Now carpets in nil grades at I Lvul Is.9 ; Ilmortullls. The Bla ° Ict'rl ( 'ase , About time only selantion in time court y esterday tuns uwuopulizud by Justiw Ahbutt , it was time Blnclwrt ciao. A uutiuu , tuns uuule b ) ' dtGruuy , Liudt for nuelhor contiuuancC , old over this him mud Atlunluy Sunlit huh [ a lively trralglu until noun , Lunlt , ii t , imimimeareti for time ( luuucu ( , Iwnntcd aethor wait of thirty d ays , its ] t wag OajleCtud ( limit AI'x [ , 131aCk art lehe is nets. in time iuatulo nsyluul , would bit ts'ull cueugh to Lu out by that tinlu and was a mmutturimul witness. Thu prosecution Iiulaliy a , greed to admit that s he would testify tend thntitwnschtiulcd s itu would att cat ° , nud time court deci dud in that view of the nutter not to gnarl Chu couiiuntnlcu , nwmyhnppy Folio [ f or t11C justice , as the eIAU Id9 already had lhirfcel unltiuuauces , besides nu IIICI'IIA C1L'111gCA of 1'UIIIIO , 'l'imo alleged Ilflamlldt tdr , platen early in , loon , timid the ntnttul has dragged nleug urur Aint.e It ill cbtiulcl bl ' the dufuuso that Ifeiuur , the tuutu , who ill the prosecuting lvitliuas , ms the ow who should Lu puuixhed , I him duhlrhnuca arose about sumo drift wood , a mid w hilu Ruiner claims that l31ackert av annltcd hintl3)nckert ) , ou the other luul ; , cl0iulH flint Rcinur asaunltal lain wife with an ax , 1111(1 what ho did was in der Eusu of her. lie claims Al's , Blackout wall so badly injured its to throw her into n fever , null to at host. hold ho in nu iii- s ane nsyhun. Thu taltiu ; ; of ic3tnuouy iILLA Ill plat CIIIIIlIle11CLlltlllll it is uxpccted to cnutiuuu through to-day at least. ( io you w aut n carputt Cell Flt ] 1.timKNras B1loTlutts. : 'Those Wilt want It first class nCnl , or any sort nt cahablcs sercdl in a No , 1 s tyle , should go to 11' , 'l' , ] 3nauul'e ] ' .u . ropcnn , Jtcatnurant , ' 1'h ( ' Cireuit Court , ' 1'hev tvas little Ruing in time circuit circuit court ycate dny. Nano of tltu c ases rlaalgllell fee Chu tiny treru ready for trial , anti niter nulling time jury null nt landing to aeon matters 0f minor bite'- eat fhu court 0djeurned at noon until thus u uprlnig nt ! ) o'clock. The call of fhu ,11ry , showed that several had not arrived , Inlt fhu will probably bo on luunl to. fet tin } , .1 whdid Fs I ) end to roll call wuru excused , B. .1. Davis has removed lour stoc k of notions aul fancy goods , from No , 1' J I'unrl to 101 ! Alniu fltrcut , - New stock of ladies' collars at 11.11tKNExH lilt TIIEItH , PI'ItSONALS ) , Cub Cochran has rublrlwd ft oul hub. tauter , trap , J , ] [ .1Yhoolur , tit the Ogden house , is n hculo again from mt 0rtonded trip turnugl I 11'INCllllaill , 1Y , T , lirtnn : tax returuod frnal Cllicagn ' svhuru lw co11lploted arrnmigeumlts which toil 1110110 his Eurepcan restaurtut ) nud ice erom parlirs miuq'opopelar tlmu over. ) udgo ] { end leas retnrucd from Colorado , where ho has beau gnuu for n nunlth , Ito hn invaxtud hl n xhcup rulch , tlwro and infant s uua11lug that state Ids huwu. I $ 11 , 11'ykolf , oL 13ustnu , bduuds xuttliu g I tuts city End teaching 11 Idc. I lh father 1) . AI,1Vykolf , id n restdunt of Ilarlan tiaal xldp. Ifuuurt T , lndd , tit Now York , ix nu Ogdc „ uuese ( lacxt , I. . . T,1'ho1pN , of Ft , Budge , is at time U dun , ] l. S , 1aneior , of St. Louis. reached limo Ugdnu yesterday. J. N1'auumt , ut Wells , Nehnsxku , wow in time city yesterday. 11 ' A , Drown , ono of ChlcOgo'n , t0nristx , svav at the Ogdam yostonlny , Auluug the Vail nutuN Irt Cleo I > entsun lint. lotto uplnfnro fhu t0110w Ingt 'Air , .f , "IV. Strohm , tit Cuuucil Bluffs , funnurly n geoid theater hero , was iu Ynll uu Sahlnluy , " ltor. II , 1fulfoekin : , wlw for xowa than xen'od tax supply for taro 1'rcbytoriae church hero , lx to pruaCh , In Donisnn next Snudny , by which It appears him tux rohlrwd tape n visit G , Ids imommme iii Canada , Ncpht , whose unwo , fraptontly ndonrp time lxdlcu n'gletur , naa arrested yesterday iou- the old cumplnhtt , tun lunch driuk , nccmnpudod , by the Incidatt of tuulasldag a pmlo of gluts at tbu Ugdnu , l1. F. I yautml , ( if Cedar ib ttds , lawn , is at time l'mmeille. 1' . 1'uuug , ut IrranouE City , wtv , lit fhu Illul ( , yesterday , end sGlp.Od , . tit tbu Pacific. Sonnet II. IIn'la ) , e ( ( i111CAg1p , was Ill tIW Pa cilia yesterday , lh C,11ond , of SE.14ad , uuleud nt time 1'n. rifle ) 'uxtarlat 11 , C , Chmnhurx , of Ara ca , war in fhu city 5'uWrdn ) ' , hlpkltlg atl'r Nellie cases in the cir unit wort is which him la atGunuy , N. E. RnNull nud 'IV. ' A. Oveimmiuro , of Car. roll , sraru hr tau city yetenlsy , mud dhtod tit time 1'ncific. J01n11Y , Adolph is now G , w ldrl through too wuntry In tun hdorut mil Lutz h Luugu , Thu cuudugef n little ghl buv gladdalud t1101oum0 u ( Alt anti Alro , J , A , Dua , ChaloB Urvls hue nlxeptud a lxwftlat wltL the lkwka Tun wmpnuy , taw ollonhlg bohlg mwle by 1Y , ] L Blvsvn ncevpthg , a altuatlaa ssith ( irunoury k Scuoontgou , Corn Cuts for solo , Address , L. B , Coutuiu'a , box 109 , city. DrYest , dentist , 14 Pearl street , J. N , CASADY F. 11. OnCUTT , CASADY & ORCUTT 7 5 02 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa , WIIOLESALE AND RETAIL Carpets and Oil Cloths , CURTAINS , Curtain Fixtures , , AND A COMPLETE STOCK OF CIIOiCE House Fnrll ishn ! ove1ti es p Mail 0rders Promptly Filled , CASADY & ORCUTT , - Council Bluffs , Iowa. A , H. I AYNE & CO. , UruFlts : IN Bulk and Barrel Liffle Louisville & . Portland Cement 5uculnIN rLnsTlu , tleutiNU srlvcr ell h , nAlrD ,1Nt ) sOIl' COAL AT LOIVEST I'Il1CD. P 0 , 530 Eroadwa ; , - - - COUNCIL Bh1fFFS , IOWA , NUGENT & SMITH , , I ' II hi99 { ' ifrii . , - > , v q N I- 1&I : Merchant Tailors. U7 7 and 9 AlniR Street , aIE : c'rciw , CtJ Tc'I3.a ' F YJa'I'f3 , IA. . mNrant : : MhRCll.tsmsF. JOHN BEN O & CQ , , 16510111 street mad 17 : 'Carl street. - - - - - - - - - - - - L. B CLARg & CU nuvnnlsrs.hours. . , , I ruecriptlonv CmnpOUndul at all hours. 100 Cmadsvay. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --cRhbfioN : noose : . 14IA 1VitJ Li. Grocery , -15 Maln Street , helot , 217 and 210 Main street. J. M. BARSTOW M , D , , Corner Filth street and Fifth ado. UB J F 1 HI'I'E ' GFFcsll , , Conic , Main and Filth upstairs. Itesldencc (109 Willow avenue. - - r , JUSTICE OFTIiEPIiACE , N C HURZ , Olllco user American Express. - - - - , S WAG > ! E rim , wall contract tor fumral LIVKIIYANU ° at reasonable FIom , rates , 22 Fourth street. - - - - - - - - - - - - J MS'r ' JOHN & H BUYERS 09mlecalobutlereggspmnl , , , . . , , try and feint , Ship to us , D raft by return nmll. HO Broadway. . NEW HOOT AND SIIOF STORE , S A PIER C E , , Corner Main and First nsenue. Sign SVrlter and nrnincr. taMl worth of houca p0lntlug traps for sal 0 D A BEN EDICT , , , Cheap. Ulllce 337 UrontAvny , Council Ulufe , Iowa. fE I1C11 ANTs TAILOR , JACOB gUCH , Stock Complete. SuitfE ulado aBroasounblu prices. No , So5linln St. - - - - - - - - - - G F S VI 1T H CONTRACTOR AND BUILllEIt , , , , Corner 7th and Broadway. : 'tans and spectOratlons furnished . ry llEALER IN FINE HARNESS. vy , rl . SHE RMAN , I hare the variety that brings patronago. 124 Main street , 3nRGnANT : TAILOIL JAMES FRANEY , . ArtLstlc IVork and reasonable charges , 872 Broadway. H VE & SON FURNITURE STOVES , U , and Household Supplies. 303 Broadway , , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - AT'OIINFVS AT LAW , LI NDT & BART , Jalllex ] ntek , - Praetiee in state atlll federal courts. I STOCKERT & Cl Mauufaeturcrs Fine Furniture , Utdlolstcry Cowls , Curtains , , , , _ and Window Shades 301 liruadss0y. - - - - - - - - - - SANITARIUM And bath 1(0(150 , 421 and 423 Broadway. I. . Surcrcigu , Prop , jl' . J. Mont gmucr'SLll'hyslclau. YIiTF.ItINAIII ' SURGEON , WADE lAti. , OalcO , Ilray's stable. _ No. 12 Scott street , P J 11E N NES SY MamtactnrcrM IiOItSECOLLARS , , 'fradu Supplied , 6thatrf0thutwuul 0th and 7th drop E DWIN J ABB OTT JUSTICE TlE im , ' . , Notary ! 'ublloaudU0n0rai Cmno , 4Th Broadway. - - - - - - - - - - - . SlIITII k N01tTUN , NEV.h.itE IIQUSF , ilroadnay opposite Non' opera ] louse , Remitted $1 , $1,50 per day W' 7 . NFw' AND SECOND-HAND 110USE110LU 000S , ' El , ALMY $ oughtand sold , 21. Broadway SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE-5eclal ; adrurtlsemuntt' , Such as Lost , FoduldTo Loami , For Sale , 'I' . . Rent , 'Want. , Nodal. lug , etc „ will la inserted in this csltam , at the low ralu of TEN CENTS PEIL LINE for thu first Inssrtloa amid FIVE CENTS l'EIt LINE for each subsequent In serum , , Leave sdvuttheulomits at our office , No , 7 l'carl Strcet , near Broadway WANTS , N , h flU-beery holy w l'naull n ua , W take 7'llxti ic. lhllvered by carrieret uuly twenty' ceutaa _ w eck , „ yANToll-A congctent girl for general honsu 1' work In smilall fatally. Good Wages , Addres , rlisshypel4 'AKTEU-A guwl girl. Apply at 1. ttlo w'fudsor ! _ , _ restaurant , 5M lirnndWSY. } , TAST'E1)-A boy , udtlt pouY , to drOser Tns BSc - , atirOIer' , hotel , 1 funucil hlull. , ltootl furni.hol , FOR SALE AND RENT , 1 111111 + lilt x.Ud1I : ; dy acres mlirostsl , c g It mnllua from Counted UIuiYa. Address.llieu otllca Tallith\'i' + 'tsostole , , 40 by ( i0 Oil lower , street , oppusltu foundry. Emiqutro of Jolm Mui queen , I ( . - , anti tut , toOtt st corner o/ / T'uitl , mil ilruadray. ' Juax IV. nsmsu. - I ; ' ntllmix'-u : ullinsmhme , II' . u rooms , onsets , uII md , cistern , fit u ndnutcs aatI iron , transfer. luquirent 15te'l'cnlh mnmue. - TIOs. , orrlcnmf , It , M. t'reat' . OFFICER & PUSSY BANKERS. Council SIuSS , Is. Establishea - - 1856 llcalcn in lbrglun old Dometla Eachango and human Securitlca Fresh Fish , Wholesale and Retail No. lei Maul 6trcet , ' Neat Block Southof I'oetolBce , Couudl Bluffs , Iowa. An BY . , ' Wala 4K..11sL ; . Y ODELL & DAY , Loans , Real Estat e r AND ' INSURANCE , No , 39 Pearl St , , Council Bluffs , ' City Property , We have vacant lots lit all tarts of the city at from Q50.oo up , for salt mm uouthly , payments. No , 52 Ronan , 0 rooms , Wull , chlenl , 4large lot B , plenty of frult , on holton street ; cheap , $2,000. No. 30-A dusirablu residence on besath street near Illoonlor school , bulldimigs nearly miew ; 25,000 , No , P2.-Ninety tout front , curter l'carl St , and s u cond avenue , opp.osltu court bouu ; yrI fi00. Business Chances. No. 23.-1'or sale or trade , a stock o1 harduaro , nt a good bnlness Ixht In Wrstenm Iowa. N'lll trade f or tans or city' 'tit ' erty. No. 5L-lintel , ( lie nulrono laatoWn of 700 usual itauts , 25 romps , 0llh gnxl barn ( wall located , ts 111 sell cheap or trade fur a torn , , 111a No , 1U-A Ihu mepnblican paper hr tIestern luw a , oltlclal county paper amid largu patronage , scryclu up. if soul soot , 11'11 also halo a mutter of cholco farms iu western Iowa , for salu churl. , LOANS , IS o llasu money to loan on Sand , nnuclly property , at frumim 0 to 10 ter cent. Faro and Tornado Insurance , ! test of couptnlea , represented. E.iultahlo rate , mud fair trcatuwnL I.o.eu , adjusted and paid at thh utlicu , IIIi's ' , H. . J , Riltu1 b1. B , , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , 222 Broadway'Councll DInCs , W. R. VAUGHAN. Justice of the Peace. Ontaula and Council Bluffs , : teal estate and collection Money. In Odd Fe6owa block , osertlasingallank , jaaej ; 1 To The Trade I ( I your attention tolimo fact that wehave made such arrange. ; , montta as will enable us to sell you RulUlier Boots , Slioe , Etc. , Here , as Low as you can buy them East , 'W'rit for further information , a 00. a . , 412 Brc adway , Council Bluffs , Iowa , , x f : h I , f r < , ' .inn kre Hardware Co. . y. y ry gl ; hM I Ill p d , j 2f I R' ' , S G I " ITWJO ( ! t road r"t 1 'J If'rrtYr , f A If + v r7'u , ! u 1 r l , I , .J 10I ,1 and 111 S Alain Street , > COl'NCIL BL'FFS IOWA. t CrealllFrlllts , Coiileotioiiery + r ' ' Parties , Sociables and Picnics supplied et abort notice , amid goods delivered to a 1) ptu'ts of the city' . ) w. T. BRAUN'S European Restaurant , 404 West Broadway , - CO'NC1L BLUFFS. r ® ) it i a d'rare. 504 Broadway and 10 and 1. . Main St „ Council Bluffs , PROMPT ATTENTION AND CLOSE PRICES ON MAIL ORDERS , Broad way steam Laundry ! 724 w7u 3'3' -W-6- - A. C. CARSON . , - - - - - Proprietor. LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY. JOHN R. MARTIN , as Fiief. ] fan o full lhe , of Bath Tubs , Sink , Boilers , lirnss and Lend Goods , Lead 011(1 Iron I'ip.es and fittings , Job' bing pronptly attended to. F'trst class wren a guaranteed , ' No , 11 Pearl Street , - - ' - COUNCIL BLUFFS - HOUSES , LOTS AND LANDS is - zf ] .t and retold. Done Y Loaned , Abstracts Furnished ! } P MoM81ION No. 4 Pearl Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS.a 1 SULLIVAN & FITZGERALD , DEALEItS IN fflhoo811os : , rOY1S1OllS , loots lld 1ioos' I , rd I1I/EMIItr7C ATION .L3tariN'x' . Di1AVISON TIIE DANK OF IRELAND , DUBLIN , FOR SALE , 313 BIIOADIVAY , CO UNCIL BLUFFS ; CRESTON HOUSE , . MAX MORN , - - - - PROPRIETOR , 218 , 217 and 219 9. Main l3troot , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA - - - - - - MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , a d ' TIIE LEADING DEALER IN : : - - I Go : 0 13 S i 3.37 . Broadwaj , Council Bluffs , , , Little , Windsor. 'g 531 BROADWAY , I ) Eetaiiraiit Anti 1)ay ) Board , All time llllkncleaofthenasottool theShiest table Inthecity , Overtoi , DEniER IN Hard Wood , Yellow Pine and Red Cedar Lumber , Oak and Itrl Cedar l'illngCcdarTelegraph Pnlesand Fenno I'wb , , Oak Ullanion Stull , Ilrldgo Material of all hind , , at lied Rock laces , A Slwctalty In WOOD AND COAL for brick vent pnrposea Afull supplyofwooland for co i a way. on hamld at lard a scale oil Mau , street. Otace,505 First Av ween Main amid l'eart streets , R , Rice M D CANCERS or other tumors remosedwithout ths f knlfoordraabmgofblood. CIIRONIC DISEASES of klndaa specialty , WINTHERLICH BROS. . II I I Brass Cor. 6th St , and 11th Ave. [ COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. MOROAN , KELLER , & CO. , UNDERTAKERS , Tlo finest quality and largcrt stoekwest of Chicago of 11'ooden and Mctallo Cases. Calla altendal to at all hours , w'u defy oongetlton In quality of goad or prices. Our Mr adorgan ha , served as undertaker for forty cars ono thoroughly understand , hula Uue1 1 ness. iSarcrooln,3il Broadway. UI'110I.STEIIINO In all Its branches pronlptiy attended to ; also carpet layltig and lambrerpdna Telegraphic and mail t a en/tilled without dele ) . DUFRENE & MENDELSSONN , ARCHITE OTS tsTREMOvED TO OIAUA NATIONAL , SANK UILUINO.