Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 16, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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    1111 + . I.1ll,1' 13LL ° ( ) nM1A1 [ IElT1t5llA.Y , AL GUti'.C U. . , l8&4.
THE Jul ' T 1 I. I LL BER
a i'nhllehel every morning : execpt SnndAy. The
t only Monday morning dally.
FRwa er.AIL.
One YrA6. . . . . . Elo.a ) Three Mnntha , . .ut3d10
8IxMonlhe. . , . . . . 1)q OnoMonlh..1.03
, . . , . . , . . . . n01lnnthA , . , . . . $ 10
Six Monthe. . . . . . , i. ® One llonth . . . . . . . . 23
Amcdran\ca alkmqu + nySolelAgrnteoaedcah
Ors In the United Stalee.
A Communkallonrelating toNcweandEditorial
mattersRhouidbe addreaeod to the EDITOR Dr TiiR
: ADAIXP cLRnru. &
All Ludncee fetters nud itemlttanece Rheuld b.
addrreenltoTnRRRI'umasnmsn CoMPART , OMAIIA.
Delta , Clicks and l'oetollleo nrdcre to nro made pay'
able to the order of the company- .
E. SOSEWATSR , Editor.
Tiit : political tntlnnies of the editor of
the San elnitu that ho was paf(1 $25,000
by Mr. Tilden to (1cfost Hancock. Mr ,
Dmia trust go ,
OIL has been struck at Itich 11111 ,
Missouri , nud the next thing that tvi11 bo
I hit hard is the pockets of the speculators
who are inanipulating the 1)0010.
I Tnt : New fork counnittco of the I3ar
tholdi statue have raised $100,000 for the
construction of the pedoatal. There is
still need of $1fiO,000additionnl , and the
I C)1111t ' at large is re ucstod not to be
backward about coining forward.
I Join L. Sui.I.IVAN , the pugilist , is said
to have signed n pledge of absti11unco on
Tuesday morning for a year , at the re
! quest of his wife and mother. All Johu
ncc4s now ie a runaway wife old a niis-
51011 church to 1)o another lieu hogan.
i SEVEItAL insIactors have beet a1m1oiu
+ ted by the e00i1cil to inspect the coutrac
I tt re at n salary of $100 a month , but the
mayor , who draws rho same pay for overseeing -
seeing the council , is more in need of an
i inspector thatl the man who are working
on the paving x111 grading contracts.
PRESIDENT ARTiZUIt will approve Col.
Ilges'seltenco of dismissal front the ar-
my. In a recent cgnwersLatiet with Con.
Ingalls , he is reported to have said : " 1
ant bound i0 put n stop to this practice of
pay account dapltcatiou among oficers ,
There is one way , and onlyoiiu way , to
do it. And that is by promptly court-
ntartialing and dismissing every olfender.
TmE democratic n6youy m ' Ohio , miie-
lion. Judge IIoadloy's mouth has lost
1113 ; party several thousand votes , whine
s that $50,000 nomination story is still go.
' lug the rounds of the gross undisputed.
Wllcn Charles Foster rises to tile political
8 occasion something is always heard to
drop. This tune it promhes to bu an cx-
pcctcd deinocrttic majority.
Tnl : unelerwritors of Minneapolis have
adwmlc ° d inatlrnnce rates 2i1 per cunt on
account of the instflicieit water supply
ill the city , bfi11nuapolis with 711,000 ill-
hnbitmrfains 1033 then 37 miles of water
II1a1113 , tire majority of Which are six
1 inch pipe. Omaha with 40,000 pfpuln
I tiou huts 11 miles of mains , the largest
llortiom of which nro eight illcles nr ol'er
in ryivmt
truunE were ° ,417 untiuual batiks in
operation in the United Status at the
close of Jml ° with rCSOurccs of 111(11.0
' I than two billions of dollars. No nation
eau boast of a more stable ayst01n o f
banks of issue than our own , anti the
enuika who are howlilig feebly about tilt
evils of the Iatiollal baulking Rystu11t art I
usually the 111011 who are 1)10(1 ) by tlu con t
i pcr cunt sharks and note ahaveW outsi(1 e
E of tlo counters of national 1)110104 ) ,
NERIIAHKA will aurpriSU lwr'self witl
1 her crops this year. Tim 511)1111 grain i N
all in and we receive ltuthiug tut the lies Nt
t of nova from all sections as to the reH111 ty
of tile harvest. There nro conllictin g
, opini01la expressed abet the condition o
i the growing corn , but there is no disc
t greonient that with late fosLH nod an of
elinarily warm month , corn till be moor
plentiful thatn ever before iii time stet t
I'rosj ects like those give the cold shoal
der to fetus : Of panic.
Su tslr Cox intimates that le pta '
loISC5 tA ) investigate the tloillgs of govern
mat ( liroctors of the Union Pacific tai
road whoa congress nets next Nnvon n
' ber. Mr. 'Cox has a large job on hi
lhaimda' , Thu directors have so oftu
bean investigated by tue railroad olliciul
with satiefuctory results to the torpor n
tiols , that a11y exmninntion to roach tl
bottom facts of the systu11i of addfliul I
division mama aflouco which nccolnpanle
too luunlal report of tile govcnuuet d
rectors , would fully engage the nttetin
of the congressional conunittuo during a
entire acuion.
Till : forestry congress 1111)3 closud i
session at St. Paul , after publiahfug in
earimest appeal agsinat the rapid deskru
tiou of American foroats. It is estima rod
that our entire supply of white jIlImo till
lion , in time uortlmenm pillories , will be u x
Imustod within n year. ' 1'ho consunlptk
of the hard woods is also imieruasing twi
daumgerou3 rapidity.
Sooncr or litter tree plalttiug for til
her trust be begun fn tile United State
Thu milfons ) of trees whiclm arc atu11m i
1 set out being act OmIt fur shade , protuctf
frog t11e wfid , and farm consmuptton
i the west , furnishn an exnulplo of the po
sibilities of American forestry. Aek
from the question of luud10r pro4uctiu
those of time preservation of our snato
ways and the retention of mneisturu a
ahso involved. Tito refusal of congres
1 at its last session , to r ° move the tat'
I from Canadian ) umber was a serious nmi
take , time olloct of which has been felt {
time bliciligan pi11erios , ivhich are almo
dWm4114 of tleir timbor.
? .4,4 , .
- - ' - - - ' - - -
Tits : comgplaimit of " 1Vorkingnlan" that
desiniblo lots within n resonable dfs
Lance from town are too high ie n golden
opportunity for enterprising real estate
dealers to advertise the cheapness of their
property. Thirty-two agents in Onmlm ,
who hero suburban property to sell , are
firmly convinced that real estate will colt'
ti11ue to ndvnuco in the city for the next
fo years. It has 14 ° 011 nearly that tilno
eillco time real ettnte 14Qous struck Omaha
In 1819 property was everywhere too low
in this city. In the business p0rti01l of
lawn it 1111(1 declined from 2ito 60 Ion
cent front limo prices at which it was 1101(1
as early as kris. ' The poplilatiem nud
prospects of the city warranted a heavy
advance , nn3 with the revival of trdo
olsowliaro came time expected bound ill
real estate. So far as eligible lots iii the
businesss portion of the city and time iuija.
cent residence parts are eemcurned , real
estate is lower proplrtfmlateiY than it is
fn Kansas City' , St. 1'atll and illinncapo
lie. Grcutld for the IOW hotel in St.
Paul sold loot Svicek at $200 n front foal.
Even L1idng into comanlerntiolt the differ.
once in size between ( hunha and St.
Patti , n comparison of prices shows that
time sanlo class of property in this city is
not unduly inflated im price. 1Vith tho'
progress of paving and grading real estate
in the cemtrnl portion of the city nnlsl
continue to advance.
As far as lots skirting the city limits
are concerned their present value and
prospects for a future advance is a matter -
ter for in'lividnl purchasers to determine -
mine , 'rime seems to 1)0 n speculative
telduimcy just now in addition property'
nud the quantities of new iota being
thrown amt the market at fancy prices is
exercising a depressing influence which
may or many not be of t01npomry' dura
tion. Time price of real esttto , like that
of every other commodity that is bought
or sold , depends upon time demand. Soy-
oral of our heaviest local dealers profess
th01uselwes &ntisfCl that with time couring
crops and the attendant prosperity time
transactions ill real estate during this
fall and winter till exceed those of time
past scaion.
SI'ECIAL tolegrallms front Leading cities
to ] iradstrect's aliow that general busi
11055 fa still under the influence of mid'
sunnier dullness. At the cities most involved -
volved the effect upon the commercial
couilnunity is iii an extra amount of caution -
tion in granting credits , and on the part
of the bamks , fu oxt01ndimlg their discounts.
Leading merchanta express their belief
that not oluly time bout nud shine and
leather business but other lines of trade
arc the better onnbled to do a lmealthfld
fall 11181110sS by rens011 of the elforerd
liquidation noted , 1Vestcrn centers report -
port that the dcumld for nlonoy
front the cuulttry is beginning
to 1)u felt , and . : lint rates for
tune use of the alums are showing
conaide nblo ant11lttion. 'Phis is regarded -
ed 115 time first sign Of tom ntva iconilIg Of
fall trade It must soon b ° reflected by
more ani11mttiou to the 'Irotluy ' mnrkot It
New Park , This will delwnd , of course ,
hugely npnn the disposmtloit of fiuanurs
to let thuir 110W Wheat coma forward.
Tlltls far they 111110 been loth to do so ,
nun lhnt Whiclu has coumo into western
ceutet hna Uen readily tatket up by
local millers , Thu recent spurt ltm prices
of WilOnt , if lnilllltltillel , pC01ul9ey ilbemal
receipts of wheat , ' 1'lmiq ' coral advanced
about : Uc par 1)ushel on the snook , and
001'11 IlbOtlt 2 ? c , il'IS tats lime to a
higher miu'k ° t abroad , wLuro there has
been umifavonnble weather nn(1 ronewe(1
buying by iuypol'tOrs. Provisions
haVl 1.1011 Rtiultdntud a little
ill sylpathy,14ut there is little npprecia-
bee (1ommn11l for time latter' , 1111(1 time tluJtu-
1dtlua ill time snow l110 11mlimily the result
n utuilnladiOn. 'I'hc ' o 1i8 ( failures in
the Unmtcd States reported to Ilnn4
street's Illlrillg tow past week , thirt0el
Vlore than inst week , sevontythrre mono
tlutil ill the correspondiuj ? Svuuk ill 1882 ,
and sixty-two 11101'0 than um the like week
iu 1881 ,
t bin. DAN.t assorts with a good deal o f
olgphasis that journalists are ebigiblu for
the prOsitiuncy. Ono alight thick the t
gf the editor of the Sui was buginlfng t (
lister ti ) the buzring 0f the pruaidcIttia I
bun if it were u0t for mho coltcludiug sou
e tepee of tlmu editorial : 'hut flimsily , out
, ceuulid advice 1)i uVOry uuwapnpur 111111 i H
uudli1'110 circumsinnees to entertain tilt
idea of ruuniltg for president. It ntlls
toad to distract tow nliltti free highe r
, '
'I'ho hIrcllnn s et' IHN3.
Following is a ° olnplote list of stet
elections for the current year :
R Connecticut will elect November 0 raw
In half of its senate 511(1 full house of repro
a senhtives ,
( ieorg ia clotted April 24 henry D
! 1eDatnel , tlwnocrat , goveltor , to fill tin
Li tacailcy caused by tie death of Aluxan
, der Ili Stephens ,
s Iowa will elect October 9 governor nor
i- other atato of icors , part of its sunatu , nu
111 its full house of ropresuutativcs.
Kuntuckey clotted 1111g , 0 doniocrat3
11 ggovernoraltd'alhorsttuollice snlt(1 legi s
Inturu std voted upon time (00stupn o
holdinb 11 co11tromitioi to revise tow cum I
Is stiLlltiOll of tile state ,
lt 1arylaltd tviil elect Nov , fi govorno
111111 two other state ollicers 11101 legisl
C' lntu 0.
btnssaclmtsulls till elect Nov. (1 ( govca
n or 1111 other slate flllcurs 111(1 ligish
, tune ,
Michigan elected Aprfl21 d01nocuitf
ill greenback supreme judges and regents
Lit thuuufvuratty ,
btinuus ° hn will elect , Nov , ( i , governs
II- an4 other state ollleers , and vote upo
three anleulmmunts to the COltatitlhflt ( t
s tllu stale , whidl peovidu (1) ( ) that the g01
iy entl elections shall be held lloeeaf ter i
) Ii NOV01nlUr ) in each your , ( - ) that the SC (
iii mutary of state , tutu tratsurey amid low a
tn ooy genuml shoIl servu taVO years OI
s tilt state auditor four yeaee , and (3) ( ) Si
du ttu ) term of service of tutu judges and iii
n , cleric of the supeuumO court 1)11(1 thu judg
1- of tow district courts of the state ,
bliasfssfppi will elect , November , 0 , ii
to legislature ,
81 Nebraska will elect , Nov , 0 , justice ( ,
iIt the supreme cuttrt and regents of t )
5state uiuvoraity.
0 Now Jersey will elect , Nov , 0 , its gin t
error , part of its senate mmd full house
Ht r0 mresolltatiYes ,
Nuts fork trill clout Nov , ( ir socrotar
of state , rontndler , tnetsurer , atlorue
jgonlml tnl'mrer nud surge'or 1111(1 lKth
brauchcs of thmr le lelntun0 nndwcto apon
n 'sItt(1n to nbohah rnltroet labor
frillmtsilt ( state risulms.
Ohio will elect , Oct. 0 , m ernur and
other state otILClS ) 01111 legislnlurt' , 111111
vote ulMnl tlmru0 nnlelldllont $ to t11e COu-
stittllion of tile 51010 , u'lliclt (1 ( 01141 2) ) leg.
ulalo time sale of iutoxicatig liquor 01111
(3) ( ) rearganizo the ju diclar ) ' ( if tire state. .
1'ensylweuin will enact , NoS , fi , auditor -
tor genernl 011(1 state treasurer.
Itlrode lsleud elected , A 1pril 1 , reIm bli
can governor 011(1 other stale ollicurs and
I'exaR will vote Aug. 111 , at n sjiccial
oleclion , upon four proposal alnen(1-
bouts tO tw enuslituliOll of the state
which , (1) ( ) relate to the sale of public
schoo ) 11111(15 , ( .I . ) lilnit the rate of state
1111(1 local trxatio11 , (3) ( ) provide for tilt ) for'
nmtiem of a public free school fund , (4) ( )
fix the the termis of the county court.
1'erulomt aduptc(1 % lnrcll fl , two
alneulnlonta to time colstitmitiOmt Of the
state , Waking ofiicurs ttndur the federal
$ ovcrltulemt Itlellglble to seats 111 the leg'
mslnture , and pmViding for time eit'ction
by the popular unto of secretary of state
nud auditor of act'ounts on the general
state ticket.
1'irgiuia will elect , Nov , f , hart of its
senate , 011(1 its full assembly ,
1'opO.tlrlnuI "g 111111 t1')11I Ireland.
Springfldd RrpuhllcAa.
The Roman Catholic papers are indus-
triousl discussin the knou t
as "Tile hull of Adrian , " to Which the
anti Parnell letter of the Ronan ptola-
gandn to time Irish bishops has beeccu ct iu
panel by sundrv resentful Irishmen. This
bull was ostensibly issued in the 1'th
century by Adrian I1' , the first and only
Engliall IOpe , byname originally Ntcho
Las I3reaksptare-and it gave the Eng.
fish sovereign , henry 11 , time right to
conquer and rule Inland in time intern t
of the church and of good government ,
amid for time consideration of "the atlnLal
tribute 'of one penny for every- house to
St. Peter anti the most holy ldoman
'church , " On this instrument for some
ce'turies England based her right of do'
million in Ireland , and it may be easily
seen in what respect the Irish who have
likened tile latter papal utterance to tmis
must hold Leo .Ill. "Once more the
pope 1Las given Ireland to the Saxes , "
exclaimed an ardent modem patriot , for-
gclting in his wrath that Henry- Was no
Saxon. The story- has been accepted as
true by all the historians ever since one
John of Sailsbury wrote his recolections
of a bus' hifetlnlo ; Linganl , a RouLan
Catholic historian of England cites it as
genuine ; not an Irishmsu seers to have
doubted it until our day. Yet historic
researches and critical analysis have now
substantially proved the bull spurious.
Tula chapter in one of .John of Salisbuny's
book chronicling its issuance by Pope
Adrian is strongly suspected of being an
intrpolation , and the bull itself as pub'
lisped 30 years later a ficticious com oo
sitiolm in justification of the high handed
proceeding of henry II in Ireland , ut
orth andprobabl nvented b' ( ; imldus
CambreusisVith this though b ) soy-
oral processes of proof , fall also the al-
le confirnlator grants of proof of
I'tiw ) Alexander III. 9'te ! matter is of
Ito 1 mr9ctical im 1 pOrtaimce + but it is inter-
eating its an exposure by clear aimd con-
Vineiug investigation of tut imposture
aewen ccltturies old.
d Trmnenmlous Irrlgati1)u SChtn1 .
LosAngees ( Iterald.
'I'lie most gigantic irrgation enterprise
eve' iualgulaated in time state of Califur-
ilia , lens been coinnl ° uced in Fresco
county' , the causal for tvliicl Will be the
largest in the slate , 111(1 fed by lings
rit'e' . Thu water is ilmteuled to irrigate
: { 0,000,000 acres of rich land , at present
barren through lack of water' The
source of supply of this cmlal Will be
higher than any otter ( iehoueitiug front
the saumo sitcom. eta dinunsious are :
One 100 feet inwidth at tow bottoul ; levees
au average cf lifteeu feet iii height and
eight feet wide at the top , broad enough
for n wat on road. 7910 depth of the water
is eXpCctCtl to ho live feet , with a full of
eighteen inellcRlo the 11lile. Thu don in
ill the lnountiliu cam0n whetcu the trate
is taken , will 1)o a wondurfal and perlua-
uent ono , It is twenty-five feat high ,
eight hundred feet long , alto Itmldrcd
1111(1 forty feet wide at time base nud
twenty-fivo feet snide on top. It is rip
rapped mu the iliside with heavy rock ,
and every preealtion taken to make i t
sm/liciuutt' / strong to securely 1101(1 the
great Weight of water that must be sup
ported , 't'he water is led into the canal
front a large heutigate , wustrueted I f
heavy timber , lime hlundred feet in width
nod eighteen tout IIi4h , It is plulkud t
I over al as tomake : a bridge for heavy wag
oils 811(1 h11La tt'ioga to protect it frou
the Hoods. Thu canal is expected to cat'
13' 1,300 cubic feet of water per second.
Clntuiupl ofCIVIIIauIH
Sae Vrtnciscu Chroulcla
t If tlmero is any truth in 010 reports 0
tow diagrultlel ( 1lUtwapagper reporters wlu
were not permitted to accompany tit c
011 his wac0tion trip , those it
charge Of the uxpeditiel are acting iii I
fury silly manner. 'File prasidett win
° Ilsljustified , his Ox merienc
emi his t116 uxcraien ° lo6 the south
. urn coast , iii excluding all reporters ox
- eopt the Associated I'ress reprosuntntivu
fem his party , but there teems to be n (
justtltcntion for Inying nn unbargo 01
11 travel tluomglt the territory where ti ii
pres11cltial [ part is sojourunsg. 'l'htOs
arbitrary tnetllotls 811Vor too strap gl g of a
d onarcto suit the ten wr of the moo
4d mdo maul ua proum1ted tivo hltVo mm doubt
by the nilititt ' 111.111 in 0118 go of th
° aras gunl01ts , yh0r ltoart cfIltulll pt 1)
, civiliams the uflicers of the re gular lu ml
f lutt'e ulnas been noted but it is ultol
tuuato that they hnl'o ililueud tile Irea'
due t to adopt lilts attitutle ,
a' Ulnufurltglug II I'ulltul it.
Sail 1'ratiekco Chr nlclo.
I 11iijar Nickerson is reported to be i
the Vicimiit' of Vnshington , 1111(1 it is cVu
aurteti dolt 110 11115 )111(1 a visit to tl
fet snits ill ortlur to secure a colll1Iro111ise
aguimiat hill , It 80um5well uigg
Ir iiilpossiblo to secure tow arrest 1111(1 cal
II Vfetlomi of these olieial u'il'doors tell
if lnVO powurful backers in tile depart
1- nlenta 9heu is Capt ° in 11owgutu , ft
It unainncu , lvlle onght by tllis ti11to to b
surviilg old 11 good Heltblucu ill the pee
tteutiary , l11Htea(1 of tilts ho is probabl
uI umjnyiiig himself ill 51)1110 henlthy Fula
x rutrent fn the liluu Mudge , waiting for tl
e time Whet to may safely 0111ergu fan
e3 eelCCallllellt and aCCllro 11 room'n'ouliH '
t ith the gov01 nulellt whiell lie 11118 (1
s fraudoti , About Thu filly publie oflfcb
! vim huts received ills deserts Intely' is u.
f 'Treasurer folk , Of 'Jbnuuasuu , tvho mu
81)01141 ' 'canim ill the
IC ) twenty' peiliteltarl
and ip11y U I ) all iho moue'y' that lie slol
. , from t11u state treasury. A fem ° f
of sumitullees like this would do 1110011 to di s
COura ge the polite art of 01nbCrxleuent i
y ! nmblio service ,
IItN , A\Ad8tl''N $ 411) Irt.\mN ,
' ' 1910 ( 'It''uutvutnrrv Jtorn lit ) nil. . .
' 1'110 IlI.trlv'ry of iler Ilody' - . ( 'r -
dirt ot'tl1'Ironer'M Jar
Iul0utun Ttlry I4 % Iii
'I'llo Innluntable suicide of SOnatAf
1Villiao B. Allison's wife is today time
current topic throughout the city. Thu
freak was the reeult of temporary aberra
tion of 11011(1 , to trlliclt btrs , Alll8all Was
su14teet trhen in n Ali Zit state of nen'ous
eXClteiilellt. \ % ' 11011 ul n sillflnr Ill 0041 ,
( about tWo ) 'aars ago , it trill 1)o reuwll-
barcd , 511(1 Ittlen4rted suicide b } ' dtoWal-
ing in n lake at t astile , Nov f ark , but
inns discovered in ti11ro to lc sated by n
tfsholluul , being aftertvunhs colliitmel ill n
private tuy'lum for n short time. Since
throe the senator's houafh(1ld h0s ill'
uiuded a erxpk 111(1 111(1 beeoilw
falniiiar Witll IIr. .111i5Olt 5 tenm
penlutent tillile in the service Of the
f11aily in 11'nshingtrin , mull 1)n Whose
1ltdtfd tent he n'bttl for tire safety 0f
his wife during ; his 0bsento forum lmnle.
'Mrs ' , . lIisan had becit uuwell rot' several
da } v . , and 0014110 dinutr was btkun to het
n'ont by time tool , yCAtr + nl0y about I
I o elek she nejt'rte d tt , stating Hutt Silt' I
115(1 n + desitr to a tt but n 0uld tall 011
11rs 1) . B Hender.m , osiding on upper
115311 stn'M. A few nton1alt $ latal' the
c , > 1k head the gste , 'ion Iut1 elnal' , nud
Asllrs llondorson'S n'sal'nee ras bat a
short distance Airy silo Ilid not evmretn
herself for tesafetyof her ntistn'SA. A
gentleman rosidtnc on the opposite side
of the sttcct w h , ' u'as unnlutnl of Mrs.
Adliian'a rntnnaihledostmation , ° hssorvtd ,
hmx erer , to tt She did 1101 P1' CC1l ill time
dlrc'ctann of Mex. Bonkrson's n'sidente
but v-sikt'd dntaa lNxus street nttlmer
hurriedly' , CatrrsTmQ A btumc11e nmidcr 0110
of lion arms. Slue wa' , n"t scan passing
up .lniion av0nu ( ' 1)y ladles in the Lori-
mfr hanso , tn 11111 street she mot and
ddent ifrl fri(1tlls , and was last recog
nitocI on Dnclgo street about 4 o'clock ,
Whoa silo WAS lust soon alive.
About 340 ; ; neb el , Mrs. Hemlesol
called at Mrs. Allison's residence end
wss surprised to learn that the latter ttas
supposed to 1o at liar house. 1Irs..llli-
son's room WLa visih'd and ttrei letters
i wort' their fnand , one din'cteld to her
hashancL 1.110 otbor to her foster mother ,
the wife of tlme late Senator Grimes , of
Burlington. Tills discoverycaused alarm ,
and searching parties were at mice sett
out in vuhiCIh' , had rtfnot in every direc
lion. The river Ss at also policed and the
search ccntdmit'd without relaxed higi
lance until this morning , Whul time fears
of her many- anion friends were con'
firmed by the discovery of Mrs. Allison's
I remains. The discovery was mode by
Mr. litin-v Manning , the omnibus cout-
pany''s agent , about 7:15 o'clock.
Ilie was standing in the door
of the baggage car of the southbound -
' bound train , whet he saw a
j body- lying in time Slough 35 feet free time
bank , parallel with the end of the roan-
Way attached to lltwre's nmill , end about
30 yards below the bridge. The train was
stopped , and 1 [ . Jlnnmiing , with b1r.
, Ja11les Plaster , proceeded to the vicinity.
They observed by the preparatiolms which
she 110(1 made that Jtrs.Allison's ' suicide
wits the result of Ire-tieterntination.
Ahem ! her neck were fastened two stones
tweighing teit Iounds each , secured with
a stria ; 811(1 hnltdherchief , mold resting in
bags which she had foruted by cutting a
gossalller overdress Sv'itil as scissors , after-
tVFls found on till back of time Slough.
'fhore Wits moo oxpressiou of pai11 on her
face , Which waS hmaied llpward and all.
geared calm. lint' hat , which , with
soma enpty vials , Was found on time
buik : , Wits ftsteimed by a large stone
placed in the crown.
Al inquest l)1 the remains is betngheld
this nftetmmoomm Lt the city hall by Coroner
1' ° uglman nud a ju t
Senator 111 s"i respoilded to it teic-
graul by stating that he had left Oouncil
13lfls title nnrniug , 1111(1 Would arrive
here this uveling or to-morrow morning.
lte'.1).1 , iiurrell , pastor of the Second
Presbyterian churcli , will is at Clear
Lake , will ofliciato at time funeral , time
bolo of wilich Still hu hereafter , ur-
burl. Allisoim's Iulidelt name ts aS Mary
Neally. She was the adapted daughter
( If ox-Covevur Gripes , of 13urliu tn ,
doceascd , whose wife IVIIS he father ssls
ter. She resided with her foster par-
huts from early cltildliood until bray ,
1873 , time date of her mlmnrringe. She was
a talented 011(1 ( cultivated lady , atfectio11-
ate and aninbie iii disposition , : md (10-
watetily attached to liar lnsbnnd , Ililfsa
su4den atllictiomm till no doubt call forth
expl'esslalls ( if ay'lllpatily throughout the
vP1111U r ( ) I' T111 : comoNEu'3 . , unY.
At au i11gneat holden in the city of
Dubugile , attic of Iowa , lilt time 12th day
of August , 1883 , el the body of b .
111 11. Allison , by Johu L. 1'ttnbh u u ,
I coroner , the following verdict wits rcmi-
' du 0d by time jury : ,
1Ve , the jmy , find that deceased carne
tO her IInattl toy ( dl'Owlllllg ill time btlssis
sippi river twllile laboring uimder tuutpo-
rary nlelilal do Iulge11ultc.
f S. S , Wi1.uo ri' ,
N. C. ityllIlt ,
I JAM : s PIAIS1'Ell.
Dubuquu'I'ulegrnpit , 0tiitori8l :
I ale lt'ill 140 81'11 147 tiIu itec ° tult in 0111'
H local colunltls , tIle : rife of Senator. 1Vil-
u ] t. , lllisol co11unrtted Huicidu llLSt
0 evening by drowning , Mutt thu net was
time result of tanlponuy insanity is boyo11d
a 11 doubt. She was n lady ( If delicate cone -
atihltion Auld vey 11or'veus tenpeamll0nt ,
e nud during a grunt portion of l1cr nmr-
I nod life had been an inrltlid , 'tt tole s
o silo Saw subject tO Sits of depression , nn ( 1
while ill mime of these , in CCatral Net
I York a couple of years since , attempte d 1
self-destruction to at hake. For the pas t
0 three weeka Hilo immi beemi iii , and her ill
f mess so Ill'uyad 111)011 her that yesterday
sue Swnndere(1 6.0111 l10r h0n1
Y to the river , mid there , witl
is n utothad bore of nladness
rat 1111 011(1 to Iwr life. ilo r
iuisband had ever been most devoted tl rp
her. ,111 tilatdfectlllm cillld suggest , o r
the bast phYHiciallS in the country do , t (
restore hum' to 110alth , IVata (10110. bTr
,111ison spelt as 11nlclm tone as pussihl ° ill
n her euulliuly , and in time ( lope of buuulit
II ling leg silo Wns giver froquunt clumau
of air m(11 scone. Ifut it ts'as ill t'mn
d J1ur malady t'itS 1)u amid the reach t
iI human remotiiea ant it has turnminnte (
I' iu a ttatgcdy witch 1105 bowed llr Alli
( I Hun's heart with grief and cast n der ti
shadOW across his patlnvny. 'T'lle lift
pr tltich Iw as highe' uizcll , 1111 ( trhich ill .1
u Ho vigilantly guataled mmd sought to ) l'o
I' lot.g , lids gne Out forever. Isis i3 a 501
) ' nllliclflu , nnmd in this Imis lour 0f fro
ti euues
famed sorrow , h11vu the
C 5y'mpatlly of th uslunla upon thousaiti
't ' of peoplu tllnnlgiIOllt lots amid time mum
" tilill ,
ml Calptlou5 CrniIH.
Chicago ITerdd.
at 9'le friends of time 1Vidosn FaiO ; , o
'a Ruflldo , howled at time holy because slit
0 11u11Tied 8 newspaper 1111111 e1 a 511111
0 aiduly. lYhereat 'I'ho Iiostomi IJenml 4
Lewis and tvnnta tAm knew why'tho wfdOt t
n of n 111401 wine 11804 to loss yx10kagu
about for $50 a lnalth sllottld not , if slim
I pI
Cures Rhonmatism , Lum
bagoLnmofack , Sprains and
Bridses , Asthma , Catarrh ,
Coughs , Colds , Sono Throat ,
Diphthorin , Bums , Frost
Bites , Tooth , Ear , and Head.
ache , undailpuins and aches.
The kit Intemal and eternal remedy In the
„ oeid HeirIonic Cuaranteel Sold t'y medicine
dedeee.ety here. nireulonelneight languagea.
l'rlce to cent and /Tao.
FOSTER , MILOURN e. CO. , prop'r. ,
I1'I 1'ALO , N , 1' „ U. S. A.
these , lllllrry a ie1TRl)1lller 111:111 : "lull a
gcutluman. " 'l'ike Was 11O reason that
two knost' of except that time lady was over
sixty-ono years old , 1111(1 even a news mar
pcr man Sjmu(1(1 Vvo 1111(1felt that her form
irate Inked II ) ) nut ) gone to Tress long
ires 111111)closed down
' '
ago , 'l'Ile tr closed 811(1
' ill" 111111110(111 sounded
( thirty-one years
before. That is nil there is to that ,
1 et , if time dear old 111l ) ' Touted with her
111111 hums to help t ) alllu01leu the poor
night-owl of rho blue puueil , why uotl
' 1'14(1 Boston I1erdd is rim ld , 'I'lie cn ious
and eaptious relatives of tills rich Iwmlow
Inlet go.
, \ ( 'o.tly SIllllillel' Resort ,
t'IrglniaCity Enlcrpriec.
tincle Rufus hatch , we feat' , is on time
11take. The Yellowstone Natioimal Park
ingproveu10nt Company hunt subulittoll to
the secretary of the Immterior the following
list of prices to be charged for tramispor
tatinn , hotel , and other mtccommndntious
in the park , which prices , under time opor-
atiol of time lease grnntcd this armpany ,
unmet be approved by the secretary. Time
secretary npproved the rates olt time 17tH
of Jmily :
Schedule of hotel charges , Yellowstone
National Ira irovcumellt Company- :
Beano and h'tigim , singlerooulperdsy.S5.00
Two l Ocoee ut single room. . . . . . . . . . . . 8.00
Attic , fourth story , single rooms , . . . . . . 3.00
Two peramis ill attic room . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.00
Private parlor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00
Private in bed rooms , each , . . . , . . 75
Bath in hauling hail. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
3toale server ! ill r0Onme , claim. . . . . . . . . . . 50
Guider or cooks for private camps , per
day. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.00
efort tent for Private callers , per day (1.00 (
ltoard and lodgieg m'teats ntfrxed pricoe 5.00
Saddle horse or pony , tier day , , . . , , , . . 3.50
Saddle horse or puny , hat hour. . . . . . . . 1,00
Saddle horse or pout' , elicit subsequent
hlllr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Pack Imorses or mules , per day each , . . . 2,50
Wagon litre , double team , witji driver. . 10.00
Sinhlo horse and buggy , per dsy. . . . . . (1.00 (
Blllinrdv , pergame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
fool , per game , each player. . . . . . . . . . . 10
llout blachiug , per pain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Anecdolcs of Gem. Ortl
A Brooklyn gentleman swho served el
the late Get. Ortl's stall' tells the following -
ing anecdotes of llim :
1Yhile riding rapidly well to time front
at Appa11mmttoX , as Wail Lis habit , time rifle
ball of a confederate iimfautrynlaul struck
hint in the thigh-a bad flesh wound , It
htpp01lel : ( to tic 11 ° 81' hint ; Ime ptflcd up ;
said : " 1 am shot ; rascally scoundrel shot
ire , " as if lie were not it target for their
skirntisit line. Soule of the stall' assisted
hill to dismomd. 'l'ime next moutett ho
said : "Ride to time front , gemitlcuel ,
encourage the scoundrels. " To iris lot'-
11mg vifu ho telegrap1104 later : 'Dct'
bollie. Hit agniu ; right leg this time. "
Time nmoruiu , after u e took the WOrks
at St. Petersburg , and had passed smelt
some miles heavy firing co11unclced 011
our left.1'lat'5 ' that ? " lie said ; "let's
see , " : )1ml of' to the loft at full gallop. We
came to a strean' . IIo put his horse at
full jul11p. Alfa horse failed to make time
other bank , falling in time stream. Time
general disulonmtiug instantly , held time
fallen horsu's head nliovu the water for a
few moments till ] temp canna lily owe
horse nmade time junmp. IIelpiltg the g011-
Ural froin time u atar I otbmred to chmmgo
clothing. 'IVhat , ' ; he said , ' 4t soldier
thirty years amid afraid of a little Wettitlgl
Nqt I. "
Ile was t'cy careful nbout protecting
the inhabitalttS along time lire of ltmareh ,
and would repent the saute story when ml-
lustrating tile S'ahme of heaving an Amen.
flag to hatlg out ' bindeno , a versr
anmll flag will cover your 11'11010 garden , '
Tile Marching of his troops , tow position
they occupied at Appailmattox , the sturen-
tier , all are 'matters of history. His taro
for time stricken i11habitant , his fatherly
interest in time citizens of Riclmmoud 011
ilis return mid nssuulptimt of conuunad
there , nil this is worthy of loving consideration -
eration ,
Ceram 't'erry was ordered to relieve
loin , lie said , speaking of ilia "dear
Mollie , " Who had arrived , 'that 1w had
beet bfollified , she had been 1' . idifed ,
011(1 now both sncme'I'enifieti , " lie left ,
Ira time war tens over , for time Imortilenim
uuamimwmwwuaaa TilEGIIEATGEfIMAN
, aawuuWlOy a ,
Nifluhh ll1fOfl 15
nelirvew 11110 eareS
1tIi1Cl1tTIS [ ,
liii Neuralgia ,
u Uu enn
v , Sciatica , Lumbago ,
uAfaillE ,
' ' '
t IIEADACIIE1'0O'f l1ACi1E ,
1111 421IflflfliIW1II5 SORE THROAT ,
, l"0'1' , ' I (1uL1Nv , hWE1dJNt1S ,
a rirrat riv , ,
p I I I Sarenttt , Cuts , Bruises ,
j III I P M ' 'q ' .n'rJ ( I rn05T ' 11rer ; + ,
i 'wWilll tI , III ! ltl.t X,3)S ,
I it lp i 17 "III ) ' nud panda
Iiil il , ,11 , . FIFTY CENTS A OOTTLE ,
II ' j'I1 Nnldl 'nllhrnPxl + lauud
9 Ilu J' . , ,14L1'II , rl'I ' , "Ill Ill n
P II I' ; : ; : .
pl Ira .p6 I Ill : ' lime Charles A , Velctor Co ,
i l t 1 > ! w . . . . , , , ' usnLntivu
vit01'uSA14bi'/lttl'i'1' / ; 1'itliv'1'
'i.11JD : ; I'i101' ° SAia x111 ho reocmcd by ( he 1111-
' dct Innl 1111th l $ unlock 1100(1 , llturiay.
Anu.t ms , 14,5 , fur prinllog of Thu
u hA'galotlrur of the city ut 0c'mahn , ( rem date of
( 1ltacttoIweud Of (110 ( + rcwntlleal > tor cndlug
1,1561 , Saul hldt ehall he Ala "II'parliel ' h ) ' elm
1 uhdy , Thu prepo.tvi atrety'who ( , iii thuecu t of
3 auardiug n routrart,14110 rateranto o 1101111 whim the
city' of Omaha for thu true l erfunnaneu of bald nor
traeL 'i'he city re4ertee the rigid to reject any cad
all hide.
1111 elopee twntAiahlg wed Impueab or Lida shall
tumarkud "l'roluealefor Printing Legal NotkeA ;
aududdrewe.1 to the underaigunL
J , J. I. C. JEwI.TF . ,
f 5ug lost City Clerk.
Practical Horse Shoer.
Makea a twcialty ) of Itoadeten and tenderfoot hoe.
a a. she e , Dodge etrett bet , 11th such 1SUi , Old
u DcUvuelttouso.
. . .
tul'oRTERS '
Ot'i i
China an Glass , '
St. Louis Mo. m:83ra , E
GoOds !
Washingfon Avenue and El-it Street , - - - ST. LOUIS Ma ' ; ,
Wholesale Grocers I M
Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco .
Je A , WAKEFIELD , 'a '
Luber , Latli , Slia1e , Piolets , t
Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA , NEB + '
Wholesale Druggist t t
.J fflas
Hall's safe and Lock ® tr
SAFES , VAULTS , LOCKS , &e l/\\ \
1020 Farsiiaam satroe'st. Ona7acx. s
Sliaes. t
lid , . ELLMAN & CO !
Clothiers !
1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREET CO/i. 13TH ,
. t :
.t ' t
r Keg and Bottled Beer
' 1 Till' s Excellent floor speaks for itsglt , r
' 0
t H G . . 01tD ERfi1'ItobiA2vY ' PtRP 01 , T1I } . ,
. t ; , , . , , BuSCHBR . , 57,11E OIL 1HL Eh2IRL , IVIiSP
rG h7 SS alt ; '
S0Ul5 - M0 , Will be Promptly hi
CD f : - : , r G . a r aA i
Sole Agent for Onmtha and time Wot.
00fco Corner 13th and hIarney Streets ,
Growers of Lire Sock and Others , \ ' , .
TOCake. . .
It is the beet and cheapest (00.1 ( for stock of any kind. One lwund fe equal to throe pounds of eorc ,
Stock fad with UfOend 08 lake in the Pail end Winter , Instead of run"ing down , will increase In Weigh
and Is' In , gent Inarketablo condition In the epring , Dalrymen , ae well as others , oho uau it Inln testify
Its merits Try It With judge for yourpelree , ( 'rice $21.001 er ton' no targu for sack , . Addresa
ot eod mne 11'OOll1AN LisEiu : OIL COSII'ANYOmaha