Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 16, 1883, Image 1

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) fr Th
' , } THIRTEENTH YEAR. t ' 'La , LLaOMAHA , NEB. 7'1l'1ZSDAY MORNING , AUGUS'C Ili , 1883. NO. fl.
Brief Armistice in the To1ebraph
War , Followed by Firing Along
: thc Whole Line ,
The Operators "Respectfully Re-
ferred" to Subordinates for
Terms of Reinstatement ,
R .
- - - - -
The Postal Talgrapll Oompany
Reorganized with Maokoy
at the Holum ,
Th ( IIItI'I'Inlthllntl Cooper's IJn1(1n Ite
wlt nl-Ths II IIlll'iVICCI 4 , ISIC.
NI : v Yoi t , August 1G.- Stocks were
strung , and nn advtulce took place on the
2' a V w rcpart that the strikers hall petitioned
; ' ( lewral Ecacrt for work. Round
atlltlmltA of SLOCiiS are now being taken at
idvamiciIIg figures.
At 1.011 to dttp a counnittco of six , be-
big Htriking opmrltOFS formerly muployed
by the 11 esters Union 'l e1egra ) h eollI-
puny , waited min ( leuerd 'Eckert and
nakml for an interview , which wns
granted. . It is not known what proposi
; tiou was preseltcd ,
le'Flmuch : TO Tut : sUrlltINTnNDINTS. :
Niw : Youugust 16.-Tlw conniit-
tee of operatots who called on Gee.
Eckert said titcy represented the Morse
apcrtblts and linemen in the employ of
the 6Vcatern l'niol , but that their call
W1L8 not to be cmisiderel as a weakening
.on the part of the Brotherhood. 'Ulietr
purpose wrs to inquire of what tents
men weld be taken back into the ser-
vice. Goti. Eckert said he would recen-
mend that those now out should apply to
their respective superintendents as to
r tllo terms for resumption of work.
l 'TIie executive committee of the
'ern Union company met to-day. rluloilg
those present were Jay Gould , George
Gould , Russell Sage , Cyrus W , Field ,
Harrison Durkce , and General Eckert.
No reference was mudo to the strike.
After time ) meeting the coululittue held an
iilforiral conference in regard to the application -
plication of the cotnntittee of strikers to
t Geical Eckert , and heartily indorsed
his action in referring then to their su-
perinteldenfs for information as to the
terms upon which they will be taken
' r back.
ItENhw INIi Till : FIOIIT.
' 1'iiu executive board of the 'Uclegr'aphi-
ers' , lI'otilCl'1100d soul a couunhnreation
1' G ) (5mi. ( Eckert , stating : Since all our
r attmu ) tS to cllbct a reconciliation have
( roved futile we now desire to state it is
the intention of the members of the
t Brotherhood to ignore your ultimatums
1 ' and carry en time fight with renewed vigor
au1 determfuatiol by every legitinmto
mcus in our power.
I'ur wtmts.
'r IloOOKON , N. J. August 15-1'laewires
. ' of time New Jersey Telephone company
; F4 were emit last night.
TIIE rlloN ivoarnlLS.
P1111AUEL1'nIA , August 16-On imivitt-
tiol of Senator Blair , chairuiam of the
serrate Sub-conutittco , time ainaigaiiiated
.association of steel told iron workers at
the session today , decided to send Joint
. .Jarrett , William Nlartin and Jatncs
Penny to testify before the counnittce at
\Vaslmiilgt mi after time convention adjourns -
{ journs ,
A resolution reported by the connnut-
tee on coustitutiou and general laws , t
' the c6uct that paylmtmlt of strike benefits
be hereafter discoutiniel , was not cony
t curved uu. Tbu National Labor Tiibiiiie ,
.af l'ittsburg , was continued as the lma-
tiomal organ of thte association and the
News Letter , of 1Vheoliug , West 1'a. ,
.as the aflicial orgul ; of time second dis-
i , trio. Cmlunittees which have antler
V wnsiloratuou President .Jarrett's report
did not favor the plank advocating futi
oration of trades , Bolding as we do oppo
situ views en protective tatifl' policies of
our govermnet , it could nut redound to
our benefit to have any Hach can11ectiom.
Thu action of time committee ) vas ratified
by tlto convention.
'be following resolution of the cone-
, nlittoe based on time presidmit's views ml
the tariff was adopted :
Jlcaolvcd , That all producers amid moan.
f ufnctnrers should bear alike equal burr
' -dons of taxation , and foreign producers
1 .and minutufaetureis : should not be cx
- ' \ ' , elmptcd therefrom. Our tariff should at
- .ahl tunes WI adjusted as to at least tax
thelml tlmo sane anoutt paid by hon1O
producers and manufacturers for time support -
port of local , state and national govern-
meat as well as time amount of dif'ormtccs
in wages of labor 1111(1 cost of Inaufac-
i taring and time ruling rata of interest in
this country , so that capital timid labor in.
vested in respective industries of the
1 latld shall be placed 111)011 an equal foot-
1 l ing iii our own hole.
id TJI5 C0omxmts OIumANixm.
I'EnLt , August 15 , = 1'he Coopers' colt-
ve ntitut , which has beam in session torero
n Limo pt t few days , adjourned to-dayh w-
ing t Mlcluled its labors. It was called
t' '
l far thei + urpose Of reorganizing time inter-
nn association which was
fornped iii Chicago tun yeiirsago and wnv Cl after a few years. ' 1'mu ] Itst :
corlvmttoll wmtsilehd in J871. Iuiegateim
'guru hero from all thu principal cities in
this eulntry nu l Cann'lu. 'Jitu pracoed
g iu nru secret. 'i'me ] rtorgauizUiun of time
old association or moon was nfIJctul , it
ivn5 also l1CCide11 to organize
m a mutual insurance company , which will
' increase time Inembemship to at least 10-
000 'l'ime followrlmg mdlicets wore ehected :
Presidett amid treasurer'I'tiailras IIenlmu-
berry , Cluveluid ; secroGiry , .John ii.
Lewis , Peoria ; first vice president , John
B. Levis , l'eorin ; secmtd vice presideit ,
E , Egan , 'Toronto , Canada ; third vice
t presltleIt , John J. Long , Alton ; fourth ,
, ! antes Ileidman , I'eoria ; fifth , Jolmn NIc
Grath , Cleveland , 'l'imo convention nd
joirned subject to cell of time executive
coinutitteo. Tutu ammo was chammged to
i tune Coopers' Protective Association of
' Northl Amoric7.
Nrw Yomix , August 15.-Tu a election
of Mackey as director of the Postal tole'
,1 graph was announced before 2 'chock
1 ho aunouncetent was also made that
time capital of time Postal ' 1'clegra ) h coin.
had been fixed at 821 OOh 000 of
' rhlh $ ! Or000,000 had kwon issued to be
i L
_ _
sold and that of this last a11lount to
offered for solo lii,000,000 , had bent
placed in time hands of George Coo , presi-
lent of the American Exchamgo national
back. Time working capital is said to
have been raised by the sale of $ 1,000-
000 first mortgage bonds on time present
and future property of the eompauy to
,1.11. Nlackuy,11. l , . Horton cold ( leo.
1) . itoberls.
ANornlnl Coturo11.ATIoN.
; NnYomh , August 1f.-'Pilo certiti-
mde of incorporation of the Electrical
Conduit Construction wmpamiy was Bled
iii court to-day. Time coulpany is organized -
ized to nlanufactlru amid sell electrical
conduits amid cmstruct ) undcrgrouud c011-
llmetors , etc Capital stock tixednt $1 ,
000,000 , aind 110,000 shares.
The presidolliial Party Killiig Gamc
aid Trott ti the Forks of
Wiid River.
Gorgeous Soonor'y En Route--The
Chroniolos of a Day.
C.s tt' Blsuor , Forks of 1Viud River ,
1Vyomimmg , via Ft. 1Vashnkiu , August 1.1.
-'l'imo presidmtt null party are eiculmped
itt time forks of 11'iud river , aroil the
saitie ground occupied last year b } Gen.
Shoridal. ' ( 'lie cipnp ssos that vaned
Cammmp Bishop , in ] toum of Nir. 11. It ,
Bishop , of New York , who ss-as a luenmber
of the general's party , nod the 11:11110 : has
berm retnmed for time present carp. W e
reuinin here to-tiny for to a double purpose
of affording nn opportunity for various
mentors of time party to hlumtaud f ish , nod
to arrange l lack loas. This is our se' 1 / -
ply anti whence we Rave to tttko oil
packs rations nod forage enough to ltst :
through to time park. At the lpresmit
utoniett whilst your corres onlent is
writing this dia , atcht all the mumubcrs of
the Inrt have one out either hunting
or lisl ng. . 'J'lo ] ) ICSiduut who is iii flue
health aid spirits , has gone of horseback
with Gen. Seridn about three miles u I )
time main fork of 11'iild river , wrongly
called by the 1)001)10 of this country
Deuoir creek , to where last evening the
presitlemtt caught sonic hue trout.
The march of himetoel miles from
Cauip Stage' to this point led us through
the beautiful scenery of the Upper IViud
river , where gorgeously colored amid fantastically -
tastically steeped nmnuutains alttrmnto
witit those which are covered with ( graHsy
5101)05 and timbered . 'I'nto
weather was delightful , and the march
was thoroughly enjoyed by everybody.
't'hroe antelopes , one bear , several itich-
amsoil grouse , and a slow rabbit were
brought into croup lust evening by time
huuto s of time party , to thieve is at pres.
eat no immediate danger of starvntiou
for anybody. Toro results of to-day's
sport Will have to rmmain over for to-
niorrow 's chronicle.
Little Hope fir llgea.
IVASIIINGTON , Atiga'st 12-Time 1ay
tile Lieut. Col. Ilges was tried by court
martial before time recent trial for duplicating -
cating his pay accountswas in July 1876.
At that timme he' was sentenced dismissed -
missed froou the service , but time eight
nieubers of time court which tried hie )
recom muended cleuwncy in ] his case mt account -
count of his splendid military record.
Although it was Lieut. Col. Ilges'
secmid otlemise , time president , in
his order npproving the lindings
amid sentence of q time court
martial , said that "ln view of sumo palll-
ating circuustnnces me had bemi induced ,
for the second time , to extend clmucucy
to this ollicer. " lie also roalarked that
time uuplieation of a pay accauut by aui
oficer involved 'Falsehood , fraud amid al
act of dishonor , and that cietncncy in
sllchi a case callliot be expected by any
oflieor after this warning. ' Under these
circumstances probably Lieut. Col , llgcs
does not expect to be imtiemmtly dealt with
at this tiuo.
cob. MORROW' 45.SO ,
' 'hero is smno reason to believe , huts--
over , timat le will not rest easy mrdm'tie
disgrace of a disumissal front time service if
time case of Col. Morrow- , into of Gnu.
Shermnan's staff' , shall continue to be par.
sistmlly ignored by time war departuumut.
Some of Col. NiOeraW's creditors in 1Vash-
imgton tue indignant at time position of
aflhirs in relation to that otlicer. It is
said that while certain of his creditors
are to participate in time bmetits
accruing to the symmdicnte wlmicll
1(10k up dishonored aoconmts timid
formed a trusteeship with time consort of
the war dupartnemmtothererelitors whose
claims nru equally good , soumu of them
0-m1 stronger , have beau ignored mttire-
iy. Meanwhile , Lieut , ltobertsol , an
nilmbltious young officer , who loves his
prcfessiou , is to be tried by court martial
for a duplication of hia pay accounts ,
which , its cxplaiuod , happmted in a way
which reflects very httie discredit upon
'I'crrihlo ' 3lurders.
Iy. , August 16-Janes
Nixon is worknlg mill ncu near Uun-
herlaild Fmlls1'onl , , making tics for time
Cincinnati rnilr0n ( . Sunday night Chas.
Slagel , Ono of Nixon's eel , who nlupt in
timu sane bunk with , Jnmmmcs amid Juhur
Adair , nud a man nailed Clarbunu arose
after their co11g4umiois w'ore' nsluep ,
crushed their skulls with aim axe , rifled
their pockets Of about $ ( ,0 and escaped.
Nixon pit his svhole force in puesult rood
today Slnrol ) vas captitod near this
plitcu. It is thought he' will be ] yamched.
T'h ( , 111 { ; HIII ) al Nlst OrlrnnN.
Nrw OItLntN4 , August 15.-Mayor
E. Merle , to a letter to time board of
unumageiliemmt of thu wold's industrial
mud cotton centulm11inl exjosition ) , aueept-
i1mg the pesitiorm of director genaral , sug-
gasts time olgaliv4Ltio11 of auxiliary coin-
mtittees in each parish of Lousiana Iuml
in every state of time Union , that tines
nay lie a complete represcltdio11 of
products and nianufactururs of the country -
try ,
- - - - -
d Church IinQrr taw Ilamhutr.
BOSTON , August 1G.--'m'ho Essex say.
ings bank foreclosed a Imortgagu of $70-
000 on St. Navy's church , Lawrence , 011
account of the inability of the priests to
else sllflicimlt funds to lany time uiterest.
Time property will be sold at auction Sep.
tomb r 0thThis i5 a portion of time
property owned by the Atm Nstiilealt soy
ie' . hu structro originally cost over
8 200)000 ,
Farther Information or Boidholdcrs
COlCC1'ning RcdCmp1ion and
Iiterest (
Importation of Australian Oattlo
at San Frauoisoo and the
Pueblo Grant ,
' 11 o' Idueltl lln of VOIIDg iwdinn4 l't- ,
„ rowi11g I''avoeauly--4 eounulh
da11ln4 nor T'h ' 1'huustinll
OA1'I'I'dlt NOTIS.
11'.tsmlNUTON , August 16.--Notice is
given that lu 11'ed11esdny , Almgust 2L' mid
oil each 11'cduesdny ftmliowimmg , U. S.
bonds embraced iii time Ialst call , will iw
redeemed itt time treasury depam tnellt lit
1Vashii.gtotl . to tire nmeumit of $ i,000,00t )
vitlm pmt rebate. lumtemest of hands in-i'-
seiltud at time d ) patnlont oh time luny
uaued (1r redemption will be paid i11 time
order of their presentation , nud if lit ex-
Less of $5,000u00 be prmsouted ! mt eitlme
day suc11 excess will be' lust paid oil time
mext rudmilpliomi tiny.
FrmudV. . Lyon is appointed postmaster
ter at Touluu , ills.
Till : m't'ILtIA ) Oi' 8 IN FItANI'IS'O. (
1VAS11INrToX , August lb-'l'ime following -
ing telegrw11t worts stmtt to Surveyor Ge11e-
rl ] frown , Sal .Ftancisco : "Silspemti
actleim umider the Hecl'eta y's decralom min
time Pueblo of Saul Frmlcisco until furtimer
ativised , " signed by imtrrisunacti11gco11i-
missiener of time gu11ural Fwd chew. ' 1'hu
order was nlado by dirccti.u of the presi-
dett , amd it IH ulldershmtl was ; m . clti'eil
by ex ltepresemitativu Page , ie ireseimting
that state's clainiauts ill time pueblo eas ,
who were dissatisfied witlm timeseeetay's
decisiumi. A survey w8S about to be made
in accerlamce with that decision , but the
order directing its stlspousioti probably
iimdicatcs a rohearimmg of the case.
Time secretary of tlw trcnsmy received
a letter frown time collector of 'customs ,
Saufrulcisco'to : time effect tlutt time iut-
1)(1rutt1(1u of cattle froml Australia lmm ex-
1iectetl at tlmt port 1111 a few weeks , mud
mtskiug instructions iii regard to eshtblislm-
ing quam'nmtimle for their aecemolati(1u.
Time collector tsar instructed to provide
necessu'y facilities far time olio nod slrol
tee of cattle at time expense of time owners.
INmN S0u0olti.
T11spcctor 1Ituwurtlr , site has geumnl
supervisory charge of Imdinu seleols ,
mud who recently returned fronm time ) vest ,
reports good progress in the construction
mind equipmmiemmt of the nee industrial.1mm-
ditto schools , 'l'ime schuol buildimlg at
Clmilocco , Indinm'l'eritory , will be li11-
ismed ] by October 1 , mumd be opened for
time receptimi of lliO pupils ouJamuairy 1.
The schools at Lawrence , Kansas , nud at
Genoa , Nebraska , will accommodate .150 .
Pupils each , and thesu will also be
opumed in January. Whet these
are completed the I ndia11 schools tbrough-
the comltry twill accommndnto ! 0,260
pupils , limspector Ilawo'tlm say's time at-
tolmdnnce time present year has been muclm
larger that July preceedillg year. 'l'ime
result he' attributed to time r0tlliz ttiou by
time IndiamiS of the fact tlrat they must
luck to pursmits other that chase fur
nmeans of subsistence in time future.
cwsclaLNINo m 1 NmlON trials.
A decision waS rendered to-day by ( ' .
S. Commrhimrssiorle ] lundy , in time case of
Apha ] IL Bahl , clmaged with violation of
time peimsion lnVH , in haviimg tdten au ox-
cessil (1 fee for oblainiog a pmisiomi fmn Limo
mother of a Soldie killed during time late
war. 'l'ime coumlissioner dismissed time
case on the l eouild theme had beet ho vi-
Oiltiom of time statute mts chuged : , le' his
dccisbrm ime (11'mw'n IL dictiimctioll betwcmr
takingfrem time pulisioilm of a part of time
rmommey received 85 pemmsiom ns semi a13 received -
ceived , o1 avitlmhoidiug any portion of it
vim elm IL limas iIC01r obtnincd by nor ngcnt ,
mud tmo accept : umce at amy snbsequont
ti mme of a sum of mm uucy from m the pel-
siunum . IJu holds 1lm this particdar case ,
the pumisiom check having been cashed by
time baulk , and a portion of time iunoiumt it
called fur Laving bceu plmlcuil with time
bank on deposit , that partio11 PLssel ; (
fronm umdcr time protectimm which is
phtced by statute over honey received oil
nccou11t of imellslei5 , Illld the fact that
Lime deferndart in this case aftlrsvards ta-
ceived n part of it on nccount of his services -
vices in proelring time persio11 does nut
make him ammienahie for having violated
time statute.
.muman nlAcx's )1mNrss.
Dr. Garnett , Judge Black's physician ,
returned last night From his visit to the
.Judge mt York , 1'a , To-day le received
three telegrams i11 quick suecessiuu , notifying -
fying hits of n chalgu in Iilnck's ' cmldi
Lion , aid requesting lus unumedinte ) res
duce , lie loft tlua mftcrnomt for York i
amid was due there at 8 o'clock tlmia cvomm
A ( ArITOi. SurF.
Sa11nlel B. ] : duenstol , of St. Louis ,
who ulaiumH , with others iuterustod , a
largo portion of land enlhraccd within
time limits of 1Vmiimington , ilmcludimg
S nth \Vmtslringtott nud much of
( ybmt : is nosy the Capitol grounds ,
is in time city. This property was Sold by
.lalmes Greenleaf to time government in
fee , tuul Fbnonstou contmtdsthatGrucm
leaf's interest w-as only 1i Ietseimuti : ( for Of )
years , which has or is about to expire ,
aid that those swho havu purchased it
leave no feu simple Lithe. It is unde -
atood that 1' dmouston iS williiig to settle
svilit time presmt ) ecc11p8uts , could to gis u
each IL good deed on time beds of $3,000-
000 for all property involved.
.t I'it ) Up doh oil Cotu'tum .
1V.ITKINS , N. Y. , August I5.-Jim the
first " 'rill teat of time ; lfafessi0lnll imlt
rnCUVnliacu , Ross , Pluisled , ( Jrifitn ,
Iee and Caurtnuy started at Itb40 a , m ,
um time order nnued. Boas took water
first and gat a luau lead , I'Jtiistc(1 seeom 1 ,
Leo third , Courtney fourth , Grifliu fifth.
Courtney drew up to time thirdvoryeasily
aid in a fume utyiu of atu'dy stroke , lie
was soon contesting for secoutl position
ill tie milu nud IL half strai6gilt heat
but Leo started towlmrd time outside -
side and iltmlost across Courtmoy's
uouree , so that at the half mile they had
almost locked oats. Courtney lord vir-
t1uRy ceased to exert himself. 'l'huy
rowed alomgsidu thus for nearly u mile
before Leo would take his mrtt course ,
At u11e time it appeared aA if Leo Would
gut the lend , but ho only held it n moo-
nmont , lt vas miot long , for Muss sent 1111
10 : 12 by half a loilgtlm , Leo second ,
Cuurhwy third , Time latter was al
least n length in flit' rear of
Ross , 'l'ime crowd moelud in tiisappuint-
must , as it it aq too o'ideimt tills voimli (
shut Courtney out of time sccoud trial
bent , ttimd so out of any coldest with
Ilanlm m. it would have looked like n
clear put up job if Courtney- hall nut
claimed sccoud place , on accauut of Leo's
appruxi11umto foul. 1t ms nut deeided yet
by time refeteo nmmd jtmlgcs whether to allow -
low n foul , so far as lutirned , bat ptbAbly ,
it will not , blteest iii the regltttceases :
hm'e in that evoot ,
iitN1.AN 11'INs ,
11'.l1'l iNS , N , V. , August fir , llnulmtn
won the professional race tlmis mfterm uiu ,
tln CO tulles ivitll tarn , fin aIi. : ) , tltt'eu
lengths mhend , ilosutur sccol111 , 11'allaeo ,
Ross and Gaud third ; 1.ce out.
Illt'IIIMTI:1L : : UACIs. :
itorur ilmi : , August l5.-'l'imo second
( i83 of time August races.
aa2 : class , 1)uuse $2',000 , Tummy Newell
rein , llils011 sccoud , , lmulia C , third ,
C(1rnulin fourth , .ludg0 Davis amid ( lad i-
toe ruled lilt ; tiimml , 201 : , altli ) , 11IO1 , +
2t : U h i I e')4gal. : .
Spieinl piitso-of $ a)00 , 'I'riukut won
in str.ugltt lme'ts , Phdbas sccoud ; Luue ,
2:1f : 2:16 : " :17 : ,
n51 HALL.
l'Itevummxci : , August IfiNeu Perk
b , lhvvidemmeo 11.
Ii)4tln-ilostimlms ( ) ( 0 , l'hilulolpmills 4.
Cie eland-iotroula 8 , Clevelmimds 4 ,
1tlrlflo-Butfmiu I , Clmieao 3 ,
Ft. 1Vmyuu-'t. ! ' 1Vavmme Ii. Peoria 0.
( mmimtcy-Springtields 8 , ltntucy 0 ,
A ROllslll , 1 < gCCtinb of Radical Irl ui-
111011 li C lCagO ,
Speeches by FineitY , Brominu )
Gannon and Bourko.
Clll ( ' 1 o , Atlgmtit Iii. = J'le see ut il'isim
National ognuizntioit of Chicago , but
maiuy ] those ; of time Cbm min Gncl , hold
tlmeir seventh nnaual tlelmlolmst'atlmm at
Ogdeim's grove this aflcenoon , to raise
feuds to carry on Lime agitation uu Im'eiutd. :
Fully 10,000 paid adlutttmnee to emturLime
grounds. Speeches hero imumlu by Cony
gressn11um Juba F. Flmle ty'l'houms ilren-
eau , ex-secrutary of te ] Nntiontl : Imisll
] and league , lion. NI , 0. Cail11ou , of
] omen , aimd Col : it. 0'S. Bom'ke , of New
Niexic(1 ,
They ive'u all radical in tone , mmd der
mm11nrdud timu total i11ilai , mildtmtu of lul
loud , Nlr. Fiuuel'ty'smLSSeitiouthat"we
w'nmt it distinctly umideetogd that we of
Chicago nru proud of time nmm ti'm(1 killed
informer Carey , " eras sviidhy applauded.
The snnu : spenkct' deelued that time puo-
plc of Irulaimd did mint want time i11turfei-
cImce of Cardinal Mnunipg or Line polio at
Rome , if it lmecri1,4lieoiiIrelandin
clmins , ( irr , Iirehuum declared thatw'hmt
Ireiaud needed above 1111 else , at this
crisis , I LS cdneatiom mitt 0rgamizatioil.
i'ime league should all'urd voulmg Ilmcn of
Noland an oppoetulliLy to sturdy its list.-
r3' Ile te umml Earl Spencer , ' 'Thu
clliuf hangu11tu of Ireland , " The declmu'a-
tiou of principles , as set forum by Lime
assenbhmge , declu'ed : unfaltering allegiance -
gianco to'mm ciiea , but as Irislo-elumccnua
they sodd hove yield time right of
II'eillllll to overthr(1wi : foreign despotism.
Gratitude svILS exprc55etl 1o I'arneil null
ilia coileaglles ill time work of ailiug their
Sulleriilg couuLrymnun. 'ime ) ' concluded
by emdorsiug time action of time l'Imiiadcl-
plmimi wlmvemmtion. 'I'imu oxemciscs amid
speaking extended flu' into time iligbt ,
: tlld cuimmilmLtid witim a dispbty of pyro-
special 1)Ispntcbes Li 'I'mm : Iimm ; : .
Oscmo : A , h'Oll , August 13.-Tolle
county has hemp marvelously fm utmim mate
this 5clsoll in net having b0Cn ii ) tie
tTaek of many ( esLeuctive stnrnms.
'J'im e south gm-Li ; u is all gaLlmored a1(1 is
buiug stacked or Imeshed. ] 'l'ime yield is
till that was oxpceted. 'J'lteo is a large
qumumtity of whuitt LIIILL will yield 26 bush.
cis to time micro , and oats that will turn
fronm r0 to 7511L.usbuis to tlmu amo.
Gore hlh : all the NympLomHhf time itcm'-
iest crop We Imvu ever had , mid doing all
it cum to gut tbco oil time bunmu strutclm ,
It1 NmflAW , Nub. , August 15i-Corn is
doing butter now than it. over bus dons
Im Limis soctioil of Nebrlaia , but time cuo-
tiHuol Inln Juts done eonsidcr nble lane
age to snudl grain , not more than lmalf
being stacked. Flax is growing slowly.
Oats are reported as being m bad conlli-
tier , 1Vlicat not so bad. Cutting eat
all done yet , it has cleared oil'ugmiin
and we piny look for sonru fine weather ,
TI I1 : I'AIPlItl ) : S'l'A'1'E ,
Iltutnonlous 1lrrtlug of Iho Itepuu-
Ilcmn ( 'ulnmlllee ' ,
Nlt3' Yes : , August 15 , 'l'ime ' repubii-
cur state co11Imnittee imam today. Six
ueilmbes of lliu co11nmittue were rupru-
smmtcd by proxies. Pierre C , 1'umlvck
was not reprusmmted at nil. Julm 1' ' .
Slmmytlm presided , Six bulols veto LLkun
before ti decisimr was relclmell as to the
place of huldiug time state cmvinmtion ,
ILichiiaid Springs was elm osuu , mind Sep.
Luulber Jfllh. % tsigsslun svill he urectcd
by Lime botch keupems for time couvUlti01.
I'ic ru C. 1'am l'ycl'S successor sill bo
hawed by his district co11uniLteo. Ad-
jour11ud to umcJt at Richltuld Springs
Suptcmmmbur 18th , 'Jima rmmuutiilg iyil elm-
tirlily mIUlnouiaus , ielugltas : to the shlto
coitv'nmtiuu ( will nmnbur 470 ,
' 'm1'n4 up Sulu.
'J'uoy , August 15-'I'houmas G , Ifmmt ,
a New York nlc chnt ) who disappeared
miy sturiously Jmnu lust , tm'ued up in
IairLbuthtowu , Essux chum , lie has
not howl t , Ehlra e. Jla 5 u's le does
notknosv wleru Ito hlul ,
- _ - _ - -
Oh lcmmgo llullding Permits ,
Citn'AUo , Augutmt Iill. = I'he Royal In
Nuraueeconpany , of Liverpool , took omit
ml purumit today to erect a nnlu atoryoftlc e
bulldiig0n Jackson street , in close proximity -
imity to time new Chamber of Conitnoreu ,
to cost $500,000. Other permits were is
sued during time tiny aid swell time uggie
gate to $600,000 ,
Titled Villains whc have Rniicd their
Tena111s I Body and Son1 ,
Wielding the Potver of Eviction to
Rob Irish Women of
Their OhastitY.
'rut' IthlitlllNI1111eiitHorI'ullNhrQ 11crllN
Atdrd by Iho I'aug4 ul' Ilunrr- ;
and SI'encN ( ) j I'uvat'Iy Iii
the JIId41 0l' I'Iett1 ,
negmlar C"mmL'N1 lllllellee I'hiiailnlpldn I'n'is.
C.utii : _ Rohhv , hvlnmd July alb-I
Bravo tlirrouglm time privtitu duul'snu of
Lord 1)umsmdlu today , 'l'his a ticu ho.
longs to time eshuto. Ills Ioltbshlim , 1s'ilt ) 1H
nuts' quilu 1111 old 111)111 , duos not tied time
Itttnosphure hcrenbouls w ile
thinks thuru is iend to the mile. 1io is
living (01111 nt I itysbmimI , nuu' : 1)ubliu.
It ms a little Scasie resmrt , mind nIsi time
tb' maitiug station for butts to I lulyhend ,
I imru tlw discoIuttbla ) and iilmoorid old
lutd is lin' ' holy leuumee for Imis
lie did mmb ) elearru g of his 1:111(15 : ( thtum
any 1111111 i11 Irulmmit fur timu size of his
ustnlcN. Ilis runts arc said to tie lvm
$100,000 it year. It sidei time desire to
put his lanl under gm-us , lm had the suer
omd miudiye (1f gutting rid of mnuy of his
tcnmuts , It wits to ; , rot immnmuntblo mirls
whom lne Intl ruinel oil to :11um'i ca ' , llu
used to 1)113' the exheimsos of w'imOlu fmmt-
Iies who tnuigrmtcd to A uwricn ,
mmr m.oult , ii tm. I'ILlsl\ ,
't'he fawmily uumo is 1)1113' . All time
ehmldret that he' acknuwledgcd as his
tromv boil lilt of wedlock. 11'illituu
Ialy , imis oldest soil , lives on time dmnesnu
and mcls as his ttaternl father's mgcnt.
lie has several sisters. Tlmuy stay on time
place with him , 'I'henglm he sprang front
time iunsalttrv , lmo is so nupopubar with
tlmenl then his nvn c imseiummce tells hint
to go anIud maul guarded. Time old lord
u11trricli to a nmotltur of these children
after all of them were mienrly trass n up ,
ti nougil fear of outraged publto opuuon.
lie braved that for n ioug uumo ; htmL a
Vary sm iOus talk (1f tarring amd fmmther
Imug Imiui , tuevnsiug poplUar iudignmttion ,
anal aggressiye imfuelmce of time l lttholie
clergy , compelled time rcprabato to do
what little it u could by tsny of uvpnentiomt
011 this earth , 'l'ime w olmmun is now (1(111(1.
I Ind time old lord boat compelled to umtuey
till time mothers of his chudru11 , his plight
would htive been intolerable. Ile would
lmnve had to muigratu amd became a saint
at t'tLim. :
iN Tu1 : l , . % munttus m' v OIL.
IIOWeOI bad 1)uimsaulle is antl Imes
hewn in histurrihlii conduct tounrds his
pensnmt girl tuuauits , hu 11mny console ] mim-
self oil 1vhaL is only a grumiter regret to
time world , that lm is out aluuc. 1 tied
tiumt pm other estates iii Ireituul , llmd-
lords did out seruplo to giro comely
peasnut w outun their mltornntivu of crime
or ot ictron , wlmich umem mt sin or death.
Overwlhkedr poor , vretthod wolmumi who
yieldedl 'I'huy ' were semu'culy tibia to
cnumbat. NL uly resistal at first , mmd
stood ( lilt ly for thuir chltutity , timid
nut a few , tutus ! fell early iu time fmmiy.
I t semis tilm Ilneltlnl mmmatch m. The blandush
meats of lied 1(11(1 of p , lisimcd devils of
mcm , aided by tlma pauls ; of lmmgar nud
the miecessary degradntton of stu vtitioil ,
wee too strong.
TIIItn.tFS OI' n1 tl"I'IoN.
Fully ogle-mnlf 0f "muse huger land-
holdeH ill irulmnd worked time evils of
their tuerihlu uutchimimiLions by time Limreat
of evicttcm nud by the rewmud of eitlmem a
11mrriage pottiuu Or a force form to a lms-
bnud on nutrrying. Is it nmy m-ondot'
LhnL tunny of Li leml go armmmcd and ginred
by puhce , wImile I1tlel's fear to be suun at
alit Bcfoee time pettsmult eras n serf , a
slave. Now he is a feeeilmam. Ile is no
lonornfinid of the lammdlord. Ccnttu ics
of this slmtvary Jmatf gettull these 1)eriglmtell
pmsoilh to snhnmit to nl11mist anything
fronm ti landlord , . n time name prnlegdu Its
that Lime king cam dim tau vra11g , It is cot
m t-tiny , ; amid I believe Hutt nmclm ] attem
day 11bsetcu ( Iandlordus11r is dew to a fear
of rutflbutioli , Lurll h eiteinl paid time
pu11alLy of lmis foul svromgs. 'Theca the
more to fulloiv.
Lls'INO ON 'rtilmrrv-stx C' mticS A w nK. :
AL Iluekcalm , ivhich is omme htilf umilo
feour time aimttmuCC , by (111 ( .1 rend , to time
dmneamme of Lard immsaudle , lives an old
svolluul mauled 111muy Iuode'ick , She has
111) ill CailS of sllpiml't , Itmmml site is 141 old
to lwurk. She ms a public Pauper. 'Jima
outdoor relief ollicer allows bur thirty-
six emits a week. 't'hat is mill Lhat time
hmutute uilicur , whc is n sou of Lurd
1)uusandie's bailie' , mulhw s her for fuel ,
CILh1013 , Ittmd fold. 1Vmmm 1 vuHitel ] mltuy
iirodurick I found bur in great poverty.
Situ was , however , thrifty , amd tha cab11m
molted ncntur tied clmumur than 111aiy
others 1 hnvu suun. Anuthur old wouuul
ab0at leer age is in the cibim with bur ,
She' , too , is oil outdoor relief , amd halt to
ho grateful for time magnifiecu 511111 of
thirty-six emits.
"Can you Iwo omm t11aL1" I tasked liar.
"Null , yea sir , 1 (1(1 , mnlmi elm less , for I
and ulm(1 thin .lour cents elm to suif ,
thoim tilm I often 1m'amt amore to amt thmum 1
tun o6"
' (1Vimat do you lo with time oiler pemumy
( two cuutsf" )
" } Yell , you mimic , Sir , I keep toad , nud
Ivory Smtmu duy 1 buy ti little wax uumdlu
with ) t , and burn it ill hemmer of time
blcasetl Virgin , "
tlnh ( nlMANUIl'S : Hiw'm'Imt-1N-LAw' ,
Could I scoti'mkt Ht1CJt sweet , 5itnplu ,
abiding GiitimI IIad uvou a more doubting -
ing uumii than I ienrd audseol Limat1)ure ,
good old svo11mmm tubing , ill lm or mllil0-
cuueo , of buyimmg tlmat candle to burn oil
Stiturdnys iii respect to time mitotlme of
, IOsms Christ , he' w'oull have , at least ,
ruvurune0d time faith ,
As I tuft time cabin time guutlmmnn twh0
had acchnpmulied me said ; 'li'ed , whet
tie you thick of Nlary lh0duuckl
( Oh , situ is a nmtt , respectablu (11(1
'You know' who sue t5P' '
"l have hunrd , It does not scant to
b0 tiny secret in ( hilwny , "
' 11 ell , it is true , sle is Lord Dunsan
( le x sistur in-law' . Shu is time sister of
time lmul wo maim ss'ho WILS umothur to all
time imly cimildrun up ut time Nbuo , Site
is blood aunt ofYilio Dttl , who is , b
timeybasturd law
somu hook or crook in time
heir of time ti lu mid estates Of his ftdhur ,
yet mu lets ho starve there wh'thiu a lualf
nulu of his own ] muulo , Souetimus thu
Nfisac5 Daly stp t(1 5CC the eld wollltlu
mmd give ] mur a 5ixpeneu or a shilling , "
, was oat surprised thou to Lind limo
Wli1 t pOssibie AtwOilmwtmA of misery-
n11mmimg tmlauts tvho were no kin , whorl
the aunt to the hint's chiidret stns loft n
public pauper mh11nst b } ' her owit broth-
er-in-law's gate. Evorywlrero rot 6o ,
sumo cue point ( lilt 'rent fields untlor
grass , whore ho rcnonbors used to live
hundreds of 1leMmitt farmers lvho lmvo
n ithiii fort oats from time to time
boon huntet away fromm the Imul tike
rats flout n luwisu. Lout 1)uusaudlo
tiirmmd lilt 801) seals an to time' rlalside
front iiiltulla one lily Without food or
slmelfer , llauy died on tllu rued mild in
time werkhonso
1 I e ti11lbled down n 11(11180 min nn old
111811 nnmtd iltr611ts , I lte srifo dragged
him out lout had Imhim put uudur Clerreet
bridge , hard by , 'l'imo 1(11(1 arduled the
tenant on Whose 1(111(1 i85 tlw I tiL of time
bridge when Iiiggimm fund shelte' , to
drive him ashy. The temmt refused ,
and the lord , with pulp , dross- time sluice
1111(1 Um 110(1 tutu tinter im min tlme sick 11uum ,
SOIIIO buys notIl'ed ' limtin ( ) 'ilnilornn-
w ho told Ilie lhu t11cideut--and ho btul
the uuul HIlvul undo ( almuthe bridge on
a lit' . Joye'e'H Inud , Uiusm11dle w lltC
Jlyce , tasking lniill to 5011(1 the 11ntt1
1Lltny ( mum uncle the bridge , hot the Int-
tm stns mils ) I11nuu11u , cold tieclinel to
inko 11113' net iuu at all. IIigitims lived
nude tIto bridge for two ye'a's--wiiltc'
and suuuilor- huu he died.
1111)ll s of .Uhmm 1 I 1'a'iirr : - .
In time hug al anps of Cahe'unkelly 1
fuu11d three fmu nilios of hard-working
Ireuplo nt it lishumco of about a qunrteL' to
lmdf umlo tii ) tirt 1 l3' visit erns tit , nujlmt.
Nut unu of lilt cabins hmul a luau
of limo people had bceu to umss far tee
yemtl'A till' ltmttmt Of ( it'celtt cio'imes Nlt )
uuo of then bud n CluuIge ; aid all tllo fey
11mlus had but unuga7memt each , a clnrSO ,
pateled w0uluu ( li'Csit , 't'he only food
nay of Li iuul bah is inditin meal , amd they
do notlmve m11migi1 of that. Otto fmunily
of se elm hmte bceu to bud sos'eral nights
within time ivuek ftistimig.
'l'imy mill have n httlu lm1(1 , but it is bog
and Wuil't produce ; ICSlll(15 , time times
Milieu ' 711 htn e beet so bud that tlmey au
mot able tO get seed to fltlw' . In each
ease time fathers hind buuu living on the
Inud before thorn , uuo ( ) m t3' timid limo sixty
onrs beck. 1Vlmetm , by tilling and draiil-
nlg tin ( cloarmng lf hog , time Iln'll w7LS an
it svl111l raise n IlttiO crop , Lilo tigunt
lnckremled timuili.
N.t11 SI'I.NI:4 . : Ili' i'l11'1mit'I'v.
'rho lit'at housu svltS Hutt of lfiehnel
hauuify. Ile has uiglmtchildrem. A lig
stye is wollcd ell' i11 unu cud of time cthiu
1111(1 n chicken coup to time otlmlr. Both
are euply. lhI8tds nie laid Ivem the topes
of these , amd an lhrom svitlt very smut
stilt v RICOh time funnily. 'l'imo ftithur 1111(1
boys sleo hl ever the pig stye , mid the' girl
1111 time self ovum Lime Leu ) . Slme has t
wisp of iuty butu'uu11 two y lulus nod there
she Hleells witlmoumt mum ) Coeur hat time
dress lime Ivem 5. Now , m t tll'it you t , it i4
.yell (1iIi1cdt and offal IiiiIleiulbe ) for
these people to hmIlve straw eummgh to lie
( n , lime horse fmmus fmu better , iltumi-
fy has ii iuu Imces , for wmiuh ) w l11ms to
pay LI 5s. '
'l'honutsVImcubui has seven in his
6timmBy. lie tuts ti gout amd n dolmkuy.
Time goat gives 'umilk fur thli Imidhul nail
stitabout , ) which his nuigllbols uuumt
have. Instuuul of Sleepiug.n a shelf , le
has a room ivhc u time elm ickun coop in
Iiunuify's i5. 1118W LIme bud , dirtysttmv ,
and old sacks far sleets , witim unu filthy
bhulket for cover. ilo has tin-cu mild
. nu luf acres forL 1. ii a lmnsbcun forty
.ores oil time plncu , Ond Li mu laud ovum yet
ms not filly ruclaihed. IL has tikuim Lss'o
nmmd thieee , end sonrtLiumcs four gunera-
tions to reeiaiimm a fuse ncl'emi of bog ittnd.
Ito hav unu 1'i/Il ( ( If p(1llt0CH HOV'Il nud
time sauw spteu iu ants. 'That ' is nil time
seed le could gut.
nw'IiiddNO tN IIU111ndss bllwmll' ,
'I' , iteiliy's imltmmie is avorst (1f all , Thu
trout ) vtill is bilging , an l Limo hu'f-sod
roof is imuld amp by Li mmao pales ft oum ivith
in. I to is duheate. I le' imas n wife timid
eight elm IIdrem , amt only one acre and a
half of grauud. 11 hei f miLured this
housu time fmnily IIIIH 13ltllmlillg around a
131111(11 pinto of Jtuliamm meal sfirabont
\viLi1(1111 ( Hllgtlr , bnttur or milk , 1Vhe11 it
wns gone a little child Gil' femur antis iicl ,
said ; "Nlnhnun , is then lmo mm m00 in ale
pm L't" "NO , tkulnn , 6mare is not , " waa
time Hod 1C8p ( llmse. 'J'hese pcoplu havu
mint st'at 'l'imoy' eicup oil gr'eetl r'llslmes ,
svhichm 1 sasv Witt ( um 011'11 C CH.
1)irimig thu nuuo11ur these fn11miiics uaru
two shillinls ; a day. 1Vlmemm that is over
tend cold wmtur comes they have no other
pr.spuct thmt to Htmi vu. They scout to
realize their slid plights , 'J'her vaen11t
stluu of hapeleMSness is heartrcutlitlg.
It was 10 o'ulot It nt might , dark tied
training , whet 1 loft Ums sad mibodu
Outside Lime dour , to hay Hurpruse , were
two polieo. lie falloucl us from there
all the way to time nutiu road tumd oil as
far as their baertieks , 'J'lmoy hind been
- - - -
TJim tlpauh041. Somiora.
'i'OHIIHlilNn , Aiuz. , Alrgmst l5.-A
special couriur from time hctdqunrtors of
tie nrnlY ler g nLgainst time Indians
ill O losltra Sonora , AIoxico says the
A niehcs alt Jul 80th , made nut attack on
time vililunge (1f Naeori.whee Lieut 4 Nlar-
elms IS HLrltionml , with IL Htnall force of
picku(1 stito LI'oolms , krllittg fiyo of time
piclmet gua'd. At daylight next tlerntmg
1l ards uuu chel with the 20 own nail
found tlru s ivuges t ) the umnbc of 1110
wet strongly untrelchad amid wns comil
pullml Li , ietrunt I I e male n sccoud
recanlmauHaiIcc , nccumpmuri(1(1 by art mmcd
vilingus , but munuunit nition bucIlung 11x
iuulstcd Made a 5ecom l tetrent , Several
IImlilimhi ( wore killed 1111(1 Immure were slightly -
ly wonildel. After tllu skirmish time
srtvugus immul Lllilmgs mill tilelf 01111 way turd
drove ell' Inrgo herds of cattlu ,
. .
- -.r- -
'I'he INu91ng Is Sitlil ,
IlIs'ION ( , A11gmst 1G.-1) . 11 , Darling ,
sccmnl Illulmllur of time litnt of Guargu
\ViiILnm 111111ou IC Cu , , turd hind of the
Ifuslol house , left for New York this
uvumimig. A. S 11'euks , lust 11lullmber of
the firm , is ill ILL Brooklyn , amd knew
uoLhiog of time failure until told by a
friend , 'l'ime Bostom bushiness is 5ammi to
he tharougiiiy Hauud with ale dmutger of
a eoilnpsu 011(1 it rs ilot bulievel huru soy
odic houses will be ntiected 1)3' time sums-
putrslel ,
Ilea ) " of rt , 1l. llorrington.
CuleAno , August 16-Augustus NI ,
IIemrington , Umted States attorney for
time I' ' oitlertt District of Illinois uudur
time udmiuustrition of President
Buoluumul , and latterly one of time solidi.
tars for limo Chicago lCNoetlnvustormt rail.
rood , died at Geneva , Ill. , yesterday ,
Alarming symptoms of an RarthQnake
Felt in the Fated Island '
of Ischia ,
Italy Gets Her Back Up and
Threatens to Mount the
Sultan of Morroocoe
Twolvt' dtem iUlirrl Iu n Caa1 Allnc
Other It ( ii1H o1 liilerrt.
unlnnNalILA : OF RUIN ,
IONlION , August 15.-There uoalarm-
) tmg sigums of 1111 ent'tllglilke 111 Serra , mil
the Islaul of Ischia. Springs mire d 'in
11Ir 1111(1 ( Alrloku iii lssltill gr(1111 fissures to
the grliod. 'l'ime nmiimuster of blic
It(11'ki hits isslicti : e'1 order for time u n-
nleilmate erectuln of louts for time aecou-
uiidtition of time Ptlplu ill case they are
cammpullud to vacate their houses.
ITAI,1'4IlAt'i ' l'1' ,
Ginll.u.T iL , August IfiTime Italian.
L mrl3 nt 1 anziet , lllnrecco , has lowered
the IhLb ill time eotistllntu , amid time inhabl-
( nuts ar0 in cemsequmtce in a state of
grunt panic Time hostile action on the
part of time oivoy is ci necumlmt of the
sultan of 2lorocco not ] mv'ing raplicd to
time ultiimmtum of Italy ilmsistillg Upon full
htyulelt of time uluiutsIf Italian subjcctn.
l'lmete is aim ltalitin squadron le' the
harbor in realumcss to support time du-
mnuds of time uuvoy.
LINIION , August .111-lit the artillery
meeting at Shoebttryncss to-day , thu
prize iii rOthlsitn'y competition , givu11 by
thu Nlnrpus of Lormie to time duhichuiont
shifting ague in time gntckcst Limo , was
woe Inv time Cal11ubhu dotacluuott in
s'Ilendid ' style , in 8 Immiuutes 35 seconds
1VtIIi rich nrsmutl duttehnwnt second ,
tiuw 1 Iuimltus 118j' ' secotltls , Time conl-
uunmdant of the Shneburyness school of
gumlury Paid a special cmnplinlu11t to time
Cmtm tdiails.
'l'ime l'riuce of Wales has contributcl
o11O lumdred pou11ds towards time reliuf
of sutfurera by time lscliia earthquako.
nttmdh : IN .1. .ItNE.
1Vhiho thirtool mot were buiug hauled
to time aurfmtee at the illinu near time town
of lied Ituth , Coruwnll , to ( ay , time rope
attached to the ear broicu and twelve of
thu smelt were lIrceipitatud to time bottom
of the Hhnft maid nmstantly killed ,
,1 party of depositors iu a snuul navy
ingi ( bunk iii Louden , nmmgry at their inability -
bility to draw Lheir nmouuy oil demand ,
eimturod the bank auk wrecked time prmui-
ses. Time police called oln refused Lo iii-
Niue deaths from ch.lci-a iii Cairo yesterday -
terday , forty iu
nIIN114 ( IN Tlli : C0111iN4.
L(1NhIN ) August lG.-In the Commiomis
last uiglmt , time baukruplcy bill amd nn
ti.)11iil (1(11)1. bill llnssed third rending -
ing , and thu ' 1'rnnmw ays ( Irclnd : ) bill t )
secOnd rendiug. Time lust mooed bill
provides ft j , i govorrnucit gnumntee of
one lliillmnn Pounds for d'l0mmng ' time west.
er'It districts of Irolaud 11' light tcia
h7uuw I1yu. Time house ugrucd
tI Limo proposaml that one Inmdred
tbotlsaumd pounds of time chmtrclm surplus
fund to be applied to emigrntiutl pur-
; ) nNe5. ' 1'revulyam , chief secretary for
Ireland , nssemmtud to time suggestion of
Pmrnull , that half of Lime stllrl le devoted
to uligllitiomi purposes , and pronmised to
nomad Limo arretirs met so that the graft
to uumigrate should , in cu taiu cases , be
mused to uigmt poamis per hctid.
® -
Il.u14 ; 0l' AinNIney.
1)INvln : : , August iii.-Thu selection of
otllces of time ( leucrnl Grmnd Council of
Lime R.yal Arch amid Select Masters took
p1ncc tat time triemial assmubly now in
HC851OIl , with time follosviug result : NI. '
1' . Gauemil Grand bluster , G NL Osgood ,
lfullitl m , N. Y , ; 1' . 1' . Gemueimil ( lritmmd
iuphty Nbtster , ( Icorge .1 , Piuckard ,
t' evi Ueicnils ; It , 11. ( luimenil 1' . 0. timid
1v. , ( leolgu IV , Cooley , Nlinucajlolis'P. ;
Gmimiural Uramd 'Treasurer Crestcs , A , 11.
Sunter , Cal 11ii11us , 01tin ; 1' . General
Grad Itucmder , limmjuulin T , IIttller ,
Nluigdmts ; I' . GeuU al ( Irand Captain of
( herds , ItObert 1'au 1Vesales , Indiana ;
i' , ( Ietlenl ( held Conductor of Council ,
.lnlum Ihug , Somerville , NLtss , ; P. Gun- I
e'til ( lriumd Nitu'slutl , Melly S , Orate ,
A11vules , Ci ( . ; P , ( luumitl Gritnd Steward -
ard , Geurgu L , Ninsln , Ilnltimmioru. Time
olliCU s tvetu insttillud by time P. NI.
( Irurd Niastur Alfred 'I' , Chnpmsit , Gml-
ertl Grand high Priest of Bostomt , Nlnae.
1''unel'al of Uirs. Allison.
Iuiitu un , August 15.-limo funeral
survicus of Mrs. Allison was held at the
Guidly residotco on Locust street this
of termou , at 3 o'clock mmd was attended'
by most of time Irincipal citizous , They
were conducted by Rev. Mr. So utour , of
time Episcopal chuch , A ltir ge mm ber
of floal oliuriim s were sent in. The ro-
mnins were omitoorod in Liuwoed emote
en a connlamlin g eminoieo , overlooking
the MusaussiPl pi river for miles ,
Ioiwtl Ititlltln ,
h'rnmFliLi : , In , , August 16.-Tito First
brigade oteailqnulnt of the Iowa Na-
timml Guards , In progress ieru , is in
ggo(1 ( simile amid doing excellent work.
lie tivuragu of praficieucy ill all military
dui is much higher than over before.
' 1'hu ' prize drill auk Governor's review oe-
eirsto-morrow tdtermiomr , 'l'hccomtest
fur time lust prizu lies between time eau-
1)nny from Nluscatinu uudthat , ftomSlto-
1'rolnbiy no forum of dtscaa Ii so gcnemnllp dla
lrlbutal among our whole populallon as Scrofula.
Altnost ovary lidh Idial this latent l oleon coure-
Ing Fla velns. 71)0 temCbla suffednlro endured by
111050 anltcled whim ecrotulous .ores cannot Ip
understood by others , aid mho lutetmtty of their '
gratinido when they amid a remedy Cult cure.
theta , astonhtlce a wial terson. We refer by-per-
r mlidon to bide
00 S well C. Whittier ,
of Wurner , , IL ,
a who was cured by
arsa art a ot'g
theeevedtyof whlchooananed her to the house fur
two years. Sir months previous to taking 11oatY
SaruaparI1IA51(0couldaotget shout her room wtih-
outcrutches , Ihrfrtend ayes 'Idlduotthtuklt
poedble ferher to live many month. ; she wee re-
ducat to s mere skeleton , lien cure Is. hardly Ic.
than A nlrsclel' .fora wonderful cures than Cab been effected by this medicine. 77uro is ao .
doubt that In Ifood'e 8asaparUi % we have the most
reumrksblomnacinethat ham ever been produced ,
and A postUvo cure for Bcroluls in Its numeroa
tore. . i'rice SUO , ilr for f ) ro. Prepared only by
C.I.1lOODt CO. , Lowel.latb Boldby DrUgg1ItSK