TIlE DAILY BEE---OMAIJA , WETNESDAY , ADGUST 13 , 183. i ¶ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I . THEDA1LY _ - OMAHA. Wcdnosday August 15 LOOAL BREVITILSI -Who nro L1)pl , ioac & co. m.c&w. -To.hy I prlrIo chicken dty. Go down the shot gun. -One 4'Slocnmb" In the police conrt yt.or. 1Ay. Ten do1Inz srnd costs. -"Otir parts will take a tent nnd camp ou foraveeknntI "rough It. ' on the i1iore of Snh1t -1rght : dollnrs only for the round trip to 31)lrit Lake on 17th. AvaIl youro1vos of the oI)1)orttlnlty for n week of recrentlon. -The 1Iotol OrIenB bM nccomrnodtIoni for three hundred nnd fifty gu&ts. It In new nnd elegant , and the ratc nre roit.onnb1o. Yor full Information , t1cket , &c. , for the ITIt Lake excnrton , on the 17th cnil on harry Doucli , 14th nod Farnatn St. auglO.tf. -Now the time to buy furniture. Char1c 8hlverick hi n1vcru1ng wcepng In nil k1nd of furniture , to continue tirougli 4 -Jako Market t ; on the lookout fr the 3nan 'ho nppol 11b4 lCMt hunting tiog about n week ago. Chicken eon IIM COIflO OH and JIo iiccds the aniwal. -Ithu ; not. yet been IIOCI(1Ol wlilcli officers will .ceufy the now building of the Union Pacific , but It is UnderstOOd that the n1litnr ( will toke one whole floor and the general rnan .ger a number of rooms. . -An ice cream sociable vI11 ho given at the rooms of Union Catholic Library nssovlatioii this ovenrug , to which nfl friends of the society are cordially invited. Aiiiisicd pro. grammo of rare excellence is promised. -According to the now arrangement the 'packing house of the Eng1is * syndicate vii1 be so far from the town that the ( lweIIert up I3t. Mary's avenue need not be troubled about possible odors. -iEr. George Henning , agent of the An. 1iottserBusch Brewing company , In starting a nov set of books recently , found that ho had 232 customers for keg and bottled beer. lEo is making thitigs hum In his now fi1d. -A telegram from ] ) envcr says the 1) . & II. a. vi1i not ho renily for through travel for several days , owing to the washout. The Union Pacific will inoans'liilo carry its lM. scngcrs from Salt Lake. The break is seine where between Gratid Junction and l'rovo. -A jrlVAtO picnic exeurslini , given by l'olacky Lodge No. l ) , C. S. P. S. , visited Plattsinouthi on Sunday. About fifty lorans wont down on the K. C. train in the morning , anti returned in the evening. The Platts. mouth ncrnbcrs of thIs order Joined in , aII4 a good time VM had , .1 Quoally , captain of the Red Stock. lag B. 13. ci. , .1eiii that his club playcti with and vcro benthI by the St. Charles idno , last Sunday , but they are just aching to flatten them OUt 01k the diiunoiitl flelil , 'I'o prccid. f tate thuis crisIs Capt. Qncally c1odlones th aIntcd lflhi tossers to mortal coin.bat on 11. & M. grounds on Saturday , August ' 25- , "and may the best man win. " - Many times you want to keep moat oi fish for several days. Lay it in a solti t'ion of 1to Magnus over night , and yet can keep it fer weeks. You can also Icoci milk a week or more by stirring in a lit tie of the "Snow Flaku" brand. A ltIlICULOUS ttACfl. _ it Sutitlity tkl'tCI'IIOOIL l'slittlnee lit tI Iopol. There was an unusually largo crowd a the depot on Sunday afternoon , aitliotigl ilicreis always an oxra attendance o 4 -visitors on that day to witness the arriva , ( if what is lcnown as the "Ovorlaiid' ' train , though now , in fact , this train doe not kayo through connections with tb Central Pacific. On this particular date No. 4 was fift nintitcs Into , an(1 a young cntleinait wh 'was doubtlossgoiiig over to Council Bluff to call on his girl , and was gotten up ' 're ardless , ! ' wont over to 15o11's drug stor to got a drink ot soda water. 'l'lio siding next to the main track , ii the depot , was , as usual , OCCII1)iCl by long string of cabooses , at one end wllIclL voro the Grand Ishuid coaches all baggage car. Just before the arrival of the trniiz 8WitClI ongillo coupled on to the east en oftlii train and at.trtcd to run it out few hundred yards. At this junctur the young IIIaI1 Caine out of tIm drug ' ; store , Mid BeCilIg the long string of cai in motion , thought it was his trniii pu uig out for the illuffli. Ho put oil a fu head of 8team , and atrted ILiter it , hi coat.tails standing out as atraigli na a shingle. Ho dashed dow the crowded p'atform ' , overybod naturally clearing a path for hiitii , C course the crowd saw the point and tile ! was a good deal of laughter which Lu innocent victim ilCIUd and 8Upppsed to occasioned by a doubt of his ability I ZtCII the train. Ho redoubled his spo f and at lnt caught on to the back p1n form of an old freight caboose whic brought UJ ) the rear. Climbing up tli StOI)5 , ho turned to the crowd with an ni of "I always succeed in what I undoi take , " gracefully kiued Ills hand towar ) the spectators , who sot up a shout c ] aughtor that made the welkin rin Then bracing 1iiinolf with his bac ; i againat the car tile ViCtilfl folded his arIII 41 in a dramatic style and looked back wit a smile likotilat of the IIoithen Cliino at which the crowd fairly howled with th 1 light. c fly this time the cars were at the on of their journey , the oiiiiioor reverse f 1LI engine and brought bus solitary pa Bongerup with a vorosiiock. lie lool k od ou and took in the situation at I glance and U8 the big pasengor trai rolled iIitO the depot at tills nioiiiont. ii was mercifully snrod tile ordeal of coni lug back and facing tIle convulsed crowd it was by all odds the funniest thing c the season. BaM Iii a well coiitcstetl game of ball , iiayo in Rood's addition Mouday aftornooti t the Ilorald iiiuo dofeatot the \\ret End by a score of 10 to (1. ( ! ' 'rite following 'is the score by innings t 1234b0789 VstEnds.Oa1OOOO5O- herald 2 0 3 2 1 0 1 0 1-i A fliesBing to all 2Ianklnil. p Tu these times wizen our Newspapers ar . flooded with 1atnt medicine advortlijoinctits lL Is grttlfying to know what to procure tlis will ceratluly cure you , If you are lilliotu I blood out of order Liver Inactive , orgonerall dbbllitated , there Is nothing In the world tint will cure you so quickly as Electric Blttcm ' 'They are a bies1ng to all mankind and can Lad for only fifty cezM a bottle of b , P. ( oed 1naxl' . I ' i , ' l , . . . . . BIG BUSINESS. Th ApOilltll1C11t ofa Whola Btth of Illsetors1 The Plan of Assessing Douglas Street Property. Marsilial Gutlirlo Going forthie Sport. Itig Fraternity. The city council hold a regIllat nlceting last ovcnig , at which the following members wore presezit : allt1crson , Bohin , ilascall , Kaufinanu , Murpily , ltodfiold , ThranoVoodworth , and l'rcsilenL Ba. ker. PETJT1OM AN ! ) COMMU11CATlONM. From tim mayor : Approving ordi. IlailCeS as to street sprinkling ; sewer cell struction ill .listrict No. 10 ; changing tile grade of Tllirteentll street from W9lliatii to Vintoti street ; also as to paving , ro liloval of feilces alid obstructions front street lilIes. Filed , Froiti tile mayor : 4ppollltI7l Ollarlos Goodrich , Milton Rogers , alld 11. I' , leuel as npraisors ) of damages front changing grade of Thirtoentll street. From the city Inarsilal : St..atnlg that ho had caused tiio arrest of the faro lnnkors , and would llroccel agaInst all Saloolls ill whiiclt dice tllrownlg and call playing are allowed , ml well as agallist proprietors of Private club roolils. j1 rolfl L. V. Torso : Calling attentloll to the COlllitioll of Fifteenth and Capital avenue , alld asking for protection to ins building. Referred. From Inro flhlillber of Fifth ward clti. ZCllS AskIng tllat that vard be ( iiviied ilitO two or Illuro voting prcciiict. Ro ( erred to Fifth ward ( Iclegatioll. Front Sopllia Lowe Asking perlnia- Sioll to pave the alloy in bl9ck 133 with Sioux l'nlls granite. Granted , From property owners : Asking for cilango of grade of Fourteenth street be- twceii .Jackson and Leavenworth. Grant- ad. Petition front Sherman avenue prop- arty owilors Regarding change of curb hue. Filed. Prolli property owliors of Fifteenth and .101108 : To clotuge grade. Grtllted , From a large innuber of lusiIlcsS lileIi Expressing their prefureiico for electric light.Front Front lroparty owners ( In Fitrnaiii street : Asking that curb hues on that. street. between Niilthl and Eighteenth be set out to twenty feet. Contract between city of Oinahiii and Oiiiahia Union puhhishillg 000lpaily 1(11(1 1)011(1. .Ajpr.vcl. Deed froiii Uiiioii I'acific for sewer right. of way. : lrcGuckiii : 'l'liitt thu city engiileer have ordinance ( Irawn tip to create a sewer or ( listriet. on Eleventh street front Tila8oll to .Joiies. Adopted. T1cGuckiii : That , the lresiloilt. apcinf ) I three couneihlueli as aurchaBillg coinulit I . tee. Adopted. Murphy : That the city engineer estab liEu grade of Dodge street. front Twenty secoiid street to vcst city linlits , r . Adopted. By Anderson : That. the Electric Lighi I coiiipiuiy be allowed tweiity lights , as pci I profile , or at least , if the above iiuinbei - is not allowed , to allow theni tliirtceii lamps , to extend front tile railroad cross- I ings on Tenth street to Tenth ititl Far. nina , and thence to Sixteenth and Far. 11am , and thence tiortli on Sixteenth tc Nicholas. Referred to coilililitteo on gas. [ I By Unseal ! : 'I'Intt. the t1iatancebotwcii curb hues oii Sllerman ztventlo be fixed at .14 feet. , so asth iiiako tile roadway of thc t uniform Wilthl of 44 feet , etc. . Adopted. By Ilascall : That , the mayor concur 1 ring , \Viii. Turtle be appoibted inslcctui f of the North Omaha sewer ; Danio 1 O'lteefo inspector of the sewer 1cadin , froni St. . 11ary's avenue to Twentieth street ; Samuel Stover , iiiaector oil tin a .lones street sewer ; Jell' 0 Nail , on tIn Li known reiqeetively its the Six . toeiitli street. sewer and the Sewciiteontl street. sewer ; 1) ICeilistoil , all illiqIectol ) of the Tenth street paviil ; .1. P. Iiran 5 . iliIl1 , as iiis1ector , of the SIxteenth atreci I. plivilIg ; ailli 1)Vilkie , as inspector o 0 thu linruuy street pavilig. i'lle ttv ( ) Ins ltlLiiiCl ilisilectors are to change vorl 1 ts'liero iii iii praeticnbheiuid tha iiispcctori I are ahIto receive a eoiiipciisation of $1O . 1 per month for tile tiiiio ill which tliu L.L are actually oiIilloyoi. ) Adopted. Iitl'OitTli ( OP CO3lMIVrEIi3. On finance : Recoininondiiig that tIl' ' a city clerIc be authorized to employ an an ( I sistaitt to prepare the tax lint for 1883 , a 'S , a cost itot to exceed $225. Adopted. . L'OilM1TTEl OF TJIlVltOLI. . - II It wan iiiovcd by Mr. llancttll tint fl the council go litto a ColflhilittQo 0 the whole to colleiler the filIal estiiiiat a it. of the city ongiiioor for tile paving o ii Douglas street , Councilman Itedlield ii the chair. Tile nlotion was sustaillol , y ) f The COUIICiI thereupon went into COilt inittee of tile wilolo to consider said esti 0 LU iiiato and tile iroier Ilnumur and exteit u of assesailig tue cost of paving in distric No. 11. 0 d After duo consideration of the iitatte I.- tile conunittee rose and reported as fol 11 lows : 0 First. That the actual cost of pavin r Douglas street , excluhivo of tile iiltersec . Lions of said street , was $38,895. 50. a Second. That there is abutting on sni f street ai aggregate frontage of 3,690 feet P Third. That the depth to wilioll til k ruiti oatate'should be charged and asseal 0(1 18 132 foot. 'B ' Il Fourth. That tile Clat of said pavin I sllould ho 1113011 the basis of billehits ac : cruing fF0111 said paving , in lrovortion t tile foot. front of all lots. a Fiftll. That each lot be assi.scd $10. d 52.3 vor front foot , as its vro rain pro I. pol tioii. . - Sixth. That the city cotlilcil 1101(1 I a spoci1 adjourned session , to act as ii board of eqtlithizatioll to hoar coiliplahit 0 f owners of lots , as to tlii aaSessiIlUilt. I. SOVCIitll. 'I'hitt. : tile cost of paving be L tweoii the rails of the street railway it f the illtenicotion of l3tll and 15th atrec with Douglas street , is $578,115. Eighth. To subniit. this report to th mayor for iii8 approval. d ' .PllO report LI3 adopted. 'I'ile COiililiitteo Oil gasroportod in hive I , of awarding a contract to the Nobrask s Gas Light , eoiiipally , for a period of fly years , for htiiiiis to burnovory iligIlt fret I : twilight to ( layhigilt , Total number c lalilps 110W iI 1180 , 207 ; additional himi 9 to ho erected , 1'i5 ; total , $52. 'I'Jlu 1101 0 itiliIj)8 ajo to bo loentod as follows ; First vard , 207 ; second ward , 38 ; tub' ward , 23 ; fourtliward , 27 ; fifth vard , it C , sixth ward , 23 , 'L ' Cost of 352 lamps for one year , $11 , (110 ( ; csst of 145 lamp v ° . $3,100 ; LoLa V $14,800 , t Adopted , and thu city attorney iii . structed to draw a contract in accordanc with this report. On sidewalks and bridges : Approvui estlinatell of tue sidewalks constructed. A(101)ted. Oii waterworks and ncwi'rage : itecom- iiien1ing the apirovaI of estimate of newer work ( lone byVin. . Fitch & Co. Oil thin .JOIICS street sewer oxtensioti. Atloptod. Sanie : 1eCOIfllfl0nIi1lg tue approval of tue contract P.11(1 lmnd of 1c1iugii McOavock for tiio coistruction of ccrtoiii sewers. Filed. ORDINANCF.S. An ordhlnnco changing the grnIe of Fourteenth street between Jackson atid Marcy streets was rcal twice niiil re ( erred , A similar ordinance relating to the saino portion of Fifteenth street met. the annIe fate , An ordinance appropriating $2,138.80 froiii Jones street sewer fund in favor of Win. Fitch t Co. , to cover Llance 110W ( leo. l'MSed. An ordinance nutllorh'ing the issue of $24,000 pvig bonds for paving ( liatrict No. 9. Jtcfcrrcd. All ordinaiice orliorillg the grading of Fnriinin street front Twenty.fifth street to the city limits wan t.iblcd. An ordinance itutiioriziiig the isstlo of $32,000 loiuls to be called district , aving hioiihs of ) aviIlg ( liat.rrct No. 11 wits read twice ( (11(1 referred , An orlinnnce to vacate part of Twen. tiethi street. and quit elaini the saute to Mrs. Clinton Briggn vas read alId ro- ( erred. Au ordillailCe to establish the curl , hues on Shierninti itvciitie wan read fllil referred. Mr. Mtirpiiy introduced a resolution to bring vest Farnain street to gralo. Adopted. Adjourned. THE CINCINNATI GAME. Botails of th Bceat of the iluiall Pa- cillcs 1)1 ) tlio hamrocs. 'a The ViHitors ltl' ( ' Superior 'stoii ci tllclr IChuiti , ftiIl nFhiie Look. lug NIne. " Ci iiciniiati CoinmcrcinlG azette , Aug. 13. ' .Fiie Union Pacifies , of Omaha , played tile Silaluroeks on tileCiilCiililati grounds yesterday , befo.ie between 3,900 and .1,000 1)001110. It wtn the best toiied Suiidtty gathering ytt seen on tIll grounds , In the grand stand vcre several oral IltIinliel ladies 1111(1 several of Ciii ciiiiiati'n representative ilioiluycl niell. 'l'lio visitors are all superior itteit ( i their kind , anil enell iiieiiilei' tf the teaii iii an oiillI0y0 ) of tue Union Pacific Rail road , iii the company's offices itt Oniahia 'J'iioy itre a fiuiolool < iog nine , and P1ILY bettor game of ball tiuni the core of yen . tcrday's game illdicates. Tiley lost till game irrctriiiraliiy in the first inning b3 Siieed's bad fielding and Salisbury's tetit 1)ortry ; weikiiesn. In the last. inniiq they made ii bold rally , but it. vas to ( - Into to recover lost. grouiid. TlloSllalnrocks opuiied up busiiiess froii - tim start. . Bowers and \Vuilio hit safel - 1iast. short. A passed 1)all advniiced eac a base , mid Oil Siteed's bad throw ilowen scored. Oclilor thou hit safe and Deagh . cleated tue bases by a three-bagger ovei left. fielder's head. Traffley wan fielde out for the first. loan retired , thou llirst'l grounder was thrown wide by Siiecd SIlOtl1)e ) gave Sitced aiiotlior chance nut this tiiiie lie throw high over thu catelier'i . head , while two more runs caine iioiuie Slioupe had gotten to third , anl caull ilOlilo 011 ii. passed ball. Groenless WitI I fielded out , itiid Bowerstho second tiiii , itt. bat , struck out and retired the sile. After this , Salisbury gained control o his arm , and pitched a strong game , on1 . three hits beIng nmdo otr of hiiii ill till next. eihit. iniliuigs. Trailley got. zt hit. ii 1 the tliird , wont to second oil a passet ball , and stole third , but. was left I Oreenless hit for three bases toleft. in titi I fourth , ittiti scored on it passell ball. Ii I the seventh 1'1eyors' base on balls , 1 . force.out. by Ochier , a wild throw b I . Bandlu , atoleii tlur(1 base alid IL itasne I. ball gave the eighth rtui. Greciiks - inale his second three-bagger in tb L eighth , after two out , but was loft. I Salisbury's weakness was at the star t 1(11(1 Dangle's at. the cuiding. 'I'ile hunt C club made fourllits ill the first. inning 8111 14 three in the other .eigllt. iliiiings , winil ) tile Oniaiia nicit reversed this by inakin p but three hits iii the flint. eight inning uiiitl four in tine last. ibiker's hit nut Groenless' utTer gave the hatter secoii LI base in tIle first inning After two on . iii the fourth , Foley hit. safe. ThaI t Moyur's illUflCd Siiecd' fly , and by a lii tie reckless throwing on the iart. C 1'.Ieyor's , hurst. iuitil Ocular , botll ine t scored. MclColvey led nfl' with a hit. L f tile sixth anti got second on 'rraflloy' Li lOW throw , but was left there. A brillinui f fly catch by Groeiiless lularked the eighth 1 After cite out iii the ninth , Dangle los himself for a while , anti was thiumpe . vigorously , ililly Foley opened with a iii . and took second on a passed ball , Sitee t followed with a three-bagger to right t Shoilli threw Bridgges grounder pits Bowers , then Rockwell and Sahisbur r both lilt safely to right , itnd it looke . like a circus. Four runs were home , on malt oiu base and , but one out ; but Bandl i ; flied out and McKolvoy was fielded oul Iand the game oiided , All in null , thu game was well wort tl soeiulg. There were two brilliant spurt ; . at battling. Tluo fielding , barrin ( I Sneed's , was very flute , and thu base rul : I. ning good , SIIAMIIOCKII. A. B. Il. Ill. 1' . 0 , A. 1 I , liotyars , lb. . . . . . 5 1 1 12 0 , \VIelno , I. f. . . . . . . 5 1 1 4 0 , - Meyers , 2b. . . . . . 4 1 0 1 2 ) Oolnler , s. S . . . . . . 5 2 1 1 4 lcaglo , 1'.1 1 1 0 2 . 'l'raIhloy , c. . . . . . . 1 0 1 1 1 . Hirst , iii. I..1 1 0 1 0 Shoupo , 81 , . . . . . . 4 1 0 1 : t arcodiesi , r. f. . . 4 1 2 3 0 ii - - - - - - it Totats..U ( I 7 27 12 8 UNlo P.tciFc'N. ' A.iI It. 111. 1' . 0 , A , 1 McKclvoy , in. f. , 5 0 1 1 0 . linker , I. f. . . . . . . 4 0 1 1 1) ) t \Vhiltno ' , 2b. . . . . .1 0 (1 ( 1 2 Foloyi'b. . . . . . . . 4 2 2 U 1 t Sui0Ol. 5. B. . . . . . . I 2 1 1 2 iirIdgcs r 1. . . .1 1 0 1 0 U ltockwcl ! , lb. . . 4 1 1 11 0 Salisbury , ii. . . . . .i o 1 0 0 Itindle , a. . . . . . . . 1 0 0 11 2 1' Totals..7 0 7 27 12 a minis oarnol-1Julon l'acihirs 2 , Shiatarocl U 4 Thireu.haso liit.s-1)iwgio 1 , Clieeiiltt it Siieol 1. Left oin 1zuia-Sinniuroeks 4 , IJuniti f 1'iuvhfic. a Struck titit--hfy Sallsbtlry (1 ( , le Is &o 1. Bases inn ball-liy aiisi.ury I , l'nu. e&I balls -11811(110 4 , 'l'rnthfloy 1 , 'l'iinu of gain Iv -One hour antI forty ilIhillites. Umpire Clots. DIliliuls. ul - ) ; Ezelteil 'l'hiuiuininils. All over tile land are going Into ecstw.y ov . Dr. King's New liscovury for Ccnsumptlo I , Their unlocked for recovery by tito time 1180 of this great life Saving ruintedy , caus thiuiii to go nearly siid in lU. irafse. It guarnuntuot to positively cure Severe Cough 0 Coldti , Atluna , Jisy Foyer , Iiruncldtlshlosrs iie , lass of Voice , or amy alToctioii 6 ! thu 8 bout and Ltings. THE CRIMINAL WORLD. A Man Arrcsto for all A11CC flab , Tine Itlliers' Racket flu tine Past % Vi'ic-AnlnIhilninl I'ar ( leulars of' the Non In I'ark Trnge.ly. A niai wlic ga'o his llama as .101111 Bentley , a hard looking citizen , was arrested - rested last night and lodged in jail oit tue charge of rape. It ; alpcars that lie was walking uij Tenth street. in the evcliiiig and overtook a girl named Fnniiie Taylor , who rcsiles in a locality of doUbtful reinitation on .Jackaoll street. lie accosted her with : "hello , little girl ! " "hello ! " was the reilly. "May I take your alni for a walki" "I guiess HO. " The tWo titan walked ilowut to the ltiiuiber yard on the river bottom , where Bentley , it. is damned , tried to RCCOIIt- 1)10311 his liuirpose , and was only llrevounted by the timely appearance of the watch- 1111111 Oil the scenic , and was hurried off to jail. Miss Fauinie tiounes iiat. she is a bad wolonli , alil says nine has one mull , 811(1 that. is all sue wants. Tine ollicers tililik that Bemitley hind iio liloiloy , and tiiat that. wan tine cause of the racket. TliuNoitlil l'Alt TItAunulY. Ihile followimi.t ndifltiomial piurticulars of the North i'arTc tragedy are takeit front tile Laraiuiie llooiuiening. Mr. N. Slid- ton rettutiiad front his , brothur's bedside and left on Sunday for Galcsburg. The Boomerang says : ' 'Shelton who killed ntiiil , ICeys , vns hiintself daigerously wounded , is at the lios1ital , still imiiproving. A rumor prevailed - vailed yesterday em the street to the ef. fact. that the coroner's jury , after holding , all itiquest. on thebody of Keys , render- ad it verdict. to tine etlect that. ho was shot by Charles Shelton , and that Shelton acted iii solf.defciise A mmii natited Mcouifr , however , arrived frommi the ptrk : yesterday , who says that the var- diet. of the jury was to tue coiitritry. lie did iiot pay initichi attoittioii to the iiuuttter , but. front the talk Ito heard iii I Teller the dii ) ' previous to his uelarture lie niuderstooti that the coroiier'u jury L hind charged Shelton with iniurderimig Keys , 1111(1 that. the people generally I . thought. lie was to blame. SherifF Tililler last mglnt rcceivcl ut letter front Max . , Jaines , of 'l'eller , deputy sherifr of Grand cotiiity , notifyiung iiiin that. a murder had I. beau committed there , and that the utur- darer , Charles Shelton , wino was ltintself I tV0Illilel , had been taken to Laralitie by . his friends , 011(1 rct1estimmg Sir. i\Iiiler \ to , arrest. amini hold him. 'l'hie nhierifl' wrote hntck to .lnuiies that his prisolterwns here. i iU'1 ( ' ) llld iiot. be IliOVell forsovei'nl reeks - yet without ( t.i.u1gPlin ! his life. 'i'lie letten front i\Ir. .lnuiies aizaLtually ( liSlOsCS r of tIll ruuiiior to tine efFect. that. the cur- . ouiei's july reuidered a verdict. of self de- feitso in favor of Shelton. ' ' ) 'l1hie North Park I'Iiiier ' of Thursday last. gives full particulars of the Keys- I Shieltoit tragedy , which agrco with those p ltlhhishle(1 iii the Booiiieraitg. i Tine Miner adds : I ' 'Front the drift. of the tcsthnoiiy giv- I on , as well as from other inforunatiomi that 'bye gather , it appears tltutt. the quarrel I provolced by Slieltolt , who is a large , I iiotverftnl man , while Keys , tine deceased , ; was of very siniall build , and Shelton L evidently seems to have realized I this , for after he sent. a Ines- . seiigor ti ) here after a doctor and a coi'o- liar ho sLarted over to Billy Troulnsell's ranch , nut ! persuaded. hint to take huiiii to 3 Laranitie tli tt sante nigltt , so that when the doctor , sherilr and coroner arrived 1'there 1' , ho SWIm not to ho found , and before next. morning lie was out. of the sLate. I ) "TIne grand jury will undoubtedly iii- 11 (1lire into the matter , and if they should I decide there is hardly any doubt. but . what lie will be founid , and if he is ro 11 spoiisible for the quarrel lie ought to be I littuiisiid. " it lnIcimiwAvMmN : AOAIN. ; Last evening a bold but unsuccessful attoin1it. was iiiade by foot-pads to rohi .Iuhius l'inls , nt mailkmnaii who resides iieav tine deaf aiitl ( limb institute. l'ols iuiI 1. haunt iii time city 811(1 WitS lIail $50.80 by Bieit(10iil As Inc was driving along 0 1 Cuiniing street oni his way home lnils Was StOlliel ) by three melt , two of whom U , caught. his horses by the bits , while tine thud drew a leanl on him with a El revolver , front his positioni 011 tine bank at the road side. 1 t amid ( leummild ' 'that fifty dollars , " ? 1r. Puts saw resistance was iii vain , but kept . t his weather eye opeit. lie told thiciii f - they could have it. if they would let. hum whereupon the two at tine horses' ' it heads let. go nund started for the wagon , it ntitd lie used his whip and started with : 5 t such celerity that they could itot catch held pitti sto1 lniini ; but they seitt a bali through his wagon cover that passed Ill vithiiii a few inches of his head. t AMATEUILS. d Out Mouiday night , as Coo. Wetnnore , , tine hnackuiian , wits returiiiiig front a trij : it out emu St. Mary's avenue , lie was held y ill ) by two inieti , a tall amid a short one ii tine latter woariiig a white slouch lint. , e They asked mmmi if lie lund a load 0 amid lie suiI lie had iiot , mu , tiio little fellow walked ill nitd exantitied tue imntorior Oi ii tlnm ituuck. had itot their vietiunt boom : s alone , this foolish move on his par g weunki lowe cost. iuiuit his life. it was cvi 1- demit tIne umicii wore amateurs , and it is lie , hioved tinoy are kmtown. i OTIIE1I MAt'TEitn. 0 Two attemitpta were 1118(10 Oil Saturda 1 , mtigiit to rob henry ilormibergor's luouse It is also chummed that it Plall Was ar 1 rnnnged last itight botwecit two villinumia t I ) rob a innann who hind $60 in cash. I t tvnii 1 agi'eed to take hint dOWIt imito tine rivoi . I bottoini , utmnd if itecossary , kill him ant .i tiiu'W tue body imito thu Miasotnri. 'I'm . ' mmiii miscarried solitll\vay. TIII niituunANTi4' : i'oi.lw : . 0 'I'jno triitl of .Jisopiu Doutehly , one of tln ? inionmnbrs of tine 'inorchtaints' jiolico' 3 force , occupied tine tinio iii .J udge Aminlor. 0 BOil'S counrt yCStOl'lit ) ' aftermtooii , it beiiig I iuitcitdcd to imiko this it test CaSO. loui. 0 elI ) ' t.as arrested three coitsectitive itigliti . ! emi the ciniuge of personnuttinig nit officer , 0 'I'hie vitneseti were Capt. O'Douiolioe ' , ol tine jiolico force , Mayor Chase , the city a' clerk and city iiutrsluul for tue city amid II Ionolly anti several otiioi' uitiiesses fo : Li. Uie lofeuiso. N. City Attonitey Council offered to ro ultico on evidence a letter received b1 ninrsIial ( lutiurie front J'juikertomt's tie tuctivo agomicy , which letter it waa chum Cli would show that Felko amid iuis part her , 1).irst , hind associated with crooks Cr mm. amid thoU Daunt was the boy of Jabol ly flaunt , tine itotorious crook. Thu lotte Cs Was ruled out of evidence. is Tim jury was cOmll1)OBed of Messrs. 0 : : IL. Goodrich , Chins. 11. Lane. J. L of Wolshuaits , J , S. Caulfield , E. P , Peel aun.1 Fred. Davis. They hmadnot cturitou . . _ , , . ' . f JlA\ YOU TlU1I ) IT ? Till : 01,1 , Aftkcn , TIMT "AN 0i'NC 01' , 1'fl } . VFNTION IS % 'OltTlf A l'OIJNI ) ( w CtJiul , ' VAS Nivmiu : : Jomun AI'lIX ll.t.USTIIATIu : , ThAN flY mur ; Wut(1TAufl uunt misnoF TARRANT'S SELTZER APERIENT iiii"ni : : Tllt iiNI'l mFAi : ' ( iit I I' NOT 0Nl. ' ( iFT1.v IIIXIUI.ATE.4 ANII m'UhtIFl'4 Tim I3E4TEM , HUT In A l'iLOTEC'riN AiAlST l > ISA41 , WhiCh No . osi : circuiT o IilSilFOAitil. ALL I.InuIJo. ( hIs.N IIAS'fi IT. a verbct. Ul ) to 1 o'clock a. in. , and wore 11081)10 to agree. A 1IT'TL } COON. Ileitry Anderson , a little colored boy , Was arrested for stealing a box of cigars from iCeninard , Molter & Co. The box vas found mu 1dm possession with about inalf the couiteuts gmie. lie is ill jail. BucKnell's AriilCft Salve. The greatest medical wonder of the world , \Varraiitod to Mh)0ClhiY cure Burns , Cuits , UI. cars , Salt hthiouiin , Fever Sores , Cancers , l'hlum. Chiilblalniu , Criis , , ' [ 'otter , Cimappad hian4samill all skim eruptions , guaraniteod to cure lit every instance , or Inomnoy refunded. 25 edits ucr hoT TEMPTINCDEAH. A llariii Asciit to tha Tab of St Phi1o1ll11a' ' Crass , 'l'hio l'enit. WItmiesMed by a Large Crosvh. An announced iii l'imn l3nn on Saturday - day , Mr. Edward Grifhinig , the steeple climber Wit ( ) has beau engaged in paint- big tine tall spire of St. Pltilomnicna's Ca- thnedral , ascciidci [ lie Spire at 0 o'clock Ir0lldity evemlilig , to give the publicait op- portuitity to see his skill iii tltatdirectioni. At the a1joimited hour the streets in the iiiimuedmato vicinity of the struc. tore were crowled with s'elticlcs and the sidewalks with people anxious to see tIne ascciit. zitado. It was not. intend- ad by any Imleans as a show , as was cvi- dent. front tIme pronnptitcsa with which the programme was carried out. Exactly as the big bell tolled thte hour of six , ? 1r. Grifhiii CitItlO out. of one of the big windows above the bell tower and lauitchning his switngiuig seat. out in the air , lullCi lniinself Ill ) lmnutd over hand to [ lie bulge of the spire , directly beneath [ lie cross. hero lie left. the car , aiul chiiiibiiig over tine ledge stood ill ) beside the gilded cross. After a iiiouiient's rest inc lmioulttcI to the anus of the cross itiil thieii cliutbed to its 1icak , illicit w'hich lie stood erect. without. itity StilI)1L whatever froiit below. ? lmakultg oil' his lout. hue was'cL it. to tIne crowd be- lou' , while the breeze was blowimng strong citough to rattle his sltirt. sleeves as if lie was cit tine pilot. of a locomotive gcing at iull SpeOl. A'ter standiiig thins for a mtioimtoiit lie ci'ed ( [ O'Ih , [ 111(1 regaili- log his seat. ( iru1pcl to tim land- iitg llutCe with startliiig rapidity. It was alt inteiisely exciting spectacle anti whicit [ lie bold cliiiibur icaclieti tine ground lie could hardly iiiake his w'ay across the street. through the crowd that PI'eSiel around Ininu to get a close look at hiiiit. Unfortunately the cloudy atinosiihtcre and the lateness of the hour , prevented the photographer front gettitig a good negative or the citizejis could obtain as flue a view of the Spire aitd the huimnan statue which stirniouittcd it its could be desired. - float Estate TrahnsferH. The following deeds were filed for rec- cord ut [ Ito couitt.y clenlc' . oflico Aumgus 13 , reported for Tim Bii : by Ames' real estate agelicy : JoInt Rusln , conitty treasurer , to C. 0. , Housel , tax deed , ii. of sw. of no. of ito. . 4-15-18 , $11.82. Saint E. Rogers amid wife to. Susanna Augustiiie , w. d. , lot 4 , block ' [ 4 , Credit Fomicier add. , $ ( iOO. E. 0. BaIlout amid wife to F. S. Blay : hey , tV. d. , ii. lit 7 , llCCk 7 , Shtiiin's . add. , $200. I. S. Hascall ntlil wife to Framik ntur- : riiy aitd Gao. E. Barker , w. ( I. , lot. 0 , block 7 , Kotintzo's 'Ith add. , $1,800. I Gao. L. ? nllillcr amid wife to Lymnait Bichiardsoii , w. d. , uiitdiv. of lots \Vest Euid add. , $1. Lymmiait Itichiandsoit nitd wife to Ceo. L. ? nlihler , w. ( I. , undiv. of lots imi W7est Eiid add. , $1. C. 0. Iloimsel niul wife , w. d. , to H. Oeiimtis , lot. 1 block 347 , $4,000. Ezra Millard mid wife , sv. d. , to L. B. Fer"usou , pt. ° lot. 17k , Millard & Calwell'sndd. , $450. lieu's of Jacob Skull' w. d. , to .1. H. McGuire , lot 4 , blocki ) , Simumll's 2itd , add. $700. Omnalnu Shot Cc , , V. (1 , , to . .1Vilsii , L lot ii , block 5 , Wilcox add. , $200. Demtmiis Dee and wife , w. d , , to P. Cassady , parcel iii 8 , 14 , 18 , $200. A. C. Catnipbchh , q. c. , to Eva Walker , lot. 5 , block 3 , Low&s 1st add. , $180. Allco P. Boiitis and wife , w. d. , teL L Eva Walker , lot 5 , 1lock 3 , Lowe's 1st I mtd& , $130 , Ceo. L. Miller and wife ws. to L. M , ' Smuitit , lot 19 , block 13 west end Add , , b $250.F. . F. B. Lorvo wd. to E. P. Gallagher , I lot 10 , block 3 , Park Place , $300. It. \Vitiimiehl itiud wife wd. to Snnsaui t Nock , lot 34 , lledkk 2mid Add. , $500. ( ieo. L. Miller amid L. Riciiardsou and . wives to F. Oborfeldor , lot 14 , and 15 block 19 , west mud Add. , $1200. Wmit. Nelson nind wife wd. , to A. C. Daveiiport , lart lot 1 , bluclc 14 , S. E Roger Add. , 31600. n- LOVELY COtflPLEXIONS POSBLE TO JILL. lYIltltNfltlii'O leiilosfo lflull1' Au ; secures to aill. ] LIlgau'13 MllgllOlilb Batiit ( JISpeLS every bloiiilsli , ovei't'iiies ) 1Olhl0i.S { , I"i'eckles , Sallowness , Rough. 11085 , 'J'iiii , fl l'hIl ) ti 0 11 S 1111(1 ( Blotches , nitti reitioves all eviL - L ( ICILCOS of heat muiti excite iiieiit. The Magnolia Ihilni ihIll)1hl'lS the most ( lelleilto aiitl iiatitiiit eOiIhiiIOXIOiinI thus- 110 ( leteCtiOhI behiug 1)OSSIbIO ) to the closest observation. lliidor these circumstances a faulty COhllJ)1OXIOhl , IS little ) slioi'L of' a ci'iiue. Magnolia r liahiii solti ovorywhol'o. Cost.s only 75 cents , with full dl. recilons - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . U - - - - - 1 * tjQA , , ; , a for Infants and Children. Cn'torla prohliot ( ' 14 1) lgstLout What gives our Children rosy cheek , " I What cures their fevers , luakN Uienn sieqi and ovarcoimies i"latulency , t.onstlpa 'Tiq Castoria. than , Sour Stomach , Diarriiaa , and fPet and } 'cvcrishnienuu. It insunres health and letInles cry iiytumrn , VJiat ciirus thicIm'coic , kills their wonns , natural sleep , wititout luorphuzie. lint CatorIa. - Whint qumickir cimrrs ConstIpatIon , . Sour Stominaci , Colds , Indigestion , S. Castorfa Is so well nilnpt'd to Children Unit hut CnutqtIvt. I recominemid it as sunerior to any prescription known to inc. " ' 11. A. AmcnEn , Id , D. , Farewell then to ' Morphine Syrups , Castor 011 and l'aregoric , and 82PortInni1 Ave. , flrbk1yn , N. Y. unit Casteriat C E N TA U R LI N I M E N T-aii ith > ohiito cure for itheunia- tism , Sprains , Burns , Galls , &c. Tine moSt Powerfuiland'Fono- . tratihig Palil-rehiovlllg fllt(1 llcahlung itemnieIy ltovh1 to itian. - - - - ' - - - - - SPECIALNOTIOES. _ jrSpec1a1s will Positively not be lnortod unless paid In advance , - 1'O LOAN-Money. jAi1.iI ADTICK17i'S-Toaii lilts ; : at uoiuiI 1rateq. A. I'OmIMAN , 213 South i3th St. e9lhiit , jQNnY TO LOAN-The Omaha Saings 1'mk , is A I now l.rcvared to make loamis on Omaha 'ity or Douglas count rcai estate at currcnt rat , , of iitei est. No coninnissloti chriritil. 4f 0NlY ' 10 LOAN-Thu Iout rates of ht'r.st , .1. Ucinis' Luau Ageicy , itthn & 1)otlgias ' 281tt 0NnY TO LOAN-Cahiathaw ounce of D. L. I i _ Thnia , , moon 8 , Crciglit.nn imloek. ONIW 1.OANE1J-Oii Chattel mortgage , roonli 7 I Zcbraska National Hank Uui1In. 1St. tt ONaY 'lo LOAN-J. T. licatty oans on chiattd .1 ProPertY , 2t3 notitmn 14th St. b44.lnn HELP wA'rEu. ' } - , at lieU i'anmiani St. \ 100-10' ) - ' atiti young mine , , to attend ee- \TANTfli-La'iIes V nutig stio&I. Sttuatiois. ,1. Ii. sMith ! , 105-1St ismo Ilouglis. 7ANTii-0ood girl 2Ith and llarney St. Mo' . ' 1 J. 3 ! . Thurtoi , . 992.tt ) - aint' boy iii rotaurant. 3t4 \ South 13th street , iJe9.11i -'I UN % 'ANTE1)-To ri1 , out hrih , , II , ntIc ii froni 1osttiice. $ i2.li ) pcr tcru ill te iid. iinnus' hulU. ESTXJC AoiNeY : , 931-ti _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 15th ain&i Ioiigl s Sts. t'rANTi1)-A ccOui , cook at the hinuot house. ' \VIIIIUII ireterrcd , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ iTANTEi-1iilier. , Coil at- ' ' 032.14 Si'ii1. & AlI.Qt'uST. ; 7.s m'mi- . girl to do general hotcwork. 1410 S jacksoni St. tl1.15 . p. 'AmlOhiVASTEDA paints ( IlL cst maker and genieral hau.i. , , Steady einploynnenit. Aiirs3 box iiO , itiiii1p , iowa. 000.1 II " 7ANTEL-Agood girl for kltclicnwork. Enjutro u mm i'atnhain St 001.14 assktant iauiidre'o anil isaui uahi. , u er. tpjhy at Metropotitain hotel , cor. ith ! ainti lougia' Sts. 002-ti 1TANi'Eh-At 011CC , ft flrhtCi3."S baiter Iiit , 1)0 , .tCai , anti sober. One ho knov. mete , cook rieferred. Steady \ork. Aidrc3'3 at once , 051-14 SAM UntliAcit , North I'Iatte , 2el , . 1'ANTEI-Ilaclcoaitli ] at Florence Cut-oil. Fn- ' 1 , itiIrc of J. ( .1. iuriilny , at tug vvork. 040-151 'fl rtNTnn-oiri at No. 1SI1 ( Siieru'ai avenue. , 040tf Mm ; . J. su coUNssmN. 1.TANTEll-A ( 'Oak ninit titiiIii rem , , girl at the ' Creightoni house. 016-U -t ANTEI-Fiftynaborors at F'oreiieu Cut-elY. ' t'age3 2 lcr day. Iniqulno of .1. C. Murihy I at the neck , 050-15t \TAN'1ED-A first chass barber. Good wagcpaid. V I Ii.i. 001,15 , , icearncy , Neb. 012-lOt 1'e boardco' can be accoininodatcd ith supe. .t _ nor bor.i at 1615 Dodge St. 016.14 AhIESOII YOUNG MCN In cIty or country , to take once , light and pleasant work at their owni mnones ; $2 to i a ] a3' eamy and quIet iiiado work sent by math ; in' . canvassing ; mo stain a , rcpiy. i'icaso athirees itelkible Ilainufactur a g Company. i's. . , iraocr IT. _ _ _ _ _ _ 806-tu.tii.aat-AtigtiSt ) - , agents for the ( ecri l'rotect- yANThm-Laly 1 or.A new tititler garment for ladle , , niado of soft , flexible rubber , Sure protcetloin to the tiiiiler- wear , hioin niecessary to ho norli , htetaii- . for $ .0O a fast as agents cat , slo' it. Large 1)rflt. itdthress with stahnil , , "t.alie' IJundergarnient Manufacturing - COLO 0 .S. May street , Chicago , Iii. 706.Sus , ) . sornai , cook at the Osult \ 1 House , iicar g'vernmlciat corral 1\TANT1a-A good annarp salesninani , .ii saiary. 1 Sunning iiiaclilne or book agents , that are No. 1 ; coil at 421 S. Tenth street. 000-141 \TANTih'-BY ayoung nasa of iiioral character , I a hoSltiOn 0 here lie can iniako hilinscif useful , h1a had ex1)ericuuco In law ollice. Aildress W. 11. J. , 1' . 0. 093-14' 7ANiEi-A girl to work for board , anti en to , , 'chooi. i'PhY ' iIIIfliCdiatCh3' at south bide of , Charles , treet , betsu ccii Irene and James , only liounso. 105.10 yANTEl-Ts4o first chas barbers , at i'V. . , icrksci's Council liluOs. Augli-3t - ' TANTED-0ood iactical tinner , steady job , 40 , Periniolitil. LOUIS SWANSON , 037-lint Ulysses , Neb. SITUATIONS WANTED. yANTED-Situatlon byan oxperleinccn drug- giat. AdIres "M , " Bce ollice.04714k MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. A7AN'1'EmJ-AmI 01,1 buibliug about 20x20 ft. auit. I V able for stoic. W. Ike oiitce. 0.11.20 TANTEU-$5,000 worth of buiidin amid repair joi ) , atonceat 018 5. 10th street. Good suork or no pay. H. S. lmAltiV , 103.27t ANiEi-A ) flrst-cias horse about 10 inand. S high. Must be a good trascier , aini a No. onus aniinai in every respect. Inquire at Edhoimui & Erick. I b0115 Jewelry Store. 1000-ti I TAN rEm-ny a geatieman of 18 your. experience 5 a , ituntloui as bookkeel.vr , abstracter or saiw. . nsa , , . ViIi furmiisli the best cf refereince. . Addme.s , FRANK , 600 8. 17th St. LI ) lOON WANTEI-I'artie. havingold ironto .eli in ear.ioatt lot. mnay adulreus inc for cue neck at Omaha , Neb. , and after that tim. , cornier of ) illaku and llulrty-sccouiui .treet , henver. Col. 1)58-15 ) .1. It. GiMmIitlST. , - ' TANTED-may boarders at 1317 lavemijiort St. 003.1St : FOR RENT--Houses and Lots. O itUA. 1 or rent and rentapjiied an purchase. j 107-ti i'ItESCITI' & CO. ' 6ithiENT-I'otmr new homi.es of b rooiui.T ( bed suelh and ci.terri each. l2.OO Per muoiutii , , 1) . L.'Iiuonna.Crelgiutoun _ hiioek , 102.24 " 0it iiEN'l'-Thireu itiTh ChIcago St _ _ _ _ 001.181 oiu IuNThiSsenueuit : , firmuished , oriiituruuiij br luoubekceilug u'uri'o. 1015 Chicago St. ltiS.1Sl I Ui1NiSmuII , Itotms-mmy tue .ia- , week or Inonftl. Also for iiguut.luousekecpiiug , Ileenner' . Iliock , cor. 8th and mmowant stoet. . i0i-iO I Oit itINT-3 : roennu' , ee1isuuter , at ( IOi13d 037-17 Foil ItEN'l'-hfouso Oruomu , . , Tluo. Ssuift , 11th arid Cideago St. 0SS.111 . 'Ouu niuN1' : - ' , . Itnruulietl , roollns4ithiuhuais a liock of laIstoltice. luupnmro : I ii4 llouinda. St. 903-nil - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - F ° n milNT-h'wui ; furnuihed froui'oTns , suitable for too geatiemuwi , tir gentieuuas and wifu. 1'ieaaaltj3lnuxt ) ! ; toWest.ehiuoi , 1)63.151 ) r t ) m.s'r-Nicciy furmuiiuct rooiiiriouiai 552.131 I 'Oit l1ENI'-I'uarguistei , roolu , , itil oritiiout board , at flu Ca. . St. between 17th suid 18th , 020-lit 4 i'ou ( itEN'I'-I'rout , , tllrni.hud C000L.11iy city iditor.rooiui , lieu 011k-u. 067.11 I fi ILOUSES ANt ) STOitSI-For runt cheap , ltoi- 1 ) tin. & Mutter , macnun 20 , Oiuahia National ilauik , SM-ill IfOLbF-Niady lurguttihed rooms , u.ith board gas sal bath room. Atso a tow table boarders want.xj at 1118 Dodge street. 053-171 1"oit IIENT-A lleanuttront room ; sisus VUIaIIeT :5iLcuu , with bo&ril. 1512 1)odge St 045-imol 1OititENTFuru1.ht4 hou.s on N. ith St. In- _ 1 juiru 51r1ioAs Trunk Factory Millard Hotel block. 021.14 - - & - - - - - - - - - - - I 0ut I1ENT- Large hiahl , Ceuu'ral location. hirkk .torc ami.l iteinouit math st. Ituiek store.roonn tot ! . st. 3hcAbUI , fliilositO l'ost oflice. 1 itENT-1Aro , furuuishued front room , rIca.- nntiy located , 922 8. W. corner Irorii arid 18th streets. 858-12' , sOhi 1IINT-FIITIIISICd : and uuuufuruillt-I , roonuq. t'ino location. i'lCK , opp , I' . 0. Si0-tf _ _ _ FouL itiNT-il.Itiumuees and n.torcIitiiiiiugs. IiiD. Ftltl ) & sot'uuu : , Itini hstntu : Agnic3. 0111cc east silo 14th street , betewn Farnain amid Douglas _ _ _ _ streets. _ _ _ _ _ _ 71)2-ti ) - - L A1 % ' oimici : , well turumisiucti , su i0i good library , for sale ClllAi' . JOHN L. MOORE , _ CO3.liui' Crete , Nob. Foil 1IENT-New roomula furmuishel or uui furnished , withi boarti , Itefem-ence , required. ldiO Iavcn. port. . 450 tf - - - - rOiTh7IET Foil 5AL1-Temm to 20 calms suoct muuiik ccry rift ) ' at 25o rer call. "Milk" lieu ollice. 906 201 Foit SUE-htestaurantamid ho.hginglnuise Sroons Apply or addres. , 042 1' . St. Lincoln Neb. 107-at ? Olt SALh-200 Ewes. 100 iumu' JOhN St. Sh1h11.V. OI1 SAL1- : lot. in Shinn's a1lition at $250. each. Long t hue , I ) . i. ' 1 imuiia. Creightoin iiioek. 101-24 111CR I'Oit SAL1 emmuu'-At : 15th street , south B , ) f hhellertme roa.I , or O&)3 North Iltin it , l'SO-lunt ' I OIt SAIii Oil TiIAIE-Ouie burgy. Aipi ) ' ' 1' . E. i'arlilt , ( las ollice , 18th St. bum ccii laruhians amid 1)ougia. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 011-151 1 ? Oit SAh,1-hhaiidsonso residsmmce , 11 rooms , floe bar , , , trees , sicrnlid less , hear Cft line. Three acres , sinai ! house ; will exchange for farm procrty , M,600. 1-mime it , Georgia are , , cast front , 1argain $00 1)10-17 ) Sillti\'Elt .k hiEi.h. CAit1,1T i-oft SALE-44 yards of holy flrmrascis at $1.00 h'erftrih , nil iii good condition. Addrcs tv. U. Martin , hiarker's lIluek. 1)80-ti ) 7u011 SAIE-loor framucs and sash , cheap. iuu' qtuiru Eighteenth atid izard. 057-181 o'MALliFY : 111105. ; olt SAI.E-Fresia Much Cows at Cosing street corral , at Military bridge 033-23t Foil SAlE-A , umiali house on leased ground , Call- fornia street , opposite (2relgluton College. 770-105 IIUAN-sm'lCIAL : OFFER-Wa i iii ccli you aimiec O orgalm , 0 stop. warranted , for $62. & . 'i'iul is no imuunibug Cani numdce. i'ltnscorr 8 : CO. , t.95-tf 1500 l'nruuaiui. FINE NEW I'IANO-Wili soil at a lan-gain , or - for rent , ani rent applici on iumiciiase. 890-ti 1'ItESCoI'r & Co. , 150.1 FaruamumSt. , . - farm close to the city. JoRS.tLE-Fiuiu l'ECR , opiosite 1' . 0. 'iOit SALU-lieshieiico nut busimiem ; 'ropcrty iii all rarts of Omaha , anti 1-rmum Laiii's tim all part , of the State. IIEIiFOILI ) & SOUlit , 792-ti 218 5. 14th St. bet. F'srmiani an,1 Douglas. am-k Avenue hots $ ) O0 each. P Capitol Avenue lots , , $1,000 each. Chicago street lot , edU. Centre Strect lots , $325 each. McCAc ; U1 , 729-ti Opposite l'otolflce. - oil SAL1-2O0 Imeal yearling lucifer , . , $17.50. 1 200 heal 2 and tImre , year ol.i iucifer , $2L00. 400 Calves. .tii above arc Iowa cattle. ST'LmNiC 11110's , 4 Cattle Contractor. , jUdo , Wool amid 'fallow , inalcrs , _ _ ouxCityiowa _ _ _ _ _ t132.lnus ; oht SATE Ott EXCIIANiE-Fmili lot am , ! three dsveluiumgs corner of 11th amid Pacifie streets. Nm. lots in south Ouiiaha. Also 100 acres of land near Santo , , , Nebraska , and buillimig amid stock of ciotluiuig No , 801 Tenth street. Will excliauige for Nebraska farm lands. Further particuar3 at Goo. 11. l'eterjoum's Ciothimug Store , 501 Tomtii street. -i'JIi.col.tf 40i1SALE-old iiewsai.ers in large toil smuull quantities at this ollice , tt iOlt SALE-A iirst clan , cend , iiaiid top buggy. Call at 1310 hlarmmey street. 307(1 MISCELLANEOUS. G 001) business openings omm lile at 217 N. 10th St. _ _ _ _ _ 09321) JOUNI-A saciet ) ' badge usitim A. 0. 51. amid the onmier's nainu emigrated , who can obtain same by rosiug aumd jaying for this ad , , at Jr10. 11cr-gene grocery , 10(11 amid Cunmmimmg. 083-14 OST-Letter addressed to John (1. Hansen , h'ortli L Aunhoy , N. J. Box ISO. Finder ssili ho reward- cC by leaving same at this olilce. 060-151 I F you wish to di5tOSCof your 'susincs , , record full iarticuiars at J. L Marble's cuuilL'yl8crit ollice , 217 N. lOthi stroot. 923-14' t 'AKEN U1'-Two pig. , siii the deliver sauna to onruir on payment of damages aiuil costs. W. J. Ilaiimm , Cornet house. Silo-St lewk , I ' want a Plie foundation to your buiidlnr sue w. lloyd , Caumfield11011cc. _ 60l Im AI4EN Ui'-A 3 year ohl black mare , about 000 T pound.woight. C. A , Jemiseim , on Slliltaryitoad , 4 rnile front toss-mi. 803-St lewi JeUND-A book containing DanIsh hitters , some photoiramlus arid other ramers. Owner calm have 801115 by caillug atthls oiticu und paying charges. Fyou waint lilies , lmiverm for ammy iurose see W I lloyd , Cammileld 110,1cc. 605.imn IAV1H , member Trinity College , ilnglarmd , S .gives Music amid Smrigimm Lessons. Address 1106 South Tenth Street. 503-tm AKEN U1'-Juhy 20th , a bay horse. Owner can T get Information by caiiiuig itt this .4ico 640-it 1each w IIEE lHSu'ENSAItY-Ths free dlspemmsary .u con F mmectlori with the Child's hlosiital and home has 1ceui located on tha corner of 10th amuul Ioughas streets until the new isuihdiiig is Ilnisimed , Attendance will be given every nuormmimig ( Sunday excepted ) fi-oni 10 to 11 o'clock for the treatuieuit of the micedy , sick n4 .imnffcrlng. 873-ti OST-h1eticeim Forfliiirnlia amid time city , a black _ J IuaraoI , lace trimunmiwd , gold iiamidarouid hamidie , $5 ressard for returmmimmg It to hiss ollico iii Omaha or L'oummcli lliiiffs. EDWARD KUEHL , - ) SROISTEI1 OF PALMYSTEIIY AND CONDITION- AL.IST. 405 Temnth street , between F'irmiani and Itar. lie ) ' , 'siil , sultim the aid of gsmartliamm spirits , obtain tot amm ) one a glaico of tue rat amid m.rceui , and cmi certaimi conlitionC ia thu future. Ilouts amid laoe. Ionic to orIcr. l'crfectsatistn'tlnrm iiiIrar'ti UAOADEMY 101 ? TIlE SACRED HEART , UNDE1I ThEE DlllIC'flON 01' TIlE Rc1iieas of the Saarc iloart ! OMAhA , NEIJ. 'h ho Schoiatlc Year couuiuicmnee. on the first Wetlmmes. day imi ilepteunlier. 'l'iie course of hnstrumctiomm cmmnbra. ses ( lie various elementary. amnd all the higher turamm. chiesof atimmlstied education.I'ropriety of deportment , lo'ouiai mneatmicss , and tIme vrimiclliesot morality mire objects of umiceasing attermtiurm , iilhrene-u ofreuigiomm is muo obstach to tius adnuission of young ladies. The Frcncln lamiguage being spukemi in the imititutioti , ferns no extra charge. TERM8 , PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. lnchudlmigboard , washimuc , tuition , , and instrumental music , 300. per year , ExtraclmargeI , drswingpatn. timi , tlermuamu. ) or further imuforusatlon apply to TIlE LADY SUPEiIO1t , Park Place , OmaliaNeb , 5 , - - ' - ' - :