Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 15, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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# i'1L' DAILY I3LLiJiviAIlA , 157D\TSLAY , AL GUS' . ( ' Li , 1883. i
t'ublkhhl etcr3' mnrninr , ; oxrcpt Sunday , The
onlr MondAY manning daily.
Ross kr MAU.
One , . . . . , . , . O ThtcaMnntha , Ow'
8i Moeths. , . , . . . , rum ) Ono Month. . . . , . . , , 1.J.
TERk1 r01TI AID.
Ono Ve.r . . . , . , .B.oO TrecMonth , . . . . . , , i t0
Six ltnnths . , . . . . , 1.00 One Month . . . . . . 20
Amerirnn News Company , SotolAgente ; Newmdeat
ere In the United States.
troaanAroknsTCk ,
A CommunlatlnnsrelatingtnNoweandFAltnrlel
mattenl should ho eddrrA + ed to the Entr0R or Tin
4 -RCB1xR,9 Ln1TRRA ,
AU Isndnc' Leiters anJ Itomlttnncce should"be
addre + 'eI to Tim Ilka i CALIAtIINa CowrAAT , ONAIIA.
' Dratta , Checks and Po + tonlCe nrdere to he undo pay
able to the order of the company.
f TIII tit ; is a rusll of immigration towards
t W'a9hiugton Territory mud Iabr r is said to
be ill excellent ( IUriallll ill the territory
' of Ituiry 1'fllard ,
Sr. Ptul , in erecting over IC0 brick
I)151110A9 houses costing nearly $5,000,000 ,
t mnl 145 frame stores worth an ndditional
hnlf a million.
BANK failures and business failures
while giving no aur' + grounds for fear that
a panto is upon us , show that prices old
speculation have dropped close to thu
AN attempt , of Parnell , to rebuko'thu
English governmomit through thu dutuat
of the nppropriotion hill for the Irish
SI . , prosecutions failed yeslurday in thu house
of commons.
{ 1
Tuffs Chicago Incr ( Occnn has n leading
article on "Thu Dangms of I'rosperity. "
They arc groat. No one will attempt to
deny it. But the inconveniences of adversity -
versity nro oven greater.
SENATOR ArdlsoN will reccivo gemral
sympathy in his afiliction , 1 < 1r. Allison is
0110 of the a lost amid clearest handed
I mime + in the sonata and is poraonally popu
lar among his constituents.
AT the rate at which grading contracts
arc being let , the surplus of folds in mho
city treasury available for electric lighting -
ing promises to ho too small to be seen
4' ' with time largest kind of a microscope.
POLirIUTANB who claim to know the
force of the wind old the direction of the
current , quietly assent that should Guna
mil Arthur decline to be a candidate fo r
1 the ( trositlemlcy , Secretary Lincoln will b e
talcen up by the stalwarts. Mr. Lincoln' s
canvass would be made on his fnthor'
ropulation. It would be n campaign
based on a powerful personal sentiment
IE1 ( ones frol fiaii , centers show m
continued decline ill speculation and m
decrease in hank clearings which are not w
25 per cent , lower than at the eorres
! I . I lond'ne l ! ) uriod last Year. No record o
i thu clearances of Ommaha banks is pub
1 lishud because O nnlin bamdcurs refuse t o
pay time necLSsary clerk hire to compil
a weekly statmnent of the amount o
busiucss transaetul through their insti
tutions. '
' 1'mms urns another flurry on 11'all stree
yesterday ill which the bears moon o
victorious , forcing stock dowti to tim
lO VCAt notch they have reached for year
d Croat excitement was caused on to
street by the fniluro of George William
Ilallon & Co. , one of the largest fire )
of brokers in the city. It is ruuore
that several other firma are seriously elm
l li'tllssep.
Tits following wnw the estimated rni
why mileage of the world on January 1
i 1853 ; United Status , 111,000 ; EuroN
109,000 ; Asia , 8,000 ; South Amiemict
7,000 ; Caimndn , 8,500 ; Australia , 5,20 ,
Africa , 2,200 , ; Mexico , 2,100-grand tta
253,000 miles. Those figures nro nt
exact , as it is imposaiblu to obtain ouch
returns within n year err two after dot
alld so it la necessary to use the hate
available statenuuts amid add the prbab
number of miles of road that may hit
beer built in difrorunt countries since tl
time the latest statistics published wi
authority were issued.
IT is apparunt from tlfu rucupto , of ti
government during July that the ryv i
ion of the tariff is not likely to result
a foss of revenue , thuru being tin act
gain of nearly n umillion dollars in custr )
duties as compared with July , 1882. T
' abolition of a part of the iutorual raven
taxes and the reduction of tithes ha .
howovur , had a ducided ufrect on time i
scams of Uio nation , nntl , on time ) vita t
, Lila Ipublic revenue will ho slightly tlieu
f Ished by the legislation of last tint
Thu tariff must be still further reduced
the interests of every one except the i
dustrial monopolists who thrive on ux
1 bitant exactions front 50,000,000 of o
l eoplu.
AOCOnmINo to the now treasury regu
, tiou , brusvcrs will hereafter be requir
to immake an official showing of Ill ma
rials which outer into the tmulufncturo
their buur , mho newa will ho wulcm
) ti m any tnueunwrs of time article. „ li
i is u pruvnhliug fnIprm 8siol that since t
jump in thu prices of lumps last full nit
m and various other drags lmvo been its
in large quautitics in the Prupuratin
$ this popular beverage. 'J'ho new tru
. ury iegulntionH , if unforced , will ho
1 aasibtanco in preserving the publio heal
In addition tipsy will be of ussistuneu
haziest brewers who usu l)1r10y amid lie
insteud of injurious drugs in their bu
Slues. Pura bear is much loss daugur
than the doeted article and thu c o
sumption of lager line become so u
vernal in tire United States that U
'V latest move on the part of the troasu
department is fu time line of a witulosoi
reform. '
_ _ x
s " a , . of
CrNEttAL Dnu.l has nskcml time adjutant
generals of the several states for hull iii.
formation concerning their militia , 't'his
rmpmest of the ndjutaut geumnl has beou
interprotud in n dozen different ways by
1Vnvhingtott correspond01mts , some of
svhon have credited hint with preparn
tints for n war with TmTexico , others with
a contest with Gcrtimny , and still others
as about to put down an imiq ondimig riot
of Aniorican workingmen , A special
tlisp atch to the Pioneer J'rcAS says that
there is reason to believe that General
Drum simply desires this information for
a special report to congress on tlmo sub.
ject. It is well kitow n that lee takes n
vary decided interest ill the niflitia and
thinks there should be n national militia ,
at least 200,000 , strong , uniformed 1111(1
cquippml by time united States exactly as
federal troops are uniformed and
equipped , with artillery amid cavalry in
the quota which each word be expected
to furnish , Thu Uuitcd Slates sltottld fur.
imisim armories where they are needed ,
mud every other timing which the state did
not provide , or which time militia nmmt
could not obtain at slight oxpciIse.
Time militia aught to be regartle(1 as
the reserve of time regular army.
It ought to ho so oficered amid so trained
that it could ho nn hiilizcd widen forty-
eight iiOUFS , Coll. Drumn thinks every
state Plmould thou iii. , ready to soul at a
moment's notice such n body of troops as
Pmmsylvnnia sent to Carfield's inn
augmirntion , witlmin thirty-six hours of time
time tvlmcn the order to 11arch wns given ,
Cut. Sliorinnn said of thmoni , " 1 could
not ask better troops. I would not hiesi-
Late to lead than against veterans. "
Mnssnehusetts amid Now York have sfmi-
Inr regiuionts. Con. Driun thinks every
state should have these. lie is doing
what ho can to liming this about. lie
encourages the sautes in every possible
way to seek his aid. The regular army
could , then lie kept small. 'm'ho mintimi
could depend on its militia. It could
well afford to aoond five or tut niillious n
year in preparing such an armiy mud n
million or two a year in keeping it up.
Congress will be asked by Gen. Drunt to
establish such a system.
S1 : tTon ALLISON opened the Iowa
Campaign for the republieans at Clarinda
on Saturday. .Tudgo Iinno , the demon-
cratic nominee for governor , has boon in
the field for several weeks. If Mr :
Kinuu ever had any 1101)05 of securing an
election , or evoti of seriously reducing
the republican majority , ho has thrown
theni all away by declaring himself no t
only opposed to prohibition , wimicim wuulu
a have uiet with a ready response froim
I many republicans , limit by tumouncinb
, himself amid his party uualte ably
agurst any restriction of time
I liquor tnatlic whatever. Judgc liinuo's
I speech , in which lie declared for " ,
salomt on every hill top , " leas creatutl a 1
' diep disgust , oven mimau11g democrats ,
f while it has drivel hack into the raulc H
' thomsauls of republicans who were falter
fugilltheir allogianco.
e Democratic bluudduimig is time deallies
f foe to democratic success. Bat of all tin
blunders mumdu by thu party in stet
elections , time miiisttke of surrouluring ti
the advocates of mum umiLceised ligno
t trallic fu a state wliiclm by .10,000 m mjorit
If duclared for prohibition two years ago , i
a the worst. It is a blunder so monuhwn
s' tl that uo one but a bouron ) politieiu ;
a could have boon guilty of it : It wits par
mm titularly tutcmllcd for tattler time circnm
s stances. 'l'ime radical stuul taken by ti
republican couveution which throw over
I bond .Judge' Day because imu refused t
uphold the commmtitutfotiality of time pr o
Imibitory nnwmidmnunt , doomed to mtssnr
permawnt republican disafrectlou. IIu
' the position assumed by time deunocrmti
o' party mind its candidate discounts i
i' idiocy the blunder of the republican con )
ventfon , It imas stromgtlmuned the part
y dnnwn'ttosor ; time party litmus mud assure
in ndvurcu aun ovurwitolmiug rupublica
victory. For mill of wlmicim the limos :
e' Racks ) vine hover forget anything excel
their own mistakes , timid nuvcr learn ate y
l0 thing except stow nmutimods of blunderimm yB
imavu Only tlmmusolvus to blanme.
Congress ought t + abolish the teritr
rfal hiw.mnakfug pess'0r , card rule time nl'u
ritory lhrenglm a couuuission. Cougrtu
mo itself niakus all imecossary laws for tl
is govcriunmd , of time 1)istict of Coluuibi
isfin and vhyvut for Utah ? Until the 11Io
fin minas artd uxcludud f oui nil participatit
gal in Utu'I'urritorial ga urnmiett , tliuru w'
Iim ho trouble and polyganmy will continue
iw fiourish-Ccrelun(1 ( Leader.
Ito ' 17mis is ' the home rumudy urged by u :
.U Senator'Paddock. . lint what right li
mm congress to disfraichisu thousands of imms
o abiding citizens ill Utaim buem msu a po
tmm. mm. . tion of time voters fu time territory profe
ut , a bulmef fn pofygnmity. Under the E
in mrumds law polygnumista have alrmuly hut
uedisauf anellised. A gotm untunt by co
ore mission would fucrultsu political pttro ,
um ago , amid furnish fat posftiotms for cln on
oflico sookees. limit tlmesu uminor mtdvn
tnges would be immure tlutmi set otl' by pe
In. miieiomis uxnnmplu of time esttblisluuumit of
cd territorial lyrtuuty nailer whose mimic ti
tu lutbeas corpus would ho suspondud , ti
of tight to trial by jimmy abolished , mutd m
mme citizumis , both irmioeuut mud guilty , d
0o prived of their dearest iolitical riglmts ,
. . .
imu " -
= - - - -
.0s 'I'11E ' 1erulrl llellhlHleS sumo one f
ed "slandering the nanny" Lueausu attunti
of hits been called to thu needless amid mum
aIs. untie "inapoctiom trips" which mire beim
of Slmulo for ofllcial ple smurt + comiibined wi
th , official business in thu Dopartnmunt of ti
to l'lntte. 11'11 say noudless , beciuso it is
ops mnttor of conuummt armmtg it nmy ullic em
iiiin Omulua and of good imatu ud laugld
ous mit posts outside of Ommalw that time "f
l spection" busiucss hums 1,0011 greatly ov
ni dote during thu past } 'mmr , 1Vo s11
pis shortly gfvu a comparison in dollura a
ry cents of thu nnmuut of utileaAu dnnrmi 1
tie Immoral llarnnl's stalIamid that by Ic
oral Crook's staff during the first year
his in01unbemicy in the dopnrfnent. 'fhe
figures Apoak for thmnselves ,
'rite trouble with thu army i9 that they
i nagiliO tlm01nselvcs entirely outAide of
time pale of newspaper criticism. No
abuse connected wiflm the military establishment
lishmont ] ms over been ventilated within.
out nromsimmg time same old cry of slander ,
It is especially npproprinta that Dr. Mile
ter , whose experience with the ariuy was
gnfnctl in peddling poor wltishoy to ofli
corn at Ft. Kcariley , should dmmounce as
slaudcrous ally criticism upon time army.
limit if time lfcrald amid time stair of the
immaculate Howard are pining for speci
fications mid figures they can be accom
nodntetl. Thu truth of time matter is
timat our mttiro military estnblishumeit
deeds a thorough ovcrlmmiling. And it
is likely to receive it at time next session
of congress.
It will ho no very difficult mnttor to
print time minutes of oflicurs in time depart-
mumtt wlto hold railroad passes mud draw
nmileago font time governnent for expen
ditures which intro rmuver i
OALurA , . 1'ltim.
'I. , , the l dltor of Ten IIRr.
I arm a workiugnatt looking out for a
lot to build n little lunisu upon. i have
saved $250 , limit find Hutt tie iota within
a reasonable distance of the city eau be
hind for that stun , Nei whin paid front
$200 to $500 for their property four years
ago nro holding it at front four to eight
times that. figure. 1Vitim real estate as
high as it is at present , tlmuro dues nut
seem to ho nuy lets for workingmmt in
Omalum. E. 1' . S.
Time dumaul for local real estate comi
tummies good , but there is a feuliug that
residence property on the cxtmues of the
city boundaries has beau pushed up too
high. Alumst every week sees new additions -
ditions umapped out and platted , Farm
land mold swamp laud can b0 ttrmied too
fast into city lots. Of course as long as
time owners of such property can hold
their lots mid meet interest on their
mortgages prices can he mnaintaiued.
Ihit prices are too bight in sonic portimis
of Omaha , amid must comae down. There
is no reason why lots two miles
from time canter of thu city should be
hold at their present figures. If Wo'k-
ingmali will wnit a few mimontlis , or , at
most , a year , lie can buy his $350 lot
witlmir ti reasonable dfstamico of town.
It will probably not be a corner lot or
situated on a paved street lit wills gas
] lumps , or supplied with city water , But
property ill soinu of time latest laid out ad.
ditioms on time outskirts can not continue
at its presort inflated rates ,
TIrE sub cohmittce of the senate coin-
mittue on labor is in session in New York
'investigating time telegraph strike std its
caucus. ' 1'lto statistics colloctcd swill furnish -
nish aim excellent basis for pressing time
popula dmmiaid for n postal telegraph m
systems before Lima next congress.
Time I'mtrtummomimt iH9ne.
New York Star
'rime I'allllall ( itucttc has a striking
article on the growing tendency in Eng
laud to resist time mictoacluuemts aid ag
grussions of uemOpalics. The mailwa o
t passegers duty bill , a very mild moasur
0 for tbutidditiominl pioteclicu of the travel
ing public , huts called forth a fierce pro
u test from Sir Edwad 11 utkiu , n ruilwa }
) capitalist , lie insists that Limo govern
r mutt should not interfere with time opera
v tions of orgauizml capital. IIu protests
ngniust pa'linmcut ' tatting mm stop tvlmicl
s v ill be followed by others anti lead to th
complete subjection of corporations t
m time will of mceidemital majority , Time at i
ditiun of a parcels gust to time portal sy s
torn , svhiuh carries parcels weighting save
- pommels and all snmllur weight for oti
a shilling , and omiu pound for three paimee
to rumy part of the count' v'
0 is ill time saute line. It men
called for by time uxcessiv
charges maul ir ogular service of the rail
U way express couipaties , which hind
mt utuno rot of Hutt business. 'flan eo )1
at their ch arble
C were mercy. And time y
wrthmout roidemin
tormous rates g
u pur et uivalunt in service. ' [ 'hey beer-
' imeitimer quick i , afe mo ticmnnmdatimm
r , AIr , Facett who is a good deal of
d democrat tonic time matter into his ow :
hand , amid utilized time national
for thu accommodation of time pcopl
' Time result is that the uxpressagu of stns
pt parcels has been takeit out of jiie hands
- oxtrtimmate uiotopolics , amt will lmerea f
ter be (10110 cheaply amid promptly by th
0 governnmemmt No wonder that Britis
cnpitalists now fuel alarmed at thogrowt
of a tmuleicy which is already pool
) - ful enough to product such practical r u
I' suits ,
ss 'I'Ito sammo teudeucy appears quite a
IC st'ikiuglJ y amid strmmtgl } y in Fnuico , 'I ' ! :
, railrotul cm'pornlimms which obttinu
1' . proibmble privdcge9 ill their chartur9 n
il nmim' pusln11g the puhlio by a series of a
t11 atetioua which cau9o loud cunt ilaints fro
lu OVOi'tuarter. 111umt sball be dommo t
h protect time lpeodu ! from time exactions
these corporations ? is the glmestior atsk
with rmeruasing uarnustiess evurywlwr
its , Modior De Moutjam recently deliver
V. a putvurful philippic in time chamber
r d. . lutes , iii wimieh lie demur umieed time e.
55 Istllmg eo lmnlratmis mis 'time cost imaged
0us miuumy' of public liberty mmd pabl
d pumice , " Thu "lhuumcial feudalism , "
n svhielm they forum a bulwark , is becoutit
mmtut almost inmlulssablu check to pr
ii- Brass mud civmhzadion. I' othing the
that hats ever bcurt Hcmn
IC time most corrupt Amimericim atn
n legislature calm conpa o with time ) ietmi
r. dritvn b ' time radical orator of time fat
nwaitimmg the Frumiclm clta miter wimeim ii
its miimnlrors will be "men s'stemadic i
me led tistn y , all diroetora mlmrcltoldr
to mi gmttsr creatures of time coin panics , " A
it i' mid y ho tut ) his fulluw mummburtm ' 'r
C- are luwuritig time standard of lml )1 )
credit , of our dignil our liberty , Ii
IlIw UV' of the state , bofuru time comtmiie ,
So entirely huvu they anturcd imito yut
ur hc.u'ts mud tdculm i , sesstori of you ,
vull have they discovered time way , l
amp lmlcirl5 of their great fulosunj „ their iii
n posing posrar , tp impress thump' will ulmt
mg you , to umake you fuar thunm , lumd rule
th withl mmmniuess thu idea of a stlugt
with them , " Thu momn4 ely which ti
e Frmteh peoplu are iiahtumg against
at that furnied by comubtncd railroad en
H porntltnls , and time amti nmunopolists clni
e that ntiiwamy cimnrJgas should be so fixed
mist to defray time ux puusos of tvoml g
mm' furl uutiutunuco , It Ia Ulu princi plu
urap d ing mil , profits , miller time rat } ynment
ill alcertain immodest iuturuAt tm ) oi ci mital
mil reducing time mix 'zisu to the mlbliu of t l
services taime mouelrolimmts
which ammo em :
'y'mowcrud t ) ruudcr. Time enl ntniu5 n
n to be u11litlud to fair remnumiumutioi f
of tlmeir services but nn more , And U
clegnemit advocacy of this principle fills
the monopolists with nlarui.
It.isdomocracyagatnsttmiouopoly. This
is time parnmormt 155110 f11 England amid
France , as well as in Aumerica. Hero we
are facing mother forum of time pressfug
issue iii tlmo fight ngamst time telegraphm
monopoly , wlmich hiss managed to got
astride of time ilmisiliess of time county
and is forcing time Ion l0 to carry it mttl
pit eiioruioiimsl y for lime privilege. Thu
rnmlroatl nummoyolies pushed nto the
backgrmumd for time nioniunt liy time fnso-
lent demands of time 1Vcsterl ttniei mien
nopoly amid the strike it precipitated ,
have rcaclmed a point of arroute , mud of
peril fn this countyY of wliiclm those in
Franco have no idea. 'J'lme ' transportation -
tion intm cst in n continental country like
the United States is too vast and vital in
its importance fun I reach statosncmi to
grasp. T'odny tlmt interest is ill the
grip of a dozml miilionnite railroad
kin gs who fix time terms on which
western farmers shall sell amid
eastern merclmamts shall buy time
produce of time catumtry ; amid wlmether
larumera shall be bankrupted , mud what
time working people of time East shall pay
for food , 'l'lmeso ' time cmily tw ) out of time
monopolies that , today rival time govern-
mmont ill ruling the People , mud do more
thou nuy American govurunmit would be
pcrnilted to do to rob mid impoverish
time people , .mud tlmo paranloumit issue in
our politics today is not batik nor tu ifr
mine iufelnnl iutprnvenmmts , nor nuy of
time ( ltiestmmms politicilllls gabble about ; it
is dmuocracy amid monopoly , 1VLich of
these shall rule imp Auterical
Amid cu this issue time dmnocratie party
has no choice , but by its history and
principles and symmpathics it 's forced to
tithe time side of the 1)c1" miu ill nlplIcsftiomi
to tuotiupuly ,
Ilfainc'H 'l'acmies ,
A 11'nshirgtou special to Tlme Boston
herald says ; " 1 was a delegate to time
Cfncimmati convmttion ill 1870 , and also
to time Chicago conremmtiomi ill 1880 , " said
, " 1 voted
a llnrylamd pohiticiat to-night
for Blniuu sevmmteeu times at Ciuciunati
amid three times at Chicago , 1 stopped
voting for imim uimen i saw there was mo
ehaice of bus securing time nonination.
No , I don't timimink he will over have time
following he had at the last two couve n
tiomis. 11Ir. Blaimiu hind time best equipped
fighting force at Clmicago of any one.
No candidates ever lad better gmmerals
mnanaging their canvass. Failure , mtder
time cirmuustances , was considered a final
tlofeat , and all of Blame's friends regarded -
ed it its such. A few weeks ago I
hiappeiud to occupy a berth in a
sleopnig car adjoining ono occupied by
Illaiueanda prouilicut ) lllainu politician. I
was awakened by the sound of voices ill
the nigiit , 1 recognized Blame's voice
inruediately. His frimid was urging hiui
to follow out a new line of poliey at time
next national eonveutioi. He advised
him to got himself elected as a delegate
to time next convention , anti be on time
ground prepared to take tuls'antage of
circnnstances. Mr. Blaine finally agreed
to tlmink it over , aril I tluink that is time
next move lie euntmuplates. You see lie
would Lave no difliculty in securing the
leadership of time Maine delegation , In
dint position he would be able to wield a
large influence , lie could not do more
' timiui to dictate time nomination , however.
IIu would umidombtctlly have n following
front the rural districts , whore the people
ate slow to accept changes or to alter
their inhds wheat once mmade up. 11Ir.
Blame , its time leader of time 1llainu dole-
gatiou in time next convention , will be time
impost important factor in it. "
"Do you think Ccn , Artlmur will lie
brought forward as a candidatel"
" 1 have no doubt of it. Everytimiug
points that tvny nos , limit i\lr. Blame may
be nblu to defeat his uoniinatom ,
"An 11icideut of the Chicago convon.
tiom probably changed the result , 1VLen
the delegates met ill caucus every oime
felt that war would cotnmemiee urn time
- ehairmausliip of the convention. 11Ir .
Cmmkling maple a lung speech. Ilorecog
i nizcd that mammy delegates differed frog m
u hiui pm'sonnhly , but that should not cause
) ill feeling 'J'lie 0raat mmm were no t
. strong mtnmgll to elect a chnirum mi , but
they could prevoiit time election of ar ob-
Ii jectionabie moan. Eugoiio Jimmie respomid-
mid fm tliu Blniuu faction , auul acknowi-
g edged time wisdom of Coukling's stmggcs
' tiem. IIo titmm asked the New York semi
es miter to nnuie sonic one that they coup p
all unite mm. , DIr. Conkling mneutimet p
'T. Morrison Iluris , of llhuyland , ter 1
n this was Atmtisfactory to 111r. lfale. 11rr ,
cl a llarris tit first refusal tutu place , but
fimially consorted to allow his 11aumo to b e
a used , 1VLen time voting commenced ,
however , all time Blaine moll , tritii tli u
n uxceptio11 of two , voted against Harris.
lie tnon got mq ) mid formally deehiucd t e
m be a cumdidnte amid Senator hoar w a s
e subsequently eh Time failure o f
i little acid his f ieuds to keep to the agree-
nimmt meats the fmudation of tune bitte r
eI fueling that svgs engendered between time
two factlmms , Gr amt aid Blaine. '
lm .lusmm tIia'n L'rospcem.
im Han Francisco Chrmdclc.
- Sir Henry Parker , late govorir o
New Southr 11 ales , is authority for time as
sertion that wlmomm Australia is as old mu
ma lima United States it will be far almond o
o us ill cft'flirmtion , by sv1:41m : we presuum
d lie means that not only will time p0puht
ru tine be greater , but to a products , nti
( . ports , expm'ts amid gemieal Imusilless svil
ui far exceed ours ill volume. 1Vu do tmo
o like to differ from nn intclligmmt gentle
tof mmu ) a'ho is 511 evidently Antm'iean in hi
mid syimmpnthigs , hut it is apparmmt imu hits am
u , rived tit hits conclusions withant a thur
td ought exantiuatiomi of the lmistm y mud rc
of sources of this eeunty , it fa truu thin
'I time populatiomi of time Uuitcd State
r- when nmtlOpondmicu was declared wa
fo only ; 1,000,000 , or about that of Auatra
of hit today ; but time settlers occuhiud oal y
tg a strip of time A tl umtie coast , weenie marl
o all limo rust of time country svmts umknowa
it and occupied b } savages. All time turni
ill tnry that is of much value imm Austmlim
LU tuna been explored ammd mmiost of ml iota beam
ru for soumu tmiu olmi to occupation
o No hostile tithe , but out ;
l time inherent barrenness of th
ly region , provunt time suttluimort of time vats
a , semiii desert nec's of tlmeinterior , Agrieml
1 tutu , iii which abnost every' count
m must dupund if it expects to adtai11 I
ill higlm degree of 1Irv51)0rit ) ) ' , needs plmmtb
mu of rafim or ntnuorous stcamiis that cmm b
s , useil for irrigation , 'l'Ie strcauts i
u' .lustamuia limo fuss- amid a'o dry must of tim
mm ) you , 'l'w ' ! rainfall f5 light , uxeupt aloe
by time coast , Most of time iiiunemse negieim
. of lute intmiur La'ubut am few inches e
m rain aun11mlly mud this quickly disappear
It w mtimout doing mnmy good. In timu north
le urn pmtrt limo mmtudy' deserts uxieul roarl
mu to time sett-coast , time nioiSOon5 frump th
is lutliau oceaut not carrying unought 11ui s
r turn to peuutratu nuy great distance be
ni fern timey become evnpotnted b time ax
ms Ce89m'U heal. In Southurn amid \\'esturi
ig Austi'tlia tlmeru is nmotu or 1055 aibi
of laud , but it is greatly oat of properti0
of to time whole area. Our eonuuunts uppl
tm to time wlmulu of time island and not e
to Jwcially to 1'ieturia and 11'uw Scut
. \Vades whiclm forum its ganlom spot , thu
ru buimmg temnporate , healthy mud very p rn-
tar ductit'c.
imu ] tut time adaptability of uvemm these tw
colonies for agriculture is by no menus
, proved. Their pnducts are as yet limo.
ited. Time Whole of Australia only pro.
lutes about nLs mach w'ImoaL mud barley as
California , amid wheat culture , we are
told , ltLS rondo little advance in New
South Wales of recent years. Wool has
been time chief export , bat if we are to
believe n typct , published by Christopher
ltollestotl , C , 11 , G , auditor genteral ,
presidcutof this colony , time limits of > ns
turngo have already been reached , jLime
wine of Australia bears a [ oed relamitatiom ,
but grape culture is nm its mifnucy.
Oranges can be rafsedbutto what exlemt
is not known. Bides , tallow amid caised
meats arc smmt abroad in large qunmitities ,
but beyond these amid the few otlmor articles -
cles utentioted , the export trade amounts
to little. We do not see how Austrnlin
' be in nuamimfnc-
calm ovel' largely engaged -
ttires , its strcamms being few and its Pitua-
lion for sttpplyimi g thin wants of the world
not very favorable , 1Vithout navigable
stream , and for the reason just given , its
foreign commerce mimuat also be liumited
principally to the export of raw material
and provisions nod time inn tort of mill lines
of nmauufncturecl goods mieeded by its increasing -
creasing population ,
1Ve lmnvo tie desire to rehearse time rue
sources of this country or to show the
difl'urmmees that exist botweemm it mid the
sO e'tllc(1 ( Australian contimimmt , There is
notlmiug really valuable known to come
miie ee that c.unmot be produced in the
United States. llundredaof stremus are
navigable amid thousand furuiah water
power tluoughout time year , Nearly
ovary area wlmiclm is umipruductiva--.n few
lmummdred tulles ill time ntid comitinent
excepted-has water couvmmimmt for irri-
gntiun , 1Ve bchieve that time four States ,
Illinois , Indiaa,111issottti , amid Irma , cm )
atomic produce as miitmclm as Australia will
be able to produce one Lmtmtdred years
frmu this time. This county is not a
fertile rium sm rotutdiug tut imiunmmee
barrmm area , Time two hutds would be
similar weme nil time broad uxteut of territory -
ritory botwemt time Alleglm mmy nmoun-
taimis and time Sierra Nevada mud time
Gulf Sates and time basic of time great
lakes useless so far as agriculture
is concerned ; in other words , a
desert like time emtttal plateaus of time
Australimui comtinmtt , in spite of all
these disadvantages we believe that Aus
talia , judged by its individual colonies ,
has a great future. But its people must
cease throwing its vast unknown amid
worthless area mite time face of 11mamkind ,
as if its being n geographical colossus
wery its greatest merit. Quality rather
than gwtimtity is time standard of judg-
nmemit 11m this era of relined commomi semmse.
A word of counsel to visitors who comae
front Sydney and Melbourne may not be
amiss , Too many of timetii form their
opinions of time United States from a
casual giauco at California. We arc
proud mmotglt of our state and its advantages -
tages , but we are only a specinmon brick ,
11 u are less tlmamn ono fiftieth of time great
country to which we belong , and those
wlmo wish to know us as a cation and a
people should visit mid examine timer-
ougnly ell tlmere is of interest betweemi
the two oceans anti time great lakes mid
the Gulf of Mexico ,
'llme Iowa Caniptiga.
It would stein to be impossible for
those tvimo guide the fortunes of the lie-
publican party to stu11tble into a blunder
out of which their opponents would not
forthwith kindly hell ) thou by proceeding -
ing to mnlce one nmore 01)011 mid iuexcuisa-
ble. Time democracy has tlehibertttely
put itself to a disadvantage fn Ohio , such
that , while it steeped at one tmio to have
a fair chance of carrying time state at the
ensliimig election , its defeat is now virtually -
ally conceded. And in Iowa , where it
Lad time advantage of being opposed to a
doctrine which is theoretically imidcfen-
sibl0 mid practically a failuro--what it
semned impossible Unit it should miss
time plain amid straight way which umight
conduct it , if not to victory
at least to such a degree of
success as it had nova' known in
that republican stronghold-it has actual-
ly been able to discover mid fix upon a
course which will gu far to deprive it of
this advantage , and array against it. all
the decmmt clemtmmts of limo cohuuunity.
'L'imo campaign there is now fairly opened ,
mid from the reports of the speeches
made it is apparmit tlmat time republicans
are tlmor oughly in enrnest , and tlmat time
probability which at ome time existed
that time ) Lad timrown away their oppor
tmmity amid their cause 11o longer ox-
I 'J'Imere never was at may time any
question of carrying time state , though it
was thought the cuatrnary majority
would be greatly reduced. It now ap-
rrettrs nut unlikely that the mmticipated
reduction will be counterbnlamiced by ate-
cessions of disgusted democrats , amid that
time party will secure about its customary
ru mbcr of nmemnbens of time legislature ,
f sluwlwulQJ I 'i ' MD MM
I1 IUIUUf J I1 l 9
5 I1II 'srlrmIII1 i l l .
f II ' q , llm77 ; , n. mm'vtwllnl ( 'mar (
e I I' ' tq D ' , , ; ; 1l , + 'I'ISM ,
, I rahla ,
oulnlwa , Lunmhapo ,
l u , IL 'SBJ "GGm1
I nte'rtu'tn ; ,
t ul ° ° a
Qf'iI litADAcI1 T001hIAcI1
IIII' ' , , I StifE THROAT ,
H tJa7 4UinKybsylclddMIH.
t , „ p 1 W' iii nrn.u sl ,
Sarencte , Cute , Ondtot ,
E ' a s ,
II i uahuhaa.-'N yvwcArnv ,
H ' 'tJ Andull.tnrrb.4mIyncht . ,
H 1I : it Ti j I 'rJ 4 uud minas.
I' ' I ra I q , a firr CEUTS n C0TTLE
' , IIl' lid ' I I1 1i sadhymHniun I-Iuud
mI ; ! . + drr + , cm , ' . b. . II
t1 I ; , q ! lu
y i , ( ( 'I Losag , , . ,
t s l I rll ; Ili'1 ' i iht Chi plea a , Yo mil .r Co.
i 1 1 + It : I . . A u7un Lu A1 „
I1 +
hid. . t , s. A.
' 1 E . R
t i ,
Y !
' rlf'ml ' 3ENT $ ;
U t'hTntx A4bU O $ CU Cu , of London , Cash ' '
AtH ts , . . . . . , . . . . „ e5sattAura
ii 'A relchtt.Urh Y..Otlitiol. . , a > UaqW
I ) 'I ho.lerrl nuts , mil Newark , Y , i „ Capital IT6mlamO0
Oaanl F'Irui 1'Idlmlcl hla , Capital. , . , . . 1 ; ' hgRY1,0.
, , , , . , , . . . 1 , ° 06a15W
A JFrIl1Et-ltuum ID , Oroaha National hank Ilufld
f lac. Ti1rr 1on. u 516
9 N. . WISw
- .
Y u lvi , CbARKE.
e ,
I ; Oldest Raal Estate Agent.
" . Notary Public and Practical Con-
; voyancer.
Y -
rnClarke sull4 Ilousea antl Lots , Itoddenou Lots and
Dovlntrw 1.014 alt OWU ( pie city , &n aU additlona , ) a
dde Iuprurud and uufmprured faruu owes thi
m & " mar 10-
Ana an i
St. . Louis ' . tI
.1o. mn43.3m tx t
S . .AT H Pf f
y R y
u 4 +
Washington Avenue and Elftll Street , - - - ST. LOUIS M0 I
Who1ea1e Grocers !
AND Joumuts IN
. t
Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco.
s , t
Lath , Shillaleg , Pioketc
Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA , NEB
Who1ea1t3 Drugg0
I ! ' r
i1i 1ill fflss
! ! ! .s
"Cer .aa. JLL , W.r6St d Vt./w
Hail's cean Lock
3.030 3'arncTixi s 1troct. © rlnc > lads , .
, ? '
Sliae. i
lvi. HELL1YIA N & CO. ,
Who1ea1e Clothiers !
r <
1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREET , COR.13TH , '
't Anheuser"Busch
; d4 +
. ' .r1 'h . . '
, J ; > Y t CELEBRATED j
ywh. 's 171 Ke and Boftleddeer
' 7rrx , a ° rimis I'.xculluut Bcur spcales for itsult ,
s r
t , 4 I ' ) t O1tDLRS FROM ANY PUT OF
, l'fn THIS
. ,
. . .I B. , Ll , USGNfiR , f. S 1Ar1 + L OR 1rHl L1 PAIL WEST ,
! e srauuts , rte r , l ' will be Promptly Shipped. t
Sole Agrott for Onutlia amid time 11'ost. f
Ohfcu Curimcr 15th and IJarnoy Streets.
Growers of Live Stock and Others , '
Oil jt
It Is the hest and eheamwst foul for stock of any ktud. One pound t equsl to thruo , ound4 of corn i
Stuck ful . with Oround OS Caku in the Fall and tyint.r , lnsttad of runnlug down , will Incruasu In weigh ,
and goud Inarkutablo oondiUou In the eprlng. Dllrymeu , at wall a7 uthors , who use it can tostlf ,
I Its moritd , Try It and Judge for yourselves. l'rieu a 5.00 pmr ton uo dlargu for sacks. Addruss