Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 14, 1883, Image 8

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- - - - - - : ni---U1A1JATUESDAYAUGUST 118.
p _
I [ _ DAiLY BEE.
.j Tuesday MrngAugust 14.
efl * t1z' I'iolnIIIItIeM.
- , For the upper MissisilJi fliIOj , fair ,
Vrelet by partly cloudy weather , wiluiM
. * iioatly north to ea , lower barometer In
not-thorn portio1 , atationary baroinotor
in southern lmrtion , tationary or rizing
For thu Miouri n1Ioy , generally fair
; weather , ViI1F ; motIy RoutIlca.story ] , tLt.
? tionary or lower 1)arolnotor Am1 rising
-Who arc Lpiit , Leak & Co. m.o&w.
-The four Boldicra urctoil for riot at. Yore
Oma1im were iinoii , ro cli i
Vright' oflico yostorday.
-A bthl of colored tnInMtroIN in.1t inolo.Iy
0 11th RLIOOt 1II.I night , utitli the polIce
* ) PPOI them. They caine froiii Council
] Uuff.
Uuff.Mr. . George henning , agent of the An.
licuer.1hiscIi Brewing conipally , iii starting anew
now .et of booki recently , found that I.e . hat !
32 cusnincrs for keg atiti lmLtcd ! heor. lie
, k making tlingti ! lniin lii litt ! now fllt1
; -Elder .TrnncN Ciffal , of the reorgallizoti
Church of .TcsuM CIirit of LatUr Day Saitits ,
: will itroach to.night ( Tiictulay ) in the Saint's
Chapel , on , between Sixteenth cml Sos.
ciitcontli BtrcoLs. All are to come anti
1.oio . I.oinOtItiHf about original Morinoiilnin.
-A telegram from lenvcr says the D. & It.
( . svill not ho ready for through travel for
Hevorat tlays , owing to the washout. The
lJnion Pacific will ineaiiwhilo c.rry Its iu.
engors from Salt Lake. 'rite break i tunne.
where between ( iratul Junction anti l'rovo.
-Theold Actuleniy loomed up favorably last
t evening. It rernintled of the cheery nights
of the past. Manager Maclb was on han. ! ,
arnilhtig anti happy. There hi ito rcaon why
many P1CaaIIt itights nrny not yet ho spent iii
this rojuscuateti home of rhi1tiH.
-A Irisato picnic oxcusioii , givoI by
l'olacky Ludgo No. 19 , 0. 5. 1' . S. , vh.itctI
: l'lattstitotitli on Sunday. About fifty ltor"IIs
wont down on the IC. 0. traiii ti the inoriting ,
anti returned in the evening. The Piatts.
mouth 1flCinlCrH of this ortler joined in , ant1 a
gooti Limo was had.
-Puhitiati Conductor ? Iortly , svhto caine In
. on the overland train from thu wont last eve.
leg , had a lIttle opcrionco 4)1 the wlbH of
TEorinondom 155 lie left Silt Lbku : City. One
of the Saitits threw a t.t.ono at him as lie Htootl
oil the platform , which , luckily , only hi hint
4 (01 the foot. Ho felt the efFects tif the hilow
for twcnty.foiir hours iiIt.erwar1.
-1' . .J. Qucahly , cztttain of the Itoti Stock.
hg B. B. C' . , deities tlt his club llayel ! with
and were beaten by the St. Charles iiiiio , last
Sutiday , but they nro just aching to flatten
them out Oil the dittinotiti field. 'I'o prod p1.
tate thii crisis Capt. Quoally challenges the
, saintel ball toer to mortal on the
:1 : ; . & : . grounds on Saturday , August 25-
I "and may the beRt man
-A company of four gentlentenltlossm. V.
t I Koshe , 1' . Cohu : , F. DoilnitiL niul another ,
lb 'will stait in a saUltig boat , on nn ox
ploritig aitti pletwiiro trip tlosvii the .hisotiri
river , way HOUtli to Now Orlean 1. rliey u' .
toct to got there about the 1st of leceiiiber ,
and will while away the time hunting and
lhthing. They are' alt Boheinlain. byitatlon.
Alit- .
-A Hyntlicate composed of the Swan cattle
cmha1iy iiitl other 1nglili capitalitt , which
liIt3 been buying up largo tracts of laul in the
. .outhwost hart of the city and adjoining , has
purchiiutotl 230 acres more of , Tohiit I' . Thoinp
non , and 120 nres of J. It. lientiricks. They
lrOl)0 , it Is 8aitl , to 1iiit the Htock yards oh
those two tracts , and utilize the other PrPcrtY
ti fof building up a stilairban town ,
ii -A. l. Ilarher left yesterday for \Vasli.
t ington. lieforo hits departure ho telegraphed
I for the nocc.4sary inachiiwry to double thc
cairncity of the works so that the Barber
Asitlialt coihiptihly can lay all 1itvoiiioiits or.
dered. Thu work on Sixteenth street is vro
grwwiing nicely arid the company can take citrc
of all the work givoit them. J'ho Hhihhlthhi
inehl t00 Haiti to be circulating 1OtItiIiN ! at ii
lively rate nitil lilaho opectwl to be hiot.'il
c front again at an early tiny.
-Omaha i over gonerou in her apprecia
tion of Otnahians. She hita : sent her yotnt
folks abroad , and iiitoit their return , wiLi
lionori. ladeti , Rho lout welcomed theta witI
loving svariiithi. Sortie of bier young veoiil
have returned to her , with the biighttuitot
! 1&urolH of the Bovcral profwioiis upon thou
brows , and among theta have boon a5lirin )
geuiuiiet who studiouiy hiaso climb.d to tin
Iteigliti. of hiitttrlonlc fatite. One of the latter
I . Mr. 0. 0. Staloy , aprnarod last evening t
; the Academy of Muio In the colnhttllnontar3
benefit tendered bun by the citizenitof thl
city. lb wie. warmly welcoinoil. lilt vro
grainme , hiIlo wanting , .ovorM IItIIIIbqII
made vacant by the excusable abonco of tb
Rico club , wa iudcod nioNt Interetiting. 'rh
Mtibical Union orchoi.tra and the U. ] ' . Iaii. .
played their several harts excellently. Mr
B. 1' . Board , both In his recitatloni , , vontrilo
, qui8tio and triiglo parts , did cispoclahly sroll
Mr. Staloy appeared a vocahit , both . .oroU
and comic , a well a in tioveral Uennan din
loct , ikotchos , in which hatter ho introduced
moat oxqtilNito hnxinonlca tiolo , lie nine i'j
peireti tut Cnsiiiui in the tent scone Iron
"Julius Ciusar. " In all of thonu acts 'tO di
played a wonderful talent. lie svaiiot lots
I zlppredatMd In the tragic tsceiae thau ho WM ii
the comic ones. , and iu theist , huwM applaudes
tA3 the echo. 111. srorsatahlty , is pinethiug r
inarkablo cml auguist favori4lu for hiss tutor
Lltstrlouio success , /
-Bat ! weather for crops. , .
-The U. 1' . traIn ( roi ( the west Sunsia
Jhight was fifty minutes hin.
-A train of toacain/lu on the Union Pr
p cilia at 7 o'clock SuIuIiy evonisig.
-Underttker 1ittve its moving hii otital
lltsbinent to a rool4 on 10th sitreut ,
-A inau was iou over by ii team at the 13t
I utreet raifroad crotitsing about 2 o'clock ye
! terdayAftentuon and quite seriotitshy hurt.
. , -The relatIons of Taylor are a
1toctoi to to-ri' o to.tiay , aini thou
gfon $ will be made for the fuitoraL
Yofuhi lufonu1tlon , tickets , &c. , for tl
8V1 Lake exeurision , on the 17th , call o
Doucti , 14th and Furuain St. auglO-t
: _ -Now its the time t41 buy furniture. Cliarhi
flWverlck k wlt'crtirlng tsweeping roductios
In all kiudis of furniture , to couticue thirou
. Augwst ,
' -There vore three fights Sunday on uj
pr DoulM tstreet In the paoe of about te
vtleutea and quite iuol gathered to look it
the row.
, .jrhio lciic of thiq ( h'nnnn chioql tr'W.Oir
i.ii4 fch asIto.lutu taken place b'n
- * -
' .
; :
_ % . - '
day nfternoon , was postponed on account. of
thio weather.
-A serious wreck IM reported as hiat'Ing
takeit ilC0 on Stititlay , two Misnuri I'cif'io
freight trains hseing ditched between loitis'
villo and South Bend.
- Tue omaha ( lice Club loft on its gratis !
ttlp III ) thin Flkhioni valley yestsrslny.
They rentlezvottscd at henry Jstabrook'is res.
isletico ciii ! ntarteti of ! In fine titylo.
-The cleaning of the Varnhiani pa o has
got as far as the Nebraska National bank ,
whcr the accuinulattonis seem to bo thickest
and deopetit.
-Thto smit of Barker vs. the city of Omaha
concerning the tax levied for gtsttering pros.
orty on iougla street was argued this titorn'
ng ) ) oforo tlio dIstrict court ansi taken itnsler
lMvi.l lunklo , sin ohsi citizen of J'ottawn.
tomb cotmty , Iowa , was In time city yestorslay
and isalsi Tiix Iltru office a Ileaant call. Mr.
Lunklo ) in roniInOtttly immemitlottod w , a canshi.
ditto for sheriff of liii. county ,
- A J'nton hmotmso guest , Sunday , on
seeing a lasly go by with a fire siepartmommt
hashge simm oxisressosl sturisriso at the ntis'ahco.
mont of time Unto City , which hail organized a
femmmalo fire tlcpartmueimt.
- A young P00ll0 * ' festival , withi peeclies
ansi , singing , svill ho hiolsi Thstrstiay ovemmismg ,
4hmgusst 2bl : , tn the ha'scmiiemit of the Swoslisshi
l.utlioratm church , for time benefit. of the build.
big fund ,
-10 a game uf base ball on Sundaylsotween
the 5'St , Charles Quick Stops" and the "hail
Stockings" of South Omaha , the latter were
defeated U tO 5. 'I'hio ga1rme took isiaco ohm
tIme Ii. k T. grounsli , .1. A. Spoil , captain
5sf ( Iiiicic Staiss.
-titular the new titmmc ticliesistle of the 11mm
Pacific suomimo pretty gssmi tinte is mmmade by
freight trahmis. Thmo fast freight to lons'cr
msiakan the rust through in 3i hours , about 15
imihicit an hour. l'hme Cal i fortilmi freight riots
stihl faster , munlihtig 17 ittilots atm hiour ,
--Time members of time First ? tlotliodist
cluirchi , uisrjnisetl their fehlow.workcrs , Mr.
aiim ! Mrs. 2u1. U , ZcICoon ! , Friday evenimmg lit
a very isleaitt way. ? utr. anti Mrs. uk'ICnon
take timoirleparttmro \Voslmiesulayfor their
hOW rositlenco mit Lo Amigeloti , California.
-A game of base ball was played Sttmmsl'
botweemi the ' 'Ttrmuent , ' ' of Sositit ( ) mmmalma ,
nimsi "Simerittait Avenues , ' ' of ? orthi ( imitalma ,
svhtlchi resulted In a victory fur the formmmer by
a mtcoro ( IF 22 to 10. 'l'hte "Tormmmemiteu" it
romnariralily good gaimme , ansi are comnisoseui of
boys , time oldetst being emily fifteemi ) 'Omtrti of
-E. 0.Vntt , mm svehl known telegraph
sPermmr , iii tht emmiploy usf thin luVeustern Uniun
telegraph comimpammy itt Jincoln , ittid ss'hma has
5)110 of time fittest farms in I4atIcuuttr : county ,
lroisoM to give the operatoris of Ommmnima amid
JAiicot it gramid h.imiquet on his fmtrmn as suonmi
104 thu rimsh of busimmoss lit over.
-A ten thmummsamttl dollar damage stilt hits
beoti brought iii tint district court by the Ill.
lug of a uctithums frssimt .1 milmit Foley , ofVasht. .
I mtgtou CImltt ) ' , migaimisut .1 ohtit It. 'rhmmmimrs , for
forcible ommtry ansi trCtulsaJ4tu. FuilOy claimmis tlmmtt
'i'hmummtas him-oil two mmmcml to I mivasie hut hntmmmu amid
take imiohmey thorufrummm , amisi tlutt lie j odd themmi
810(1 ( for the svork.
-'I'hio Omnahtm : city conmicil linus mnmulo time new
Ialer , time Umiumi , the istlicini orgami of time
city. This is idiocy , ishicer amid simple. In
ilime timmmu the ofliciabs still bo 1mm it lint box bc
cruise timity can't liii , ! anybody to imike at.
fitlavit that onhitmamicuim mid things.wcre iuimli-
hisimeti. I A micuhit Imas htmid sommie experience in
Umbu litto that cami be lint ! chmomtp.-State .fourmi.
lii ,
--Branch 195 , of thu Natioma1 League of
America , hiehil its mnotmthly taceting Smmnuhity
afterimsrnmi , at time J. M. A. liii ! ! , 1310 louglas
street , which was Imirgelyattommileul. ' [ 'hero are
two brammehemu of the league iii ( ) imimtimmi , with
mibout 150 members ouch , humor hiatt It that
there Is attothior branch about to be orgammizeti ,
which goon to muhiow that time Irlshiimen ot Omna-
Ian are takimmg a ticop interest 1mm tIme Irish Na.
tisutiti ieavuo
-l'eoplo hiviimg iii thmo southwest ltrt 0 time
city , out St. Mmiry'ms avenue tutu toward time
pmirk , are beginmming to qtmcstiomm whether tIm
location of thto tww inckimmg bousc out there
svill nut be usuzimuthmi mi of mm mmuidammce. They
. are to ho three mmmllos away , yet It lii clalmucil
, [ hint a Kolmthi breceo will st'aft over Iii thmmit si.
' cimmity ovorythmiiig obmmiitnms in tIme way of
5 simmohi. Iiridgesort its ton immiles front Cimicago ,
I but it umititagos to porfimimie thmo city svcll , mmosv
mutt ! timemi.
-'l'hmo foliuwlsmg ic picture of a formnor
Oimmmthma rovivahit iritti twimporititce rcfsirmmioi' It.
frumu ' [ 'lie ttcUtmk 'l'ribuno , mmmiii will remuiiiy
. be rtict'gmmhzed : ' ' ' UcorgeV. .
] iotharti ls tIme immune of a uortly.looki mmg hid.
I tiler who 10 walkiimg on our mutroet , svhtit litmus
I frmun .tthmmma , timid purports [ ii have ( mmmcc htceim it
I of tIme miuteti hmmsvyer , J. N. I.tmcas ,
I formmiorly tuf this hslace. You svill usrobably
. have tIme isleasuro of immootimmg hilimi
c ore his ioiiimrturo , itmisi If hi , asks
3 you for thiq loami of a sum of niomiey thsmmt't rep -
p ftiso hmhimi bmt lot hmiiit itmi' it. lie muskoil us to
t humid htlimi mm25c to-tiny , iitmtl utTered us an
brass hlmik out of mm watch cimain for collateral.
S lit ) claismms Ito cati mummsutictto barbed wire mid
. mimdis.muu Is a bad mmiii lit general. lie Iii
I sumid to bu oiiu Amf time three umomi sVim ( ) shot itt
ti Chitirles .1 . ( uiCmzitz before Cl imitoan was hmangoil.
0 lie womirmu a $ taiIditim'itlir collar , which of mm
I ii1t1rnhti l resih mttmi clemimi , limit by evening it
lit sviltotl hfco a weed mmmiii bosniomireti with
. iiorsimithti' . lie Its mm fithubject for a luiimmtlo
. tusyluom , although lie Is tumId to be qititti immumirt ,
ml ftOiI At. tricky at. guoti hawer , gommurmilly are.
. Mu ' time of ILium
) Iiiootslimgii Mioy0 rest upon
I ) him , "
Enterprising local migunts wmtmito i
I . towiti for alt ai'ticlo that is euro to tjhI ,
Lire driqgliute tutU grocormi preferred ,
S Address liumnistonFood '
l'esorvatio Co. ,
i 7j Kilby ntruut , liostomi. m&ow1tmi
'rho 1'iiiteiaml Survico ot a ICmmlghit ni
1'3tiIIni4 ,
The funeral nurvices of Edward 'l'ritz ,
. s'hio svai dvowmietl while lattming in time
lIitsmioui"i lmtmst. sveok , tocic Iuiaco itt , 2 . mit ,
) . Sunday front Un ort1mker ltIuWu'mi
entaldiahtgnunt and s' s a immoat imiipos'iimg
hi alfldr ,
: - 'l'hio funeral t4mk itiacu ultilur tIme
atiapices of Omimahimm Loilgo No , 20 , Kimighits
. of i'ytimmn , of which tmo deceasud svas a
titetitimer amid wna imiso ttttttmulud by Phmmnut
a- Lodge No , .1 immI time ommumimthui ,
of ' 'Social ] ) tmiei'mmtn , " to whm'mehi
10 [ ito doati itimt hail buiommgotl ,
mI 'l'hmo turn out svt'ery : imirge , time Kmmighmta
I. appearing iii fuj. ' uiiiformu and time Ploces-
Ltd beiii heaiud by thso Union Pacific
Baud ,
'limo vail ) emmt'ern were llommry Nou.
m mmleyor , AjJ. k3clii1sjtoreit , Franz ( irons.
huSh iutd/olmn Loimrioln , of No , 20 mmmiii
) . Aug. ByUO and 1'li , Lang , of No. 4 ,
U 'r1tortogo attracted great attuntjoi an
it it 111hicd out Douglas anti 16th atreot
to lFOOC [ 11111 , whmeic Ititorinomit toolc
m , 15ih imftu& ' time beimutiful ritual of thu
yur. . ,
A Short orinoll y llcV. \ . J ,
Hrsli , Prcache nllay
"ir Itmiply They :1Iguit l'cel After
Ilium , amid hitol Ilimmi , "
St. Paul itrosomits to Us Iii thicric words
a glorious 1scturu of the universal yearning -
ing of melt after God , ho awakens quart.
[ ions iii our minds an to [ ho originality of
time gospel. For how can vo ciahn that
the gospel 'is absolutely original when SO
mmtany of its moral Principles cro atitici.
1atctl by the wino inca aniomig the an-
ckmhtM ? IVe undoubtedly find in time din.-
logites of Socrates amid tim Itepuhilic of
I'iato aitmi thin of Marion many j1ru
mmmiii cutIkbiilig moral principles. Time
anciotit ArnhIar.h htal a correct knowl-
edgu ot iuiiimmiud \ irgil , bug before Christ ,
taught. mcmi tim justice and fatherhood of
God , Several of the petitions of the
Lord's prayer are foimmiti in Limo earlier
hebrew writings and Coimfuciims gave to
time world ii clearly mmiatked
floLlEN iiUli : .
how nro We [ (5 accountfor these timings
amid yet hohti to an absolute originality of
time synteimi of Christ ?
I ( l ) itot hesitate to answer that , as
Christ 1:11(1 : ItO claim to this perfect origin-
ahity , we arc imot required to chmtiimi it for
himmi.Vo ( hirttiliCtly admitted that somime
mihicu ) were called by Ills Father's imamuti
ulthoughm they were not of the saute fold
to which time disciples belutigeil. itiud
Si ; , l'nul gives its time rtolutioim of the
whole mystery in time text. Socrates
amid T'htto and all time great and noble
111011 of the liast. were fueling for Cod if
happy they mmmiglmt.f'mmud imiimi _ ( lot ) . did
not leave himself without witness in nimy
ago , amid we ought to rejoice that thmm.'su
mmmcmi hiatt ghimumnuringa of truth which , itt
Christ , grow imito the perfect day. God
gitudeti time Ihiilosophmors and pooLs of
Greece and itomime into is cortaimm ant'uiit
of truth that. [ hwy mmmigimt ho tilled for
immstriictors of their ago. And as time
truth they uttered is God's truth we are
itot muilmanied to say that time
, .
( losiL : 01. ( tOt )
has hut c'mmmbodied it.
Wherever mcmi howe reacimeti forUm
after purity and ( lesired to performii duty
aimtl mulmimired virtue , timey have rmimusly
beumi feeling after God , At time ummmu
timimu We arc not to forgot whmmt a large
projiortiomi of error iH mixed with time I
iiiiiitll anmount of truth itt time ss'r'mtiimgs of
time wisest itmoit of nntijuity. At timeir
lCSt they only groped for time light which
Christ revealed clearly. Confucius imiimm-
self mmdtiiith that lie svna a ' 'trmumsmmmitter ,
mint a ttimkur ; , " muiti that lie ss'as oposed [
to immummnu progress. Buddima wits grmumd
1111(1 imoblo , yet ito regarded it rimero pimysi-
cal exercise its time highest forum of relig-
ioml ; Ime iimmulu life otto immorbud selfishitmees ,
tutu duehmmrcd hmcmtvcmm to be time mummiihmila-
tioim of rtemmtiemmt oxistemmee. Socrates wart
pure iii hiis life amid heroic itt imis death ;
yet lie s1soku lumiiemmtly amid coarsely of time
criimmes of Cm'itiiu , atmd micar time hour of
death tlisiimisrted his wife rind cimihdrtmn
witim coldness mid immipatiemico.Vlmemi
we coiiipat'u mmli timosu with time toimtiur ,
\tEmtcIriJL Ch1limT ,
we ace what nit imnmmienso gulf yawns be-
tweomm [ Imeom aimd time Suit of Goti.
Jim ms'lmat , titan , is tue gospel origimmal ?
It collects what otimers had scattered , it.
harmnommizus whiat. otimorms hind opposeil ,
mmiii it explains whmat. others htmmd but
mmmystilietl. It. is original in timat it itot.
emily fmmrmiiahmea a cabsiogue of virtues , but
milK' ) siipilics a niotivo by which time vir-
times hmitty ha kopL It. is easy enough to
tell wlmmmt. omen ought. to do ; btmt it is a
very duii'epcimt. mimatter to give macmi a
mmtimmmulurt for doing it. ; mmtl thmis the gospel
alone cati tin. Ovid could any that mmmii
is mmiimful , but. only a disciple of Christ.
could tell how mimmimi could ho freed fnnu
simm , 'I'hmemi , too , tIme gospel is original in
Eutt)13'iIig ) a nummiber of absolutely hew
itlemis. \\hmo ever hoard of charity until
Clmrirtt. camimeVlto ever smiimiuosed that ,
ittimimilify could be nnythmimmg bitt. a 1)0101-
laninmourm vice until christianity chmmtmmgedit
immto a crowmmimmg vim'tmmcVhmemm the
josgaim pimilosomhmur spoke of hmumnaimity ,
he used thp termim as riymtommommiomis with
the scond ' 'mshtvcs ; " it. reitmimimmetl for
to nmako time title otmo of respect. and dig-
ii'mty _ Iii nil these timimmgs [ lie isystema of
Christ. is gruudly original.
Bitt. Christ. did imot. coimmu mnailmi ) to
teach. I I iii cimiuf alto s'nrt to timaku aim
ittommeumumit for simm. 'I'imo stmpremno origin.
imhity of Limo gospel , tlmerufore , is timat we
calm ollur all immumm 1)trlomm bccnuse Cimrist.
hits died. Our duty is plain.Vo are to
feel for Oud-teitcim out. toward Ilium-
mmmiii we mire moire to l'mimtl Ilimmi. Iii the
gandeti wimero Clmrist was buried , 1hIisry
Was lookimmg for Imer Lomil . Situ stooped
domvti amid looked immto time sepulchre , but.
lie svimt. hot thmoru , But a 'oico spoke to
her , ' ' ? .Imiryi" Simo Ntartcd up mmd turn-
11mg m-omttmd ahmo foummd the Clmrimst wimoni alto
sommgimt. Si ) it iS witim us. 1mm out' wit-
fuimmerts atmit Islindumess wit howe turned
our back upon GodVu imuod hut to
ttmrn arustitud in faith , mmmiii [ lucre we wilt
litm(1 Christ , 'Purmt Ohm , Local for wimy
will ye duel
flhmliKion's itrmca Salvo ,
Time greatest mnotilcai wommiior of the w rhii ,
\Vmmrritmttoti tj speotlhly cure Burns , 'tmts , UI. ,
curs , Salt Ithoum , Fever sores , CitmmccruI'Uos
Cimilblnisms , Cwrmimu , ' [ 'otter , Cimappeti hiiimdiuftl tikium eruptiomus , gsmmmrmimmtecd to curemm , livery
Instance , or mnommey rofumidod. 2 ! touts vur
bor _ _ _ _ - _
, ' MILdTA1tY " . % tV1S ,
Tim lmtnd' ( loltig to Niolmiara. mmmiii
Semite ImmiilanH to l'limti ItIdge , '
- - . .
As 1mrL of thu Fourth infantry is5 sta.
tiotmeti itt Vt , Niobrara it hmms beiu jmmuchm
desired by the mmmcii timat thu reginmental
lammtl might. be itiiosved to commmo up thmomit
for a svimiio. Aim timoy could not ho for-
vni'tlctl itt govorimmueimt expense a 801mm
mm'ns umado ill ) by time oflicers , and assisted
itiso by time Sioux City mmmiii Pmmeifio util.
road , time bnimtl left Ft. . Ommialma yesterday
iuormmimmg amid pm'ococilutl to Ft. Niobrarn ,
where tile ) ' mviii I'omimain nliotmt. l'iftoomm
( lays , 'l'iIu 0juia itt Vmtleimtitmu vihl hmmmvo
lihi ( ) jRm'tmtmity ) ) ( to hoar sommio utmumstiltlI3'
Imnu mimuste.
( lummenmi Carlimm limits gommo to ace his
? otmmhmlumIus at FL. Niobrara ammd Ft. Rob.
hmmtsotm ,
Abutmt six Imundreti Olmoycnuo I uiiiimiims
fromim Fort hiemmo , in time ltmtiimum temz'itory ,
ItiCtmflmlmg timmisatisfiett witim the imiaco , Immmvo
imoit , , allowed by the aecretary of thu iii.
tormor to isroceed to Pitto Ilitigu Agency ,
and arc now ott thmoim' way there.
Geimonil POJO , of time dopartnmommt of
time Missouri , hums given timomim 0. troop of
thu Nimmtli cavalry ( colored ) as mum escort
an far as Sudumey , mm'iiuru thu Imudimmits will
be met and taken the rest of time way by
a troop of cas'nlry fromn l"ort ItobiusoR
under orders of General howard.
- - - - - - - -
( ) MI1vfr ; POOR.
News l'romn a h\mmv % 'tmo hiave 1'oimiitt
itefuge at I4flSt ,
In time July report of the mnotionof , time
IIOmmiO for the friendless we find [ lie
fohiowimmg itemns itt reference to Omnaima
parties wimo imavo fouimd a refuge thicre
.Iuly 7-ufiss Armtuio Joinmson , a mall.
en lady sixty-fotmr years old , caine front
Omurtima. At first she was very Imomimertick
for site imnil heft. nil liar ncqtmaiumtatmccs , nmil
has not a relative living. lhmimmg a lover
of children site has ritamle herself useful in
Itelpimig iii tim mmurscry , amid is miow con.
tcmmted amid lmapty.
July 15th Mrs. P. left. Site catime time
25th of Inst. inomitim ( ruin Ommmmmima , a poor ,
hmeart.brohrcmm woinaim-bentitiful , cultured
nmmd imttercsting. Site cammie to [ Ito I iommme
sick , with a babe five mommtims old. liar
hiurtbnmud imad forsmkeim ; imer , nmmd site hmmmd
scarcely been able to sit. imp since time birth
of liar chili , bitt while imeme tried to do
riommietimimig ; bitt. when site would return
at itiglmt , after a tiay'rt work , sue ss'otmhl
ho so eximammseul timat sottiutitimes she faint.
0(1 before gettimmg up stairs , After a barn
strmigglo , such as 110110 of its imave over cx-
perietmeed , simo decided alma must. part
svithm imur ilarhimig boy. It. ss'ims imideeti
IL struggle , for imur tuotimer Imeart.
citing to this smtiu ( ) lii' love left. to lice. A
Imoimme svtum foutmil in a gosii Christian tutu-
ily for time little alma. Since siw left. 1
iimLvo received a letter froumi imer expi'ess.
hug gi'atitude for our kitutimmess to imer amid for time gomiti hmoimia her l.oy hmmtrt ;
but aimo writes : "It. is s'er' nice for mmiy
darliumg chmihd , limit. ittowim heart is break
log. " Site was goimig to Demmver sviicre
site hoped ti hut1 friends , mmiii tlmrnughi
theimi sItu trmmsted alma mimight. limmul sommiethming
to (10 to stmpiort. hmer.ielf ,
.July 23.-Mrs. l'ommteroy , of Omaha ,
caimie Situ sviil probably mipcimd time rest.
of Imar days here. Situ wilt be eighmty-
six years oh mmcxt. Supteimmbcr. We fluid
imor chiecrftml in , ammd but hit.tiu
trouble , altitougim svtt hiits'o to take her
mmtcaiit up to her rouhim. SItu 8:13's : avery-
timing is so commifoitablu , for witicim alma
seemims Very grateful. liar suit , svhio is in
Colorado , Imulsert to be able to do sonic-
timing townrtl her support.
SNYIflli.4 SAIlS.
1ioss lmmggIeN ititti hying I'Iiitetommss.
Art a imiauufact.tmriimg cattier Omaha is
ackmmosvledged to be zmhmvatt of tumany larger
su'estermm cities. Not. mnmmy years ago it.
was fouimd necessary to semmd east. for
aimnost ammy article which hind to be mmitmdc
to order , especially itt time wagon ,
iuggy or carriage line , but for-
titi suit uiy for Ommmmhma : and Oumiaha
ilutilstu timat ii t 1018 iuuisui'il. Ahitit cs'idcimce
of timis the elegummit . , mm rdemcd by
i\Ir , 101(1 i'tlts. \Vitimmehl ] front thu car-
rimtge fmtctom'y ofVmmm. . Simyder on Ilarmmey
street is thu latest. hiroof thmat. ito mute imued
hook further luau time GuiLe City for any-
thmimig in this himme , 'J'hmo phautoim is mum
Emiglishi , quatter style trimiiiuicd imi flume
gt'eehm c1tlm , smith ruimiming gear 1)aiimtel (
green mmmmd is utmue of thu fittest. pimumetomis
ever turimed omit jut tim city nod is at.-
tracting immuclm attemition ,
: ; Ii' . Snyder has milso jtmst coumpleted
and m4inpped toV. . it.Vilstmim , time well-
known Fremimotit. gm'aimi immerchmmntt , aim itt.-
tractive , highmt , top , side-bar buggy , and
hurt just timmished two hue to1) buggies or-
tiered by Gflu , W'imccler , of Comumeil
Bhtmll , iowa.
By timia it svihl lie semi that Mr. Soy-
dor's bumdtiess is not. eommf'mimtjd to tIme city
alumni , nor evaim to time state , aimd [ hint. his
superior workmimaimslmip itt appreciated
mibroad as 'well as mit hmoimme.
M. Cohn , of Anhmlamtih , is at thmo Paxton.
A. L. Burr , of Almmia , is ist the tillard ,
.1. u Beaus , of Idaho , is xutthm thlhlutrui ,
\\mmi , IL Vm'ileox , Mexico , is at the I'axton.
, Jtmlkmeu Treitsehuko loft for the east yesterday.
C. A. , ToiimittlIm , Of Wtiioo , is at time t1illat'd.
lj. A. Skoihey , of W'nhtoo , is at thmo Millard.
JOitil Ilamnhin , of City , is iii towmm.
IL. S. I.laitsillo , of Chicyonime , is at time Pain.
tiuim ,
Col. , Iohnm loniphman , of St. J00 , is in time
l. S. iututtro amid wife , ofFmmirrnont , is at time
'm1ilImtrtl ,
14. V. Cruimm , Emui. , of Liumcohmm , is mit time
Paxtomm ,
Titus. 0. 'rysoim , of Muimmid City , Wyo. , is at
the l'aintoti ,
'rutco. 1' . Crank , of Oakdaio , hi at time Met-
lieu. J. 0. Crasyforsi , OfVest l'oint , Is iii
time city ,
CmmptaiimVlillmtuim l' . tlmny , ( if the army , is at
the Pmtxton.
uIIt.s Born Sour ammti Miss Boworsock , of
Ctaritomm , Ia , , svcro at the l'itxtomm yesterday ,
] iumm , .1. T , Clmmrksomm , mm ! Schuyhor , was iii
town y sertimiy.
A. IL Gage , of Itopubilcait City , is mit the
Ju'\v. hinter , of F'remmmomit , Its a gticmut at time
ufetroiti1itamm ,
F , M. hail , of Limicolmi , rtrgltsteretl yesterday
tt tIme Millard.
, Tmtmmmet. N , Siinimmommmi , of ltimmvor , its at time
? motruuuolitamm ;
S. S. lost'o , the Fromtmommt lumimber immnim , Its at
thmo Millard ,
11. II , : ttosts msmmit C , 1 ! , Wrighmt , of .Dommver ,
tire at thu Millmirti.
.1 , hitIazear mmmi 0 , 5 , Lucius , of Central
City , mini guests of thmo Pitx tout.
Mris , A. Ii , ilakor mmmiii stimi , of Cmiii ? Island -
land , store gmiests of tIme Mhltarul lsst miigimt.
11. 0. llm'oummu , , otto of time loading mmttormmoyis
of Norfolk , megisteresi at the 1'axtomm yenter-
tiny ,
F' , S. Claikassistaimt , msuporiimtommdommt itt time
Aiitericamm express mit Coimutcil hilimift. , is at tIme
I'axtomm ,
lr , hleamia , of lagle hitCk , Iiimtiio , mimic of
the best kmmowmm iihm'tsiciaims in time vest , is mit
titoliilard. .
\Vmmu , ij : . Olnoy , U. S. A. , iimumiteimaimt of tIme
c.iu'utlry at Fort IcKlmmmme ) ' , 5)104 Itt tusVut ) 'slts.
[ unity out hilt. way ts , St. IoiiI ,
0. uI. 14iwier , summiserl iitummtionmt ( if thmo Slottin
Cit ) ' tutu Piwirme , amttl , laitmets uIcCabo , time
mmcmv stmpcrImmtemmdommt of time Omnaimim amid St.
t'uoil romtl , Were guests of the Millmud last
Mummy timmittn you want to keep muscat or
fisim for several days. Lay it itt a solu.
tiotm of Itox Magimus over night , and you
can keep it futir weeks. You can also keep
utmilk a veek or Immoro by tirrizig in a lit-
tie . of time ttStmov Flake" brand.
h1A'fl YOU TI1IEI ) IT ?
1-11I 01,1) AflAOI , THAT "As ( mtNPE ( )1 V1tF
'g1ToN : Is vomm'rtt A I'ONti OP ( 'Umt , " wds
NEVIIt MORI M"rLY mt.1.usrmmATuu : ThIs us
lilt , WIt ( ) TA1F $ IllS 1YSO or TAflRANT'S
SELTZER APERIENT imii"imu : 'ruu
tiiItNI(3 ! 'tIAl. , tout ur .SOT ( IS ? , ? OENTt , '
ImIu1AT' : ; ANt ) i'UItIIhI:4 : Till ; S'8T0t , Itti'
NO ONF Ot(1ll r to iiISttEUAtUi. ALT , IJItUO.
01813 hIA'I IT.
Thc eBllh1 in at BdllYcr for ftc Uso' '
0 ! 1h lilian Pacific ,
Erected sumi Commtrlbumtlomus of F'llly
Ccuituu a "IOmut it iiy lmmmiuloycs.
? mlr , I , . Mcmmdelssoiiut has returned front
Demiver , wimero Ito veimt to itispect. pro.
grass oil time work of commmstructiutg [ ito
Uttioti laeific imospitmil timumo , of svhmichm
Dufrenu ilhcmmdelssoiumt are time areimi.
tects , Time iimmihdummg is 120x60 feat , two
stories ut height , sm'itlt lmuuiemiiuumt. amid mtt-
tie , tuid srill cost. $25,000. it. cotitniums
three mnids , each witim a capacity for
twetmty patiemmts , and also several separate
roouns , I ii time lamsemmmemmt is a billiard hail
imt iii stmmtukittg ronum , 20x.IO , mind on time
tit'st. floor will be a well'supphietl library.
'l'hmete nra Imt.lm roomius 0mm e.melm floor , good
vctmtiluitioii , uumoad stairs mumni elevators ,
itmmd a side track rmmiis to Limo rear door ,
where IatiuImts calm be tramisferred frommm
time hmomt.p'utnl car ss'hmichm in soomt to be
'fima ' object of [ isis hmospital is to care
for nil sick aims1 injured mmmcmi emmuploycd by
time Ummiomi l'aeit'ie iii Colorado aim ii west-
ant 1ammsns , nun ? it lout beemi emmtireiy built.
ly a ummsmimtimly contribution of fifty cents '
front eumchm emnployo. Four acres of lammil
luuivo beemu given by time road amid it. also
t.rammsports fi'co all shmplies. 'rho hmos-
1iitnl calm l. used by ammy oimiloye ,
svhiethtcr immjui cl iii time imimmmmeiiiatu service
( If the coimiuumy or iimt. Time nmilroad also
litys time hmtispitumi tumid for time care of itt-
jiured passeumgi'im. 'imemm tim himmiudumtg is
miii , tlmemt time utsessiumetmt. svill prolutbhy be
lowered to twenty-live cetmt.H , as the in-
tttfltiitt of time tumid is tint. for iliverit-
immummt. or stieculatiomi , hut. siuumpiy to pay
ruimmmiiig expetmacs.
'I'lma Colorado thim'islomt is time wily omme
ss'lmicim imuis this arrutumgeimuumit. Time ciii-
I)1yes in Utah , \r3oiimittg , ltluihmo aitti
Iimbttma have 1ietitiouietl for time santo
hunt , and those along time Oregomi Short.
Litre neuimm iutrticuiarly desirous of as-
tablishm'iuig a ituuquitnl fetid , hospitals
could isu htmL alommg time s'hmola road iii it
short. timiro if time , lutit were gemmurally
tit 1teih. I t W'iLS m'jtoset1 itt OititlHi
51,1mb ttmfle ui ' , immtit with resistnmmco
amid ' ' , . There is
ss'mrrt ( hi'iipwt. no provisioum
OIl thus dmvisioim titan for sick immuim ; those
ittjtmm'el jim Limit sers'ice of time road are
piaced iii time I . 1' . svamds at St. . .Ioseidt's
hospital auth iii such cases as time cotit-
muty tlmiiml.s it. mmhttmuid ) ay. it does.
It SCL'hitS that a iiuiumbtir of other rail-
roatirt ate : uloptimmg this iuhamt _ Out the
2uhissmiuti Pacific it ms workimmg vem'y satis-
faetot'iiy ; time Ii. 0. hmavc a simmiihutr'
idea ; thu Central Pacific have tried ii
twelve year $ . It is mumt. very unlike time
mulimmirimblu syst.emmm in s'ogue in the United
Staters tmavy , imy a hick time immarinti Imos-
imitiths are estnbiiMhmcd nmmtl mimaintaitied by
taxiuig every imimiritter about forty-live
cetits mm imtoimtht. lit commuection with this
article it immighit. be immteresting to state
that ; time Union Pacific lots a medical de-
partmneimt organized mis if for a siege , otme
smmrgcon.imt-clmicf ama ] . lift ) -0110 assistant
surg eons.
- - - - -
Exalted , Tlmuumsamuhrm.
All over time mmmd are goimmg iimto ecstasy over
lr. Kimig's Nest 1)h.eovery fur Ciumsimumption.
Their iU1OOkCti tom' recovery by time timmmely
hiatt of timi. ; great life Savimmg remimedy cmtmses
tiieimm to ii nanny a ihil iii its prtiie : _ It is
g maraimtecil to puuitive1y cmmrut Suvori , Cotights
( . . .oltis , Astimuma , t I a. 1"tiver , Brommelmitit. , I Ioare-
Hess , Loss of 'st..0 ; , tr aimy utliectioim of
time rt hiromt amid I , tmimgs.
A Cutiti.
To time t'iItor of tlmtm thee :
I would like to ask timroimghm your s'alu-
tibia itiscr ; whelm time timree clmimrcimes
srere [ lint received time Limohmoy front Bell ,
l'umrkur & Co.
'I'Iue colored Baptist. clmmmrchm did riot receive -
ceive atmy Iltt t. ( If it. mmmiii have positively
refused to have imtmythmimmg to do with ammy
funds front such a motirce. hoNEsTy.
" Blesmimmg to mill itlnimklmmd ,
lii thmesit tiimies vimeim oimr NeVsiialsem's are
lloomletl tvitim mtmit timctliciiio umuivertisemmmeiits
it is gratifyimig to kmmow smhmat ts. . iroctiro timmit
still cermutlimly cmmro you , I f ytimi are lliiiotms ,
blood out of orler , Liver limactive , orgcmmem'ahly
tiebilitateti , there its mmothmiumg imm time is'orhmi that
sm'iil cure you sit ijtiickly as Electric Bitters.
'rhioy arc a hiemotimig to allimmimmikitid , ammil can be
had for mmly lifty cents a bottle of C. I" . ( ood.
I4hT4d1-Imm this city , Ammgust Ii at 4 p. m , ,
JlIzuu , diimghmter ; of .Jusuts mmmiii Antis LihlIo ,
aged 1 tmmoumtims. hioumnittus will ho taken to
Cetiar Creuk , Cuss coummty , for Itmtornmemmt.
I'lattsutiommtlm iiaier jilemiso copy.
- -
-Mr. Jammies Gaiskill and Miss Mary Kmiod'
son Were immarriual 1mm this city nit Saturday
uvouiing , Aug. 11th , liy Rev. Charles W. Say-
Itigo , of time F'Irt Ztiotimodist church ,
a- &
aJ 0
Every' Corset is warrantoti sath.
factor7 to [ ta wearer , Lu uvery Way ,
or the money wilt be relunded by
the merson frQm whom it was bOtiCtit.
The only OOI1t iTonOUDd by our te411n i.miy.tCt&fli
em iIurIou. to the wrer , andradord j tadies 4
ta. macit cumitlottaUs tiaut pifcCt 5IUIi umcI ives
m&i& '
PUICE8bl M&U ,
U.s1I I'reerTIg. ei.eo. 84f.AdjutitlUZ , S1.O
b4.t&l ( aztr. hiivy ) w.oo. Nur1ag. S1.&O
M.&tL 1'rv..rt.g ( Sac eouW ) $ .OO. 1'rjsa
akIrt.N.pporUDg. el-au.
V. , itt. by k.4l.s u.t Dcal.r. es.iywa'c.
41flAQO vowq ; 'yb , . V34&1. m.
r- .
1 Infants and Children
Wltliont Mnrphi1nir , or Nmtreot1aj.
Wbat gives our ChIldren rosr cheeks ,
t What citron their foyers , makos. them sleep ;
. 'TI. ( 'atitorla.
When Babies fret , anti cry by turns ,
What curen their colic , ks their worms
tt flnt Caqioria.
What qnIcly cures Constipation
Sour Stornacb , Cohbi , Indlgu'stfon :
limit Cai.orIri ,
Psrwoll then to Iorpiitne Syrups ,
Castor OU and I'aregom-ic , ansi
Centaur LInImont.-0b.
sointo euro for Rhonmatism ,
Sprains , Burns , Galls , &o , , and n
Jnrttnntaiioous Paln-roliovor.
strSpecia1s will Poittvo1y not be inserted
unless paid in advance.
TO LOAN-Money.
_ . _ _ _ , . _ _ _ . . ,
- - - - - - - - - - - _ ; ; _ ; . ; ; . _ - -
.ht,1ttt ) TICiCE1H-To alt lottits mit ii1tmcoi
I Irate' , A. FultIAN , ton South t'Jth St i'i'tmimt
' 0NE' TO LOAN-Ttme Onuatia Sas1mt littik it.
A ! minor liretared to make 1oamm en ( ) mmlais sity or
Ioutgias ) coUmt , rent estate at current rate , 't itterost.
No eomimmmrision chiro.t. :
- -
( JNEY ' 10 LOAN-TIme IoseMt rates ( it tutmerest
ibcmutls'Loan Ama'mtcy , l5tti lotiltt. ) . 234tf
- ' ONIy ; TO LOAN-Cahi at mw otlhce of U. L.
I V Ftttiutiaq , rnni 8 , CruIgiuton tilock ,
ONIW t.OANEi-On Chattel mmmortgagc , rocmn 7
Nebraska National flank hluihhImmg , 181U
ONEY TO LOAN-i. T. fleatty Iontu on chattel
A ItrOpertY , 2t3 Sotmtim 14th St. mmil.immt
\VANtEt-To girth omit brush , t attics
I rromui 1ostiIice. i2.JO ( her acre silt tie until ,
IIEM1s' ttPL : 1S1'A'I'E Au INOY , 1ttIi ant tuomigia. iits.
17AN'IED-&o ties at I'o'.ter& Umay's coal ollice ,
, 1 2t3 . 15th St. Call 't' mmmonmmlm'i at b
o'clock. 9.912'
IftOVS wAN'rlIi : (1 ttVNEttAU'I imltki. ,
1 ) I : uj l'mtmmihamti St.
7AN'mEt-.A ue'umtd cook mit time Eimmiiict titisise.
S V'uunmsni Ireterrel , _ _ _ _ _ 92mS
t7ANrIm-Tmnmmmer. Call st-
1 1 O2.11 SiYtET & Allt.QtEST ,
t.,7ANTIl-A girl tO ihti general houseork. 1416
S 1 .Jaekuioti St. ;
good colored boy tantet at-
.a ourunun Bnos. , 1309 } 'armmtmaimm St.
\TANTIi-A gIrl IOtu i2)caru oII as cunupattlun
\ to a tiily.Vi't ' ghe board iii rcttmrim. Call or
nitiresu lOS S. 10th St. 977-1:11 :
I' ( ANrtD-oIrI : to do general house aurk , ' 43
I t Catultul ate. 078.t3t
rlAI1lt ( ) svANrEJ-A uanIts a'uit iet maker aimit
i gemmeral Imamuil. Steady cmmup1oimmeumt. Adilrcss
hto 20 , Itiuii it , tos a. 1)60.1 II
IAN'tEI-A female child to take mare .1 , ly a
1 u rcu1ccmable fatuity. Address A. 11. . ikt of-
1 Ihts : larumlunumi St VOl.14
117.'iN't'EI-.tmi mussistanit taimmuuires atit vamm wash.
' or. Ap'iy at 3ietru1oittaim Ilutut , cor. 1Lhm
ammul hiouuguis Stu. iOtf
fAN1'EhJ-A good iuliummaim , at Utmdcrwr'mtuirs'
' .Snhuuge 10Oic , LtO Farnmhtamti St. 1161.131
( I I itt4 'ANIED-At 2t2 Imarumey St.
ru ] mG5I1 )
S " Xl'tlttlNC11) 1)ttV (1001)5 SAitSI.AtlIS
1:4 : vamttcd. ( IItUNEIIAIJM 1.00) , ,
miT.m If _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tile' ) Farnmhani St.
'Xm'EltI ICEt ) lItY ) (1001)14 SAlESMON
I wamited-tioo.i 5a143. ( irumichaumum Uru , 1200
l'armmlmitimi St.
\7AS'1'EI-At once , a baker. Must be
, ! teau1y nod m.ubLr. Omme shto knows lieu' to
cook preferred. SILiL.i3 work. Aiiilrcoi at once ,
951.Fi SAM UmttiACtI , North l'isttc , Nob.
) - . two actIve yotitig we.
\ uiu.Ii mit itimcke a imuent mmuarket , lltti amid % hiuoum
nil di , housework. bood iaygluen. 94K-13
ANTED-BIackrnttmi at iloreino ( 'mit-oil. En-
S tulroof J. C. .4urphmy , mit the work. 019.151
,7ANTEI-Fifty mahorcrs at Floremico Cut.ofY.
! t Vngcs $2ver day. Inquire of J. C. 3tumrpmy }
mit thu work. 01O'tlt
1,17ANTEI-GirI at No. lOSO Shmeruuian avenue.
q 94.f MttS. J. 11 C0UNSMAN.
1TANTEt-A cook arid dmnmiimg rooni gui at time
! ! Crcightoum lioute. 0400
I,7ANTEl-A flrt clssiuluarber. ( mod wagestmaki.
! 1 tAl. Coluus , Eiarnuey , Notu. t112.IOt
AL [ 'cur boarders cami be mmccomniiuoiiatcd it Itiu sumpo.
nor board at tOtS totlgc St. 016.14
t'lrst cias , ecomii coolt ccii hiatt a Iermtmahmemmt
.j , uttuatlomm iy emitlimug on A. J , l'otter , St. Chariots
TANfLb-Ocrmnnmi girl to do housework. hum'
1 1 quire 615 mouth 18th stiect.
L AlICS out YOUNG MtN : 1mm city or country , to
take milcu , tight mmmii rlcatsanit uuork at their owmm
Imoimmau ; t2 to 5 a day easily and umuict ' , mmuatluj ; ivork
uetmt by imisil ; in. eatmvasIng ; no mutamim is mrouiy ,
I'icasumuiir.smm Reliable Matmulnetur imgCunuanmy , l'a. .
draner 'Pr.
yANTEl-Lady ageimts for time "Queen i'rntoct.
, or.A lion' unmuler garnetit for ladies , finite of
soft , ilealhie nmbber , Sure tirotectioum to time ummidir.
tear , ulmemi uitiIO8Sary to be uurmm , Itetahis for 2.00
nit fast at agomits mum bimow It. Large prilts. AiidrLss
mu stahl . ' 'Liulluis'
u ! , Uumumitorgarmuteuit Ianumfmsctumrlumg
Co. , No. ml S. May street , Chicago , Ill. 700.lmmm
, ATANTEL-Fmrst.vlass wumnamu cook at the C.ault
I tlouse , mucargovermimemmt corral
17ANTEI-A good uarp , aiesmuiatu , on wmiary.
I S Sewimignutciultium or book agcumts , thataro No. t ;
rail itt 4i 14. 'renth itret. 900.141
' ' ) _ a young hiuanm of mnorai cimaracttr ,
a posItlo timero tue can task. blunseif ubefumi ,
hIs. had experlenucu lii law olitce. Atidrens W. ii. J , ,
1' . 0. 9s l4'
! TANTEm-Ooiud IrcticaI tlnuuier , steamly job , mo
' ! termmmonmtiu. LOUO3\VANi4UN ,
037-limit , Neb.
yANTED-SItuatIon by mmmi experlemiced drug.
' glbt. Address " 31 , " lieu 0111cc. 04T.i4
a gemmtluuuami oil yearsxperIe nie
u m sltuittloum as bookkeeper , abbtraetor or sales.
tutu. 'hlt ttmrmulslu the Lent of referemuceus. Aildiesi ,
0s..m4t FIIANE , tiles H. 7thi St.
Li ) \VANTEP-Iam-tIes imasiimg ciii Iron to
Sell In cnr.load lotus immay amhtlrcss iou fur one
uveek itt Omimalma , Net. . , amid after tlmat ilimm curlier of
lihaku uimd'limlrty.secommul street , Pourer. Cut.
0511.16 .1. It. ( tILCIIIIIST ,
IXTANTEU-Duey boarders at 1St ? lmtienport St.
11 110,1.1st
FOIl IIENT-.Ilousea and Lots ,
I 'lOll luNT-s : roonmus , celmar , seater , at (108 N. 15th.
Foil ItmN'l'tiouso flroommms. 'limos , SoRt , 15th amid
Citlcage St. _ _ _ _ _ 1554'titi
tIES' ! ' i'ieaammmt fonlhtid roommi isIthium luaU
I a block of 1stomSee , Eimquilro 1114 lougias St.
I ItEN'l'-'i'uro ( iirmmllmeui ( rout meoums , simitabtu
for tsu o goumtluuimcmm or gcimtlcimmamm amid sIlo ,
l'ieasamit St. , float \'etsoimoul. . 1109.151
'OIL IIENTCII1-A1'-A mmcw 2 story house euimsist.
I lug of 9 roomims , sltlt all commi ummlemmees , cii 7th lie.
tstvmm Nlclmolasaitl i'.util , 10 tmilnuutes salk tromii U , 1' .
sio1u Imillulru tmtr2 : Slmermmmamimtuun,97tJ-15t
' 0 lET-NIcety urmmtslmcd room , 1724 lougias.
} OIi ttEST-'idshud rooms , pIth ostTmiii [
board , itt 1717 Cass St. between 17th unit 15th.
1101 % RIINT-l'reimt , furnIshed room. . Atmi'iy city
edItor's room , lIce olilce. mIST-ti
I (1 IIOUSEII AND W1OltF.S-For rent cheap Itol.
I U Ito. & 1utter , room 20 , Ommiaha NatIonal hank ,
ij'iin lttN'r-fitory4dsti1tu : ; ; , 171iii'aiTi
.1 toc'mus. . % p'iow Cur , . : OtIm & ( .miiIormmla. 1l'13t
pro l.ET-Nlcely fmmrnLhecl rom , , imh boarJ ;
L gal toil lsth room. Alt.o a few ta'io boarders
emsntettmt 17tH llodge street. ( u'3.m7t
1"Olt BENT -A lileasant front room ; nl.n smalir
.5 ttoli , multhm lmr.trt. 1Sl iodge ill iJl.c.1m4
soltltINr-mmrnLhn1 : fuoti.u aim N. isth sn. In.
qti'iro llarhiull. 'Imurik factory ) Itflar.I hotel
block. 1121
- - - - -
1'Olt IIENTNIcely furnulIietl rooms' mslih hoard ,
.I _ leauttftml location. llatimroomg ga&o.,2423l'ar
Iani Si. _ _ - - - (0jL. _ /
i'oit ltINT-Larq : 11.11 , Cemitruit loentlon.
_ j. imrlcktoro tmndbsseiitent moth si.
tmrick , , tureruoimi moth st. MOCAOUI : , iippntiltol'ot.t olnee.
; tOIt 1IENT- Large , furnished front room , picas. ' t
nmtutly located , 1122 8. W corner hart ! sad 18th
streets. _ _ 853.12'
11101 % RENT-'urnlshctl and unfurnlshed roonmt. ,
I Fine locatIon. t'ECK , Opp. 1' . 0.
850-If _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1-soft RENTItetildences and storebuildlngs. nEli
U FoUl ) & sotitt ; : , lital Estate Agemicy. 011k.
east side 14th Street , betseesi } 'umrmtsm mind Douglas
L MV OFI-'ICE , well furnIshed , wIth good lIbrary , ,
for uiaio cumiup , JOltS L MOORE ,
_ ° ° 8'1B' ! t'reteNeb. ,
i'ott ltET-New atoms tumrmulhotl or tmnfmmrnlhed ,
i imltli buarit. Itefemvmmcen ruquli-t.d. 1610 Payee.
; 'ort. . 450-U
- - - - - - - '
- -
- - - - - - - - - -
B SAI.t CIIEAI'-At Utlu trcet , south
- ¶ ! IieiIettmcioutul , or Oi)5 N'orttm Iltim t. PS6'limi [
I OIt S.tLHImt TIIADE--Otie lmtmgy. cjiFii
m'arhltt , ( Is. tflhice , 13th r3t. bets comm Fmurmuhamn
numil Iioimglai. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ofl'lSt
I tOhi s.ti.l-lrauudsumiuo : reldmuce , 11 ronimmo , flute
tmarmu , trees , splcuidld ' , low , near ear litti , .
'flit-re acres , smmiuult house ; sill etottamigo for farm
prol 'erty ' , I ,000. -
lute lot , Ucorgimi umme. , cmtt front , 1i.trgutlnm , $ 'ioo.
mio.mT _ _ _ _ _ SIIltl\'H , , miiur.m : , .
ltl'ET Pout SALE-44 yam-its if liiyIirucIsat
t.0ti icr 3 mumil , null lii good cumiulltlomu , Addret.i
% v. _ (7. ( . .ltmrtlnm , Ilarker's tibet , IuS&u tf
ti.t SA1lTlor ) fraimiet. amid sash , chmoap. Eu-
quite Elghmtremmtim ammO Iraud ,
1)57-181 ) 0'.MAl.LE' liltOs.
"Olt S.ttt-A : utl . faimmily lent ) ' , s.lde.har lemggy
ammO huarimuiss. Immituuino at Illuc itarim , hElm St.
mL 8.1.l-F'rcIm : 1utllcli Cost. at Comliug stre
corral , Ut Military brIdge. hi83.ast " " -
'Olt SALE-/tsimuail house oh leased ground , Call.
forum street , oppoolte Creigiitom , Culiete. 771J'lOt
; 'ott S.'mLE-Aspanmklnglittlemmiareanmilsldeb.trbumg.
gy 1505 WebMter St.
I SM.n-1.argo spami of mottles , nueme tuagoti and
huarimess , Alt. , ittioluurgolioriw out faorabio terms
mit Mrs. hiorret , mmuiar lttmerus brIck ) arul. 023.131
, IIUAN-iIt'ECIAL ot'I'nim-wo Ill sell nIce
( - - ii ) ou a
_ _ , orgati , 0 , tu,1i , warrammtedfor t'6L5' . 'limIt. Is no
Imunubuig. Call asdsco. 1'ILESCJfl' & CO. ,
S0-tf 3519 F'armmain.
A FINE NEW t'IANO-WIil tsclt at mm bargain , or
fur rout , niuti rout applied tom h.umrcluae. l'IIESCoI'F & CO. , I59 l'armtatiuSt.
.oit SAIE-Fluuo ( turin close to the cIty.
845-tI t'ECS , Opposite t. 0.
1 ; uout SALE-ttehleiuco atud bu.luues IroIerty , in
all murts of ( imuunha , atimi F'armi , 1411(14 1mm mmii tiartts
of the State. IIEIuFOItLS & S0UEII ,
71s3.Lf cia S. 14th St. bet , F'arimumimm aiim ! Douglas.
I 'Ott SAL1- , sell estabiitied Wmmgoim anud Car-
riagu Shop , located In aims of tiu bobt tosummu In
soutlmeastermi Nelrutokmm. Address "A. " tutu of " Ike , "
Ommiaha , Nob. 738 m3'
) ark .kiemiume lots 9OU tacIm.
Capitol Aieiiuu ioti , 1,000 each , . street tot , * 400.
Ccmmtre Street tots , each.
729-tI ' .
- OpposItel'ostoliice. _
Ott SALE-00 head yeariiimg hollers , el7J0.
1 lueatl 2 amid three year ulul helfer , * 24.00.
400 Caltemu. All above are Iowa cattle.
srutANGu : 0110'S ,
Cattle Contractors , lIttle , Wool amid Tmmllow dgaiers ,
SIunux Citt'tosva. 6S2lmui
. .
1-.tott SALR OIl EXCIIANOS-Fuil lot and tiurco
[ t ulwclllmmgs corluer of ilth suit iaciI1o u.treets.
NItty lots iii south Omnaha. Alui 100 acres of land
hear Sentomi , Nebraska , nut ! btmthllmmg and atuck of
clothing No. SOS 'lorutim street.ViIl oxchangui hut
Nebraska farmmi lands. Further ttartIciilar at ( leo.
ml , l'etoraon'ts ClothIng Store , b04 'l'eimtlm' street.
- -
1 SALE--Property 15. Fl coruter 13th auuilcapl-
tot airline , Inquire on irmiiine4. SlitS-him
-mott SALE-Old uituwspapems iii large amid sumiall
ultuamitttles at 11mb. tuilice. ti
I 0lt SALE-A Ilrst class scciuid tmaumd tot ) buggy.
Call at 1310 llarimey street. S0tf
( ui lit-F's minnie eimgraved , a Ii , uutm obtain mamimo
by lrovluugpmoterty ntmd matimug nor tlil nt. . at Jno.
Iiergen'sgroceryldthammdCuiimuuuitug. 0t3'Ij , , , ,
OST-Lotter muidressemi to Johui C. ITanisco , I'ertiu
4 Ainboy , N. J. , Box ISO. I'liuder sill be riusard'
ed by tcailnug saimmo at tlmhi olilce. 066.155
U you siiu to disl0500f your humsiuucus , record full
I particulars at J. L. Marble's cmtpL'imucmmt oti1ce ,
2h7 N. mOth street. 023.14 *
: LIP-Two igs , sIll the deilmer satuto to
ptmFN eu paymemmt of daunages mitmd cots. Y. /
J. tialumi , Court house. 860-St leak.
I you want mm piio foundation to your buillirug sen
w. flOyd , Caumuleld I1otue. tJ04'lm
AKEN Um'-A 3 year ciii black nuare , about 00
T loummseigImt. C. A. Jemicemi , cu .Slflthry Road ,
4muhies ! front tosim. StO-St lcs5
POUND-A book coumtamnhltg Ditilalu lctturiu , mOmuio
ihotograp1mmu msul other lamiers. ( ) snit r caum unto
saute by calling iutthlt. omltco uimd psylmm g clarge.i.
want titles driteni for ally turuou bce W
I lloyd , Cantloid house. 601.1111
IIAVIS , mitetiuber TrinIty College , Euugiatuil ,
S .gheu MusIc auud bnngimug Lesoiis. Address 805
SouthTeumthm Street. 19J3-jtmi
r 'tAKEN UP-July 20th , a bay lmor..e. Owmmer can
get lumformatlotu by callimig at this olSen
040-St 1 each w
ItEl1 DiSl'ENSAItY-Ttu' free illajmcmisary .nm con
-I neciloim itithi time ChIld's hospItal and hionie has
becim located eu time corumer umf l6thummmmm Louiglau streets
utiitll time new hullmilitg Is liuitalued. Attemimiamice s-Ill
bu giveim emery imuornilmig ( Suumday cicepted ) from 10
to 11 o'clock for the treatuumemmt of the imcedy , sick amid
sumlferlog. 3T3-tf
OS1'-hictwcemi Fort Omalun and time city , a black
L ilacasot , lace trlnmummutmil , gotmi baud around huanmdis ,
5 rusutril fur returimliug It to lIstS ollku lim Omumalua or
Coumtmcil hilummYs.
ALl-Si' . 403 Temuthi street , between } 'arsuaimm amid liar.
fey , sIll , slth thu old of guardiani spIrIts , obtaIn for
ammy ommu a glum ice of time last and pmusemil , anid on
cvrtalii comiditloum , Itt the future , Bouts aiim ! Shoo
imuatte to onler.t" , .ailfe'tIu guria"t.I
Capital , - - $250,000.
3/.5. fl. IIEALITWELL , PresIdent.
A. L. CLAItlhi , VIee'l'realdint. ,
it : . (1. % YEBSTEItJI'rcasumrer ,
0. 1' . Casimlem' ,
DlltEC'tOhlS :
Samuel Alexander , (155 aid OlIver
. 1. dante , S. C. Webiuter ,
( Itt. hi. I'ratt , Jams. It. lleartwell ,
19. M. McEthiImmney.
: E iri Mortgage Loans a Spooialtv
ThIs Company furnishes a Permanent home Instltu.
tlor. 5)1cm-c ) school fouls and otluer lugally issued Mu.
1 clpat bucurltlcs Ii , Neliraska comm Lu miegotimited u.n
Sr ITU't.V aoratuiu termiuS , Leans niadu , omit iuiproviud
Itts lr. all soil iuettioti ceouttlems of time state through
iontsll.I ' ) cal cuirreiwonitents , 'V
United Btate Depository.
First Nafloll Bajik
Cor. 13th and Farnam Sts.
The Oldest Banking Establishment
in Omuula , ,
Orgailses in 188.
Orgaimized as a National Bank in 1863.
OAI'ITAT4 . . . . . . . .O0O0O ,
SUItVLUH ANI ) l'IIOPITS . $150,000
orm'lcsis AND ViR5T0K4.
1IsamsAN KOtJNTZm ( ,
Jomms A. Cmtamummros , 'lce I'resldeet.
Auovsvea KoasTz. , 24 VIce l'reIdeut.
A. J ,
F. II. Davts5 Cashier ,
w. U , ) fzeacmaz , 4uttsnt Cashier ,
Traimsact. a Keneriti tankIng business. Iuuem ilnue
Draws drafti on bin
rancisco au I lrimmeIiu&t githie In the United Stattd.
Also London Dubilum , F.dlnbuniih and ttuo lurtocla1
cItIes of lIeu WuUuitnit of Euroe ,
- - - . . - , -'a ' , - s
' - -
_ - - -
- - - - - -