_ - - - - - - - . ; - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - . - - - - - - . . - - - - - - - - _ _ - - - - - -------v-- , - . - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SI THE iAILYBEE-MAIIA _ , TUESDAYAUt.ui it. ioo , . . a' You 11 Lf1Ac\ ( \ ! A TIME , TROUBLE , MONEY . . 4t . If on bU ) ) OUV , , & PROVISIONS , . . . , , . _ _ -r - ; irA.s ! - , 0 F- , PctT ¶ PEL cc 10 Mam ztntl 17 l'carl Street , Council Ifluil's , COUNCIL I3LUFFS 1AILROAD TIME TABLE. Tha fo1tcnIn to thotIwof nrrhal nnl 1cjirtlre 'of traIii frtun thu li'cal The traIiu statt froii the Union I'ciflo depot zilout teti tihnitei carlkr than bIow tate4 , nid srri o t the Lepo ahout ten mn'te ; later. t1'raLiil ; oil Ilne nnil K. C. run on Chlian t tine , hfttt hour fatcr than local. VahaIi trnii run mi St. Liiit tIme , twenty tntnitte tter than lo'ml. U. P. lmIIl Ltiicmilu trmtii riiii on Couiictl ltlmtt time. culcAmlo , hOCR isi'D AcD I'ACiiC. 1)cliart. ) .rrivc. Atlantic I . . .5:30 : p. tn. l'aeltlc i : . . . . . P:4 : l.x : nut Mimil ' . . .OIJ : in. K'e aimmi Malt . . 6i : p. in. Des 3loinemia , . .7lratn. : lh's MmIiie no. .6.l p. In. ( iIIC.GO , IIILIIIION AM ) qVISCY. Ielemrt. , rri % C. Chlc.mRo . . . t:3p.iii : , I ( ntitiall IlittT cx. . . . . Mail anil l' . . ii Mall nn I ; ' ' . . 7 :00 : ' . in. cliIc.uIo mmml uRTIi'r.4Txim' . 1)el1.rt. /mrrIe. Atlantic l'I . . . . . : l ! ii. iii. l'adflc ) xt . . . .Thl rm. ni. Malt and i : . . . . . .ii a. in. Mall aiim ! Ex . .11:15 : , . in , ACcoin ( ) . . . . . : p. in. Accmnii ( Moti ) . . :45 : p. in. iAAM City , B ? . .IOH AMI coU\ciL R1XIFS , , ' . - ii liepart. Arrhe. Mail nnmt 1x..0:55 : r. . in. ) xpree . . . . . . . p. in. m Exjrc , . . . . . . . . 1' . iii. Mall and l. 11:45 : p. in. ioi i'ACiiiC. flelart. A rise. Overtanil ie..I I : .O ii. in. Overlftnll 1 . . . 4 tX ) p. In. Lincoln t . . . . .11:30 : a. in. lencr ) l . . . . . :1k : ) ii. Iii. Deiivcr 1x..7:1)0 ii. in. Ltemml E. . . . . . .O30 ; a. in. L0e41 . . . . . . . . 7:25 : a. in. " i : . . . . . .DO n , In. Emigrant..5:21) : ) ' . in. ' l . . . . . .0:00 : it. in. VMRSIi , lIT. LOUiS AI ) 1ACI'iC. ) Deart. rrire. C fall rmnml . . . . . : x. In , Mall anti } 'c.'O ' . iii. ' Omnnon Hall . . . . . . .O i. in , Caimnoii Ikill. .11:03 : a. Iii. .m ilIoU CITY AD I.Cli'iC. Depart. Arrive For S'.onx City.7:55 : a , ill. Friii Sloii Clt 6tO : p. in. ForF.mrtNlobrara Frill Fort Niobnmra Neb..7:5ta. : ni. . . . . . . . . ' : . in. For St. l'aut . . . .7:40 : p. in. I Frum St. l'anl . .8:50 : a. ni. ChICAnO , MIIWAUKIII { AND imi. PAUL ! , eaem Oiiiaha. ArIvee at thiiaha. ! a11 aiid Ex . . . . 7:45 : i. ni. I Vaelflc 1e. . . . 9:45 : a. in. Atlantic Fe. . . . 3:40 : p. iii. Mail aiim ! E. . 7:25 : p. iii. AU tratiii daily. chicAno , M1LWAIJKIIII AND MT. PAW. . Lcavemm Council lItuiT. Arh es Council limiTs. ? .Xall ant F. . . . ' 92t ) a. In. Mall aiidEx. .6:55 : p. in. : AUuiittu . . . I:15 : p. iii. Atlantic Ex. . flOtO : ii. in. . COUNCiL IIMJFIM AND OMAhA * ITKI'.F.T RAilWAY. Leo Council limiTs. Leave Oiitaha. I in. 0 a. In 10a.m. 11 a. $ 8 a. in. 9 a. in. ba. In. ii In. 1 p. in. 2 p. ni. 3 p. In. 4 it. in. 1 in. 2 p. in. 3 p. ni. V. ifl. t , 1. fli. C p. iii. I 4 p. in. 5 p. iii. ti p. in. Street care run half hourly to the Union l'acifla .dcpit. Oim Sunday the ca hcglii their trips at 0 o'clock a. Iii. , and run regularly during the ilay at 0 , 2 , 4 , b , suit ii mm' clock , and run to city tlnic. m Pi LUllS PAPER WIIIIEIIUUSB , Glraham Paper Co. , 217 and 19 North Main St. , St. Louts. WhOLESALE flEALEItS IN I1oom , ) rw . . ( WRITING , : E\vs , f .t , l WIIA1'l'ING tNVELO'E , CARl ) IiOAttD AND PRINTERS' STOCK , , trcaclt Paid for Rags and I'apcr S ck , Scrap Iron anti Metals. l'apor Stock Warehouses , I20 to 1227 orti ) Sixth troet. inay24-3m : ? IRON AND SLATE ROOFING. 4 . 0. SPEJHT , PROP. ' , 1111 Douglas St. . Omaha , Ncb. 1ANUFAURER OF Ca/vanizeci Iron Cornices , TDormcr Wiimowg , Fintals , Tin , Xrnii and Slate ltooflii Siicelit's patent Metallic Skylidit , l'atciit amijuitcil Ratchet lIar and liracket Siicliii. I am thc general agent for the above hue of gook. Iromi Fcncimm , Crebtiligs , Ilaltistrades , Veranilas , Iromi Bank 1taliiiip. , WIIItIOW Itliiids , Cellar Guarmis : ako general agent for I'ecrsomi & 11111 latcflt Inside Blind. Health is Wealth ! . - . Dr. K C. Wcd' Nerpo anti Brain Treatment , guaranteed Fitcetfic for Il3tmtcria , DizztnessConvul 810111 , I'tts , Nervous Neuralgia , Ilealacho , Ncrvoua . . Prostratioii caused hx time uo of alc hol or tobacco , "Valcfu1nebs , Memital Depression , iltcmming of the Ileatim , resulting iii lusamitty omit trailing t , , misery , .dccay aitti death , l'reinaturo old Age , Barremuiess Loss of iser iii eltitor sex , Imivolmimitary Lese 8itcrmnatrri ) caimsetl by oer exertions 1 brain , imelf.abmwo or over.lmolulgcmice. lacli 1 talus imito mnnmmtit's treatuiemit. I.OO a box , .r bsxes for 5.OO. temit by mmcmli itreltalil Wi receipt h price J . ' , . . WF GUAI1ANTIF SIX a--- . To euro any caso. With each order received by u br cix boci aecomnlammteml % mjtli S.QO , nunliiimeiiml the purcliaer our written guarantee torefumiti tue mooney It time treotmnemit does not affect a cure. Gimaramlteov isdueti emily by C. 1' . ( JOOIMAN * in&o WI Drmw tbt Oimuiha Ncb DR , FELIX LE BRUN'S x P1tEVENTIVE mNI ) CL'lt } . : FOR EITHER SEX. l-'flibi remedy being lnjecteil directly t ( , the heat 'time I1lcabo , requirc no change of itiet or miaumeoum ntcrciirial or polsotmoti , inciIicimie to ho takemi titter. , ally. SIteii UbtA R5 a pruventio Ijy elthr sox , It I inmpoihlu to contract aiiy irivato ilmicase ; but 10 tIm , c.ao , tf thooc already unfortunately attlicteti no guar ontee three biC5 ( to cure , or we vitl relummi ti , Imiolicy. Price by mail , lugo itaid , 2 I'tr iom , 0 tIrctm , bses ( mr , ; wfllvTIN : GU.1t.NTIF Issued by all authorized aemmts. Dr.Felix Le Brun &Cc soii : I'IUI'itlElOIIS. C. I' . Uo.inmat , , IJrtiglot , 13013 . % emmt , for Omnalma Ieim iiiO ) % si . _ I BELLEVUE COLLEGE. ( Under the care of the I'remmbytcrlan Syimo4 of Nm imasIa. Ikgiti Sestuinber itith , Ciabolcal an iIvlemmtitlo courses witii ProjUrt0r3 dcmmartrnc.rt ; atsi Mmiical anti Art IepartlneHt , all iptIi to lotl , i.Cx Tumlion loW. I4lcatlmi beautifUl .iitI tiemiI tilut. Uiil nine inil from Ommialma on the Ii. B. ii. II. A dress for circulari , L'IIOY. W. J. JIOLUIAN. Bell , vile , Nob. jyi5.es1 rn&e&w2mu - : ] : ; Wji : human body eired , delelopoti * nd ttentheimet .tC. Is andlnterestiimg athertisememit long run In cc flaTter. In reply to Inquiries we wtU way thM thee iiot1Jtiice .tlnuobugboutthIL On the ocotrar the .4reetlaerl are very highly Indorsud. Intmirvet : RI 10A7 get .e2eJ tlrcUlA ( . giring sU p&rt1cul ; drv.,1nII FJS MCdk.1 Co.PO.ttoz iL Muil&Ii L Y.1'.4iJ Iilll.Z7 CURE ORO PAY. Mineral Springs ! s.e giarantco time cure of tim ftt1loilmmg imaiueI ill , . eae , or mm tiny : ltlmemmimumtimii , Scroftmli , Ulcer , , Oa ttrrI , , all liIil ammil S1fu , lmecncs , flystcit , l.h or ( ' 01111 iaimit , l ilmcy , mumi lilatitler liaca.cmm ) , Uotit , Ncu. taIia mmtt Aet tuna. 'limOel ) ii1rlmg , are time fiuorito reqirt of time tired muitl mieliiltated , aimmi arc ttm Fceliu laties' bct friend. ( looti I Intel , Liu cry amuti litimlmi aceommmmiilatlomi. Locality highly pictureqtmc mmtI healthy. Correpomideimetu otleiteI. . ' . , Idresi hwy. M. B. TIIOM1'SONManagor. Siioamm , , Geittey Co. , Mo. REAL I ESTATE AGENCYIT BeMorif &Souer OFFERUBAIIGAINS IN Business Property , Residence Property Suburban Property. . IML'ltovEI ) ANIUNlMl'1tOViD Land.s Omaha I AND Farms in all Parts f Nebraska. \VE hAVE A ItANOII 01 ? : LD a .4..crotc'1t.ac1 \vhIICII wi OFFER AT A LOW PRICE I WITh A Rall at'cora1 Thallsall Acres. BEDFOIID & SOUEIt , 213 S. 11th Street. - - XXt7xL VAPOR COOK STOVE I 'rho I'ioncer amid only Vapor Cook Stove that h btootl time test 01 years amid given cmtlro , amid .ierfa .atisfactioii , Over 100,000 Now in Use I Now Patent Hull Ovon. Patent remimovabte auth hrmterchangemmlilo , Jet Orifice , remiderimig our burners immdcutrmictihiu. ow One Vale. Ilmmrmier cii two New Stoucs. Now Safety Ituseruoiz. Fur mmummiimmer limo these btllucs are timdipensabl. . Fur terms to nemmts. ric list and catalogue , Admiresi 4 hULl1 YAI'OIl STOVI CO. , is 26.dm&e 2in.wlOt CloelAnd , 0 , BEWARE OF COUNTERFEIfli r ± = : k Au excellent apetlrIig , tonic 0 oxtjimiItu flavor , 1:0W : ustit over tim : :1 uviOlto worimi , cmlreb xi : IIariiria , , i'over ar.tl Aguoamm't al . .i1 dimurdemsoithi' Ilgestlvo ) Organ. . , , 1 . Scwdil'l8 ' lm'art , ' a ( iUilCliii Iivor to a giass'h ' ctlam3mpagilO , aim ' 1 .1 10 all uniimier drinks. Lii It , bu . ctj bewaruolcountereltmi. Ask yell I. T 1 grocer or ( iririst , ( or time gumiulim d r :1 article , inanutgcturc.d by Jilt. , J , , -i th1 [ (1. 13 , $ IlUEItT 'i : tONtl. Jo i , YUPEHMAflH , Sole 5eI , : 1 ; ' : ' : ' Y. McCARTHY & BURKE UNDERTAKERS ! ii 28 14TH STREET , BET. FARNAI a , AND DOUGIsAB. . - . SVlt IiA1lZ TLX. ' , % 'oiiite'rt'iiI SItrtem Abmuiti itchii ( Inmiemi IIIiLCglimttti1gVittel'ThItt Tue Texas ipors are reviving tliewoii. tkiuti1 stoneR iii Vogue se'erl years two fluoflf the titirnettlous iropoltit.s of th0 WateN tif Sour Imiko. Thu Now Ilieria Sttgar.I3owI limi siniio very intcr'sihig ( statellIetIts b&ittt this lake , front i1iiek we inmtko uxtrmtcts : OrigiiitIIy : this vns hut a lake , bt a iiiarsliy 1)0t ) , ill t1tt centre of whicli WElteR' CthIStlUhtI' atttI , the gas nlwaym buliluluig to the surface fiiit tititioral beds lt)1iW. ) I ( ) ec1iido the surface watermoul allow tlio reliiaiitihig waters to ho ChargCl with the gases , the origitial ovlitmrsuiahIy years ago , iiiclmised about 4)110 acre with a lCV'C , flitd 1' ( liggitig out the centre , throwing tlio dirt iii ottO hue , formed a circuIr , iiuiuiid or island. 'l'liu vttteri avermege aliotit. tliret , feeL III de1itlt , the bottotii beiiig s'ery firm , vit1i an inch or tvo of iiitiil deliosit. 'l'Iic vhoIo surface ( If thu lake , as well its te muijacetit lilarsil , is ( totted with gas jets ColistdlttIy Coiiiihlg to thu stirfmtco. ' [ 'his gas burns freely , om being ignited , mit. the ititl llivs , it out \\'Iieit cmdli'ctocl by an iitvertc'd tiii caii , in the bottom of which a utile has becit hunched , it Inittis like ordinu'y : city gmt. I ii the (107011 velIs are wut'rs of vitriotis slutdcs of color , but the hilust acid took n.m if milk Itaut lieii poured iii , and are so flue,1 with sedinieiit stat elimirged with iniltermils that they have a strong , atrihi. gent , taste. i'hio intul baths have 1rven ery beiicficial to mtiatt' invalids , ittid eslCdiafl ) ) ' thtoseafihicteti vitIi thietiiuimitisiu , jmiimc1'sis : or ctitaiieoiis diseases. 'Ilic lettichit usually coats his body or the tlfletctl hart. rithi fresh inumi , elrawii froni the bottom of ticu gmts.ehiaigctl vmttcmrs , over which the bathi.rocuins have 1ICCII ltliIt. After this he bathes iii the waters muid feels me actiso of nitusumil refreshi. mont. iu.turv : Mun. In soiiiu imlaces in the 'iciiiity of the lake a vei' fine , tenacious iiitnl is found , which , u'hien applied to the face and allowed to ( try , 5(1011 ( removes all frecides , blotches , piiiii1es , etc. lie some places we smt iinul the surface of which himtd a crystallized substance upon it front gas tvliich forced itself up through cracks in the ground. A SALT WELT , , Or spring , was TIItiiy years ago discovered in the marsh seversi huiidrcd yards east of the lake , tuid at tunes it hits becit utilized to iiiakc salt. A nian afflicted with lepro vulgaris , a lighuL form of leprosy wiichi ) is iitit coiitngious , who Caine lucre a lucre skeleton , and being doiiied Lice privilege of using the hotel baths , located iicar the BaIt vcIl and by daily bathing in it , he is now a strong , healthy iiiati , apparently free front mthl taiiits of this dread disease. I1UItNINO TIlE S'ATEit. Last week Capt. Francis , of New Or- JULIuS , as an expcriineiit , took a lot of No. 7 , the istroiigest wmttcrpoiired a simiall ( ItimuiltitY of liquid chloride of potash into it , and it bunion freely and consumed or evaporated all the water , leaving a nuiim- oral deposit. A wide subterranean water-shied from the liguito bed siipllies time Sour lake region - gion Vithi its bituimuiiiouis iiiateriais. 'l'hierc arc lakes , spriilgms aiicl vells over a coim- siclcrallcm , of country in I Iaimliic of various ImIiiucctl ceustitiieiits. In the imlain they are composed of bitiuimicim , toil- plmmcto iitni mend. ahunina , chilorule of so- diuiii muid niagnesia. 'l'lie nborescciit iron , alum tumid seine free imaseeiit siil- 1uluiric acid cotmubimie to give time water mmimd earth aroiinml mc sour , styptic taste. These mule the most important hitnuninous waters lit our state , and time addition of ciialbe- atie and saline 1)roPcrLies , also time eff.irv- escilig carbonic acid pertaining to seine of its wells , render it a iimost. wimolesoinu resort for invalids afluicted with almost any iiiid euf ( lisease. These springs and wells aimouit time lake are certain to ciiio (1ysJcsia iciuil all diseases of the stmtnacim , kidneys , liver muid bowels , i'hmeuiiiatisnu , gout amid female diseases ; also , skin din- eases , ulcerations , etc. Time earth about the shores tumid from time imtioimis of soimic ivella are mISC(1 for ; mlllicaiiomm ) ittl and coohiii' } ) ouIltices. This m'einarlcablc 51)JL , situated in time southeast portion of Ilardin county , 'rex. , wa jirat discovered bj' time liidimmiims , nearly a century tto. They voro tiwim 1mm the habit of canipiiig ii ? its vicinity for about six weeks during every sprimig and fall , for time l)11i)050 of treating tlmcnm- selves for nil iiiiumllcr of diseases , womimmds mmcl immfmrmnitics pecmmliar to ii savage life , aiid also UsCl time vaters , time tar amid tim mud to cicaimso timeir poimies of ticks amid vermnhii , tUftl for time cure of their sore- iacked niid jmnled imommi..s. Timoy vaimmed these imigrecliumits so iiigimly timat timoy hued their leatimermu PmiCimes witim tiioiii , amid always carried tlmcmn on their reguiar rail ilmt ( ) 1\Icxicm , . Later omm , whmcii time white mmmcli had killed or crowded timutim omit of their iiummtiimg gm'oumuls , a few of time tribes , knowmm as the ' 'Coushmmuttas" aimd the ' 'lImed-Eyes , " remmnmiimeml mmml eel- iiizeil 1mm l'olk county , where timero is m'cim how nit Indian village , nituttcml 'vritliiii twelve mimiiea of Tdarimiin : , nit time Trinity jiver. 'l'imis voimmlcifui imko : hmmts imeen tue resort - sort fom' mimammy ycams of mc civiiizerl pope- iittiomm , but still rotaimms tot tuspect amid femi- tmmau of a immmtural inborn tiny , tecimmihig vitim wonderfmml waters fhowiiig front timim. toemm dihl'emcmmt sprimign , excelled by mie other waters jim time world iii timoir emmmt- : tivo 101(1 commmservativo jiru1mumties. 'J'hu mice alibrds Limo most delightful batimiimg , studded an it is with streaumiiig gas jots , nimil imoldimmg in soiimtiomm about fifty pem cent of fico Sihi1)hiumIie ) aciii , 1)esidL's aiuommt Ciiual prImrtimmu time tmulpliatcn of iron amid himime , miimmgmicsia , niuimmimma and a v&ml'y ammiall porcumitagu of orgahmie miimtttcr. 'l'hn ispmimigtl nimmrouiiulimig mmcl muljacoimt to the lake simms' 18 difremomit. 1ciimds mid , comiiimiimatioiitt of wateis timat scent to imos. a time l'r tim Irommioto goomi imealtit ) by destmoying all immaimnor of disensc , Jimnging time good of mmli its iImIhmIiritien. 't'lmtiy ame tim iiidispimtahio mmmiii hIrlnpt iii ocifie fem all formimi of dyspepsimu. 'I'imey immce mlevelo1ed tue lmrhcrty ) of mcstorimm time umteiiime fmtiictioiimi 1111(1 gei.mmcily . ntimmm imlatimmg time omgmiis of gem memmm ii iii lmti sexes. Au ; umimuisims of ommo ga 'him of theism waters , zimado JIm tue zimomithi of July ShmiS'ed free msumlpii ii tie mcciii , , 2 ; smil jmiut , e tmf ilmihi , Ii , 92 ; suipi iii u of i mimic ti. to , ; I imagim esia , 1 .20 ; mu i miii i mitt , 7. I , , immt ( mimi' 1.23 f oignimicinmm..tem' . 1 ( .tiING 'I'IIEI II QIJELJII. ( l'ivs ( Iihimip.i CImvhml , , tiiiJe- , liii Sii . 'mi rim ) Iommi .1 .1 ii . i I . . A 'l'rcimtomm ( N.J . )141eeial ) , to tutu Ntn YorL Jicrabi 4ays : Five Chinese convict arrived at time state prisomm to.day from ! 'ntoromm , wimcrtm they vero sOImtoncwl t r term of ommu . 'ar each or $500 fine fi I , assault witim intent t , kill oimo of timel fehlow.couutrymmmcrm , Lung l'oy , bocaum lie reduced tim price of laundry wor 'l'lmoy reached the vri5on tluriimg time fem 5 flOOfl Ill c1urge of Sheriff Cox. Each the coimyictim hind a copy of thu No ' 1'estuiiToi1t r'1l1t0l in Oldimeso in his ( ) % hmichm timoy smtl : 1usd been givehi to timoimi by thmeum Simnday scimool touchier iii l'ntomsomi , Omio had a $ ti huh , rmimotimer GO centi in curremicy , ahiltiiet a peiikimife , aimd scraps of nimil hu'iu ' books were foumid in time of nil. nil.Ai ; 50011 fli timey hiatt liecim searchmemi they vemo imrnrchmetl to time barber shop. ahmi ( ) ( liriglutest of the lot , acted as i mmtvrhimeter. I I C n1u0ko pmet tm. fair 1tighisim. .ms 50011 115 lie tiit' i'.irbom vitlm time shmenis he lhmev what. vns c''moj'm' ' at mul i ii sumi , ml icat lug vord S imO i imatal wmtim thmo keeper that. thmcmr mhumemn.s mmmigimt lie sascul. 'l'iio euhl'icial informed huiiim hint tiit'r tip- meimdngcs lutist. be cut. air : time rules of fimo im.isomm , mmiiulu that requiremhioimt it SimuS Imms fmiumlt. h lint it sian so , hut time itiw imeist lie ohieycd. ' 'NoW , ' ' said llimass.rtv , ' 'time best timing fomtiii to do is km ihimiit , m1tuetiy , auth say no moore about it . ' Aimd t lici Ccle..mtial utimi not say aiutlmer siid. S.umt Fey was the lirst to take thit' ehimim : ; himt quoumiT SIlL'S ctmt ( , t1 and his imeaul il t.mmiy simaveti. 'I'lmo sevorcl nmjtemida& . was lined .d t o t lie ii cepor , yi memm thum ( 'Ii jima. 1111111 asked huint if imo vou1ul limit h,1 , it safe ummmtil ime sins disolmargeul , itS I lutim 1w would like to imavo it retumriid i ti him , I . Certaimmly , certainty , " saul ? tl i Lism'm : t y ; ' I I vih1 see that it is kept safe fiti ii. " 4 1HhJUI. ) of 1)iuher wmtim time o\rmm'rA iililii. lUr- ' ' ( ) mmtt' -svus , pi mmmied to i tether t other four eommviets siere stibjeci md I t lie snub ordeal , mind their qummtmes iseri tmmamk. ed iii time annie svny. 'I'lmo keepem lumit time queues muss-ny iii a safe iiitice. 'Pin' Celestinis isemo trctited tu a huthi , meiiul olujecteti to aim ) ' ommo heimmg ; mit'.seut while t hey veuu takimig it. After thmiu they donned time lmisomm gamli-.a st I shirt mmd trousers , with mimic red muimil titti otimer hmlack , P.hil 1urisomm-mmmnmle shmmues. 'l'hey were immmmreiicd back to thit' clerk's culhice , wimemo they were iegistereml , weigimed , msimtl a ( desi.riptiomm of emicim btkemm. Their naummes , ages , iveiglmt mmd stature are mtn follows : Sam 1cy , ill ycams , lOu I , feet 8 inches ; Semi \\'tthm , 2.i years , 118 iiouuimcls , f fect lm inches ; Iloy Dock , 10 yearn , 121) ) Imolimmuls , 6 feet S imicimes ; Moy Wimig , 22 l2l : poummmds , Ii foot 8 incites , mumd i\loy Timim Yomm , 22 years , i33 ltoiimmils , 5 feet I ; inches. All are single niemm with tIme oxeelmtiomm of l\loy \ \\'iimz , wimo lets a wife Ltmul two cimiidreim itt Cimimia. 'l'imiy will all be communed iii omme cell , by special licrmmiissioii Of ( lie keeper , jim omder flout. time ) ' immay comiverse together iii timoir owmu lmtimgumagc iumtl immako inmosvim their wuimts througim tlmeir iittemprotcr , Smumi Key. Dmmmimmg time omitire ordeal to wlmicim tile ) ' were simhjected they comubmeted timeitm- sels'es in mi s'om'y oxommlliitm'y Imlammhmum' , timid left the immipression that time ) ' would timmmm omit to be mmmdcl prisoimeis. Tiwy arc time lirat Chtimicse ctmvieth user received at timis prisom. Fish ANI ) SNtiCE S'I'OltY. Hattie 13mmticemi it l'ieke'rel timid m ltiuttleu4lin.ke In JUlio ltiiiigi' Iamtlcm , , STIoummsmmuIum , l'a. , umg. t-Tih1o ) ltaimge hake iii mc ceiebratel , resort for pickerel hishmermmion jim thus couimity. A party from this place wome hitmhmimig there a few days ago. 'J'oisaid cvemmiiig mc splash. immg amid coniimiotiomi sins seomi imm time'inter about 01113 Ittimicliecl 3'LilH frommm simuro , A botL 'liliS towed omit to time s1ot. , 'lime caimse of time disturbance was a mstriiggio lietweemi a large pickerel : uimd mc rattle- simmke. ; 'l'hie pickerel html time smmmmko he- twecim its jmtws , hns'imig eizcd it niidsvmiy luctweoim its imeLl ; amid rattles. 'l'lmu smmnke 15mm at. mc great dismtds'miimtmmgc. iecaimmm time fisim vmts at home miiider time uatom' , meal time imiomuieitt time simake vas iimmhieil bciicmtthm time , sumrface its power wus gone. 'lime light. secimmed to liii 811 ehlrt. ohm time jiaci of time simake to keU1) its imeal omit. of iiatec' , mmd me dclermninatiomm cii time lmmmrt of time pick- erci to ( liaW it would be victimmu iitulct' time ratcr mind ( Irowhm it. 'lime mmmiak was of ummumsual sic , 1111(1 iltS immure thmcmm time l'mmdm eOUll cu'ry ; ofi' bodily. 'l'hio combat. mmots seemimeul to pay no attemution to time silecimitois jim time bomt , wimicim iimmil 1)00mm lOWel to witimimm timree foot. of timumim , 'l'lmo water was covered with Imlood , all of wimicim lleCImiC(1 to imave beuim simemi 1)3' time snake , \Vimemi time hishmerlmmehm saw timmmt time hiiclerol voimid Comuqiio [ ' time simmike 1mm a simort tiimmo , elmo of timemim drasi' hits revolver ammd simot it , time ball passimmg timroimgic time simnku's body at time smuimmo timmmc. 'lime rat. tier imad cvidehmthy st.artml to awimmi mccioss time hake , auici time pickerel , mmotwitimstaimd- 11mg time groat. sii.e of time serpoimt-umve feet. loimg , as big aroumimd lit time immimhulejtim a maim's wrist , amid imami titirtuemm rattles- imad seized it for imis slipper. Time 1ick- crel woigimed five poummds. - , Iituagemmmemml oI Gem'immmim Itmchhsvmyn , I'.uil Mail Garette. Laxity ut time coimmitict of railways by s1mte ohlic'mmtlis , especially i'russiaum , ivoimid ma hmmore 1)e toicrmitetl thmaim laxity eu time field of battle. 'limo mmiommey spout. mm mail- ssn'H I ) ) ' time Germimmum goverimmmmohmt is imimo of time few immstuimces of actually lrmlitmchhu ) reprod mmctivo state expommditmmmc14. Cim icIly svumted fem strategutical pmm'msos iii timmmo of si'mcm' , himmeti are mmos'crtimdiess worked cmi coimm m mmerciul pr mmci , tL1n iii tiii i en ( If j1eLce. .r OCOil I its ate iimmhil isim cml ci tim e I'm vu I iOu ti is eiidcd si'itim Almi ) ' imist , froimi wiikii it. mcp. umomirn tiimmt. time commmhimmed , rniiwmcya Iii' ( ice- immaimy had gross tmaIhie m'cceiptmm of 172- (100,000 Immiucs , cm' imearhy 1 9,00tOJ ) ( ) ( imtei'liimg , imeimmg itt time mute of , Ltfl,00iJ,00J ( lId' nhmimmmmmm ; amid time immcmensu cii lust. ycam for time use mmioimtims is 711,000 , ci 3j cent. If this rate of pmcmgress coimtimmmirs time earlier time gos'ommmmmwmmtn of Ourmmmtmm : ) hmmy imp time ii'imolo 5)'BtCmmi tiit.s iuttor imm vestineiit. time rniimoals vill lie , fir flu iimmcs arc lie source of loss as it. is , 00(1cm state coimtmoi , % 'hll ii It'nhI3' 0111(1 Ithieiuimimuiliemm ? \ru muimswer , Imtmmur hmIgimt , It. isill cure chine mmmmetlsmmm , mmmiii timmi suieremit mautmn tin , , D //fliuC' , 1.kt'h' Oil Wa4 NimuclmuiY Ii ii' thu rhmemmimmitiu , : mimil laummo , Nmtlci , lettem froim m timu Peohlin rtmiatlvt , to Its mim em I tmm I mm mmcmri cvem.y hihi'r ' I I I time coiimitrv. . . - - - % ( ) lilli' ( ( iiittOIhhitl lou , , N . V 1memmiiig I'ii41 'I'hmo eoimsohiiliitiotm ( if time New immgicim : I tOl ojil liii tO comm m 1' ' I Iiti , i mpomm iviiat. is cmed ) ibly nisurted to ito a hugely ' 'wmmtuicd cmuiiitnl ( if $1 ( ,000,00 ( ) foieslmadui's ! mm mmml lojich ) ' m3m m m m i imr ; to t I m \Vestoii m I ) mm i ci tciegm mmiii m eel iii iiimiy , RI iii cimaractcriv.cl , h I time sammme dismugamd of pmiimiic iumfcre8tt 'I'Imm. , , iicy ( JI Limo imoider of time Boil Itmit Pimoimu lmatemmt , vlmichm st ill Join lou cievumi years tim nih , is well kmmuw ti ) ho aim cimtireiy Heilibim ( IIIQ , 'J'imcy ' reject miii immijiruvemmiumits iIjOJI timci iimstrmmmmmomit. , thins depriving time public I thmeim bemeifit. Soimw of those mmmc of gremi salute , like that which makes hmonrimmg V bug distaimecs lmimi1t10 , amid heady till is thieiim woimld lmlul ( to time mitefuimmess of tii ii temlepimmimme its a nmeamms m.f immstmmmmtnneom 4) comnmnummmieatioim , 'J'IIU cciipaiiy refuse I r tecogimize Lilly iimdont'ity butwectm time r immtcrcts amid those of their patrons , au 0 their obstimmae iiiay ultiumatehy load I L such a ciunmigo mn ommr patent. laws as wi 3- make recognitiomi of valuable ilnumrov if nmemmtis mmiucim iiuicker than it. can imo lv PreBoImt , 1O'ut ITlMS , 'I'imo government. sihl dredge 1)tiliutmiimi' harbor $11,000 womtli , Patemmi stoume siuluivaiks is time luresent. nmamia of 1)es ? 'loimmes. 'limo CII ) ' assessor of Dmmliu,1uo , etimrned I 'lnou,8to ) 'a1uiation , Missouri Valley exIlects S 100,000 worth of lniiithiimg l'ettt'mmiiemmls ' this year , 'Vito Itandoiphi itccimd was ssvalinseit ii P i Ii t lie vimim'i Poi ( If dull tiimmes , 'l'iio woven wire works at. 1)umhtmquo ale mtmerciusiimg thou' facilities fom' uloimmg lutist- hess , 'l'hmo'abashi iti gradins for a lirnmmclm frommm Atlantic to leuvis , timrouglm Cess cml ti it t . ! - ) \emuiigimiim , , ( If Council Bhiitt , m plnimtimmg a grove ( If I I crmhics iii l's ? IhuilicS. A ,1 etrerson symmthicnto is shmippimmg ti,00 ( ) hmt'mul ( if cattle to ' , lomitmuma to foumid mm stock rtumcim. A limistotIlee immahiectom' irns lim'tim sommt to Sioux City tO investigate ln.m cinitmms to fiec mmmnit ticimsery. 'l'hmoimmns Ttlerelitim , , of ttamime , was miuhihied itt Atlantic ommlommilny imight of ithu simiteim tumid l flOtt ) ) in mmotes. 'i'imem'e are tIOS ! cimililten ommeohled iii time scitoohi ( if Omestoim , aumil time loctul statisti- cmii tigumees omit a piulimimtiomu oh 8,000. Atlaumtio immis closed a coittrnct. with tim Iuick I siammd iti lemmaul coiimiai I ) ' ( ( ii' htmL. I immg iii ivatt'r sorks to tuipphy thi ) towmt. 1)imuing time 1nimimrmiies jim ht'ti 1uimies imist. Satuiday , tlto I'mglmt of time fmtctiomms l.its so hot. that. time mila'or ( , mlerc'l tim sitloomms closem ! to lRttVCimt troumble. \itti Aimmhiummgim is tmavchimig by ssimgoim thrmummglm I ho ii , mcli iemi m cm umi mties si i Lii it ( miii' C i meums , a fcuiv nmtimmmtis : , tumid aim imimequmahl i'd gttmmg of nivimmuliers isimo wom k time stmcet crowd , i'itiss Aulmi ilroo1s , of lcs lloimmes , mul- veu't.isea tO tic lmimtimm or tlecormttis'u m0m' Immtmmgimmg , mumd yet thmumo mime those whim lueiies'o that svomimnmi's siiheme is teuiu coim. tracted , 'l'lmo la.stc brigade umf llmurett.'s cimeums gave a iium'frmiimmmmco iim Cri.'stomm for time of mm whisky luottie. Cmsrvimmg kmiives isero freely used , and time show omided iii the jug. 1)tmbumqmme comimity 5leiml3 ) ahiotit $18,000 ' ' ' relief. 'l'rammsiemtta 1101' ) 'emti' on poor mimmtke mimost of Limo eximeimmue. ( ) mme of time svomiIomm receis'immg help is a ( lesccmulahmt of a vresklcmit. of time Ummito..l . States. 'I'Iio t.wcimt.y-liftim mummmumnl fair of time I Imirrisoim county agriemmltumal society imihl be hell mat Ttlissemuri Valley , 'l'uiesdmmy , \Vedimcsdmty amid 'I'imursday , Septcmmmber 18th , lttim ) mmd 20tim , 1883. An mmttmmtc. Live aimd 1mrotitubio uircmmiiumumm list imas hecim nrrammged for farimmors , imorscmmiemm aimd busi- imesmu mmmcii. 'J'iiu Bmu nckmmowicdgcs Limo receipt. of an imivitntiomm. lhiomme river last. ircok got on a tear , imp mmortim. Time mmmmmil carrier fromim lluimmmommd \Vrighmt cuummmty nttcimiptcd to cross time liver mmear Rcummvick. 'l'ime water hmmul risen (15Cr ( thu roalsi'ay ; time cmmrremmt. was sis'ift , tumid time lumm'mm's were cmu'iicd ( ill time guide aimd dmowmmml ; time cauihige um1msot nhml ( time immmmil sacks sm'cro swelit (1ilvhm ( time , stmcaimi , bumt. imcie rccvclel ( time imoxt. ( liLy. Oimo smick coumtmmimmcd. mm inistal card emily , time other sack comitaummed no Li m immg. iowa slate fmtim' at 1)es I'tloimmcs frouim August 81st ti , S mptcmmmber 7th , 1883. i\loimlgommmem'y cdliii ) ' fuii' , at. Ited Ouk , A migumat 28th , 2lIthm , 3Otim amid 31 st. l'Ot.- taim'attnimmia coummmty fair , at Commmmcih Iflumfms , Seimtommmhiem 10th , 1 Itim , 13th : uml 1lti , 1\lommomma commiity ( mmmi' mit. Omiamva , Septemmm. 1)01' 2itim ( , ti7tlm niul 2Stim. Omawfortl coummity fair mit 1)unisumm , Sojtemmmbcm I Itim , 12th amid 18th. Simelhmy coumtmty fmcir , at. Ilmcmiamm , Soptemimber 2Utim , 27tim , 28tim niel 27th. Immitsimmucim as the tlmreshuimmg mseasomm is at. imammul , time foiiowirmg sectiomi fionm time comic of iowa is is'ortimy of a camcfmil purmmsmml : ' I f ammy pomsoim muim nuuy thresh m immg mmmii- cimiime imm timiut state witimiumt , iirtvimmg time tss'o leiigti is of tummimbiimmg-muis i miix t time mutt- chtimue , tugethmor with time icumuicklcs or jmtehcs of time tmmiimbiimmg-rods , safely hoxc'd , timid secumed while time immachmimmo it , ruin- Imi m mg , lie uuimahl be go ii t.y of a iii indeimmuitmuom' ammd be iummmmisimeml by a flume of miot. less mmmii' immoro Luau $50 usury day or juart. of it ( ill ) ' hut siimmil violate timium scctioui. 'l'ime Des 1\loiimo \ Nortimermm roail imas uutartel imorthmivaid to St. l'uttil aimd i.limm- . mmctmlOhiIs. ) It. him reacimed Ilimno , forty- two immiles distammt. ' 1'lmp 1)cs ? , Ioimmes , Osceoia mtil(1 Soumtiueiii is mmow in oimcrtttioum Lu , Leon , imi Decitttir cnumuity. ! l'hmu ccii- tract. wa.'s hut mmmi 'i'umesdtty for hmuiidimmg tweumt'-l'ms'u umuilon which ivihl - mmmore , wummm- jmiete it. 0 Jammess'illu , 1mm Ilarrisomi commimty , .Lfo. , 110 immiles froimu time caiiitmti1 or half is'ty to St. , J0501111. 'i'hie sm'ork us to ho ilommo before 1)ecenmher 81 . Nutct 'emtm' the roul ; siill hue I'mmmishmeml to St. .Jomsepim. .1 uuiy 2 ( aim order % i'itS c'umt frouum Iloommo IA ) time Niimtimwestum mm Staimmi. . COiiiItiIIY ) ttt. u1ihmvimuikeu ( cm' mc seni , Num. J 8 , for Carroll timimmmty tlistm'ict. commit. , to be sent. LI ) iioumo C , , (1 ( , 1) . imitimiim Lou days , as lie wuuimld momuimmin tiwmt , , imis wife luuiumg sick. 'J'lio ( iIulr ivan sigmucil ' ' \Vi I I iso mu I ymmcIm , , J r. ' ' 'l'lu , seal sins taken frimtmm time oxuumess iulhiee at I hoI i U .J ii my 28 , at ivi michi ti muuo thu e glum mm i m meVi Il umiumu I 4ymueiu , J r , , svta ; at Ioii - s'em. ' 11 Ic mvliclu trtmmtutmctioum : in fmmuidim- iuimmt. ( III time ( mmcc , alm(1 time lrolchihitics ) mtru I time semmi is to be imsed oh humiso curtihicttos , aumul all imitivi tn I m m nellie meal estate nusi mud Ic , coil mu ty 1)1111,1 , ussviuul , I e imi' tuned umlemu t do- clUe ( If comumts , iumul jmulgummcumt.s mmIImetiuug melt1 emuLate. An time setl is uvidumitly aim exact Coil ) ' of time gemm ii i mu e t lie 0111) ' 3 mu otmmmui if dtoctomm isill ho time sigimatuire of P.1u. . Jyumcim , ihmichu is u uct dii hiuiiml t. to ccii mm tci. feit. 'I 1)m' tilimlie timume muj imuudercimmitmimt of' rum S i mmm ( I itt" imetim m llomiti mmg abiutit of a uaihi'iatl V 1imoj oct of cmmmsjtlemuhiIo ; uiij iomtioiuuu , tool tim u I imm Inusi1)ii it3' of tiacm mug i t to a trtmmgi I mie oui ice , Ic , ! to time cuujuci imm4 Oil 1 I lint. I 11(1.5 iriiicipmiIy : 011 hitthIet' ummmd cimimumi'ricmtl , I I mit m t. imomy trmummslmi men Li umm t i L I m tot ( cmi mida 1 tiImi i ii fimct , 1(11(1 hits imecum kujut. else fium ( ii)5IOuilt imthOimli. ( 'i'hi U cdii 11111 my smits I mu . : emirportited iii bun iii 1mhity , 18H1 , us t.lmt La Cro4su Soimtiism'cstemuu iou ' Sill ) ( omIm L hiummy , mu md iu i ! ui i mm mi'mititii ' i ii SCj m I ummmbcr I , i timitt ycam. , Iii Octebom a COimluliilttiOii 55111 y ollicteul ummumlem' Limo Imitimmo of 1ii Crosnu , I m.ss : I. 1s ; SummtimWost(1im ( rtilway : citimujittImy , Ijuti : ' : couibiumimmg time l.a Cm.ismo . i Sommjhu I I svestcimm : utmmml the 'ii I immmcnot mc I uiiiiioi m thu mm imenturum . I I m I ( JiViL t hue Ii mm o mull 1 mumm fuem I.i ; Ulebcent1 , ) ( , Lit Ciomomu , tim I [ mm I i ; u I m time i mortimetist ccmmmer ofV \ i m u lie : shiek ccimimty ; timttmicu via flume ( hilt m Iflumfltoum , Crtmsco , Cumulus City , ( ii'ceImO : I uC1tiO ) ' , ituhlertson , I I uulhiamml mtmul uvmi ii da , hioumme ci A mimes tu 1)es Moijies. 'l'im Ii ) imumrvo' hits hiceui uumiulo to Bootto , Fret : Is this city it will mumi to sonic potuit ( ili tim 9 tmiissummri mimer imot yet detcrniimmetl , pit m bmmbly St. , Jim or Icautsami City , 'i'Iw von (1 hits been surveyed fr mni 1411 , Crsu t : ] iooumo. 'Flue wimoic road i8 to be comm Iii pluted jim two years , of tamidard o tue track of stud rail , tirt..cias In all ii Ii 0jUipluleItte. ( FURNITURE ! -THE- CHEAPEST PLACE IN OMAHA TO BUY Furniture ISAT DEWEY & STONE'S They a1wayi have tbc largest and best stock. NO STAIRS TO CLIMB ELEGANT PASSENGE1 ELEVATOR TO THE DIFFERENT FLOORS. , 14'l ( St. 1eimi Si'c hal to time hlti'mmtiliahm. \\'tsmliNuloN , Aug. 10. - 'VIto imavmml ( llhiiliiimCO ( Ilhicum'S hid winking slowly lumit. sturdy to himimig our hmeasy gtmmms tip to it mititn&hitmd eqtitil tO timose Of otimum uittioims. , 'limo gloat. mit ii miubhi mmg biock iii t imomto has Imecim time iummuhiihity of our mimammutfitettiters to tutu out. steel of time uiumaliI' mcquiti'tl tO commsl rim"1 a I'mm'st.chitss uutee't gumi. 'l'ite hidvmti isoi'ks , tufter mmuany nmiummthus of expemi then t , I ins , i t is t imutmghm t , iuiot time mcijumirumeuitui. Steel from tiueso % v.umks . sills used for time six-imich itom1m gummi smimich developed such sumprisimum.z icstmlts when te.stcd moCemiti ) ' at Ammiumilmohis. It. iTjll also him iiseml for time t11ic111 six-iumcit wire- ivoimmul niel hmuuip gtmlms snitch mire lcimig conmitrtmcl ed mut. time imimval nrseiumml lucre fm'oumi dcsigums fuurmmislmed hm Limit. IC.V. . \CUt ) . , Stiiim t cotible is bemimg cxperiemiced iii himmdimmg steel ( ii uummmke time ivire fom' time . 55. 1 ii 0-551 ) i't I I ( I t'S , Couiummmodmao Sicard is seiiuliumg imiut. let- fermi to iuiamitmfimcturcrs to eL thuemmm to mmmmtko oxlieriuimemits ut this ( lmm'ctiomm. Nosy timiit steel of time best ( uildity muf steel cmiii I me ohititimmeil fmomu imoumme mimnium factimmern , it mmuiuul > er of steel gtmmms iiihi be put together It , ; i3iOii itS iumissmhiIo. Fiftecum of time hod ) guns iuaso huecmm ordered. 'l'iio that. ommo usill be roauly to soimmi to Ammmumimohiuu hmr trial w'mtlmiui tuix ivecks. 'l'Ime.so guuims wihi nohitluiy : be umseti for time ummimaumment of time Ikeutimim mtitd Athmmmmta , litmt , mis time ) ' mmmc mmmtmcit imeaviet' than time wire-wotummd tmmms amid emimmimot lie charged as imeimvily , mt is timotughmt timmit time imtttei' will be umsed excltmsivoly iii time mmmiv ) ' iii it short. tiiime. No straimm mupucam's tia , gteutt. for timt' wire- isommiut guem. After hm'mmmg lmcav'mly eiimugel time shot could hue svcdqed imm mmml time gumr lircul v'mtimiuumL imujumm'mng it. 'l'iuims gtmmm will imot. Imo couumpietcd for soiuic timmmu , its the svorkmmtomm at. time ummivy yamd mime hioviCes ill itS comtstrtmetion ammd tOOLS , .Nl ) 1t5tullNOitS ° iseho mmiii cmi imaimtl to do time sv.uik wit.ii , 'lime iviumihimig mmmacimimmcmy timid tools mime how beimmg immmulo , tumid by the timume time3' mite ieitdy fom' misc it is imiipeol that time sm'ire smill ho ready. 1 f this gummi is I'mmmislmeul iii timmme nimil otiters ( If time sonic class cmiii he fit mmiislmcd , um ( lime hut iv i ye ss'cmimmd glints will be uiuuml for time ttrmimaiumommt of time ( Jimicago. 'l'lme steel tmmluo for time I 0 gimmi for time um mmmi timn , , wimicim is alsu buimmg mit. ' at time aimuommmui is itss'lL ' tiugetimet' , iiow oil \s'lL ) fi'oumm Euuginimd , mmuil svluemi it. nmmis'es time gimmi ivill he I'mmmimilmmmml iii a short. timmme. RAIl ROAD EMPLOYERB. 'liii' lomtiiimg hmisimmemmi mmmcmi of l'rovmtiemmcc' , ml. i. cinim- iio'o time I lmmmt'im , htemmioly (10. , mcmii they gmiztramitcu mmii totlmmiommiais lmmlJiihhlei hi % tliemim to Ito geimimlumo. 'lime foiltu , , lmig , iimuteti May 4 , iS.S.1 , frommi M r 55' . 1 1. hii.imoim. , mmcii , 1ou , oil , iiasmt , h Imit mimic itt Limo tlimmimmtmmi , remimark' milu oHm cm that are lieliig immale liy timis % immlerfml , , iimelIciie. , 5lr. Juiamriimmr'i , ' imoi. : ' ' m hmai o lcomm great. my troiiiiul , 1.mr mmi or i.ix . .i earmi witim acute klmimmoy mlisease , is ltii mmu Lru Imaimi lii imiy hack auth lmlp. I % uas ( nrmmmmmrly uimijlti oil imi Umo llottomm aimil lowell Ibil. nnu , , limit u , aM iiliigoml , CII lmmg Lii thu cimmtait , jar , to gi m cm imp the rtiilroa'l ' liiisiiiemi , as , mmamm.s' 'others imavo Iemmim , iIItrmI , , tm , iii , , mom accnmmmmt iii kidmici' ilhicase. I Imit 0 tricit itilmimy iiuiiiclmies , limit re clmef ii' , l'erimma. iment relief , A ( demiti re ommumciiIeihmmmo , , ti ) iiO Iimmiit'H ltummmcly. , I liircimaett me immittlo of cue iii our iirimg. ghts iii Iosveil , timmil commmiiemmut , , to , ii itt ( mmicO1 mmliii after imitimig two htttlcmm I uas eiilirLmy tree frmmmm mcli imaimm , ammil eisider , iii mcli elir , mh , pmmii I clieorfmiliy ruconmmcmI , , , tIlls iuoiIerfmml , , , muhicium , , , Ilmilit'S I icimmeily , tim till the , iiifercrM frimi , , kimlmimmy anti lii.r . ilimeasu" AT LIBERTY. torn Iiiiiimlorofearmi I luau ullilcted uiltim kimimmey uimI gral m I , iieaemi , numul , , miilurel , it itim l'imlms Iii immy llimmbs itimil back met timimc mm mium Cr thy that it mwcimmumt that I cmmmiml , mint eiihtmro it , I imuI m't'ueriml socmmilil cmi roe rceoimmmiiuiiileil fur tImeo mhleiei , , hut time ) ' mliil mime iii , giotmi A friemmil of mmilimmi em lii , hei , imboti I iiiiit's I ieimimal3 , mciii , ( It time lemMt ( mm , no , imrgemi nm to try it , mcmii I Iiir'imftMCti , it lmmttlu , itt 1eorgu E , I kills ii rimg store lii .Mmimeimomter , , imml Iefire , h hail imecil ( limo hiottiu I iiegmmim Li , tctl imitk'ii iimtttcr , thu mmiiims In time lmlaiiier mciii kIhimoys uero relmttmil , mm great , icnl , mmil , mmlter ioimig ll u 0 limit lets I fimmmmml , that I I iiimt'mi I iemmmcmiy lmmml mimimit , nit thmmmt it vas m ecimmimcmilcl , , , to ii , , . I t hail remimmi cii mmli thu i'aii , mimy ftlim1ifu , limmprnvuI , mmmiii I gmiiiiui several lii It 1r , urceeks ; I imavre. iii'.l , ( 'it S , mmmiii .trommgtii Irr nimo ef 1mm ) ' years (5 ( I ) , amitl I calm miimly timmtm It u io I 'rmmjmrhut.ir4 ' ( If ii limit'S I ieimm. Lily for 1mm ) g.mmc1 . i111utf it tm , liiy , amid mitt mmcc at liberty to iimmhIiim iId , thmmit it , mmis ) ' liii lime mmeamms of WIllie 4)1,0 , , , lb ) time imsO mit yomir tnmiy w omm , ierfmml rummmeI' , 55' . I I , 'I'r.mtmt il , 4tirulimOWN , N. II , May 7 , issi. : - . , - - - - - . - - . - - _ _ _ _ : DE1. : OZt1'3 'J'luitu Electric Ilolt will Cure time Fohiow ' hug lineasesrjtjtmUt , Mediciumo , I'mmIms , ii. . time hack , I I 11,4 , I Ii.aii or IiimmIui , Nru ( IU : Iebiity hliiimiilmgm ) , ( itiicritl Ilciihiity , ltimmimmurttimmi - l'arimi .h , ummralma , 14clttk4m , Imuabo .1 . I ho R ilimey : f4jlmiai Iisemeu" ! . 'i'mriil 1.1 or , ( mmmi , Smtxmmiml Eiimmmms ( him. . , iii mmmlimml , imiiahtimi. : , , .5 mtimmma , , I leart IIIcmmmo ' mm ) spe , miti , Coimt lputliimm , I , r sii elms , 1imihiivtit'ii ; I- i icrimimu or Imimitlim e , mmmstemmcy , Cmutarrim , L'iiei , le ) , jmmmmml , it gimo , III Omuhi TcimtlnionInl. S OimAmiA , Nuts. , i'lirll 12 , 1551 , . I , , , . SV J Ilommar. , l 5VmiIahi Aiemmmio , ( 'imJecgo : - lsuut i4iit I ( limO mifynmmr Eicctrlo hInts I , I ii mm icr , ( tolim. , In'uumler , I S2 , I t reitte oil time eat , I across immy kiilmmu nuil stummgtimvmmei thou. . so tint - I tIC ) gii c In' , mmru , I roth ! . , 'limo ipimmal lrritrtiom. It re lici cii hmmmimmuiliatoiy ehmti'u umothmimmg cramid immmi u doim - Your iigeimt imurim hits , ld timmim to i'artics for euim I .exiai umcalimots , umt.mmimmhila , jtaruhibl. . , stud ( mammal " iskmmeos , uvitim ut imimimi I mmiii tiogmiairmtod mumd thu ic , bmlt4 , iii each ( also Immmtrim tImmtiiuct O'iioeatiOii5 , I tea . rckr ammy 0mb in Liii bli iarttus5u lie tl.mm.lru It. . um ItumsLtIuliy , Ii .51 , N l'Oit'I'F.Ii , iota ( "jttoi nyu. , Ommmaha , Ii MAIN OFFIY1 ( Olmiomlto l'Oobitho , irumicor lilici 0 tfj'or itaie met C , F. Outulumumi s Drug iueirm , 1 III I. l'muiammm , Street , Ommmahma. - JAMES MoVE15 ; Practical Horse hoar La JIiu. & spocitilly of Ito&dster. and tcndot imom a , . 8koi * , Dodge street bet1 11th acid Ith , emI I HeUiue JIouso j " Thmo iio of limo tcrt " Shoob S H U 1f 1,1mm" 1mm comimiectiomi 111th the L'orliuato nanmo mit ii greatroaml , i'mil ( " , S mmmi hhia of jmi4t what I. rriitmlrmtii im3' limo tmiuelliig mob. I N.i. 1km mm tiim.t limme , Quick 'lime mmmiii time lmet oi mmccomnmnotia- I3 tioim-mmil of tsiilchi amo fmrn- , lilml by time gmemutc't 0111115) ' Iii Aimmerka. . C HIOAGO , M ILWAUKEE And St. Paul. It Iaims amid nimerateS flIer 4,500 miles of mail Iii ' Nortimirmi I ilimmni' , 5Vlommimi , Mimimmesota , Iowa amat , likotmt ; and as Its imitlmm liimmt , itrammeime , mcmii cmiimiec- tIitim rt'ach mmli thu great lmmi.immes4 centres of the Nortimo ott timid l'ar iSoet , it imatuiraily ammqwers time tlSCriimi hi'ii of Siuort 1,1mm mitmil hieMt itomto iotween Clmiamtri' , M ilmiimketi , 5t i'.i'ml ' mtmmii 5Iiimimealuiuii5. cuk'ng.m , , Il mmmvmmike'e , l.a ( , r4st , mmmiii lVlmumms. Cilcagti , , M ilwmmmmkco , , tierInt'mm , ammil P.liemmiaie. , Ciicao , , iilommmmkc'o , E.utm Claire mimi , ! Stiiiwatcr. Cik'agmi , , 'mhLIu , amikic5'ammaim amid mierrihi. Chmh'agu , Miluvmumkce , hiriver lammi mmmt Ohkosh. Ciminugo. l Ii , , mmmmhcS'ammkcmiiua and Ocomiuiiunwoo Cimicagi , d him amuico , iadi.omm neil m'ralrio iltt Chico. Chicago , B ilimamukee , Onittimnima mmmiii 'alrihammit , Chilmagmi , hiolimit , , Iammeqm l'imu ' ammil Silmmcrml L'olmmt. Clmlemugi' , El 'lii , Ituekfmnl mmmiii lImlimiqumo. ) Cimicarm' . cittoim , , itoek isimumiml mmii Comiar Rapids. Climmmmmi , , Comimmeil hilmmiT4 mimmml Omimahma. Cimioigi , i"lnmmx City , i4lomm' Fails mommil Ymumkton. ( jimmt'agmm. Milwammkctm , $ hiti.imeii aimmi Cimammuhcrhahmm. Rook llami , , lmlimiilmmc ) , St. l'aml mmmii .Stimmmmemupolls. IhieiiI'ort , Cmmlmmmar , St. i'mimmi ammd Mlmmnoalmolimt I'miiiimaiu Sicelices iiimi time Fiimei4 flhmmlmmr Cars In the 'I nriii are rime mmii tim imumutmi hues nftlme CH I CACO MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWA mimiii ou cry mmttommtloim Is haiti to ntuimgcrs Imy courto- 005 eimimloyei of time emimmpammy , 8. tI. MCltitlTL , A. V. If. CA1LI'iN'FEit , ( iemi'l Mammager. ( ) cim'i l'Ms. Agent , .1 , T. Cm.kltR ' ( lEO. ii , IIEAFFOI1II , ( Ieim'l Smmi'u't , Ass't ( Iemm'l l'a.m.m , Ag't. ' 5o'ears I liMo kimoim amid matcimc'il time mm.o , of Swift' . Si ciii' , fur imeer lIlLy 3 ears , mumii imao limo er kimowim of ii failmmro tim cure Iilmol Poi.oti mu imemm iuricrly taken. I tmt'i It imim iii ) ' ser aimts frommm 1850 tim 180i , a' . mtitl alsG a immimmuier , , f 1mm ) ' mmeighulmmrs , aimil iii every caao that Casio iuiUmtmi mmmy kmmuisiciIo It eltectoil a euro. Ii. nil immy lIfe i has o hover kimou ii a ieumctis' timat u ouhmi so 1,111) , acemuimmimituim ii lint it I. , rocnmmmmmmomuilcil to mb. II. I. , IIIiNNAl1I ) , Lcrry , Ga. I 11am U kmmoo ii mcmmt mmmcd Sum lit's .Speeiime for nmoriu tlmamm twemmi V _ S tm.irs , mtimii hmam mm cccii mmmoro wommmierfmml rtm mimmlts f immm [ ts inn timami frummm nmmy rmiiimcily lii or omit of tIm i'lmam mmmaeoiml.t. It hi a ecrtuimm mmmi , , , mafu nmmtldot.e to mmli sum Is of hmlood liuisomm. , J , mleKSON SMI'rll , M. D. , Atlammta , Ga. Time aroat Drug house of Chicago. Wo mba mint bmemiitatmu to may that for mm year i'ast vo him' o salt immore of Swift's tijteiibo ( S. H. 5 , ) imamm nil other ilbonib I'mmriliermm cmmmmiimmmei , , , timid vitii imiost mis- toil himimmg rcibtm. , Cmiii gemmtlomnami u ho , mqcl hmrmlf m thorium bttlc"m says It lmmtm mlmmo Imlmmi mmmore goiii thin , . trcatimmcmmt wbmiiim cost imimmm m.OOU. Ammiitimcr rhmo liii , , mmmcii It for a Serofimiomi. nitcettomi reports a hiermimammeiit dire ( mmmi it , S'dtN SIIAACE , 51'5'flNSON t CO. $1,000 REWARD. 55'Ili bum , hall to mummy Cimemmeimt mm ho imiht fluiil. omm aim- mmlymilof IOU mmotthtm' . H. it. 14. one , articbo of ZiIcrctiry , loihtilmi i'otasiimmmi , or aimy smuim'itammco. TIIRHWIFl'Sl'EeIl'iO CO. , lrancr ) 3 , Atiammta , On. \5'rIto for time little hook , whIch vihl ho inalbxt tree. l'rlce : Smmmabi size , lO0 imer bmmtthmt. Large milzo ( imohilimmg mimmmllc , iumumtlty ) , $ b.7i1 a bottle. All drug- gistssehi It. -i. WHITTIER , CIarlas Sf St. Louis Mo Sf 617 , , , , . , , A ilEOWAlt GIIAIUATR of two unethical colleges , hams hmmji'im ommgaguil linger In time troatmmucmt of CItRON. ie , NEIIYOIJII , $ liIN AN1)htLOOl ) Iiscmumct. timami any oIlier mIoslclamm , iii lIt. LouIs , ami city imaicrs , show and miii milil rcshIeimts kimmmw. Cmmmmsmiitmmtiomm fri'o amml imivitod. Wlmemm it is immcuimvemmimmmt tii visit tIme city for treat. immemmt , mmmoiictmmcs calm ho edit hmy immall oruaimrcss every- umimiru. Cmeralmiu cetmes gmmnrammteeil' where doubt ox- lots It is imammkly , mtmetel. Call or wrIte , . Norm cmiii i'r'strmttimmmm , Ieimillty.Memmtai ) and l'Ilysical iycatik's , iercmmrTaT aTmit .rtiicr aitctiiIs P mroat , HIJm'ammil hiiimem , , hioiiiimmpmmrItimii aimmifllooti l'oIiii jn' , Hklmm tYettIui , 010 .ores nmmii tiicruijiii immemmts tmimirrlagoTihemimmmntTsmu , tcmmtbomm to camc'slrommi mm cr1 , merkcmtbraTiCjiUiiiiXiL cAHm.i3 : receive seeclIjuttemmtiom. ; iWsemiemm arising frmimmm limmjirimIcicmm , , Emcrsse. . , iimuiiiii , : i I.L.ItIIA ; : Gir i itagestlme ' ; . whmoio receipts ; wini itmay -r3-I immarry. 's ho mommy hot , mlii ) ' , camises , comsclmmmemmecs , amid a cc. hailed for 250 ; 0stagu or staimmmn. k1&mvly immi irmu , . , fltp"m'r. Or m. gmiIi , . ' , , , . ( t'r ( I I'm , mmmi m' , it , itm msiL'vimi ( Jim. I , , tumt gmmcritmu , ' 'Jii.ammiI. ltme t' I . 'i'm ImiiOi ii , , ilciuC ' - ' uum iimtrimmimtmmt ( , tIe' . ' 'mm. : 'm5i- : C1'BL u'miiints ' simetmim or ku.mmi. : : m it I I' I 1 5 i * mmmmm'immie - I IIOem-im I lit imumi S IOt , ' , I , iiim 4 , I Iumm , I , , lip. , iliiy ' ? acimim Ii. , mint , 'miimm.imii , , liii. . , tOm Furc'trie : is 'Is ' . , iI m L'mtioi to cur , ' at I Iii. ot iiliim lm.ntm in toe IL is for LIt. fl5 i iTi'mIIe $ - . ptmiimoi- , , m , 'ii 'miii , . mel' jmiic m cii immrmmmsmlum , it Jilisii CIimuvCr i'l.qti my Jilt Lu , m'i ' " , iimlmimmtomi at , , l.hLemgm , , i it , I - iJ all ml , , . , iio ( r.n , itnti.rlitui , , urs.E Cr othu esme. IT. , , k mm.i.vei , m , , .m jIm.i , i'bitIc1im' , iriUmiJ , ai'i uusb ! , , uirs dolle. isOtoely , 5ii li ( cOiiij SI4 prrpi. S mimlity . ' ; r I , bIll i. I i..Ii. ti , e4m a , . . i' i,4'iS bdmtoi1 nim ( , u i II mre'm MAni tm' , II u , i ' ' 1 Ls sit ' li.u tirmic. ' , crYiIn' ii.iiliv. l'Ii.i.il icoy. .te. , is , ii"i.j ( u r.i , I i.e 'il I ELI ,5)t'-ltI. 1,1' I , Um. , ' itusa ' h ' .m.m k. . ( Hi'i' * * bI I 'if tOl rmmr.ii , u I. . isli iim , , . 'r. iti&'t , umii heel. l'i.i'i i' em . n. c % mmii laced , ta4 mT-.mi. " 4' fl' ' . , , , , sit ) , m ; .m. lb Ir , C , , , iy'o iimsiumv tam. . smi iv.mst .s. Yw- . . _ CREAT ENCLISHREMEDy. 43- ' Cores NEI1VOUS ivtoi lilty Or.xiTAm , , LOtI . La ANIX Jloht , ljstummtorr- I lien , ott' . , umluemu miii oilier ime- . , . I miles fail. A ciems ( mimeemf. , , . mft ) a iottio , large bottla , tuur . timmucti time miuaimtttm , ( , Bu' eme- , ' eruss to amm' amljrcms , hold by melt mirugglets. iNUi.i8lL )1hD1. u CAL INnTiTUTI , l'romrlet.erm. ; , 718 Olbie Stret , St. Louis , No. - "I have bold SIr Astk'1' Cooper's Vital ltmstoratlyo fur ycams. Every nuatuuier sleak. hlrimly of it. L uimimcsitatiimgiy tmmimlorsu as A rmmwtIy ci mb nmcrlt C. F. UoomiwAs , Vru4Wist 1eIi ) 1553 vI8m&u-uodi - _ qIm ! _ : . . - JOHN CUJACOBSI FOflflCfly Othm iii Js.eobs UNDERTABEL . 4