Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 14, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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4 3'Ill ! . ] ) AILY ] 3L E - U3iAIlt1 , TUESDAY , AL GUST 11 , 183.
Ivh1l + hrd emery marnlnrexcept ! SundAy , 7Le
Rly Mondsyn rnbtgdallys
EA.A P11MAlt.
One Yen6. , , , . . , su.m Three Mrnlhe . . . . , .t" n
Sit Moulhe. . , , . . , , td + ' I one Month. . . . . . . . . 1.11
t , . , + . . , . . . 1 rAt
Six ll .nth . , . . . . . 1at One Month . . . . . . . . :0
American Ncw.Ooutpauy , Sole ) Agents Nowedoal
.rs ht Ibe United State ,
roRRA + t1)sb ycn.
A Communlrnthm'l r lAting to Ncws And Edllnrlnl
ninety should be aldrmwd to the Emrou or Tun
Dxr ,
: tl l MY LATTaRA ,
.411 ltndne + Letter { And Iteinllttnoesshould"bo
sddreuedtoTusIIu feedutan lbvrARi''OMAIIA ,
DetrtA , Chect. Mill l'n + . 0kc onlorr to be made pay- '
stile tothe , order of the tnuepany.
E , ROstw.1TER ; Editor ,
tf t
f A CITY inspector , to inspect thu mayor
t and council , is greatly needed , lnvesti
gntioltR in Omaha fail to ittvcsLigFto. :
tj 9'ni InCr Ocean thinks that Sullivan
made moro in two minui0s by 8trilking
than the Ilrotlterlmod have intwo svcolka ,
Mrt WEnsrEn SN\1)mat will shortly return
turn to Onmhalmttherottronuiutimationa
that time market wuao with thu ( nil tower
will tine ott JOfFCron Square.
9'rlr w.Ttor niolou crop of Georgia
brought ; ° ,000,000 last year and the
cucumber crop $500,000. Much of thcso
t amounts w as clear profit to the llOCtbl1n.
Ties order to close the galnhling hoUaOR
conUituca unonforced. The uupublinlled
1 order to open them , according to a pro.
riou3lyarrangotl contract , taken priority
, SAM JoNrs haq returned from the Wont
1 but the mburniwg on ] tin eye which
I gcncralpaRaongcr agent Nitns of the Rio
Cramido placed there when Sam called
him a liar has been removed.
Mn. SLAm ham arrived at lcangamm City
and is in training for his fight with
Mitchell. It will take a full month for
the Maori to recover from hiM recent encounter -
counter with Mr. Longfellow Sullivan.
FRANCe held general elections yenter
day , and in spite of legitimist plots and
imperial wanifesha the republicana
gained two districts. Chambord'a Rick-
fleas acmna to have boon a dismal fail-
QUtti a munber of nnti monopoly and
several prominent tlenocratic papaya are
urginv Judge Savage for the supreme
m court. There is no doubt lie would fill
time position with signal ability , providing -
ing he would accept.
yiNBYAitn IlAvrN , Mass , , has boon
totally destroyed by fire , mind conlribu-
tious arc rcquuntcd front the beuovolunt
people of the country. . . The suite of
Tcwskbriy ought to be 81)10 to take care
' of inn owmi unfortunates ,
None : but Simon pure , straight an 1
double twisted and dyed in the wool rail
road republicans are to be permitted to
attemid the cotiventicns this fall. 'l'lui s
will make time conventions interesting anti
the election oven moro so.
MAJOR NyottnmtsoN lnakea periodic t'o
ports of his whereabouts , but the guy
ornnteut profuss tltonselvos unable to la y
their ingurs on him. lie has probnbl y
g onu to 1 bin IIev6rata , who is wnntol
just abuutas badly as the ] Major is a
' R'nshiugtuu ,
' 1'111 only parties who mire active at this
ti11m about the judicial positmons that or
to be filled by the people this fall are tit
lawyers end the eandidatea. Thu ques
Lion naturally conies up whether tin
judges have boon created for time bumf
of the lawyers only , or whether the pc 0
, I plc who are subject' to their decision
have nay interest that lawyers are iwun
to respect.
Tns committee appointed ut the lot
COlvontiun in Southern Dakota hav'
called time rogubir conatihdional convol
teen to mncot at Sioux Falls of Sopten
her 4thThu convention will frame
Ooustntutioti , the voolu ) will ratify it aim
elect state ofiieinls , a legislature and
eungrossnlal , the legislature will ale
United SLates sunators and the couple
od work will be presottod at 1Vmishim
ton for its acceptance , ' 1'hu prupos
state has now 1I0,000 ! inhabitauuta on
will haco 00,000 by January 1st ,
lily Spanish insurrection whiclm In
week's cables aunoeicud to be mneruly
stock jobbing move l rovea to be n gnu
foe revolt of large dimotnsioma. TI
troops in throe provinces have rovoltu
and Spann has beet declared in a state
siege. As uqual thu trouble began wl
the army , lvlkro the seed of rupublien
ism wo'o planted iii ' (18 , and from whi
two ntonarehlea have been umablo
oradicatu tlwul , Vusturdup's dispatch
announced that time revolt had beat e
tiruly quelled , but thu extreme prod
tioms that are boimig taken by the gayer
taut mudicatu that the uniburs are n
yet oxtinguisltod ,
Owznu to limo inourrcetiou , Iiing
l fuuso haul postponed his trap to Counan
Jr is 'euontlly understood thnt the nmoLi
of thojourney ) which was to include vi
' r ' its tM VE0)M10 , Berlin anti Italy , was
i secure suplloet far Spout's desire to emit
f' ( , the European concert amid taku u share
t4' collective action in connection Svitdm ti
w a0uirs of Egypt and the Suez canal
! . view of future conIplications amid the fu
' . timer aims of Spain in Dforocco and ii
3loditorrauoan , Thu Spanish court am
the minister of public aOuirus fncll
toward such alliances to counteract ti
, F t influence which French democracy exe
013e5 iu Spain , and bocatue they bellu
an English alliance repugnant to thsto
. . ingi of Spalu ,
a" ' " Is
General Sheridan ) Las concluded acoumn.
oil with this Sboshomu nmid Ampahou In-
dines at Pt , IVaslakio , 0t whlclm 1't'oai
'but Arthur and Secrebury hi11eolu were
preent. 9'lio general at this oreeting
made flue first public nnuouncmmmeit of
his intention to secure time transfer of time
ludimug to time care of limo war depart-
niuut , lima abolition of thuc rutervatinu and
agency Rystmns and the settlemm of the
Indians aim laud in severally. It is un-
durstod that the president 1101(15 stub
stanlially time saumo views and that Gun.
oral Logan is to large lima meatIer at limo
lmext AL'saietlof congress , DispaIciucs state
that , the policy will be announced to all
time uthor tribes within Liao next three
utmths. Portions of Guttural Slieridam's
policy ore by mio menus now. To trans.
forum time ludinn froul a savage to n eili
7.011 , to break up his social system of trm
1)nl rolatialms mid to make hint a self stms
training atul law abiding olmnomit i i the
bndy politic has beau time dreamt of ru-
fornuertu for moro than half a century.
Our presumut nnuthod of alternately fight-
log time Indimin in war and panmpormng him
iii pence is opelt to many objections. Itis
costly anti hnsoftei proved inuffectivo , If
General Slmeridan or any other citizen or
oaicer can offer a national amid conpro
hensmve schema for immure promptly civiliz
ing the Indians they will budistoned to
with time attention whiclm their BuggeR-
Lione deserve ,
1Vo nra iumcliuod , however , to doubt
s'ort'seriously whether time transfer of
limo Indiauis to time war dopnrtmetmt is iii
time lice of reform. The 111co who are
employed to fight the Indians are lmardly
time ones to train them iii time arts of
peace. Time transfer of hostiles to time
care of time military authorities is defensible
ble on groun(1R of public safety. But to
turn over 200,000 semi-civilized savages
to the tender niereies of the army on Limo
grounds of bettor govornniout aid CCOno
lily would , in our opinion , be n bad policy.
It is conmplained that time Lmdiams are
idle. No one will argue that they gain
respect for habits of industry from time
contemplation of army ] ifo on time fron-
tier. All tire training of a soldier and
his surroundings unfit hint to deal as a
peaceful civilizer with savage tribes. So
far as acting as a frontier police is concerned -
cerned , the army might bo permitted to
control time indinns sufiiclently to keep
raiding settlers from their reservations -
tions aid raiding IlldinmB front the
settlers , but the real work of
inculcating habits of work , of industry ,
of sobriety and morality lied rmmcii butte r
ho placed iii other hands , Past expo
rioncu has sllmwn this. The lndiais moor 0
outdo co11gtlotely tmdur control of time ar
nay' , and time clmanyro was mm do for sulmm
ciuut reasons.
Tines would doubtless ho a Bnviog iii
ragouts' salaries wore time transfer nnule.
Simcu time war wo hove spout $105,000,00 , 0
on our Indians , which is $25,000,00 0
more than moo amually oxpeml on ou r
pmlBionurs. Of this 811111 less that a
mmilliou has gone for ageuls'salaries ' Timis
Bun could have been retaimied iii th e
treutsnry if olhicors ] tad been dotniled fu r
time purpose from the line or stair. Bu
it i5 a serious quustiumi whltlmer Limo rem
tape of time war dupartulmmt would hav
beo0 any more a fictive thou time red tap
- of Lime iuturior d1'pnrtnmeut in pruveittim
fraud at the agencies , lhumu nature m
grotty mach time sane time world over
1 amid ln(1muu mtgunta are not the only clli
t cinls dnttving pay from time govornuiel
who luive buon able to retire eonifortabl
through hmdliog large contracts turd di s
bmrsimg HIIPphU3.
0 For time other
portions of Genera a
I , Shormdan's policy , wimiclm includes th
breaking up of tribal rolntiols mold th
0 holdimg of time huda iii sevoalty , w
L have not space for discussion , more th0
to say tlmat limo army ahold be time lam
s agomicy for putting in operation systm
d of social amid civil adnmioistrmitiom ,
0 Timm St , Paul I'fonccr l'resa notes tl
u astonishingly rapid disappoiratco of tl
m publio lands , It says that , incoumpletu
t are time facts timums far maido public from
a time report of time gunuruil land athieo , time
d cover a aullieient uxtont of territory t
a oumphasize the steady disappearamrw
of time public dmmaiu amid time extonsinu t
t time righta of private owilerBhlp over tl
g whale great territory included witliiu tl
ud bnuuda lus of limo United Status , 'I'ii
d fouling that time years when a furmu nu i
bo laud for time nskiug mime mwlburo
suemms to h0vo stimulated time your
st mmcn of the country to extraord
a mutiny charts in hiking pcsscasioit
R time government lauds ; for iii spite of t )
1o faeL that emigration tuts fnlluu oil' , am
d , willm it the nunrbur of bond seekers
of foreign birth , time mu ibor of chin
Ur takou up nud of micros bought for cash hi
R steudmly iuereasud , going even imi son
cim suctions beyond ommytlmimig known in of
to history , Returns D ommm time states wine
us settlotmmt has bout mtost active give
n toll of 13,017,851 , macros sold for cash ,
u taker up under time lmonustend , pre.em
n tion amid tiurbor nets , ems lhms dues n
of imiclude statistics trout aouw of thu soul
emu status , where largo gmnmtities
laid have been uppn priated , ti
Alctunploted ropurt will cort'tiuly ahd
y , a boost ndditloim to tlmuse 1lgutus , am
vu will probably mndmetto a tobil of faro
s 15,000,000 t ) 20,000,000 micros taker t
to durhmg time last your , It is uxtt'euu
or dillleut ) to gut at aims' reliable amul acura
mmi estinuto of time total ahouut of pub
w bald at limo disposition of the guvor
fim neut. 'rime estioutto of 1880 put It
n- about 77.4,500,000 acres , but this iuelu
o ed tinmburmmd miuoral lauds as w ull
id these vast desert tracts c mitaining liu
no erode of thousands of acres wimioh ml
10 uvon irrigation could nkko capable
r suata'tnittg life. On1yJa comparative
ye srhsll fraction of the tot
i. can bw considered available fm
the ptirpoees of settlemnsut ; and
we consider Limo rate at wlmict ) this total
has been decreasing fu Limo three years
since time estimate was made , it will op.
pear how rnpmdly we are approacimimug time
time when Lima existence of a doumaitt free
to nil under time condition of actual sot.
torrent amid cultivation will be n thing
of time posh Cheap lands , state , national
011(1 railroad , will still be obtainnhlu for
nmamiy years to 001110 , llat time oxhnus
tioll of time public domain is ammmmually n
nearer certainty , anti with its approach
wo begin to Como face to face with tlmoso'
problems which have harrassed older eiv-
IN view of time corning state campaign
Bomb of our excimanges are beginning to
discuss time position of time "renegade re-
Jubliclna" iu time npproachiag canvass.
By renegade republicans we presume are
meant nil ! rotes of previous alliliatiun
withm time republican party who refused
last fall to train under hue railroad bout-
tier nud wino rebuked the monopoly
bosses ilm time party ranks by declining to
emulorse Limo nominees of packed cmmveum
tiolms 011(1 caudidatus who were unwilling
to pledge thenselvos to labor in time pee
) Ile A imterests ,
Jim so far as we are onnbie to judge of
time positiomm of these "renegade rcpubli
emus , " it ltos not nmalerially changed siucu
last .fiovoumber , whe micarly 0,000 , voters
in this state joimed iii n revolt which
made itself lmeard in time campaign amid
felt at time polls , 'l'ima course of time legis
mature , so far from breaking time ranks ,
has solidified anti mnoiopoly sentimimont ii
time stto. That smitinmmmt cannot be
broke ! by nbusiugtlmoso who maintain it ,
'rime revolted Iumti mouopoly republi
calms and the ropublieaut anti nonopoisls )
calm mover hit woe back imih limb party by
first rending then out of time party.
Allegiance to n party is not such a priceless -
less buon in these tines tlmat nee sttb-
wit to being kicked into it. There is
0110 way , mad only one way , in which time
runogadu ropublicmis cmi assist in assuring -
ing a repttblictn victory in the judicial
canmpaigmi , and timat is by party managers
making both primaries anti coiventions a
fair expression of limo wishes of time 1)00. )
plc and not a reflection of time desires of
time railroad strikers.
The Outlook for 1884 ,
1'Imifadolliua Preps
Ilt 1880 there wore 360 electoral votes.
mind it required 185 to elect. Garfield
and Arthur hid 214. In 1884 , through
time increase of representation under the
new census , there will be 401 electoral
votes , of which 201 will constitute a
nmyority. If time states should vote thou
as they voted in 1880 , the division would
ho as follows
mtmtt'UardCAN , DEIIectATmc.
Coloradn.I . Aktbatua..1 0
Cotlnoctbiat , , . . . , . . I ; Arkamlgas. . . . . . . . . . 7
116noms . . . . . . . . . . . . . -1 Cal'furmia ' . . . . . . . . . 8
. . . . . . . . . . . . 1)elawaro. . . . . . . . . i
htss'II. . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 1''btrnia , . . . . . . . . . . .
hallsas. . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Ceurgla..1'
. .
Itlabmo. . . . . . . li lentncky . . . . . . . . .l : i
,1iassaclmunettt.ld . Louisiana. . . . . . . . . , g
. , . , . , . , . . . Dlaryland. . . . . . . ,
Mjmmmn iota. . . , . . , . . 7 11i + siMSilpii . . . . . . . I
Nebraska , . , . . . . . . . S 1lis.omi..1 r
Now llampshiro. , . . 4 Aovmula .
Now York. . . . . . . , : lm . ; Now Dorsey. . . . . . . . 1
Ohn ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . North Curaliun . . . l 1
Oregon. . . . . . . . . . . 3 South Camoliaa. . . . . !
1'onnsylvnnla..10 luenesscu.1
L. llhnduislauL.4 'l'uxav. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3
Verntout.4 Vlrniuma. . . . , . . . . .1t
I \Viscollsimm. . , . . . . .11 1Ve t Virginia , . . . ,
128 17.
0 'I'bis would give time rupublteaus a nun
d jority of liftylivo electoral votes oyar tin
s deumoerats , amid twentysoveu wore the
the uuunber necessary to elect. Botl
columns , however , oubmce states tima
iii 8nv intelligent calculation must h
classea as doubtftl Of time republicam
y cohunn Connecticut , ludiama ail Nei
York nuiv be included in time doubtfu
list ; mud of time denmocratic eoluuum , Cali
formma , Florida , New .lersoy amid Vi r
t 'l'ime revised table vm'euld stn
u thus ;
o Sure rep , statos..171 Sure dons , status , l 1
C Connecticat. . . , , , . . Coilforidu. l , . . .
ml . . . . . . . . . . , . , Fiurida. , , . , , , . , . .
t Now York , . . . . . . ,90 Now Jorsey. , .
North Carolina. . . .1
115 Virginia. . . , , . , , , 1
Dommbtfttlrep. , . . . . . ! 7 Deubtful dean , . . .
With 171 sure electoral votes , time r
publicans would have to secure just 3
no uwro from time list of doubtful status i
e order to carry the presidency. No
8s York alone would do it With six votes t
spare , If New York iveru gained , as
was im 1880 , every other doubtful slit
y uiiglmt b0 yielded to the democrats , Or
o if Connecticut , tluliani and Now Jcrao
of WO'C gummed , time republicans could wi
) f without New York , Or , again , if time
wmurd Cnliformmin end Florida , in bat
110 of vlmielm tile ) have nn excellent cim nc 0
to stilt ' could safely lase Now Jersey , U
o , again if the' carried Co11nucticl
California , 1L9ormd amid trimbgimmin time
iy could win 'rithout ImtdiOnn , New Yor
1 , and Now Jersey.
mg 1Vu hive chased as dollbtfad ell timm
i. muay fairly be oubmccd in that ] ma
of 'l'imree utomllms ago Ohio might with scum
show of reason laave boon challoimed.
w it is'ure lost to time mepublicans thma yea
id nn there auewud thuu aoume reason to ( cn
of it mlmmgltt ho rugaded as doubtful roux L
us Itut Ohio bus nisi. straightened up , mum
mm y fairly he counted nuuhmg the sure r
s pubheimm status , Of those wlmieh ti :
to dunnoerats carried in 1880 the rupublimu
mr h0vu n good outlook in Culih rnua , Ne
'menu and Florida. As time rupubiieu
rut have rut thirty votes to 6rain nuwu g , tl
a doubtful sttcs , while time dmmccra
or have sevuntytwo , it iB clear timat ti
0 , elmammees arc out limo rupublimul side ,
Im 'I'h + fptnmislm it I.Imm .
of N , Y , Evmming Pest.
'fhlrSpanmsh ' rising , which has boom
me fnliiu and contemptible that It bus Lou
% seriously sit . eslcdtlmat it
, wits got imp i
id a stOek yobbnug iuntmon , just like
mat 'dmsquiutmg ' r11nmrj' mum 11'all strout ,
1 ) robmibl'simim ) ly thin work of i1 w oflice
ml' who headed it , amid wino lave fled men
I ) ' Purlugal. 1Vhnt it illustrates is time cot
to ditmon of Limo fipanishanny , whiclm him , m
tic suite of time nnprovommkuts in other ii
n Partuments o5 time goieruuluml , ovilcmt ]
not ot out of time ruvolutlomnry state o
amt mmml , 'limo S ) smith Iollticiu , like h0
d conguners in t uxa'ct , , arm s usidmtly g rn d
a3 wally rueoieilmmg thuuuelves to a r0gimim
m of peaceful discussion , amid to seukim
chammbo at Limo polls through action e
of j1iublme opinion , But time arum
of imam been too deeply denmrnlia
ly for amt uqually rapid curt
al Itovolutioni kayo boon accomplished i
Spain before now by risings as hmsigni
r cant as that which ha. taken place itt l l
if dajo. , and hare resulted in utaksng gr wit
persnnnges of time obscure colonels and
1)rigadiers wino got ! limn up , Cense
gttmttly , rovolutmnu is ono of Limo tmings }
SPamislm ollicers , weary of garrison life ,
nud tired of svaitin' for promnotion , still
dreamt of. Timis temndcoc , tau , iS encour-
a ed b time hi rim nud Honored mlace in
olitics which the nuthore of norrto of
these ) troummcinnlentos have ) meld or still
hold , 'limo career of Prima , Mnrtinez-
Campos , amml Serraooo is to tlnn present
geoeratiot a striking example of what an
ollmcer may do by nttontiom to pelitics amt
nu occasional "rising , " The imnpressiou
will wear cut gradually , bat it ss'ill take
time ,
lhn ACy'sSiran' P1 I. i'galm ,
Cincinnati Cmnreelcial ( iaretle ,
Dorsoy is tlmreslmium g his old straw over
again , with a little ulditiomal mnlico to.
ivord Presidelt Artlmr. 'Flue animosity
that he feels toward the president is in
time lmighest degree compliumolmtary. It
proves that I'resident Arthur has been
purfonuing his duty. Dorsey will , no
doubt , be noisy about his part in the Au
gust couforenco as lung as hue corm get
anybody to listeut to ] tint 1)ana has , ho
clnnns , done lmimu a great wrong , but lie is
glad to talk loud amid long for time Scum ,
lie plays modesty mmi cite respect-as-
signing to Dudley and New time glory of
time Indmumn campaign- , and hopes to
gain trout timis a reputation for reserve
that mmty send soume of 1mis sln11leous
fiutctes further along. 1Vhet we coa-
sitter time sort of ability Dorsey has nud
1:0w tnnscrtmptminlms mete is , amid that memo was
in a position to know all the secrets of
time Garfield campaign , we are surprised
that his story is as mild as he hands it
up , 1Ve wonder hmu (11(1 not snake it
hotter and harder whiho Ito was at it ,
'Thera arc two points iii the latest rush of
slush ( rout the star router. ( lime is that
Garfield promised Morton time treasury-
time other is that Garfield otfered Dorsey
a cabinet 1)1000 , Coufessodly tliero are
no docunmotts. Time celebrated mienor
nudumu existed only in Mr. Dmuta's mind's
eye. Gartiold was certainly very noxious
to conciliate the Now York politicians
at the August cooferemcu in 1880 , lIe
mode the trip for hunt purpose , as
Dorsey says , .mud Mr , Coukling could
nut attend time comfermmce , because , as his
friends said at the timne , hit did trot want
to be understood to be making bargains.
Ile wantctl to avoid time iutputatiou.
And yet Garfield was invited to go to
Comioy Island , and told that ho could by
so dong have an interview with Coukling ,
amid ime refused to go , saying he would be
very happy to receive n call front Mr.
Coukling at time Fifth Avenue hotel , but
ho would not go to Cone' Island for a
1 locket interview with ommrodY , even if
time presidency depmmled upon it.
Garfield was solicitous to avoid Morton -
ton , but formed time opinion ime was not
eligiblcf to time treasury under time old
Ilantiltomiiat act , wmiclm ] excluded A. 'r.
Stewart in 1809. Then he gave
Morton a cnbimmet place that
was satisfactory to himn , but Coukling mlm
terfered amid anmashed time slate , and
brought cmt all time trouble that followed.
Why should Dorsoy or any alto else go on
whtu11g about parties raising moony in
Now York for presidmmtiul election pur-
1)08031 There huts mot been a ptesidomitial
election for fifty years iii which money
was not largely cmmtt'ibuted by time rich
mint of New York to built parties. 'T'here
has not beat a republican elected president -
dent from Lincoln to Garfield without the
Imelp of Net York money- , and there ha3
mot been a democrat defeated frmn Dou-
glns to Ilancock who was not supplied
h with time sinews of war by time Now York
miillimnaires. Salmi Tildan's money bought
3 mill time purchasable politicians of time
I wards iu this city iii 1876 , amid time con.
Plaint that hurt English most severely in
t 1880 , seas that hit had nut contributed as
he had ; so strong was the
demiwcntic feeling elm this subject that it
i htd : bump arnuged if time dmuoerats won
time election that English should be ru-
4 pndiitcd by the laoctoral Colleges , and
- another muui elected.
u -
I Time Vote that itivided Tw'o Lovers ,
Li and the Ituporler tvhu Ito-
I United Them.
l New York Silt , .
lit the spring of 1881 Miss Anmiio Rico
d mad Ernust ltatlmzub eatne over from
Ilia ro in limo steamer Labrador. Illia s
Rmcim vas booked for transportation direct
0 to I lattsburglm , N Y. , where she h0 (1
8 ( rmonds , On time way over time two but
' 1 comae licquainted , full mu love , amid vlmm n
It they recited Now York they were cm i-
1 gored to be harried. Mr. ltathzed wa
2 a Bilk dyer , and camule ever to work it 1
Tl 1Vemdauhum's dye works in Paterson. Ti e
o- lovers arrommgcd that as soot as lie got
6 little start he would go to Plattsbur 1
v and mart 11liss nand thei time
would return to Patersom to live. 'Throe r
sauna mistukc Miss Rich wu semmt t e
it Plattsburglm , MO. , so that her lover's let
to tens neror roacimed Lott , while shu wrot
to I'alte som , N. Y. , mwd btr , llatimzu
novur reccn'od lmei missives. lmLiBs Rich ,
mi aftur a s'itilu , head of euploymimemit it
, Aldii , ) hill county , Ndh , , nud welt timer 0
ti to live.
Isleimtiuw llle. Ratluzed was gettin'
r ' along well iii Paterson , lie t mule eyci
Lm millet possmblu to thud his lost swPUthmirt
y' but in vain , ( lime night he happened tt
k rululu time eircunmstautcos to lllr. Churlc
Selnmettee , it reporter 011 time I'atesnm
it lblksfreuud , maid blr , Sclututtor vohmii
t , leered to hunt 0p the girl , lie wrote td
0 mdl time Plattal mugbs in time country , nut l
If Imnily fummd a'cluc , wlmlelm 005 followed l
r up , mmtil ] hiss Mich w'8s mat last discuvroru
r mu Nebraska. She hind rututined true t 0
, her first lo c ill tlmis tinmo , mind as sooa in 0s
d shu hoed that her alliummced was iii l'al
0 urson , N..1. , site started at once , and or
0u rived m that city curly this week , Sin
mis Is now at Ulrich's lfotol , nud her wed
iv dmog dress is nearly fmnisbud ,
Ia -
ie Il1uktmIt141 to met Helf-1lespeCtItigPresa
is Altany Jonntal Aug 0 ,
w 'I'huru ' Ima9 been roceivud nt this ofmc
ta duiy an extended telograpimic s11miun u
of mnattcr furnished 'Flan ' I1uw York Su
by that ccotcuptiblu tlmief , liar ail
bncak , 5tophomi il. Dorsoy. 1Vo have t
Pay for thus mtlur : , but we do not hav u
so 11 to print it. We du mint auu how ammy self
ruspuctiug papur c'an justify itself iii mt
, aalm" um Ion it t'ratlers such malt , 1.v et
° if it cunai d1 .i lly 'it0 t aunts which lint 1
us not b0cm womut tllruadbav by itertimt it
to thu amturin press , those sktuaent
would be iWlilcrei svorsU tlmml useless ii )
time cmamoetcr } of tlmuir seurcu , It me Push
mug time lieunsu of a free presB vemy clos u
oy , to time low of scurrility when n bramndo d
y , thkf m3 given the francnso ) of time naso
it ciitud prttss wherewith to spread hmmrt
less lies abut a dead presmlomt , amu a
silt time venom of a seoumtrel's lulu nt m
halo ono.
ti'lva 1'ot o Voting aunt Iirihory ,
od Loul.riUc ( Ky , ) Commerdsl , Amory 7 ,
, Time buying of votes lit at least onu o
u time cmlteatull races i this city 'oetorda
1was miotrious and carried to a die rneofu
I. extent , Time trouble mu that under ou
presuat a'stolu of toting there is lto rya J
Cures Rheumatism , Lum
bagoLamoBaclr , Sprains and
Bruises , .Asthma , Catarrh ,
Coughs , Colds , Sore Throat ,
Diphtheria , Burns , Frost
J3itos , Tooth , Ear , and Head.
ache , and all pains and aches.
The beet interntn and ezternei remedy In the
world , neetybottleruaaeteed. Bold by medicine
deekneieiywbete. Dhetlloneiiieiybl leegua es.
i'rkeetentt mdyt.o.
FOSTER , MILBUi1N d CO. , Prop'rs ,
aurrAto , N , V. , U , S , A.
to put a stop to suck practices mu ; loch 05
there are eanlidates anxious t ) buy and
votes willing to sell. The wa } ' moo vote
now time buyer ms able to ho absolutul sure
that the seller lms carried out lmi con-
tract. Time nlall who buys a vote does
not pay for it , mum a rule , till assured that
it is recorded as agreed. Time viva voce
systenm of voting unable ; tlw buyer to be
cortaiim that lie has gat wimot lie ba guncl
for. Aim essential thing to do before time
buying of votes calm be stopped is to d0-
pus a the buyer of timis certainty that Limo
i'uto bought is delivered. Timis can only
be done 11' smbstitutim voting by ballot
for vita voce votinr mud this change can
enl be made b nnmemiding time cosstitu
tiomm We do nut Wean to say that votes
are not bought now- where voting is by
ballot , but votimig by ballot con be so arranged -
ranged that the opportunities to buy
prolitibly may be reduced to a minitntun.
CR01' NTh * .
Shewnt County Tithes : There is
really more small grain amid corn to be
seen , all iii time fmiest ) osaible condition ,
between St. l'aul and Loop City , thou
three is in the whale commty of Pottn-
wattamio , time largest county m Iowa.
The fields of grain in Ncbrnska leek like
nmiunture seas and so tall amid. heavy aid
waving and to look almost as billowy.
Ileautiful sights and bright prospects for
the active farriers , so mommy of which we
Wood River Gazette : From numerous
fnrnmers who ] awe called at this ollice
during time past week we learn that the
small grain has not 1)0011 injured to any
extent worth mentioning by time late
rains , Time bulk of time crop was harvested -
vested before the wet season opened , and
time little that has been harvested since
lion been saved iu good condition.
Plattsnrontli licrald : Cass county farmers -
mers report a much better yield of smmall
grain , whmt they cone to threash , thou
they had counted tam. They say time
yield is munch better them they estimated
1t would be ; this but confirms time herald
in its belief that entirely too little attemi
tiou ) Ras been paid of late years to time cultivation -
vation of shall grain ill the river counties
of Nebraska.
Orleans Sentinel : Tine people of liar-
county have much to thank time
Creator for this year. We halo bemr
exempt from cyclones , hail , disastrous
storms , epidemics , loss of life by railroader
or other accidents. All the aural ) grains
have turned out well and corn is in better -
ter condition tlmo in some of time imioro
eastern states.
Slcanmhoatlu g on tic31Issouri.
Sioux City Journal ,
Time Missouri at Sioux City appears to
be nn asylum for aged amid infirm boats ,
and time halcyon days when steamboats
made timis time objective point iii up amid
down trips appeiu'S to have departed under -
der the power of time incoming railroads.
The days were , riot ninny years ago , when
Sioux City was one of the nmost quoted
ports on the river. Thou railroads were
entirely or nluiost unknown. To dny it
is ono of time leading railroad points , and
its river trnmisportaius is slight. Tie
thud ; will collie , however , whoa time great
water mama of tmnsportati01r will ho used
on n nmoro liberal scale than over before.
G 11rmm lmmul' ! R E M E D Y
, agmtumLPJ > m7j1
dmIWImII IrJIwAa ! .
i mmitV ilellevee mid cures
I lilliMAIISM'
, I , . I u JIJ . '
! Neuralgia ,
(111e ( Sclailoa , LuahaOo ,
'i l IcitiiaYIGIntie :
' ! Im SOilE TIIRflAT ,
1 Ipus . , ww1 , '
i1 ! ; CfiillN ! f I , nrMANY
IsmmRMaatala ) I , Soreness Cots. Snllte. ,
: t "qhWABG' ; ' ' ' ' a' IaO ; l
L ' hui -
urgtl i
, I dndnllntherlNtdllysebet
) I , , I rblIII ; ! II I' ' 1 uul III uml Inliir.
s l l' ' l ! FIFTY CENTS A BOTTLE.
I ' i ( " rj MAAhulllruIhmxuud
I I )
! lp l I Lill ( Ilus.l illU 1 , i nlIIILIA. , , r , + ill ml
, ' III f ! i ' 'ji11'lli ' ! The Charles A. Vogelcr Co ,
W Ih riL.II , .
I , p 1 i : watkrn.avuccuSIru )
„ . . . . . , . . Nxhln.n lie. , l.d 1.
+ 1.
sv'Ilu itAV'R Purr 'rli1 l 9Y ) A Ptt.1U1'IUAL
1'l T. AU.tI r'1D : 1'01
Hard and Soft Coal
Pierc I & Bradford ,
John D. M De
f . , , ,
r O'FIOS ROOMS , a mod I eel PAUNAIL
Isle , illDousW oasby NN
r ;
, T
.i p ,
China an Glass , '
St. Louis Mo. m24 sm
-v7-E-I 0 T . JJ ! SA.Th H
00. , I
Washington Avenue and Eluili Sf'cet , - - - ST LOUIS MO ,
Wholesale Grocers !
Cigars andM anufacture d Tobaccos
Slig1eg , Pickets , t
Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA , NEB
Wholesale ist
PEI1IIIS , 0118 , Yiiii81ie 11 [
o 9
ao a Lock :
CKS , &o. .i
10:30 1'arxau - . .
m itx oit. Omahm.
Ta11 .Paer all . Sliae. .
Wholesale e Clothiers ! ,
. 1 Anheuser-Busch
, K , . e And Bottled Beer
' 1 ' ) "a' , , 'Thin hxcullout Ilom a wnka for itsolt
! rf , ! " ' Il
FJfP ( PCII EYII 1 16 , s ) ' ' ( iltUltlh . , bitObi ANY . IAR1" OF THIt
Mi , . ' h I A l l + alt 1 Il 1. ENTIRE WEST ,
. ihiy.
s t. 'ta : + a Mil 'tit ; '
I , t.IAOIOt1O , , r Will be Promptly Shipped.
Sole Agent fur Oumiha amid time \Vost.
( Juice Corner 18th mid homey Streets ,
Growers of Live Stock and Others.
Oil Cake.
It t. the butt aid ebespeet food to , Nock of sny kI iL one pound L equal to tbeoo pound. of corn
Stock fed ltb Orouad Oa Oslo la tb. Vail mod winter , in.tosd t4 nmrttn down , wal lncnasq , to . ( Igo
mod 1 la food snsrkd.Ws ooodltioe la tb. . Dslry eon , ss WsU w others , who us. It oso'tiN lfy t
Ip merfM. . . . Try II sad lwlglof yoeHUtrm Irsat t er ton no dun. tor.ocks lddrvy , ,
oMlw.1 t. 1TOODm1aL'LfIfdY4'D 0i4 WYrARTOimbs
, . . . . . . .
- - . . . .
} - 'rti'.n , ! + ! p f. + . . . , , .n n 7