- - - - - - - r 1 I TIlE IL1BEE---TUESUAY AUGUSTi1 lss h&reliaslv National Bank OF OMAhA , NEll. said Up CapIL1 - - F Burplus Fund , May 1 , 1883 15,008 , , Steele , Jchtn & Ca A. K T0UZAt.1 , Vice Prelletit , of v. V. MORSI , of W. V. Moro & Co. .3OltN S. COLtISS , of ( I II & .1. S. : . M. WOO1.WOIITIICounctor nt Attotnoy ftttllW. I. . S. 1UE1) , of Uroii Iteed & Co. Y. YA11s' : , CaThkrformUy ) ears Cahkr of thu First atIotrnt flnk of tiiialia. ; This I3ank ( ) peItetI for IUuIiCS AjirU 27 , ISS2. dIrector atIt utockholIera are oiiong the Ica1. butncs of 0iiiah , RII&1 Itu btiuIiie s conducted eICIft1 referenci to the host and Incrcasln Iii of Its mcrcniitllo jfttron. ectiens receu 1roiiipt ttentIofl and chargeu obtainable hero or c1os hero. 1nterct ntIocd on thno depoSIts upon forRl,1e fttlIupon accouiit of banks nd bukcr. Foretcu Ixchattgo , t1oetiiiuOnt I3OiitI , atid County. City icct1rItIeM lotight tni1 voId , J. w. Rodofor , Broker , Stocks , Uonil , Commercial Paper Aild MI other nt oecurItlc dealt 1it Itoom 4 , No. 28 Pearl St. , CouncLi I3iufTu , 1i FINANCE AND OUMMERCE. Ni : YoIK , Angut 13. Monoy-Easy t Z@2 cent. iotioy rose tO 6 per ecut 1)1(1 at close. 'l'lio alvatico h duo to thu shifting of 1o.Lns IncidentaL to lb ft1ilatiO1I 1lO % % ' gui ug on. Prime IercttIlo I'iqor-l,6 Ior cent. a , - Sterling Excliatigo-ltaiikers' bills weaker t at $4.83 ; iletiiatitl , GoveriiInC1t-l4)Wer for I'ii nod .t'a. Stocks oenetl very nervonu , at. to 1c 1uw Cr than Saturday8 closhig qnotatIon8. The ( Iodine vn ; niiiiediate with active selling. In the first tlilrty.five mlinites a further ileclhio ? ranged fioin to 3c , the laUer on Omaha common to 37. Tiits wa. followed by un up. ward re.ctiumi of . to lAc , the latter onVct. . ermi Untomi to ilc. After 12:30 : a savage tt. tack wam imiatlo on the market. The decline in the itet hour was ! @ 3c , being 1e on Omaha to 3fle , aiim ! \Vestern Union Ige to 75c , and Kztmisz & Tcas ijo to Froimi those extremes thmer a iotrtutl recoCry , but it tiII left prices largely below time pricc at 12:30. : In the itit. hour the immarket va at. first weaker , but n final olealitogo wao firmer. The Evening l'ost : ys : r1'110 flurry in time tok market , which iits now beemi in progress for three ( hzys , has un(1Ilesti110ably beemi brought about mimainly by the effort'm on time joart. of interested lalties to create alarimi about time general situation of railroad fiuiances. 'J'he failures of mercantile imuse auud bauuko in various Itrts of the country had umloubt. odly iumcreaed time feeling of distrust that ions bcczu prevalent for thrco rnonttms , and timce circumstauiccs womuid probally have caused a gradu al ( lecli110 in iu ices of stocks anyim ( ) bnt the rumors referred to have recipitated time decline. coUIos. 'I A % 3's. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1O 4'sCoupons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48. l'acifmc 6's of ' 93. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 . Hroclcs An COSIs. 0 , American Express. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Boil. , Cedar lajmid & Nortimerim. . . . . 80 ' Central l'acific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chicago & Altoum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 do tiom pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.10 If' Clii. , Biuri. & Quimmoy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 . , I Erie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do pfda.sked. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 l Fort \Vaymw Cideago. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 ' . liauimmibal & St. .Josepii asked. . . . . . . . 40 . do ( JO ) ( to 101(1. . . . . . . . . . . 92A Illinois Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + 121 0 hid. , Bloom , , . & \Vcst.crn. . . . . . . . . . . . lit ) Kansas & i'examo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 . ' Lake Shore & Nicimigan So. . . . . . . . . . 105 , 0 Micimigaum Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 ' ,1issoimH 1'.icilic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03 a Northern J'mocific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 do (1mm ImfOl. . . . . . . . 78 . , S Northwestern. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 4. 0 do 1f.i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 New York Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 ' Ohio & MiShisiPPi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 do do 1fi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Peoria , Decatur & Evansville. . . . . . . . 0 Rock Isimuod. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 St. l'aul & Milwaimkoe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . tm8 do do do ifd. . . . . . . . . . . 111 St. l'atii , ? olimmn. & oInumitoba. . . . . . . . 106 St. l'aul & Omumaima. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (10 (10) Pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . OS 0 Union Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87. \Vabasim , St. h. & Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . I6 do ) do tb pfd. . . . . . . . . 30 'oVostorum Union 'I'olegrapio. . . . . . . . . . . VfI } : . tsked fJx.i1iv. . . cL1.oJmiGS. : BosToN , August. 13.-Reports front twenty. four leading clo.riuu houses of time United States for the week eroded Saturday , time 11th , give time total clearuucos at $708,210,3t ) I ; a do. crease of 25. 1 per comit. compared svith the cor. responding week of last year. Clearances ; otmtSidOS of New \'ork , $221,00S,0G9 ; aim in. crease of 1.0 ver cent. Time eximihit comotimmuemo unfavorable , mouod clearly iumdicate timat time general trade bitomation imns met witim umo iuxm % oiuuimmg time week. Iimcltmdi iug Now York , the moggregatemo look a little better thmauu they did , but outside of time mnetromou limo , the . figures lmitiicatc dimniumkimeil bushmcmomo. Time only cities which imow any Increase are : Cimicago , I 4.2 cent ; 1'mttbmirg , 33.6 ; New Orleaumu , 2.8 ; Milwaukee , 6.3 ; Kmnisn.o City , o1fl ; Col. -1 tmmbtms , 31.3 ; l'oorimm , 3.1 ; Worcester. 10.11 ; St. . ' ; : ' ; . , Joe , 7.2 i\remimlmis , l8.1 ; smuod Syracuse , 21.0. .c Time imuo gauum at Kaumsas City is dome to time m imucreasemi activity mmiumifested in mdi kinds of , trade. Thu great increase ut sonic Southern cities iimdfcmotcs trade l quite active lii timmot moection , 'I'Imimo io mmootabiy time case tot o1eunplmimo. Seine of the ummammufmmcturimug cities , wimicim mohoweml a loss last week , couume to time front with slight gaiuis timis week. Among thorn we no. \Smorcester. . Pittsburg continues to mimomw a large immcreaso. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ G1ttiN AN ! ) 1'lOVISIONS. CmucAao , Aiugtit -Flour-QuIet mmmiii nonmiimlaiy imnelmangemi. \Vimeat-hleguimir wmaat ) , quiet amid cruder ; I 01 for Amigimiot ; I 02i1 0 for Sojotomamber ; I OU1 0I for October ; 1 0. for Novemimbem ; 1 01 fur time year ; No , 2 imprlmug , 1 00 ; No. 8 moprilmg 80cm o. 2 roil winter , 1 08. ( 'mrmm Fmmirdeimmauiol numd1om'er ; ! 0 for cnsim TMc fur Aumgmmbt ; ltmc for Soimtcimmboor ; 4tije for October ; I7O for November ; for time year. Oats - Qumiob nmmd weak ; 26e for cash ; 2i ) ( 25e ! for .AulgLIht imimmi Selitumimber ; 26o fur Oo. I toCer ; 251' 2te for time year. flyeEmuoler at fl1tiliio. TmnmotimyVcaker ; 1 t1 for prime. Fimoc StmoiI-i.owcr at 1 81. Barley -Quiet ; 65e for Sejmtemnber. Pork -Imctlve nmmi , lower ; 11 O0' , 12 00 for casim ; 19 S7k:19 ( oo fur Aimgust ammd Septumum. 0 hoer ; 1 1 ( f7 ( 19 00 foom October ; 11 7t11 $0 . ' for Noveumohmer ; 1110 for time year. ( 11 Lard -Irregular ; fairly netivo ammo ! inwer ; ' y , 8 0 ( or cash ; 8 0 fin Aimgmmt ; S 0 fin September ; 8 l0(8 12. fur October ; 8 02 for Novemimber ; 7 03 for time year. Iluik 'm1emt-- : 1 mm ( mole deimmammd ammo ! iover ; amhmouidermo , lm 85 ; imort ribs , 6 70 ; , oimmt clear , Iiuttsr Quiet smith umicimaimged. I 1ggs : QtIIOt. moimmi mmigeoi. \Iilmky , Stonily cmiii unchumgmsi. Cimeemoo-Mmmrket qemlot ; cimoico Imili croauom cheddars , 8a.Uc ; full ereammo flats , 1mJ10u ; fair togood cimoohmiars and fiats , $ @th , . 11lds and 'l'aliuw-Ummelmammged. TOLKIO. ) 'rotDo , August 13.-Wimeat-Fmmir demmumil t1 lower ; ? No. 2 red cash urAuguit , 1 11 ' old , I I1 asked , 1 ) Corn-Iuhl nuid mmmhuma1 ; high ummiaed , toc ; Na. 2 , ca'ii or Asiiust , t'3c asketi. Oats-iaster : . 2 , ensim , Atmgut or Sep. tomboy , 28c asked , EW TOOK. NKw 'YORK Amgut 18.-\Vheat---Cashm ui lc lower ; emiotloims 015311001 teamIy , deelhmmeol C , cioulng stroumgt'r ; uimgrmideil reil , 0&l 20 ; No. I red , 1 030j)1 ) Of ; te'amnur No. 8 roil , I Of ; No. 8 roil , I 1@l 17 ; te.mmmmcr No , 8 remi , 1 10 ; No. 2 red , 1 20@)1 21 In elevator ; 1 17 lii motoro. Corn-Cado quiet amid firmum ; opthinms Opotmemi temnly , miemli micI c , eloisi mug fmrmom ; imngrmulcol 52@62e ; o , 2 , ta68e ( afiomot. . Oets-1c lower1 mmmlxcsl vesterum , 370c ; wimite , 40atoOc. Eggs-\'ostern fresh m1imlet amid steady. l'ork-Uimsojttleml aunt io\ver ; umow ummesq , 15 00. i.ard-Unsettlerl amid iowcr ; prhno ateaumi , 841@815. liutter-Immhl. BAtTmuomtr , Aumuust , 13.-\Vimoat-\\'estcrmm dull amid iower ; i"i 0. 2 o huoter red cash , 1 1ij 1 1fl. . Corn-\Vestermi neglected ; mimtxed , ( i1c bimi for August. OmtsQuiet ; western vidto , 4143c ; muixed , 87i41c. fly13-StentlV at Iimmtter-Jhmli : Vetcrit hacked , S@10e ; creamimery I S23c. Ep.moktm'aiiy at 1fl1e. w imimoky-ilmuim at 1 18I1 18. KAmoM4 CITY. 1AmoAM City , Amigiist 18.-Wheat-No' . 2 remi fmmll , toc' ) ' .h.Ic ( rim eMim ; t)0@t)0e ; ) for 5eii. teimmber ; t1ic tout fmmm' October. ( orim-\\ oak ; 38o fur oeohm ; 37e bid for Scm. temumber ; 8.e bitt fur tcniimor. Oats-.IFirimmer ; 20c bitt cmlsim. iI'IImI'o0L LmvElmroou Itroaiist.mtTs-1immmu. , August 18. - - \Vhmeat-W Inter , 8s 11dutIs ( .ltl ; srlImg ) , ba Oil s.orum--New , mcUis fbi. MuI.\VAUKKI ; . \tIu.vAvKam t'i.tigtIst 18.-'mVimoat-Irregu. hour ; cmsh or August. 1 01 ; Seimtenmber ; 1 tJ ; October $1 0 $ . (1imrn-Steady ; No. 2. t'O.Ie. ' ( Mts-Ummsot.tlcd ; viiItu , blistered , 3k. 1yo-Lower ; NO. 2 , tOm. Barioy-1)muli ; No. 2 , Seitemnbur , ( i4Jc. NEW OItI.IAS. NKw Oumts.tms , August 13.-Comum-imi fair tleiiimiimd ; mimixud , OOe ; hi to , 63c. Omots-Emeojer ammit iii fair dommmLmnd at 40fiJ41c. l'ouk.-Lowcr at 13 toO. Lmmrd-Steady ammd In f.oir deimmamud ; tierce , 0c ; keg , Usc. lImmik .o1emts-Iuu fair demmmnumd mummi iasicr. , ' 1misky-1' irnmer ; veatermm i ectitkd , I 1 C1CUSTI. ! , , August 1 8.- \Vimmt-1tior : ; No. 2 red wimmter , for ( 'ash , 1 OS. Curio-Quiet at tii. ( ) atmo-lmmll at 2So. 113'u---E.Lsirr at. J'ork-l.uiei' mit 11 tit . Larti1mm fair tleimmoimol : at Sc. Ilmilkieat - 1)mmiI morid mmuummiumai. \V1miky-Aetivu mum , ! ilium mm 1 13. ST. LOUIS. Sr. Louis , August -'oVimeat.---Ummsettled ' mmmiii lower ; No. 2 imimI , 1 ( ) ( i for cash ; 1 06 ? for Amguist ; I 08 for Septemmmhier 1 1OA for Octuhem' . C.rmi-Slow amid lower ; ' 11km for cash ; 461u for .Augum.t ; ' 1flc for Se1)temnbcr ) ; 40.c for October. Oats-Firm ; 25f25c for casio ; 2-lc for Auguot mmd Septemmutmer ; 25c for October. : and Barley-Ummehmmmmged. Curio Meal-Quiet mot 2 10. Ibitter aumtl Eggs -Ummcimtumgeti. Whisky-i ii. I'IOmmIA. : l'rommm.t : , August 13 , ( .omrum.Steady ; high mmmir.ed , t0'0c ' ! ; No. 2 uiui.ed , .18@1$1c. ) onto-Active ; Imuw wimitu , 2S@j2tc. ) \Vimiky-1 1t. _ _ _ _ _ I.IVE SI'OOI ( . ChiCAno. ChicAno , Augmot. 1 3.-'l'bc Drovers' .Tournal Iem't1Itm 1 I " - ] ) ; 10I2c lower mmimml very weak ; paekimm , 4 80ii ( 10 ; packiuig amid miiipmiuig , n i0aJ f0 ; iiglmt , 11 3ic5 : 85 ; skijis , 3 UOraJ 5 10. Closed heavy. C.mttlo'-G 0(1(1 stuclc strong1counmnon weakex. ; jrts , , , fi tfO6 20 ; gotid to cimince slmipfimmg ) steers , 0 40@5 SO ; cmmmimmoul to ) ummethimmmum , 4 0&t 20 ; caniuimmg ammO bumtdmerimig , slow aumd weak ; jim. feri"r to boor , CoWS muon iumixcd , 2 ! iO@3 ISO ; mome diumuum to good3 7iioJ1 ( 00 ; stockers , 00fb,4 10 ; feeders , 3 7t3@1 30. Simeeim-1"airly active monmi firm ; inferior to fair , 2 7ti0j3 60 ; nmediommmt to good , 3 80@1 35 ; choice to extr.m , .1 ti0@5 00 ; hmummbs ; 1 00@4 00 per imeoul. KANSAS CITY. 1Ctssts't CITY , August 13.-Cattle-STony ammo ! weak ; imatives , S I hi ; stoekem's ammo ! feemium ii 3 CO@1 50 ; co'mo , 2 t,0@3 75 ; 'J'exs steers. 8 85. hogs-Lower mmmiii weak at 1 8O0j5 W. Sheep-Uncimmmmigemi. 8T. LOUIS. Sr. Louis , August 13.-Cattle-Slow , weak auth bower ; exports , S 55 ( , ( 20 ; gtiotl Imeavy slmimjiiimg bteers , 5 l085 80 ; light , 5 7O6 25 ; mmatit'e COVH mcmiii imeifomui aumil ummixed lots of hmumtcimemiumg stuff , 3 50@'lSO ; Tuxammum , 8 75 ( 1 (10 ( ; bulk monies , 1 00 ( l 20. Simcep-Smm ii iiy ligi m t nuid iittio done ; comn 1114)11 to imoiiiuilm , 2 75 3 25 ; fair to good , 3 50 4'j'l ' 00 ; Immimmme to choice , 4 10fJ1 50 ; laimmbmo , I 75cj5 25. TRAFFIC. ILOUit ANI ) OflAI. ChicAno , Aiugiuomt 1l.-feeelib : and simip. : mmeumts of' flour amid gralmm fur the past 24 Immmurmo imoovo boemm as foilows : Iicceipts. Shmip'tmo. Flour , bbl'i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 . 8,000 Vl'imoat , , . . . . . . . . . . ' , 125,000 , Otrum , busimeis. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 12,000 357,000 Oats bimsimeis. . . . . . . . . . . . 85 . (100 ( 69,000 Ilyc , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 12,00i Bnrimy , hmiasimehom. . . . . . . . . . I ,000 .1,000 NEw YORK , Aiigomt 13.-Receipts and shi1m. uumeuts iii flour mmumd grain for time pmumt 21 hours hirovo been mis follows : Ileceijmta Simiim't. . Wheat , busimolmo. . . . . . . . . . 110,000 24,000 ( mrn , btmsimolm. . . . , . . . . . . . 98,01)0 ) 201,000 Oats bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 50,000 71,000 KtNAsCtTy , August 13.-lkceiimt reid simip. iimcmmts of gralmm for time loa.t 2 1 imoums have been as follows ] Teceiptm. Simlp'ts Wimcat , iomusimei . . . . . . . . . . 17,0(8) ( ) 2,800 Corn , btmsimeiom. . . . . . . . . . . . 17,000 23,000 LIVE STOCK , ChicAno , Aigtist 13.-ltocoljmt.s and molmliu. hlIOimt' . of live stuck four time past. 21 bomurmo imav beemo as follows : ] k'ceiots. SimIp'ts. hog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18IiOO . . , . Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1,800 ( . . . . Simeujm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000 , . 1CtNss Cir , ifugmmst 13-Iieceiiitmo ammd simljimmeuitom , of live mmtnck for time Toast 21 hours have beemm aim follows : ] Tecelptmo. Simlii'ts , Cattio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,100 , . . liogmo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( Not lvon. ) Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 . S'i. Louis , Ammgummot 1h-Becelpts : aimml simhim. urmemtom , of live stock for tIme 1aimmt 2 1 Imourmo have Iicuit its follows : ] feceIots. Slmlii'ts. Cattle. . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . 725 250 Slmeeio. . . . . . . . . . . . . , , 1,100 150 - - - - : q iSJljijsN1OtJS , jmimi'rimm t , hAl N 1jt. m mi. LoNooN , Atmgii'ot 18.Thuinm'k Lotummu iii its meviuw of time lIritisim gialum trmule for time host voek , says : OraIi : Imas i ipemmmmml sloViy. ow iimm , to time ummisettleol wiatimer. Jliist. otiiil imiIltiuv ha ye immemeasemi. Vimet i'm 1' ' . j mmg 1mm qomammtity mmimtl qmmalmty ilmITy. hiam'loy ammol imats imaso mnucim lumiomoved , Jmmghlsim wimeat imimproveol Is mlulihmg time week. Trade Tim for. eigim uimoat ° tmumds : molow. Barley steady , bm1lCs mmmmcimaimgmsi. Oats 3d iiemi ; or , 'l'ramlo mm wimeat off time eot. mimomo active , Sae. ! of imm. gush wheat iiurlng time week wn' 85,131 munr. tent rot 43i Ol per ojiharter , mmgalmmst 10,122 ijrmar. tars ot SOs Oil the corrospommilhmg week of last year. O3AIIt MAItICETS , Whmolesalu Prices , th'mici : oi 'JhI } : OuAmrA ] 1Et , 1oIoioiy fl milmig , .ms'ugust. ' 13. ( J i'mm iii , \ Jfl.tTCoi : ; N' ' . 2 , hk ; No. 8 , 6'Jm' ; iv' . ectovI l' . B.mlLyCsi : , No. 2 , $3c $ ; No. 3 , fly-Crm.ii , 4Oe. Coa-\I keel , $ C' . OTs-0o. liRe Stock. V.T STEhS-Qmuiet ; amid ummelnuigeol at 8 't ( ; 4 00. l'AT COWS-3 OO33 33. iloui 7@ 00. ShhhKr'-llrImi : at 3 OOf3 50. C.thvis-Faiirojuummhity to O066 00 ; gotxl lmuteit cr5' stock , 7 00. Cni'mtI Meitis. hiAtus -136il Ic. 1ACiUimcimommmgeil at 1218c. Smioum.iwmnm-Pmmli at SQ8u 1)uitIi : hihF-1ie. : ( LAmmtmAt t5J)1Ic ) ( 1mm tlcroes , T.u.tow-'Irimt at tj ( 'oc 1mm barrebu. L'iflhit V3 anti Ilsit. h'm'IlmNn CIIICKINS - Smmmaii , mneImnmmgeii , 1 25I2 ( 00 : hugo. ' 1miet. nt 3 00 ; old , 8 ' . \\11I10 Flail tOuJlOc. ) FlailVmmeimaumged , ; iolko amul immku tnmut time minute. (1cuuoral I'roituoco IuoisUmmchmmmmmgctl at 15tjlfle. ) ltt'i'ii.mt : Quiet ; coimmmmuomn b good , 7@iOc ; f.'imOiCI dmmhi'y , 1 l@16 ; sweet , imigim ciolioreol grmuo4 , 12Cc 18 ; emiiklmmg , 7c. l'OTAloiIS NU" % ' ituict amid uiiamket veiI sup. jmile.I itt 0@ 10o tier him , ' ONIoNS Quiet itt $1 ( )0f ) I ( 'ti jeer Isbi. N mw : C.ummi.tui25o : hoer ih'zumm. I I oN ia' : - Cmmilformmiom , I it cmmmiim , j et ioommmmtl , 20 (2lc ; motrmmlimeol , lIgi2e. ( Cu i ii : si- : Quiet mmumd mm umt'imaumged.Ve mjuote lO ( i2c. 'l'OIt1Oho4-QumiCt at ISo per imiox. ( m'etmm iu'mIltH. ltruIuihummILs-l50io1Sc : : : jeer ijuart. 1Ih.uKhmmImIIms18c1j20o : icr oimmtm : t. i , m'oNSSteady ; aimmi imigimer itt 7 ( ) i)6)S ) ) 00 11cr 1ooi , Cuimnmimims-l25o15e per , Iummt't. ( ) im.t t ; hs-Cmmiifrumia : , 8 t'O itor I , , , x. i'E.tchIS-Nntivemo : 1 00ijl 50 11cr box ; Cmdifoorimlo at 3 7i1. Ctm.i otmmmi A 1' 1,0315-I 0 good olemmmommmtl itt 2 7SQi 8 itO i'um' ' box. ( JAmml'OmtNmA 4m'mmueoTm4-Scu'ce : at 2 75 In 20 hi 10(0.0.4. Ii.N..s-'Uumcilumget1 : ; Per bumimcli , 2 0O@ I ctu.m'ommm. : i'r.uus-2 & ) (12 ( 75 her box. .i\ m'm'h.s- : I ( ) ( 50 'or ' i ii oh. C.h.I'mmtsI.t ihumTI.Em' I'iAtS-lul ) gtiotl tic. mmmumot : mmt t'0t 8 toO or box. Ctm.u'ohmu , (1 mtAl'ms-8 : titt8 ) 75 jeer case. I"litii itmiti iI lust htI'IH. \ VINTImm'ihi.u'Iiest. : : ojomnlity , loatemmt , at 8 25tj ( 8 65. SECOh ) QUM.mTv-2 O0j'3 ( 25. Sm'mmINohV ILIAT--IJCst qom.tlity , Imateult , mtt .3 51) ) 8 SIcoNmo : Qu.uIT'-2 50J8 25. 11mi.t , . 55 , joel' cwt. C h 0 mm'Lmu 0 Fm.ui : 1 'or 9(1 ( hog. SSc. Comu' 1o1 EAI.-i ( XP&i if ) per cwt. cmmmm.mNi-6)7c : : ( ) ) per ctvt. _ . ( IMCCIm4 1.1st. CNNmm : ( i oomui-ymitems ( Staumdud ) , Ijoer ca'oe , 8 7a1 ( ) ( 90 ; motravbemiiemo , 2 II , , her case , 2 10 ; h'mt.4loberuies , 2 Hi , icr case , 8 50 ; Bartlett pears , oem' case , i 10 ; wtmortlebeutics , icr ease , 2 75 ; egg joliimmms , 2 Ib , tour case , 2 90 ; gmeemm gm4emo , 2 II , er case , 2 'JO ; dii choice , 8 II , i icr cmmso , 'I too ; tommie : tpjlemo ) , 2 Ib , iocm' case , 1 00gm S 75 ; ioenclmemo , 2 10 , per case , 3 00 ; do 3 Ib , imer comae , 'I O0f.44 50 ; do ( joie ) , : t Ib , per case , 2 60 ; ( I , , 1(10 ( , ( ; Ito , joet' dozoim , 2 30. I mch - - I , ooimisiumL : , rnno to choice , T@Sc ; fmtir , 7fjz7 ; I 'atuma , t0. 1'msii - - NIO. I nmackerci , unit bris. , 7 00 ; No. 1 mimomekeret , kits , 1 00 ; fauumiiy ummmckei'el , half bris. , S 25 ; fummiiy : mmmoikcm'e1 , kits , SSc ; No. 1 wlmite . fklm , imomhi 1)115. ; 7 00 ; No. I kits 1 05. S. mmcm' - Stammdard C , , : m . , 85c , lomimo ; 3tumdmtrd : ito , 1 gallium kegs I S's ; xaumulmtil do , 1 gaiiomm kegs , 1 60. auim.-1im lb papers , 8 30 jeer case ; keg sodmu , 21c. 21c.Ni Ni : ' 1 'i CKLESi I emlimmumu , I im bLri mis , 6 50 ; do ill imotif 1 mairebu , 8 70 ; oommmtll : , i im lnmricis , 7 ' 10 ; do in imaif barrels , 5 42 ; gtmui hi mmmi , i mm barrels , S .10 ; do iii half burelmo , 4 70. 'I'OArm---imllmjoowder , goomi , .lS ItiSc' ; choice GO ( z75c ; giast I mm' j cm ioml , 4UfIO 13e ; elmico , , G05jtiSc ; Young I lysoum , gotomi , 36z50e ( ; choice , m'Scoi. 1 00 ; .1 otloalu , umattmrai leaf , : tSc ; , J mopaum , eimoo'tei , ( ,0i)75c ; Oohimmg , good , 35(8j40e ( ; Ooommg , citke , , , 'IU&55c ; Soueimommg , good , 35@40c ; cimoice , 35i ( 'ISo. 1oi'-Sisal , inch arorl iam'gcr , 10e , mcii , 11e j jnem , 11c. 'm'oohnNvAmtn-'rwo i10401) ralis , 1 75 ; timrec lmooj I j .tiis 2 00. 'l'umhms ' , No. 1 , 8 50 ; 1iu hmeer s'muolmIoojotrts , 1 85 ; 1)ommbie Crown , 2 'JO ; \Voiiijomckct , 3 toO. LE.to-Jio' : , 1 65. SoAi's-1'irk's Seven Iummperimml , 3 .15 ; Kirk's moatimmet , 3 60 ; Kirk's mitamulmmi'il , : t 75 ; 1'irk'io wimite Ibismijotii , 5 25 ; I'irk's emmtocn , 2 15 ; Kirk's I'z'omirie Queen , (100 ( cmikeoo , ) 40c ; Kirk's immmtmmtihia , 4107. . I o'i'AsmI-l'emihmsylvania caims , 'I case , in case , 3 : ; lIabtittmo , ltil , 2 dnz. in c.m.so , 1 904\neimor ; ball , 2 doz. iii ca' ° e , 1 50. I'EANUTS-Iloasted. eliodee , rmnl 'l'cumimemosee , 12c per ilm ; f'uicy white , 12lc imerlloraw-wimit.e ; Vimgiimia , raw , lie ; roasteii , 13c C.tNmu.hs-Boxes : , 40 11)5 , 165 , 15jc ; 8mo , 15'c ; booes 40 ilso , ii ; ow. . , fbi , 154c. 31A'mCiiE-l'er cmdilio : , 62c ; round , cases , 5 10 ; mujilalo caae.m , 3 .10. CoF'EIs-Omtiihm1u'3' : grades , 8jtc ) ) ; fair 1Oj 101e ; gosod 10@i11c ; loliummu , 12@12c ; eunice 13.tI8c ( ; ? mumcy giceul moot yelitms , 1 lcjzJltoc ; ohl govermmmmmuimt .1 movmm , 2o(2c ( ; ; I .everiumg's mommooteoi , 14c ; Arlmomcklu's rmumsted , I l'c ; i"mlcl miumgimlimm's xx.'x moaooteh , 1'i.c ; imimitation Java , 1Oi ( 18 Ic. VhNmcAhm-New ; York umIoplo 1Cc ; Oimim np tile , Ic. SAI.I'-lray loads , per bbl , 1 75 ; Amobtoum , lii smocks , 3 toO ; bblmo daim'y GO , 5 , 8 toO. SumiAmes-l'owmiered , loAc ; cut loaf , lOAc ; grminumlat.ed , tJc ; comifectitommers' A , 'JJc ; Stmouuol. morti extra C , 8c ; extra U , 8c ; immerliomma yei lmw , SAe ; dark yellow , 71'c. Srtimcit-lb'mmri , 'lc ; lajiver Gloss , Oc ; Corn Stardm , 'Jo ; Excelsior Oiomms , 7c ; Cmn'n , Sc. Sm'1Ci4I'tliiCE : , 17c ; allspice , lSc ; cloves 25o ; casoola , ISo. CmIhEsm--Ymmhi : crcmmumu , I Ic. 1Yi-3tiumericamm : , : t b ; ( I reenwicim , 8 ff1 ; \Veootcrum , 2 75 ; Istrtim Star , 2 00 ; Lewis' iyo 4 65 ; Ie'oh1 lye , 2 75. JhyGooIIt4. IhIavN CorroNom-Atlnumtoo A 8c ; Apple tOll XX , Tc ; Atlomimtoi A , Sc ; flout FF 8c , Buckeye J.l , ' 1.1 , 7c ; CmobotV , fle ; ( . mitto nmmmmgm A Oje ; ( IremotFailsE 8c ; ] iooslor,6c ; I I omumemoto'hItim , Sc ; I tuiimmui I I emul % , Sc ; Imidimoum Stammolamd .st , Sc ; I immilaim ( ii cimmorii , it. v. , Ole ; Lawrence l1. , t'c ; Mystic Jilter , 7e ; l'equut A , 8c ; Utica C. , r4c'achmuooutt ; 11 , 7c ! ; mu , A , 8u dii 1 48 , I21e. YINF BmmotvN Co'rroNms---Allouitimmiu .1.1 7e , Ahhlgmmtoor 3.1 , 8c ; Argyle ' 1.1 , 7'c ! ; Atfoumtle 1419 , llC Jimmdger State X .1.1 , ( Le ; ItuhiimImmgtvmn 0 .1.4 , 6/c / ; lbmckeyo S 1.4 , file ; Jmmdlaum Orchard AA 9.8 , 8c ; JmocurmIa (1 8e ; Lehigh J I.I 'Jc ; l'oppereil N :10 : , Vc ; do ( .1 89 , 74c ; do I 811. 7c ; ( It ) 1 3t ) , 8c ; l'rscaoset. 0 1.4 , 7c ; \Vmtummootitta ' 1.1. it. : ] tm.cAcitu : Covrons-Andrmmocoggimt 1. . 'I. I , tlc ; lilackomt.mumo , itiiummjmerimol 8 c ; tIn ml , , Imomif bleacimeti .1.1 , Oc ; Cabot 1.1 , 8'c ; Fimlelity 'I. I , 9c ; Jrmilt oil time I .ouuim , t.jc ; do coiiomhim lu 'I .1 , i24 ; iiiVater 'I'wist , lte ; ( Beat inils Q , 0 : I immilmum I lead sumrmummk 'I. f , I 2c ; Jommo.oimmlo , I Oc ; 41 camimtmoic 37 , 14e ; New \'muk Mills , 12c ; l'msjmitot A , hOc ; J'eiiimorei , N U 'l'tvihlm , J2c ; l'ocuimnumtas l.4 , fL'.c J'mcaset F . 1 , 8j ; Utica , lie ; WimmmmoiiLtzo U X N , l2e. ] ) ecis ( Colimimal ) Ailatny l , iormnvmm , Sc ; oh' . 0 , drab I Ic ; ohm 'o , ' . stripes aummi joinlols , 12 1 .2c ; dm N X..k Ion , syi , mmmiii tirmob , mmti I i ammo nimd j 12 1 .2c ; if m Ii mmgt.oihh fancy , I tic ; I ho umosm i ! ' lrmmwIm , S 1.2e ; Cimaritot. fmoumey , 12 1.2e ; ml , . os. this heavy , 20u ; 1all ifiver hoimiwmm , etm'm y , I 1 1 .2c ; I imdlamimm .A brmns'im , 13c ; NupoommsoL % hirossim , ISc , 'fICIhts-Amoosieoag ; A C A :12 : , iOc ; miii XX limo 82 , 18 1.2c ; Arruwmtmmmomi , 9 1 .2e ; ( ilmrmi. mmmoimt 1111 , 15 ] .2e ; (2mnmestoogom ( , extra , 17 1.2c ; I Ismmimlltomm 1) , 1 I 1.2c ; 1.m.mvistoum , A. 30 , 1 .Sc ; i 1mm mmeiumhma ' 1. I , 20c ; Ormmeg.i , sujio.r extra 1. I , 28e ; I'cail Itiver 34 , If ; i. Ic ; l'imtumamm XX blue strijoc , 12u ; Simetumekot 5 , 11) J.2c ; olto 45 , 12c Vcuimmait'mm lAin , 'J , tic. ) : - . , imitmo itmool biowim , ] U I Amniover 1) ] ) blue , 15 1.2e ; Amhliogtois blue Scotch , 1 $ 1.2e ; Commeord 000 , blue mmmiii lorowim , 12 1.2e ; do iAIl , do do , 18 1.2 ; gIn XX too tin iho , I 1 1.2c ; I I mmymimmk'er'mm : hi em , otumil hrowi , 0 12e ; Ilystlo 1f1er I)1)aotiipo , 16 1.2e ; Pearl ifiter , 1)100 itumol brown , 11km ; Unc'asvillu , bimmo mmumd brown , I 1 1.2e. OAuhmuIcsjiauimarol , 5'c ; 1imiystoume hlumhmmg , 2 1 Inch double fmtcu , 8&c ; ? i'nrner t glazed , f4c ; I'olmtmilmattmmm ' : gioui fluilsim , 5e ; Nowjoo.rt ibm. t4o dogia.cool , 5jc ; I'cqucmt do , fk ; Jmoekwmsnj kid liumlsli , Be , Coimsmr JjANS-A uoory Aumoiroscogghim sattecum , 8c ' Ciarermdoum IC Coimestogga sat. toemis , 7fc ; I'faihmts'eil , Sc ; lntflaxm Orcharmi , 7c ; Nmmrragmmumsott , himproveti , 8 ; I'epperilt sat. Vt' , hi , lJc ; ifvockjsmrt , Cc. I'hihNTm4'Alleims , Oc ; Amiooricamm , 4c ; Armwid , li ; Jlcriviek , 'Ie ; Cochooo t ; ; Commestoogmm , tile ; Jaimkirkc ; iJumineil , ( ij7e ; Eddytcimo , ' 7c ; CIotuecster , 6c lfnrmcony , tc ; 1nhckerbocker , ( iCI o1errhmumae ) , 7c ; MystIc , te ; Sjor.'mgimemo , I'.c ; Soumtimbrhilgo , Ce ; ill ) ( llimgioaius , Vc' mLart. bore , te ; Oriemmtal , fle. (1 ( iNumuItms--s\uiuo1skemsg 0c ; Argyle , iOc ; 4 tiatitk , Sc ; Cuummioeriaiul , 7c I I ighhommmil , 7c ; Keimhiwortim. te ) ; 1'Iooimktt , 0.\c \ ; Sussex , So. COTTON.InM.Atmhwrvltho , ; 4ymltO , 20o ; ummerkan , lie ; Artloolmti : , 2c ( : ( 'molt , , 'I ) mmml 'I' , l3c ; ( 'tariomt I ) aunt T , 1 , e ; I ) t'emmml Co. strIpes I ) mmml ' .1' , lflc is03'stnmmo. 18e ; Nan tuicket , ltk , Noumliarumhi , iSo : Ocean I P numd ' 1' , l8c ; lToyitf , l6c ; Sussex , 12c ; 'I mngom'acimu. . sett. simirtiug checks , 12c , ; do \ umumkhn i'2cs \'I irk , html ii Numnkin , I 2.e : ole e1meck , strijoos mtuuil fmsumey , l'.e ; do S ox , 20O. SIIERTISOSAummlrtosco'gimi lO'l 2t ; tim , 0.1 , 2.'tc (10 3. I , 32cm ( . , omtthoioumtal C I'2. lie ; Fruit oi time i.ooumi l0 t ; 27c ; New Vmirk mu us 9 $ . 'c ; mb 7 $ , $ Oc ; do f'S , ? .c ; i'i'mmmloroiko 1(1.4 ( , 23c ; 1'outiot 10.4 , 28c : ohio , I , hOc ; do 49 , t6 ; h'eppommell 90 , 21)c ) ; do 67 , 21cm do : ; , 1& ; Utica Pt" " , 3Cc ; ( Ii ) ( iS , L52c ; do 'IS , lie. 1)rugs , intnui ) ChmKshICAI.-4VItl , ( 'arbulhe , 45c ; 4Cjti 'l'nrtmmric , toSe ; Balsanu Cojomohola , , or lb. TOo ; I lark , 5mMmfrn % , 10cr it , , 19e ; raliiuumei hoer iii , 75t. ; Ci umiolmimumi dimu , uer ni , t ° 1 05 ; Cimloor , , . foiuti , uier iii , SSc ; iovcr'om i''soiemmo , ucr Ui , $1 2o5 ; 1uosoumi Salts , u'er Ib , 8t' ; ( ; l cetlimmo , uuum e , per lii. UJcr I . .oatlcetato. . 10th' ub , 22c ; ( Ill , ( jn.Mtoii. N o. 1 . tier mmi , $ I 8 , , , t ifl , tJ.tmotor , No , , 8 , hoer gtl. : .ii 20 ; Oil , Olive , uocrgoil. i tO ; ; I , iii Ui IgrolmulumI , SOc ; Ojnmmmii , $ ' ( tO ; Qomiomi Ito , I' . & \ - . ittii ii. & S. toer oz , Si 90 ; Po'tt.sitiimi , I tomliolo , uoer iii , t t ; bmtllei um u'r oo7 , hoc ; Soil j ihimto : tif morjiimi tie , tier oz , 3 75 ; Soil joimur flour , per ito , Ic ; Strycltmmhimt' , i'ei mi , t 25. . l'nluts , Oils itmiti "m'iti'uulsiit's. Omms-1 1O emorliomu , per gallium , ie ; 1t0) imenollight , iici gothlomi , I 1c ; I 7. ' - hitemilhiglit , l ° " ' gmmllomi , lOo. : 150) ) ° wmmter so hiit , iSo ; limo. seeii , m asv , icr gmmlhmu , fiOc ; liiiseoal , I oooiIeol , u icr gmmliomi , Stie ; lomnl , vintcr str5l , mer gal , $ Scm No. 1 , iSo ; No. 2 , 75c ; castor , . \X , hoer jmd itmi , I 83 Ne' . 8 , 1 2t ) ; insect , jot'r Fmtltiiim i'Sc ; slerlim ii. , ) Ci' gallon , 1 60 ; fish , \ . 1k , tier gomfIuo , hoc ; iumumtsfst oxtrmm , hoer gaUnmi , title ; Xii. I , iSc ; lubricating , Zen' , jeer gallon , stumimumer , I Sc ; golden inmtcimtum'i ' , Xii. I , hiv'r gal. , 35c ; No. . , , 25e ; miliermit , oomgumimi , hov'r gallium Sole ; toiu'joeutiimo , pct gotilmoim , t.Sc ; mmapthma , 71 fo&'r gmolhiuo , iSo. i'AiNi'mi IN Oi-\Vimite load , Oimmalma I' . 1' , , Ge ; viiItu temol , St. I .oomlmo , imui , m1 e ; \ I mumocihics greemi , 1 to to Ili emuis , 20c ; Frtumeli 7.iime , green seal , i2c ; Frt'uoclm zimmc , moot miemit , lie ; 1reiucim zihmc , I mm vmtrumisim mmsmit , 2c : 1u curb zinc. In oil moist , i5c ; lOtS' amid lmurmtt unifier , I II 010115 , Itle ; raw mmuid louriit Sicimioms , I tic ; vmmumdyko i onnvn I : tc ; retiumeti lomumitotmlmock , 1'2c ; coach lmioielc , loom1 Ivory black , ilkm ; tiniiu liimmek , Ille ; l'ioissimmii blue , kc ) ; oiitrmiummmrimmc : blue , iSo ; t'imroiiimo gm'eeii L. mi . & 1) . , Itle ; blind nummi moimrmtt.er gmt'oui , I. 1o1. & 1) . , Ilk , ; l'mtrimt gmt'omm , 1c ; ioiilioum roil , i5cmnuietlmoum ; rot. Dc ; I'imcnmu roil , 22c ; Aiumcri. CmtumTeriumlilmoum 1. & 1' . , ISo ; elmrouiio veiltiv L. oi. , U. & 1) . 0. , ISc ; ycihono' ocfmto , ' .Ic ; gioiiloim i oeiii'o , I te ; , ommteimt dryt'u' , $ . . gm'aimiimmg colooi's. light outh , tltu'k monk , svalomtmt , ciietmitmt. aumd ash , itic. iry Palmutmo. \\'hmito lmtoi , Sc ; Vroimcii ziimt' , lOb ; Paris t'imitiumg , 21c : st imitiumg gilolers , 1 c : svimitiomg eoimt'i 14 c ; inoimi , blmmck , 0 L'rioiaimtoiu'mm , I 'Ic ; lummjdolmtch' : , iu'di nary , 1 Pc ; 1'riisimum [ oboe , SSc ; uitrmom miarlimu , I Sc ; s'nmmiiyk'e , bu'oisvi m , Sc ; mouumtn'r , hiomriit , 'to ; muummbor , rav , .Ic ; toioimtma , loomrmmt , Ic ; sioumima , m'mu : , 'Ic ; I 'muimo gI'eehm , gemmooi Imo , 25c ; I'mmm is green , couimuimtmul2Oc : ehmoimme o o'eoi , N.\ ' . , 20c ; ciiiooi mao gt'i'uhm , lo. , 1'2e ; venom Ill , iii , iimg. Too ; vermomiltitomo , juimericaui , I Sc ; I mmdiamt i'ed , lOc ; rose ioiomk , lie ; Vemmctiaum roth , Cokiosooss , 2c ; Veimetiami reoi , Auimericaum , 1c red lemtd , 7.c ; cioi'ouumo yclhmv , geimimine , 20c ; cmriuiuo 301. losv , IL , i2c' o , chiu'o , , rocliolle , 8c ; ncimre , 1m'cmmchm , 2j'c ; ( ( dm10 , Aummomicam , , 2cVimot.em"s ; momlimeral , 2.c ; leimigim tori otm'mm , 2.c ; Spaumisim brotvmm , 2c ; [ 'o immco'oi mmmiimt'romi , 8c. \TutNmsmi } H-1btn'eis iocr gallium : Furumi. turn , extra , $1 10 ; foirumitmire , Xii. I , 1t : comeii : , cx tin , $ i .10 ; coach , No. 1 , 51 20 ; himtummar , cx trot , $ 1. 711 ; .1 umjoamm , 70c ; mosjoimmtitimuum , extra , SSc ; simelimme , 3 50 ; hmmud nit hiudsim , Si toO,1 Lemotimer. Omtk 50)10 , 8Sc too .12c ; lmemmminck o.ooie2Sc tim 85c ; iieimmlock , kip , SOc to 1 00 ; rmummimer 65c to SOc ; lmeuimloek calf , SSe to 1 20 ; imeummlock mm j 010cr , 28c ti , 2oc ; : nook oij it our , 21 C ; all igmmto ii. I Om I ti o A toO ; calf idol , 82(535 : Greiscim kitl , 2 tO t. 2 75 ; oak hi j o , Soc to 1 011 : onlc citi f , I 20. ) too 1 30 ; Fi ouch ki1o , 1 i ( ) tom 1 55 ; Frtoumcii calf , 1 25 too 2 00 ; rims. sets , 1 toO to , 7 tot ) ; liumimmgs , 6 00 to it ) toO ; toojo. jomuigmo , 9 00 to lCi tot ) ; B. L. l'oloomocco , : tc ( ) to :45c : ; toeliblo 0. 1) . rsl ortoeco , 85c ; silo moim , 2 tO to 3 00. I I AhINISSNom. . I star oak , ' 12c ; Nee 2 t iii , : ioc ; No. I Ohio oak , 8Sc ; Nm , . 2 rho , 85c ; oi. 1 Ithitwmumkee , 87c ; No. 2 do , 84c. Lumum tier. . WmIohESALi. \\1.e puoto Ininber laOm moimol mtimlngiem.oon cain at Ourmahmmi at the foilowiimg lricos : .Poii' .tNh ) SCANTLING-lU ft. nimd under 2200 ; 18 ft. , 28 50. 'I'm n uiiuem-1fl : feet nail mnmder , 22 00. 'l'mnimium AN1) .boii-l8 ft. , 23 50 ; 20 ft , 2350 ; 22 ft. , 26 50 ; 21 ft , 2(1 ( 50. 1'iNCINu-No. : 1 , .1 mmii 0 in , , 21 00 ; No. 2 , 22 00. SmiiuTINu-Noo. : : 1 (2o1 ( Ctuimiflout ) boartium ) , 20 ( JO ; Nto. 2 , 18 00. 1.IoE-i'er barrel , 1 25 ; biullc jeer bumsimet' 35e : ceuimeiit , html , 2 25 ; 1 nun iolaiter bid , 2 toO ; hide jeer liii. tOe ; 'l'mmrretl felt , 10OJb8.8 SO ; motu'mmw buiard , l SO. SO.I I I ( uOV3' I fzim'il wnro List. Irnum , rates , 2 60 ; joloow steel moioecialca.'ot. , To ; crueiblo , Sc ; sloecimmt or ( I ei'immaui , Bc ; couot. tool , t ( , I 5@ 20 ; Vmtgoti 001 ookm's , moot , 2 25018 00 ; imomlos lom'u' set , 1 25 ; feliooeoo , munvc'd dry , 1 'tO ; toiugiieoo , ( mmmcii , 700iJ85c ; mmxios , each , 75e ; sojoinro mints tour Ito , 7@iie ; wmmsluers , imem Ho , 8ajlSc ; rivets , joo'r Ito , I I c ; co oil climmi mi , our it , , GtiJ I 2c ; ii inhloalile , Sc ; iromm w'eolgeoo , Ge ; cimns ham's , Go : immi'i'mmv : teeth , Ic ; olorimog tech , 768c ; itomrtleuo's lmorooeimornoo , 5 2(1 ( ; Burden's mnumimsoimoemo , 6 25. IlAmmioiiTilmIJui : \ car hots , 64o tier 100. NiLmg--llotteH , 10 too to ; , 3 )3. ) Siioi'Simoot , I 8(1 ( ; imomek simoit , 2 10 ; niemutai joowoler , kegs , t'o .i oho , , immtlf kegs , : 'is ; mlii. , quarter kegs , I 88 ; holmostimog , kegs , 8 85 ; fuse , jeer 100 feet. , toOe. CoA tumoimioem'iaumd lilmmekoomoiltii I 2 00 : l'olor. ris cmiii Blmosliomrg , 12 \Vimitereast ; lounmit , I \Viiiteloremmsot ; imtmt. , ' 1 (00 ( ; Iowa Immumip , ' 1 (10 ( ; Iowa imut , 'I 00 ; linde Slom'immg , 7 00 ; Aumthmrmm cites , Ii tiOCl2 ) 00 ; ( 'minim City , 7 00 , tier toui , horses mciii Muultms. Extra draft hmoiriocs , 175225 ; CoIuiImRmmu draft. 1101505 , ltcito0 } ( ) ; extra farimi hmmmrses 11O@12(1 ; coouimumuolu to gtonl , fmrrmim imoorseot , 00iJlOO ; extra I loigs , 6008J7ti ; coimmuumoimi olomgmo , 20'lO. :1.1 : 171EH-Extrmo , i25ojolfoo ( ; good , 100l'lO ; fair , 75100 ; coummunoum , 6O7S. LIjtuorH. ALCOhIO.--188 , , , 2 25 fmer wimme gaiitmut ; extra Cmtiiformmlom ooiohm-it.oo , i88 lmrof , 1 (1 jour om'moof gmoiloim ; tu lj mlii roll uictl 8lolrlU , 187 i ormimf , 1 23 ioer imhrif gooliooii ; 'ij.tfjstilhotl wimimokies , 1 ( ) @ 5(1 ( ; fume bieummieml , 1 bJfbJ2 ( So. Jtoii. tuicky bomirboums , 2 00aji 00 ; lCemmtucfcy numol i'cmmiomyivmouiia : rycs , 2 ( X)5j17 ) 00. 1IIIANIh1-Jmiijooorteol , (1 OO@lCi 00 ; domestic , I 'iO@tI 00. I iiNS-Ihnioorteol , 4 tAfbO ) 00 ; iloummwotlc , 1 'If ) ( qj300. Ifuams-Tmimporteoi , 4 toOJO t ) ; Now Eimglmmmmd , 2 ( J0'jI 00 ; ihiommicootle , I O(3 ( SO , i'lAeIi : l 4h'm'Ll iImoANuiy-i 7tsI 00. CIIA , u1'A(1N104-luimiiortoat ( J000 cwoo , 28 0O@ : ii 00 ; AummuTcaum : , tr Casio , 12 0Oj1O 00 , . ' % 'ooh. \TcriIm ( ) ummwmudmeti , light l4@llCc ; imuLlvy , I 8@ I toe ; iimoaii omimi ommmwmu'imeol , hight , l8@o2Oc ; wmuoi mcii , cimoolotu , 82e ; fomi r , 30)c ) ; tub amid wasimoiol , Sc ; boirmy , loimmele room,1 , coittuti s'oul , 26iOc 'cmos. 'J'o1 limo COi'i , FINS CUr.-gmuumummoooi ( , 20g,31lc ; goooi , I5@ 1)e ) ; I To iso I , eaf , 7otm ( ) I 'ruio ml miii , OSu ; Jiuimmioimol Crins'mi , SSe ; Ssuut. .4b.tceim , 47c. SmoKhNaH. . , 2lo ! ; 'I iuookovy , 2(1c ; ] ) omr. Imimmom , S ni , , SOc ; I ) ooiimmii , 4 o , , to2c ; ljiim immuim , : . iii. , fiSe' Moummi tof No ou'tim C'otruflmm um , t oz , , i Ic : , tl mof itii : 1'.mo'lioom , 'I ow. . , ' 11km ; Soul mu Nmortii Cmm'oli : o i , uc. , Ie ; ( ) . IC . I ) mom hoot , 'I 0)2hoi ; C ) , K. tiommImmum 2 iii , , 30c ; Ummclo eoi , i's , 21c ; 'l'oni ammo ! Jerry , 23c. I 'u.vo ; 'l'o hoAeoCi : immiomme , tAle ; html I iiii , , tOc ; iloormoemoimno , 48c ; Star , ' $ ' ; Itumohmly , 'I Ic ; 11cr. .180 : ItIack. : * ; tli tOo. ihIMEit0tIJIhI , MflItJtiM & CO. , I'imomitiioroimmg ( James 18r.t'iommog lm. ANO 11. reottu cm tmomol iImIpjvrs of gralim , OmmmmilmaNm.b. Also Inmy aimul sd I graIn mmomoi rOm IOoots cii mmosrglmmoo In Now York ( Jholcago , ! .hllosammkee , St. 1.oumoo stout 'J'oluolo , HjccIioj tehegrmmjtmto facIlities 1mm omhlce. Marlo.t rvj.ortn receiv. .t1 every llltcvom iomIomimtt. mm h6cli so u to iii foirimtohi cii aj , . jlleatiouu , together tslt ) , cur sjuclm.l t'Ircmmlar , Imodlemot. hio thou temideomey of timom joomorketom. ( Ilhicu corner of 1)euiao arool 1ttm btruet. Imot.alolishmeoi iiilU. Ju2otfiomo H. PHILLIPS , T1h1 J.KAIIINU NIW YO1IK [ 1AIcIt : ! Call simO hick over hay floW storu tmhid ses immy n.w Uoode. $207 $ FAflNAMSTflEET. 207 Under the imoanagemont of Mr. KAJISh. . . ' - - - - - Railway Time Tablo. It ? . P. Il. It , , MAIN 1.1NO. tNA % . 'mtRiyL ( 'aetfia i'r' ° .I2O' : I' in .ttl.ntio : tiorc7o : ii' Vetokrn otrem : simm jo mu Imtctmu 6xireso. 3:201 : , ma ( irind lslauii t mos 4loo : : tim (1. Iitit1 l'ass. 11:10 : it me O.l.ti1A ANt ) t.INCOI,01 i.INE.-U. I' . iiK1OT. ARRu. biticoin 1 . . . . . . . ie o my. I tiooIn , } : , , .12:15 : p m IUMIIV TIOAIoS-tiIOIOOK hIVISIN. Ilomnorny traiuo texto ( ) uooMia n fohIo s : 8500 ft in , ( s ) to mu , 1000 mm tim , i I : oO mo in , 2:00 : p iii , 3:00 : o mum , 4oo : , ) to iii , flak ) ) mu 6:00 : jo moo. , IOIO ii. on. liumnuum ) ' trxlmoq lexo Coutoicli litoulTom a folle'ism R:2 : a mu , Pa : ft iii , 1O5 mm iii , I is : iii , I 25 in , 2:2t : , I , ifi , 8:2(1 : ' iou , 4tL : ii moo , : ' 2A p in , tlt.O : p mu. iO8i ; ) i , in SiuuitLt1'he lomouoimo' trajuq ICMo ( ) inxmx rot 9th ) , I I :00) : mm mom ; 2tk : ) , 4 50Q , tttX : ) otunt 10. ItO ii mom. i.ctoo ( ' , oomndt Ithoiftu t fl:2 : mtntt 11 ; ? . a in , 2:115 : , 4:5 : , 5:25 : mmliii C'U : MIi 1OtO : I , in. TItItOUOIt AND 1.0CM , .SStN0)I1 ) TIfAINS- 1ulo1htIS Ut VISION. UIAn 004511 * , tAv eoi'SCIL PLOFFS. PMa Noo. 2 , 7:5(1 : ft flu t'n.ous , No. (1. ( . 7:910 : it iii Nto. tO..5:4 : ! , , mu " No , 15. . , l1f4) : mu I , No. I . . . . .5OOI'uuI : " No 3iI'Omuim : lt ' , . No..SMimouiu " No. I . . . 7:35 : ji no ' 4 N. . 0. , 0:15 : ft mu SIoUX CITY ; .t 1'AClFIO-tu1t'01' N. Utu ) Street , l.OM 40 ( ) uiomolmom for O'Neill ' , lot St. t'motml t.liio four . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : mu .trrlm 0 nOon Nctlmmli..4:1,0 : ii ii , C. , ii. & St. 1' . 1 % , 10.-U. I' . tfl1'OT. LnAVL ARmtivK. Mail m Kx . . . . . .7:4 : in Malt .t h . . . . . . .7:25 : I' in AtlxoitfeKa..10 , mom Pachtto K . . . . . . .9:41 : , a in timofli' lAtIASIt , ST. LOUIS . I'ACII'IOtt. 1.-U. I' . lt'oT. LIIA'ul. ARRiVL Onmmobmm..7:15 : it mu tuuormti . . . . . . . .11:80 : mu 'I 54 ' , , . . . . . . . . . Salt ) 1' C. , Ii. & Q IL 10.-U. 0' . t)1I'OT , ARiti'.X , ' . . . . . . . . . . . . : no 1iort'o . . . . . . . . .0:45 : mm iii : . . . . . . . . . . . : , in . . . . . . . . . . . . : p mmm N. 'V. : I'rt LottooCtoimuocll lilmilS , sO 3:07 : p mimi I , 4 irrioco ' 'I 8 : ' ) a mimt 'Somuiotayn eet'i.ttoI. . I Omummolox tlmioo. C. , It. I. & 1' . 10. IL-U. 1' . 1)Rf'Ot' . ARRIII. LLSVII. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , a iii : tor . . . . . . . . . .7:45 : a mom & . . . . . . . . . : m' mom . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 1' iii 0 fl it. 10.-U. 0' . l)180T , Majt . . . . . . . . . . . .7:15 . : it in 1I0rCs5..9:4 : ? ' mt iii . . . . . . . . . : jo mim Mull ' . . . . . . . . . 7:21) : jo mum 'Stmumda3 a oacti'tt'd , 'Stiummfa exociotoot. S. C. & I' . It. 10-U , 1' . 0)t8'OT , liotili . . . . . . . . .a.oo m , iXlortus . . . . . . . . : ! . ) a iii . . . . . . .6:15) : i' ii MumiLt . . . . . . . . . . .75'ti p iii $ Suiiolmoymo eaccioteol. ST. PAUL & OM.tIANfltIILHKA t)1VISIO- hiit ; ° t.ij N. 11.111 ST. Nmo. 2. . . . . . . . . 8a * ) a mom Ni' . I . . . . . . . . . . 4tO : p mu Nti. 4 . .I2' If. , mom No. . . . . . . . . . . . : mm mom SomuiIayoo executed. . , r .t c. ii. to. io.-it. & M. IE1'OT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : mi iii ) i4oroso . . . . . . . .tLOO a mu uxpres . . . . . . . . . 7a10 p mom loiRit . . . . . . . . . . . . 6M : ) p iii 11. & M. IN NIUIOASKA. Ucomvcr lxortso. ) . 8 : 15 mm mom At iotimtlo . . . . . 6:80 : j , mom I'om'lmte Ixi'rt's. . .6:3 : mo mom thumer ? I1orcss.Q:4O : a mmt mm issouioi IACI FlU-U. i' . in.i'or , , , A110mmvmo. h.xj.rcss : , .650 a moo ' , . . . . . . . . . i' mu . . . . . . . . . . . . : jo mom otoulI . . . . . . . . . . . .8:05 : a no 'l'ratuoo , teat Iom out 7:25 , mom otooot osrrtmluog out 01:50 : ii mom Iott , m Immthumuui iolctmoo s Opening ammot Closing of Malls. itotrrt um'e'r. cmosom. 10.110 10.111. itiOO. ouit , ChIcago Nnrtlmwt'ootern..11:00 : Dit : ) ( o:80 : 2:40 : CIolc.goo , Itoak I1iuiioI , 'c I'oocl flo,1 1 :00 : 0:050 : 5:80 : 2:40 : ChuIoaoo , Uurhloogt oouo , t IOiilii.t I :00 : 9isO ; ( ' :30 : 2:10 : Clmleago , Mituaookce & St. I' . , .11:00 : 0:00 : t:3o : 2:40 : Valoov.ho . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:80 5:80 : Stouoix City & I'aslflc' , Iii Iowa , 10:000 : 11:80 : UumIooi Pacific . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:00 : 4 : ( ' ) I I :40 : OtOi : Oiooalma & itepoulolleami'aliey. , . . 2a5) ) I I :10 : II. . I. Iii No'loraikomo. . . . . . . . . ( inl : 7:40 : Cholcage , St. I' . lit. & U. . . . . . . . . toiii : 7:2 : ° ) tiho.oiii t'o'liic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0:80) : 5:80 : SlouxCity 0 : P. , lom Nebraooka , , 11:00 : 7:20 : S1ot'cImoI mooaU for i'Iatt muivommtlm , A1otauoo1 moimol I hoicoin eloso'oi tot 5:20 : hO. lit. , O cmos mit 10:80 : a. umi. 0011cc oolooom Su100moIJ frooimu 12:000) : ) tom. to , 1:00 : p. imo , C. I , COt.F1'N'I' , I'ootiooaooter SIOUX FALLS JASPER STONE Company. ( 1'ouo it ) ItATSI ) . 3 'Polo eomnjoany lot unto iroloareut too rv't'elv orders for SIOUX I."ALi.S JASI'180 S'I'tNI , for Building Purpoe , Aoool 's III iioako flgiircoo ooo , roommumol botH for lorounjot tIetIm' 0C. ' 1 ho. , O'iOuIOIoa , y I , , ofolhjoloog Paving Blocks to lontlm ( IoIt'igo auout ( ) uumaloa , nimol oIlcIts eoirrcoujoormot. 000(0 moosl , orolers froouuo cuooot ractors ciogageol 1mm oous log otroets Iii 00003' of thou scootermo cltita. 'I'ES'h18m ON IA 1.H. So'i'tmmsimoir's ( ) m'ocE , CImho'aCo , West 1)iv. ) Isoo , ht.mstls ml ) , Clokago , liecemootoer 11 , 1882. ho. : Imoohl , I'reoololcoot , Sioux Folio \Yater I'oimoer Cuimi. pmmuoy. Imesmo Si om- I list u receIved troimn ytoour coimoujouom ) .Iooo'u tctooloer I , 1882 , aloooimt 100 cnrloaols ( of grmmoultc umos looK Ikocha uuool ham to halol tlmeuim toetweemi time rails oh our street ralloommy iroicics I ; , thou heart iof thou city , I lottie loeeii ousloog oat hmog umoatorial lou this cIty fur uolaloy years , imumol I tmmlou iIuasomru lii ooa looK that ho mooy toiolim' Ioum 01,0 , , granIte lam trig Iolooclou fomruolhmeol by your eoum. omoloy aru thu immootot regomlar iii loouoo ; atooi trfuct Irm fourno , miuoh aoo far as I Imat to been oulolu to , Juoolgu , itro itoMsL'ascol 'of as olouraholo featoiru as Otto ) ' mooouterlmuh that moo over hocn oolIereij mor limIt ) lom m hue city. Your , , , JAil. IC. 1.Ahh. fCooy.i ; hr. Iiiuuoi , Marclm 20 , 1883. TO WHOM ITMAY CONC11ON- Ibis 00) certIfy that I Imommo exaumolimeil a luluco iof graimltom t.mmkeuo frooou Lime Slootix Fallo ( Iraulto Qoiarrlua , aumol , iii immy uohOIiOh001io it lii tlmo Iocst. SUouoc for street jomov. lug I has o ecli iii A mimerlea. ( Sigooud ) Jh1Nlt.Y lbAh ) 1'rc lloarth j'miloflo Iiomlorovmooeumts. Stone for Pay/ny Purposes. Amiul ally lers000i lmmt.erestool lii omoichi I ouoprovcooierut sill foul it greatly to hIs aolvaotagu : to , coommiuomomooim'atu omItlo mis , % Vo loms Ito coorrosisomooletocu on I Iou , iomlijueL 'lbs goooeral mimaimagemomeout anti itoijervlsloimi of tue cAoml ) aoys boiaIomes Is new in Limo toaritls of Vitm. Mc. haiti. haiti.Adolreims Adolreims your letters to A. C. SEIEY , nml.in&o'tf Pros. of Jasper Slono Co , UNITED STATES Natloilal Baiik OF OMAhA. Capital , - - $100,000.00 C. W. HAMILTON , Pros't. M. T. UARLOV/ , Cashier , AccountB uollcltod and kept Bub- Joct to sight chock. Certificates of Dopo8lt Is8uod payable - able In 3 , 0 and 2 months , honrInf Intoroat , or on domanci without In torost. Advnncou madoto cll8tomoraon approvocloocuritIooat market rate of Intorost. The Intorouto of Customers arc ciosolyguardod and every facility compatible with principlots of oound banking freely extended. Draw eight drafts on Englandlro. land , Scotland , and all partu of Euro - ro p0. UoiI European PaeuagoTlckoto. Co//cc/ions / Prom/ill ) MW/Cc Granite Ironware. Tj ID IIPOILING IIARINO L" U , I3OILINQ , MESIIIW ± NG , . A'tr r 14T0UT 1IANDoMl , / " L W11OLhS0ME , DURABLE. "a' \ ' , , The Best Ware Miule ! 'or the Kitchen. \tERO'/ , MANUFACTURED ONLY flY TIlE \ / ST. LOUIS STAMPING COMPANY , ST LOUIS. Foi' [ 1Io Iiy u11 too , llaI'd\r8 ' \ , all llollof1Irllihill Boil1oi1. "BUELINGTON ROUTE " ( Chicago , Durllngton 01t Qulnoy Railroad. ) I _ 19Mc4it COINC EAST AND WEST. Klegant iay Comtctueq , Parlor CArs , with RocIlo tog Chmoxhrmo seats free ) , Suuioklng Cars , with Ito. volvhuug Clmmilri t'ullmuxmo t'oiin'ti Sieeiiliim Uara mtiuol tIme fammious C. ii , .m Q , tlnlng ttumu ; run daily to aumol freon Clmiemuro , t'Kammmoas City , Utmk'aio 11 'oumocll lllomtTs , ClmIc'ago .t lemo Molun's ( 'lmiomgo. SI. Jo. c'jili , AtchIson Topeka On1) ' tlmrommgfm line Ion twt't'ii Clmicougo , t4nenhm .t Ieumvur 'I'lmrniughi Cmtrs fs'twu't'mi Iliohlotimapolls t ( 'otimoell lIluhlom via I'i.'orlmt Alt connm'ctlomms immotol , , in tJiiIoiu It'pnt. ) it to lcimtss'it aim ttmo greatTlIl1000hl CAt ) . LINI.1. Conic NORTK AND SOUTH. SolId Troilmms at Fiegamut lei l'oachme'm and l'mmll man l'almucr Sleeploug Curs are room uI.mliy to and fromom lit Looihm. via itotommoltial , Qoilumoy , Keokuk , Ilmorilngton , Cedar Ilomptol Cool Albert Is'ot to SL I'aui Imnot 3lloimieopolhq .1' am Icr Cams wIth Ioecliuohumg ClinIcs to amiti tronn St 1.oomls nnol I'eorlolnnii to miiIoI ( reIn St I.oimln anol Ottummnm'a. Only oume clmaomgo of cars betu'ecou St Loomis an ) Ies Moitmm.'mo Iowa , Llmmcoln , Nebraska , and Ueo.yer. 0 Colorado , It ti ; unlYersatty admnltteml to tutu tioo Finest Equipped Railroad In the World for all Cias809 of Travel. 'rt'orrER _ : _ , Sot Vlco4'res'tanot Ocn'I Manager l ° FJ1CIWAh LOWELl. . thai l'amms. Agt , Chicago. . . . 1 . m. . , _ . . , .d. . . , . . . , . , I - , wIIIT , ; Boiler allif Slieel Iroii 'Works 1 OMAhA , . . . - . NEBItASICA. Iloullol all kInds of Strain hollers. Hoomooku Stacks , Ureeo1mluog l.arolVatur cud Oil ToiL. , anul il , i goomoora j.hat o.Irouo loomotooouooo. IIo.'pmlrloig otooto 100 City otto. ! Coomuotry. All sork Done at Eastern Prices and Warranted ! t4ccioool.hatmtl hloalora m'iIi too kejot Oh Iiauool. I lavtumg Imoil uom.mooy ycirl uxpurieomo Iom thu traolom In diIfereomt tartO , ) r t hoe , eoouuitri' I Room enoollolo'imt I citim gito satkfomctlooo , hmavtomg thu iou4 molmojo ouooi to.h4 . ito Ow State. Stoop cur. lOOm msooIi'Iercut4truL'to , . J. M. WILSON Proprietor. J. H. CISSON , CAlluIAE AP ' 11AC + O AUh1ACrFOllY lot lt'114. . Partk'omlour mottuntlon Iv.on to ro ooJriiomi. Satia ati , ou'orslitoed. * c , k II Modcal ! Dispensary ! Offices and Parlors Over the new Omaha ational Bank , 13th , Between Farnam and Douglas Streets. * OMAhA , . . . NEBItASKA. A. S. FISIIBLATT , . B. , PROPIETORI SPECIAIjAT'l'ENTION GIVEN TO DISEASES OF THROAT AND LUNGS , CATAIRIIDME ) ' AND BMDDER , All Fcma1 Bisccs. as c11 as all Chrollic all NorYolls Biscacs , ] DI. iiI II I3 I. P 'I" i'fIla. diactovortoml timero'reatcst cure Iii tIme worlol four woakucoto , of tfmo back and limbs , Immoiuntary diacliarges i100io,000000y , guomeroul5luooiity , mmorv000omeoos , hauogomoor , cooumfiilmomi tot Ideas , loalloltatlori of time heart. tfznldlty trcnmlolioog , .linuoeooi tof uoIgIot , or gldoilimoooo dlooeaocoi tof time head , throsot uoo.o or skimi , t.fromctlooin of thu liver lmmoogoo , motoouiiaco ) toe homweloithoouou turrllolum hoaloits arloolmmg frouom solitary habit. of youtm. ) monO secret practicei mi001ro fatal to thou i tetlmuit timamo the souugoo of Ilyrcoos to tioc miuarlmers of Ulybes , bhIgimtlng tlmeIrmoat radian booboo oor auoticmjatiuoa , rumudurloog iioarrlagu imoisasiioIo. ' 1luuct1matuuru _ _ , muflcrlrmg froimo time coil lractlceo tilci ) destroy their , noentailand ioh3sIcaI systeimmi cauolumg NEItVOUS DEBILITY , 'Itoc oymoiptotnn of smiilcm ) are a tumll ! , tIistruaoel miilumoi , ssoichm ) imumlito timenu for perfornolog their busimiess am ! nodal dmmtles , mnakeoo ioajioy ximarrlagu h000l.oossiloiu , diootreoosuoo time action of tito Imeart , t'mmmmelmi tIumhe. of boa , leiorojoooI000i tot ,1ulrlta , oml tooreluoootlomgs , comsomordloso , femurs tireamoma , rustless iolgimtmo , dlzzirmums , forgetfulnese miomomatoiral ulloocioargua0 haIti lou tfoc loao'k auool 101105 , shooort hreomtioioig , noclamicimoohy , tire easily of eo > miijoarmy anuf iuottu iorofer00100 tAo looi abbe , ftaioiog as tlruoi to the uomouruiIng its mtioeom retIrIng , semiolomal wm.'akmiees , loot man. i0001'J , tshuitu boone ilejooo.It lii time untie , nurvous000es , cooiofoouolioom tot tlnooogiot troumoblimog , svomtory auool eak eye. olysloehomulom , C010letlhoathooi , Ioaluimemo , I ° Iom itumol ituakomess Iii ttou Ilmimb. , etc. , liOUio eoommsult one imnumodlatoly an,1 ho retorud to l'oroct IwaILi ) , YOUNG MEN ' 1Ioo imamo iooeooooo lctIuns of solitary vice , tioat drwuolfoii alod destructive habit mImicn amoumually weep. ru Uomtlmiocly 8routu timoom'maomtI , , of iiouom tot exalted totto'omt nuod Iorllilammt lmutelhoct tubmo nilgiot otimerwis v001imtiicu ' Imo.tm.'ooliog oouooatomuo lIlm timu timummoluorot of tloo'lr totoojomemocu or waku to ct'stacy thu ilvimog lyre , mnaycal w'tli full cummlldummeu , MAItI1IAGE. ? oiarrmrol persoom. ( or 3'tiOimi mcii eoomtoiomplatlum moosrrmagu I.u suture of 3oti'sIcI wcakumess , boa of tirocreativo 100054 or , I oio outcoocy , ( or miooy totiotir mliomohmmaliiicatlioom ajiucolily relict cot , lie toimo holacea imluommoell nooder time care o lie. I'ioolololntt iooay rellgieul y ; ooimhim'u Ui loIn honumor as a jzemotleiomaio , uootl cooiUtlcuotly Ccl ) ' 11100mm imis skilt aa 1o113siciaui. OItOANAI4 WE KNESS Iiooommuohlately cooruol aim , ) vIgor rmilooreoi , 'liolo oilstreemoloog aillim.'tloni-ssiokii rerodmor , life a burden an marriage IimiloOSeiiolU , Is t lucomoulty 15111 by tlmu t It'tluoi ( moe lioulorooloer Induilgo'iico Yotmuig vuolole are apt to nooomoooit oxt'o'eouo fmuimu loot ioulom mmmsomro of the tlrurnitool coomsuopocoicos tlmat miemy oumsomo. lonom' sOme th tiomoivrstmuiohs this moulojuct will tlooimy timout iorucratIui to lust sImomur ii ) ' timomsu foohiloig Into , improper imabllo , thoan by lor000l010t ? Iloo.ioiea locioug tio'orImcd imi time Ioicamoomro of healthy toIIaorluigs , tioc tooo4 serious and do'tructtvo OJ tO)1(101uimC ) tot both body and iimitmd arlooc. 'limo .J'touii lmcctnimea tlerauigo'd , tIme hobo stc'iI and iioezmtal tuiietIoii ucmikvio. ltooS of horoocremutIvu l''ur. xoo'roomd lmmabiltty , tIIshoel'dla. paljoltmotlojui of time litoart , IndIgestIon , Co stitmmtlomoiI olebihit1' , actIng 'of time Ira000o , cootoclo , cooomaoouoojotlooim mmumoi oieatli. t CUItEVAItItAN'J'ED. . i'ersomms rulooctl in Imealtim Ii ) ' uomluarimo4 Imrelvomd oroowho iouojotimcmmmtrlhIioogonunth after month attn I sumiuoms aimol lioJurioaae iump ittoii , elm jull ajujoly 'mnoimi.itatuly. DII FISIIIILATT , graol000mtoi ( if 0000 cot tiou hioosteimmlmmeumt collues of the Uumitm.'tt Statue , baa elTtwteo.1 sotmium of time miicost astonish. hog cures tIout are toter kimoom mm' immatoy trtoutoleol ovittu rlmmgliog lii thu earn atod bead , ts imeuu asleep , grea $ omurv000000itoss1 loemmog moiarmomeui itt curtalii sotoimtI , with troojuent bttmmolmlmo , totteuided oimmetImmi stRlm derange. iooummt of tlou noimid vt.ro cmmro'o.t Ioiouiouduomtoiy , 'l'AlC1i PARTICULAR NOTiCE. lot , r. aotolrceoos oil timomi , m tm , imaic Imojourcot tiocummoolveot by liomorooper ; iomdotigcmico ammol soimtary habits whIch rulmm both boshy otomol moitom t , ii 0116mm , ; thuoot for toomglimug , stuoly , . .elety or mmm.mrrlage. lhovu more mo.ioimu tot limo ooiI.momimoo1y eifuat. . joruotuco.l buy 6am early habIt. of youth , viz : Veakmie of the back moomil ilomobs , 10)1101 jim tIi heat mmiol , duuo.sosg of , olglmt , lost ( ml umiotmeular ier. palpttatlomi of thu heart , oI8IVlumoIa * , imer000ig Irritability , iluromoigumtirmt oof0 dIgestive ftuictlooms , debility , cououumjotlon. I'ItLVATE OFFiCES , OVER TIlE OMAhA NATIONAL BANK , OMAHA , NEBRASKA , CONSUIJI'A'I'ION FIUi. Cimargoo , iitooloroute ouoil wjthmloo 'the , cuv'It sf all who utco4 belumti.AaMedica truoutimnommt , 'those so ho rtomklu at mm distmmoicmo and cwadot oull , stt recem V Prow1ot mttt'titIvmi througb mqail by 5iii0OIy bendiuig ( huh omyIomjotutu with postage , AtIdrm.'ae Isock itox 5 $ , Uuoumlia , Numb ,