Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 10, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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    ; t } TTli DAILY 13LLOMAHA , FItILAY , AL GUS'1' 10 , 1883.
rubll + he4 evrry mnminQ'esecpt Snnd&y. The
army Mnnday morning dally.
One , , . . , . . . , ro Three Months. .
Stx fonthS , . , . . , . . , Month. . . . , . . 1,00
TRRMS rostruD ,
OneYear , . . . . . , . . $2.00I Three Manlhi $ 60
SlxMonth + , . . . . . . . , 1.00 OnoMonth , 20
Ameriean New 3ornpany , Sole ] Agenta Newedeal
era In the United States.
eeaaero cDRxcx
A Communtatlons relating to Ncwi Rnd Edltorlal
mettore Ahould ho addre et1 W the EDlToa or TIIR
sm.msx + 1'Lxmtul
All ludnet + Letter. and Ilemlttanrei Ahould"be
addre.sedtoTitRneR 1'ceusutsO CvMrANT , DYAIIA
Drafte , Checke and roStomce orders to be made pay ,
alto to the order of the company.
1 , E. ROsEWATEnEditor ,
WE nro to ha o ntmlhor epasmodic 811
forcenont of tlio law flm Onlnhn.
MIt. BOY ! ) adu ts that Joe Barker waft
< ono of tltu mistakes of hhR nduinistrn
mien ,
T11E gOvernnent hM dl1)OSed of 8,000-
000 neres of 11111(1iU Dakota to private
persons within 8 year.
CANInnATESfor auprelno judge are a
thick fl8 prnirio chickens in Auguet. The
poorer the law or the more rabid the ap
pliCUlt for oitica
TAKINU the inspectors away from the
control of the board of public works fa
the latest move of the council towards
placing themselves in nloro direct celm
mutiicatio11 with the contractors.
1 TimE weather is growing warinur but
county politicians are evml wanner that
+ the weather. The buttonhollmg and
handshaking and wire pulling has already
begun with every incumbent of ollice a
t candidate for renomination.
TimE 1Vest Point cadets are very much
excited over the dismissal of Cadet IIarti
gnu , who is accused of hazing a suntinul
} i on duty The entire corps have signed
the potitioit far n courtmartial , and
earnestly MSCrt lfartigan's innocence.
The secretary of war referred Hnrtigon's '
statumeiit of the matter to Superintendent
Merritt , aid that oficor 119.8 just IIIadC n
full report on the cane in which he says :
"There is now no question in my 11110(1
but that there was a tlobberato plan
forted 8111 entered info to throw the
acttinol into the ditch of 1 art Clinton
nod to do hint violence and bodily injury ,
and that ox-Cadet Hartigan was the prime
mover in the matter. "
SAYS the Philadelphia Prcxs : 'Thu
telep1lo110 companies in Now Eaglaid
have tripled their capital in their recent
consolidation. As corporations go , this
practically triples the dividends which
the company can safely pay to its. cLock
holders at the oxpe nsu of thu public
without exciting criticism. Iilcu tile tcle-
graph , the supply of gas , or nrntor , or the
express busiucss , the telephone is cer-
taut to become an absolute monopoly ,
tempered by criticism and to ( pored with
by strikes in each locality ; but , in our
present methods of dealing with corpora-
tiona , trio public hits 110 (10101150 , uxcupL
that the company ca ( tot charge more
titan the traffic will bear ; aiiything loss it
can collect.
THE effort to revive the liu Klgx howl
for pohticl utlect will not be mtccossful.
No doubt there is a good deal of lava
ieasness fu the South , and several negroes
in TOIIIICSSOO and North Carolina inn Y
have 1)1011 whipped in their calling. Bu t
there is absolutely no proof that political
differences had any part it tam disorders.
Both atatea are ovorwhulmiugiy demo
cratie. The party huts 11othint' whateve I
to gain by itttiulidutiott of voters , They
Imv' everything to lose by avnk01niu g
t e suapiciot that oralized political in ,
tolerance is again to be practiced
throughout the South. Such a sChe11 e
would 1011) tine republicans L4) ' more than
the democrats. From the Lest autltori
tics obtainable it Sean l)101)11)10 ) tint d
time are sumo very bad citizens in tit e
localities affected by' these troubles tut d
that the treatl11elt called 1CU liluxiatn f1 I
taw S'outit would be called 1'fgilnnc 0
COunnittcu'S work in < lrizona , Idaho , o I
Colorado. , s
' 1'r1E council have jlnase(1 nu lIaliuanc o
which takes the nppointllwtt of fn11pcc .
for of city works out of time Ilalntis 0 I
the board of public works and vests it ft I
titn mayor nod council. Title is a mov 0
in the wrong direction. The board wa a
created largely to remove contractors n s
far as possible from the council and taI
place the nupervision of public improve
meats in the lands of officials specially
charged witht that duty. As tit 0
parties w'ho let the contrac is
by order of the council it is proper that
tite board should Le hold rcBjwnsiblu fu r
tutu fidelity of the contractors in carry .
fug on their work according to tile stitU.
lations adopted , For tills reason tilt
appointment of inspectors ititturally fell
into tlo hands of tire board. There arc
good reasons for the belief that said 0
front the ( plustiot of increased political
patronage , the council was diasatbsioel a t
the distance which lay cetwecn titcin anti
the Contractors through this syaten n f
lilepectiel , 1Vitlt a nunbor o f
in"peetore responsible only to til fu
board thu h1Creonal fntluc10o . 01
the council upon the contractors us
and any colluajou between diehon .
eat inspectors afmd dishonest counehnul i
sraa iulpOsaibie. This is precisely who t
ought to be the ciao for the beat intores to
of Omaha And hate is the rCaa'in why
the curtailing of the powers of the boar tl
of public works in the matter of inapec
fora of city works Is a moyo in the wren g
! !
6 .
w _
M1NJS AN ! ) MININJ SAlt1' . .
The Now York Still has a roving cor-
reapondont who is doing the west for his
paper , anti is devoting ilia energies to
exposing the frnuda of various kinds , and
degrees which he finds sonttercd tlirough
cut the country. having riddled the
cattle business as played out and unprof-
itablc , ho attacks the mining buailIos11 ,
and starts out by declaring that
almost all frauds in tllo itccky
nmtlltnin5 pro based on 111111011
or mineral property , 'l'1iere
is probably as 11111Cit truth in tllia stoic-
mont 911 ( hero would be in the Rtate11ent
that almost all frauds in 1Vall street are
based on stocks and botlda , Where
111111011 cold mining property are the chief
interests greater opportunities for fraud
preacnt tholnsches But the conclusin11
that " 110 flan call sell a mina nod fn
selling toll the truth about it , " is as false
11M thlat no man call soil a farun without
swindling the pnrci1a ur ,
ltining intercat9 like all interests in
which the speculative eitnneitt enters have
suffered severely front inllation during
the past five year" . A pletlora of 1111111
vested Capilal in the cast offered n heavy
premium on wildcatting nn(1 the result
was the sinking of utilliuns of dollars in
worthless securities anti unproductive
properties , ltel who would hae husi
fated n long time before making a heavy
iuvestulont ill a substnntfnl h111ail1CSS venture -
ture throw aside all caution Wllel np
proac11dl to purcllaso mmitlg property
and naturally suffered the cnltsonuoitces ,
A disregard of business priuciplcs is
gellcrally (1faastrolls. Buying n 1111110
With one's eyes shut is as risky as a Haste
at the grab hag ill n church festival. But
wililu lIIilliots have bent 111111k in buying
prospect 111)1011 , thu 11101 who have till.
tered into mining trananetions on the
5'41l0 ba-1s as they would any other legit.
pnate business , have Miele Molloy. Tito
steady output from the Colorado
nod Idaho mines during the past
year shows what carefully sdluctod 811(1
properly conducted nlilmfng property can
return hit the way of interest on the itl-
vuatulont. Of course thorn are frauds
and nwtullors in mining operators just
1111 tltero are sharps in the real estate bus-
i11ess , crooks anwulg grain dealers 1(11(1
( lialO11Cflt } dealcra lit it hundred lines of
trade. hut this is 110 mason for n whole.
sale domulciatfon of millca as blind
cii ncca , or of mining operators as knaves
011(1 scoundrels ,
The supreme court will have n very
light task bcfnre it ill the uuatter of the
capitol contract that conies up today ,
std will ho argued if coullsul are f01uud
ready , 'TIE Oi1Al1t lilt : has already decided -
cided the ease. It always decides such
cases itlhlwld and abuses the euurt for a
prospectiru ruveisnl of ity decision , before -
fore it has had an opportunity to cousidur
)110 and of the 0890. All cases that "Boss
Stout" over had or over expects to have
ill thin or any otter court have been
lrmnptly decided agaiuat hint by the
ilnu. If the court finds difibrontl it
will huee to face the sore dia 1leasttro of
ltosewate , wilt fs ) oru11tn01ltl retained
011 taw outer side. lfrtneobt Jti Iriiof ,
7'110 task bdfoeu the supreme court in
the uultttlr of the capitol contract in to
dute'mille whetitor tlto public iltturests
(1010111(1 that celtrncts for state svorlc
shall be let to the lowest reMp011si1)1u
bi(1dne , rogardluss of who n higlor bidder
nlay be.Ve do not prete11d to say
wlletllur the task is a light or a heavy
one It f" a very important 0110 , how ,
evot , and DIr. Silver low dollo well to
call upon the court to take it up ,
Tiiu Bvi : has not decided the ctoo in
advance. It has stated uhdigputod facts
811(1 drav11 the natural couclusioms Mr.
Silver's bid sear $11,000 lower than
that of W. 11. 11 , Stout , It suns drnw7l
up fu strict colapliatce with the law , 111111
wits acCOnq allied by a 1)1111(1 which was in
every respect sulliciellt. Ill the
taco of these facts , the 1)08(1 of
public lands nod buildings awarded fhu
contract to Dir , Stout , State 7'reasurur
Sturdos'ant dissuutfng.
Thu publie who pay the taxes are
equally iutecsted with ? .Ir. . Silver in
getting mt the true i11svardnetts of the
nmttor , and aim appal hr tic "tlj ) 1llu
court wastw proper nwtitod of inquiry ,
' 1'f ll 11l0 is pormluwntly rutninod on
the side of the p0op10 against all
jobbers , A11 4)n uttornoy in this
11110 it 11811 met w'itlt 11loru or loss success
during its cu'ce . Holost counts , pre ,
Iakioti over by honest judges , have a habi t
0f concurring ill the opinions exprCssut 1
by ' 1'0E BIE ill cases wltdre tilt puopl 0
are pitted'againat thieves and plnuderes
If 'T1r BEIt changed its pg."itiou fn ntfti r
of the kind , holiest e0ttiit5 anti 1101106 L
judges would disagree with it lucre fre
queltly. It is a grunt miafortunu for tits
state , and for Lincoln , that a pap0r u f
equal ftdopeudunce std hoaosty is no t
located at the Capital city ,
TiE jaw of the United Status requires
that when clerks are absent frown (111110 s
excuodhig thirty days' leave granted earl
yearexcupt ill 0w0 of sickness , they 1111111 l
not ho allowed pay for the thou troy aF
ofl'duly. Timis is a provisioii apparently
of a recent appropriation bill , Secretary
Foigor justly canstruus this to reqtlitt
that absmteo for the purpose of "goin
1101110 to vote" shall be deducted fiuni tam u
regular allowance of thirty dnya' vaea
tio11. ' 1'hia is 1101iafbie sill plupur , how
over proper it 11111) be that the ulonlbur S
of the civil service shall uxdrcfs0 its l"
litieal rights , the goveriitited does 4)o t
800111 to be required to oxelao 1110111 frolI 1
thto purforlltaneo of their regular duties
where dint act requires uunbaele0 of soy.
cad days. ' 1710 law wits uhdelbtodly dui
signed and properly to pruvelt time 1101
vice from going hello aud'hvtnking'po .
litically Ou publio salaries ,
- - -
COL , IOLEs has been sett back to id a
post in Montalto , aid there is a strong
preau tption that tire verdict of the
court martial was net ono of diamlaval.
This is time colonel's thinl offense in the
matter of duplicating his pay account ,
Licutonant Ifolnnea , of Texas , was dismissed -
missed two necks ago for n like otrenan ;
alt army cltnplnitt at Snit Francisco is
standing court martial on n like
clmrge. Lieltenn11t Robert on , wilt is
Stationed ill Oregon , has been
also drawing Ills pay too frequently ,
ahd tlirtylive reginnenta are yet to be
beam from. Nunternus ntethode are boa
fag devised to prevent the possibility of
further 8isdetncanora in this line but of
all methods prnposo(1 the surest and ntnst
effective will be the prompt court martial-
fug of every olfeuler , and their final dis-
11116981 from the scrvico , in spite of pol1t
ical ililluellcu , social position or provi(1us
record , ,
Changes In the Ptlhtltl Syslc11t ,
Now York Tribune , rlugnst 5.
Poatl11astor l'enraon hits recently oh.
tailed copies of time ' 'P1)11181 ) Laws and
Itogulations , " Issneil ill 1825 and 1828 ,
nml has thus cool Ileted his set of tile
series lIre eared b the Instolllce de part-
nlent , 'L'imo lawof ( brought. together
in 0110 eulaCtlllellt the 1O'I8i0n5 that
1iat1 been ado1)tee ) at various times
1)y eonress. It rcmnaiuod ill
foce in gsubstauce for twenty ,
thou ] t Chan gcs of greater or
ace were 18(10 at several sessions of
cpan ress , Thu differences hetwewt the
lreselt las old that of 1825 are Iuuuer
0011 aul , inl ortatit. .1t that time and
tultil 183 all postmasters , or , as they
were snrnotftnes called , "deputy postuias
lers , were nppointe(1 by time postmaster
general. Thu pustmnMters of the inl
portent o/laces / are now appointed by
time president , with the conaeltt
of taw senate. The pastagu rates n"
time wore fixed in 181(1 ( , and remained
for marl dust thirty , ere on a sliding
scale vu ec uireti n high du
grow of arithmetical skill on the part of
postmasters. ' 1'llu rates far n letter of a
single sheet of diaper were , for any dis-
taucu under 30 1111108 , 0 ectits ; over : x0
and under 80niiies , 10 cents ; over 80 and
uuler 150 mfles,12) ) eduts ; over 150 and
under 400 utilcs,18 cents , and over 400
miles , 25 cents , Letters of two nheots
sve'o charged double postage , those of
three slleeta triple postage , and others emi
the same scale.
'L'ime inatr etionn given to time postmasters
tors in 1825 indicate some 0f the di0ieul-
ties that were found iiiapplyiug the lase.
One regulation says : "It may 1101110-
tiules he tbflicult to discover whether n
letter is single or double or treble , but
after n little oxperloneo you will generally
be able to decide by feeling or by hold.
ing tilt letter to the light. " Postmnsturs
were directed to reckon the distance be-
tweet two places by tilt ahurtcat
post route. Circuits were souotiulcs
made for the delivery of let ,
tors so that the carriers ilki not return by
time same route that ho used ill going and
the method used in calculating time
distance was stnuutiules highly inlportlult ,
" 'l'hus ' iii New .Jersey , " says time rogula
1101111 , there is n circuitous route from
Treittou to Alluutowu , Slmrewshury , etc. ,
to NOW Brunswick , and thence to Sunt
mlors ille Courthouse and Flentingtott to
't'relton. ' From Teuton by the route
011 which the 111811 111 carrtod to Flu11l
iuglou iS dal uliles , ltn(1 time poshtge
by timid (1ishuhw would be J2k cents , hul
time actual distiluee front Flmuiii gton to
Trenton is outY twenty-three miles , 1111(1
taw postage of a letter sett either way
would be only 0 coots. "
Time posbtge wa11 trot usually prepaid.
Shmips tvotu not introduced moil 1817.
Newspapers wat'd sent within the state 0r
it distance of 100 11111011 for 1 ccut each ,
nod for 1 cents for Brea or dfsbtuces.
"Ship" letters , or those brought by vus-
sula , were charged al extra rato. A rega-
htt foreign nutil seas 11ot Orgalizdl until
1817. Thu umnila Wore cu'riel ill "port-
ml1nttoau9' Owe utersobaek or by stages.
Steamboats were utilized after 1813 nut !
railroads after 1888.
By time line of 1810 , whielm reumiued in
force for fifty years , only free white per
sons were allowed to b0 01nplmycd ill car
rS ing time nails , lest colored person s
almould 11540 taw mails to make co ubi11n
tiolls to the dutriument of the whites. '
'l'Imeletters wercfastened in packages : end n
, 'lust 1)111" wits inclosed , at that tw recemv
nmg postutiwtur might knots' what charge e
wuru to be collected. Thu pastumastor
wore paid by cglllultissio118 , exctipt that
ttdQiticunl allosvn11ccs were 11)8(10 to tim e
wstlaa"tors of 1Vitshington uud Now hr
leans , No ) osbuasler e(1ul(1 receive i I
conla11satiOli I of inure thfun $ 'p 000. 'lim e
mmnbur of L'oe letters soot in 1825 win
proportinuntoly l0rgur than at prosc11t
as time privilege (1T fnumking was free ) 9
bestowed. All time iul ) ortalt , anti nutn y
minor , ollicials at " could sou
nlmtlreceive letters without tlh u
payuuieumt of postage wother a
could recumvu nesvspmpers free ; post
nmaslurs 0tight exehange loiters withoti
cost , and printers of howspa ) ers migb
freely uxcbiumge their pttblicatlons. 'I'In 0
dates of time Most impor11mt clmnmges it
the postal service since 1825 are : ' 1'11 u
use of ruiroala , 18:18 : ; ruductiun e
postage , 18.15 ; postage stamps turd ar
r'mmuhglrlg of a scle acetr111tg to time weigh
of luf tors , 1817 ; registered luttes , 1854
free delivery in cities , 18(13 ( ; ntilsvay ntni
service , I801 ; turd at 815)01 ) the 118111
tiamo time postal money Icier , ' 1'110 ro
ductiout ill jotter postage to two cells on
I ( ) ctobtr 1 will bt a Lnrt11ur step in ml
1'OS'l'g1L T1'll 1UtAI'II.
Colmrnmgs of the I'trss on Cavern
uu'nt Contnll.
Nnshvillu Iki user : 1Veretelegra , iui no
(1ur time sitwrvi"ion of time ) estullice deer
) , or m au utrntu 11110 of its 11511
Ruch truublua as the , I eselt would nave
result , And further , we should thus so
I ' for the busiuies
curd n cimenpe' servie
' rand publie interests of time cammtrv , fmu
be eentiddmt of cediuual decrease it
I tldea , as Jmas beet in a stage , Coltnuuni
catio11 by wire juts bucoule of cquttl if no
; superior miportalmeelts that byoafl. At
opiurtuaity ) is ollumed for time agitation o
. thts ( lttestiontutd tlutp8pesof time coup
try ahould take usury adva utmige of it
Usu time Nation's truusury surplus iii buy
lug nr erecting toh'gltmph ' lines for th
pu0ple , to be eouhrllud maul couduetedit
n 11(111110 001V100 f.1 time gclmuwlgood ,
' 1711 : tt1:11iuiv felt 1'lli : : ii iT1mhO
1'iclcsburg Jlentld : ' 1'11 begin witlm tam
ji istitl tul0gntplt Wotld Cost time govern
nlemt little or clothing , for it 01)111(1 issu
a pe cord blhds mud araaugo time tolls ti
pay the iate CSt. U the 11uxt congrus.
dons not pass a lass to cuuluielcu tlm o
good work it still awfully fail in its out
to remmIfond to 1)o1 iular selliumetits ,
(1lHA1' TSId1lUL * l11N0 ,
Now lhivel I'alladitnul : Not time lens
of time advalbages whmell time postal teic
Ira ; dm lots to c01nmonti it to popular faro
111 thu low rate of tolls , Imo tuiegra )
of to dny is , as aomattlr Platt expresses it
"the rich ' " 1Vith
ulna's mni1 , monopoly
crusimed ( lilt by time powerful aid of the
govornhient it could ho brOh1 i1t svitlmin
time reach of every in(1vidual m the land ,
Iii ttlis cOllnectiO11 time statistics of toils
in those foreign countries whoso govern.
nlehts provide tolegraplm facilities for time
people are of iutorest. Iii Bolghum
message are sett auywilero withhl the
1Cimnlomfortime uniforui lrfcoof I0cettts ;
ill Switzorhuid 10 cents in Greece , 18
cents ; in France , from 10 to 20 clts ,
acc(1rdiug to the ( liatance ; lit ] talon and
time Nutlmorlanda 18 cents ; ill 1Vurtens-
burg 12 cents ; in Italy , 20 cents ; in time
North Geril mt Union , 12 to 87 cents
according to distnnco ; lit Austria amend
Hungary , 10 to 40 cents , according to
dislance ; fn i' ( lrway 811(1 Sweden , 28
' mmts ; fu Australia , 2ir cents , Great
Britnin was tire last to abandon time sys
tout of private management of telegraplta
and uulte them with the postal service.
Time rates of charges in that country previous -
vious to Feb , 5 , 1870 , svcre : For a dis-
Ianco not exceeding 100 nmilos , 24 Louts ;
over 100 btlt nut exceeding 200 ,
8l1 combs ; over 200 miles ,
48 celmts , For nddjlious of ten
words or less t11at ten words , half rates
were cimrgcd. Since Fehrunry u , 1870 ,
time period wimun time tole bgraph lines passed -
ed under time control of time lost ollice tie.
lartlnont the rites have been uuiiforud'
nod witiiout regard to the distance ,
throughout the United Kingdou , 24 cents
for time first twmtty worda of each mes
sage nut cotmtiug time hanlo or address of
time sender or receiver , and this suln
covers the delivery of time message by
special foot measeiger Within time lnnit
of 0110 mile of the ternmitul telegraph
( lIv1ItNM1NT : : ANI ) TELr.011A1'll ,
Waterbury Ancric im 'rite postal tel
egrapll 11chene , hosvuver , (14)05 not pre ,
11(150 to do away with the telegrallt cem
panics its tlmoy now exist for cothnh kinds
of business. It only proloses ) to bring
within reach of all in their connumtica
tions the 11peed cold conveuimtes wlmiclm is
how enjoyed only by a few ,
llohiphfs Appeal-The telegra )11 busi-
ress in this country is all ready fu time
hamdsof n lingo aul unscru ndous a ono lo
ly , nod time tondcnc is toward further
honelnl . 1Vhatoeor ohjectiutt there
nut e to add to time nuimbor of tlm
ro aehuoht innpro es it is no relief from
that dillicult to h4) ) guts ) cd b' the oilier
' - orate mono poly ,
1(0W ( Shr 1'1lg 1V01conteL a1 n Camp
In the Vnr''t'est.
June :10 : 551(11 8 d8y of jOllificttio11 at
Carbonate , Col , being tutu ndvent of time
first wagon , the lirat wolnah and time
first hoard front time mill. It would have
been iutcrustiug to time reader to have
witnensed time electrifying effect on time
111018 in time C81111) wlwn word was i > asso(1
nlomg the line timmtt it SYOumat was colnlrlg.
Long before she was witlmin a Mile of
time coup klmots of nmet were gatilered
hero std there watciming , looking in time
direction from whemce time wagon was to
come. As she hovu fu sight each ono
gntlmered around ills or their cane as
whe11 mum alaram lord been sotmdcd in a
peairiu clog town. 1Vhen within a few
yards of time nutaide lutbitation time woman
alighted , nod nccomplmied by her his.
hand , kroeceded toward time county
clerk's ollice [ it had 1)0011 advertised
that time donation of a town lot would be
giver time tilst woman svho cane fu , ] Cu-
rims" eyes weZp watching her every step
as site fqproaclod time clerk's quarters.
But the crowd wmiclt ] had gathered
nround the cflico for mall receded ro-
apeetfully etch side of time 01mtrawo. As
she 115510(1 in , Colonel Fergimson serenely'
loomed up , and sailing out aumung the
boys , agitated n reception.
801/.0(1 by time i11spiratiou , 100 bats
sveo remnoved from heads of noble structure -
ture anti design , filtmriltted somewhat ,
perhaps , and 1001tonty hauls passed
over time tmkutnpt locks to smooth then
down , vests were pulled down and 100
pairs of eyes rill tiown limo respective
ow'11ers' "di ( gin" clot11e' lroudl' ins -
s ) ectingg tlto biuus'itnbie "bull stitch"
wimiclt iejoinetl limo disulounbercd scant or
hold in place time patch of conaplcttotus
diutunsions. By a look of connn01l cou-
suet the Colonel w'aS time lust aoleeted to
I umaku time tceepti01l speech. Uneasily
t1umnfug leis mttstatchu with carbonate-
I lingers , the Colonel approached
her , nod followed by time uneoveredheads
Ito ihativertantly yahkcd a frog from lmis
throat and be"nn :
" 1f0spuctet lladnnui'-and ' 100 heads
11od(1Cd assent. 4 IPealfng ) main to his
uhtstac11o for the ueede(1 iuspnatiel , Limo
colonel resmnned n4ainl R(1spCcted (
1111tdnnle-h4) ! illtuuunntiug spectre of
this cost fasci11nting occasion- " aunt 100
heads nodded sereimely agnf11 ill assent.
Planning again the sourcu of inspirmttion ,
t time haltiu ' colonel shmggepd 011 : 'Foot-
t prints of tmine , which have first fallout on
o4) cu'bollifevus soil , we wolcnnlu then ,
m liieemiry , in her mrroal ( light trails
througlm Um starry' arclmitraves of heaven ,
f to trial over tutu sflurinu outcrops
(1f ( Intlfuld county , wlticll lms bet -
t cuule saccd to us noel toil , Yicis
, situdes and ptisattionS. It is inns by
I ri ht of dise11vory , mid you are woicolmte ,
1 R u are toIlselrea0t With your sox , and
801110 of us has'e Leon victimized. 'We
11its a learned to love 811(1 cherish fn ltlen
( Ivy' time tiury tiugers wimich svoro rubbed
over our bmsuufts nl ether days , anti we
lagluish for lime came 'I'lme delicacy of
sewing on buttons ( thintbleloss ) is Oars ,
and our tOll ata1110d robes bears time
tntccs of the aihn'inh outcrop. For
months we Lae 110011 hero surrnulmded
by time bcnutifil crystalline leads of
heaven , wbicim hmM'O balked about and
nrouutlUs , and our ouly solace Irma been
time elmirp of time dunI bird mntl time
' weird wailin.a of time meta Ihoiic
blmtst" . 1Ve li the long antici mteil time
through trio
) daisy' , strmu g lie 11uow
r du lls to cuntfcrt us , mac time day throw
' nemmr Whet we haiti by our enuwshOCS on
" time liutestouo led g4) ttt this occrosiou is
d nu/st stmbiintu udrimuod of anti uapru
. m cudonted fit time of our 11(1W enun-
try , 1'hnn hmwt come ujxn us like thu
pefuuul fieightvti breath of time gentle
t springtime , mud thou art time shrnme to
i icli we boss' multi brilmg tribute , Dud in
bu11uif of tlroso,111) partners m time strut ;
' glu , into stand bufote you with uncov
' crud heads , 11(11110 of tbum glictemiu" like
e n burnished disk fu tire silurialm suiiTfgllt ,
" hoods wlmich jmnvu bdun robbed of capfl
Inry tr.teos Gawt loovihablo contact , 1
. ndill say welcolmie. "
e ludstludroppCd ,
D I'.t1'ING'rtu , I'Il'1'11t.
- .
I Sunu1 tit' limo ( ' 11..11:111' . 10nlnrUilning the
Urmud Ar11g Iii Ilrnnrr.
lldoer Now. ,
.111 inspection of limo vital uuutbur of
I unpaid vouchoma rand bills reaultiug trout
rccuut Cnumd Army reunion ruvcals uta11y
r things which in vests' of time batmkru ) t
h c01mdition of . foul will oxctto time
amazcnlett of the average cittzon , Itills
for every conceivable service aml every'
possible want of 111811 are here selmeduletl
until e wonder is not that hueaggregate
is so ; , great but that it is not several times
that sluosim b ' the schedules.
These atatelltelmts show 8 list of O e'
100 1011 01111)toyed for various periods of
front three tln 's to three months , at salaries -
aries ranging from $ l.f,0 to 410 per da
and time eat service rforined in re. .
turn fur this shut no 0110 calm toll ,
In the schcdulo is n went ilmspector
( ox-Alderinam 111111811) ) tweutyono days
at $ .i porday , n ticket seller devout days
at $10 per day' , five ticket takers umploy.
0(1 for n number of dflyS at i3 pcr l8y
( tile irhole receipts from this s0ttrcu were
less thml $1,000) ) , n chief cool : eiglmt and
ond'1181f days at $10 per tiny , with tweim
tyfivo assis nuts at front rJ : to
: r per day each , a potato builoe in clmief
for a number of days at $ i per day , mail
carrier five days at $ + i , postmaster live
day's at $ f , with 111091 of the letters do.
livered at ( lie city' pest ollice or sent to
time duad latter ofiieu , a host of ntuss01r
gore shit two dozen as provost guards ,
allow' ' a state of ntlimirs turd a want of in
tehilgellt nmatmgeument wlliclm tell time
whole story of time slmortnge of funds lid- ,
ter tluul wordq could , llud time fund
b00u gtiadrlpled'irimat it actually was ,
there 1s u ) question but that it would
still have Leon snort.
Upwards of $400 was expo11ded in
decratuolms for time opera house interior ,
emd time expohae was incurred by the
eomiuhittee with the express uhderatnuid-
ing Hutt the flags 80(1 banners comprising
them should be afterward divided ,
time various Grand Ariuy posts of time
city , yet they have ( lisappenreti and time
question is what has become of them ?
hills for all sorts of articles intcmtded
for use at time 081111) , but which hero
never been received by any mho , figure
largely' et time schedules , and m time uuszo
of uxtravngamt figures time co11uaittce are
utterly at a 1(155 w11nt to d0 or where to
begin to disedalgle time web worm
around them ,
A suggestion iris beeml lmmde that tacit
member of time Grand Ariny residing fu
time state should contribute $1. to a fund
for time liquidati01t of this bidebtodne'ss ,
which Weald protluce , perhaps , several
thousand dollars. If this could be done
time csunnittee umiak they could obtaw
additional subscriptions of an egtmal
aumotnlt , anti times souno of time more
worthy of the creditors be paid. Time
dutirc cost of the retutiet was a tritie
over $20,000 , of which acount about
$20,000 unpaid.s
The growing young city of helm Hill , Mo. ,
has tbo prospect of at extensive pottery being
added to its umuufacturing lnductries.
Iron and steel works are to be erected at
1)IICO at ( lanuison , Cul. , a conpany Laving
been organized for that purpoco with n capita
of . ,000,000 , Gunnison lit but three years
old , with a populatio11 of 5,000.
'Pita Columbus , (0 ( , ) Buggy Coulpany pro
said t. b ) trio largest manufacturers of flume
buggies in time world. They eugdo 800 hands
1111(1 turn out a completely tiutshed buggy
every eight minutes during working hours.
It is stated , from time nmostrelfabloskvtisticc ,
that durin gm0 : years previous to 1880 tliero
way expended lit theIilrcilaco ; of mlhles aimll ail
expenses arising from time de ciopuleimt of them ,
$700,000,000. ' 1'Lt cash returns froml timis cx
penditure for time canto time nets $2,200,000-
000 , thus giving an actual profit of nearly 300
pcr cent. On the investmmit nmade.
There arc now built fu time state of OLii
mare pleavuro carriages anlumally than aropro
tiacetl fit Great Britain nut ! Franco cotitbined ,
mud time returns of time census show the exist.
el1CC fm 1880 of Moro thmt 13,000 establish.
ments for the nmanttfncture of carriages amid
sulitliiug , which eulployed in that year 10- ,
000 ilmuls , to whoa ) was paid as wages more
thsm $38,000,000.
An iron dcast im ay recently been shipped
fr um Paterson , N..1. , to t1)u Northern Pacific
railroad for n bridge over time Snake rirerOre
; dot' , wimicli is said to be the longest and IIeaY-
nest Jonbie.trach draw over built , bcisg 315
feet lung and svcighimg 150 toum. .another , to
span tliu 1Villamette river in Oregon , is to be
:90 feet long nod made mostly of steel , which
will cost about $00,000.
' 1'lmo total value of emir foreign conunerce , in-
chiding exports and hnports of Iilcrchaildiso
mead specie , for May , 1883 , was $117JlI00 ,
against $ I:11,107,303 : , for May , 1882 ; a do.
cmcasoIf$15,103,103. For time five months
muted i [ ay :31 : , 188.3 , time total value of our
foreign conmmerce was $653,080 0 l against
$ Iii1,3S8,73fi for time corresponding utoutks of
1882a1 increase of $0,072,118.
1Cavnuco , ill. , 011(1 of time c mmartest m8uufnc
taring towns of its size imt Illinois , is to live
an important addition to its pr"ductivo ilidas-
tries--a amd mill for time
- - rolling pipe nimul
facture of bar iron , a11d wrouvht irnn stamp
anti gas pipes. Five acres of hind adj(1fnimig
the ] baxtuu stern heater storks hay becu
dammed by time btlcirlens men of ] Cowauoo to
the now conCOrl , itt n cost of 20,000 , as a site
fur tiw works.
Cednrudo has 2000 miles of railroad ,
'flue Ohio R-Mississippi uperatcs 010 miles
of rond.
Tlme'l'oledu , Cincinnati k St. Louis railroad
has goumo into time 10111(1(3 of a receiver.
Hereafter holders of secoud class tickets
over roads in time tnlilk hues i eel will b0 amt ,
plated to occ0PY sccund class ears ,
'l'imo .Missouri railmtuul connnlsiunols fn their
fast reportg ive timu grass eanmings per mile of
all the nmds iii the skate. The trot , Atuwtain
heads time list ti ith gross earufngs of $0,083
per mile , the Iiaunibal & St. .1(001)11 follows
with $4,0t , Icr mile . 811(1 the 5licsouri Pacific
it third , u it1158,0.20 pcr tnilo.
'rune has just hems added to time typmipment
of thn Chicago , Bnrlingkm k Quincy , four
rmeit sleepers , wliclm are vuritablu ) daces on
svliculc. They are cixtcen wheci cars , std
eacim one coimtahls fmlrteon nectimis , Lesitles
dratvlumg nod statenwan. They will rue on the
hut ) botwoeu Chicago m"d Omaha.
The last sIiko , way driven nn time Vicksburg
mul Sldp Island raflrond at 5 30 o'clock ' 1'nes-
day.luly 31 , at Port ( ilbsnmr , conuecting the
latter isot with Vlcksburg , and at Laif.past 11
e'CLCk \VodOUsday time drat tlirotlglt train , ' ,
with excursionists fro11t fort Glbsnrl , arrived
\'ickeburyr , Innidug twemtyfive udles . am
Hour. i _ a ir.s _
-Thu ropih y of oil ) o Il tii lift e
of the Cauadfam Pacific Railway in time first
snook In July id witimout a parallel in timid or
oily other clnstr Saturday .July 7 , rails
swore laid upon six 1111104 of rand a11d during
the week meaarl twenty-six adios , exclusive of
pidimgs , wore eo111'doted ' , at asorage of alsatt
four and ono thlral umiles per day , the idgltost
over ubtnmmod. The track id nmv te0uplutal
for m distanty of 728 tunas west of 1Vhm
11lpeg ,
1 lII Q ) .
I , ipus ; > C Il' ltellrvtwaudrun'r
, au , . I tai ,
'g „ . ald.l Neuralgia ,
t j ' l9'J ! , 11.1t1ss : : . SclalioaLunmha00 ,
I " ' t
i ' ' '
+ 6' SOOE TIIfi0.1T ,
r ! . . , '
Aw.mtl'f '
I tut11v,555'la.m,1NOi
L I , t . I '
1I ; , t' rr'r.trNV ,
I CataxJf SotenessCuts , Ilr111sms ,
4'I T i y11uM77nTIGl ,
I ru11IiJN , st'.t1,1)5 ,
tudallulherls lilyucheb
[ ' ; ; and pahta.
v l I i f IFTI CE1iTS O OOITLE ,
I fbldbynllllniFahlxaud
p Is uleta Dlttcm'mi.l4)ll '
The Chutes A , Yoptter Co ,
' tawc"r' . , . A 1'WU0.1 pt )
14111r.rr , CAl' , IL A , ' '
Ana an Glass ,
St. Louis Mo. InBm
Dry Goods !
cL CO. ,
Washington Avenue alid Eiffh Street , - - - ST. LOUIS MO ,
Who1ea1e Grocers !
Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco.
LuMber , Latli , Sli1e , Pcketg ! ,
Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA , NEB fI f I I
Wholesale Druggist I ti i '
Pllts tVilldo /
" T
, ( > '
. : sa t1adJ . .Ivm
Hall's P A t
ao an L
- 9 9 9
3020 Z'ttra nm 1 stront. M7x i zt.
PaDer all iii o Sliaaes 0
M. r HELLMAN & CO . ,
Wholesale Clothiers !
1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREET , COR.13TH , ,
erJRk s
E' 1 , , . 3' < t
itt Keg and Bottled Beer
This Excellent Boor speaks for itself ,
i Wo
! , Sil0Ul5Lh1 ? _ Y Will be Promptly Shipped ,
: f ® -us. r L31ii tom , r ( EL I1 ! r ® rr
Solo Agent for Omm11n and time \Vest ,
O0lcc Conner 13tH and llaritoy Streets.
Growers of Live Stock and Others ,
It is the heat and cheape.t food for stock o1 any kind. One pound le equsi to throe pounds of Com +
Stock fu ) with Oround 011 Oak , in the Fail and iVlnter. Instead of ruantn done , hill Increase Im we1Qh 1
and be In good ntatretable condillon In ale aprlng. Illir > 'men , a. Nell a1 ethers , s ho Use it can testify
It. merit. , Try ft and jud ; . ( or youreelvea 1'rlcu $225.00 per ton : no elan. for cache Addroas
of eod'm. I. W0OD MN LINSEUt401L COIf'ANY , Omaha
I i
. t5