Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 10, 1883, Image 1

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! r. 'NTIII1tTEENTII YEAR. OM11ILA , NLB. T7tIDAYfO.ItNITG , AUGUST 10 , 13S:1. : : NO. 4i (
1 _ - -
" -
Thc Presidential Party Grccled by
the hosholle and Arapahoe
1 Indians ,
I Five Hundred Bravos Gorgeous-
1 .1y Bcdeokod Salute the
White Father.
Andlulrablo AddresH by oho I'leHl-
dcu-11'nshaklt's Itl' ,
i't'CHelltlthtls , I : ( ( .
FT , 1VASUA61l : , Wyo. , August S.-The
pnstdedial party spout a day at Ft ,
1V tshLki : ° prtlpnmtory to suiting ant up
on its ridu to the Yellowstone ill the
morliwg. Thu presidett , Secretary .
I I 1 cola nod Gall. Sheridan returned the
call which the oflicets of the post And
made 111)011 them the previous evetiitg.
In necordaleu with the expressed wish of
the Shosleno uul Arapnhoo chiefs , their
r 1)001)10 ) were 01101'e(1 tut opportunity of
{ y- . the ' three in
- , ) a )011
' the nferneon. Shortly bcforu that hour
they gatheEel on the plains to the nm11
1)01 of shout list/ hundred warriors d
I lotntted ao1) their hall(1SOlle ( s +
they dashed forward in line for ablnd a
timnusand yreds : to a point uCar which the
, 1)rosided stood nsstitinl ; them. The col.
011111 the ( halted , and 8e enl
chiefs dismottut ° ( l unl nP1)rOacled
hint. Ain ng theul was 11'usha
kic , the tunarkable chief of the
Shushohcs , front whoul this post takes its
haute , and Black Coal , chief of the Ar-
apah0es , n tribe which within a foie years
has been 1)erhlitted to share the occupancy
pancy of this reservation. The plcsi-
i dent thanked his visitors for a lliug (11)01)
111111 , turd congratulated therm upon their
lute nP1)CaranCO. He assured them of
his interest in their welfare and of the
satisfaction with which ho heard of their
I oxeinplary conduct and their growing attention -
) tention to the practice of industrial pur-
suits. His address , which was admira-
i bly suited to the occasion , seas interpreted -
ed to the Shoshones by nn English
spenking nicinber of their tribe , who
I' ' bears the nano of Norcutt and to
i the Arapalwes by oho of then mmnbcr
Ta who hits beet ClllCatCl at the Carlisle
school , The chiefs then shouted to their
respective tribes what had been said to
them by their great father hoot the an-
. ' nonitccoleut was received with demonstrations -
, strations of allouse. l Bothr Waohakie
1 011(1 Black Coal made pertinent Ieplies.
They thanked the prCSidUnt for honoring
them with 8 visit , uvuSVCd their purpose
of living at pence with the whites and
adopting as rapidly as possible their cos
toles 1md manners of life. Their addresses -
dresses as interpreted were full of ox-
preSsIS'o metaphors 1(11(1 is cru positively
; eloghc11t. ' 1711 ° Antpahuos' interpreter
'i . ' found ho little diflicudty in making
liolself understood. His efforts wore
% Y oddly recorded by Capt. Claino , of
General Slieridan'H shtll' , vhio has thoroughly -
oughly mastered the beautiful and expressive -
pressive sign language which is the entit °
c 1 connwnicatiohf the two tribesl aid i /
I the intercourse witha the whites fully su 1
P lies the 1dace of s1leech. Slmr1 p Nos o
the ) brought forth aim Indian pony , and
placing the lines in the hands of the pres
l ident ha 1lresellted true handsome anima
' ' for the use of his daughter. Gifts of
1 , ulaccasins hoot leggins were presontc ( 1
also to the nlonbers of the president' 8
i party. Then followed a war dance
1 in Whicll twenty you11g Shosllon u
. j braves took part. Eight beat the drum 1
f and clleulted 8 weird little song for cx
" t citing the ufforts of their fellows. Sonic
1 of the dancers were Partly naked , thou r
skin painted in Varns colors ; others
1 I were gaily dressed in flashy colored cos
tunics , no two of which were alike. Son e
were ornauetl ° d with bonds , feather n
and every sort of Indian ornaments. Tim
d lice af0)racd uulcli ettertainlnont t °
thu other party.
Getcrtl ) Eaton'H Address Oil Ilie Imo
p01 rtnoo of Iduoatinn.
UcaiN Cltovn , N , .J. , August 9-A
1 tile edvoateml Collventioh today a nun
bur of addresses woo male. Genera
Eaton , United States conu)1issioner o
, j education , in the course of his address
said : The danger of war and the profit ,
of peace haVC been teaching tune natiou s
j of Europe the value of education as )
practical Power ill Amman lifo. Prussii
and other German status first do thi
, V discovery. Tile Ccrman sovereign udu
catcd time 1)eoPlo for personal aggrandize
, ment , but no doubt the Gorman reformers
ors with higher motives unaisted that thi
people should be educated for better pro
tectiot of themselves , of society )
and of tam church An(1 state
I Carrying out this great PrinciPl
as thoroughly as it has been done , north
Gurnaly did net tluglectit , as Austria hit
done and Sndowa was the legitimite re
sultof the conflict whet 11)1 ) a ll ) Coil
I tinning 2 per cent of illiterates beat n
arnly coltaumg 17 Fur cent of ignoi
+ 1 anon. True spullkur thou obSUrvod timn
j t as'un the roost advanced nations llavu van
necessities yet to meet , and greatoppo r
tunitien for inlprovlnoIt , o5pucial
t ly if aided by fteo though t
! c ° usciuUcb and action ; that tut
' task of publio udnciatiun is an
too gicat far the church to undertake an
1 that it is bout for her to furnis
high itlotivcn for JIAlilall action
f Dr. Ilnrtzoll dctiued the putpono of tl
asauutbly. Ito Ha111 tltei'e ' 0115 all e(1nca
tionll : crisis in the nation. 1Vu 1)11)5 ) )
hnvu hero education 1111(1 it lutist be
thw riyllt quality. 'J'Ilis assonbly , h
said , meant a pkltform in Alnurica trot
which the ullitc(1 Cducatiollll fl'CCS 0f 1
s0ctiolS 011(1 creeds might dire
public suntimolt 111 education
> , work four a christian stand ) oint , 0th c
o ganizations'studied methods of govers
I' meant and uestiols of exact science. 'Fh
11 ' asselilbl r ° losud to foruulate a selit
t , nwnt that would check the tendency
M take Christ out of the sehooln ,
The LOttle' ) ft ) (
JlOSTON , August 9.-A meeting of tl
creditors of the boot and shoe firm
Chas. W. Copelamid & Co , was hold th
forenoon , at which the following atat
i moot of the flnu s affairs was made : P
roct liabilities , $1,467,200 ; contingo
i liabilities , $034,000 ; total , $2,101,8 00al
Assets , cash , machinery , stock , and rc
+ /i
estate , $255,800 , : due front Shaw Bros , ,
$617,700 ; 01)011 nccouuts and notes re-
Cei abhe , $73,100 ; total , $1,603,700. A
conlnlittcc of five , including coo from
New York , was chosen to cxnnitn0 1111)
tune nflhirs and ascortai11 the best metho d
of settimnmlt. The Meeting was hnrmo
1110(15 throughout.
. - - -
AriATnt'1t OAnHn.
N vW.ul , ; , August t-Thu )
tier races , imtionlal regetta ) f anlntuurl
oarsillel , took 1)11(00 ) t ) dity. Thu jtulioll
siuglo seulls , won by 1t. IL lht'yal ; time
t:4. ) : .
Senior siuglo 5011115 , Wol by Jolut F.
Buckley ill t1:18j. :
Eight oared scull lace , won by the
Unions of New York ill 7:49 ,
Thu Hillsdale four gave nn oxllibition
race , doing n hltlu am ! a half in 8:23j. :
Itarr.u.o.August 9--'I'llird day's races ,
B(111kb driviugitpark ; track good ; 10,000
1)c1)10 ) present.
lit the 2:20 : pacing class , pulse $1,500 ,
1Vustuoht svou , Lone Jitck seColnl , lddio ;
D third , Billy S Fourth ; tiute , 2l9 : ,
2:1S1 : , 2:17k : , 2:18j. :
Free for till ilOt'9 ° ,9 , pliC90 $0,000 , St.
Julius wore , Edsvi11 Thorne second , Fnu-
uie 1Vitherspoon third , 'T'rinket fourtl ;
time 217 ; , 2:18 : , 2,22 , , 2:1lj :
MoNnourn Palm , August 9-So'ol
furlongs , Duplex svou , Jacobus 8000)1(1 ,
Sttathspey tiur'd ; time , 1:29. :
Optional intakes , tvo yca' olds , three.
qitrtes Mile , 2)10890111 woo , Leo 81)0011(1 ,
' 1'hackerty thud ; time,1:15k. :
Passtic : Stakes , tilreu-year-olds a(1d upwards -
wards , thrce quarters 11lilo , Breeze won ,
Eliot secaud , Bntuitza third ; tinlu , lliij. :
Aliie nod a quarter , 'l'opsy sVen , Charley
blarks second , Ciroftu tlurd ; tune , 2:10. :
Mile and n furlong , Flow cr of iiteathl
wan , lllnrshal sccoud , Clara A. third ;
tihlo , 1:59.
Scud stakes , gentienieit riders , three-
guartnts tllilo , Voluaia won , Autrint see.
011(1 , Colsnir third ; time , l:1"7 : j.
Steeple chase , short course , Charle-
mnuge woo , Abrnlon seeond , Lily
Morsel third ; time , 3:141. :
SAUATOOA , August 9.-Mile , Ascender
Won , 110111110 Lizzie sccoud , Owel Bow-
liug third ; tinio 1:421. :
'I'wo furlongs , two year olds. Burton
won , Lloyd Daly secu)1d , Leftin turd ;
time 1:031. :
Three quarter mile , ( Jlelgnriue won ,
Pau K. second , Bell Boy third ; time
1:1 : ( ; .
handicap steeple chase , about two
miles and a quarto' „ all ages , I'ostguard
Well , Disturbance second , Rienga tiled ;
tines 4:243.
BASE 11Ai.L.
BosToN , August 9.-Boston , 1 ; Provi-
( lemice , 0.
D1Tnolr : , August t-Chicago ) , ( J ; Do-
troits , 1.
CL1v1atxh : , August 9.-Cleveland , 14 ;
Bldfalos 5 ,
' I'JIILAILein. : , August 9-Philadel-
plli ° s , 7 ; New York , 3.
TOLE111) ) , August 9.Toledos , 10 ; Bay
City , 7.
I'toiuA , August 9.-PCOrias , 0 ;
Quincy , - .
A ltai(1 oil 11 Banlc.
INnIANAPOLIS , August 9.-During tutu ,
afternoon theiehas 1)0011 a large deman d
by dcpgsitors on the First National Bell : ;
all ) lndiaua Banking Company , am 1
large amounts have beer ( Mown from
hmth of these institutions. The Presi-
dent of the National Balk makes the fop -
lowing statement : All demands of cash
resources of the First National Bank to
day were prollptly mot up to time closin g
Lout Time bank is sound , ill
good assets , but like nil such institutjon s
must have time in which to realize.
A meeting' of the directors of th u
First National balk was held to-night.
It is known that State Treasurer Cooper
recently drew $50,000 frour the Firs t
National , which lie says wan deposited
temporarily at other' banks. Only tilt
ordinary a11toahtt of business was trans
acted during time day.
( 'hicngo N01014.
CIIICAOO , August 9.-Thu schoohu
Nellie and Annie , reported lost yesterday
arrived iii } ort this hthorhiing.
A large delegation from Hix Chicagl
t cominanderies of Knight 9'einplars Cx
i t01lded a welcome to the delegations o
Sir Knights fen lllicligan , Ohio and d
f Now York , arriving lee om their way ti
San Francisco this mornihig. The lllichi
gI111 delegation represented ten coumuaul
cries , 1111(1 the New York duicgntiot rep
I resented twelve co)1maiiderlen of Now
I York cold Connecticut. An itddress o
S welcome was delivered by Mayor Harrr
Bon nt tam Tromont house , where tll u
Knights breakfasted. Tim Party left fo
the west at 12:30. :
TimoSalv'ation Array Captured.
SYaACusE , N. Y , , August 9.-Severn
weeks ago the comittel council passu (
1 resolutions prohibiting the salvation anu
S parading the streets. To-Iught the 011
- tire army determined to defy the boar
of aldermen and marched tlmrou6ll till
n streets shouting 1lnllelujah and singip
hymens adapted to pupulae airs. Tlie 1)o
t lice a7ested the wllolu body , escertu
t then ) to time station house aul were abou
. to place then' ill coils svhurl time nldornet
Wllo opposed.the resOllltioll sighed tile !
, bail bonda , the parties to appear befor
te the justice to-morrow.
0d Dlnrde'uI dim 1JImn (
h IiIINNIA I'OLIH , Auust ; , 9.'File body o
t. a wo11uul hatdled 1lntlruws wits found in
u closet in time rent' of room 517 Sewn
street to-day , badly dccomnposed. 'Fill
t hcad had buei smashed with alt nx I
of sehjch w 8R found in the 1001)1 , 'l'imo Ins
u scull of the ivonutrt alive svnr Inst Friday
n 7'bo murder is 81)1)1)050(1 to ilaS'e bee
11 cctnnmit ° d fur the purpose of robhery' , )
it the sv01uu11 was kllOW11 to have ses'or
al imuhuircd dollars in her possession.
I- I'rcighl , 'Fril11 1)1IuIII.
CANTON , 0 , , Auguat 9.-A foigl
trail on the Cleveland amid ] .erai)1 Ion
ran all'an 0)11011 switch fivu miles scut
of blassillon , and wrecked the train an
killed engineer Graham. Furman 1Vi
8011 add others were injured , but not f
l0 tally ,
of - ----o' - -
is A Struggler Caught.
a PonT'rowNsEND , W. T. , August 9.-
i'rho Enilish ; sloop , Photograpllor hi
it boon seized , charged with anrugglil
. Chinanrol into tills territory free Itri
al isll Columbia.
The Forestry Coi ress Battliii A aillst
the Bli htin 1Viii s of
lndiiicrcncc ,
' ) sal alld State Logislatioll
, ocessary to Avoid Disas =
trotts Oonsequencesl
Schuo1H nntl ( ' )1I'geH tlrgrd Ill Itl-
onlcnte IlIP 111'nlylt t)1 Sllmy
Groves ; ' etc ,
Sr PArIN August 9-'I'lm Anc'ricnu
forestry coligress met this 1norning. 'l'ime
eouunitteu of forest cxpcriuleltal sta.
t1011S 0(11)(10X1 , 00utuoutiug 0)1 ) the du
crease ) f state forests , the t mint of 1110110(1
foresters , 1Io)1 axiSluucu of forest acad.
uluies , 1(11(1 time CAnalltively ) little iut-
Purtiulc ° sehiclt legislatures : ttt tchcd to
uxpe inlcnts i)1 fOlCSt'y. 'l'imn Couunit-
teu reeumnlmldod the netlbers of tlmts
congress to urge upo)1 their respective
States the necessity of ustablislmiug fur.
Cstry uxpniuleltal slatiomis , that this
Congress lIICtllorinlize the legislatures of
the different states rstablislmiug thesu
stations timnt the Ohio p1:111 : of orgitniziug
such StittiOits is ruu ° nunelded as taw
Most suited to Our CitCtlllmShlllc ° a. 'l'imo
'apart also reconuuums tlmt expel- :
111011181 sttiolls center in agricultural
colleges 111(1 that a Btaudinq coituuitteo
o1) forestry 811)1 oxpC itu'lltal sl8tious be
appaiuted. 'l'lto report seas adapted ,
Time eo11ltuittee on nluumriIlirtug time
state lugislttures upon the cstallish-
meht of a state fol'CHtly Co11-
missiou , reported a lllenulrial ct11- :
ing attention to the importance of
glvnlg attention early to lileasllres fur
maiut ° niulco of forestry supplies find to
the reilatians existing b ° tw ° el due
portion of woodllttlds , agricultural el-
fare of the country , water supply , etc. ,
in view of the fact that the Most settled
Portions of the country are owned by i1)-
( lvdunl proprietos. Time report states
that the must effective way of proutotiug
tree culture is the dill ision Of correct
ideas nnloug taw ow11ors of land. 't'his
1.111(1 will lit boat achieved by the nppoillt-
moett of state conuniSSi011o1H to iuttodtlee
a now variety of trees , hoop taw 1)00110
iuforued of taw best method of
tree culture , establish ) mrscrics
and oxperiiii011tn1 stntioiis Itnd
holding meetings. The Ceumilitteu
011 forestry education reported that busi-
less openings for tl'atucd foresters were
not Shell as to ullcolll'ago et sutlicieut 11(1111-
bee of students to support separate
scimools if forestry. . . StIuhes slloul(1 be
titugilt , 1UWCyel' ) , lit seho ° 1) for-1)ronlo-
tion ) f agriculture. It might be desirable -
able in state illattlltiOlls to employ
lecturuts aid CU (1pendu with local
societies in thcirtvork. The agricultural
l)1053 810(11(1 1)u elconraged to duvatu
space to forestry. Time report was
adopted in conncctoit with tine following -
ing resolution offered by AIr. lllincr
of Illinois : " 'flint this forestry congress
earnestly urge all otu' illStrncb + n of colleges -
leges and nurntnl"scltools'to begin at 01100
teaching forestry , tree planting , iutd as
80011 as pmeticablo intrecluce both the
sci0000 nod art of forestry into the pub-
lic schools. "
Thu congress discussed forestry legislation -
tion in congress. Illi . Duunell , of lllui-
nesott , stated the people generally did
not apprCCinte time alaruliug rapidity with
which forests are being destroyed.
L1 time nfteruoon the congress discussed
taw iulpprtaitce of planting amid Inaintai11-
nag groves of trees , and accoptcd taw fn-
Vltttion of the Northern Pacilic to tithe
011 uxeursion over time road.
In the evening a conmlittce was apt -
t omiitcd to report : ttth ° mlCxt me ° tiug the
form of a manorial to congress O)1 the
subject of cstablislmimig forestry expel'- :
tllelltll BtttiOllS. ) DIsellsslon COlltlhll ° d
an needed forestry Cducatiolt in agricultural -
tural colleges. A pap01' van read by
Prof. Saunders , of London , 011tario , on
ilsects injurious to white pub. A 1050-
lutiou was lulopted recouunemdiug time
r ° stablisllulellt of Arhoe Day ill itll of thu
United States and the peai'iucus of
Caniula. Conunitlucs on forestry uxpoli-
, meltll : Htatiotls and oil foresty schools
were apptlltcd add the congress a(1
f jomncd. _
Bi * < iLtavrarrrmrtts ,
' A OA s : or' Euolru ; .
MoNrllAL : , August 9.-Thu Southeast.
ono railroad \'B.4 pe'chased to-day frolu
llrndiuy Barlow by n syndicate composed
f of Gco. 1) . Chapman , of time Nntoanl
Const nctiou Company , N. J. ; Ashley
Hibbard mold 1Valter Shanluy , of llfo)1.
r trial , abed Jns. Illitclmll , of London ,
Eng „ fo' $3,800,000 cash. This will
leave Barlow a surplus of about $350,000
after paying off nil hts liabilities , inclnd-
ing $140,000 to the Canndial I'acifk
1 road. 7'llis sale is considered a "oe11re'
I 01 the Ctuladiatl ] ncihc company , will
Y supposed they cattrolicd the Southeast
ern road , 1311(1 cuts ofl' thoum
only conlectiol with Boston aii
° Atlantic ports. Thu purchasing syndicat (
g tS believed to represent time Grand
d 1(11(1 C01ltral Vunuomt iiltoresin , as flub
bard imps been working ngniltnt time Conn
t dine ] nctfie all nloimg , Chapman is burn
1 and nlcrntYro amt SteIdioi of tilt Cluua
r dint Pacific have left far New York t
° itterviuw Barlow.
'limn Iola ( III.IADE l'ILEHIDENT.
Nnvv VonE , August 9-'J'hu resigns
tion of ( lull. 1V. J. PIlhne' , of the presi
I domey of time Denver and Rio LJruldl :
railroad , wnn tendered to time board 0
d directors to-tiny amid accepted. ( lmlern
° I'lthnur's netoti is said tit be dim to ill
, commuctiou with time ] Iluxican Natollll
ILAll.nIIAI ) hriAlllla1H.
t 1ANS.1H CITY , August 9-The Duvere
8 nix party of rnhhoad oficinls ConneCt ° l
with time 1 nnde Lilt iuteents pass : ° d tau
day 11 ° 10. 'J'huy refused to talk with I
roper tor of thor business , land left to
night for Omaha ,
d s. Iiivls , August 9No ndditiona
it 01)011 cut is atnouilcud in the rates t
d Chicago , bat tickets can be obtaintn
I fromn sealpors for $5,75 via , time lllinoi
a' Coitral. Scalpers mire sulliii IMuisvill
tickets for $4.75. Tue 0111 ° and Mum
5i8sipi reduced the Cincinnati rate to 87
whloh wets iitnmiodiatoly mut by the liar
- dnlia ,
ig Ilrowncd in ' 1'he Day ,
U. BOSTON' August 9.-Last evening Job
Futter age ' 18/ was sailiim6 with tw
young Indies at. Quincy , when n gust of
whmd struck tilt sail nod booth , sw'itiging
it suddenly around. Ftsber alul 0)110 of
time ladies , nallicd 11 uufred Bailer , war
8vVCJt iltto time water. Fisher was tn1-
inedintoly drott'rlcd , and l Iias ltutler died
500)1 after botng brought asbamu ,
A Qncstioll of Daly oii covers Con-
sidorcd by a Biridcd
l'o1. .lglr : Srulrnl'c--I'mautul'ut
Ltulnll tuu'les , ) leadour Ihll , IIo ,
C/tl't'1'1l1 NOTES ,
'roc ut'TV oN t9)vlan m $ ,
11'As11INOTON , A(1gust9.-'l'ilt lrcnsluy
departmeut snhletiIllU a' , n P ° ihIted a
Conunllt0u 1(1 constdor time ultect of mho
sevo)1tl section of time tn'itl'n01 of 1883
as to ieheter it imilcridcd to repeal limo
dtltics on nil cur01vlgs of ; ; 0015 , iuclul-
ing 8nunl IIOXOS that contnin ! 1101)1 such
his bluckimg and cigar 1)0)105.00 duly t0
ropcal tilt duties 011 Ile outside
boats miecessoey for tt'a11sporhdiol.
'Flit Comutittoo tn dny mndu two reports
to tilt treasury dupart1lcItt : 0110
t'CCWIIt111C1111Cd that alliy the out coverings
1)u other
l'uco0unmldcd that all corEriuga hit 0x-
enpted nod dtitics be nssesscd only emi
itle'chnnliSc , It is ploleblu tilt d0
parbilont will refer time plrstion to the
uttulveygeuurnl tot' his Ill'Clsi0ll. 'I'iw '
Iplcstious iitvolVCl ale of gt'eat interest
to importers , soitle fu'm'ing htxing all
coverings and oth01 s couliltiug the bharges
to goods mane.
It is uitde'stood that tlro court mnetml
which tried LicIttelnlllt Colonel liges , oil
the charge of duplicatiugrpay aceounts ,
found 111111 guilty nod recbnumiculcd ( dismissal -
missal fromr the army ,
'I'dle cuminissionor of tlo geliuml land
ofice , ill time cane of tie applicnlion of
l'uttigrew 011(11il'O ih , Dakota , for returl
of supreme court 80111) tlsedin Payment
of locittiouii or emttrics , which have bcuu
cancelled on twgromid that lrv ouptols
nllidnvits 1r0 u false 5id : f1nmda-
lent , bas rohdercd a lll'cisiomt in
Which 111 holds flat file 50111) ) used
ill paymiicitt for laud is 11eoaoy wide
ill time uloalling of toe line nod therefore
legal tender.'I'he cuittillisstoacr 50)5 it won
the Price of the land , iuld it would seem
that wbeuevur n givcit tiring is by law
1111010 rcccivaLle in pnyulort for 1011118 at
a stetted price , tlleconsidorlion in rquiv
cleat to hlonuy , Witimill the Slea)1illg of
time Stalutc , and that if time eltyis frahl-
uleIlt , the colside Idiath is futfeitud ,
auxlC.I MAti „
PISt111AHtur Gresha11l has nddresacd n
It letter to time Director General of tile
posts of Alcxico , ill wbiclt lw asps : hts co-
apcenliou in sccuriug to intclnuti ° nltl
correspouduhlce , 110W excilin 0d uxalu-
siVely by sea time ntdvisntngo of railroad
facilities wlieimever po siblu :
0hio Iillluursf ( i.
ToADU , August 11.-Tito Ohio Liquor
Dealers Proteclivu association uiet ill
couventiott ho u today. Eighty delegate s
present. 1Vut. Backus , chnirultml of t1) °
) tssocimtliol , w7la chose ) president , nod
1V. J. Moorc , sscrutary. 'I'lto Chair the 1
stated that the oljeet of the meeting wiL s
to organize for time fall political cmnpaign ,
: aid take into consideration all other
( IUeStl(11IS ( of iilterest. Thu laws , l10 said ,
1)nssed by tie republican legislature tut d
. .alsed great dissatisfactilnl in the repub
lican raitkS , as shuav 1)y lhu lnst twl
elections , 9'hle Thud bill and Scott tau
had proved ton lu'avy for then ) to carry.
7'lme Scott law Wli : Ilmade to 1'odeellm a 1D8
0.118 ° .
'm'ho Iiunduy invCaHes.
ST. Louis , A1htll5t0.'Chucase of 1Vn1 ,
.J , hung ) , ono of time roust prouiinel
hiewe's of tl10 city , for violtiug : : time Sun
day low , Wits tnkcit u1) this afternooit
'File Jury ions cbtnined nod trial ivill pro
gress to-itun'raw. Thu c)1so involves ill
points in the Smmdny lase end will i o con
SilCrel n test cwt. About at)1oty Stub
bath breaking tuocs nro 011 time docket
' 1'110 cnm't tuts bruit cantinutd ohm nccomm
0f the sam , 'l'imn 0(01(1 of C. 1' . lllolliU
presi(1uut of the ( live street raih oaot , fo
rumo0ng Curs Sunday , has gui u OVUI' till
next 7'nesdny.
- -
' 14ic ) licrOcolhln.
CIneAoo , August 9.-'l'llu Anmurical
society of mfooscopists was occupied to
, day in hsteni11" to 1)11110151)1 thu eflbc i
of ' ' 1)i vision of Vml iitn bluff ies of tim
heart , " lnlbelism lit I lba , Notes 01
Ncoplasul , " "Fdlmur of Gallic Acid , " 11111
other highly lecimnical and scientific mu )
Teets , jn the evening the society wa
, tendered a reception by the Cnlumu
; club , whore time exorcises kook n c ° nv0 r
Rational form and whore shout $00 ni :
croscopes lilted with obects were arrtilgC
for tile pleasure of their friends ,
l A IVondetl'ul ( mt.
i CmrArr ANoouA , August 9.-Explorn
tiness in time recoitly discovure(1 cave a
time 1100 of LOOkOllt mOuatni11 , opoli1I
nt low wattor mark of thu 'J'oncsse ' :
' river , three miles froth limo city , devel
01)0(1 n wondoful Cave of uliknOw11 depth
At time extre(1u point of oxploralion
very large lake was oreou)1terel , lilt
wlmeil a fill of 150 feel high poured it
' water with a 11(1050 of thundur. Othu
watorfltlls nod other itteresting ldmuuomm
1 oua w OIC discovered.
- - - - -
1 itmltIiIH fitam'rml ,
Donau CiTV , ICS. , .August IL-'T'im
most Suvcrt Sturm ever kllovn in thi
Ruction Stud : tills ° itytiboltt nltditigl
lust night. Tim voloctty of time Win
% % i(5 ninety omilen mill hour. Tim stunt
was IlcCOnIparmid by Limo grcitt ° Rt ( liRldit
1 of liglmtning OVer wrtlutsud 11810 , timid
1 being 0uu continuous shout of ) lam
'l'ime u was also ti heavy rain , 'File watt
stood over a foot loop nn 1'rott street.
- - - - - -
1 'I'1GI(1ItVII NO'1'1s4 ,
I )
1 A lire at licridtan , JIls „ burned thr
s blocks of rlvidences 1111(1 telleIleflt5 , o.wmsbg
0 IUnSof $50ooo , distimbut0d alnuog a auinber
I putSUUS ; hlnnramcu $ .0,0011.
A spedal fruln'l'alo mmah , hidian torritr )
Say ) ) Jtuuoing ] lir11 was hanged tlmoru y
I' turlay for time /aurdur of "ltuuning Water , "
IIanlun , Ifosrnur and Courtney lmavu alroai
arrived at 1Vatkins N , Y „ and are in dad
practice ) for tile wAtiug regrttaof August 14
Il and 16tb. 1Vallaca and F.Jward itopS , Jar : t
o A.'Funeyck and uthors are er p octcd ,
The Throat of Alfonso Mei ccd b y
llopllhlican I11tri llcS and
B1siii s ,
A State of Soigo Proclaimed
Throughout the Kingdom and
Furloughs Sllspoudod.
The Outlnsvod Irlvll t111n ulors Still
lot Sea-l'imo R'u'led in 1gypt.
CllNEltitlr Fltt ( IGN N111t'S ,
PllntllE'H ronlt mmIALTU : ,
l'.uns , August 11-Adhhtiral Pierre ,
Wilusu Cotlduet at'I'aulnbtt a lOWeda the
IteiIish consul nod nt11018 onus"d sit luueit
fueling in EDgluul : , asks to be mu dacet1
tol'tm'IIII nu iug in the pour 0(1uditiun of
his hulltl ,
liAlnnD , Augusta-1Vhen time cavalry
111 51111 Douli)1go lnutiuicd , Ihu rehain
euleav(1rel lit bm'u taw brtdgo hem'
bra"imuln nt time junction ) f tl rridlrond
f'\l'lludt , \ md to Fmtcu 1111(1 thus retired
to Ebru'alloy , 'floe ctumicil of the huh-
18th y to dny 11)510(1 Ilro srh0lu nftemnuou ,
1 'its Ilecldell to P1Yleiitllll n state siege
throughout Spain. 1'uel(1u ghs 0f all tie
Clllcems imi the nlsulnUelltiuiiItal ( sur-
vice are .
A loyal decree 11118 beet issued
i/mtdiu $ constitutional glluudcus : 1111(1
dlsmssnig civil and nuliIary ollicinls mot
liydaplse. 'l'ime lieutunnmit couula olillg
tam Sant ) Donliugu r gi1110nt n un killed
by time 1)1011 undo' ! )1mil , wvlu1 hnvo subultt-
ted. CohuitelSagtro : will return to Mail.
rid Friday ,
'l'ime nrisou flt Los de Urgel , IrorihlCe
of Lmrdn S pain revolted. " It 1 ) .
t 1 ured 800 hlehi ,
A 1Iromiuelt Spanish rupubliclut states
time sltUatiolt ill 51)1011 ) is 1 tl'y gntvo , Ile
ItSS ° rts seven superior ollteurs ( If time
itrmy are fmt favor of a ropublio ; that nit
outbronk iii republican interests is fmuli-
ucut fu time pri)1cipnl towns amid time
Carlists nr'o preparihmg to act in tutu h01't1L
ItI : ot'ni. ivIu : INromtMEtts.
Su snl , N. S , , August 9-'l'imo stuanl
skip l'mtrthnit with ICa'muutgll , Joseph
111ulialt autt otimur iuformes in the Phe-
nix puic : uturder 0)1808 , refused pe nlis-
Htel to Ilmd at I tcIIIo(1171e , Itrt'ived hare.
Thu ildormes , by 01dcr of the bones
gnvermi)1p011t , lutve been transferred to
taw ironclad Nulsolt.
TilE P1.IA 01' Till I'OOlt.
DumhlhN , August 9-O11u handled
pnupers of both Sexes lutvo 1)etiti11nud
the gmu'diiuls of the Notim Dock Union
to pay their plssnge to Cnunda or time
United Status , os they Are unable to
ohtniit work At hone.
A n.tlu ox Aaua(1cA ,
LIIN11UN , August 9.-l'arnollite 111nt-
buts of 1)u'liantolt : flit discussing 1110
expedieimey of semdillg a delegation to
America in time iitturest of their Cumso.
I'L.1tU1 ) : YIC17Vil.
LONDON , August 11. = I'lero ' ivero 027
dettlms : from ehelcrn in Egypt , 1Vudu ° s-
lIty , inclldtub8 of Cairo. Ietlhs
front choicra in Egypt to ditto 10,448 , of
Wllicll 6,306 died ill Cairo ,
AiII1Na cruGnATI0N.
'l'ime government ills decided to pr0-
yide 1)u Additional 1100,000 ; to aid lrjslt
. migration , the money to be hiko1 from
time British oxellequer instead of time
cilurch surplus fund.
' SAN Dosh1NCo 9-Thu
, August - sugar
crap is Hhoet fully 50 1) ° r cert. A sari
ens ntenutltry cliSis prevails. CI ngreH s
t imp 18 ° d an iuip(1rt duty of 12 per cunt.
an hluxica11 silver.
A Nlp'1'll lIl : Il IvoLuTi or.
Pon' ' AU I'IlNel : , August 11.-'l'll u
country is in in % C1 agitated Cmdition
t A ruvImtiou is ohnfl01lttlily OX puctod Ii
this city , 7'Ime governucnt is pmntlus n
nlmd b11silluss in lit at 8(1111(1 ( still , , lnc11m I
pruunmmood in fnvur of a Iuvolutiou nm 1
punuulcfamipollo is expect nt Cap u
Ilut1'tiou. A 6geett battle wan fou"ht u be
fore J0101ui0 , 011 ii lid1 the govermmcn
troops ivmo coulplutely uufemtted. Suvun
of their guueeIH wore 11(11011 aid ox
uc(1lel , 'l'hu Iuvohmti ° nints 1110 hull chimi g
I' on l4eognuC. Time govutumunt , 110 (1
fore , is Inising the Hleve 0f blh ngoal
nod cove'iug fort All l'rince , establish
ing its h ° adquu'tolw : at Leognnu.
1110114 IN AUSTnmA.
VIENNA , August 9--hmpioyes of ti ml
Onto miuclt ruvolted nod have heel rioL
C ing. Two cumpalius of troops wore din
m phitehed to rontore order ,
1 Thu entire garrison of I'ostl is eonfmnol
to time barracks iii raldinuss for turtle
H Iulti Summtic outbruoks.
LONDON , August 9-'l'liu ' clmiuf secre
tar for Irolaid status tint the pro osud
l1 d' mmonstrntian In I'anmull's estate wio s
abahbilel ( heCUisu of a 11lisundorHtuhl
ing with time railways. jJ'Fhu govern
Ilwlt And not ilmturfemed ,
HI'ENlnat HI'rH 11Ow'N ON 1'AILNELL ,
g LONIN , August 9.-'I'llu great cation
o al denonstrhltiun which luul been a1
Rt11"e(1 to 1)u imuld on time estate of l'nr
. Tell i1)1L'icklow County , l(01)ud ) : , Snitch
u miuxt , lots 111)011 HIIII(1ehIly nbumdonud : , 1
o IH Htttlei ti mitt LImu itbamldollilmg w'llH Ill Clll
s segll01lcu of time intimation foal time au
I thorites that time Meeting would ho sup
14(1CiI11 or .1 I'ulAcunlt. :
Alvmusers , Quuboc , August 11-1Vho
stout blum tobn , frour ( lhuigow , wn
e cumimm.g up time rive' tlnvugil tlmu straight
ml of Itllu ! isle , 11ev. Mr. Sweet , n 1'resb Y
It toOIn : hlinislur,01mL his theald mud jaumpu
Il oveboui. A bnlt : w'as pataboutm
a tire budyrCC ° vurud
Y , uwlsn IuorH ,
l'.sni , August t-Molltz ) Scharf , tl
boy lvhc was the priiteipal witless ft
r limo 'lros ' ° cuti ° n iii the recent trials of
nummllwr of .Jews at Nyiregyhaval , clargu
with nmudueing a gur1 in order to proem
llor 6100(1 for ritual purposes , amid wl
Hwuru hit saw time unmrdur comnuttud , ill
eo co)1fessed to a reporter of 'lhu I'Lstla
of a Lloyd uewspitpo' that Ilia tostilnoly w
( nine ,
' ' of tutu took a
y , 't'hirty twa pulroonswho 1
115 III time riotous duuletstration hurt again
Josuplt Scimarf , fttimur of Moritzu Sclu
have 1)0011 arrested , Rioting co)1tinu
yy u11til 1 o'clock this itioritilig , 'l'imo u
lh thorltiua lit order to stop the disord
t wore collIpulied to PInCU u cordon
troops amend the street whore the plun
daring of Jewish 11 ° (1805 acctmrrod ,
Till : 41'ANISh1 IttMiNIL
ll.unu ( ) , August 9 , _ llfilitaryIt ) rocau-
ttmi9 lnvo hued adopted bore , OllIcials
rottcett , but tho' claim that tha ihrce-
noun insul'genta have 1)0011 ) dis iorncd in
timt ulnunt + lins by tro0p5 , allot SIX atpttlr
od. They say time provinces nro trait-
( huh ,
Tile ollicinls Of Lngran tekgrn'111 ' that
fhvu sohlitirs WliO took lavt ill taw outbreak -
break at. Santo Da11mhl go hnvo surrenlor
cot , 'l'imo ' deulnro that time rc iment was
( ICCOIVOll geld hulieved it was goil to
) arade , whun time outbrcnk took ) taco ,
ll'he remainder of the rebels are being no-
lively atrsued II } columins ) of troops. ' 1'lw
roveuor of JIItllrid lets closed time
Ire glessist slab , A special fr01n
( time revolt at ' loud
raniticiitioit5 in various lnrts of the
C0uhlIl ' , but thnt it worts prnnuttlre.
'I'heru atom tarty Slnthmish olllcurn on parole
ill LiSl)11.
A ( 'ANAL Owal'l'E11 ,
1) hIfN , August 9.A colamitteu of
tun i101)80 ) of 111015 w'hiclt bmive 1)0(111 C(111-
sidering the lim11elmester ship cnlutl bill
will dr11) the 1)u'tsuru : foe this Hesaiout
A 1:11.1N(11 : : 0) ) ' QUAl11'L'ILH ,
I'AmiIS , August 9-'I're report that
Sonar /urine And gone to Spau1 mu' ° se
through his l nItiug his 11511111 meSiilelCe ,
fearing p(1sMible Uxpuhlton front Ftnncu ,
Tull : COI1)NATION nlCtan ,
LONDON , AufiuSt. 9-A St. 1'ote'sbng
dispateh t ° limo 'I'imesslq's time CIII'ountmon
dec'eu , gr mlttng liberty of worship to
dtsauntCis , ally ntieets mt IllIitinn of so-
called t'egistured dilIsellters. There arc
fOthu'teell 111i11io115 Stiil tmltelieved of their
IOiigi0us disahililies.
'I'IIi1SIu tJG11'1't'Jt01' INNOt'KN'l'S.
Alnr1111ng I""ntnllmy Amour ; Children
lit 1Vllmun , lowu.
? Iiuso.1T'INI : , August 11-1Vilt ° u , lung
lion , twolru Miles from im ° ru , is nlttch agi
tatad over au alarming fatality , sup usel )
Itt lillit to be ClmOluen i11fuittutll , butt
w Ilich , though manly contiuud to clmil-
drop , lns attacked glosnl persan5. There
ss'e'0 Revolt domtha yusterdny , all children
uxcCpt mlu-Mrs , At-null. Suveral grown
1)0180118 are now surionsly ill , including
Dr. Sllurrood It protminelt I dl'niouin
Amid tlle u arc oust includimmBcilildroui
nearly ono lutdred 1elsons down with
time disease. No lentos rularted to-tiny.
'l'ime (1181)10w la said to be mnli6m att ds-
emery , wimic11 attacks grown pursous ,
A Sandny School 1'101110.
Cutg7'.iuyu.t ( , N , Y , , August t-llluly )
dcpartmunls of thu ChalItalIqua nssunlbly
nod Huhnne' uuimiursity are 110W
conducted frost day to lily with grcnt
great saccoHH. 'l'lle httteitdLilco is much
lnlgev that dm'immg time corns'londillg ' 1)0-
riod ] hat year. 'l'ime rn iumd htldc exercises
of the Story y sea'e11 w ure held at 5 this
ilftm'ilOna.Ab011U on o thnusnud members
(1f'thu Clututtugnn Li tuearymd Scientific
cirele welt 1nesutlt. Dr. Vimiermt pre.
aided 1111(1 ( IClive Cti n brief address ,
l1ev. ,1. 1. , lt)1 ] lut , D. 1) . , iupo'tud
front linunnS tuu(1 Islnmltl l'atk tssemihlicn ) ,
aid reports tvero mndu nlso front Lithe-
side , ULio , 111111 lltdntci"le ( , ' 'To11u + ssoo ,
ltasumbliu5. . AtX777 o lo&-tlua awning
Dr : liilui Il ! Vinceit , sit lc Ititoudunt of
time asseullly , held a question dlnwet' .
'l'ime cxcrcinotm in time iuapitimentme svuru
attealud lay about 2,000 Suitdny 80110(11
teaclmurs from all pate of the comltry.
( ) pluur Snnrggllug at Fr1HUO.
SAN F11ANUIsCa , August t-Collcern )
iiig time Imiqu/rtult ) pi mint nu111g glimig case
on trial it tills city before tile Uititcd
Slates circuit court , tut ollicinl of time
United Status treasury inforned time as-
nuciAtCd 1)1055 r0pros01ltntive this mlfter-
taut that during the last tun years over
$6,000,000 wortl of opium has 11 ° 011
sunsgglel ; : at this port , 'l'ime husiuesn
Lots heel s Stenmticmtlly cOtd(1ctCd ( by n
ring of sum lgglerll assisted by prominuat
bo ornulentollicials , ss'ho imavu 111)011 ru-
cuiviug 1101101' cent , of time spoils , time
sunlgglers gutting 70 ; tint in addition to
thuir101)o' ; cunt , Limo ° lticinls hnvo nom -
m ceived bl'ilca varying front $ 1,000 to
$ .0,000,111111 it ii ) a uotnrioun ftet that
uuumy men 011 this city ropurted wcltimy
have mndu Heir nhllmy tlu'uugit Hnnlggling
t Gleeubnolu'IS of .ItI'Het' , .
ASmnn' I'Atut , N. , J. , A(1gunt 9-A 1
Limo state Cauv011tic11 of tam tuttionn 1
gruuaback party of Now Jersey to-day a u
- plutf ° rIil Ivan presonled for adoption ,
I l le dncuu10)1t uxplus50(1 opposihou t ) n ] 1
hunh)1)ultun , ftvored control by the gov -
el OhlOllt 0f rnilvays and telegrnplt liucB
equal tnxittin , unive sal Rt111i1tge , 11111 1
u subaltting to Pnpidar vote nn ttnheld
melt to time cohlstitdioll prohibiting tai °
- mnnuftcturu Rod Sllu of iutoxicnti11 g
1 A warns ( liscuSSicit followed over tai u
r chamsu favoring womilan suffrage , ] lira
Ilowlarml delegate arose to speak
llinry , ' 1
h' al crying nut ) Hntdowim.
'l'ime latfunw as fuufllly udoptod n s
1 read with time uxcu1)tion ) ( If time ton1per
111) ° 0 plank ,
A rosobttiolt expressing synmpnthy wtt
time striking tolugrnph operators passed
liuajnnmin Urnur , of Union colity , sea
nominated for governor , half till delegates
gates thus left tlmu 11all ,
; IIw'led lndCr'l'ons ) of iron ,
l'i'I'rsauac , August -1Vlmilo five eel
y Plty0S of IIurney , 11(1111 tC C1) aloe
estmrbhshumott tlh
1 munmfacturing Wore
ing 14100k in Lllu tvul'OiIOuse at 11(1(1) )
. to.lay , a 11101 ( Htmilpul'tilg live hundred
tam of steel gave way , burying Clmrle
Onhmmul and Itnbul't Sheruibu under tam
ruins,1111(1 siightly u)1jn1iiI time t1110
otlurn , Oslunnuwashilleluumt11ltly11111
I 1 Shul'miimu will probably die ,
S I/ov ° Ird Cr11pH ,
Ciln Ate , Ill , , August 1)-A ) Hovel'
storm ill Shelby , Cass and Pottawatthui
d counties , Jews , 1 ue5duy night , lovule
growing crops to time ground nod did col
sidurablo dnuulge to other property , Time
o track of time storm was live nulus wid
r Near ] Jutytan tolItyLwo lead of catf I
IL Wert killed by loin g situeded au
(1 rushiil6 down nit nbu11kinel , A
u Loney lItno frei3ltt cans wore blown fo
no tie track ,
15 - - + - - -
Ilnulr frotl limo Park ,
an C1udAnoAugust8-Ex-SelmtorColl
ling and other nlonlburs of time Yollos
rt stiiu party , including blrs , Cotklul
1st and 111000 Miss Cox , of Now York , e
r1 , ( lover or Bnutwuil , of Massacltusut (
u(1 JudgO ; Cox , of NewYork , and George
u Oerllemof 1Vulmiugton , 11radu aalt
en stay it the city last evening atd took
of spooal car for the east ,
TbC TC1ographors' ' Stike DcyClops 110
Change Beyond a Fcw
Dcscrtions .
The Iron Workers' ' Oonvoiltion 1 ,
Strugglieg Against Prying
'I'lln (1 ko 1 Ink ) a , of l'IllsInn' :
I'Ighthlg ( h0 1lnighIH of Labor.
N uw' Yoal ( , August 9-No particular t
clano l # in the tele6gnuIit Wnr. Nt ) cuttihl , b
of woes last night at(1 time 11 estorn
Union btsiness is going smoothly. P110
strikers are still co)1Iklott of aaccess atl
exlltbtt no imudicntions (1 { woakeniug.
PmIOVlmNer , It. L , August 9-Tho
strike lit the 11 onusoeket euni1)any's mill
011(10(1 , tlte weavers returmtimig to work
this luoruing , 'l'ltuy wAmited 20 cents a
cut 811(1 the denauot seas granted. 'This
IS a advance of 11 cents par cut.
PITTLIIUIII , , august 1)-A)1 ) extended'
Btriko in the Con11ellav'illu coke rcgiolls is
not inlprobltbie. 'File Knights of Labor
lns'C lately 110 ° 11 ol'galllzillg time ltliltols of
that district mod time ° pettols have con-
binud to 0P11(180 thum , Last Moudny
soventl were dlschargal front blorewco(1
1)C 11tcCluro's works , amid thou Ilnlamico refused -
fused t(1 Work unless those ( iislllisscd
Wore ruiustatel. Thin the OperlttOra ru-
fused to do amid time works mire note bile.
It is said Thu 5111110 action will 1)u taken mot
1111 time other large halls ,
Pnn.AUnli'IUt August 9.-At the acs.
81011 of the An11ti11unated Iron and Steel
Workers eo11VehtOu this ulonuiitg , the
busiltCSs trlnlBBaCtud Was elireiy of n rou
tiito character. Sole r csoluttolls wore
acted 1)11(111 in relation to tutu chatgo of
laws governing associations. A sum 0f
nlouuy Wall voted towa is nlnhnaitming the
strike at the city iron works iut Aria-
strong county , Peititaylvamin A resolu-
tiou was nlao concurred in enjoining del.
gates to observe time strictest secrecy to-
isei da nleutbcnt of the press in regard L r
llr000edings. Time couventiol flnnouncca
time bulk of business still probably protract -
tract time convention two weeks or
'm'ho Aftetnou BC88t1111 of tire iron
workers Co)1yeltto11 Was occupied htrgeiy
by mending Secretary Martins repent of
work 1111(1 statistics of oIgttnizntwu for
the past your. Tau nl01tborship is plluc-
ed at.19,01)0. ) The report of tam treasurer ,
dnitles 1'01uley' ( Ill time Ituaices of time as-
socintiun Wits read. It ilhnW ° (111eav
drIius el the ftmds for strike heu ° lita
1(11(1 the association ill still largely ink
dubted on nccouittlI nod unpaid claims ,
lit Timis state of mulhirs , add ill
i'r0W of tie tr0u1)lu a time ltessonur steel
Wolki of Butl11elw111 , it is umged that the
olliCe e of the National ledge 1R ) enpow-
e ed to ievy an tusserShitllt oil or fllleUt
, bu1)toubo' 1st. Tito fSSOeintuon is now
Braving litl'gely qn its surplus for current
, , { , j'onditured.n6d ' thopliii ioot tlbtitvlie. - '
Illl'e the week is. out mtt leas $100,000 h
sri11 be draeit from tllia fund
This ( ] rain makes it 11eccssllry to adopt
Sonw'finaucinl Ileasllre to liheot time exlst-
iug pressing d01unUd , President Jarrett
tmthorized time nest stniugunt measures
to 1(001) inforutntion troll the press. Gnu
of limo first district delegates , from the
w'estot'il end of 1'eulsyl ania , was 811-
peeded frnin the coin eltioit for divulgiimg
portialls of the praceedings to h ews-
C1ueAuo , August 9TimoVOSterl
13110)11 ntlicinls have udvices that striking
teheg aphets returned to work today as
follows : Augusta , On. , 5 , Cincinnati J ,
Chicago 2 , St , Louis 2 , St. Paul 1.
Iliu'ks ss'it b Yellow Fever.
Mann , ' : , AIIt. , August 0-Taw rovenlo
emitter J , E , 1lnrd ulut ofl' lllobilo bar
August 5th , ,111(1 , ordered to Ship lslnnd
( Iua , hutinu llle following bal kll fromr Vera
Ural % : Vasco , 1111(1 1)egana , the iattor
spoken a few days previous , but it seers
did 11ot liitd Imo' way to quarantine ,
Tor nod I'191tlens.
MINNEAPOI.h8 , August 9.-Lust night
citizohIS of Bird Island , a sulall to vii ill
Ne'villo CODULy , attWhIJItcd to tar and
fmttlmr n malt iuvnlvcd muaSCandal. H0
1110(1 into the crowd , wounding one. It
ss lta then learned that one of the nveng-
ing party And bothtyed lmis comrades ,
who applied to huuu the tar and fcatlios
ihteuded for the seducer ,
I'rOVehmthII Iletter Than Cut ,
SAN FRANCISCO , August 9-Fearing
Limo introduction of cholera ( roam China
and Jnpnu , Limo board of iiealth aloptOd (
a resolution that all Asiatic ports ho do-
dared infected aril. all vessels arriving be
qunrnntin ° d until time fullest oxn11u11n
fount is nmade.
Tobncco 8rnohc ,
1 DANVIi.i.E , Vii , , August 9 , Tile cot.
toll factory of E. I , . and A , ( brat , tobac-
I co wuruhouse of S , H. Holland IC Co , ,
tobacco factory of Halo , Ilickoy & Gyor ,
UOhllcco factory of W. 'r , Law atd several
oat 11 ° 11505 , burled to-day , Loss , $150-
000 ; iusuruee , $110(90 ,
I FIrouutrt'n Frolie ,
ST , CATmIA1LINEH , ONT. , August 9.-
' lironim's dunlonstratio' to-day stir-
1 imssed muythiug of time kind over soon in
Gnnnda ; 1,500 f nomlIel took part in tile
u 'Irocessim. ' Timoru was a grand torcr- )
' tonight ,
1 li6gltt 1I1'lCoaaiOll -
1V0nt ICant10lry Oue Bettor ,
Pimiladolplda I'rosn (1101) ( , )
1'nnr Urmclo ltnndall wasn't slow up at
e Ilarrishurg. lie poihtud tlto tar'ifF north
° 1)y veaU Milli went Kentucky era bettor ,
tl with a plopOsitiet for free whisky ; in
1fact , ho Put ill two or three lively stroijes
0 for his proniHiltg speakeshup boon' ,
u.c 'l'ilO 11111.0 11/111 / Fever in tholVcHI.
d A father who called at the Post-Dis-
Au 1patch oliico this morning told how ills
u young 13011 11101 recently sold his school
1)001(8 to obtain nlonoy LI ) Invest in abase
bill coutbinntion at a 25 cent poolroom , it
Ito knew of a noigttbor's boy
k whe hat ) pawned his coat for tlto . ;
Y. sane beitovolont purpose , A lot of adult
Ig deal beats hang abeuttheso kindergarten "
x Po01 roomils , who invest for the school : y
s , cluldron and furnish thorn 'tips , " In
C , arc iltstsnCo a boy svlto won $10 was
art cempellod by Ilis agent to divide the win-
a nings-charging $5 for his services.-
St , Louis Peat Drepatch. '
x' It\