Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1883, Page 8, Image 8

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: : -
t Monday MorniugAugust , 6.
: -Who ire LIjIt. , Lozik & Co. ni.c.w.
; -Send for M&loglio of'yinhin Commer.
. . . ; .1 College , Onnh * . ' 11w h.IitUtfl ( k prop ; .
VcrntIL jiy1em.rn&O 8t
-Mr. F. L. Clark , nstnt uperIntornlcnt
, ciAmerknfl IU ! WelIq , Fnrgo&Co'i. cxpre ,
lost ht book of ( Iflflfttl Ift.e $ $ Fridny. A
Ilbenti rcwFril will be ; atiI to anyone leAving
the amo nt the cornIinny'4 office In thnnha or
: Council IUut1.
_ - ! ) car IORl of iit MhIppel into
, b ( ) nmlia by o.lreC $ for t.lirre years will arHvo
, ( -tflOITlW ) front C.lifoniia , COflMlgflC(1 to the
ent.crrIMlIg ) eoimidsion hioti of Fearon &
Cohn. Tue reciotis tat cotsitM of pcn ,
i . I1cAchio. , ilurn tonI graic. . It took the inol.
. , at. little ituii of 8OO to iY the exire
, dlMg.
'flerO Ihl lo meeting of the Douglas
, County horticultural society this evening nt 8
o'clock p. in. nt the office of lrnery & Jones ,
1ft.h n1 llitrnoy troets. W . 8. SIr.TI'OLT.
-Several property 0W0Cr3 on IGth VOPS
. crecting hnnlolno new brick bUIItIiI,6 , next
c iprng.
: : iprng.Tho Otonha street railway cnnpnny hove
boeii ltnveHiig the grulo on 1Sl street , niitl i ,
w In no excellent coinhitloii.
-The Union l'acluio folks arc orranging for
I exhhiiitkin of Nebra1ca growli wool at our
; . own $ thtA3 fair , the J3ototi natIonal wool and
_ COttAII exO8itiOn , (10(1 the Denver oxpofIltkn.
v -Tue annuid basket picnic given by the
: Bun % . dub will occur on Saturlny ( next ,
. Atigw'tllth. Afl invitation i oxtondo4l to
the St. ( korge ; society. Convoyonco loaves
; i , lcfTcron Square ot 7 p. in. ahiarp.
- , -flio attention of the dtyauthioritie I
4 lleiI to the VCCl ob.tructin.g the ddowalks
' en many strect. . The idowolhs in gonorni
are badly broken , anti an accident may cost
the dty iiany , dollaN.
-The Long Valley Eagle is the latest
' : ' jourtutlItic enterpriRo In Nebraska , and b do.
; OtOt1 tO bidlhitig UI ) the region about .Sargont ,
' Nob. Thotuwn is a growing one and it I. now
1. looking about for a good otoPiuon.
. -Thio first car load of fruit ihIpped Into
. . . . . Omaho by , oxprc fqr three years was received
froii Callfornia.Saturday by the onterpriHing
: ComiiiIIon houio of Foaron and Cole. The
$ , prociouB load con.i8tvd of Iear. peaches , photos
. and grapei. It ; took the modest little * nini of
; 1800. to tay the express charges.
. ; , --Thu cointnittoe of , reparation for the reception
coption of the grauti lodgn IC. of 1' . vIhl itteet
thiLs evening at 8 o'clock in the hall of the
: K. of 1' . lodge No. 4. All incinbert are ro
qiiwted t4i ho on hand. By order of the jiresi.
; dent.
. -G. A.Custer , 1tt No. 7 , Iiopt. Nob. ,
will meet on and after Moulay August , in
, their now Itoh , over Cladstoiio's nit 1)oiiglas
' . , atreet , between Thirteenth . anti Fourtecitthi
' ; Dtreots. All nteinbors are rOjtIt3SLCI Lii be
: : present to hoar report of conitnittee froiti the
. the national oncaminnont held at 1)onver ,
Comrades of good staiiding are Invited to lit
. present.
-The roina1n of Michael O'Ioy , who wai
occldontly killed Lu 1)cnvcr while at work fo
J the Denver & Rho Gratul railroad , arrlvo
: en ) Friday at 3:20 : P. in. , and were takei :
t to the residence of ,1tues Carrigan , 192
south Twelfth street. 'rite funeral took iilac
Saturday at 9 o'clock a. iii. , from the above iilae
' . to the cathedral , after which the renialtis won
forwarded to Eikhionn stiitjii , for iiitonuoitt.
-Oio of A. Rosonbony's ciLrpontoni work
Ingon A. Cruickshank & Co.'s now buihiltig ,
I . : . ] ) ougla9 street w sonlonaly Injured $ aturda )
4 : nvnlling by the fahiiiw of an iron culuititi whtili
4- ; _ men woreplacing It. In P0sitiOtI. Thin flush 01 :
bth irgit Is horribly iiiaiigied but fortullatol )
; nobohes broken. Mr. ilosotibory convoyet
; ; ' . the injuredman to his home. 'rho inati's tiatin
I Jd. i'uiik and his injuries whim severe art
not dangerous.
: Matiy times you wiuit to koch ) tuent ni
fIsh for several days. Lay it iii a sohti
tiOn of Box Magitus ever night , and yet
can keep it for weeks. You cati also kuol
iiiilk a week or inoro ly stitTilig in a lit
Utt of the "Snow Flake" brand.
. - -
Army Orders.
, ' [ hiu following iiatiicd nirni enlisted a
Fort omaha , Nob. , arc tutsigued nio fol
. lows ;
: J0111 Barnes IA ) tltti FoirLhi ltifiuttry
Alexander Adonis to the Suvutith in
lantry , and will be oiit to the hioitdtitta
tent of his regiment on the first favorabl
- Thu telegraphic instructions front tho8
4 , ) ICAdqUartC5 directing Captain W'ilhiai
, . ' . : jr. lhldbuo , Fourth infatitry. to vioceo
. from Carter Station , 'tVyo. , to thu stotio :
of liLs company at Fort Niobrara , Nub ,
* 10 hereby confirmed.
A . . Second Lieutenant John J. Show1 6t
f Infantry , 1uvbig been detailed tit tim
; School of Aviihication fur Itmfantry ant
. Cavalry , at Forth Leavenworth , hansas
. by paragrali 4 , Spucial Orders No. lOfl
current series frota the adjutmnt guiierat'
cHico , wihiprocoeti to FovtIoiihiutUtehi
4 ftmi : thu purposu of tranBfurrllmg ittibhi
; IoPerY for which ho is itceountablu ii
m comittandizig ofhicur Comupany I , 11th lii
S fint7.
iteeruit Frank Kluna , uii1itetl at Fem
Omaha , Nub. , is a8sigmmud to the 4th lii
t hntry , _ _ _ _ _
t A Run onaliraig Sioro.
: Never ssas such a nish made on imity drug * doi
, au is now at C. 1" . ( oodtitaIm'H for is trial bo
; ' Ue of ib' . Kliig's New lIscoser for Cot
c1 , . 'umptioii , Coughs auth Cobbi. All persot
; affected with asthma , lnoiirhiltI ' hoarsones
qyeru couglut or any imhicettun of' too throi
. : and lungs , cait get a titsl bottle of LhI gnia
: : . iuwedy 'ra by etthhltig at above drug stor
lk'iilai size , $1.00.
* - - -
IOhiCO Court.
The attendance at 1)011cc court Suturdo
-i ; Ymloining % rtts utiusunhly large , .Judgu At
i , dcron presiding with his usuni thigiit
'rtvo Yufraut wuru en to thu "bosp
4. tat" for reat and recreation.
For hieing drnik and disturbing tit
. . ycaeo N. 0. 2el&on wa flumed 810 an
seta or go over time lull.
, ; JJttpb Wordehl and wife were charge
: figlutimug. Each aectisuti thui' otIu
. , o , being to blame but as the man ilesire
ounzeI and wiLness tim cazo was hOl )
. ; ponod timitil Monday and ho required
vI , a bond for $100 for luI upiear.uIct
lu 'Ya reluaxed vim her own rccognb
Mm' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
EntrpriJiiflgIOCaILIgUflta wanted in t1
: , for au article that j8 sure to so !
; dgitafldhYrOCOprCfUrtCt
jjjjjjjjjjjjj0jj1 *
COrllCr-1Olle Laill of the llo n -
lisli Luthorall Cliuro.
I nicresting Vaets Conitecteti ' .VItIu
the Clmurehu's IlIstiry.
Time Sermon 1)ehicrctt on time Occas
Ion by lr. 8tchhtng.
The corntr stone tf the Enghiaht Evan.
gol.ical LtitherAfl church edifice wMiaidnt
(3:80 ( : 1at evettitig witlt nppropriotu and
iItipreivO CereullolueL
There wa.a a very large attendance and
thb streets in the vicinity of the situ ,
Ilarticy anti Sixteenth wore thronged fo'r
a block hi either direction.
The music for the occasion was fur.
nislied by a iluimirtotto front thu Otiumlia
( lieu Club , consisting of J ? $ . Smith ,
1st tenor ; \V. 13. Wilkins , 2nuI tenor ; Edo
S. Rail , let. ba9s ; .J L. Smith , 2nd lntqs.
'I'Iio ocmmnlg ) piece vtu Abt's mnagnili.
ccitt iiyiimn , ' ' 0 Comimo 'I'hnu Spirit holy , "
which was beitittiftitly rentlered.
Ituv. . .J.V. . Shank , of time First Tm ! . E ,
church , thou read froimu thu scriptures
atiti was fotmlowcd by ltev. . .1.V. . hurt is ,
of thu ilalitist church , rluo offered IL fur-
'oitt ltro'ur.
Thu qitartuttu then snug "Our mghity
fortress , " .Seltuiiianui's itrdtietioiu 1111(1
briefs eloqtiunt and alltrola'iatu addresscs
teru mnadu by Roy. A. F . Shierrihl of thu
Congregational church , tumiti , V. .J.
liarsima of the First l'realtyteriaiu
'J'hio remarks jrohitmuitmnrY to thu laying
of thu corner stout , sm'oru timemi imnulo by
1uv. 0 , F. Stulliug , vaster of thu church
immud were substantially as follows :
Twenty-two years , to time very day
have passed situco thu first coruter-istotmo
of Emnaimucl's ' Lutheran church svtu laid otu
Doughut street. That was on tint 11th of
August , 1801.
l'rcnsel ( by the growing 1iisiuic'ss mf , thu
city , thu congregation wis imucticed to
disposu of its jiropurty there , and tt so-
euro the presouit situ on ixteuuitlm and.
hlarmmuy streets , wltcru wu aru ltoW Wi-
sounhiud to lay thu cornor.stonu of a imuw
hotiso of worshi1) . 'l'his is on August
fithu , 1883.
Naturally innuiy and great changes imavo
taken ilncu between then imiud mmoy ,
'J'Imum , Ouutaha was onlyatt iuiconsiduro-
ho towut of souuto 1,600 inhutbitanta ,
fornuluig ti sort of gateway br trainit of
inumnigrauits , who , umol vinhuing to remain
lucre , Passed through it amid plodded still
farther to thu euit ; now it litffi assumed
thu 1trojtortiouts of a city ; 40,000 pct)1)lo
nuiko up its population ; activity , cutter-
prisu munl growth arc overywlueru observable -
able ; massive ituusines blocks of brick ,
atomic and iroui , are takimig time ithaca of low
WtidtSit uttores imimd ahmop3 , while out thu
various 511)1)05 , above anti boyoumd thu line
of traulo , sUtuid time litany beautiful dwell-
ilugs of our citizeitt4.
1'lmcui Qntaiui had not mm. siuiglo railroad ;
i.m ; puojilo , wishing Lu ttmko time tutiti ,
coinpuhleti first to stage it 150 Thiles
tO lit. Jou , if they vlLumted to go south ,
tund upwards of 50 tuuilus to ithimreuigo , if
, they Watitcl to ( ) east ; lmo % % ' it. litis bucouumu
time centre . ) f thirteen eons'em'giuig hues ,
amid time continuous scme.muut of their
I giant oulgiuues , tutU the iuuecsaatmt
tlmtuuder.rtuiiublu of their luottvy tr.dui3 ,
I Lull that passengers tutu traffic
r tii ho trtuuis1iortod iii nil thiuctioiis utiud
I tar tot there is huid upon winch to rest
itti iron r.til.
I 'I'hueiu Oumudia iuimil only four chumrcitcs ,
ii I hardly one of widclu vtts scif.stmstaiuuiuig ,
ittiti twicu its uuuauiy ptuitums , rluoso utmengru
( I sititut lea were sIupphCuiiullteI by time duty.
Lu ities of eastern ltcntrtls : NOW it nuumubors
at least thirty houses of vorsiuip , roltuc-
. sentiuug the various tluuuouuuinatiotus , sonic
p built in time loiituty , of uuiodcrim arcimituc-
tutu , uutuul aluumost all grown iuuto jade-
I IClIdtu1CO. )
I 't'huoim Oumualuim bad umot a sohitiu'y school
iuotutu. 1t four luuntlred and fiftyaix
I school ciulldreum wore bmiugimt iii t'eumtcd
zoonus iuuuti jut tiuc lmuils of time old State
I hmse. Now timuru are ito hess titan
i eight or umiuto hirst.eImsa : struictuutca , cost.
big , all toki , vitIu their sites , netu
I. hutimidmeit thmousittiui dollars ; wimilst the
. iuigimsclnnuls , timiut prince ef its etluucatiomi-
I it ! httiitlitigs , reariuug its toputuost 1)otult
I imnumdred amid cighmty.livu feet tuluove
. he eluvateil suuuutsit of Capitol lull and
nttuIuhiumg ( rut the mupresomutative of till
t time rest , intiumumites to tiuc stranger ,
mu ; 1w comes fmoiut the boasting cast
aunt catches a glitupac of its tiill
t slii.e ) for unites beyond the Tilirsouri river ,
. flint time agutICieui for making intelligent
111011 untiL woumen arc uuov lucre.
'I'imumi Oiiiuiiu wmts itt titti utuidst. of imaid
, thuies , struggling with actual lf.erty ) timid
. toliuhirol distress. lieu macn wore poor ,
. - timid those % viIc ) iuutil iticiuty bad notluimig.
'I'ite owumers of baud. amid scores of towuu
lots dlii umot , uuuonoy uuuouglu to buy
a 1iuuid of sugar ; maid tvuuurs of cottouu.
U wood cut it into coitl , atid , lomtdiuug it Ill ) .
0 uxchuiiuuged it for time prossiuug umucessarios
LI of life. Miumy left time city because timuy
mu could tuot live if they remained , imtutl
p litany Inoro would. gladly lowe loft luaU
tiuuy muot been urom'uumted by cututbersomnu
Ii' lt'ojuurtics vhuichm they could uoitiuur taku
U with them or sell. Now tue city is "hmnuu-
: i ing. " Vork in pluntyuimud buumunutus brisk.
, Buildings risc up ut a day mum unuslirceumus
'I jut a night. None mire in want tlnit immivu
a willing luatuds , Men who were poverty.
, stricken in 1801 are worth tiucir hundreds
C of titousnuids jut 188 , .
.5 Tlmeum Omutaita was threatened by amiv-
. ages. lunliamus vcre eotumuuuitting dupue.
ulittioutum upon suurouuudimug suttlentunts.
t No one know , butt tluat , at semite dark
I. luotir of uuuidniglut , a Itumilo of rotIskiuum
would mutual utitout time iuuimmibitmu'ts , unud
luerpotrilto a umrnssaeru like timat wimichu
elude deluged with thu bhutoti of wives and
to citildrcum time streets of S'cimommectnuly. One
Lu. tiuousauid soldiers votc home to Protect time I
Is otuthitmigerud citizens. Now the nivit"ei I
i arc uuitout their 1ucitcefttl reservatiotus , fun
' luack ( room flue itnuiks of our moitmauttit ,
1tt river , \o iI.tmot sight to timiumk timat time ) '
Jmnvo muearly all gone , timid tlmttt tie soldouui
tiuosu wild mmd fantastic imuunutmm fomuit tutu L
im'ideotts tacos , which were vent to excite u
) time cturitusity mmmiii fetut of Ouuuimitut'um eluil
u. ultutu , inc seen njsuuu our stuectit ,
, . 'l'Iteum Nubaiska yet a turuituuu'y ,
. , hack i uig time mmiii her of jumimuiluitum a ts to umt
mtitle item to mu 1)11100 nuituuig time states ;
nun' situ furitus otto of tittu umiutiouttul sister.
U I motsi , and is ii duuugimtuu' I mu time Ilumion of
U just Odwect sixtucmui °
'l'imemi time eouuutry was mit vau' ,
U " gi4auitio rubullituti Imuuti u'isomm
u un thu sotuthu. it souglmt
U t4) ) ulivido by secession mu union suhl(1scul )
L. iitdissolttbiy cotitcuiteul in 1776 ; autul wiucum I
4) it couhul uuot divzdu it by 1cacuful seco.
3 , SU1U it uuudurtook to do so by iulmysiemtl
. ti" L. llvutcoUio var , PrO0ihi1teul by
time rebellion , was begun. 'i'lmu first
. great battle between time North and time
13 South luau ! Just boon fougimt at )3ull Itun ,
1. mmmiii time hjiumomuists , wlmo wore thmougiut to
I. 'i'eut litat gaiuued a decided victory ,
1 prvud itt time ( in(1 to Jmayo uutut 'jtii ii
'U disastt'oLus defeat.'asiuimtgtomm was iii
consternation. Fear settled upon the
natriot tlurot4duotut the land. l'roiuhleumt
Lincoln callel for four hundred tluousatud
111011 , and for four iuundrccl nm'uihioums of
umlouucy. Front every fluartor of time
muorthu husinuumds , souts aumul lurotherp were
hmastemilmug to time defomise of tim general
govuu'muuimcuut. The loyal mud patriotic
ladies of Onialua were preparing ( Haulers
for enlisting citizens , mutt presenting
silkeum baumuiers to Nebraska regumnemutut.
\S'lut , could foretell in 1801 how long this
War was Li ) last , what would be ith son.
guiuary character , and wimot its umuomnoutous
rusultaf Now we arc at peaco.
'I'iuo old feuds have been settled. The
' 'hlooly cimMimi" into which the soldiers
of time forth and south wore procupuUited ,
Itas long ago been ioveicd over , amud the
reddemued fields upon shuichu so unaumy gal-
hautumtemi fell , nrcgreeuu again with growing
pastitres and beautifumi with wavimig liar.
vests. 'r'day wo still have time country
as it watt boqumeothued to us by thu heroes
of the revolution only thuat , sInce thus
htemmec has commmc , it has growmu stronger ,
timid greater , aunt dearer than ever.
'I'hitus immivo we scomm mum brief what
twemitytwo imutervemuimug years immuve done.
'l'lmcre hiatt hicemi uuujrecetleuitcd , progress.
\Vu Intro heft time ovcuitftui 1801 far beltimud
us , amtd the 188:1 : , to uhicim wu. have comim" ,
neCtuhtieS tutu utilvitmuceui Oil it occti1ik's time
tritest ptsitioum ill time Chltomloig ) ' of the
. 'J'liu 'amiotts oluuuiemits ( if cuvmhu.
'itioti have these
irothuuced mc-
umtarkabio cimamuges. They Itmive utot
commie by simimplo ( lustlimy-tilcy imave
Coimmo iy time eXercJ(3 of liumummamu batiti ,
iueumrt mmmiii untiacle , ti iittelligeuit netiv.
ity , immdufatigabie iuiduttrt' , mu liberal edit.
Cmititm , a itigim. ti tued m it m'iot'msumm , autul a
elivimuc roiigiomm-tlmesu , t Imit chief factors
of nil teal urogress , iutvu htroumght tot to
tlttd lofty iuimmmuucieof cuvulizatiumu out wiuicim
\vt , mmii' stumuiui.
lttmt , uitlm this httusitium , tuid height of
.1 88 : ; , w are nut sat isfied. 'I'imeru is mu
future ums veIl its a ltisL ; amuti these ole-
uuueuits timmit. imuuvo limIt us ut'iwro we mire , are
still its necessary to 1tutt ems wimete we
ought fit be.
\Ve muro inirtietmiarly itmtercuted imu one
of these oleutuemmts to.duty. It is tiuc ole'
uiurnut , of religion , or thu elumuiemut of time
Clmristiaim citmmrcim.Ve go mu ate ! ) fumrtimer
tumid say that this is time cimiufest eicuumomit
of mill. I mu luuyiuug timis coriucr stouiu ,
tluerefore , we are stremugtlmeuuiuig this dc-
mmiemtt ( if our civilizatiomu.Vu declare ,
by this ceronmolly , that we tire takuuug
hart in timis social , puhiticuti , inteiloctinul
itmiut spiritual ( levelohimmuelut , amid that we ,
wluo arc time custodians pf thu Citristiamu
roHg'uoit , immteumd to seo1to it thumtt it uer-
formmm its share of tIuugrcat work in nuak-
ing our civilinttioiu1tluu Imigluost that can
1u. . r
\Vc seek , coiytcquoumtly , to dot timese
broal pimuimus 91 our "GreatVest" with
clmurciuos.i'o wutmit timat thuis civihiz'utomt (
shall umot puirtiul , like tito anciemut civ-
ilizuitfonbut itaruiuouuituunu uumud complete ,
hike thijmt rluicim time rehigiouu or our Lord
.J esumfClurist cotmtctuiplates.
'I't , this cual we tiuuposc to devote timis
Christinmu edilicu , mind , doing so , siuahl cx.
1ect flint lie , tluo ( m'ent Father of till ,
vluo Ittus P1tuuiNCd his blessing to thuemut
Hunt ; do u'uii , ; vill graciously tumid abumud.
amitly lieu ) its. ' '
'lime following articles . were deluositeti
jut time stomue :
1. mnatmumscrilt-.cotitniuuimlg a iurief
huititory of thu etutgtcgatiout-ltaumuc's of
aiciuiteetui , CmittutdtOmS amid buildets-
mmutumuus of bumildimug comuumutittee , nucunbers
of clmtmt'chu , coummucil tutU ofhicors of Sabbath
sciuool--muutmiueu of time chief oflicials of time
gemueruil govermumiuummt , aunt of time city of
t.itialuu-muamnos of simigers and mmuimiisters
talciimg pat't ium to-ducy's services-present
couulitiout if the comigregatioum amtd Sab-
h > uttii sciuttol-titittistics of Luithmorammiamn in
Nebraska-sketch of tmtuttita in 1883-
AUtOgu'utits ) of olhicers mumd muiemiubers of
time cutmmguegatioum.
2. 1'lmotogriuplu of citurelu on Douglas
street , timid time scholars tutU tuacimus of
time S'uubbatim sciutuoh just ready for their
muutmiumil picnic.
3. 1'iuotograt1u of Indian boctlucatol
I ) ) ' time Smubbuutit sciuool ,
4. Copies of Luthiorauicinmrchupapers-
thu Observer , Evangelist tund S. S.
herald ,
5. Copies of city puuuers-tiuo herald ,
Jtohtttbhicatm tutU 'l'ima ligi : ,
Ii. Copy ot ltiblu mutd Luthuerait iiymnmt
look , tiuketu frouit 1)1(1 cormiur stommu.
7. Copy of Luthet"s stutmuhier cute-
elm ismmt.
8. Copy of umuiumutes of last Nebraska
Iuttiuurumtm S ) nod.
I ) . 001) ) ' Atlgsbur S. S. Tcnciuor.
10. Copy of Kiiumitze a uumemuuonial luru'
amiuble tumid reuuolumtioius ,
11. ( ioiuy of Auigtmsttms Kotummtze's geute.
1UH itledge to thuc cutuigrogatiouu anti citi'
/ou mum of Ounniumu.
'l'lme choir iuuxt snug Kimukul's ' 'C ) ,
may I thmutu , rodeeuited niud itlost , " amid
time luomiedietiuut , pruittoutucod by'ltev. ' 1' .
0. hluill , closed time veuy immiomestimig eer-
' .I'luo Euntummual English E'amigohicnl Lit'
tiuuruumm eiiummciu of Otnahmut fottualcul itt
1858 by Row. ihtuiry Vt' . Kuuiutms , cmtuler
tiuu umttspicos of the Ahlegitemmy synod , of
l'cmmmusylvitmmia , utmuti its first cimurch build.
lug tumid. leirsomutugo were ott time mmortim
tiiito of Dotiglis : street , butveemt 12th mmd
1Jtim : streets.
'Vito coruuur stomme of tiiLs citurciu was
iutid Atmgumst 5 , 18(11 ( , exactly 22 years ago ,
by a cttrioua coimicitleuueo the weuuthmer do-
immyimug the iuiyimmg of tlmo Iuew c rmmcr stotue
until time exact date out witicim tue first
was laid.
in the early part of 1881 thu site of the
old cimurcim was sold to tue Millard hotel
CoittiRmmy for $10,000 , auud tito site CiUsutt
for time muow ciuumrciu , a lot omttiie umortlu.
east coummur of Ilturuucy and Sixtucuitit
streets , was boitgiut fur I,50O. 'Flue lunif
lot ahjuimt'mtug w.aa stmbusuqutemutiy purchased
for $ ,50O.
'lime sorviecs siuuco timis tinue have boomi
held itu lhIl'ti ( ) cpu houmso , it boimmg do.
turmmtiutod ummeamuw Ittlu to cruet amu edilico
to cost uuloutt 25,0O0 mmd 1'Iessrs , Fred
hroxul , 0. F. ( iOudutuuutu uuuuul 1' . .1 , Nicim.
itis boil ig uuppoimuted a ho ild 'ummg cuouttumit tee.
lttfreu i' Iileutdohmtiuuiu lime tiuc archmi.
teats , muttd 4t , Itosuumbetry thu eommtractor ,
time stijtubited vm'iee of time now tutmuictutru
huiumg 8O,5OO. Orotund was broken in
Alli ) ' amid tUe building lois aluctuly reacim.
oil thu story mubovu tlto iasemmtent tout
gives uvidetico of ' 1muut it vill ho iti its
ciutmuidetu bt. do.
\"iteut thmu cutgreguutiutmm ready to
ltt'uld , mumud kumuv itut ivimeuc tiuc muueatms
' to fmouut tim '
u'emc coummu siteim ii
cinucim as tlmo 'ariotts eit'ctmmmustmuttees ui
titu ( iti ) ' dumitotudod , ml utmost geuloromus Pro.
huositjuum was mocoi'uu1. frotim Atmgustus
lcotttttzo , ( tub of Limo omigituuul fottiuders of
tiuo cotugrcguut'uout tummul still mu mutumtilu'r ,
timtuitgit mit lrcsommt iivitug imi Now York.
ItEm. Koumttzo lt0losOut to coumtmjbuuttj u
dollar for uiucim tutU uvom' doihu' raised
umutul paul by lIrtius rosidmuig in Otuuaiiuu ,
toward the building of tltu cimurciu and
'i'iuo cottgreguution jroposod to erect time
cimurcit as a utmumumom'iat' to time mutumimo of its
ciuristiamu patroti , but timus itlr , Koumttzu
would utot accept but hue mntimitatud that if
time citturcim could bo reared ui a uuummtorial
to iuia fatiuor , Oimristuamt Kotmuitzo , ito
woulul utot object. 4'fccotdfulgiy tiuu muamne
"rime Koumttu Iutoumuorimul" tytta adopted.
Tlio Bo1 BiirIrs trio it
Blowing Ill ) Mr. fl ii. MeGiicklui'n ,
Ha I o
Aut CnrrIng Oil' Several Ifiunulied
I ) ol I ars.
it is alt old provorii that higlttmtimig
never strikes twice jut tiuc samno place , but.
our ortiuy councihuitruum , Mr. I ) . L.
McOuckiui , can kstlfy to time contrary. A
week ago Saturday uuigiit , iuis itincu was
roiiled by a trio of yotmflg desperadoes ,
(1110 of wimomn was capttmicil by luhock
watchimmutttt l'oweu'ut , aunt is noiu' in jail
waitiuug trial out charge Of luurglary.
Yesterila } ' utmornitug itlr. tIcGitckitt and
tIr , criniiu ; uore awakeumed tit timuir roommu
abiuve Merritt's rcstaurumit ; by Mr. I'owers
aimd iumforiuied that. they lund nga'uii becut
visited by flue gammg.
A botmt _ ' o'clock a ltmi : : reporter , svhao
vatt oui time street , lmctrd : an expioutioum ,
which seemmtctt to be so far ufr amud. of sucit
mu uuntuiu'e as to imutlicate that it ii'mus tue
iuirstiuig of sonic 1oilur. Mr. Powers ,
who was til ) at Twelfth street , lucatl tiuc
samiuc uioisu , niud camne donut to iutvestigate
time uumatter. lie walked tiurutmgh time
alley irntivccim Faruuaumt tutU hiarumey , and
' [ 'entli mud Eleveuutit streets , timid uluuhied :
imiut dark iamitcrmt into all time iutusmmmesu
houusemi nil along thu monte. At itlr. ? ulc'
( Jucicimi's lie took iitrticlular : pains , n.m one
of tluo wimudows wuts hatti:111Y : Ill ) amid tiuc
glass brokemi , to n.'ucertaiut vlmctitcr time ) '
lutmil beemu visitcul by amuy of time gauug.
Everytiuiiug seeumtcd to 1w in time usutul
tiiiLth)4J ) , and Iutr. l'oweus lund abotut givcmt
imp time idea tiuat time e,1tlosioti lund uccuu'-
ctl out imis beat , wiucit tubouit 5 o'clock imt
the immorulimug nit lie cammic aruuumid ngaimu ho
sas' ml side door at iulr , , IcGtmckitm's itlutce
shumudimig opemi. lie looked jut , amid timeic
saw time exiuhamlatiOti of time iuigimt's eveitt.
'Fite safe door stood ipemu , amid time floor
was strewn with uumortar timid blackened
with powler. lie at omuce raut over
to Mr. McGtmckiut's roommi muud awoke
iuiumi , tumid returuied to investigate
tiuc muuuutter. It was tinni foummd
tiumit time place lund beemm visited -
ed by an export gang of safo.blowcrs.
it waft only after mu coutsidorablo searcim
Liuat the l'hutCo at wimich zulu entrance 110(1
becut clflcted , was discovered , amid it was
fouuud to be tlurouglm time trminsoutm over
time front door opcn'uug out out Toumth
street. Time midumigimt marauders luad
evidemutly beomi careful and must luavo
watcimed the opportummity whme both time
Policemmieut wiuo vuilk tiuis leutt aitd lmIu' .
l'owers were iii otimer Parts of tIme town
before starting to cliuumb over the transomn.
liavimig timice OItfliited ott ontramuce to tiuo
stero tue safe seemmus to have beout
thu ouuly object of timeir visit ,
amid itt titit ; tiwy drilled a imole
aIOUL tune iuuch from time counbituatiout
hock 1mm tue front door timid flilcul it with
powder , wltichm ' , 'as ] igiuted by a lomug fmmse
tumid upomt beimug oxpludeuL tome time ummtire
lhtite ( III thu door , tutu ! left the coumteumts
alt CLS ) ' l)1eY to the visitors.Vitilo they
sveru imu time sumloomi caguiged in their work ,
l'utr. ' Powcrs amid otimers mimust iuic'o : passed
uti , uomd dowit , and they kept omm imotwitit-
mutantliumg , mumud immuvitig unlocked tlme side
doorotcuiiuig upon time alley , utmumdu timeir
escalue in tluat wit ) ' , witlmotmt detection
ammI lcav'mmtg mme clime to thue'ur idi3mmtity.
The3' sumcceedcd in cnriyimtg off sounotimimig
over tv.o hmundred dollars worth of casim ,
about one hmummdred of wiuicim was coma-
1toscd of muickl's ' mmd diumies , s'1mile tlucre
WiltS S.flue gold tumid bills w'lmiclu uuuade iii )
thin balunuce. This ammuount iuucludcd time
receipts of tiue pool tulllCit for time last
muiommtlt , also the receipts of the salooum
omt Satuurday.
Aiommg side of timesafe vaa loft a brokeum
brace aunt ratchuet tumid two chisels , while
a coutple of iueavy liCCeS of tirmmber , is'imiciu
imad beeum tused in time ice box , wore utilized -
ized by time mobluera to fury tiuo safe open
tufter it humid bon exploded. Later
itt time day time till was found
clown uueumr Tivoh'u gardens , hmmviuug
beemu cmrried : there nuud cutuptied of its
couutemmtui. Time loss to Mr. MeCiuckimi
u'ill utmuoummit to over 20O , besides time ,
dautuago to his safe , wiuicim vill ho $50 to ,
$100 inure. it is evidt'imt thuattime lartics
note tiuriromughmly acqummumitod with the
vmeuutises visited as it is ituipossible to imum-
utg'umuo tiumit. time lummrghnry could itave been
1,1) uuuccessftmliy catu iesl otut ummihess time ) '
- -
A 1JFill StCo111OC1illIo1' j 1Ii-Air ,
A i'raettcal hhlustruitlmtoI "Simply to ,
Thy Crosis I Cling. "
The attemmtiou ofuverybodyinthto lower
omtd of towii was Saturday attracted by time
sight of a maim on the piutiaclo of time itee.
Pie of St. 1luilouti mma't catiu dralou Ninth
'flue exact. Imeighut of tue stcoplo'if not
kutowum to time reporter , and ituquiry failed .
to obtain army immformnatiotu on the subjuct ,
it. . lienug estimnmited by sotumoas high as 250
feet , whuicim is pruluably too utiucim ,
Time mnmun is a profossiomial steeple
chiumuler , and it is stotumd ito received $300
for it'us work , time ascomit boiumg mantle for
time Purpose of ruaiuutim1g Limo cross until
steeple ,
As hue stood oum time to1) of time spire hue
looked like a macro pigumly amud thuo ammiahi
utuuutgitm uubuuttt time cuoss seoutmed scared ) '
wide eumoutgim to uilbrd a footiuoid , 'l'iiu
mount wits as cund as cuuukh be itunugimmeti tumid
1uumitcml : uiway hi blksfutl itutr.utue ttf thu
iuuuuubur uf ( , lSert'eIS ) yhuo weio % % 'atehmimtg
hum. 'l'iuurc mute omuly fotur or l'uvo steeple
ehiumubets itt the Ijumitod States tutU thtc
Pmufe5ioum is about as imutz.u'u.lotms as Capt.
\Vuhib' attemuttut to atemui thai tide of thu
- -
I iavimtg tite agelucy of thuc Omueudmu Coumm.
mumunit ) ' uuickitug ui Fruits , \cgutaldcs ,
Juimums , Jellies , Sweet l'iekies , l'resuuves ,
tcfot' time fohlowiuug towmtti numul cities ;
lhlmutm' , 'L'ukuutta , Plumttammmotutht , Crete , hica-
trice , Liuucoimm , hlmustingsFreutmouit , Seimuy.
iur , Cutmtruul City , Nim'tlm Platte , Coluimu.
bits , Gnimtd island , l'apiliiomiVeepimug
Vater , Ashland , ltV'aimoo , Omutmuhta amid
Cotutcil Bluflus , will , upott application ,
send. hirico lists tutU biamuka to all wiuo umiay
visim to lay in mm sttpuiy of tlmeso oxcchloumt
goods for wimmter use. Please call orsotud for
umndo lists , as all orders luavo to be cutter-
ed by a curtain tinmo , We sell these goods
at Omtokla Couuuuimuumity list immico , adding
freigimta at car-load rates.
L. V. Morse ,
1508 Dodge street ,
NEmO4 : 1'i Iit'S1flATION ! ( , ANI ii ; Wile flY
ux'mmmtI.t : ? ! l.iuWs TllF. YAtUE : ov TAR-
NIlI : : ) 'Jo um : TOI.m THAT umi ; mrm mr WtTIIN
Ins l'ovilt : Tt WARm ) Oil' 1'EVm'is , IIILtOCS
AVT'ACI(8 ( , , ANt ) ALl. TII ILLS
AIIISINI I'ftOt . ' mflsonu'imun : : STlAclmt.IYp.uu
Ott ItVELS. ) A TasI'OONFI'I. IN A UL.S 01'
WATER , nii'ouui : : EATINJ ( , ACn4 1.uKaAcmmAutn ,
AN ! ) Mt VISR MA Wlt.L \viTmmour IT.
I'OR MLE UT ALL DhiL'auusTs.
The dllhi-Annu1 tatcmcnt of ftc
Trosuror ,
A F'Imic Shiowiuig lit Every itespect.
Tlto assessed valuation of lommglas Co.
118 shown by statemnent published uuu
another page , altluough increasing aummitmal.
is , is very low. It in safe to say timut. it
does riot represent tuoro thmamm ono-fifth of
time rent value of time ProPertY in Douhas
Comunty. Time readers of Timu : ] lmiu : will
notice romne very satisfactomy exii'mbits.
Fiti' iuistnmmce tluo etitire 1ev ) ' fti' , 1881
appears to luave boetm collected ouiJumio
3Otim except 3j 11cr ccitt. , and tuhuumost 80
Per cemut. of time levy for 188 is covered
iiuto the Douglas ( ioummty treasury six
ummontius after the tax-list huas beemi givout
to tue treasurer. Timis is tint ummore stur
pristuug when we reflect timat a gieat iuuamiy
itersomma particularly in time country. who
have uuo i'emtIty , : thlow thmeunselvos to be
assessed , and Imave umot time least iuutemmtiouu
of ever payimig , ttil time ) ' arc mumeroly trout-
siettt settlormi , tutU uork for otimers.
We are : uutliorized to say tlnt the
amount ott imamul out Jill ) ' 1st lots tiimtce
been considorubiy reduced , I'r imtmttuice : ,
time sL'ite fumuds , nmumontmtiuug to $31,000 ,
imave beemi semmt to time slate ; time school
fund hiatt boon paid out to the extemmt of
$20,000 , whuile time county general fimmul ,
time react fund , court house fund , otc. ,
imave also becum extensively drawn upon.
It is dute to tIme enterprise of Tnc Ilan to
say timat time publicatioum of this and time
preceding stateuuieumt hiatt beoum given to its
readers imummediately after its piepmiratiomm ,
amid that we have gouue to considerable
lains to print it in full for time imfcrmmma-
tiomi of tuix payers.
It is also duo to tue couMy treasurer
to say that his Btatemeflt huamu been pro.
pared mudor time greatest difliculties.
Coining 8A it did imi time busiest season of
tito year , tiirt treasurer , ? IIr. Busit , and
huis deputy , Mr. Rhodes , did all time work
tlmemnselves and it uuiay be said without
fear of comitradictiomm thmuit timero is no oflico
jut time state where so mauch work is done
with so little help. It vihl prove of iii-
torest to every tax payer to carefumll cx'
amimmo time statemmmeuut mind see jiust. what
time state of our county finances mire.
Cuuitm' AuV11iFJSING ron F.uus. : -
Beautiful hithograpimed fans , $7 pem tImon-
saud , imtcltmdimig primmtiuug. Setud staumip
for sammiple. Address "ltetuubuia Co. ,
Seneca Falls , N. Y. " alummJt (
Fitets Frommi Health Otlicer 14C150m1-
ring'R iteh)0L't 1i' J uly.
Dr. Leisonrimig humus jtmst completed his
report for the muoumtim of July , whelm is to
be presented to time city commmmcil at its
next regular uimeetimig. Frommi it time foi-
lowimmg facts arc obtaiimed :
Timoro were 79 births , 77 wluito and 2
colored , amud 89 deatims , all wimite save 2 ,
75 single amid 14 married. Of time latter
40 were under one year , ammd (16 ( umuidor
five ; 4 between twemuty and twezmty-
five ; 6 between twcnty.five and tlmirty ,
and 2 between sixty and sixty-five. Time
primmcipml : caimsos of deatim vore : Ciuolera
infantumn , 40 ; convulsions , 7 ; consummip.
tiomi , 3 ; diptiucrimu , 4 ; fevers , 3 ; imeart
disease , 1 ; sunstroke , 1 ; starvation , 1 ;
amid snmall'pox , 1. 'rite following are time
deatlus by vards :
First ward. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Secoodward. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
'l'huirl wmurw. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Fourth w'ard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Fiftlm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sixth ward..S .
htosiiitais. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
TOtal population. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45,000
Time places of iumtcrtiment werc Holy
Scpuichro cautmetery , 13 ; Prospect lull ,
87 ; Cassady's 1 ; couumty , 1 ; German Catlm.
olic , 1 ; hfohmenmiami , 5 ; Laurel Hill , 18 ;
remmioved fromn time city , 4.
It wiil be scout timmit tiuo main dcatiu
rate was of imufants under omtoyear. Time
mieath rate is 17.07 in a Imummdred , wimich is
not reummarkably large for July. Tue mom-
tality for the correapondiummr moath in
1880 was 80 ; 1881 , 68 ; 1882 , 79.
BuuKuemV utrntca Satyr.
The gretutest medical wonder of
Warraumtcd to SPOOIIIY cure Burns , Cuts , Ui.
cars , Stilt Iftmonni , Fever Sore , , Cantiirs Piles
, Chilblains , Corns , Totter , Chapped hanlsanj
511 skIn eruptlotis , guaruimmteed to euro itt every
instance , or money refuntled. 25 cents eer
ilII ) .
M'COY-In tiut. city , August 4thnt 4 o'clock
a. mu , , Auin , boioved wife of Daniel McCoy ,
agwl 38 yoart.
Funeral will take iilace Monday , August
tlth , at 8:30 : a. m. , from the rldemtco , Elgiu.
toonth , betwocim Mason and l'ioreo stroets.
Fo : You ,
Ma1affl ,
'Whoso Complexion 1eirys ;
SOulO llllIhLilllIlihIg 1iiijei'lec
tioii , whoso tili'i'oi' tells YOU
' ' Saflow
tittit : yoii * tl'O 'J'lIIhhltld ,
iiittl tllsligiii'oil lit counte-
Ilhlilco , or luivo EL'hlptiOhls ,
itetluesfh , ltoii"Ititess 01' liii-
W1IOICSOIIIO tIl&4 ot' Coiiiplox-
lou we say use liagnu's i1ng-
nolla Balzii.
It is ii delicate , ilarlhlless
iiittl tlollghtflll article , Iro-
( luclng 1110 hliOSt natural anti
entrancing tihhts , Ilie arilulci'
ality of' 'which 110 observer
call detect' , anti which 80011
hJ000hlICS .lhernlauent It' the
Mngiiolliilialm 1sjud1c1ouI
IiN " : ! JIfl1 .
for Infants and Children.
Cnstorlaprouiiotes Digestion
and overcommies Fimutulency , Uommstmlua-
tion , Sour Stounacim , Diarrimcma , amid
Feverisiincceu , it iumsureui health and
natural sheep , without morph lute.
S. Cactonfa Is so well adapted to Chlhlren that
I recounmetid I fl superior to aiim. pu'iscniptmOn
known to mno. " II. A. AmuemlEn , M. 1) , ,
82l'ortlantl Aye , , IJrbklyn , N , T.
\That gives our Children rosy checks ,
'hat cores their foyers , makes them sleep
'TIi Czttorls.
When b'm1Ie trot and cry by turns ,
Whau cures their colic , II1IS their worms ,
lint Caitor4n.
What qtitckly currs Constipation ,
Sour Stomach , CoLts , Indigestion ,
Iitmt Cjutori.
Farewell then to MorphIne Syrups ,
Castor Oil amid l'aregorlc , andItnit
Itnit CnRtorlnt
CENTAUR LINIMEfuIT-aim fl1)SOluItO L'itI'O for Ithonina-
tlsmui , Spralmis , Burns , quills , &c. Time most Powerful flfll tOUO-
tratlug Piuium-rehle'u'Iiig ituuui hlemuhimig 1euuicdy JCumOWlL to imian.
.iTpoc1a1s wIllPosttivoly not bo tuszted
unless raid in advance.
TO LOAN-i.Ioney ,
- -
' ruNny TO LOAN-Thu 0niahruiiAvingg11.nI ( Is
.51 now uireirei tc' make bios on Onulia city or
liotigma , couiit t eal estate at current rate ut Interest.
ocouninsIoii rhatizeit.
M ° LOAN-the I.woMt rates of Interest
.1 muntus' toii Artoiey , 1mth IotigIat , 2L4tt
1 osa to LOAN-Call at law 00cc uf t ) . I. ,
i ! ftioina2. , . , 8 , Crdghtori tttoec.
' % 0NIY r.oA1u-on Clittd , tncntgago , root , ,
I , NeUasja , National Itatikttutllliny. 1St. tL
" ONETO LOAN'F ! licatty loans on chattel
It property , 213 South thu ht. A4lmtn'
flEtli IVArLTnU.
" ANT1T-A ) wnmaii cook andono glrlltnttie.tlate'
1 5 ly at tti % 'letmtia Cotlee house 40S Tenth 3tr.
1 , TANTIm-A : ) flrt cIas eook , woman Preorrett
m v Addrtss or alIi1) flt CeiitnslClty llouso , ( 'entoil
City Ncb. $57-la'
ImtuNTmISv.rm1)Tso { good Prititeoi c.n get
I , teady cInIloyinent at guthi % ages at the "l'Iot
ofilco , " Blair 1eioika. 8 80
AXTu-f ) lahorer , waces 1,75 and 2. mr day
! toard 8.75 rer week. II MANNVEmLEIt 11 St.
near } 'arnam. $ , 1.7
7AN1El-Stmae gut at 310 N. 20th bt. Itefor.
, 7 once required ,
1TAKFEU--A eatiablo lrI to cook , wali , and Iron
v Iii malt 10100) ' tIICII second girtlskept. Good
references required. noi. Ii. S. ] tanrlgercorner 11th
atid l'iorce Slit. 8O1.4.
7AXTEm-A gIrl eomuiotent to take charge of
, S dIiiIn room .t t'iatiWrs liouso curncrltttli and
' , 7AN'rED-Teti experienced men to ioi ! at , artlilo
S tieer before Introduced In 0uiaIa. Addrcst
ml. u. w. flea .45cc ,
vrANrD-At 2210 C1tfornia St a girl to tb gin.
, V oral Iiouseworc. 855'lO
T.N1'II-iooditIrl SIrs , W. 11. Uushmiiati 24th &
1 ! lmarney St. s5Utf
yAN1tD-oue mob- anti threcyounginen tolearti
S book'keej'ttig. altuatiotis. J. Ii. S.iIlTut ,
81t'4 1510 Iu.ntglo.
7NTIl-Att ol.ercnced dresaniakor , oie ,
y , iiderbt.arIn driphig. Apply to 1517 Jouuda ;
trCet. 8400'
\\Tuu-A tlrotclass tInner , Steady ornloy'
V mint. Goo.I nay it ) tiio rIit ) niti. miiuttc 1St
once , at 1519 Nlthcdis strict , near 16th street bridge.
; TANilI-Twenty.the r.iilroad nie , , atid 10 teati-
. V V sters , $ u,78 ver .Iay. 217 N. lotti st 847-4
IATANruu-Ati cxjierleticecl grocery clerk .t.
1 1 dross 'Grocer , " Lice otitco. Must cornu still re.
commended , 833tf
1''sN1Clttld ( 'O1)1 to gi. to Coltiinbtic , Nets ,
1 1 Grand i'aciftc mmoteu , } 'etisalu preferred. Ap.
mly to mm , Matanwcilor 11th street , near l'arnatn.
VAN'FED-A floit-cl carri.sgo blacksmith ; alao
V Y a iiorsciltocr and woodworker. Addrei LoeI
liox 175 , Crcatort , Iowa. S15tf
T AIuESOli YOUNG MEN in city or conotry , to
Lj take slIce. light anti 1lcant sork at their osszi
houses ; l2 to * 5 a day easily and .tuIoL' made ; sorte
soot by titaul ; no ; ito stout treply.
i'ICMO addruiss ileliablu Maituaetur ( ii gCutnany , i'o. .
drswor TI' . 806.tu-th.aI.Jtug2st
17ANTEfl-Lady agent. for the "Queen Protect.
, V or.A new under garment fur lushes , tonIc of
soft , tioxibie rubber. Sure protection to the under.
ocar , % Ite1i necessary to bo wont. lietaUt for
as fast as agetito can , .howlt , Large rrotits. Adiltess
witltbtaln1 , , "Ladles' Uundcrgarinei.t 3tauuracturliig
Co. , No. I , 5 , ? ttayistreet , Chicago , lii. t)6Stti )
AI1PluTPQ IITAMIIIPfl Thcquickest sIIlii rid
11un1 m I. ) ! itli I JJIJ , me'st pattg aitIel eStr
handiest Seiiti for cIrcular , Name tIsit laur.
u'miAmIA'i' ( iI1S0N , 101 and lOi } 'ratukliti eat ,
Chicago , ill.
UTANTEI-Fanst'das4 woman cook at the Unuit
1 1 IIotme. neargtneriiiiietit corral tilt !
' 77AK1'E11-Three 0 our good Iftinters , tcady
V ; oik , InquIre at ntral City iIout , Central
City. Nob.
_ _ _ -
ANTFD-000d iitihIflbd ; at Nocity Iron
v % orkts , ioueteenth street
I'.TANTED-A cook and waiter , 1015 llarney St.
% TANTEI-A position by an .xierlerict clerk In
I general and .vcial tero. Adtkes W. I' ! . St.
Charla , lintel.
1ANTEi-A situatIon by a lady just arrived
, V from France & Chaiiibennnld Iii private ftmily
or to entertaIn children in German or French.
Hjseak. nongli.h , Apply al 8. W. corner 15th and
Leavenworth lOs.
sJASI'KD-Tooccup' , Auuiusst moth , quiet , con.
v truly located turuihed room , tar one gentlo.
alan , at $1 or ; m'r undutti. 'Atldrs.ts ? 'A , fluu
otflce. s-use ;
Felt RENT--liouses akd Lots.
1. with clcit , , ulWblu for two , Ilti Ikivuuiport t3t.
# 01.01
r house. for nentchoap. JtciIliniuitlMottor room
, ) so OntahaHatlunai hank. 570-lit
- - - - - 4-
I 'IOIIItENT-Niecly tiirishtal roouu , wIth or , lth.
out board , Dsy bo.'rdurs ' wanted , TOIJ Itli St.
IIENF-'urnlsbed and unfurnlsheci rsotns ,
Ilno location , & ' } CIt , Opjs. i. U.
850-l f _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1"Olt IIENT.-Four rootu , tiew aiid plcaiscuit , near
1. .iret car hue , Suitable tot iiiall , flu let tauni.
ly. 1' , V. liol : ,
# 4O Klrtgst. , bet.Charies and Seward.
Omu1ENT-A , iewhouseof5 rusniss , 22d and Sew.
and , treet,3 blocha unfit of lied strict car hue ,
Inquire on ltrettui4 oral 1305 Douglas t't. # .1.4 ;
I OR munNr-Nme , liege furnlltrsd .outlu
room , ui'04 ' l'urtiain 823-S
-I iOli ii'Js'T-I'urnlohud room , for gentleuiteui , at
- No , iii north mtmu street , uutar diItarti hotel ,
F ° IIINT-hlormse , 0 routes , lithitrust Luactiport
Inquire of J , l'hilups ttou , 5th ansI Spruce ,
J'0it lthi-Furuuislsed noons , 1510 Ioitu
1 dm07
i'oIt 1tlth1'-3-ruuu cottage , tuew ; Seward bteeet ,
, I _ betwiut catopbell aud Irene , Shthuui'i addition.
U-bIt htEN'T-ltta4denrs atuti .torubuulslluugs. 111:11. :
j _ 1'htl ( & souiim : , heal V.atu Agency. tIthes
east .Ide 14th street , tsctuin Fartiatui .iutl 1)oughas
.trect. U2 tf
t0hI hiE.4'l'-L'heas.usthy furnished roouiu 105 north
luii .trt. 718-Cf
L AWOFFICL' , wull furnthtsd , with good library ,
forsalu CUSAP , , JtUIN It. MtOhtt ,
tiOO.ltn' Crete ,
1Oht ltuN'j'-New rooms furnIshed or uuulurnlshud ,
,1. with board , muuforsics ruquired. 1610 laCO'
u.ot-t. . 450-if
1 linpruvementt , corner lot 3Ozl0luno Itleck trout
school ; grand low of the city. A liari.h thai bu.i
them aim , Dent wait ; emo anti atse hew dital' ) oU
taut buy a good house , UtTered for only a tow day. .
5.4.7 i'ECK , i I. 0 ,
1011 SAI.l : liirge titruulahed frttt rootim furono r
i two geatctuIetu , S. S' . oorner heirth nturl 15th St.
I 0t5Lm _ ( ) tnntutlIv psytnents , htur'.e , Itar. .
i teS5 and llev2'hiaetouI or will eehiange for other
lrPtY. J. u : lmvArllS : ) , -
8440' liii i'arutatu street.
SALi-0no of the bust lee Creitun larhors uind
I liostautrant , lii the cIty. 'fine on bet , If rieces-
pnrv. Ilh.lueaithi aitlie for selIng. ( 'iili uradtlres , It
C. 'hitoplar , 1518 io&igestruet ) 841.0
sA1.m-uiuie : facto to the city.
545.f mmcm : ; , Ospooltu 1' . 0.
I ht SAi,1-iIsck mare , 14 1.2 luitlt high. flood
I tihool , sound nut khtiti , lightly 1jul11 , to ride or
drive , Al' sly I titSeeti iittti U p. In. at , tahla con.
11th and e tb-ago. 529.4
Oft S'ALI-flarher , shop ouitL For I1artlcu
i call on or address- , 1. SICSttS ;
_ . ! io-S munlamu ( , Iowa.
Felt sAtl-Neary : ; new , litobnr , leather top
buggy , at No. 21I ) St tfar3'a aSiatic. 832-St
In Genoa , , -
) Scum gixwt ut.sntlottly ; shop In town ; rea.soti. for
Riling , ihek. Indian , diool startIng up and a new
raltrsatl itattItig Iii btisliuesi. Wilt elh rezoionable
for cuistu. Adilrrwi i'1tAN } it. Vu'OOiW.titl ) ,
802.7 ( Ieuio1S , Nancti county , Neb.
f0lm SALE-i'utrniturc for light hioasek-eoplng.
unqumieccouid ricer wet of Crelghtoti Hotel.
Capitol acetate. 812.71
-ioit SALI-euioap-i'uiactoui , nearly 7,0w , , No. 440
23t1 St , bet. liaritey unit St. 3lary'i , aye. 8m8'7
i3h SM.F-Astuau : house on heaed ground. Call.
fonda street , Oh.pOitc Crclgliton Cotlego. 770-Ut
_ ,
oui mlALm-itesldexico anti bushnesa property un
all Isart of Omaha , and Farm msuids lii all mart
of tuto State. . a11)FOmuI ) & 50U111 ,
703-it. J3 S. 14th 81. bet. l'arnnin and tougias.
iomt SALE-A s'eii' ootahihesl ) Wagon and Car-
niage Shop , loc-ttbd In one of the best towas in
aoUtittflitLIfl Nobraska. Address "A. " cure , sf "ilco , "
Omaha , Net. . 733-il'
u-k Aveuuui iita 2lX ) each.
CapItol Avenue hots , $ h,0)0 each.
Ciil.a.o troet lot , 331) ) .
Centre Street lots , 52 each.
72)-ti Opposite Po'utotflco.
Ott SALl--t)0 ) beast ycauhitig heiferi , , $17,541.
I 204) ) heal 2 and three yeosr oIl iicileoi , 21,0G.
40' ; Cahictu. All above are inn-a c.ittle.
ST'tANGfl ' itltO's , 4
Gattl Contractors , fUse , Wool ad Tallow , lealers ,
Sioux City , Iowa. ( H2-lmn
I 1t tt1m : out IXcliANul-Fllu : : hot attil three
, iivoflhuugs curlier ' 5 ! 11th and I'aciflt , u.treotq.
Nine m.ts hi outhi ( tnalin. Moo 103 acre .f land
hear S.-ititoui , Neitras'ut , and buudlutr auid of
clothing No. 804 Tenth street. With oxrhat'gu for
Nclrastca facto att& . 1'utrLite p.trieul.trs at Coo ,
U. l'etor-esui'tt Ulutmiltig Stote , 401 C.uutii street.
_ _ _ _ _ _ 4d4-'isltf
1 ; 'uot ! SAml : CmmlAt'1ttugy : , neariynew. Just the ' I'
thing for a family of four or live. ( 'toll hide utore '
204 N. mOth street. 72.'l-4
sALi-m'rsusorty . 1. corner 13th utuud Capi.
_ _ ts _ . MunhlteticmIuireon-tcuiul.e-u. ! 500-tnt
4 011 SAI.i-Oid nessispapors In u1-go oat ! omall
qeauttitlet at Liii. , .dtco. U -
I OIt SALm-A ttrt dais-u hce , I.&i li.uud top liuRy ,
( 'all at 1319 liaruicy u.trett. Siiltt
JJo-rau. m'oml SALI-2earcst to the U , i. mepot ,
C.situiuibus , NebratCa. Excelletit buahtieas.
( mood biugaln to right mali. Reaoru for semhitug , fall.
lug of health , or I slhI bell the fenuuitturc an.t rrtut the
building. At1droio 14. .1. ilartutoy , Ctuuuibu , Neb
'I '
aenute .lnly at.t one bay hiorsu oseti yeats ' . . 4
ell , white 5:501 : the l'ack and -II tehito sIttts ( lii the
belly , seigtuI about 1(100 ( Ibo iuth lit talc conditiou , , has
no shocs on. 881 7
F 'AlI-N iJl'-Tao iI ° . -iIl the uhehiver , amo to
owner ttuu Paytnauit of daiuiages niutl co.ts. W.
J. halt , , Court house. 800-St luwk.
I F' you want a lila foundatIon to your biullilhuig see
sy. Hod , C.uiilomd mloue. 604-Itn
_ _ _
1 'AhI Ul'3 year old blaek bare , about 000
iouuud teiglst. C. A. .lensen , on Military Road ,
4 toilet trout toseuu. 1J3-5t 1os-f
tt14. m.uvtNtSKEYnciinbIu : ClMuvoyari'iiii
1 'Fracc Neditutui , it leriutently loc.utcd at 15u3
ChIcago itreeti'iivato sittitdaUy. ! 7843-61 I
, OUN1)-A book coittittutitig iauiIh letters , some
I hotogra.h nut-I otier aprs. 0.stuer can ham
8.flutC by chiitii tthii ottlee usitd payIng charges.
_ _ _ _ 133t _ _ S
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I myott want jlie hitien for any purpose eo W4
lloyd. Ctstultchtljluuso. ttos.uni
S F. m.kvl , uiiciuitcr 'trInity College , Euugland.
glves liusic ahd Sutighiug Lessons. Aidress 8O
South 'IctuthStiel. 503.ini
P A1tN Ui'-.JuIy 20th , a bay home. Owner can
gotiusforuuuatlon by eaullutg at this olflce
040-St 1 each iv
' 111E UlSI'lNSAItY-The free dlsetuary .n con
I I nt-s-thou s1tb the Child's hospital and house haa , . (
1.een mocatod on tlua corner is ! 10th auusl Ilougiasatreot.
'until the new lstulltliuug hi Outi'tusd. ) Attutitiatice UI
bu given every utoruihuig ( iutiday excepted ) jesuit tote
to ii ocluek ( or the treatnioni a ! tIm needy , sick . ami
suffurhiug. .473-u .
ALItIT 4911 'I'enth atreot , between Faruitu and liar.
lucy , will , with the aid of guardlatu , pirlt. , obtain for
any one a giauuco of the paot and lrteiut , and on
certain cotuditionui in the future. Boots atud Shoe.
made to oIer , l'orfcwt .att.fa'tlon gimrswteu't ,
Parmcrs' ' Fridll [ '
- ilandIraW ;
' : - PRESSE !
Strkthy l'ortabhe '
t ; : '
't . - '
-k lau-gestlmutyl'ross Factory
tz , ' Iti this couzutry. Send for
- w cfli , - , . - Illustrated circular.
.CEO. ERTL & CO. , Quincy , III.
Jy il.stncv bstt Ole
- - - -
Safety Fund System.
LIfe lti.uranco Iterfect lit security atid at the lowest '
posaibie coatcouittatetti thucrrsiuh ,
list lt'I'FOItD IiIFE & .ANNUI'I'T ?
hlAltTFOlmUcONN ,
ASS. 11. 11kTY , Cmviii Arent.
At the laito. .
jT0oocl nu.1a
J011fl D M. D.
, Peabody . . ,
OFFIrt : ROOMS , S and 'o7 'Am1NA3i.
itosddeucu , u714 Iviet-Ia. - ' Omaha , N.b.
, %