Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1883, Page 6, Image 6

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Monday Mbrninrl AuSmist
# 8UaSCRII710N nATFS ;
' IIy C.rrlor . - to cent. per week
. . tmie.00 per fear
II ltd - - - -
: - - - - - - - -
* o , 7 road Street , Near Droadway ,
1 See Joseph Iloitor's fall goods ,
, Cheap railroad tickets at Ilushnoll's.
't The circuit court opens ono week front
- today.
The city council moots in regular ses
Sion this afternoon ,
' There were no services at the PresbY
terian church YesturdaY.
a John T , Stewart is putting u a largo
r.Y addition to his house on Bluff atroot.
The funeral services of Mrs , Sarah
Jackson wore hold J 'ostorday afLlirnoon.
There svero fifty rs of stock received
tr ' St the Union yards Saturday and thirty.
five shipped ,
Rev , A. Rogers wont to Dunlap Satur
. slay , t ° occupy thu Congregational pulpit
there ) 'estordnY.
o Tltc" saloons now run Sundays with
h nlmen front dears. At least sovural of
thiamin do , if net all ,
; , Thu water works boys ware rnnlu Oh ,
bo joyful , Sattirlay , by recuiving their
well earned sltinors.
Nork has begun or the foundation of
the County Treasurer Bennett's now
4 , house on illow Ave uo ,
e Thu paving of the valley between
bTnin nd Bacroft is now complete , and
° scouts to be an excellent piece of work ,
i ' The fund for Mrs. Maddy , whose hits.
hand was killed in capturing the Polk
city murderers , has now reached about
3 yy X1,000.
Leavu towed was given on Saturday to
i , LUICO1l 1Vhihwy and Mary ItVhittn
' ker , both of 1racedoniaand to Jepp
Townsend and Bertha Maria Nelson ,
Consideringtho fact that two pay cars
arrived hero and the water works force
was paid off ; naido front the usual out-
- . of money , Saturday' night was a
1 ' very quiet oto ,
At tire fair to be hold here this fall
ovar.815,000 , is to he distributed among
exhibitors. Thia ought to draw a very
j Tno , show , and with the extra flue racer
. , 'tho ' crowd ought to be equally big ;
One of the Saturday evening papers
announced that "in the absence of the
raster there will he a long service at
' Broadway N. E , ehurelLin the morning. "
k'y Thu freaky typos undo an Ir of a ntis-
f tako.
Four hearts were nnado to beat as two
t by the knot-tying power of Justice Mt.
Lott , the happy cues being V.1'mousoit
amid Miss Bertha M , Nelson , of Neola ;
"r Ira 11' . Patton and Martha Glade , of
is M. Hottes , who has already gained
much plltisu hero as an artist , hits iii last
week's ' Harpers Noekly a humorous
sketch entbtled "Time 1Vatclt on the
Rind , " It shows skill as well as a keen
gonao of the ludicrous.
i i
„ Tlmo many friends of GoYOr 10r ] tide ,
of Nyoinimt , will ho glad to know that
: private ndvices received in thus city nru
to time effect that his health contimucs to
impro'e , and there are Jiopcs that ho
will soon ho as well as over.
Arrangements have bean made for
giving Rev , H , S , DeForest and wife a
public reception at the residence of A , B.
Walker next 'farads evening. This
will give the man friends of that worth
couple a chance to again greet tkemi
' soctnlly.
Dr. Carey informs a reporter that
trouble with time cattle and horses in timid
about Logan is "Uydrotlierax , pluuritis ,
pericarditis , amid peritonitus , with drop-
ucal truclianccs in the afloctet ulrts. "
= , Thuroo arc hundroda of folks who all do
clam that's just wlutt they thought it
7 was all time tune.
' 'm'ho new license ordinance for comnuton
carriers , passed to do away with the
' wcakneas of time old ono went imito eff ct
' yesterday. it is mixlected that tlmu ox-
pressniewill 11IW be brought to time
a rout of this , but whether they will at.
' tack its validity its they did that of the
x , " old ono , rennin to be sen. ,
The Royal Arcanuur of this city , ha H
arranged fur holding a basket picnic tux t
Saturday , and lnive invited their Omalit
brethren to conic over and join in th 1u
t flood time , 'm'ho ' Royal Arcanmm nevi r
does anything half way , timid time occasion
d' will , without doubt , be one of time bi g
P ovolits of the Imicnie season.
Many may have foriottun ; that therm
' s 18 a board of trade in this city , Littl
' Las beer heardhront it lately , butrts re6u
' tar moetimig is tonight , tun all nmamber s
should tnko at least enough interest the o
. ho present. The homd of trade , as or
' ' ganixeed , could do mulch to further the in
, , , teresta of Council hulls , amid build uI
this city , if it only would vvaku up , ami d
K go at it ,
The city inarahal of Onklmld , accord
fug to time Acorn of that place , bats mo
with a cyclone of 7t1p1v9sitiun and dunumm
J , ciation in tryimmg to enforce time urdimiene
prc emmting the cows from mnjoy'in th
of the city , timid evomi threats u
violence arc nado. Scud the marshy
' t c up hero to s ) 'tm'athize 1 ' , with Dfarsbn
Jackson. flu boa triad time same thin
ort a large scale.
_ Oakland sr ems fearfully. stirred u
n over time case of P. M , King charge
with resisting min uflicer' , ant some of ti
rJ , womieIi nru tie nuligrimtt that Justic
Toiler should discharge hium , that time
' have signed their mianes to a ) ublishe
) retest , 1Voniott tun y be 81iow'ed t
yotor but when sixt y iivu of the who
and mnothers in a lilitee like Oukiau
band together , taw ) y can luake thing
little lively for ouu 1tole mtnn ,
; , . Lange & Anwerda 1s time neue of tim
, now isholusale liquor house which la
+ established itself at 101 Multi street
° ' ' They arc ahcady getting in stock , an
intend carrying u In gu supply of as gim
" goods as they can of hold of and mtak
$ s a peeial Push fur western trade. A
t both membe s of the firma mire wall known t
meld full of enterprise , they will fromm tai
tt' ' start have tltuirfull share of business , an
4i will speedily take rank auomi g the Iamg mist
r. and leading houses ir1 their tine In tam
.y ' Naa
. - - - - - - ' - -
r ;
' ' , : ' GRAND CONCERT.
. , ' ' _ Atilock'sgarden . $ o morroqnfternog
, nil ewoniug. Cued umsle.
. WM. hJO11NING.
F +
A Strong Appeal In Ilolialf of the
Edncatlon of time HInok.
Itev. Henry S , Do jlorost , who was
formerly pastor of the Congregatilnlnl
church hero , amid who is now president of
time Talladega college , Alabama , gave a
very intorestiug address yesterday morning -
ing at tltoCongregationnl , cintrch. The
audience was very largo uud the closest
attention was given time speaker , partly
because of the persomml Interest felt in
him , but still tnoro for the character of
the address , which was full of fresh facia ,
and strong putting of old ideas. This appeal -
peal was largely iii time interest of the edit.
cation of time colored people of time south ,
The institution of which lie is president
and time character of time work being
dojo were palmed out by him in a very
interesting matuter.
A college building that had bemi put
u ) for the whites , but utainl b slave
labor , was lurclmsed iii 18(17 ( , amid minuted
o Ilnll in llonor of mm , Wager
Swimyn of time Froedrmmami's Bureau ,
This building , which hna been recently
repaired at the cost of about $ ii 000
, well built and statel . During
wiwits used as n prison for Federal
troops , and a broken wmndow } ) ammo iii
whicas cut "prisoners of wnr' is ire.
served as a nimnorial. Time hail stands
imi the center of a titmo campus , amid comm.
tniits cimnpul , school and recitation ruomms ,
library and nrusuummm , it is now in good
condition , imnposing in appeanucu amid
svull suited to its use. Fostcr hall , used
by time Boarding Departnieut for girls'
dormitories amid teachers' roonms , was
erected in 150'9.70 at a coat of $22,000.
A third buildimm , Gravca' flail , of
wood , two stories high , with six acres of
humid , was purciulsetl in 1573 for time time.
ological depnrtibomt. Through taw umumi-
ificemico of Mrs. Stone , miothur brick hall
waS reared in 1881 , giving a rondimg ) moat
amid dormitories for eighty yortmg mmmun.
Largely by the special giftsof frwuds , a
brick lwusu has Leon built for the use of
time president , mid two other houses ,
with valuable land , have bent purchased
is Bones furinstructors , 'F7mese bntidimmga
arc near togethur , on elevated land , shad-
cIl witlmclm , , mmiple , watcr oak amid other
trees , and about half n tulle front Talla
dogs. Less thmimi a mile away is 1Vinstcd
farm , of 100 micros , secured six years ago ,
amid mainly time gift of frimids mm Conmuo-
ticut ,
This institntiom is the only one of col-
leginto rank , timid emily boarding school
for the frecdnmei of tune state. 'There '
have already been a nuunber of churches
started as a result of time school , several
nimiisters ) hnving been graduated , and
over a'huuired ' teachers scattered through
the fed.1lie attendance has reached
about three hummdrod.
Time speaker peesemmted soumo startling
facts'comeermingthu illiteiay of the pfpu
latioi of Alabama , About half of the
People arc colored , amid 80 per cent , of
these can neither read or write. Of time
whites there is also a large porceutiige
vlme ciinnot read or write , lie urged time
education of time blacks for several rena-
emit. '
First , on time grommd of justice. Thu
colored people hind been brought to this
country by slave ships , amid did not come
of their own nccord. 'J'huy hadbuun meld
in slavery , ubused , nnissused , it was
sbnnply justice that time whites shall now
do auumcthiug toward lifting them into
Another ground was that of gratib to
lie eloquently pictured time fmthfuhmusf
of time lnegro during lbw war , and time
help time ) ' find ntli rdutl taw boys in blues
Still amiutliur was'thio pressing mead of
these blacks ,
'Their ignorance , their moral dcgrrda
tion , their poverty , amid physical
surroundings , uppuilcd to all for help ,
rather than comtumpt.
Time speaker also spoke as a patriot ,
timid insisted that or twit ground if on
nu other , there was necessity of oinkght
miming this 11001)10. 'They had bum ) given
time bnllut. 'rlmo ought to be gfvmn in
telhi guuee with wlmicl to use it and b
whin they mi fit Irltect tilmiiselVe
frommm beimm , sed us immure dupes of others
uud from being deprived their 'test '
rights. 'l'imo speaker gave mmmmn intt'r-
retimm g facts to time immoral amd
intella teal of the colored nice.
uud claimed clu'istinm uduuttion as time
heat pokey by which to solve time raeu
questiumi ,
Mr. DuForest eridmitly has imis heart
in his work , mad yet has out bocmno such
m ) mmthusiast thatt he uumot mice taw dilli-
ties iii the way , and discuss calmly time
best methods for ovurcommming it.
Dr. Nest , dmitist , 14 Pearl street.
Iris to bum Shown Up sit time IrouiIvny
blchodlatCtiurolm To NlglmG
flow. 0 , S , Ilubbs , of lVisconein , one
of time strongest and most popular preach.
ors autong time Dlethodists of that state ,
spilt Sunday in this city , mind 1n time 8b
1IUllee of time vaster of the Broadway
church he occupied time pulpit there lust
evenbug , preaching as Imo always 'duos n
trost uxcullent surmmon. Arramigmnemmts
have also bent nmdu with Riot by which
he will , this uvonimmg , at time saute pbwo ,
. deliver his tmmmpormunco lecture mi "Time
t Black Valley ltailrund , " It is to be ii.
- lastrdud by a wonderful paimmtiil g , eight
o feet high by sixteen feet jour atmuw mm g
u tutu prugresa of the train tlrisu by tliu
f eagbun frmn Si ) pin gtomi t lit'
al struotimm , 'J'lmuru are over fifty figures
d illustrating time cifuet of atrumm dinkamid
, numwrous curtomms will also be ahowli dui l
uapbaiimed , 'rime t'optitatioii which DIr ,
I- ) llubbs lisa gained elamwhuro in ltdpi t
if aid on rosteutnt , together whim time muter.
C eating amid imstructtvu maturu of this hue-
I , timdmir lectimme emus illustrated , should
y cause time house to ho packed , No mid
d misafun feu is to be charged , so the rout'
I ) cat cams h8ve tut a il chance vita tie
k m'icflest ill llenrimm , tnhis otthusinstie ani 1
able temm purumeutalker ud suci m , timed
n wonderful 1suiutiim > , g hu uxl ,
Ifuatur , tlwClminu imnu , 2I ; llaia st ,
d t _ . 1'urlt'ty of Cased Altrwttliy ; tlm e
d 4ttteullou of Olllcurs amid
u Judges ,
u Imm the Police court am old uan minute d
U Bowles tvmu fined 89.60 for boimg ou am
aggravating drunk amd especially abustivu
U N , .l , Burke was , a plainer sort of tin
saut offense , and lie gut off two do11a rt
loser and then given a clmamicu to work i
a out.A
A man giving Lis lalno as Alex. Stewart
art was also before the bar fur a like of
fenso. Ito had a ( burn sort of a recolloc.
tton about having been robbed of leis
money , but was not able to give any very
good pointers to substantiate his belief ,
, John Suits paid $7.60 for his drunk.
Gcorgo 0 , Bommnon , a colored youth
who struck ono Charlcs I'erkimns be.
cause time latter called his dusky
darling a wench is now in jail
amid may note got out so soon as inn
oxjpeeted nit Perkins was more severe )
inured was at first'
blow received by hint of the head eom
imi to have c , sed intental injuries
wlmiclm mnmm ) rove serious amid wldclim leads
to time belief that immstend rf a fist morel
some knueklos or a slung shot were used ,
Marshal Thomas Ilardiu of Avoca wns
lucre Saturday oil his return trip Iron
Diissouri , hnving with hiui the prisoner ,
Fred Uhler , wanted for horesiealing.
Uhler is only soventeemm years old , anti
yet seems to ho a keen limo.
Time tuna Church front Virginia , still
makes his luendquartersat time Iailtlmugh
ataying of his own accord , and allowed
time freedommi of time city. his brother
from 1Vinontt , is expected to arrive to
tiny , and will probably take himn away
with him ,
] lens Jeumsmn claims to have bcmm
rwbbcd time otherr night , while aleopiuig
im his room on Ih'oadtva , A a11m11
anmount of nrowy boimm g taken , b sonmo
unknown thief , whommi the police have
been unable to find ,
Time mimn Murphy , brought over front
Omhha , on a requisition , to answer time
charge of robbing Forman's ' clotiiing
store , was before .hmstice Abbott Saturday -
day , the ease having been aont there
from Juflge Ayleswcrtlu's ' court , I'huf-
plty wnntetl sonic WI hmesses from Ommmla ,
811(1 time Case was eoutiumud nail uuxt
Friday ,
A well known bootblack , , lee Scott ,
watt rue in Saturday for trying to bulldoze -
doze other boys from eouiug of to his
beat amid gottmg his crosiome s tawny
from himn , lie was let go with bur ad-
uionitury lecture.
'fhoumas Ityan , Itfike Dlurplry , amid
Joseph Sutton , are especially invited to
appear iii court this mmuorning for indulg
ing too freely Satuday mmigbt.
IVflson , time slroeunkor , who hatt been
arrested timid let go time amid again , has
now buoi put iii time county jail to sober
off again ,
Time case of time state vs , Bunnott , for
obtaining board under false pretenses ,
at Mitt. Evmius' , was dismissed yesterday -
day ,
'l'imo case of time state vs , Paul Block
art , for assaulting t deaf unite netted
Renter , has boon opened up again , 'J'hu
alleged assault was mnmlu early in June
last , and time crosu was skirted in time su-
Prmm a court while Justice Schurz was
acting in time absence of , Judge Ayles
worth , On time latter 's return the ease
womt to , Justice Sehurz's own court ,
and was tenon taken to Jms-
tice Abbott's , It was thus
soot front emu Place to
nnotlmer , mud continued and delayed until
time prosecution got sick of time tiuug , amid
discussed it. Now it hiasbeemi couunume-
ed again hr time snprunw court , 'I'lw
mmnttter has already cast time comity a
snug little sou , considoiug Limo naturu
of time case , mid those who have watched
time details of time allhir , ate heartily disgusted -
gusted with time mammy twists amid turns
of how ,
Coady tC Ormutt have just Opmre(1
sfhnu wary hmulsotimu body lirussol , with
border to mitatelr. Call mind see ikon.
Spancer Sedtli was yesterday tlmo recipient
of agift worth sovenil tlmeusaud dollars at ,
least. It was a buy ; and as soomi as large
emmnugit will take nu insiguifieammt place hm thu
\onparoil faumily ,
1) , C. Blomncr has been enjoying a visit
from hits brother. C , i1 , Blounmur , 8 promhwut
hushics mran of lhdfnle ,
1Varren 1Vicks , whin bras heon visiting his
folks bore , expects to start back to Texan to.
day , he hieing engaged in rnilruadimig enterprises -
prises there , ,
T , J. ] trip amid wife , of 1)uw City , Iowa ,
were in time city yesterday mrd partook of Og
due house eoumifurts.
Aumoug time ChAeagoiams at the Ogdeim house
yesterday were I ) . S , lCer,1s.2. Wilbur , Isd ,
McCluru uud 1V. 1V , ] hrouolly ,
Imm Cnrrigg , of Athumitc , spout Sunday th
time city.
I , L. Smith , of St. Loeie wan at taw Pacific
yesterday ,
George 1V. ] letchihsom , of Fort Worth ,
'ruxna , timid 11 , Grauit , of Shernrmi , Toxusweru
I'nclflu hiouso guests yesterday ,
.1.1V floods , of St , 1'nul , Mhum. , arrived at
time Pacific yesterday.
F , A , Ilayward , of Oslikoslr , was nntoug
yestorday's nrrivald at tutu Ogduu ,
C. A. hose , of Jlulinc , ) was at time Ogdca
1vill 'I'unlpsmm , of Dos DJolmias , attended
church at time hulls yesterday ,
'rime last of taw excursionists returned from
Benvcr Saturday , thiuy being Ur , A. B , Mc
Kuud , Dlr. Bud Drs. A. 0. GrahmnV. , . 11 ,
\VighiGnntm and metro , It , T , Iiry'ant until wife ,
Mr , Mrs , li , , 'J.'ernllhigcr , E. B1'ick-
nor amid wife , Dr. W'uudbury amid wife , amid
Aldorntnu Ban 1ichior ? ,
1)r , McKumuu reuclwd borne front time Droner
trip Saturday , lie wan on the trahim which
wets rclurrted as dashal into a cammyon , timid
soy's all there mitt which to build such a start ? "
hog sin ntlon was that the truhim was delayed
tsvunty.hnmr limits by a wash uut , lie was ,
un'1'itursdny , In u blhding show' sturnm ea the
mouutnlus , smut thou to drop at ommco hmtu
August w'onthar is quite a change.
J , 1V Rodefur having boon uloctud
sucretar 'timid trcuusurerof timeDlueuumtilu
Lom'Inmat ; and Junprovuumuat coutpatlj'
of Council Bluff's , hlmn accepted time iosl
tuft timid assuulcd time mmm gaunt off to e
cumpemy's business. 'l'imo fohlowimm g
naumcd pereons are emi tlwbuurd of direct
ors : 'J' , A , Kirklandt O , S Lell'urta , .f ,
1V , Rudufur,1. A. Dlthlur , l. L. Shugart ,
' 1' . A , Kutm m.tNe , I'residemt ,
A cable duapatch- fmm1 iondun sit 's
shut fecquuut t'sins and cold snnunthur due.
bug .luiy hnvo dispulled time pruviuns
hupus of n line luutvust iii Emmglnud , thi-
loss suttlud dry we thiur spetddy am'rivus ,
time rut ) mtimmj ; crops will be sormusly dulny
ed , ' to time '
] ' 'remelt whomt cruI ,
a correspondent stales that tin muru tiuum
twodluirda of time wfieut arch snits sown ,
and that so fur mum hmaml esling hiss gone ,
tlluru is ii reduction iii quantity equal to
15 per cent. An average Jiuld is ! nuked
for nin Ilulgiumt gad llulbuul , mid Italy
has lm i a moderate hnrvust , 'pho
m tutu lmarluy crops of southern Iurojto : m'o
satisfactory , but m liu ° gary limo yyebtl of
wheat will fall below llult of hurt year.
I Cemtrnl Europe has good prospects , amid
taker gtltoguthur time cereal crops of Lu
t will warrant a predictiom of cheap bread
through unothur season ,
. Itenatva's lttusl unequalled for
cldlblalns ' , chiaplwd luatda , frost bites , etc.
l'ry It.
J , N , CABADY F If. oiucurr.
502 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Curtain Fixtures ,
Piiriii1iillga U
Mail Orders Promptly Filled.
CASADY & ORCUTT , - - Council Bluffs , Iowa ;
A , He MAYNE & CO ,
Liffle Louisville
MiCIIIGAN FLAS'i Eli , 114thl AND SCwffit 1'II'E,11AItI ANB SOFT COAT , AT LOtv1:5't' : i'Iuea.
No , 637 Broadway , - - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA ,
9 t Ii4D il. l . , ! : i ail
etc ai' ors
.l 7 and II Alain Strpet. ,
mII3 a'3'e R'Y , CJOEINC7LtrtPUtx. I' o , x.E1.
0 0 N BEN U U. GENEIIAI. 5iIICIuANnmsu. [ :
t . . , id Maims strcut amid 11 I'carl streeL
L . B , .Lb dr CU. , I'rescrmpnons Cumpouuded nIUCOIST at all $ huuss . , led Broadway.
- - - -
I AX jYlj.B i , tlrecery , 2i5 Mohr Str act , Ilotcl , 217 sad 210 Maln strcut ,
J M BC SIU JVJ. U , CunwrFUllrstrcutandFifth ave.
Dk ( 1 J , F A kj 1 r LE , Cnruu , 51aih anti Filth irp statr , . Renldonce , , 600 willow avesrmc.
- -
cv/1U-- JIS'm1CEOFT11El'iACE : : ,
I'f uLi.URZ
i ; . 0te ! : user Aniedrnn Ex ; recs.
s Cu ' p' ' LIVERY ANl ) FCFU ,
'J , fJ y AG ' 1 It tt , , will contract for funerals at reasonable ratce. 22 Fourth street.
( " 1' ' 1v , u. . Whoicaalubuttereggspout
, 1 . tY U j. . tw. , fly cud fnilt. Ship to us ,
Draft by return mall. 140 Bromht ay.
I I + NEw BOOT AND sir0E S1'oltys ,
A P1ERG.6 Corner Maui and First acnuo.
1'D ' Broadway Stoat Market ,
PETH I J.t ua'E t H h . : , -7 Broaduny.
J AUB ( 'fl ' . Stock Complete. Suits MEIW11ANT undo ar rearunablo TAILOR prices. , No. Fos Main SL
11. F S I 1TH Corner 7th nud iiromlway. I'Inns and specification. funuishud.
W , SH t 'RMAN , I halo the ( ly that brings patronage. R S5. 124 ylaln street.
DAMES F.R.ANEY , .IrtISUc Work mud bO reasoma e TchaAIL . 872 Droadwa y
H UWE & SON t and household Snpplles. F'U1lNr s STOVES , 303 Broadway ,
L IN DT & ! A RT , Jmnus Block _ AT1'OIINEYS 1'ncticc AT In LAW state , and federal courts.
L s ' t A' CU. MauufnrluronFiueFurniture , , Upholstery OoodsCurtains ,
t.u , STOCXERI . , andVinduwSimile. Sy Broadway.
T D And bath huusu , 421 and 423 Broadway , L. Suscrcigu , I'rop.3F. J. Mont.
] ITIA iTJ ri
S i } guurery , II. D l'hysiclau.
II J 1111 /A t ii. Y ) Ol1icc , rirny's stable. No. 12 Scutt street.
t Manufacturcrof IiOImSCOLLAIIS.
P , J , h.N NESSY , TraduSupyllud , athstreetbetweenSth51td7thave. '
ED Pu N J ItBBUTT , Notary i'ublioand Ocuerol Cornuy51ocr. 415 Broadway.
Lb _ V .filt _ HUE tIJ Broadway opposlla Now Opcra Ilouw. Befitted 81.50 per day.
DE C11Y & U2 I t L CONTItACI'OItS Center AND Slant BUILNEIIS. street and Avenue G.
Nlw : AND SECOND IiAND ItousEnoLD 0001)5.
WH , ALM.Y Bought suet sold , 212 Broadway
_ _ _ _
N0 i1CE-Spcclal adiertlscuwuts , such as Lost ,
Found , ' 10 Lea , , For Sale , To ( tent , SVauts , Hoard.
lug , etc „ will ho haerle.i Ili thti eslrlaml at the tow
rote ut TEN CENTS t'Ett LINE for limo tint hisartiou
and FIVE CRN1s I'nmu IJNE fur each subsequent In.
surtlon , Leasw admertlsmucmits at our utticu , No. 7
i'earl Street , near Broadway
AN'1'lm-Iisury : 1.ouy . m liominrll mtms to talc
'i ' Tnslyrx , Delircred by tarekr at mdy twentyy
routs is week.
I17ANTi m-A ) comt elect girl for Fcnoml huusu
r cork In small fatidly , 000,1 wage. Address
I. , Itss Orruer. , _ - _
TAN1 ED-A biiy , w ttlt luny , to delhar Tae lies.
pAN'rmiDARoes1 runt wok. , at lhu Irusor's )
Ilotcl , Couucll .
AN I i ) - amid ttoro muiakr , at
_ _ lf -onro , B , 0rnld , tut Uq'er ' mmroa.uay. , - -
I t'.tltltoil SAIA-iJgbty ; twice Irnproued , tight
_ Buttes front uneseII'Itiuea Address ii. lieu oulktt
lllllmlNv-'I'uoswtes,4Ub'00on : Iowa Mali
t strcut , o , pustlu foundry , Imiiulw : ; mil Jolw Met.
'orel ,
I + siIt aAl.ldulouu : ut 21t hrumlaay' ,
, ) : uud nortTu st comer mil
_ Tenth nudlruadruyy _ ) _ Juru W. liana v
limos , utrlc6a , mt. n , reset.
Council Imluas , Is.
Establislen - -
Uralcrs In Furgluu mid rotncstie lischanguand
temosucuriuu. . _
Wholesale and Retail
No. amt Mali Street , Ncxt pluck Sauthof i'ostomaoe ,
Couucll Uluas , lees ,
Loans Real Estate
No , 39 Pearl St. , Oounoil Bluffs ,
City Property.
tYo have racant lot , Rr ell ; 'art of the city at from
t5U.oo up , for saiu on moulhly Iwytnenle.
No , 52. Iluese , 0 route , , soil , cistern , 4 largu lots ,
picuty of fruit , Fnr ltunton etreutl chcal. , X2,000.
No. & . -A daslrabnu ruslduncu on Susenth street ,
near Bloomer school , Lull ( mugs nearly t uw ; tl5q,1 ,
No. 4t-NIm ety feet trout , corner I'eaml St. and su
toad avenue , opposilu court house ; rJnO ,
Business Chances.
No , 25.-For sale or trade , a stock of hanlwaro , at
a guu.l Listless point In western luxe , { VIII trade for
farm or cR ' , ru' ert ,
Na 61. yilatel , time only one inatowar of 71)0 lutist"
( tints , 25 rooms , ultli gutwl tarn , well located , still
cull cheap or trade for u Strut.
No. IU-A the reputlkun lamer In uestcrn toes ,
" 111(151 nmnt ) paper and largo latronaga , icrycheap
it 5(11(1 ,
lVu also tauu a nuuiher of choice farms In western
Iona , for sate cheap.
We haw money to loan or , farms auuelty pro ; erty ,
at frsn 0 to 10 Ier cunt
Fire and Tornado lusuramico ,
lie , ( of conryswlea repiesentud , Iiultaiie tales
511,1 fatr treanneut I.usw , anjusted amid 1ak1 at this
utlicu ,
i1rsr II , J IiiltoiiI M B , ,
222 Broadway.ECouncu BiufS ,
Justice of the Peace.
Omnha and Council Blmffa ,
itsal estate ant o liueltun aeucy. In Odd folks s
Ibl. , kuser S.ntug Hank. „ , Jau5yl
r r ,
To The Trade !
We take pleasure in calling yourattentiQn to time fact that wohsro made such arutnge
moats as will enable us to soil you ,
Rllbber Boots Slioe
, , ° !
Here , as Low as you can buy thorn East ,
'tiVritu for further information ,
' CO. ,
412 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
CreaMFriiits , , Coiiectouery ! !
Parties , Saclnbles amid Plmucs supplied on short uotico , and goods delivered to all
parts of the city ,
W. T , BRAUN'S European Restaurant ,
404 West Broadway , - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS ,
All the Most lifiproved Kinds of Lightning Rods
And Ornauuents , Also SVoo'l anti Iron ruin's ' , , Wool Tubing soil Oss I'lo ; and Pipe Fixtures , for both
No , 804 South Blain lt'n0tl and . . . Iron . . . . . 1'uoqs. . . . . . . . . . Orders . . . . . . . will . . . . receive . . . . . . . prompt . . . . . . . . attention. . . BLUFFS , IOWA
Feb 15-eod tl
G'E.c 1tIEI
Now Store , Fresh Goods , Low i'riccs and l'ollto Attendants.
first Door east of Hotel LOI "Y'
- Metropolitan otn ; , i ni Qa
wall-PaPel and Window Shades and Painting in all its Blanches )
Nog.16 and 20 - - - - Nort31 Maims. St.
IBotaght anti Sold.
Money Loaned , Abstracts Furnished
No. 4 Pearl Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS.
1i.1100011Os ! FrOvsiOlls ! lOOtS IIM lioes
21 , 217 Bind 219 19. Man Street , ,
COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - - - - - IOWA '
337 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Little Windsor.
: i e t ft-LlIwt
, And Day Hoard. All theliclleactesoftime scasonandthefinest table brthecity.
Sign Writer & Grainer.
8300 worth of huusu palmiting traps for Baia cheap for cash.
Offioo 337 > 13rQcLclwLL V , dounoil $ luffba , I4a ,
P Overton ,
Hard Wood , Yellow Pine
and Red Cedar Lumber , '
Oak and haul Cedar I'Ilh gCedar'1'eleuroph I'olesand
Fcntu Posts , Oak htucndon StulT , Itridgu Material
of all kind , , at lied ( lock ! 'fires , A Specialty In
for brick yard Puri oses. A hull supply of wool and
for coal aw ay's e'1 ' nand at yard s' scaiu on
Sluln street. onlecw5 I lest Av s wean Ilaln
ad ( wart streets.
IrOli & llris I Foiiury
Cor , Oth St , and 11th Ave.
The Gnat quality and largest atoek wuat of Chicago
of Wooden and yletallo ( Jase& tsdla attended to at
all hours. SVe defy compelitiou nu quality of goods
orprtcee. Our Mr lwrganhas scnedas undertaker
for forty years duo thoroughly gndentand. pia bust.
miss , . il'arcroomsSit Broadway. , UI'1LOGSriJUNO
lit all its brauu lies I rsmptty att a Ld to ; also carpet
, u lug mil luubreyuu , . Tctuorajluiu ail wall
Ia eramislwltboutdelay.
. of
r t
" t
r z.-
Millard Hotel Block ,
OMAHA. . .
All kiuda of Upholledng duue to order
on short
notice. Funlmro repaired. C h tra
No , ' a' nth street , rescated , eta ,
t1 I
t l !
I' oil