- , r T _ . . - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - ' rt TIlE DAILY B t E---OMAIIA MONDAY AUGUST G , 1883. : e HU r' A - iAYIA BI1 1 1 ; . ; Pnbtl + hM crtry inomtnQ , except sunttvy. the only Monday morning dally. 1a xe IT ) TAIL M One TeSr , , , , . . .Snn.tq TlntreMnnlhq , sex MonthS . . . . . . r , oo I ono Month. . . . . . . . , 1.W ji Tllx WRRxLT UT , rVRWoIRD RtRRT WXOxr5DAT. TRRVS ro1TrAle , ono Yrer . . . . . . . . $ tO 8I t.inthr. . . . . , 1.ie I . . . . , , . . "American Now + Compsny , SolelAgcnta ; Nowbkal en hi the United state + Ai NARRU'oxDMc. A rmmunkttton + relating Lo Newi and FAltorlal matter should ho ndJrcl ed to the Irroa or TnR KRR , q ACAtxa15 LRRxa + . All l udnr + retten 5nd ltemlttanee + shouldho addreoaltoTrlRDRxt'aRLtAtitsa ( oar.Ar , OVAIIA. ,1)rarts , , Checks and I'osto2ko order to be made pay' e able to the order of the company. THB BE BUBLISHING CO , PROPS , ' ' E , UOSEWATER , Editor , r 1'A1'EIt8 , which since the Atriko do not favorgovcruuontcontrol of time tclegraplt , nro 118 scarce M hen's teeth , GINIuA1. : Cuoolt Ias pttbliahed his rn lion of ilia MOXIboi crmlpaign , and con- clinics it by pressing the belief that nil the Apaches will yet ninko their way to San Carlos. ia - . Tim ] kpltfilicnn says the city council imtst get out of the way of the Sixteenth street property owners , and that "thuro must ho no jobbery , " Public opinion > iiccasionally affects even the RcpuMicnn , ; Bosg'Ilaacl11 intimated in the council "Nriday night that npaper tllnthndchnrged l the council with corruption lad taket it Rback. Moss Iln.call aunt talk plahncr. ' Lot hint give thu name of the paper that Ias retracted iLs charges. LAWYnILS arc gutting greatly oxcito(1 over the coning judicial campaign , but , . cammou people , Who (1I 1't. 0810 two strawa whether a Judge is a democrat or republican eo long as to is a capable Wand honest official , propose to (1o a good "deal of independent voting in the coining " ' : cnnTae8 , ' ' . , Dn.:1ILLEU is the last man to fait jute &bbL2M t1o dying cntburs of the 11pUy a&Tindlc. . Thu half of thu intrn'gstng ( t tiry of that me iorlhlu job luw not yet 1 , oii told. When the editor of the ITcr rtirl lCg'nshis ' promised history of w atur- works in Omaha , we shall be hfuy : l , to accoinodntu our roadurs with a spicy ap- piuudix , Mr. . Nn has becit consulting 1Veb- $ ster sllnabridged concerning the German Language , and therefrom he concludes , , that the Gorman scholnlnster had nothing - ing to do with the otliecring of the Gcr pman army in the Frauco-Prussian war. ly1at Mr. Nye don'tknow about Gorman , gr oven English , would fill several librnr- ie. C ! EI tL Ttio311sViuox , for nearly fi ) srFe3rs ammluar'y of subsLdctlce of t hedeinrtmcnt ; of the Platte will shortly , i bzfssnsfernd to San Antonio , Texas. e 1vt71 1w succeeded by Major .I. 1' . 13sxttis ; vrho as his i relccessor in e rmt' , earl who is a large owner of prop- is thins city. There will be nmcli ro- I' gatrl s the departure of General 1lih om - 155 cstfmablo family , which swill not -.attseta1Joy the aatisfnctioi at the ru- tara of as popular aul gontlem11tly ( mil ntucer as Major lIawldw. Tun Omaha Ileraftl devoted uearlJ all d its editorial space ml Sunday to a lot u f ' ; gush and slush about water works and j ntlto Holly swindle. " Thu writer , Dr , liitlldr , threatens to divulge souro torribl tltinga that ho praten(1s to Iuuw nbou t tr Corrupt rings nod fraud in conuectioi with tllu co.struetioi of the city water works , 1Vhy hasn't the old 1 partner of Cushing divulged long ago hat le knows , if uu knows anything that in nay way coicerns thu lax payer a t of this city or the uflieiolcy of the sys tern , ' , V1zATrvnII piny or nay not 1)1) thu trio iiwardness of the lntcst Aughuy scauda rt goes without saying that the profess" should laud in his resignation t ) tb uuiversity regents ms early iii pnssill u b1r. Aughoy has for suvend years pas been a dead weight upon the iusllhtio ; with which he is comioete(1 , 11'Judo'e nay ho his profossielal attainmieiit s d' lhbir value Ions Leon fully (11scunted b 'trio Incessant tronldus into which le h 1 cdrirli hunisulf and thu gtlosttouablo lus Lions in tvlticlt ho huts boot phiced by li 3ufforta to lift himself out of his fnmiuii : 1ditfncultios. Tim spoctablo of n imly r l ' pity prolesaer 1Ubbyinp g at users session tko legislature and selling his profession endoreenent t ) quack nostrums nud our f ails has boon as mortifying to all friend of the university as it has boon injurlu 1 fo Mr. Augltoy's personal reputation , fr It is duo to the future prosnuriLy of tl i dunlversity of Nebraska that Profosn ' Aughoy's resignation ndtuul(1 promptly accepted by the regeit , ; Its its prosoit onfuublod cot , v iGtiou the institution cannot alibi ( to be landieapped in nay direction , is stilt without n load , 'I'lo corps of ii atiuctoni is small and w'eak' . Doomim r tioual colleges are springing up nil (1 % ' ( thu state to draw away patrominga whir would otltoryiso go t ) Lincoln 'rim one liapo for the univcrsity'is to out distam Kiloducatioal computitionin Nebraska i the wpsjty of Michigan bus in the Kato ! Tu do this there must bo no eti g aia attachal to any one of tliu corps , htitructI wj'dch nniet bo auch a body rmeuu i4i. x)111vn ) ( confideuico and iusplt , rsrpaiet , 6 Aar as 'rug lit : , : is coneeruuc 'L'has n gLli 'f to add to its eitilnatU re ' pF lglupy inado'three years ng ( wlut ii min his friends must admit that Ui . , tsrU of 11118 jatost scundat shows vo luriscly that Dfr. Augltoy la ou hie uuefulucss uuc a professor its tl rwwity of Nebraska , ' t ° If e - - rrirr rlllir sQmAI . The general officers of the Union Pa chic are busily engaged in trying ; to explain - plain to the dircctrs , east , why there has beou auch a heavy dccretqo iii receipts along the line of the road. Tim officials of the passmgor ) dopartnont wore first called upon for a ; it'Uomont old they made it by discharging their entire force of conductors. Thu freight ollicinls are next to be heard front , but as stntiott agents and auditing clerks cannot knock down tariff rates and ( locreaso receipts , Mr. Shelby will be uiiablo to charge the falling off ii revenues in his departnont t ) the dishonesty of enpihyc , amt 801114) other excuse must be conked up , Tim Bun atggosts that the ollicinls of the Union Pacific road toll the truth for once. Tire day of the complete control - trol of the western traffic has gone never to return. Whore five years ago the company arrogantly dictated terms to IMseigers null shuppe's they now thud thoniaol'cs compelled to bid for traffic. Their Denver business has becu cut down more than a half by the Burlhigton ; the Central I'acifio is diverting nil the over- lnnd traflie possible to the Southern route , and there is a lively fight betweeui the tTDion Pacific and the Denver 0C 11 io Grande for what passengers and freight eac1pO the Southern I aeifie and are transferred to Ogden , Ill alditiout , the building of the Northern Pacific has cut badly into their lilotitana business and is drawing away from the road n large pro' portion of cattle shipnucnLq in northern 1Vynniing. This is a now stale of nlfiuirs for the gentlemen wle run the Union Pacific road , and who have boon might to conduct - duct a monopoly iii which lighting far the tnafhic nuvur entered in thq calculations of the iu uiageuie nt. As n consequence , tilt moment they are pitted against otli- cjals from live roads , vvlio have hems trained in trio eehool of business conpo- titiou , they fail to hold their ow n , and the corporation slirurs accordingly. The arrogant disregard of public interests and public convenience by the Union Pacific is 110W reacting as it ought to , react against the company. It is the lC0plu e torn to init. hack , and they are doing it by diverting whatever bnsidear they can to competing limos. ThcJ' have loud the tlineb screws turned on them too lung to hill men their knees and thank the railroad - road ns a public benefactor the moment that a little competition foreos the mioto- poly to relax its prosauro. 'this is why the olhiccra of the Union Pacific road arc squealing. If the directors - ors east arc not fools they will laugh at the thin excuse that penuhttung couduc- tort have decreased by huudreds of thousands of dollars in a single year the passenger receipts of the great corpora- Lieu , and they will at mice open an investigation - vestigation as to whether the iucOlnpe- telcy or dishonesty of higher officials titan passeit er conductors arc not re- 8lioushble for the waning fortunes of the road. il.iNIdTL'S f'IUt1B3,1L1fh 'J'lie I'eunsyl'uuuia doiuocrats are the first in the north to voice iii eonvoiliou : fit Itauh(1l's ' progriuuutu for revenue ro furor. There are strong reasons to liopo that. they maJ' the the last. listed of counetttiuig to any disttrihutiou of a 'I'reasuy surplus , or prolosuig any reduction - duction of duties on imports , the platform - form demmuls the entire abolition of the intcrtal rrrenuc system. ' . 'his is the proposition on trliiclr Sani Randahl goes before a democratic congres s as a candidate for the siiuakcrship. It ii identical withm that urcad by 1Vm. A. r Kelly mum the high priest of the ultra pro - teotioiiists. A tariff for revenue oUyal(1 ( a rovetuo only front time tariff is in the fewest i)039i11Ie words Mr. Itaudail's solution of the preblcur of haw to reduc e taxation. Dan' treasury surplus as new' ostiuiatu (1 will be in the neighborhood of 8100,000 , ' 000. The anticipated revoute fron u whisky uud ) tobacco will be about tht u al siuao Ruui. 'l'Itu ' ltandalls 'mouth r pieces , chief nuunig whom is ! II'I' u Dluia of the Siut , says : Repeal the sta. , On whisky nuid tobacco so that there evil t be no useless ourphts , but du nut redue u n thu ± uxcossive taxation of the puopl r thrdugli a high tarlff. Cheapen whislcy , and tobacco , which are luxuries , bum y maintain high prices on food nut cloth mq log , which are necessities. itr.ltandnil'sprngnuumunaybepopu is hmr h ! I'oansylvania , bat it cuutot win in al the south and west. Any proposition ti repeal time internal revenue taxes will eu r of thinly be tiefeatod by the people , n mil natter what the motive , They are los ) . burlonsomo and nmoru easily collucte s than thu customs , timid alfuct time packet us enly of those who indulge in the huxurie of liquors amid tobacco , This is ronsu io enough why they should ho IIIUnlainu ) r (01 n source of revenue to tlogovcrnnemm t bu On the other hand , the war tariff of ' 01 s , which , with slight i/edilicatious th country is still carrying , can 1)0,12 , a fur Yl thur reduction of at least $ ; 10,000,00 It sod still leave a hmidsone surplus in th n treasury while atforling all nucessar protection to American industry , er Free trulo is nut of the question. Fu h many yells to ; cam ) , n tariff for rev o y hue will muuan a tarifF for heavy protu e ' 0 tion , oven if the internal taxes are cm In tiuucd at tlmo'r ' preseut rites. Last yet at we derived $ . ' 40,410,000iu ruvouuo frog our tariff 1Vjthu custollm returns of $140 , if 000,000 , our thrift' would at ill average 4 , f per cent ou thu total value of oarimgert y 'o 'L'imo most vjolunt oPluomu ut of free trail d will not Bony that there is a great do of of incidental proteetion to American li i ) . dustry hr a 40 pcrcuiut tariff. Thu Mom e rill tariff which was cmfcssodly too high m ry averaged hss than i13 per cunt. t But the plan of the Kelluyl Danaltan , 1 iu dale combination moans Um permanonc pf tiw present tariff with aU its inconei Y tencics and oxtortiona from the tax pay era of tllo United States , If tlmo dem0- cratic pnrty desire to ho wiped out of existence - istonco in the coining presidential cam' pnign , let theta incorporate fir , liaulall e progmtmmo into their platform ndopted nl + thenext national conventiomu , 7'in Gorman seems to be nu imporL'lnt lamiguagojustnow. TIwClevelnmlLoad- er ( rap. ) mud time Cincinnati Acres .Tour- Hal ( don , ) are diseussiug the issues of the hour in that hanguago to time extent of ses'ornl cohnnns a day , STATrC .JOTTINGS. There is n great root for land at the Niobrara office , Freuumt feels hurt becanscChet went by on time l1' . The Cathollka of Onkdalo arc pmcparing to erect n church , 'I'hn Fremont target club has built n range at the fairgrounds. ' 1'Iio assessed valuatfat of property In lingo coimlty k ieeli,01jI , : ! , TwuVItuebago horse tuicvcg were arrested amid jailed at 1)nknta city , hfarsest hnmld arc scarce , at $2 a day' amid 1x1,011 , , lu Filluroro cuutty , The throe da4s' ' 11ahbou ( county fair begins at Norfolk on 5eptenber'2b , , The masons of Iduc dmm have deeidod to put a chock ht tic tower of their buildhig. 'fho engineers of the Omaha and Northorr are Irlvhg , stakes in 1Vnynu County. liushoss ) Is rim idng at 1Vakeliold 8inco work nn the railroad from that town logar. About Septouhcr 1 the flouring mill at Norfolk - folk will start up with a conploto , set of rolls , 'I'Ilo ntldctics of Blau are kickingg up quite n popnlnrity' for fat hull as na uddnor , nutuse. neut. The Plattenu uthu herald is afflicted with n forty foot ttjo worms although its bowels arc plated. The fathers of Fremont have declared war on uunurzlcd dogs daring June , July nod August. The voters of Lincoln will decide , on the lrtli Inst. , whether n street car lln ) will be built tbro. Holt cmuit has n floating indebtcdnews of $71,000 , which will ho bomdad if the puoplo s oto favorably. , From 600 to 400 pounds of butter per day is what \Vnyads creamery is doing forthie county - ty just now. The ' year old dangiter of Aug , l'aulrnnn , fling hear Stanton , was iniwued in n ( lough , near her home , Two Illinois brothers naurcd'1)urfce propusu to etrcot railroad Lincoln if , i favorable frai- cudso f5 granted , " Cnptlliun Driving Park Association" has 1een , htcor orated , and $100 Wvorth of ground pnrduired. The nuti nionopely c unity cumentiou of Platte , is to he hold at Columbus , on 1Vcdhcs day , AugUet 20th. Tics Kuoxvillo creamery is uakiug about 1,000 , pounds of butter n tiny , and n good as over (1110 saw or mired. , The ( uxpeeted burglar in the Fremont Jail hay berm idetflfed as George Svain , n well' lauu'a Chicago crook , 1. . i1. Erickson was killed by lighting near Sutton last week. IIii clothes were torn ( rein this body 1111(1 set m , lire. The erterpri8o of Superior k of superior quality. leer citizots huivosubicribod $1 ,000 bur a woolen mill there. force Pepoon , ( min of the Junior editor of thin Fnhi City Journal , hay been appoimrted to 1Vest Point by Judge Weaver. 'rite Nenala county con11tissioners only asked fur l ° ,000 iii bode fur bridge purposes , but. It svgs defeated about four to otie. 'rho Fitzgerald block in Plattsinottir had a narrow' escape front lire last sveek. ' 1'110 promptness of tue bucket brig.tdo saved it. 'lie right of way for the Umiion 1'acifrc branch front lincobi t , ) Beatrice trill coat $1,1)00 a mile Laucastcr county get , $10,000 , ltis n day full of polar waves and telegraph strikoA iheu time interior edit"rs de mint setssor their 1110 011 habuluui front the coluuui5 of ' 1'71mt lh : ) : . The Alma llerahd is about to iudnlgo in the lox ary of , t libel suit-a eri11 ltici ie at that- hrought by Leyi It , 1tclLtnu , poituhwter of the tutvn , 'rho ( nu of henry Oleson , sheriff of Knox co mity , w'a'i run over by n rnhasvriy team , the 28th milt „ roceivhtg iujunes which are considered - erod fatal. 'I'hc.1.nup Cuutty Clarion touts n nielodiou ( horn fur nettle's to ( aunt in that region , it Is 5 neat , now aul newsy paper with a Small but br iiiiy 110,1(1 , , 1Vo learn that the B. , L M. railroad cmii 1nuy luivo purchased fifty acres of laud ad joining the town of liubron , ) ayieg ; 100 per aciofor the same. 'fho U. 1' , railroad comrpnny will make lIe- atrlce to divisio11 Nttioll. Ground has been coo- tracted for as which ( to erect m achiuu shop ( and a round house. Adams county elahas the , euraut , ht the nutter yf oats , one speefirreu head iruu the Lout of N. It , l'nutt ueasuring twenty-eight nod n half Inches , dolni Shortly , nu anployn of thu St. 1'aul met Oumha , was drowned In the : llissourl rive r near Dakota city. I to was at work con a pile (1drivlug barge and slipped overboarti. J'huro is consldcrnble fresluoss nod tdgnaey I noticeable in thn eulunuis of tie country pros 8 just nosy , which can only ho attnhutod to the Lust that tire sussot of green core is of it y height , A suit for $ ( i,0001as been commateed against the Uelun l'aciflo ralhond c.ugmny , by Lucia ICunth , the lady who was Injured a t I North itoudnfewnionshisagowhile getting ol f the card , 'A sail aeeidont happened at liluu S , rings u by swilclt a little three 'oar old grandchild u [ John ILansbur y wits burned t ) dontli in n t ( tahlo which ins set lire by ehlldrmr playht 3 with matches , 1'Iattsmouth is about to begin a systen n r purnaunmt ( inprovunreits. It is proposed t u curb mid gutter beaus street ( ruin Sixth t . the western boundary of the city. 'rho c41 1 11ultod cost Is $6fi62UI , lu see it stated that 1lrs , Charles Brunt ' of Falls City , has iron 8:6,000 to ho used it tboerectiomi of a Irigh school bnlldhg , in hum. 1) buldt , The ugly return asked Is five per cer ( Iii the Investiiuent during her lifetime , S The proposltiun to grant the couunlssloner s d of , fohinsen cAnlmty ierrlllsrloir to Is1no $ l1 , 000 la lends on the eouty , to raise f suds to bulb e and repair bridges , ens tlefCatel ( by huge men a joritles in every prochlet la the county. u Now carne ( Almsvorthi , the now born count y d seat of linty mi county , with the deliborat clmrgu thiat as high a , 820 was pall fur vet , against the town. ' 1'Iue star of the "Indopend cot voter" is at Its zenith in the nortbwost , t A Ilyely row occurred at Stehlalast 1Vedus , u Clay , hr which r a doctor anti a prcachior sror . crosplcunu + , 'fho pruscher was knocked nu 0 ht the first round-in foot Ito was knocked ou through a glass doer , Ai ( en account of 35 , U Owhmg to iueroasingbnshiess the Polk Couu y ty liaummer x111 enlmirgo to au eight column paler thus lreseit utuntl. 7Ir Banner is ill 1111 } 8 ut the uatur Will batthin , for the hen r hmiterest8 if the 14)01)10 nntl Its success is woe , earned , , ( iii Tuesday uorning burglars carried ofT 1,000-ounil ; safe ( remit l asp ( lark ) , forty.liv r. miles north of Sldnny. Out of town they blot s , it a , cu "mid took its ioaltl. Au attempt vva r 1115(10 time snulu ufgltt to rah the bank n n Kearaoy , Jhitu Steward , 1ivhig near Nebraska City ' Wi'lis iii a eklif with theme frieuls ou the ] site ff coati , A tutu undurudmioil 14) ' tha tire , fell ltcmw thn skill , shikiuq it. 'fee titre other mma got ashore , lint .1r , Stuwarti wa I ) drowned , al 'fhio fathers of time towir of Slwrtnan hdav trowaial by s'octal ' a Ict on thu display of sit arnis and fast , drlvhi Jlacdortll ) thin furls cowboy must ddchd Iils annual with imps met toil mud uwnorq of fast nags roust practice th ' "dug trot. " ' ( hl W ethieaday afternoon last the llghtuln struck Misr limmirna ll'Ilklumron , at her loon mar Elkhorn City , Jouglas comfy. ' 1'lm Y rtroko was Mont Limo back of the beau sot icnased furwani et each { side of time atck sr s down her 11mb + , and ono shoo WAS bursted off She was uncnnscloua for aboutthrcohuurs , bu ( is now uut of danger , Mr , John 11 , Long , of lingo county , hiss re turned from Oreguu after nn nblenco fnnn Beatrice of four ntunth + . lie invested In it , , . ( O ( ) Oregomi wethers , which t were started over' land lm A1ny and will rcaehm llenhlco in Oa tobcr , sl great many Nebraska papent arc publish- Iug nn item that the state Is unrepresonted at the 1Vat I'niut htilltsry academy forgetting tie fact that a sou of .1udgo 1Vakeiey , of th e city , Is enterhg , of his fourth year at that in- stltutioo. The liho Springs Motor says n tsvo yenr old chill , plnylng iu Its father's doorynrd , ht Odell , was Picked II , by a whirlwind and car' vied away. After three days search its dead bd wits fouud in n slough near by nlurust buried with r maul TWomtyfonr Kings of sariuu5 ages and con' dltion + of life nsyehhled nt time residence of C , 1V. Illsg , iii Freuunt , , on the 1st lust. iii faui ilyreuuion. 'l'ime foully originally amstted al thlrtoet , childrml-twogirls and cloven buy's , three of whmn are (105,1 Sheriff Gregg , of todgo county , nalbcd a iaisas fugitive , unmcd 1Vihsou , last week. Jials vnhtedatScuecaKnovasouthecharge of tioserting lie , family , eloping with a hired girl , nnlstoalimig , a horse , enough crises to mttntso , the vigilaues. Another bi transaction it cattle was cer snhatcd at'ortlr 1'Iatto last week. J1r , It , L l lft11man sold hie Imnl of about 1,000 tend to Johu Iiratt & Cu , at nn aversgo of abort thirty dollars per head , footing upiu the sic' hilly of thirty thousand dollars , 'fho l'latt'umutli herald hay great faith In tllo new Sontliwestcrn , It says : " 'flee road 11,14 nut proJectcd for speculation but for busi- 1108x , butt at time so11io tulle precincts will lie giren an opportunity to vote Oil the qucstlea of lsiuds to aid iii ILI constructio11 , " Jolu Ensor , ngmil about 17 , was struck by lightuimu and killed instttly hoar Sterling last Week. l le was stacking oats , cord auotlo- er Lim three ( cot ( rout lYItero the tieccased syas stanching err thle stack , way stunned hully : but recovered in a short tluio. Botlt iorecs of a team staulhlg 11oar were knocked doss and omie killed. The register anal receiver of time United States Innd oillco nt Beatrice are ready to receive - ceivo proof settlmnent from purcluuers of the Otoo amid 11f1souri Iuulicul 1(01(15. ( 'J'hosu who fall to make the settlement respdred hilasv thereof within ninety' days , anti Present prnoof at the Innd olfico within Oust time , wlll forfeit nil right t ) thin land purchased , A11 interestiui nod ingtortatut tax quu.tbnt has bear rnlsed me the probate court of Jtich nrdtnn county , A , Schocnhbit , ottomney fur the county , has undo applicatiou for tbu ap pofhinlmt of mill a,1mihfstrntor for , tire ostatc of the late Charles Braun claiming In liis aOl- davit th tt said Bnmm hail taxahlo operty hr said county to the unrount of ! / , , fur which he made nu returi , time taxer ou which aroestbhatod at $15,000 'flue North Platte Tolegrnphsays , the Union Pacific 1111108 nro soiling rnpdly in Lincoln comity this year. About all thin 'alloy' ) nulls oil the senthr ride of time North l'ltto river to true east lf11o of the county have beat sold , 'rhebeul is being ourch0sed ; by Illinois artics mostly , H feast , of LaSalle Hi , , hits purchasml'4 acres oft the , lacc ( lforrmd tints , sutttlt , vu , and will bnihd a good louse , Baru mind corrall. Thus graders have cvnrtnenced operations on time i lunoa cud of thus uruspoctive taw line of railroad which hay liemt surseyed up Limo Lnupctrd , Cedar valleys as far ce' Cedar ltnp- liI . Ili this connection the question which confrruts , Fullerton is : Niel it cmoss Cedar creek amd build a depot is tlio town ? The Notion County Journal say's : "That is left with r tha line the of Limo precinct to decide. Thus conquany vihl rcqulro a baud of $20,000 to nit iii time construction of bridges , etc , tluut will have to Lo built iii case they cross the river. " The lightning htad quite a picnic out nt St. Paul , l toward County , cue day last week. A telegrt dr polo vas slivered by two bolts1' . 1)a hall's harp was fired amt doytroycd cued the 11. li. parsonage wa , hiadl shaken up , En the latter plaro time bolt struck the chic ney amid passed down to the thshd ) when ) its freaks be- p , n , doors amid awinga were torn oil , windows broken aid the plaster in every roou more e less ihjuted ; the siding ou time west gable cud ut the building was also torn off. The house 11'.18 mtuccpied. ' ; IQ : N1 t'P G11EAT CONTEST. 1'fet s of Iron. Emory A , Storrs as U , I lIe itepebllenn Noniimiatiom. Intcrsiew at Saratoga. " 1Vhat are the results of your obsorva- tjons na to tim porsunuel of the repuhli- cat thb'ctl" "There socuui to mite to Le now t decid ed drift toward the re-nomination of I'residcnt Arthur. 1 feel very couident in Baying that in the state of Now York tire old indepondoit 11011 so-called half- brel fcoliug against Geiror l Arthur bets , in it reat measure , becu renovated , and I 'aver Iron' ' att' 'cuerU conversation 81111CC I have beW'et hero not only with Ne1l'Yorkers , but with utei from mmny portions of the country' , tllitt the pros- dent hum succecdud in achieving for himself , in all matter's of thue country , amid prnctie.lly amouR all classes of interest , avery marked degree of con- fidence. hr m conversation which I had with ouu or tsvu distinguished southern met ( democrtls ) his hopimiarity in thu south Wits stated by then to bu greater titan that ever had by any rpubljcan president , and a southern gottluman very high iii thus ranks of thu rcpublicc u party , in a conversation with a d'stiu- ' gulslic(1 deu oerat iu this state , said without amihesitauc in the overt of Ger. Arthur's caulidnc for the ) resi duuu hue would ho very sure to car ' \rur uia amid North l Carolina , t ui Irobabll' Temossee nud t uitu , robabl ) \ Iuavssim ) i rued South Cnrolilua'4 " 1Vhut in your ju(1gmcmit has Gumernl Arthur donu and wiut 11eaus has he eutpk ye(1 tm seetra that popularity ? " " 1 think hii ; gloat popularity is owimug to time foci hunt he has 71uadu n0 direct clfoit to secure it , lbo has trusted t ) the general good souse mad fairucss of the . peupiu , amid lea gone nlotut tnoilestly rued intelligently , amt treating everybody n fairly. Ile has hind n ) special object iii , ueW puisonal to himnsclf , and has wisely truste(1 to securing nmy sucht purpose without utuy spacial ellnrt iu that three tiou , but by a general ntinlinistrntio/ 1 eharetorized by fairness amid wisdom. I Everybody has the utmost confidoucu it 1 lus fairness and good seise , Li the event of Arthur's ro nominn r tion , when do you regard as the strong I eat mien for the vica presidemicyl" 11 all , now , you see , we have got t ( ' go west for one of tluosu candidates , amid when W ) do thnt the first plmuco st o strike o ua Ohio. Ohio is met iniportautstate , amid t nn October state , and must lie carried t ) I assure our success in the presidettia canpaign. Tliat boimg thto case , 1 tun ii , favor of nomrinating Charlie Foster ft I vmce prcaidont. Taking Arthur and Fos tor togothe , l thick the tens Would b e f a pretty hard one t ) boat , lte mblicnu l of both time old factions of Ohio amt uvurywhoro also could rally around thin n o ticket withi perfect coihduuco. 1 woulul look like a m ubstaltia a roconcilintion , dad , I doubt not , svoul t actually be that , 1 (1u not nmderstam that the'o has ever beet any serious dif , furouee between President Arthur aut Foster' Immoreovor Foster ems a 8trou u pursouiul following in Olilo. 'J9lu state t r mot dead sure , aril his momiuntion sveul doubtluss struugtheu us thuto vary unmet u Ilowevor , it is very early is tire day t e forecast A Ilapp tly. II fulled front Ile breast , squeeral from the tattle atetuachs Will sour and uillk wtli curdle ; Baby hallelujah all that ntgkt , Iloueehotd bumpnn ttads to osful f rh 1It. s U Iai t dcuy 'twas thus wltld Victoria. Nliht wutildeouswitoutCAsTOItlA ; t whencolloleftlorpxacefuleinmor ; d All said their prayer and slept like hander , TILE ft1LLING OP CAREY , 1Vhnt an Anicrtenu Irlsh Iuvluelblo has to Say of the Affair , l'hllndelphia Non's. The news of the assassination of , Jnmes Carey , the Irish inforner and the head of the invincildes , ss'hoso infoinlation , private and on tlo 5871(1 ! , cd to time oxc- cutio71 of six ) nml on time Rc8ffohl iii Dub. fin , Fretted a prefolutd smsation ) yestcr day afternoon , 'Flue first news of it s'aq received by the I united Press associatmoy and waq placsrdud on the bulletin boards of the News n few nuinnrles after 4 o'clock , The hint editiomi if the News contauncd full details of thle nffiir , Crowds gathered - ed iu front of the office to 1011(1 the bone' tius amid disscuss the event , amid the ucws boy's did a rushing trade , ' 1'luo general opnniot seas that Carey Iad only received his just deserts , 7lle seiltilmellt 0f time crowd waq hest expressed probably by limy i1cFillami , whmo acts a8 purveyor of apples and sourballs to miovspapers and hmvyots' offices , "It served him just right , " said lbuy ; " 1 could have killed lu71u utcself , 80 1 could , the hhuldy , blasted infnrner. ' ( lime of time nest iutelligcrut Irish- slulcricnns in 1'hilladelpllin , vvho leas been vuu ' proniuent ) in the Innd league ntlI Ilcttiolral IIo1'eumlCI1ts ) , said this armors' jag to a News reporter : "The vinlemt donut of Carey was ilevi- table from the day lie wcut on tle wit- inns atmmd mull comlonnod it half dozen of his du )05 and victims to the gahlow8. lie wits tie irimo mover amid instigator amid organizer of time Imvincibles whose secrets hue afterward betrayed. Ccrtnin I thieve is such an or gamiii8tiou , It has no coumiection with tluu laud or national league but its objects are time'same only here far-reaching. If you will turm ) to ally history of Ireland , you will find that some such or4anizatiou buns always boom associated with all our national movements - ments , A great cause always attracts extremists nod amt who will hesitate at nothing to soon accomplish the emlds for which other people are willing to work nil their lives. They vW'ihl kill or take life , or murder , if you chmoesu to c1hl it that , of cause , amid believe ii so doing they are fulfilling a holy anti patriotic duty , ' , Ianres Carey I never kucw peusou ally , but I's'e heard all about Ilia. lie was n prosperous tradesman , n man of good education , and up to a year or two , lint ! the confidence and respect of every 1111111 in Dublin. He was a town councilor - or , ddermlam or Communon councilman as you Wluld call him , and had he beer square , might lave become Lord Mayor of the town old lived in tho' lrll lsion House lie was n good Catholic , or pretended - tended to be , and had the esteem and cotfidcnco of time clergy. Iii fact , he was time most popular nlnn ill his parish. To show how mluch was thlolmght of ] him , sti'liy I have herd ( it said that when a special colleetion erns to lie taken up hr front of the church he always had charge of it. Such collections are rare in this country , but frequent ii the old.Vhenover they happen , everyone drops a hapeiny on time bible. it's like whoi we say over lucre : 'if you intro got it penny drop it in the box. ' Carey know every body in Dublin 1111(1 every-body liked lulu. He was It nationalist , and I guess a loyal one , until one evil day the devil or the Castle authorities - thorities suggested to hiur the idea of In- vincibles , It was composed of ardent , enthusiastic cod intelligent Ines , and where they were net immtclligeut they made 71p for it in courage amt resolutiotl. Its object was and still is to nlcot time crimes England porpetttes ; oil the Irish taco and legalizes under the laws of Parla- utent by resorting to to a lave of nature. Carey was the moving spirit in it , old seduced - duced many' young nleu into it ou a : count of his high charnetcr. Iris position - sition teas suohi that they followed him bike a flock of shcop do a hell wether. O'Donnell is undoubtedly a member of the ooanization and did the killing under orders. The Jnvincibles were rc- apoisible for the death of Lord Caven- dish amid : Ir. Bourke , amid they would have killed the Itiglit IIom. Mr. Forres- ter if they luad lind a good opportunity , Earl Spencer , the Lord Lieutenant , carries ries his life ill his haul , or rther under his hat , and it is not safe to say who of the castle authorities or tome ministry is out of danger. Yes , time Invincbilea are still iii existence , although they may not be known as such how. There are nu more Judnses mnung them like Carey , but there arc plenty of heroes left in thme racks like Joe Brady and other bravo boys who died for odorcing justice in Phonix park on that prig , Cavendish , 1111(1 tluat dirty turn-coat Burka" The'Telegraph service. Ncw York Ilerahi. July' at , Thu uecd of n national postal telegraph which shall nut absorb , but compete with , public telegraph lines is daily bo- coning morn mtpparont to the American conuncrcml world , Time action of the produce exchuange of this city in nuts pro posing to build aseparate systen of cony mereal wires is an iumportant ind'ccttiet ' of the public desire for porntamemit coin- petition iii time telegraph sers'ice. ' 1'luo wislont of this ulou for pantllol lines e.tunot be doubted , amid were there such indepemdeimt service the present state of aflhir8 mil time Now York umnrkets would not for m1111olmlcrltbu ilosaille. Yesterday thuro Wvas no ofhicial reports as to thoshmip lueut and roccipts of grain mud provisions cat imlurtaut , points in the wustand other vadualdo intelligence ens delayed in transmutssmon o' Hot 8emt to the New Yok exchange. TIle war between time tehogrtphl cororatmous and their employes humus thus seriously crippled the slimmer trade of Limo uxch mu c , mid naturally there are loud coniplanmts iii couSoqucmico. But it mnjgiut be svorsuVero it not that the telutirtphois have , witlm great eonsidera' tmon , left at their posts time thousands of railway tolegraphe'as who bulout to the brotlmerlmoll , time utovomett of inerehami- dise as well as the sording of trade cc- I ports would be seriously interfered with , h if not brought to a complete standstill at I senu places , Cortaiuly the telegraphers I hmtvu sluowu much consideration for the public ma nrainttiniug time railway service , I nut time pubiie lmns not Leon slow to tip- 1 predate tlttt fact , r' a lii M4t. ppOC o , ' t aHl t I , , 1 - , ayl y , tivy1 fbn x,41 L . r , rr ' t , v (1 THG GREAT I ° tl , t A 0 , a u-g. ftEO , , Sciatica , Lumbago , Uackacbe , headache , Toothac e , KurnTlsrunt , tin etIar..Nprniiia , ilruler. , ttatrus. Nrt.dt. t's'uat Mlle. , 450 ALL elilka llu0)I.Y ) Pali ( ASH l + ImS. Bcm Itr Ururll.u .ud Ueien.rer war . ) 'Inn Ceuta WIU' . Ulr.eaw.,1011 tauryer , , . Till ! CmI tilt.ts t , tali ! hlu : COL it..t.a 1aetRISCei iltl.wr,5,1c.sA. . He WESTEE/LrL NN & CO. , limi'OITERS OF . r ' r MM Ana an Glass , 608 WASH/NC 101/ AVENUE AND 609 ST. STREET St. Louis Jo. m Ant ry Goods ! t SAM'L ' CO. , Washington Avenue and Eifthl Sfi'eet , - - - ST. LO(11S MO , . STE E E1 JOHNSON & CO. , Wholesale Grocers a S AND JODUN US IN FLOUR SALT , SUGARf S CANNED GOOIL NB ALL GROCERS' ' SUPPLIES' ' A FULL LINE OF THE BEST BRANDS OF Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco. AGENTS FOR BE//WOOD NAILS AND'LAFLIN & RAND POWDER C8 J. , Ae WAKEFIELD L VllOLFSALE AND Ili'TAIL DE.tLEft IN LuMber , Slia1ei , Po1et ! , SASH STATE BOORS , BLINDS MOULDING S LIME ! CEMENT , PLASTER ! &C- TOR GENT MILWAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY. Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA , NEB C. Fe GOODMAN i ' t Druggist B AND DEALER IN Oils , Ya1hllislies ¶ illo if ifiass OMAHA. NEBRASKA. r ® rs DEALERS IN Hall's a 0 and Lock Cornp'y. FIRE .AND BURGLAR PROOF tH' , r t SAFBSVAIILTSLOCKSJ&G , , e i 1iO F'nrssam t-trout. rrata > risa. HENRY LEHVAN JOBBER OF \VliO \ ! EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED , 111 $ FARNAM STREET , OMAHA NEI3 : + M. HELLMA. N' & CO. , ) Wholesale Clothiers ! t 01301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREET COR.13TH , f OMAIIA , NEBItASI { , . Anheuser-Busch qM p6 h1i Rte a t sa , , - - t f r c ) y , t 7 54'i .L .f CELEBRATED r Keg and Bottled Beer . 77ris Excellent Boer speaks for itselt , . , N. fl . N SS 7 , , . S UJ IN 6 . ORDERS FROlf ANY I > ART OF TH ] [ ' . E6Y USCHBft E'I , , . , , , , . . , . . ' h sTnr > J alt r fell : > .Nrn1L v1 , 7 sr.touls fro , Will be Promptly Shipped , ALL OUR GOODS ARE MADE TO THE STANDARD GEORGE HENNING Sulu Agemit for Onlahta amid the 1Vest. Ofco Connor 13th nuti Ilarnoy Streets' SPECIAL NOTICE 'l'O Grouters of Live Stock and Others. WE CALL , YOUR ATTENTION TO Our Ground OH Cake It la the hest and cheapest food for stock of ass kind. Ouo pound Is equal to throe pounds of .orr Stock fed with Ground Oil Oeko In the FaU and winter , instead of running down , will increase in s emgh amid be In good uiarkstabia condition in the spring. Darrymen , u wef u others , who use It eta tcrtlfyt . . tie merits. Try It and judge for yourrelre& i'rice p:5.ollwr ton ; no clnrge for aacke. Addreaa o1 osi ieo WO ODMAN L\8E11jWL COMPANY , Omaha . t -