Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 03, 1883, Page 8, Image 8

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. - - - - - - 8 TUE DAILYI3EE---OMAflA. , FRIDAY , AUGUST 3 , 1883. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1
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0MABA : ,
Priday Morning , August 3.
-Who arc LlppIt , Loalc & Co. m.e&w.
' ' ) -Itov. Father Calmer , tim noted Jout
rocber , will lecture n the zudIoi4urn of
CroIg1don co1kgo nox Sunthy evening for the
benefIt of holy Family churchi. The object of
the lecture , Bud the great ftblhity of the leo.
turer , will doubttos nuract a Iirge audience.
. -Chr1e Smith , owner of a large Rand
stone qunry , will Place on oxhiLbitton some
flpoclmen9 of stone oppotto the Paxton t.o'tiay.
lie clalniB that I hIM been tecd with ticcei
n Doner and other cite. It i expected
that inemberi. of the city council will be
cut to examine the taulpieR.
4tR the mayor has refused to wear in the
inembora of the now merchants' police force ,
MM-Rbal Guthrie gave ordcrn to arreRt any
on duty. None vcro to ho found , however.
-A tiller of tim Roil from Iowa loked
'I hMt night. by olliccr 1lennosoy for dlsturb
lug the Peace.
-The U. P. nIne have received their new
-An unuccefu1 attempt wa. made to
burgiarizo the M.1. parsoliago Tuoxilay iiigltt.
The following h the for the on
tort.aintncnt to be given by the W. C. T. U. at
the Y. M. C. A. roon. this evening.
I.nging by Mi llhode. a ( luett , two lIeCcM )
by the colored quartette , recitation by Miss
Ingersoll , Riligin by various parties.
-The ladies of the First t. J. church vIhl
give a lawn party on Mr. M. M. Marnhahl'R
and Mr. llnwvcr'R lawnR , on the north sub of
Davenport , between Fiftronthi cml Sixteenth
Mroutnon , Friday evening , Atigut 3d. Every.
one Invited , and an enjoyable time Is antici.
-Tim Indian , . who passed through Omaha
'Wednexdayaro in Cfl1) at Sulphur Rprillgx , and
'will remain there tintil Sunday. They pro.
Ixe giving an exhibition ( Iaily from ' 1:30 : to I )
o'clock p. in. A grand parade va.q made thin
afternoon by a ncoru of mounted i.idiann , and
attracted a great deal of attention on the
-It in reported that the prn > orty ownern mi
16th ntroet , inccnc(1 at the itniIth1ty if the
council in preventing the paving of that htreet ,
FPO80 to Petition the council to let the street
go unpaved , and to resist any zuisosninciit that
may be mad for paving jitfrpoc. flioy are
hoartfly sickof the nation of the city logisla.
turo in thilq matter.
-Among the prominthit direct Importers of
the wont S. 1' . Morse & Co. take rank.
The bargains they offer daily can be accounted
for by this system of ( hirect importation say-
leg the jobber's profits and taking advantage
of everycashi discount and of low prices that
are only given to cash buyers. Their entire
nuinmer stock must bo closed out to make
room for all fall goods now in the transit front
European and domestic manufacturers.
-Wednesday evening an entertainment given
by the colored citlzpna of this city In Masonic
ball , the Proccedn to bo devoted to defraying
the CXlOflBClt of the delegates to the national
convention. The attondatico was large. lb.
freshments were served by the ladies. Music
was furninlie.l by Hoffman's .4trillg baud antI
dancing wan Indulged in until an early hour
thi morning. The committee of arrange.
monte consisted of C. D. Boll , S. Williams ,
.J. It. Simpson , Joint Lindsay , \V. BuLlor and
A. . W. Parker.
-The friondn of Mr. and Mrs. Kirchjafoll ,
who are well and favorably knowat in thin city
among the best clans of colored pootIo , temi.
t dorod thorn and a sister , Miss Craig , of Lox.
vonwortb , a surprise party last Monday avon-
log , during which Lewis' brass band lout its
enchantment to the affair. The instigators of
thiR compliment vero Miss Wzt.hiington , Mrs.
McClcnann and Mrs. llutlorwho thought some
t xecognltlon wan duo Mr. and Mrs. Kirchafohl
by reason of their long and honorable residemico
in Omaha , and the occasion v1ll long be me-
inombered as one of the most pleasant , both by
them and their guest , Miss Craig.
-The season for the sitiptitont of cattle from
western points to eastern markets has begun ,
nd it looks like buninoss when it Is stated
that twenty-four cars of cattle vcme received
at the Omaha mitock yards Wednesday from Coo
Carter. These yards are owned by 0. 1.
$ chalher & Co. , anti are managed by L. M
Anderson. Messrs. Coe & Carter express
themselves as highly pleased with. the manner
in which the train Ipad of cattle were liandhd
itt these yardR. The cattle svera
, ihippcd to Chieigo last ovoiming over the 0. ,
1f. & St. l. road.
-on Tuesday evening a small item was in
imertd1n TinBxi to the effect that it was mo.
ported that the city council hail dotermn1nod to
allow the paving of 16th street toprocced , and
e consequenro watt that the next morning
l About one hundred mcix and twenty toxins as.
cmbled at the intersection of Cans and 16th
t sttreeth , expecting to find employment. They
remained there until about 9 o'clock , and titan
dispersed. Their apearanco had encouraged
the residents of that locality to think that
business wait about to begin and the fiasco
caused great diNappolntmont. It is now
hnost impossible that the work can hi , coin.
. iileted in time for the state fair.
-During the afternoon proceedings of the
convention In the City hall Wedmteiulaythio at-
tentionofseveral delegates was called to an
editorial in The Herald , abusing the colored
race. Mr. W. 0. RobInson , of Otue , with his
gold eye-glasses on hi. nose and copy of the
japer in his hand , mounted a chair and called
the attention of those present to the article ,
'which ho read. Ho RIoke of the paper as "is
atlhny , unworthy , vulgar , dirty sheet , that
cught not be eupported by any colored intin ,
. .nd one who would degrade bin manhood. The
editor who wrote it was a knave and xii aide.
do-camp of the devil. Ho has boon known to
elbow around colored mcii on election day ,
urging them to vote the democratic ticket.
I1e : was also an exileand an ono mxii remarked
down south where lie came from , the black
leon would not even associate with hilmim , "
-The bible clans of the Y , M. 0 , A. which
met at 91f a. in. Sunday morning wan well
xsttended and after the opening hymn and
vrayer all opened their bibles to the "Lords
prayer , " and the hour was spent in studying
the sixth petition which reads : "And lead us
not into temptation but deliver us from evil. "
The young men then divided into laxties going
to the different churches. At 1 o'clock the
-usual service vas held at the jail , and a very
earnest lqpeal made to tie l)1OflCr5 to turn
from their evil ways and to seek iardon trout
the Lord. Notwithstanding the POtUinSridml
In the afternoon 'ss'hlch rendered It iwpousIb1o
for ladles to venture out , yet a few ( aItxfui
worker easenbled In the association room hud
thelwur wa spent In onslderthg tuthioughit }
ntugjestd ; by tbq ilrst p501x9. boq
have the time t. make a sttdyof thieuibcIk.
Lion In 1t4 VMrOUs wotk from day to day , can
gain any Idea of what It Is doing. It is an
ln.titutlon of which every citizen should be
-A Criulckshsnk & Co's. store at the pre
ant time looks like a veritable boo hive. Thu
we stiuiisie it. . caused by their creat clearing
-The U. P. bamitl has acceitteti the invita.
tion of the city council to open the lanth
stand on Jefferson Square anti will give an
open air concert Saturchayovcning. The hour
will be announced to.mnorrow.
-Time plat of Oakhurnt street ailditlon WM
filed with the county clerk yesterday. It Is in
this addition that the miew lirownohl hail builul-
legs will be erected. The grountin , , lonated
1)7 lion. , J. 1 % ! . Woodworth , occupy all of
block 3 , 16 lots , and form a magnificent site.
-About t ; o'clock Vedmmesday , Mayor Chase
visiteti the convention of colored men in son.
Rica at the city hail. 11 took hilt. . scat among
the delegates and soon beckoned one of thorn
over t.ohmimn and a whisporeti conversation was
hold , alter which tim delegate spoke to time
chairman who announced that all hmusimieni be.
fore the convention was suslenle.1 to hear
from Mayor Champion S. Chaqo. The white
umlaut viio were Imrerit , quito a umumler , Imnmne-
diately left the ball in a body and but for the
superior nerve of the , lologatc tim Mayor
vmuid have been without an audience.
-.Yesterday morning a comivernatiomi took i.lace
ICtWeOmi bin humior , Mayor Cim-qe , anti one of
hIM symnpatimizors , lion. A. 1) . Jones ,
in the formner'n office. Mayor Chase
said : "Tue papers accuse me of being iii
league svith the gammiblorsantl that I have mo-
celvod billies ( morn theta. I votilti hike to mice
a gaimiblor connie ammti offer me a imriio-1 % oImld
kick him , , tnt. 2gaiu , 'rmi Bn : Immsists in iiiil , .
hishing my vetoes and then uslnien mno 1ecnuso
I don't ilo it. llosowatcr no.1 those follows
are accepting bribes every nitty. All timoy
want mime to do in to nmmswor their charges. lie.
caimso I nlomi' ( ho it , they amino me. If I want.
, xi to I could ) % ) themmi for a $10 bill. Time
Itopubuican n1)tmttcrn , but it don't amount to
atmytiming. " S
The 'sVcathicr Himimitnarizeti for July.
The following is time imuportamit porion
of the mnomithiiy meteorological summary
of Sergeant Alexander Pollock , of tim U.
S. signal service , for the mnomith of July :
Daily moan barometer , 29.t)5fl ) ; daily
mnean teniperature , 75.7 ; daily rainfall ,
( uanmutAu. ITEMH.
llmglioat imronmioter , 30.2f12 ; ( late , 17th.
Lowest barommtctur , 29.657 ; daLe , 13th.
l1omithiIy xaiigu of baroimiutor , 51)0. )
J1igitosttclileraturo , 1)0.0 ) ; date , lot.
Lowest temperature , 55.0 ; date , 17th.
Orcatcstdaily range of tumimpurature , 25 ,
Omt the Oils. Leastlaily raimgo ( mf tommi.
peraturo , 9 , on tIne SLIt. .1ttcaii daily
, range of tomuporuituru , 10 , on the lot.
Icaii daily ( low loimkt , 63 , nit the 4th ;
mean daily relative humidity , 08 , on the
I'rovailing direction of wind , south ;
total imiovemmient of winl , 2,4.18 mntilco ;
highest velocity of wimid tutU diroctiomi ,
2:1 : , miorthi.
Nnmnnbor of foggy days , unite ; utuinber
of ckar days , 11 : nunibor of fair days , 14 ;
uiumuber of cloudy days , 6 ; nummibor of
days on which rain or smiow fell , 14 ;
depths of unmnoltod smiow on ground at
end of mouth. 0.
Dates of auroras,0 ; dates of solar halos ,
0 ; dates of lunar halos , 0 ; datesof frost,0.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1883. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1884. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
coxtIARATIvE uuncx1IrAT1Ores.
1871..9.87 inches 1877..96 imichics
1872..0.36 Inches 1878..7.6 inches
1873..4.27 inches 1879..3.17 inchot
1874. . . . . . . . . inches 1880..5.36 Iumches
1875..10.01 inclmes 1881..5.89 imichos
1876..7.30 Imiches
- -
UuwLIens itrnica Salvo.
Time greatest nnodicalwondor of the world.
Warranted to speedily cure Burns , Cuts , U- !
corn , Salt lihoum , Fever Sores , CusncorsPlles
Chilblains , Corns , Tatter , Chaimped imantinanmd
all skim eruptions , guaranteed to cure in every
instance , or money refunded. 25 cents per
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Stipreimso Court of NobriLfilca.
Oottsclmahlc vs. C. B. & Q IVy. Co.
Error from Platte county. Reversed amid
remanded. Opinion by Maxwell J.
'Whore a lot abuts UIOfl ami alloy imimoms
which a railroad a built with the consent
of autlioritios , if the owner of
the lot is thereby deprived of a public
rihit which he has enjoyed ins comincetion
with his promises , amid in consequence
thereof ho sustainodammigos in excess of
that shared by the 1)Ublic generally , lie
umiay recover for such excess. Lake , 0.
J. , dissumiting.
Bull vs. Sedwick. DI miszod. Want of
State ox rd Gross vs. S. D. B , Phelps
county. Leave to answer by August 7 ,
Warner vs. Scott. Rehearing ordered.
The following emma were aubumittod :
Bates vs. York county
hnermnan vs. Bates.
Samulwichi Mfg. Co. vs. Shirley.
Aultmmmn vs. Stout.
A Itmmni nit a Drug Htoro.
Novir wt such a rush mnado on any drug store
as is 110W Itt. a. i. ( ioodmnnn' , , fur us trial but
tie of Dr. King's Now 1)iscovery for Quit.
summmiptionm , Couglu. a'id Colds. All Pr5omms
affected with istliina , bromichltis hoarseness
severe coughs or amy alfuctiomi ei tue thron
and lungs , cami got a trial bottle of this great
remedy rce by calling at above drug store.
Itegulat lze , $1.00.
Folkor'H Poelors.
Tini Ban some Limo ago contained a
miotico of the proposed orgamuizatioui of a
"Protective Police" force , amid the mcmi
employed thereby wont emi their roopoc.
tivo boats \Ycdmieoday night.
Thus far there are only six imieni on the
force but it is lIrop080ti to Increase
the number to twemity. TIm itieui are not
uniforumiod as yet but pronably will be
soomi. They are armed with bulls-eye
lanterns aiid"biilys"amitl walk their beats
thu sante way as the regular force. There
is probable to be a conflict between
the now oiico amid. block watchimnani amid
Iutwoemi thonmi and time mayor , It is
claimed that time miayor refused to swear
Iii time miterchants 1)01100 and that lie has
tinreatomied to srrest all who nttemmm1)ted to
serve as ouch.
1nmiy timmies you 'nnit to keep intent or
link for several nlnys , Lay it in a sole.
tioni of Rex Itlngnius over night , muni you
can hOe1) it for weeks , You cmi also keep
1141k a voek or more by stirring in a lit-
tic of the ' 'Siiov Flake" brand ,
Only a Fniiv
of those famous IDEAL CQYYEn Porn heft.
\Yo have supplied hundreds of families
and lumidrods f others arc calling for
them. J , B. Fremich & Co.
xcrcses of Layingthe Corner tOllC.
Altrcsses by Gcorgri lianrunanu anI
lion , K ltosewntcr.
Atfmvo o'clock quite an assembly of
lallcS and gentlemen had gathered at the
scene Of the ceremony.
Tlio building imnum already reached tim
second story , and tine corner steno Wa. ,
laid somno twenty feet above the ground.
Contrary to the anciomit. and esthbifhod
custom it was laid at the southwest cor-
The oponinig overture by the Musical
Union orchestra , was a fine soIecion , and
was followed hy an address by Mr. G. A.
llrmrmann , the substance of which was
as follows :
in laying this corner stone of our Our.
mmmii American school , we are performing
a duty which is one of uiialloyct pleasure
to our Gormnan-Arncrican citizens. lie-
cause iii doimig this we tramisimlant to our
glorious free awl emilightonud reimuimlic
sonic of time finest ( Jormnamm semitimmiemite.
\Vo briimg , as it vore , together the old
Gcrmnaii immotors amid poets and other celebrities
lobrities , face to face with the modern
minister mmminds which are coming imito
lrmmmimmemmco every day imi our ropuimlic.
hut besides timin wo do sommmethummg which
is of far greater iniportance amid that is in
this noble inmotitutiomi we sinaI ! unite all
Limo dililiremit Gcrmmmati factions , amid it. will
ho the mnmeamimi of dispelling all
time cobwebs ( If prejudice which have
hitherto temIleL to create a
feeling of distrust amnouigot our Ourmnami
citizcmis. Time educationi proposed to be
given will be of the mmiost liberal charac-
ter. 'l'lme pupil will be taught simnul-
tnmieotmsly the Germuami and English
lammgimnges iii addition to all time other
usual educatiommal branches , which mmmake
up a liberal educationi. lie thanked , in
the mmnmime of tIme Oermnatms , all those who ,
with umitirimig energy and great jeroumal
itiCOmiVOIiiCIiCe had contributed ao nobly
to mmmake this cuitcrcrise such an unqualm.
fled success , and iii conclusion ho urged
011 all those interested in the future vel.
fare , miot emily ht Ouimhma but of time state
of Nebraska , to be unceasimig in their
efForts to render this imiotitution as great
a success as it presaged at the continence-
mimemit. ' ' [ Applause. )
Time 501mg. "TIme Lord's Own Day , " va
then sung by it grand chorus from the
Miunmiorehmor , Concordia amid Turner sod
utica amid imnimmediately mifter time corner
stone was lai(1 by Mr. henry Pundt ,
presidumit of time Gormnman association.
'rite commtents 1111(1 comitributors were as
follows : Copy of articles of incorporation
of tlme Gerrmnmn sclmool association ; list of
time imicmnluers cif time association ; copy of
time coimstitutiomi ; jmostal cards immvitiuig time
guests ; mmaimmea of the architects and colt-
tractors ; list of time members of the Comm.
cordia society ; list of time ladies of time
Germnmum ladies' associatimm ; Chinese and
JumIammemme coins contributed by Julius
Meyer ; old coitis contributed by J. II.
F. Leimmnamm ; coimms comitributed by } Iemmry
Pummdt ; coins contributed by F. A.
Spetlemmmammcopies ; of time commstitutionms of
the Turumer society amid time i'ionecr hook
amid ladder company ; a New York war
coin , contributed by C. L. Kruttle ; copies
of Tim Bnn , Herald , Post and Itepubli.
caum ; cards of various busirmeas firms.
Following this was time address in
English by Mr. Edward [ tosewator ,
editor of 'l'imn Bun , of which the following -
ing is a synopsis :
amEN : As I wan walking down the street
this afternoon on my way hmonmo I met a
procession that grQetcd Inc with a good
deal of music. There was a peculiar
osumid such as we very seldom hear now
jim this western section. Thorn was in
time first place some beating on time torn
toni amid the tramup'mng of a imumnber of
foot. A bug processiUlt conmposed of [ mi.
diana with their squaws-tho buckni be-
Lug on horseback. When I behold this
scene I vmts atruck with time coumtraat that
it presented to time music that we are ac-
customned to hear. amid time mmmusic I hnve
hoard on this stamid , and the beautiful
songs you have given us The
coumtrast does not simply represent tim
difroicmice of time music of time lmmdiamm amid
time imimmaic of time civilized moan , but it
represents time ( lifThrcmico that exists be.
tivoen time aboriginal civilization as it was
eli ( his comitimmtiuit before the Europcamm
sot foot on the soil , amid time civilization
that wd have home to-day transported on
Limo soil of titi west. rut country. No
nation has comitributed more towards
building imp this civilization than Ocr-
mimany. Germmrnny has been the intel.
lectual workshop of time world.
Iii Ocrmnammy there have boon
brought to light sommie of the
grandest ideas and greatest discoveries
that have mmmado our civilization what it is
to-day. Gerummany loss given us the art
of primmting , ad timrougim printing the
difftmsiomm of knowledge. During the last
four hundred years civilization has mnmmdo
mmioru rapid strides tiuum durimig time lIcrioti
that mnusko UI ) time six timousaimd years ox-
matemico of time huniami rae , and Germnammy
hits beomm foremost iii thorough 8yateniatio
educatiomi. Iii Gcrmnamiy every maim amid
womnan almost , is able to rcadamid write.
Jim looking over time statistics , we find in
1878 timmit every imman that was omilisted in
the Germnaim army ( amid timoy enlist every
luau that is able bodied ) was able to read
mmmd write. \Vurtcumsburg , ommu of thu
smimallemit states of Gcrmmmnny , out of a
pojulumtmomm of 2,000,000 thmoro wan not
ommu leraomi over tomi years of ago who
was miot able to read amid write. Comitrnai
this with other mmatiommlitiea. Fsmr iii.
stance , France , ummo third of tIme emmtiro
Populattoim . is imeitimer able to road amid
write , and it was time Gormiman school inns'
tor that carried time banmmer of Ocrmmummi
to the fortification of Paris amid too
Frummmce I ) ) ' mutorimi 1mm 18I. [ Loud applause. ]
It wits time Gormumum school nmaxter that
gave Gormmmany 1roimmimiuneo as a great
power iii all Europe , Great Britain
is rockommed 'mie of time mmiost
civilized coummtrics in all Eu'
rope , amimi what do we fluid ?
Iii Emiglamid 14 mmmcmi amid 20 womnoum out of
every 100 who go to tim immarriago regis.
try have to sigh their mmamno with a cross.
1mm lreinmmd 38 mmmcmi and 40 women out of
every 100 imavo to sigmi their mmmc with a
mark , not being able to read or write.
lii 'iow of this fuiet , Amnurica is to be
comratuimmtetl on time trammspiammtimmg of time
cmviltzmmtmoii of Gerummmmmmy to time soil of this
commtmmmemmt. You are to be comigrittulatod
that time eimtemmrisimmg Germmian.Ammmumicamms
of Omummima hui'o orgimmmized themselves into
a aociet' to tmammm4llnmit mmot ommiy time imiure
kiiowiemie of the Gorumman language but
also thmeim' limys.icnl amid immezital culture
lute umim mmmstmtmmtmoim that wiil reflect great
credit throughout the entire state , Iii
this inatitutmomi your immrvose is to commtimiuo
time traiiiimig of time body amid iiiimid1 for a
healthy body can beget healthy ideaa.
Amid inure iii this building which you are
tibotmt to found timid for which tub corner
stomie i being hind you are layiumg a
foundation mmot emily of a structure of
brick anl mortal1 but , also that which
will prove a blessing iiereafter to thou.
aatmds of young mmmcii amid young woimmen
whose oducatiomi will be received mit thiS ,
institution , amid which will bo die of tim
great levers to protect timemmi from time
vccs to which time young are liable to be
led into. It is , erlmaps , mmmoet that thds
school stands in sight of time jimml , for hereon
on , , mme side is the ommd of vice , amid
on the other is Limo sciiool of iearuiimmg that
will be a crowmmhmmg glory of virtue amid
Now Mr. President , iadies and gentle-
muon , I nimnpiy desire to say further that
the citizens of Ommmahia mieed not fear that
in this building there ever will be tatmgiit
a disloyal thought. Time Germans who
have come to tmerica are not Germanms
in Amnerica ; timey are American citizens ,
amid have always been true to time flag.
While they may read and talk in Gormnami
they proposeto be true Amnoricancitizemmo.
In thm buildiimg not only tue Gormamm amid
time semi of a German , but the Americaim
amid. time son of aim Amnericamm ummay , amid
will , undouitedly , attend hi large lmlmmml-
lOrs ) for time purpose of ncjuirimmg a kmmowl.
edgeof a language. timat is greater , with
its 80,000 words , iii contrast whim time
20,000wordo iii English. Ccrtaimily it. is
worthy of being studied rind worthy of
being iiicorporatctl mnomig time chief
bramicimes of Icarimimig timat we have. No
mmmutmi , wommmami or child , iii , mtartimmg omit in
life cxii hut be benefited by a kmiowl-
edge of time Gerimmu iaimguageamid il1 be
able to commmmmmauid better vagcs amid stand
bettor cimamices of gimimmimig us livelihood
timami without it. So we wisim you God-
speeui iii time good work you have begimmi.
\Ve imOlO timuit iii duo timmme time institution
will be enlarged , amid fimmally wiicmi time
work iii tiommo thus 1)0(11)10 Will say to the
ofhicoro WhO ) howe goumo to work amid put
timcmr shOulders to time .wheel , and who
have not only gireim their t'mmmie but their
mneamms , that they are worthy of time respect -
spect of every citizen in the land. [ Loud
applause. ]
Anetimur song by time grand elmorums now
followed , mid time cercmmmony closed with
a immgniticemit ) iece , bytime I'uimisicnl ' 1Jmiion
orchestra , uuJ10 'mVnchit nu ithmimme" amid
' 'Star Spangled Banmier , " which elicited
time utmnost enthiusiasmim , 811(1 was joimied
in by many voices of those whose pat.
rotismmi was wnrmmied to life by these grand
national imyms.
'l'hie oflicors of the association are as
follows :
henry Pundt , presidomit.
limilip Ammdrcs , vmce.presidcmmt.
C. E. Burmimester , rocordimig secretary.
Julius Mayer , fmmmammcial secretary.
A. Dormnanmi , treasurer.
Thu abovil uiamncd gentlenmemi , tigethmer
with Messrs. J. I. Fruhmutuf , .1. 11. F.
Leimmnamm , F. A. S1)etimmmmammmi and Chins.
Kaimfmmmutnn , commiposo time board of
tlimectoi S.
Tim whole programimie was carried out
iii a manlier to reflect the greatest credit
cmi those ivimo arramigetl it ; and vmms
highly gratifyimmg to tIme mnammy persons
jim attemmdaiicc.
The imiumsic by time baud of time Musical
Union Orchestra , was aim especially lucas.
iuig feature of time oceasion.
G. W. Robinson em. time Condition of
time Colored Race , and Limo Objects -
jects of the National
At time close of the state convention of
colored citizens yesterday it was decided
to hold a mass umiecting in tIme A. M. E.
church. Mr GY. . Robinson , of Otoo ,
was thmeprincipal speaker. Ho spoke in
substance ts followfi :
comivontiomm is called for time purpose . of
permanently contributing somthing that
will immiprovo and elevate time condition of
time colored puonlo in the United Statos.
We may duller very much as to time mneamis
to accomnplish time desired end : sonic imon-
estly tliimmk that bookloariming is tue cry-
imig need of time colored people. Witim all
such I differ. Time real commditien of time
colored people to-day is poverty amid dog-
rodation. I believe that time financial
condition of time race is time full source of
their degradation , and what we must get
is money , and we ummust have time best
means afforded any otimer race for acquir.
imig it. At vr030nt we are shut out , by
prejudice , from every avenue cf lucrative
cmnploymcimt , aiid. mm mimatter wimat our lit-
crary attaiminmemits arc , we are comupehled
to be only heavers of wood , amid drawers
of water , to bo barbers , waiters. conch-
mmmcm ) , and time like.
We have already mutiny able lawyers ,
doctors , ministers and editors , yet we
immust confess iii poiimt of success , our
lawyers amid doctors am-u still greater fail-
urea Limit our niinistors.hitc peolho
'vilI imot 1atroumizo timonm for fear of prejudicing -
judicing timoir cause , and colored 1)eoPhe
are too poor to give timeni a paying sup-
port. They arethoroforo educated idlers ,
ruatmmig out instead of polishing by prac-
Lice amid experience. The want of immoimey
ma time root of all evil , among our 1)001)10 ,
amid we must provide sonic immeaums b
which timey can make more mmioney.
ask how caim thm be done ? Not in higii
schools amid colleges ; such is not our utmost
mmmimimediate necessity ; they are not our
vrooamimg wants. We imiust becoimme
mnocirnmmmcs. We umiust build our own
houses as wail as live in them.Vo immust
learn to make l'mmme furniture , as well as
use it.
We must build amid ( Inve locoimmotivos ,
as well as beimmg hauled by thmenm. We
must build bridges as well as cross over
on theimi. We immust immake reapers , amid
armcumlttiral ) immmplenmemmts , wagons timid
plows.Yo mimunt lead in invention , as
well as follow up and use what otimers
have ummvonteI. We ummust weave as well
as raise aimd Ilick cotton. If we woimld be
respected we mmmunt umiito our eaorts with
time immechammics of our country. We intuit
be felt through time cardinal wards of the
coummtry. We imiust give proof of our go-
illume and skill imi tim imumehmammical world.
If we have oppcrtunities we can do this ,
We have already not emily demnommatrated
that the race is capable of a rapid intellectual -
lectual culture , but also in many cases ,
that they are a imopie of immvcmitivo go.
mills , amiti woumderful of immiltatmon
amid immdimstry , that mmiakoa a favorable
showumig for time nice.
have we a field open to , amid imivitimig
us to thus immmprovo ourselves amid time
race ? 1 answer , mU ) , We mire met by
immoro rojmmd'mce amid opositiomm commmummg
front mmmocimammics , thmamm front cOmimimmercial
timid imrofessiomtiml mmmcii. You cami easier
got your ooiis iii tutu coumitimig 11)01mm , thu
hawyer's amid tioctor's otlico , tlmmumm you citmi
get titemim in time mumechanical 51101)5 to learn
trades. Thu mnecimammics wotmlti starve mmmi
out of the the coummtry if they could.
Now I propose a reimuedy for n1 tub do.
feat jim our race , I PrPOb0 to 5Uply
somno of thmo dummmumimtL wimichm will evomitu.
ally i'llbct time removal of very much of
the gallimmg amid stummmiimmg mrojtmtlico agaimmat
tine race , auth proscr us financially amid
socially amid mmmaku us miioro respected ,
imiore useful amid happier muon timid women.
I Pml)050 , by comitmibutiomi , by joint
ateck , obtaimmed by time ofibrta of
our friends to buy , in somimo imivitiumg
NFEIi Nm lnMoNsrmtA' oN , ANt ) tin wmmo ny
gxi'r.muigycr : MNmwn Till : VA1.UC OF TAR-
NEEDTh 111 Told' ' Til/uT liii 11AM IT WIThIN
mini i'owum o VAmu ) oir rmvr.'ui. lmIIlmU
ATTACgN. hmiAmmcmmn.q : , in At.t 'riD : mm.t.s
Oil 1UW11.S. ) A TIAon'o'NFIfl. ; mN A ( ii.ASS O
ANI Nt ) vioi : MAN WIi.Ia fl WITIIOTJT IT.
state in time west it few hundred acres of
hand , xml incato a imieciuumic.'tl nut ! in-
dimotrial institute , and build a suitabie
imouse to accommimodato three or four hunt.
dred apprentices anI stmidemmts , in which
they may be taught mnocinammical arts as
well as a rudimnemitary education , Wimemi
colored 1)03's may be taught by time very
best mechanical skill that con ho cmii-
pioyod , to use their hammds as vehi as
their heads , Whmero they can be put in
possession of tIme nmeans of getting a
butter living Linen timoy are at prescmmt
able to get with time presoimt mmieamms iii
their poiver. By a proper imandling of
tine 3'otmg mmmcii arid. boys , I mope imm time
mmear future they will bemmiercimant princes ,
skillful nianagers timid stockholders iii the
mutiny coxporated ptvcrs that now rule tIme
world.'iien thins is time c.tso , you vilt
bo respected ammti courted iii conmimmiomi
with all other races iii time civilized
world , aitti you will look back to your
ciriditioml , as you mmow look hack to yfl (
comulitioim thirty years ago , whom you
Were demiicd ly the law , by tIme press , by
time clergy every might belommimng to liii-
mmmnmmity ; wimen you wore denied citizemm.
ship , ( lcmtiel every civil ammil political
right belommgimmg to 's mmlcricamm citizcmmshmip ,
1111(1 owimeci amid drivemm like cattle amid
mummIes. Seem frommi this comutrast yotmr
lr050imt advamice is but time bcgiumuiumg , tine
Iirst corruscatiomi of tine ( lay that shall
shumme withi uiimdlotile(1 ( splendor tmloui this
omice despised rare , ormmamneritimig amid
gracimig time imiginest circles of civilizcI
society all over tIme civilized world.
Yeh1 itewardeil.
A liberal reward vihl be paid to any party
iviio will produce us case of lAyer , Xidmmey or
Stomach complaint that Electric Ilittems will
not pcethily cure. hiring timemmm nlommg , it will
cost you mtothuin ) for time mmmedicine if it fails to
ctmre amid you wmll be svell rewarded for your
trouhlo besklcs. Au lilotuti diseases , lillhnms.
11(358 , .lauumdice , Constiintbom amid general ( jell-
ihity arc quickly cured. : uutisaet.iomi gauranteed
or immommey refummmdeul. l'ricu unuly fifty cemits per
bottle. For sale by C. F. 000mMAN.
Iteal Estate Tranisfers.
Time followimmg deeds ivere filled for rec-
cord iii time cotmmity clerl"i ofilce August 1
reported for Tim ilium by Ammues' real
estate agency :
S. A. Lemnimmg to D. L. Tinommmas , w
lot 18 , ilock 11 Ilammacoumi place-325.
A. Koumitzti amll uvife to A.V. . hoist ,
w d , lot 3 , block 1 iii Koummtze 4th add
A. Ithmoiles to F. W.Vessels , q c d ,
lot 1 , block t)3-635. )
D. N. Miller , sherifF , to F. W.Vessels ,
( Iced , lot 1 , block 93-$1,185.
P. Elsasser amid wife to J. CL Taylor ,
'V d , part lot 5 , block 2 , Koumttze 4th
\v. 0. Scimmiver to II. L. Brown , iv
lot 18 block 459 Gmimmu'lview-lOO. '
Enterprising local agents wanted in this
town for an article that is sure to soil.
Live druggists amid grocers preferred.
Address HumistomiFood Preservative Co. ,
72 Kilby street , Boston. mmm&e&whmn
An Eloquent Orator.
Rev. H. Cainmor , S. J. , of St. Louis ,
Mo. , time OIOjUeflt Jesuit who lectured in
tue cathedral of St. Pimilommiona and the
church of the Holy Family , early last
spring , and with so mmiuch satisfaction to
both of his audicuices , 1mm again been iii-
duced to appear before an Omaima audi.
once. He will deliver onto of his best
lectures-that omm ' 'Gaiileo"-in time hall
of Creighton college emu mmoxt Sunday
evening. The tickets will sell at fifty
cents. The proceeds ivill be applied to
time erection of tine church of time 11oiy
lion. 0. II. Van \Vyck is a guest at the
l'axton ,
W _ L. Van Aistino , Limmcoin ; 11. S. Beck ,
l'iorco ; L. J. Loomis , Osceolum ; B. B. hood-
hey , Brownsville ; I. McIntyre , Seward , amid
H. Munselman , li'airmnount , are among time
late arrivals at the Paxton ,
Mrs Stergor with Misses M. Cregar and
Ada Gibbons are mitopphmg at the Paxtomm.
At the Millard are : Charles S. LucasCen-
tral City ; J. B. Lagear , Central City ; 0.V. .
McMaimow , Plaimi Creek ; Ira Michols , Nprthm
Platte ; A. S. Lnfumrro , Bonutric ; lr. IL S
Simmunmer , anti Eugoumo Monro , West I'olnt ; L.
H. Nelson , S. Omo mmd M. Ballard , Blair ;
L. Vammulerimoof , Beatrice ; M. It. , Touos , Platte-
mouth ; James Watmioum , Chester ; Miss Ada
Button , Roatmmor ; George L. Beccimer and .T.S.
Iteeder Columbtmuu , ammdtismi L. E , Rolmimmsomm ,
Oleamu , V.
Mrs. F. M. Gleason , England , is at time
For building immaterial go to G. L.
Bradley , cot. l3tim amid California.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ junl-tf
PEYOKE-In timlu , city , August 2d , at 2:30 :
p. mum. , Ednmmmmmd , son of Mr. amid Mrs. Ed.
umumid l'iycke , age .f months.
Funmeral , August 3rd , at 3 p. in. ,
from the residenmca on 23rd street , between
Farnamn and Douglas streets.
Per You ,
Madam ,
Whoso Complexion bofrays
some Ilunlilfatlug Iiiijorfoe-
tion , whose mirror tells you
that 3'ou 8IO TflUllCd , Sallow
anti disfigured , In couuth'
11111CC , or Ilavo Eruptions ,
Redness , Roughiziess or un-
WhOleSOlllO tints 01' Coniplox-
iou we say use Jiagan's ) Iag-
It ; Is a ( lolleato , harmless
anti ( lelIghItlill article , pro-
(1uchllg the 1)IOSt ) natural and
OIltl'flllCillg tints , the iirUflel"
ah1t 01' ivhlcht 110 observer
Chill tioleet , 1111(1 whIch 80011
becomes ierIilancnt If the
Mfll10lIlLJJtl1hl1 iS JUdICIOUSlY
- - - -
- . . - -
iioii . 1
for Infants and Children.
Cn.qtnriaproniotri. DlestIon
and overcuimmemi Flatulumicy , t.nstipa.
tion , Sour Stonmacim , Diarrhcaa , and
Feverishness. It insures inoalth and
natural sleep , 'ivitimout morphine.
'I Casterla Is so well adapted to Children that
I recomnmendltnssupcrlortonnyproscmlpUon
known n.e mc , " 'I ! . A. Akcuzu , M. D. ,
.Potianul Arc. , BrhkIyn , N. V.
What gives our Chlhlren rosy check. ,
What cures their fevers , makes thor * sleep
'Tin Castorla. .
When babies fret antI cry by turns ,
What cures their coUc , kills their worms ,
lint CastorI.
What qulcidy euro , Constipation ,
Sour Bcomaeh , Colds , Indigestion ,
nut Cftstort , .
Farewell then to Morphine Syrupn ,
Castor Oil anti 1aregorIc , and IfaIICssatortaI
CNTAUflLlNIMENT-an absolute cure for Rhmouma.
tini , Sprains , Buirmu , Galls , &c. Thie most Powerful and Fono.
trntlng rttimt-reltoving mmml Ilenling flehmmcIy kno'cvn to man ,
. . . -
srmrspcctals will Positively not be inserted
unless raId In advanco.
' 10 LOAN-Money.
" \ TO IOAN-The Omaha Saing Buik Is
Jfl"\ Iroicreti to niako ioamms On ( ) mtiahtru etty or
Iouglas ) courit real estate at current ratoof loturost.
No commisomoim cliargeti. _ _ _ _
.t ( INflY TO IOAN-1ho lowest ratus of Out.rcst
L mmcmiii , ' t.catmAgencylOth&Iouglas. zmtt.t
' ( iNKY TO LOAN-Call atlaw otflco ut , 0. L.
iy Thomis. root , , s. cmlnittomm hmoclr. :
It ' LQANiI-On Chattel mortgage , roomim
. [ 10N' yatloujal hank iimtlidlmiz. 154.
't oNE's' TO LOAN-J. ' 1' . mmcatty Io.ucu on chattel
i muromerty , cia South mai' st.
' - lint-class barber at 315 4. 10th St.
ANTEI-A cook , utah or womnarm , iFm'.cIlie
% lIoube , 'ronutmu St. 810.3'
IXTANTID-000k and ianmidrcss 13. IV. cor. Ilarnoy
, , 101(1 lath streets. Only those of expcrlonco need
appiy.Viigcs $4.0) per veck. S343
'VANTEI-An , excrleurccuI grocery clerk. Ati.
tIres "Grocer , " ilee chico. Must COIlIC , vcil mc-
comuntemuled. 833 tf
t 47AN1 mi1.tjOk. : . ( toid urteu. iOi& ltartiuy
u s bircet.
'yANrFD-A : young gIrl to taio care of chIldren ,
, 2m2 miarimey st uct.
- ' ) - ( cook to go to C'oluiubus , Nob.
1 ( trantl I'aeillc ilotol. l'cnaale lireferred. Imp.
ply to II. hannsciIer 11th , trcet , near F'urimaiu ,
s-3.4. :
- ' 7ANTED-A'mnan ot ahiwork at toy borne. Must
bu a good driser anti ! muilker. A. J . m'OI'PI.ETON.
- ' TANTED-A gael woman cook and a good
V waiter at ill North miLk st. Coot ! % cagos.
) - ( at No. 1080 Siicrnian avenue.
1\TANTmI-tirm linus. S. M COUNSMAN.
\7ANTEfl-AglrIto cook ; also girl to rash and
V Iromi to Irirato family to go to irtkot.a ; nages
$2t and 2O rer tnomtit ; fare laId. ApplY Lt.ton .z
UuIIgiuer , 70.5 10th htri.ct. bOS.3
17AN1EI-A flrst.c1as carrIage blacknniith ; also
V Y a hior.oshioer triid woodworxcr. Addrcs , Lock
Box 175 , Crouton , Iowa.
L ADIESOIIYOUNG MflN In city or coontry , to
take nice , light trial IIeant work at their osci ,
homes ; t2 to O5 a day ca1y amid , uletIy muade ; work
sent by mtia 1 ; no catmvas.irtg ; no stamp for
l'lcaac address Reliable Manufarturimig Company. 1a. .
drawer 'l'f. 800.tu.thi-sat-AuSt
7Ai'TEh-Two expert , mtilhhgirs at the l'arisiarm
V V ilmimitucry , i6th , treet , near Davemijort. 811.2
A7ith"1ED-Two mcmi of good atklres , and iiIIIng
V 5' to work , to ccii gisdmi. Steady cmnjioymnent.
Call 421 south 10th ttrevt. 707-21
7ANTED-Lau1y agents for tise 'Queen l'nutect.
V V or.A now under garment for ladles. made of
soft , flexible rubber. Sure protectloim to the umuier.
near , uhen necessary to be worn. Retail , for $ LW
52 fast as agent , can show It. Large protits. Address
with utainp , "Ladies' Uundergarmnciit Manufacturing
Co. . No. 9 5. May street , Chicago , III. 790-3m
A (1PITII1O WAITIIIPT1 'the quickest selling and
L1uD1 I I ) hi flih lUll. best paying article over
handled. Scud for circular. anw this aper.
FItAILEY &OIiSON , 101 and 103 FranklIn street ,
Chicago , III. 795-4
\ 7AN FED-A first classcmgar salcatnan on conmiuls-
V muon for th&Westeru States , only parties well
recommended ith a kmiomiodge of trade may address
Marion W. ltudtl 04 Warren St. , New Yorkcity.
1TANTED-FIXst-eIas , io'tiam' cook at the Oxuit
y V Iiousenear government corral. 543-U
1TANTEb-A good feeder for double cylInder
V Y Press. at once , at this 0111cc.
TAN'1ED-Threo or four good gahmiters , steady
T V work , Inquire at Central City hlouoe , Central
City. Nob. 703.7'
T ANTHI-F.ngagcmuent as gardner or coachmnan
, by a nian used to work hi private families.
C. ' flee office. 82d.3'
W ANTED-By a young mean from the east , situation -
tion as stenographer ; siii furnlh type-writer.
Addrenn A. U. , 1511 Leavenworth St. , Onialis , Nob.
U ? ANTED-Situation as clerk In a dry goods or
V V grocery store ; good reference can he given.
Ten da notice aanted. Addrus
813-31 Ommu.hs , 'eb
7ANTEI-Situstlou as gardener or coachman.
hiebt of references given. Addreu 'J. It. Q. "
Booomi1ci. 701.2 ;
7ANTmD-20 lady liurehabern for No. 10 Wheeler
V V & S'iison sexing mnaeltlnen. Can pay In work
sad have tusdy employment. 824:3' :
IXT/NTED-8 or 10 big , taught hornemi or mnaros for
, ! farm uc. Ioimt care If a llttic sore. Call at
lloyd's 1mucklng house , morning of August 3 , at Ii ) a.
nfl. 1820-St itUSSlLL.
A N itOflcbt , energetlo man with somtio mnesis eon
find a good oieslmug far the butter amid v'g
buslmicmis 1mm omw o the best towns In Nebraska. Address -
dress L Y. 7. . , Ike entire. 7903 ,
FOR RENT--liouBea aid Lots ,
Foil JIENT-Nlceiy furnimilted roams , with or with.
out board. Day boarders wanted. 709 18th St.
FOlt ItENT-A neatly furnished room In a quiet
neighborhood. inquire at ems nortk moth street.
I OR ItENT-Nim , large furnIshed south front
room , 1904 Farnam street. 823.8
FOIL IIENT-Furnishod rooms for gentlemen , at
No. III not-tim 13th street , near Millard Hotel.
Foit ItENT-Homo , S macme , mOth and laveumport.
Inquire of J. l'hiup 11ev , 5th and Spruce ,
} 1I ItENT-Furialahed recoin , 1810 Dodge.
FOIL IISNT-3-rooni cottage. niew ; Sossard street ,
betiseen Carnpbeu and Irene , Shine's addItion.
Felt htF.NT-Furnlshud rooms , with or without
board , itt 1717 Cass St. bet. 17th mmcd 18th.
Foil htgN'f-A furnished rooni. Inquire at N. l- .
corner IIthm amidjacksomm.
'Oit IIENT-Itceldences suit storobuildinga nii : , .
FORt ) & SOUlit : , heal 1-state Agency. Oltie
cast side 14th street , between Ysrmiatu anti 1)ougla.n
streets. 792-tf
Pci-it ltl-NT-J'lvasamttiy futmulemicd reouts 105 iwrii
18th street. 778-08
IIt ; 1tgT-A 7 risen house ; mmow , go.sI location ,
l.eavenwortlm and South Me. iimquIce mile
L well furnIshed , multi , good library ,
for sale ciiaam' . JOHN L. M00ItE ,
008-Inn' Crete , Nub.
T"Oim llEis'T-Dcslrable cottage , $20 pus- month ,
.1. 22i0Caiiformmlastreet. 436-ti
IIKNT-Nsw roounafurud.hed or unfurnhshed ,
with board. 1tcferemicvs tiuInd. 1010 Davon-
liort. 456-tf
T'olt IIENT-Five room oottago siithgooiI barn.
_ I _ All In excellent condition and seU located.
163-tf ( I. F. DRI800LL
roll SALL
I'10lI sALr.-lllack mare , 14 I'S liamiul , high , . ( bed
blood , sound and kInd , lightly mullt , to role or
tirlec. pp1y Ietmsccmm 2 and U I' ' . in. at stable cor.
11th tid tdilcngo. tnm-i ¶
L 011. s.tLm-lmarbcr : hioi outfit , For partIcular'
ccii cmi or ntldre , R. .STEIItS ;
830-S Dutmtlap , Ito-a.
FoIm SALC-Ncxiy tiow side-liar , leather top
buggy , at No. 2510 St. Mary's aentmo. 832-St
' 81101' for sale In Genoa , Nisnee county ,
Nob. ; good utiunulommly : she1 , lii towim ; reasons for
selling , sick. Imidlarm school start lug tim , antI a new
rahiroatl starting In iitisiume'mi. Will miell reasonable
for cash. Address l-1ASI { It. WOOIuWAIII ) ,
802.7 ulettox , Nanco couttty , Nob.
FoIl SAIP---.Furnlturo for light lioumokeodng. ;
Enpmire second door est of Creightomi ifotol ,
Capitol avenue. 512.71
Foit SAI.E-Chcap-Vhsetun , nearly mmcmv , No. 445
23d St , bot. llarnoy atud St. Naryi , nyu. SiB-It
; -uoit SAI.n-A nice bed room set. Call at Coo.
lleliurod'm , lathOt. 810.2
I It li Mutton anti Stock Sheep , eoes anti
I U5 I ) , etluers , for sale in numborstomiultpur.
cliamiers. Call on or nddrcs J , ( I. Armuatrong , room
No. 9 , Fremmzer lllock. 780.2'
I 'o SALI-A : smitall hotiso on Icaseil ground. Call.
formila street , opoolte Crelghton Coilege. 77u-9t
I' ° n SAf.m-A latge vo..0cu btmiidltmg forsahc In-
ilulrc of Little & Williams , 1413 1)ouglas street.
SImLl-Two hianduomne lotmi , l'mrlc are. cast
front , ti50each.
Forty acres with imnpro'cmncnts , near city. Easy
terems. 8-mcoo.
Forty acres. 4.xniIefromn town , 82,500.
770-3 SlmItlvtmt4 : UELL.
° a SAI.E-itesldence amt,1 buimict mruuctty mm
all Imrts of Omaha , amid Farmu l.auids in all 1urta
of the 4tate. IICUFOIII ) & StUElt ) ,
70t-t : f 21 8 S. 1 4th St. bet. Farmians tutu I ) ouigian _
"Oit S.tLE-20 ijcatiftii hots hear mitt-cot car.
I Ciunie before they are all sold5100 to 8800.
_ ? .z ! i'ics : , o.p. 1' . 0.
i'oit _ sALr-A good 5 year old horse for sale at
:1 20i5 Burt St. 7453'
Omt SALE-A well establlhcd 1vaou amid Carriage -
riago Slioi , located in one of the best towns In
southeastern Nebraska. Address "A.'care of
OmahaNchi. 754.13'
ark Avenue lots $000 cxcii.
P capitol Avenue lots , $1,000 each.
Chicago street lot , 86)0.
Centre Strett lots , $525 each.
McOAOU17 ,
725-tf Opposite I'ostoillco.
? Om SALE-200 head -earlimig helfers , $17.50.
I 200 bead 2 and three year old hulfer , $24.00.
400 Calves. All above are Iowa cattle.
STmIANUE 11110'S ,
Cattie Contractors , hide , \Vool amid Tallow Ocelot-a ,
Sioux City , Iowa. 032im
I0It SALE 011 EXCIIANOE-Fttll lot and thro.
.1 tweliingn corner of 11th amid I'aclflo streets.
Nine lots lii south Omaha. Also 160 acres of latiut
near Santon , Nebraska , and building amid stock of
cloUiiug No. 804 Tenth street. Will exchang , for
Nebraska farm lands. Further particular , at Coo.
31. I'oteruiou's Clothing Store , 804 Tenth street.
ioa SALE clIEAI'-nuggy , neariynew. Just the
.1 thIng for a faintly of ( our or flvo. Call lIlde store
2O4 N. luith street. 723-4'
F ° n SALE-Property ' . 11. conmcr 15th amid Capi.
tel avenue , Imiquire on itrenilses. 500-im
F Olt SALE-A good set of heavy wagon ) iarne
and two splendid horses-will drive double or sin-
gb. Call at Norton's grocery store , 10th amid Daiwa.
POrt. 454-ti
-TJ'0a SALE-Old newspapers mu large and email
_ I _ quantities at this 015cc. ti
Foit SALE-A Sm-st class second hand top buggy.
Cami at 1319 llarmioy street. ZO7tf
I-I0TEL FOlk SALE-Nearest to the 11. 1' . IJepot ,
Columbus , Nebraska. Ecciiemit butmieos ,
Good bargahi to right man. iteasoim for selling , fail.
lngnl health , orl will sell the ftmrniture anus rent the
bimuding. Addreos , S. J. ilarmnoy , Cuumubus , Neb
I youwant a piio foundation to your building so.
w. lloyd , Caimlield house. 004-im
AKEN UP-A 3 year old black mare , about 0 (
T poundsselght. C. A. Jemaenoui SlIlltaryltoed ,
4 miles from town. Son-St lost
/fltS. I.IVENOSKEY , Reliable Clairvoyant and
11 Trance Medium , Is i'emiarietitly located at memO
ChIcago street. l'rivate slttlngn daily. 780-81
' ' STOLEN-A smulall roan cow , short
S' horns end hlte spot on breast. A rowarti will be
jiald for Information or her return to T. .1. 1"ltz.
niorriui , 642. 8 Scienteemith Street.
1 UXiDZA book comitommulog Ianish letters , some
L _ pliotograhi , and other lxprs. Owner can hay.
Sante by calming tthhs 0111cc t.tid paying charge , ,
I F-ou sammt Piles droomi for oily lturm.oo mice
floyd , Canilcid house.
S , DAVIS , member 'i'ririity College , England ,
glves Mimsicand hinging Loosens. Address 805-
South Tenth Street. 663-mm
T AKEN U1-July 20th , a bay horse. Owner can
gut information by calling at this chico
040-St 1 each w
F llSl'ENHAIIY-Tlio frco uhimijiemutary .n con
riectlojm with the C1ilhtl' hiDeltitam and home has
I lit-cim located omm tha cornier of 10th antI Douglasiutreet.
timitil tIti. new building is finIshed. Attemidancu sill
tilsoit ; every niornlmig ( Summdfty excepted ) from 1G F' 's
I , ) m m for time treatment of the tieetly , sick and
smimlutfimit. 373-tf
ALlOT 405 Tenth street , between Fartiam and liar.
ney , s4ll , with the alt ! of guardIan spirits. obtain for
any one a giance of the past and present , anti on
certain conditIons In the future. fleets and Shoci
i2"to order l'et-foct , uatlefat-tlon tt-it&rartecl
his-er ) ' Corset Is wnxrantod satla-
iaotory to its wearer in every way ,
or the money wilt be m-edumitled by
the person from -whom it wee bought-
' 1-h. only Corset pronounced by our luadlag physician )
Sot mujurmous to the wearer , sndendorud u 1.41. ' 55
the st . .ad perfosi 0ttLii UOT5O 5Y55
PUICERby Mall. I'.ts& . I'145
J.Ia1th Prt..rylog , Si.5O. Ncmr.AduasU.z. s1.&G
b4..1.sai ( extra besyr ) 55.00. Nurslig , 51.55
ILc&1tk 1'strylng ( San e.uUi ) 55.00. l'aainS
Ikizt-miup.ortt.E. 51.50.
V. , sale 1.3' lesdIag I Deals's oviry
IM.WLUO COlAfT , j tihl6LLO , iL
- ' -