iITi- ' - Y'I TilE DAtL BEE--FRIUAI -r AUTU,1 ) , [ b. - - - - - - - - : iI--- PALACE MUSICHALL Thu nini MosL 1e1iAbIo house for ) , . : Eiio ! , Toys all Falloy Gees F IN TIlE \VEST. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ' Icber , Lindefflan , and llardan Pianos , llestern , [ astern , Calthge , Durdelle Oigas1 FOIt CASh OTt ON TIM1 PAYMENTS. a1VE 13I. . I F . COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - 1OWA COUNCIL 33LUFFS 1AILROAD TIME TAflLE. 'rho toIIos1ng are thethioof trka anti dcptirttio of trn from thu local ( k1ots. 11tt tnIn trL troiii ho Union 1acIf1o depot Rbout ten inituitci eailer th&n bClW ( tateJ1 atid arrive at the depot ftlOtt ten tntnutei kiter. FTran4 on ) Iltic' ; arni II. C. run on Chicago time , * hti hour fatcr ttit lca1.Vabali trains run on botil. , inc , twenty initiutci tater thoi local. U. I' . anit Lincoln train run UTI Couiicll Bluffs time. CIIICACO , flOCK h1tAD AXE ) ACIrIC. 1)epart. Arrhe. At1nth txi : . . t:3O : p. to. l'acflc Ex..0:4 . : ° in Fx : Rn1 MiII. . .DtO. . : in. Ix ftnil tai . p.m. fltei .ioIueia. ' . . .15ti. in. Ie MoIne' no . .04.3 p. In. ChICAnO , LtRUOtOX ? AD itlcV. 1)cIrt. ) Arie. . 'idcago 1 . . . b:3.p.tn. : ConnaU IitiiT e . . . . .9.4 EaU and i : . . . .O4S In MitI nn4 Ex . .7:00 : p. iii. ( ; IIICAU Miti 'OlTIIP.I1IRX. 1)ep.trt. ) Arrie. Atlantic : . . . .t:1& : p. m. I'aclflc I.t . . . .Dt ; i. in. .Matl anti . .9:20 : a. In. MaU atid fl' . .O:5 : p. in. Aeconi ( itit.b:50 : p. in. Aeeoin ( Mon.4 ) p. in. IIAXMIJ4 CITY , K ? . JOi At ) VOUCIt. ILUVV. 1)cpiirt. Arrive. .3taIl antI Ex..9:5 : . m. Iprce . . . . . . . . . .5 p. in. .4 . , . . . . . . . . : p. in. Mall and E. . .6:15 : p. in. uowe rACIEIC. Peprt. Auive. Ovcr1and Ex. . . .I1:30a.m. : Overftndx . . . 4:00 : p. in. Lincoln t : : . . . . . 11o : : . in. 1)ener Ex. . . .8:00 : a. in. Denver I . . . . . .7:00 : p. in. Local . . . . . . : a. in. : tocI Ex..7:25 a. in. ) : , : . . . . . .9O : i. in. Rmlgrimt..i ) p. in. " } : . . . . . .0:00 : ii. In. WAIWIII , liT. ! LI AD PACIEIC. 1)cpnrt. Arrive. tfatI ftInIEA..9:4 : a. in. Mall iiiiil E . . . . . .O p. To. tnnon Hall. . . .4Op. : in. Cannon HaII..11:05 : ii , in. MIOVX CIYT ANT ) I'ACWIC. Depart. Arrive For Sioux City.7 : & a. in. Fern Sioux CLtyO:50 : p.m. ForF.rtNiobrar Frni I'ort Niobrara Neb'.7:55i. : in , Neb. . . . . . . . 'OOp.m. : ! For St. I'attl. . . .7:40 : p. In. Frini St. IaU1 . .SO : a. in. CIIICAOO , MILWAUKEfl AND MT. PAUL. YA3ayci Omaha. Arilves at Omaha. .MalIand Ex. . . . 7:45 : a. in. PadlicEx. . . . 0:45 : a. in. AtanUo E. . . . 3:40 : 1) . in. Mail and Ex. . 7:2 : p. en. AU trains daily. CTIICAGO , ) ILWAUKIN ATO Tm ? . PAUL. ' 1.oa eM Couiicti flItIII. Arive Council HiutT. hail and 1x . . . . 9 : ) a. m. Mali and Ex . . O:5 : p. in. AtintIo Ex. . . . II5 : ii. in. Atlantic Ex. .19:10 : a. en. COUtCit. IILUPF AMD OMAhA NTRUT ? IeAILWAT. Leave Council IIiutT. Leave Omaha. Sa.m.Oa.nilOa.m. ha , ISa.m.17a.nI. 10a.m. Ii en. 1 p. ui. 2 p. m. 3 I1.ni.4 a. iii. i en. 2p. en. 3 p. en. it en. t. P. tfl. C p. en. I 4 p. en. 5 p. en. 0 P. ifl. Street ca run half hourly to the Union i'acitio depet. On Sunday the cars begin their tripe at 0 .o'cloclc a. en. , and run regularly during the day at 0 , ii , 2 , 4 , 5 , and 6 o' clock , and run to city time. " \ gjw' \ V Ii.E ACKNOWLEDGED TO fl } TIlE BEST BY ALL who ILYE PUT ThEM TO A PRACTICAL , TEST. ADAPTED TO Hard and Soft Coal , COKk OR WOOD. . / ' UANLrACriflha aC 1i . . . . : BUCK STOVE CO. , SAINT LOUIS. ; Pierci & , Bradford. tCL } AOENQT FOR OMAIL % H. H. MARHOFF 1 . . . . . - I' . _ . (1 . . i . f - r ; - . . - . - - ' r - r 1 . . . . . , : ,4P.p ; , V. . p MANUFACTURER. WHOLESALE & RETAIL. ; Milard Hott Block , OMAHA. . - _ W.B. GRING 0 . . , Auctln ad CossIo Meichant , 0 . ' - . . LL ATKND TO SALF. IN ANY I'AItT OF OltCOUNTltY. 14Q9 Doug1a Street. JAS. H. PEABODY 1. . . PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , , Itcaidence , No. 1407 J0ne14 St. OiI ! , , No. 1W ? Far. clam atreet. 0111cc hours , 12 en. to I P. 0' . , and 3 . in. to 5 p. en. Telephone for ollice , 97. Itclienco , OHC.JAC . . Formerly CIIi & Jacobfi UNDERTAKER. I Have Found It ! WWathoexcIamatlOn of a man when ho got a beef of Eureka l'iiu Ointment , % hlcli hi a .1101)10 and auro cure for i'ile 011(1 tIll 81(10 lheasu. ) } ifty cents by mail , postlatd. Tiw , lnierican Diarr/iwa Cure , iIa stood the to.t for twenty yuar . Sure euro for all. Never } 'il. Diarrliaea , IJyeiitnry , and Cholo. ra MorbUi. ' Toiiic & Corthal. Ballc's Fccr all AII . It 1. ImjoI3iblc to .upply the rapid isle of the , ame. HUIIR CUIIH WAIUtANTEI ) For Fever and Ague , and all Malarial troubie. 1rncR , ii.00. W.J.WHITEHOUSE \ j , . . LAIiOItATOItY , 16Th ST. , OUAIIAt NgU. For Sale y a/I / Druggists' Op.cnt by Ezproea on reoelptof price. m&eO : E3xJEtBcr.JaxJ.I'P&rta : : of th . human bodY enlarged , deyclopod and .trengthenod , etc. , 1 $ antlhiterolng advertlement ionic run In oul ncr. In reily to Inquiries u II1 .ay that there ji 110 CYldenee .1 Inunbug bout tliJL On the contrary the idvrtiheii Mo YT3' highly indoned. inteteteJ rwnI in1 get oe1od circuls.m giving all psrticWar r McdbJ Erie L. v wmic Bno..t = j . , i Ui1147l Nstro Corol c-Morks IRON ANL SLATI ROOFINO. C. SPECHT , PROP. liii Douli St. . . Ouialia , Neb. 1ANUFACTUItEIt OF Calvanizeaon Cornices ] trlrnicrVlntioina ) , liniah' , Tin. Iron and Slate ltooling , Spcclit i patent Metaillo Skylight , i'atent atIju4trII Itateliet flar aiiti llracket ShclIiig. I am the general ateiit for the ahove line of goO1l. Iron l'enciiig. Crcstlng , IiaItitradc , % 'erancla , Iroii hank IiailiIlg ! , Viiiiiuw liiind , Cellar ( Iuaril aIo general agent for i'ecr.oii & 11111 liatCilt inside Blind. UNFORTUNATE ! cELt r i r3 ONE OF TIlE WORST DISEASES ' OFfl'IIE IhiPSF.NT TIME. Hundreds Are Suffering WiTh IT WUKR TIIWP CA ii1 ELIVED .T O'TCE. I will guarantee to cure tue Worst Case of Catarrh ! IN TIII11E MONTlIS Or Rofuu. the Money Tiii mcdlclno k good for only the one db.eae. By sendiiigme $2.00 I will bond the iiiodlliiu Irepaid by express or itiall. 110 NOT SUFFER ANY LONBR WhEN YOU CAN B } Cured for so Small a Sum. S. F. SEWEIL , Care of Box 409. Omaha , Nob. NEBRASKA LIlY/I AGENCY. 0. F. DAVIS & 00. , ( SUCCFSSORS TO DAVIS & SNYDER. ) flineral Dealer. in REAL STATE 1505 FAIINAM'ST , . OMAHA. have for oalo 200,000 acroa carefully ioloctod lands in Eastern Nebraska , at low price and .n oay torni.t Improved farinifor aio In Douglas. Dodge , Coifax , llatto , Burt , Cumlng , Sarpy , Washiuton , Meriok , Saunders , and Butler Couiitio. Tnxra jald in all parts of the State. Money h.nnod on improved farms. i.- Notary Public Always In chico. Correspondence a E. B. FELLOWS , UPHOLSTERER AND MATTRESS MANUPAOTURER , All kinds of Upholstering done to order on short noticei. Furniture . repaired. Chairs rescated , etc. No. ' lth street PILAC BILLIARD HALL , 1204 Parnam Street. Pa IL Mocuiro , Propiioto JAMES C. BRYAN , Manager. SEVEN NEW TABLES. 'rho haiidoinest Billiard hall in Omaha. 'rhO fines % Vlnes , LiquorT and Cigars are providoci for vatrona. IvI7.hy.44 ALMA E. KEITH , DEALER IN Fine Millinery. JIAhIt GOODS , VAVE8 , BANGS , ETC. SIOCI ( Entirely . Fresh and Now. . - ! 95.1fitIt Street Opp. l'ostofflco. JI PUWEBER&CO 8O 3 , 1O1t St. , Omaha. Make Braces for the Correction ol Physical Deformities. hip ani SPinal Ilbcases , Club Feet1 Stiff Knees , flow I.egs , ICniock.kiiees , etc. Trusses of tito Best Make kept Oil Hand Trusses repairel. Crutches iiiado to ( riler , 4inalI jobs of all klruI done In stecllron atiti wool IOlrltIg of all kInils tIoiu cheap , ilult am vroTiiltl. , . P. WEBER & CO. , 803 S. lOUi St. , Omaha. jyiD.o Ito J. B. SMITH , Expert Book-Keepei . A Practical Book keeper over thirty years. Wil attend to Examining , Opening and Closing I3oo1s I BusIness men can have their book , ¼ ept posted u nIcely at small oxienso. Will write up us enisga an return bOOks In morning hen required. Olvet in I structioni ant MnWie , sItuations. All work con denUaL oiiicx , ii DOUGLAS 8TRIflff OIIAIIA. TILL TO'fl1t oI LONION. 1(8 1XC0ptlliftI l'lnco Atiuieig tht Urcat EthtIlce oftlte World. london Times. rAIIlOn is untowly wnkouiing tO C0 it hI iiot. OlI13 thu bigtest and tluo rtcluest. city in ( ho vor1d hilt ill IliMly ways tim grauitlest and tibet historic. bum has her ruins ; l'aris 1IM her boulevards , aacos ! attel qunys ; MOSCOW has her 1cruiii1in and COII8flhItAlIO1)1O ( her uuiiua ruts niuti tioutics. Each of these , mitt PorII1 801110 famous cities in Italy or SitailI , are superior to Loiudoui in the single olouiiouit of beauty , of iuiignifl. COIICO or ago. But thu greatness of Lou. thiui lies iii its historic couitilituity , iii the sllrvvn1 of its true orgiulic centres iii nil their essuuitiai chatacter. l'ropossesscs ill the Abbey , \Vcstininster huh , tiuid ill the 1'ovcr , three of the noblest buiid jugs iii thu world ; all of thom huavo an nuibrohouc history of eight. contuiies ; all are still tiovoted 10 thtti uses for which they wore ( icsignei , atul for 800 years they have all been the local Rents of our national existence. 'l'heso three great inoliiillcuIts ) are bound ill ) with each other us suhl as boulul up with the huistory of Eiiglaiid. As cathie. dm1 , hail ititti castle 110 011(1 of thouit huts 11113' supulior in Euroliti. Utit , in the way that they lire 11tVOV0li with the greatness , the gcuiuis , the ioett'y , the ( lestilues of the country , as cilsu itt length ion ! coil. tiiiuity of service , no one has its t'titiai in Europe. Thu. : cit' which h)1)55e55e8 ) nil t.hl4o hUts at. otice a eliginty of their own ; . t : uieed TO think f St. 1ntll's and the rfouuii)1C , titti Gtiild.hiail niid the l'iiace of 'tVestuuinster , the l'arks , the bridges and the tiocks , to lOliUWe that wo are truly citi.euis of HO 1110011 city. Nejther 1111111 , nor smoke , nor stucco-neither vestries nor railways can ii1a1e Lolidon menu. 1or iii the nuass , in the antiquity , in the lustoric spleuilor of her iuatmnutl mutoutu- uiieuits , in the halo which the heroisni , the criliucs atni the tuuiagiuiatioii of eight ccii- tunes have shied over them , London re- illajuls to the thoughtful spirit the iuuost venerable city of the modern world. Amid now , it seems , London has an iEtiilo. Wti hiave hOW a Ttlinistcr of the Crown who conceives it to be part of his duty to vrescrve , cherish and opeii to the public our great 1)ubiic inouiuuuieiits. It belongs to our natioiual habits that nut ingiishi Minister of Public \Yorks should rei'ard his otlicu tts a sort of society for the prcservntioit of ancient. buildings rather than as a syndicate for the destruction - tion and traivforutiatioii of ancient cities , vIticlt is the fuccd idea ( if the Coiutinoiutal Ilaussinana. These AttiIa. % and Goiughis Khans of modern society , with the aid of the railway and building companies who form their natural allies , arc rapidly achieving the Haussiumannization , andnot only of Paris , but of itonie , Vienna , Milan , Florence and every uitcdiuvai city of Europe. It is a comfort to think that , while Prefects , Mayors mid Town Councils everywhere out the Continent are seeking to uutake their cities a fair iimiitation of Now York , our First Coinunissioner of Works is occupied in preserving to us our etitcicuit uumoniiinents in the foruui in which they were built. And ii. is ziot a little curious that at the present litounent lie is busy iboilt the preservation of all three of our great iuuonuinents. lIe has just revealed to us what \Yestiuiinstcr hail vas ill the days of the Noruutaums. lIe hits still before huiuua the cruel prollcnI of re- facing the Abbey. And iiow lie is showing - ing us the Tower-not alash as it was ivhicii it still served the Tudor Kings as a palace , but freed front the eyesore with whiiclt the stupid vandalism of the last hundrel years had loaded it. The tower is the oldest of the three great monuments of London , and assuredly - edly it stands at the head of all buildings of its order in the world. It is the most perfect extant example of a feudal castle of thuo first class , continually used as a fortress by the santo dynasty , and as a seat of the sauimu government since thto times of the Crusades. It is , in fact , the only civil building in the worklwhichcan show the longest and most splendid his- tory. The Pantheon at liomumo , a few of the great Basificas , the Byzantine church of the Holy Wisdouui , and a few religious buildings emi thto continent , can show a longer life , but there is no civic building , being neither a ruin nor a restored ruin , but still a greatseatof governnientwliicht can show so vast a record. Thu Tower of London htas entered upoit the ninth ccii- tury of its continuous life in the service of the English crown.Yhioii the White Tower first rose beside the Thames , as time buttress and symbol of the Conquest , the nations we call France , Germany and Spain did not exist. It had already seen centuries of great and memorable things before the oldest of the palaces and halls of Europe had their foundations laid. Mcii talk of the traditions of the Kreuu- liii , the Vatican and the Escurial ; but the first half of the wild century of the Tower was over before a stome Was laid cf these vast lile3. The races who raisel the fantastic ( hollies of Moscow or the mninorets of Constantinople were wandering - ing herdsnmeii and robber tribes in Asia , when the tower ruts the hioumie of the utmost powerful kimigs iii Europe. 'Ihie old 11:11- aces of state of Venice , Florence , Ghiont and T3ruges have traditions of great an- tijiiity , IUItI are utuetnorablo sources of art , roiuuauuco and poetry. But their icitl life hits C1SOl for ages ; they are little 110W but liioiiulneiuts or museums. 'Iho tower , which bugnii so long before them , has outlived theta all iii puruutanent vital- ity. 'fhie descenlalit of the comiqucror is still mistress of the s'hmito tower , which for 800 years has giuarlcd the symuibols of 01u1 natiomual It ; is trtto that iii point of picturesque hicatity , the. tower lutist yield to soutmo of its younger rivals. It is not time mnoiintaiui-hike gramutlent of the palace of the P ° l ° at Avignoim , mioi , thu fairy beauty of the Dogo's palace at \TeiiiCu , nor the sky-hue of thu clii jmnlaco itt Florence , or of the castle at Sprague ; amuck less has it the weird inmpucssiveiiens ( If that skelutoii of castles , the tipper city ( If Carcassotune , or the piles of Ladies , Cltiiuomi aimd Augers. 'fhie glory of the tower of Loiidon liett in its timmitehiluss historical record. C'arcitssonie , huts betiii a nuiui now for I si centuries ; the civic .htlltceM ) ( If Italy , Cierniany ahul tile Netlucrlaimds luaU ti hii- tory at mutest for a tow hundred yeaut ; , uiiitl itvigumoiu rucoris but iou ( ) ( ill the career of the Papacy , seventy years of servility , ferocity mmd vice. 'flue luuihiling of all others which in IUBLOIiC thignity approaches mumost nearly the tow. l or is tiutt fraguuemlt ( If thu great palace of Cape liilgi4 hiesitle time Suhtue , whicht now auzvives unler ( the IIIIIIIO ( If tue Condor. gene , of whichi the Palais do .Justico is the transformed Court. of Justice , mid of which the Saititu Chmapolu of St. Louis - was the vrhmor Chapel. ilohiliud that screen of braimd-ncw Ontimie restoration , with which \Tiollots.le-Duo hmnvti everywhere enveloped the ancieimt mnonu LI monts of Framico , Parisiaiu , if they only knew it , might Bthll find the fortress of their aimcieimt monarchy worthy to coin- I. . pluto in historical irmmj4ortancu with the Lower of London itself. We are tar too apt to thiiiik of time Tower as a more prison , and to dwell too long 111)011 itS bloody memories. Prison it is , far the most niemmiorablo in the world , or at least BOCOUd tiimhy to the ? utanuortiimo l'rison by the Capitol. lIut it is miot a whit more prison Luau it is fortress , or ) aiacc , or seat of governuumciut , or court of judgment. auth court. of record. It is a urisoul hy accident , or by comuse- qtuouuce ; tiot. that It VnR 1nit ) as a Prifl1 or over Ilcstincl to tie a irmsoul ; but be. cause all govornunetits sock to have uris. oilers of atato in tim most cetutrimi amid sectiro sent of their povor. The 'Power is mint more liloody thuan the Crowii of Eimglniul or time history of Euiglamuil. It ilas beeti time imoutto of somimo of our great. est rulers , time scone of souiioof time wisest councils , time troastiro-ht tlso of tile uuuost prccmu things , amiti Limo subject of stiiio of the noblest PoetrY In our hulugilago. TIme 'l'ower has roaly a fourfold character omit ! a fourfold history. It is palace , fomtrcss , treasuro.houso and sent of guy. erimiulont ; it is aitly vrisoim as part of the functiotis of a fortress. Perhaps the rca- 5(111 ( why we Lomitloliers usually regarI the 'I'ower its a prison is that (00 ( uuiaiiy ( if 115 isit it as ebiitlrcmi , or iii coinjiany with children , nnl thmeit time ( iles almut racks , timartyrs , time 3otlIug utiul tIme 'l'rutor's ( late foruut time mmatural staple of the talk. TAIjI ( ' .VITIL . thtTi'tI Itt ( . IIuw 111t4 BliHiness l'umyM him Temiu- Stiiio Iaitrge-Slzed Itnuelies. St. I.oiili l'04t.IJisi'atcli. Colonel .1 , 1 , Additmgtoiu , olue of the largest cattle raisers of time somlthvtht , is ill tIme city and is st.opmili at tltti Smith- ermi hotel. lit conversation with a rim- prtcr this mutorutilig on time subject of the stuck raising bimsjimcss imu 'I'uxas , liti saki : ' 'Prices nrc a little down this year. hilt we uiower coniplnimm. Last year our beef cattle brought front $82 to t11 a hiemul. Now we are solliiig at about aim aveinge of $30."Where "Where is your ranch , Colonel ? " said Limo reporter. ' 'lii talkitug about it we geimormihly say thmumt it is ill time region about Ominusville : , 'l1exns , but it is not so , because we keep our cattle just across tIme fled river in the Illdiaui territory. Time herd occupies a territory of about 7Th scuare utillcs , pmrt. ly in tIme Clmickasaw nation amid lmtrtly : iii tue Kiowas , Coinanchies ama ] Apaches. It is hardly lawful for white people to go over into time Indiati territory , hut have an understanding with time hmmtliaims and they hover trouble us , mmd we are imot rumolested by ally other muuthority. Our headquarters are now inlout sixty ittiles soimthmcast. of Fort Sill. There are ranches oim all sides of us. My brother , \Vashmiumgton Addimugton , is located just west of uuie. He has 28,000 cattle. E. C. Saggs ott the other side , hmeum 18,000 , and Stoimes have a large herd iii that lo. cahity also. " I 'How imiany have you oh your much ? "About 53,000. We arc selling time steers all tIme Unto , but time herd coiitimm lies to itucreaso very rapidly , as time cows mire hover killed or driveit away so lomig 85 they arc young. 'rite steers at three years old are ready for uuarkut , mumd we 5(11(10111 keep any nuilubor of thiciti over till another year. We can get about 8m cents a pouiid live weight for tlioni at Oaimmsvihle , a drive of about 75 nuilcmmfrommm time ranch. 1mVesomuietimuies drive to [ limum. mmewtmhl , iCamusas , a dstancc of ahmoimt 100 mitiles. I ' \\'hmat breed of cattle areraised mostly iii that country ? ' ' "Time long-horned southiermi Texas cat- tie mostly , but we are constantly iimtro- ducimig new blood amid cxrnrimnontiiig oil difrerotit breeds. TIme Hercfords amid the Durluamus have been iuitrodimccd quito largely and with some success. The long-hmormm is tIme steer for that ) country , however. Ho can live thmrotugh a bard wimiter and come out as fly ai a young coltin time spring , and by the firstofJuimo lie is as fat as butter and ready for mar- kot. If bred too hiiglmly lie can't stand time winter well and they will comume out too poor iii time spring. Time wuhl-ired cattle are too tender and sometimes sick- Cmi OIl time drive. I find that front one- quarter to one-luaif bred Hereford with time long-horn southern Texas nmakcs about the best stuitfd to that climate. These long-liormis wore introduced emi time coast by tIme Spanish 200 or 300 years ago. 'Ihe climate stilts them exactly and they flourish down there. " "How does your southwestern beef coimipare in time mutarkot with our Illinois and Missouri beef ? " tmLast year we sold withmimm hmitif a cent of it on time New York market ; at lmresont tlmore is ii greater difreronce. We might Imlace it at fromii three-quarters to a cent. But we never look at a trifle like that. It don't count nuicli in our bimaiimess. Our roumts are quite satisfactory , utily- how. "About whmitt is time estimimatel cost of raisilig cattle jim your localityT' ' 'All told , $1 a head will pay the ox- 1)eflSO. WO have ho fences to build or koch up , we have mm bimildiiugs to s1eak of ; our hmerdnmcn , about twemuty iii numiim- ber , are touted iii dilflurclmt places about the huerd , tiimtl they are about the oumly ox- 1)01150. ' I ' 'rimeim thieimmconueof yotim rammcjtituimoiiitju , to soiiucthmiiug anmuiahiye" ' 'Yes , timuro lit sonic profit iii the iusi- heRs. We clear fromum $00,000 to $100,000 uYeiy ytmar , to say miotimitig of the imicroutsim iii stock. We shmipwd to this city for twelve or thirtuumm years : and did very vohl , but mmos' fititi Chicago a butter utuarket , moud this ycam till our cattle mu e going there. " ' ' 1 [ ave you buimim ioumg iii the btisiumcsn ? ' ' ' 'Yes , seine tune , I tmiit dowuu to Texas fiftecmm ycams ago utimniwotit to vork aitiomig the raiuchiurs , 1mm a uhmomL tiiimu I well time coiuiidemucu of one of thwn to sucit aIm octcnt tliimt ito soul flue 1,200 cows on credit. I piil iiiumu air iii four yemis : imimil luIRl the hard clear. Now I lumivo a 1rotty gooiliemtl , of cattle , amud I amim doing PrettY stell Time Outlook lir flmy Goiulm. J 'halladclphila I 'rcm. Time dry goods in New Yomk City I ur uiishies juices vhieim motist , cmi the whiolu , umieouuago iii % mmIifuIetllrurs mitlmur than ( lealuI8 , 'l'Juu nile ; forces such gootis am there mime iii stock , llurdhiasoI at higlium prices , to ii low level , but itH l' ' ° slioit that titii chttiiju cottomi ii fair profit call lit milflle by the best tiqtiipjamml itmills , Iii cottomi , 118 III time iron tmfllU , illttiqiilmtffll 1hmtimt , limo giimug to tIme wuil. Iliitd tiiiiu tire wcudiitg OUt the wcakliiugs ; but ii steady deituimmil aided , it IulmuBt ho comifess. ed , by reduced mwuuimfaeturu , Jias vrovoul tctl the accultlilntiotm of stocks itu tub countuy. 'I'lio accunmihmitioti of stocks . time raw tumateriiii uibroad , nsidu fiomit thm. vrospuct ( if ii good crop , reumders dittmal cotton lre)1111l0 ) for 801110 time to caIne , 'limo steady iHcrcaiw Ill oxport8 of cottoti1 cozmtiiiuitig bug utftur tIme usual suppl ) imati gone abroad , is now uxpiaii1o by tltt aumnoun uumemmt flint time stock on the continent tinont has boeui raised by 282,000 bales , in comparisomi with a yuir ago , of witici 150,00Q.bttjes are iii Germany , ( ATrIiI IN WYOMING. heavy Slilptiirmmfs 1hegInmilng-Tliu I'uitutre of t lit , flimsiness- Blooded Sto'k. Corrcspontmnee of time Ienr Trlbtne. , 'lime great industry , atid what in fuict niakes imiostly all of the buslimess of \Vymullilig , is found iii the cattle interests or stock raisilug , \ ' ) jg has mmow at- tiiitIel that lnitutl imositiomi as the lirst stock country iii time ( li-eat West , and the quality nuid character of titti cattle are mnhlwrlor ( ( I that of Rti other veste , mm state or territory. Fie years ago tue ramiges were covered with the giniut long- horned 'I'uxa animal , luiie now the limlest Imloomlemi fltiiltmals of tIme east liitvo lmeeui ittiporteil Iltd have taken the iac ( if ( hue inferior 'l'onim breel. ( Ircat at- touition has beeti pmuiml to the breed ( If cattle ( if late , 1111(1 thu emistorti antI time southicrum states hiitvo been icottreml tue Past year by stockinemm who htavo chased time best imud largest Itimijority of the cattle in ( hint sect num. 'lucy are at (111Cc tuhled ouu , lihuiceti on ( liii umiuges in this terlitory 011(1 1110 doing exceedingly % ull mititler their cluumii'o of counlitions , and have mnlmieduiutteriidly : to ( Ito wemilthm ( If Chueyettne muid \\.Ojflg Stock is lookiuug roiuarkbly vell 1111(1 the beef cattle are very hit. ltrge : siii1- lilelits are beiumg itmuttlo dutAy frotit Lnrattiio City , Ciueycnllo aliul l'iuio liltul1t to Clii- cag ( ) to ituamket. Smtttie uuunko ( lie Pmedie- tiotm that. vlietm tIti vcstcrmi cotlIttrv dm1111- ItlelIces its siiipitueiits of beef iii tluo full , Chicago will receive ftotiu .10 ,000 to 50. 000 er week. ' "l'lte Leather doubts this to sotume extent numd says : ' 'l'hiey uuuuiy , 111141 they hilt ) ' limit. 'I'mi start vitlm , 'l'uxns cattle are luritugiuig alnoit the siitue : figures per htttulred pmmtuiuds as tluey were at this umeasomu Inst year. 'l'hieVyoitmiutg season , simmIrtlived as it is by a utmoumi ii as cottupared v ithu last year , nmay itt It biitug to Ciii cage 51) III3li cattle itt it. did last year. 'l'hutm tue higli prices imumluiced stociiutiemm to shIi1 , all itiarketahie cattle. 'l'liere were cases vhmero two-year mluls wuumt. to immarket , its their owtltmrs sa ' 't1lliCk itnummey" iii tlucir smile. As tue probability ( If reaiizimmg high itllllcCd iamo shiiiltncllts frouum this muitigo the last year , tltu likelihood of low pliCes lnul ) restraiti stoekmmioii fromit throw. mug cattle in large uitmituhers itito tluo iunmr- kot thue coinimtg seasoti.Vu itave becum informed - formed by lilt Old stock-raiser of Sweet- water thmiit but 75 per cImit , ( If the 1111111- her s1Ii1Iel froimi that regiomm iii 1882 will ho setit iii 1883. It was ahituost the gelm. oral opittiomi last aIritug tluat last year's niuhmuiemlt woitid BUt be equaled timis fall , nimd it is 110W an mmpimmiomt held by itIiilI tilat time CoutlilIg SilillIIimuht will fall coum- sidoraluly below time last olin. Let tluire be a drop which would hurt thu cattle- growers , aimmi limIt a few lirospective shippers - pers would hold their cattle hionme. " Tile cattle muuen evimmce a strong doter- mujulatioti to soil omit few cattle thmitm fall if thue prices shiotthl be low. A well-kimowim inctumbur of time stock utssodiattotl , iii coum- vcrsatioim with the writer , said : ' ' \Ve are so situated at. prcscmmt tituit. a drop iii tue cattle mumarket , whmcmt we cOililulencu our heavy slliptuuoimt.s , would have a very dim- pressing influeimce tulomi Inusiness. For- timnately are so situated tluuit we ilott't ' llavu to sell any cattle tuiiles We so do- sire. 'tVo vili sell tluo beef steers hut , there will not be time desire to sell everything - thing iii thmo muueat limue , as there vas last year. Cows , calves and steers avcre ihmipped to iuuarket mud broimgiit a large Irice. 'l'hmis utt ouice omicouraged niuttibors of cnlitahimits to otmibaric iii the cattle bus. jiless. 'I'iue oitstei'ui states were cletiuod : omit of cattle and broiugimt west. I a fact , tIme tendemlcy has beoul ( A ) .jvermlmi time bits- ilmess of late , amid a retctiomm nmust mmcccii- sarily follow I do mIot timimmk , however , that time mnarkct will lie overrun with iecf cattle this fall to 511dm lilt exteumt us it. will next , and lain of the opituion itt that tinmo. ummiess sometlmimug imutpomia to mumako miii increased deuimammd for beef , that tIme mmiarkot will be correspomidingly low as coiumparcd with forimmer years rnvAltUs OF TIlE L'ASP. Frolic thu Londoui IaIly Nea. 'lime old English zmmmm'sory rhymuto 'ids 1)00l11U ) "lift their eyes tmumd shako time head amid cry , 'Alas I Tomil Thmutumb is dead. ' " 'Iluc deathi of the famuuotus dtvarf wimo adopted tIuc style amid title of ' 'thieVahittumt'l'imutnb" is rciiortcd frotum New York. Gemi. Toni Timumimb's real namimo was Charles S. Strat- toti , multi he WitS bormm ut Bridgeport , Comm. , iii 1837. Ilium life huaus tiucre- fore becim rather ii lomug omle-tor a dwarf. At time ago of ii $ trattoum Wits mmot 2 feet jim lmei"hmt , amid he did imot by tummy mucamms grow iii hroportiolu durimug time rest of his existence. Iii 1842 Strattoum WitH farulled by Mr. Barnumlu. Amm Amer. ic0dm biogruipimer adruiits thud ltlr. Barumiutti reprosumited Strattozi's ago as being 11 when it % fl4 oiily i , , but this occurred itm Mr. Barmnmnm's early years , before his immoral tomme was raIsed by imitercoturso rithm .Tittnbo , aiud nit acquaiimtammco with the litudilitust creed iii rehuttioti to white ulephiamits. The year 1814 was a great 0110 ill the history of 'l'oitu Timmimith. lie visited Etuglatiil , sns exhibited to the qtmeuiu amid ] 'ritlce Albert ut I iimckiumghiutt ii intlace , ' 'mutul' ' ' says his I i- ogiapluer , ' 'nuts invited to putmtius of thu nobility. ' ' 1mm I.tius the very center timid sacreil hearth of time driutta , 'J'otn 'l'iitttimb gaitted uliiIhuitiiu ) its au actor. lii rucetit CiL1S ' 1'iiui 'I'ht ii ii iii's I iutmu Juts becim tSIIIe wlmuit ohiseitred hiy that of tue ttuiclgots uuud other let5iiM ) Cytill iuuuru dittiiuititivo titami ltiuimseif. 'liii. , opportui i ity of m ttik- : 11mg 1 uiuiuy ( , getuernily for sotim o one cIsc , ammd of nttraetiutg miotoricty sceitus to ho time siuiy comisolatioti ( If it icry t mily dwarf. 1Iost races at mIiOi4t hu1ii(1M ) ( lowe bceim eturiouili ill tlwarfs. 'J'iu 1gyptiamts so fatal of collecting dsvarhs timuit thu miumiti- umfiicturu of thtciie miioiistrositics becattiu a bratteim of trade , like brecihluig pigeons or fiutmey teiriuuit. lit utmo of Prof. Ehers'am iittovestiiig novels of old Egypt 5.J ( hiavo Ii putitiful dim.icriimtiotu ( If a ( ) ( ) little boy diimiiig the moccss of huiiig crntiulcl ) imuto a dwarf. 'I ' lie stmuitiomuess uimtmi htitleottit. lIes ( If ( lie topic uttuil its pitifultiess mutighit iia'o utttliictdl ( ( lie futticy of Victor I I tugo. 'i'hmo ( leeks - i f u uuuay j utigu frotu m giotoh ( 11(113 tI iiiiiltmtiVo tem'ma.cottuu figumicum . vhiichi luSh dItttO thtiwit to hit -Vtmie mtot. uixtiu.buu to flue umociuty of dwarfs , Amiuouug ltiUlOrti ( cltvirttu .1 ciFroy I I uthutoti I StLi (1110 Of the uiiumst fumuutotus. H e hivcl to . it iuinl mmlii uigu--03--numd hiluvilug lumen the favorite ( If Citutrius I. , survived to sue tue I glorious iestouatioii , vhtumi the king eatuo , I t I I luis ( imt H utguu ml . .J uftuty's full Ii eight t syas : s feet ( , ) itldiit)1. Aliuiost hIil3 iuiost I celebrateti exploit was his apjucuiruitice itt ii lliu ( we tuimt a cold jumo ) ut a ri'uil cii- tuu'taiit tutumi t , .1 efhity I I uitlsu mti also fought like a turkey cock , I 1111(1 , like the Scotchm rustic iii r chiihdluood , ' ' 'sius sair himuldeim dotuim by time I hittbiily.jock , ' ' 'Vito buttimig tas a simiule I of odds ott ( lie fowl till a wonititi drove it liwuty , Siitcu tiuc Pigtiilwu fought thuc ' Cruitues there have bouii few ( luluilmtur ; lint. 7 tIes. 'lime coimsermiciiecs of this aflhil I were ytiry suriotuit , nut .JefIery Iluudsos - cimahleumged auud shmet death a ? dr , Crafts , , who Imad bantered imima about hiM ( hue ] I with the turkey. Poor J0ir0 , titter ii jorfoct odyssey of adventures ( for ho Li . . - . - - - - - = - = - FURNITURE ! -TIlE---- - - - - - OH EAPEST PLACE IN OMAHA TO BUY Furniture IS AT DEWEY & STONE'S They always have t1e largest and best stock. NO STAIRS TO CLIMB ELEGANT PASSENGE1 ELEVATOR TO THE DIFFERENT FLOORS. stkl : to have been a slave iii lktrbamy ) ml led iu prioll umiulet Ruspleillil of Imeluig eoiiuiectetl with thmo l'opishm hInt. .1 eli3ty I luuhimoum vas aliiiost tue latest , eoiuiiuiuintiout of court dwarf amid court jester Lii Etmghmumui , aild Ito tuts at least as warlike as 1iuug Artimur'mi . ) estor.dwamf , Sir 1)agoluet. Cuumut lhirowlaski , iii the following ccii- tumy , wa'm ii hiii1nitjumn umoblcuiiiut of same thmrce feet ill ltigiit , thumite a serious porsoim , it good inishamud , uutid a tetider father. 'Fimo CIulimt Ii 1)le by ilirthi , died iii ' 'cue- gaimt retiremimeuut' ' muear DuIrlilitil. 1 Lis iii. tellieileo 1111(1 ( iuoIui1hit of Inamunor excited the jetloutsly : of a dwiurf umtt.achmett to tIme pensumim of Staitishits. 'lids tumaiigimamut lit- tIe creuttiurui tried umnsuuccessfmuhly to throw time dm111111 iiito tue the. Our own age ii1mu ) liii said to have ' 'bmmacim tluo record" ill thie utmattur of suitahlitess , and if there utro 110 lottger giuuits oh tIme earthu there itre dwarfs whiotu sotno pcplc call "muimui- iiiuil _ ' ' mt to the cilgi itml : 'l'otn 'l'hmutlli ' , , 5(1 futmuwul iii Fremmehm 111111 Emighisii fable , lI. Guistill I'uuris is itmeliiicd to cxphuiitm hminm miii a miiythmical represetutatioti of a star in tue ( ircat Bear or Ohmnrles'ui'aiim hut pr1)uiblY ) tIme hmutiuuut fmuulcy is equal to thmo task of ium'emiting it dwarf without any aid fromut the Great Bear. - - - - Fresher Tlman l'tumd. Aekitisaw Traveller. 4it old getitlemneim froum ( hue comummtry watt approached by a hrny vhio otrered ititum a newspaper. 'the old mimiut accepted it with a plofoiuuld lxvr. .lust thou rut- othier boy caimo tilt miii olflrcd to black his shoes. lie sat mlomi uuitl ithbWL'l thue work to liroceed , "Best chmihilreim 1 ever saw , ' ' lie suiul to ii muunit vhmo stood iuear. ' 'Iteemi rinsed riglmt. ICimow how to treat till old Illutil. 1C0h)1e mIcehli't ay tluat boys mire growing worse every year , for 1 kitov butter. " ' ' 0 itmiiuun ii umickel , " said tlmti 1leVsboy. ' 'I hmnveit't ii nickel sommuly. itumit along ' 'a iiillile 0. diimue , " delllamiuled time bootblack - black ' I litmit umlomig Immune , chmildreii , and let time old mtmutmm alomme. " 'lime newsboy sunitclnid ut Imlim paper auIl tlue boot-black avutmt duwut immto the glItter amid caine up with several poumuls of muuuud viticli he simlearcd o cx the old mutmm's euhmoes. 'the old felhovr looked at thue has' for it lUoiIuOimt , timomu at his owmm elloes , utmul remllarkemI : " \Vell , I miever ( lid have a trnmusactioui Witil it ( lumrnc(1 old dirt-dubber that I didim't get time wutst. of it. I wammt to got out of towi just as soon as possible , or I'll hmave to ITiY a tutx for stanthing on time street. " - A Toim ( ) fUVoUk Trout. Carson , Nec. , Appeal. Yesterday miloriting , abotmt 10 o'clock , ( limO of the tuuemi who were working tmiong. side Lake Bigier wood flumno at time luiiu- hIor yard iii Cansumu , called out to tue macmt below tilat all tim fish in Lake ihigler were cotulitug dowit time flumuic. A fOw see- (111dM litter it school of l'nmht strutck tue up- paratus wiuiclm is placed iii tIme flumile to turim sticks of timumbor over thai edge of tluo flumume , amul being umumddcmmtly defected , fell over time workimmen. Time waterwas fairly brusthitig with trout uittm1 stuckens , anti they camime in irregular flulmtlbcns , about six itmehies lomug , amud all alive. Nearly a ttimm of fish fell uimulcr time flurumo , amId time workutlell took thmeiit avumy in a basket. A tomm of fish jim half aIm hour is about time best score ( III recmrI for Nevada. It is believed tituit time3' were cuiwded itito thin HulIhily pouiI of Limo flutime by time storimi , ttiil tlmeii clrjvcit iimto tiueflumtme 1mm butuuehmes of say two or three dozemm iii a buttmchm , 'I'iuey 1mulil strike tite reflector uttmd fly iii till ( lircctinns. 'l'iuis titiiig wits ke1It tip for iuearly half umim hour , wlmumm they got beamutifimlly less niud thcmm ceased coma- jug aitogotiier. 'l'iuey were mostly brook trout. COOD NEWS FROM TEXAS. .lr. ThonliaM A. ltIoarmIof , IIorle1Oruye , Fauiniut cilit ( , ) , 1OCt15 , miumier dat , mit Alrll 5 , it3 , writes em foilon s : 4J 1(100 ( Ito , , mtulerluig , ilurluig several years troII , 'oitru iiliiv , aum.t ii guneral liroallIuug , knett of lily hydcal , stcin , aol ham trki4 the troatitieuit suil lresCriltl011 of tuianiyiloctmrs fr cml ticar , toil tear. cld * to the I tot itiul otlie r nnilneral sprIngs fani.us for their reuuiudiji .1iilltlts : , drIti klum thu waters and hatliiuig s wtwiiiticaily Iii theIr dcjtlis , lilt nil to un avail , am I sicailily falluil In health ; and altlioiiit Inforuiiel 1) mny ) iysiclauistIii t toy all. iiueiit tuiiI vcaktle0e4 worn thu result of kIdney dls. CftHU Of Li ulauigcrou eareter ) , they mull glvu tue tiotliliig tuctiru tile. Iurlig , time ILvmt two years my slifYcriugs nit tinies ¶ ueru .ire.mdful cud I i&al tue moit Indocrilallo s Ill the rgions cLout uiiy jkklue3's , time Iar1 Sifl ( of lslcii sm cr0 so sovLro tm to reuniur It ) ( fir iou ti , lct1i. VIiiu ! Iii this IllilloCil. lb auiI llkroIlrJui coulitli , ; , I was lmursuaIel to try I I mtuits Ituuiivily , otil utter tilnmg lc thati half a lot. flu til ) griit s'ifferin.ij ' imitil Iarox's1ii of were ititli uI t LIloi el , Oil 1 1 tUhmlil bleep better antI luuigu r ( limit I hail lit tnt. . years before , CIII although I imuit 11)0 (0 * IIIy hurl littlu tinily niy Iuili'rui enieuit Is ery rcuiiarkatlc , ciii I rermt that I .111 hot kttow of tiiu' I ciiimlerfitl emiratl m u i'oers it I lituit's ltctiiudy before , at It woiilI hai mi so of tue earm of sulferluig I heartIly i ecouuiiuitiil It all aililittiti m Iti ) any klluuoy illciu or llhIVO'l ( If thu ilriIlar3 organs , ' . "HITMYCASEEXACTLY. " Ileauc ulimw mu jcj sleek lit the imlgliout teruim of lituits ilcuimoly , " for It lilt til ) CACU exactly. I hal I kiiliioy anjil urInary trouble pretty bad. I was rucolit. iiwiilul llUuits Itutilemly. I took ouiu iCaulmuoniful suid I felt a . ! ucldutlelmaigu at the Ilrst dose. I took ta bottles , suit hmsie felt like a uiew loan ouraIutcc , 3ieasurvcehu thu sluireru thank , of tuiyelf for tile letivlitmiiichm I sought voluly for eumd toutid otlly In I I thu's htetnud ) . I Iil citeerfially glen this same oiinlon of Ilutt's Iietnedy to any otis wiii , im Iohi s It , by ailtlresalng MOIIE1IT U. AIICIICII , I tarchihI , 13. l1 Linnard 81. , I'liUaideptita. ) " The lust , of tIle teen " l.iiio" I , , COIIOLCtiOil ' 11th the S H 0 RI" corporate IICIIIO ofa greatrjmml , coiveyM , lull ideA of just whritl. rehitirel imy the trinelluigpiib- lic-a Sii.rt title , Quick l'tm I I N E atil the teqt of liccOiflIllOmlIl. I tlouis-udi of which are turn- Islicil by time greatest railiay In Amnerlea. C HIGAGO , MirwAuE And St Paul. Itons ciii oleratc * over 4,100 mIles of roadln Northeni Illinois , Vlsenului , Mlmeot.a , loira ailci. lakota ) ciii 3.4 Its tilalil lines , breilehes aild connee. tills reatlI all thu great Imisliees cetitro4 of the ' Nirtiloest ciii Far Vc.t , It natumrally atiwor. flue 4 mltcIjtioui if Short Lute , auid Best Route between ( iIiCftgi ) , MIlmmttkee , St.1'a'il stIll MinneapoUs. e' Cimicng , Mllimaitkee , l.a Crosi ailli Wlnotia. Cilkag , hhilveukee , Alerdiwul tl Eliendalo. Chicago , Milwaitkco , Eamt Claire aulmi Stillwator. Chicago , MllumuktuS'nuati ant MerrIll. Clikagi , , Mliwnikee , Imeaver laui and Oohkosh. Cilleago , Mllmvaikee , Waukesha and Oconomowoe Cliicem , , Milvamikee , ifadlmot , cmi i'ralrlodll Chion. Cimlcao , Milwaukee , Owatoiluia anil gairihauli. Cuikagu , IleinIt , Janesi'I'lo ' atiti MIneral Point. Chicago , Ellil , ltociinri aol Iiibilquo Chicago , CUtiton , Rock l.laitd 511(1 CedAr Rapids. Cimluai , , Coitulcil lImiTs atimi Omaha. Chiinigo , Siniti City , Sioux Falls and Yankton. Clticag" . MliwMikeo , Mitciiell and Chambcrlalii. hook liauml , ihulnlquc , St. Paul nut Mlunenjmohls Iavenlurt , Caluitar , Si I'aul antI Mitlneapolis. m'uuntauI Sleepers enil tim FInest Bluing Cars in the imoilil imec run on thu 1115111 litiem ottho CH C C MILWAUKEE&ST.PAULRAL A aunt every attciitloii Is vaIl to las500gcrs by courto- ou , Clulliloyci of the comaiIy. S. ml. itItltl1t , , A. V. hi. CAIII'ENTEII , ( icnl Maiiager. (1eni las. Agent. .1. T. CI.AliK , ( lEO. II. IIRAFFOIU ) , ( icuil Sni't. . _ Assi Ocuil l'asii. Az'C. : O1' , H ' : . . Swift's Specific IN hot a trlmrunpl , of scicuice. bit Is a revelatIon through tue Iuitliici of tile liiitlit.ored savage , fill ho a counilutc itiitiilitu to all kInds of Blood I'olson anti Sklui limuinirs. Holfts SpecIfic has dICed 1110 of Scrifula , Iilch Is liercilitary lii mny fnutily. I have suffered wIth It for iiany wears. aim , ! have tried a great miiauy lIiysiclan. antI all , 'orbi of treatment. hut to mio lunoenI : % IIeuI I bcmait to te ¼ c Swlfts Specific I ta.m in a her. phil. , unitlItlo , , . but tilanlks tim this great remedy , I 1111 % rId of tile , hlsuaeo. There Is 00 loutii that It Is the greatest IIILtliClilO lii oxietence , and 1 iio'e any whQ eloithit vhhl , irlto to tue. E. C. hItWES. Jr. , Charkevilie , Ca. After etuffcrluigtoonty.fmvo years wIth a iialnful dry tettcranl trying tnaiiy ihyslcial , I we. at lact ro. Iloved iw the uoo of Swlttim 8LlCCiC , anal cllocrfully COinnIeflht It Li ) all sImIlarly aittlcted. $1,000 Reward wIll lie tiald to any Chemist Iio Ill huh , nit ( Ito aInIysls , of 100 bittlo S. 8. IL , nile lartielo if Mercury , Iodide 1otasiluul , or any iniuteral slibstailcu. - TIlE swirr SPECIFIO CO. hrawcr 3 , Atlanta , Ca. , Write for a copy of the little book-free. m'rlcc : Small size , $ i.iX ) her bottle. isrgo slzo ( hold. g double , Iuailtity ) $ i.71 bottle. AU drtiggimts scU DR. WHITTIER , 617 Sf , Charles Sf , , Louis , Mo , A 1IEOULAII ORAIUATE of two modlral colleg , Iii , been eugagcd longer Iii the treatment of ChlhiON. IC , NE1IVOJS ( , SKIN ANIIULOOD Dlsoase thaii any other ImiOsiclan lii St. Louis , as cIty imalers show and all olil resldctits ktiow. Consultation free and invited. Vhien It Is inconvenIent to visit the city for treat. mont , inetllcinies can be sent by mall oroxpremm , every. where. Ciuralde cases guarantoemP where doubt ox. hits It Is frankly statod. Call or write. Nervoits I'rostrimtloii , ieblilty , Mental and Pmiyoicai Weakness , Mercurial and other affections of TIi. Skhui aniti Boieo , HlooiImpuiiiisand _ Blood Ptison. Ing , Sklti eToctIoii'OItl Sores ant UIce , IIilpedh ziieiiti. tim Marriage , ltiitIinatIstn , I'Ilea. .Speclalat. ItIui _ to cacs front ovrorkcdbridnI.SUIIGICAI _ , ( - iSESiecuivo 0PC1jttetitkil. _ _ frau ImIralcuico , Excesmes , Indulgences , ° ° ages thu whole 'VI .A.ItItIAGE toriweIltoid. Many -o-x. mnarrywllotiiaynot , shy , causes , consequences attd c re. SaIled for 25o ; . ! ( tl&wIy llimebauh & Taylor : = : : .OFFEitA NEW STO'KOF HARDWARE FLJIJI ASSORTMENT OF BUILDERS'MATERIAL Nuacet stiles in liroozo Good. . Carpenter anti MachInists. ools. Warranted ( iutlery and Buffalo - falo Scales. l4 Iottlas Street , , - . OMAHA 411 it. , . , who ( iou , lieii'ctlont. &e.su , or QiirCU'.I &r 011 iiui,1. I" ' . slrIi , I , piJpicLiiy drsln.d , iut it.bii ( a ' -Ic , . , , , lire's , t.ti1. rvnly , , &u I. .riai ; a.i irr.a. t.II cr.t WtIlIo'l iioili 11,41cm. , . bi docir , , , s.t ii. i4u' . CA. M.tca mrm , , . Tb. ouj ; iio entrtIs ; Nt. , , , .u. lklliIty t'hy.lMl ll.IaY .tO. . 'I wlt..lI * u.r'.elt I , , liii : IAIis1oi 111,1.1 s. : , ce . . .ur4 of osriiu ; atrstiot I. . itit sod "or. r..i uslsjol. , 1.11. slimily. , igri , im&a.at. ca , . . , . , , , . . I i IU did wih rl.ki&u ( roe. I. C 4 , % 4fl 5 B.i Te. ' 1fr.gN.ff : ' ' ( ' ( ( 'Iv lit101 I. . IiP..liliy Pi : z . , i Imi thu .ItltIt.4tjtQ ( 'uri alt 111 * I : 'I' - UflL : r:1 : - . - - , .