- - - - - - - - - - - . Y I 6 a TIILr DAILY BEE---COUNCIL BLUFFS , FRIDAY , AUGUST 3 , ls3b. , . T LIE DAILY BBB , C OUN CYL BLUFFS. Friday Morning ; August 3 ' , sUBSCntr 11o ; RATES : - - - 40 centA per teeek - n Oanler - - - IIp rtal U - - - . . - 810,00 per Year - OFFICE : o. 7 Pearl Street , Near Broadway , MINOR MENTION. See Joseph Roitor'a fall goods. Cheap rnilroad tickets nt Bushnoll'e. The Baptist Sunday school indulged in a picnic yesterday. Do Vol tC Wright are having the front of their ] nrdtvaro atoip ropuirod. Arthur 'Lipp , arrested for disturbing the peace , w'as discharged yesterdays. Work is progressing finely on the foundation of the minw Catholic church. The Methodists had a pleasant sociable list availing at Mr. Orcutt s residence , Yesterday was the last day of service for the conning term of the circuit court. The telephone exchange isbeing moved to its now quarters over the savings bank. J , I1 Davidson is raising and improv- ] tie cottage ml Fifth avenue and Tenth atrect , The docket of the next tern of the circuit court will be before the pubhc Monday. \Vjlluam llapp exhibited at his place of inlSlfCSS a sixty pound catfish caught in thin Missouri. One of the street cars was yesterday laid nsudo for repairs ; a now sot of trucks being among the things to bo added. One out of twentysovon was the attendance - tondanco at tlio Council Bluffs Medical society called for Wednesday evening , Mrs. Henry Jacknon is reported as ly- lug very low at her home on Vine street. Her son Andy is also sick at the same placo. The big pumps for the valor works are being put m plnco. They only weigh twenty tons each , and each sit pump 3,000,000 gallons daily. During the past ton days there worn received at the Union stock yards hero 115 cars of stock , 4,219 head , There wore shipped 117 cars , ° ,3.40 , J. J. Lerch , of the Free Presso , has been saddened.by the death of his infant child. The funeral wns'lioldyeste , day afternoon , and was largely attended by his German friends , 1lfiss Blaitclho Oliver invited in n nunl- her of her young fricnt16 to help her cole. brato her birthday Wednesday evening , The occasion was pronomnced a very happy one by all participants. If the city is really too poor to gc t aon0 reliable fire-alarm boxes , lint v would it do to take back the $2,10 ( which the aldermen voted themselves time increased salary , and use that money fo the purposes. The city council will meet iii reguln session Monday night. Creditors of tjn rn city should bear in mind the rule that all bils must be fled at least twentyfou r hours before the meeting at which tile ) are to be presented. Eli Clayton lately visited Des Moines to induce the state board of equalization to rescind their order raising the valua tion of Pottowattamio county 10 percent Ho succeeded in making his Iomnt , an d getting the 10 per cent , oil' Henry Seifert , of Hancock , Ilk , ar I rived at the Ogden yesterday , acconpan led b Miss Lorono Milhiman of the saint pace ] Miss Millimmn wan soon mad tIre. Seifort y Justice Schurt prefornnin g oho ceremony in time parlor of time hotel ' The American Express com any' : t orso' driven by Thomas Hill , holds lni head a little ti her than oer cause Sd arantl by n brass moumnted harness which is one f the handsonnestwlich ap pears on the street with an business rig George Barrow , a colored youth , go mad because some other follow called hi swarthy darling "a wench , " and ] tnocko d him down. Officer 1llulton arrested him and on his pleading guilty the youth wa fined $9.00 for having so iigh a 801150 o honor. Work in lillin Main street was d o la ed yesterday tlho C. M. tC St. Pe company P b racksi the teams b e + rag unable to cross with loads of dir t Itia , expected to duy this will be ova come , so that the finishing work will b done in a few days at the latest , t The parties front this city who we j out in the country last Saturday night i attend the dance at Billy Onrhur's am vary reticent about it , and when asko the reason of their departure from th q scone of festivities after the first dan Dilly says ask George , and Ceorgo sa ask Billy , Horace Everett lhtw commenced an against the Chicago t& Rock Island ro : for $20,000 damages , lie claims that to ticket ofico was closed when liw tra came along , old because he hnd no tick the conductor insisted on his puying t costa extra , and on his refusal to do s lie was made to get off the train an walk. If lie gets the whole $20,000 ti walk will be a rather lucrative olio. There should be sense immediate sto taken to either perfect the fire alarm stern torn , or abandon ibaltogethor. 'rite pro ant bozos have not proved reliable , n they may fool or what is more probnbl may mislead dust at the tinro when th are most nodded. One serious fire rho result of the fire department going the wrong direction , b a fault bo { would case more losthan several su i plies of boxes , The city should to ti prompt stops. t t Pat Murphy , time man arrested Omaha , and brought to this city em n r quiaition for stealing clothing from F man's store , was brought before Jud Ayleswortlt yesterday , and was grant u t''f changoof venue to Justice Abbot : 'f court. The case on reaching there w t continued until Saturday. PJmu ofic 1 are working n the case to got a ] it 1 t m or o evidence if possible against the f ' low , there u aretl Y beiu g some dan ° gg of failing short.Y The colored folk had quite a live I tiiito at their dance Wednesday uightt Uvohlness increasing so 'as the molls hours came on that it broke out iii a r0 T1IO coloredspecial ollco detailed for ti occasion was unable to reserve d amid the reguln were called oar Bubo saest w as6itnado'tth at being Polfa'Be 9naonr Who is said fog liavV given imotli 4rolured lady a rather tmgentlu tap on t -3iead with a beer glass. She will n liars a hearing until next Monday , . time two charges , one of disturbing the peace , the other aesnult. One worthy citizen complains that ho was inveigled tlho other day into takinq1r n life insurance policy in what aoenhs to Imo a coin Inn of average oodstandin , and the solicitor induced to a' g bout $ 12 or $15 in cash when ho took tne op. plicatiet. Not receiving time policy , or any receipt from the main ofice , the ctli Zen beian ; to hunt the matter up , and becoming satisfied the fellow had do. frauded lmim sot the ollucers to watch for hint , but they watched in vain. Too much care cannot be taken in paying over nnoloy to strangers in any business , D. A , Benedict , the well known sign writer and grainer , him numerous show. iugs of his skill in this city , but sonic of thu work lately (10110 by hiul in docontting the interior of a now residence on Vine street is unusually fine and would do credit to any artist or any city. The wood work is finished in great variety , walnut with ebony and gold nnahtmig ono cmnbiuntion very rich indeed. Bird's eve mnplo amid oak are also nmdu t ° at amid forth with rare beauty , and bespeak for themselves the skill of the artist , Mr. Benedict has n right to fool some pride in the result of his h ° ndiwtmk as there shown. It is n natter of much curious specula tion , as t ° what special rates Johtt Chap. nail has with the Chicago 'Tribune , by which ho secures the l ublcatinn of an occasional interview. In his hest one lie makes sundry predictions , which may take well enough away frown lhonu where he isn't known , but which cannot get much consideration in western Iowa. Memory still pictures too vividly the sceto of Chapnman swinging his ) mud amid yelling " 10 ° 111' ' for a luau tuuued Andersen - sen , whom lie wanted to got elected to congress , lie propllesiod , predicted 811(1 swore that Anderson would go in whooping - ing , but it hardly paid to eouit the votes. Aa a prophet lie has not a very good record. J , W. Itodefer having been elected secretary and treasurer of the Mercantile Loan , Trust amid lnnprovomeit conpauy Council Bluffs , has accepted the Position - tion amid assumed time management of tlho company's busimicss. Tlio following named vursona are oh time board of direct- es ; T , A. Kirkland , 0. S , Lefferts , J 1V. Itodofer , 1 , A. Miller , E. L. Shugart. T. A. KIIIKLANU , President. Itenl 1Sx lUt , Trtiim ft rx. Tune following deeds wore filed far ra cord iii the county clerk's office , August 2 , reported for the BEE by P. J. Mc' Mahon , real eabatc agent ; Mary 1V , 1Vnteri n mi to ,1. K. Powers , hurt of block 39 , Allen anti Cook's add to Avoca ; $ 2,250. gyIIen Cook to Ii. IIuolsdonk , nw .l and so , 33 , 7G , 42 ; $1,000. IVillinnit Leigh to Arabella Lawrence , o. ; 4 no j 31 , 70 , 10 ; $ l. U. D. Eucates to Win. J Way , lot 18 and part of 17 , block 15 , Carson ; $834. it. II. Woodmancy , trustee , to Bulla t C hammer , lot 10 , bluck 0 , 11lacedouin $100. Jolmin hammer to B , F , Kcclino , lot 1 , block 1 Ilagg's 2d add ; $1. 1V. I , . Lewis to J , Ill. Palmer , lot 3 , block 4 , Mullen's sub-$80. r J. E McGee to George Hewmnny let s 10 end 20 , block 23 , Burns' add-$150. Soleuot Ooodnor to Joseph McCoid , r part of lots 8 , 9 amid 10 , block 125 , Ores- cunt city-$150. Alfred Pierce to N. Hudson , a t n o ,11 , 77 , 3t-$1,050 ) , Total sales , $0,210 , Dr , West , dentist , 14 Pearl street. . _ - - THE BAOIC 1'AY. Talk of Camnr en4.Dhp , Action AgntnHt the Council. The action of the city council inn votin g thonisolves $25 a month for services n s chnirnnon of committees , has created n ° little stir since Tlllt BEE first brought s the matter to 'light. 'l'ulu other vapors S hero hnvo kept very nlumn about it , fol . lowing their usual style of keeping still ' until Tnn BEE Lm given thine' news , an d they have had a ehnnco to sco what pub lie opinion is. They begin to notice tin t fact now that the council him taker sucl an action , and oven screw up courag enough to gently chide the aldermen. ' Yesterday there was some talk of corn f mending action against time couhcil to restrain strain them from taking the back pay Two of the council , Ale. James and Mc Mahnon have already down their $100 otime amotuit for April , play , June au d July , 1Vhat the rust will do remains t , be soon , mid it is said tlhnt the thrcatono r- suit will , depend sono.lat on whothmo o the council at its regular mooting flex Monday evening rescinds the resolution it as it has' been whispered would be done ° too I'ERSONAL. d so Mrs. D. A , nouedlet left yesterday on e0 trip eastward , cornbining pleasure and bus Y8 flees , expecting to be absent about two wouk She will vl.lt friends at llmniitosh , Bls. , an it will then pmooed to thu eastern cities to vu ul ch.aso moro goads and inatorial for her ha. 1)u ) nesa hare. She has lung ago gained tlio lea Iii bi hair goods and lute ; not enly hold it oa.i ut but inteulr oubugimig her hubbies , wnsidor on bly. t i C , 1) , ( irabill + of Clarinda , was at t1 i0 1 ' 10 den yesterday. W. S. iilmian , of Joliet , ill , , was n l'acl fps hou.o guest yo.tenlay. y8Dick Kitchen , 1)r , Cofbnan , Welt Dera 8. Coilnlali , amid P. B , Dorato , all of Ornalr mid ware among time uaume. appeariug on time 0 0 , don house register yesterday , ° Y J , 11. Nadoe , of Lincoln , avar in the ei e yesterday , x , Miss Pryor , youngest daughter of P , 1'ryarof'rum ] fauoflfeo , arrived yesterday ko what all hope to ho n long stay at lioina Walter Ifowe , Jolum ICing and ] f , 0 , All in were among the Chicagoans at the Ogden y 0 terdlay. or' Ooomgo 1'ahner , of Shouuuloah , i'ap bi ti o g d city yesterday and stopped at the Ogdai , os Dirs. Josephs Itelterlms gone on a visit as Kansas City friends , ore Attorney l. . , S. Starbuek , of Glenwood , w 18 in time city yesterday , mid at the I'nclllc , or Mayor P , 1' . Bell' of Glenwood with Ii wife and sun , visited the city yesterday , nr were at the ] 'acilio , lip I Dr , Seibert has returned front ht. Chlc ig trip. w , 'lieodore Couch and faintly are plannh o for a trip to California , r , M , Tbomae and ' 1'lieo. Inuid have b , turned f romp Denver , Thomas is loud Iii tier or lrral.c t f th6 steaks of that city. 110 hruf. ] Cauffuian , sup crlntendont of the Dl of I'ieaaaut pubtfe school. , was in the city y oil terday. PLAYING THE CARDS , _ ' - _ . The Gambling Houses Besamllg Bisl- floss , Sono of the Town Talk About It. Time ro opcmimig of the gambling houses , at least three of thong , is attended by so ninny sly whisperings and so many ox discs amid apologies that it is really difi cult to get at the true etato of facts , 111111 the real causes and olfocta. Ono thing is quite npparont , however , and that is the city authorities either claimed too much credit for shutting thorn up or else they lhavo grown suddoily weak in the back. Probably both , Thu shutting up of thu gambling houses was largely duo to time little underground game of freeze out that 1vn5'going on among themselves , and their opcmiing is also largely duo t ° their btvn determination to (11)011. Tue eunuch has been a second fiddle iii the music for the dnmico , amid its nctiunseenis ridiculous as well as weak , its resolution calling for thu closing of time gambling houses was inunedintely followed by the slmuuhing too of time loorn. if the council could shut them up then , they can shalt then up new. It is generally uuderslood that thu council do not care to shut thou up miow , however , but wanta what little revenue inny be gained by fnimm g then ouee a. nnontln. City nutlnori- ties will nnturull Icasen respect felt for tlmeut if they give the public reason to believe Hutt are either do imi g bluff , biting off more han they cagy swallow , or leudimi g their ( position o help ono side or the other in a orsomial figluHence in ) and down the streets are heard man i 1 uirirs as to what the council will do about it , amid man pro uLostes and lpro- dictiolts. It is a critical time for tlie aldormuon , and pluck , wisdom amid host. osty are the only things that will carry them through it. It is said that soltno of time differences which hihv0 heretofore existed in the frn- torcty , and which have caused so much trouble under the surface , have been ad. jirated 011 the other hmmd seuo predict that there is still sera foyer , amid that it will cause greater amid moro serious trouble. 'lucre are some peculiarities to the preaunt situation , and there is a promisu of some rich revelltious before all is adjusted - justed , Bet ? uTarks says that ho is not rmnning a gambling Place at all. lie owns tutu property , but hits retired from time posi- ttomi of presiding gehiua , and in giving his attemiti m to stock raising and fann- ing. Ile wants the papers to just drop him out quietly. 1'at Lacy smilingly asks Tna Bun to give lhmlln another columnmi of advertising. lie seems to enjoy it , but ho is cunning enough net to let time public know , oven if he don't cnjoy it. Ho too quietly denies that ho tuts anything to do business , time salon licnse being in his brothor'a name , Win. Lacy. Jinn Maddemi also thinks the' papers should let Limn alone , lie has Ito imiter est in ttto gamitbling ilouson , other parties having the old sound , amid liehaviugdrop. ped out. IOWA ITEMS. Ololwood is agitating a fire depart. nhont. A soap-works company hss been formed at Iowa Falls , Creston hits incorporated a savings bank with $30,000 capital , A company with $30,000 capital pro- 1) 0808 to furnish t gas to Atlantic. Tim state fair' begins at Des Moines August 31 and closes Septoulber 8. Stormn Lake streets are being soworod with drniu tile. Aurohia also is being tile drained. There are surplus brick at DesMoimies , amt the price has gone down to $4 per tiiauamhd. Creston has a curiosity in time chicken 1 line , It is n young pullet with two head a and four legs. Davetport chinas the oldest person f U the state , it the persomi of Mrs. Mary Kulunvy , who is 110 years old. Honiesteaders who go into the uppo r , Niobrara country connplaul tlhut the cn t- tie nh01t hnvo fenced up time best land. d ° The receipts for the Maddy rolio fund are still pouring in , and the aunoumi r has already reached the neighborhood o $3,000. r The badly-docenposedbody of a acieso grimidor was found near Iowa City ro centl , lie is supposed to have boo n killed by lightning. a The Dubuque Telegraph says that th I llonno corroapotdont of n Paris clurica , journal tulcgrmipha that Rev , Father Bra d Zil , of Des Mouses , has been chosen a r bishop of time see of Davenport. I. Sioux City is in time midst of a water i1 works strife. Time cost of time propose ly works is estimated at $100,000 for to : a , mile8 of mnnius , No evidence of "direc pressure has yet developed in tip cotmcil. a- A tramp about 50 years old , wh grinds scissors , walks as his foot war Ia some , amid is followed by a little brow dog , is Invited in Douglas townshil p to Churokeo count } ' , for stealing $110 from : a , the residence of Ulnarlcs Crofoot , gTime Burlington. Cedar Rapids t Northern tnhiu , when pulhmig out ty Cedar ltnpids emi Saturday monun bg , rn over Mile F. Dresser , a Milwaukee brak o an. Thu deceased supposed to hay ' been drunk amid to have gone to sloop o ell time track. A small thin faced wontan dressed 'i 01 black abandoned her baby in time unio 08' depot at Burlington last week. She di it mil the usual way , giving it to a lady t w hold while she wont out a little. Phm buby's homl showed signs of an ute t to tempted killing. 'Phu articles of incorporation of th 58 Chicago , Lyona nltd Pacific rnilroa eounpamiy have been fnic(1 withm time scat is auditor at Des Moinea. Tlmo carit , stock mentioned is $10,000,000 , Tim Id toad Iv'ill run Gent L ' ( ) lma , oil time 3lissl siIpltir to a 1 xpint oh time 1lfissouri. ! O At Ilmnnboldt , some weeks ago mil u r gauiratiott Ira9 furmnul , called time "iglu mg Jhat lh'igndo , " time uteubors of whpie wuru to wear tliu regulation tile. A r 0portur referred to them as amatou dudes , winch so enraged a mousber th ea ho proceeded to mutilate /110 / scribe i time moat a qrorod slugging style. Tim t , pugilistic dude is now I rorkiim out etr twenty day contrnet in the Fort Dodb potitetttnly , J , N. CASADY F , 11 , OiCUTT. ( C AS ADY & ORCUTT f 502 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa , WHOLESALE AND ItETAIL Carpets mid Oil Cloths , CURTAINS , Curtain Fixtures , AND A COMPLETE STOCK OF CIlOiCE House Fllrllhiug ! Novelties I Mail Orders Promptly Filled. CASADY & ORCUTT , - : Council Bluffs , Iowa. A. H. MAYNE & CO. , DI ALEIIS IN Liffle Louisville MICiIIOAN PLASTER , IIAIn AND sEWElt I'II'E , HARD AND SOIT COAL AT LOWEST I'IUCE. No , 530 Broaaway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. I1 I i 1 , tc , II i U2 erg sin Tailors.b 7 Rnd 9 Flfuin Street. 1 b ] Wb'I'I gad IR > IJCTTOI F , CSOVNVx. . x _ _ . JO N BENO & CC slain at dia tANUstrict. H , , IB Slain street an , d 17 1'eatl strict. L , B , CLARK & CUn Preecrlptlons Compounded at a all hours. 100 Broadway. CRISTON iiousi : . MAX MU U T ) Grocery , 215 Main Street. hotel , 217 and 210 ) lain street. J , M , BARSTOW M. D. , Comer OFFICE Filth , street and Fifth ave. I ) H. J , F , WHI , tE , Comer Main and Fihlfi ttp ntalrs OFFICE , itesidenco , , W0 willow avenue. JIJS'rlen OF THE PIiACE , N. SC IiURZ , OhllcuoverAnvorlcanExpress. S. S PPAGNER , wli contract for funerals rLlvufwAND at reasonable FEED , rates. 22 Fourth street. J , M , ST. 3011 N' & C O. , CASH BUYERS , 1Yholeelo try and fruit. batter Ship eggs , topouus. t. . Draft by return maC. 146 Broadway , NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE , S A , PIERCE.NEW Comer Main and First avenue. PETHYBRIDGE & HERBERTZ , Bre327Broad . J ACOB KOOH , Stock Complete. Suits made at reasonable price. No. 805 Moln St. ' G F S V ITH , Corner 7th and Broadway. CONTRACTOR Ilan AND , and BUILDER specillcationa , frirnlshod. W. W. SHBRMAN , 1 have the variety that brings pat onane 124 Main street. rlRrlGIfANT TAILOR. JAMES FRANEY , Artistic War and reasmmbla charges. 672 Broadway. HOWE & SON , and Ilousehold Supplies FUBNITUItE , STOVES , 303 Broadway. _ ATFORNEYS AT LAW , LINDT & HART , James Block. l'racttco lu state and federal courts , E STOCKERT & CO , , rtnuufcrcrwlno 1Vhdow Shades Furniture , Upholstery S07 n' aswCurtahte , And bath house , 421 and 423 Broadway , L. Sovereign , I'rop. v. J. blont S AN ITAR i U1\11 \ gotnery , M. B.1'hyslclau. VETERINARY SURGEON , WADE CAitY , Olllcu , Bray' . stable , 1'o. 12 Scott street. Manufacturer of IIOItSE COLLARS P. J , BENNESSY , TradoSupplled. SthstreetbetweenGthand7thne. tEDWIN JUSTICE OF TILE PEACE , EDWIN J , ABBOTT , NatslyPublloandGeneral Comcyanccr. 415 Broadway. f t f REVERE HOUSE , Droadwayopposite Il . , Refitted I , $1.30 per day. DE CA' ! & CASSEL. coN ' Conner AND Sixth UUILAERS street and Avenue O , NEW AND SECOND 11AND 11OUSEIIOLD GOODS. W. H. ALMY , Bought and sold , 212 Broadway SPECIAL NOTICES. t NOTICE.-Spoctal advertisements , ruch as Lost , 5 Vowel , To Loan , For Sale , Ts Rent , IYauts , Iloard lug , etc. , win ho incurted In this cslumn at the low rate of TEN CENTS PER LINE for the nrrt Insertion and FIVE CENTS I'IIt : LINR for each subsequent In. a serum. Lease a.lvertlsemed. at our otfcu , No. 7 t Pearl Street , near Ilroadway _ t wnxze. U "I ANT'EU-Emery buoy nt Council Bluff , to take TYlsllrL Unltrund by earrlerat miy twenty a cant. a week. 0 TAN'1'EU-A competent girl for general horse It work In small , amity. Good wages. Address 1' , Ilsa Onrmcs. 1 W ANTEf-A tiny , with pony. , to dciher Tus Dims. ' 7ANTEU-A good loan cook , at the Drover'a Ilutel , Coeicll Illus. . of 1 7ANTEU-Ono inner slid moo cornice maker , at 1 ontro. 0. Orahl,104 Up rnr Broadway. FOR SALE AND RENT. C FAIIM FOR SALE-F.1 hty serer Improved , eight mm idle. from Council Biufla Address M. lice ohaca h0R1lENT--Two.torer4Oby Won lower Maim , 1 street , oppu.ito foundry. FSngriiro of John Mul Il turcn. Ii 1 Ult fiALE-baloon at 218 Broadway. Iid 1 iOItSAI.E-llou.u and lot , northwest corner of 0 TGllh aid , lhuadway. Jolla IV. Barae. e Bros. unless , 14 5. l'VsT , - 0FFICE R & PUSEY 0dl BANKERSW ° Cuunclllinutfq , I. . M10 Esfab lishea - - 1856 6- Dealer Iii Furgleu aiid Uomestlo Esclmngearil 1iome Securities Il resh , ° Wholesale and Retail A 0 No. loll Maui Strut , Nut Block Southof I'ortotfcc , Uutucll UluBr , lows. ODELL & DAY , Loans , Reai Estate AND INSURANCE. No , 39 Pearl St , , Oounoil Bluffs . City Property. We have t scant lots In all tarts of the city at fro m $50.00 up , for.ale on rnouthly payments. No. 5'L house , 6 rome , well , cl.tenr , 4 largo lots plenty of fruit on Benton street ; cheap , 82.0011. No. 30.-A dedrabie resldence on buvcnth street near Bloomer school , building. ncarly new ; $5,000. No. 42.-Ninety feet front , corner Pearl St , and se COird avenue , opposite court mouse ; $3,500. Business Chances , No. 26.-For sale or trade , a stock of hardware , a a good business Point lam wostenl Iowa. W01 trade fo farm or city 'ro arty. No. 51 , Ilotoi , the only one Inatown of 700lnhah itants , LS room. , with good barn , well located , wil sell cheap or tnwlu for a farm. No , 16-A Ilse ropubllcaa Paper In western lows olticlal county pap cr and largo patronage , verychea , U sell .con , wo also hnvo a number of choice farms In wtate m Iowa , tor Sale cheap. LOANS , We have money to loan on farm. anddty prolwrt at from 6 to 10 Per cunt. Fire and Tornado Insurance , Best of coniIanleC represented. Equitable rate and fair treatment. Loses adjusted and at lhl ullico , bars H J. M , , . HiltouI + B , , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON 722 Broadway ! Council Bluffs , w.R.VAUGHAN ! Justice of the Peace Omaha amid 'Council Bluffs , Iteal estate and collection agcaoy. In Odd Follow' block , overbavlugeflack. , ja03li . . To The Trade I I We take pleasure in calling your attention to the factthat wohavomado such arrange meats as will enable us to sell you Etc1 , Here , as Low as you can buy them East , "Writo for further iifornmtion. . CO. , 412 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Ice Ci'eaMFriit , ! & Colltecflollery Parties , Socmbles and Picmihcs supplied oa short notice , and goods delivered to all. parts of the city , W , T. BRAUN'S European Restaurant , ' 404 West Broadway , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. R , S , COLE & CO. IMANUFALTUItEIt AND DEALERS IN ALL Kinds Lightning And Ornaments. Also Wood and iron Pumps , Wood Tubing and Gas i'Ipo and l'Ipo Fixtures , for both No , 604 South Main 14as1 Street. and . . Iruu . . . . . l'runpe. . . . . . . . . . Orders . . . . . . . will . . . . retch . . . . . . o . prompt . . . . . . . . altentlon. . .COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA Feb 15 a d tf M. CALLACHER New Store , Fresh Goods , Low I'rlces and Polite Attendants. vim. 'Y { First Door east of Metropolitan Hotel , } Bhnffs , . . PETER C.MILLER , WIIOLESALE AND RETAIL Wall-Pa P er and Window Shades and Painting to all its Branchcs1 FRESCOING IN MODERN STYLE. Nor t.1 and. 20 - - - - North Maim i5t. . . ' .n , LOTS AND LANDS \ ( ] Sought anal So1ci. Money Loaned Abstracts Furnished ! - . I' . . MoM A7E3 ON No. 4 Pearl Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS SULLIVAN & FITZGERALD , DEALERS IN . 1bOY1SIOliS , Boots M Slioosy . YMMIC > i RA.TION . C S > CNT15. DRAFTS 'oN TILE BANK OF IRELAND , DUBLIN , FOR SALE , 343 BROADWAY , C OUNCIL BLUFFS CRESTON HOUSE MAX MORN , - - - - PROPRIETOR , 21ti'i , 217 and 21915. Maim trot COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA , - - - - - - MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , TILE LEADING DEALER IN , 331 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Little Windsor. / 531 BROADWAY , : ii e t aLiraiat And nay lR.ird , All thelelieaetesof the benson , and the finest table In the city. 1 D. A , BENEDICT SignWriter&Grainer. 1 $700 port ) of house painting traps for sale cheap for cash. , Offioo 337 SroacIwi ytt7ounoil I31ur11Pa , iii t PY Overton , r DEALEIt IN Hard Wood , Yellow Pine ; and Red Cedar Lumber , Oak and Dad CodaQ'IiingCedarTelegraph I'olesand Fento ! 'oats , Oak Dhnen.lon Stun , Bridge Material of all kind. , at lied hock I'rlcts , A Specialty In 'I WOOD AND COAL for brick yanl purp.os ° A full supply of wood and s for coal aIuays on hand at yard t bale on e ylalu street , Otaro,505 First AY wee" rlalmi and I'earlstrcetr , WINTHERLICH BROS. ' Cor , ( him St , and 11th Ave , COUNCIL IILUFFU , . - IOWA , MOROAN KELLER UNDERTAKERS. The finest quality and largest .toekwert of Chlmgo of w'oudl , mid Metallo Cesc. Oahlr attended to at ' all hours. 1Vu defy competltlon In quality of goods or pricess. Our rlr Drorgam has served as undertaker for forty years anu thoroughly understands hla boil. nor. . 1Vareroomus,31111roadsay. Ui'IIOLSTEIUNG in all It. branchcr Promptly attended to ; al.o carpet s layhng and larubrequlna Telegraphic and mall a er. tilled without delay , CLARKE. . , Oldest Real Estate Agent. Notary Public and Practicai Con- . RClarke sells Ilousee and Lat. , Residence Loti and liueluess Lots all over the city , and all addltlons , i.e. .tiler improved and unimproved fame ewer then any other sweat. met 15- M1 R. R3 SDN. ' , Ili8ll1'llO ItEI'RESENTS ; l'h'enlx Aesurance Ca , of London , Casht PI 4esete , , , ' . . , . , . , . , . . $5,3Ai,50C0 , w'eetehtsterN' Y. . 0ajltal , . . . . . . . . . . . . .L ,000,000.00 The Merchant. , of Newark , N. J. , Capital 1,275,000.00 Ohrard Fire ; I'hllwlel ihla , CsPital. . . . . . 1,200,000.05 Flremeu'e Fund , Capful . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,230,015.00 OFFICE-Room ; 10 , Omaha National hank Build leg , TrI , hone No. $75 , . A wply DUFAENE & MENDELSSOHN , ARCHITECTS UILUF OEMOVEDFOOMAIIA"NATIONALBANI ( e1) 4