Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 03, 1883, Page 2, Image 2

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p (8 UNrAtL.INQ
lx cuntirn
, Flea ,
' $ SPtumi Fafling
SIcknts , Crniviil
: . Ion , St. Vitus Dance , Akohollam ,
, Opium EatIng , Seminal Wcnkncs , Im'
potency , SypbI1I , Scrofuin , and all
NervoUs and Blood Dl9oaeoB.
' 'ToC1crgymOfl , LnwycraLltcraryMcfl ,
¶ ltcrchant $ , Hatikera , Lat1I nntl nil wlioac
rcdentarV employment. cnhlcs Nervous 1'ro-
trt1on , Irreu1at1tIc8 of the b'ood ' ittomach ,
\ bowels o1 ktdncya , or 'who rcqnIrniflTTO )
tanlc nppctzcror ! atlmulcntSarnarUan Mr-
pine Ia ItU&1UtbC
. t' ThonBftndB ( THEXGREAT )
proclntm ft the moBt _ _ _ _ _ _ _
wonderful Invigor-
ant ( lint cvcr anstan-
ed a Miiktng tystcrn. IINIEIRJVlE _
$1.50 , at DruggIsts. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
prietors , St. Joseph , Mo. ,
(18) ( ) _
Ii Only l'orfoct cub3tttuto for Motht'
T Milk. 'fhc tiio nonriThirig uIet for linaIIiI ntiil
nItrstr tnothcr. ( iommtniIc.I by nil I'InIcIana
icee 1i4 In nfl clitnateg. Sold by alt tIrutwIMt , t. CfltM.
. Bcflt for the pamphlet. 1r. MflTUAI. } ' & CO. ,
rnc.tu&th26 41 Central WItuf , flostot , , MaM.
1 ,
1 : t
I .VDiA E.
sure Uur fr nil rJMALE WJAtT'
l4ESMES , Incluilleg Loucorrbain , Iz.
cgu1ar nod 1'tdnf1 flXtditrunton ,
Inflammation and Ulcorutton or
( ho % Voinb , roodIng , I'flO-
trfleaant , ! to Urn tito , omescio.s n.1 tmtnAdh.
Itielroct. IttsfttratheIlItn .rtnncy , nd ii
'voapa1n duolabornntngtItarIeII0L
rIITSlCIA.S Vail It 1) inr.sntn yr mntiai.
' ! ? oA t.WEAflW3 ( 'C thOt1TttVO Otgb
I oLber 'z , tt t. , ccoiid to tb telacily tiJ.t I. . '
, n I,1on , t ) . .ubIfc axut for itt ! , eM. ' $ O .I
. rrs lt.L' thG arcaie4 Eniiecty M The I7orI.t.
. v-I.utN1r COMrJAflTSofr.Ittor 'v
. Iiu.1rcat . ItotiCuiti hit rho.
- I I.VflA . a' : . 1IJt.L'3 ! JILOOI ) 't1flfl'kt'4 '
C. .r.uIat' , ci7 VCIItIIO 01 1101110. . , tiu 11
004 ! . tit * IIb . 'AI'I ) TOI Wilt git. ' toIft AI' % , t'vtlt i
. t . eMvwLgn. , ru.u' eJtuj I , , rt4oliti.a. " th
r'fl.tIithoCorntounrlat , Hloodro..ncr t.r . *
, rK . .t aII ORt Welt.rn ACflUI' . t.Y. I3
tt.foItt.rCI , nxtttleroro. : . 'rn ) Coinpil
scit bj In the forni ot 'lIl. or of loz1P
.icfpt of pt-oi' . Ci per box for clther. Mi" . rio
L - ) y infiweri nU Iettti of 1nqiIr. ruclc.t.o a. ,
.un & 'n fornmphILt. NenlCuii tJi.1'tpr. (
. r f.Iit i. rYITuAntciin : ThLt8 cur. ' ( flfl4.
, , . A , Cf the Uvtr. .
ei.'MiI.l by nlIfln v ah.t..GO
i I Health is Wealth I
j ttlAV
J ,
_ _ _
c Dt. r c. Vot' Nerve nn1 Brain Treatnitnt ,
guiraiitood epoeIfIo for ItytorI& , DIuhcsiConvul
ujotu , } 'ItI , Norvou NuuraIh , Ilcadaclio , Norvoui
I'totratIoti VaUOLl IlK tim use of alcohol or tobacco1
? 1 WakofuItioi Montil ! ) o .rcIon , Softening 01 thC
' Mralii , rcouidng in IiiaiIty anti IoaiIiig to mlaury
C decay .trnl . death , Prcrnaturo Ohi Ago , ilarr0000M
, Loa of III either 'ox , Involuntary L0MO
( Spcrtnatorrhwa caudd by ocr oxortlone of
br&In , aclf.abtuo or ovcr.indutotco. Each box
1na ono rnontha treatrnon dLOO a box , or
: A boxet for . ® . Scot by malt prcpald on roctpt
; To cure any ca o. With each order rocoh'od by ui
rj 'for ix boxea accompanied 1t1 $5.00 , wuwlllaend titi
: i ourchuer our written guarantco
It the troattnont does not ailed a curo. Ouarantoe ,
lt$8U0d only b C. P. 000IMAN )
tn&o Wi lirtw tt Oniah Nob.
, 0 .LL a
flita feluod ) bIti itij.ctod dlrotIy , to thu cat
-tho dIocao , feIltIIron 110 cIlangu of tllvt or tlatlbrou
, zlorcurI& ! or f,0II10t1s ( III1ICIUUt to IJU taloI , litton
. &Uy. Witeit utot4 an I' iirvntlto Ii cltlwr ocx , It
lmI'olbIo to contract otiy ; .rt'atc i.eao ; but lii tli
t' ca,0 wf these already tiiifortiiiiatcly afflictoti wu gual
antco three lJixO fo cliro , or hO WIll rofittid tli
tt . moiltiy. l'rlco by mall , .oat.agu paki , 2 bow , C
three boxeo for 5.
liucd by all aiitliojIzed agento.
Dr.Felix LeBrun'&O '
soi.t : l'itoi'itiTOIt. ,
I' Ii. ( loodnuin , trugglot , Solo .guiit , for Otuahi
' Mob. wly
ThIE1ectrie BulL will Otiro the Ful1o
tug DisuasuVithout iIetljcliio.
I'aIis ; In the Back , IIIs , lfca4 or tAiuh , Nurvot
1)cbUy I.utnbago , fluutoral PohIlty , Ithoumatlen
VaraIyoe , Nouraigla , SciatIca , Thsoau of the If lilso
) biCI Hcaeu. roritlLIvroout , HuuaI Exhau
ton , 8enilnal tmIuIote , Aethina , iluart IIcas
4i DvbpcILIta. ConetliiaUou , Iryelpcla.a , ltidIotIoj
1triita or Itupturo , Impotency , Catarrit , 111cs ,
boy , Dumb /tgur.
i Omaha Testimonial.
0wL11A1 NaIL , April 12 , 1833.
DL Y. J. Iluexe , IDI Wi&baeIiAoiiuu , Chicago :
Duu Six-I nurcheauti one ofyeurIIecjrio Melts
. Dcuer , coI , ) oocmtcr , is it rollced the it&
* coai toy k1dnes and stongthcucd them go Iii ;
thoygRu nontoro trouble , Thuaplnallrrttrtlon ltr
l Jlercd immediately which nothlnW could hero don
Your & 43011t here ha sold them to parties lot pIle
, sexual wvaknese , neuralgia , lav,1e , and feint.
i 'j - wosknvu , With whom I &ni acquainted t.n.t the r
. ' , suit. hi each cas more tltanmeotuxjwc&tlon. ( . i ci
rotor any one to these lrtIo .ho dv.lre It.
1kpcctIuI1y , DR. )1. N , IOItTER ,
* ' tci $ Capitol ave. , Otuaba.
WAIU OFYICE-O pocito Poeiofltcu ,
jt7or Sale &t C. 1 Ouo'Iiuati Dru ; Store , 11
p. E&rniw Btrccl , Otnaba.
_ -
TAbIS A1OUT IitIjIj. "
Some or the Jccldent' , Trngedlcs
tiiI Mysterlote otNlngnra ,
CorrcspncIence of New York Tlmee.
I have 1atoy tOOlI nflitlas'ite by those
vIto 5V the FnlIs 'rtiti dry" for hours on
Maroli 31 , 1848. A winil had driven in
IIt unusually large 'o1tttno of svtthr from
the lake ( itiwli time river. Thou it hod
chnngcd sutidonly anti diimmiziishcd the
downward current. . At the same tminonn
ico.tlntii olistrtmctcd Limo flow. So iL hop.
hemmed1 that ft 111011 mind his daughter voro
enabled to walk dry.shiod noarhy ono.thmrtl
across thmo lip over which the waters
pltmmmhe. Thu 1)0111t of thu ronilinsconce
Is this-the channel was far from clear ,
It was full of enormous and jngg d rocks ,
sticht horrid needles of projecting flint
that the reporter shuddered to think lie
linti sttilcd over them in the l'ttail of thu
' 'Time Falls" have been "written mmj- "
011(1 down-every year since blushing
brides Ititti ' 'blarated" Britisliors have
fruquonted them. Your corrcSpOfllOflt.
Imas very lately giveti a ymupathetic notice -
tice to time taking ways of the aboriginal
hiackmnumi ouch SoCilictivu shioii girls. Amid
ally quality of figures amid geology can be
Imail-by those who vnmit tlomi- , do.
mand. Ihit the omncti000l histories of
t'thie Falls , " the crimes amid tragedies ,
( tCCildJflf.5 , rescues nut ! escapes aloiq iti
lntiik's have , I believe , never beemi (10110
jmistice. Simple suicidemi are , of course ,
too numerous to fimiti lilace iii even a var.
tint glance at. such eveiit.s of contcmnpo.
I'flICOUB ! human interest. But some sill-
cidea are exceptional. Of course , a slit-
cido who leaps 11kb ) the rapids mucous
business. lie does not expect to be resCued -
Cued and have things smoothed out because -
cause he soaked his clothes. And yet it
is very stratigo to read time veracious
chronicle of the man vhio qtiiotly , dolib.
erately and strongly swamim to the giddy
verge. And when a hiravo rescuer would
have saved hiiiii , this man who sought
death as others shitimi it , actually awamii
further away. There is a theory that
c1)ablo swimmers caiiuot drown so long
as they have the poworto swirnany more
thou an ordinary man caii stop
breathing or ( ligcsting. But to swimmi
towarddcathi is the. very next thiig
toward not swiinmitig from it. Equal
deliberation was shown by one womnail
suicide. Site calmly tested the current
with liar parasol before gathering her
skirts for a plunge. Still another is pOCU.
liar from the fact Umat , it. is sue of the
swnewhmat rare cases in whiichtwo persons
have boon known to die deliboriltoly to
gethier , amid which sonic doctors thiiiik go
far to disprove tim doctrine that nll ivhto
take their own lives are insane. One
suicide might become imisane stiddnly and
without warning. lInt that two should
be simultitneously so silly is moore
Prolabho thou that they sanely imicant to
do. This COUple voro middle aged , of
social position and sulliciont moans. They
were also both married , 'though itot to
each other. There had boon a little
scandal , and their bodies wore found to-
oLitor below the falls. That Is all that
is known. Perhaps they \voru insane.
At all events , it is a soniowhmat ghastly
fashion of eloliemnunt which they sought
to test.
'l'hiore wore daring mitcim before Ca1d.aiii
\Vebb , atiti of course they foniul their
way to Niagara. 0mm jutmiped front the
hritlgo 1t12 foot , to time awirliiig curront.
For fifty feet he full liken pliuniiiot. 'I'hioii
1w turned over twice. At last Ito struck
the water with an awful slap-what the
boys .all a ' 'belly-whopper. " After
reading au account of the fatal ncccidont
000 of the nuniorous Mrs. I'artingtoito
asked if time mint ( lieu. So I say plainly
this man diodprobably before ho reached
the water. And yet perhaps tirnt idea1
ton , has ono to meet the exploded Ic.
. gonl of Willinni Tell. But such litth
accidents only stimulate tue reckless.
Another juniper soon appeared , as seer
another swinimor iiiay lie wore a liar.
11038 over his shoulders. To it svaa at
t.achted a wire running loosely over ii
cylinder on the bridge. That kept liii
foot straight toward Davy Jones' locker ,
and he survived tim 1oap to his consider.
able porsnal prolit. From the bridge tc
the water he went in four seconds-tue
only tiinc on record. Another foolhardy
feat was performed by some ol
the reckless mimoit who ( locorate at.
most inaccessible laudacapos with
I } ) OSSilly truthful but most eertainl3
I ipropos PufFs of ague pills , liver.padt
nIiII such. A log oimco lodged forty rodi
above Goat Island. For four years it Is
there , seemingly as boyoml human roac
as the iiorth star. It touched the nHdi
of cortaimi slunuehess aiid professional ad
vertisers , who were famousfor their van
dnlism , that such a chance should b
; wasted. So when time rapids were timiull
r frozen over they made their cautious wa
I to the log , and soon there was a gorgcou
sigh fixed 12 foot. by .1 , a hideous eyesore I
iiioscn1iitbiti , oil the very forefront of on
- of time world's grandest spots , i. 0. :
East via Lake Winimipiseogec It. It
'I'lieir deed almost met it desorts. The ;
treated tholog too roughly. A hole wit
' made through time ice amid the curreim
800mm did time rest. it was even bottin
that they would never got ashore. Bu
they diet. 'I1ii was mint a fatal accident
Of accideimts 51)1110 'ury stramige one
I are recorded. Otmo lmtdy st001iud for
CUp of water , lost her lmahanco , imitti va
out of reach iIIItl over time Falls aimmios
, before her mmiitazetl husbamid kimow 'hma
I. hillhiIeIiCI. ( Another lady stooped t
itlucic a hewer OIL time brink of Told
r. Itock. Sue wits talcun up dead front tim
rocks lmolow , A ihiyntimig , iri'cverum :
tflmrist. elm time stmmiu : dilLy recorded a bit c
elegiac PtUtrY 'lmiclt would hiiivo nmnd
htiiii 100L'k in ' lie
tL I'hiihtttleljiliitt , simimpi
wrote :
"At tim early oguof twotmty.throo
) \tL $ 1)ltCimCl liltU o.ter imi ty.
In 1875 aim at'ciduzmt cqtmiilly tend aim
foolish occurred. An oimgagcd cou1d
I , womit buhumid time falls , iimto the Cave
: time ViiitIs , vitimout iL guide The lad
actually sotihit to bathe itt a poOj wldc
uveim time gtndes miuvem visited , 11cr love
lout his life in trying to save hers. l'oi
1101)8 tIme immomit ilt'itmimntje ttccitloiit wiis tis
1olltviii : A. lill'fttl yomnig imnut cough
up ii chmimrmmmimig child who vmts watohiim
tite tummmblimmg vimvcs. ' 'Now , Lizzie ,
010 going to throw you into the 'itter ,
, . lie szutl , 01111 mnviig her back 1111(1 ( forti
Sue screamueti , mitruggled 1111(1 slipped froi
itis imniids , lie giizeit sifter' her , toalize
LI what ho had done aiitl loapud. itescu
was hopeless. Perltaps he eliti imot d
a. servo death , ammd itt least censure immay di
, with imint
II , Of csotpcs , there are OttO or two ate
row ltlmflO8t beyond belief , 011(1 which ii
volyo stprius of skill amid bravery we
worth tohlitig. Not iminity 'eiLr ago
painter ViLs at work on ecomtd Sister
Iii leiitmtd , wheit Ito fell ) iit ( ) time water. II
ri was old amid weak , amid wimile his positio
. was itot V017 dangerous at first , ho sot ,
0. gloated down and toward iimidstroami
wImtm , just ILl ito scouted , hovering on th
a. brink , amtd exactly forty foot ( remit it ,
ia coIiteiuejary records nra to ho ) ) olleve (
lie caught on ! L rock , how bug would hi
tmmuaclpontlurothiostroinl At4 wbto woul
Is rus9uq Jifl ! , 5111(1 bmwl. Thu crowd wi
heipJcpii/t 8uido aplicaroct With
coil of rops. One end lie left in trusty
hands and with limo other lie plunged
itito thm boiiing tide , \Vhcn lie reached
time PO0 Paimmter limo old mush still hold in
his hand time putty kmmifo with wimich lie
hind been working. lb almifted time knife
iimt.o his pocket , ticil time painter to time
rope , and they reached time shore safely.
lii another case a boatman WM crossing
the river shove the falls , wimoim a fog sud-
dclii ) ? conic up. lie host his bearings ,
and know ho was tlriftimmg to death. ills
cries nianncl time village , and bells wore
rung for him to row toward thorn. Titan
au ore broke. Ills only hope timemi hay in
a Jattt7 amicimor , and a commnomm rope ,
winch was , moreover , much worn. lb
oxamiiined every foot , nay , every imicht of
it ; lie tugged at time knots at c3cii cud ,
Than anti space were prccioti htmL lie
could miot allbr 1 to mmiako a mnistako Timomm
lie threw it. over. It bumped aiommg
the atones , atiti Ida hmoart. heat each tinme
tt failed to catcim a grip. At last it caugitt
amid brouglmt. time boat imp stamiding , while
the temise string throbbed like tIme bass
gilt of a liar ! ) . lr the monument it held.
how aoomm would it larLl lie shrank
frommi feeliimg aioumg time stramuls. lb
vaI ; moore afraid hot. to lest Ito should
read lila fate iii the twimto tense
amid twammitig imidcr time current , lucia
ly imacla ins fingers traveled to lila aria's
letigtlt. So as it held there Ito was
safe. 'ritimo and time again through tIme
long night. Ito did this , 1)111. never , he said ,
witimotmt a Imeart ijko head and itamids
quiverimig like a leaf.Vlmemi muornimig
tlawmmtud , Its at last it did , him svaa : easily
savel. iii ammother case time tlamier to life ,
titotigit commsideralIe , , was not unnilmiemit.
A tug was towimig three scows , when one
vemit adrift.ViLlt ndimiirlablo proniptnoas
amttl address time cnptaia of the tug cut.
loose the rest. of lila tow and steamed
ahaoal of time ( lriftimmg barge. There ho
held it by steam power , and witoit time
stimors caine along a limmo was passed , the
throttle was thrown dead opoum , tind it
was sought to make way u stream , But
they had ( lriftel fairly within time grasp
of the spirit of the vaters , and for a thno
it moaned lie would mint let go his own.
Fiumally mm foot viis aimied , iii a few
mmiinutes amiotimer , and then the tug of war
was virttmally over. An ttescapo" of
another sort was that of a murderer. Time
Sheriff was behmimid him , time river in front ,
nad only time wires of time old bridge at
Lowiatomm to help him across. bland over
hand lie began time passage. lBs Imands
quickiy blistered , amid then they bled.
Agaimm and again ire rested lila arms by
imammging by haim logs , At last lie reached
time opposite Imamik and lay panting full an
iaotmr before ho commtimtued his flight. Time
feat was certainly a remnarlcable one for
an atnatetir.
There is mme telling how many crimes
are hidden in this deadly river. But otie ,
comimparativoly recent and very remminrka-
ble , 1mm never beau completely told or
solved. One morning a body was found.
Over timefaco was a imammdkorchmief. Around
time mieck was a iopc , tigimtly drawn and
knotted at the back , and time end frayed.
In time imeadwas a bullet hole. Whose
was time body iii life , and how had it come
to its foul end ? It. appeared that one 0.
Li. itowell had registered recemmtly at a
iiotcl. Ho hail coumplained of time loss of
$800. I-Us room lmzzl not. beeti slept iii
. amid lila clothes were found on time lamik.
Time coroimer's jury fouumd that thu body
. wits ltWOhi'II. Btmt presently Rowell
tummied or rather a detective turned
iiimia tm ) , itmiel Imis conduct was OXIlaiuled
by finally matters not. pertimicmmt lmore.
I Thou it was thought time body bolomigeel
to one Close. Time ( lescription of its
height , head , mieckhiands and feet agreed
with Close's , timid lie had imad a "prescott-
' imnent" timat. ito would soon be missing.
'Prcaemitimnent" was scarcely time word ,
for it sooua ahmpeareCi that ho was ami eloper
I and a bigammiist. , amid imad no imse for any
. rommialna ostensibly lila. Then it wits
sought to identify this foundling corpse
I with a certain IT. T. Raymond. What
, ltaynioiid did before lie was mnissedl can
I . mmot. say nor cmiii I finishi the story. It
. must remmmaimm artistically or imiartistically ,
imiconmplet.o. Time body was never posi.
' tively fittlierod , so to speak , and time maya.
I tory remmiaimms. Bitt a certain old sawaboul
mnmmrders svill doubtless commtimiuo to be
( itmoted.
. Seine hard Jilts itegistereti by r
L'eeuliar Machine aL Coney
The favorite resort for pugilists a
P Commoy Islammtl is time "poummdimig machine'
a om the westermm uaiida of time islet. Timi
3 New York Mornimmg Jourimal says : Prize
- fighters , wimi ) comumu dowim in great num
. bars to got tue salt sea air and brace tm
S for tlte rilmg by eating Rhode Island damn
, bakes , immake it a rendezvous , ammd it is
V sort of a iicadqtuirtcrs of timeaporting fm
S terimity. Time elite of tito przo ) rimmg , tim
, gallery of Polio Gazettu iotnbles , aw
0 time bomm tomi of time walking umiatehies wai
0 front of it ammd diiciias "soap" MeAl
pp ammd "Fiddler" Noary , herbert
hr Slado , amil time marquis of llmessord
a Billy bcGiory , amid Lord Qutmummimberry.
t 'l'hie emmtorprisiimg owimor of the immnclmiim
g shows its various utilities by striking i
t with his fist , buttiimg it with his head , o
. rttmmning amid jtillmpilmg in aucia a imiamamier a
8 to hit. it. at ommde witim both of lila feet. 1
a is a iimnclmimte commeistimig of mimi cilcr.dow :
S cusiiioia at ommo cmiii amid of various sprilag
it amid rods iii time immiddle , 1mm somime way con
It mieutctl witim it graduated scale , whmicl
C ) mmmeastmros time force of a blow struck UlO1
U tIme cushminmm. 't. mmmii immay loarmi his proi
0 able power in kimocirimig out ama ttimt1tgo
it nist , for L , cumats. Jolmmi L. Smmilivami imtt
if registered tlmo most. poverftml ilow omm tim
U imiachuimu of any icrsmm ) , li'ilmg ( I
y dead. lie struck it ivitim mum immmpact. viiic1
CattatiI time hmammd of thto register to spiim ii
it dizzy way tip to 1165 potimids. Time mmcx
imamdest hitter in time coumitry \Villiami
( I l lIam'tliim , wild ) registers a lilow mit 61
C 1iomimmds whema Ito iii imagood commditioim.
tf lommg.enred } Zoimtmmcky immimlo , nmrleyimm ,
7 witim time mmmaciiimme , ommco atrticlc it. wit
il , treumuommlOus vioiumico , His graceful argu
ir mimeimt was mmicastmrctl cit time scale by 61
- lOmtmils ( , slmowiimv hunt to be ahimmost its trt
C mmmeimdoua a hitter \Villiammm B. hlartlimi
it Time owmitmr of time muncimino , a
g Jogged pugilist. with timreu umimaimig limmgcr
1 mmmd ear , ( mill of rommmimmisconces of rimm
'I umgimts ami ittl'rityui oh stcammmboat barge
a. aimd immoommiigitt iiicmiics , mmmakes bO a da
mm by close ammtl cai'cftml tittemitiomi to btmmti
ti umeas. Ito says that his PriimciPztI 0mm
o best. custoimmorms are negro preachers , vim
I. lmow aim especial fomidimuss for iait.timmg time
o amacimino. Aim ordimmnm'y imiitmm Comm strike i
witit a force which registers abotmt 16
I. .
* For years Mrs TAils Piimkhitni
' 5 imas becia commtcmmdiimg with tue terribl
0 itytira kmtowmm its 1)13ca8c , with what atmi
it prisimig muaccoss ninny who wore in tim
:1 : mum'lont'ms $ ; coils will testify. Often immi
i tue Powerless ricliimi been suiatcimed from
it imu opeit jaws of time destroyer. I
! smiting time heads of thi8 momastur 3iri
imikimaiim's Veotablo ! couimound is fim
Is inure oul'mcacl us t4aan time procoae of pe
A cntia ) and sctumsi cautery. . .
Empress 1tmmgnlaa'R PrctImIectlrm for
Medicine-Time Croivn i'rlnco'it
Home-Art Treasures.
A Berlin correspomitlent to time St.I.ouis
Globe-Democrat writes : Tue empress is
devoted to time Atmgtmstim imos1itni , , which
founded , notwltimstamiding her mmicreasmmmg
feebleness and withdrawal frommi social dtm-
ties. Every tiny while imor majesty was
iii time city sue viait ; that. institution , ammd
is koit informed of all that tmamispires
there. Her carriage iS easily distinguished
from time oUter royal turim.outs by the cx-
tremno Iowmieas of mIs body , that time immva-
lid mnay endure as little exertmomm as l)05 )
aible in gettiuig iii ntmd out. Another
carriage always follows it to be at Item
service iii case of accident , Mrs. A. A.
Sargemit , wife of time Amimorican mnimaister ,
is also paying a great deal ( if nttommtiomm to
imiedicimmo. Speaking of her presommt.atiomm
to Limo emiiress a year ago , Mrs. Sargent
rotmiarked last evening : "bier mmmaj esty
surprized mao by askiumg about. mny datmgh-
tar , Lizzie. Sue hail imeard that Lizzie
bcgamm time study of immediciamo in California
amid was contimmmming it. iii mmrlicim. "Viu are
mntmcim immterestcd imm mimedicino , ' tim cmmmpress
added , amid thou aimko of time civil war jam
Ammiorica and tue FmatmcoPrtmssitim : var ,
aayiumg that Limo Gerimmaims land gaimmed
mmmucht valtmablo iimformmmation fromma tue
Amnoricamma no to the trcat.tmiommt. of sick
ammd womimmded soldiers , which was put to
good use in timeir last wtr. Sime spoke
of time Augusta imosimital , amid expressed mm
wish that amy daughter wotthl visit it. I
assured her timmt. : Lizzie wottld be
to (10 80. The eimmprcsmu speaks Emmgiislm
perfectly ; I did not see her agaimm until
last. Fobrtmary , at. a imiusical soiree at time
emperor's palace. 11cr itmajesty was sit-
tiimg in an irmritiid chair somewhat aside
frommi time large salon where time guests
wore ansoinblecl , but jim such position that
she could see nmmd imear everytlmimmg Of
course , all weimt up to hmer chair emi cuter-
ing. Again sime astommisimed mmmo by saying
with ovidemmt pleasure timat. sue understood -
stood my thatigimtur hiatt visited thmo Au
gusto lmosiitnl. , I mumiurvoled at her
inemnory. It was with great satisfactiomi
thiat I assmmrcd her I imad accoumipammiod utmy
daughter ti time Imospitni , and third we
were much immtcrcstcd amid pleased with
its arrangement. ammti conduct. "
Timoomapress returumod to Coblenz last
week , after imavimig spent about teum days
Itere to visit. time grcatHygieiiic exposition
which was opemied under her protection.
Her mumajesty appointed time jury to award
time premmiiunts , and on two mimornings no
Visitol'S wore admitted , imm order that sue
might be wheeled around in her invalid
chair to view time display. A series of
lectures is boimig given by emiminent muon
oIl topics relative to hygiene. As the
weatimor has been very warm , come of
tue addrcsscss was gwen in an open
lflVihiOmi , that. the empress might be present -
sent Site romaimmed in her carriage time
entire time.
"Unsor Fritz" amid Imis family are at
their new palace in Pot.sdammm for the sumn.
itier. Last Thursday he rode over to time
park of the Claarlottcsburgit palace to
macct tue kaiser , who observed time usual
custom of visiting his niotimem's tommmb on
time animiversary of lmer birth. Son amid
grandson together emmtercd QueoutLotmise's
iimausoieummi , amid remained soumme tiimme in
sorrowful meditation. The kaiser me-
veres amid loves his toothier's muotnory.
This mmmausoheunm , of solid marble , is oiio
of tito womiders of time city. Time cmi-
trance , wimeim leads to the chamber comm-
tainimig time sarcoiuagi , is ligimted with
blue glass , which imas a fine cIlict on the
marble. At time loft a slab iii the floor
bears the queen's name , ( late of birth ,
death , iuiacriptions , etc. At time right
side of this hall a similar slab is inscribed
I with tb miamp.e. ofPriedriclm Williammu III. ,
tb .
. the mmmaulummi foj ' "laer rc
: mimaimis ; his . owmi were aubsoquontl
, placed beside timoni. Tim clmambor is vor
beautiful , the wails and ceiling beini
Ptmr0 wimito marble. Scriptural texts ii
. gold adorn time wall. Pacing time entrance
. is an altorreached by three or four steps
iim a half-circular niche in the opposit
Iwall. . Above time altar is a fresco of tin
dead umionarcir and lila queen. They ore
roprcseimted on their knees before tin
throne of heaven yielding tip their crowni
to the deity. From tIme altar stops emI
I gets time best view of tue rechimming figures
Quoemi Lotmiso being at the right. Thmi
sculpture imas never bcemm surpassed. Ii
is time masterpiece of htaucim. A YOUiiI
b lady of our party exclaimed : "by
, gracefully time queen looks with her foe
S crossed. I wonder why timey didui't cros
- tue king's foot , too ? "
- ' ' 1Iy child , " moIlied time chmuipcrouie , ' 'i
[ ) it 8 mmatumrnl for a woman to cross lie
- feet. whmeut she hiesdown to sleep. "
' 'Isn't. . "
cm it mmat.mimalfor a mmmii ?
, . " 1 do not tImiim i is. Is it Mr-V
0 'mover tlmougimt of it ? " auiswcred tb
ii gentleman , "btmt I will watcir ummysel
IC when I go to 81001) to.mmight , amid toll you
[ - to-morrow. "
; Time park and pimiace are very iumterost
, ' ing amid must omico have beoum a super
rcsideumco. Time crown primice's eldes
( I tiammghmtor , Princess Charlotte , amid hum
t hmmmnbnmmd , Imrimtco of reside her
r Ut viuitem. Time widowed Qicen Elizabethi
N of tue prcseiit. emperor , wn
t time last. sovereign to occupy it. Timu wall
ii of tue lamaquutimmg imall represent fruits i
it gilt stucco. Time vnlla of ammothier roar
. areniummost coverud with porcehaimi plaqueu
It 'rhmero arc porculaimm figures emi br.xckote
It mamml umlso oui time mimummmtels , tables , ammd o ,
I. the floor itbotit the wall. The armammguummemi
um exquisite.
0 Stretolmy iteligloim ,
r lictruif Frtiu t'res' .
i Amm old couple , mmmamm ammd wife , wee
t uiloumg the wharves a tin ) ' or two ago Imummi
mm hug for ama np.altoro boat , immid time wouima
5 cxpiaimmel to it stoammmboat agommt :
' . ' 'It's am very storummy season , amul we o
, leCt. to lie seasick , miimtl we dramthmer go o
; boat , , whore time captaiim is a ruligiou
' ' \S'ull that's mmii " Ito
l , rigid , rophioi
I- ' ' \Vo'vm got. ommo vom'y religious ca1)tailt 0
line , nmmtl his Iioat. sails to mmigimt. "
: ' 'Coma we go dowim amiti see hmiumml' '
B "Oh , yes. Keel ) mlgimt down time stroc
, - immmtii you see time boat. "
s ' .L'iae couple walked on ummul limmall
loumrdecl tito stcaimmer. ' .l'iio Cmipt.aima aim
: umll imummmdms wore lamsy with the cargo , mi
ii time old folks walked Uj ) to liimmm : mmid tim
Womimamu said :
0 ICaptimig , , yotm have beoum rocommtiiuumdu
t to us as it molmgious mimaim , "
0 ' 'Time-i imavel" lie lrmmmltly ) gruwle1
They looked at cacim other wutim commstum
umimtiomt ( ielflCtel in their laces , And time
time old immamm said :
'mCaptimmg , what church do you beloum
0 to ? '
. . ' 'Soc herd" roared time official ,
0 comae to bleed umio for seine cimuirith
or vntit mmio to sign a potitiomi , or exiet
18 this boat to carry a lot. of deadheads u
a time lake , 1 won't. stand itt Wimat do yo
n wammtl Out with it , now , amid imo inferumi
chairing aroummd , l'mmm blammkod if I simm
bothmorod by imioro dashed lunatics thmm
ir other blammked atari on thmo dashme
I. lakesi"
Man and wife retired to consult am
after getting tomi feet away , time womamm
said :
' 'hoary , lie's imot. a religious mmmii , "
' 'Veii , I dunmio. ' '
"But. ito swears iiko a pirato. "
"Yes , Maria , btmt. you ace this is out
west.Ve domm't swear numul boinmmg to tIme
church too , miii fim New Ibamupsimire , butt
timoy may do differently out hero. lie
swears but. lie looks like a maim to depend
umpon ill S stormmi. "
' 'Shmamm't we look for ammotiier ? "
"I gtmoss miot , Maria. I guess the re-
ligiomis out. lucre iii Michmigami ore kimmd o'
strotcimy , ftmml timey ailw swenrimmg on
steamnlioats omit ! arommumd time delots.Ve'ii
go by this ioat , and if lie tlomm't swear
amiy worse timami Imo did to mis , muobbo
provitleumce wilL let him squeeze thmrouglm
oh time tip trip amid s'mmmk hiiimi wimeit Ito
coineR dowmm. "
How time Tclegm'aphm St mike Iumtem'fercd
\VIthm 1jovc' ! ommmmg 1)rcammm.
' 'Adclbert.l"
Time mnoomi caine softly tlmroughm time
trees , tumid the gauLle breeze timat. toucimed
her fair young face wafted thither the
sweet otler cif time fragramit clover amid ( if
tue still umiore frngrnmmt sty. As alto put
her rurumma around his mmeck-timose arias
that. hiatt mmtmvcr k'miowmi what. work was ,
cxco1it Ott timat eventful day wimeum time
cook eloped with time haired mnami-timoro
collie into her eyes a tender , lovimi look
that. told all too phaimily how dearly
Cleopatra Wood loved imiumm. As site spoke
time minnie with which this laragralmlm begums -
gums amml gazed into his eyes witlm a tender ,
ycarnimig , ieimd - -quartcr.tiIL.umext. .
week iooi , timere was sommictiuing that told
of amm empty somewhat somimewimoro. Time
annie site land spokemi was moore to her
timami time last cigar to an old uuimmokor , amud
whmeum aim uttered it ammd received no mc-
sponge lmer heart was wroncimed with its
terrible agommy.
' ' \\9l1 you mint , " site cries iim low , agonizing -
izing tones.
"Alas , " said Adelbort , Tones , trying to
tear imimmiaehf away fronu so terrible a sceime ,
" 1 cannot ; " mmd releasing her touidorimold
upomi hum , lie sauik upon time ground witim
a dumil thud.
"Can you not aemid mae come short. mmies-
sage ? " site said.
"Great imeiweims , do miot drive lime to
suicide , " lie amiawored. "Must I tell you ?
Tue telegr.uplmora are all emi a strike , amut
I caminot , caummot do it. "
' 'Amid will time strike never emmdl" she
"Not till .Tay Gould joins time salvatiomu
nrniy , " lie mutters between imis clenched
teeth , amid with a groan hme leaps into the
darkmiess amid disappears.
. _ - .
Time wife _ of a lrmmitor in New Haven
has applied for a divorce on time ground
that. lie ha(1 no style about 1dm He
wouldn't. brace up , imad no dasim , cut no
figure , laud no poitmt , lived up to no rmmle ,
was of bad forum and make-tip , wasn't a
maim of letters or up to time period , was a
poor typo of the genus , was out. of quoin ,
amid couldn't. immiposu omm item amiy longer.
\Vourn mint bo without itedtling's Russia
Salvo , is time venlict of all ivhio use it. Price
2 coats.
" \Viicmt the swallows itomimoward fly , '
C\ViieIl tim bloom is oimtiio rye , " amid time
corn is gently vaving , Anmiio dear , " "I
will mneet you at the gate , " timougim it mnay
be rather late , amid time Imummdretit tinie
pour taffy iii your car.
A Valuable None TonIc.
Da. C. 0. OLutsTnmn , MilwaukeeWis. ,
says : have umseul it. in mypractico ten
years , and consider it. a valumable nerve
touiic. "
' J I.
; Tell me , ye angdlie host , ye messenger
r of love , simall swindled printem hero below -
low have no redress above ? Time amigels
flapped thmeir wings and said : "To you a
heap is given ; dehimmqucnts on a lirimiter's
I book can never enter imeaven. "
S In masking the assertion timat Pozzoni's med.
I icateil comploxioii iowder ii oiitirely free ( mama
I or deadly poisons , we do it upon time
iumtlmority of : i thorough clicunical nmmnlysls. It
J is one of the old'ut face powders in the Amer.
3 ican market , arid is used in the families of
: u some of our most jiromiiiumcnt medical inca who
I have persoimiiliy acknowledged to the pmopric.
3 toe timuit timey not ommly comisider it imamniless ,
but eatcomu it highly henificial in avery respect ,
not only for the use of ladies and children but
: for the 'lord of creation' ltimiisolf. Sold by all
r drugglabt.
S An Arkansaw paper says there arc two
chief rcasomms wimy faruners are poor. This
t atatouimcnt. is true , and time two chief
r reasomis are : First , timat the farmers arc
neit iii very good. finatmcial condition ; mmd
second , timey have no mmiommey.
An limmimmenso Industry.
Tim BaltimnoreAmerican remarks edito-
Li riudly that. time reniwned , preparation , St.
Jacobs Oil , is sold in twemity.six difVeremmt
- countries of the globe , amid is knowmi amid
I ) praised for its great imiorits iii twelve dif-
t forent lammgmaagcs.
r , ,
e \Vcli , said. the lady wimoso imusbamid
imad rumi away with time cimool mmma'auim ,
' 'there's one consilatiomm ; I know time
a imiside facts of this seammdal , and timat.'s
mm more thou timoso spiteful old mmmaids across
time way do. "
m. Vertigo , hysterics , Comwuisiomms-ahi
I , nervous disorders in fact-are cured by
ii ASLnzarian
it "This certities , " writes D. D. Cimrist. .
mmmaim , ) f Oswego , lad. , ' 'timmut Sainariaiz
.ATCrVic ( , cured umie of Epileptic fits. " At
Druggists , $1.50.
A jrnet scuds apoeimm begiumimiimg : "I
0 gaze mit time mmmoomm jim time sky. " That's
- riglmt , yomnmg mmiaum ; that's where to gaze at
ii it. Doum't. try to gaze at it umuttler time lieder
or iii time coal cellar. Stick to time sky.
; t. ill time casiest.thiiumg him thmo world for
a a fiithmer to give his dammglmtcr a chock for
$10,000 omm her ivimddirmg tIny , bmmt it is time
I , hardest timing iii time world for the bride
mm or tummy oilier peraoimto got. it. cashed.
how calm 'OU reimmamum a sutrerer Ia-out :
ut. ( l5hel)8i ) ihiomm worse cases timami yommrs
are boimig cured by hood's Sarsaparihlum.
V try it.
- -
it. ' 'llimdmm't I butter prim ) ' for amium to-clay ,
0 ( lCuLCmmt' ? Sniti it limmmgimimmmmtomm miiiuiister ,
Stinday. ' 'Nt , ulommmumie , 1 timiuth , ' '
ul time prmmtlommt ruly ; ' 'tIme wind ismm't
light. "
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I. A lliissimumm . 1dmiay : vemmilm.
- aumlit , claims to iiium'e found iii amuse timere
mm time smimimilcat ' 'cojim" iii tue ivorid. It. is
mumimmute wafer , muncie froumm time juice of r
I ; tree. Its value is about. time mmiilliouiti
part. if a (1hlar. ( ,
ifr Very Well Pitt.
\Vimy eta ire defer tIll to.mimormow wind wi
meimoulel em I Wimy ti we imeglect a commgi
I ) tiil It timrows mum lute conaumnptloum mmd con
U stimuittloum lirings iii' to time grave I fill. VIM
iii hALL'S BALSAM Is sure to cure If taken Ii
't ituasoim. It hums never been known to fail. Us
a tlmoroiihmly according to dlrectlonii. Fonee
a ; voro till the dlaeuiae is couftuerod , as It Is cot
taut to be even If ishouid epemuire ii dozoi
bottles. 'lmere is iso better medIcine for Pul
I , monnmy disortlene. Bold eerywharu.
Has the Best Stock in Omaha and Ma1es the Lowest Prices
Bedding , Mirrors , Feathers and everything per-
taming to the Furniture and Upholstery trade.
Passenger Elevator to all five rooms.
1206 , 1208 and 1210 Farnam Street , Omaha Nob.
. _
. .
- . . . . . _ _ _
wIIac1T' ;
Boiler au Sheet Iroll worKs I -
, - . .
nutmd mi kind , of Steam . Boilers. Smoke Stacke , flroechIn r.ard , Waler and Oil TunIcs , emit , lo a genera
elate.irori buetumess. tiepatring ibac in City anti Country. All work
Done at Eastern Prices and Warranted !
Second.liand fellers will ho kept on hiumil. missing hail liifly years orperlonco iii the traite iii itifTerorit rart.
of the country I simm confldciit I comm gtvo aattsfactiotm , haying the be4t shop nact tonii in tim State. Shop
cor. 19th andl1ercuStrects. J M. WILSON Propriotor.
Double and Single Acting Power and Hand
Engine Trimmings , Mimiing Maciminory , Bolting , Hose , Brass and Iron Fittings
Steamn Packing at wholesale and rolail. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURCH
Corner 10th Farnam 'St. , Omaha Neb.
& POr lliiwor
L4L Ii S
. . ,
107 South 4th marceL ,
Carpenters' Material& . .
. -ALSO-
Sash1 llaor , BIills , stairs , stair Rai1ills , Bainsters , 1llO & Boor Frafflc , & 1
First-cia , , tac1iitIe for the manufacture of all kiids of Moulding. . Planing ati3 MatchIng a specialty
Orders from the country wili be promptly executed.
/tddcs all coniniunlcatlons to A. MOYER , Proprietor.
Booth's 'Oval' Brand
'r912. 1isb. tat cm1oii1Q.
D. B. BEEMER , Omnaha
aIaniied Iron Coroices1 Nindo Caps1 FiDiaIs-
Skylights & &i Thirteenth Street Noh
_ i1El Ilu D&IT-nrY ,
Bllies , C1TiOS llll Spflll2 ¶ gOllS ,
My itopooltory Ii constontly tilled with a clect etoek. Ilest Worknveriel.up guaranteed.
: Office and Factory S. IV. Corner 1611 , and Capitol Atinue , Qmaha
On Tinw--Sma/I .
Long - - Payments.
At 1IallhlfO1llrO11S Pioos. ! A1 IJoo , Jr
,1 . PEiOTIO
. IN
' '
' ; a.1 rr'
: , Heating and. Baking
: t _ Im 0111) ' attaimmed by usiumg
I , . For sale by I . 'Tin8
, . . , . , MILTONROGRS&3)I34
, .
, .H
I ,
I ,