Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 03, 1883, Image 1

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    . THE OMAHA , . DAILY BEE. : , : ffH :
He Arrires Safclyin Chica g o with llis
Cabiael Iulact ,
The l'rctldonIAI Rldo from Louls-
vlllo to the Garden City-En-
. thuelastio Reception at
' Varloua Potnta.
, CIi1CA00 , Ill , , August 2-A special
train containing ProsidontArthurand his
party bowled out of the Loulsvtllo , Now
Albany and Chicago depot at Louisville
' half an hour late. Thu kayo taking
which the president had of Louisville was
in a moasuru informal , although a great
concourse congregated m and about the
depot to give hint an early morning sold
t off and the gaily uniformed band of the
I Louisville lcgior was or hand to discourse -
course "hail the ChioV' as the presi
dential party ontured the do.
pot , this musical attachment
aceoni iumyung the president to Chicago.
'I ' The special tabu is decked out in royal
f fashion anti bears on its headlight rot enlarged -
) ' largod portrait of the president.
, . Great crowds collected at all way sta-
- ' tuons to witness ita flying passage. The
party on board is miuade up as follows :
President Arthur , Secretaries Lincoln ,
Gresham and Folgor , Surrogate Rawlins
of New York , President Young of the
Now Albany road , Licut. Gen. Hanna of
Indiana and press correspondents. A
um umber of other gentlemen promiminomt in
Indiana public htu boarded the train at
various points and rode short distances ,
' after paying their respects to time chief
magistrate turd mnomibers of his cabinet.
t. Time transit of the special had evidently
been well advertised as was evidenced by
time great crowds along the entire route ;
Every crossing had its quota of specta-
Throughout time early portion of time
ran the president sought seclusion ii :
his coach , and failed to make his appoar-
nttco on the platform. Accompanying
the calla mmalu for the preshdoit at nearly
all Indiana stations , were cheers by the
crowds for Secretary Gresham , and were
repeated and hearty. A stop of ten
minutes was made at Valparaiso , where
a crowd numbering fully eight thousand
had collected. Hero an address was read
by Mr. Lingle , of that city , on behalf of
time colored residents of Valparaiso ,
thanking the president for the stand he
had made on behalf of the race at various
times. President Arthur replied in the
r briefest terns , thanking them for their
kindly wishes. Vehement calls were
made for Secretaries Lincoln and
Greshan , but these gentlemen , fol-
't lowing time action of the president ,
briefly expressed pleasure at meeting
such a great concourse , and regretting
that they could not linger and speak at
' l'ngth. The same routine was observed
at Marion , towhich pointoxcursion trains
.hadboon „ run , bringing very large crowds ,
but the President refrained , as he had at
, , } all other paints , from snaking any re-
Tli ro were no occurrences serving to
marthi jborneysavo'that'utareoncaatlo ' ,
Irid , where a large crowd had collected.
1 Tit ) frciLldatf'orni Savo.way. . ; prdcililtat ,
hug fully one hendrod people down for a
distance of twelve feet , but no one was
m seriously injured.
There were numerous incidents of a
] pleasant nature at all stations on the
ti itwto. At ti allamiso a young colored
lad Inresonted the president with flowers
worked into a design of a ship. At
nearly all stations there was an evident
desire to shako the hand of the president
which ho acceded to in every instance.
The impression prevailed that Gen. Shier-
' s idami was on board thn train and calls
Wore invariably made for him.
Two excellent meals were served by
the railroad company on the dining cars
en route and the train was whirled into
the depot in this city promptly at seven
o'clock. Hero another great crowd had
gathered , but the reident and party
to reach their carriages ftr
some difficulty amid wore driven quietly
to a hotel.
CnreAao , August 2.-A morning paper
ublishoa an interview with Whrtolaw
Reid , of The Now York Tribune , rela-
tWo o the appointment of Stanley Matthews -
thews to the supreme branch. Mr. Reid
gives emphatic denial to time whole story.
The following is time interview :
The reporter said he had been sent to
ask Mr. Reid concerning Dorso 's state.
mont about time alleged bargain which
Dorso said Itoid probably knew about
for the appointment of Stanley Matthews
to the supreme bench. Reid "I
never made an such bargain' ith
General Garfield , directly orp'incirectl {
-m have no reason to hink any such
bargain was nmade b any body els. I
never oven asked him or te appoint.
mont of Matthews , nor did 1 know
Matthews was to be appointed after his
rejection by the senate under Hayes. "
An interview with Mr , Geo. Joao , of
the Now York Times , is also published ,
in which Jones pronounced untrue the
Dorsey statement that ho had even asked
for , sought or accepted aid from the
national comunittee or any one.
Salts Against time Western Union.
Puit.ADELm'u1A , August 2.Tine hear.
ing of five civil suits brought by C. E.
Fuller , agent of time Chicago meal company -
pany , against the Western Union telo-
graph company for refusal to accept mes
I sages from , July 25 , under ordinary cony
ditiona took lace this afternoon before
Magistrate List. The Plaintifl swore lie
presented messages for Cape May , Atlan
tie City , Ashbury Park , Trenton and
Chicago , These were refused except
upon the cendition that they be "subject
to delay or mailing. " declined to
accent he conditins and refused to send
the es. Oflieers of the tope grnh ,
' the luintilf was informed 1
there would be no uPmsual delay in told
in his messages to Atlantic it ( 1
Trenton. held time suits
order advisoment.
tt Fuller says ito will begin outer suit s
' . , against the company and claims damage a
in $15,006
huge ltallroad Mortgage.
CIHaAo , August 2.-A mortgage fa
$16,000 was recorded yesterday
n field , Ill. Cyrus 0 , Hines of Indiae
and he UnioTrust company , of No v
York , loaned the mommy ttmOhio .C
Mmasmsi m ) i railway. Tto object of th e
inert1gag opis to enable the eonpanY to re .
gain custody of its property , which has
boon in possession of time courts , under
foruclusuro proceedings , since 187b ,
CtucAao , August 2.-Mr. W. IC.
Ackeruman has formally resigned thu
presidency of time Illinois Central rail.
road , giving as a reason ho needs rest
after 31 years' service for that corpora.
nlmluan DESTnoVKD.
ItENO , NEvADA , August 2.--The Central -
tral Pacific railroad bridge , west of thus
place , was destroyed by tire last night.
Trains will transfer passongore until anew
now ono is constructed.
A SC.tLi'INO CONS1'IIiAOY , , August 2.-Officials of time
Wabash Itoati cliiunl to have discovered
that for tomito time acalpcrs have bceu
selling large uumnbors of Illinois Central
mud Chicago .C Alton tickets between
Chicago and St. Louisat $6.50 , which is
$1,50 below the regular into. Thu
\Vabasim )001)10 chuut that this could not
be done by scalpers , nless giweu facilities -
ties for getting about $6. Ae-
gi1 ' time 1Vimbasim late thus after-
uoou , aunomuc ( , d a rate of $6.50 either
way between the cities for lmmimmted tick-
ets. It is thought time other roads must
must meet limit , with the possibility of a
rata war.
Agents of leading fast freight hues east
threaten rehaliatioi unless time agent of
time line operated over time Chicago C a1t-
lamtic , v'hmo appears et time board of trade
as agomit of time Union Steauboat commr
parry , is withdrawam. Timoy say they will
secure the ngl mmcy of some single vessel
in the lake tuide , amid as such will go aim
time board , where they cm learn what
business is to be done mid afterwards soy
licit it for their freight ] fines.
CLEVELAND , 0. , August 2.-The 2:22 :
trot was an exciting strugt le , rcquiriug
sic ) teats ; Director first , Wilsmt second ,
Gladiator third , Kato McCall fourth ;
tinto , 2:194 : , 2:17 : , 2:10j : , 2:17 : } , 2:18 : ,
" :18 : j.
The fourth trot was exciting on account -
count of time ntc , timig of time stallions
Phallas old Duquiesne ; Phallas first ,
Duquicauu second , Index third ; tinme ,
2:1Jj : , 2:15j : , 2:21i : , 2:174. :
2:30 : race , Eddy l ) first , Bihheys second ,
Jack Hart third ; tune , 2:17 : , 2:174 : , 2:244 : ,
° ' ' 3.
2:20 : pacing race , 1Vestluoumt won in
straight heats , Lone Jack second , Bessiu
N , third ; time , 2:18j : , 2:24 : , 2:21 : } .
2:20 : trot , Cleumie G. won , Overman
second , Billy Dutton third , Phyllis
fourth ; tinme , 2:184 : , 2:18j : , 2:2O : , 2:21. :
Frco.for-all trot , Fannie Witlterspooi
vvon , Edwin Thorn second , St. Julien
third , Trinket fourth ; tiutc'S:17j , 2:174 : ,
2:18. , 2IJ : , 223j. ;
SARATOCA , August 2.-1''rst race was
won by Lord Raglan , Nuttlo second ,
Bonnie Bird third ; time , 1:47. :
Second race , mile and five furlongs ,
won b _ y , Drake Carter , Express second ,
Goo. Kinney third ; tinio2:531x. : .
Dims Mori irn , Iowa , August 2. Thq
rucea to-day'wore for the benefl of' Vilhs
Halleck ; of Exira , who was so desperately -
ly wounded at Elklmori Grove by Crawford -
ford , the murderer of Postmaster Clingin ,
at Polk City. There was a largo attendance -
ance and time not rg'ceipts were about
$400. The track was in prima order.
The summary is as follows :
Free for all : .
Colby's Chaummcoy H..1 . 1 1
McCoy's Barney B..2 2
Baqd's Sultan..3 3 3
'fume , 2:46 : , 2:44 : , 2:41. :
Three minute class :
Fllis's Dixie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 4 1 1 1
Colby'sOscarWilde..1 1 3 3 4
McCoy's Kitty Strador..3 3 2 2 2
Tlmompson's Sunli ht..2 2 4 4 3
'rime , 2,49 , , 2:441 : , 2:45 : , } , 2:92 : , 2:46 : } ,
Roadsters to wagon , half mile heats :
Couclm's Tom Douglas..4 1 1 1
Carson's Shorty..1 2 4 4
Campbell's Iifollio M..2 3 2 2
Parker's Cobby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .G Drawn
Patrick's Wa sic Maid.,3 : 4 3 3
Time , 1:28e,1:2(11,1:27,1241 , ( ,
Pacing , best 2 a 3 :
Thompson's Belle Mahono..1 1
Itornback's Cyclone..2 2
Time , 2:41l : , 2:31. :
CHIOAao , August 2.-The Union Base
Ball association , which welt to time ex
polite of erecting expensive buildings for
playing non.ieaguo clubs in this city , has
proven a cot-paying investment. The
club has boom disbanded amid time project
MINNEAPOLIS , August 2. - lfanlnn
easily won limo decisive heat to-day , mit
Minnetonka , Ifosmer second , Fuemnor
lit the consolation race , Plaisted and
Riley were time only starters. The former -
mer won by a length and _ a half.
- - - - + -
MAUYSvmr.LI. , La. , August 2.-Last
night a crowd took from time jail D. W.
Presell , charged with rape on a little girl
J years old , uuul hanged him in time court
house yard.
Taov , N. Y „ August 2. = The wreck
of time colliding freight trains on time Troy
.C Boston railroad , near North
yesterday , was clered. Time bodies believed -
lieved to be those of Mark Sutherland ,
olgtneer. H. II. Bruce , operator , and
Char. Marden , engineer , were found
burled frightfully. Tie renmining three
bodies are still misstug and are believed
to be reduced to ashes. Loss $60,000.
NEW Yolut , August 2.-Fiftcm or
were passengers were imijured by time accident -
cident on the Soutlmeasturn road yesterday
day , two or theuo persons fatally. Th e
acoduut occurred at a slight curve , the
rails probably spreading by the weight of
thu engine.
K.tNSAt Clt'r , August 2.-Charlie Ford '
slayer of Jesse Jautes , time famous nut
law , was arrested at police headquarter a
this afternoon of au old indicttnunt fo r
time Blue Cut train robbery. It is no t
known et what caused his arrest at tlnu a
limo. Ford is said to have boon dumb
founded at time arrest amid is ovldcntl Y
badly frightened.
Yellow Favor.
NEw YoEK , Au ust 2.-0n limo arrive
of the ateiner Saratoga from Ilavana
, laumesBarucs steward , removed t m
Ile ( junramtiume hospital , suffering froiu I
supposed yellow fever.
The Trifle Ill Wool from Turkey and
By pt as a kicaus of Sprc-d-
iug Cholera.
The Cattle COrnrmiissloa Conclude
Its Labors 11'Ithout Fiudiug a
Single Case of Foot and
Mouth Disease.
A 1'omNTER ON ruin i'LAntm.
VASmIINCTON , August 2.-Tie secretary -
tary of the tmensttry received a hotter
from a pmrmmiuummt lirni in Now York ,
calling attention to time fact Hutt large
quantities of wool , of low grade , arc exported
ported front Egypt , Syria tuid countries
in their vicitmity , to this country , whieh
is time principle muarkot for them , besides
a comsidem ible ( puautity of bed wool , ox-
traded front old mattresses fronm Con-
shumtinoplu , etc. 'l'Imese ' wools are feu.
quontly thippcd at Marseillcsmmd in Eug-
lnnd for this cumitry. Iu view of time
upidcmie raging in time easteri .Iedite. .
rmtiait these wools might coivey infection -
tion as well as mtgs.
for July is $3733,800 , of which 2,422 ,
000 arc shuala d dollars.
Time secretary of time cattle coaunissioit
has nmdo n report to time treasury depart.
anent in regard to time alleged oxisteumcu
of foot and mouth disease muoug cattle
in this country. It says in part , time
charges having been receumtly nmdo in
time British parlianmeumt of cattle being
shipped fret our ports infected with foot
and ntuutit diseases , and a majority of
time house of eonunos having voted for a
resolution opposnmg inupurtatioi talc
Grcat Britain of cattle front any country'
in which said diseso exists , wo
feel it our amity to state time
facts of time case so far its thin
cuuutry is coneoried. After a most ox.
totded amid stoat exhaustive inquiry ,
your conunissiom have been able to fwd
ho trace of foot and mouth disease apart
from herds just landed from Great
Britain , and wlole herds have been amt
every case segregated until the infection
had entirely disappeared. Tim nature
amid scope of our inquiry umay bo deduced
fromii our sport for 1581 , beginning with
time great rendeavous of cattle at Kansas
City , Council Blulhs and Olnaha. We
have nmado careful investigatioms along
all tlmo lines of cattle traffic as far as time
eastern seaboard. Li this investigation
we love included all great stock yard' , .
where cattle ore detained for feeding ,
watering , sale , etc. , all great feeding
stables connected with distilleries , starch ,
glucose amid other factories , all city
dairies where stock yardsexist and where
herds are replenished from such stock
yards , amid to a largo extent time great
dairying districts into whicl coi's are
drawn from the above named stock yawls
and lines of , travel. Up to the present
date we kayo made observations in stock
yards at the seaboard terminal cnd of our
track and that to which p11 infectio3
niustmravikato , but apart iron time mum. .
ortodgcases referred
above to we were
unable to fad a single case of the foot
and mouth disease complained of ,
to-day Scigler , foreman for Bartlett ,
Hayward al Co. , testified concerning
changes made in the heating apparatus in
the Chicago custom house. Colman
offered in evidence plans and specilica-
timis amid vouchers which slowed that
furring and lathing work on the public
buildings in Austin , Nashville , Washington -
ton , Harrisburg , Pittsburg , Cincinnati
and New York , ambunting to a largo
numn of nmouey , had been given to
Dwight & Hoyt without co'tract
or competition. Totten objected to
time introduction of such evidence , alleg-
iug time work was under contract. Time
conmmitteo took time matter under con-
sideration. After recess Coleman any
pounced the withdrawal of hula oflor in regard -
gard to furring and lathing work on public -
lic buildings. Coleman asked for a ruling
in regard to further testimony touching
tie heating apparatus in te Clmica 6 o
building , aso for a ruling on his ProPosl-
tion to presort further evidoico in regard -
gard to granite contracts. Chairnan Now
tlmereupoui read a detailed statement
an n ummciug that testimony on all
.r1uestions was closed , excepting upon the
single question of heating apparatus at
Chicago , upon which the eonmmnittee
wanted moru light. If time prosecution
were dissatisfied with this riling , New
said they could file new charges and
specifications with the secretary of time
treasury. Colomita protested iii vigorous
language against closing of tostineny and
dunmimded tlmt prosecution be allowed to
comtinuu time investigation , notwithstanding -
ing time enmbnrrassmemts and annoyances
which have boon thrown in time way of
time prosecution by time secretary of time
treasury and by the eflico of
supervising architect to prevent , if
liossibie , a full and fair
umvestigatiat of Hill's official acts. New
inforued counsel no oral arguments
would be heard , time commmummitteo
would receive written arguments , which
would be made a part of time comumittoo
report on time case to Secretary Folgor.
Colenaum will cross-examine Thonpsou
of time architect's office tomorrow , when
ilia investigation will be practically I1n-
lshod. Adjourned.
BonroN , August 2.-Time Journal nays
F , T. .C J. D. 1 rnloy , boot and iliac
coulter manufacturers , suspondud , Lia-
bilitiemi , something over $400,000. 'Plumy
are nu Shaw & Bro's paper tutlmu ammount
of $100,000.
IIANOOR , Me. , August 2.-It in stated
limo Nova Scotia bamlc of Woodstock , n
braumclm of time Nova Scotia bawl of lifomm
trenl , has been heavily iuvelved iii the
failure of Shaw & Bros. ' [ 'lie bank of
St. Steplmon is also a } iemv looser. It is
said time above backs held time paper of
Shaw &s Bros , to the extent of $600.000
cacti. Lm time northern part of time state
there in a feeliumg of uneasiness. Irm sore
cases mom who have taken contracts fo r
peeling bark have eldoraod SImw.t Bros.
paper to raise mo ey to carry out time
contracts ,
Death 01' Noted Pcoplo.
CmumoAGo , Aunuat 2-Mrs , Mary W ,
Illodgett , aged 2 years , widely known t
during time war as a nurse in time aria Y
hospitals , tiled lucre to-day. For some
years she tuns occupant Of time old
ladies' home , but was removed on account -
count of see trouble with time matron ,
which resulted in a law suit for her ruin.
statemott and which us still pending.
Orrin Wlueatou , a veteran of the war
of 1812 aml whose fntmor } sowed in time
revolutionary , war , was buried lucre toy
day , . - - _ . _ - - _
CHicAao , August 2.-A fire In Linde
block , confer of Market and It idol ph
streets , last nt6lmt , caused dnnutmgo to tlmo
nnmouunt of $ 30,000 to time bumkdmmml1 and
contents. Loss dsstributod among a
large number of small manufacturers , all
fully insured. The loss at first was
thought. to be insignificant- , but as ro
urtacouo in front time dllferout losses ,
time total footed u l ) as above
Nrw YonK , August 2-By a fire in a
teimoueit house in Brouklyul tluis nuru-
uug , femur pemplo were injured , two
fatally ,
Curnman Teacimers' Convention.
Cmc4ao , August 2.-At the opening
of time third day's session of time Oermnum
Amiucrican Teachers' nssociationLids morn.
iug , Prof. A. J , Escb , of Clovelmud , read
a paper on German instructmoi for. Bog.
lath speaking people. H. Itetlorntaum , of
Cincinnati , read a paper ontmtled "Guile
for lmmatrucliou mu Gorman American
History. " Lt the afternoon papers were
read by Prof. 1Vut , Mueller , of Louis-
villa , out "Plastic Drawiug , " and by licr
mnmt Sclmerich , of Chica O , on "Ethi-
cal Instruction in time Public Schools. "
MhauuIous Curesa
MONTREAL , August 2.-Tliroo miraculous -
lous cures are reported to have occurred
on time pilgriumgu of Ottawa people to
time alu mno of St. Anne do Beaupro. Omi
was of a c'irl ummicd Lavonia Dorton , wluo
lost time entire use of her legs several
oars mtn ) by an accidommt. Time other
cures are thee of tvwo children , six years
01(1 , who lmvo uovur been able to walk
Father Labour voucliod for these.
Killed In a Sand Batik.
IOWA Cirva. : , Aiigust 2.-As a cony
struetiomm train on the B. , C. R. & . N. It ,
it. , under G , Davis , roadnuaster , was
bncking into time gravel' pit , four mnilcs
south of this place , at 0:15 : this morning ,
a caving bank threw Mute Burke , Ilium-
lan amid several others , under time cars.
Burka was instantly killed amid' ' Iiminlan's '
loft leg wan broken m two places.
B. Columbia in a Sweat.
VlcronzA , B. C. , August 2.-Dry hot
weather hero. No raujm for two montlms.
Forest fires are raging overywleru ; , Yes.
terday afternoon the heat front the tires
caused Onderdunck's powder mill to cx-
plode ; 300 cases of giant powder were
ignited. Every puum of glass for uniles
wore simttercd. a
Time ItallroadOperatOrs ,
NASHVILLE , Tenn. , August 2.-The
railroad telegraph oporatorion time Louis-
yule tC Nashville line , who receive Western
ern Union messages , were adored by tht !
Brotherhood to join time strikers and to
other railroad telegraph oporutomn to con'
tribute $10 each to time eiin1)ort of strik-
lug nmombets.
Rebellion Quelled.
LAIIEno , August 2.-Time rebellion iii
time state of Tanatlipsos was quelled
Success is duo in a mcasuro to time quick
transportatin of troops by the railroad.
Time authorities are much gratified at the
success of time new method.
Clcariug up Accounts.
CunmAco , August 2.-Time Calmnet iron
and steel company to-day executed a
utortgagu for $300,000 , on what is known
as J. B. Brown's ' iron works , to A. J.
Ives. It is understood to be for time purpose -
pose of clearing up outstanding accounts.
Too Much Enthusiasm ,
SYRACUSE , August 2.-Thirty-two guns
were fired lmero fn time publio squmtro today -
day celebratimig time killuug of Hmfornmor
Carey. Two gunners wore badly injured
by pronature explosion.
I'rlestly I'ronmotlon.
011104(00 , August 2 , Rov. Father P.
.1. Riordon , of thus city , to.duiy received
official papers from Rome appoumtmitg him
coad ustor to the Catholic bishop of Cali.
] iIGIlWAY Il013BE1tY.
A German "Slugged"on Tenth Street
by Two Mon , and Relieved of a
Watch and Chatmm.
It is several years since n Dtoro daring
imiglmamy robbery has boon counittod in
1n they city than the one which occurred
Burly this morning. Shortly before ouu
( iIoeli Quptain O'Donaglnie wan talking
to un ulhicer tmnd bluckwatchnnam Powermt
on Farnan street when they heard cries
of police. Hastening to time corer of
Tenth street they mot a mnan running
towards them shouting for time palico.
He was very much excited amid had a1)
parontly bemm driuking to some oxtunt
but not onoupgh so that ho was able to
take taro of himself , lie inforned time
officers dint while walking dawn the
street a few minutes previous lie was attacked -
tacked by two mart who struck
hint upwm time head with none
inatrument amid at time suume
time forced hln into limo alloy oil 'I'emmUt
street , betweem : Fimum acid Harvey and
robbed hium of a told watch nod ubn'n. '
Blood was trieklumg down fin cheek froum
time wound. N'hui asked if lie Lad any
matmey lie replied that ho hod mint. He
was boarlfag ems the St. Jaomes lintel and
was on plus way hone wlomm lmis nssuilamits
attacked hon.
1Vlmilo time nman was relating loin store n
man un time Greemm T'rou hotel 0fwood u
wundow timid said that time robber iutd ru3
down time alley. 'l'ime ca mtuin turned time
man over to Watchuiiaul , Powers and with
the ofilcer gave clinic timrough time allo y
aid also scut ward to time ofllcors or m
Douglas street amid mill aurrounding
, laces. Itetu muug they procured a davit
lantern amid searclmod all the barns mid
sheds 1n time alloy but the robber could
not be found.
The victim , who is a ( lurmam abou t
tltmrtylive years of ago , was unable to
give any duscriptioui of time higinvuyrnan.
limo police are all on time alert aid will d 0
theiutmost to ca1pture time darling
tlmiuvos ,
The Plague Goutiuacs Piling Up the
Bead Without Regard to Coadttiou ,
An Army of itesurreetto fists at.
Work ht time Earthquake Indus
-Moro About time Demise -
miso ut Carey ,
OENERa11i FO1ti.1ON NEWS ,
A 1t0Ax ON m'Auc EL1. .
LONDON , August 2.-The report fury
mmished time press of min alleged speech by
Parnell in which he was rondo to slate ,
ruferring to Carey , that justice denied by
time rovornmonmt had been accoumplished ,
is a hoax.
IN rut : eoMMONn.
Under Colonial secretary stated limo
papers relative to limo huleuumity for
violence done Auuermumn llnlornmem iii
Fortune bay were being prepared , Time
governnemit had received mme ansvrer front
time United States coucermmimmg time -
sition for joint niensures to provcnt re
curreuco of sinmiliar troubles. Collings ,
in a speech , alluded to the proposed cou-
v'ent'on ' between SwitzorlmidaudAmurica
.for settlemuont by arbitration of nay dif-
feruneus between time two countries , and
asked if time governmitoit would make
treaties of a suuilar naturo. Glulstauuu
roplicd , Emmgland was not prepared to
take smiehi stops. Gladstone also said lie
hoped time session would be brought to a
close by August 23rd ,
'rum clmotnn t nu r11 Roll. .
CAnto , August 2.-fight hundred and
eightyseemm deaths froui cholera in
Egypt , \Vedmiosday , including 275 hero ,
three being muuoig time British troops.
't'welve English doctors arrived at Alex.
muria {' on the way to Cairo.
At.ExANnmA , August 2.-Two deatims
occurred lucre pesturdny. Total miunmber
of deaths from cimulura in Egypt siuco the
tirstontbreak of time disease to date is
Time deaths from cholera among British
troops in Egypt so far is eighty-four.
cAnny's TAKYN OFF.
PORT ELIZABETmI , August 2.-lime ox-
muination of O'Domincll for time nnmider
.linos Carey was resumiied to-day. Time
eldest sum of Carey deposed that his fatlm-
or mind O'Donnell had bcun on friend ) Y
karma throughout time voyage and had
often played cards. Time etse was ru-
itanded to enable time prisoner to call time
steward of the steamer , Melrose , nn wit-
Hess , Mrs. Carey says timere
was an lrishmmmnn nmuuetl
Melly fronm Wcxford on to a steamer
Iimmfaun Castle , that her husbaud was
auspieious of. Slme was in an adjoining
room when her Imusband vvas shot. Ile
rim toward leer saying , "Bun giel l'nm
shot. O'Donnell has shot mop Thumi
O'Donnell ' , replying to lion question , said
le had been tent to do it.
Carey's son said le found a clock for
ammo hundred pounds in hie father's pock.
et after time shooting.
t LONDON , , August 2-Tie stammer
Tatham , on which 'it me generally sfited'
are Michael Kavana6hm , Joseph Hanlon ,
Peter Carey , Josepim Sumith and six other
men comocted with time Irish murder
conspiracy , arrived at Adelaide , South
NAPLES , August 2.-Iing Ilunihurt
yesterday visited the scene
of time eartlmquako at Isclmia
and wont over time time mlps of the du-
stroyed town. lie expressed the deepest -
est sym atim withm time su0urers , and directed -
rected the dmstribution of money mid pro.
visions to those in mmeed. Anothmer soy
yore shock of earthquake was felt on time
islauid hint evening , which put a stop to
time work of searching the ruins for time
bodies of victims. It ms believed souno
poraoms buried under time falling buildings -
ings at the time of time earthquake are
still alive in time ruins , and time use of
lime on the ruins is therefore opposed.
Several persons were m Ischia
for Plundeib corpses.
BERLIN , Aoust 2.-Emperor Willian
has directed that time four hundrudthm
birthday of Martin Luther be observed
by all protestant people , The students
of time university will celebrate at Erfurt ,
August 8 , the entry of Luther into that
LONDON , August 2-A nmovonomit is
of foot for time unction of it nmeuuuriai to ,
and raising funds for , time assistance of
he family of Capt. Webb.
HAVANA , August 2.-Time body of Gomm.
Ord will , according to time mstructicus
received front time United States , be do.
potitod in the De1'rofundes hall of the
wumutery mail the cooler season sets in ,
when it will be sort north ,
(1000W00D RACES ,
LONDON , August 2.-The race for time
Goodwood cup at Goodwood , today , was
won by Bomder Minstreh , Carrio'Roy
aecomd , Dutch Over tluird , The otter
starters were the American horsus ,
Wallamstein amid Girafrte.
Pnnama ! 'Uinta ,
PANAMA , August 2-Goa. Julian I ,
Vijillo , ox-president of Colonmbiu is
dead ,
Outrages , continuo at Montucrist e
Ecuador , Cop , Mantiul Coballoseizud time
barracks , making prisouom of time pro.
feet , colonel amid troops , than broke m to
time houses of Itodoriqucz , governor ; Col.
liereria , Chaves Duaste , Vulosuques timid
Saumbrauo , captured time owners amid imn
imriseted tlmen with Cordova Itcyora , amid
Vmiaquez , who were brought fromim idmtn ,
'limo exeltemtmoumt bectume intensu whom i t
wits known that a body of young nom
were conning fron Mnntui to attach
time barracks and Guevara Dulgado timid
Iteyoi were arrested. Cuballo urdured f
Jose Castro to harder mill prisonun if al
attaele were nmade. Early mum time murmimm g
an attack was tiuade and after niuu hour s
akirmislm time town was takemt. A mmulmi
her were killed , including .luau Castro
Cabailo escaped aim horaoback , 'I'm u
rornaunder of time party took to time woods
Duasthe , Nasquez , lteyes and Gucvar
wore found murdered in prisop
Ileroria was alive , although wouidet
in two places aid his lug brokoi
A court martial was at ono e
held of Calera party captured , amid feu
of theta wore publicly shot in time aquor u
of Mottocristo ,
Small pox amid mnahignant ( over , rno
fatal then yellow fever , is raging on time
coast of Guatemala , Yellow fever is
playing havoc among time foreign tutu.
dents of Callas , Peru ,
Striking Items ,
CIimeAn0 , August 2.-Odicunls of time
1Vcsterui Union report that three more
striking oputators rohmrncd to work to-
CITY o' Mrsuoo , July 2-The tole.
graph opentorsmn time Itfexican National
rndirn ) t struck limit corning , 'I'hoy he.
mmmd an increase of $30 per miuomith.
Trains are laid up.
NnwYoltK , Atigust2-No chmaagu in
time telegraph tsar , both rides rolnaining
The last contingent of thoetrikiu ; , dress
au(1 cloak makers returned to work ,
Serious Charge Brought Agaiusl Robert
A young man naued Robert Boohmrich
was arrested early Weducadny evening and
locked up In jail. ] lu is charged by Mr. C.
Kuestor with emibezzlirug butweun $20
and $211 , from the Post Tlegraplm. In
eonvorsatiun with time prisoner last night ,
le timid ho ( lid not know what oflonsu he
was charged with , He comnmunced work
toliciting ndvertisumetts for time Post.
Telegraph limit Juno , lie to receive twyn
tydi o per coat ceuuniasiuu , lie lmas obtained -
tained about $000 worth of ndvortisimig
and hind received hat about $24 in cash
amid orders of merelmuts for a like
umutount. Ile could gut no more nmouey
fron Mr. Kuestor , although le was nenr-
ly' starving. On time 20th of last m umtli
to went to llfr. Spccitton Douglas street ,
who loud advertised , and obtained $5 aim
account. IIu them wont to time
stole whore time ummderwriter'n sale is Inking -
ing place where he received $20 , both
suuus which imo appropruatcd to lmis ( m wn
use but elnimiug to luivo uutufined lllr.
Kloster. Dist o mming timid gemmlhuuamm ,
uiet hint mid they vomit to time store ) tit
the proprietor was net ju. An explauuo-
tiou took place between tlwpartieswhieh
resulted iii time arrest. It is chumimed by
DIr , ICuester Hutt hue hint lenrned of over
$50 collected by time young unit who wits
dhscluargcd immure tluui a week ago.
Time prisoner is mi imilolligemit fellow
abouttwemmty.aix years of age. At one
tinmo ho was a clerk in Orchard .C Bean's
carpet store but it us alleged was discharged -
charged for intunmporate habits , 110(1 it
was clearly shown thmat the young maim
humid coney couming to hium fron time Post
Telegraph. Iii liually gave a recuiptiii
full for his services and limo case was
dropped. Judge Anderson stated that
there wes no gmounds whatever for cut-
berzlonent aid that time charge could not
bo sustaimued.
+ - - - ' t
Methods el Making Even Frame
, w. Bulldingsx'ractloatly.Flro-Proof. . .
Pioneer Press.
Fromm a well kutown firm of St. Paul
architects time following useful atatomiment
its to ] mow to make buildings snfo from
fire were obtained : Buildings indcstruc-
tiblo by fare have never beemm built , as all
ntaterinl is intlueued by heat to its destruction -
struction , but the attontiomm of the public
should be called to tie fact that we may
add preventatives and obstaelea to time
progress of fire iii uli kinds of buildings-
evou frame lmouscs can be made cougpar-
atively tire-proof against time usual causer
of tire , and neglect of proper precuutioms
agauust draughts of air in time
walls , and flours of iron , atomic
and brick will rommdur timer destruction -
struction sure from very trivial
causes. Therefore time first pruvunha
live of tire is to close up all systeuns of
air claunbers in time walls , floors and
roofs , and check all possible continuations
of draught from time lower part upward
through time roof , whiclm also is a umenns
of nmakimm g buildings warmer during the
cold wimmds of winter , 'Tis ranY ho cui-
sidored by some to mean also a clmoeking
of vonhlatiot ; but is not so , for vemtilmi
tion , to be proper , should be regulntod by
flues constructed for that special purpose -
pose . 'luster , or plaster amid mortar
mixed , is ti Inost eflbetual stopper to
close up time opoiimigs referred to , thougli
a few bricks will be needed to hole 1311
time larger spaces. Whun construetimig a
building , ass so many arc doing now , it is
poor policy to neglect a few conmmnom pro.
cautions for thu sake of their alight cost ,
or because of ignnmunce of proper
nmetlrods. And these prucnutiems should
be particularly taken um the construction
of frame buildi6 s.
First-Sue that time franc of time build-
immg is filled in with brick at least ten
inches above the foundations , thus shut.
Ling ail draughta , rats , etc , , ( noun time
collar ; next , that time floors are rum omit
butweon time stndding mod shcathmimug ;
also , that all spaces between beanma where
the cross partitions conic are tiliud full of
brick amid mortar ; amid ugaimi at all connections -
nections of walls with roof that the mmmor-
tar and brick fill up solid t ) the slmimmpdos ,
' 1'imeso remnaka also u p ) )1 to buildimu gs
lurtlY of wood and ju j rtl of brick ,
Secondly-Ciminnmeya amid flumes should
not oudy be built as straight. as possible ,
but all oats filled ate flushed full of
nmortar , astore(1 as the latter
loosemie chokes time slues aid becomes
one of time causes of fire , connionl
called n defective flue. All woad worn
conning ngmtimiat u flue or clmmnmoy should
have a heavy coat of mortar mixed
with plaster between thieum , Ileartims
i should be sot of trimnmer cir-
chums of brick amid nut am t
wooden bottoms. 't'hirdly-lfeatip tg
pipes should be doublu , or else wire cloth i
iathwg Immtist be mused and time atuddimm
covered with tin flashing , Fourthly-A
cornices tumid appendagus to buildings m m p
roofs should have time hollow ports shu t
tip so is to pmevemmt mummy pussuble uutruic u
of draught , Fifttmly- Owners should see
, that the sweupinga of time joiners are nu t
t swept into the spaces botwcemm time floor
imm joist , aroumid time ehinneya. Valun
l bio ro prt is too wantamil destroyed in
, our citiesy your eaelesamtess is mraverbitu l
amid our houses are reputed fire traps ,
r 't'his is all true in time lar gem' menorit ,
and if it cot be uuvented our growth a s
cities vvdl not oil ho geeatemb but out r
aoctiriY of mind edunmiced
u t amid peace ,
The Boarhons'of Minnesota Unhottle
Their Brcath and Nomjnatc
a Ticket ) i
. .I
A Howl ArrllarborIitlls anti Rcvc-
nue Tnrln The Senatorial -'I
Contest dm New llautp.
shire Ended ,
ST. PAUL , August 2-The donocritie
state convottion assenbied at noon'to '
day , C F , hock was rondo tonporory
eluurunaL After appounting the usual
eaunndttees a recess was takemi till 3
On rccotvcmiiuu C. II. Lemming was
made wrumnent cliairnunn. ' 1V , tiV , 11ic
Nair was mmeniualed for governor over
B'emmumm ' time ouly othergovernor on '
limo first ballot.
'limo only codcst worthy of nmommlinn
wits omm the tsuv'onie ship. For lienton-
mmt govcrnor , It. L. Fmzcu was mmcmi-
anted Oil the first ballot ; secretary of
state , .1 , .f. Grcen ; state trenamur , dolor
Lodwig ; ndtoruoy.rueml , .1.1V , Willis ,
railroad cmnumissionur , R Lindholui.
Anti proltibilion renolutions were 1Ltssed.
Time platforu decharen for tariff for
rovemuuo only' , approves time river and
lmarbor bulls and calls for revision of mho
patent law. _
ELEermoN OF PIKE IN NEw' mr.utrnmmmmuc.
CoNuono , August 2.Thu fortyaocond
ballot resulted in limo election of Austin
F. Pike for United States nenator , 'limo
ballot vvas mum folows ! : Whole nunmber
cast , 315 ; necessary to choice , 158 ; Ed.
ward 11. Rollins 1 , AArun F. Stevens 1 ,
\Villimu S. Iatdd 1 , Gilntnmi 111nrston 10 ,
harry liimmghanu 112 , Austin F. Pike ,
181. Pike lutviug n majority' was declared -
clared elected Uamtcd States nomntor for
six years from 11ou ahm 4 , 1883. The no-
stilt of limo ballot was greeted with tumultuous -
uous npplaas. l'iku in 03 ycama old , a
lawyer in active practice , lots beet a rep-
resommtatuio iii congreas nntl is couaidered
mime of the ablest rcpublienus iii time state.
Soumi after time election , Pike appeared
with time couuuiltee of time legislature mud
accu ) tcd time office. Hu said time honor
urns entirel unexpected and undeserved.
lie could neuisusuueuuit' , devotion mind
iutltistr 1n the discharge of the dutica of
time ohhico. He could promise notliimu
be from
utnro. Hu hoped to senator
New .luau pahiro n ot on1Y of time party ,
but of tIme oo plc.n
wua a delegate to time first re pub-
liciut natiamial convention which uiomtmia
ell John 0. Frouomt for ) president. He
was bunt in New Iluuupahuro October 10 ,
Sccna Shtt'tiog Itxtraordrmary ,
1'nttcrson Press.
It is seldom timat time nund of time nmo-
chunical inventor is turned to practical
use by thuntrical managers ; and wuon it
is time case it is merely utilized for the
purpose of producing osrects on limo ptago.
But an invention has just bceu erfected
that is calculated to of oat value
to the immense travotiuug comarmies that
6o froni .ono point to anot tbrin"thd ; "
United States durin the "season. " The '
invention referred to is a railroad freight
car. To be sure , a freight car is seldom
a very pete t factor in swelling time receipts -
ceipts of a perfornanco : but in this case
it us the novelty , convenience , and easy
facility with wluch it is handled that
ntako time car valuable. Time car is oe
built that it can be taken from time rail
road track and run along the street in
time same mnanrmor as an ordinary truck.
It can be backed up to the door of any
theatre and the scenery , properties , costumes -
tumes , etc. , of time play packed awn is
its interior It is then hauled back to
the railroad amid carried to its destination ,
whore it undergoes the sanme operation as
before , except that limo "props , " scenery ,
etc. , tire takemt out of tlmo car , where they
leave been umlisturbed sluice ostarted
Oil time journey. There is no rauandling
whatever nuces ary , the car running on
time tnok tumid being conunodious enough to
acconunodnto time most cpnbersome sots.
It was at furl thought that its enormous
lemgtlm would interfere with its roumdimig .
short curves , but time railroad men any. ,
that its lungtli will cause no difficulty.
Messrs. Shook & Collier , of time Unini
Square theatre , tine time first managers to
give it a trial amid have several built especially -
pecially for their cOnmhmany's fortlmconing
trip to California. Their cars are at pres .
rut lym b at tlio Erie railroad depot at
Jersey City. The decoraticna un time out.
side of thmomim tire an elaborate mum those on
tune outside of profestiommal circus chariots.
To give nn idea of their capacity Mr J.
1V. Collier , who will accompany the
troupe to Sat Francisco , will take with
him time unmbaesy and duel scenes of "Time
Backer s Daughter , time ball roan sot
amid timedhuing roonmuchof AParisian lto-
mnnco , " time lofty street sot fron "Time
Itantzaus , " the splendid scenery of time
'arlors ' amd drawing roonma of "Dmtiel
ltuchat " and every sot of scemma in the
' 'Li gimta o' Lonon , " Ordinarily , time
stone of time latter isenou gho fill
two ordina cars , buplay limo rew cars it
will occu' ' ) aver nall amount of space.
Besides this time propi costumes , and
other accessories t ) the repertory of
druniaa that the commanwill iii San
Fmmicisco will formmm mum
of baggage. Time Erie railroad company
will attach the cars to a fast railroad trait
that will start five or six days in advmmco
of time company , and will reach San Frm-
frtmcisco in twelve days fron thu time
they leave Now York.
Free Uanals ,
Chicago Inter.Ocean. '
Time systen of free canals in Now
Yok , inaugurated in Map lasts him so far
'proved ' a iviso u' iicy , limo iiucroaso of
business has been gtoat. In time first
week there was a min of over 45 nor
cent iii time nunmb r of toes of freight
anved , ngmiumst time sauce season last year ,
timid suucu that time the state.
tmouts show a correspondingly
isfaclor condition of alraire.
'Flue dmlfuronco is largely ado u
of articles tlutt wore not othu last
year. Cormm advanced fron 12,141 tons
fast year to $1,503 this your ; arttlimeito
coal yfrotn 40,841) tome to 60,144 touts ,
t'limo grain during time first week in July
wvmta not so large , but it Wits large enough
to gratify time advocates of time now policy ,
! le member of tots riuryed was 172,611 ;
durimig time mute week last year time lug-
ures wore 143,505 , tons. This uieraaso of
20,047 tons is made up pnucipallylin
wheat , which shows un advance of 217,033
bushels , *
' 1R .