u THE DAILY' BEECUUNCIL BLUFF THUItSpA Y , A.UGUSa' 2. i8tt. , 1 THE DAILY I3EE. N CQUN Cm BLUFFS. ThursdaT Morning , August 2. stm cRIMIot ( RATES , Br Artier - - - - - - 20 ttnta per week Dy Mai - - - - - - - $10.00 lie , Year ' Ol'FICE ; r 0.7 reinl Street , Hoar Broadway , , MINOR MENTION. I Zoo Joseph Roiter's fall goods. Cheap railroati tickets at Bushnoll's. There has boot no marriage licenses issued this month. There are now seventeen inmates in the hone for the frieiidloss. Mr , Frank Keelino is happy in being the father of a bouncing boy , ' 11icClurg'a cracker factory expects to start up in full blast by Monday , The Baptist Sunday school have a merry picnic at Parks Mills to dny. The saloon keepers nro stepping ofF ratty briskly with another quarter's ] icmise. Thu Methodfsts have a social this even ing at the residence of Mrs. F. 11 , OrcuU. Thoao who own dogs are rcapcctfully invited to sto1) u1) to the city clerk's office and settle. Not oven a solitary drunk to break the silence of the Morning lour in police court yesterday. A cow fell ovur the blu1F on Frank street yesterday , and had to be shot to get her out of her misery. Arthur lipp was arrested yesterday on complaint of Mrs. Ahoy , who says he broke the peace all to pioccs. The box culvert on Pearl street and First avenue , is full of holes and breaks. A dangerous place for horses' logs The coning tort of the circuit court promises to be very light , there being about suvontyftvo cases less than usual , Attorney Scars objects to the continued assaults in Tune Glebe and has prepared the papers for a libel suit , placing his damages at $20,000. It is diflieult to toll whether the barrolb l of ice water , placed by time city on the street corners , are , boat used for bathing or for drinking purposes. It is intimated that some changes will Boon bo made in thin police force. Oflicor 1 Warner is said to bo in danger of laving I his resignation accepted , Mary Jane Footisch has commenced divorce. proceedings against Ernoat Footisch , claiming that lie has bean too cruel towards her altogether. I Chief Templeton , of the fire depart wont , has boon presented by Charles Sandorson with a beautiful nugget pin brought from the Denver reunion , i A , H , Mayno S ; Co. are getting their new coal yard on Broadway in shape for doing more business than over. Paster- , day they put in tlicit platform scales. Pm i The powder company has at last got a - location for its storage house. Five acres have bean secured of Henry Paschal near I the institution for the deaf and dumb. Mr. and Mrs , Charles Keith entertained - tained a number of young folks at their residence on the occasion of the birthday ii aanivorsary of their daughter , Mrs Julia may' ' i The attoManco of the teachers' insti . tute , has now reached 202 , one more than over shown by a previous enrollment at any institute hero. The interest has kept on the increase as well as the at- tendance. The paper which lavished so much praise on the horse collar factory , ought not to have overlooked the fact that Mr. Turley is the patentee , and that to himn t is largely duo the starting and the successful cossful progress of the enterprise. . Fannie Robinson is the latest applicant for a divorce , alma claiming that her bus. band Joseph lugs been not only in the habit of getting drunk but that ho do ao'tgd } her entiroly. They were nnarried in England about ton years ago , f' Street paving begot in Council Bluff's yesterday , The first work of time kind is i > i' not yory extensive , it being a ) artion of i Pearl street in fret o/ Seth S7 Critten- dmi's dry goods house , amid is of steno. More wilt follow now that a start is made. ' Oliver Height , who has driven the , ' . Bluff city loom cart , has resigned his position - sition in time fire department , aid en- f toad time stnPtoY of Messrs , McClurg , time cracker mamufacturers , Connor . - Brown now wants the seat of time imoso cart as iii successor. P = i The justice shops wore vary quiet yos- f tordaY. Vaughn had gone to Des Monies a to sco about gutting a Hurdle line estab dished tlmora. Abbott had bum to t . Omaha with a visiting brother Knight from Indiana ) olisl while Justice Sehurz was busy with civil business only. ti Yeaorila y morning the report roaehoti the ] w co statiou , that a woman wan lying at the corner of Third avenue and Eighth street , either drunk or dead , Chief Field wnt down with a hack and s found liar there sure being dead drunk , I She was sobered up at time calabooso , t , Time wonan arrested yesterday for be , hug drunk on the streets , took advantage of the back door of the calabooso being open , and skipped out. She left her nmantlo behind her and should apply to t police headquarters for it before it guts lost. t The certificates for oxonpt firemen were made out yesterday , signed , scaled and ready for delivery. They are very lramdsono that is , time cortilicates are not time firemen , ad represented about yvury ' ) oseible phase of u fireman's life and all ports of apparatus used b time do- mont. P , I . i Mr. Tim Itfalmah nn has purchased the i ) place formerly rut by A , Forbes on BroadwnY , aid will tmmku lpossesslalm of tIue ianmo today , and lie intends to run it in ' first class style. He has secured' Mr , Jolnt Maloney , foruttrly of 1Vursaw , ] ll. , as an asslstant , and he will make hinr min able one , Mr , John Eggers , a memnber of the city council of Indianapolis , was hi the city and tok occasion the Kni bits of I 'ihae hero , in I ) elmaf ] of limo lndmapolta Knights , for f ho pains taken to properly care for time a body of the young mmean Johnson who 4l .i . 1) olamged to ins Indianapolis 1 6tor but l .1 who was killed by time can's ' hero last wim- tel. t D1iaaNolllaBlmge , thowellkngwltOld ' .ago artist , ifho waa a member of the j ta open company . , Is to give a concert r .a - 1 1 4 at Dohany's , next Tuesday evening , as. sieted by Mr. John Skolton , the late cor netist of the same company and Miss Kato E. Pusey , and Mr. Chnarf os Palmnor , of this city. The names and talents of all am so familiar as to need no urging to secure n full houso. There was a great sigh of relief anong many on learning that the reported acct- dent to the 0. A , It , excursion train was a hoax. Some had figured out exactly who from hero were om the tram , and some rolatfvea of time suppoecd killed wore nearly beside thoinsolvos over time flows. It as a cruel hoax htdoed , City Marshal Iiardin , of Avoca , was ! tore yesterday on his way to Missouri with a roquisitton for the young fellow arrested thorn for stealing a horse from near Avoca. The thief was captured two weeks ago , bpt the Missouri officials ) ailed - ed him for cariyilm cmtcealod weapons mod would not rive cint u ) until after lie had served his tornm for that , lie will now be brought back to answer limo more serious charge hero , Mynstor .C Adams moved their law ofllco yesterday from the romps over the Savings bank to DoVol's new block , in the rear of Officer & Pusey's banking house. They have been therofourycars , and have established so firm a raputa tion that the chnngo of location will not probably loosen their business. The tel. u Mono company is flaw to ooo1Ipy their old office , making quite a chan gu as eou as slaw those rees have occupied ofilces over since time building was erected , Time telephone campamm sees to be lard to suit , us regards a location for their central office , Time case of .Iosophm Kiter , who is to be arraigned today' before the ntnyor on charge of n.'saulttug Mimiuio Dixon with intent to kill , will not attract as notch interest as if the examaiuntiot were to ho hold , It is time intention to waive examination - ination amid await the session of the grand jury. The friends of the young mimedwho are man are anxious that ho should be released au as reasonable bail as the offense will permit. The fact that the assaulted woman evidently Jim not suffered greatly from time shooting is urged as reasn why time unfortuato aInir ( slmould not bring severe iunislunout uImein the 1prisoner.- I Sioux City Jcurmal. An old moat was noticed in thin park terclny fooling with a little girl 1n a very unseemly manner and the attention of SlioriiFGuittar was called to Lint by a citizen who had been watchimm the scne , The slmoriff saw onuu glm to confirm time statement sonewhat and his anger would not allow } mint to wait for furthr of. Ho accosted Limo old ratan and learned that ho'was from time east and was traveling - ing for his health. The sheriff told him to keep et } trmtvelin g for his health , and to start at , once , He did so , The little girl said she lived lucre and was. sent to er ] Homo , Homoa - J , W. Rodofer imaving been elected socretai7 and treasurer of the Mercantile Loan , Irust and Improvement company of Council Bluff's , has accepted time 1)051 tion and assumed time managmnont of time caumpany's business , The following named persons arc on time board of direct- ore ; T , A , Kirkland , C , S. Loul'erts , J , W , Ilodofer , I , A , Miller , E , L. Slmgart. T. A. KIIUCLAND , Prosident. I'ICKEI ) UP BY POLICE , Tim Harvest Gathered dry time Boys In Blue Iuringtcd hot July. Chief of Police Field line made up tlno record for time month which has just closed showing the number of arrests made by the police. Tlmero have Jeen few arrests of prostitutes and gamblers , I amid more for selling liquor without a licunse. Other offenses are represented about up to the average , . and driurks a little above : Drunk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Diatur. . . . , , . , , , , . „ 24 Shooting with Intent to kill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Turning In faleo alanm , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 1 Discharging fireworks , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , r 6 Committing nuisance , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , S Larceny. . . . . . . . . . . 6 Assault and battery , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 0 Indecent assault , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 1 Mlsdamoamor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Immuatoaof ) mouseaofIllfamito , . , . , , , , 10 Obstructinstreet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Burglary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Vagrancy . . . 0 Insane , 1 IncorrigIltlo' girl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Cambltng. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Canvaasingwithout ltocnso , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 1 Susplctous character. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Carryingconcealed weapons , „ , , , , 1 . . . . . . . . . : . . . . ( : . . . . . . . . . , , . , , , . - PERSONALS. Mrs , Gideon Itobinsoim was a little batter yesterday , \v. E.1'helps , of Sioux City , who is asso elated uith Mr. Vhicent hi time work at Florence - once cut off , was in the city yesterday , Mrs. Sherry , of E11glund , was naioog the names appearing on the register of the Ogden lrnusa yesterday. Sam. Ili Brooks , of Chicago , arrived at tlio Ogden yesterday. W. A. Fry , one of Omaha's comnrnorclal tourists , was bore yesterday , and started out to Interview customers ! n wostoni Iowa , Mr. William Currier , a brother of B T , Connor , of the firm of Cotner do Givanella , mnablo dcalQrx , who was formerly iii the sama bushtlees In Calcium , 111 , , but now connected vvlth a large wholesale house im Chicago , is ht limo city om business , Ii , 'iv. I'llsom , of Avoca , was in time city yesterday , and stopped at Nw Pacific. Mrs. It. Johnson , of Clumvood , was lm time city yosterdday. , Mrs. M , J Aldrich , of Cedar llapids , visited Council Bluffs yesterday , Coo. Catty , of Shelby , was in time city yes. terday , and stopped at time Pacific , II , 0 , WIvillo , of Rock Idaul , was n Pacific house guest yesterday , Miss Mae ! Dale lies returned frpum a visit to relatives ht Illinois , Robert Purclvnl is rtsticating om lm1 m farm. Mr , nod lilts , l'otor 1h iitelle have rutmu ual ( rout Chicago , whou they Iowa boom gutting some fundslmlogs for their now hotel. - H.'al Eatnlo'1'rnnslbrs. Time following deeds tvoro filed for re. cord in the comity clerk's ofliee , August 1 , reported for timq BEE by P. J , Mc Maliot , real estate ngent ; Mary B , Swan to Frank Scholl , lams 0 , 7 amid 5 , block 17 , Crawford's add' 4b00 0 , , i , I. , Cs P. It. It. Co , to Alonro Kniglmt , nm raw } , 33 , 70 , 41 ; $0.40 , J F. Puller to S , K Crouso , lot 21 , block 1 , Oakland ; $58i. J 0.Hotfmayr to Bon amin F. Koo- h u e , lots 1 mid 2 , block 1 , Iagg'a 2d add ; 1 . Mora Wotmoro of al , to District Towmi- $111 ) of Noola , part of s } sw } , 16 , 77 , 42 ; $ , Total salosr $0,740 , HAISING THE DEUCE , An Attempt to Open Up Uamb1Ill Causes Alothor SUrmish , Mncli Muroof a Itow than Appears on time Surfaco. There Is considerable of a stir among those interested in the gambling controversy - versy which has boot going on 'hero for souro time. Tire attempt made by Bon Marks to open his keno room was promptly checked by acomplaint field by Charles Nicholson , of which a warrant was served , Ben Marks , Tom Ilatlill' , Bon McOiniss and "high Ball" Charlie being arrested. They put up money for their appearnlice , and soon after time oflicors were sent to capture time are dicr malia of time romps amblin uteuails etc. , but llla or Bowurnn stopped this ork amid let the mro molt rouioimi iii tlm room ms. The whulo nfhue scouts to be an outcmne , not of time city oflicinl's stern inteiitimr to atop gammbling but of the war which has beou gong on for some time anomig time gamblers tltmn- selv'es , It is generally' undoratood that Bon Marks amid Pat Lacy are nspirnnts for the chieftainship in their lines , time fornmer's pot game being keno , time latter's gone taro and poker. It is claimed that 1'at Lacy , wielding considerable political power , is willing to use it to protect time grumbling interests of time city , but wants Marks to pay ! tint a percent of the keno profits , hrarka refused to do so , is the conunonly stated cause of time rupture be. twcomm tlmmn. Time fact that Charles Nicholsml made the complaint ngninst lieu Illarhs amid Ilia cmnradcsl luny arise fronn time particularly conscicutmous scruple on hia part , and his uuxiety to have the city as eelebmted for its murals mts it is for having a great rail. way center , if this be time real rcasmm for Niclmolsou'a part in time afl'nir , it will be a surprmso to mammy. lie has not borne time ' roptmtatmon of being a strong church mar. Jim view of time general belief that 1'at Lacy will mint lot tteut hrnrks run if lee car help it , it looks very much as if Nicitolsoi miglmt be put forward by parties bolund time Beetles. It has bemr rumored that high ball poker and other games wore' being slyly played at Pot Lacy's place , but ns.yct no evidence line been socurod.of . that fact and na information filed. So long as time ganblprs will quarrel amen themselves there is n good chance for time public to stalmd one ide and lot them f i it out. Those who are determined - mined Gr either shut u gambling hare , or make it keep shady , rest in time nteantimno and hnile time utblers are fighting , can et their strength renewed , sthat hen n truce is effected , as it will bo sooner or later , they can then be in good trim for a now raid. One tlmimmg is certain , Council Bluff will never allow gambling to be conducted - ed openly and recklessly as 1mi time past. Time result of time period durimmg whtclm time ( louses hnvebeen closedhavo bemm too gratifying. Omre official yesterday expressed - pressed time feeling of many whmr lee said ; "I tell you there lies been miry a dollar go to the fireside lately that never would have got there if time gmnbling housosworo open , " The action thus far taken has not been my real voicing of time foelilng of time council. Time resolution passed by that body somno time ago ordering the closing of tme amblin houses as ws shown ugi Tim Bun at time time was only taking advantage of time row among time gam. bler. themselves. The raid Tuesday night was not ordered by the council nor 1)y City MarshalJackson , whois supposed to have special chdrgb of , seeing time ordi- nances'obeyed. That official was at home asleep at thmo tune. It seems from whatever side the affair is vjuwed , 15 simply a war among themselves , in which time law of the "survival of time fittest" way lie illustrated , Time cases were called up inpolico court yesterday aftornoon'mid wore continued two weeks with time uxce tion'of that of Tonm Ratliff , which was dismissed ou rcconunmtdation of time mayor , it not ap- peariug'tlutt he was at the rooms , or near thorn , or that lee hind anything to do with them , ho having only arrived iii time city a day or two ago frmn Mimineap- alis. alis.It It was reported on the streets las nigmt ] for a certaint that Bat Marks & Co. worn rum aim g a faro 'moo stud-horse poker , hazard amid roulette in their Hain- ling romps over the Pheonix saloon , A mina of faro was also rue by Jim Mad- minaiii time roar of time Crystal saloon , These are all time guiles that mire reported - ported running , but other homes declare tlmat they will opmi tonight , Thos run- mind sewn to bemunolostodbytime police. Dr. West , dentist , 14 Pearl street , TILE CITY WALLET. how time Present Council has Ex- pouled time City's Money. Time following is time official , report of City Auditor Burke , which will bq presented - sonted at time regular nnoeting of the city council next Monday ovouing ; To time lion , hfa'or and City Coaueil , of the City of Council Bufls ) ; GIINTLE11EN t-I hierowlthm aubllmlt the follow- lug report of city warrants lsauod during the muntlm of July , 1883 , as well as mho total ammlommttt of warrants issued by order of the present council , rap to August 1,1883 ; ( lunurrd Fraud for Jely , , , , , , , . , , . ,5 3,469,09 1'ollcuFund forJ9ly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,35720 , S 7,6 ° 0,89 Total General Fund to Aug , 1,5'1,08321 'otal l'ulice Fund to J1ug. I. . . . . . , 0,454.70 Crand total , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,5:8,128,91 Also , hills have boom nndited 110(1 nllw'ed timing. time seine thuu , on the fullow9ng no counts. In July , tir'd'I'otat Now City building and prounds..i 3,578.00 53,688,40 Pullce Acxx.uut. , , , , . , . . 800.07 3,491,31 tltus , , , , 441.07 1,895.47 l'riniing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.50 ' 60.80 Parks , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88.40 203.90 Judgnmouta . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,121,15 City ] e'ngineer's office , . , , 130,119 , 415.37 Fire department , , , . , . , . 732,52 2,870.81 Streets amid alleys , , , , , . 1,075,52 4J17.37 Sidewalks. . . . . . . . . _ . , , 84.90 997.89 Sownm o 408,47 3,900,59 Oemmortm Fund . . . . . . . . . . 400.95 2,550.50 Condemnation , , . , , , , , , , 152.00 1,915,75 Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X8,021.69 $28,193.90 F , A , lluumce , City Audits , Cnssady tG Orcutt are receiving now carpets tinily , ktr the fall trade. Duluth is time largest village in time United States. Kalamazoo Mloh , r until a low montlma ago ' buts it has ahn o secured a city clmartor , t J , N , CASADY P. n. onctrrr , CASADY & ORCUTT 502 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Carpets nod Oil Cloths , CURTAINS , Curtain Fixtures , , AND A CGMPLETE STOCK OF CIOICE House Pllrllishill Novelties S Mail Orders Promptly Filled . CASADY & ORCUTT , - - Council Bluffs , Iowa , A , H. MAYNE & Coe DEALEi1S IN Liffle Louisville MiC111GAN PLASTER.1iA11t AND SEWER PIPE , HAitI AND SOFT COAL AT LOWEST Pmicn. No , 538 Broaaway , , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , III S I ? A U 1119 t. : Sim I ri i . . ca W 'xl s - _ I = X01 ' . . Merchant Tailors. I rj 7 and 9 Main Street , i 7DIRI7IClTORY , CJOVNc xTj ILVFIaf9 , X. JOflN BEND & CU. f 18 Mai , street and 17 Peal trc L , B . CLARK & CU DRUOa „ Proecdptlona Compounded at all hours , 108 Broadway. CRESTON IIOUSE. MAX M OHN Orocery , 218 Maln Street , hotel , 217 and 210 Maln street. J. M. BARSTOW M D . , , , Corner Fifth street and Fifth ave. UR J F WHITE OFFICE , Cernor Stain and Fifth up ataln , ] laeldenw , UOD Willow avenue. N SO HURZ JUSTICE OF TIIE PEACE , , Once over American Express. LIVERY AND FEED , r. . S WAGNER , WIII contract for funerals at reasonable rates , 22 Fourth street , J M S t ! ' JOHN & CO.CA vH BUYERS * holesalobnttereggspoW , , , . , > , try and fruit. Ship to as. Draft by return ma0 , 140 Broadway. NEW BOOT AND SIIOE STORE , S A PIERCE . Comer Mali sad First avenue , PETEBRIDGE & HERBERTZ , Bro , JACOB KOCH , Stock Complete , Suits t made at reasonable prices. No. 805 Maim , St. G F S ITH . corner 7th and Broadway. CONTRACTOR Plana AND and BUILDER gpecmfcatlona , fewatehed. DEALER IN FINE 8. W. w. SHERMAN , I have the variety that brings patronage 12iffiari ! street. MERCHANT TAILOR. JAMES FRANEY , Artistic Work and reasonable charges. 572 Broadway. FURNiTU1UI STOVES , ' " HuWE & SONN and nouseholdSupplies. 9etBroadway. LINDT & HART ATTOR ProctlcoT ! James Block n state and federal courts , Mauufacturers Fine Furniture , Upholseryneods , Curtains , E. STOCKERT & CO . , , and Window Shades 307 rtoadway. And bath house , 421 and 423 Broadway. L Sovereign , PropP , J. Mont. SANITARIUM gomery , 3m. D , Bhyeleian. WADE CA8.Y , 051c0 Bray's stable. VETERINARY SUROEONt No. 12 Scat .tree. , P J flENNESSY , Trade Supplied. Manufacturer . of Ststrect 1ORSECOLLARS , between Otiu and 7tht ave. EDWIN J. ABBOTT , 'Notary ' Public end JUSTICE General OF L'onr THE oyancer . 416Broadway , R'EVkItE ; HOUSE , . Broadway opposite New 01 elm house. Ileftted $1 , $ L10 per day , DE CAY & OASSEL. r CONTIiAC'OIIS Corner AND Sixth DUILAEIIS. street s. Avenue 0. r NEW 'AND , SECOND IIAND 1OUSEIIOLD GOODS , vv H. ALMY. Boughtandsgh , J2Optadway SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE.-Spcclil edvertisemente , such as Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , Te Rant , Wants , Boarding ing etc. , will be inserted In this column at'tho low fate of TEN CENTS PER LINE for the flat los.rtloa dnd FIVE CENTS VEIL LINE for each subsequent in. /artion. / Leave advertisements at our o51co , No. 7 Peal Ntreet , near Broadway WANTS. . , Vj ANTED-Every boeytn Council Bluffs to lake TimsUsa. Ds3eeted bycarrlerat only twenty cants a week -1TANTED-A competent girl for general house yl work In small family. Good wages. Address m' , lieu Orrmcs. TANTED-A boy , with pony , to deliver Tmafu. 17ANTED-A good mat cook , at the Drover's 11 hotel , Comutl Bhffs. , FOR SALE AND RENT , li miles front Coumeli Blu w aAddresst.l lieu olllca I oIt1ImLNTTSQasoeI,40by00on boxer Main street , optultu ; foundry. Enquire of Johu Sful queen , _ Olt ilA1.E-Snloon at 218lkoalwey , tiHALF.-blouse and lot , uort trait cornet J Tenth aid liroadway. Joint W. nimao , Twos , orricaa , ii. Is , rrssy , OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS. Cou cu nmwi , - Is. Esta&lislfea - - 1856 Dealers in Forglen and Domesto Exchange and llume&curitlea cresh Fish , Wholesale and Retail No , dal Man Street , Next Block South of roetof lce , Coamcf Elulfs , Iowa. . ODELL & DAY , Loans , Reai Estate . AND INSURANCE. No , 39 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. City Property , We heve vacant lots in all , parts of the city at from lbo.oo up , for sale on monthly payments. No , 52. house , 0 rooms , wall , drtern , 4large lots , plenty of fruit on Ikmton street ; cheap , g2OW , No. SO-A.Ieslrahloresidence . on Seventh street , near Bloomer school , bulldinxe nearly now ; 5Om. No. 42.-Ninety feut front , corner II'earl St. and se. wed arenue , oppoeltu court house ; t ,5oo , Business Chancos. No , 20.-For sale or tend. , o stock of hardware , at a goal bu.IWss lxllnt IIi.tern Iowa. will trade for farm or city 'ro ' .arty , No. M.-hotel , the mity one inatown of 7001nhab Itate , 25 roar , , , with ga.I bun , well locatad , wimi sell cheap or trade for a tarot. No , 10.-A Ile rapubliran paper in wedsrn loan. , omllclal county paper and large patrmiage , rsrycheap If sold eowi , We aI o have a number of choice farina In westenu lows , for sale cheap. LOANS. . \S.o have money to loan on faun anti city property , at trout 0 to 10 tor cep. Fire and Tornado Insurance , Best of compmh represented. xqultablo rates anti fair treatment. Lussos adjusted sud paid at tit. ultica Mrs , H , J. Hilton M , B. , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , 399 BroadwayECouncn Bluffs , _ we R.VAUCHAN Justice of the Peace. Omaha amid Council Bluffs , Real estate and collection agency. I0. Odd Feuow'a block , over Savings Dank. ; janSn 'r. 4 , t e. . . 1qa , , . . 'I n To The Trade . 0 , { I We take pleasure in calling yourattoutlon to the factthat wohavemeulo aucharrnngo monts as will enable us to sell you Boots Slioos Etc. , , . , Here , as Low as you can buy them East , 'Write for further infornatioL ze T CO. , 412 Broadway , Council Bluffs Iowa. CreaMFriits ! . s , , Parties , Soclables and Pimucs supplied on short , notice , amid goods delivered to all parts of the city W. T , BRAUN'S European Restaurant , 404 West Broadway , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , i. : a rdr are. , 504 Br , padway and 10 and 12 Main Sf „ Council Bluffs. PROMPT ATTENTION AND CLOSE PRIDES ON MAIL ORDERS. Broadway Stearn Laundry e . , ' 7 W3tLfST 73RO 7D ' 'Y. A. C , LARSON , - - - - - Proprietor. LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY. JOHN R. MARTIN , Pracc Plumber aild Steam Filler. , - , , , f , . . lies a full line of Bath Tubs Sink Botlors Brass and . Lead Goods Lcad and Iron . Pipes and fittings. Job. bing promptly attended to. Fint class work guaranteed. No , 11 Pearl Street , - - ' - COUNCIL BLUFFS HOUSES , LOTS AND LANDS. ' . . ISought and JSold. Money Loaned Abstracts Furnished . . . janSn'r. A HON No. 4 Pear ! Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. . SULLIVAN & FITZGERALD , DEALERS IN Eiocei1os , PrOY1iOliS , Boota aii . She , IMMIC + RBTION 8G 7Tf , , , , f DRAFTSON THE BANK OF IRELAND D JBUN FOR SALE 343 BROkDWAY COUNCIL BLUFFS ' ' CRESTON HOU .SE MAg NOUN , - - - PROPRIETOR. 215 , 217 and 531915. 1. n im troot , ; COUNCIL BLUFFS - - - - - - IOWA sd s d MRS. IL A. BENEDICrr , THEI.EADING , DEALER IN 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs. - - Little Windsor 531 BROADWAY- j . eta.LIIaI1t : . , . And Day Board. All the Dtlleacics of the season amid the flne table in the city. _ D. Ae BENEDICT Sign Writer &Grainer. . $300 worth a5hausu pmintbig traps forrale chcapfor cash. Offioo 337 roadoxray , CJouaioil S1LZftI. . p Overton , DEALER IN Hard Wood , Yellow Pine and Red Cedar Lumber , Oak aid lied Cedar l'flingCeelu Telegraph , I'olesand Feau Posts , Oak Iimenslou Stun , 1m o Material of all kinds , at lied ! lock m'rkee. A SpatIalty in WOOD AND COAL for brick yard purpoecs. A full supply of aoo.l and fur coat always of band at lad t scale on Mahn street. O51ce,5O5 First Av aeon Maui and Pearl streets. WINTHERLICH BROS. Bi's Cor , 0th St , and 11th Ave. COUNCIL BLUFFS , . IOWA , MORGAN , XELLER , & Co , UNDERTAKERS. Tune flnpt quality and largest stock west of Chicago of Wooden and Metope cases. Calla attended to at all hours. V , defy coinpaliton in quality of goods orrvforty Our Mr. k.organ has served as undertaker uses , Waeroouus 911 Drua4a y. Um'IIOI.STEIuNO In all ito branches promptly attended to ; also carpet laying and lambroqulus. Telegnpdda amid mall Aders 5Ucl without delay , A Skin of Beauty is a Joy Forever. UIt.T.t2PP + LIX OOUIIAUD'S Oriental Cream or Magical Beautlfler , Tic Oriental Cream Purifies as well as Beautifies the Sbin , Iremes.s Tan , l'Implee , Freckles , 310th. patches and every blemish 0o beauty and defies detoc q ,4r " tiers. It line stood the test h ' of 30 year. anti -y is so hannnleee - so taste it to . lit , , uro the prepaatlon is t I roporlymaie. Accept no 1 counterfeit or . . siuilA nurse , 1. Gr l The dltin guisled , Ur. L. y t l A. SAVre said to alalyof the IfAUTaY ( a .atfent ) ; "As you ladles nee them I recwwne".l'Guureud's ' Cream' as the lees harmful of all the Ski , pralaratlone. " One bottle will last six mouths , urns it every day. Also Peudn Jun. the removes su.crtluou. { . Ialr xithout injury to t e skin , . , Mss , 31 , B. T , OOUTIAUD , Solo Prop 49 Bond , St. , N. Y. For sale by all Druggeta and Fancy Ooods .eal en throughout the United States , Cana and I Europe , r . tErfewaro of lase imitations. ! 1,000 rewt for anut and proof of any one selling tine saute. 14 weow ma 4t ew a.n . DUFRENE & MENDELSSONN ARCHITE OTS , LrREMOYEDTOOMAILA NATI0NALSANK UILDINO.