Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 02, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE D11ILX l3 ' + E-- UMAIIA , TIIURSIrAY ; , , A UCx1 f2o18$3. L ' 4
. Tj : ' Oi 14B A + 13EEe
TabltRhe ) erery morning , Oxceptsunday/The ;
only ) tooday morning dally , '
kav5 if tilt ( . '
One Tnv. , , , . , . , f10.De ThtoeMonthec.a kmtb
AIR Months , , . , . . . . & 4.I One Moath.p. . . 1,00
Tit ! w RCLT RRR , rcettetleo RTRT weDte tAb
} ' ' '
1 1 tkRin 103rrAli ,
j One Yeat . g " "tOO orcMehhe ' $ O
Six Month' . . . . . 20
AmedcanNews Oem SoleAent $ NewedoA1
en h Ua jlnltel states. , : rip Ig ,
e' ' ' ' ( SeRatsroSDExrR ,
' A commnnlcatlnnrelatln toNew. endPAltndal
1 should bo eddrexod to the EDITOR or The
Allen + tno + R Lettori end Remltteneeaehould-be , , ; to The lice Pc/LtsmRO COYPARY , OMAnA.
Dmft + , Chrcke and Pn temce oaderl tobe , made pay ,
ehle to the nnlor of the company
E. ROSEWATER , Shctor.
TnE first hubllo improvement Omaha
flood's le an improvement in her publio
Tai executive ct mmitteo of the Woe.
torn Union mbL yoetordny , but declined
to consider anycomprontiso of the strike.
TimP. Republican asks who Midas was ,
Ho was evidently not + an editor. Everything -
thing that lie touched turned to gold.
TiISRE 11as been a strike among the
Now York cloak makers , but tlto peliSao
leas not yet boots called upon to inter-
A ; Ln nLEY MtJRRAY s grammar and
too'Iateet Umiiet Pacific limo table fern ,
itih the cducatioiial basis for a railroad
eilittii In Oniaha.
Wn1LE other municipal bodies are
riSaking excursions to various pointa it
would be a sensible idea if iho city coon-
oil would ! told' their noses and make a
trip up Lind down a few of Onahas alloys
with an incidental look into half a htnt
dred back yards.
This wicked Chicago llcratd remarks :
Zadkiol , in his' pfpgnostlcattons for Aug
usaysi "The Presidontofth oUnited
S ta f lent will be in'p ersottal danger ' , at iho
1at rt of'thia monlly + , and altbuld
t to w ' ocltutieHraOC'rdiif'1 Y I' ' .Hoult ,
do t dly'rofeiyftti , u t 110wi + tmio'tilr =
p ' onnn , a iu ins , Chcstuctlyat
In uld tau nl ng a s fiicient rluai City
i of o uido of pofas i tSi andjn ( lozon
h assorted sizes. t ,
Tin now liquor , law 'iitOliio has not
rtlado'as ' great a reduction in the number
of saloons in Cincinnati as was expected.
There are now 2,000 in that city which
lave taken out licenses wider tlt0 now
law , and of these 1,030 pay the $200 fee
forbetrong liquor , 362 pay the $100 foe
fo'r boordnd wino license , and eight pay
' fractional fees. There are only , 160
fewer saloons in the city now than there
wore under the old law.
I TUE cti1 administration of the British
army costs tf166,000'n ' year ; the civil admin -
min ntration of our nrrnY-a mere frac-
tion i.tho size of the other-cost in the
last s 1ycar $1tj51),836 , fdr civilians ,
# , and 1tf p , ( 'id r Ate onllaled melt jetaled
for clerical work. A pit of this differ.
-o co is du to a lvidu difluro t o of system ,
bHeetecratnry'e officolalon uoet 114f
000 , or two-thirds aszmuolrns thnoitulal
coat bfthio : Englieh'ivdr.bfittl
' SENATOn EDMUNDS iq"lknowtt in the
1 sonata as "tie great objcothr"rropins
i of his critical spirit a good story is told
, Edmunda. It is related that 'svhon '
t o e
r1 O s6
' fat
'oh o bu .i , No roqueliodtlo s of he
L idl tor severalmlayp Idimuerq.
on lire urned them , and agoe 1 to lie-
come a member if 10 out of 27 clauses
I . , c sixi odtficd S Hd t wo now
4 once addc . Imo hs now a powholdur at
thntpfacopalchurch ; ; fi thb Typhipl any
in Washington ,
) '
As usual the council is at loggerheads
ever the , city advertising. We were
aware of the fact that our oipoauro of
tvh e'cglrltpt aohotnea in which certain
i uncHl ! en have lined 'their mckata ,
' would put Tnu BEE in disfavor. It waa
I so three years ago whoa the IIOly job t
was up and THE l3EE denounced the con
4ucct , of. Hascall and his palBut w °
h vur'consider iho quostioi of prinitin g
w , or any ptlien patrpnago when wp deal
with rnatlors'tlat eoacurn the interest s
Tune public printing is a biai110a
tsatter purely , and should not b
a queetl n of personal favor , The moue
M 'paid j4 owspapera for advertising dos
not coipo out of the pockets , of council
t men and If they troro honest and honors
l blo n. they would expend it onbusinoss prig
1 etplea. This year we have pugposel
k : made a bid that is way below any bid ti at
leas over boon made in Omaha We hay
offered to do the city advertising at abe
one-sixth of what the Cityof Lincoln pay
and } ro never , expect to make any sue
bkt again. We gdid this mainly to won
1 Uueally councilmen who wante
some pretense to give t
' city advertising to a IoW
bidder than the BEE oven if it was a d i
rag The council , however , doesn't goo
to know ] tow to got around the fact tin
iho BEE is the lowcat bidder , and Ha
f ; call is trying to concoct sonno aclierno
{ ' reject our proposals. Posaibly'ho m
'f be able , to punish thin tax payers
awarding the advertising to an irrespo
amblu concern that hasn't ' existed 0v4
thirty days. Jf ho duos , we liopu tl
J council will iusist on a first class born
1n that case , tire BEE willgot Inoro ninon
but of tle'bity ' by the end of the y'earf
mmlvortisuig than nro would if ourprusoi
l4iahoullboapcoptupl. } Zucidoiitnlly 'vt '
14 j mi , , . . ghY remark that the printing contittc
I arc he only ones tliat the city makes n
prAufmhrlaof Jivigg iv to , There n
ways au overlap 50 that the pubLelror1
r to carry' , lile bibls.rfor from ' six to to
' ' 7s a ' '
FBoYI.INji G M/'J2'iTJO ' . J
The Union 'I'aciio ; } a1lttiild is , begin
ning to fool the effects of a sharp compo-
litibn'for the overland through"business ,
lilioy ha o appoinle(1 a freight nianagor
at San 1 rancisco and projrok0' tug keep a
careful watch upon thdtTCsntral PaoIfl ,
to stop iJioir dtvtrsioit Mi J eight over
their southern mute , Tlio San Francis.
Co Chrrupfafc publishes an interview with
n Union Podfib'oficial , to tihileb it is
stated that if thio Central Pncifb cuts nn
ratcaH in favor of the Southern Pacific ,
that the Union Pacific-will make a like
cut , and "go thorn one bettor , "
The official further ptatcs that the put
wilt bb taken " rent the Vnton , i'acific
and if neceiiaary , the connecting lines
will stand part of the loss. Theio nro
great interests involved , and if necessary ,
n bold stand will be hket against the
Central by all the onatorn and middle
roads. Lot the Union Pacific see that a
cut lias'boon ' made and the nutstc will
begin. It will at the worst take but a
year or two for tlioni to build hn made
pendant ltno from San Francisco to the
coast and then it will be gootl by to the
Central and Sotithorn , Stdnoy Dillon is
now contemplating such n measure and
laying plans far it. 'rho United States
railroad colnmiasltoner has received' a
formal complaint from Dillon on the subject -
ject of diversion of trnllic , and as it
blosoly alfocb the govormneit , thio matter -
ter will , no doubt , ho looked into by him
at the present oxaninntion , "
Straws show which way the wind
blows. After purchasing and destroying
all competition for years , the great m oe-
opoly now discovers that it ! must bid for
its business. In the words of General
Freight Agent Shelby , "Wu used to sit
back in our chairs and say , ' 'There's our
tariff ; ' Now wo are forced to li mt up
shippers and argue the advantages of our
line. "
1Wo are struck by the mideununor (1(111
neas But Omn11n cvei ill' dullttimes , a ave
vo ' lively dor so of a' town : \ Evouttlio
real estatodeaJoru cheerful and ptop-
crtP P ii unusuahyttyojfop rtheapn pr.
months ( o it ii n roak4'oiittugi
Ileaon'1rmo } s fu lie h ri , ht ho" 1
cstgrowlcrepull tithr ugh osense m '
much better ntlition t nn4hey oxi 1)im
? Alin the gcnural.fdeling in trade ci los
is one of increasing confidence. Soni bf
time' wholesale dealers profos themselves
morothai satislied with their six momitlms
business , and time retailers who have had
time cenmcrcial common sense to advor
tisu heavily , find that very little old
stock remains to be put em time job lot
counters , '
I was talking'tlmo othorday toMt. J B.
Kitchen of the Paxton house , and Timid
that several hotel registers have been
used up since summer began , ai indication -
tion that a good hustolry always draws
goad customrt and that the traveling men
still timid Omaha a profitable stamping
ground. AA drive tlirougli thb city , is
onlynecessamyto show the most.carelcss
of rvor then gr wtlr , of thw'auiall iotnil
! redo Slatoonhl'strreo ' ' ! wifilled
, up with stores and shops to tie bridge ,
cujning'ptrooof ' ipiheginniugf to ar thol
appearance. of a ceuicrgial thorough.
faro and trade is pushing out St , Mary's' , '
avenue. untilaLVark aunuaa.aottlcinemt
of stores on po l'limmes of business has
sprung ! bore catcrto the wants of the
residents in that neighborhood.
1 "Raiding 7tho co nod Bens kU
, t Fr r , e'e ' rD. "
the rage no , althrypreJmin 11 Ct tsen
and sclien . ' , .tiro put uig iii thotrl'
licks while 5trtaauTYa ia , f uU
is interested personally in several grading
contract ( , notably iho one let to Morris
Mor ituri ! oi rgradingrhirteenth ! atroot.
There , was no difficulty in getting that
' pushed 'thirop ' h thin council while time
; Sixteenth ; strot property owners were
pleading for the letting of thmo contracts
for paving their street. It is a curious
council any way ouu looks at it. Mc.
Guckint who always was on the make ,
recently sort a friend , as 1 uhderatand , to a
paving coi'traotor k Ji timato , that $4 a
mocting was very poor pay for a council.
luau , and that's triond of his hind made
$2,1)00 in a single year in Chicago. Free
' this I iufor that Ilrr ; , McUuckin is in
favor of raising the salaries of council.
nun : 1aufmann is in thb ilisunuice
lsdnese bothin and out of the council.
loineures the inusabe of ! bills. 'What
thu per coat ism if any,1 have not been
° able to find out. As for Ilaacull , ho is
r' easily tlio brains of Limo council and can
cover his tracks bettor thou any six of
the twelve. Those are the gontlonion in
ohargo of the city strong box , who are
now buhig besot by paying rings , , electric
Y light combinations , grading promoters ,
and water works extenders with what
ut ° fuel results can easily be inaginud , "
a There is a good deal of talk about time
it Augimoy forgeries , "Tho gunoral inm
y proasion , " said a leading attorney ,
d "somas to be that the professor is in s
ho bad box , and that lla explanation is du.
or cidedly thin , No omo knows time lnyate' '
iii rioue Vigenltan who is sapposed to lava
at had such a general ucpuaintanco with tht
at leading citizens of Lincoln , that lie forg
9 ed their I names well enough to deeoivi
fo the backs aid even Professor Aughuy ,
aY In fact the '
professor don't memi to klmotl
by much about liiia liinmsolf , and though hi
ht claims t ° have been acquainted ivitlm hie
r for twenty' years , professes entire ignor
to pace of wimeio lie hits lived or what le
1. teas boom doing , 'rime only lincolu pupo
oY in which the mattur 'was ' net suppruesem
or' boldly charges tie pmpfusaor withm beiu
it time , time foigot es , aid uulos
'U 5onmo bettor probf is adduood to the con
to trary , the .public generally will ogre
° yvithl thpcglnYnee , "
es , , , l'obtmca ] aspirations in thu coumtI ' or
n materializing , 'rho principal coitus
will ho forMr. , Ijane' shoes , Iloine
Charley iUunnol tor and' Boremuson nro
quietly working for the nomination on
time ropnblican 51(10 , , while no ono seems
inclined to dieliuto Mr. Ijnms' candidacy
anong Limo democrats , Banner , of
course , 'will ran again if ho can got'thorb (
which ( lopends entirely upon whetlior a
Gorman receives limo nomination for din ,
trict clerk or some other place on the
tickot. That would paralyze Mr. Bain
tnor'n chances for nnotlmor whirl at time
county clerkship , There is sumo talk in
favor of Iferb. Leavitt , who , has boon for
six years au efficient deputy and by all
mans the most poiLo ] and accontno
dating oflicinl connected , with Limo county ,
But llorb will decline to run as long as
Baumor is in Limo field. Should haunter
be out of the ra.u Leavitt cony prove a
dangerous competitor for any other can ,
dmdato ,
Time extension of the water works ays-
tom to Limo city limits in South Omnlma
meana something more tlmn now
hydrants and mm increased water service
in time way of doniestie supply. The
water comnpany bas contracted to supply
water for 40,000 cattle , that will occupy
the great yards to be constructed for time
English syndicate for wlmiclm Mr. Schaller
is time agent. Time land is now nearly nil
paid for and Limo scheme will be finally
consunated within a few weeks. Two
thousand acres of ground will be oc-
copied and two railroads will furnish Limo
necessary shipping facilities ,
Tue Ilges court iuartial ] tas concluded ,
and time colonel's sentence , as reported ,
is dismissal fromn the ar iy. I1gos crested -
ed quite a sensation in time court by requesting -
questing tint Paymaster General Itoches-
tor should ho subpoomcod as a witness ,
and by declaring that ho proposed to
almow by his testimiony thnt ether officers
in Washington had duplicated their pay
accounts during Limo year and ] mad lid
tlmcir offenses condoned in order to pro ,
vent scandal ; Thu court refused the request -
quest as irrolavemt , amid the dispatches of
the same day announced that Colonel' '
Albert Morrpw Imad boom pil4tccd in con-
umand of fort Iluachuca , Arizona , If
I'olorta ) arb'trile , Col..lliorhgw , ought to 1)0
alnndibg iy the lidoo of Ilgbs before a
t : .
1 Mn. DANA suggests , 'to.tlty , d&htocrats
to' postpone , their convofitm until a ydar
front , tim0 present Septuinbur , on the
round that a , late convention would
lowe time republicans open to attack for
a oudlo of months , with no ticket for
thou to ruturn fire upon. It would enable -
able the democrats to spring a candidate
1)n time country and carry time olectaon
with a rush : To this time Now York Star
replies , that what etlto democratic party
wants is a square and ltonorablo contest
before the pcoplo on tlio'great questions
of time t11 d 'It ' wants 'candidates who
will boar tire closest.scrutiuey. Time
political agitation will iiot'be ' lessened by
postponing the i orivontion , but such ape
po o ci c tb 1v11 l crcM 'tlmo opportun-
itysf n nro u1b ngmnd chicanery.
Muxtco i clamecingffyr ilnnmignition.
If reports ur ( 'to ipo bcliovod"lt is likely
soon to got more of a certain class than
it desires. A rumor is flying time rounds
of tli0 press that 5,000 Anoricans a'c
organizing a filibustering expedition to
Icaptur , ititL alwo Cldihu hhuaf ocJlme
Unt d tie niM thatitho 'mot h titoini-
nont Mexicans in tha 'district favor time
plan. Congraos it is said will be asked
to assume the doIts } of the now territory ,
- : . . . . . . . . O
rA Doztai grain dealers ha o mat in con ,
volition in Omaha and decided that the
Nebraska wheat crop will fall fifty per cant
below the average. A thousand fanners
tiiiougliout the state' know bettor ,
Govenxon FOITER has accommodated
Judge Hoadly ii'itlm the nano of the
party who told hint that the judge paid
$1)0,000 for his nouinnation. It is now
Mr. Hoadly's turn to squirm ,
A Itemmnnnblo View.
Boston Advertiser.
Tlio Western Union is eortainly ont-
barrasseda It wants operators , and its
strength is not as gigantic as is 6onorally
thought. is not unreasonable to its-
8(11110 that the com mmy maY be corn-
polled to pass ita dividends , if it has to
accept time terns of time strikers. But
even if it'have all the wealth commonly
ascribed to it , the ollicea of time Western
Union cannot fail to tvcognizo the Broth-
urlmood in sonic way. Time strikers , deal
withh time companies through time executive -
tivo counmittoo of the Brotherhood and
front this them is no escape
unless time Western , Union offers
wages so high as to make
tlmen attractive to the strlkers'witlmout
regard to the Brotherhood : In any
event , thou „ the situation does not favor
Limo Wostori Union , thdugli ita forme r
sorvaimh may suffer grievously , and will
surely 'sulrer , if 'time strike lasts much n
lotmger. There is no better rcmotly vie .
iblu therefore , than a compromise base d
elm mutual res ioctthan And itlis a matter of
great inn ortanco that thia comromis °
remove time personal objections
which time 'iVestornl Union and tie
Brotherhood entertain for each other. S °
far as'persolal rights are concornud , time
strikers are entitled ho less to respectful
troatnmont that metro tlmoir masters. TIm o
present quostioin cemeorns wages only ,
neitimer honor nor real principles being n i
' issue , And wages slmould boagroed upo n
m by a reasonable cuntproudso.
The hcllelm of Regularity.
] lus licrald ,
' With Limo Iowa republicana working fine r
H dear life to "save time staito , " muid brr ,
. l4attorsnn 'appealing to time Kentucky
democrats not to let their vote fall old' im
r ihu August ulecfiou , it tyould scum thn t
T ) arty ties are getting lease mdl atrnnd .
1 It is lmi glm time that oahoulti gra v
slack. If tlioro'Imad ' been ore 'udo mom
a dent otiug Irover ! oft by ' eoimrietiemaan d
a limtol'cata , tout hiss of the tlmick aud tliin ,
e pr "roUnblo" sort , during the past lmal
o dozein years-since there ceased to buns y
radical ditferouco between the parties -
our politics mid govonuneltt would ec v
o be mu n good dual bettor condition. Then e
are indications that time fetich of "regu
t tarity hits lost its hold .on tie Aupersti
, tious of voters ,
A Mau of Ulcommol Iutel1CCt1a1
Powersf But Wautin Id Moran
Courage (
Ills Wettkitcsb In the Credit Dtoblller
'Affalr-llelcn ' C. ] larnard-A
Itentarkablo Letter.
. . . - - -
( ; hlcago ) ews.
CArn MAY , N , .1. , July 21.-Dorsoy's
recent attack upon the memory of James
A. Garfield has revived many of the
ahrles Whlelt heave 1)0011 circulated about
time presid0nt within time last ten years.
Tlmo result has been to stir up a cloud
which must obscure to n ccrtani degree
nnattem t upon the art of an student
to mnko a correct estimate of the charne-
tor of ( } eL Garfield , his eibghty days of
patieflt mart rdom exalted hitn too , high.
110 was I ) lace(1 ten the pedestal of a
donmi od , and at the time of hie decease
anydiet but the most fulsome raise
of tliis limnyskiel man was rcgarded as
scandalous. 'T'hose who know General
Garfield best said at time time that his
death was Limo best thing that could have
hnppcned to lmim , so far as lea place in
future history was concerned , This
opinion , however , has since been modm-
fled. Ho was placed too high , and there
is now' ' n reactionary feeling which cony
leave him too low
He liad many great qualities , mingled
with ninny potty ones. lie was a man of
unctnnnion intelectual powers. Ilut he
lacked moral courage. His own convic
tion of right was stover elou lm to sustain
him. Ho hover know how to act without
consulting other opinions than hie own.
Naturally such a tomperaumit made a
great deal of unhappiness for Gen , Garfield -
field , and early in life earned for him time
title of uncerain. Before publicly
himaelf li rfi a question ho was
out too n ) t to 1 e influenced by those
last with Iiim , Gcv , Fosterr wen ] mu
was in congress , was a great resource for
time timorous Garf eld , Foster has nbso-
lutely uo nerves. Ho is impervious to
nil great or small fry criticism. His stolidity
lidity was a source of great eomfort to
Garfield , who used to come to him witen
over he was embarrassed politically .or
financmally , "Nancy" Moiroo , a v ° ncra-
blo'Sunday school superiutemmdeit , was iii
congmsa front the Ohio Western Reserve
for soyorn years. iucuupanywith Foster
and , Gi rllcld , I'ostor used to say that ho
Lad to carry both Garlicld cud ronroe ,
add that time iltltterings of their timid
consciences caused him snore trouble than
imli.his eyprk. His favorite rouark to theme
mttliosolayswasl 1Vo11 , wham i
Ito cry.about howl t.s
ga fnoid nuver could make q jpeech in
time mouse without asking every one othis
Irieuds what they thought of it. He
could not live , without Iraise , Ho loved
flattery as the flowers love time sun.
1Vithout it lip 'would droop. Ho was
essoHttaly a gusher , He was fond of
walking with his aria arround , the node
of some friend whowould feed his love of
his fear of public opinion was so great
that ho never could ho' ' trusted to ] mold to
any fixed line.of policy until fully committed -
mitted , What time star-route people
were being investigated by congress he
promised Get. Brady to mnko a speech
defending tlmen ; but when the timb canto
for the speech Gen. Garfield was called
out of town. It is a fact , however , tlmt
time journal of time ] muse will show that he
was paired of time side of time star route
peop10. This fact him never been pub.
his lrm rctt miatako occurred during -
ing time period of time credit nubilior lit-
vpstigatidit , , H ° lost his lmaad5 at Lind
publicgutcry , and insisted upon a foolish -
ish denial ofany ; ownerahipof thu stock ,
in tire face jf the most abeoluto proof.
Ilia weakuom in too committcoiOoni-wa s
truly. pitiable : I wits iicsent d mning Jhi is
exanunatiion , and , woll'ronombcrlth , oti e
; day hobroke , down , utterly , and trio d
actual tears of-ahame - wimemi ito wog con
fronted by the 'seat and' inexorable
Oakes Anies. If ho had frankl ° acknowl
edged his entire connection * th Ame s
he could havogo 4 o out of the co1nnlittco
room with head erect , James G. Blaine ,
who wait in reality nioro invblved'i ' n
Union Pacific railroad speculation tIa n
any one summoned before time committee
lied no trouble. His courage aloiio save d
him , If Garfield hind had the sane tour
ago Ito would have made a great place fo r
hiuisolf its history. At tin
close of the credit mobilier opt
Bode , Garfield was a lost man
Although ho was one of time great fig -
urea on the floor in the debates , employ
ing a marvelous skill and a ripe knowl -
edge in his s eocimea ho was so hurt an d
cast down t ] lit ho would immure bean over
tvhoimud and swept into obseurity wit (
Colfax had it not boon for his mends
Until Blaine took him uI ) and recolvlcd t
save himn , he was guile Le oed ho o 0 f
'i'Iie ' bnmtal Butler recoguizod this , an d
ono day 'in tliu debates Gsrfleld atte p t
ed feebly to call him to task for some
thing in the way of personal criticism
when Butler turned around with mnoc k
courtesy us le withdrew his remarks , ad .
ding contemptuously : "Dotmortuis in I
nMl lionuin. . t r
If Garfield had been slapped direct ( y
in the face ho 'could not have flushed n
moruecruel red. Ho have great gasps o
ninaud thsrrshrunk mate Imis seat with .
out attune ptin to one word in roply.
This made Chan c hater very angry
He ran over to Garfield mid whispered :
"Damn it , human , don't put your tal between
tweon our logs and run because a mnul
has kiceod you. " Thou Foster said : "
will show you seam da that this old inn n
Butler is as vulnerable an any ono. "
IIt was this episode that sarted Foata
to attack Butler. Foster was com pars
tivel unknown hero but when he cam
out after Butler with tlio roofs of hi
spying machinations in time celebrate d
moiety it was cconcede d
that or etch Butler d met is match
with lils own weapons. This gave Fosto
great strength and notoriety , mud mad
ims a very able ally for time rohabilita
tiomt of Garfield , wich James G Blabu
continued by placing Garfield at line hea
of time great committee on appropriation
Being hold up amid suatam ° d by th
Blaine wing of time house , Garfield weatl t
Bred time stornm , amid continued to mnko
large Plato for himself in time debates , I
these debates the nman wlmo reads is uml
ways feared by time uinet'aiino who d
m net. Gnrfieid's ' habit of regular stud ;
and his good umeuto ' , soon g biun
colossal reputation t saacliolar nptwholl
deserved. Ile was , Iewotor , n line st u
deft of political ucolno my , lime finamem nl
sjmeecumcs and his support of the apeci °
roauinptiei policy make up the brightus
f and must unpnrtamt Citmlptei $ iii lima Cs
tour , his synmputhies as u eLuduut lL
. lint geapqusothgd0ctrintaO&rootrad e
but lils interests forced him to fall ii
with time proioctioms wlion thutariffissue
clhto to ho agitated.
Whoa ho was cliautuan of time hoes
con mmitteo on a propriatmous Dorsey w lie
'lit these
! ( sting
Old end
Malignant &ees of
Asthma or r ho are
Sunerhng almost beyond r
Endurance from . , -
Catanh , troughs , or coldf , , ,
Let , ' iea .
Earnestly ,
Chndldly , Ind z
Truthfully m
Itecmnmend the ( , .t '
Immediate uee of an clilclent and ,
Certain remedy-Thomas' I clectrle , .
Os. .
incomparably snpedor to anything of a
Like nature , and ,
Unfallingly ,
You who
Are In
Ncel of rcllef and can spare a
Dollar or a halt dollar , glvc It a
Trial ; the
ttrsilt will eallsfy
You that our stalmncnts are not only correct but
Ycry mnleratc ,
in time senate. Dorsey was also from
Ohio. lie was time sworn friend of Boss
Shejherd , who was calling upon congress
at time time for more n ) nro priationa ,
Penney became very intimnato with Car-
field , id was very seful to Shepherd in
getting npjropriattons through time coin-
untteo , Ao limo then really thou'lmt any
ntouoy was made by Con. Garfield in
this friendship. lie believed in a very
liberal policy toward Washington , When
some of has favors tyoro made up to him
by his being employed during a vacatmon
of congress as time attorney of the Do
er mvomont contract , arfield handled
dled himself so ntnder time criticism -
cism of time period that an believed his
fee as a lawyer of $1)000 was a bribe.
Time real fact is , Om lold was not cut out
for time career of , successful rogue. Ho
was nltogethor too hungry for praise anal
too timid under fire. Ho was always
poor. Nearly every ere wino had tiny-
timing to do with him took advaanaago of
leis intpraetibilit .
Ho was for a lon time lead about with
a ring in his nose is Swaim the resent
judge advocate general , Swaim is a man
who had made in time army U Y
lending out money at usurious rates.
Swaim hind a mortgage on Garfield's house
in Washington at the time of time Chicago
convention. It was his kindness as a
money-loader - that made him so intimate
withGarfeld. Garfield had always strug ,
6dell with , poverty. Given largo means
Imo nti ght have'becn more independent ,
but until im was' ' rcaidbnt hug ws always'
in want of money. His house on 1 street ,
mortgaged to Swain , was so shabbily fur-
iished as to look like a boardiugliouse. ,
The only room that was well furnished in
his house was his library , Mrs. Garfield
always looked pinched and uilappy when
outin society , Time Garfields did not
live ] Happily , Mrs. Garfield would have
separated from the general years before
hind it not been for their children. This
is as well known in Wasluington as it is
unknown outside of Washington.
In 1871 and ' 1872 Garfield became infatuated -
fatuated with a newspaper correspondent
by Limo unite of Helen C. Barnard. She
praised his noble brow aridsilver-tongued
eloquence in her letters , and he in turn
read to her his undelivered speeches for
her literary approval. It trims this rein ,
tionshi ) luclt minht have been more
iunocemit that it IooTced that led to the
estrangement of Con. Garfield and lima
wife. . This ostrangemnemit , which was not
generallyknown'to ' the world , will explain
the strange fortitude of Mrs. Garfield
during her husband's last illness and her ,
composure since his death.
It is unfortunate for Gen. Ghrfield's '
memory that Ito was mot able to inspire
'more trust and confidence in hits asso-
ciates. J'olm Sherman and many others
believe , Garfield betrayed Sherman at
Chicago. After the bOnvemition it was
only thorough great difficulty and the
most elaborate promises that Garfield
secured the support of the republican
Nearly every one of thorn 'was ' afters
wards disappointed fn his way of ful
s'filling ' these promises made before time
electron ,
An old school friend of Garfield's , liv-
ing in Ohio , was equally disappointed.
Ho was a poor man. He called at Mentor -
tor after time cloction. Garfield put his
arni around him and gave hint good
hug , as he said to hi : "My dear old
frid you must come to asliin ton
when.1 aim 1president , nud I will bake
acre of you. You aimall be poor no
Time man canto. Each day ho called at
time wiuito house after Garfield was niado
president. The latter art's received
hilt voiti' kind ( + and iiivarablY naked
t hunt to stay for lunch , but no word was
said about the office. Finally time poor
I man's money was gone. Ho went up to
time White house in a desperate mood ,
Gun. Garfield mot him withh n hug. Time
resident was in a very genial mood ,
. Ho said to his friend , with his arm around
his node , "Do you know tlmlit I just love
you' , "
This broke time suffering friend down ,
Ho throw , off time arm of Limo president in-
dignantly as Ito said : "D--your love ;
I want an office , " But lee never got it ,
notwithstanding the ninny promises ,
If Gun , Garfioldlmadlived le would not
f have boon a popular president. . Ho alight
have meant well but Imo would have boon
powerless to cart out lime good inten
, tiona , Practically James G , Elaine was
resident during ime Garf old adminiatra-
- Elan , But time Swaim and time Rockwell
o chums wore hard at work to drive Blaine
I out and Lucy might have succeeded not.
witistanding Elaine's remark that lie
never fought with " ) ientirea , " Time
r chums would have made illion5 and
- would have covered Garfield with end-
o loss scandal. Swami owes his position as
s judge advocate general in time array ted
mortgage on the Garfield house. This
utlieo was only the beginning of what lie
, would have done hind Garfmold lived ,
r T. C , CitAWroiw.
II W llcllcvnundcurea
n a , QH IItIJl.I11S I ,
I , b u Nouraigla ,
o ; ) + " Sciatica , Lumbago ,
I""r utcestena : ,
i " "
t 1) } s9OE THiIOAT
' ,
y' ) lye ' , , '
, , , , , D , „ , , wCkl gtnNNt , stvltldtsus
' tirtt.tttvs ,
11111 ' ' 'dsxmtaa ' Soreness , Cuts , Orulse r ,
t ' rgu asrm f rs ,
. l1 , i ,
Lt , n Uwy undiadnu.
, I . filly CENTS A DOTT1f ,
i IIIt soldhyaltnruRelstanud
a I Ieuleie. DlreCltuns in 11
The Charles A , Vogeler Co ,
° lsu + wmwe.rnauxuatvt )
arou.rr ) , ua „ r , s. r.
i/ ! 1 t
Ana an Glass , , ,
St. Louis Pao. m24em ; ;
Dry Goods !
CO. ,
Washington Avenue and Eifth Street , - - - ST. LOUIS MO ,
Wholesale Grocers !
Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco
i Latli , Slia1eg , Pickets ,
Near Union Pacific Depot , - OMAHA , NEB
Wholesale Druggist I
Pllts , Oils , Yarilisilos aiM ¶ illdo 1 ifiass
P. ® YER. C ® . 9
Hall's Safe an Lock one 't
, , a
] ,0130 E'aruum i tresc t. Omsoha.
Sliages ,
M ; HELL MAN & CO. ,
Wholesale Clothiers !
1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREET Con. 13TH ,
. .
V e
Keg and Bottled Beer
Thus Excellent Boer speaks for itselt.
A y 4 ' S s. I
s > oufsm6. Will be
1 Promptly Shipped ,
® furG1. . rre r
Solo Agent for Omaha and ti1o 1Vest ,
O1Hco Corner 13thn and Harney Streets ,
Grower s ' of Live "dock and Others.
It Is the best anti eheapeet food for stock of any kind. One pound Ir equal to three pounds of corn ,
Stock fed w'Ith Ground Oa Cake in the Fall and R Inter , Inetoad of running Amp n , will increase In weight ,
and be in . , goat marketable condiUon In the epring. Dabymen , as well ac others , who use It can teettfy Ie
Its merit. Try It and judge for youreetves. price per ton ; no charge for ack. , Address