Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 30, 1883, Page 6, Image 6

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    g ' ' THE DAILY BEE ° CUUThIbTT , niuFrs ; 'MONDAY JULY 30. 1tiEt33 ,
Monday Morning , July 30.
,8t11i9CRu' 1oN RATES :
By Carrier - - - - - - - r0 centa per week
By Mal $10.00 per Year
No , 7 Pearl Street , Near Broadway.
Additfonnl local on seventh pago.
The filling of Main street will bo corn.
plotcd thia week if weather pormits.
A car local of Mormon converts from
Ireland passed through hero Saturday.
Next Thursday is the last day of nero
vice for the coming torte of the circuit
Roy. A. D Barber , of Montpelier ,
Vt. , preached at the Poesbytonan church
Religious services are still hold every
Sunday noon at the jail , for the benefit
of the prisoners.
Rev. P. N. Bresoo occupied the pun ) it
at Broadway Methodist church yesterday
and preached an excellent sermon.
The city hospital scheuno should not bo
allowed to slumber. Almost every day
1owa a necessity for such nn institution ,
Ed. Burke has comn Plaincdof two boys ,
George Itoper end prank Peterson , for
pilfcrmg from his candy and fruit stand.
'Tho boys will be heard to daY.
Constable Skinner yesterday arrested
James Harnoy on a charge of being drunk
. and fighting Ho will kayo a hearing
this morning , and was released on bail.
Hattonhauer's now carriage factory , on
Bancroft strcot nenr Broadway , is to be
35 by 711 feet , two stories and basement ,
and tvork on the building grill begin tlns (
week ,
The Presbyterians are gottinlsspecially
social of late. They indulgedm a picnic
at Glendale , Friday afternoon , and a so
cial gathering at the church Saturday
"The citycouncil passed a now ordi-
namtco Saturday tight to take the place of
the one the exlnressmon have been fight-
ing. They think they have one which
wifl hold now.
Robert Merriam , a colored man found
sleeping in Wagner's hay mow , was arrested -
rested for vagrancy , but seeming to bo a
harmless sort of a follow was sontoneod
to the poor house.
Another three-story brick building , 50
by 100 , is to be put up at once on South
Main street , near David Bradley & Co.'s
culturawarehouso and is to be occupied -
pied by an omtorn wholesale house.
The pohico force took a change-about
oat rda Officers Clough and Mullen
going any day duty ; Leonard Middle
Broadway ; Brooks , Central Broadway ;
1 Cusick , South Main street ; Barlyto ,
i First ward ; Warner , West Broadway ,
The com Taint against Horace Everett
' ' ' for maintaining , a nuisance in the form of
I I' . an outhouse in the roar of the Globe of-
flee , was dismissed Saturday , theta being
a number of witnesses who testified that
the stench in that vicinity come front
other and more evident sources ,
. "Peanut Charlie , " as ho was boat
known hero 1 though his real nnmo was
Doweyor , died in Omaha a few days ago.
Ho has kept a peanut and candy store
here for years , and except for his oacaa
i , ioned sprees was a pretty good citizen ,
and while in the service of his country
was a bravo soldier.
The attempt to organize a young men's
i democratic club , Saturday night , resulted
in then ointont of 0AHlut s J.
f J. . Fraioo and P. J. MoMahon as a com-
+ J.iitittoc on permanent organization , and
I J. C. Morgan , Gus Bo nslan and J. C.
Boon as committee on constitution and
I ; ' by-laws. Adjourned until mtext Saturday
evening ,
A traveling show , consisting of two
heavily loaded wagons , bearing on the
i sides of their weather-beaten covers
picture of the darkoy in "Shoo fly , " and
e calling themselves time "Morrymakors , "
passed along Broadwa and ; a very drizzling ,
damn street parade , jusabove e
" stopped short , never to go again ,
siiutil one of Limo disabled wheels wa s
11 fixed.
J , J , Wilson , the shoemaker who was I
r run in for his weekly drunk , managed ti
i M )0 front the ealabooso ; not a very dif.
4 ficult task. As the mayor and some of tli u
'j . aldermen wore sitting m the Police head-
t I. uarters at the time , the chief has divide d
' > r s nsibilit btween them , and i to
laced on the record "Run rom til u
mayor and escalod. No 'reward at pros -
out offored. "
Thp following is from the Hiawn the
Globe , regarding a Kvnsas Imorau who ! ma a
boon in several inoetings hero ; " 'Maggi
F. ' sold far $5 000 , A Chicago met
ofoxedair. Anderson $5,000 for 'Maggi e
F. ' if she could 'shdw' 2:25. : Ttu'nutr ! e
jWaa tried , made her mile in 2:24 : , and th u
ealo'was made. She is time Brown count y
Hare , and the sale is the best made frost
this state since Win. S , Tough sold
'Smuggler' to ltussul , of Boater. '
Two mon named Kane and Ryan , ha d
boon lying in jail several days on sus
picton of laying bean the ones wli u
burglarized Mrs. Dur air's house , abouta
week o , Tba'hadgtheir uxatination I
Satu ! asYa and was discharged
, Agaumst Iano , however the ovidotc
was stronger , ho being Identified as tam
man who Wits soon running front tin
Louse , and afterwards found 'tad in an
outbuilding. Ho was bound over to tin
d1strict court m the ouu of $500 ,
A respectable lady living of Ninth
street near Fourth avenue , was grossl
insulted and frightened nearly imi
J other while be
+ hysterics the evening on
rl way honoo alone , a ntmm jot form , though
not in spirit , following her and accostin
I her ao mnpudemmtly tlmt situ had to its k
protection from the inumatus of a lous :
by whichn she was pusahmg. Sato wa
there furnished with am escort for tin
rest of her way honno , while time brut
hastily skipped cut of slglnt by rumuniu 6
across lots.
Thera should be no delay hl romnod imm g
limo j Prevent defects itt time fire alarm
t rystenn , as the department is liable to b
I metaled and gretitit destruction of proport y
ensue , before they can roach time actual
fire , if sent off in a wrong direction. Tlm o
t fire department has too much territory to
. cover hero to run any such risks. If a
t i p liex is liable to send imm a w nt ; number ,
or net send in the right number distinc t
1q it is worse than mono. B all mole s
throw them out , and bivo the boys some
that san be depended on every tune.
The police arrested , about 2 o'clock
r3xWrday morning , a young man sittings
in limo doorway of a Broadway stare , Iio
was not drunk ; but hewing no apparent
business there at that hour of the night ,
ho was run in on suspicion. Ho ycstcr
day satisfied rho ofiicor that he was n
young man named Finch , from Shonen'
doalm , and was just looking at the city
and seeing time sights , meaning no harm.
ho was allowed to , and on his next
visit to the city will utless try and sea
it by daylight.
Saturday night there was a general
clearing out of all those sober enough to
lenvo the calabooso in order to nmako
room for those who will come hl on Sun-
day. Among these wns J. J , Sweeney
who pleaded guilty , and not being able
to pay his fmmto , agreetl to stay over
m1igimt and fIef a little morn sober , and
then go over to Omaha and enlist. Another -
other one was Simeon Ward , who was
also short of cash , but was allowed to go
on time promise of securing his fine Momn
day morning , ho being a resident of time
Mrs. Sarah Cooper , the aged mother
of Mrs , E. B. Gardtnar , died Saturday at
the hunno of her daughter , on south First
street. She was in her aoventy sixth
year , and had been in ill lmealtlm for some
tune , and for several days past had been
in such a low condition that her death
was , no surprise to those who hart watch-
by her bedside so tenderly. Slmo was
tlmo widow of Dr. J. A. Cooper , for years
a prom lent lPhysicimum in London. liar
husband died several ears ago , and for
the vast few earn she has mnadhorhoma
with her aon in-law , bir. Garlinor , of time
Nanpariel. The funeral services were
yesterday afternoon.
Mr. Wheeler , limo efficient engineer of
the Rescue steamer , was severely criti-
cised time otlmer day by an utmrespousiblo
newspaper reporter , . for his action imm ro-
ard totho alarm f fire Friday
He explained time matter t4) time
city council Saturday evening , and was
by tlmom oxonoratcd in al respects.
Considering time source of thechat gro. and
the reputation ho lots established lmere
it 5001115 like waste of time on iris cart to
lmavo aid aim attention to it , but it acorns
ho is to anxious to perform li s d ot and
perform it wail , to tot oven such a slur
pass unnoticad.
The actiomt of time city council ill m-e-
liuvin $ Aid. Wood of time res voisibility
of seeing that time order for shutting u P
gmmablimi houses is enforced , looks s if
time city fathers wore weakeing on the
matter 'and want to ho let down easy.
Marshal Jackson is now time ono to
to for time enfercoment of the order , iiimd
all eyes will be turned on himn. Ho is
instructed to arrest all who violate the
order , butif those arrests and fines are to
be monthly , it will be only a return to
the old systems of practical license. If the
council moans this it should revoke its
order by which the lmausos worn shut up.
Thera should be no mealy-mouthing
evasiveness. Time fatlmers hould mire
the issue squarely , and if they want to
go back on their former action they
should d0 so above-board. In any event
they cannot eseaposlmrpcriticism , if they
allow time gambling houses to run as be-
J. W. Rodofcr boon elected
secretarty and treasurer of time Mercantile
Lcamt'lrust mid Improvement company
of Council Bluffs , ] mss accepted time mosl-
tion and assumed time mans ontont off , the
com van 's business. The following
named arsons arc on tlmoboard of direct. ,
era ; T. . A , Kirkland 0. S. Lefferta J. ,
W. Rodofor , I. A. Miller , E. L. Shugart.
T. A. ICx n , Presiduut ,
Thieves and Burglars Plying tlrefr
TradeAlumoat Every Night.
The gang of thieves and burglars who
have been botlmering time city so much of '
late still scent to be hanging about the
town , and avail themselves of the fact
that folks cannot sloop very wall with
locked windows and barred doors during
time suaumer nights. One of the latest
places visited was Mrs. .1itlmons house
on Mynstor street. Among time roomers
there are Mr. Nicholas Baker and Mr.
Henry Knoppor. Time thieves lnolped
themselves to clothing , and taking it into
the yard rifled time pockets. Time secured
front Baker's ante a check for $200 amid
$184 m cmii. Knoppor had about $100
in his pacts rocket but tlmoy mine way
missed this. I'imey also stole some ring s
amid jewelry from the .non occupied by
time Misses Mitimons.
Mr. Jolum Schwongor , who works i n
Lanzordorfor's mommt nmrkot , is also a ru
cunt victim , smite ono lmmiving stolen
silver watch front his vest , widclm was
hanging im time haynmow at time rear of th e
x1101) , whore ime had beet sleeping in tw et
Next Tuesday un on g calico ball win 1
be gtven at Crounso's hall , Omaha , b Y
thou Brothorbood of ' 1'elc ra nimors. Music
by time Musical Union Ogrclmcstra. 'Pickot e
$1.00. A committee will canvass thi a
city with tickets today ,
Prot. MOPherron Danvers an litter.
estfag AQt1Tras on time Progress
of rho Work.
A vey interesting address was del
l livered at the Congregational ehurel 1
yastorday morning by Pruf. A. S , Me .
Plmerron , w'o ] ' appoarot ( in Limo interest o f
"New W '
the oat Education Couuuission.
This organization with headquarters it n
t Chicago , began its w.rk of orgauizin s
sclmools in time west , less than four yua re
o ago , and now lots under its general car
e four acadouioa amid fifteen ether schools p
e enm loyinJl 33 teachers and having abou
m , lUttah . Of tlmeso pupils ovbr 1,0X (
u in and oxur thorn e
time children of 'paronta who are or lav e
boon Mornmona. Ono acadumy is locate ed
r Salt Lake , another at Los Vegas , all
other at Trnida d , mmd ummothu r
) fit Albuquorlu" , Prof. Mol'hurrom
is priueipal of this last name d
r institution , wimiclm is new cotnplotiug i to
g fourth year , During the two years i n
which ho has boon iii charge , time wars nk
e imm progressed troll , amul there are note r
s about 800 puIPiIs lmw unrolled , about 1 00
o of whom are Mexicans , In Imis addrea s
° , yesterday , ho pictured vividly time super
stttrou and ilhtorary of the jwluIntiomt o
Now lnloxico , and time necessity of th e
cause of education being Puslmod timer e
r under the dI t cetion and guidance , amid Ii )
I time aseistanco of christian mom , lie no
latod Niamey interesting ilicidelts of tint
customns and beliefs of time people , and o f
the results of time work dojo by thmo edu
cation connlittee through its sent nnts
Front hero Prof. McPllerrul exIecta t
16 o to Omnaha and Imo Pas to awaku the
as lie leas hero , an' interest in time wet
of the commission , anlotg' all those win u
are interested in elmrietiaim educationy
Excelien day boo very cheap { Mae.
Gray's , 21 and 23 Bryant street. Sins1 u
meas nlY twentY Gvcents ,
Prof Parnhnnt Given the Snperin-
tendomcy of the lteliraika i9tatti
Normal School.
It will be a gratification to tire mammy
friends of Prof. Farnham , and tlmoeo who
endorse his educational methods , to learn
that ho has boon called to the .superin
tendency of time Nebraska State Normal
School , a position which is an honor to
hint and to which ho will do honor. Dun.
ing time year in which ire hits boon super.
mtondontof time publio schools hero ho
has accomplished much for tlo schools ,
and despite many obstacles placed in his
tray , hts won success , ) ms overcome
many prejudices , agatnat somno of hs ( peculiar
culiar educational methods , and has won
his way Kato much favor. These who
only know enough of educational mat.
tors and coon to find fault , amid mmot
enough to criticise , and these who have
through jealousy and a desire to help favorites -
vorites or political friends , have qucceed-
ed iu cauaing lmimt seine auuoyotco , and
Imo accordingly resigned his position
here , and the board of ed lcation
some of whom hind mo real appreciationof
goad work or goad workers in that line ,
accepted the sauna. It is somewhat of a no-
Luke to timoso that a nuabor of other
mono arou nelt positions were at earn
offered to him elcewlmuru other cities
evidently appreciating what Council
Bluifs failed tuappruciate. Amnon tlmeco
olfurs Imo imas aouetbdul to accept time ono
ill Nebraska a , ad1t1011 which is bettor
fiunnciall amid m' ' feasmonallY , SYhilollir.
Fnrnhann s friends egret to losd faint time .
earurot but be glad that ho steps imp
stead of down , amid that tlmoir high estimate -
mate of that moan is endorsed by conipo-
tent judges olsewlmore , if not endorsed by
incoupeteit judges at houme.
Other teachers whom the board of
education hero has let go , Lava been
equally to demand elsewhere. Miss
Hubbard , whore Prof. Furmhann secured
for the selmoel hero , has been called to a
responsible position in the normal school
at River Falls , 1Vis , Miss Wright has
been equally' secured by Marshalltown.
It nmay bo that the board of education
hero ms so muolt wiser than aimilar
bodies in ether cities , that it can run the
schools bettor with young , inoxporiuuced
teachers , and can get along witlmogt time
mm-vices of such as are in great demand
elsewhere. be so , but hardly.
Have you soon tlmoso big bargains at
Mandol's furniture establishmentt
- - - - -
Wm , P. Booge , of St Loup , was a Sunday
guast at the Ogden.
D , IT. Winston , of St Jo , registered at the
Ogden yesterday.
C. P , Stacy , of Chicago , le at the Ogden.
John 0 , Woodward , of Pueblo , CoL , arrived
at time Ogden yesterday ,
Mr. E. 0. Cole , the well known real estate
many left yesterday for Columbus , expecting
to be absent several weeks , looking after some
of his stock and land Interests there. His
wife will Err time mnoantiine visit her old home
in the eastern pnrt of the state.
henry Spotmnan fla5 returned from the
Denver reunion , and pronounces it immense.
Mrs. Smith , who has been spending some
weeks with her daughter , Mrs. Thompson , on
Sixth avenue , returned yesterday to her home
In llockford. During her visit here she
funned ninny acquaintances , wlmo wnl gladly
welcome her hack to tlmis city whenever she
again visits hero.
Ex-Mayor Beach , of Hamburg , was in the
city yesterday , and dropped hr to congratulate
Tag Bgg on its comstunt hnproveurent and
growing circulation , His name has been
inentloned to. one of the probable candidates
for tepresmmtative , but Ito says he has lmud
enough of polities , so far as holding elece is
Z. T. LEndsoy tvas imm Saturday from a trip
through the northern part of time state , and iy
justly micuurrad by the g-eat success which
lie is meeting , tapeclally to his new enterprise
of wholesaling rubber goods from tlmi. point ,
Clark Ellis , A , ii ! . Ellis , H. li : Bunuey and
0 , 1Y , Odin , all of Little Sioux , passed
thrommglm ltoro Saturday , oat route for lmomu , on
their return from time G. A R , hurrah at Dou-
A , J , Cnittondon , of Smith k Crittondon
bas geto to Colfax Sprhmgs for a brief relax
front busiuoss , accompmded by his son Arthur
and by Intr. Cook , ono of the ealesmnoua , [ the
house ,
Miss Minnie Dale , one of time public school
teachers , has returned from u visit to fm-buds
him Illinois.
1Y. D. Snyder , of St. Paul , Sundayed at
time I'ncinc.
Mrs. G , A. Robinson is qultosorlously ill at
imerlmonroNo.117First avenue , andsome fears
are felt as to Imqr recovery.
H. J , H , Ilainoy , of Wrco , Texas , struck a
rainy day yesterday , but kept dry it the Pee !
fie ,
1' ' . S , Putmmn mid Archie Jaioson , both a I
Piano , Ill. , were at time Pacific house yester .
day.B. .
B. F. Drown , of St. Joe , got in out of th e
rain at time faciec yesterday.
James U , lace , of Iiurlington , was at tli o
Patina yesterday.
If. W , Wheeler , of Cedar Rapids , genera ]
, agent and curospondomt of time Itepubli
can of that place , was in the city Saturday ,
and favored Time Lisa witlm a fraternal call an d
salutation ,
Mr. E. K.Feltch , ono of Detld Bradley
I Co.'s efficient clerks , imas received a vacation
for a couple of week. , which he will s end a t
t time houme of hie parods at Flatbush , Lon '
Island , Now York , Ed's many frimmds hope
to will have a jolly time amid return well amm d
lmoarty ,
Dr. . West , Dottmst,14 Pearl atroot.
Iterl Ealmito Transfers ,
m Thu following deeds wuru filed for ro-
card imm the county clerk's ofiiec , July
27 , reported for time hEE by P. J. , Ma
Mahon , real estate agent :
Anna bio\Villinuna'to Sam-aim & Joiutson ,
aw , so. 34 , 77 , 38 , $1 : 00.
James S , Deardun to Joseplm H , Sharp ,
E nw , so. 4 , 75 , 42 , $1.200.
Milton Tootle to A. J , Snyder , lot 1 ,
block 5 , Nail's add. , $200 ,
0 , R J. & P. R R Co , to Thomas
Brock , no , no. 21 , 70 , 40 , $320 ,
'rotil sales $2,020
Fresh Fi sh ,
Wholesale and Retail
xo , tat ) Lela Street , Next Dlookjiauticyt I'ostot9oe ,
Comdl niuss , tows.
F. ii. oncurr.
J , N , CASADY . .
Council Bluffs Iowa.
602 Broadway , - - ,
Curtain Fixtures ,
Puruihu ! Novelties a
Mail Orders Promptly Filled.
CASADY & ORCUTT , - - Council Bluffs , Iowa.
A. H. MAYNE & CO ,
Liffle LouisviIIe&Portland
No , 34 Pearl Street , - - - - - COUNCIL DLUFFS , IOWA.
' ' (
1111 I :
H . I
Merchant Tailors.
7 and 9 Main Street.
aIRT3GTORY , C10VNCII.IBx x' ' , x. . .
JO SN BENO & 00.f 18 Malntrreet andtl7 YeaTd a8ttet
L. B. CLARK & CU. . Prescription. Compounded DIIUOGISTS. at all hours. 100 Droadwa y.
MAX M1I R N , Grocery , 215 Main StreoFt. hotel , 217 and 210 Maln.ttcet.
J , M. BARSTOW M. D , , Corner Fifth reet and Fifth eve.
D RJ , F , W RITE , Cornet Main and Fifth up etsirs OFFICE , ltosldance , , 600 Willow avenue.
. 061ce aver American Express.
. S VPAG CIE R , , WIII contract fort neral. at reasonab e'rate. . 22 Fourth street.
J. M. S 1 C JUH 1 & C I J. CAA H BUYERS Wholesalobuttor eggs , poul-
. . , . , try and fruit. Ship to us.
Draft by return mail. 140 Broadway.
. Comer Maur and First avenue.
Broadway Market ,
JACOB KU CH. Stock Comploe , Suite mule at reasonable ptces , No. SOS Man St. )
G F S xTH . Corner 7th and Broadway. CONTRACTOR Plans AND andepeciScationefurnished. BUILDER ,
.vv. W. SHSRMAN , I have the variety that binge ix FINE IIA . 124 Main .treat.
JAMES FRANEY , Artistic Work anti ME reasonable TAILOR charges. e72 Broadway.
HUWE & SON. andhousehold UltNITUIlESTOVES , SoS Broadway.
& H ART ATTOIt1VraettI uTn
LINDT , James Block. n etato and federal courts ,
U. STOCKERT & CO. , 7auand tY ndownShadee ! lure , Uphole D adwCurtaine ,
And bath house , 421 and 423 Broadway. L. Sovereign , Prop. P , J. Mont.
/J > gunory , 51. D. Physician.
W11DE O1.iY : , OfiIM , Dray's .table. No. 12 Scott attest.
P. J. HNESSY , Trade Supplied. ilanufacturerof 8thetreetbetween IIORSECOLLARS strand7thave.
EDWIN J. ABBOTT , Nara ry Public and General ' , , 4t6 Broadway.
RE f. , E HUUS , Broadwayy opposite Nesv Opera , , liufltteti Pl , rl0 her day. ,
DE CAY & CA SSEL. CONTItAC1'OItS Corner ANU Stamp DUILBEItS. street and Avenue 0 ,
3' L
w. H ALMY . , Bought and aeld. 2l. Broadway
NOTICE.-Special advetisemente , ouch as Lost ,
Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Rent , Wants , Board.
lug , etc , , will be Ineerted In this column at the low
rate of TEN CENTS PEII LINE for the ant Insertion
and FIVE CENTS I'Elt LINE for each subsequent Insertion -
sortion , Leave edvetlscnenta at our ofllce , No , 7
Pearl Street , near Broadway
J ANTED-Every body in Council BIuS. to take
b Timanaa Dellrered by carrierat only twenty
cents a week.
' 7ANTEI-A competent girl for general house
, 1'1 work in small fautlly. Goat wages , Address
I , flea Orrmca
1 ANTED-A pony ,
+ AItM FOR HALE-Eighty acre. lmproe al , eight
idles from Council Blues. Address 71. Dee omhe.
OR HALE-Ilouwand lot , northwest cornerut.
'rush mid Drimiway , JOIN W. UAIitD.
01t1IENT-Twoalores,40by 60 , on lower Main
street , ofpsltu foundry , Enquire of John Mul
( sueen ,
° I' HALE Olt illsNT-The tavern known as
F "Jlmmy' . tYcll ; ' at l'ark' . milt Darn , two
acre , of ground , flute shade or the place known
as Dan Oreltauis , opposit.Ogien house. Ingareat
mat liraadway ,
Too , . Urnces , n. a , l'USCT ,
Council Bluff. , rat
Establishes - - 1856
Dealers in Forgien and Domevtlo Ekchange and
Iluute Securities.
The Natural Mineral
From onthe Rhine. Raoornmandod b
Use highest mensal authorities.
Selo agents for the U , ik and Cauada,111 , 117,1
BlnatreotNew k s234m
Loans.Reai Estate
No , 39 Pearl St. , Oounoil Bluffs ,
City Property ,
WI have vacant lots In all parts of the city at irons
$50.00 up , for sale on monthly payments.
No , 62 , house , 6 rooms , well , cl.tern , 4large lots ,
plenty of fruit on Banton street ; cheap , $2,000.
No. 90-A Jesimble residence ou baveuth street ,
near Bloomer school , buildings near ) now ; 15,000. ,
No , 42.-Ninety feet front , curler earl St , and se-
coed avenue , opposite court houw ; 115,600
Business Chances ,
No , 26-For sale or trade , a stock of hardware , at
a goal business point iii western Iowa , tYlll trade for
farm or city ' , ro erty ,
No , 6l.-hotel , tito only ono Inatown of 700Inhab
Itants , 25 rooms , with good barn , wull located , wIU
Call cheap or lradu for a farm.
No , 10.-A qie republlean lamer In western IOaa ,
olllcial county laIarandlarge patronagreierychuap
If sold soon.
We also have a number of choice farms In western
Iowa , for sale cheap ,
We have money to loan on ferns andcity property ,
at from 0 to 10 par cont.
Fire and Tornado Insurance ,
Beet of companies represented. ikluitable rates
nil far treatment. Losses adjusted and pad at this
Mrs , H. J , RUto > it M , B. . J
223 DroadwayirCouncU Bluffs ,
Justice of the Peace.
Omaha and Council Bluffs ,
Real estate and collection agency , n Odd Fellow's
block , over Saving. Bank. JanSj }
' '
k ± i. . '
r t (
0' !
Wo hko pleasure in calling your attention to the fact that wohave made
nients as will enable us to sell you
, 1 ,
Here , as Low as you can buy them East ,
'Write for further information ,
ze Te CO. ,
412 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. ,
Creaffi 1 a Confecti 4 ' .
Parties , Soclables and Picnics supplied on short notjco , and goods delivered to al
parts of the city.
W , T. BRAUN'S European Restaurant ,
404 West Broadway , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS ,
R. S. COLE & CO.
Kinds Lightning
And Ornaments , Also Wood and iron ih4mpe , Wood Tubing and Oar Pipe and Pipe Fixtures , for both I
No , 604 South ] thin Wood and . . . Iron . . . . . Pumps. . . . . . . . . . Orders . . . . . . . will . . . . receive . . . . . . . prompt . . . . . . . . attention. . . BLUPFS ; IOtPA' - .
lob 15-ood tf
New Store , Fresh Goods , Low Prices and Polite Attendant. ,
QY { First Door east of Metropolitan Hotel , } T0 coo n i nit cwAY'
W aII-PaPei and WIndow Shades and Painting In all Ifs bianchesl
Noss. i.B Lkand 20 - - - - North Mis its Ht.
, Bought LL311d ! Sold.
Money Loaned , Abstracts Furnished .
No. 4 Pearl Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS
roceries , Prosiolis , Boots aild Shoe i
IM iIGI R8'I < 'ION 1i.Gi ENTS.
21.8 , Q17 crd Q19 t5. Mr > Viu tStroot , i
, 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Little Windsor.
etawaiu ,
And Day Board. A11theDelirwclesof theseaa.nandthe anettablenthecity.
P Overton ,
Hard Wood , Yellow Pine
and Red Cedar Lumber ,
Oak and Rat Cedar P11IngCcdar Telegraph Poles anti
Forte Posts , Oak Dimension Stun Urid 6 o Material
of all kinds , at lied flock Prices , A Specialty in
for brick yard purposes. A full aupply of wood and
for coal always on 'sand ' at yard f scale on
Man street , Olncet0IS First Ay wcen Man
and Pearl streets , .
IrOli & 11rss FOUIIry
Cor 0th St , mmd 11th Ave ,
The finest quality and largest stock west of Chicago
or Wooden mid Metallo eases. ( ait attended to at
all hours. We defy competition lu quality of goods
or prices. Our MmIuorgan has served as undertaker
for forty years um thoroughly understands his busn
neal. Varerootna,811 , Broadway. U1'IIOLSTERINO
In at IG branches promptly attended to ; also carpet
laying and larubraqulna Telegraplda and mall
suers fllled without delay.
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Paper q , u .
217 and 210 ; North Main St. , St. Louis , y
xiwH BOOK , , } PAPERS ! { Wile'
tJ ceah pad for Rags anti raper srck ,
and Mttal .
Paper Stock Warehouses , llo to 1427 Noti h
4 i