' 1 TIIL DAILY BBL ° U\ZdIIA , TIIUItSD11Y , JULY 2G , 1883. _ _ TIIE OMAHA BEE. 1'uhlfhed eicry mbri + tnq , citcept Sunday. The rely Monday morning duly , aanA ar MAtr. , One . . . . . . , , , , Threntonlha.ttp.00 Six Month , . , , , . . , , . till ! WExxLT 91Ix , TUDLIaIt ) D xraRT WZD.xDAr , raft t'D.TTAtD. One Year . et xi mrco M.nth..4 FO SlxDtonth , . , , . . LW I One Month. , , „ 20 Amodcan New. Come ; ny , Solo Agents Now.doal en In rho United StMe , . twaararoxnascx. A Commhnlatlont relating to Now. and F litnrlkl rnstter..houldbeoddrosrcd to the EDtti * or Tun BIR ; xestr1 ! Lxrr.a. , All Buelno.s t.etters and Ilemlttaneca should ho addressed to Tint Irlx rept.t.lato Co.rAxT , OMAHA. Drape , Chroks and I'ostoaro : onlors to be tnaie pay. able to the order of the rompsny. TBE BEE BUBLISRING CO , I PROPS , E. BOSEWATEE , Editor , PItOCEEDiNOS it ! the injunction Mli ( hnvo been continued merit next Friday. DEMOOnATS complain that it is ton warns to howl for Tildonllcndricks and the old Ticket , S1wBItiNO has begun on Sixteontlt street , and the Union Pacific nina arc virtuously indignaut that they can't stop that contract also , Mlt. BAEEtt assured the council that ho was in favor of the immediate paving of pith street , but- , And ho rucurdod his vote with Ifascall to p0stlmue. Mn. MunruY hasn't a word to say , but ho votes every time with the railroad cappers and robbers. Mr. Murphy will have to explain to the workinguwn. . . .ter. lterotTS from all the western ranges chow that cattle nro in excellent ceidi timn and the indications are that the drive will be the lprgest ever known. BUOKET situp keopera rued "corner" crokers are the worst worried met over the strike on which the operators do not yet show any dispositiotrto send in " 30. " MLssoout's now high license act will increase the revenue of that state nearly a million dollars a year , without any in. c'ciso in the price of her favurito boverago. Surrosisa the paving suits are carried to the supreme court , na they will be , if the taxpayers who ask protection from robbery arc driven to it , will the U. P. nine in the council atop all improvotnonta until the supreme court has rendered a decision , just to spite the tax-payers of Omalial .ter. . . IOWA is to be enlivened this year by an unusual political canvas. The two candidates - dates for governor are to hold a series of joint discussions , beginning on Lho 20th 4 f Auguat at Independence. Prohibi- Lion is to be the main issue and the dam mocracy are confident of gaining many votes through the debates. It is claimed that the solid Gorman vote will be thrown .against the republican ticket. BEN Burt.Ea i notP'ccurato in hiaitt- tiatics. He is now taken to taak for lifa remark that our foreign born citizens fought the battles of tire war. Tune ro- .cords show that 74.48 per cunt. of southern soldiers woronatives of the United itod Status , 8.70 percent. wore Germans , .f.14 ) per cent were Irish , etc. Ills excellency - celloncy assumes that the naturalized rotor constitutes a largo majority of the country. ' . .cn1ON which will interest the In. die , but which blwwa the male prejudice against "pull back" dresses , has beets rendered by .Tustico Miller of the Supreme - premo court. Seine time ago a Nfuw sort girl arrayed in one of these garbs attempted to alight from a railroad train , but the garb "ci4tchiug onto" some object "pulled back" the young lady , and she foil between the depot platform and sustained - tained quite severe injuries. Sulu brought suit against the railroad comiti ny , but the lard-hearted justice ruled that she could not recover , of the groun d of contributing negligence on the part o f the "pull back , " , DANA'S text of "Turn the rasctts ; out' has tlrawn out several excellent littl e diacoverien. The preuchorof the Bodoi i Journal takes It and sernelizea as fun lows : "Tho statistics of the various pdminis tratiosh are readily accessible. Fron then we learn that under the pats + saint of democracy , Andrew Jackson , tin etcalinge of tutu ofico lloldea wore o such a InaBnificent scale that of ever Y t $1,000 received $0,53 clung to th t fingers which should have turned it int the treasury , and of every $1,000 poi r opt $10.30 wan similarly absorbed. Th q Van Burun administration followed i the aauw line out even a larger scale , to of every 81,000 , of dlabursunmit $21.1 l were litolen. On the other hand , undo Lincoln , with nil the temptations an opportunities incident to the general ci u ineulization attendant upon war , an the handling of vast autos of money , tit 4ventgu loss for $1,000 of rocelph tut e diaburseneuts was only seventysix coat under Grant it was twenty-four' ' cett and under Mayes , whom the tleaoera generally have iitadu the target for the must virulent abuse , it was reduced eight-tenths of a mi11. From the eight tenths of a trill under Ifayes to ti $10,31 ruder Jackson , and rho $21. under Van Buron , is a long atop , whi ropresent8 , in effect the distance betwc extreme accurnoy and cottacientiousti wt the one ) mid , and uxtroute prof iga on the other.Vlton the votora of t ] country arc tuked to exchange the ayat ' of adiuiniatratlun represented Ity the ft met for that symbolized by the matt e they arc likely to demand a good deal tune for cunsltleratlou.1 r , -i A I'URIU' NUI&LNCl' . From the tiny that Champion S. Chaco was re-elected mayor of Omaha , the bet. ter class of our citizens hnvo felt tlten selves disgraced , ltefote lee could take his oath of office , he was prostrated from the drunken debnuclt with which ho celebrated his election , No sooner had he gotten over his spring fever , a mild attack of the jinni jinn , titan lie began n career that has ntndo hits not only n public disgrace but a c01nmon nui- sauce. Instead of profiting by the eras reproofa of hla friends , he lms gone from bad to worse until now there is a universal domanfl for his resiguntinn or removal. Front morning until night ho tramps front saloon to anloon amttl in the intorvnls botweei drinking ho makes life utisomblo for every eau with whomtm ho cones iii contact , As insoleit as hue is egotistic , lie hart inaulted end abused every city ofieer fronthte treasurer to the 1)01100 judge , 011(1 front the police judge t0 the city clerk , lie hna assuuued poven anti authority that HO one over expected a mayor to exorcise and in his demented ravings pas donnuralized the wlnolo nuni cipal ntachiue. lie has taken upon llinn- self t. , be both the author anti cxc eutor of the lawIn his drunker rautb thugs about the streets ho has assaulted Private citizens wlro were pcacably con ductiug their business mud officiously meddled with matters that rho not concert hint. This associates and boon coupat join ; are the bummers iuid bunts tvlto congregate at the resorts ha fre quouts and loaf around tire street cor tiers. tiers.Worst Worst of all , common report charges him with blackmailing gamblers amid at. tempting to bleed keepers of disorderly houses. These reports have taken tutu shape of specific charges in the press , and yet this lnat pas not taken the first stop to vindicate himself , \Vith an unexpired terns of twenty utonths , such an oxecu- tile t ; oven more dangerous to tire public interests than ho is to himself , Unless hue resigns or is deposed by thu council , one of two things will have to be dote. his relatives and friends will hnt'u to organize a committee of safety to keep his worst ewtny , rum , out of iris reach , and provost raids upon oftcials , ga tblors and other victims , or h cenniis sign of lunacy must consign him to nu asylum for the cure of inebriates and lunatics. ! JR < IIN JEST , Herbert Spencer's warning to Amen- can buaimiosa and professional moon against what he termed the nationtl vice of overwork is daily receiving now illus- . Every foreigner who cones over to tire United States is struck with the feverisls oxeiteuet and intense mental strain which nccolnpauics Amoricat methods of transacting business. Three qunrtors of our norclants and professional neon scent utterly incapable of taking any rational recreation. In their hasty trips to the seaside , the mountain or the summer resprta they are followed by the , mall and the telegraph. The stock ticker tells them daily of the rise and fall of prices. Busineas associates whom they meet , though distant froni the great cities , maintain business associations in the midst of their very pleasures , amid the niind burdened with the worries and cares of their occupation , finds to rehaxa- tion of the high strung tension which is wearing out its force and slowly sapping its vitality. Unlike other 1)001)10 , our merchants and speculators amid money earners nutk u work at end and not a heats toward s leisure. The nccunudatiou of wealth b0 Collies a ruling passion , wlticli cannot b u laid aside wlien a conquoterco has beet , secured , through shattered nerves and , ti failing constitution give warmimig of the sacrifice of all the best powers to the modern Molach. In a late funeral aer moon Dr , John Hall , of Now York , gav o this sound and practical bit of advice t 0 New York busiucas men : No fmmiamrcial success can atomic for tit' stupidity and wrong doing of the Inut who , already paasessed of a cenpotonce risks health , season and life itself nn tin puratmit of that which Ito cannot nakous e or iii this world nor carry into the next Mousy is nradu for tnnu , not mat f0 uieiey , and this lesson should curtains y be loaned without gottiug into a colllnt do it , Again rest is the great need of Amiwri call brain workers. In the majority o I cases its uucossityisnotathnittod uutllth 1 physicist is ; uuunewd or the services o e the undertaker are required , The lessor I is learned , to quote tlnl words of Dr.Ilal I only by ) 'getting ' iusitlo a cotlhs to do it , And them the uecnuuulatedwenltls cumin 0 be made use of in this world or curried o d lute the next. e u "It is right , " says the Now York Skit r. in n powerful editorial on the tulegrtp 5 strike , "for ) net to orgauizo to prota r their capital , but n crhmie for men to 0 d ganize to protect theuaelvus against tl aggressions amid tyrrunry of capital , " ud This aasuluption is rat the bottom of it u the grasping corporations in their den d ings whit their euployos Aionuy hii s ; every right , amid uisthood 11011 e For stet vritlwut uunwy to o'gnulru , is to thtngerous coispirnoyngninstpubliconle it But uteu in this eouutry refuse to yield to suds at aaamnption as tit i t Joy ti ttld is reported to have $75,000 , o 000 , The nvutugo Property of the tel 16 graph operators is not ever $000. nit would take ran organized body of 150,0 en ) nor to baluuco Gould in the iluutc' uas scale. But if 15,000 mots organize in cy body for their mutual protootiat agnit nIs this fiusaeinl giant , hu denounces t I lilt body as a pack of wolves beat out u'structiei , Tim capital of the Weato or , Union is $80,000,000. It would take of ilrhy of 100,000 operators to mcut th gigantlo corporation and ba able to do with it on terms of equality , lint if a few tluousaul opotativcs form an association - tion against its despotic acts , its oficers denounce tluonr aM conspirators , rebels nguimist the peace of society , enemies of tindo. They will deal only with indi vidunls who are utterly powerless in its grit ) , 'this is a point that the 1)001)10 ) ought to undorstand. Every trades union , every organizatiOU of laborers , every as- socintiou of operatives , has been necessi- t.ated by the aggressions aid tyranny of capitalists to couhino in corporations for their advantage , it is right for laborers to organize for their own protection and that of thtoir fnntilies. The stronger they maku tltoir organir"stion , time hotter. Their only hope is the solidity of their union , the perfection of its discipline and the wisdon of its uinnngenicot. Not nitil the tyrammy of capital is confronted by n miglttior force tluan capital will the 1)001'10 ) ' recover their rights and secue ! frocdont and justice to all classes. Tiu : fearful ravages of cholera in the East , continuo anti the disease lugs up- poarod Itt Alexandria mud Suez , two Paints where the quarautitue has beat of time strictest kind. At Cairo , on Tucs- day , thu dctths front time cholera uggru- grated 500. It is bight time that our govurnureitsitotild proclaim a qunrimtiua againust all vessels from Meditorrancau ports as Canada has already done , following - ing time oxamnplu of the eotmtries on the continent. ] treahcrs AI.etul of Gouhl. Chicago Nows. 'I'Itu Present strike nmay be uinru disas truss to : fir. Gould that he inragiues or desires. Thu telegraph nmn arc not the only ouuio who coniplau of their taunt- hient iii the matter of wages , 'Flue em- ployes out the Wabash system are 0ftmt unpaid for from two to five uumths , aul tltu aulount of luudship entailed is sun. ply incalculable. It is said , with how much truth cannot be told , tlutit a strike on the \Vnbash mud Soutitwestorn system is quite likely to be inaugurated , At all events , it is h0ynnd quusti0n that thu tulugraplters'strike is being watched by orgatnzed baula of operators all over tire courtiy , and if successful , we are likely to lutvu organized labor revolts that will greatly ititurfuru with the prosperity of tlw'country , Governuent Control of the Telegraph - graph , l'hlladolphia Tres , . Thu strike of the telegraphers hum brought to light a conintitteo , nppointcd andur a resolutiet of cougrtws , to report whnt laws mny be necessary to adjust the difibrences between labor and capital. Senator lllnjr is chairman of the commit- tun , and ate huts suunnoncd the members b ) nasenblo at once in New York. Time cornumittco will have a most favorable opportunity - portunity to iuvcstigato a moat nuportant ldtaao tf a counplicated subject. If the hwPstigatien would lead to n report roe- omiueonthntg the govenuient to establish a telegraphic service , time present blockade - ado of telegrams tiny be the long stop towards a swooping sottttiou of a perplex. fog probleut. , making Breath Deer. Now York Star. The costi.of living is the first obstacle to the success of American industry abroad and the prosperity o9 Amerieat laborers at.honte , AndAmenicaprosents tho.nnomaly of producing surplus food to sup d all EeroI ) et her own people are obliged. to pay s1)ouclt exorbitant price s for it tltnt rho cot of every article luau- ufactured in the countrl' is rtificialY ) itt creased , w11tiu the laboring-class pas a t hard strut 'lu to live. While broad i s growing dearer every year in tire sea oard ities the s of Minuesotm a and Nebraska burn curt for fuel , an df beef aul park are raised into the list o f luxuries in which poor people can oil occasionally indulgu. An article on th o causes of this Iiarad0xical condition n thttrfgs iii the North Aunexicat Review by Usury D. Lloyd , prLaeuts a nu ibo of imigwrtiaat std suggcstivo facts for con siduration , \Vhat lnakos bren(1 dear is not nierul y taw price of freights on the railroad ys The railroads lave holpcd tievolop power themselves. ' 1'h nmderu exchnu ' e is a price miuumfnctory It is tlto orgnninttiuu of utiddlu meit t reduce tire price paid for articles to th producer timid increase the Price to tit consumer. It is iii com nne'ce what tic nmebino is in politics. Amid every kin of trade is now organized and him its ox change. Mr. Lloyd says the eoueontra Lion of rows , capital and middle-umet ii o n focus ; steamelectricit and cralit , tit t modern means of finding out the stittisti cal situation ; the growth of corporation s the multi hication of huge Irivato fo r tunes and their union iii s md' cater together with taw low shuidui r of ibusiness utoralit make taii n uhdort market m mi ivuUY unlpre0 C I deitud in history. These exehangos ar cosutopolihun legislatures. Their uutnc tx moots arc prices. Their jurisdiction e x f tends Iwytnid that of congresses , parlim e uneits or aasoublie& Taw strong men t f to-dory build corners instead of ctstlu s timid collect tribute at the std of a tut o i graph wino inatead of n chain atretclic , across the Ithino , Such appliances ) ' Ones for exehango nuver existed befor 0t The control of t11e umaeltinery of thu o x citemgcs is tam culttrol of prices , and ti m d of priced is the control of propo ty.Vltum the cotton amid wltuat crop mind the hog prothtet of the wlto cotuttry nun ho turned ov h u dozen times a year , it is easy t n combimlutiou to got hold of U et nuu'kuhablo surplus aul dictate its prix r , And the few eon vvlso have bunted t1 magic nit of m auuttwturing prices iii 10 ousters of the situation , and are sitif tit the trnpert } of other uncut into their osa 1 hands. It Is the Exehango that humus na ) l"corliCT ) " possible. 'I'lw Chicago 1)0111 of trade , time truatust ; spccuintivo nuu lt s jut thu world , received and Paid for h o , year $382,000,000 worth of tarn pr a ducts , tutu the total of its trumtsactio r , wus Ill ) ! less tltart three titutlsm iti intuit titdollars. . Yet thirty years ago its thstrt tit eight motul'ors ' weie scouring tine who s , northwest to perauttdo the tarne e , - seed flick atull to Cltioago for sale. N e it is the greatest price manufactory fn ti It world , All the world goes to that imi hot to buy its fool Its warehouses lie 00 two day's rmutioiid for every perset utl Europu mud America. a Ills through the concentration of for tat to agreut exelmamge that a "corner" b tomes possible , lima buay fanner , re ton nsuclt harry to carry hula grain du nmrket soils for future deliverY , r l rn miller buy's for future delivery. A "f dicato bus thugo "futures. " Eve " itii tune" must ho delivered whet called fl mit end trust be paid for wlten delivered , at utatter what results : Thu corner cu lists in getting the prmuiso of futnt es wlmiclt cannot be dohvordd. This eon- bles the syncikato to fix its otnt pcualty as dnnutges , antl it is done iii prices which everybody has to lay. The result is that the price of food is not detcnniiu ed by its plenty or scarcity , but by syndicates of unscrupulous cap. tslists , who , getting coutnl of the coot- plex maclunory of the Ili yLgluly e altized niodeni exchange , Ilse their upwer to smite down and ob both seller amid buyer. These corners used to he effected ju n year or ttvo ; n ow they are of nienthl / a ul sometiutos of week 1 ' occurrence/ of [ lie methods by which t the corner is brought. nbottt ma to t control of thu railroads or ether meoans of trans ortatioum amid so nmke it im possible for the "futures" to be deity- ered , Time s lldicate nmakes the perforltl- amice of contracts ins possible nmid them scalps its victims fort fail roi to fulfill their obli 6 rations , Aud thin s ndicatus tells far have succeeded in scuur- h its decisions from the courts tanking it impossiblu for their vie- Litmus to obtain redress , Dnriug the wheat corner of 1870 , three out of every four flouring trills in the country were kept kilo for over two niorths , That ayndieate , by not selling , by not lottiuig 1thtLes soil , b ) fleecing tlwse wlu ) Intl been inveigled into dealuig with them , and by tlto tirj'ury done to the millers , the ; hi p pers thud exporters mid eoustuu ers of flour caked an estimated loss to the country of not less tltnit 100,000,000 , \Vhcat was shipped to Europu whicli was mint wanted there , and hind to Ito stored at a 11)39 , wlmei it was wanted here , iii order to force up tlsu price min Aumuricat tmtarket tuwnty cents a bushel , Ouo of the Now York opurtors sold corn to 'o to Europe twentyfivo cents less that be would soil it for eoisumm ) ttun here , imi ordtir to sweat time peultlt' out of our buyers. Thu o ) orations nu pork no equally ruinous to the enutmtr ' . In 1870 acouaml began bu in' ork at $8 a Ui Jul and forced the hnrrel price u p to whet they $14 a burial in December , sold out , realizing n profit of $ ,2,000U00 . Last April tam sailso firm began buymig ) at $10 a barrel , and bought up 300,000 , barrels and 1,250,000 futures. That it sold out at prices ranging from $10 to $18,50 , clearing over 57,000,000 by this gigantie deal. The robber baron cuts a contemptible fnguru in comparison with time bandits of capital who affect such stupendous stcalagiis as tituso , A Brilliant 1Vnttersoniat View. Louisville Courier Jmtr al. It is true that Mr. Tildun is iu excel ; lent health. II'o ' lees mint cut down a forest tree every mourning before bniak fast , because , to tell the truth , there is a need of iurore.notfewer , forest trees at Greystono. Neither does he chums the butter at midday , nor milk the cows in time evening , being happily emancipated from this sort of drumugery by a frugal youth and a saving , capable the livest . uts inmuthood. Bt is , brightest timid most companiouablo of umet ; no vital point disordered , no manly taste impaired , his intellect nioro scintillating - lating for repose , and his inttreet in affairs - fairs incessrat and absorbing. Sharper than a Serpent &Tooth. louiaville Courier-Journal. If Judge Ttiurmai were to read one- hialf of the unpleasant thtngs said by the press about his son ho wonlci feel how shin per thimt n serpent's tootkit is to bu a Democrat and have aRo1publican child. 1'OLITICAL NOTi S. TUdon mid McDonald is a nsw Indiana mixture. Secretary Linccln.hi , not wurryhg , hlnwoif about the treanty. ] 3ayad Is the fintcholco of the Texas detn ucrats for preeldont. The New York democrats nroalread y wranglingover the next state ticket. ] .forty-eight of the forty-two counties Georgia have declared for local uptisu , hoary Wattorson has boon dubbed "Prey dent Tilden's Secretary of the Exterior. " McDonald claims to hnvo olemtoa states soli d for Idtnseif ulroutly , amid expects several of ens. ens.John C. New , of Indiana , says that state will preaont nu zapublieut camUdate for presi dent. f 'rue Dlinnavota dcinocrat will kohl tacit ' state euuventina in 8t. l'nul on the 2nd of Au i'gust. . Sonwof thoOhio prohibitloimI is join hand with the wldaky soilora in dmloimctug tli e Scutt law. Indiana republicans any that Dersey's ator y a about the pulp lie gave then in 1880 La grussl y Li exaggaratott. Ex-Governor St. John , of ICausas , lecture o for pruldbition std $50 n utglit , wherever the 1)001)10 Clio raise the money. e 111 dn0 a frkuds in Kansas say he could ) paw e the delegation trout that state to the natloua convcunuu if Ito wnnts lt , Southern papers have revirod the run u that ox Souatr , Julia B. Gordon , of ( burgle - is about to re-enter politls. . n Sunset Cox Intiuatos that lie will reti ro u from polifiul if lie is beaten for spcakor. ' 17t ue . lie places a preuifults upon defeat , ; GovVuilor'uf Connecticut , is sported wrshhmg to lie vice preshlent , anti huuee wl rwt hu a candidate tor rt oieetiuu , ii Juliai Kelley says Tuminauy' ) lull won't go down ulsmt jte knees to bog for udmiaeiou u' U the New York 1)uuioerminu Ntuw Coavoatio Dlstueeiou over Cho color ltnn in Virgini 0 voiitietm growa excited as the thuo for holdima the bourbon domocratlo state comentiu draws hour , tThu ropuhllcans of Pennsylvania tire one pf more united , and there Isa tuir prOspuet the , they will work together Iii tint canvass of tlt present year , d Congressman hletloy , of Califoritia , warn ids fellow deuwcrats timid taw wino geuwcrs as his state wili'twt ' support any party that udv o o. cuter free trade , GOvorwr Foster , of Ohio , doumies tint ( Ito w field over Ollered Dursuy a placu its the cab r. net , lie says Ohio latter's recent stntuaont ma shrewdly node up , but mitt iii aceordaueu wit the facts. to Iilnckhuni claims that a maority of thor Keuitticky dulugdioit , is pledged to lint Ii or shaker , and a friend says Haut in ease lei su 10 hu caunnt make it Ito will east his enti u , strength to ltuludall , 10 Tucumoseli Sherman deosn't seem disposed o 'put ' his boom iutu uctiou , lint if he were thin ig Is no doubt It wouhl silence a good malty a n Oho sunup batteries that uru ruining eucluaben le tcibng lire aaltag ) the uu lorbrush , ut 7 'hu house of to ) rc etitntived that rlteets ut 1)occnbcr uuxt uvllt ho cunt/'posed of :323 : spot hers , divided politically tams IOlltwet Dunmoeru s t 1'111 , republicans 110 , ruadjusturs tit indopei 0 elite t,1 reeibackenm w 'l la deunocruta hn r ue anlujortty of tat over the combined ups ) o ai tluu. V. Scouter Yards says that if the Natlon 1)euiucratle ( louveution were held uow Mcll uald would bu tmondtiutud bur pruddont , hi t , tiutt things utay . cluuigu by next your. Arthu of ho thinks , 0.111 be thus ltupublie + tu used o date , unless crowded ott the track by Jul arAhurniatt. . Id 'rite Iowa caugaign is getting tinder lies jut wus Ill goal leaaun alai will be unusually liv 1' aid lwrliatuexcitiug1'hudoclurutlouuft h , ltepuhlican Convention In favor of pruhtbiti line titado a good deal of a stunu , but whet ! u this will iacreuue or eulwlde with tinuo rotuul 311 to ho noon , - - - - to 1''irstRate Evidence , ie ) 'Often ' unable to attend to bushtess belt fu- subject to serious dlaorlon of the kldne After a long series of Illness tried Ilan mr ) lFloud lifarra tout was rolovel by bill a p Ito 1)u , " Mr , Ii. Turner , of ltucituster , N.Y. , to m. taw foihs to wnfW , d ' f Cures Rheumatism , Lum lingo , Lamoj3ack , Sp rains and Bruises , Asthma , Catarrh , Coughs , Colds , Sere Throat , Diphthorin , Burns , Frost litos , Tooth , Bar , and Headache - ache , and ailpuins and aches. 'the beet Internrl and ertered remedy to the world , neerytottlexu. µ nteed , Std ty medicine doctors everywhere. DirettiongInetghtlengueger. ! 'rice so tents end $ i uo. FOSTER , MILDURN S CO , , Prop'rs , aurrALO , N , t' . , U. & A. ,1ntl.11omiopoly State Coil vetitiuti. There tvili ho held nn Auti Monupol y State Convention at the city of timed IelnutlNeb. , , on Tluirsdny thin ( ti of Sept. 188'Iitt 10 a. m. t lace in nOUmination tlio folluwiog state of cers : I Justice of time SuIrnmu ) Court , 2 Itegents of thin University , ) liegcut to fill vncany. Tint several comities of the state will bra entitled to tire following delegates upon the basis of the elltit'e votc9 of tine comllitiut. 'I'Iiis Ilasfs is adopt. tub upon the uckaowledgedtlat fact verytimny good men have become tluliglily dimgmisted vi01 time nctlnn of the parties is ith whichi they have heretnfumv acted and satisfed that no relief can ho had tlirough instrmnenta of their oicctiuuaod no Justice sucocd hycourts of their creation , The opporttaity fs unw offered for nil tvhn desire n justand simnplo aovcrmmctit iii preferenee to party success tvitich menus boss , corrmptmn , fraud , to join in electing dolcgatcs 1) . counties to wit : COUNTY. 1)El.rO.trEd. CoU\T1' , IfhzOtTm : : $ . . . . . . . . , . . . . . fohnson..1 ' Antelope. . . . , . . . , . r hearnoy. . . . . . . , , , . G Benne . . . . . . . . . . . . . lb keith. . . . . . . . . , , . . . 2 I3ullalt , . , , . , , . . . 8 Ruox , . . . . . . . . . G . Burt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lumcastcr..113 : liutler . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 l.iucoln , . , . . , , , . . f , . Cnss. . . . . . . . . . , , . ,14 Madison . . . . . . . . . . . Cedar . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Merrick. . . . . . . . . . 8 Cheycuuu. , , . . , . . " _ Nance. . , . . . . . . . . J Chase - - - - - - - - - - - - - ! Nennha , . . . . . . . U Clay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Nuckolls..Iii Colfax . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 ( ) toe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Cumiug. . . . . . . . , . 0 I'avuc0. , . . . . . . . . . 8 Custer --------------3 Pholpr.4 Dakota. . . . . . , . . . , : i fierce , . . . . . . . , . . 3 1)awsou . . . . . . . , , . . :3 : l'latto. . . . . . . . . . . ,10 1)ixou . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 folic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . U Dodge. . . . . . . . . . . . . Ii ) lied\VUlow.4 Dou ; . . . . . . . . . . , ] iichardsou. , .13 Runny. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' Filhuore..10 Sarpv . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Fnuklin , . . . . . . . . . , ti . . . . . . . . . , Frontier.- . . . . , . , 3 Seward , - . . , . . . . „ Furnaa , . . . . . . . . . . . lb Sheruum , , . . . . . . . . 3 . . . ,11 Stantoii. , . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Geley. . . . . . . , 3 Sioux.------ 2 ( ; osper. . . . . . . . . . . 3 'l'ha er. , . , . . . . . . . 8 Hall. , .10 Valley .o Hmnilton..8 W'ashiugton-.8 Ilnrlali , . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Wayne . , . . . . , . . . . , 3 Iiayes . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 . Nster. . . . , . . . . . . . . . 7 Hitchcock . . . . . . . . 3 Wheeler. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Howard . . . . . . . . . . . . York----------- . . . . .10 lfolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 - , lelferson . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Total..428 In localities where there is no anti lnntioh- ly o gamut , atioo that will act it will bo pre ) cr for tl o nlliance to elect a delegate from that wunty. Thu tine hasconme iii wldcht all classes of this state should jufu in ono cotmuout cause to wrench free ho baud of corporate power the abuses that they have now fostered upon every specie of productive industry. No people or umitiou can long prosper proven long existthat systematically tramples Upon or ignoreshu - amen right. Let its learn our duty m relation to the questions of the lour by thus terrilde ox. porierce of twenty years time silica traampled upon humanityagaiil assettod it rights het Ito loin and if poaslido avert the coming storm that is so much wider ui its reach amt more alarming iii inn cousuquences. ALLEN It0OT. Thos , KiiILLKv Secretary. Ch'mn Cetl. . Ce.nm. THE T1tc1DE IN FROZEN MLt.ATS. Mr. Armour's Views on , the Slilp- rnoass From New Zcahsad to hnglautl u Chicago herald. Philip Armour was asked today for huts views.regarduig tam trade in frozen ueats ) , particularly iii mutton , between Great Britain anti lien Australian color - r nios , now going forward by regular and direct service front New Zeal utd to the uiothor country , the applications for the first stciuuer , which is , like the others , provided with refrigerating apparatus , reaching over twenty thousand sltuep (0 ( r s double thu capacity of the vessel ) amid e applications for vessels to arrive frllistg f ) n for 50,000 , the chanihers in wkiclt tint nmeat is stored being kept at0 degrees , with a cnnsuuptiots of 300 poumids o f r coal per hour. Mr. Armour redlied : "I have no doulu t ' Hutt they will be able to ntmake a succes ta of the shiptmient of frozen sheep's meat , lit canned goods they can't compute with us. A gemtlonan from New Zealand Mr. Banks , of Baltks & Co. , of Aukland I Now Zealand , who have a large house thcro , and lave been established fo r thirty yours-was hero the other day ' amid told moo of their success in shee f Shipmonta , But we can beat tilu n ut g canoed beef , because we can dispose o ga the fresh meats that we don't put int o the cans , at pruttyclmeap p1-ices , and the Y u have no way of marketing their cuts t and have to put all in their cuts.Vhe o it coures to uuarketiug the entire bulloe ks fresh I would riot bo sur4)rised if the tf could bent us on ( hunt , ' 1 ho quality 0 ] cattle sold by this frienti of ours is n good as anythuugwe have in this comttry they are high-bred and thoroughbred. " is1i 1i : ate. TIIEGREATGERMA N T om' ' ' C REMEDY r I o tlmig dla , t ltcllcvm audtstnb to I i 1i1I h U1L111biI ) 1 ° Uta , Neuralgia , t f l i . tlgllu + , + + Scintica , Lumbago , uv ca.acn t : , lml Ihll Pau'a P I llEAOACIiiSj'00T11ACll ilas s"wr is I i I' 144r" I SORE THRDDT , " gt'INSY.rn'Fr.tmNn : II o I snrtr.kaNi , 1. till Iiwraaw Soreness. Cuts , Drulses , me vq r Yuarurras , al nunris , NOALt ) s > , i t Andattolherhidliyucht t Niut pulue , r i I i t I FIFT'CEHTS ' A DOTTLE I + i Nuldbyull him gUUNn Its I D'alem Ilnctioue ht 1 InuvKmg's i The Charles A Vogekr Co ti lerwwp. . A , WW roe , a fO ) e' I . Iu.lllr.r , . mid , e , & d hwt wt wtne ne J , E , HOUSE , Consulting and CI II Engineer an 'g SURVEYOR , ek Upalal etteutlou to Surlcying Town Addit oas it Lot. Furnishes fetlnutea or Exeautloae , flak 6101r. Plata. Aa / - OF'FlCK OYKIIiTIiY. , FltteT NATIO1ALDAN 1e oMAbtA , NEU. H STFb1tlIJ1 T ! , CO. , IsIrolirElls OF QUEENSWAREI 1 Ana an a166 608 WASHING 1ON AVENUE AND 609 ST. STREET St. Louis Mo. mf sm Dry Goods ! - f COO , Washington Avenue and Elfin Street , - - - ST. LOUIS MO , STEELEf JOHNSON & JO. , Wholesale Grocers ! m AND JOUnPtts : IN FLOURY SALT , SUGARS CANNED G001 N ALL GROCERR = SUPPLIES „ A FULL LINE OF THE BEST' ' BRANDS OF Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco AGENTS FOR BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & RAND POWDER CO J. A. WAKEFIELD WIIOLESALE AND RETAIL 111ALEit IN , ; ShillaIe , Pigkot , SASRt DOORS BLINDS , lilQIJLDINGSf LIME , CEMENT , PLASTER &C STAT. l AGENT FOR MILWAUKEE EMENT COMPANY. Near Union Pacific Depot , . - - OMaMA , NEB Ce F. GOODMAN , Wholesale Druggist I a AND DEALER IN i Paiuts Oils , Yariiish8s aud ¶ do glass , OMAHA. NEBRASKA. : E : . ER. c . DEALERS IN afS Safe and Lock Comp'y. PI1 E AND BURGLAR PROOF v SAFESYAIIIITS , &o. 10201'arasam fJtro.it. Omaha. HENRY LEHIMANN I JOBBER OF Sliae. .y 3 , . , EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED , 1118 FARNA2Fh STREET , - OMAHA NEB , M. HELLMAN & CO , rk , Wholesale Clothiers ! , i 1301 AND 1303 FAR//AM STREET , COB. 13TH , f OMAHA , ' . NEBRASK Anheuser-Busch ' BREYING ( . , ASSOCIATION a # 0 r . AI4Rk I - J R , - . , s. N CELEBRATED , Mtn Keg and Bottled Beer , ' 18 , ' u This Excolleut Beer speaks for itself , d . S. wH lu SCNCftE q I' ' . ORDERS FilOM ANY PART OF THIl . . + 1 , S1A1L Olt PIII. ] .NTItlg 1YEST , i. sT _ reels n D. Will be Promptly Shipped. ' ALL OUR GOODS ARE MADE TO THE STANDARD ® 1 c : GEORGE HENNING Solo Agost for Ontalm and the West , 011km Corner 13th and IIarnoy Streets , 1 ) SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. t WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO d Our 'Ground Oil Cake. d it Is the best std cheapest food for stock of any kind. One pound Is equal to three pounds of oora . , lag Stack fed with Orouud on take lu the YaU and Winter , Inaead of running down , will increase In welgLO. and be in good marketable oondiUou in the epdng , natrymen , as wull u others , w ho uee tt can teeny to . . . K , its merit. . TUy it and Judge for yourselves. 1'tioo 1:5.00 sir ton' no charge for tacks. Addrow ot oodemi WOODMAN LINSEIW OLIi COl1l.tNY , Onltt ! , Nebs ' , k r