Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 21, 1883, Image 1

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TIIIRT. Lls ± TEAR. OMAHA NEB. SATURDAY ; MORNING , JULY 21 , 1883. N0.29 : .rAgr
G ! 1rfl.Y1'1.1..L..L."li1fJrl. „
, _ 1' . A ' - - - _ SMOKE _ _ _ _ : : . _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ , . . _
L Guaranteed forty-five Per Cent Havana filler and free of all Poisonous Flavorings150U,000 , Sold in five Weeks ;
vb for the Manufacturer of this CELEBRATED ED Five Cent Cigar.
Tho' Opposing Forces Skirmishjog Via
orously for Plugs of all Gradcs ,
The Corpnnies Seriously Crippled
but Cnn1hlent , while the Strikers
Gather Strength Every hour.
CHICAGO , July 20-Superintendent
Clowry reports the business of the Chicago -
go eftico of the Western Union Company's
offioo as moving along without any perceptible -
ceptible friction , and that while there is
not the usual rapid service , nevertheless
all vital'conimercial and
personal nnes-
sages amid press dispatches are being sent
oyor the wires without marked delay.
NEw YonK , July 20.-At 10 o'clock
this morning there wore singularly few
.evidences of a strike about the Western
Union building. There wts the usual
tetivitY about the receiving windows but
nothing more. None of the strikers appeared -
peared either in the basement or time op-
eraturg rooms.
- s CHICAGO , July 20."I knew we had
tlto molt beaten ten minutes after the
ri' strike hadtakenCol. , . Clowry
this afternoon , and subsequent dr vol-
opments has preyed my opinion was cor-
rect. The superintendent went on to
declare that the , company was already in
position to handle more business than
the public was handing in.
r Manager McCullough , of the Baltimore
.C Ohio company , takes a more gloomy
view of the situation , and declarca that
] ifs company is practically at a standstill
in this city , St. Louis and Cincinnati. A
number of applications have been made
forsituations but the applicants , as a rule ,
1 have proved 'incompetent. Ho asserts it
as his view that the operators will win in
the pending controversy.
The striking operators held a meeting
this afternoon which was largely attended
and ihero was considerable enthusiasm.
Ninoty-four new members were initiated ,
including a number brought to the city
to take the place of those who quilted
the offices Thursday. Members of the
Brotherhood expressed bitterness at the
reports given by a portion of time press
as to the situation in other cities and
claimed that they were colored for the
benefit of the company. They further
contended that their advices from every
largo city shoved that companies were m
hard straits and were keeping up a show
( of activity , while in reality they were
badly crippled. None of the Chicago
strikrs thus far made aPl )
return to time companies' emlloy.
At 5 o'clock this afternoon Chicago
,1 oficials of the Wcstern Union company
.claimed to be well up on all business on
' hand , and that by to-morrow they
pro ; iaiun "subject to delay. "
MEMPHIS , July 20-Manager Emmet
L Howard and one operator constitutes the
telegraph force it ere , Messages are ro-
ceivcd subject to delay. The newapa-
, pore are very poorly served , their columns
this morning being entirely free front
3 ! telegraph news. The strikers , which in-
I , .cludcs ovary oporatorin the city but one ,
are hopeful of carrying their point.
LoafsvILLE , July 20-The telegraph
i p ! business is virtually suspended , The
, \Vestern Union has only two first-class
.operators at work , who , with five begin.
nerst ; constitute the force. Thu Baltimore -
more , &f Ohio ofico is rum by officials
alono. I hio striker's added seven newt
t I eon to the list. , up' to noon , one of whom
) worked last night. Tlmostrikors arc very
hopeful. Thorn ms nett complaint in
busincsv circles about tie interruption of
trade , but it must be confessed the umer-
' clmants generally . ai(1o with the strikers ,
r 1'111LABEL1'IIIA 0. IC ,
PnhLADELI III.t , July 20.-At Limo main
office of the \Vostorn Union coat ) any
everything Is ' workin6 snmootlmlY and 1ms-
iness prommptly transacted. Time Balti-
innre . 0100 lens a snmall force wo'kimg ,
only ono oporatorramnining attho American -
ican Rapid othco , TIme strikers sTy there
have been seceders froth their ranks. Up
to this thus there is no evidence of weak-
ucss on the part of time strikers or the
oficials of the company ,
NEW YOitK , July 20-Thu telegraph
{ t , offices at the stock exchange wore in elm-
ration this morning. Thu brokers say
" no imiconvodeflcO has yet resulted from
the strike. On account of delay the W. U ,
t to-day soft two o ) eratora to Boston and
g one aclm to Hartford and Newark ,
u where time force was badly crippled ,
' Time operators of the Gold afldStoek'rcl-
ograph Company , at a meeting today ,
determined to resignif called intotleser.
vice of tlmo 'Western Union Company ,
At the produce exchange the effect
of time strike is more seriously felt anti in
consequence of the reduction in forcu
notations received from Chicago and
west are very meagre. The Postal
telegraph com lots nit mt so mo of
its ies and lrmtdered considerable aa-
smstanco. Business at the cotton exchange -
change has also fallen off of account of
the strike. There is great delay in getting -
ting quotations.
this afternoon , over 1,500 were present ,
including 400 linemen , John
presided. Telegrams were read front
different assemblies warning , the men to
put no faitim in newspaper reports ; that
thin ranks of time Brotherhood rommnined
solid. A delegation of time executive
committee of time Knights of Labor pre-
seated a resolution expresainsympatlty
and promising aid' ' to time striker's mm carrying -
rying out the mnovemnent. Jt is generally
believed the telegraphers of the elevated
railroad will join the strikers to-morrow.
CImmeAGo , July 20.-At tlmo tiumo of time
shift from day to night force this oveningp
time Western Union check boys , under
the influence of time striking teleoralpliers
and with time boyish t notion of hel ping
the strikers , quit work to time number of
fifty and arched in a body to the hall
where the striking operators meet. Four
girls amid ono boy were left to do time
work. Messengers were brought up
frost time delivery office , and in a few
minutes business was proccodiug as usual ,
The Western Union officials to-night
report a larger , force 4n duty'hero ' than
usual. A considerable number of day
railroad operators came in during the
evening , and were put to work. Business
is pretty well clear , except to the offices
at which there is not a sufiicient receiving
force. Considerable trouble has been
experienced during the day on a number
of circuits through interruption by railroad -
road operators who sympathize with time
strikes , aid wino mmmifost their sympathy -
thy by taking time wire to call to the
operator at time Clmicago end , "Got out ,
you scab , " etc , , and by opemming time key
and breaking the circuit. One or two of
these sympathizers lmavo been caughtatit
and discharged.
NEw YonK , July 20.-Time striking
linemen lmeld a meeting tlmis corning. It
is stated that there were 400 linemen in
this city all of whonm are on a strike. The
tolegraplm companies , it is said , are badly
crippled , and last night the Western
Union brougimt into time city twenty-two
linemem from thecountrydistricts. These
were stet on their arrival and persuaded
to attend the strikers meeting in time
morning , when they were initiated into
time organization. They stated that word
hind been received fromn Chicago that 175
iineumon in that city had gone on a strike ,
1'ho linemen attended the telegraph-
era nteuting later on , At
the latter gatlnoriug it Aas
stated time WestmTm Union oflico had but
six good operators , amd these being worked -
ed day and night. All city ollices are ro-
mrtidclosed. The general o iimionwas
time staiko would only last a fdw days , amid
the companies would be obliged to concede -
cede time demands. At the Western
Union office time force at work was about
half tlmo'usual force.
Superintendent Somerville states positively -
tively the company would not yield but
would figlmt to the bitter end , and Eras.
tusIVyman , one. of the Western Union
diraictora amid preidont of time great
North ! Western company , which controls
nearly all Canadian lines , said so far as
the Caadian lines were concerned , any
coaiproamiso was simply aim inmponaibility ,
they did not propose to recognize any
conmmrtteo from thin Brotherhood , , and
that if time eurployos of the conpany persisted -
sisted fu their present action they would
not get a cent. T'imoy had already made
fools of thenmselves ,
At Milwaukee time manager , four chiefs
and five now hands constituted time force
in time V'ostorn Union ollico to-day. Pub-
Iic synmpathy is strongly with time ( mpera ,
tors there ,
A mtnw'Aum ,
New Yong , .July 20-Time following
has been issued by time \Vestoen Umiun
officials :
Five hundred dollars reword will be
paid for time arrest and conviction of any
poraou unlawfully or maliciously iir-
juring , molesting or destroying mmy o f
time property , lines , posts , wires
or cables of this company o r
in any way obstrmcting or interfe0)g )
with time sundrng of time messages , by 1n-
'ury to or iflterfuroflcu with time wires ,
batteries , currents or instrunonts on th e
lines of thfscolnpany.
'l'iios , T. ECKSRT ,
Acting President ,
N , B , The full pemmalty of iut prism !
macnt and fine : rovmdod by law for tim e
above named otfemmees will e enforced li I
all cases.
Time Now HanqHhlre Contest ,
CoNuoED , July 20-Ono ballot w a
taken today for United States senator
. n ,80 votes wore cost , necessat y far u
choice 131 : W , E , Chnndlor received 56 ,
EasonV , Tappafl 8.1 , , JasV , l'nttor-
son , ox-senator , 26 , Gihuat Marston 25 ,
Aaron F. Stovefls 13 , , Jacob H , Gallinger
4 , Henry L , Burimlmuu 3 , Burry Bing-
iam , donmouratie , 89. Seveim other ro-
ixtblicun candidates received from 1 to 2
votes each. Time next full vote will not
be taken until Tuesday.
Some of time rcoiiliaritlcn of Their
Groatb and Use.
Telegraphing is done at wholesale as
well as retail. Individuals , fins , anti
corporations who require largo amounts
of telegraphing , ntatagu to get' it done
either by private arrangements with the
tole nl coo ) maniea or by building their
own 1 nes. It conmomi
. is a very timing
for large corporations tobuild their own
lines bctweeim their offices turd their fac-
tories. Tley use tlmoir lines exclusively
for their own business. But by far time
greatest uuuber of what is known as private -
vato wires are really owned by
the telegraph companies an i are leased
by special coimtract.
Time lotgost private wire in use is fromm
Now York to Chicago. In the contracts
are stringeimt provisions that time wire
shall be used only for time private business -
ness of time contracting party , wider
pomalty of terninatin g time contract.
Certain ) eriods bf the day or night are
fixed during wlmich alone tie wire may
be used. Operators I are furnisho y 1 by time
tolcgriph company.
The amumal cost of leasing a private
wire is front $20 to $40 a mile. Time
variation in price arises from the fact
that in some cases the wires are quadru-
plexed , so that the slumo wire is used by
different private persems , each sending
messages at will without time knowledge
or intorferoee of time other ,
Time facilities of the large telegraph a
cola ) anies for ken in lines in good orer
have gradually concentrated timbusiness
in their hmmde so that b far time largest
mileage of private wires so-called ie in
time hummda of the Western Union Telegraph -
graph conpamy , Time Baltimore & Ohio
Railroad company lease a numnber of private -
vate wires. In all cases time operators of
time private lines leased from the companies -
nies are umider time control of time latter ,
although paid by time lessee.
Most of time privnto pines , outside of
time press pines , are' hired by bankers amid
brokers , who require therm only a few
hours a day. At other hours Limo line become -
come a 1inblie wire , or is leased to otlmer
private persons. ome of time larger
in the west have time use of
private wires for a few lmoum's at of glmt ,
utmd thus avail themselves of time news of
the great Now York dailies Limo mo meni
it is Iublialmed. ,
It is iill1)ossible to give with accuracy
tlmo number of miles of private wires in
mite , but it is insignificant compared with
time mileage of wares operated by cutnpa
flies. An oficial in time Western Union
company said : "There are only about
17,000 rules of really private wire in time
United States. The Western Union
company operates 425,000 miles of wire ,
and other companies oporato'about 20- ,
000. ' ! 'horn are not over 000 miles of
private wire in time southern states. '
There arc three or four large eatab-
lislunenta in Now York whore all time
nmatoriahs for putting up telegraph lines
may be purchased , but the buemeas of
keeping a line in order requires so much
oxperimrce that it naturally drifts into
time hands of time telegraph cenpauiea ,
who , having the men and materials on
hany s make repairs more
easily and econon icallY than privnto I in-
dividuala , For this reason , private
lines have beet by time tub.
graph companies.
Thin 1)eacllyYylloFV Jack ,
hIAVANA , July 20-The steaumer City
of Watshington front Vera , Cruz , and to
sail for New York Saturday , is isolated
under observation in the harbor , having
twenty-sovun sick potsant among time
passenbers and crow. Ono death on time
paasnge from Mexico. 'r'ime character of
tlm sickness is not well defined , but is
believed to intro been cunsud by drmiCing
water taken onboard at Vent Cruz. Whoa
time steamer left that port there was no
sickness on bond ; whet she toucled at
Progress five or six cases ofaiektmuss were
reported , mmd the umnbor increased to
twonty-aoven on tie passage to Havana ,
Time board of health declared time sickness
to be yellow fever. 'J'hu patiemmts wore
aunt-to time hoapitul , All parties bulong
to the e ow except two passengers. The
ahi i s baker fuid doctor died last ni 6hat
'Tun porsom wle died at sea wasanlaclmiti
Poe steamer leas been fungi atodamid
will sail to-umorrow for New York.
'texas Cattle Fever ,
BOSTON , July 20.--Several eases of
Texas cattle fever among Texas cattle
have boon brought to Worcester. It it
stated that time board of cattle commis.
signers will issue an order forbidding the
I bringing of any more of these cattle umtc
; the state ,
The IAiuericau Bjdc Teallj Load the
BrilSh in the Bay's ' Coetest ,
Sonic Iirilllant Sbootiug luring a
Main Storm l-Genernl Spurt ,
ing News.
Tan ( liEJT MATCIf.
WIUBLEDoN , July 20-0 a , nt.-Evory-
thing is in rcadintas for time great rifle
comtest botweer'the ' Antericnm and British -
ish temps ,
Wn11masmom' , July20.-The total score
of the British tenor at 500 yids raugo is
370 , not 377 , as tit first annommced. Total -
tal at 600 yards , Americmta 360 , British
354 , making a. gnumd total of 1,078fortho
Ameriealms and 1070 for time British.
Time fornmer are tlnms sight points ahead
on the day's shooting at three ruges.
Time following 'is the score itt000 yards :
Anict ican Tuanm-Sumitlm 89V. . Scott
32 , Joiner 34 , Brosen 31 , S. Scott 31 ,
Dolmm 23 , Pollard 201 , Cash 28 , llinumu
32 , Paulding 80 , Van Ifeisen 2 : ) ; total )
British Tenn-Young 28 , l'eavse 30 ,
Goldsmith 27 , Uil s :1.1 : , llleVittio 26 ,
Bates 30 , Godsal 3 Lowe 20 , Parry 28 ,
Dods 30 , 1Iumph 'y 30Vattluwarth
30 ; total 8114. 1
Time grand tolls are-Auerie ms 1,078 ,
British 1,070. I
Time following is tine score , soon
rounds each , 200 } 'ai'ls :
Americans-South 20Ynm. . Scott 29 ,
Joiner 20 , Brown 30 , S. Scott 20 , Dolan
31 , Pollard 30 , Casim 28 , Hinman 20 ,
Bull 28 , Paulding 31 , Van Heuset 29 ;
total , 352.
British Yung .30 , Pearse 27 , Gold-
smnitlm 31 , Gibbs : ' 5 , McVittiu 29 , Bates
20 , Godaal 27 , Lowe 28 , Parry 28 , Dods
28 , Humphroy 26 , Wattleworth 32 ; total ,
340.Fivp hundred yards score , aovenrounds
each :
Americans-Smitlm 34 ; W , Scott 27 ;
Joiner 34 ; Brown 28 : S Scutt 30 ; Dolar
30 ; Pollard 31 ; Caslm 20 ; Hinman 35 ;
Bull 30 ; Paulding 29 ; Van IIeusem 32 ;
total d66.
British-Young 31 ; Peat-se 32 ; Gould ,
nutith 31 ; Gibbs 33 ; McVittie 31 ; Bates
33 ; Godsrl 33 ; Lowe 35 ; Parry 33 ;
Dods 23 ; Hunplitoy 29 ; Wattlewortli
32 ; total 376.
Time closeness of time nmtclr creates time
liveliest iuturest4 The rapid scoring of
time Americans in time face of a naaty rain
is pouch commnmmted upon. The greatest
cordiality prevailn betw'eem the oflicum's
of the volmltoers mid
time Anmeiicats. Time large crowd cheurod
time Americans ou their quitting time
gro imd ut the close of time
shooting. The Americans are elated
at time preselt success its compared
with time 50(11'05 made iii time nmateit at
Creedmoo last year , time Anmerican total
to-day is 35 butter ; tile English total is
ody 8 butter , Time general average of
time Americana into-day's shooting is bettor -
tor than that of time Englishmnoim , Time
ntnteim will be resumed at 11 a , rn , to-
row.The Standard says : "If time Americans
win , they will at least learn the British
riflmnem calm take a thraahing iii good
heart and ungrudgingly bestow upon time
co0luorora the applause wlmielt they will
have justly earned. "
It slmoud be underak oti tlmat live re
resents a perfect shut ( bullsoYo ) 'and ' time
beat poasmble score for seven shota at any
distance given would theruforo be 35 ,
ClucnuoI July 20-Itacca postponed
on account of rain ,
BowroK , July 20-Mystic , parlc : Time
chtief interest was min time unPtulahed race ,
2:25 : class , $5,000 , pool , Three additiom-
al humits worn trotted buforu the race was
decided. Lt dy Martin won , S moedress
second : ohm6g gie third 0tlers ruled omit : ;
time 2251,2:056 : , 2:24jl : 2:254 : , 2:256l :
2 : , , - , na6 ,
2:15 : class , Nullio hale , the favorlte ,
Well , Boston Boy second ; beat tiome ,
2:38 : , by liovton Boy.
FIce for all race Cornelia woo Judge
Davis second Wiriahi ) third' best
r : , by Judge Davis.
rBJmIOUTO BEAOC , July 20-'l'hreo
fourtlms of a mile , two year rids , Ant
traliam won , Kiub Erimest Miss Bmmasutt a
filly ) second , Granite tlni ; tinmu,1:18h : .
Mile and a furlong , Woodcraft woI
Ninmblu accord , Isaploria 1101(1 ; limo 159 ;
Mile1 Joe Murray won , Eleatitan [ see
mmd Little Dam third ; thou 1:41m : ,
Mile , Galway won , Little Buttoreul
second , Japonica third ; time 1:44.
Milo anti a quarter , all ages , Red Fo x
won Gabriel second Assinoo third' tint
12:10 : j.
Three quarter mile , Garfield won
Cathcart second , Periwumklo turd ; tom
1:17k : ,
CIIIUAao , July 20-Crows from Gal
Weston and Little hock rowing clubs am-
rived to-tiny , nod tire Nov Oeleana club
tumu will be Imeru to-morrow to take piu t
in the regatta of time Iiississippi Valley
Amateur flowing association at Pullnmau
July 27th aitd 28. 't'ime regatta will be a
notable event in nniateimr rowing , as 26
clubs of the 32 belonging to time nasoeimm
tiou havu crews entered.
WASHINGTON , July 20.-A telegram
received at time Indian office reports 301
Cheyeure and 14 Ara ahoe Indians left
the Indian Territory uuder military osco -
co rt , unroutu to I iue Iluibe Agemmey ,
rNmi1'E6TrNo vEsyum. .
The do artnment of state telegraphed
time United States Consul at Vera Cruz
to advise all vessels bomd to southern
ports of time United States to stop at
Slmil ) Island for imupeotion , in order to
avoid buiug sent tlmero from port of ; destination -
tination by time lmealtit authorities ,
itn Ia IMt'itOVEMENTS.
The report of Capt. ' Tlmos.V , Hand-
bnmS y , of time en gmeer corps , 0n ehaLro of
the river amid harbor impmvemonts upon
time Arkansas rise , was received at time
war departmicnt. Time report is very
'voluminoums amid gives the dutaded mature
timid CXIOllte of all iunproveimemts began
or completed during the year. Thu me-
port of Maj. Aloxnndur Mckenzie sboaya
intprevemunts were made et time upper
Mirsissijppi at the following points ; Iron
St , Paul to time Des Moim cs rapids , at
Louiaima llto , at Ihutnibal hlo , at
Now Alexandria , at Quincy , Ill. , at
Quincy bay tumid ma nunmber of other points.
Among time estimates for time Imextf's-
ctl year arc included $05,000 for dry
dock at Des Moinca rapids , $500,000 for
improvement of the Miasissippi froth
Des 1lloinos rapids to the Illinois river ,
and $1,000,000 for imnprovenunt of the
Miaaissippi from St. Paul to Des Moines
rapids ,
Information was received that time
body of H W. Lord , sot of ox-Congress.
man Lord , of Michigan , r cently a clerk
in time Ipatent ollico , was found floating in
time Potonac ) by fishermen who towed time
body ashore at a point eight miles down
down time river mmd buried it in time smmd.
It is supposed ho full front one of time
river steamers , President Harlan , of
the I1ichiget republican association , will
bring time renmaua to Limit city , Time
natdmor of time deceased lives iii Detroit ;
the hither was reeeutly appointed receiver -
ceiver of the lmmtd ofieu at Devil's ' Lake
pmmd is at lilt new post.
Special dlspatcb to the IIEE ,
Camsrox : , Iowa , July 19.-S. A. Brew-
ster , oditorof time Advertiser , was knocked
aeiIHclesa this aftexmoom at 3:30 : o'clock
by .John White , who claimed ids brother
Frank had boot insulted by a ptmbhicatiou
of his actions at mum Afton hotel with a
sontherm prostitutO. Brewster will
probably recover. White was fned be-
fo'e time justice of the peace.
MEMrnxs , July 20.-Robert Wilson
who shot aul killed Frank B , Ruasolf
hero in Septenber,1882 , was hanged today -
day in time county jail. The execution
was private.
TEnun HALITE , Ind „ July 20-Job ] m
\Villiaus knowim as "Coal Oil" Johnsp'
a bunko men , was found fn a house of ill
faomu in lied with a wonmam , at 5 o'claa k
limit inorimilig by him wife , who aunt ldu
lend while le was sleeping , Time wonmui
dad been hunting dim at other plaeea fo r
several hours befon. SITU left time hoes o
inunudintuly after the thooting and gav
imesulf up to the polIe.
_ _
it % Vito llurdurtmr Executed ,
C.tNroN , 01nop July 20-Gen. McMil
tan , the wife trunrdorur , tvnH hanged bur
tday. Be waS limp amid lachrymose o
thu scaffold bugging bid friotds to prat
fat' him /mid hot nnurdeied uvifu amd emit
run , lie dad an all'ectiug intorvluav with
his four little childruu about an hour be
fore time uxecmtion ,
Haug lot' 11111)0.
LEXINGTON , ICY „ July 20. - Davi
Timberinke , colored , was lmauged for lit
rape of Aluggie Lamson , cobred girl niu
years old. He madu a seminal confession
'l'ime Now Facight Fool.
New Youx , .July 20-A mew I ) or
agrooum mt aat signed to day 1 ) y ih
' managers of limo trunk limes mud thui
eo mmeetions , ' t a nmeetiuj ; hold fmt con )
nmiasionur F0n 's office. Vito three item
o roads wore rim eaented mud signed tlm
agreement. T m pool will continuo fo
u five years , std will be based upon uric
Armltgemmments , 1'1 business affected b
this arrangonteflt u tbrmcoa both live mud
dead freight , also including dresso
meat ainipped to uw York ; but wise
slmippod to Bostm it will be classified as
load freight. . The nlottnunt of ) urceimt-
a es was nut agreed a nil but will be ar-
rt mm mid by Comumiaaianui Fink at hie
leisure , n diasemmt fieiu huts decision
will be subimiUed to arb'tnttiou ' , The
now agroenout takes drool front July 1.
ihrstness Fsmllutres ,
NEw YOiIR , July 20.-B , W , . Rohr
brook , C Co , , cotton goods muatmufac.
tumors and contortors of cotton goods ,
made au nssiBnntmtt to-day. Liabilities ,
$725,000 , with preferences mnomting to
$07,000. Tlmoir losses from uiatttfaetur-
big exceed $350,000 , which has buou
sonaeuvhat increased by outside transac-
tiona. Time failure was a very great surprise -
prise to all departnentaof trade.
Bttshless failures for' tho' past seven
days , 101) , as comparedwith , 169 for last
week ,
PITTS11Ultt , July 20. Tine , IIanchester
Imon mid Steel corapamm y , with a capital
stock of $500,000 nude a. aasiBmne tt
to-day ,
Snubbhag time Stpekmon.
CtnuAao , Judy 20.-A coduretce was
hold to-day between it. committeu r'cpre-
sorting Limo cattle amu live stock iutorests
of tie' ' no'thwcatmid time rupresettativea
of railroads rmmning into that territory.
The cattle nmem mketi for a reduction of
$10 per car on mmuipnienta of stock and
for otimer advaulages. After consideration
time railroad represunGmtivea decided that
they were carrying. stock ns cheaply as
they could all'orti amid thu request for a
redetiomm was laid et time table ,
The Drlckhmyers' Demands.
Cnlonoo , July 20-Time bricklayers
have notitiod contractors they will flot
worlt under sou-union foreuiet ; that urm-
less their dmnands for diaumissitl of each
foeuuum is connplied with they will
strike , 'l'imey are holding nigimtly nicot-
inga for initiation of moutburn amid claim
that witlmin n very few days tlmero will
not be a dozer iron-moron cormmputunt'mnn
fu time city. Most of the contractors
have eomphcd with time demand.
A Party Matter ,
BOSTON , July 20-Time reports of time
Tewksbmirg investigating cenmitteo were
presented to the legislature to-day. All
ropnblicana signed the majority report
amid nil denmocrata the minority ,
A ( latch of hate News l'romn Over
the River ,
Time-city council last , night ordure d
Fifth aveouo filled to grade prepamato my
to paving to the Union avenue bridge.
Time bids for filling Broadway and Myn .
stem streets were rejected , and time cit y
engineer instructed to mo-advertise. Time
bids for curbing received time same fate ,
A , Berry was awarded the contract fo
building a sidewalk \Vnalmington ave
nun at twenty-ono cents per liuoal foot
Time subject of opemiug time gamblin g
houses was not brought up ,
George Mowery , who resides in Duel
hollow , ) vas suuatruck yesterday. Dr , J
Clark as called amid brol glmhiui to
lie is now iii a fair way to recover. Tlmi
is time second stroke tis aumnaor ,
Mrs , Lizyle Placard , who claims to
have been assaulted by a deaf and duns
neighbor about a nmontlt ago , is no w
thou ght to be insane , mid will probabl
ho taken to mt asylum. Time roan sim
uham'Bcs wih making the alleged assail
hat nut buen tried yet , tleuglm nrresto
m at the tilmu of time affray.
Dr , and Mrs. McCraw eitertaiued i
larjo number 0f their h'imtds by a ver
I enjoyable Iitwn party last evening , ' 1'h
grounds were brilliautl lighted , tun
bgood nnitiu and all neelfuls for a In1p1 )
social occasion were prov'dod ' ,
Probably no form 01 4Scau is w generally tile ,
tdbulal among our whore population as Sgrolula.
Almoat every Individual has lhls latent mimeo coon"
lug h4 vein , . The terdblo ulfedokn endured by
thoio a011cted with scrofulous , ores cannot la
d understood by other , , 00(1 ilia Intercity of their
u t atltudo when they and a renmedy mist cures
0 item , natonldes a well porn. w'o refer by per
, II 00 t/ s S mission Sarah C , to Whittier llkr ,
of Werner , N , ii. ,
a who wus coral by
ml arse art a of ° acronlula5oru
e thesovediyof wWchconfned her to tSOhomeror
m two years. 81x month , previous to taking )1004' ) ,
' sanavalaslecould not get about her room with.
v outcrutcbw , 1ler tdend esyst " 1414 not Wtnklt
possible tur her to ave aunt' months ; she was ru
dupedtos mere skeleton. Iler etas to bacilli less
r than s muscle , " Mors won4erfuicure , than this
r hero I eeu eaeete4 by this mltdaa Tluro is no
y doubt that in 11004's aarrsparfma wets Yo We most
d uwksble wall tint Las ever been produced
amid s posiuvo Vius tor Scrofula la its numero
( I tornu. ) 'rtce $ OOlr ; torLOO. Prepared only bJ
It , pI.1lo0D.t O.LowauMau.SohibyDructlsG
The British Begin Burutshing thc1m
Gans for a Possthle Raw with
the French ,
The Drcndcd Cholera Spread1 '
Rapidly in Egypt-Tiro People 'of
, OatroActunlly Hrviting Doatlr
-Misoollaneous News.
LONBON , July 20.-Orders have beets
received at Alderalmot to four
batteries of field artillery foprepare seer m
vice. Destination not kown.
In time house of commons this afternoon -
noon Campbell Bannorutan , secretary of
time adnnirtlty in reply to a question by
Bartlett , declined to speak concerning
time nuovmneumt size and number of men-
of-war , which have boon ordered to Mauritius -
ritius or Madngascar. He described time
question as an nmproper one. His answer -
swer was received with cheors.
Time Homan granted Captain Gossett ,
aurgcmtt-at-arms , leave to appear in au-
swer to time sunnions of Bradlaugh and
also ordered Sir Henry Tames ! attorney
gumeral , to defend Cnpt min Gosset.
TEE musts.
P.tius , , 'July 20-Thu Journal des De.
bats says our relations with England are
pasafm' through a crisis , and that the
aettloaont by Enhlaud of time Suez canal
question by a policy of spoliation would
be to strike a blow at time imeart of
France , which would never be forgiven.
DUBLIN , July 20.-At a meeting of
time organizing eonmittee of time Irish
national league to-day , Parnell presided.
Michael Davitt was resent. A resolution -
tion innBacatinB ] time evicted tenants
fund was unanimously adopted.
.Tlmo South Dublin union consents to
the emigration to Canada of 80workhouso
MELBoOIINE , July 20.-At a mass
mooting Moro at winch the nmayor presided -
ed , resolutions were unanimously passed
endorsing tlmaaddress of time Victorian
parliament to time queen , which urged
that Now Guinea and other Pacific islands -
lands be annexed or a protrctorato estab-
h alted over them.
LONDON , July 20.-Time Standard says
great complaints have been made at
Hamburg aguiust limo excesses of tlmo
crew of the United States steamer Lan-
caster. The police have been obliged to
arrest several sailors and oflicers belong-
Ong to the vessel. '
CAnto , July 20-140dymthsfronm clmol-
era hero yesterday. Two regiments of
English troops have gone to Suez.
ALEXANDRIA , ' July 19.-Twmtty-vino
C doatha from cholera yesterday at Mansu- r
rah , 24 at Samanoud , 28 at Ghizch , 44 at
Chiordm , amid 3 at Damietta : 15 deaths
e front the disease at Meuraleh Thuraday.
GAIRo , July 20It is said unless the
E6 hiah authorities promptly take direo-
b tion of affairs , time checking of the spread.
of cholera will be hopeless. Even the
Y ainnploat sanitary arrangemeuta are nog-
3 ! acted. Time funeral system is the cost
I obnoxious , Time corpses are encased in
d very alight coffins and carried tltrou h
crowded streets on omot s allouldera.
clothes of porsoma dying in the hospitals
I are often stripped oil and taken for
wearing purposes by limo relatives.
y m \Vhfle ii niaf stricken with elmolera ,
d was on ltia way , yesterday , mum n cart , to
time des1ital time river stopped , opposite
y n cat o and gave the invalid a drink nt a
water bottle used by customer of the
plneu. A few minutes afterwards time
sick met died opposite the largest cafe
iii Cairo. Time only precaution taken in
this case urns to sprntkle a little chloride
of limo or time corpse. The Batt then p
teed its way ,
Puus , July 20.-After time
time nmmnagiflg eouniitteu of
canal company to-day , DeLes
graphed the chief engureor of
fn Egypt as follows : Comae to
Inudtntuly. Bring Planafora ,
Funds assured either by oxecu it
British Iigroonient or otherwige. . . '
lostrnctiveStorla at Dtfbu
CutcAGo July 20 , The Inter-
Dubuque Ia. ) spocidl wys ; 4 !
amid vicinity was visited 'this '
the hest destructive wind rant xwin > 1
of tine aeason. Trout , wii'
many barns and fends deuiolid'
delayed i } vaahoutatt , d" " t
autfered t onsiderab , tI rw/M1 !
ag 0 denote , grain , however ,
. of acres were ten flat.