Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 19, 1883, Page 3, Image 3

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    F _ T THE ; AiLynfrWW1A.IIURsAy jy 19,1583 _ _ _ ; _ _ _ _
; ri , Nebraska Matoiiai Bank ,
h1d'Up Captt1 . - - $2 OOOO
. . ' ZUrplU8FundMay 1,1883 : ioo
S ft. JOHNSON , PreIdtnt , of Steele , Jthneon &
A. } . TOUZALIN , rico Prchknt , of DaMon.
\ v. V. MOUSE , of V. V. Moro & Co.
.OflN S. COLLINS , of 0. If. & .1. S. CoUlns.
.1. U. WOOLWOl1T1f Coutiselor nI Attorney t lAW.
I. . . S. 1tIEl ) , of Ilyron ReoI & Co.
v. YATES , CashIer , torminy yeari ChIer of the
Thit atIonftI Bank of Omh' .
ThIs IJank opened for ) .utnci AprU 27 , 18S2.
I directon nt1 , tockhoIdc are meg the IeaI.
hnMnef of Omaha , and I butnee Ii conducted
epeclaI reference to the beet and Increasing In
of Its incrcntfle Iatcofl.
'Coilcetlotis receIa prompt attentIon and chargee
obtainable hero or ohawboro.
lnterct aflood on time iloposite upon fftYorablo
and tipori accounts of ) , nki nnd hanler.
ForeIgn Ixchange , Uoverruncnt Iionds1 and County.
City ccurItIci liought and , ofd.
J. w. Rodofor , Broker ,
Stoc , land , , CommcrcI ! Paper end all other
cd , ccuritIc ilealt In'
Room 4 , No. 28 1car1 St. , CouncIl Diuff , , Ta !
NEv YOItK , July 18.
' 1oney-Markct osy at ver cent ,
clocd tit 3 ior cent.
Prlnio MorcntI1o 1'aier-4@6 Per ccitt.
Sterling 1xchattgo-flRltkcrs' bills weak at
$ I,83 ; ( lelliand , 84.S7.
Goveritmont , , a little Irntter for 's and 4'
regitcred ; other 1sstie unchanged.
' . % Stocks during the forenoon tero tinsettleil
q ' and lower , openIng strong cml advancing to
c u' to 11 o'clock , at wldclt time there was a
ralil on Canada Southern which caused a ( itt.
cUito of 3.c ; ( ( titer Vanderbilt stockt vero
carrle(1 down with the Canada.lTchigan
Central declined ? . jcr ccitt. ; New York Coit.
tral l. uer ccitt ; Northwetorn tiecitited 1 Pl
Lent. , aitd Lake Shore per ccitt. Vander-
bilt'H , of course , affected the whole market ;
.outahlo of them the ileciTne wa to 1c. In
0 time Iat hour the market was dull and heavy ,
pricc ( Teemed a fraction for a niajority of the
list. The itiarket on the whole wa . to lo
lower tItan at the close of last night'i greatetit
.dociittett. however , emily on a few etocks
.ahovo immentioned , outside of these declines iii
thc general list were only fractional , while
tIiero were some itocks higher , viz : tranitoba
2.c ; Pacific Mail c. Market closed generally
.S'a 103
: New 5'e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
4j'd Coupoml8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
14fit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
lPacificG'80f'95. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127.
Amerlcan Express. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
.Burl. , Ce&Ltr Ilapids & Northern 82
Ceiitrai I'acifio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71.
Chicago & Altomi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132.
(10 dO pid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
.dll. , Burl. & Quincy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
) mErle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
do tfti , asked. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Fort Wayne & Chicago. m . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
llarnmibal. & St. Joseph . . . . . . . . .
do do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . 92
Illinois Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Intl. , Bloom.Vestern. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Kansa.q & Tex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
Lake Shore & ? tlicliigait So. . . . . . . . . . 6G
Michigan Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Missouri l'acific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45l
.ortliern Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
do do Pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8fl
) ort1ivcstern. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
thi pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 ?
Now York Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
L Ohio & MississilIi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
do do ufd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
l'eoria , Decatur & Evansville. . . . . . . . 17
.Reading. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rock Isand. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
t. Paul & Milwaukee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102'
tin do tie Pfd. . . . . . . . . . . 118
t. Paul , Minu. & Manitoba. . . . . . . . 116.
. ; St Paul & Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44.
do do pM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102.
Union Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Wabalm , St. L. & Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . 26
' $ , t . . { \ do do do pfd. . . . . . . . . 41
S Western Union Telegraph. . . . . . . . . . . 79
3 CuIcAno , July 18.-Flour - Market quIet ;
* inchanged.
Wheat-Regular ; unsettled and lower 1 02A
' for July ; 1 03 for August ; 1 05.1 051 for
September 1 oogi oC for October ; 1 07
'for Novemnter ; 1 02@1 02- for the year ; No.
; t 2 spring , 1 0lj@11 02A ; o. 3 8prIimg , 84c ;
I No. 2 , red vinter , 87c.
. ,1 , Corn-Active and lower ; 5O for ca.slm and
July ; 50 for August ; 5050 , for Septemmi.
' ber ; 50@50 for October ; 46c for the year.
Oats-Irregular ; fairly active ; 34@34e for
cash ; 34@34c for , July ; 28c for August ;
27c for September ; 27ij2Tgc for the year.
ltye-'irmer at 5l3c.
; Flax-Steady anti umicimanged at 1 40.
Pork -1)cmnamul active ; unsettled and low.
er ; 11 25@l 4 30 for cash amid July ; 14 3OJ14 32
for August ; 11 5014 52 for September ; 14.
© ; 65 for October ; 14 13J@14 30 for the
year.LartiSteatly with fair demand ; $82@8 85
catli , July and Augimttt ; 8058 97 fnr Sep.
temubcr ; 9 O2.@i ) 05 for October ; 8 578.60
for the year.
I ) Bulk Meats-Firmer ; shoulders , 6 40 : short
rih.s , 7 65 ; short clear , 7 90.
. Timothy-Unchanged.
Whisky-Market steady and unchanged.
Butter-Quiet P.11(1 unchanged.
Eggs-Steatly at 1'I15c.
' Cheese-Market steady , va.'i fair transac.
k tions In low and choice rwles ; choice new
, ' cream cheddars , 81@9c ; full cream fiats , 95.
' . . . . : Oc ; fair to gooti chictidars anti hats , 4@Sc ;
, - hard sWine , 2J4e.
, e Jliles-Fair demand ; green , salt cured ,
I ; * * tlglmt , 8c ; green , salt , heavy , 8e ; green , salt ,
3 ) calf , 12c ; green salt , damaged , 6jc , dry salt.
'oil lie ; dry calf , l5@h15c.
, . : ToLF.zo , Jttly 18.-Wheat - Eaiier and
active ; No. 2 , cash amid July , 1 09.
. Corn-Dull and itomnlual ; No. 2 , cash and
) ) July , 53k. '
1 Oats-Quiet ; unchanged.
? 3 flEW YORK.
' , Nw YonK July 18.-Wheat-Cash fismit
anti options i@2o lower miraded red , ' 'J8 ®
15 ; Io. 3 retl , 1 09 ; stenm& No. 2 red ,
I 10QJ1 10 ; No. 2 red , 1 10k , store ; 1 16 ®
1 1G , afloat
Corn-Cash @ 1o lower ; options openeti
a l@1c1ower , cloiedfirm ; ungrailtid , 49@58c ;
No. 2 , b9c5'Jjc.
Oas-e lower ; mixed western , 30@33c ;
white , 43a55o.
Eggt-\Vesterit fresh , quiet anti unit , io
. Qh19c.
t l'ork-Dnhl ; now jmtttss , 15 7516 00.
l4artl-Lower ; lrlmite steam 9 17c9 2.
Butter-Firm ; for choice. 0c22c.
' . 'vjn'.ooL. ' :
J4iry.itpoom , .Tuly l8-l3reatlstufTi-Firm.
Wheat-Winter , 8 l0dt9i ; No. 2 spring ,
Ss fltlc9.
Corn-5 2L1.
KANSAS CITY , July 18.-Wheat-Weak ;
'No. 2 roth fall , 88o for cash ; OOie for August ;
28o for Septoniber.
' Corn-Loiter ; 37c bitI for cash ; 37C bid
for August amid 38 for Septeimmber ,
MILUKEE , July 18.-Wheat--Weaker ;
' No. 2 , 1 0'2 ; July , 1 02c ; August , 1 03k ; Seit.
titinber , 1 05g.
Cmrn-Lowttr , No. 2 , 50o ; now , 4fc.
' Oats-Steatly ; No. 2 , 33e ; white1 35c ,
Itye1Eigher ; No. 2 54c.
flarluy-Qttiet No. , 70c ,
, Sr. Louis , July 18.-I'1our-A ahatlo better ;
time and oUter gmdea unchanged.
'I .heat-Activeunsettled , opwied higher ,
chased Iowsr No. 2rnd , 1 O8@1O cash ; 109
@ 1 09 for . ) ttly ; 1 081@1 10k for Atigust ;
1 l01&i 12 for $ eiiteniber ; closing at inside
quntatltiims ; Nt. 3 reth I 001 01.
Corn -Lower it 45d46c ca.ah ; 46@101o
for Augtist 4747c for September.
Oats--Ilfgher at 33o bid for cash ; 33c
for .htily 2i027o for August.
iyo-Lower ; lTc bid to sell.
Bnlcy-No market.
Qrnmoal-Firmn ; $2 60.
Vhisky.-l 14.
CINcINNATI , .ltmly 18.-Vt'hoat-In fair do.
mnand ; No. 2 rod winter , 1 0661J1 00 for
Corn-Weaker at 5l(52c. (
Oats-Quiet at 36@36c.
] iyo-Flrnter at 5Si5fic.
1'ork-ulet at 15 00.
Lard-EMier at 8 50.
Bulk Meats-Easier.
W'hiky-Flrnt at 1 13.
1iAI.TIioRc , .Timly 18.-\Vlicat-'tVcstern
easier auth fairly mtcthe ; No. 2 wInter red , cash
I lr1 , 1fl. .
Corn-W'esterim , easier anti diill mixed ,
cash , and July 58ft4)c ) ; western hit0 finn ,
4741)c ) ; mixoti , 41q)45c. )
oats-Quiet auth steatly ; western white , 46
® 47c.
liye-Qtmiet mien , , 52c58c ; olti , 65@6Z.
] hmtter-1)ull : vesterit packeti , s@l c ;
creamery 18(23c. (
- - . ) 18(23c.lfliJl7c. ( .
\ \ ltiskoy-Qtiiet at 1 161 17.
ritr OItI.KANS.
. . 18.-Corn-Mleti in
Nr.w Oitr.E.sM , July - -
fair tlomnautl at 61@62c.
Oats-1asier at 446j)46c. )
Ctrit Meal-higher ; fresh 2 80@2 $5.
l'ork-Iligher at 15 7516 00.
Lanl-Steiuly ; tierce ( I 25 ; keg , 9 50.
Bulk Meats-higher.
NEv YORK , .Tuly 18.-Tue ilemmmamiti for all
classes of staple ctttoits , whether ilaiii or
colored , Is for immoderate assortimments thouglt
of soitme immakes the deliveries ore taking care
tif good production. Largo request coittmimiics
favorable tti auttiinit specialities of flannels
llankett , dresm gootis , sackings , all woid
lathes' simitings , 1tiitits nmitl ginglmamM.iany
iitotlerato to gooti solectioits havu takeit a
large quantity.
ChicAGo , Julyl8.-Tlio Drovers'Journal ro
liorts :
Hogs-Active and iSo higher ; mixed , S 00@
S 3 : ; ; heavy , S 35@ 85 ; light , S 45@6 15 ;
skips , 3 25@5 00. ,
Cattle-Market fairly active antI easier ,
except . on choicest exports , which were
I. ) 85(6 ( 15 ; good tt choice shipping steers ,
S 405 75 ; common to hiiOlttihtt , 4 40c5 20 ;
cannimig amiti butchering steathy ; inferior to
fair cows antI inixeti , 2 00@3 10 ; medium to
good 3 25@4 65 ; * ttOCk&S steady at 3 104 00 ;
feeders slow at 3 74 40 ; range cattle finmi ;
grass Texans active at 3 50@4 50.
Shee-13Hsk at 20 to 40c ldgher titan last
week ; inferior to fair , 3 00@3 (0 cr cwt. ;
medium to gooti , 3 75@4 75 ; choice to extra ,
4 40@5 10 ; lamb iter head , 1 25@4 00 ; Texas
shieep , 3 30 1 20.
KANSAS CITT , July 18.-Cattlo-Firiti anl
higher ; native steers , 4 755 60 ; cows , 2 40fJ
4 00 ; grass Texans , 3 254 00.
hogs-Higher at 4 90@5 50 ; bulk sales ,
5 3Of5 40.
Sheop-icccipts , 900 ; steady ; natives 3 .10.
ST. Louis , July -Cattlo-Jfarket
active and stronger for all good grades ;
irregular and weak for common ; exports ,
5 755 90 ; good to choice shiping , 5 305 65 ;
comniolt to fair , 4 756J5 15 ; good cows amid
lteifers 4 00@4 50 ; common , 3 25@3 75 ; good
grass ' 1 exans amid Indians , 4 00@1 50 ; connuon ,
3 25@3 75.
Sheep-Quiet , mnediuni to good ; 2 75cJ3 60 ;
p14hn0 , 3 75@4 25.
CIIICtGO Ju'y 18.-Receipts and shipmentt.
of live stock for the ias 24 hours have been as
follows :
Receipts. Shiip'ts.
hogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,000 . . . .
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,400 . . . .
Slieop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400' . . . .
KANSAS CITY , July 18.-Receipts and ship.
meats of live stock for the past 24 hours have
been as follows :
Receipts. Ship'ts.
Cattlo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500 . . . .
Hogs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,000 . . . .
Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 900 . . . .
Sr. Louis , July 18.-Receipts and ship.
macrita of live stock for the hiast 24 hours have
been as follows :
Receipts. Ship'ts.
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,000 1,000
Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,400 650
ChICAGO , July 18.-Receipts and shipments
of flour and grain for the past 24 hours have
been as follows :
Receipts. Shmip'ta.
Flour , bbls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,2f)0 ) 1,000
Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 16,000 4,000
Cern , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 305,000 164,000
Oats , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 169,000 66,000
Rye , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,000 7,000
Barley , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 5,000 . . . .
Nmv YORK , July 18.-Receipts and ships
mncmtts.Qf flour amid grain for the Itast 24 hourS
have been as follows :
Beceiiits Shiip'ts.
Flour , bbls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 81,000 . . . .
Corn , busliels. . . . . . . . . . . . 98,000 108,000
Oats , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1CANss CITY July 18.-Receipts and shiljt.
ments of grain br the Itast 24 hours have been
as follows :
hIeceipts. { Ship'ts.
Wheat bushels. . . . . . . . . . 12,000 11,000
Corn bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 4,230 23,000
Wholesale Prlce ,
Oyixc Oi Tmr OrAmmA BEE ,
IVedmiostiny Evening , .July 18.
The following are the prices charged retail.
ers by connnissitrn merchants , jobbers nod
packers :
WIncAT-Caslt No. 2 hIgher , at 81c No.
3 , higher , at CWic ; rejected unchungetl at
IiARLEY-Caslt No. 2 unchanged at'45c ; No ,
3 hmiglter at 3Cc.
1tE-Caali unchanged at 40c.
Coits-Mixed unchanged at $8c.
Ors-Unchanged at 35c.
Live took.
FAT STEEnS-Uuchailged at 4 ' 104 3. .
FAT Cows-Quiet and unchanged at 3 25
3 75.
Iloos-Qulet anti uimchiangetl at .1 505 00.
SIIEEI'-Steatly at 3 004 00.
OALVD4-FPir rjuahlty , 6 0O jl ; 0 ; good
butclters' stock , S 006 50.
Geiteral l'rodiico
Etitis-Uimelmaiigetl at 13.Qt1'Ie.
ITUTTEI-JLihl aitil ititcitamiged ; comnon to
ocul , 7@JlOc ; choice dairy , 11@16c ; sweet ,
hiighuoloredgrass 1213c ; cooking , 7c.
Giia 1'A5-tcat1y at 1 00.
( i1u : BEANt4-2 25419 50.
POTATOI.S-New , mitoderatoly active at 50@
GOo per bu.
ONIONS-Quiet ut 4 ro@s 00 ier bid ,
NKw CABIIAUc-lOGGOc : per dozen ,
JIONEY-Callfornimi , in cumuli , i'r pound 20
CIIEEh4R-Quiot and unchanged We quote
10i)12c. ( )
TotiATOtt-P1oiity at 1.OOper box.
Green FrislIN ,
] IAMrBERIIIES-Unchanged at 16lTc vcr
Putt bOX.
LE'iONS-Htcaily mid In good demand itt
750Q800per box.
CILKIIIIIms-l2SiilSc ler quart.
( ) It4Namu4-Cahlfornias , unchanged at l )0
I'EACIIES-Wo quote at 2 75 ir box ,
CALIFOIINIA 1'LUEIt-Iim good deimiand at
32350icrboc. !
OALIYOIUIA Ai'nioom-Scarco at 2 75 iii
201b boxes ,
JIANANAS-Unchhanged ; per bunch , 50j75c.
Ai'i'tx-1 505 00 er bbl ,
CAIIFORNIA DAnrast 1'ImARs-Uuchangeti
at 2 75 ver box.
Poultry anti FINIm.
SrRINn Ciimcxr .s s-Small , dull nnti tmit.
clianetI at 1 26i2 00 ; large , quiet at 3 00 ;
old lower at 3 7ThI4 00.
* hhtfl : Fisim-Unehmanged at t@lOo. ; idko
amiti lake trout the same.
Flour isnit ,11lllstufTR.
\'INTEIt 'tVIIF.AT-Iiest quality , patent , at
SECONI ) QtALItr-3 : 00@3 2.
SrItINO WILEAT-Bost quality , patemmt , at
3 t)03 65.
SECONI ) QUALIn-2 503 50.
BRAN-Per toim , 13 00.
Cimorrr.n } 'iEn-h'or ( Xl hlq. 1 00.
( ? oit. MEAL-I 00(1 10 cwt.
SCItEENING-60@650 Iter cwt.
Cured Meats.
I IA'IM-QliIet anti lower at 12c.
IIAC0N-liighier at l2@l2.kc.
Siiouiitzits-1)imll at 77c.
1)htIKI 1iE-UmmehIaimgetI : : we quote at lIe.
1AIth'-Sto mdy at lOc lit tierces.
'I'ALI.Otr-llriih at To in Liarroli.
Grocers List.
C.NNEn ( iOOIs-OtO s ( Staittiaril ) , tier
ca.qC , 3 703 90 ; stra'Is rrk s , 2 Itt , itr cao ,
2 40 ; rasiherrios , 2 ll , or c.uio , 2 45 ; Bartlett
hier case , 2 40 ; wlmortlelierrios , ier ease ,
2 75 ; rgg ilmmimm , 2 Tb , pr case , 2 90 ; green
gages , 2 It' , iier c.lsu , 2 1km ; do choice , 2 lti , ver
cAse , 4 50 ; itlito itilile. ] , 2 Ib , hti CaSO , t OOSij
( I 75 ; iieachie , 2 lb , her case , 3 00 ; ( It ) 3 Ib , tier
case , 4 ( ) ) ( j.f 513 ; ihti (1)10) ( ) , 3 lii , case , 2 60 ;
mb iio , 6 Ib , ii&.i. dtmzen , 2 3) .
Picil : otmisiaiia irmmilo to choice , 7f8c ;
fair , 7@7c ; l'atma 0c.
Fiii-No. 1 miineerel , half tins. , 7 00 ; No.
1 mackerel , kits , I 00 ; faumilly mimackurel , half
brit. , 5 25 ; family immackerel kits , 85c ; No. 1
whtite fishi , htalf brl4. , 7 OtT ; o. I kits 1 0. .
SitVt'-St.aiulartl Coiim. , 85e , liuls ; taittiard
ilti , 4 gallon kegs , 1 Si ; Stamttlat-ti do , 4 gitlltut
kegs , 1 60.
SOhmA-Iht It ) laeri , 3 30 l' ca.q0 keg soda ,
NR\V l'mcit.r.s-\lethiiiiii , lit bands , 6 50 ; do
in half barrels , 3 70 ; stitahl , in Imorrels , 7 .10 ; tIe
lii half lnmrrels , S 12 ; gherkins , lit barrels , S .10 ;
do In half btrreli : , 4 70.
'I'IAsumipowder : , gttnl , 45L6r'5c ; choice 60
h)75i ) ; good hmiipeiimd , 40@ 18c ; elrtdeo , 605c ( ;
\ ouhig Iiyson , good , 3UQ'.M ) . ; choice ,
65c@ I. 00 ; .1 apan natural loaf , 8.5c ; .1 aptim ,
choice , 60@75c ; omitting , gootl , 35@40 ; Oo'oiig ,
choice , 40@55c ; Souchoitg , gotiti , 840c ; ;
choice , 8545c.
lloi'-.Sisal : , ? , helm and larger , 1Oc , imtclm ,
lic ; inch , 11c.
W'OOIENWAiIE-TWo boo1) P11' , I 711 ;
tlmrco hoop jiails 2 00. Ttil , , , Nti. 1 , 8 r0 ; l'io
fleer vash1.xiarts , 1 85 ; Dtmlilo Crowmm , 2 90 ;
Wellinickots , 3 50.
] 1tm-13ar , 1 65.
SoAt't-1Cit'k's Savon Ilmlhicrial , 3 .15 ; ICirk's
satimiet , 3 60 ; Kirk's staimtlard , 3 75 ; Kirk's
white 1ttisslmii , 11 25 ; Kirk's eutoca , 2 15 ;
1irk' l'raiiio Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40c ; Kirk's
mmutguohia , doz.
POTASii-l'onnsylvania caits , 1 case , iii case ,
3 35 ; Babbitts ball , 2 doz. in case , 1 90 ; Ammchtor
ball , 2 tltz. iii 'ease , 150.
1'Etsum-1oasteti { , choice , roti Tennessee ,
12c iier Ib ; futcy white , 121o icr lb ; raw-white
Virginia , raw lie ; rotst.ed : , 13c.
CANnLES-JJttxes , 40 lbs lOs , 1fic ; Ss , 15c ;
boxes 40 Ibs , 16 oz. , Os , 1fic.
MA'rchmEs-Per cadillo , 62c ; rotmmtd , cases ,
5 70 ; square cases , 3 40.
COFFEEl3-Ordinry grades , 3@9c ; fair lO ®
l0c ; good , 10@ Ic ; prime , 12@12.c ckoiee
13@13c ; fancy reeit and yellow , 11J15c ; 0id
government .J mmva , 2026c ; Lcvcrings roasted ,
14c Arliucklo's rtasted , 14c ; McLaughlin's
xxkx : roasted , 1'Ic ; imtitation Java , 16@
VINEGAR-New York niplo 1Cc ; Ohmic aim
1)10 , 13c.
SALT-Dray load , , ver bid , I 75 ; Ashnon , in
sacks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy 60 , bs , 3 50.
SUGARs-Powdered , 104c ; cut Ionf , 10c ;
grantilateti , 9c ; confectioners' A , 9.jc ; Stand.
ttrtl extra C , 8gc ; extra O.8.e ; medium yel
low , 8c ; dark yellow , 7c.
SrAitcmc-I'earl , 4&c ; Silver Ghoss , Dc ; Corn
Stardi , Pc ; Excelsitir Gloss 7c ; Corn , Sc.
SI.ICF.S1Opper , 21c ; allspice , 19c ; cloves
30c ; cassia , 24c.
C1iKEsr.-'tmh1 cream , 11c.
LYE-American 3 413 ; Creomtwichi , 3 40 ;
Western , 2 75 ; I'orth Star , 2 00 ; Lewis' lye
4 65 ; Jewel lye , 2 75.
Dry Goods.
BItOwN CorroNs-Atlantmc A 8c ; Apple
ton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , Sc ; flout Fl ? $ c ,
Buckeye LL , 4.4 , 7c ; Cabot VT , 7c ; chitto.
mtalmgo A 61c Great Falls B 8o ; h1oosler , 6c ;
Ilonest'idtIi , Sc ; Indian 1-lead A , Sc ; Iitdiatt
Standard A Sc ; Indian Orchard , d. w. , 6c ;
Lawrence LL , 6c ; Mystic River , 7c ; Pequot
A , 8c ; Utica C , 5c ; Wachusett 13 , 7c ; do
A 8c do li 48 , 12cc.
F INE BimowN CorroNs-Allendalo ' 4.4 7c ,
Alligator 3.4 , 3. Argyle 4.4 , 7c ; Atlantic
LL , 6c ; Badger 3tate X 4.4 , 6c ; Bennington
0 4.4 , 6c ! ; Buckeye S 4.4 , GAc ; indian Orchard
AA 9.8 , 8c ; Lacoimia 0 39 , 8c ; Lehigh E 4.4
9c ; l'opperell N 30 , 7c ; do 0 32 , flc ; do
3(1 ( , 7c ; do B 39 , 8c ; Pocasset C 4.4 , 7c ;
Wamnsutta 4.4 , 13c.
L 4-1
BLEAChED CorroNs-Androscoggin -
9&c ; Illackatono AA imperial Sjc ; do do hail
bleached 4.4 , Oc ; Cabot 4.4 , 8c ; Fidelity 4.4 ,
9c ; Fruit of the Loom , 9.c ; do cambric 4.4 ,
12 , do Water Twist , 10c ; Great Falls Q , Oc :
Injian Head shiruiik 4.4 , 12c ; Lommsdale , bc ;
do cambric 37 , 12c ; New York Mills , 12c ;
l'equot A , lOc ; 1 opperel , N 0 Twills l2c ;
l'ocahumtas 4.4 , 9 1.2c ; l'ocasset 5.4 , 8. ; Uti.
ca 110 ; 'Wanisutta 0 X X , 12 1.2.
h uc ( Coloretl-Albany ) E browm , Sc ; do
C , drab lie ; do XX stripes and plaimls , b2 1.2c ;
dtt XSk brown amid drab , striltes amid plaids ,
12 1.2c ; Arlington fammey , 1'Jc ; Jtruimswick
brown , 8 1.2c ; Chariot fancy , 12 1.2c ; do cx.
tm heavy , 20c ; Fail Iliver browim , extra lmoimvy ,
11 1.2c ; liidiana A brown , 13c ; Neponset A
browii , lSc ,
TIcKINUS-Amnoskeag AC A32 , iDe ; do XX
blue 32 , b8 1.2c ; Arrownnna , 11 1.2c ; Clare.
intuit BB 15 l.2c ; Conestoga , extra , 17 l.2c ;
hamilton ! E ) 111.2c ; Lewiston A30 , Itic ; 7dm.
nehiulia 4.4 , } 0c ; Omega , super extra .1.1 , 28c ;
Pearl River 32 , 16 1-Ic ; l'utnamn XX blue
stripe , 12c ; Shietimeket 5 , bO l.2c ; do SS , 12c ;
Yeoiiian's llue 29 ( Ic.
DENI MS-AiilOi&eltg , blue anti browzil6 , I .2e ;
Amidovor Dl ) blue , 15 1.2c ; Arlirmgt.on X blue
Scotch , 18 1.2c Coimeord ( JOe , blue anti
bros'ii , 12 1.2c ; tft ) AAA , tie do , 13 1.2 ; ( to
XX to tb do , 11 l.2c linymaker's blue anti
bi'owii 9 1.2c Mystic liivcrDDstmipe , 161.2c ;
l'enrl hivcr , ( .iiue ami brown , ICc ; Uhcasvlhlo ,
blue and brown , 14 1.2c.
Cuimnucs-Bzuiinrd , SIc ; Eddystono lining ,
24 inch double taco , 8c ; Garner A glazed , 5c ;
Manhattan glove finlsh,5c ; Newport do , , Sic ;
doglazed , 5c ; I'equot do , Sc ; Lockwood kid
fiuiisii , Cc.
Coisr JEANS-AmOry , Amidroscoggin
sattoen , 8c Clarendon ( ic ; Conestogga sat.
teens , 7c ; Jfallowoll , 8c ; liullium Orchard , 7c ;
Narragansett , Improved , 8c ; Pujporill sat.
tocim , 14c ; 1ockport Cc.
I'IILNT)4-AhlOhis ) , tc. American , 6c ; Armolti ,
6.c ; Berwick , 4'c ; Coclieoo,0 ; Conestoga,6c ;
Jiaiiklrkc ; liunmiehi , C@l7c ; Edtlystono 7c ;
(4lmmcester , 6c ; harmony , 5c ; Kiilckorbocer ,
( lcIeriiimmac ; I ) , 7c ; Nyst1 , 5.o ; Sprarues ,
Cc ; Sotitlibritigo , e ; do Gingimaimis , 7c ; 1arh.
bore , 5c ; Oriental , Co.
INu IJAtitt-A1ntislea { 9.c ; Argyle , 101 c ;
Atlantic , Sc ; Cumoberlanil , 71c ; hlighiland , 7c ;
Keiillworth , ( ic ; 1'liiiikett , inc ; Sussex , 8o.
CorroNAnKtt-Ablert'lllo , 13c ; Agate , 20c ;
Auiorican , lie ; Artlsian , 20c ; Cairo I ) amid 'I' ,
18c ; ( ilarloit D and 'F , 17c ; lecan Co.
stripes 1) and 'I' , 1Cc Koystoimo , l3jc ; Nuii.
tucket , lOc ; Noimpareif , ICc ; Ocean 1) nod ' 1' ,
l3.c ; Royal , l6c ; Sussex , 12c ; ¶ l'iogaVaciit. ) .
sctt shiirtiiig checks , l2c ; mit , Naiikhi , l2c ;
'Ytrk , ldaiii Nankin , 12e ; do checks , stripes
iiil fancy , 1'4c ; tlii 8 o ; 20c ,
SIIEiTINas-4Iidroscoggln : 10.1 , 27Ac ; do
0.1 , 23c ; tIe 8.4 , 22c ; CoiitlmentaI 0 42 , lIe ;
Fm-nit of the Looigm 10.4 , 27e ; Now York mills
lid , 35c ; do 78 , SPa ; tic ) 58 , 22c ; l'enibroke
10.1 , 25c ; i'eijiiot 10.4 , 28e ; tb 71 , ltJc ; ilo49 ,
ific ; l'ciiiieiehl 'JO , 29e ; do 67 , 2lc ; tie 57 , 18c ;
Utica 90 , 3Cc ; ( Ii , & 8,22c ; do 48 , 17 ,
1)mu.'aa .aNICIIInIICAI.ti-Aeid , Carbolic , .ISc ;
Acid 'rartamle , 5r ; linisain Copalilit , II , ,
lOc ; hark Sassafras , per Ib , 19e ; Calomel hr
11 , , 75c ; iiiclmoititlla , iter oz , $1 05 ; Cliforo.
form , per II , , 8rc ; Duvcr' I'owiiers , l' ° II ) ,
$1 2. ; E1isoiii Salts , per lb , : Jc ; (4lycerlhmo ,
I > nro , lb , $ Oc ; Leati , Acetate ler ib , 22c ;
( iii , Castor , No. I , fler gal $1 2d ; Oil castor ,
No. 3 , Per gal , 81 15 ; Oil , olive , per gal , L 50 ;
Oil Origanumn 5Cc ; Opium , 85 00 ; Quiiilno , P.
& \ttT. and it. S. , Jer tiz , 81 85 ; J'otasslumn ,
lotlitlo , hi , , 81 ti.i ; Salaeiii , her oz,40c' hut.
lhiato of Morphine , ier 0z , ' 8 75 ; h3ulithur
flour , per lb , 4c ; Strychiiilne , 1e oz , I. 25 ,
l'aints , Oils iiiiI Vnrrmislics ,
Omr.a-110 ° carbon , per gallon 12oj 150 °
hioadlighmt , li' gallon , 14 ; 175's headlight ,
1)04 allen , 1Ie ; 150 Water White , l8c ; hin-
beeti , raw , ir gallon , Sic ; iiiisoed , boiled , per
gailozi , 600 hard , winter str'd , per gahlo. , , USc ;
No. 1 , : ; c'o. ; 2 , 75c ; caster. XXX per gal
Ion , 1 30' No. 3 , 1 20 ; sweet , l'cr ga'lon ' SSc ;
sjrm * . 11. , pergallon , 1 ( ' 0 ; fish , B , ,
tier gallon , ( " "c : nra.tsfoot extra 'er gallon , ( 'Oc ' ;
I.o. 1 , 711e ; lubricating , zero , her gallon , 3Cc ;
stimiutr , ire ; goltiomi mnaehlime , No. 1 , l'r gal.
lou , 35c ; Net. 2 , 3C1e ; eqierin , signal , l gallon ,
SOc ; turpenUno , Pr gallon , tx'c ; uttlitha , 74 ° ,
is'r gallon , ICe ; ( U ° , l5c.
1'AINTS IX Oth-Whmito load , Omaha 1' , l' , ,
Cc ; white loati , St. 1.otits , pure , 6c ; Marseilles
greoll , 1 to S lb caits , 20c ; Froiich alime green
seal , l2c ; } 'reneb zinc , red seal ' lie ; French
zimie , lii varnish ast , 20c : 1 renc'h zitic. In oil
M.Mt , Itic ; raw alitt burnt tiiitbcr , 1 Il , caa , , lCc
raw 80(1 burmit Sienna , IDe ; anttykc bwn
13crofincd ; hamnpblack , 12c ; coach black , mmii
ivory black , 1Cc ; drop black , The' Prusslaim
blue , $ Oc ; tmltraiimai-lae blue , ISe ; chmnmto green
L. t1. & 1) . 1CcbIln4 ; and shutter grechm , I , ,
M , & 1) . , ICc ; l'aris green , ISo ; Intilait roil ,
ISe ; 'emieLitiii rod Ic ; 1\tscan roil , 22c ; Amen.
call Vermniilion I , t i' . , l8c ; chaotic yellow ,
L. M. , 0. & I ) . 0. , Ihe ; yellow neltro , tc ;
geltleii ochm'e , 1Cc , Patent dryer , Sc ; graiiting
coltirs , light oak , dark oak , walittit , chestitut
and ash , ific.
Iry l'aiitts.
W'hitto lead , Sc ; Froiieh almic be ; l'atis
chiitiiig , 2e ; whiitiii glides's , iem whiltimig
comiil lc ; Irnitphtiack , ( lenniamitowim , 14c ;
laiititlilack , tinil iiiary , I Oc ; l'rtmssiaim llmi , , , ttic ;
tiltraiuaniiie , ISe ; vitmidyko , ltnovn , Sc : moulton ,
Lnnitt , 1e ; timnlair , raw , 4c ; slcuuuiit , burnt , .lc ;
skuuiia , raW , 4c ; l'anls grt'ohu , gtutumiiuo , 2ic ;
l'anis green , commmnioiu 20c ; chirommie green , N. V. ,
20e : clmntiuno gn'en , l. , 12c ; 'eruimtIiliiuu , Euig , ,
70e ; vernmillioui , 4utrricaum , lSc ; I midiaut n'ti ,
lOc ; rose iiiumk , 11c ; Veuuetiaut red , Coktuqii ,
2'u ; VenetIan roil , Antenieaui , 1c' roth lead ,
7e ; chtrouito yellow , geuunine , 2Oi ; cli.rouito yol.
htiw , IC , 1'2coclune , rocltttlle 3cochire ; , French ,
2c ; ticluit , , Auumoricaum , \ ' litter's nuiumorai ,
2c' ; ht'Iuiglt brown , 2.e ; bliatmishi browum , 2c ;
1 ri lice's muilneral , e.
AlmNIshmK--itaiToIs POC gailtiut : Funiul.
tiurt , extra , $1 10 ; fumnutttumne , No. 1 , $1 ; coach , ,
oxtr' , 81 I ( ) ettacli , i'.n. 1 , 81 20 ; 1)ttuuir ,
extra. , $1 75 : . , 70c ; atiiiaituiiu , etrt : , S'ic ;
shellac , 3 tiC ; hiard oil flimisli , $1 50.
lihit her ,
Onl : solo , 88o to 12c ; hieummktck stile2Sc to 8Sc ;
hientltck kip , 8Cc to 1 00 ; ruuiuuer 65e to 8Cc ;
heiuuiuck calf , sr tt 1 20 ; hemlock eqler , 23O
to 26c ; oak uphier 2 Ic ; alligator , I 00 to 11 11(1 ( ;
calf kiti , 82Q35 ; ( .i'eiseut kiti , 2 50 to 2 711 ; oak
kiti , SOc to 1 ( XI ; oak calf , I 20 to I 80 ; Freuiclm
kip , 1 10 to 1 111 : French calf , l t1 ? to 2 00 ; ens-
sets , 11 ro , to 7 110 ; Iiimiuigit , Ii 00 to 10 50 ; top.
pliugs , ( I 00 to It. ) 110 ; Ii. L. Morocco , ICc to ;
Pehibie 0. 1) . Morocco , $ Sc ; slmiiomi , 2 SI ) ttt 8 00.
IIAIINESm4-7\o. 1 star oak , 42crn No. 2 do
39c ; No. 1 Ohio oak , $8c No. 2 tie , 85c ; Xii.
1 MIlwaukee , 37c ; Nm' : 2 tiC , 31c.
limi tmhcr ,
\vimoImS.ix. :
\Vo quote luniber , lmtlm : uttutl shingles cii cars
at Omaha at the following iirices :
, ioiwr ANt ) Sc.tNrI.INo-lO ft. auid timitler
$22 00 ; 18 ft. $23 50.
'l'iiiimii-1C : feet and nuttier , 2 ? 00.
crIi1mih : AN ! ) ,1osr-1S it , 23 50 ; 20 ft , 23 110 ;
22 ft , 26 so ; 2 1ft , 26110.
FENCING-Nt ) . 1 4 and 6 lii. , 24 00 ; No. 2 ,
SIIEIrINo-No. 1 (2d ( ciiiirnon boards ) , 20 00 ;
No. 2 , 1800.
LIME-l'er barrel , 1 25buhlc ; PCC htishttl' 35c ;
coumient , blil , 2 211 ; Iowa plaster bbl , 2 50 ; hair
ver liii. ro ; Tarred felt , 100 ibs , 3 50 ; straw
board , 350.
. Heavy Jlmtrdwnro 141st.
Trim , rates , 2 60 ; 1dow steel , special cast , 7c
cnicildo , Sc ; slieciil or Geninait , Cc ; cast tool
do , 1520 ; wagon spokes , set , 2 211ti'3 ' 00 ; litmus
iier set , 1 25 ; follies , sawed dry , 1 41) ; ttimigimes ,
eachi , 70@SSc ; axles , oachm , The ; square limits h1OC
It ) , 7@lbc ; vashiers , 11CC lb1 818c ; rivets , iicr
lb , lie ; coil chimin : , lerIl ) , ( J12e ; niallcahtle , Sc ;
iron wedges , Cc ; crowbars , Cc ; harrow teeth ,
4c ; spring ted , 7@Sc ; BtintIen' liorsehtes , 5 25 ;
Burden's inuloshmocs , 6 25.
IlAitluElVIRElmi car lots , Gjc tier 100.
NAmr.s-llatcn , 10 to 60 , 3 35.
Siio-Shot , 1 85 ; buck shot , 2 10 ; uricuitni
iiowtlcr , kegs , 6 40 ; ( it ) . , half kegs , 3 48 ; do. ,
quarter kegs , 1 88 ; blasting , kegs , 3 35 ; fuse ,
vt 100 feet , SOc. blackantitlm 12 00 ; Mtir.
nis cmiii Blosshurg , 12 \Vltlteireast ; limmmip ,
4 \Vhtitebmoast ; mint , 4 00 ; Iowa luumup , .1 00 ;
Iowa mtut , 4 00 ; ltock Spniuig , 7 00 ; Amithra-
cites , 11 5O@12 00 ; Camion City , 7 00 , pcr ton.
horses and Mules.
Extra draft liontes , 175@225 ; common draft
horses , l00@150 ; extra fanu horses l1O@125 ;
coittinomi to good farm horses , 0O@hiOO ; extra
plugs , 6075 ; common tIug , 20@40.
MULEa-EXtCA , 125qulSO ; good , 100@140 ;
fair , 75@100 ; comunion , 6O@75. t
Ancomio-188 1rrsif , 3 25 per wino gallon ;
extra Califorumium slilnits , 188 proof , 1 25 per
lrOOf gallon ; tm'iple refined spirits , 187 proof ,
1 23 per proof galltuit ; re-distilled whiskies ,
1 OO1 50 ; fine bleutded , 1 SO(5J2 ( 50 Kon.
tucky bourbons , 2 0O@7 00 ; iceutticfcy amid
l'oummsylvaitla ryes , 2 O0@7 00.
IIIIANDIES-lmmiporteth , 6 0O16 00 ; domestIc ,
1 404 00.
GINts-llnponted , 4 5O 6 00 ; domestic , I 40
@ 3 00.
RUMS-linporteti , 4 A6 00 ; Now England ,
2 0O@4 00 ; dnmncstic , I 50@3 50.
1'EACII ANI ) A1'I'LE BIAN1)Y-1 W@4 00.
CImAIt'AONES-Imnpllrtetl Tier case , 28 0O ®
34 00 ; Ame'icami , ier case , 12 0016 00.
WooL !
Merino unwashed , light 14@lCc ; heavy ,
13@iSc ; inediumni imutwasheti , highit , 1851J20c ;
washed , choice , 82c ; fair , 30c ; tub mid waslieti ,
28c ; hurry , bluclc and cotted wool , 2@GC loss.
FINE Cu'r-C.iuiiuiomu , 2O@30c ; good , 45@
GOc ; floso Leaf , lOc ; 1''eniimmu , 65c ; Diamond
Crown , SSc ; Sweet Sixtccmm , ' 17c.
StlomuNu-O. S. , 2Cc ; 7ihuitskovy , 25c ; Dur.
ham , 8 oz. , soc ; lurliauu , 4 oz. 112c ; Dimrhamn ,
2 oz. , 55c ; Seal of North , Carolliun , 8 oz. , 44c ;
Seal of North Caroliuia , 4 oz. 4Cc ; Seal of
North Caroliiia , 2 oz. , 48c ; 0. IC. Durbimun , 4
uz. , 28c ; 0. K. lurhamr , , 2 uz. , 30c ; Uncle
Ned , j's , 2'lc ; 'I'oumu anti .Jcrry , . ' 3c.
l' TolmAcco-Clinuax , bile ; Bullion , 11Cc ;
llorseshte , , 48c ; Star , 18c ; Ituildy , 4 lc ; 11cr.
say's , 48c ; Black , 38c'j40c.
1'aom'itixoas Uuo5 JLey.trolis A. su U.
rcccIver mid sluIIICrs of graft , , OinahaNeb. Also buy
aut.I sell gralu , situ rovIsIouis cii iuarglis : Iii Now York
Chicago , Milwaukee , St. Louis auid Toledo. Speclai
telegraphIc facWtlas I ; ' otflco. Market rol.ort.s reedy.
tid eiery ftftccuu nihiiutcs , a hichi we wili furnish on at.
Illcatloli , together with our special circular , Indicat.
lug the tjntttuncy of IIu , markets. Ouilco corner of
IouWIai , and 15th , street. Established iSTO.
of th
Iuuuiiauu body euilargtid , dcvcloptxl amid streuithenCdr
etc. , Is anti litterostlug a.Irertlscnueit bug run 1mm ou
lI'cr. Iiu rciIy to iuuqulrlos mto will say that there j'
lie evldomicejl himunihiug about tIiI. On thu contrary
the advertlsors art , very highly Iidoused. InUr stet !
liorsOmis may got scaled circulars Ivltig oIl partlcui1'
ii ) ' addressing Erie MedIcal Vo.I . 0. box 518 , I4uIYaIo ,
N. v.w'rom.ut.flEyn. m11-ly
llieballli & Taylor
Newest st1les lit lirtoizo Good , . Carpolijer and
Msciliilsts. ) louis.
Warranted Cutlery and Buffalo -
falo Scales ,
1Qri1)ouglas ) Street , . - - OIItIIA ,
_ : _
Expert Rook-Keeper
A l'raetlail IIook4.eeer ; amer thIrty years. WIll
attend to Exaniliulnig , Opcumluig autd closIng Boohs.
DusIius mcii Cal ltavo tlirir books kipt ; tested up
nIcely at iiail expense. Will write up ueuilnmgs and
return books In iioriuluig shout required. ( Jes iii'
structione mutd furohimos oitutLon. All work conft.
dentlal. I.
4L41 j -
1. it Pnlhlc uiro
Fop all those VlnCsi Complalsi. cr4
0 eoHmen It. our br.t female iepuIatI.a.
I .teiItoIue ton IVomiun.tncnti by a Womas'
L'rtpsred hty a Youiman.
( % . fiaiNt $ Pdl I ) S1f th. ii. . . . .1 mliii. , ,
tyItretn , th , , droopln shliriti , lnlorat. s ,
.nniuenlzes the t'rgn.itlo function' , El'e elastIcity so
Irma , . ' . , to this it'p , l'OsiOi'i flit' nstucal mitts s th
0" , sal l'lumt.s Ofl the p..s ehie'It tif wonuti , lb. fr.5
uie. of hLts inlng , utl early stulitnor thus.
rPiitsIclans tjst II and Procnibe It Freely.W
ii fthiitncai , itstuknsy , , leltroT. nOl cFai
hr sthtnubuit , and relieves weakness of tti , ttimsI
That r.uin. of b"nriii ilown , cati'Inir pain , wei $
mdl Iuskueho , Is aivs , jsnuslicnuhy eiii'i ii by IL' , ow
Fer the esre or mzia , Ctmplslnt. ( it ehIh.r .w
tith. Compound I. uu.urpai.ed.
fYlIA V. I'INlUm.M'M r.l.ooI ) 1't1It1l'IEi
null nrnullcnin , ser7 , iii1t , , ur hitinis , fn'ni lb
isoI , nitil give. atiul .urimtgIh itt lii , , 53teru. 4
u1.n WOtltftU or ciiftuI. Inhuit , tii naviug It.
Uuith thu Cornpoinit . ; ; i mmood 1'mrtflr are preis.ts
z.1.1anIra Vosteni Atrntts , Litii , Iss. I'ries
plther , i. hz bottIi's for $ : l. tcmit by mall hum the Yen
If h1iih. tiC of lt'r.cuttes , on rceelut of pi ice , 3m ier te
forettiler. Nrs. I'lnktisn , , , IIwvN5hl InttorI
3iquulr7 F.neoso SeL stailip. Send fur laflihihiht I.
No rsmIiC nhu % ho . .ithont I.YflA ! r I'IKITAtI
f.tvEtL t'hl.i.4. Tti'n cult , , coitiI'itoit , i.tlhousu'd
Intl touluIdity o tilt , iIvr. 0. ) conU lee ttui.
* T-Sold uiII Iruagglais. tl
Railway Time Table.
iT. I' . it. It. , MAIN LINR.
Ltuvs. Asitivut.
l'ncihlu , P iii AtianUo RIled5.7:3o : a mit
'cstori ,'o.u , 8:1)0 : i' , ii Iatonu , . Th3tp ) in
( Iranil Island I'itss4k. : ) puui (1. ImlauI I'im , , 1ld : a in
l.XAVL AutiUvut.
LIncoln : . . . . . . . ; : 1' iO I LIncoln i : . . . .l2a5 p in
luuluny trains loot e Onnha as folios . : &to ) a in ,
0:00 : a iii , 10o0 a iii , 11:00 : a mn.2QOp : iii,3O0 : p m,1OO :
p mit , 6:00 : P iii 6o0 P in. , 10:10 : i' . In.
Duiuuiiy tmlns love CouuicIl Ilimiil. sit folte. : 8:25 :
a ni , 0:25 : a ni , 10:25 : a m , 11:25 a in. 1:25 : mu , 2:25 :
I' lii , 3:25 : 1 , IU , 4:25 : P iii , 5:25 : p am , 0:50 : m. 10:3(1 it itt
Sundays-Time Iiumnmimy traluus Ioao ouiicJia at
11:00 : a in ; 200 , 40t ) 5:00 : , 60i ) suud 10.1 % ) ii in.
tonics Ceuimcil lIftiff , at 0:25 : tonI 1l : ? it in , 2:25 : ,
4:25 : 5:25 : nimd (1:54) : amid ioru : it iti.
L1UVS OMAhA. LNV5 COUSciL aburri , .
Pits. . No. 2..7M : a nt I'ass. No. 0. . . 7:25am :
, , No. it.r:45 : ' lit ' ' No. 15. . . .1ItO : a ma
U No. 4. . . . . . . ii No. t..11:20 : a in
I'ass. No. 8..Sbooiiu " No. I. . . . 7:35 : t' iii
'I No. 0. .0:15 : a ill
Leave Omaha for O'Neill vhm St. l'aul Lluio
for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ant
Arrive froni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) I' am
C. , 51. & St. P. R. 11.-U. I' . 1)IL'OT.
LidAVli. .AiItI VII.
Malt Ex . . . . . .7:45 : a iii Mail . Ix..7:25 : I' flt
AtlaiutlcEx..3:40 : , iii l'aeihlo . . . . . . . . . . mu
1)aiIy IMIly.
LIIAVII. Afthti Vs.
. . . . . . . . . : a iii Oiiiaha..1150 a in
, , . .40 1' lit " . . . . . . . . . b:20 : , um
C. , U. & Q It. lt.-tY. P. DEPOT.
' . . . . . . . . . . . . : a m Express..9:45 : a a ,
Express..8:40 : j , iii ' . . . . . . . . . . : p iii
N. Y. Express Leases CouncIl lihimIT , at 3:17 : p iitt
I , 4t arrIves " 8:20 : a mutt
sunday. oxociuteil. tOumrnha titus.
0. , 11.1. & I' . It. lt.-U. P. DEPOT.
Aitaivx. axavit.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . , a m Express..7:45 a am
. . . . : it a , . . . . . . . . . . . . : 1) ma
C. & N. W. It. lt.-IJ , P. DEI'OT.
5fsiI . . . . . . . . . . . .7:15 : a at . . . . . . . . . : a am
Exprers..3:40 : v am Mall' . . . . . . . . . . .7:20 : P mu
' 8undaya excepted. 'Sundays excepted.
S. C. & P. II. 11.-U. P. DEL'OT.
. . . . . . . . . . . . : a ii , . . . . . . . . . . . . ann
Express..0:00 : p iii 2.tahit . . . . . . . . . .7:20 : p mu
tSuiiclays CXedItcd. )
ST. l'AUL - -
No. 2. . . . . . . . . . . 800 a am No. 1 . . . . . . . . . . 4:50 : p in
No. . . . . . . . . . . . : I' at No. . . . . . . . . . . . : a in
Sunlisys excepted.
K. C. , ST. JOE & C. II. It. 11.-Il. & SY. DEPOT.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . : a mu Express..6:00am :
. . . . . . . . . : p iii . . . . . . . . . . . . : jt mu
Ii. & 31. IN NEIuIIASKA ,
Icnver Express. . .8:15 : a m , . . . . . . . . : ma
l'acihIe Express. .0:35 : I iii. Ieiuver Ispro.s.0:40 : a mu
Express..Or.o a in Exprcss..7:25 : p am
. . . . . . . . . . . . : i' 'ii ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . : a me
Trains Icaninig at 7:25 : i' in tout arriving at O&O : ate
ill fiat o l'uliaianu , IceIera ,
Opening anti Closing of Malls.
ROOTS Oi'IIN , Ci.Os $ .
a.muu. pin. situ , p.uii ,
ChIcago & Northwestern..11:00 : 0:00 : it:30 : 2:4C :
Chicago , Rock IsIituitl 8 ; I'acifleIIOO : 0:00 : : 2:4C :
cIIcutgoLiurIhigtomi& QuImicy.I1O0 : 000 5:30 : 2:4 : (
Wabash , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:30 : 5:30 :
Shuiuxclty& I'aciflo. . . . . . . . . . . 5:00 : 7:20 :
( Jnhiiu l'acihlc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4t)0 : ) 11:40 :
Omuahim , & RojiublIrali Valley. . . 2:00 : 11:10 :
I , . & M. Iii Nebraska. . . . . . . . . . 0:00 : 7:40 : 5:3C :
Omititha & Nortliwcstcrni. . . . . . . bOO : 7:20 :
Missouri l'aclhIo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:30 : 5:30 :
Local iuusiI for State of losa leave but onucea day1
yiz : 4$0 a. iii.
A Lincoln lush Ii also OiuCmicli at 10:80 : a. mu.
OfIlco ojcu , Sundays from 12:00 : mu. to 1:00 p. in.
' 11105. F. IIAhL , l'ostmiastur. ,
I Have Found. It I
Was thu exclamatIon of a man whomi ho got a box
of Eureka I'll. Oitmnent , whIch I. a Iii1io anti sure
cure br I'iies suid all Skin Dlwsscs. j hity cents Iiy
mail , postpaid.
T/io Amorkan Diarrhwa Cure
has sto.d the test for twenty years. flare cure toi
. .hi. Never Path. Dharehasa , flytwits.ry , sad Chiolu'
Ca Morbuii.
OllU'S ' Focr affil AllO Tonlo & Corthal ,
It I. impossible to supply thurapid saloottlmo saute.
For I'uvcr saul Agimu , amutl all Malarial troubles.
l'ILICE , $1.00.
1J15)ltAFOILY , 10TH fIT. , * ) MAIIA , NFII.
For Sale by all Driig jists
Or seat liv Exiurossmureceipt _ _ of prIce. mn&e6n
Cot. Water amidCortgress fIts.
13 i 'I'
CAPITAL $400 000
IIUJIPLU& 40d,00
, - - - - - , (
! I'r.tuisacts a general banking biislnes. Iloceh'es thu
accitumitit ii ! baiuks , tauikeri and ittluors , Draws fiirelg ,
cechiamigu and zutakes cabIo trmmisfert , lii Eurjuu aumi
teegrajultio tramsfer. , ut uimoutey tiriiiugltout the
United States. IIuyf amid sails g'veriuiiommt amid otlto
hincitmimurits securities , amid executes aiuy busliess to
its currcsluoiudouitx in thu hue of baiikiiig.
ASA. 1' , i'ovnim : , I'reshlemmt.
J , J. EDIY , .1. W. SVO'LR ,
Cu'Isr % , Asst 'smsiuier ,
Till iIPUliUDcflill A regular gratluato Ii
Jilt , L1ULJJLi1LOUL1 , uitislleiuie. Over slxteei
eec and 64.54 Wyiidottu St. . ) cars' Ir'ctlc-tw'elVe1 u
1.tNA8 CITY , MO. Chicago ,
Authorized by the sUite to trea
Chronic , Nturvous suit I'ritato ihiewse
Asthiumia EiiIIehwyitheunatISu , , I'lIe ,
'lapo Worutu , urinary sail Skiim 1)1. .
' eases , HeiuiiiuahVoakutes ( night losses
htexual Debliltyios ( of sexual P1)Wnr
etc. 'ures gimaruiuitud or ultonuy refturideti. Charge
low , j'hiouseutis , of cases cured. Na hujurious zmidl
cmos used , No dcteution , front buelniuss. MI tutad
clues tuntishied ceu to i'atiamts , at a dIstaumco. Com
.uitatlomi free amid confldouutlai-cafi or write s
CXpdrtiMCit are Iuepurtaiit. A ltOU1 an
fur both soxce-iliustrated-ain' ' cfrculaus of otlut
thiIr'e sent scaled for two 8 st.t& : I I FiLES Mill
iUM. - Ig eW.wly
- C
. .4 eomMnntton nf 1'rd.
toxiil4 , of.Zroli , .rerurtar $
Jla , * nfl41'o9p7oflU4fl.
(3 3xlatabit , form , Jli
Je Iffy ' IMNI of 4
fife , rr'sratg of
1'Owoa ft .4ndipen.ti.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lttt.
Aftcr i thorotightrjaloftho PLJRIFJES7
IBON TONIO , take Dloaauro . Iflclu5try , Ri. . Sayfll- '
; : ntftUnr , that I bave , .11 consIder It
rretLl.benefited . b.HA . ' ft float cxcollonttromedy for
iso.lnistora anc .L'Ub / ,
ito flpoa.itorii wIll flnd 11
of the gyeatest n1uo
Where ft Tonic in nocon.
8art , I racocamnerni It
na a reliable remedial
agent , pOsutenatng Un.
doubteca nutritIve and
restorative Properties ,
t , , . QutftUlS , Xp , , Vt's. 3 , 1532.
( Chicago , Burlington & . Qulnoy Iahlrond. )
; _ _ _ - 'I. . wrn
_ _ _ _
5- ' . ' :
: :
1 _ _
11' .
_ _ ,4
_ _ psi a
C : ' : I : \ /fl9C\ : , 0.s'V , ! ±
EIegiiutt Day Coaches , Parlor Cars , with UecIln
fag Chairs (5iAt5 ( free ) , Smnokiiu Cars , with Ito.
'ohsiumg ChaIrs , I'tiiiunnii I'aiaeo lIeeiiImtg Cars nnui
the fammucnmut C. hi. ' Q. Iiiming Cars rtimi daily to anut
( emit Chicago Kauusas City , Chdeao .t Commacti
IhluilYmi , CIuhetigo . Ies Mofne ( 'iileago , St. .10.
sehili , Atchison . Topeka. Only tiiintiiu liii , , ho.
twecmi ChIcago , Lincoln .t IemlVer , Tlmrotight cain
tiotwet'mt Indianapolis t Cotmuuell Ilitiffs visa l'eorIa ,
Mi eomiflOctioflhl unnile lii Uumion Iopots. IL is
iLiiOtyht Its the greas'rIIRoUoiL CAlL LINE.
$ olitt Trains of Elegant Da Coachen and Full
Ruin l'alaen Sleeping Cars are run tIa.IL7 to and
trout St I.omils , ia Iltmnutibttl , Qulney , } eoktik ,
flnnhingmon , Cedar Raplula antI Albert Lea to St
I'ttuml amid '
Mlnmwapoiiutu l'aniorcanuwith Itechining
Chairs to aunt from St Louis and 1'eovia and to
auth ( rout St Louis anti Ottuxmtwa. Only on
citange of cart ; between St. Louis autU Des
ItIoImirn Iowa , LIncoln , Nebraska , and Denver.
Colorado ,
It is ualvcnsauyadmittod to ho the
Finoat Equipped Railroad In the World for all Clnuos of Travol.
T. J. 1'OVFtR , 3d Vicmi.l'res't itnit Gent Manager PEI1CEVAI. LOWELL , Oen Pass. Ag't , Chicago.
Granite Ironware.
, % ' crc5. \ I.TORT HANDSOME ,
Tue Best Ware Made for the ICitchen. . . -
Fo ! o ] J tovo , liflwaio , .alld llollofllnlis1th fla1erg.
Uatarrft is ono of the worst iII'CMLn of tlio prostuit ( line. Ilminulroils are utullorlng wRit it when they ars
ho releivetl at oieo. , I will gumaranteo to euro t to worst ease of Catarrh iii thurco umiont is or refuini the money
This iiediciiuo , Is goist for only thmtt ono disease , Ily sentilmig ummu tZ.OO I will .ond the medicine VrCPid b
exIrtdlts or miualh. Do oct suItor aiiy lomiger ihoii you caui be cured for so .iimath a sum.
8. P. SEWELL , care of box 401) , Omaha , Nob.
( M'r- 'I1cE'I'1I : _ ,
TIicsostoves : took tlio IuedflhItumii at the Now York State Fair in 1052 , whore they were lint on actual trial by
experienced jtidgoui , In comnhuctitioti itltlu Ioadiiug Eastern Brands which one far superior to all
Vcst.onii Stovus , ClltttCIflhl7 in quality of Iron , Fhioftaking ani ocoumomy in all k umd of tuo1 .
ZIardvirare !
521 South Tenth Sti'eet.
Medical Dispensary I'
Offices and Parlors Over the new Omaha
ationaI Bankl3th , Between Farnam
and Douglas Streets.
Aii Female Bisoasos , as 1e11 as all Chroillo au.Neryous Biscasas ,
IEL. : :
has discovered the veatest cure in thu world fur weakness of the back anti limb , , Involuntary disciiiargu ,
1muupot.onoy eiueraI iiobuIlt'tse ' , languor , conftishtmi of ideas , paIIItatlon of the heart , tinti ty ,
treuiibifiug , 0 macse of sig ? u or giddiness dIseases of the head , throat. nose or skb , , altectlouis of the liver ,
lungs , stomach or bowclus-thuotu terrible , habits arlshmmg frousm solitary iabits of ' cell , , iuc1 secret practice.
nioru fatal ti , the vlctimmus thtami the sours ut flyromus to the imiarliens of UIysc , theIr mao. ra4lau
, . or anutIculiotluuls , rcuuuloriiig uuimmrr ago lumiposslbhia
, Cto.o tint are sutlurimmg frouiu the evil 1tiactiCC whIch destroy their mental and physical y.tcnia
The , yniptommis of which utro a dull , dlstress9d nuimmd , thiiclu uuthlfa theta for pemionimiing theIr buslneu and
ustcla thutios , inakeut happy mutarrlago imnp"xslble ditruuaiouithu actltnu of flue heart , causln tflushes of heat
duitrusitioml of spirits , forubti , tugs , cowardlco , fear. dreams , restless imights , dizzinese , forgetfulness
uunatural illacharges , usi ii iii the hack aunt imls , , hmuirt tureatiiiuig , inelaumclioiy , tire easIly of anti
Imav hIrUferomIcu to leo alouu , feeliui $ as tIred mu the mnurnimug as it ion retlniuug , sounhimal comn1pany man.
hiuo'I , white lioimo tic tosit lii tluo tue uiu , umer'oiimuusi , comiftisfon of thiotmghit tromnbihuig , water amid weak eyes
ilyspelisla , palemmesa , Iatis autO stcakmluss Iii thu llumilis , etc. , should censuit ate mumedlately sail
I be niu4urid to l1f0 Inaitlu.
yotna MEN
VJuo lisa a hiecomutu victims of solitary , Ice , that .hreuultill antI clcstriuctlu habit which aminua1l' sweeps to an
tintimmituly grate thiohsauids tuf , timmu mci , of uxtiltilul tmileuit amid briiliaut imitehiect who iii Ifilt 0 herwis.
umttruitmtu I stuiuiiig seuatur with , tluu tiiuiisIer of their ulouluculco or sake to eedtacy the iivliug yes , may call
wIth full cohilhtlomcu. ,
Married icr.omls hr young mimi comtteuimuiatIui uutorriago lu aware of physical weakness. loss cf procreative
oaur , hmmilottflhy , or ruty tither iihu1uialil catIon . .eeuItiy rulltnoif. lie the Iaces hImself under time care of
) r , lthfibIatt mimay ncliiotitly conilulu iii his iioumoi as a guuutleuaauu , and con duaLly rely upon his skill as
iuimnsmetliately coral auttl full vigor rustiiro.I , 'limiw ilstrcssing aflhIction-whlch renders life t burden and
uuiarriagu Imuup'is.hliu , is tue 1umalty bid "V thU . . Ictlmmi for Immuiirtiper luitlulgcuico , Youuig heolIe are apt to
ciuuuiuiilt 0005455 fromit uitt , lsmiuu asaro tu thu dreadful CoiiStiIiUmtCOl that may ousuc. .otv who the ,
umiderstaumuis tfuI subject tIhi duii humS Ircratiuuu is lost sooner b1 those fahiluug liito tuutpropcr habits tlmau
Li by pniuicmitt Ilosiules hiuiig tivpr ? tuiti at tite Iluasure of health ) ' ( ii springs the iumost serious amid destructive
I i sJuujutomn5 of butiu httsiy aual In utul arise. 'Ihu utystontu Iiuctiuutes deniiuugud , the liysical auid mnuuttal functious
, i.uss of jirocreatitu P ° ° ' . IrVti lutabIlity , iiyspoisImt , iaIpitatioti of time heart , indigestion ,
r I constItutional debi ty , tastfmig uf the fraimie , comighi , C iutUumip 1w , ammd death ,
l'ersona rtuiitd in health by ummltunniiudjiretemiders SliD keej tliemim tnllilmig mamithi after mouth taking
Polsumloud amid lnjuriuus cunutpuummds , uiliuul opiIy Iuiiiiiedlatcly ,
graduate of cite of time niost euuiimieuit colleges of the Uiiitud States , has effected soure of the most astonish-
a mug cures that were over kmuwn ; luiaiuy truiubletl with nliigiuu iii thu ears and head , when aslcc great
I I ittdrVOUNuiCSS , living alarmed at rertaluu .ouiid , with truqueuit lushimig , attended sometinies with orange.
iutnut of tue tmiimhl I' . CIV urui1 iuuimutodlatcly ,
Pr , F. addrussea eli those , Imo hate Injuroul tliuuuuselvvs by Improper itiduhgenoo and .ohitary habit. whicta
I. rtiiui hiotli body aumul imiiiid , umuuittiui thtuumi for busimicuis , study , aucic r or marriage.
I , 'Iheisi are 501110 of the inofamicho y chiseLs itrthiuocd Ly the early mablt. of youth , viz : Weakness of the
I back anti himitie , lialius Iii the ituati uuid iiImiinius of sight , loss of muuaular pcer , lulPitittlolt of the heart ,
dy.i' lIa , Ilurvous IrrItability , dorauugiiiuitt of digestive fwtctIun , dobUity , consuiip Ion ,
Sd KCONIIUI1TAT1ON FltEI. Charges moderate and within the roach of s.l1 who uieeu scIemtLo Med lea
'I ' trvatuiitmitt. 'fliosu who reside at a stauiou amtd cannot call1 will receive prompt attention through utail b.
I I utlimiphy seumulimig their symptom , wlUeostago . : '
I Addrcss LoukUuxLl Omaha , cii ,
: '
h ,
: ' I uouu - - ,
1 '