- - - - - - - F t : : 1 : : _ DAILBEE---UMAIL4WEDNESDAY JULY 18 , 18B. - - . I DAiLY BEE. OMAHA. Wednesday Morning , July 18 LOOAL BREVITIES. -ILrbcr TeAvLtt inchilgod In t cticumbor wiiliz lMt ntght. No cud. Ho Is MIII on dock. -It I itftted that the St. Etwo will bo ro. opened August hit nt It nliI IoctIon on 12th troct , near Dodgo. -Tho auxilltwy odoty for the , liome for the Frond1o.i will moot th1 , ftornoon st o'clock ot the rcIdonco of hIre. Ibwvor,1512 DM-onport troot. -At the reguhir moofing of the Omaha tjdckot Club , 1101(1 July 14th , e rooIut1on wae LMCd oxprcssing the deep and 1io.rtfo1t . tyin. pt1iy of the momben. . for the widoW nd fmIIy of the late Wn. Carnaby , thor late prcth1ont. .1. ltoTJt WELL. -Mr. Frank Murithy 1ia hia Itana drawn , for a twenty thouiiand dollar roldonco , to ho erected on the liandamno tlto of St. Mary' venue recently IUrClIMOd byhlm. Itle to beef of bdok , with idato roof and all modern tin. proVC11011U4. -Whoever it.olo the c1otho belonging toT. y. Brennan from l'lantor'M house , would oh. ligo ly returnIng , hint the clothuR , the IsIIor which were In vct pocket , to owner , cor. 16tl End Capitol A'oInle. -A fine nhaIl of gray8 ran away Monday oio log on Douglas Htroot , cutting acroac to Far. nam and running a far iouth on 13th as lEo. niann barn. 'l'hoy collided wtth rnvoral other toam9 and cuied one additional runaway. The wagon to vlitch they were attached wa. inaMhed to ktndlln wood. -Thoro will 1O a union ml8lonM7 meeting at the First Congregational church Tituriolay afternoon at 4 o'clock. Mm. Morns Smith. of Detmit , Michigan , proaldont of the Woman'N Board of MisionM for the interior , will wldren the IaIi6R. ( All ladles of the city interested InV iniMilIi ( work are riiost cordially invited to be V proont. -From FoKtmMtor McBride , who returned from Central City Sunday , wo learn that ho and bbs iart1ion In tim recent land purchw.o In MorrIk county , have Just i.old . to Senator ManderRon 1t22 , acrei of their recently acquir. ed luid for $10,000. Merrick now clatini. . Senator Manderiion a citlzon.-Stato Jour naL -I'artiee intending to furnieli thh. . oaaon will do well to call at once andtako advantage ef the bargalne to bo had ln.fino chamber suite 'which I am now closing mit at pr1CO much lower than goods of. equal a1uo have over be. 10113 bOOfl offered. , Chnxl e SliverIck , 1206 , 1208 and 1810 Farnam street. -The Port .liuron bao bait club arrIod in the city thls morning and registered at the Millard hotel , where they will remain nutil they have coinpiotod their serbs of three gatnc ! tthi thb Union 1'&cIfio's , beginning with thie I afternoon. They are a fmno looking sot of iiitii : d iii nodoub give thq U. 1''s all they wint In the diamond field. The names regist. cd at the Millard are : W. it. MountjoyJ. Morri800 , S. Dunn , J. P. Thompson , S. Lar. khii , 0. Moyors , J. Pierce , F. Beck ; o. Collins , 0. Couch anti W. II. Watkins , Manager. . : . . _ _ _ ) 4 t. : T. .r. Minior , of Oakland , Is at the Millard ) n. Brown , of Emereoii , is at the rIilIartl ' : 'Alex. Adaine , of Shelby , Ia at the Metropol sitan. sitan.H. H. Goad , of Wilbor , is a guoet of the MU k lard. \Valt M. Booby , of lhonnott , Is at th tlllard. ¶ 1 . , . Frank .Pltekor , of Cola's circus , I. at th } . . . . , MIllard. ; 4 0. 0. Towno , of Minneapohle , Is at thi : Millard. , , i S. S. Stitrin , of Auburn , Ii a guest of thu Millard. It. D. Gallagher , of l'lattsinouth , hi at hi 4 . 1Motropolltan. V. Newman , of Oaklaad , Ic a guest of tin Metropolitan. ; It. T. MowohI , of Clerks , rogletorod at tIn Metropolitan. F. Smith and brother , of Doitvur , are at tin Motroohitan. Obo Church , \Vooplug Water , Is at th Metropolitan. k' : Lou Hartfroin lecatur , Ill. , is 1.1 ' , on a visit to her sister , Mrs. Clovex . -t L1614 Casa strout. F : S. iloacock , of Falls City , reglst.or&d ii thu Millard yesterday. ( (1. ( S. Oongdoii auth C. ] . Cloollin , Michigan , are at the Metropolitan. Thu Army and Navy Ruister says tiuit Di I Richard Barnett , of the arlily , who was sti ; Uoned In Omaha for four or five years , Is no t 4 4 lyIng dangorouly ii at1ort Adams , It. r. F , . Oarkhuff , Nought J. Babbitt anti daugi ' , tor , Millard ; F. l. 'White , 1'Iattnrnnuth , au 'Coo. V. liousoworthi. l'liitt.euiouth , are at ti Pinto Bowman , the lfl1ulCe of hotel clerks , / In the city. lie luu been isItiiig cool Mum Goumeral Manaor S. H. if. Clark , of ti ' Union l'acilio , baa returned from the cast , - w Dr. J. 0. Tucker and family , of Oskian Cal. , are guests at the l'uaton. Miss Namnlu Wooth'ard has gone to Wi oouisln to visit relatives and friends , , 'I' . Drake and of North 1'Iatto , are thu Millard. 1i.V' , Bilhingsloy , of Lincoln , l a guest ttuo Millard. lion. A. S. Kozut1allof Limucoin , Is in .city. . t. K. Copolunul , of lenv r. Is at the toui. lioui. 5 , II. Guloy , of Lincoln , is at the l'i - thu. thu.leo. ( leo. Marks , of hlistlugs , Is at time M1lIu 1 . iv. , 0. Meats , of Albino , Is at the lmaxt ? , : A. B. Jdeaion , of IIa4lmigs , It.Iu _ ! the city. . llEi ) . JtA1'l'-Muulc Caroline daughter of Carol 3 , . and Josepl July 10th , aged ii Tmonths , 1unoraI will take imiace from California : Bwvum streetS , July 18th1 at 2 o'clock p. t i : Ydcnds tuvitod. - - . , TlwusnudHLIY So. Mr. T , W. Atkins , tirard , ] Can. , writ UI never hesitate t4 rocomomnetid your E1 t.z lc Bitters t.u my customers , they Iyo eat ' aatlsfactionand are rapid iellurs. ' Elect J3ltt4r $ are the lurest and best medic luiowa and wIll ixxiitlvcly cure Kidney Liver complalutM. Foully the blood and r ulata the bowels. No family can uifsrd to without them. They wilt save huiuirod dollari In doctor's bill. every year. WcciiUa.botUo yCFUoodman. ' -i - - tCOLJFlL. The Mayor Aproycs thc alldstonc Payill OFillllCC. Now Police AblOhIltiflefltH and Other Important. lluisluenn. AL time regular meeting of the city council last evening , all time inotiubera of the council were presciut. Tue journal was rend and approved. rariizom MU ) COMMUNIOAT1OM. Front Uio mayor : Approving ordinance to pay for right of way of North Omaha sewer ; also ordering alleys in alloy vav. img districts from 1 Lo 8 , and 11 to 28 , paved ; also appropriating private proper. ty for the extension i'f Virginia avenue mind TluirtheuiUi atroot ; alao ordorijig the streets in Paving districts Nos. 3 , 4 , ii , U and 7 PaVed , , etc. Filed. From the nuayor : Appointing John S. MeCague , Frank Murphy and George E. Barker aprnisors ) of daiuiages from extun. 51011 of Thirteenth street In Bowery 11111 addition. Confirmed. From the mayor : A mpohuitiIIg lohuum Groves , Jolui henry nuid Jolimi [ 'etersoii nl)1)raisur ) of tluunagoa from exteuisioii of Virginia avonue. tJonhrIneI. Front Limo mayor : Jtenjpuinting Put. rick Ilimichoy ILIUL Owen Buckley to tIi 1olio h'ice , nhll uionuiiimitilig Joluti 1) . Knight , vice Eugene l'ickmird , ieimmvod. Buckley nuid Jinchey were conlirimied , and ICuiglit's case refuried. Froimi the uimayor : Itocoinmunding that ste1us ho taken to secure a statouuiout of thu receipts nuud expenditures of the city for PLIhJlicati11. iteferred. Jroin Dexter L. Timouninu : Itequucating the privilege of taking ( liii. from biuiks of Futrnani street , jut Jiogga nuud lliil'n addition. to fill alloy. Ituferrod. Thu report of the uLppnlisurs oui the extension - tension of Twonty.tlurd uutreut was ro- furred , Fiouui Truiuuan Buck : Tendering to Byron Reed , agent for Reed , Drake & Co. , $1,135 for dauutagos for extension of Dodge street. Filed. Frouui the city treasurer : Reporting bids received for thu $100,000 sewer huouuds , awarded to I"rauuk Murphy. A1u- Front .Tohun Itongan and others : Ask- ilug that Seventeenth street botwuen Pacific and Willimuns street ho graded. Iteforred to First ward delegation. From Michael Leary and others : Aak- tag for the removal of all houses of jros- titutioui on Eleventh street , between Davenport and Cluirao. Itoforrod to the marshal to abate nutsances. From it. C.Mooro : Requesting porunia. udoui to remove surplus earth oii ML. Pleasant street. itoforred. A xiumbur of billa wore received and ro forred. Front the city engineer : ituport ci sidewalks uuceding construction and ro ruir. Referred. Front the city engineer : As to addi. tional help , inatruiuueuita and furniture needed for his departuuucuit. Euugiucor muiti rodunaui granted , and thu rest ro- furred. ] ? roun M. F. Sears and others : Ho. ( uesting that gas be put in on North Eighitouuithi street , front Izard street tt the northern terminus. Referred. Front the city marshal : Ituportiuug thu suspension of Olilcers Etigeno Pickaui and McEncry for intwdcation , Referred From thu city cuightuor auuul cimairmnano . the board of tUi)1i0 works : Asldng thin . a couiuiuittcu 1)0 ajpouuutud to iflSJeCL 110 North Onmn1ta sewer extension , . noi nearly completed. Referred. :11'roin : the city engineer : Submittiiu1 cstinmto of grading necessary on Fariiau street froiui Twenty-Sixth street west Excavation , 24,635 yards ; fIlling , 20,4W ) yards. . efurred. iteport of sidewalks to be constructec and repaired. Referred , 3 From the city treasurer ; Roquestiiu that come competent uoroui be eummploye 3 to t1hiL his uuionthly reports , whitdi is th duty of the uuunyor , but baa been neglect ) d , Referred. flESOLUTIONi. 3 fly Baker : Orinuting lieu of counci chamber for the state convention of col oroti citizens Aug. 1. Granted. By McGuckin : Requesting the mayo : to appoint P. city engineer niuti chief o the 1ir dopartinunt Without further do lay. Adopted. S 11Y McGuckiui : Instructing the bonnc of public works to make a contract with the hi. 1' . i'nitway comnpunly tA ) couistvuc Ii the Chiengo sticet sewer thirongh tliui : : . groumuda its iior their prlositiouu , fo : SUO1ru without advertising for bids t Atlopteti. , ' By Ilohuuut : To order foncoum on north r , ido of Coining street , botwon Tveuty 1 liit ruid 'l'weuuty.socouid strobEs , uumo'ei ill to lot hues. Iteforred. I' . lIly Icaululuman : 'l'o notify Couitracto : CooLs to tutko no Inure dirt from titi a' strecta for court house construction. Ito funu'ed. . By Lcnuflinnn : To take up and re-la : Ii. iavt of thu guuttuning on Tenth street id ituferred. mu By Redficlcl : T9 advertise for bida fo cleaning Fanumam street front tLh ) to 15th Is Adopted. 0 By Thrano : To keep present atnee force at work for ton days to conn Adopted. me 11 Mv.rphy : To repair and paint func and galea and repair walks on Jeirorso d , square. Adopted. By Louder : To kayo gas Put in grail Is stanil in .Iot1ersuuIaquIlru. Itefurred. By Woodwonth : EstabBahitig grade . 18th street from Nicholas to ( inmu a , atreeta , Atopted. ByVoodworthi : instructing the ( iii of clerk to withhold from the aplojniuttic orhinIulco all claims of pol'souIs owing ti ho city vcioiuuti taxes , Adopted. fly ltedliuhd : 'F ( ) flhlvottiBO for and iron catch basins , Otc. Adopted. x- iOfl'OItTS OF coMMI'rrilii. Streets and grades : Recoimuquuuliutg a x. coptaitcu of hIinuebcug1i ici1 Iuleniaim : proposition IA ) dcthicnto alloy lOUt atre rd. ' Bartlett's nthlition to thu cit Adopted. cii , Second wand clulegatioto Rocoimnen bug extension of 14th stveo3. Athupted 'J'huo ' judiciary couiumitteu reported favor of the preacuit utodo of asseasumu Inc for street pii\'ing lumnl)1)ses. ) Ap1)rorctl. Inc Itu1o , foruuis and ltmriuituug : 'I'lmat i cOliU0UulicfltkflB to the eoituicil shioui nid through one of the members a : In. hula name be attached. Adoptoti , OIiDINNCEE. An oncihinuco establishing the grade 10th street from Caatellar to Iltaucri SI I street was juaeil. r An ordinance appropriating Imtouey I the IaYu1U31t of July liabilltiea lime passed. aid A ajuecial ordinance levying a tax ug- the construction and repair of audowa hi mud unuotluor aproJniat1ng mono ) ' to for the $10110 were passed. An ordinance amending the ordinni fixing time license fees of theatres , circuses , etc. , caine up in third reading. and was defeated , time vote beincz (1 to U , All orlnmanco establishing the grade of I'huil. Sheridan street , Shorunauu street and I'nrk avoumUe , from St. Mary's ave Hue to Btltiinore street , was passed. An ordinance authorizing and ouiuiuow. enluug nieummbcrs of the city council to act as special pohiccimuen , was tiufoated by a vote of8 to 4. Au ordinance directing the construc. tion of thu North Omaha storni water sewer west to Twonty.third street , was pinned. An ordinance regulating the ruaining rut large of animals and time npio'iiitincnt of ) oundmastcr was brought up , but no nctwui taken. Adjourned to meet on Monday evening next to consilur the gas question. A DRIVER'S ' TROUBtE. A sot-To Bctwcdll a Street Car Driycr aii a Passiicr. Widulu Is Liable to Cut a Big Figure iii time Courts , Iii yesterday's hJia there was a simple nhIuutuumCemCult that a complaint. lund bceui flied ngaiimst. l'iI. A. Tnipp nuuti SVilI Chant. here , ( if North Oiuuhma : , for assault. anti battery. Sluice thud. it is learned that the case is cjtuito aim iniportauit one and lilLy yet cut chute IL fgtut'e iii the courts. 'rho partY alleged to have been assault. ed in George Ostruiu , , aoum of Mr. A. S , Ontruni , of North Omiunluut. It appears that a week ago last night young Ostruumu \Vt8 dowui towut and took the last car on the red hue to go to his houmue , svhuichi is a block or two beyond the teruuuinue of the Sanuniera street track. On tlto way " 1 , accordimu to the story told by Mr. OstruniViIl Chambers , vhio was uclwa'H a good friend of Coo. Os' trtuuii , got oil the front imlatforun of time car , micar tim barns on Cumiumg street , aumil node up with time driver , the two holding a conversation together. Finally the driver , Tripi , hauudcd time hues to Chaumubers and vunt iack numd sat down in thu car nlongsido of young Ostrumn. lIe accused the latter of having followed iuiumi on a Sunday evening previous whmon ho was out walking with his girl. and umecumia to have umiade upimis mind to take it out theut and there. It is iuaicl that ho ordered Ostrum to get out of the car , and the latter refusing emu the ground that Ito lund 1aid his fare , the car was stopped and he forcibly ejected him , after which the tvo ha(1 a imad to hand scuffle in the street. Thu car was ( lruvcn on and stopped at Tripp's orders to suit the oxitiolIcios of the occasion , and thowholo affair , as reported , was a most disgrace. . fuul oiue. Tue passenger thus suinumiarily iotmulecd went hiouuto but did not tell Juts father of the occurrence. lie told his . brother and the latter flutahly told his father shto now files the complaint in police court and s'il1 probably bring a . suit for ciannuges against the street rail- w'ay colupudny. CIIIBBED TO DEATH. . The OMaha Clith Exiilies o Illallhtioll. f OUter Internal Troubles liusaten Its Some weeks ago tlmoro was organized in this city a select body which adopted the I . name of thu Onuaha Club. It started out ) in the most aristocratic style , the initia. Lion foe alone being $300. It wits an I imouncod that a 15,0O0 club house would , be built at once and be ready for occu- I pmnmcy by fall , aunt everything c iinccted withu the oi'gauuizatiome was on the 111051 . pretentious scale. Articles of ncorpora. tion vero filed , and ovorythiumg , appiur ently , going on iii Limo smoothest way. 'l'ho Ouuuaima Club , however , expired 1 last night after a brief amid eventful ex . isteumee of loss thaui sk weeks , 'I'he trouble , which seems tt r have been directly runponsiblt f fQr its sudden demise , 81:050 : fromut the at . Loiu1uted muelectioum of a site for the cluE house , Oumo faction of the club wanted I their btmjlduiig located north of Faruunum : 1 street auul nututhor wanted it south of thud t titorotmghufucre. 'l1hie stockholders split cmi r thin Pi11t and after uiuuuchu tugging and r piulliuug it was decided to tlinliainl cmi tiuc . grotutul that Otnithut was not yet largc CliQugit to sttstaimc a tuiencliant's club. L Somuto twenty stockholders wore pren . eiut. at thmo uuueeting , wlt'ichi iron lucid at 1 Max Moyer's store last oveniuig , and u'hich toOk thu action outlined above. r There is a good ticuti of fitterness uuumtoui LI tue imicorporatora ( if the defunct club . and au.umiu . charge oltiflIy , tlimut. the chuil house business was a scheme onthe part V of eorta'uui of the inumnher to dispose ot , . undesIrallu iurovortY ataJught - r Posluflico Olmauuges. 1 , l'ostofuico changes in Nebraska inn Iowa tiLiring the week ending July 14 t , 1883 , furnisliuui byVun , Van Viock oi the postotticu departmouit : 10 NEIIItASK4 a EtblisJiud-Ellli , Sltbninan county Elling Johnson , posh1lVtor ; Manley ii Cans county , .l olun tLrdCluunido , 11(1st tutaster. 11 Discontinuccl-Ethiaoui , Furuumui county , e McNucuglttou , Hayes ckninty. ' ' Rich i'ostInmUttut'8 A1pidmutod-Noltart , ; y urdsou cotuitty , 't'luuulflS ( 1IflrgrtVO Oumui in its , Douglas county , Charles K , Coutant to ' 1'iIunorn Seward county , Mmaltor N Rogers. Pu Iov.t. I'ostnuiuitura ApIQultel-CuLnl ) , Adam . couuuty , Lizzie E. Bcuill , I lareouri \\'ebster county , .1 nba S. Maui ; Lii lttt I Li .Jnckaon county , N. A. lioliluan ; Iiapl ot , itiver , Carroll county , Fraiuk 1) . Sweui ) . tier ; Spring Hill , \Vnrren county , J , 1' ' 1 Puverly. . I - Names ciuut'otl-Jicthcl Cut ) : , , : county , to itotTuci ; lhowen's 1'raunuo.J nun in county , to Howoul ; California * J ituetioi itt hiarninon county , to California ; Casad ii Coi'uuorVubster county , to Cutsaci Clounoiua Grove , Mitraltall county , L Uluuuuouts ; Cicacont City , l'ottawnttmuni lit county , to Orcscoutt ; Fifteen Mile ( hey , 'l'nuuta county , to Fifteen hub ; Gillutt Grove , Clay county , to Gillett ; ilowar of Center , Jlowttrd county , to Rev ft aid ; McDovitt'aOrovoPolkcounty , toN Dovitt ; Orborno Station , Clayton count ron to Osborne ; I'ao Center , Page count : 014 Lii Page ; Sheridan Center , l'owoshtc county , to Sheridan ; Sugar Crock Mull for Cetlar county , to Stiar Crook ; Tnylt Ika Station , Pottawattauno county , to ' 1'a ny br ; Towner Lake , I'olk county , to 'l'os 11cr ; Wood Center , Clayton county I Ice Wood. A LAKE BREEZE. Which Pravc Ulilicaithy for the 11111011 Pacific Boys. Time Ifomiuc Team Icfoatctl by a Score of' H to 5. Yestcrtlay's game beweeut the l'ort Iluroime auucl the Union l'acifics proved , as was predicted , a very exciting game and reuultcd iii a defeat for the ltommio team. l'hio visitors tutu good ball players and will Illulke it very interesting for time iuoimio Lenin in time two remaining gaines , although it would be safe to say that yesterday's gaimue was sacrificed through two or thurco glaring errors out the part of time hoimie teitin. Below in the result of the gaulle by iulinmmgs : FIlLS ? INNINOH. McKelvy responded for tim U. i''s aunt retired gracefully on strikes , Ito svuts followed by Fuimikhouser , vIio struck a bat one that the pitcher , iiIr. iiiouittjoy , gatluered in amid cut the ' 'l'tlascot" ' oil' jut tIme flower of his youth. lInker , flue latest. uublitioit to the ramuks of tIme U. P.'a mud late of the Chramud Avuiuucs , followed witlm a fly that vts : takeuu care ' of by Limo secomud ilascuutmut. 'li'or thue Port IluroumsVatkimus wits thu first to appear amid as quickly disa..pear out strikes , failing to get on to Salisbury's work.Luycr tlueuu drove it beautiful fly to lInker , nut ouportuuuity that George gtncefully accelutetI. Coliiuus followed until wits left out secoitd by Dunmt failing to reach first out a hit. 8ECONI ) . .VIuituicy . got one ill ) lit the alt' , wiuicit was eaptuicti by Collins. Smuced found uiotluimig to lilt , auutl sat dowmu , Foley got- tjumg otit .mi first. Iulorrisout ucutti Carroll both died before reacitimug first , Pine scoring first , however - ever , throumglt nit error of Bamidle's. Mountjoy tried hard to get one past \Vhituiey , but failed , leaving tito score 1 to 0 in favor of the P. H.'a. 1 , Tuiliti ) . It was ill titis inning that Baker's lung. niliccuut drive to the fciuce brotmgitt in Salisbury , Itamidlo and Fumikhouser , fol. lowed \Vhitmtuy's beautiful hit for t\vo bags , wluicit brought lInker in. At tluis 1)OlIkt the excitement was at fever heat , and success coiuied certain for the U. P.'s , mit the last half of this hitting proved disastrous , . the visitors gettitmg in Ito less than six runs through some very loose playing on the part of tIm homo mmimm , leaviuug th score 7 to 4 in favor of titu visitors. In the fourth inning the visitors got jut another run , while in the interests of tile luounu tenut Salisbury made two beautiful 8t01)S , sacrificing a nina on each. Fuitk- houser oxtinguuisited the other follow on 011 ft beautiful Sbj ) of the bat. This order - der was maintained until the first half of the itimith , wlueit Sneed crossed ' the plate after upsottilug the pitcher , who got III his way between haute amid first , and hit the comufusiomi wlt'uclt followed , iii vhiichi emma or two overthrown occurred , Siteed utianuiged to muako the circuit. Time defeat yesterday will only stir the boys up so that , ovorytiting favorable , the remnainuuug gaines will prove very litter- eating. The following is the score ; fUNI0N I'AClFICit 7 All. ii. luu. i'o. A. E. 1c1Ceivycf. . . 1 0 0 0 0 1 Fumiklmuuscrfl. . 3 1 0 12 0 1Juckerlf..1. ' 4 1 1 1 0 1 Whitney , 2b. ; . . 4 0 1 3 2 0 Siuced , as. . . . . . . 4 1 0 0 3 1 Foley , 3h. . . . . . . 4 0 0 0 0 1 Brijgs , rf. . . . . . . 4 0 1 1 1 C Salisbury , 1 . . . . . 3 1 0 0 10 1 Batudlo , c. . . . . . . 2 1 0 7 8 C . Total 32 5 3 24 it ) rout ? ILVitON. All IL nil l'o A I Watkins , 3b. . . . . . . . . . 4 1 0 1 3 Collins , 2b. . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1 1 2 3 Myers , c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2 2 8 0 I Dunn , lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1 1 13 1 ; l'irio , ss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2 1 0 0 . Morrison , ef. . . . . . . . . . 4 1 1 5 0 . Latrkitu lf. . . . . . . . . . . . 4 0 0 1 0 - Mouuntny , I' . . . . . . . . . . 4 0 1 2 9 Tluuuujsorm , rf. . . . . . . . . 4 0 0 0 0 L Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 8 7 7 16 I 2 3 t r o 7 8 0 Union l'aciflc. . .0 (1 ( 4 0 0 0 0 0 1. . I l'ortlItmron..0 1 6 1 0 0 0 0 0. , Earned Ibmims-Noume. Two linac Jilts-Baker ; Myers. First Base out Errors -Union l'acific 3 ; l'tir I litiroit 6. First Ihitto Oil Called llalis-Fuuikhuotusci Strtmck Out-Union l'aeilic 7 ; Portlluron l'wSecl Jialls---Bauidle . . \\'ild I'itelues-nlisbury 1 ; Mountjoy 1. Umu1lrcu-Uockwoll. , , ' .I"juuio of C ittuie-2 hours. QUIETLY MAI)1. SImjCVImttOiIlCflt Farnitain Step : iown unit , Out , titud Simper- iuutcudouit MeNaumgittout Succeeds Run. r As aituicuncod in yesterday mnoritimug Bitn a change hau been uttade in the at I ierintuutdoncY of tite public schools hurt by which Prof. Fnrnhaun'a resignatlo hiss been offered and accepted , auuti Prol J. M. McNaughton , IIOW auperimttuitdeui of the seitoo1 atVinona , Miutim. , elected t fill the vacautcy. : Thuo ciu'6i which led to Prof. Parr . linuut's rcsiguiatioui are uiumuicrous amid cciii ilex , anti a full disseussion of tiuom ; would evidently lint lielil matters , It . antilciemut to stntotiiat hue huts , cloning tii years ill which ho bath charge . tltu schools hero , awL wit , , molly oiustaclca utud hiuidramtee : . ituiti bravely anti tuanutestly hits lie kept u lila cotirsti , nuuti has won for itimnsulf nut for his )0IiCy of school muuannguuuieult , au Is thuconica of cilticittiout , 111iIII warm sni : , porters. lit ) is ttluitjttuti to have show 1 , ldumisulf not only cut enthusiastic worku 0 lout tot alle luau ill hut field of worl I. The ijoaril of education has aecut fit ' . accept hits rosigulittioll , however3 mud I , hint go , anti it uuian of his oxpenienc U niuiljty and rC1)fltatioit will eagerly I is called for elsewhere. 'l'hte tturd ) has a u , lected as his successor , l'rof. .1. M. M y Naughtouu. 'l'Ito ballot stood Ut first ' ; tie between hjuui and'Prof. Cinrenden , (1 this city , each rocuivimig three votes , bi u the muiattei' was finally decided in favor thu fonuiter. l'rof. lSlcNnugiutomu w ' 8 ' COIllO lucre as a comnliarativo btramigor , am d it in to ho 1101)0(1 that now th r- mi has boon elected , [ C will be treated with mao r coitsidurittioul than have soutie of his ir r : decossors. It is to be hoped that (1 ( ik position wifl itt ) loitgor be allowed to be SI iltere boitu of contention , and that t : lu' interests of the schools will becomno ar V. mount to ait' desire to reward 1)oluti ( 1.- friends , 11U1t1811 political citeuttios , Al to that every position in time gift of t. boani will be awarded for the good of t school rather than the good of the person receiving the appolntumient , or time lucre gratification of the whims of flue porsolus uqmoiuutiuig. There is reason to believe that the muewcouuuing auponinttiuuduuit is a worthy luau for tue place. If lie iroves such , hie certainly almall receive a hearty suport mmd be given a chance to show his owut ability withiutut 1)011mg imaunpered by potty jeniotunmes and encumbered by pet schemes of others. THE TAX LEVY. Which lb Property Owilors of Boa- 1as Colluty ! Iust Pay , Tiit , Tax In the Vitrioums School Iis- t ri et s. Thu county c ( > munissioncrn Imzsvo levied the following taxes on all the taxable iroperty iii Douglas couuuty , as assessed for tin , year 1883. non COUNTY 1'tfltI'O.'Ei4. General fiumud uiuuc ( II ) iuuills out the dol- tar valuation. liouud aiuukiumg fund , four amid omtu.lunlf ( .1 A ) umuills on the (10111w' vicltiatioum. 1lridge fund , one iuiill. lt(11t(1 fund two aunt ouie-hunlf (2A ( ) itmmti a Ialor tax of $3 on each 1itile in- hutbitauit ut at cit rouijl distiict over the age of ttveuttyouio years and uumuder the ago of fifty years , except jiaut- lucre , idiots and lumur.tics. A license tax cmi $1 caelt is. imuuposud tip- Oil the owuier at' ltarborer of rtuiy ( log or (10gM. rout T1li t1rv or WATELILOO , ' [ lie following taxes will be levied illOmt ) all taxable prolcrty withtiut the city of Waterloo : For general expelises , ten mills on the dollar. For otitStflltlimlg iutclebtcduiess temt uniihs 011 the dollar. The following was adopted : J1'C8O1VCl , That the district school tax- Cs , itS voted by the aovcial distnicts be lvietl and collected upoit the taxable irolcrLy witluimi OuCh of tInt districts loire- iuL'tfter uiamuied : Fract.hnal district No. 2 , 2t muilis ; ( histrict No. 2 , 5 nuilis ; ilistriet NO. 3 , 15. muullls ; district No. 4 , 6 tiuiIl ; district No. 1' , , 2 odlis ; district No. 6 , 10 mills ; district No. 7 , 5 mills ; district No. 8. 15 muullls ; district No. ' 3 , 5 mnills ; ( hiStrict No. 10 , 5 mills ; district No. 11 , GniUis ; din- trict No. 12 , 10 mills ; dtstrict No. 13 , 6 mutills ; district No. 14. fI nulls ; district No. 15 , 10 uumills ; district No. 16 , 7 mills ; tlitrict No , 17 , 8 mills ; dL'trict No. 18 , 10 india ; district No 19. 15 mUle ; district No. 20 , 6 mills ; district No. 21 , 10 tutills ; district No. 22 , 10 mills ; din. trict No. 23 , 13 mills , district No , 25 , 3 nuElL + ; district No. 26. 15 mIlls ; the- trict No. 2 ; , 5 nulls ; district No. 28 , 20 mills ; district No 20 , 4 uimiils ; district No. 30 , 8 mills ; district No. 31 , 5 mills ; district No. 32 , 10 nuills ; district No. 33 , 12 111111 $ ; district.No , 34 , 9 miuilln ; district No. 35. 10 imdllis ; district No , 36 , 10 mills ; district No. 37 , 10 mills ; ( lie. trict No. 3.8 , 5 mills : district No. ao , 2 mills ; tlintrict No. ' 19 , , 10 imulils ; ( Introit No. 41 , 3 mills ; ciustructo. 42 , lii mills ; ( histuict No. 43 , 12 mills ; district No. 44 , 24 mills ; ( listrict No , 45 , 10 mum ; district No. .16 , 2 nulls : district No , 47 ' 20 mills ; district No. 48 , 5 uzuills ; die- trict N' ) . 40 , I" nuillsdistrict ; No. 51 , 12 mills , CHASE BACKS \VATEII. Anti it is. aitl vil1 Sign tlte June Warrants. An hittorviow with Mayor Clinic , probably - bably written by ltiuuisclf , appeared in oiio of yesterday's papers , and Mr. Truntan Buck , the city treasurer , has somnothimig - to say about the ntatter. The mayor referred to tito provisiomi. in L tito ordinance reading as follows : "The mhyor and city clerk are hereby author- I ized and. instructed to issue warrants upon - ; on the treasurer in accordance with tlte I above appropriations and iii favor of. the respective parties entitled thereto so far ; amid so scout as there mitay be fundssub- I joct to draft. " L Iii answer to this , Mr. Buck sa.ys : L "My report to the city council , May 31 , I shows a balance in the general fund of 47,451.39 , auiti my report of Juuuio 30 , 2 shows a balaitce of $48,298.02 , so that 0 there was plenty of cash out hand , anti - after the tax levy WItS made on July 3 , , it . 0 WaS certainly subject to draft. " Iii answer to the qtiestioui whether there was act overlap when ho heft the . r muuayor's oflicu in .Auri1 , two years ago , tInyor Chase iii liii iitterview said : ' 'No there vts : over t8,000 in the trcasury 1 ; SiuljCCt to draft , as sliowmi by the clerk's . . , varrautt 11(10k. " , Mr. Buck replies to the itiayor on titis I ! , 1itiitit as follows : "Tite first warrant on the general fund signed by 1lucyor Clinic after his electiomi this year shows on thit face of it that thtero was nit uuiexpctitled I lualutuuce of 1l,659.03 , or $3,000 muon tlntit liii says there vuts vlucmu he teutt ( lUt , . 'fite city did itot go cuutitely to destruc tiout tuuder 11ayor Boyd's ndntinistratiouu ' S amid tiue.c wits ito overlap two yvaou ngo 1) ) ' thit saitto ( tS0Jliflg there iM itoift lion' , " itinyor Clinic , itt hits interview , . wn.i asked whethuer warrants wore over dnswut p unless the warrant look showed a bahanc S subject to draft jut favor of the city , atuc 1' Ito ru1died : "None were over siginid b I , the nusyor. " AIr. Buck , in ro"anl ' to this muatter ii s.'ys : "I have lushi'a large number o . theta signed by Mayor Clime that die no it show a balance subject to draft , and. husvi is souno of thciut itt niy safe how , " It is now stated that Mayor Chase itoi . adiuuita tiuut there is ito overlap , tha t. ho proposes to sign the Jumto warrautta. I it A Scond Edition. Is The little book , " 2ulackinoi : Islutuiti , ' IC hits lutti such amt extensive cireuhttitmi : it to ueccssititto a second edition , which ha a just couute out , The book is mailed frei l applicatiomi to 0.V. . Itugglea , ( Jeit d cud I'assuiiger Agent ilichuigLut Ceuitrn ( i railroad , Chicago. . 1. - mt Liulies romuouutbor you cutmi buy stylisl r , hints amid bouuuucts for less than half prici c. at 0 , A. 1LINOEI's. Lo - SPEOIAL NOTICES 0- 0trSpecta1B . v111 Poalttvely not be inserte C. unless paid in advance , a - . - of TO LOAN-Money. Lit osi : TO LOAN-Thu Oiiusima Ss1iig. 11.111k 1 ci IeI'r tO 1051(0 basis oii Omaha city C Ut Dough. mx.uOty real state at current rated liitercsl iii ° ! ± - t. at f- ' 'Ft ) LOAN-The Iouet ratesof intercti tue _ aiu ru 11ONEV 'ro LOAN-tialI.ti&w 051cc of n. i Tlioiii , room S. CreIditon Block. 0- 1w ' rONEY LOANgD-0m Cimattci mortgage , rooni iii Ncbrasks National iJstmt. Ilutluluig , 154tt . a tNEV TO IA ) . ' .1. T. Bratty loans um CTMt ho J.roberty , 213 Mouth 14th bi. rmnlnt . .a. hELP WANTED. . usl 7ANTi-Auoo4girUorgsneralisuwor ) , id I 522 N. 15th St. he TANTAglaut 15 years of age total he ii caruolchUdren. .lppIy3tsyjstiubt , - - - w - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I , diEilj.A I . for Infanta and Children. Ciurtorla promlst es 1) igeRt I on That gives our Children ro'v cboohn , h'jhat cuuree t1iei.i fevers , fiaSco5 them aleeo and overcomes Fiatuluuiey , iJoustupa- 'TIsCa.touka. _ tion , Sour Stonntclm , Diarnlicaa , numd turnS , babies frotand cry by FoTenishuneas. It. ltmmmres health and Y2a ( CUVUS their cello , kitli their worms , natural t1eep , without morphine. lint C.atorta. - What quickly cures Constipation , , Sour Stonoich , Coid , Indigeation , I Caatoula is io well tmnpted to Children that flirt CSstOII * . . known I recommen(1 to moo. itassujjsirlortoanyprescripuon , Parettt'hi then to MorvhInn 13Y1UPS. ' ' Castor 011 and , and l'aregoec 82Portiand AYe. , Drokiyn , N. Y. unit CnstorIt CENTAUR LINIMENT-nit Libsoluto euro for RhleLlifla- tisuui , Sprains , Biii'ng , Gitils , &e. The zitost l'owcrl'stl 1111(1 10fl0 tratliug l'nhmL-rehievimIg amid healing 1tctuieiy known to man. - 4st _ _ . _ _ _ _ - WM'"rim : ) 1)lntng roem ant kitchen girl home' C diately it liT 14th St. bet. Ihihu ziiii Caittol Au dm0. ANTEi ) - ( ) : feurda cook niml , on , , gIi nr p511' S cmi iouMus.rk , at. the CmcifnrnE % tlou..c. % yANTEI-A tirst-dros barber. ( loodwaga. ) rnW. 9 herald IiuildIng iuhrlor Shop , 1413 Fernamu. tiO.lS. ' ) - gIrl for grileral , ork at2tOS Chh. \TAN'i13)-A I itgoMt. 5U.lTt 'Vi' , niililt.dasl : seituimitug tuaclmsr , corner S ( ( tim ciii iai mia ( St. \7AN1tlI.OiY ) ( ) ioIie1uiicr for geittlutnaim and S dniglttc. u i etci elite gh en to one a in. au iimstruct ( I4iIglIter hi fainy rk , Ad.liea. It. 1) . , bix 7ltu I' . 0. , with ietertiice , 'y.tcril-A : ) girl at 15J4Cailfornia St. ' % T.tNlri--u : > o&i cook aiid laumidren ho famIly of , t ( ( ) , 1713 Ciihnigo ML 580tf yAcnIu-aooh : ) girls for general housework and. V cooking. flood ciiaicc to select good placs. . 21.7 N. 16th St. 534 ' \ ' ) - tiiorotii,1y cxicrIeImcei sewIng maclime . 'aIiaeers ; also. good farom hotels , . 217 North 10th St. 552.18 ) - Ladici 00(1 . 0111mg illeil instructed InS yAlElLadici S iook.i.cuhiig. Sitmathois , , furnished. 5S44St J. II. SMITIIIlr.1o'Doogias. . TANTEI-Tvo gIri at New Eiglamd Restaurant , . Ills iJougias street. & 42 l8 cook the Gaui IITANTRD-First-ciaes omnaim at vi. lioust , iienrgocrmmnieitt corral. 558tf. "I7ANTED-A barber immedlatelyM S&muei COrn- V ! held's , 609 North 16th St. % yANTRIT'o dining roonm guru. Immediately aS V 1518 1)odge St. Good wages. 552.15 LtANfED young muon about 15 to' tend poetm' ' 1' ' roolmi and clean up ; one who board'aC ' hmome. Referexmce , 314 5. 10th St. 55S.17 IyANTRU-Young lady for clerk In dri goods V store ; unust hae experiolice ; no utuier ieed apply. Address , witim ( talon and residence amid salary 0X110ctCi , "B. B. , " Ike Oilier. 553.17 \r.tNTRl-Two dining roommi girls , one compu. ! temit to take charge. i'iammtere' house , much nOd Iodge. 555 1S 'I 7TiD-A girt to take care of children. In.- ! iuir at souSouth 18th Slit. 5ti.lS' ' 7ANTED-A girt to cook , 21L North 14th St..be. 1' t\vecim Capitol Ave. amid iavenport. Siil.17 1yt1ii-A good gIrl for general housework , at V 2117 % Vebster street. 525.17 , yAN1'ED-rwo gOOSI boys about 15 yeats old , S Ommialia Broom Works , 15th and I'ociflu streets. 52047' U'.2NTED-FIfty Ilierl for raIlroad vork. vv ssi.ii II. MANNVEIIiLRit , , S 11th Street , nearFarnam , % TANTED-A good Shoemaker One able. to do. I' V flmt-cia.ss sewed and pegged work , can. obtaIn. a. situation by addressing J. .3. liutTack , Yankton , fla. kota. . 494,15 17ANTEU-A good feeder for double cylinder T press , at omice , at this chico. . jy41 1Td'N'l'EU-A dimming room givilat the Ooci.lennd IT lnhmnedlateiy. 44b.tf IXT..tNTED-A good general blacksmith. Good 1' V vaes and steady rurk the year rouud. LOWRY . MAttKRY , Frenmntit Neit. 559.18 I7ANTEi-1'rivy vaults. sinks , and cesspool. to I. 1' clean w ith sanitary cleaner. Sattsfaetkuguar- anteed. .1. 5 ! . Smith box 422 Omaha. 310.lnio y17ANTRD-thrl for general iiiowuyk , titist ho V V good cook and laundress. Apply. at 1708 Call. fornia street. 514.tf AIIRS Ott YOUNG MEN hooty or country , take nice , light aimil ricasaimb w i k Mi timuir own hwnss ; to 5. ' , a day easily atd qplotly made ; work semit by mail ; no neon ssiimg ; no stamp for reply Ilease address Reliable Manufacturing counpany , t'a , , draeer 'rr , l5.tu.tii.sat till ir MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. rANTED-A tliorugmly Fook.keecr L - ( comupetunt V ci long CXieriencoahid high testhinommial , desires umnplu ) IliClit as surhm. Aildren , W. \7AN'tEL-To buy a drug store tim a. good , live V toii , coimnty.eat. Addic.ss C. E. Simuth , New Market , 'tayiorcounty.Iu : 50445' SITLAT1ONS _ _ _ A 1uuI.IAiuLt : lersaim dthiittlegIrI sixteen months ) old desIres a Pbiti01I as ijoimsukesipor br osu or two i orselis where there are no other children. m itsicr.mste gimum and required. Address , Q. it. , lice 0111cc. 665.18' I 7ANTRI-Sltuatlon at cook by a maim of ope. C ricisie. Address , E. 7 , lice 0111cc. 577.171 ; FOIl. RENT--Rouses and Lots. itEiT-Furnhhed rooms for light liotise. I kuelmilig , Front ruoums , vIUi good visa' of bridge , S river amid CouicIl , Bluffs. Study , wail ventilated and , city tater and suosgo on , .anmoiloor , Very dcsirable , seldom oimd utot long vacant. . Beemner's ibock , corner 8th utah howard. 55J.I8I . I-'oit BEST-A good housa and barn In a dehrablo ti locality , FJlquire N' . JO. . corner 16th nd Doug- Lu , . 562.21' ; "oit ItENT- house inguostrapair , tO2SNorthi 10th street. 5111.23' t a ; "oit ItCNT-Furnisbed rooms , wIth or sitlmout board , at 1717 Cass t.bctwen l7thancl 18th , 237.18k r _ - - - - t Cit ItENT-Elegant tarotsised room , 1810 Dodge. , -I 549.21' . . 'olt 1IIST-One pleasant front room , furnished at I Coining St. , up stairs. 5I.21 S . oust : voit ILCNT-ti Chicago 1ette , 14th and 15th. inquire con. 25th suid Chicago. a 1) ) 'UItNiMIIiL ) tmtOoUl to rent , 2112 CalIfornia St. i - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Foil mtmxT-littoe : of 5 roonme. T. Swift , 15th , aid Ciskagu stuct. 530.17' ' ( iliIAi'-A two story hoio.s tOth 1 a guilt exmteumcte , on 17th atreet , between Stehoks' , 3 nIl. ) i'.sul Ceii rusletit to U. 1' . Silois. inquire at lt2J N , lOtlu strvet. 552.17' II ' 0ht IIFNT-wltb ; board , large furnished rnnt ruoum , sith bay sitidos , gas and baths room , 1715 1)odge btueet. 555.20' TOi.iT..Unfurnhsu1ust roorn , 1724 LhsiLff : 1 01t itlNT-Icslrable cottage , * : Ier ummoeth , - 22t9 Cuhioruha strict. 481-ti - I itliNT-Furnished basenment at 1617 Dodge Ls street. 461.17 r jiOlt itLNi.New rooms furi1lshsL.dr unEdiiiti with bord. licierences requlnd. lOb 1)sven. I ° ut. - t'rs antI baseinetit - just beitig flitteimed 830. three doers north of Neb ' . 346.tt I'oit 1LENT-ltouuus wiLls 1. . ard , iuoriiiat - 7 20th and CaliiornI.u at , 261.tI - Felt 1tENT-Fiye room cottage tth good barn. ml All In excellent conttithoa an4 well mocated. - lasts C. F. DR1SOOLL. . - UltNtSlhEI ) ltOO5XllANL ) BUALtD-.Modern con it _ cnience. , 181 * 1)octee at , 031-lint . _ _ BALE. _ _ _ _ _ 0 Ott SALR--A boarttn house , corner 15th and t7 a. Ilison. I VOlt SA1.E-A itrst.da'ss three chaIr harier shop , doing a good it.isiitcs' me iroitlmg tone of 4,500 iiiIialitimts. Al ) , 7) ir nhdress i.ock lie' . ( .22 , flea. teli e Gage County , Nob. 5to.ls 31 lrclarnh to te'ocl ' , emitting from ti. 0. 10. Tay. / I br system chiarts. l'rice 3.OO tisriudhig , chart1 Call at 512 N , 14t1 , strnd , bctwucn Cass mind Califor. : ' 9L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I Oit SALE --Cottage , 5 room' , amid sluniner kitchen , lot 5(1 11)2 , 17th St. 5,3,315) ) . To story ittie , in Coiiumcll hulls , InS 1(5) ( by lotS fti.t , shade trees ; tIlIeae1.ange . for Onitha 'rorty- ii ,51)0. ) Valuable bu'ines. corn'r elm TimirteenUs street , and CII COO ) ' tCrulls-d,00) . Wanted for a customer 40 to 16) acres of land within 7 iiile of Otmiahia. SilitIS'Rit , IIRLL. 650 10 I ° ' s.u.uCheap , i'hinttii , nearly tiav , ; nlsoo buggy out spring % agomi. Nt , . 446. 238 St. , bet. thsriss3 muiti St. .tltsry's AVCHR % , . J 'OI ( 14ATR- Special lurgaln 12 beanttfid tots in ( site block , eat , south amid west tront.Ssiot ; ) each. 5M5-tlO SllttlviIt : It ; Iomt S.tl.F-lioiise , si room amid haRlot , near stzeet , ar-$2iU0.O0. Imti3 } : AND LOT , near Ilanscoin , Park- $2StiO.lj0. 1It)175R AND FULL Lor-beautiful view-only All liargalmis. Call soot , . MCCAGC1O ( .u'-28 Opposite I'OstotUce. TJ0TJL. ron SAI.Fi-Nearnst to the U.11.licpot , _ I1 CsttimIititt , Nebraska. Excellent business. Good bargalti to right loam , . Reason for selling , . falL- log of.hmealttmm. Addreu , S. J. Slarmimoy. Coiumbue Neb. 53029' -uIolt Sd.LE-Compiete barterfurniluro , witlm thr.a .Ii chalra2.OOSCunmingSt. , Omalma 545.57 j0ibSALEOitTilADK-No. I farmo of83 aeres.3 1 niilbs.thIs side of ilelielUc , 7 miheefroin thnnhaoia Utlicruoread. All tinder euitRationj.teim acrt.frutS. orchasd.lms full bearing , 23 years 01.1 , : u good houses. 18 acres of timber. Inquire cii ircui1. 55.C7 v. ir l'EOKIhl.L. T0Lt IUINT-L'ieasant rooms at 303 CAkago stroc. . 1' . . ' ± ris.o. A' SALR-F'iiic stock forum of 455oercs , 8i nilioe. s' frompctoitiee. 200 acute cultiutted. Balkmoe , t hay muid t saturn land. } 'eneed amid welli watered. ( lund house . , hors , , etc. 51511. 1'ECK , oiposito1'.O. 1t.MALR0nc lot In Clork's addition. Alsotha I tic.st imnprore.1 22 feet nit Farnain streets Inqtmlre of Ii. ( J..Clterk. s2l.u , , . , _ _ _ _ _ , ' .4 nearly notvwithsingla , double seat. Also horse , liarimess , . saddle and. . ' bridle. Call 204 north lOtil street. 522I8' F Oil SALR-I'repcrty . R. coriwr 13th antI Caiti. ' tobasonue , Inquilo on Irelilises. 501-ins I-I ShOP FOIL SATE-A good pa lug shop. forsalo.tn atown of 1,10(1 iepulstioe. OzilIone other 511011 littOWII. Stock will nvoice from0 ( ) t $1,000. Good reasons for seIiinc. Address " ' 1" care 4 of P. II..Sharp & Son , Omaha , Sob. 459'18L FOIL S.LE Cit RuNr-Auire room house , , barn , tveli , cistern , large lot , good location. Appl' tG S.G.Stcwuneoii , No. 1013 Casts street. 'otb SALE-A good set of licasy wagormtmarq and two sPlendid hmorses-wili drive douto orsin- ide. Call at Norton's grocery store , 10th ansI IJaven- port. 4&U i'oa SAIIE.-Ilorses , Wagons , liarmices , Etc. , at .k' Emhgrnimt Stable , Cuntings street. 250lm F Oit SALE-Old newspapers in large and small quantities at this office. ti F MALR-Flax miii machinery consistimigof brake , 2 dusters , beater , picker , rres , eta. Caa , work either rotted orgeeIi stuck , also ehafthimg.pu1. it ie ) , and belting for driving the above , also one 35 Ii , I' . engine wifh boiler , siLlOkestaCk and nil flrturee complete. Adess WILLIAM TAIT , Charles. t.4ty. Ivn. 205.Stnt Folk MALlS-A tiret cia' ' second baud top bmgy. , l1airieystreet. SOlti Caitat131. ! _ . _ _ MISCELLANEOUS. L OST--Gejt.icimmaii's sack coat. s ith keys. inhd ilberahiresard for return to ( Itis otlice. P. 0. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 501-17' - ' USIc A.ND SINGINO iesoiims giscn b3I'rof. 8. iv F. . Dashes , SOlMoutli 10th St. t'iano , eareftdlv tUfled. 563lni EitS0A1.-Aimy hisforumiatloim concernIng Thomas. P SlcNiummeti , trill be th.snkfully rcceIesi by Isis. brother , daisies 1' . McNamee , I.os Uatos , Santa Clara Co. , Cal. . 510.2' OST-tluisday , Jill ) Sot , a large black St. Bernard _ J dog , tsUIi elm , , oust clialmi. ts5.O0 renaril tthil be if returned to 3lartho Common , whcatori street , iii lilock nortim Of Cimsimitigs street. 505.18' - ; olt s.tu cit IXCIIANUE-Full hot and three ( tm501141149 curlier of 11th and l'acltlo streets. Nimis iott Ic , ommtl , Omuaisa. Also 100 acres of land hear SiuLtun , Nebraska , and building and stock of clothlig No. . 804 'lentli street SWill exclmazigs for _ Nebrasica tOfu latiths , Further partIculars at Gee. ii. l'etorson's Clothing Store , 804 Fenth street. 468.eed.tf . ' its. JUI.lA SCiiItODi'.lt , Chicago , the most. . , . .tV1 anal magnetic pliyaician , locates. nil. ralc nod tUswu'u. Cures all thesegivon up by otiwrpbys..1ans. Coitsuitatlo , , free , S. W. cor , 15th and Capitol are- flue- Room 10. pwj : 1)IS1'RNSAItY-Thu free dIspenssacy . .ms con. isection with the Child' . hospital atid I55e has. bcesi located on tha corner of 18th stid Dougjasatrceta usttt 8)141 ) new buildliig is flimtehed. Attcndaure will ho given every mornIng ( Summday excepted ) froin 1 to. I I o'clock for thu treatment of the uisetly , sick and Buficebig. 373-u EDWARD KUERL , MAOISTF.IL 01" PALMYSTRRY AND CONDITION. AL1ST , 498 Tenth street , between Farnai and lIar- ney , will , with the aid of guardian spIrits , obtain for any one a glance of the past and present , and on certain CiishiLioii. in the futore. Boots and Shoe. inado to order. i'erfect satisfaction guarw'teust. IIOYA , u"iL : ! : 11 iz4 k * 4KIf1" POWDER Absolutely Pure. r This powder never varies. A marvel of p rIty strength anti wholesomeness , More economies thau' the ordinary kinds , and cannot be sold in compeL ttort with the inultttude of low test , short seIglmt alI rhesphate powder. Bl4 emily ho cans. Itcr&t use t'ewoa& 0 Wi , trast 1ew Yerie , - - . _ - - aa