- - - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - : - - - - - - - - - . - _ _ _ _ - - - - . . 2,000 1,000 j brbi. , l 2.3 ; farnfl' nlhckerel. kUJI. 'p I I . . , , , , j . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ : I' f TilE DAILY BEE--WEDNESDAYJULV l 1883. ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - - _ - - - - : - - - - - - , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7 I HARKNESS BRO'a Dry Goods and Carpet House. IIie the Irgc slock nd thokest tterui of- am Ever Brou jlit to the City and at I .IacwiEt iic _ THAN EVER OFFERED IN TillS VICINITY. I lb Nat Fall to Call and ExaIrie Stock DefoFe Purchasing1 IIKNESS Dros1 401 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS. "S f PALACE 1VIUSIC HALL , Thu Largest tiitl Most 1o1iab1o house for Music , Toyg Rll Failoy Gooils1 . IN TilE WES'11. WHOLESALE AND RETMLU Viehei , Lindeman and ardan Pianos , cstern , Eastein , Cottage1 Burdtte Organs1 FOIL CASh OR ON TIME PAYMENTS. i J- . ] 2 [ IT : E I. T F COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - - IOWA. \ , . "FOR TABLE USE. " The Natural Mincral KAISER WATER , From Iflrrcborn ontho IThinc. Recoiiitnende&1 b the hIghot niedical aithortks. FItII'K IIOLLEJMR & Co. . S(1e flgcfltH for the U S. and Canada , 1I , 117 , 119 , Elm cct , New York. n23.3m , , It .iLrt..mar. .t mAn 0 te. . .v.dty th ( $ tIfl ot , c.tir , lutIeO rioI hht , , i. . . gt1inujant an 2. I ore brMn'ric' , . 1op utt6r& ; tei Her & i If you re tD & .flr , , cret1on or dItI' tt iou , & , .r _ rj , : or etagle , old or . . , ' , poorh.ltbor1.LflRuIh lug ) . i4 'Lb Un ; rcIy ca 4p , Thu'c.r yort' i1ouatI . , . h.neer ot feel flU& . r o . . , &ha yitom tori $ & yoer aeeds cleanhlag. tor. cUwa I .r , , c $ tIrnufttIn& : . bT' aIY' Imeir ' . . s.ks Hop , _ _ _ I ) c1t1.r.ore. . . . : hid&eL . , . C. , orurwcor $ ih ptun . , i1IseaO . f . ' . &n,1 frrie. ncth.ror.oq % blO GrC' tc' k boul. , 'elood ttOJ : druZ'r.ncrt. I , .UY ' Ce ttrVIJ n.e o oi sou v1I1 be CObt.ooo , Hr redlfYOfl'1L o1 altiar , 1 1E1 , rly we &nd ' 'tEVE 1owintrtedtr1 % ' id It ny CEte , nYOUT AL life. Ithal ! saved hn IkI.I . dr.dI - _ - - - ABOTM All the , . who rrom rdl.cretlon. , , , , , , , or other q.u.e. ire .eik , unerve.l. 1n .ilrlIel. phy.scitle drftlned , CIsI uO.bt ti .errorm lIfc'e IutIi trot.rly , cm f ; c.-rtiilj n.t prrni t.oIly cured , iIho.t , tosoch toedl.ines l..tese4 b1 , totOr , , isliiit.r. nd tie J.re.s. The .VeOc.t It , .Iy so. . 1be old ph. oCte.tle NervoDshlttt , . I'ls . .lc..t IhcMv. .te. . I. vholIy..oru.l..d hrI'IIC lIflI.L. . " 1Te3 bopejts , cities aureit ofcerItlu , re.Wrnhlsn to full and net- . reel minhol. $ nple rITctl.s . , ECId TAT tr..tI.e , flnn.n'trflIu , with Vhe.ICIIT , tree . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , e.iRQ..ft ; J . ' C- RI. . W. V..efr. Ii. ii BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. _ _ _ An excellent lICtIZ1I1g tonic of ( exqtlIeItu flavor , itow u.ed over the ' 1 , vlitik , SfflIIL , curce 1)yLqep1fl ) . . c o JIarrlaa. ) , Fecr nC1 Agne , and . -i _ dkordert , of'tht 1)Igcetlvu ) Organe , ; , ' cI A few drots Itnoart a dellc1oii - . ; ; ; Ilavor to a glas. ochampagne , and : : i to all umrnor dritike. 'l'ry It , but . ; . : E bewaroorcounterfeIt. Ak 'fOtIr grocer or drtiggl.t ( or the senulno article , manufactured bv1)IL J. O ( L 11 HIEU11tP o 0 . ; . % _ _ 3 Ii , W. VIUERHANNI ? ? Sole AgenL t lrTi4 Ssew.orto J. W. lfiecnx , TVIA llroadwny N. Y. H MA1HW - I - _ _ 0 . ! . . : , . . : t t _ _ 0 _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ ' + .5 , ' .5- -7 ' - . J , - . 4 r.- ' . . _ . I M i : ? ; I ( lI : I' : i ; - - . . 5 , . MAN WHOLESALE & RETAIL. Mard Hott4 I3Iock , OMAHA. - . NEB. --wB. i : Auction and Coffimisslon Merchants1 V1Lt AVIEND TO SALIS IN ANY 1'.UU' OF' OR ( XUN1IW. :1' : 1429 Douglas StreoL C _ _ _ _ ThFELLOWS , UPHOLSTERER AND MATTRESS MANUPAOTURER. All kinds of T1hoIterIttg donti tn order ott t ! notice. Fumtturu repalru.l. Clialrg reseated , etc. 205 NOrth t4ateenth . .treet. JKMES oVEY Practical Horse Sheer Makes a ipocialty of Itoadtteti and tenderfoot hoe boss Shooe , 1)udgtt , trevt bet. 11th and 1.t1. . , UI jIeUevv' tlnn- . sthio Carol e-Norks IltON AND SLATE ItOOFINO. C. SPECHT , PROP. 1111 Dougla , St. . - Omaha , Nob. IIANUFACTUI1LIt OF Ga/vanizea Iron Cornices tTDormer % ' 1ttiotvg FIiiIa1 , Tin , Iron and Slate floolltig , S1seht'i Patcttt Metallic Sk3llgllt , l'atciit adjttted Ratchet 13.r and Hrakct Shelving. I am the general actit for the aboe litic of goods. Iron Fencing , CrcstIi.g . , flalubtratleo , Veratidac , Ira , , Ilank Italitugo , % 'intloo I11tIt , Cellar Gitartlo : n1o general areit for l'eersott . 11111 3'tcflt fnjltle Iflitid. DR. WHITTIER , 617 Sf , Charles Sf , , St. Louis , Mo , A 8EQA1t GItADLJATE of two medical collegee , has been engaged longer In the treatment of CIIItON. IC. NEIIVOIJS , SKIN ANIHLOOl ) 1)ieease titan any other IllyolcIalt lit St. Litul , , Ut city iavere .5lIw and all 01,1 residents kto , , Consultation free aitil Invited. Vlicn It le Inconvenient to vibit the city for treat. mont , nietlicine , can be sent by titall orcpress ecry. whore. Curable cases guarauteesi ; lterc doubt cx- ibto It Ic frankly state. ! . Call or write. Ner out l'rostration , Debility , Mental anti lhyiea1 Weakne - , , MercurIal and other aliectioneof Throat , Ski , . and hone , , Illood liniotritlos and lIlood l'tIon. log , Skin affectIon , , Old Sorco and tIlecre , ltu1scdl. niente to Marriage , ithetititatlstit , Iiie. . Special at. tentlon to cases from overworked limIt , . SUIIGICAL CASES reed. . e eltecial attention. liocasce ariolug from Imprutletice , Exccooe , , Ittdulgeiiceet , Gr1j X. ! iiarryvtomnynot , why , cauee , cotteequenece and cure. Sailed for 25c ; Pstagu or 8tamp. . Md&wly 50 DAYS 1TRIA ; : VOLT BEFORE-AND - AFTER Electric Appliacces are sent on 30 Days' Irial , TO MEN ONLY , YOUNG OR OLD , lID are eullcrime from ? ttItyoc , IJr.nur.tiy. W Leer VITAI.ITY , Lick or Nxttvtc macit no Iolt. VA.TtNi WJtAKNMtg. . and toll tl.ooo illicatee of a lattOiAL flATl'JlF. trbtllllflg from Attus.o .ini OTItEtI Ca1Z.5 , $1etsly relict and cistopleta retto. ration ufIlEAi.Tll , ' . tstoRanl MAwnoon ( ItlAttANTXcD. Thu gransleet sllse..vtry of the NIietctntlt Century. bLnda000Ce forlllusttatudlatnphletfree. Adlreo VOLTAIC BELT CO. , MARSHALL , MIOH. _ iI1L1II1P hF ; ACIcNoVLEDflJj ; ) TO lIl TIlI lIES ? BY ALL WHO I1A\'I PUT 11lE31 1O .t 111/tCTICAL. TEST. LAIAl ° T1D T Hard and Soft Coal , COKE OR WOOD. UAat1rAcTtyRI ' 41 BUCK STOVE CO. , SAIN'T LOUIII. Pierci & , Bradford to AOFNT FOIl OTAIIA MCCARTHY & BURKE , UNDERTAKERS ! 218 14TH STREET , BET. FAItNAM AND DOUGLAS. . FZA'rURE3 IN A FAfl'OFF LAND. Ono of the Aspiring Rivals to Promtnnco 011 Puget Sound , . 'ev Tncoin , ill the llort1lwcterll cor 11cr of W'flSlliIlgtOlt territory OIl 1'ttgc SlIItIl ( , is abctuL ( Cli yeats (11'L. IL wti it titiitler infalit , ill it swattlilIg clothet , in 1878 81111 187-1 , aiitl recciveti silell it t1ioek by tiltI grcit : flhlIlllCiill cr.tsli and the fiit- ilto of .1. Cooke & Co. t1tt it 1ClIltille4l ill It tiitt of b'y.kggel ( 1IC11)1eSt1C5S till [ tittlIlt tl1rC ) .Ca1 ego , Witch thu pros. licets for thu l1CCtlY ( ) ( of ( ho .N ortliorn l'iicilic raiirCtut poitreti ( 'jIlt- IllelIt OIl jts lloliils frAllie , wilich ! iii- ri.'adbeelt IltildI llltlISCl by tillit big scliotil.Itoy bully ( ( ' 'the otlltl , " Suittlo. I t SOll 1ellIlctl toYork alonu , itiad i now lt tliCi1l ) titritilIg veskrn tovn of .1,000 ililhItlit8lltS , titli n fiiit proscct of in- crilsillz its jtOpllllttitfll It ) 10,000 ill it few ytal.s. I'lie ttflVll is calluti NOW 'FflCOltltt , tO distilIgIlisli it frolo 'l'neotiia , known its the ' 'tlt ttWll , " vlticlt has nii oh sittv- ittill village of six ( IV eight huntireti ill- llalktitlltS , iilotit it mile tUft ! it half llI'tlL- ( west. west.New q'iteoinii is Sittlilteti OIl it high blitir ut the licitd of lltVigittioll ( Ill CollIlnellee- Illdilt l)33 , the IllOst sotltlleitsterly 1)ntllCt } of Aditairitity inlet. It. is connected by ritil with l.lllItltlLt , ( HI Colullihia rivtir , liliti vilI ill It few lilolItlis be eoniieetetl with Seatten flOti Portlitud. A brntclt roiul rtllts froln here ttiit nitout twenty Illiles to the OXtCllSi0 COiti Iflifles ill tltti iciliity of Corbonartlo , ltlltl extoltaiVIl ltlUkCVi P.10 built on piles ill the bay here , while liii of OCCltlk vessels tiiko on cotl. All this , aliti ill fact itli ( lit * territory ut'estern 1111(1 Northwestern \\'itsllillgttn , is covered with 0. (101180 grottIli of IllagnuticalIt pine , 11i lUlti cetlar tiiiilui. 'l'iie trees P.IO Very t.tll Illid syiniitetrical1 ll1tkillg the fhlest R11t tillIlter for slnt.bnihujng ill the Olltl. 'l'hiero is iiotliiiig hero ttt COlil- with the IltolIster reti-wooti trees , twuItty feet ill thiititiuter , tltitt. nrc found ill IrtiOlts ) ( , f Cithilornia , the trees nIh- hlitig frtiin twt ) to six feet ill diitiiiutur. 'I'Iiey stitlul ; ; y titicl oit ( Ito grothIni. ithiti though S3hl1ihIa hl1it lit ) lienril vhiiithiiig 011(1 ( ltl7.Zillg ill ithl thirectioiis , ii 111th CithI hilVhiy tell where tue It'gs they 810 itt. WOlk 011 COhlIC from , so little 1110 (1103' hltissetl.itelt alt castuiii 115111 ColilOs hioit' iiiitl rities illiti vithks through ( lie (101150 forests ho call reittlily tititler- stiiiitl how it ill ti1tt Old iulnberlltehl lulghL at tito idea of eXhllttlstihig the tilubur. There are 110 farms worthy of the llithilt within eight or ten Ilules of Nest Ttcolna , except a few ott Pttvithiup Intliitn resort'- ittioll , t'hiichi itbotit half as big asit 8101111 1Ch1tl1Ck ) ' Cllllty , ititti ihIClIttles it coiisitl. enable (1l1t1ltiLy ( of good itgrictlittlral 1811(1 ( , 1111(1 81,1110 fertile , veh1 tilled ftriiia. 'rliore is collIpitrativuly little 1al1 Huit4lblo for cuitivittion ill this ilart of the territory , 1111(1Vllat is hero lies along the baiiks nit the little rivers that mu ( ltwhl front the Cascade anti Coast , Range IIlothlltailIS , t\ViL \ frolli the rivers patches of a few acres of good land for cultivation are founti hero 811(1 there. Between here 811(1 ( ( lie Columbia river there is some grarciy prutie litnd hint fit for nnythiimtg bitt. pasttin' . ( hltl 1)01 for tiitt. This hithiti is genciaii OtVhled by clii settlers , vhto C1thIIO hietu iOllt0 years ago , vileI1 a 111811 Cothid hltlIleStCLtl ( 640 acres of huiti ally. where iii the territory.Vlule their 1811(1 is generally jo&i , tile ) ' have so mtitichi of it ; that it lt1lrds Pastlirage for considerable imerds of cattle and flocks of siieei , 1(11(1 the old rancher Ililliscif IlliLkes a good hviiig off their iiicieitse. aiid hits a fine tiiiie generally , elriiiks good hit1tior , eats and sleeps , gruhlibles aboIIt ilfllulgra. tioi , itiicl Chinese cheap 1tlor , , itmid cait 8(1111(1 ( tl1tt-fOOtOl his ' . ( - ( 011 ow'n tlung.hill 011(1 cali otitswear aity sailor iii tite British 1111 % ' ) ' . If lie WItfltS to loaf around ( lurilig the week , he loafs ; and if lie ittnts to voik oii Sunaay to make up for lost tiitio lie does so. As it costs about $75 per acre to clear land , thieve is little cleareil , aii(1 tilLt. is owned generally by small far- fliers , viio own little farms amid do iiiost of tileir 0tS'hl W01k. 1Iost of the iietvily tinlitereti 11111(1 , which is ailnost etjtiivalent to saving all tile land , is very full of gravel. Oii the hills the soil looks white aiicl while ill the little swttles 1111(1 'al1eyn it is black 1(11(1 lomity a1 ttfteii swaIl1)y.Vliere. ) . os-Ct. there is a little oeitihig , ill tile woods a rank growth of hluu.grass : tmitl white clover springs ( It ) HP0hitaI100UslY , which fact would 800111 to warrumt one in tile 1)retlLetiohl that Wilehl tile tiiimber is filIally exliittlst.ed tile lamiti vih1 1)0 ) tmtiiizccl for dairy Ptl1)0SCS 811(1 shiuci taililllg , timougit for tue latter tile daIll1)llCSS ) of tile CiihllatO vi1l always be a drawback. RtIcKIetlH Itl'tlICft ShIV. ' . The greate.t inetlical IvoIlder of tito world. \Vnrranted to speedily cure Bunts , Cuts , UI- cers , Salt. llhictmm , Fever Sore. , CanceroI'Iloe Clii IIi ttlltS , C'ortis , 'J'ettor , CIiatpctl iiaiiilsanil all sklJI erllltitlls ) ) , gttarintecd to cure in every iltotallee , or iiioicy refunded. 25 conti ier box - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IlhIsIilesi4 Outlook. CincInnatI Conitnercial. Tiirotigh ( lie hilist 811(1 (1(1st 811(1 smiioko of speculative riunors 1111(1 iirulilttimre and COiilLl cstiiittttos , it. iS 1111W POS8hl ) to sue from it htii(1llO of .itiy estimate and obtaill all ilIteiligeIlt view of time result of the harvest. cif 1883. 'l'hio wheat crop f 1882 v8s itO uxtrlurdillary ) one. Tile CrO ) this year , it 114 110W pretty veiI settled , will Iloti reach the average , but neither will it fall so far below as was prelictcd a short tinie ltgO. ¶ I'hio aggregate vii1 not vary very hiluch from 460,000,000 1wthehi. , Add to this the excess in stmrpius carried over ( rout 1882 as colulrnr.itl with that loft over 111 1881 , and tiwru will be iii the conutry stdhiCieIlt to supply tile 11(11110 dulIlIthItI 1111(1 LI full Inargin fez foreign export. 08(8 ( , barley . , hilly 1111(1 ( Ilottes have COllIe UI ) ( A. ) hIll a\'orago crop , 811(1 III 1301110 insttnces there is iiorti thrIll all itvorito , 'I'lie fruit crl ) is hlIL large , hIlt it is faIr. Coi-n , 111)Otlt which there hiits boon it good (1(511 of atixiety , is getting ( lIlt of tile S)0ht1 S'CI ) ' it1iidiy.tf1010 ] i , takillg the coria status through , oh illercaseti acre. ago , after iltakilIg full 8hi0s'ahlco for losses caused by local stOrIli13 lint ! flootis , 8101 , tvitli reastiiialily favurtt. 1)10 weathter , we flllL 10(1k forward to a fill ! CUll ) . Altogether , tllCIefIrti , taking thu Coilli- try througil , it is stfo to caICulIlt.I upon lLlttltiltiV gOOl chop year , 811)1 ) iii 1 thin t. ii favorable liitmt'est iiiiilie ) , frolli a busijiess jtlillt of view. jttjvices frolil Jt1roiiti are also favom-ablo (4 , gtiol crops ill tililt CutIlltly. 'J'ltiit is by IUi1Il 11 1(011 rutcd as i I nfavtiiabl u t , t ) ii iintrhets. BIlL it 111(1st iiot be fotgottcii that Eum "I'd ' tuolur thu 111(1st favorable circuIllstIthicen , doeti lIIt 11r1ll1co neat- eiiitigii iliCaLl 1111(1 1 iteat htur P ° "l Il ( I , aini tiiuie 114 always on that side a tiell. CICIICy. I t II I (1st. ( ILlS ) ) 1)0 Iorllo i Ii III iiitl thISt giiotl vr'ps ' ill ElighllIitt ilLt : ( tile sahilu o1flct 1115111 gellOlal iiitlustries that. thiuy 1tit'o Iii this ( -.lulltry ; iiiicl Jrtasperit3titezu ( 8108118 , f1Il' 1)1010 ) thahl III the l'iiitetl Status , an iiiccaset1 CollltUlIIiltiohl ( IfilreStl 1111(1 locaL OIl this side pCltiO usually get all they lvlthIt of staiIo articles of footl , VhetiICr JFICCS be bight or bitt , while in Europe thte coiisunijitioii depciids largely UlJli ( lie earnings of time petipie 811(1 of comulnodities. There vciiiu COIISUIIIO what. they cazi afford to > y for. hero (110 PeI1tO , o fat' M regards sub. stiiiitials , ColIstlIlle all thte mmeed. Thieio lreatl amiti hIle8t. am-u ltlxllrIes , Here they itt-c mmeccssties. ! It is a tuistako , titerelore , to Suilliose that crop failures P.11(1 ( depression ill busio 11055 ill Europe are faoritb1e to this COtlll tr It II1It , have RlhCll l's rosilit Spllslhltl. ( icall , lint lirosperitY ill Europe ilk thie i(1l1 tOll imits a favoralilo efFect tipoli time lItlSillCS of tilis ctuntry , esiiecifthlv Whelm the Iltttor is also 11ti8le1)tt5. ltlfl)1)e ) flInt the t'mmited States Itte too closely ilehltitietl ill their lihSihlt'SS ) rehlttOils ) for 0110 to sti'.hcr VithtOflt unfavorally ) allect. ihlg tile other. h.7p(1l1 this 1)Oitlt tue 140115 (1(111 TillIes reiitarks ' 'if the ihltrvests ( tim ( lIlt. P.S vell Its 110w expecteti , tile ( lithetlities 11111) ' h' ' itWity , IIIILI liroslletity lllit' rise still iligher Ill thU. ) UllitCil StAtes , A really good harvest YOtlil lInt ( Ihli ) enrich the farmers , lllt ) Vtlll give lIlt illl1lcttlS to ttiitle , atiti IvOtlid it large ttitt'ic for the rail- Ivays. it would , therefore , telld to at- tlitCt ilmtlmligiation from Eurolle , niul to l.itiso priet's gehlerahly. Above till , it woUld CllCOtltitge timose lvll ( ) ale hIowlilarlIl- ed by tile tlihlictmlties in which they lintl tllt)1ll8i'lVeS 'l'o some OXtOIlL , Ito doubt the iulvzuitages of a gotnl harvest ill the Ullitt2I. States WOUld 1e neutralized by good hun-vests in Elmr)1)C. If there 'uro to 1t , good harv'stJi in } 11fllIe , there vtiihtl , be hess ( lell1itll(1 for ptnvisions front thu Ulliteti Stttes , alId C0ltsetUCltthy prices - ces wotmltl lInt hlC llitOt. lInt when lrices at low , the tmsus to vhiclt wile8t is ttlrlled ill Europe are greatly increased , aitti ( hIlls the ( itilUithIti for Europe woulti ratltor increased - creased tllltll fall ell I'hieru is little reItsohi to tloult ) , therefore , that. in aycase there st-ill be a milarket. for whatever iin't1tict is ritlseLl ill the UltitCl Stntesthollghipl'ices , ( If course , toimhtl ho lower if harvests are good at hoizie titan if they are bad. lIt aiiotiier way , lawevur , t5)d harvests in I'tir01)e WOttiti tuIlti ( ( I LO ( ) i1tit1CllCt ) to ( Ito stock millirkets ill the lJhtitetl States. If titer ) . WClO to lii. good Crops Ill rope , titere would ceitaiimiy ho a great. StilIttlIlls to Europezut trade , 1111(1 ( etilIse- tlUeittiY the EIIU)1)eitlt ) ptlllielOtlhtl liae butter 11108118 to iitvest ill AlllCriCitlt miii- vll ) ' sCCtltitieS. Em1)1)uitIt ( ) iItVCst hitelit wotilti give cottrage to AllluriCaht ltttltleis , 1111)1 ) wotmltl , therefore , teiid to tlisslpflte ( lttllCtlltICS. It is lint to be dtnlbted , therefore , ( bit UI l1hl evemmt. them will 1)0 It forciglt ( lelllztUl for tue 81l11)itIS ) ProtItmcts ( If the Unitwd Stttes-it lillt ho itt lower prices , htmL there ivill 1e a LicIltalitI. imitl as it result. of ootl ilfltVCStH , tiicrti tihl be geltelill busiimuss prosperity , for ill every coulttry footi suIIiies ) ttltletIiO nil iimdustries , limIt ! rliatever ilitIa1L8 ltCt.iVit' ill t ratIo itmiti increases the duluanti for 1alnr causes itit illcrcasCl eommstlln1)Lion of food. If , therefore - fore , harvests 011 both sitics turn out. as ii ; iiow prolltiscl , titure will be a ( luiltithiti for stIrpItIs lroltLct ) ; gciteritl collfitleltcu wiji be strellgthetled , and all bntlmciles of iiioltmsti'y ivill have it itealthiy growth ; 811(1 wimile thus calt mint. fail to stiilltlltltt ) Euro- ileitit industries , it vii1 be sure to inllat-t 11011' life ititti insure iitcreased activity to tile imtdustries of the Umiited States. By reason of wild speculation in tlte iIUdtlCe mnarkets itt Olticago and New York , the business of this country itas simtlereti illcalculahlo iimjury. Fictitious itlLleS were attached to l)1o1)ort.y ) that did nut 11011) producers , while they ihIjul-oti COllSIllltCitI , aimd at tile 1381110 tiiite criplet1 tue export busimiess. 0V1liht and plovi- Siolls are atoti' ill stock tltat hilt for the tllthtattLl1tl OllClatitfls of specttlators , by iviticht lictitiotis values were establislicil , would have 1)Lssetl ; jlitt COlISLtlmiltioll. ) 'I'hiesu 1(10 110W virttmally added to the stir- I , ltts , aliti the result vil1 be a doliressioli ill 'it1ties ill tlte future moore tiliul they ii'Ole ihIll1ttel ) ill the 1sist. , I'arzl1crs will , therefore , be losers , ii'hilo l\tite \ genei-al 1)tt8ihiets of the coulmtry ila4qsuflere(1 so- s'ei-ely. ; . . - It nay be that tue Immik Jptcy of miiany of the sioCt1littois vill serve to chleck the gtmtihlimmg ; olioratiolls of 8111811 oimrators , it'ii ( ) feed the Lroastmry of those who act. as ageiitim iii this business. 'l'iiis is ( lie only ia ) ' to clue the evil which tehl(1S to ciii- plo tite legitihllate hllsjlleis ) ( If the coiiimtrs' . Legislatioll ISIS Ilot hiceii equal to tite ttsk : ef stpimlg ) \ihtillWillll of tuck- lessiicss ; but empty jmckets will lie likely to RCCOIII1)lO4ll VlliLt iit\V-Iilakel8 iItI'O failed to bring ala > tlt. 1itit aiide front all this thu country is ilgitIlt favored with a bOlIhiteOlt8 illtr\'Clit , 811(1 witittevor 131)ecllhlltors ) II1ILY thi , good cmos tiiil plenty of food svill t.itmid as a z'ocI ' Wilicil hlliiilleSS will 'lJthI ) ) ) operatnils ) be ittmccessfuhiy conducted. Save it corner ni your ciiiiostrd for St , .J1tcols Oil , ( ito best bull ChIC ( iii earth. - _ _ Treasurer Bturdovant and the Capitol Con- tract. Liiicoln lcniocrat. State 'J'reltstlrer SLunlovtnt. takes a vei-y fair 1111(1 bmisimiess-iiko view of tue capitol contract iiiitttev. lie $1L8 lie hilLs 110 Iet. ) 8011111 ireferellcu ) between ttlr. Stout itmid lIr. Silver. lie says the qllestioll of par. tisitii 15)liiiCs iif the tWo bidders hiILl hot the least weight with , the state would SILVl the dilIerellce lutvecil thai two bids 01 over $ fl,000.'hIell 1Ii- . Silver wits hiufoiti tue board lie qliestioiled hill very closely Ilhld tepcatctlly as to whether the iutllille ) Of st.oiiu sittiwit ivits exactly the 8111110 kipiti as that useti hI thu t'illg8 ii- ! ready built lilmU % vilethler ho could 1111(1 % S'OiitI (1140 thiitt kihiti. 4)flttOiiU. ) Ilti said 1'Er. Silver's altswers ieru positive 1LIId entirely satisfact'-y , 811(1 110 oIflrci1 to flithilO itin htlmlMlllCIi ) to hitch hi I II i Ii ii itt agreulhioImt to tise ( lie 13(0110 ( required. 'I'Iieru is iiot ii ahilLdOW of ( ] ( ) Ilbt that. sIlloOlfotly has got. ti 1)leHCllt ) of $4 1 ,000 anti tiziit. tim state will hay utir tue ircsolit. 'I'Iie ( lilly ( fuestitill a. bout this at. least , is a to wIIethier Silver is-ill 811) . for his rigilts 1111(1 ( tue rigiltil of tile illlihic ill the courts.Ve Ill ) itot. know what his itmtnitions , 1110 , hillt there is a ittrohlg titililie ftehitilliellt ( hULL lie ought tA ) milililitttin his glotlilil if possible. l'uhhio iOhiey no ( ltlhL ( doluatIds shell actioll ItS well its for thtusake of stvilig : tile $11,000 its to settle tue ( jlICstiOll of fraud that lots beeii rautwl , 1(11(1 1113 1111 11)3 ) possible scent-u jllI3tiCU. Ilttt tif ctiillttu Mr Silver will titke into ltCcOIlhlt Ills persiiii1 ihhteroflts it liliI be tillit. he sill Ill ) ! . 13CC hIS way . dliii ! to peiflirill thin etijitritet ill CIlMU thtu courts siIOUll ( award it to iiiiii , with tue ltdlitiOIiiLl CXjtIIiSU ) of litigation , ahid tue aiiIlOyiIhiCC itlill trouble a hiostitu hoard illigli t tieat I i i Ill to. 'l'li otigli ve slant Iii tue general desire thtt ; 't1r. Silver siillill ( 1)11911 htu illlLttel ill ( lie courts , we Call hot. agree with it % 'ery euhlililoll CX11iesNioil t.hiiit Li lIlt CoIl E8O is ilecetsuy ; i I 1 01(101' ( to s'tndicato lint hiti 1111(1 1)1(110 ) t hut it WItS 111101 0 11011 oittly iiitd i Ii guol fiti ( I , . 'I'll u Proof of ( IntL i Ill thu bid itsoif mid in Air. Silver's readilloss to fllriliHlt iiozitls to Ct ii i iply It a ctia tiitct iIlller ( ii u bid. \iltJtIlCl ? tlr.Silver ivtImts ( lie C'lttiIte ( . iitd eiiotigii tcj i-uk a ltti etilt. ( ti get fl is I us i 1Cllh III ! I IllItihlesS , 111141 ttk i i ig facts as they ox jut. lluitller ha iitself i in ! I 115 hit ! Iltitills viiiiljttjtiii. ErIlJltiOhiS ttIUllIi8hig1itiIt ; fevei-s are COliqIlered 1111(1 cured ly .S01itUrii1t ( A'ir. vine. $1.50. I 'Dr. lieltlllOfld'H { , ' 4StnrIt ( 1t J'TCrViflj Icrinatiuiitiy cured ziio of epileptic fits , ' ' .1 , 5. Sale , Madison , hot-ida. ( Jot itt youl1)ruggist.s. . TlLI ( I Itt-AT I'OItlC : 'tA1tlcir. : AmtlaIn Reading While Wttttng for News from Chicago. lltiiti ) n' ( Mu. ) l't riot. ' . , 0. , lecciubcr llt , 183- $ Ciiiitiii8tm Is the greatest 'pork hlmarket' ' Ill ( lie khloWIl world. 111 hhthlubcr of hogs slaughtereti anmlualiy , nut ! ( lie P0l' feetloil iiiul sciellee to which the art. of ' 'llg ) klllihlg" has tCcht ) l'rougiit , is iiuheed llstIhltslmhllg. 'I'Iie btisilless of hiutchering 8 cittmi&d oil ilistitict fl\ull that Of pack - lil ! ( , 1111(1 ( by di1i'rettt 'L'Iie Illust extellitiVe L'StfllliKhlIlteilt of the kind is tile tille nIt 1)eer Creek , 011lie11 811(1 COil- ( htiCtl'tl by Mr. . .101111V. . ( OlClflhlt At thtms lilace , last year , 100,80 1 hogs were sl1tthgiltereil. 't'hit'ro itt-c fluit' hlotises situ- fltCtl at ditt'erehtt 1iOimtts 011 ( iii , grotihltl oicuiiieth , whiclt is it lot of eight actCS the grottmid is divided ilitti Pells , SollIe forty or fifty ill ltulhihem , Vhiel'tl ( lie Ilogs elf enclt ( ) iVliel lt t ) Put by tileill- s&'lV's , 1tt-e'lItritory to ( ho iiiiissci'e. Al'tittt forty 111011 are eil1tioyt'l in each 1101180 , tttitl eaclt has his sepal-ate mnttl iii- lotted ( ltit3' to j(1rfriIl , ttittl t-eeives nIt lilt 1ti'eritge about. $1.25 1101' ( lily. Eitehi 11(11180 has two sctltli1lg ttlls , 0110 at eitclt dId , 8(1 ( tiiat thit iitirk of death anti tiestrimetion goes nIt tlvubtc ill each building. At d.tCll emIt ! of ( Ito lIotise is it 81111111 lIen , into iviiicht tiloy crttivtl forty or lift ) ' hogs , or as hilitlly Its Ctli ) Oshilly ( be got -thiumi walks ill their backs tile dat-k antI Oil , bloody cxc- ctml iLUlCi iithtlihlg ill his iiitiitl a large sledge. lIlIllIhIler , with which lIe ' ' ( leals.leatli" to ( lie tinotluhlullig ( ViCtiliIH-ltfter witich they lIre drtggcd imtsithe of the 11(11180 it knife liissetl ilIto tite throat , (111(1 itfter tileedimig a ft'iisecolItis , tllltnilt illto It kettle of hiut. iitter ; front tituncu to a block , vltem-e ( Ito lristies : tro scraietl oil with lion SL'ritlet's ) IlIhItle expressly for the 1ltlllI130 I iieim s t vu iig tip by t lie it hi isi feet 811(1 ltssieItliClICe tuiiitvetl to itliOtilet ( ( - - 101)lit iViiOlC I I IOV lClltitihl ' to cttl' ' Ilhitil llltlrll- ing , antl the1i titkehm 011 ivaglllls to tlte paekiiig itttiso , It is httt a little over ) lIe iii I i nmt c ft 'iii tue t into ( lie cx ecu I i ( ill - er citters thio lClt amtd knocks ( Ito hog (1(8111 , tihitil lie is litttlilg Ill ) itmiti tilessod. 'I'lie bleetli hg , itcititlilIg , serhipi ug , string- Ill ti ) itimtl iiisido tllessimig , is itil ltcctilit- lltsiicl lIt 111)011 ) t. It Iltimllttu. ' [ 'his itlil lie t ittiugltt. iitarvelotts , 1 ittt it is ilO liloro Mttammgo (111111 trtte. I htitvo fteqtieittly witiiesscd with astomtjshiiitoitt ( lie oient- tinim. At (1110 ( of 1\lt. ( .1)llehititll's shittigltter. hitimiss lie hits it 1111111 thud. opeils , ldIi1ovus ( lie oilhl 1111(1 cOilt1IltJt8 the tiressimig of t iiree hogs ill 11 hilillllte ; to this miiitlt ( ivhit is it sort. ( If It killg nnmoiig thte litig.killets ) iie jiays $2.50 per day. ' 1 hey CMI slaughter at. each of thto liltlsCH ( , 1111(1 liItVt ) thielll COmil1i1etCl ) dressed - ed alill strithlg u ) lileliltratory to ietitoval ill the mntn-iliiig to ( lie pitckiiig hiotIses , 1150 a thty , which is ltltogutlier at tltis 0)110 estabhishllllemlt 2(00-Ithul ( tli Ill d otu ftih Il ( lityliJ.iit iii tite hitOtltiilg till olark , sit ) ' Itt. tiims tuiiti about elevemt Ilotirs , ahlownig thiit-ty lihihitites foi dilluer. l'ilr. ' Cole- 1111111 ilifollmtctl 1110 tItat lIe Itits ttlieittly killed 1)CtiVeOml ) 50,000 ithId (10,000 ( , lthltl lots beeit itt work hut thttce or fotlliveeks , the oiily 1)it ) Ito receit-es being the ( lirlil , collsistitmg ( If ( ) flit , 8(511) grease 1111(1 ( luistlcs-.tltis is generally inlth iiet tilellty to ) tweitty-five Ctiilti ( ctcli ; hltf. it is hithllOiiel ) ) lie eleat-eti at. this business last. seasuit (111111 ( tim seaIuii hitits hilt itbotit tlmree iilohlthissollie ) lifteomi or tVChlty tllOlls1tlltl tloilitis. Tile whole inniiiier of hogs killed last. year , ill this city : uitl vicimtity , is ascettiditeol to lie a little rising (1110 iltlmidreti 1111(1 twemlt.y-thimco ) tlittI3OitIltl. 1)oct Creek is a strejuit rliii- Ilillg illto ) tile Ohio Itii'er on tile eaHtelit Hiihitlth ) Of the city--about half hi mile imp this HtlCithil these slati"lltet litlIlses ( If Itir. Colcuman itme Hittihtte8 , 811(1 tillrihlg the i'liolti ' 1 iog stJitStil' ' tli is stietiii , fi-oum the hlothses ti ) the river , is rumming liootl , , 811(1 generally goes by the nalite of ' ' 1)100(13' ) rivet- . " F'tOlIl tilt ) siaiigh ( or-ho niso Li i a iogs 1t10 COhiVeyCl in large wagoils tilat. hold frohii twenty-live to foiL3' , to tim vitt-itnzs jtCl ) _ ilmg.lltitlses , in I lull itiC H i LII tttCl ill 111111 , ) st . - of the 1111(1 tiiui-o ' oVcl.y 1iai-t city , ( ii'eighietl , cut up , packeol , tc. 'I'lto iirchiasurs pity for titent itS let ( ito s'eight , itftur heing ) di-essed. 'J'iicso iacliiigiiotiseH itte tipoii tile iimoiit uxieilsivo iocale. The capital elllployetl every year ill tile ' 'iiog bus- 111085' ' is i ill inc I iSO , 1)ltltilY ) ttbtiti I. $2,000,000. One of ( lie iiiost. extensive ackiiig.iiotisew ill tile cit3' is oWliel 1111(1 CohilUctC(1 ( by 11iiui ! & Lea-tileir built- ing is of brick , tiiiue stories hiigil , 120 feet long , sixty witle , with out- bltildiligs , RiiCls , &c. , that. cover , for aught. I kiiJii' ( , bUi acre ( If giotliid. At ( ille of these large 110)11805 they Cithi 1iiick nut ! have reatly for siiipilleilt 250 barrels of ) ( iii ollo tilt ) ' , itioh , I 8111 iiiforiiiud , tixiii ii JiliCll ) 200 barrels colll(1 be tuiiiud iiit , itiitl tltat with thtirty 111011 iii ftlOllt folli-teeli or hiftceii iitirs. , It. is , iiiolutsl , Itstoliisllillg the riiiit1ity ii'itii wliiclt tituy pilL a htog titit. of sight , ivliell olice tiioy get it Stir Itold on jul11. As at tIle slitiglitei ; hiOhiHelt It vurfuct system is kept Ill I every I ) iltI i hits htis al lotud d iii y to hot-fin-ni , anti there is iI iseq hell 113' I in ihltolfeheiCe ) ivitii ( t1tC1 other ; uverythiiiig gitl3 like ciock.woik.Vhien ( lie hogs itiu receivetl , they are lust. weighed by tite iveigh i elj , tiieii I ) itltSetl to Li ie ' 'lunch ing hId ) , ' ' itiio ) JIlli CU tiieiit t ) I i tii e suvtirnl hiiocics ( two itle goiiur.oily iisutl ) , whiezi tIwy : Lru received by the "ClitttllS , " ILmItI are very tjiiiclchy tii1atclico1- variois 'jtiitlitien 33e1111111tCl llhld tltroival 111(0 ( tiieir l'esiOCf.iVU Iliaces. OiIOIiIflhl weighs for ( I ic iiitl1u15 (20 ( ( ) POtllilM ) ) , 1111)1 ) thiro IIK Li it ) ti IC IlielIt. ill to the ' ' 14111 t. hiox' ' front sri i icit the ' 'iiicker" receives it , amid whicit the barrel is Jacliod ) , is thirlanl ovofr to thu ' _ 'cooper , " si'hi ( ) Ileads it. I t is then bored , fil lou ivi ( ii stiolig bri lie , ph lhggeti , hiralltl. 0(1 , alol I-ettly ; for siti i id I t. 1i fteun P0111il13 of 'l'ti 1k 's Ishiti lii or Otiitil' coarse isilt , is ithitittetl to each barrel of pom-k. 'J'lie larti is emit into siiithl iieccs buforu ( ii iig I ii to Lii ( I k uttlcs - - - ( I CIII lion ! oes 111(0 Ollu kettle , . : tiitl ( lie lotlgli lard into aitotitci ; ( lierti 1110 generally oigiit or ( cit hilell elniiliyed ill ( lie bird depalt IlloInt , whiuit itn itvenigu of itillt , ) two hutidrwl Ii egs , or iti 1(111 I i i i lie tilotIsinItI jItiti 11115 itre ttii-ii col on L tInily. A large ijlihtlitity of ' 'hulk ijicat" is gun- eltiltihy ( 1 ( his is fl-nIh south hogs , ttio foi ' . 'J'iioi IllihIts - light prinu hl'k. ) Ill-u hIlikei ( , 811(1 ( geiiuritlly CiIhiVIt'3H0l ( hiuforti shijijiing. _ _ - ' 'IIIJOI I ( J.l'A I BA. " Q Ii ick , C liii 1iloto elI Eu , nI Ianim. I . 1' i.iiiuy , I flatliier 111111 tJz-intm-y : 1)iseaHc,4 , $1. 1)rilggiits. ( - . The Old Ticket. ii'abhuligtnli li9jIatllh to the ( flriclsiuiati lltiulrvr. : 'l'llu hititiiii for ( lie ohtl ticket. of 'l'illdhi ( 111(1 ( 1 I elItilicks SeuIIii ( to ho gatilerillg hew force ovoi-y lilt ) ' , 1111(1 ( F0iitC0ll8 iiihiticilthls Ire flee ( A ) htthiiit ) t.hiiit. it. wouiil sweeji ( lie Olthitry by 1111 thlijilCelltiiiteil ( itiaj-iI-ity. l'hiu New \erk 'I'iillea of (0.0111) ' ChttitiliS LII ilhlptlrtithit iiit.erviuw by ( iiiti of its C0i- resIultluhiLs vitit 811 (11(1 ( 1111(1 iiitiiiiiitti li-idild of .Z1r. 'l'ildeii , ILIEOIiS ) ( Al the an- IlOulIcelilulit tiiitt ( ito luittliiig lOIlhoiCllLtS Litroughout. the state of Now York ni-u fit. Voriiig ( lie hiiiliflittiOli of ( lie ' 'alti ticket. " 'J'hii gehitiehihan stittes 11011 ho is thy nlviscd of I.lr. 'l'ildeii's vietvs itini FURNITURE ! -TIlE- CHEAPEST ' PLACE IN OMAHA TO BUY Furniture ISAT 1DEWEY & STONE'S They always have tlv largest and best stock. NO STAIRS TO CLIMB ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOR TO THE DIFFERENT FLOORS. - - lIi1l-1l8l'8 rOglUtlihIg hIlli lltilliiliititlli for ( lie ) re8it1eitey , alIt ! that. ' ' 11(1 8 satisfied that lie vieivt 11113 litl1Ihk career nit a matter at , itbsolutely ill tile control of tito 1)UIIliOi OleCissoll that. lie ivihl ( actithv abide tile ( , Vi.'tlt of a rentillmilllition . II tegiirtl to thtt. 1eii ( if itli 0)XC8IjiL ) Itt flitIt 11110)11 his 1Im3-sicnh C0Illitioht Ito hilts liocit fully pre. I)8te01 for any coutingeitey of this ktnd , Ilot lIltJl01l3' by lila iitlioL restonitiIi ( ( I health aiitl vigom- , but 1)3 ° Itis Chlahiel roihit- ( tolls to ) stieht it ( ' 4'slI1Ifligih , BilttIitl It occur. At olte tillIe , itOt ithlg slitco , e't'II his jut. ihteohiitto followers liballtlolied tue idea of Itis further headorsihip , ntl i chit to seek tllcir fllrtIhll'8 in other ( lirectionut. litit thitt i'ilr. ' 't'iloloii ivouhth respolitl ill tiio ( If- l'll-tlllItit'o tO ) It pl-l1er oleniantl by thio puttty ttlld letIPle there is llC't ft 1)itlt jelL ) of oltothit. ttr. lieitth-icks' tiilhimlgliess to accept. it pOsititit ) ( lit till. ticket is treated tnt hi sig. 1iitil'titt. eVoilIt. ' 1'lit 1)lititiOtt tdtkdlt tlllit it , womb ! be ihltlPtihhl ) for 1lr. 'l'itdeui ' at tilts tililo to ) titmiol iii ( Ito ivity of ii gollum-lil or orgalIiYeol delolinti for . hllstom-io vimioli- eutt jolt of a gmeutt littblievroilg lUitI imij us- ticO le'rlitttLtol by ( lie ihistitllittiohl of 11113's 101 prusidemlt. 1tr. 'I'ihtleit t'ai never ugutin 1)0 it eamioliditto for ollico illitil the Pdillile sititll t1'lliiIi. ) it for the ltltPS0 of thlis ViliOliClttioiil. lit ) is hot. . hi Cithttlitlitte , thtis is absolute. It is ettliihly alistilute tilitt. if it lielIlitIlti thlOthhl ltliSe 81)tfltdute. Othith3 , itmttl t lie ctiitvoi tt ion sltotthtl ieitoilii- hiltte ltitn , lie i-ihl hot. reieitt the i)018)111t1 1)lC8 1)r0Se11tt0l itt iiis letter to ( Ito Cincin. Iillti Ctltvehltioit. 'I'Ito ball is 1Iit. ( sot. iii Ill ut mu by 1'i i 'l'jhlu Cli or hi is friehid s. Id z. TIehIthi-jeks htts lit lut'tt 1i5011 to IL IeItSO of ( Ito tttmu ielltocratie issue. 'l'lte 1110i'o- lulellt IlitIst. ho worketi ill this Wltyih1iti. ated by l'tiIr. I lelltirieks anti leutcilihig tim ollt3 of clcctiott tvjtiioitt a iron ! or act out l\It. 'J'jloluit't ; pitit , hut 1-Clotihlg 011 tillS joihit rclqouIsilihlity. it is further stitted that 11i1r Tilolelt is PolfeetlY iiiftt-iited of ( Ito activity of a great IlullIhier of PUl-1i5 for ( lie ' 'olol ticket. " Oit the Stilljectof ( lie 11115)1'S ) of the oflice , it is stiggcstid that by itt.tOiltiOlI to pull- cipios iillttehtl of iuiome tietdula Itis clietgies wouid Itllllil3' stllh'iCe ituti it ill well re- hllltrlce(1 III mcforeiico to 11t- . Arthur that. Ida labor is ill it large degiee gastroilohilic. 1l Icelley is kititlly spokemt oif ahttl his ) ) ) ) ) 1ecIgmlizetl , hut uvomi if 0118140- set ! to ° Pl' ° 8 ° ( lie ticket lie Cttiitl not car- , iv oil lits folloivois , aTtol the t'tite of New ,1 oimk tyt > tild be cast fet 'l'ihdulI , Its it IVhtS ill 18741 , by a gi-eat ltiajority. Itching and Burning ! Itching and Burning ! iCZllA , or Salt Ittwimit , , wIth , Its , agonizing Itt-li. I .2 log iotnh hitlrIIIg ; , Instantly rellovel ht3 a ( ari , hat I , o itli ( 'lunch Ito SOAP. ail , a idtghu , nIjlicatloTi of , UtITICUJIA , I ht great 8tii Cire. , flle releatutt , Ial Iy , 1 % ItI to , ' or t lru tioo. of ClrIctIttA ? httstti SIT. tlo , NOW hIlo'd l'trIfler , I , , keel. the hjhool , cool , tlo Pr- iijih ratIon i'iit u itiii , tiilrritatlig , , , ( lie bowb , thtett , tlto iii or atish l.l.Iicys , seth e It ill .oodlhy tore lkzeiiia 'Ictter. IIltugirtii , ' , , 1lt.lct , , I 'rlrit II ) , Scald I lea I , I ) ail , , riif , , anti ut cry oIecho3 of htcitiiu , , Scaly antI iinullly I I .ituutr. ) ( 'I ' thu Scalp tuith Sklti , w Iuet LIt , IeHt 111,3 , i.iciaiio nitl , all kiuowu , reltIl-IlItul fall. _ _ - ITCHINC HUMORS , hlal.tur , Ilarhor' . . , ( Irocer' , , atiti i'iitloroiia , , , , itch , ht-luiog , 111cc iud Itiilcat. ) , 1teliiii Ilutlilore , lictitlltr t , , lot Iuxo. I , , . , , hill-It are 1.artletlarly , sIl. ( I eeiig , at tllt , tetoi , , , , arc Itaittly , rcllu ud atiti lerliaieitlietiroth , Ii. tIiotll.4o troiatltieit. , Now l i ho tle , , , , 0 ItoIt tliti h ° ' ° are oj cit atlil tii iernl ) rat - t Ion stiiuiilaiut , , 4o cicainto thu llou , I of Iijituritlu. ) , niutt titti ii , lit of torturing nit'h ' th kllgurliig hnItior. . CUTICURA REMEDIES Arti ( lie greatcat iticitlcliieid tot cartli. J , V. Atitsio , Newark , 0. The Irnif hn tiot heciz thl a , to thick citrutlvo , ( . A. ti'll.l.IAMC , lrolklotcu. , 1hoy otto I , , clot. ' rio-u. I I , tV liiLlCIWAY ) , lIt , I ) . , l'ratkli , , , , N If My trleoiM i.tuiiW , iw I , iilerel , , ( rout Malt Itlieiita uutll t 'ured ' by tl1c11. ii KM. A. It. Ilituws , liable , , . Curul tutu of ti S-riifiloti- , I I , ilor , , of thilrteoit , year. ' , luirttloi , .1. 1. I lIt-Il IllinOIs C. Ii. , NOW 0 irleate. ( , , lnclta , , lKMmov.e ( at . all hrliglets , l'rk-i : CtiIicltKA , ( .0 tit't ) htiO4llt.ir.NTp $ i ; HtMl , 2t ccitt , . i'O'17E11 iihtIJU ANI ) CllilidAh , CO. , llOS'FON , Snnfordc Rndlcnl Cu ro , ItaiHts ) thu itacal ja. ugo8 of foul ilOlt ) ) ) ' , rest.or.s ( I , , , of tiueil , tatte , niid hearing thien nff.etel , frec thu lciol , , tIroat , , 11)111 ) Iroicht. litI ttlhiu tf tjlTetislu matter Hl'C ( ( ( I1C antI iii nuts thiti breath , stijie ( Ito cotigl , alit ! arrest , tu ) Irigru1. . , f ( Jatarrii towurtl. eonomiimjitlom , , _ Colmililetu 'I oittitoit , , , iItli huhiakr ; , ei.oo. tok for. t4aiforl , , Iluilkoh Cmre. , w&N. UNITED STATES Natioiial Bailk OF OMAhA. Capital , - - $100,000.00 , C. W. HAMILTON , Pros't. lvi. T. BARLOW , Cashlor. Accounta solicltod and kept aub- Jocttoalght chock. Certificates of Dopoalt Iaauod payable - able In 3 , 0 and 2 montha , bearing Intorout , or on demand wIthout In- toroat. Advanoos made to cuatomora on approved socuritloant market rate of Intorotut. The Intoroata of Cuatomora are olotuoly guarded and every facility compatible with prinolploa of sound banking froohy oxtondod. Draw eight drafto on Enalundiro land , Scotland , and nIl $ rnrtt of Eu- 0 p0. Boll European Pasango TIckets , Coioctios ProniptlylWw/c. BILUA-D HALL , 1204 Farnam Street , P. fL McGuio , Proriotor JAMES C. IIRYAN , Mnnagor. SEVEN NEW TABLES. 1ku Iiaitdiitu..t Ililliard I lull In Outahia. lltu tltet , liliv , lll0or toid ( Iutr arc PrivItlel for Iatrttna. jyll l.41) ' TIic s.c of the total " Short S H 0 RI' LIne' In rounectlct % t ltti th corisolrate 111100 t.fa grratrnad , ( 4)11 % P.11 hde , if ji't , o hiatla reiltiirCt by tie ) , teas rhIto , iitb. I I 1I1 E lie a Sh.tt LIne , ( .uick hine attl the bt-it oil accoiltu,01Ia- j I - I tlotmi , all of ilcl , , nt-c fun- I ! bunt by the greatoet ratios- Ainorlea . CHIOAGOMILWAUKEE , And St. Paul. . It oW,1. aiiI , operate'4 el-er 4J.oo tulle , of ria.l 1. NortIut-mi lhlhoti. , iIl-oiielml , , tllmulusta , , Iowa ansi hIaktta al , ) SM It. 11)51)1 ) hlttee , 1raiicliee , atiil ( iiltcc. titit , , rt'Iitl all tlut , irt-itt lltites cctroe , , of the Nirthtout antI Far \S'ct , It naturally silwcr. the tle.rlh't lii , , of iliort I.Iii e , antI Iltat hiouto bett eon ( 'luleagi , , iIh t , nutce , St. latil anti hlimiieapoliti. CItlt-ngt , Milotiukec , 14 Or.Io totlVlntna. , , . ( tiieagi. , % f tilt tOILet' , Atiertit-t-mi amid IIiIetitale Clilongo , tlllontikoc , lntm ( lairoi auth i-itlllwnter. Clilcagt' , M lli ttUkLtVatleai , muil , M errili ( 'hiitago , M Illittl.t ) C , hltiiicr hiami , ntil , 0dl-oq1s. , ChulenRi , . MiiOalikeO , SVatikeoha nuil 0ctitwoe. , Cllrit , , ' , M tIn uil.vu , it odium aiiii lraIrlu thu ChIco. Cliteao , MilosuIlsoC , iIo-attmima , anti alrIhattIt _ Chkao , lleintt , .laiUll I'he ' and Mineral l'olnt. t'lIeago , ligim , , tlt'kfttiI aitl thItinilue. ClicaRt , , , Clinton , hock heiui1 , , aitti Cedar htapisle. ChIcago , Ciuin,1l , IltutT , aiI , Ottitlia , Chiiotgo , S'tm t City , SIotm lnli , atuil YRktol. ) , ( 'hitcago , miIit 81)l.eu ) , ii ItohelI antI Clututlcelalt , . ltwh ( I lanl , I ) illrumque St. loh ttiitl I Iitmieapuill. lIst -nport , Cttliuar , t'iitl 81111 1ILIitaIIUI& , , l'tIlnusi , Sierpors and tluol'lite-t lImtIig ( ori. in the % orlit are rt , , , till thi tuali , hit. , , . of the H I C MlLWAUlEE&ST.PAULRAILW& ahitl ci ely , ottitto , , , I , . l11ol1l ( I ) lelgers , tOCOittO. , . cli , eniplo. Co of thu t-tiIuipaIty. I titltiLilT , , A. V. Ii , CAltl'INTlit , ( , ) ) Ilanager. ( lc,1 , , liue. Agoat , l. T. CLA ltl (1 lO. I I , 1 I 1A hi01t1) , OietI , Sui1t. . 'ts.t Utmml t'ai. Ag't - - _ _ ? - 1 - . ' . , - . A I 'I ' ii ; C 1-1 : SOLID SHOT AGAINST BLOOD PtuISO'J. ATLANTA , OA.AprIhl7 , 1883. 1,1 , 1878 1 the victim , if a terrlblo lliiod l'tieon gtmti , after liuig , , treattol by three lthYsIdallO , ns con- finctI to 1113' tetl hot alilo to rai'4u toy ha.il . to my - , . . - - , 'Jti ) ) tf ) ilooi , and rIucetl Iii weight - front I 8 , , , ) , t , , I 3 IlIlillItIN. I I hen begumi tim ue of St'I1iS HI'ICII'IC , and lit i-oi tlioii , tIreu mnontha I it ut cut irely o elI , t ehgiieci I 0(1 ( , iiuih , halo muever had a .y. tot itit , , tb , hioeito .Iiit-e _ If It hail not beca . for hIll 11te .Siieclile I belluvu I ould have l.coin In my cr010. .1'hiN ' ) V. liii4IIOL' . 111ll1) ) i'hll lltT i4h ltINOS i tY ( ) \ - l'Alls'iTIIOUT : 111h.11F' MercurIal l1liettinatlsii Itiado na a erlu'Ilu. After tryltg , lint Singe twit years , iti'l , ' tue Mercrv and lsita.ti trcatmnunt tmitiI , I oao a tcIton aitI umailo to do itittIiImug. I 1va4 hirilitiIu.h tmoui to take a 000ree of 14. 5. 5. After takliig three bottle , ill ) ' appetIte lit-gao to Ini.rii 0 , unit I galmit-tl ile.h , rapldl v. tVlicn I hitol tlocit twc1yuhttle I felt ii. , ivell as I ever did. it Ic 1,0w , taclvu tioiithe , .liteo I took S H. ii. My lwalLlt , oid , n 'l'etlte ' are gOIXI , amid I ait ittlu to atond It , all tIn , litteliees ; I eanget. CIIAS. IlfliUJ. jSprtigw , , Jult. I , 1583. 5 $1,00o Reward. tVIII Ito .t ( , any CIolnIet , who will fli'I , on Analy.le , ) f Itt ) hotthos fi. H. H. , cue lartIelu . , f kor. - ctiry , lodIdo 1ttat4iil. ) ) ) ttt any timinerni ttilatanco. TIIU swirlHh'ICIFIU Co. Drawer 3 , AtIatta , 0. -.rwrlto fur the litti. book , whIch wIll ho Inailed free , - - - . _ . _ - - - - - - - - - DR. FELIX LE BRUN'S GG I'IIEVEN'rlvn ANI ) CUIW FOR EITHER SEX , Thlerenieily beimug Injected directly to tlto .oat ot the , IIeau , ruthlre , , , lIlt chiami o of dIet or miaueou , , mierctrlal , , tir , , mimedlc-iltes to be taken Intern. all. When tiscil a , , a prov.mttlvu by either .ox , It Lu ItilliOMitihihO to colitract any private ttl.ea.u ; but In the Ca , , oi tIo.o already unfortunately motilIatetl wit UltOO ) thirtu titisee t' euro , or we wIll reftinu the ltlillity , lrlco by iuoll , iiald , t2 her box , or three hioes for 3. WltIViEN OUAIIANTF.E8 jatued by all authorIzed aiunth. , Dr.FelixLeBrun&Co tHOLl FltOl'ltllrrOltS , 1 ' C. F' . ( It'tolitian , 1)ggt ) , Solo Agent , for 0h ( Not , . ul&e wly Health is Wealth. - " . , & 0 - _ , .5.- , THU'T ' - - i ' Ir ) , E (3. tVcit' , Nero aol hirain Treatment , a g'unraiutecil ' IioeilIe for lfy4odu , IiIzzItieat , uotittl i.louuo , Ilte , Nvrrii , , NeuiritIls , lIea.Ial-lie , Nervou. I'r'ntrntlo ' , , t-auotol ha thu use of alcohol sir tobacco , ii't4l5fulnlCC iletiOth lejruaIoim , 8uftciilti of tlio llrulii , reeultlitg Iii I'uianlty and letuihtig to udset-y , tlt-csy toid tleuth , , I'retmutturu 01I1 Age. flarro.iio. . l.ooe of , In either .ux , iiivoluttarLotou HIriistirrho.oa , cituitl by over OXUrti'll , ii : brain , lf-ahsu , or over-iliIlulgemcc . EacIt ) taitut utu booth's trtatmtiemtt $1.00 a bx , o lioteti for es.0o. 8cnt by mitallprepaiti tin rtlot 111Cc , C WE IIJA1tANTEl SIX BOXIl 'I' . ' Cute all ) cuoc.VIthi each order received by for iii It's accolnhlailoi , WIth $5.00 , 'itiwittititid the us htirvh1oer our orittem , gliaralutee torcumidtlumuunoy if tIle trt-utiaemtt does iotaUoct a cure. ( Iii3ruuitojea ltutoI tiluly by ( I. I' . OOODMN. tii.tt , , WI Onie' 1st Itrnlia ) , Nt'li. JAS , II , PEABODY . D , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , Itesidehico , Ne. 1407 Jone. St. Office , Ne. 1CC' Far. ( haItI iti-et. Oillt , , hour , 12 . to , in. I p me. , arol 3 p. In. 25. ti , It I'lii. ' . 1clQpIioitu for utitcu , D , lUrIo'cnoc , At