Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1883, Image 5

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    T : TUTVS
. .
- - -
- ' -
rromt a 8ohlrces tulsa tIirce.fourt1 of
the Ileaeq of the human nce. Thco
f mptomsjiithcntc thO1rexttonco Lou ot
qetlte , JIocIq ooith , Sick IIe&il.
Clic , lttlIUtaa after cating , ftverSIOn t
C ertlon of hotly or antn1 , EructatlOn
of footi , IrrItnIIIIty of temper , Low
sptrltii , 4t frelliig DC Jutving neglecteti
snno ( lUt3 , JIzzIncsiF1ntcrIng.ttho
ICftrt,1)t before tIe c,1tIIiIycnt-
ored trlne. COXSTfPATIOX , niitl (10.
manti tim use otti reti1 tluit nvtn t1ltect1
on tim Liver. 4saLjvtjrrnctIjcLnoTUTT1
I'IL1.S1rnvtiioc.uaI. TiteirnatLonontho
KIt1neysnii1 skIn Is nto , rompt ; removing
flu 1mpuitIcs tbrotigI tCSQt11reo"eC'V
tnrra oC Ike * tim , " , roduoIn fl1O.
( Ito , onru ifigeatton , regulatr tooIq , n oU'At
skin nndavlgorou9botlr. TVTT'S 1'IIjt.
Cntl9o no flU1sCR OV giIfltng nor lntezoro
witu iIiIly work arni are a perfect
oId cvcrywli r,25c. ( ) I1I.4 I MttrtttySt.N.Y.
ttIA YEa
GRAY 11Am OTt WTHSIURS changed th.
tnfltIy to a GUSS JJLACIC by ft Ritiglo np.
)1ICatIon of Ilita IE. Sold by Drugglsth ,
or 8Cflt by ex'ross on i-ecopt of $ 1.
omen , 4 ttlrrty Rttct , Nw York.
' 1 lhO Oxiiv Perfect eubtituto for Mother's ;
! I ilk. 'fh tuost toirihln tllet for Iii a1ItI. ntitl I
tUrllfl II1thT. COtiitfltiiIid by nil I'Isttlnn4.
ceIt IH all cIItiiatti. i'oIII liv all tIrtitgjts. . A citi.
$ eII1 fflrtho IUiii4iIct ' ' tFe1..t CO. ,
mu.ttI&th.2U 41 Icntri1 Vhtrf , Boston , laci , I
Ittt'r' Stohiich
, . L L : \ HItteri niet the ro. I
, ' .t qtiIrenentM ) f tI ) TlI I
tinijal inettleni t'iIIos. ) I
o1iy IiIci ) at lirel ! . I
, ent rcvIl. It I a I
- . . jcrftctIy pure vge-
. tftIIICrLfllI.OtflbrIC. I
' - Ii the lirce Irper. I
- tkN ( II are CfltI' . e , ft
tUIC nttil
the. It fortfles the
1)tIV a&atftt tIIlCRC ,
1n froratcN ftflit I-U.
' itahi7es the torpkl
' tiinnt'h , , tni 11 % er ,
$ afll ( effects a1utrr
CiIltlIC In the entire
STO ACI I3StCIU. Fnr aIe by
L i : istIInd DezIers
gcnc1L3' .
nm&.eoI& ;
ror You ,
Madam ,
Whoso Complexion betrays
soiiie huinilinting
tion , ivhose iiiirror tells you
that you are Tanned , Saflow
and disfigured iii count e -
mince , or have Eruptions ,
Rediiess , Jtougluicss or uii-
wholesome tinis of Coninlox-
ion,1vo say use liagun's 'Mag-
nolia Balm.
It is a (1elieate , lianuless
anI delightful article , Pro-
duciug the most natural anti
entrancing tints , the artifici'
ality of WIiicIL 110 observer
/ can 1ctect , arni v1iich soon
becomes orniiiiioiit if the
I Magioila aim is judiciously
1Tc Publicts requested carefully 0 ntzce thc
new and enargcI2 Scheme o be drawn MonWjj.
' PRIZE $75,000. Tickets Only
\rCAPITAL Proportion.
Lonisiana State Lottcry Conipally
" We do hereby cerUJy that we luperrse ( 1h6 a ,
rangement for all ( h , ' Moithly , ( intl Seni..lnHtLaL
Drawnga of the LvuWarnz State hotteril Comany.
add im veron ; nezIaye and contr ( te Irawin
Men'Jeves , arni thai th same are CnIdUCfrd with
F honestU/airneu. and in good/algA toward all vat.
tieg , and we authorize the coinpan ! , t' tle this cer.
tificate ' withac.irtUe of our signatures attached.
4 in sta a'dvertggernent
C0MMIsI0cKR $ .
Incorporatoci in 1S6 torl5year3 by the IcgIsltur
for cducationai and chnritablu purpues-wItIi a cap.
Itai of $1,000,000-to which a rucro fund of ever
$550,000 ha Inco been nhlIleI.
fly At ) overwf1eiIIIIIg voIIIIar vote ti tranehlse
wu matte a ) ) art of thu precnt Mate contttution
adopted IecemLicr 2t1 , A. 1) . 18W.
Tiii' only Lottery ever voted on 011(1 endorsed bi
people of any state.
Ig never Scales or J'otpone
iti grand single number drawings take
place monthly.
c ' \ TUNE Eighth Grand Drawing , Ciais if , at Now Or.
Ioan TUESDAY , AUflUST 14 , 1883-150th Monthly
100,000 TICIUr3 at FlVI DOLLAItS IAClf. .rac :
tlon , In Fttth In i'roportlon.
L1T liP rRUM.
1 CAPITAL PlUZl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ mooo
1 do tb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,000
I do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ioooo
2 1'JtIZS OF * 000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,000
5 do 2000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000
10 do 1000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i0o
o do too. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ioooo
100 do 200. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
300 do 100. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . soooo
b00 do 50. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ooo
1000 do 2.5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
p ApproxImation Irlzu of 750. . . . . . . . . . . 8,7t0
0 do do 0o. . . . . . . . . . . 4,11)0
0 do do 250. . . . . . . . . . . 2,20
1967 1'rlw , amounting to. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Applleatloii for rates to IIoIld nuily ho rnle
t. the office of ttio Company In New OrlcanL
For further IrifrtnatIoii write clearly IvIri full
* 4dreII1. Send ordeN b ) Ixprei or Mall , addrvetl
niy to
ST. A , flA1'rIilN
arM. A. 1)AUI'IIIN , Now UrIeanM , La.
1107 Sucnth St. , 'abhuIIgtuIJ I ) . 0.
B. Frank Moo re
1 127 La Sal/c Street. C/iica jci ,
Ii FornIerly BID arId 212 Jlrlwa , N. Y. )
i ' / .1 Now 51an340r of Chkago 0111cc. ' 1.0 s1ioin apply S
.j' t lnforinatlin and tickct. 150th Monthly
Dra lug ,
Tuesday , August 14.
I'Irst Capital i'rIZO , 16,00O. T1ckvtt 1. Sold In
Ilfth at l oach. Sotu IoU .cbeiuo vlbewbere ,
( st ri 1t.W.1W.
_ - _ - -
: : : : : ITvTmUDuKj ! 1uiiy , bjjjj'7
The Wealth of Bon1as Coulity iii a
A ItlelL LIHI Vimt'leiL ' . , 'ort ment ot'
Realty nitL L'evMoIItllty.
FrOIIi ati abstrmct of the assesineimt of
louglM county for the year 1888 , tlit'
following iukrcatitmg ftstic are oh.
tuiitit'tl :
' 1lieru are iiitliu collitty ( H .10 1t1)r5eVnl.
tlel ttt $1L,8lJ8 ) ; 14.i73 IICUl of cattle ,
ValUCl at s1ru,71 ; 744,1 aIlti ttsses ,
Tiiluetl at 272.O $ ; l8S9shcep ,
1.tO)8 ) 11Og , $3,8A. ! )
'I1herc arc 121 stoatit engines inchuling
boi1or , Vaitleti at $18JiJ , munt 303 fit'o
utiid btitglar proof safei , !
In IlilditiOlt to timoso theru b Ute fo1ltv.
iIIg SltOVil1g
\ ° altle.
8. Billiard , Pgoo)1 ) llol , B.tgatalle ,
or other alimullar tabioq , N.u. 41 , . .
9. Carrlage and wngon , No. 38S1 , 7L,7LI
101ttCiIC.4 auuul e1IckM , No. 2003 , 17bi' ' )
I I . nuni knitting uicitl lies ,
No. 744. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
It ! . Piauioforte , O. 538. . . . . . . . . . .
13. It1ode.nis nuiti orguus , No. 33. ' b,8 Il
14. Fraiieiuis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
l. Alllillities uiiiul ruIyaitie4. . . . . . . . .
111. I'ateiit i1g1it , No. I . . . . . . . . . . . tO
17. StL'IlilIl > ( , atI , sailluig
\ % hart lIIIlt $ , lflhlge.4 , lur
Iatercntft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1tl.I eruliatitlIso , , II iIIIII. . . . . . . . 71) )
I 'S ) . uitei 1111 nuuul iiui.uuti Lwturt'ul .
tick' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
20.1ttiiiifiiet reru. ' t cuols , itui uio
IIIOIILM , aunt iuiiciul uucry ( tither
thij.ii lhiheni 111111 C ugi iies ) . . . . . . . 33G0O
21 . gricimi tuirah ti thi , iiuuiileinent. . . .
ZLIIII niachihtier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
22. Iiii1 tUl(1 siter hiluito sare 0,429
21. I ) inulouuI4 : utiuil jewelry. . . . . . . . . 0,11) ) . '
24Iouiovs if batik , luiker , broker ,
tir stuxk.Juuiber. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1S093
2 ! . OECI1i1I of hnnk , banker , liniker ,
tim. btIck.Julbl'r. . . . . . . . . . . . 18bO ) I
2) ) ' , . htuint'y , titlu'r thaum of batik . ,
banker , broker , or i.tock.jubhuor , tI)2O )
2T. ( 'rcuhit. , other thtait tif batik ,
banker , broker , or ut.uwk.job1wr , 31S50
28. Bouid , stocksinil : Htnte , county ,
clty , iiiae or school district svar.
ratitiuuunl tuitiuuicipal securities ( If
1u13' kind wltitever. : . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,1)10 )
21) ) , Siiareu of cIltal : iittick ( If LIjifl.
II1ILM utuuil nqsocuathn4 not in-
corporateul iy till ) IV.I8 of this
litAte , C.CClit s1iaro.i of stock of
inttiouial ltiulcM. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
: o. Propeity n.M iuauiliioker. . . . . . . . 1,350
31. l'roperty tuf couuipnuiies nitul cor.
JIiratmou1 ( , oIlier thati IurIorty
hereinafter intineti . . . . . . . . . . . . . 050OPT
32. JrIt1ge PrhIcrtY. . . . . . . . . . . . . 250,000
33. Property ( It sit1ouiiii uitiil . catiti .
houseii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,145
: i I. 1lntichioutl or ofhiu fiurnituuto
fltl(1 property. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237,727
3,5. luiveiituiient in reM estate utitil
ituuhiroveullent thiert'on. . . . . . . . . . 53,615
an. Aiuiouunt of raiiroaul property. . 491,930
87. Aiuiu > , iuut of te1egraih ivert. .
38. All other rimrty required tobe
listeil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2(4,040 (
Total value of } ) C0litt1 PrPertY . .
ni.ti. : EST.tTg-tANIIS.
Nuunber if : tcris of ito
iauiul,77,5Sl.00. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1)70,21S.50 )
Nuniber ut neres of
Iauu(1iI , 118,553.03. . . . . . . . . . . . 1,002,051.50
Total nuniberof acreii of launi ,
, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ , ) , .
Nuuuiber of iiuiiiroveul village or city
lots , 5H94..S 4,011,895
i'iuuiiber tif tiuliluiIIroc(1 village or
citylot8 , 7I27. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,312$8.
Total numnbor of lot.i , 13,321 . . . . .S 5,357,780
Tottl : value of all lrolwrty..10,9J,50U (
There are how iii cultivation in Douglas
Co. , 1,021) ) noses of wheat , l0,008 acres of
corn , 0,39.1 acres of oats , acres of
barley , 7oSu , f l1teado2,285 acres
of rye , 157 acres of inillett , 20 acres of
hungarian grass , 285 acres of Itax , 39(1 (
acres of Potatoes alIl 3G2 acrejs of astuio.
There are also 60,588 fruit trees , 1,878-
081 forest trees , and 57,57G grauvmes.
. . .
= .
i .1
P rils of Power.
San Frsnclsco Clurouikal.
Abraiui S. Hevitt , a promnimielit Demo-
cratie member of Coii"rcss from New
York , 18 credited with the expression that
litu sliriuka from the alvico of his friends
to beconie a candidate for the vresidency
front a fear of the Perils of assassinatiomi
ilICidOnt to time liouulci' of that oflice. If
iioniiiiated and electe(1 , lie 8mt378 he should
IIOt expect to servo out his full tarot ,
but would feel sure of being ) nurlcred by
sonic crank of the Gutcau \\'ilkas Booth
tV1)e. Such au expression froiui a utah of
as good nomise as Mr. Hewett merits
something better timami a simeer of coii.
tenipt for his want of courage. If it is
true that the Pre8iieIltial oflico is already
subjected to such l)01110U8 eiiviroiiiiients ,
the truth ought to be made known , the
catises ascertained and the relncly diii-
gently sought and prIulItIy applied.
It is 110W over ciglitecim years silica
President Lincoln assassinated. From
that time backward to the immauguration of
the first president was a Period tif seven-
ty.six yaern , in which thirteen ( litheicIlt
gentleinemi ware olectel to the oulice-
seveli of thaimi for it sicoud and six for a
simigle termut. None of them sere moor-
ulcied. Two of titemis ( lied in ofilce , utitti
their constitutional successors , time vice-
presidumits , vore allowed to hold for the
remainder of. the terms without threat of
personal violence. There were rumors
of an attetmi1it to poiseli Buchanan , but
they had no bettet foutudatiomi than time
bare suspicion of ommo political party by
amiotlier , A crny naval officer muado a
jersonal auatmlt on I'resideimt .Jackon ,
but that was Ito attempt to kill. ' [ 'ho
imiurdar of Lincoln oecrred in the midst
of a poliiea1 coimimnotiomi such as has miot
been felt in the world for a thousand
years ; but it is now well known that those
v1to took arty lrt in it or were in any
crimmminal way accessory to it , were a mere
halilfUl ( of pursmis wiUmout rank or cimar.
actor or any jllitical stamidiuig. 'limo
inurmier of Garfield was by a low fellow.
iirobably tmnsettleul of immimid
fromii no excss of vanity ; and SI ) ( iii' iu
time long ail ! ( tedious trial mIhlowecl , time
flJtSlLSSili had iieither jiot , nor accommipijea
iior coimfitlammt. 'I'Jia pretext for tim kill.
log of Lincoln was that ha was a tyrtumt ,
though no ruler had boon moore careful
titan lie all tiirotm"lm time terriblu crisis of
his iLdltlilmistratiomi to Iltiop withumi time
bound s ( if thu CllStitm ) tiium I Itimil hiIV , 11(11'
111010 ineicifiml to titmoic n hic , 1001 immtiiias.
ly i iolatt.d theni. 'l'htu oxcusu fur limo
lmlliltJl ) of ( ' ; tr1ield that , in thu iqumi
1011 of limo single wretch 'who iilalIllIli (
itmiti ( I i ii ti mu l liii mmg , (1 ( to presitli i t ttit Hi Iii
thu of it bettor 111811 for time oflico.
1iel : m i if tim eio ill Imtlums I I ill El inliikmmb Ily
simockeil thu iimuit1 emiso of nil iiohitieai
iItrtieS amid tif all sectjiis of 11mm. , coummitry
III id Imeithier ( if thom hits :1)1) ) ' dtitimdui
tmiyihiero at tiuk day , iLi they simioly
ititi1t1 have if tin , sjirit of imSSLSStIiIttjIii
himUl ( thy Ruirit iii timi , 'tiuteiiimm : 111111(1 ( ) i'
clmtracter. 'I'hmere is imo sign iif appichiomi.
)4out ) that the act of ( I uitcum will lie ia-
taiimted on ( laifield's CJIIIltitUtj0110j Bile.
cessor. 'l'lmo successor of Lincoimi , though
lie immade bitter war on the policy imi-
auguirated by tiwse who had all BlOlig ad.
Imeicul to Lincoln , was never put in p -
sonal jeopardy , save by the conatitu.
, . - . ' -I 5 m 1,000 I brk _ i p. tm1. ;
tional Inotluoll of iiiipextctunuent . \'hucim
PrcsilwiL l1rmrrmon timed mid \'ice.l'rtsi
tieuit. 'I'yior succecled ImitmI , ( lie
of the nrty ( lint dectetl lIuurisoum wore
I , l'CVCi5Cl , It VauisCl P. lotutl outcry ( if
rage , litit miothumug itiore. 'limoro were tin
threats ( if personal iih'miC0 In 111(1 111(111
whim had betrayed limo \Vhigs. Nearly
the auuuo I lung happened viioii'iec
Presideuit. Fillmore stiect'du1 Presiulciit
'l'uiyior , hut nn one ulIihuu'thuCiitlCl ViOIClct' ) ,
nor vas it nttemn1itetl. 'I'hero i not iii
all the worll at this inomuueiut a tiuler
VImth'0 life is felt 10 hO utuoro sC1IIe ? from
utssassinatioii thaut l'rcsident Artluar ,
\Vithiiui the period that huM elapsed siutco
time inalugumrntion of I'resident W'ashiutg.
1(111 8iX ittteumupts hnve beau made to
tak0 the life tif time most nuuiallo ruuicr
Emuglaui&L hua ever loul , aumil siw a
'puecut ; a king nuol queen of Fr.iuico
vero bohucaded , tWO other kings iiiud.
omit , ciulperur auuml emmupress Of Ill ) . ' 551110
coutmitry hmavo had to save their lives by
flight ; two eiii"eivrs ittussimi Iivc beemi
iiittttlei'eil , while it thiitl one Is lit tlauly
Pj1 of assltssiulatllu ; lilt uuulperar cC
( Jormuany has Ieeii niuce shut aill ( oftuut
eriiiuusiy lhIi'fltCuiCl a ( ( iWeil _ of Spaimu
hiss 11:1(1 : tti cluotiso between abdication or
tiesthm ; a liritish i'riimto i1imuister ( lr.
Perceval ) huts tieeuu uuituillCiCl , StILl mi
Ottounitut stultaut hut otmt of ( hue way by
his Miiuisters ,
'rhmeso inoderut unal ctintemuiorutry coiu-
tnists turn the dohirnus 1iessimuiisuit of1r. .
Hewitt iuito ridicule. If we for aut-
cient ones titoy tue still tunic iii our favor
by I he cnmipnrisolu. 4 Ibiumiai m Cuustul
atid lbiiuiaui Seuuators COuiSjuiuCl foi time
iuumidIi ( if tue ( Iniceiti brtithmer , thought
the 't'iihuttiititui olhico they lucid reuidered
their lives iiiviolablo by a law so sacied
that ; it yas treuiiiui to propose its oiiel.
'l'htu first Ciesar , while wearing that
I titan uuti tital eroiu I hue
( lictatorimil wreath , " was titurdereti
ilk the ( hiatt Semiatu , ittit by entuiks ,
but the couisluiratoru , CuuuiliOSel f Semis-
tors , miutti utftervnrds npiIuuuded b n ,
less ii persmimtgo thumtut ex.Coimstul Cucero.
Of ( ho first tvIve rulers kutown as Ccii-
sars emily tiiiee---Octasitus muid
- - - , Ves1ualitii
' [ 'ittus-were Peruttitted to iie a timituirimi
( leittil , ' [ 'iberius was ItuuothtcicI jim his
bed ii ) ' tue eouutmnander of his guuards ,
Gauilimha lierisiteti by it palace iuutrigimo ,
Chauuliims ( Iermshmcd by Imis imicestuintus vifo ,
Nero . was forced to kill lmiuumseif , Cimilemm
% .as imiUVleucl by Othuo , % hi ( ) in
turn was killed \espasuaui's orders ,
while Doniituaui was the vi"tiumt of a 1)51-
mice conspiracy. For a peiiol of seven
years longer thuati lust frouui Urn imisugn-
ration \Vashimugton to the assassination
of Liticolu li'o 11(1111511 cmnperors verc iii-
iOWCl to live out their lives without a
violent cnling , but sifter l'tltitctis Aura-
litis , frouui Coinunoduis to Couistaumtine ,
imurder rmts tim rule 511(1 itot time excep-
The itistoiy of the imuimiimui ntce expunumis
this flLct-tiumtt a ( ( ouhico is always
a perilous oiie , auiotmt in proportin as tim
holder ( if it ciuscmits to 1)0 governel by
the forum of law. There aic amucli rare
exceptions as ( lie ( lespitie reigmi of Iotmis
xlv , mmd Aieximuider hue Great. nu1ord.
The uuiicriclui pmcsidjncy is tiuto of the
imiost \ ( q'lhiceuu iii tue world. If
the euiujiemir of Germutaity has more
thumimi I ii lillemit 1rtiutmtit is uiuily because
he hiss a larger stmndimug army at his comut-
muand. As bug as our Iresilcmits respect -
spect the COmlStitUtiOii autti law , which mire
the fouindatiomis of their great li'\ver ,
time ) ' wiil rcmiusin a.'i secure front violence
to their porsomis ums it is possible for a
ruler to be. lImit 11(1 pcrsouu can Im sceumee
froiim such aecideimts as caused tue death
of Liimcoimi mumtl ( uart'meldnot even tiioso
iii private StibtiJli. It is a scaittimul
upoui hue Aumuericami character 511(1
iuistittutioius to assert that tim iifo
of tue presidemut is on as prccarioius
grouumid as l'tlr. Hewitt putt it , so long as
time liresidents i-estnaimm their aunbitioii
within the law. Aitul it may be safely
asserted that of all time lmIJSideittS froimi
\Vashiington b Arthur not oum humus at-
tf3m111)tc(1 ftnytiiing like a serious usuirpul-
tioii of pnuer ; for we itiust accept time
judgiiient of time senate in the acluittl
of Johnson oii time articles of imis iunpeacim-
niemit by time iiouso that lie acted within
time law 511(1 tue constitution.
Tii propose remedies for such erimmues as
Boatim maid ( initcaum comuuimiittcd woiukl be
idle or worse. Time most effective oime
WOmill 1)0 5 military lody.gmiard for the
president , tim comiversion of his resi-
deuce iimto a fortification autd the sedti-
sioii Of imis person froiui tim loolilo after
tiuo fasiiiomi of an oriental des1)ot.
Such a remedy wouid be infinitely
worse tiiaui time ( lisease to be cuured , Aim
Aimmericaii lresiIemtt ( shiommld ho as open to
tue approach of mumiy citizen as time governor -
nor of mu state , muid viiemi the timmmo comimes
timat imo cautmiot be safe from time pistol or
dagger of 1)rtisan ; elmeimmics without a iiiii-
litary guiard suurroimndimig his palace or
person wimerever lie may go , thma hour of
time deathi-kiteli of the rcpumbijc wiil iuot
be far till , tim hour of time eluiulire close at
immu. ! . ? ilr. Hewett seemus to timink timmt
iiotmr already arrived , \Ve do mint.Vo
have faith in the people mumd time law , not.
to lie sluakcim by two ur timrce accileIuts
1uast imimumunut elhbrt. to prevent , uui(1 mumty
mush vhi ( ) lacks suicim faitim is miol. mm fit par-
Stilt ( tCli IA ) lie limelitituic(1 fir . time ofimee.
- - -
Imumsy as tile "Bee. "
Snyder's cIrriage factory is crowded
itim .irlws for his cclebnuted Plimotlins
1111(1 I1iid wagons , whuicim so far could imot
be exceiied either by Emuiturmi \Vcstcrd
mmimuitmfimettmrcrs , It is uiimumpiy vomiderfui
ill , ) ' . ' extensively 1i1r. S'Iyler Imas blieli
alvortised , in the simort tiuumo of omuo yeaR- .
Wu have it from good autimority that ime
11103 mmmdc mimud 501(1 muuoro liuggies , romol
sagoliB aimmi , immujmms timaum luava all tue
carriage mmmcii 1mm this city. At the jirezicnt
lie isat workori over sei'emity fine jimeces of
womk for semite ientliimg rusidemits of our
It. will pIy you t . see Ntmum's Veiiimmgs ,
Buiutimigs , 1)ross ( leeds , Silks , Ladies' ,
GeiitlUiuuOim'H and Cimildrumu's lJuudcrwoar ,
Hosiery , ( iloyu Our prices muro always
as low iou limo iowest , auutl lifteR lower.
See tiuemui at. Bumsimmimaim's.
- - .
Time Sumnmmiur Fire Kimmiller is now on
time mmuarktit. Ask yommr gm'ocer for it mmiu(1
reduce yotmr fuel bills lift ) ' 1101 emit.
Fuesh Liimmo .1 imicu : mt 10e 11am' iottle at
( Ioodmmimui'm4. :
- - - -
JIitil1jon logiki.
'I'hio miii ii i i m mu t , ( Jmml I f uii imi 115 iuosv tijiomi
for huuimmess , niiml ; tH5amIgers ( Ill momito to
flue 1'tciti coast via thus line Iuttvi a
do iietu , if i iuomo mmml ta titan i 'I ' i d I m
( Ithu C1 I I m to I 'it t ut ( Ii mutl iii.
'l'ouimist tickets to COhoumLmlo at. greatly
icul uieeui immtcs I I Ii % I ii i smile. ' ii id t re-
I i miii umitti I I let u , ( 81 sit , ( ucat ci moicu if
1011(013 ( , Coil imuid 14CC.
14CC.A. . F. Iloimiimw : ,
Corner 1'itiu mmmiii F'mmmiuaumu , 'l'k'kut. Agent.
I ( leodtf . .
- -
Cimu.rks tturora Coffle is time best , Ask
your grocer Every pmmekago guar.
mmImtcI , II , 0 , CItitK ( I Co.
- - -
= .
- -
t.t . a : -i-- :
A11cc Giaiito ! Fralls in the S1e
of Stock Rnos.
A \'ortl ( \'flm'lultg floiit a
itztmm to L'imrehumuseru I lust Slmoumkl
Be Cmtrof'mmhl ) ' licetleti.
Froni the 1)emwcr Repiibiicaii ,
it 'us not tu be thought that itiiuiing is
tiuo oumiy risky business jut the stAb , or
flout it 1103505508 1' . iuiOiOiOl' of time
frmunl suit cimiesiucry pnmeticutl tupoum time
itiumii-t'uit iiuurcite , it. is ti-tue timmut the
lutist uipparciut frauds brought. to light in
this stto have liceii itt tiumut. ( leluiirtuuietit ,
muuitl tiumut time too creiltulous iuuv'sti1 in
time cast have beau bitten so often by
bogus euitcrjirises , flint , i'mke time trout
(111CC Imonked , lie v1ll not give iminitluor
1jup , ' , Tki $ 8tmtQ ( is 110W rvapiimF time !
fmmuits of this ( t'ushioutesly , s policy s
simoit sighted iii its dctitiis uuutmi etiects
timuit. it limits nile Iii tiulmid of time fmtbhel
uiimiui wimo killed timt goose that laid time
goimlemi egg.
Everybody kmuows of time depressiotu iii
ltmin'mug , anti of its efFects out geuieral lou.-
smumess , 'l'imis apathy is tint dime to auuy
decrease iii tue otutpmtt fmoiui the state , its
flue Imust. nuiutuuul report. vihl simow. 'l'hie
yearly ( imitpmlt is emi the iiuciemuse. 'l'huo
( luuiluess jut uuminiuug is dmue to thu fact that
the uuiatket is overdoume , there is un
Even legitinumute sales aunt paying iuivest-
uuimuts go a liegiiuug.
'l'imo enatermi cppitauist lois beau taken
I fm'iuicuitiy that lie itas umo taste for
aumythuiuig iii LI me sluimpe of imuimuilug , 1111(1 ill
coumscqmmemtce time state nitmi tim city , mutter
mu. lirief 1iciiod of uxfluimlilel limislicrit ) ' ,
1110 11(1W roluipsimug iuutn duull tiutues.
Socouul ommiy to our uuuitu I mug jut 'tii-ises
collies time cattle butsiiiuiss. It. is qmies-
tiouualie vimetimer it. is simortly ( lestilteti
I to liectimmia otmr lendimig iumtlmuuutry. it is
I fitting , thieu , timat in this linuncim time iieo.
pie sluoumld 11(11 reieumt their uxlierieuuco ut I
toilming. 'I'Iueme us the reatest. tlititgei
titmit. the cattle bmmsimmess , iuko uuiiiiing , tiuny
be overloiuc , miii tluuu.t. the too great. '
simrewluuess exerciscl iiuty recmil. ,
Already investors are iemirtiiiug to 1w
very emttutiomms , 1111(1 timey are begiuumiiuug to
tiuiitk tiimut. 11(1 rel'mmuice can be limtcel upomu
sales ill cattle. 'l'hue have ieariied the
fiinid iii time liusimiess , aunt uiimtuiy a pmmr.
chaser imas fonimd , wimout it is too late , thnmt.
tito facts womild imot tally with the lnol-
simowimig , auni that time rouge deliveries ,
like ciiarity , COVeiOl a iiitmltittmde of
A i4tMI'tli MCtlIi11.
A. leading Colorado ciu.ttio tush
iiiig at tue st. yesterlay in-
formite(1 a llepmuliiicaui reporter that the
sciioimius pr.tcticed were miomn tiuing mutter
the folboriiig tirdor : ' " [ 'lie 'reimimmauttim'
of a 'l'cxas herd mmre picked. up at. simimuhl
ligtmres at Fort. Dodge. 'l'hmen mm tract of
goveiutiitaiit. imtiid , emi iiiciu t.iiey iievei-
' 10S0 111) ) ' iS foumeed in The remnitants ,
imiostly liarreim cows and lnmy steers , are
1)iI1CC(1 ( iii this tract , 101(1 are carefully
hooked. After a year or two tiucy mite
turned ioosu to waumler imititer mind you
OH time piitiims. 'l'lme itmituurmul increase is
carefully couutpumted ( iii the books ; hut
tue lnmrciimtser will thiti timmut limurrcmm couvim
muiml stcei-s mtie fearfuul staggerors to hue
cnttle utica's laws of natural increase.
[ Ic imtiglmt just as vehl look for calves iii
stmcim mu iierl its to eXlCCt. aity refomin to
cinie frommi time deuuioenutic party. Tilire-
over , the hMk13 ) muinde Ito nllowmuiice for
mtiuriitkmuge , nmiy unmiro titan does time deumio.
ciatic purty ; iuummko muity mucklmovledgeuuieltt
of its auimuitilomtctl ltiimtciPleS.
' 'lie imuight mis vel1 iook for calves imu
stmeli a Imerd , " comitiiiued the cattle inmuit ,
' 1(5 to expect to timiti diatmioiuls iii liar.
iitYiY , auitl lie viil timid time sales by booker
or rmumge ( lelivei-y aboumt as reiimtbie as
sales frouti mill rmmns om assay i-euiriis. it
beimooves time umiiiimitiatcd iimestoi to lie
vei-y wary of any smiclu sales. Let. butt
investigate tue title I\ tlue Iurimuio
ramtcim , amid lie viil freqtmc\ly \ find tm , his
( lee ! ) climugriim timmut. imo lots beau tue moo-
edit uumrciuu.sei : , at fabuul us ligumres , of
goveritiiteimt Imuid to whuii9 time sellem' had
Rio chmimmu , amid on u'iiichm lie humul iiuu'er
1)rS'OIi ill , .
"Or lot itimmi takoa 1)OltY mumid ride over
time rmuigo , muiid imo vii1 liitd tiue Iieid to iie
in reality only omie-hmmulf as lalge as time
books SiiOW it to be. If , by cimance , 1w
has given Imis check before lie ita tmmkcmm
this 1)recmuutioii , imo will awakeim like the
barber's brother jim time 'Arabiaii Nights , '
to fimmd timmut Imis
whiclu ( lry up and blow muway.
I ' 2 illiUl wimo is ( loing mm bmulu fide hmmi.
11088 ougimt never to lie afraid of siiowimig
his immumd. I f he is imumikimug a saie of
1,000 imemud of cattio , 1w ougiut. muover to
1w mufrmucl IA ) simon' time I ,000 lmcmuh , 1(11(1 1(11
imonest seiier vill do suu. A. imumui vluo
knows thimut Ime has .iiuiy 200 lmeal aIR the
range iutI I ,000 on hue Iwiuks , will try
aiid iunmke a teiiu by tiuu bioks or range.
( lelivemy.
-'I have known of suclm traiusactieimis ,
imuit iiimiiteml oitimei to mummy omie Portion of
thu stiute , tLlmiug ; lilmce _
Aiuotitei' cattle imimmmi , who had listeited
npurovimugiy to the foregoing comiversa-
tiout , smuith ' ' 1'lumi imave imiore timan once
been tue iiuirchuimseis of immuid to which time
sailer had muot the siigiutest claim , Rouge
deliveries , mmld to commthiim 10,000 1105(1
have been found iii reality to comitaimi wily
2,000. TInt emumterii capitalist immts fouuiud
timat. there is no Jvur oil earth , except
that of veii amid iitk , which will imuaku a
steer large with calf , ' 1'luu hiuw of iuatumrmil
ilucreaso immum utica mummulu to nieamm the uimi-
iuaturnl law of imicreaso ( to time pocket
book of tluu suilci- ) , amid thuimugs Imuuve
baeii su , distorted thmiut already time
dislmoimeuit aumtl legitiunmite bmisimuess is
nieotimmg witim acimeck because of Limo dis.
trmmnt existing amongst tint buyers , Cup-
itumlists are not infrequently put to the
reumtest oxuemtse uiiiml iiiconveuiieimee iii
imivestigating sales ollered , emily to limol
tiuuut , iiku time limit dollar , time value was
umli iii thmo paer. \Ve honest , square cat-
tie imieii emutem oumr protest agiuimuit this
ciuicmmmury.Ve wouuiml 1uit. imtvont.ors out
tlmeii guar(1 , Slid WU Witli(1 servo time
tricksters miotico to go 1410w uummd lmolml
ud , "
- -
Of i\1 \ i ii i mmery miiuil lumi I cy ( , ii.
: ft' ) ( ) ti-imitimmed Jbiiuiitjts ummmd hats less
thai u huh f
rioo ummmtrinuuuued I fats mmmiii Jlolmuuutn 8(11(1 (
tegmuidluss of C4)iit ,
Ciimm o imuud see i iou im.u yti ) u 1 iuiy , 'J'i p ,
1'l ii u mm es , ihiviui-s , I lii i hi 'us , % c. , at tutu
imiuluuo uel iuctiiimis ,
119 N. 15th St.
- - -
'l'iue S mm mm m mu lamF'j to i I m ud ho m in m ion' i iii
thu immiiiket , Ask yium gmoccr for it. : mntl
iciltiemi youlrfmlulbilhiliiftypui' CcItt ,
T1Ii 1.O'iV $ ilOt $ .iUI' (1(1 ( ,
Cimhl ajol sac liricos silica time inmmrk
( low II ,
A. 1) , MOitS1 ,
l4tim St. , , l'axtomm hotel ,
For \Viuitu Lead ummtcl Mixed Paint.u Cote
to Gootlomumi's ,
: : -
Thl .T " itNO\VIjI1)OI. 15 l'O'u'Iht
NII:1is : No IRIIONSTIRATION , AND iii : Wll ( ) 1W
F.X1'IuttlNtI : : : uccows T111 'A1U OP TAR-
NIui : TO itI T01I 'IIIAT 1hl 1IAS IT S'lT1ll4
ilh 1'o\Vlit TO W.u.Imt ) tFL' } y } flq 111L10L8
.tn.wiis , iii.tii.u.eiii , ANti Al. ? , 'IJIR ut.LS
AhulSIxa I'lUM A 1'littlflltu ' ) ) : ) srtt.u.eit , i.iii : )
tilt _ huolt..q : . T.tsu'oONFt'h , IN A Ill'
% .u.TI1 : , uuiini : : IATINU : , trrs LIRE : A t'IAIIM. )
, u.I ) wisu : M.SvII.1. . iuu s'hiiioti' hr.
Iolt : iuy A1.14 l'lmtunisj's
Capital , - - $250.000.
Ju. ut IIEAI1I'\VEIJ. ,
A. . . ( Ii u : , l'rt'sltlvuuL
I. ( ' .
I , . I' . vlIisinut. : ( 'ahicr ,
tIIREt'ttluM ) :
Samuel Aleuanlcr , ( lasald Ohlter
A. L rlsrko , i : . i'
tic. ' . I I i'rstl , , ls. . U I Itarts cli ,
Ii St. MeillIImuul1 :
Pirst Mortgage Loaus a Specialty
1ui l.'OlitI'5ui fuiruil.1ie ft l,00itaieiut ? 1101110 muitutiu.
tltu , i luvr. st'ii'til fl.iii. , auil , iluvr lcgIRy tuie.l M lu
, ikI1l Sociuvitki lii Neiirasl.a caii ho mucRI'tiatl 'I ? ,
thy lno4 to . 'ntl.le tcriuv. iiuntt oni iuiprto eil
faflnq iii all n ( 'II , cttlrl citiuut ir , ( if Uio ( tiItI I iiri'nh
rrspomufl4o h.ui .n.'siotIcuiu , ,
OhtlINANCE NO. rnt.
A ii oriIiitut to e ) ii.h . 13th t rcvt iii ) luii et I I III
aI.IIt I , , , , 'otutli to iauienilt ! t met lii l.iuluiia , adilt
ti'i , It , tIuc cIt. of Imitlua
it , , it oriliuuel ly ( liii ( ' 1(1 ( ( 'onuiell of tii , , cIty ( It
tuiius ) :
Still , , , , I 1iit It t huenty ileeian.h uIc.' % to
RllInm , rIStI , the tnulii iuiii , Irscrlta'l liitl ui.m nit
( 'tote hir the ) iiuraIti of . ) u4mitlg utuit ot ( 'II.IIIIC liii Ii
, .tnrt in IIIII , cri i till iii. ) mu lci , to thu city of ( Hitaiti
iiititii 10 il.iiicn.t ( lItit't lii ( itiuimi , . RIlilli bum ti tiid
tt ( . los It : Ih'iui ii luu on 111(1 ' .uittii , dilo ofluut oil
1.1 net ut u I1luit MOiut Ii of I lie t'.t't , diit , alit ) sioit I , ( ' ( III
of aI.i 13th si rOut Ii , iIoi i'ry I 1111 ailIlthuui t. 111(1 I
( Iti of I iuuuals , nui.l luau , , I hiuii , , vtlin lug u'out Ii I ii i , I
iiiiiilvtI uiuul , .lutvfuir ( : el ) f'et Ii , tluc iou I ) of
lluiciof ( si nit hi ( iiIuiuus li Itloii to I Ii city 4
Ouniuha , tilVll ( ' ' em along tli , , north 'Ito of , .nl.l
II tiwrofi , .t I et fill utlmnu ; iiil , ft halt ( liif ) fttit , 1 ( ' ) (
luott Ii tii u , lnuiiilt of Iutht bIty four ( tI4) ) hot Ii , I lii ,
Mliil ii , Ilo ( if u.luutouu , .trvt , uiil tiuciut , , , a..t stuiiuig the
.iiitl , 'Iti , ' III al.lluit ( II st i.t.t ItIty-tuiree and u half
(5:11) ( : ) fttt I , , thu i.lio i.t l'eglui uillug , auiil 11w f.m. .
gImi ) l'oiiunIeI 11111 tlMrlI.eI rial ctstv t'e tiuitt the
i-aiuue lq hemel , aipv.mrIatcih by ( hue thy of tumiRlift
foi tli liurI..o , if il.iiiIuuii imiul vtuidIi , tliti
l8tlm p.1 riot as f.reiitl StIll I lie uimavor l uirrt'tiy
aiutiiirleil aiil ( ui'i % % , , rt to aqlnt tlivt'e aliiu'nb. .
115 to mu'ertalui mumil RmpniI.u the tlaiirnge.i , If any , the
111 % mi'lI ( If sum meal , . .iat ( ii 111t ( ) , .iitaiui liy riaMlut ( f
nat.u , of thu ( % iPrm1tmstImi , of , ali rt'sl , % .tat ( , 5
iii i'vtoiit.
Snc. 2 flint til ) imolluimune , , , .iumIl f akti cITect and
tmt , In f.mvie troui tuiit uft'r tOi
m'aMu .hiily 1(1 , iS.Sii.
.tttebt : J. J. 1. . C , Jssmmt , City ( 'lrk.
v. I
l'reMlIeIit ilty
Apmroil July 18th , 1S53.
8. t'IiSl ,
Ma Or.
OiDii'ANCE NO. 51)3. )
_ ll onilu owe declarliug flue uueieHlt ) of nmIIrimprIa.
tiug .evtaluu irli it mr.mvr13 for tIle Inc of tiuti elty
( If ( liullilit , for lii , , ( ( ( , iii lrgluuIa I , mi Iki
fnnii thin , miOluuulmaru ( If J011i1 I , lttlick'
adIIt , ti I lattlat , , " ( I ( ( L ( Ii , aI.l tIty.
1k' It , mnlalmmtl by thu City L'tiiuuieil if tIn , etty of
( ) uiiaiia.
r4-vmoim 1 , That It. Is mloetimiavy , auuil It biluereliy do.
tIsrl uieteMary to Rl..r.iIriit.l eentalim irhite u""i'
tvty for the tmc ( if tlmo cIty ( It Omaha , for thu etci ,
sI.ui uI iriimla , at dun' frouii tloi uiovtiuerui lii.iuunlat
Of John I , itedlck'a inllltlouu , to innutaiiu .tri.t , iii IaIL
dty , SaId ir.1m'crt mtoctia.iary for iuch [ lrI.i.o hvluig
a , itrll , , if vmt tiitate of the umilfiiniut i ItItli uI dat )
hot fri'uii tiur Ir't ' uioutlienmi terumiluli , ' \'Irgliiliu
fliTiltit' , aiil uteiirtlIui to the lines tiuimroof , auii e.
( ( oilIng 11 , 1 I.e s.tmtli lluutu of .isltt u'aruiammi atrct , anil
riunuiluig I Iii .bllgl ) lits 8 at.I I ltu liIiek 13 , antI lotq mu ,
4 7 aunt 8 lii liloek 8 , Iii ) lcCurunlcl.a additIon to ( lie
It ) of omaha.
5Cc. . ! Tush lImo Maor , wIth time ftiprovai of the
( It ) coiluitil , uiIIl'OIIt ( t lurce dIIiltItLrtIItCII frteluiihters of
the amId cIty mit Omnahta , tti neo ( ho .laummagt' to the
on micra of : tll iimmItrtY asputtli t1i , hi ) uoauum of saId
mI.IirIl.rlatloum siilii frcclmoldcrs to (1(1(0 111th , ouuslder
RtIt'ui , sucIul lCilCiItS , If all ) , ii , mIlieu owuiera.
8. That tlk inlImaumco , take effect and ho hi
fonme froni tumil after Ite iaage.
m'OMMOII , hmIy Iii , tall.
AttOlt J. J I. . C. , Iuocwrt , Cit ) ( 'Ierk
v. I. uuAhiImu : ,
i'r-bIIcmmt City ( iumntji.
Approit' ! Jtl1) 13th , 1811.
emmu. I'ION S. Cl IAi11 ,
ORDINANCE O , 51)2. )
.ul onhlnauirti onlermiug ahiys uui alloy ) iailig
dItvkts iitiuuihiertnl I , 2 , 8 , 4 , 1 , Oh , 7 , 8 , m h , m , ii :
14 , hI , if , 17 , 18 , II ) , ti : , , U , 22 , 2u , 4,21,2U , 21 , nun1
28 , ru.mvctli Cl ) ol.
lie It irdaluie.l by thu City CouncIl of the cIty of
$ KCTIOI I. That thou 0110)5 In thie RcruI lmalfl
, ilbtrktil iii ( hue cIt ) of omaha , un himIrthmiatter ulmuuuct
li utuiml thin situumu are uicrehy or.Ienii itt oil , nald nIb )
Ivulmg hlstrbet heiig , a lart of tiiostm heret..fiiru
created by onillmiauuce nun ! , mummbcrc.i , as felInes , to. I
wit : 1 , 2 , 3 , 1 , 6 , 0 , 7 , 8 , 11 , 12 , 13,14 , hI , 10 , iT ,
is , je , 20 , 21 , 22 , tll , 24 , 2i , 20 , 27 , tttmtl ' 28.
Msc. 2. 'Ihiat thirty tIn ) , lIe muiti livrehiy II giveim ,
after the pasiago amlil nj.jirovai of ( lila onlipimuicu , to
the nivimerim of thu lot , ahumttluig ouu saul nile ) a Imi .ia&h
of sail district. , rrmt-ctItls , to nntlft anul huiformn
saId City Couluicil us to the iiiiiI "I mumaterial desired
for mulch iaving.
Hr.c. 3. 'lhmat thIs onhmnamico tiike CfIcct aunt Ire Iii
force froimi nuuil after Its passage.
I'aso.i Juhy mo , i8i3.
Atteat : J. J. I. . ( ' . Jwr.TT , City Clerk.
\v. I. IluKimmu , i'r.sidtimt City ( iommnril.
Aqiroi ( Ii Jill3 11th , IlISI.
( ' . H. CIiA3EMuor ,
E. L. Morse & Co. ,
1622 Capifol Avenue.
'uoiu $ ALI-1'no ) moimiiis anti lot , lii hiIeCaummlIlsIm
4 I halo , ti 1(1111 * 1 ,2tO , . insIm balamitci
oil long thus at 8 Icr ( CUt.
'Fbi I ) lots In $ iiimi mm's a4lltloum $700 cihm
100 mash , hoibitumco lum I ( sutlal numuimuab
) at 8 rent.
170 acre farmit lumar Creitomi Iowa , hi (
lUr(4 tIummhwr , 45 acres corn , 20 acroi
0 IllintlI ) nmuI chIli iii. 'ftuiiui , stock , &
furuuuliig luuijjlIm.mits : is Ill be ntll ii utIm
thu ilatu II ( hisircil. I'rku ff7 , iir
14c'.cui boti. lii Yates roil I hels uohhitboum
e2k ( ) tin Im aslm hialamucu oil tlumio.
Cinnh.cst lots lii the ( It ) .
'l'si ( I nut iuuti half acres fluicly lnmproved
mauuil mukily IlfttIl , giiud cottage hoiuso
1.1 I r.uiIs brick tilliir ituid good .i elI ,
moio ( . , , fruit tries , hic..Ilcs otiucr
.uimali fruits , s III I.e i.ll at a hiargalmi ,
iot1 reaomusfor iiCIiIlg ( , for hsrtIcuilirn
rail at iiihlcc ,
J'orty lres , I 11111(5 N. % ' . mf city , 2
houses , 2 h.arn. , 2 ' .1(115 101K ) hiariui
fruit tr.e4 aimul giiiiu ilimes , all under
c-ubtI i atiomi. i'rlco I. 1)1)0.
'Fssi , hundred acres imulle l , SY , at
Elkhmoii , Hiatloum , HI acres ctulttatcd ,
Ialanco Iastlmrla. hilnise. . , hani , ammil
Ililuig water. lrlco 7.UOe , cash , hal
alice 'ill I 1mm , at 8 cent
Twm , huumuired auiul , hxty three acre
atiick farmum In Ilniighas .siuuity Ne ) , . ,
liumproie.i. I'rltu 2U Ir uacre.
(3ulcsm farm of hal ) acres , oui1y tii ( ) mnlles
froni the city of uinktomm , I ) . T. , ten
di4lars l'r acri. , if taheim himiummoillattly.
NIce house anti lot at Unuid lnlamih ,
Nehj. Lot 0s1'J2. flood well nhia.uo
trees , Cami he ourchuasoil at. law
prlri , of m,2oo. 400 cashm , balance wi
thin , ,
'ihrvo jilce let. ' 60zl32 at ( lrumil Inland ,
NIh. Only eu. vch.
'I'll cuity to thirty hiousos for rent ,
Loans Negotiated.
- -
llimobauh & Taylor
oviiit : .t Nl % 8111CR 01'
11)1,11 ) A8S0RI'i I Nl' 1)1' )
Neast tihis Iii Ilrimizu Ilools. Carlaiuiter uumd
MachInIsts'luols. .
Warranted Cutlery and Buffalo -
falo Scales ,
14O 5)ouIaa htroet , . . . OIIAIIA.
'UIIlkR $ , TOBAaaO , ir ( IA N 1) j jj' ' ARTILE8
Roina Victorias , Especiales , Roses in 7 Sizes from $60 .
to $120 per 1000.
Combination , Grapes , Progress , Nebraska , Wyoming and
iiEN1) 1"Oll PRICE I4iS'l' ANI ) SAI'mtI'LES.
_ IL : :
. .
.s ot , . M4R :
. - - - - -
, " I. ' ? : ' 1 I\ CELEBRATED
a.'I t'4 , 'u
. Keg and Bottled Beer
Timis Exeeilomtt Iluer speaks for itself ,
I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
, '
, -
. , BUsCHB s'l'A'rn o [ 'rui ENTIItEVEST ,
t 'T.L0t'l5M0.- . . - ' . I Will be Promptly Shipped.
cfc'-Lr :
Simltt Ageitt. for Ommlalumu. mind time WesL
Ohlicot Coritor 181ii inol limurnoy Streets
Wholesale Grocers !
1213 Parnam St. , Omaha , Neb.
Double and Single Acting Power and Hand
Emtghmc Tiliuiimtiutgs , limiimig ? mhacltimtery , Belting , hose , Brass anti Iron Fittings ,
Steaun Pneiciiug at. wiuoiosalo mind iojaii. IIALLADAY WIN1)-MILLS , CILUItOIT
Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neb.
'l'h. Flour Is uuuulo at flahcmn , hiIehiarhman Cot , Nehiraska , Ii. thut (2omnbhnotl Roller Steno System. Wa
Kilo EXO3I.uJSl'a nato ill our hlutur to omue flnumm In a hilace. We hiao OIiiuteh a branch at IOmS C.qmltol avouiua
Omimahma Write for m'rlcc. . A.ldrtmss eIther
mhfliui&e aiim hiabem or OnnahaNob
- -
.1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I
II '
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4t' . _ _
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I -iv
I :
! t r,1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
t , , Ii I . _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _
' , . '
- .
Boiler Sheet IroliVork \ F :
OMAhA , - . . . - - NEBRASKA.
Iliuhhil tall 1(110111 Of ISteaii ImolleN , fiumohio : htack , , , Jurecchihnig 14r.I , Vi'atcr aimd Oil Tank , , and ( ho a genera
llato.IrOuu buImieei. ItIpItirilig done In City auiim Country , All work
Done at Eastern Prices and Warranted I
Ueconcluai.l ) 11011cr , will lie Ice it arm liamid , hlarluig hail mnamm' year. experience lii the trade Iii dlerent patti I
, f thu eouumtre I moo , . calm glie , atisfactlumu , hmavlmmg thu best nilOh ) aum.l tools In thu 8tato , Shop
( or. 10th , anul'Iereu8trcets. [ J _ M. WILSON Propriotor.
lIlu IN-IIcI.D . ,
CaIvaDiLed Iioo Coroices Niodo Caps1 Fioials1 :
Hk' , iI'iit.M & , i ' Thihrtiiithi Street Nd ,
. .
CoImslIt : 'iu.'ii.iiiu : AU ! ' h1O'AlRfl 'I III I id
- . . a. - . . . -
l'auticmil'ur attontloui glint to rehalrlng ) Siiti ut cc. uurtrar.tcod ,
dSYaroIiotmle dill htofrlgoruttors toh , 8u3 , &b , 81)7 Itowmmrd street Omaha , Nub. Ii1y to .
1. )
Commission -k-
B. B. B1i1k1ER ]
. . 9 Merchant.
Patronemi-if. JR. 11. . 1'nCEIS Lovur
Founder--TI' . IlIght 11ev lumsimw. llu.mMvTu , I ) . 1) ) . , 1) . a , L.
Iieauttfahly Ituaheth , . on thom rIver . Thianir4 Sour hour. by , rail froua detroit or Suspennion 1ivtdv. TIn ,
ent educition Iii v.mrv depantuuuemmi. Fremicha illukemi Iii liii College Munic a $ IltIiutY under lime dIritt p
, . . , ,
of this celetirated W Wmuumm l..ullurn , Next term ivlll Cuimuii'uieu ? Im1)tlPmllir .
kor arUcumlanl sJlrrms LLy. k. 'i , L'sausu , 1 ! A. . l'rlutcipal , lIetuuumI , Ladles' 20th. ( .uilege , Lomalgu , c.ua4a. ,
: a.41
. t S
' .1
I . .
- I.
1 , %
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