I Tilt OMAHA BEE. rti 1nl erety mnmtng , except Rands. The Only kd & ) momingdAfy. Fava FT Mill. Ores Year . , , . . , .81a1x ) Thre. tnnthlt0o slxMonlha. . , , allo lhle Ninth. . . . . . . . . Lee Tna wxFFLT IMF , reaWaIID RraLT WU ( IAeAT , TFRMa TO Ttla. One Year. . , , . , . , . . $ LM Three ) tontha , . . . . . . $ to Rix klonth . , . . . . 1.00 I One Month. . . . . . . Sb American News O mpany , Sole Agents Newtseal en In the United Statoc roRRR1io.TUxvca. A , IOnmmunkations relating to Ne + ra and FAltorlal matters should be addresed to the Koi of or Tlia Ras , ) PUItARN LRTTxv. AUEudnra tettan and itemntanees should he addre edtnTllifFaPCALtaiHxa ( OIPAFT , Ouru. Pr fts , L1i ks and Postntace orders to be made pay. able to the order of the company. TBE BEE BUBLISI1ING CO. , PROPSI S. ROSEWATER , Editor. .Tolls Itoach nud Bill Stout ought to join hands , No cntract in the country would then bo safo. F1tANCE will ] izo 1'ronch dip. to utcy mo vndaye colaist8 chiefly in aayimg a thing ouco and taking it back twice. SRNATOitTAN WYcK has come and Bono , but Air , 11511 does not appear to be any more cheerful than ho was before the senators arrival. A [ , CIIANIILnI seems to have ateppc(1 into Senator Rollins shoes in the New Ilanpshirc senatorial election. They ap pear to fit hint exactly. SEv } : 8tates in the north hold elec. lions this fall , of which the republicans confidently expect to carry five. NcwJer- aoyand Ohio are doubtful. IT is nbout time for Wiggins to be heard from again. Isis deferred store appears to have scattered itself over six mouths of cyclones and tordadoes. PETITIONS far materials for paving thin alley's arc circulating freely with stone blocks decidedly m ithe leal. The sand- ato21o ring do not need to be told what the people think of their worthless trash , ADJUTANT-GENERAL Dmost pronounces Robert Lincoln the best secretary of war we have had since Jefferson Davis , lIe is modest , industrious and keeps a watch. ful eye over every portion of his depart- ' matt CAr1T0L steals and school land jobbery at Lincoln , together with numerous other official and party delinquencies , are cutting - ting down the republican majority in Nebraska - braska at a rate which ought to alarm ith friends , 1.w it doubtles is a cause for cheer to its opponents. T I Krsi it before the people that nine out of the twelve councilmen dare to defy public sentiment and disregard the pro. tests of their constituents in v.ting for a pnvoing material that hiss been indlig , ai nantly ropudiatu. by the property ow U- I ers of Omaha. STotL t and hail have clone a large amount of damage in the south Platte county but the ruin is not likely to prove l xu extensive as some of our farmers in I Cass , Butler and Saunders counties now inmgino. In a week or two aeuurate news will show the earlier reports to hnvu bee ) greatly exaggerated. I Wtr11 the break in the prices in provisions - sions retail dealers should give their eus- tomors the benefit of it. The butchers 0specially should not be backward about coming forward with a'roduced scale. If prices go up 011 the great wholesale nmr- kote small customers hear free it right away. R'lrcIL the market drops they ought to be informed equally as 500)1 Tnosr onineut business men who deal in adulterated farm products will probsb buy realize before long that they ha4u Overdo o the business. Right or wrung , it is Radu the pretext on which lard is likely to be excluded from Germany , and other govcrnmonts wiil prubablyfinll it a h' eonveniolt pretext when they wish to "protect" a 110)00 industry without coml. mitting theutaulves to prohibitory tariff ; Other nations cannot be blamed for excluding - cluding real adulterations , when the Uni ted Stated have shut down on adultgrat t oil tea. Getting rich bychruting often 1158 auriuus drawbacks , and it is all the meaner because the innocent nm at often sulfur along with the guilty. BROOKLYN has her bridge , but a suit to decide whether it shat not be pulled down or reconstructed is now rot thu supreme court calendar. This is the old Duller suit , originally brought to prevolt the construction of the road bud of tine bridge. The applications for prulintilary injuictions were refused , std now that to work is completed and Judge hatch- ford himself laagoro forward to the su pronC bench , the plaintiff" will have uphill - hill work. Tin , strking of masts , which is necessary in the case of those over 135 feet tall , is expensive , Umd the ground for a cllalge is that congress pro. vided in its bill that it "should not fib. struct , Unpair or injuriously modify the navigation of the river , " 'l'he 81iswur is ' made that the secretary of war was tut thiorized to inspect and modify the plains , 'L'hhs Ito did by commission , and allowed d thu bridge to be 0oplulcd with ell tit u facts before 1)1111. If tllu 8uprCnru coon t should decide-a veiy remote possibility 4 -tbuit the bridge is not within the law ' 1 ( oilgress will either have to pass a speeia nct-which ALllur claims is doubtful- authorize the ruiiiing of the arch to 20 0 foot , 'Pilo oily other alternative wuul / be to pay vessels damages. This tilt eaptaine wIUld enjoy in dull times , sine d they might 'dot ' their mot to strikim 4 masta every day , lL job that costs froth n ago tA , 5O9 , . I 11.1 , , 1 , , . . . , I 1 , .j R. . . 1 TIIA' rn6'ASUnr sURrbvc : ( tun national revenue is derivo(1 fnnn mttional taxation , the internal taxes , and the cllstotns taxes. A surplus rcvunuo , thou , by which is meant a revenue hero than sufficient to meet the anmtal bleeds of the govcnunent in its various depart. ineits , the requirements of the sinkhig fund , and to pay the appropriations made by congress , alwaya stands for a stlrplas of taxation. This is a ploiln prop-- sition , nail no mazy discussion of tine necessity - cessity of the tarilf as a protection to industry - dustry should be permitted to cloud it Tile tariff is a tax , and it is no less a tax : because it is paid indirectly by the 1)001)10 who COtlSumlo the articles 111)0)1 which it is levied. Between the muuuys derived from the internal and the customs taxes , the national treasury last year derived $133,000,000 moro thou ) was needed to meet every demand 111)011 thu govern- relent 'This was the nulotmt of the treasury surplus for ] 883 For the pro. ceding year the surplus vvas$145,6OO,000. Bothn these anus represented excessive taxation , and wore tlsud as an argu 100)11. before tile Forty.Sovontll congress , by which the Ir posi- time t < ) reduce taxation was supIOrtell. As a result the internal revenue taxes were cut down about 4,000,000 n year alld the tarilf was rCyiSCl to u10ko what was supposed would anunmt 1.O a further reduction of $2 5,000,000. , It is difficult to estimate what our surplus will be n1. tlm eel of the fiscal year just hegull , but oficials in a 1)oeitiom to know , belicvu that it may reach $100,000,000 of which $ tO,000,000 will be required for the ailtking fund. This w'ollll leave $60,000,000 , of taxation for which there is tl0 reasonable excuse and tire tptcstiuu how to (1151)050 of it will come u1) before the text congress as forcibly as the same question Cahill up before the Iasi 50580511. 'i'hm alvocLtCH of extreme prteetion understand tl10t our treasury surplus will again be advalccd as au argutnentfor tarilf reduction std are racking their brohua to dispose of this troublesome stumbling block , Tine Nevr York u ; & which ] 08(15 0mu bruicil of rove- 11110 reformers advocates the entire abolition of tile ilIteriliti revenue taxes , while , \Vhinrtori Barker : intl tile I'unnsylvaniaropubhicans dcunuld that the surplus stall be divided among the states ill proportion to Im1)ulatio11. 9'lru bind of both is , of course , to mainhin the pros. Ou t tariff , and to (1151)050 of one of the greatest trgnuleuts against the system of exhorbibmt prod ctien. Neither of these plans will ho endorsed ly the Coundn 50)150 of the 11001110. If taxation is excessive , tau surest hind quiClaSt way of meeting the probleul is to reduce taxation. Free trade , however dufensiblo in theory , cannot become an accoulplished fact ill this country within thu present goleretiom. But the tariff can and ought to be reduced minty mil. lions of dollars , and those duties 1110111- taltlUll which will 1)ro(1ucu tie greatest revenue with the least ( liseoulfort to the 1)001)10. Thu tariff can yet be cut down at least $25,000,000 none without entirely disposing of the treasury surplus. Such ti reduction would still leave a great deal of incidental prtectiot to'Amoricu ) in- dustry. And"this will he found h be the fairest mid most popular' 1)1111 ) of ( ltsposillg of the treasury surplus , Tim 'latesLadvicos ' front 1Vh dlingfn slow that PostIullster-General Gresham has let OxeluI0d lottery cnulpnuiea , from the use of the mails , nor has lie nlado buy decision on tie question of the legal. ity o morality of that description of 1)1I8i1105N , n0l' Oyal consideredd it , All that lie 1155 (101)0 ) hulas bceii to sustain tie bctiol of Judge Keys , under Hayes , denying - nying the Louisiana Lottery Company the use of the 1111015 at Now York and New Orleans. Tluat Co1l1 011 ariil siml- ply ho forced to do its Now York business at the Jersey City or some other post- ofiice , 110(1 ( at file nearest postofico out. side of New Orlemin , Nall nuiy tune lottery eoulpauios say thley are perfectly satistiud with Jhdge ) Gresham's action , So' miBluhding lave fleet the reports sent front \Vashingtot tlat the departulolt pas 1)0011 plicd with despntchos for information - mation , ' ! 'here hits been an aIparetlt (10- sire to givu the eouutly the impression that lotteries , its illegal and corrupting ngoueles , have 1)0011 forbidden to use the mails. Aetunllp , however , duly at New York amid New Orlemis has the Louisiana Company bent oxelude(1 , nud not as an illegal or a aviudliilg device , but for cur. min irregularities in transacting its business - ness , The action of Judge Orosidalu 5itnply delhrtes hour lottery comphulius nay transact Itusitless through the 111)1118 What Judge Gresham may hereafter do touching the character of tube companies , bid their right to proseeutu their btusiuiess through the nuuls , is unknown. lie play not be favornbie to them and to their right to 050 the ntail8 whet the question cones squarely before 1001. PASTEUIL , tilt celebrated French aci011tiat , who proposes to investigate the nature of cholera , has rcndored distill. guishCl services to France and to the world of scieucu , lfutw'COl 1853 amid 1865 the silk product of Frauou 11)1(1 di ntini5led front 0,000,000 , po1nd8 of Co COe11S to 10,000,000 , froth a disctso bnutr the Milk w'orIllHVviiich had bafllal ill ordl . airy skill , hl 1805 the Frunult uimilltu ) of agriculture colnulissiotwd 1'a5teur'tt ' iuvestigato and repurt On the dispose. 1l uccupte(1lIguhuzud a " 1ur0u1" nrld w uhl t bl vvoik. Ifu hid tirsi to study the 1111 r turn of tie disease ; uu(1er what Cl cund Staulces it llouriehe(1 whether it was cot L tagious , and if so , Iwo cunlanuicated wltetlwr it allbeted the quality of the eggs meal amultitude of other facts , was a huge probleu , 811(1 otu ) star in the aolutiol w'as to iulport eggs from China , that were 1(110W ) ) to be free frOn the di. seaso 81x1 experiment with them. It. took r number of } roars to ac- complisli the work , but ho nucceoded Mill in 1874 tllo silk industry of France had roacitcd its old proplntions. If now he grapples with the problem , ovod if ho does not fairly succeed , ho will be likely to pave the way for the success of some future scientist. Tlf.lO'h11ATO11S 1)A.itANDS. The telegraph operators of tile c.4untry through their trade union , the tolographl ors' Ilrotllcrllood , have 1110(10 M (1011111)1 ) for higher wages and intinate that a no- fusal 021 the part of the tol0grapiI company - pany will be followed by a general strike , Boiled down to a shall compass tine fol. lowing arc tilt' principal demands of tie nmom : First , that the operators be gratl ed according to their ability , treating men 011(1 w0mml alike , and establishing a fixed stamdarl of pay , to apply to all operators regardless of sox ; second , that the Asia- ries new paid be increased ill the respective - ive grades at least If ) per edit ; tit rd , that eight ) tours ho made a day's work 1111(1 sovml lours a night's ' work , and , fourth , that no Sunday ) work shill be (10)10 without extra coulpehIsation. Under - der the prescut systmn tutu night operators ors are obliged to work Sunday nights without extra pay and the day operators stave to work or ono Sunday in SIX. It will readily 1)0 ) 50011 that the dmminds of tine operators nro sweeping , but it does not 5O readily appear that they nro till. just , "Equal pay for equal service" is surely a fair demand , 1111(1 if , as is asserted - ed , wages are front 20 to 25 per cunt lower than they were before thu panic of 187J , nn increase of 15 per cunt can scarcely be considered unreasonable. The work of a telegraph operator is laborious 1111(1 exhausting. It is as much skilled labor as minty other branches of industry v1'hich pay better wages. 'rue hours are long , especially for the night idol , 811(1 there has been a stealy decline in salaries without a corresponding decrease - crease in work. For these reasons tine operators fuel that they have 11 good case ill asking for an ilicr'eLso in wages , especially - ially as the cuqany which ou/deys / tile ) is thu most prosperous in the world , CONF1.'D1 J 1iTl' 11ONDS , A saw sylndicatu has 1)0011 fanned in London for the purpose of securing the pxaymm lt of the eoufedurnto bonds told a number of prominent Englisiunon have connected themselves with the scheiue. The syndicate have issued it prospectus which sets forth that tine spirit of repudiation - pudiation is fast disappearing in the late confcdoade states , land that with returning - ing prosperity there is a growing dis position I ) make terms with all their creditor , 'I'Ile opinion is expressed that through a proper tnmdonatrulding fml0ng the several chases of creditors ti satisfactory - factory Hettluulent of tile comlfclerato bonds nay be reached. Fifty thousand (1o11ar's luivo heel subscribed and placed in tue hands of trustees for the purpose of tracing 1111(1 5000riug tile CO-OlICratioli of all coufederate bondholders. A tuarkut Juts already been made for tie bonds in London , turd they are salable atone ono or two per cent , of their face. It is hi singular thing that mot like Lord Pella ulce , Mr. Bruce , M , P. , and Oo'st , AI. I' . , should lend themselves to such It schUnle. They ought to enough to know that these bonds will al. ways rennin what they are , a dead loss on the hn11(1s of their holdors. Whatever many be the present or future condition of the once Confederate states , thIesu binds will never be acknowledged , However 'roll disposed the people may be t0 pay their debts , mid however ready they a mi' become to wipe out sty stain of rupudia- troll now resting on thorn , there is al h11- suparablu bar against any settloniont of a debt incurred in and of their late war against the Union. The fourteenth anoudl eat to the national constitution ( ICOIRI'OS in positive terms that "neither the United States nor any state shall as- 5)11110 or pay illy debt or obligation irl- currod in incurrectieu or rebellion against tutu United States , * * * but mill such debts , obligations amid claims 5hnll be ] ruld illegal ,111(1 void , " 't'hat oi- tirely disposes of the fatu of thuConfed orate bonds. They mire "illegal and void , " according to the highest law of the land , timid no pease. can insure their pay- uemt , 1VITII nil the smoke and fuse over the paving qucatiot , there nru two or 'three facts which cannot he argued down by the jobbers and ringstors of the city council. These are : that tire charter leaves to property ownera tue detonnina- tiou of tutu material to be used in paving in front of their lots ; that a majority of property Owuore on tune cross streets luivo designated a curtain nlaturial to be used ; that in plain defiance of public smItiulunt the board of public works proeoededtolot contracts forpaving tepartiea whoso niato rial had beenrojected by those nloatintor ; w toil ; and that in spite of an overwhelm. ing rumoiatrance hind protest fro ) property - erty owners 011 the cross streets the eoun- cif by a tote of nimu to three eolto11nptu- ously rejected the 1)Utitiona 811(1 clinched tutu ltCtiou of the board of public works , 'l'heso nro tun plain facts , and taken in cmuloetinn at it11 tile 01)021 charge that bribes have been offered COmIcilulou for their s'uit's , they furnish sullieient grounds for tee widespread popular indig nbtiou over this shanlCless job which till- vrorthy servants hire trying tl foist upon I tie cilizcus of 010111111 , A Hottsonabin l'hihlloatlon , The little book o21 "Abteleiu11u ] 5uluul , " issued by till Alicihigau Cuntrd nhilruad , aid mailed free 5u application to 0 , W. ] toggles , nt. Chicago , is quitu interesting , ; 11)1(1 worthy of purusal by mill , 'l'ho second edition hits just come out. Conuparo tyre dose amt quantity of ) food's ' Sarsapailla and you lave conclusive proof of its superior strength and cheapnes8 , ' 1'r } ' 't ' , I OOOIDENTAL JOTTINGS. California. San Francl co Is to have a new $20,000 wharf. 7'efmma county , Cal , , llas a tax roll of $7 , 310,5260. Lincoln uTs almost detmycd by fire on the 10tH inst. 'Them Ore fifty-ono prisolern In the Sacra. nmlto ) jell , There are 200,000 acres In grain In Te1T An. gobs county. Tilrco young otters wore caught near Stockton - ton that week. Tntckee has organized n citizens' movement against tramps , lteiarta from Downiervlllo give good news of tire gold mines of that place , 991ore are : "JR3 aciuxd clrildrol In 1'ra + no county. Of tills number lblfr arc boys. The contract leas Just been awarded for the new insane nsyiuln at Stockton. Lost , $139 , 015. ICnight Temldars are already begbnf0g , to arrive at Sal Frntlcisca ttl attold tits trlemdnl cOnclat'o , heavy fires provall in the rnmIntaos ( In Sis- kiyou county , Califor11a , and the walloys are filled with deli smuko , rendetiog It very sultry. A Chlnanatl caught a sturgeon a'ei'i hug 165 pounds in Fratber tiler below Orovillo , last week. 'I'ho fish pnllcd idol ovcrixard , but 110 was rescued by his cnnratles. The surveys made on the uxtCnsinn of the Oregon and ( 'ollfornlh railroad , bravo ( ICen aband0ued. Nov prelhnlnary and locatiot servo s are uew being made inns tire terlnlutts near IIteddhlg to the Oregon lice. Ostrich chicks are lmtchhigout at tile ostrich farm near Auhhciol at the rate of one a Ill ) ' . When they first roue oil of the egg they are slant the size of Ii half grm vu duck. 'They Nava good appetites amid grow rapidly , 1Ltnunna , launber is worth $160 n theuaand at Cook City. Downs .t Allen have 5,000 cattle feeding in \lout0na , Sevcl Inillinns of money is represented in I101euistock 111011. ( lnliitin valley ranchers are threateuedwitll a grassli0ppcr ralI. 'J'ho 1)nn ) LOmman mnhu at Butte ii to have n sixty stalmp 111111. A cln5d burst at Butte last week and did cousiderahle danutge. A new nud huportant coal dlwovcry has made hI ( lallatiII county , 1)111on , eu the 13t11,11111 vote or tire proio ; Iii tiou of a $0,000 IeLeol 1111110. Ileleitafasetle Will erect the ni iit llingrdfr cant \L uouie tmnplu hn the territories. Fron a rich gold quartz discovery at Y au 11111 , near Pioneer , Deer Lodge cmudy , 11110 H1ectllnmt5 ( If ore are sltew'a assaying $2,000 per tuft. ' ! 'h0 east std west headmti ; of Mullen tun- no won ndvnncod forty-eight feet last week. At tutu IruIMohIt rate of pro runs the beet in the heart oft till IImuutatu slid occur ) vitllhl the next live weeks , Ialcma ( celebrated the arrival of the North- cm n Pncflic with great enthu5La5111 or tlm 4th. Ono of the fcaturas of the celebration was tie deptrturo 0f a train for the cast with 1,200 , 000 puuuds of hniliou worth $350,000. 'Phu Gregory nud Alta 1lrnmmtatu reduction works , near 11010110 , are turtling out fifteen tans of bunion daily. Now smelting stacks , to be added tills 50115011 , vwilL increase the output to about thirty tone every twcntydour hours. Oregon and Washington. Extensive forest fires are reported from the Puget sooud country. The dally output of the Columbia river saw. mills is ub0ut 650,000 feet , 'l'lre nutluIrtties at IalhLs , Or , , have Iecid ed to purclmaso a tlruusand delinr hand lire olgine. Iii Wallows valiey , Or. , recently h de5pcr- ate lunatic naucl Adeer was kiiled by a sheriff's Benne , ' 'ho attempted to capture bins. Forty or fifty convicts mantle a break for lib. arty trout the Oregon l'edtentiary Tuesday. 'Thrco Were killed , two wounded 0101 seven made their escape. It fa estdmhted that not less than sixty of the roughs cord thieves who were notified by the Astoria Committee of Safety to leave that place Ilave gamin to Portlmld. Tlu Northern 1'aciftc Railroad Conqa . in - tcnd Oi at once proceed wale construct , i of n rail lieu along the Seattle ( \V. T. ) sit rout to tire nurthierii part of tle'city. Prompt measures by time City Connc' time closing of the saiouus a1d thu form ion of a vi'tl11wu conlnittcu , Lava restored order nn ( ! Pitt n stop to Iawlessuess in Astoria. The Oregon ltnilway and Navigation Com- pany's Pad01150 branch Cxtehmsion flats been laid to a point thirty-frvu Illiles east of P11101150 JIIrletlOll , Or. Thu work will ho pushed at the rate of a mile mu day. A strike among the frsllernon along limo Lower Cohlmbia i5 reported. The cause of the strike is the refusal on the part of the cannery - nery mud to pay OOcvutMparfrsll. Thocannery .non say that the fish are too small to pay so much for tlpmu. An nrganizatimt Is being effected fu IVhat coo , 1V. T. , to fit out nn expedition to the rich gold districts of the Nooksaclc and for time 'mr- ' sold of oxploriug time heights of ltlount Baker. has beat f0uud in large quantities on the Nocksack , within tlIrty.livernllesof\Vhatcotn nud it is with a vfcw to developing the mines that the expoditi0n is being fitted out. A irlspectur vvho recently ventured to tie snow et Mount Baker vvas rewarded by finding several flue nuggets. That there i8 gold in laiymg quantities on the plead of time Nouksaek Is nu longer gtias tinned. Utith. I'rovo's Woolen ndlls r1r0 to be enlarged , 111nhrg news throughout the territory con. times (11111 and very little prospecting is in progress , Salt Lake City averages 'twmlty-four arriv lug and dopnrttmg trains daily. At Present this boats Ilnimm by a lnajnrity of seven. /.inns Snviug hank was robbed on the Otis inst. hid the burglars were captured on the 10th. One proved to be the son of Apostle Rich. The Utah Powder Company's works located at 0gdon cuny0u exploded on the ( ihi imst. , blowiugtime , killing n man naned Porter mend injutiugseveral other worklnms' For the first time in history- Salt Lake Is the scenic of a railroad war of rates between the now Denver k 111(1 Grande 011(1 the Union Pacific. The latest opt was $7 between Oanaha and Salt Lake over the Rau Grando. Arizona , The survey 0f the southern boundory of San Carlos reservation is i0 process. Tombstone h0s had a hurricane wbicIl dls , turbod roofs nud stirv'd the dust considerably , Arizona and New Mexico have been n)0de a Fisher Internal Itevuuuo district , with S , A. as collector. Thelostofico ; at Phoenix Issued 500 mono orlprs duping tire quarter endol.Juno 30,11 ( Aggregate aneuut In dollars and cents being $15,000. 'rho Navajo Indians will halo a vrool c13p this year of over 800,000 1lomud5 , Thu hides and polls that they vu ill haidlo still auuolt to abllt 1'100,000 pounds , At Phoenix Saturday night , two masked moo entered titu stern of Iimt (101(110511 mind , covering him rind his clerk with IO ulvvre , rifled to a safe of b' 10. A Loa'mrtion is being agitated in l'reseott for tile pul pue of svrurlog an exiIrebsieu as to the cnustntetlou of the brauch railroad to the AtISUIIc and 1'nciliu 1(110 ( , whiclilsas beousul- sidlzed by leglslativo uuaebumtt lu the suns of 4100,1100. A petrified fmostahout 800 acres In oxtmlt has been disesit Bred en the Azitoaa eldu of thu Colorado uluer , ill the lfucksklu nouhItahis. 'I'heru are ) etrifud trees twenty Inches in dlamuter mold there is not a bosh that Is not petdlled , the sagebrush and grass being nil turod to stone One hundred pounds of gold 'l'a9 clennod u r after a sixteen day's run at the Carlislu mill , Grant county' , New 1nxico ( , 'rlto Carlisle is fast becoaibg kmolru as duo of the richest gold . 0 f' , k1. , .d minas In America. A ; mound and a half gold nugget was ricked up In the name mile a few days . - City Enterprise , Colorado , Orceloy Is now struggling for a Ike depart- ment. The risseamentof Gunnison county amounts to $3,327.715. Jefferson county warrants are selling at two ) er cent prerninn ) . 'fbegOvernor has offered &OOrewart for ttlo armed , of each person concerted In the Grand county murders , The holy Cross c nnpany recently made a valuable strike nn llornestake tnountabl , run. ning $ ( 'A In geld. Assays of ere from the Maley Elephant at Red llmtatalu gave :19 : ounces in silver ael 42 pcr cent lead to the ton , The trout caught in the Gunulson this season arc larger than at auy season before whima they abxnmd hl great quantities. Weld county alone produces nnnually throe quarters of a 101111(10 p(1bnds of wool , nud the entire state several million Ilnunls , 'flue 'rnbr well ; hr the 1)erver , opera house , is fiowig nttilO rateof 185 gaihons lien 1llilliltO , 11,100 galous ix r hour , or 2(30,100 ( gallons per day , 9'he 1'oudre valley will prodnco n larger crop hyri peralut this year ( hats ever before. The craps nu the lug nud IJttle' ThonOson ; rivers am men better than oe the l'ondre. 2A new mining undo Ineations halo Lemi umdo iu lnnldcr { county in tire past year , from , luly 1. 1832 , to .hilly 1. 1883. Tlds number duet I1OE ltcillde rehlcatlella , It is a potty good showing fur now discoveries In Boulder county. Thin Union 1'aciftc rnhlmad company with. out selicitati0m h1Li ( ucreased that pay of colt. doctors 111111 brakeuleu on Its lines In Colorado. Passenger co11ductors from time first of Jnly get $100 per mouth , freight conductors $00 , and brakemen $ C , . Senator Palxlr , vllo has just oxanllned the \ioutczmua 0hd'I'nin O:5lmntcr mines at Ash. croft , with id ) ) ) Lenard tine vianager of the \tateimlessluh)0 ) at Lealiv'I33e , in highlyplea.cd , Ho says the Medcznnma hrw $3,000,000 worths of ore in sight 011(1 time group is worth $ (1,000 ( , 000. Thut lee Is auxiuus t0 ftrfelt sumo smelter33 tousa tiny of rich ore , In all prlba billty teams will commence h0tlllng ills ores to the , Vhloeler smelter 50011 , .Vyanli Inrnmio is discussing a sewerage systmn. Stocktuel feel bide over the drop is cattle gtmtatktli5. Ore from the Silver Crown mine assays GO per cent copper. Copper ore has been discovered at time base of time Squaw meuutalns. The shipping seasonn will be n little Into this year , but cattle will be in line condition. Cheymnlo balks umv refuse the trade dollar. Lnranrio banks continue to take it at liar. The body of ye0ug l'tekard , drowned hr the Laramie river , near Cooper , way discovered 11o0ulay. Wyoming vast 1)1111118 were never carpeted in 0 richer green nor her flowers iii greater prfsion. Work on the Laramie soda works has Lean doluycd sonew'hat ) by the lack of material - stone nud firebrick , 'rho Eagle Mounltain mineral halt is about twelve lay srxteel miles , and a largo mmlber of proniliug lead have been discovered al- ready. Twenty-five saws , about $250 worth of belt. fig , and thug damage dole to the machinery , make Mr. Weber's lose $2,000 by the bunting of Ills Mill near Laramie. Dill Nye , w ho lmas been off duty en the Boomerang for nearly a year , has returned to Laranlio munch iuglro ed in health. All unite fu Longrat0lations to the genial h0uloriSt. Fred. Meyer , a Laratnie butcher , while delivering - livering meat at time Frontier hotel , last week , broke tllrnugh the fluor of the kitchen , which vv'S8 01(1 and rotten 1111(1 fell into an old well beneath , mid was browned before he could be got out , ' 1'hn coroner's jar } censured the owners of the ) souse far allowing suds a mmr trap to exist m ( time promises. Yesterday a very handsonto specimen of copper ore vvas brought in front the Gadsden ' 'Copper ICiug , " tweety-one niiies west of Cheyenne. It will lie shipped to the Denver cxpoutiom , cord it is said to be omouf the finest specimlIens ill existuucu , containing 5:1 of metallic copper. Professor Stanton will have a similar one on exhibition in a few days , -Cheyenne Leader. Idaho and Nevada. A city election was held at Boise , I. T „ last vscok The It0pnblicans carried the day std ro elected 1'onney for Mayor. There are three hundred bridges on theUtah and Northern ltaiuroad between Ogden and time month of tire Blackfoot river. Sipco the passage of time now Dnunmer- liCetIsee law hI Nevada there has been paid into till State 'Preasury the suns of $4500 for licenses. Tha new g01no law in Idaho is very strict. No buffalo , deer , elk , antelope or umountain sheep are to be killed between the let of Jauti any and the let of Septmnber of each year and at no curer time if killed to obtain their hides or to ship their cercassesout of the Territory. A Pinto Indian killed his squaw in Butte vadloy White line county , Nov. , last week , null the tribe lynched him-not after the American plan , but after a style of their own. Tltoy 1155800(1 brim with ropes and after dmg- giiig him around for a w11ilo hitched the repo to a horse and dragged the murderer around over time neastains mmtll his body was mangled beyohd recognition , . ; PPd MgRk r/ ; ' ' let C RAN r REME FIcXEL PAIN- C RES Rheumatism , Neural ia , Sciatica , Lumbago , Ilackache. Headache , Toothache , NoreTlnroulNw rlllupa.Npraln. , lerul.e. , Hull , . , Nca"I. , ! 'rust Mlle. . AID ALL ( Irilalt tieUltr 1'5185 AFU Ar'llr8. 8.ILby Urslt.r..54 U..l.r..v.r.lien , Flay C.aw bolt ! , . . . . Ulrnllour n hi leans. TIIR Clltitl.r5 a. YoUEI. It CO. ( e.-"a , t. A. reeeiaa , Q l a.lllr.r. . 85 , C.8. A. BELLEVUE COLLEGE. tinder the care of the I'reebyterian S anMt of No. breska. Ilegles Hptenuber lotlm. Classical and Hdrntlflc 'nurses with Irreparnlnry department ; also , Musical slidtrt HoIartuarot , all open to 1)0(11 soacs. 9adtloulow. LaathnuIavutlfutanti hcalthful , Only nine miles from Lhuaha en the 11. k 11. IL it. AU. dress for circularo , l'IIOF. w. J. IIOLLMAN , RcHo hue , Nob. j ) 1541-cool m&na&02us SPECIFIC F00 , EVER F AILS. Spleens , Cnvul efons , Falling : : Slrlteaa , s1. vltue t IIv J Unncc , sJfrohol hen , Opium Iat T9 E GRIT 1nSiSUPAUIfa , Scrofula , IAiuga F.til , Ugly Blood E R Y E Diseases , D U a IXA' sfa , Nervousness , CON U E R O R 5tck Ilrvldarhr , Rhuumatiem , Amore ) tiakness , llmiu Worry , Btac1 Sores , Biliousness , Cosflrness , NervousI'rostrnllou , Kidney Troubrnoal lrrv.rl ularffes. ( $1.50. Namplo Teslhnmdnlx. Samaritan Nerwinols dolel , waadciL „ Dr. J , 0 , hiehennotn , Alexander City , Ms. "I feel it m9 duty to recommmlendIt. " 1)r.11. F , lmughlln , Cldc , lianeal. "Itcuredwbere physlclalms fulled , ' iter. J , A , Edle , Beaver , Pa , t . Correepondcnoe freely an.wered.s4 For tcatlmoalals and circulars send stamp. The Or. S.A. Richmond Med. Co „ SLloleph , No , Sold by all Drugghls. (17) Ha iEsTERMA 1 NN & CO. , ' a IMr0nTERS of" QUEENSWARE ! s China am Glass , a 608 WASHINGTON AVENUE AND 609 ST. STREET St. Louis r o. m22 Smm Goods ! . SA1VI'L C. CO. , ! 1 Washln tan Avenue and Elf ! ! , Street , - - - ST. LOUIS. MO' STEELS JOHNSON & CO. , Wholesale Grocers 0' AND JOBBERS IN ' - ' , FLOUR , SALT. SUGAR S CANNED GOOI Sa ; ND ALL GROCERS' ' SUPPLIES A FULL LINE OF THE BEST BRANDS OF Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco AGENTS FOR REP/WOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & RAND POWDER CO J , A , WAKEFIELD , w110LESALE AND RETAIL DEALEI ( IN Luffihier , Latli , Sli1e , P ickets , . SASH , BOORS , BLINDS , MOULDINGS LIME , CEMENT , PLASTER , &C- TATE GENT OR MILWAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY. Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA , NEB , C. F , GOODMAN , i Druggist AND DEALER IN P1lltS , Oils , YlliS11O8 ffl1 ¶ ! ll1 ! OMAHA , NEBRASKA , .I5P-EEt : ® . DEALERS IN Hall's Safe an Lock Cornp'y. i FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFESVAULTSLOCKS&L L ' . , , , , 1020 1'wrrsam f5trocst. Omaha HENRY LEHMANN JOBBER OF OFa a Sliaes. EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED , 1118 FAItNAM STREET , - OMAHA NEB. i M. HELLMA N&C0 , I ) Clothiers ! . 1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREET , COR.13TH , _ " OMAIIA , NEBRASK . GATE CITY PLANING MILLS I 'B MANiiFACT RIL9 OF Carpenters' Materials , -ATSO- y sash , Boors , Blinds , Stairs Stair Railags Balastcrs WIll O & Door Frames , &c Firstclass facilities far the manufacture of all kinds of Moulding , , l'laning and Matclmlng a 1 Orden from the country R lm be promptly executed. specialty Addis all comnmatcattona to A , MOYEII , Proprietor , , A. H. IAII.EY MANUFAOTUltEli of FINE t Blli8s , cCarriages aM Sprill ¶ aolls , My Itep ository is onstantly nuod with a select bboek , that lvorkmnanshlp guarapitenL Office and Factory S. W Corner 16th and Capital Arvnuo , Qmaha r ' ' ' SPECIAL 'O Growers of Live Shock and Others. WE CALL YOUR A'T'TENTION TO i ' , / r f It is the beet and cheapest toed for stock of any kind , One pound is equal to three pound , of , Stock Sod 'S ith Ground Ott Cake in the Fall and 'Inter Instead of running down , will Inercase in core . and Its be hm , . gael marketable roudltion in the . spring , Ualrymen . , as well as others , 'Silt use it can testily weight. to merit Try it and Judge for youncieo. Price $ -5.00 j er ton ; no rharde for lacks. Address 0 ( eod me wooDatN LINSL'ED OIL CORI'ANY , 0.at n , Nab ' t 1 ) /