- - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . - - - - - . - - . - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - . _ . , ; 8 TilE DAILYI3EE---OMAIIA. TUESDAY JULY 17 , 1883. , _ _ - - - - ' ThE DAiLY BEE. - OIA.1LA. TuesthLyMornin July 17. LOOAL BREVITIESS -'The dliyvoirncil moct. to.nlght. -Tlio Inebfl game wni not to b ct1oiI anUII i. m. to.Iay. -I'otmMtr Cuttnt. : Iiitond to npp.lnt 1arn Voodrr1 n. w.shtaiit io4nw4er. -The cnc f St. ] ftmabM rdh an4 $ untLy sthojL nlrnnnce41 to t3o jJmco on q'hunlL3 lOMtIkl1C(1 to thitniday , Tu1y % U , n c rhyr to unto with St. M.zkg } 3un. 413 $ ClOOI On that by. . -a k Mcflthc , the fetni polkema.i , ruII ll 1n.night for t1tUflk''flZC4R. SLi1 * die wantet on the charge of J'ohIug a * riati -'llhetc vr ; ho a union inkonary nictng jit. tb8 I"int Cnngregatliniml ' &flurch TIaurRay afternoon at-i o'clock. Mr. 4ow Sirst1i , of DctroU ; , rlk1.gao , Ira4dent ) the W'oinan'n 31.osrtl of1sotii tO tilO nteraor. WI11 aldresN the boIk. All lflHCR Of tbo city IutMTcfitcl n 3nIi.4on.Wdrk arc most cut"&IIy IflVOA(1 tO 1)0 ] ) T0ICflt. -B. I. Troxdl & Ce. . , Mtetunlsat ngetiti , Iu1O i'cive.1 a illspatch frmn thinix City 14t.at.hlg that Z .iteanilsmtwllI arrvo hero thli evening cii route for $ t. Lou1 , for wlilcti ) : * } will receive asNcI1gorM anti freight. -There will 1)0 a iiia meeting of lrinhInon th.ight at CroIno'N diall , corner of CapitI flVCflE3 flHI Sxkcnth Ktroot , for tim pI1rH.io of rnnkhg arrangcinont. for a reception tn Jio tendered lion. PatHck 1gan , cx.treaqurer of the Idsi. Nntioiial Latol 1.ea.guo. Next to Irnoll ! , Mr. Egan ic ciitt1od to tlio repcct afltTatItUd0 of all 1rshtncii , atiti it h tbcro. fore but fit that nery member of tim .kih x9eo .hotihI Join n I1IIHg lilni that lonor. 51.o . , ncetng will ho coiled to ortler at 8 .ocloek. .ocloek..Thig .Thig will ho an4tuporiftnt week in bai.o tlM0 CfrCICM. -ott1ie1 , Storz wMarrc.tod for nsnWt no.1 'battery and 1.s caiciinth.t.ed to Aug. 15th. -A man Vnl 1eaten.out Of 3fl Saturday at the depot by the old regulation confidence game. game.A -A coniplaht IIM 'oocn filed ngnIiit Enona Tijpp Will Chainler. . for w.Ratllt atl(1 lint. tory. -Charles Sliiverickj. udverthdnggroat llar gains in fifty j > atteru of fine cliaiiibcr .uiLii that ho ii. c1o1ng out. -Frank\Valterii , Joe Barker nn.l ( ititori. nrc crculating ! prhitel potIUon for parhig the alloys with Colorado sindMtot1e. -In iollco court'jywterday tlwro : vcro ttir. listurbcrs of thq IenCO , two of whom voro coniinttcd nod ono pahi a fine. -In the dii.trict . court yctcrdnytlo cairn o ( O'Connor vs. Cox wan . .ttll oi'tclal : leforo Judge Neville. There wai. ubtUng np In . .TudgorakCoyH court. -Thu pctit % ury has boon tlIsiiii.se.l by -Judge Neville , except the vortlOii now Rittlng in the caio of O'Coun'r 'vi. . Cox , which vI11 be the last jury trial , f tIi torin. -At the meeting of the Oiiiabn Cricket club ' held lMt Saturday , the following officers were I . S elected : Viit. Prol4ton , j.rcsldent ; II. Firtli , siecretary. The club iroiiose , .hortly t. make A trip to ChIcago , whore tlioy will iilay a game of Cricket vItlz the Chicago Cricket c1ib. t -Two fcmnloH , wiiti uniloubtoilly reside In "Holl' . . Iraif Asro , ' created quite a .wnsation imnda3' 1n3 the quiet miolgimborhood of She nan avcnuo. The couple svero dri ving n team ) f iiiritetl hmr8c. which could mitit keep up with the sIzrlLcl ( tieIre no.1 . the volume of pro. lane wordi , which they fired out nil along thu wonuc. -The three 1O(1g014 of the Kiiighta. . of l'ythiM in Omaha arti mnakiiig great prcParntionN for the coaling session of the Grand Lodge of No. braF.ka . , which immeoti. iii thiiq city on the 4th of &ptemhcr next. Arrangcmnoiit.n are in. foot for a parade of the order on the afternoon of the 5th.Iany do1egatIoni omit ! imhgoM ( rum. . . ( Iliferent l.art of time , utato am oxpnctod , a. . ! iovera1 from Iowa. -It lookeii like oh. . ! tilneN yesday to hoe joulgu. . Anderson irosidIng Iii police court , vIcru. ho * iat five yearm ago , when the IlicE rolurtor finut went there for news. A bettor judge thin. . . Antlurson never grace. . ! the bench , , nor oil. . f Who could tell ui.iickcr . sshiat .mev.u . . wi..u vh.oii be saw it mid the ilov8papcr 111011 aiway. . . apjuciatod hii ability lii that uiirectlomi. ' 1'hi Mill Partially rodee. . . the reputation Of chiaiuoau , nuhi.liml8tratioii. , 4. . -The miowsi.aiier WCtO vohi rel.resonteul . mit HaturdayH gamn. . nccotling to the yonug iii. . . . . " ) holdu the rcponlhho P0itI0l , it chock taker attlie grand staimul entranco. lEo very kindly himmonnod thooccuimants of the gm. . . . ! .uta.id that there were "Soventy.fiva 1.ev.upa. . meii , In a1rtady , " thiN Wiul when the city editor Of one of thu (1a1fl0J4 entered aecomlinnicul IP ) ' n friend , while the city editor of Tiu 1ixi , wit ! . a vromnhient state olhicimul , paid the meg.i. Jar fame at the gate amid Hat through' 'three or four Innings in the broihi img limit .ii. . I [ onorm. are oaiuy. -Mr. 'W. IL Mcl'herHon , Un. Onuulia arcl.1 toot , tlau just rutumnod from libunarckDakotn , 'where ho vunt to lut iii l)1flfl nut ! NIlecifica. tion.i . for thu now atato1iuuo to be eroctoul at that point. Ho caine In cou.putltlom. . with. architocti. fro.n'n ! ! jrnluts and at the nutmuot . .oomot ! to have the advantage over miii , bl iulansmneetingwitJ. the greatest favor. Ito we. . ordered to gti to work aim. ! mimako a do. tailed estimate for the boar. ! am ! .11. . ! so , but meantime omeono got in their work ( or a lullimneapolbu architect , named ] luflhigton , who finally carried of the tunic. It wa. no credit to Mr. McPherson , however , and ho re celvod the congmatulattonmu of . lii.i . brother ArvlLlteets UI ) there oii bIN finwork. \ . Ills Plans Were certainly beautiful 4. . . . ! could not 7 1)0 excelled by anyone. - Mr.V. . 1' . Foster , WO4e2II agent for the Chemuapeako add Ohio railway , . . ) Oft for St. Louis hut ov.I.ig . . , after doIi.g . some upendld ! work for his o.mupany III this dty . Mr. Fost..r Is is gonuln.swesteru . "hush. T ' . " and ho muariage. ! diiIn hit short i.tay 3ero to give the Chesapeidcn in. . . ! 01.1. . , a big . liocin. Ills ImHt41 , with. tim vlirs of iim0mt. jet points on the Natf ; adorn till thui bill 1g1md ii the city , : h.mcutIhng 1tl'm ! Qiiara ] r.use , the jm of .rualc , etc. , iu.'i ) iis tIcke1 arti on sale In evry fflce. ltwaiu.Ir. ? 'o8te.u first visit loire , but wu liop. ithhl b. but the beginimlag 011d ttht the many fiicmitls Iio ua4e while In Omnahi ) vih ! hereafter oo 3ilmu petty often.V . V A Correction. ! Fti thm ] ditor of The Bum. i : noticed that in rofcrriiig to thu cou. ' curt on t119 hill on Saturday , you .pca3 'of urn Jtltuiica.l : Union orchietra iu bo1n nrmder ny direction , 'Fho muicaI direc. tor of thu omchlebtra I Mr. 8. JEofihimati , : i being the manager of 1'easo ] con'eet thu error and ubUt Yous truly , J'x .thYIV1m , CURLEY VS. BOES , The chapiou of the onth " Fills a iltyal. A Crete Man Want9 him to Put Up or Ohut Up. About two wonki. ago Jack ( Jtirhoy , thu ux.c1.ampion mugi1ist. f thio anmithi nr rved in Oiiiha , and mmico that thuc hias industriously advertised the fact that lie wa rouly th fight umy luau hil the Mis. souri VaIloy , with lket imanuis , I.ozu1oi rules. ' ( Ito first tp1y to his cliallengo coimmea in the folhuzring , tokeim fran. the Iaincolm .Jomrima1 , OnRI ; .Juy ! 14 , ' 8. jr. Juc/ SIR. : I miotici it. . thu St.ito lnurmial of July 18 , that you challommgu any miman in t1iutntu of Nibrnska for a light in a 24 foot ring , tmimdor the bonito. . . prfr.o ring rucR. I aiim willing ti. . wager 1OOO to 8iOOO , as you are so cohlhiient of your- self. I'leiue aIiKvcr by return miuul. I weigh 108 immmmils. 'Yours respectfully , .1. C. Jois. Mr. Curicy loft fur Cliidago on the .ftermm.mon . trait. Sumulay .iimit . insforo gommig aLitei1 IA ) a 1ii ! : it.jn'tcr . thmLt if .iumybo.iy . wnntel to Iiglmt hiitii , his nidress WOUld lie iii can , of thu Chicago Smrtimmg Tourmal. I I o saki that lie .wai4 ready to uiglit. anybody at mill ) ' lilacu where time nutlwritics svoimhti mint iii- terfere , whether it was in Nebraska or LmImsmana. I to thought time contests which hail Imeomi gotten up home had given ieple the ilei , : that all the lighters were 'kifls , " t1t i , that there wmt imotlmin .uj.maro . al.out . the nuitter and thmnt all the lights vemo iiohul out iufnruhiamul. lb RtIIII1H ! ready to put imp his Iflollu ) ' aimil fight oily oiu who vill face hit , . , iii. . the ternis alicaily ibhilwd , , and cmiii ho found by muhiresmulIg as above. I.IIIHT % Vilui1rM. F.1. : . Commimorm. aim. ! , Iohiii lIlCK two light weight. )1lgilistH frmnm. the East , who are stiiyiiig ill the city a few days irior to going \Vest , have cuinsonted to give an cxliibitii > ii at 'PUnier led ! garden imext Saturday evening , and thu otto promnises to ha thu li.wst . of time kind over suemi in .Omnali : . . Connors hinhlK fromim New York. lie is tiLe huLl ) Will ) defeated. Limo imoteul Black liniimond iii a soft. glove Jight. in I'hula. duplmia. Files is fromim Chicago. where lie ree.'ntly . kimockeul out Tutu. Olmamidlor ill three rounds , and voim time chmamimpon middle weight mnclai of Ihhimiois Clman- (11cr svmu the immami who kIlOCkel IIIt Cap- tam Dalton. A iUMESTICCYCLONES _ 1ich ! BcllloralizM a 161h'c1 Baroi' , And Created a floneatlon in the Neigh- borhood. 'J'hie colored society of this city wits in a terrible state of eoiunmotion fur time last two woolcs over the eccentricitiw. of Mis. 'Vuthlle , wife of the vu1l hcnowii Six- teentli street barber. Mr. Wathilu , wimoni the reporter of Bnu sought yesterday Inomnhmig formui imiter- view , was harti to ho foUnd , bit the scribe while roalimilig round his slump struck upon l'lIrs.Vaddle ' , of whom ho did not ask a statomnemit , but to his delight - light soomi struck a mleighlor who volimn- teered to give tts mmmtmdm of time case as ho know , which is as follows : . .lou.tdiilo is a nice fellow mimmil has lots of symnimathlizers. 0mm tIme otliem' hiammd his vife is a holy tenor. tlout two weeks ngi , Too's sister caine to pay Imimim a visit , ion ! his kimmdnoas anmi liberality to- vav.l' his sister excited time jealousy of 1mb. wife , who coimmnmummced to abuse Jo0 iii time vorst possible muinimnur. AB ho is a good imatured fellow lie stood thm. racket until it got too hot , aim. ! one hiright Iumoruliumg while i.e . wits at his muimul ) 1ErmViuhilu appeared at tIme tlmresluohcl with a , uiOiIChtCl liSt thureateuiiimg tiestrmuc. tion ztimd m.umrder . ; alleging tiimmt he vuis ticuiting his aister munch. bet tor tuna her. Poor .Joe as uisimi tiled to avoid trouble , iii. . . ! slid out by time back door iii the .1110) . ' amid was 11)51. for a couple of days to his wife mmmiii customers. 1 % . . few days later two siuitilar scenes hmapmeimoil 111111 .Joo followed the minnie line of cpmuluuct over , keeping away fromum hmouume mmmiii busimmess nuid in ouch instimuco roturuming 'ith. the hope that his better humif would get ovei the exeituuimeiut. Iltut to his horror on Smmumday lust utrs.Vnddo \ ! nh)1)elmred at the store imruuied in the true ! iitliamt style with. .1 oe'i own vat'.or , a hatchet umimmi a cci : ! oil cimit full of oil. hero she mmmdc a dive for sloe wlum slid out 1) ' time back door , followed by his wife , to thu nile ) ' where they engaged iii a hmaimmi to immict light in which iur 5Joo got time Worst Of it , for time 5001)10 reason that .loo did not have vractico in time fistic art at vhmicim his wife imi quite an expert. Before the vaumtom.limmu wmia eloscil .11)0 got time comil oil can with the oil over lmis head , fol. lOWCl imy hrics } , stials imimul every other iummagimmabie t.lmIimg that. emulme imanuly to time ) maumml8 of hmis wife. After time battle Was over Mis. Joe appeared on 'tIme street , where she was recciveil witKhumgl.tur by the big crow. ! that mu ! cOI14JtCd roummd ; iummmmgimmimmg tlumt the iystmLimmlem1were ) mumakimmg fun . .f . her sue ummado mmmi aIlmrpriato remark to the ulluct that if tiny son mmmalo fima of 1mev abc woimid blow his imains ) ommt. In time immeamitimnu JOO vcumt on a den. . ! mull to .Judgo Anderson , who issumed a var- nmt , limiti ! llrs.Vmulillo wits arrested , bmmt as , Jce diii mmot , appear iwforu time judge yestcrulmty muhit. . was released. shoe hums the biggest sluiro of symmmpatiii. zeta , who climimmi that his wife ruiumed his imusiumeas , ( room which ho svmis forced to rim- time yesterday. , _ _ V Tlhl SCIlOOb IlOAlti ) , A Special Meeting Held Laut Evening , A svccimml nmecting of time board of cdii- cation i'as imeid last evening. Present : 3essrs. Cojmelnmmd , CoumoyerGibion , Live. soy , Parkez , Points , $ pechmt mmmiii I.fr. l'rcsident. ' .I'Imo conimmuittee oil teachers mum. . ! text books 21111(10 11 i'Cjurt in favor of certain teachers. Adopted. Time foilowluug teacimers woio elected ( or the ensuing year : Carrie M. JrartleJen. mile ? icLoutii , Ida l. Nnck. Fiunmio E , 11 urlhutVAumnio L. floor , Lillie Plrium , Lizzie It. Perkins , Normi IL Lomumoim , Emmu. lime A. Xendahl , 1iittio S. flotldy , Nellie Ienimett ! , Josie F4 IJuirpor , Itoss 0. Ed. ily , Lottie Biummimer , Ellenuxtomi. Mug- gmeMeCague , hello 11. Lewis mmmiii Sarah 1. ¶ l'luImmlmsou , 'Fhme committee on bulhlimmga amni prop. erty itulo a verbal report in regard th rojmii-s on the Imigh cimool building. rhio conmummittee oil teachers and text. iOokiI made a report requesting the sui.erimmtendont. l.a nasqn ? ulisses Aines McDoimaitl and Emma Fitch to positions SR teachers at the opeuling of time scimuols iim Septouumber. Mr. ( libbon mimoved that. the salary of Mr. Larimed be raiseml to l,2OO ior aimumulim. Ayes , Copeinud , Livesoy , (1mb- boim , Specimt and l'arker. says , Coumgnr , I'oint.s and Mr. I'resilemmt , , Mi- . Conger immoved that. thmo conmmitteo oil bumildiumgs and l.roperty be authorized to hmiixo time oh ! furimacca in time Cummtral school bimilulimig lie limit either mum thu Cain. . or East. school buiii.liumg. . Carried. Mr. Specimt iumivcd , : That the special coummmimittee be authorized to secure time lot muljoimmimmg time school im.umo . situ oil Seven. teenthm amid Lcavemmwortim strctmth ; carriil ; ayes , 8. Mr. Parkur moved : Timrmt time salary of time smmperimmtcimdeimt be fixed at. siooo : Iur nmmimumnm. Carried , Comimmimittee n.m . teachers timid text imouiks mmnuic ft verimi reiort. , in favor of z teacher of writing antI .1mawimi at. a salary of $1100 , and that Limo s.mcrummten4eimt . be an. thomized to cotmtrnct with time same. PF1tiONitIa. F' . ltchIws , \ 'eeiulgVator \orris I'ahmmer , mmii wife , Schiuyhu'm ; Mrs.Vmn. . A. Mean. , A11loim , It. F. 4'.rimold , Hchmuiyler ; II. ( L Crissey , Nortim l'lstte ; 'mlrn. ( holwimm , , 1'leasaimt Vu1 Icy . ; II. . . . . Juirgnm Clark , liii. . . . V. M. Snckett , V. . 5:11. : i'mlc , aim , ! ( ko. 'V. 1.biell , Alhmlomm ; ,1ilut Key , \mnicmmtlume ; 1. Corkiinff , Nehgiu ; 16 , Vi. Oslsriu , limit ; l , i. Kimight , Dr. .1. \v , hlhtcluc.sck , i"rteni , ; .1. M. lavi.isoim anul ( amimiiy , York ; U. 1' . Cimessmnan , York ; Miss he : . Ii % IIi5tuilo , Yairitmry ; lu.I. . ltnhllimn , Neligi. , auiul \'iu. iammulomi , Hmmperior , ama among time Nobraskamu , . at the l'axtoum host imight. 'i'hie ( lmicngm , Joimrumal of .1 uuly I 2th , says : "Mr. S. II. It. Clark , gemmemal mnaimager of time Unlumm l'adflo railway , nccomu.panie.l . by .Iutlgo 'flmunutoii email Csui. A. 11 , SaIlors. will leave this 4mommtuug for time Ncepecnauk Iumb hioumsa hum Mr. Clark's lurivate car. At time dumb , where averytimii.g . Is lovely , imicludlug tue fishiumg , 1Ir , Clark aummi .Tuilgo Timbmntoim will ho the guest of Colonel Sellers , who is luresidont of time cliii , . If they iluim't imaye a good time , it won't ho Culoimi Sellers' fault. " Thmoimmas M'igumire , time veterami theatrical manager , of San Vmancisco , lua.sed tlmmougim tim city ycst.mdny omm lii. . . way imomumo frouui thu CMI. Gem. howjirul amid Liemutciuammt ! Iowamd loft for F't. Niubmara last uo.miiig . on oflicial bust- lienS. Mrs. I ) . Simimim , Saum Simon , timmul N. I ) . Simnoim , of Portland , Oregon , nrc at thu 1'a tout. ( eorguu h. ihouhle , of time Vcsterim Ummioum Tehegmapim cuimiaim , in iii the city on himsiiies1 C)1. ) .T. 0.Vet , of Grand Islamul , registered at time Ziiiilurtl lzu.t umight. Iav. ! ( eo.VV. . V.Talumwriglmt , of Blair , is a gimmmst of' tim .1ilharul . , A. Packer , of Ileatmice , was a guest of the : i ihllLri last itight. c.1ohiui ICeck , of Ogdeim , registered at tim 1'mtoim IMt mtighmt. Sui1it. C. N. LzniIer , of tIt. . , S 0. & 1' . It'y , is at time Millard. V. N. Craig , of Kearney , SW4 at the Mu. hint last night. . Q.v. . 4\lflfllS , of Central City , is at tue Iihhmmrd. . , J. A. Sto1uiioums , of Ogden , is a g.mc.t . of the Paxtoim. .Johiu. ICunimler , uf I lot Surimmgs , I. . at time I'LmtOui , Goo. s % ' . ihurtoim , tif Orloimums , is at the \iii. harsh. 0. A. W'oici , , ofVaymmo , hi at the Millard. . . \v. . 1' . Swaim , of Domiver , is at the Pmtoum. Gommeral C. if. Vat.Vyek is in tunvim. II. S. Ihikor ammd wife , of 1"nlrbury , are at the PAXtmm. r ? uIr. immul rn. . C. .1. lhummce returnet ! ycE.tem. . tiny front mm visit to W'immtersct In. ? ilrus. A , l'olack loft ( or MaimIt.on Sprimugu. , hcro shu vill mmiett : her imumulnumci. Vie fliorbower linus rehumned frommm 1mb. vaca- Lion , slOumt at his oh ! hmoimmo tim Sidney. i1rs. ibusimimoll aim. . ! In. . EIwamd I'muker , of Q ( mimic ) ' , Ill. , are Ii. the city for a fom' days , thmo gme.t : of lr. it. C. Mooro. , J. 11. sIceoIl , Itmiglm IeLcmtim , and 11. II. Fauilcimer , of 1 ) avuuomm county , vero guests mit thu \i ilimirti to.uia3 F. S. i'otvimi , the Linehii , contractor vimo has time cmmtrLetmm ( or C.IIstriicLiimg . several of our new scimui , , ! houses , is 1mm time city to-day. Auhjmtmmit.eumerml : : II , ( , 1)rmmnu , U. S. i'u. aim. . ! Cs , ! . 'l'ilOs. li' . Barr , meturneti front Salt Lmmko timis imiurmmlng aim. ! tUe guiests at thu I'mmx- ton. .1r. . . .Jolmmm (1. , Jmtcolsu , time vehl kuowmi ummuler- taker imumd c.niier of Io.uglns ) commmmty , will heal. . \VedmmesulLmy , . with iuIu fnmmmlly , for a three mim.mmth , nip oii the l'acit'mo coast. 'l'hmero is i.e 1tmbilo official l'imo would he mmmiscd noire iiy time .mosvsnjuer . muon thtam. 'uIr. Jacobs amid s'lmth. , they s'tslm lmiim. a iieasnimt till , they also hmopo for his niucod' retummam. I t iuu i.e seltiommi that ho tukos mm vimeatioum that. ve uutmppou It sIll immivo to I.e cmuiumreul this timmie. sr. .T. B. 3. Jlyaim , atm clii Ommmaha boy muid a iwomntmuemmt jourimahjat , wimo 1mM 1)00mm at work for II , S. Reed & Co.of CimtcaoIor tuomimo time l.ast 1mm getttmmg UI ) their rosiowu. of thin lrinci. isa ! vustermm cities , i.is : recently boom. luroimmotod to time 1mositiom , .11 chief editor of the corpswitim 501 Cit assistmimmtuu. Thin firmum Is doing a fine work 1mm 1)a1otui , Colorado ammd Iowa , amid Joe Is to ho eomigrat.mbated . om. . lIimiiiug so oxcelhcimt a Ito' sttlomi I. . . ti. . ! r favor. Depot for Bupplica , 'I'lmu Ummiomi l'acilie , ii. their supply de pamtmmiemmt , lowe a gemumnl storekeeper lu. catud at Ommmmimn , am. . ! imumler him are three lmrammch stores , located at Duimvor , Cobra- do ; Armustroimg , Knmuems , amid Lnmnmimie , Vyomuiimg ; mmmi. . ! time fourth omme is just ho- immg established for time liloimo ilivisioum of the mend at Gmamigur. This stoic is to 8tIply time Oregon iuimort line mint ! time Utah ama ! Nortimumn with ovcm'thummg used iii time shape of Immmmmbor , ira. . . , immirtlwaru , nil , mimeelmimmery , tools , imictaimi , etc. , umummn- Iuring imm time list hmtmmulreds of articles. lSIr. .J , S. ( ] ibsomm , of Ommmaima , huM just becum assigned to time nmnmmngo. macnt of timis store. lie waa iii the city yemutorulay nun. ! will probably brimmg imis fmmmmily : here to meside , being at. trimcttd , I ) ) ' time ia'zumty of timis city ituid the mmmammy mmtIvmm.mtmges . : it. ollrmm mis ii i.hnco . of resiilwmeu , umimil its umearimeas to ( imnmmgem- , where lmo .l iIi ( Im ) bimsimmess. ( rumger its too barremm amid desolate a pimico for hmimmm to take lifts fummmmily. 0mw object , we muimclumshmmmui , ( if nmaliumg r ranger time Inca. tiomi of timis umupiul ) ' store is timat time coma. I' ' ' ) are umsimmg large qunumtities of mcml- yo&d luambor .ilmiimg . time hue , amid this caim le taiceim to Onmmmgor amid then stout for- wnrml over time Oregon Simort line witimommt tnumsfer , A buildimmg 21)xJOO ) feet is Ieing erected fum lImits mmloru-.Salt l4ik-o : I'ribmummc , PARALYZED. Oerwhe1min Dfcatof thc iollx Cily il1s Coming Oame.inOmnfthft Thia Week. Saturday's game between time Sioux City' . . and Union laciumc'sat the grounds of time latter , was witnessed by a very fair crowd and resulted in a ono-sided contest. . Only Bli innimmg wa played , at time cimmi of wimicim time home team had TOilet ! Ut ) imo less timan timirty-ono runs while time visitors by very imard work , as- SIFILCl by a charitable error mm time part Of Mr. Fummkimoimserwhmo relieved Iiatmdle be' hut ! time bat , managed to got. in ommo r'.un. Sucim oximilitions as that of SaL'rday mulmomilul not ho ilignufied 1) ) ' thu , mnmne of base ball amid time ommly m'edeem.rmmng point. 1mm Saturday's fiasca wait timat iL gave , time 17. l''ms ami afternoon of practice. rime score below should have time olrect bf comm- linimmg time S. C. 'mu to time smimmilier towims ammd oommmmtry fairs : , uIocx ciTy. Aim , i : . In. m'o. A , E ltumrcimard i . . . . . . 8 1 1 0 3 1 Uariner , s. 8. . . . . 2 0 0 0 5 4 Alleiu : ii . . . . . . . . . 0 1) 0 2 4 AflhlCfliuit . & ii , 8 0 0 1 0 4 Mmmllemm c. & 8b. . , i 0 0 2 2 2 llmwaum 2h. . . . . . . . 2 0 1 5 .1 : m ltlciaruIs lb. . . . . . 3 0 0 10 0 5 Eu-wlmmcf. . . . . . . . . 2 0 0 0 0 0 Kirklf. . . . . . . . . . 2 0 0 0 2 0 Total. . . . . 2 1 2 18 18 28 VNtO4 m'ACiiiC. An H. I it. p0. A , E. KcKulvy , i , & ef mu 4 1 (1 ( 5 0 1"umimkimotmserc&l ( 6 : i a I 3 1 Wlmltimcy , 2b..1 l 2 3 0 F.Ioy , 8h . . . . . . . 7 8 1 1 3 0 $ , ieed , suu . . . . . . . 5 4 2 2 1 0 Briggnr ( . . . . . . . 6 .1 2 0 0 0 Ilamidle , if & c. 5 t ; .1 3 3 0 Rockwell , Iii. . .1 1 0 10 0 0 Salisbury , cf & , .1 2 3 0 8 0 . . . . . . . . . . 31 18 18 23 1 Ily imiiiitmgu. . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 3 4 5 fi UI' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 2 9 4 3 13-31 Slunmx City . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 1- 1 'l'iiuo of gamc-2 hmm.mn. . Three bane imtts-Fumnkijommmer. Two iN40 hiits-MclCeivyFumikimouscrV'i.jt. . tiny ammil liriggs. 1'nsed hails-Mulleim 7 , Aimdcmsen 2Bandle I , Fumiukhmouser 1. UimmpireC. . Moimroe. , .pIg'i4 . . 111tH % ( lAMP. TumesdimyVednesday nmml Timuraday of timis week , time l'ort liuroim's , of l'ort. litiroim , TuTicii , , timid time I.'mmioim 1'acilics immeet at. time St ? uInry's avemmime groimmmds. Tlmeu gaimmemu proimmise to bo very immteremut- lug am. time P. IL's are time acknowledged leaders of time nomtimwesterii lemtgmme amid bets are freely olrureml tiizmt tile ) ' will dowmm time U , P..u two out of three gnomes. Speaking of a gammme recently 1ayeml at Sawinmmw hietweemi time ' 'I'ort Iluroim's' ' amid time "Saginaw's , " time Prt Eluromm Daily TolegrapJm says : l'estcrdty's : gnome at Sugiimaw : botwecim time Pmrt ifuromi's" mmimd time 'Smgiimaw's" was omme of time bemL gmmmmmemm of base lxiii evetilayetl ) omm time tipper , lcmlimmslmla , time score stamidimig 2 to 1 itt time close iumd errors ommly 2 to 1 , botlm imm favor of thu ' 'Port llmmromm's. " Good weatimur is nil that is requmireml to immaure for time lovers of ummm mmmtiomial : gmmne : imm Oummmima : Ilirco of time best gamimes of lath ever wjtnessetl it. timis city. Time 1 ? . P.'s imavo liucit stmcuigtimuumcI soimmewhmat by a vel1 kmmowim player rlm ( ) will 11m1)inhly up. vetr \Vednesday'm. . g.umie.Vo append time mmammmes of imlmyer : mmmmd their respective P0Siti0miS jim Tmuestlmy's : gnome. i'L.tYERS mNTouoltRow's ( mAuF. . l'ort Ilturoims. Position Umiion I'zucific. . . Motmi.tjoy---------l'ikhmer. . . . . . . . . Salisbury ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bandlo ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . { . . . . . . . . . . . . ! . . . . . . . . . \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stuit , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! . . . . . . . . . . Mortisoim..Center Field..MelCelvy ' ' . . . . . . . . Viol.Funkliouser , ! l1INNT1"S flUItG1AllY , Tlmo Fifteenth. SIred Gmueer Falls a Prey to time Gang. At somime late hour Simmiday night , time groccmy store kmmowmm us ' 'Bemmmmett's , " 0mm Fifteommtim sticet , \Villiammms' block , sm-as eimtered by burglars amd a quantity of oods itimiommntimig to uomnutliimmg less tinum : rue Carrie. ! utwimy. Mr. Bemmmmett left. time store all riglmt at six o'c1oci aimd jmnhgimmg frommm Limo mijupear. mmcc of thmimmgs is of time opinion that time oimtrammee sves : elk'cted. before or dmmrimmg time sovei'o storimm whmiclm took plice : at 4 a. mim. 'lime shutter to time imortlm wimmdow open- miug omit umm time nile ) ' wmw cut. with a kmmifc or simmrp : chisel , so timat it lmmmmmd could lie imuserted amd : time latch lifted. Tlmcmm a lLmme , : of glass svas bmokcmm , time liolt to time viimulomv maisim ( lmitvm back ummmd time wimmdov i'aiscd , ll guca to simomv timat it wits time m'omk of sonto ommo timomouglmly acquaimmted smith time 1)remmmiscs. A ammumill dog was inside - side time store inmt lmis lmarkimmg wms : no doubt damymmuml ommt. by time noise of time stormmm. 'lime gui. . ) . ! . . takeim commaisteti of cigars , jack.k-miivcs , toilet sets , etc. , ammd does imot foot imp voi' ) ' lmrgo : b.mt . 1.Ir. . Bcmmmmott ohlrs $110 for time capture umimil commvietiwz of time timief. Exit was mmmmde : tlmroimglm time iflCk tlooi amid it was left staimdimmg wide opeim so that time r.mimm . fell 1mm nmmd drcmmcimod time Iloor timorougimiy. - _ _ _ _ _ _ Free lvemihmmg Exhilbitioum 01 Fume Art. ? uIr. O'Neal , time well kmiowim artist will have his studio open all timis week for a free exhmibitiomm , Time work oximjbitcl 15 that of his lumimiis amid seine of time pieces are rcmmmarlcably timme , IIr. O'Noal nmmd iii. . pumpilmm oxtemmileul ii cordial immvitntioim to all lovers of art timid all artists , to be luresoimt sin ) timoy camm be assured of a fume treat. -u- I4IGIITNING STUIiCEH. Aumotimer Cyvloimo Ammmong time Ummlomm l'mieI1o Coumuliuctors. Timero vuro rmimumors imm time air yestorda ) ' timat. there wmts to ho ammotimer big cleammimmg ( flit nmmmommg time Ummiomi l'micit'mo passemigor commmluuctom'm , such mis took iiiaCO a ) 'ear amid a half ago , ammml s.mro . ummougim the ruimmor proveti trumu. it. sruts state. ! to.dny timat o'er commdime- tur ) betvcoui Oimmaimi : , Denver , utimmi tJlmey. oimmmi limit ! 115(1 lmimm imeilmi cut alt but tlmms wits aim exagunmtiomm. . A l'immomm Pacific 1)111cm ! v1w was mumtor- viuwet ! by a 11mw. reporter adiimmttcd that 0. utimiumber of t.imeimmacmm m'oro diaclmmirged limit imot nih. Their Imincets will be fillet ! I ) ) ' freight comuluctors , who in t.mrum . wilt he stucceisleti by mmmcmi fvommm thmemr OWi % crows. - Iton ! ltst.ito TrmlmiNfCisi. 'I'iio fo1lowimn deeds voro filet ! for roe- on ! iii the county clerk's oilie July 14th , reported for Tu l3ii by Amos' real state agency ; Joimmm lttmsimcouimty treats , , to Ferdimmamid Streitz , deed lot 5 , bik 458 , Oran 81.28. Joimum A. McSimaime mmd wife t , Geo. A. Coimiter , ' ; - .1 Iota 18 and I-I , ' iccSimamme's sub div. , $1,250. l'atrick .1. Mullen amid wit0 to lIi'ury Voss , Jr. , ' , v ( j lot lVt lteml ck's 2am ! add , , $575 , U. 1' . Ity. to W , F. I .iimmg , w l mit , of ' SW .j of acre 7 , Ii' ) , 10 , nmmd lots 3 amma .1 , in 7 , 15 , 10 , $834. 7r : A. B. Itogors rim wife to Micimnel Far- roli , w d w 100 f' of ii A lot 2 , llarbacim's let. add , , $ iS0. - i Mimmmr Bai'afmiger to Lucy L. Peminy , w ii 0 of lot , 1,1k 7 , Shminim's 1st. add. , $800. UURT 11OllE COSTS Thc Estimaics all Amonht Paid Oil thc Nevi Bllh1d1 , Time I'rsgrcli ? of time ' ' .si'k 'limims Far. Frommi time county clerk , Mr. luimmm liamuner. we obtain the follom immg fmgmmrcs , simowimmg time armmoummt of svork airculy : done amid mmiommuy lint. ! thorefor omm time new coummty court Imoimso , mmow in imroccss of orectiomm Oh Upper Fartimun street : Amumouimtof estimimato for work domie jim time mnommtim of Juime , $5,182.72. Fifteeim per ccimt. dethmctcd , $852.41. Ammiouimmt. 1mijtl , $4,880.31. 'I otal mmmmmoummt. of estimmiates to ilmitei35 , ' 850..1'2. Amiioummt retained , per cemmt , $1.1- 377.53. While time above may seemmi a large amnotmimi , ii , commsiderimig time fact that time btmildimmg ha. . . 01mb ) ' been commipleted to time to1m ( , f time first story , it immimat. be re- mnumumiwrcd timat. time baseiumemmt is of solid mmmasommry aim. ! timat time vaults immivo been luimilt as the work lroeeemletl. There i-c- mmmains but omme story te ho addwl , immiti it ii. expected to have time huildimmg cimeloseml lr' ) fall , Aim mmimonyimmomua circimlar was issued on Saturday , mnakimmg imiqimiries as to these ligurems , wimicim TilE BEe 1mM obtaimmed for time informmmatiomm of all coimccrmmed. CAPITOL Ililili. A Spleimillul Open Air Concert Giveim by LimO uit4iCLLi Unto. . liammil. It is a bug timito simmee such a deligimtfmml mnus'mcal treat imas becim giremm emi Capitol Iii ! ! as that by time Mimsical Union Brass ammd Reed baud eu Saturday evcimimmg. This baud , aim out growth of time 1.Itms- ical Uniomm Orchestra , wimicim timmder time able leadership ami(1 directioii of Mr. Julius Meyer , imas done so immucim to raise time .Stnmmdard of 1\Iusic \ mi thus dirmc- tioim , imas hecim iii relmearsal for seVcrml ; weeks past .iiider tIme leader- shmili of l'mlr. Augmist 1oimrs ! , formerly of time celebrated U. S. ? .Inrimme . Humid. It svmma their fIrst iimiihic : tiuIcaraflct ) flfll they I svcro greeted with a lmmg : aumiicmmce of ladies and gemitluimmen , immelmidiumg seine of the beat iumimsictl : comimmoissc'imms iii time city. 'l'lmat imomme went away disal)1.uimmte(1 . is cur- t.iiim but there were mmiammy SS'lU. ) were stir- 1mriscul at time success ( if time imuis(1rzmimint : - tion amid at time store of lntommt mmmusical timlemmt iii Oumithma ; wimicim had. Imitimerto re- immaimiemi lmidtloim. This imcsv band is a creilitmtble muupiemnemmt to time ? ulmisical Ummioim orcimestrt mmmi : ! will mm tloimbt. rank iiiglm frommm time lust. Time coimcert was a mi1iiemidid one , time so- icetions beimmg the fiumest. timat. could lie immade. Time overture "Last spiel" and time horn quartette ly L'mlessrs ' l3rammdt , itolirs , Scimmuidler , nmi(1 Doimmaumn , were esiecnmiiy limmo amil Limo piccolo solo , ' 'Time Nigimtiiigalc , " iy i.1r. . .luiimms Iufu3'er , sm'as a perfect gem amid received its (1110 immued of aimiiiratiomi from time audience , It is expected timat other comicem-to will 1)0 given dmmrimmg time miummnmuer ahm(1 if so they will lnmcoino time immost. popimiar of : tnytimimmg of time kim ! over given in timis city . - _ _ Y.M.C.A. Sunday's Work. At 9:15 : time bilulo class immmmt in time asso- ciatiomi parlor , fifteemi yolumig macmi imeing prcscmmt , nim(1 mmearly an hour was slent ii. stumlyimig a lol'tiomm of time "Seruimomi omm the IhIouimL , " milan ) ' practical lessoims beiimg broumgimt ( lilt. At nime o'clock time comim- mmmittco visited time jail mmd time usual services - - vices were imeld-Mr. F. 11. Bnmmdmy : , of Iimmgiiammmtomm ! , N. ' . , timid I\1m \ _ ' 1' . ? .1. . imItr- : shah mmmak 11mg simort addresses. i'd ucim iii- torest is immammifest in tlmco services , and a before time Close timeru wcm'o live i'cqmmests for prayer. A large amimdieimco its- . semnbled iim time assoeintiomm lmtli : mit 4 o'clock , i iiem'o a sommg m.urvicc , coimdimctcd ] by Air. .1 oiumm Frees , itstiim : a quartetof it mum Imour , oimcimed time service. uIr. 'mV. R. 1iuznmd mis time lenlcr vimo , speakimmg ' 1111011 time muilijeet of "Iime Iebtor's - I'mayer , " simowemi time debt ve all owed to Cimrist , vim , , redcemmmed us fmommm uuimr sums. his talk followed by a beautiful ( lout eimtitlcd , ' 'l'imrilomm , l'caee ammd ltowcr. " Short talks by a mmimumber of time yommuig mmmcii followed , vlmoim Tiirs. Day- , jim 1mev iumm- J)1CStsi'U mimmimmimur , snug mimumumber 35 imm gus- 1)Cl lmymmmmms , ' 'All to Christ I owe. " After time usual nimmmoummcomimeimts time mmmectimmg closed , all feeling timat ' 'it ss-as good to be tlmure. " BALL'S ' / . / CORSETS Every Corset 13 warranted eatfe- iitottry to Its wearer in cvem way , or the money wilt be retunuod by t.be person iromu whom it was bought. Tm. . only Ourset prcnouttoed . 1 ' ' Oiling 1or.t em 1211.45. " 1'Uu'lMby MatiI'odtO i'mtJ ; IIe.itii 1'.eryrmr , 3i.A. tsc.t..tijutieg. 0140 ] AbomInid ( cstr.uiuCMTY ) $11.00. NursijigSI.1O Uc<k l'ro.erIst ( Sue ioutll ) $11.00. 1'raGLI 5LIrW3uppuUUg , em.ao , , ILetaU iJu.tIcr. I ' r iaio by iiilug 'd3UWLOO COLi$1 v5. m. L--- - - - - - Infants and Children Wlthont Morphtnn or Narcothmts. What gives our Children rosy cheeks , , What cures their teyormt , makes them sleep' 'Tm ( ' p 'nstormi , When flabici. fret , And cry liv turns Wbatcurtw their colic , kills iheir worms I Hot Catorl. , , What quickly clime. . Con'4lpzmtlon , Sour St.omnacn , Colds , Indigu-stion : stilt Carstoria , Farewell then to Morphine Syrups , Co.ttor Oil and I'aregorlc , andHail Hail Costerla. Centaur Llnlment.-Anab. * elute onro for Rhoumatimim , Sprains , Burns , Galls , &o. , and mm tmistantanooims Pain-rollover , SPECIAL NOTICES. t.rSpoCialB will Positively not be inserted unless paid In advance. TO LOAN-Money. V _ ONIW TO t.O..N-Tho . Omaha Savh.igs . 1hm.m . Ii A iitSi ( to muma.e loau.s . on Ont.ha : city or iouudau ) county real estate at current rated lputctet. No cotmmmimbsloim ciiargd. k'u U oNiy : TO LOAN-The Ioaet rates of itite.t , I Ikoti , , ' Loam. Ag.ncy. lit ) . & i1oittas. ti4t ONIY : TO LOAN-Call at iaw 013cc of L' . L I 'fliottia , , ronom 8 , Croigluton - osmv : ( ) mumortago , roommi 7 1 Nebraska National Bank Imuflaltug. 154.tf ' IONETo LOAN-j , T. ileatty Ioamu. on chattel 1I property , 2i3 South. 1mtmm St. f4.muim' HELP WANTED. \ , I Hotel , a good rluimner for the trahim' . . & 35.mO 'I 7.tNTih-A dlshwa.uhucr at the henley Street ! liebtauralit. Mo-IS' yANTlD-A good girl in family of two : good 1 % % ages. m04 South 2tthi street. 1.41.16' \ ' ) ' gmtii at ea England itestaumnmt , , 1415 Dougla.u street. yANTEi-First.tias wonrnmm conk at the ( latmit S hoUse , hear guneritmulent citical ( .4.tf y.trin-t barber huuuiedmately at Satimuel Corn. , fIeld's , 6)9 North 10th St. 55O.m7' 1TANTII-Two dlumhiig roont girls Immnedlateiy at 1' isis Dodge St. Uood wages. b52.j' % yANTFIA , alter anti ice creammt niaIer mit , flmauis itiroi em , . ietmiumaimt { , C.suncii lihugs. & ' 1-l6 AN rhLs - . young loam. auiout is to tumid room V room anti cican U : ' ; one siio boamd at mtmime. Reference , 314 S. 10th St. yANTii-young : lady for cherk iii dry g.Odu , store ; mi1.it have cmiPrience : no other imetul atpiv. Adiire. . , witim naitlu a.t.m reidemucc aim. ! salary expected , "iu. ii. , ' iitic Ohmic. 553.17 17VANfE1)F..o uiiuIr.g : . roomut ghrhmi , one cotnpe. 1 1 tent to take ciiarge. 11.untu.rs' liouqe , mOth amid iotigc. ) ( ' 55-isp \ \7.tNTE1)-- ) gh. I to take mtre of chihithi en. In. I quirn at EtmJsotttmt istm st , . 1TlN'1Lh- to cook , im Nthth ntm. St. , he. 1 twetit Capmtoi Ave. amid iaemmport. 554i 7ANTCh-i.cteath.ig . ih..e. . Appiy at : oii : F'.r- I stain street. S1IA\S' & 511)-lu' ) - % 7ANTED-A good girl for kitchen % eork. inquire I 1 5. i. ( 'or. ISthi reid ] ) olge In iii : F'armiau.t St. 520-10 \7ANTEi-A good gin for general Iousouork , at , ! 117 svciMter , .trtct. 55.i7 TAs'rED-'Inntr t' . vork em. . tihtcii at North. 0 iiatte , Nd , . \S'egciu til m er day auni board. Aqiy at 0111cc f ii. 1) , Cmi.th1uouk , iiskcr.s Block. I : . i : . cLiul. \TANTIi-Twu good loyi , about 10 years old. omaha Uronu.Vork . , 15th and 1'acit1c strectu. . . 'tTANTEI-Fmfty men for ralhmoa,1 , cu ork. 531-17' II. 3IANNW1:1LLEm : : , I ithi Street , near } 'art.amn. . l7 ANTED-An emimiormencod and competent moan v to drIve c.uriage . mutt take care of hores. ikf. renecu reqtiireem. 1u.quiro . 'immt.TON iiO(1E1IS & SON'S , 512-10 14th and Farmmmn streets. ' ' TANTIt-A good Siioentaker One abho to do ' ' hirst.eha.isee.cd atnul ptqged uork , cmui , obtain a Ituatio. . . h ) adlrehslng .1. .1. Imuffaelc , Vnuktot , , ha. eta. 404-18 ttT.tN'riIgood feeder for uloublo cylinder ! ! murems , at ommce , at this eStee. jy.tf 7AN'1''I-'feamtmstenu to seork on ditch at North S S Platte , Ned , . S'agcs 1 per day amid oard. vi. ' at 010cc of II. B. lastauroole. , ilaher's Block. I : . 1 : , cLAhIi. kANTIDA commmpctent gin for general house. ' urh. iteferenecs required. Calm at 1022 Clii- tgostmeet. ( .01-161 t7AN'1iU-A dining moon. girl at the Ocehdcntai 1 iiitnietiiatiy. 448.tf k I ANTll-A good gemmerai biacksinith. Good 1 1 sua.es rend steady uoric tiieyear rouud. , owny MAmuuw , I'renmnnt I'elu , iitS-IS LITAN'1EI-i'ri.y au1ts , siiiks , amid cemroolu. to 1 cleai with. . .iautitar3 cleaner. Satisfactiomiguac. uteeci. J , M. Smith box 42d Omaha. 316-line L.7.&NTE1)lid fur gutuerni housework. 5ii.t bu I gets ! cook u.iith imiemittiress. Appiy at 1708 Call- ) rltla , treet 244-tf r tiihFs : ( lit \'OIJNU 1Fs ; mit c 1) ' or cotmmitry , Li take , iice. iiiit and iuleaamt w m it at their ou n ouii ( $ ; ' 2 to $5 a ma3 easmhy miliuh quietiy mutade ; work nt by mali ; Ito cammva ssln ; ito stautip for rpiy lease addreau Reliable 3lanhmratturirqcomnjai.ty . , l'a. , raiser ' 1' ! ' . 185-tu.tlt.sat till Jy 21 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. L17.tNTflhi - A thoruglily eoiimp.tomt hiook.ke.lcr ' 1 of htiim experience and iulmit testmnmu.mmmil , , uie'ahi CS mii1iiou. mdii II4 stic-mi. Adirebu V. . ' . lIeu Omhlee. LpANTlm-To buy a drJi ; store in a good , iiu.e , i touuVii , ( ioUimty seat. lddross C. I. S.miithm . , New lsrketTau.Joreount3 , ha. . roit REtT--flounes and Lots. POll BEST -Furnished rooni , , ssltl. or without 1' board , mit 1717 Cass bt.betu.5'en llthand 18th. 537.18 I-loll ituNT-I'Jeg.nt furnished room , 1803 ilodge. ii 3402m' 121011 ihiNT-On pleasant fruuut room , furnished at I 1715 Cutning St. , up stain. . 548-21' Elous' : Foil iEN'l'-Ou ( Chicago betiicen 14th. atmet 1Mb. inqUire cor. 15th urui Chicago. 53.3-ms. i'USiShmRI' ! hiootui r tent , 2i12 Cailforuha St. ii I dit imixThlou.eoft : roomns , T.Soit ( , 15th I and Chicago street. 530.17' I itiST ( 'I h1Ai'-.t .iees two story htoimso ii it ) . LI a convmiituives , ou , 17th trv.tbetueci Nichuilais lid i'aiml ' Cut , i smuteut to IT , 1' , Sht.i. Inquire at 122 N. lOOm street , 5m2.17' ; i'oit ; it : NT-W'ltim h , large furimished front I rooiim , uith L.V iihiuuiuw , gas emil hat ) . riot. . . . 1718 ku.lgo sticet , 533.20' I-oh. mimNTrso store uiuscllluig. 1718 Hurt , cheap. L 'L ° 1L Si , cor.2othanulCahlforiia. , _ _ ' ( uii musT : l.argu front mis. . , . , ltiu uhu'.ct. mOult. L1 ahtie for to , , , 10(0 Earmiam , . . 527mti' ; I ° LT tlimuimimtu.hiuI ( roorum. , 1784 , hiuugl.ss street. smi.mo : V l'OIt IIKNF-Ite.irabhu ettau , 20 month , I 22i9Cauiforumiastred. 4b.l.tf I OS' ! ' - , .oim.q u.uhtltc ittikh , VuOV red shtottni and IVI triinumeul . imehl , Howard am 603 N. 131) ) , stout. & .m4. V iohi ; iuNi''urmm.laaI ( basement at 1617 fledge L. strect. 404-17 ri'oht RENT-Neu. . coo. . , furumished or iiimfurnisheej , L suitii board , ileferent-ce required. 1610 1)asen. ort. 456-tI _ _ _ ; 'out itFST-Ilsuilsei.uely . furimhshmod roonms wit uiodern coiti-cumlencus. Apply at 1613 Iodgo S _ _ _ _ _ 455-16) ) - - - - - - - - - - - - V 1 Oil hIL51 'I'uo sinai ) brick stores anelbasenmeut just twin ; hiumished 3O. thtrtm doors north of Neb , I mitiutmal flaithe. S. LE1ISIAh' , isS.11 - - - = [ I 1011 I1ENT-Itoomas with board , northwe.ut eorne.t iI mOth and CalIfornia it. 267-iS _ -r-'oht ltENT'ie room good lsr.i. JVVl All he excellent condition and well locate , ! . 1tm.tt ¶ L } . UIIISCOU. -V A4h ) llOAiil'-Moiern coo eniences , 1S12 io'ie p1. V FOItSALE. fof-Ef i'Ohi 'iAt.iNuarest : to the t. m' Depot , I Colunmbuu. , Neltaska. Ecehleuut buiinesL ( hood itargain to rIghut man. iteaon for selhinR , fall. Ingof health. Achlceqq , S. J. 3ierinuy , Columbus , Neb & 3SVSVS 'OitSA1.l.-Comliete tarterfurnituru , wlti.threo 4 chaIrs : 2,3CumlnStOmaha. fj(5.17 ( _ _ . 1.-molt SALII 011 TIIAI)1-No. ) 1 fanu of 85 acres , It ji miles this .1,10 of Imellenie , 7 uimhlosfmnm Oinmihaon Ilehlecuc road. Aim tinier cuith-atmo. . . , ten acres fruIt orchard In 1.111 bcam-In , 23 years oil , good houseu. , . is acrei of timber. ItuilUiri , OH tren.l's. 52527 V. If. ) 'RCKIIAM. . 1V.'oii nEN'r-riem.sant rooms at 303 chihgo utreet. 1 514.20' S.lilFine tock fsrun of 155 acres , S hillel from i'tnfllce. 20) aere , cWtiyatesl. italanco hay suid ) actmmre hand. Ft-mice-I and vcll watered. ( boil houo , bar , . , etc. 515-17 m'mci : , opposite P. 0. F ° ft HAti-.Ono lot In Clark's ablition. Aho the lc.t humulIrncei 22 feet , ui i'ncnnui street. iiquiir. , of ii. (1. ( lark. sm.io "Olt SAIlIuu.ggy : . _ heady mica , , u ltht single or .lotml1e 'cat , horse' , harmuesM , sadihlo tend hrlitle. ( 'all 204 i.e. thm lOt ) , atm ret. 522-18' I SAI.1-i'roporty s , corner 13th mud Capt. tel aemiule , Inquire on lrtuttiu.e4. 500-mi llAiLNIS 141101' i'Oit i4l. 11--i ' gosh i'am lug shop her smile In imi tow ii of 1S00 luoltimlatiomi. Ofli3' 0mb other .huop in town. Stock ehlh itbolee fromui 8.ou . ) to 8iso. uu.i remmisout , for elhiu.g. . Aihi-esS " 1" care of I' . Ii. $ imisrp Simm , Omaha , Net , . 459.151 G iiss ; rnTiiimts : iht s.u.lVhrS : , Keen , lzari street , bet. 10th. cmiii Odtim. 430461 Foil StI.F ( lit 111NF-.t the rouui ) htotoc , barn , seil , eiitern , large lot , good iocatlou. . Apply to ' , . S. U. Stemensoui , N , . 1613 Cms.s street. 434-if 'oil 4 SAL1--A iOIi i'tt of heavy .agoui hiames , . auth too siuieumlki iuorscl-\ill dtlvu double or sin- gb. Call at ortomm's grocery store , 16th. and has enc - ) c V 454-U : . , I I Oht SAIL'-LotS. W cor , 10th and Clark strcot , OOx2oO feet. huuiiuire of S. ( I. Danmom , , aril' . V. . Morse' , 1310 Farmrumnstrcct. , 44T.l3J ; "olt SALE-A good paine at reasonable rate. Ad. dress 1914 SWebster Street. 3)tf. ) Foil SAI.l--ilocses , Vmigouiq , ilminiosi , , Rte. , at Enulgrai.t Stable , Cunuliugs stmoeL 2511-im emi SAL1-0hul nCivu.papers to large and sninil quantities at liii , ofliec. U 1OitSALu-Flax niihminVijjiory consisting of brake , 2 duters , beater , picker press , ct Can ork eIther rotted or green stuck ! hO shafting , pui. icy. , autel leltlng , for drhil.q . the aboe , also one 35 11. I' . engimie with holler , smimoliestack nuid all flxttmre complete. Address ' . 'ILLlA3t TArt' , Chiusrics 'sity , ion-a. 205-OmI . 'o1i S.tbu-A th-u.t class second liauid top buggy , Call at 1319 Ilarmity street. SOiLS MISCELLANEOUS. 10tINh--A muhysIciau. s surgical race , on m4th t.n.t I Douglas . , trectu. Oamuer can hare the sante by calling Oh F' . ii. KircithotT , 27th. between Dodge and i.ouigii streets. 533-10' P EiISONAL-Any imiforniatlon concerning Thomas McNamee , Will hem thankfully received by his brother , James P. llcNamee , Lei Umitos , Saut- . Clara Co. , Cal. 510.24' L OST-Summiday , Jlil ) 5th , a large black St. flenuard - dog , 's Iti. strap and chain. roe ard wIll be 1Id if returned to Martin Cauomm , iiemitou. street , mu block miorth of Cuntiumg stied. 505-18' I VOULl ) iil.e to fluid a gOIi iiouito in a good family fern boyd i3yearl. of age , nut girl 14 years of age. Apply of F. U. , 1204 } 'arumiulu stroat , i02.lO I Oit SALfl on l'.XCIIAii-Fiili ( : lot and three , lvellin. corner of 11th amid l'aciulc strcetu. Nine huts lit south Omaha. Al , 10) acres of land near Santot , , Nebraska , anti building au. . ) stock ot clotZ4uig No. 801 Tenth , street. Will uchaumge for Nebraatea fanmi land- ' . Further rartlctmlaru.at Gao. 11. l'uteru.omm' . . Ciotlilmig Stoic , SO ) Tenth street. 4013-eod.tf jils. .IUL1A scmiltouit : , Chicago , the most vow- V1 - & orftil tutagnetic ihmysiclaul , ionetcu nil lain ititI disease. Cures all thiosu gheit up by oUer luilyscians. Couu.uitatlouu , free. S. V. cor. 15th toad Capitol ave. flue. 1looi 10. 407.17k pun DlSI'nNsARY-m free dlsjtui.sary . , mi eon- neetion with the cilhimu. 1loshtam au ! Ilomno has becu. located out tli corner of 161) ) . miii 1motula strcct J ututtli the new bimlidluig mu. flmit-uhiej , Atteumulanec . , VjII . 'V hiui giveti 0-cry mnocimimmg ( Sunday cceptcd ) front 10 . . 4 to ii o'clock for the treatment of the needy , she' , anti - , . .1' . . suffering. 373-ti EDWARD KUEHL , MAOISTI-lt OF I'ALMYSTEItY AND CONDITION. AI4ST , 493 Tenth uutrcotbctt-eeum F.u.rnnun and liar. no ) ' , will , u.iitli the all of guardl.u , sl'irit , obtaIn for any one a glance of time past a1 prc'cnt , and on certalum cMtcilttout imi the fumtume. Botu. and Shmoo miiadu to orier. I'erfcnt , atlu.fu'tir , , , etmra'toJi. _ TA V SCSI. Arn POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder neser varies. A macsd of mm rity , r'j strength auth u1molcsomtiepme , , . ! uloro ecumuonmica th.s the ormmnary kinds , and cauinotbe soil lii clmllt tico .ltt. the multitude of Ins- test , short wulglmt , at i a o PIPhiate l1)ider. 8il only lii cans. htoru II ( , I ttWFSR " 'SC t.r'u'tV fu.y BR. HORNE'S ' Electric Belt ! WiVVHURN TiiiiuEicctric Bolt will Cure time Follow. 11mg Diseases Witimout Mcdiciime , l'siiu , In the hack , 1lhis , head or Limb , Nervous lelllty , Lumbago , ( letlera ) ieihillty' , itheuinatism , ( 'aralyste , Nemiumilgia , Sciatica , liseau.um of the Kidney. Spinal liscau.es. 'l'orpld LiuerGout , Sexual lxhaus. tmon , Seminal muuii.moiis : , Astautma , Ileart 1)lscase , ly.spep.uia , Coutstijatioui , Erysiplas , IndigestIon , ilermmia or liuplure , Ilimpotency , Catmirri. , I'hlu , , Epi. lesy , 1)umnb ) Ague. Omaha Toatimonial. Otsii * , ysim. , April 12 , lS& * . Ia.W.J. ifoasr , 101 Yabau.hA.tnue , , Cimicago : lmVtR Suit-I pum-chasrel one oh your ik.trh. , Ikits In Ileuver , ( lob. , lecemnher ) , 1852. It relleirul the ia ) ' . &erou.u my Idimmeys alit stre'ngtened ) , them so that thmoy gmvo no Imiore trouble. ThtespImual Irritrilo , , It re- hie.uid inunetllatelyu..lmlch nothing could base domme. Vouragent hero 1.113 . sol.l thmenm to rartles for lilies , sexual auakmusu , neuralgia , harahybi. , mmmii femna1 wimkiiuss , sItli it.out . I aiim aCjUalimteel , and tue ro. ultu. In caclu case nmorethant , meet exIct.atlon. I eten refer any one to thesu , parties win desIre It. hte.juectfully , 1)11. 31. N. lOIITEII , - . IOi3CaItoI ! asia , ( ) imo.ha , srFor saleati' , F , ( loodmmiauma Drug Sturu , miio I'arnau , 8tre.t , omaha. - - HOUSE , CoDsuIIng ( ad ClVII Loglocer ad SIJItVEYOII. SPecial attention to ' Sursaying 'rowni Addit otis ant lots , Furnishes Estimate , of Ezca atlon , , Slaking ha .e , l'lans , &c. : mFl-Icr : 0Vklt Tihi FiitST NAT10NAI U1I io lO-ly OMAhA , NKU ,