TIIL DAILY BEE---CUUNCILBLUFFS TUESDAY , JULY 17 , 18H3 , T + ' Dt ILY BEE. TCOUNCIL COUNCIL BLUFFS. Tuesday Morning , July 17. fiUBSCnpnoN RATES ; n arrler - - - - - - - 2 ° cents per creek IIy ) tali - - - - - - - - elaoo per Year _ - = OFFICE : No , 7 Pearl Etreot , Near Broadway , MINOR MENTION. Cheap ] iailrond Tickets at Btislu1e11's. The now opera house is fast being roofed , Ilnrry llatch's condition is reported as not improving. Who wants a mocking birdl liandel Las too fine singers , very cheap , 11'nl , H , lletbrick was yesterday af ternoon arrested for being ( Trunk , Peter Bechtulo's hotel now shows up well , and will soon be rendy for occu Irancy. The store ycstedday horning nadu soulo havoc with foliage , while the water flooded anew of the law- lots , Judge Ayleswnrtli diln't ( miss the train csterdn mid bunco is olr for Dakota. Justice 1rmlbhmm Iresidca in his nbsunco. The residence whicli County Treasurer Kennett ittup ° sca to build on 1Vlllowave. nue is to ho 0110 of the luest in the city. Chris. Evans , for being drunk , was yesterday fined $7.00 , thu usual amount , and not being n Ca I it tlist. Iv ° ut t ° work it out. The not"hborhood quarrel which ro stilted in t'ito arrest of several of thu Wells and Webster families , is to be aired ulxut Thursday next in police court. Colonel llof innyr now has at thu City mills a well.preserved [ bnfhtln skull , which was washed to thu front in one of throe recent fresliuh and picked np by Fred Sperling , Postnaater : Armour IS now struggling to get enough thrce cent stauqs ) to supply lieu deutand here , 'I'lio rush for them has bccmi unusually large for thu peat month , and he can't kip up , nut weu with the help of country othccs. The girl arrested for being drunk in the 1pore + was yesterday in court under the nano of Mary I3ayes , and was hued $7,00 , The "ourt was disposed to give her a chance to work and Pay upherline , but she refused t0 do anything , anti not manifesting any deiru to straighten up , was seuit to jail. L , S. Bennett was arrested Sunday evening for carrying n revolver a4 ho promenaded along Broadway , apparently made a little cureless b' some tarrying at the cup. Officer Leonard arrested liint anti .Ttiaticu Vaughan fined luiul $10 and costs. Bennutt clainied to be from Sioux City.Cliarlun Cliarlun H. Epps , who is employed at Derkseu s barber shop , complains that E , K. Wheeler collected of him a month's rent of a building which he did not owe , or have anything to do with , maid that lVheelcr refuses to refund. Ho has hod Vhceldr'arrested , and put under bonds to appear for trial. A horse attached to one of Do Vol tS Wribht's delivery wagons nadu a lively run down Glen avenue and into Broad. s way yesterday afternoon , and aucceodod , in ti u uing both himself and thu wage t over. The ] torso was not hurt , but th 0 ra wagon looked n little the worse for its * treatment , H , A , Beard , who is connected witl m Ilughes & Townsley's confectionery storu was married Sunday evening to Miss ltu bccct : Jones. They wore married it their now home or liynstorstrout , which I was all fitted up for itmmadiatooccupancy. The sensible young couple have man y ; friouds to wish than well. A niovo is on foot to secure time rehouse On a writ of habeas corpus , of the neat Nulwr , of IIastings , who has been luck oil the charge of setting lire to his ova property , time insurance company inter u ested , prosecuting the ease. i The luau n Story , who was lucid by Jus ticu Schurz , of a chnr u of perjury it f connection with time Callson liquor case at Oakland , was released yesterday b } Judge Reed of a writ of habeas corpus Deputy lfnrshnl .Tack 1Vhitu is Lack of duty again at Limo supreuu court. Il m auutauta n inystoriouts reticence its t his absence , but it is rumored that h went away to secure mt few Immure thousant acres of humid in Dakota. Lm Justice Vaughau's court yustorda most of the time nuts occupied nn time did fieult task of getting at time true iuwitrd : moss of a hose trde. in which D , L Luck and II , N. Paine were cluugc ( with fraud in palming oil'a glandoee ( liosu onto 501110 victim. The uvillenc failed to show time f uitd alleged amid timi ucclsed were discharged , 1Villiam Vincent and William Carrel have been having much trouble of Into growing , it is clammed , out of some do 1liestie.tugd0. ) Carroll clnints that Vin cunt cone to hula place while he was awn Y Saturday uibht , and turned Ids shunt 111)51(10 down amid took away some furul turo aid other property , amid has cause ( Vincent's arrest for burglary nud Inrcuu growing out of Limo affair. Vincent hit b given ail to appear this afternoon fn oxamination. A now hitch was taken pesterday in. case which has been dragb/ ; ug nloutg som time , it being that of Fred Hcinrie charged with unlawfully cutting tinmb off Snodderl 's humid. Honoriclu waive examination and gave $200 bolds for h appcar mmeo at time next t ° ru of the di trict court. Clauser , who was 'recently arrested ft taking a share in the unurdur of two mime some years ago , mud for which huts par nor , McCleary , is now serving a lifu se teuco , has Leos hold by the justice m ; Pacific Junction , before whmou time exam umtion was held. Col. Keatley , who d fended McCleary in hits triad several yea ago , and who is also engaged for time d ( otiso of Clausor , scumiia smtguiuu , Lowe or ; tint ho will ho able to establish ti innocence of the prisoner. 1Vi11iau Bartlett sums to be lurvimig rood deal of trouble with his wommumm. Sl had him arrested yesterday for distur ium 'the etc ° by raising a ow with h at time house , Ho told a pitiful stn about how she bud abused himr and h silo was wanting to get hint locked u I while silo would sell off time things in tl Itemise , that time clerk let himl on 1 ro ownlond of 20 until mormin , But short tune later the wouu m canto to lieu 1 cid'uartors and inslatod that aft t Leiupe rohooased Ito JmII come rhht ; back the housiand resumed time row with lie ' Oflicera Cusick and Lconard thou won . i after Bartlett and locked lmiut up tlm r tinw. lie was u'to indi6att npr nounccd it all . u put uI ) job tin w ? IiZJ's Paft. i + r 1 \ N _ PEEPING AT THE POST , IIo v Council 111ufls 1.Irst Seourcil Theatrical Atnusmnents. The Barly Theatre and These who Strode Ovcr the Slago. During the long winters in early times , before the advent of railroads , the people lucre vcro comimparatively isolated front the outside world , mud nbout time only amisemeut was in bails amid parties. Witlm time connnencememt of time cold winter of " ' 50 , " however , quite a number of ladies and gentlemiien organized a tlrnmitatie usoefatiot. Ammmg these wore lnas Delia Jackson , Mrs. Ilaggerty , Mrs , B. F. Smitlm , iirs ( , N.1' , Spoor , Coloucl Babbitt , Sauwol I'errin , u1 r. Ilonderwou , Mr , Cutter , George F , Suuith , Captain Spoor amid others , tvhiilu licssrs , Field , Grilfey , Foote mud liuhn eowpose(1 time orchestra , 'Flue tlmird story of the building - ing now occupied by Mr. Hull , on liroitd way hear First street , was Titled tip in good ahapo , with raised scata , a remit stage , mite. 'I'Im season opened witli ' 7'Ito 1' ' ) rest lose , ' ' mid ' 1'idd lies' [ ] Boy , " This u as time first preacmtati ° u of time le bitinate drnma to n Council Bhdfs autliemco , mil was a deeldud sue. cells. During time wiutor several heavier pieces were creditably r ° uderod , a ioug which were " 'l'imo Robbers , " " 1'he Lmly of Lyons , " ' 'flu Bcaeoit of Death , " eta , with al ° ccnsiounl jig dance by Vnll lle Fndden , comic sou gs b llr. I' oar mid Ili lminnd flipb b' imbue ullo"ft tluel i n prett itiiss IarlKut1 10 1 ) y little of ps or 12 years , 'I'bis ' was Puretyaimnmitatotrassnciatiou , gotten up for auumseneut , with an admis Sion fee to cover expenses , In Limo spring of 1857 following , time first ProfCSsioual troupe put in rot np lonnumc0 , 'Phis was cntnpoa ° d of Mr , mid lira , ] lcely , fir , and Mrs , i'owoll , Mr. nod lira , Croft , Mr , lio'risou mad llr , 1Vhite , 't'his c ° mpmm appeared with time "lfamiite Lover ' played to good houses for about a 11montlt. After tlmis we were visited by di0'oremit troupes , who stayal frormm one to three nights , mitil the fall of 1800 what hoary Ilurholi fitted up time hull now owned by Tim's , I'lntnor , mud kmios'n as 'l'uriler Ilnlh This wits gtmitu rot event , It was neatly arnumgcd with good stage and scenery , mid' comufortably seated. Time mmamge' was rap. old amid oxporienecd actor nnumd Potter , and the eoupany a ( , good one , 1Vnlter amid Flora Bray taking time Irinci- ml characters. 'l'hu weed withh time 1'ldiot " VVn 1Vitncss. Bray was a host Ivitliin himsulf at that. time , amid ) umdreds ape lucre tluut will rouienber dais "then Fat and Sugar lk b , " Thu Brays ivoro succeeded by time Irwius , then in their prime , also firs. Rresluu , Coolduc , mud other good actors mumd actresses , in fact , uo bettor acting huts beomi seen iu Couueil 13lumhh's since , than was done that winter , mud probably will mint mmtil time nov opoa house sludl aflbrd nn op a rtmity fOr first-clltsa talent to spread itself. Why re you ill ? Why do you sufior ? Everybody knows nil aches and Irains all Inn b gn' mul debility arc cured bYltrovn's Iron Bitters , Dr. West , Dentist , 14 Pearl street , SQUEEZED \VIIITE SICK. A lltan Seeks Ilollef Trout the 1'ny- umont of Notes ltcenusuot' This. A raLlier curious case is to como up at time term of time circuit court which opens next month. 'I'lme plitintill' is iIitns li ahl mid by lulls atmtenunt of the allitir he Itp- peals to be n uiuch abused man , lie + chtiurs that Joelmiu Ludorn went before i Justjce .1 , B , Johaunsun , of Layton i township , on to a ; 10th of .3uuo last , lulu 1 1t - tiled an hdornuation charging him witl t threatelimig to kill lllrs. Ludors. A warrant - rant was issued and on thialmo was ar s rusted by time countable. Haiti claims a t , Limo taw of the uerest ho was sick , ama 1 . unable really to travel , but hue was take m four radios to time .1BStice'u o/ice / , rued or u riving there fu h bewildered and { veal c 0 state , kmmev not wbitt to do about tlm u u nfhir , and that while in this Puzzle d 1 state of umind and wreak cuulitiou ° body , h ° was persuittlud imp to oitur inn o y nu agrecuumut , by which the ease wa n - dropped on condition of leis pay'ip g Lu . durs $500 , mud that hue executed two / cotes , eaclm fur $2i)0 , onu payable Jnun 1 my 1 , 1874 , time otlmor Juue 1 , 1885. 1I u I claims that he received no coishle utiom u for these notes , rumd wants time court t e enjoin their collection , amid give hint duel other relief as it nay decide just. CIIEAP ItAILItOAD TICKETS. ' Chiemgo , $11 ; St. Louis , $10 ; St , Paul . $10 ; Kansas City , $5 , at ] Tmsluiell's ' , Ju25 uum Are you guhmg to houscleupingl Se I liitudel's stock offered at reduced prices s 1'EItSONr11LS. r ( I , 1VFcrguu on , who bu ( been spondhpg a few tbq s nn his farlu , tuns back to time l'ncil' , h housu yenterduy , but lutcuds to strike for ti : country ngaby hla health not bchig of tlm erd bust. is ' 1' . IV , Ivory , oioof Glmnuond's best know y atbrnoys , Wan hm time city yesterday , aecomp + tiled by A. Ii , Clayton , a relative of 13. F , mum ) r Cbiytmm. n L , A , Stewart , of Des lieluos , win 111 U t city ye.tenlay , mad stopped at the Ogdmm , 1 1t , DI. Lormgfullov , of 1)aveupwrrt , steel mi at Short at tlmu Ogdmm yu > atordny , nU - Charles Struwhrldgo , of St. I.onls , was rs Ogden house guest yoer lay. U. Fred , ltwtler"'uf Farragut , Iowa , was bt ti V' city yosterday. 1t E , 1V. S , Otto , of Chicago , reached the 0 den yesterday , nu C. ] \Vllsoit , of St. Joe , avru tit time I'itcif b yo.tenlay , or 1' , 11'akeui , of 1'ersha , was hi time city y a' ry tertiny. 1W It , ) t , lingo , of C1de 1ts at time Ogduru , lr mtu mt WINDOW SHADES AT COSTi su At Beard's ' wall paper store uuxt to tl 0. pusto/lieu / , nt w.s Jt COItNICE POLES /tT COST I r , At Ikarl's wall paper storepuxt to 1105 t .it o/lieu / , ui w s-Jt is - IYustorlluy nfturud ° n Williams Eugl o , hind sono dihltculty with a toa'mt muuuc John C , Cain. Gan was arrested fu dfsturbiag Limo peace and for striking Mr. Bugle a blow which uindo the blood fly fran time old man's Inca. After beat file brtogh t to time 1calico station Cain an informntion against Englo for assault , claiming that ho drew a revolver on hits , The difficult1 ' seams to have arisen about Englo renoviuig n screen door from tlmo aparhnenls rutted to Cain. They wull both be heard in court this morning. 1Vlmcn you feel hfo is a bunion , amid nothing you try scents t ) ease your 113's. wpsia , find n sure relief in lirown'n Iron titters , Six IogSUn Ies , In n dwelhiug house that was burned near Nortlm Adams , fuss , , three children wore sleopiug , their pnrcuts being away from homiw , 'l'ime lmnso dnq succeeded fn getting into Limo children s r ° omim aotl rescued them with great di0fculty , as two of themii had fainted , As n dog in Southl fiend , Imliana , was quietly gnavmg a boric , n cat crawled out from wader time sidewalk on time opposite - site side of time street , amid , rushing close imp to time jaws of time dog , rondo tiF ith time bmte before time astonished dog could recover aufliciently to pnrsue it. A dog at Now Castle , I'n. , was for twelve years time insepenul he eenpaniou of Sidney Dnvis , Davis died recently mid after searching iu cain for his minister time dog Ideally settled douvu in his arts chair amid nwniteul his coumiug. It rem uir- ( edstrategenuto ! umttitY , mid lie graduutllY pined away mud died , A 13 ° stott lady hod it dog which , when it or its fricnd the cat wished to go into thu kitchen stood b } ' time door nndallow- ed thu cat to jtmmp upem its hack. The cat could thou rench ouu pow over time latch , o11d by pressing time other paw on time thumbpieeo was able to open the dm ur , 'l'imo cat would theft drop out Lime clog's Luck mid ride imit ) Limo kitchen in triumiiph. Time Aumerican Register of 1'mtris has time followiugt A Bortlcaux nwrchmuit Ins au itnimeilso mnstiff nmuud Lieu , which wits time wonder of time Paris dog show , A few years ago , as Lion was svnikimg witit his umaster along time quay , they nict a little dog shuwimig ovtdeut aynmptems of uaduess and followed by lull excited crowd , among whoum were tvo sergeants de villa with drunn swords , Lieu , quick as thouglmt , pounced upon Limo nod dog , seized it by the neck with lmis capacious jaavs , curried it to the waters edge , junnped into the eaual , and hold it ntider ts'ater until it was drowned , On returning to time shore lie received quite mm ovation , time elowd escorting luui home , whore ids master gave him an extra feud. Time mastiff' seemed so do- ii 6ghted min time result of his exploit that wlmei hu afterwards suet rot' little dogs in time street ho seized upon and drown thou in mho smite nuumor , until fitmall Y he had t ) be kept eoustmmtly nuzzled. Two coon dogs beiomging to Tiui Buck. our , n Nortlm Cnrulinn negro , visited Limo court room during thu trial of their mns tor for iucftimtg a riot , mid sat by his side. After iw was sent to jail timoy took up their station at the jail yard dour. Dur ing time untieu te ut of his iniprisomiuteit timcso dugs dmd not stay mt vmuy a night front tlmoir post , 7'Iwy relieved auh other during time day to get food , limit at night bout were constantly at time door , Thu touvnspeoplo lmvu nos' built a kennel for time dugs ncitr time jail door withimi sight of Buclnmur's windlnv. . - - . Demoralizing the Army , Sow York ' 1 iiiie. During tire period begining March 1 , 1877 , and ending .Tnn , 1 , 1881 , no less that thirty ollicers of time aruuy w ° recon - vietegl of various offenses and Iver ° son tellced L ) dismlissal front the service ; htl their sentencu wuro cot aside or couuuu toil. Is it any wonder that recent scan dais have led observing umeii to reuiar k that n puriicatiom of time military servic is quite as needful as in time civil service 1Vhnt is to beeonlo of time mmm cii 1 nuntod mimorale of time army of tire United States , if social and political imi 1luoneu can make iumpossiblo time oxpul aiom of tlmi n'es , perjurers , drunkards , nu a m cmi who nro oflicinllY declared to be uu lit to associate with geumtl ° mon 1 Of ti ti oliieers above referred to , some weru couvietod of issuing false vouchers otlmors 0f drumikcumcss ran dot' ' , croup Li ) unlisted nmey selling ply itccout twice over , personalitssaults , amid of cot duet unbecotimiug goutlemem. All { ve aemiteleed to be tlisamissed or suspellden for a year or more fromi time ser vice , tool soutu of theta were wholly ru I doted witlmimi six mmomths frown the tint of their suntomce. It woluld ho interest iuu to know Limo autos of tlmese diagraeu ohlfwrs now that tiwy nro bock in the service , alma timey roeoguizcl as : mum its well its ohhiwrs bytheir associates Or mire they sett to Coventry , monde t fuel 1111113' thou eouteimpt of those amen - whout by speciitl favor Huey are pe'utitte to rouuun. I'heru mire frcquomtcontplitiuts front tlm p ° ° Plo of time costliness amid nlluget us e m lessmmess ° f time Military Acildcttry. It i I with dflliomltytt.times ; that that iustitt t tion receives from congress tlmtn suppoi which it justly needs mid which tim uursuey of time army must huvu if we um , to uutiutuitt , even n skeleton of a mil , tary sumvice. Time popular prujudi is reflected lie cuejgross , mud tbur nuju11deu is denpneed b' time r ented scuulals thltt hmmuve dis"race u time itrumy. Those who timink well of nmilitary estitblishnlemt , amid who womd do what they cue ( o buttress time preset systonm , numat beware of thosu avho for conunutddou mid aursiuns of sct tcnies inilusud by cotn t mm rtful , As a geleml thing , thu conclusion of n cour u uuutial has time honest approval of ovum e mmilitary man , Yet , as we hrsvo ailowl u they are too oftell sot mtshle , anti time cm grit ms restored to the rwth whichm Ime di graced. Notlming but a strict unforc mm meat of disci1ltuo can save th 1 army fm unt time itccitsation thnt 1Ve d Point graduates gnuilmlew , drunkard forgers nud tlmievcs. Yet , whole time nmi mu itm y academy is tm'ning out every' ye : forty or fifty candidatum fur army cum missions , a misttket clum6ncy 1'etuuts d time service ntot who imyq beau convict c of eli imsos wlmiehttjjmquld debar thou fro au time nro ] ' , Lot the com lets step out am : give plneu to butter men , 'Timis is w'lu time best iateests of time military servi w demnnd , ] f these ru wntell wmlrnmgs mt n ot imeedeti time umor lti of time arum Htime Uuitud States u-iii vmmisim , - - + - - - rt ltauurkahl ° TrIDuto , me SldmeyOurche11droof Pittsburg Pn. write 1 luavuuwd 1)IL 17N , hlalj.lltj ISAI ' ' SA1l FOR time GUNlS ( aunty years with ti must gratlfyhmug n'stmiL. 'l'ime rvhlowlnm , ' putt : tunic of lluli's 1hakanu la woltderful. 'I'1 painuadrack of tielsaiyi ° cidentaitoatigi anmglm mini 'mm dissnpear by thu usu of a spsaf ) ntwrdimig to dfruetiuns , ll ) wife fralueutl ummlsfur , Ifall's Jhd.tuo hustennl of a physfclm me roil heeltlm hs s.t'odlly ; r'trorotl by its mule , Too Title , Cu icrgo Mws. Eluyuu umiljttry prisouure at Oumal - burrowed under a gtutrd lmousu and e s coped night before lust. 11'u canlt bluumu time 'tour ' follows , 'limo , ) ' wuro coo u tented witlm time guard house , limit li { d ing fn Oatalma wns immure lhau they' caul ( r Land. J , N , OASABY. P , II. OBCtrrr , CA.S1 0 F & ORCUTT f Council Blufs Iowa. 502 Broadway , - - - , WHOLESALE AND ItETAIL Carpets and Oi l Cloths , CURTAINS 9 o Fixtures , AND A COMPLETE STOCK Or CIOICE Piiriiishiua Novelties Mail Orders Promptly Filled. CASADY & ORCUTT , - - Council Bluffs , Iowa , L U. MA.YNE & CO. , IEALEIts IN Liffle Louisville MICIiIOAN i'LASTER,11Alll ANt ) SIPER : 1'11'1 ? , IIAnl ) ANDsopTCOALATLOWEST I'ItICI . No , 34 Pearl Street , - - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , f s \ys t J W r , m AID ti r . . y tw r a' . ti 7 a o erc anM ors. z 7 and 9 pinto Street. i i , YiZR CTQR S , c tTNCIL IB rV3'g' i , x11. ? OENEItAL MEIICIIANiISU. UOg1iT tTO & CQ , , IS Maim street and 17 Pearl street. L B , ' ) _ Lb & CU , . i'rescriptlons 1)1tat all boors. 100 Broadway. MAX IUiQHN , Grocery , 215 Mali Street. lintel , 217 and 210 Stain street , J , M. BARSTOW' M , D. ' , Corner Fifth street and Filth a c DII. J , F W III TE , Center Stain and I'lah up stalrs. Ikis d ice , 000 willow avenue. 't JUSTICE or TIIn 1'EAe : , Q N % LiURZ , ksJ , oumn. otur Amorlcau Express , r r Q Q I.lVIa1' : AND [ ' 1:1:1 : : , , WAGLV ER t- . aJ , will contract for fuuerrla at reasonable rates , 22 Fourth.trecL _ _ - - - - - - - M I1 JOHI & CO.CALH BUYERS. , pnul U , 1) , ; . , . tryand fruit. Sldptous. Draft by return mall. 1C0 Broadway. , NEW nooT AND ) IiOE STOitE , S A , PIER C E. Corner MalnandFirstavenue. r IIroadw ay Sfcat Market , PETBYBRIDGE & HERBERTZ , 3.7IIrMcttM ? JACOB KOCH Stock Canplclu. Suits ? umet rensonablo T prices. No. $05 Main st.j I cosTnACfolm AND BUILDER , G. F SYJITH ; Corner 7th and Broadway , flans and slcclttcatlonsfurnished. , DEALEit IN FINEIIABNESS T , W W FAN , m 1ia1'o the variety that brings patronage , 124 Statn street , ' I JAMES FRANImY , Artlstme Workaud MEIICNANT reasouablu TAiLOIL charges. 872 Broadway. > rulmNlTwu : STOVES , yi HOWE & SON ) and household Supplies. 3p1 Broahvay , ATroasEvs AT LAW , LINDT &BART Jnmus Dlock , Practice In statu and federal courts , - 1 Manufacturers Fine I'tmdnre , , Upholstery Gooim , Curtains , E STOCKERT & CO , , andShtQuwShades 3U7Broalway , - - --A i And tenth hsusc , 421 and 423liroadway. I. Snvoretgn , Prop. I' . J. Slont SANITARI UM 17 gumcry , Sh I ) . l'Igsk n , , . a VETEIUNAmW SURGEON , WADE CAIN Glace , Bray's stable , No. 12 Scott street. . . _ U - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ? P . J . HENNESSY . , Trade Supplied _ , , COLLAItH ut , and 7th arc , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - o JUSTICI ? OP TIIC 19ACT ? , g EDWIN J. ABBOTT , Notary I'ubllc and General Coumteyancer , 415 Broadway. hEV.1HF 1 HOUSE , IIrnathny nppomilo New ( Ipcra lluusu NO11TUN , , Refitted el „ L50 per day' , Ii - DI CA Y & CASSEL CONfIIACP011S ( swuerSlathstreet AND Bumi BEGS. midAmm G , _ Y i YNEW AND SECONI ) IIANI ) IIOUSEIIOLD 0001),4 , 't W H ALMY . Bought and sold , 212 Broadway u o OurNot-Luuu and Intprovonett Co , t- Investigation into time matter convinces t ( ma thnt eau of time most cquitablu , reasonable able mud feasible pbums of building houses i1 - is that Proposed mad in operation by flu liercautile Loan , 't'rust mid Iugreovu- d it uncut coupnny' of this city. By invest it fug in shares in Lids imistituton , wlmich is hacked by some of our best and most rem - a8 liable lmustrlesa mutt , it beeoutes PuSSible m- and conmpurntjvoly easy for n rater oft a nm ( lewtu moons to soctiru mu comfortable t- - , haute for lmimself raid fmuuily. In taking a certain miuutbeu' of shares , at a certain 1 ' + umonthiy payntont , in a few years a man can own ii lmouso of lmia own for about time s enuw its hu pays monthly for rent , 1Ve u believe time Meretntilu : 1aoau aid Trust at touipnuy , by orgtumiziu g and opening up for buutness o filed a long felt l smut in Cotuicil , Their plans and systuum of lonns will bear time uust careful ar ful scratiuy and oxnumimiation , mad we miui Imavu no Imesitaucy in oronouicing than rertsounblu amid cwtitbtu , and backed by cl gunthemmmcu of lmonor amid integrity , As m I time cotnpaly exists it becomes at once mum umstttutiomi of vubmo amid credit to our city at and thosu tvho desire homes , rlmoir ires- uu Ident is 'I' A Kirklnud' vice ) resittemt , ru f Judge Pcaku ; secretary , L It , lieu ) ' ; ° treasurer , Col , Beebe , and their ollico is do thu basunmeut of Slottart & McNa- bon's nuw block , coruor Furst a'eauu nud SI I'earl street , pmt"7.1' ' . , o , ' 17monlgs Belt was faumid dead iii his corn u hold near Ida Grove om 1Vednesdap , lie ue bad bide killed 1 p y g h ; , g ht min j g , the day , bo t fore , I Iis watch , chant and ammo silver ' ruin in lids pocket wore melted , 1' i , Tllo. , orrmcCs , It. ii. m'vsir. OFFICER & PUSES' a . BANKERS. of Council Blues , I. . Establislzea - - 1856 I I ) t altre him hrbluu and lbmcrftc Exclwnko dad Ilmnu becurillty. ODELL & DAY , Loans , Reai Estat e AND INSURANOE No , 39 Pearl St. , Couiloil Bluffs. City Property , We hnre vncont lots In all hart. mil the city at from erolu up , for , tie on umomilhly Imyunente , No , 5'd house , 0 nom , , , well , cI.tern , 4large lots , Plenty of fruit , on Ilcatm.trtetclued2 , ° cO. No , 911.-A de.lrable re.idcnco on hoveullr .treet , ° ear Bloomer school bulldiug. ucurl ' now ; a 5,000. Nu. 42.N hrel ) ' feet ( rout , comer 'earl St. and se. rood acmuo , opPo.itu count hou.u ; ,5o0 Business Chances , No.For solo or trade , a stock of hardware , at a gnat huslness in int In wrslen , Iowa. SS'lll trade for Sari , or city , wo1 erty , No. 51i lintel , the only' ono In atown of 7001nhab mtants,2Smnoms , uIthgao.lfarm . , welt located , full sell cheap or tradu for a farm. No. 10-Alhsrepu6lieaupnperln II usternIona , ntecial tvunty pat cc idol largo lmtrmage , , t cry'clcap If sold sou , , { S u abu hae a number of choice fauns In ester lass , for Sale cheap. LOANS. Swu haw money to loan on ! anus and city property , at frour 0 to 10l er out. Fire and Tornado Insurance , Best of rouytinles represented , Equitable antei orul fair trentucut. lase. aljusmcl nld paid at tllI utntw , Dins H. J Hillo DI. D , . , I . , , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , 222 Broadway'CouncU Blus , _ w v a VAUCHAN Justice of the Peace. Oniatma n1t 1 Council Iilufl's , heal estate and colicdl an sgcney ! n Odd Fellow's I block , uerS.tuAngsBank. , jan81 } . : - : : r To The Trade I 1 t We take pleasure in calling your Mteumtinn to the fact that we havemado such wrauge ments as will enoblo us to sell you Ruililier Slioes , Etc , , , Here , as Low as you can buy them East , } ' 1Vrita for further information. i t a o o' , 412 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. , CreaffiFnhiis , Coiileotoiiery ! Parties , Socables amid I'icmcs supplied on short notice , and goods delivered to all i parts of the city. W. T , BRAUN'S European Restaurant , 404 West Broadway , - COUNCIL BLUFFS. t R. S.COLE &CO. , t IIIANUFACrulusa AND IIEALEIIS IN ALL All the Most lmprovedKinds of Lightning Rods t Aud Onma euitm. Also w'ond mil Iron I'uutps , wool Tubing stud Cam l'ilw nut ! Pipe . Fixtures , for both No , 004 South Main IS'ood Street and . . . Irma . . . . . Pumps. . . . . . . . . . Orders . . . . . . ulil . . . receive . . . . . . prompt . . . . . . . attention. . .COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. t t } eLla eod tf Ma CALLACHER ® c IE' .d3. 9 t New Store , Fresh GooIQ , Low Prices and I'olllo Attendants , r - i First Door of Hotel LO ( IY' 5-r east Metropolitan , ) Oamu1R1(11lear , . JOHN R. MARTIN , 1J111o1oEI1 ! P1111111)011 ) , 1 s Fo. ! ' , Has a full uric of Bath Tubs , Sink , Bailers , llrnss and Lead Goofs , Lead and iron Pipes and fittings. Jobbing - bing promptly attended to. Firet class wok guaranteed. No , 11 Pearl Street , - - ' - COUNCIL BLUFFS. Broadway Steam Laundry ! 7 s 'OGT L1T T3RCD E3.SJ 7t7 E5 Y. t A. C , . LARSON1 - - - - - Proprietor. lt LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY. ( SULLIVAN & FITZGERALD , DEALERS IN FibOvs1Oll ! $ , 110018 iioos xl' + 2IlRxGrRll , rrION ' Ct-3Y NP . BRAITS'ON TILE BANK OF iRELANI ) , DUBLIN , von SALE , 313 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS r CRESTON HOUSE , MAX MORN - PROPRIETOR. t , - - - ; 2 1 , 217 nud 21a . 1 Thiza Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - - - - - IOWA EVOL & WRCHT r I a i dr a e 504 Broadway and 10 and 12 Main St „ Council Bluffs. PROMPT ATTENTION AND CLOSE PRICES ON MAIL ORDERS. Little Windsor0 531 BROADWAY. e tauraiit Anti 1)ay ) Board , All the hclkneie.of the , easomnudlhe Guest table in the city , p Overton 1)EALEIt IN Hard Wood , Yellow Pine and Red Cedar Lumber , oak aid Ited Cedar I'ilingCednr Telegraph l'olcsand Fente Ponta , oak llnrcuslon ) Stuil , Itrb1g . Material of all khels , at lied hock 1'rke. A Specialty In WOOD AND COAL for brick yard purpnsc. . A full supply of woodarul for coal always min hand at yard r scale tw Sluln street , Odlcc,505 , Fiat AY weer Mali and rearletreeta. WINTHERLICH BROS. IcOll & Brass Foullry Cor , 0th St , ant111th Ave , COUNCIL BLUFFS , . . IOWA , MORGAI/ , KILLER , & CO. , UNDERTAKERS The Brest quality ant largest stttekwe4 of Chicago of S'oodcll suit netallo Cases. Calla attended to at all hour. . { Po defy cnnlrlltlon hr quality of goods or prkc. , Our Mr.a.urganhassenedasundertaker for forty' yeap anu thoroughly understands hl. Lust. " SS'areruoue,511 hirundaay. Ul'a01.S7'EIUNG In all lt. branches prumgdly attendal lo ; also cnrtwt laying aurl laiibrapdts. , Tciegraplrlo and mail rden filled wlthoutdelay. DUFRENE & MENDELSSOHN , ARCHITE OTS dtrltEMO1'ED TO OMA1fA NATIONAL BANK UILDINU. m A Skin of beautyls a Joy Forever. IIt. T , F'EI4IX GOUIIAUD'S Oriental Cream or Magical Beautifier. This Oriental Cream Purifies as well as Beautifies the Skim , Itemotea Tan , l'inglcs , Freckles , ) loth. patehc. and dim otery blemish , on beauty and defies deteo- .ton , I hat . hood rho .cat . i of 30 years and ' 1.k It so hannlesa t we taste it to f f * v ) , 1w sure the , { f preparatlotr la fiT dy prolwrlp mada , , Accept no counterfeit or , ; ) sindiar name , ; - _ 1 & Thu di.tln. s w : . _ gui.Lal Ur , m4 , w ? A , Sayro Bald , to t } , a pa ; r to a lady of the the Tos ( a 'atient ' ) ; "A. you ladleswlll use them 1 recomucnLm'Gouraud's Crean' as the least Imanufui of all the Sklnpreparatlone , " One bottle will last six months , using It every day , Also l'uudro Jue. the reroutes superfluous hair without injury to the .kin , hiss , h1 , B , T. GOUBAUD , Sole Prop , 43 Bond St. , N , 1' . For .aio by all Drug'Isla and Fancy Goods Deal. Cr. throughout the United States , Canada and Eurnl c. dtllkaarocf basehnltatlon. . 81,000reaard for arrest and prouf ut any one.elllugLimo sauce , „ ! k wuow ns et cp _ Ont - - - - ST , LOUIS PAPER WAREllOllB , Graham Paper Co. , 217 and 219'North r Main St. , St. Fouls. t { VlIOLF.ALE DEAI.lIG4 : IN BOOK , ( wlmAll'Ih SEw'6 , ) P4A i ERayr 1 ' G EN1'ELOI'lS , CARD IIOAiU ) AND PRINTERS' STOCK , 6dfCwh laid for Mars and Paler Sd ek , Scrap Iron ' and Metals , ' er Stock SVaclwusor , 1 2J to 1:7 Norlb Sixth 1'ai muart4 Siu