- - - - - - TIIIE ll211L1 13LL U11At1A. [ ' 1'ITifiilAV ! .ITit.v i7scs Y 1 " tin. r PL4LLS a . TORPID I OWaELS , DISORDE3ED ; LIVER , and MALARIA. From these sources nrlso thico nnurths of the ( II C cs of the huulan Taro , Thcso yniptowshltheato Ulolrext9tmlco : In. . of rlppcUte. 1FoAvele coelivo , HJclr ] lead. kthr , fullness filter coling , nveatlon to etertlcn of body or mind , Eructnllon of food , lrrttfibtllty of ttntpoq Low spirit. , it ( ecling orltavlag neglected sonic tbtty , IIszln6as , Flultcrlnq lit the 1irerllntebefore t' apcghlghlyeol. orod 1Jrtue , ( 'ONSTIPATION , and do. inand the use of a remedythat nets dlreoll % ontimLiver. AsaLlpurru00tchtoTUTT" J PILLyhwanooqunl. Thclractlonontho } kiioysnm1Skin Isalso tpromptronoving ; nR impudtics through tncsothreo"sear- engeru or Iho system , " proluoing nppo tlto,801111(1Ngestlon ( , regular slonts , n clear skin nndavlgorousbody. TUTT:4PLiy Canso no nnusca or griping nor tnterferu wIth dally worlc anti arc a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. ti old overywhrreria OItIr,91Mnrrny8t.NY , , A GnAT HAIR OR lVttiSnlns : Cbnhl ed tn. etnntly to a OLOs8r JFLACIb a ttigtn op. pflcatlon of this Dre. Sold by Druggists , orsent1) oxirossonrceelptof51. Omer , 44 Sturmy Str wt , New Yorlr. TUTT'a a1A@UAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FREE. , ' t'KS 1 FGA : rASis a tnvAUO , T lie Only Perfect aultstttuto for ) lathers Mk , 1honw + tnouri + hingdiet for ii ulldrand nttrsln mothcre. Cotmnendwl by all I'Inddnus , ( tit nil eliuatcr. , Sold by nil diuggktr , i5 cents. Sum for the I noiphlet. 'F. METC.11d'kCO. ne ttlkth : tJL 41 Central wharf , Dost r llorlctlcr's 4tumaed , vJ t 6a Ii t' ' . ] ] ] tier. reacts the re tl ttLLulih w ! luircmeutsofthes. tlmial ntrlCal philow ul by xhiult ut pres. 'I' - , ' , N4r' L ablcremc yCUtbrac V ' , d fog the hree proper. rl : : ties of aprurentlrun . ; : tunic and nu altera j µ s ; the , It Wltlfles the bCd n'amt dkeasa , f $ ig iirnlH ; 1n ( mid re dtnll7es ihu torpid v 11 tomach and liver , r cord effects a salutary chat ge lu the entirs r3TCMACH system. Fur sale by FJ L'e tlHt9alldDCalcr. ! ! T gncehuy. _ Ir m10m&e enddnr ® a' You , 1a dam , ' { Phase Conijlosion betrays sonlo humiliating inn ) erfec . ' tion , whose nnirror tC U 1'On that you are Tanned , Salow 11lld disfigured in counte- nanco , or have Eruptions ) Redness , BOU hness or lln- - 4 wholesome tiu s of hone les Ionlwe Say use Ilagan'S aii nolna Balm. It is a delicate , harmless and deliglitful al'ticle , producing - \ ducing the most natural and r15 entrancing tints , the artificiality - ( ality of wltich no observer can detect , and which Soon becomes ) ermanent if the Magnolia alm is judiciously use i1. \ ThePubUc is requested carefully to nnttce the .mew and enlarged Scheme to be drawn Monthly , ' LTCAPITAL PRIZE $75,000 , Tickets Only $6 , Shares in proportion. 1 Louisiana State Lottery Compauod "We do hereby eertJy ( that we superrise the m ran7ernertte for oil the Munthfy and Semi dnnual Drawnfsaf ( the fnuisianr State hetfenm Company , .odd in peroon siiniae ; amt control flu Drawnvis .thenueeesandthatthesame are conducted with , honesty , fainese , nerd OI good faith toward all var. Ities , and we ( uthnrke ( the company to use this cer tificate , with fue snules of our siynatures attached. , in its advertisements " COMMISHIONSM. - - Inoorporated In 1809 for 25 years by the leglslatu re for edueationnl and charitable purposos-with a cap 0ita1 of 81,000,000-to , which a reserve Lund of over e55o,00o has sinee been added. By an ovcrahelming popular vote Its franchl was made a pad of the , resent stabs constltutio ' adopted ieccntber 24 , A. 1).1870. TheaalyLottery ever voted on and endorsed b y + people of any state. It never Scat , or Postpone Its grnnd single number drawings tak 0 ; . , . .t place monthly. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FOR . TUNE Eighth Grand Drawltlg , Class 11 , at Now Or CleansTUISDAYAUGUST 14 , 18S3-160th Month ( y Urawing. CAi'ITAL PRIZE , 876,000. 100,000 TICNITH at FIVE DOLTAlt4 IACII. : rac ; done , h1 Fifths in l'roportlon. LINT Or FII 9H , 1 CAPITAL PltlE . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .875 , 1 do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 , 1 do do l0 , 2 VIIfZEB OF t41000. . , , , . . . . , . , . , . , . , 12 , 6 do 2nr0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,0 10 do tam , tea ) 20 dm boo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,0 > o 100 do 200 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20,00 r 900 do 1(0. 20 , nw 1.00 (10 20. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 , 01D0 [ 000 do 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 , 00) AFF90TIMAT1ON I'fIIN $ , 0 Approximation prises of t7fi0. . , , . . . , . . , 6,77 A B do d0 boo. , . . . . . . . . . i , 0 do do 250. . . . . . . , . . . 2 , _ . 1P67I'rlreeamounting to. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8265,60 , 6 App11Ontlon for rates to clubs should only be mat e tY the ntacu of the Company In Now Orleans. Fur further Information write clearly giving ful 1 aldro + s. Hend orders by 1xpress : , ltegislered l utte r .Or Morley Order , addressed only to M. A. 1)AUI'IIiN , or M. A , DAUPIiIN , New Orleans , L.a. 007 Sesenth 8L , 11'a.hinktml , D. C f YOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY C D w B. Frank Moore. ' 127 La Salle Street. Chicago , ( Formerly 910 and 212 Broadway , N , Y. ) Now Manager Chicago / Office. To wlema ply ! ore Information and tleketa. 150th Montlfy Drawing , I Tuesday , August 1 ' , First Oiptt1 Prue , 76,000. Tickets $5. BoW Eo Snnha at 81 each Ben full itomo elsewhere. ! dwodatwt + r aw , 1 L L I WIFE NO , 5. A Groom of Fifty aiid a Bride o f Fiflccu , 1'ratllc S. iluel'N Arrest lot' l'crIurv In ' . ' ' ' 1'al.ielyHvt'at'ifR'flint IIIH 1l uc u , ne 1cAs or ae ; , I Cincinnati l trIltr rer. For the fifth tine 11r , Frank N. Stv + tt is Holy enjoying the salubrious plenvnres of the honeyllIoon. Yuslerda } ' the happy gro.dut registered at thu Central Pulico sfltinu , and fire his meals oil'n ( wooden I bunch in iho irnn bouud romn n3signod t hiul , "Porjnry" u tts ihu chlrgo tinder ulutlt ho ens held , nun this crime , it is ulluy ed , tic atuuuittal when ho nLlnitted ( ruin the cmut the dueunient which gave him a legal tight to sled 11isv Gcurgiu lhly l Fussell , n ptutt } ludiauupalis utaidun. last'Clwrsda } weak Mr. Scutt atris od here , from tire ] lousier capital and took rooms fit the I , tucun City halal , T 'ie 11L'St alt ' . ' } .L99 1'rCd9UIl ) pllt lit cool np pcarancc , sect in n little morn flout ono hour after she hod joined hits they wcru it tied ns tight iii the niatriuumial Hausa ua 'S luiru I laynu could tie ( lieut. l'le ceruntuny ] sits performed fit thu Q ueen City in the presence of .101121 Con 1 )01 ) , who hryrpuus ; to bt ! l brother o [ the girl's grauduudhur , lu the fwt ; tire ( S cott lord swot ] ( 1iva [ I'rca9cl lu be of legal ago lay ilia basis fur the prusocu tout , which the puunh ; ut tlw young bride at 01100 Legal to wage nrninst hint , 1 + 'nr ngirl tvh r will ant ho ninetemt } cu3 , old until thelilth any of hubruary next Uwnnwlh tt , Scutt is rmiuukably well dul ulnpud. She is a plnugq haudsoum creature , trod her u hule noel Humus n rappal tip iu the w clf tt'o of the , nut whom Hlno pruwiscd to mtlwaya honor find . It htv tlla first lima she lend coolie such rut nvoull ( but in this the groom bunt lice four limns huller , and tsro of forte other ladies ho UiIW 1/l'elllldl'll to cling lc tudil dunth porter ] thou ] , nru s till nuuuq tins lining , nod enrolled iii the long lieu of divorced. Otto week nru yesterday they wcru married. hninu Cuicuumtti the pair proceeded to 11i11a bm'o , sect there eight helm's last , llutco ivo.lelinl , liuliiuuue } , of the Lulia ; lpolis force ulostcd Scott. lleliiuuuuy isn brntlnur inlan of 11'n1 ] 'Fosse ] ] , the [ fitter ] of the girl , tuba lives ill N. . > 201 N Liberty struet , in lndianltpolis. It was at the urgent request of the bridt'H ( pnrcuts that the detective agreml to follow the pain Shin loft hump without n ] word of notice , and tvhcn it was discovered that she had emit n tale. gnaw to Scott apprising hint of liar coin ing , theyy becluuu almost distracted. Though nearly "sweet sixteen , " the young lady huts had the pleasure of celebrating brating Lut three biahdn's , for she was bull on the last day of February during' leap year. The groom has soon fifty birthdlys. Ito is not unkuolrn to theatsa r ical inure , and was for aonle time press and advertising agentat Brooks & Dixnn's Purl ( thcatro iii Indianapolis. Ile soured to fool the cisrraco ] of being behind the bars moat keenly , and all day lout ; his y oung wife remained as near his side as it tons possible for lice to gut. It was the first time that he over eutrercd arrest , and ft was believed he 81)010 with truth. During the war ho was the captain of nu Eastern regiment , maid fought for the Union. In a little frame cottage at No. 132 Linn street there resides a lady who was the fourth srifu of the prisouur , Last March sle was divorced from hint-a lu stilt of lice own seeking-at Bedford , Indiana , he not answering the petition elno brought to court. A little girl not quite two years of aye , and a baby I ny of seven months arc the living fruitsuf their union. Thu lady torts ] Miss Eva Johuson , and to ml Euquiror nitsn shin reletcdafow points ill the history of her erstwhile leis. band. His first wife ho married in Boston - ton ti. good loftily years ago. They tt cru divorced , and the lady still lives , alto chinks , or at ] cost was living two years cage ago , when aho mud Scott visited llustou together. After the severance of this little love affair , Mr. Scott went to Indianapolis , and there he married two of the fair d aughters of the town before lie mot and loved Miss Johnson , but nut , however , at the sane tine. The divorce court was ( not called into requisition in either case , for death robbed him of Leith treasures , In December , 1880 ] to niar- ried Miss Johnson , but their life was not rite of unalloyed bliss. She lived at her father's most of the time , and he had n rooms at the Park theater , Often when she visited hllil them 61e would be flue prised to Lind Georgia Pressell there. Them situ was a ntcro child , and not worth the feeling of jealousy , " 1Vhy , I have mldo dresses for that child , was the rmunrlr of llrs. Scott No. 4 , referring to the now acquisition to thu Sc'tt household. ' 'Situ to nothing but n mute child , " But the fact is the inure ellihd is matured - tured far beyond her years. ' 'hie second year of their nmrried life Scott managed n "Iluzal liirku" : culnany for Gus Froh ratan , of tie ! 1Jneliaon Square theater coin- pany , and last season ho was with Jruucs O'Neill un his starring tour , while a son of his first wife arn uu of tie advance in the Bane company , The day after Mrs , Scott No , 4 rccoived her divorce situ canto to this city , tuid she has umdu her home with bur father ever since. Scott semis dinjused , to throw the brunt ref this last alliur to his bride , svho he says le inarticrl to save from disgrace , as situ followed hilt to this city , Thu coloring to this story is doubted , as the girl's trousseau was fur- ntahcd by tie tinfropy groom himself , It is IQHatimlu the eha 'u will out be I ) russedliii thu 1mlicu tout to da ) . Thu )211'1 ld IIUSY 1119 1P1U , nod the mono coil sarvativu ones interested avow that it would Duly cause her pain to aepnratu thunt , for it can ho easily stmt that sumo is passionmitely nttrtched to hint , Ilis word fe her gospel , , tad lints boon for years. JIu haft taught her ihu rudiments of music-for lie is n sclular-find thus , harm beret mixed with tire rudiments of love , Idr'e , Eva Johnson Scott , with her babies , limgurd msbout Ninth street last night to gut a glimpse of ihu fnthor of hotr children cold 1ua now love. A Crosvncd 111 unnuy 1'nand. 1'unama Btarand llerald. A rare archueologieel treasure watt ru cently discovered at demo , in the sett o of Cuudenautnrca , but , unfortulustelytlie good fnrtuoo befull nu ignorant laborer , whose carcieasness and want of intelli gocu have deprived the scientific world of mil oppurtumty for research rich rots isLet Lot seldom encountered. 'l'autiva was Flowing a field at Usne , in the noiglibor hood. of Bogota , whorl his dnw wncoun torpd n taro stone , Out of curiosity h o raised the slab and was awarded fohula labor by discovering a rnuuuny covered with numerous gold the roost ill , ortant of hick writ n large collar , 'rite body warn cororod with a sort of 8of d , a moil trout the waist to rho lops ; the ' + + , , arms and ankles wars encircled h } ' gust lands , a crown wits and the head , ; and at file side ut tlio body n kind of s cepter u aF de l uisitcd , 'l'Iw hodS' 19 said t o have been 111 rut t 'X celleut state of pet . scrs atinn , find tlio steno slabs n cro air erect with lliuted hiumglyphics. ' ' 'l'ho discoverer , on his trip to iingoia to sell charcoal , carried all the oruunmlta ; I wdh hiutlvith the esccItiounf the crown nod scepter. After selling huts chnrcavl i he commenced to wander mm house to ] aura , nn uirin ! , if ) wished to buy scone tilt ] , , . . , ullerui „ to dispose of the 11 11010 lot fOr ; 1 , : f.E lavt he full ill with a gentlmuul ; who undetetuud the ] oleo of ! hu articles , mid who at once gave hint $10 far fleet , oll'eriug to pray hire hoot ] . suutuly for the crnssn and scepter , flu returned to his lionso for them , to find riot ( it hod bean phnulered during Iris aLsenue , nod that the interesting and valuable relics scum Bono. It is to be hoped iut estikmtions will bu made iuiu the matter , at ; It 19 quite Ittohtblu other Ladies nary ho discovered in the vicinity of the uuulsoleum thus nccidenbdly i b rought iU light. ALh1U vrolt Li,1T111'ilt. b'irnl Tanned uv n Ourlowhy , ] tut Now Used to 7itako it ] tutu. title of Articles , N ew Turk Sou , A Luke variety of poekebbnuks , card macs , hood bags find other nrticlus uuulu of a peculiar uluttla ] loather wvs Reun in la Chrunbcta street show-case. , l tun ; ; , narrow piuco of the sane kind of toothier hung over them , It sans ruuuded at one cold turd ( ; ( pored away to a puiut at the other , l uu ihppcr3 pr , jtcted front each aide of it , "Thu use of alligator skin scthna to ho iueruasiug , " the reporter salt ! to the pro : pl'IetUl' of i1lU show case. ' [ 'hue Illcreasu is rlatolllsilltlg , " lie PC- plied , " ' 1'tvolvu ' or tifteuu genet aqu al IS,1tor leather svs tanned its s curiosity. Futs articles n ere uiadu of it. About four years ago , however , the munifncturu of alligator leather began in carnuat. F irst mi few sltoea were utnOlu of it , nod file uianufmtcturcrtt of such gouda Haw ' there sun. . umuthing in it. It is s pu euliary ] beautiful . 'huro are Ito n t wo skins uuu'ked just alike , find it fol- lo ws that rue two articles made of tie leather ouu be alike. The natural color of the leather is attractive aside iron the beatify of the markings , It fiuishoH soft roof flexible. It is cnuculml that the :1mm iwns bui rind finish it inn our superior tt , line host Irm'Iuuuiship of th e old country. Here is a poulc ! buuk ; : lmericut : Islhtltltnr shut forms the out- si de ; : luturicrut ctlfskiu ; tlw ] iuiug. Any is judge of adult goods will say that ! t la by n a ll odds the hmulsumest as well as the best leather of the kind in existence. Sixty dollars a duxmt for such goods , small as they arc , is n law price , "While tltu beauty of alligator leather ' is its chief chnractet nste , its durnLility is of Lordly less inqudrtutco. : These grip- sa cks of alligator loather will outwear their owners , no matter hole youthful. 1Vit11 those two things in its favor , it is no wonder that the solo of alligator leather is incratsing. " "how ninny alligators wet'c slaught , rod to satisfy the dculand lest year ] " "Not less than half a million , " ' 'how do you get the akius , and where du they couw frond" " ] Yost of then ( cane frmu Florida and th e other Gulf States. ' 1'bu alligators are slot trill ( i illes , and the negroes lutru nl must n uunepoly of line business , 1Vhmt nu alligator crawls cut on the sand for his after- dimutr sleep ho falls n victim. The negro gets from fifty cants to one dollar apiece N for nlligniora. Tire hunt is carried on ac viperously that the reptiles firs beginning to grow scarce. Laws will hnru to be e nacted to protect them during tie breading season sect whuu young , 'A11 sires , from two to eighteen feet in length , are now killed. The choice akin , J is six scut ] Hug. ' 1'hcru is as much miw between ihu six-foot skin raid the ei6'hteen foot skin as fliers 1S between a alf akin nod au ux hide , 1'hu akius are packed in limo for two months to remove th e horny scales. ' 1'hu remaining pro cuss is much like tlutt for Huy leather. It takes four menthe to prepare n shut. Thcro is n tannery for alligator skins in Brooklyn "Ilas any one developed an imitation of alligator lunthor1" "Thu faauds are using imperfect skies , I\'n limo will aottuu the borne that have stood the attrition of red hot scud for lE half n century , ' 1'hoso skins do not IYmtr wC1i between tlt0 aCalC9. There are other p im perfections in the skies , Thu dunu + nd for colored goods help us out , Lorv over , as ilia coloring matter covers a find. titudu u ! imperfection 1Yhcu you want nu alligator Jmtther article of , uty kind choose the uncolored goods , Arty a fair price , and you trill get the dlcapuat us ( roll as tie handsnneat and Lest , " -f-- h nhha's Axn I11.rtux WHO H1VI1I , S Washington Socloty Excited Over n ltoceiut Ilu e > vution , WAHiIINGTON , July D-This aunuuor the swell beau senile ( lulientuly perfumed notes to Lis fmunlu triuuda which contain an iuvifstiou to take n nwiun. Thu great 9 rink wlnieh wua used at winter far roller s kating has heart turned into nnntntw iuut by n young Wanhiugtonimtn , and ho lion begun a series of amui wuokly swimming doirea. A lied hood is in nttmtdnnco and U the interior fa brilliantly lighted with electric jets , Broad Lnlconiua surround the basin wJnuru opera chairs nru pros id ed for apuulatnrd and friatde of ihudwiun mars wlu , do not care to participate , , Hang either aide arc closet-like roams , nnu rarnn being assiguud to thugmiUmuml 1 find tie other to their fair partners , a , check Laing given for inch. Upon mitering they retire to their } r espective H1dC9 Flt thU hall , cold in tun minutes appear in goy I/tlthlllg NI11tH , Thu li c ouple meet at the npril + gboar(1 , tt Ult limo ] of the bath , cold away they go with n plunge iu cancurt. It is Irts of furl they say , amid now that it has Huddmd } ' grown Iulitu Ufa soirees intro jammed oauh night to the full capltcity of tine both , which us about I10Ly 301) ) foot , Thu 111111 WJIm atal'tUl Ulu loge la (110 IIUII of the hour , and ntothiltg oh so cmnuuuuls t the attention of the quality folk who hrtvti nothing to do uxccpt mmuuau tltumtnclves with soutu uusv thing. Shoulder brtues fur goofs and ladies at Coodmuul's , 1'00 s 15c a doron at 1Ytn , ( iuntlelnan's , Spree < rove uta our giving tlm full tie. tails of t ) w utattcr to-day. CLOSING OU'I' CLOSING OUT HOMMEtt (1001 ( , $ AT IIUSIIMAN H , It will pay you to Boo Nun's Voilnigu , Ilmttings , Dress Goods , Silks , Ladies' , ( Jontluntomi s and Ghlldron s Underwear , Jlosiory , Gloves Our prices arc always as low as the lowest , and often lower. Sue thorn at Ilushmat'e. St,1S11)1 luA6Di ( l.lli gilts , - l'Incus 'heron Grumped 1'urao Jtny Flutl a Cttnuce to Sturrl , Nov Turk Journal. 'I'hcro are penjlo who spend $100 or JDO n steak to live at Intttg llruwln , and I Iwre fire uthulw w hu Nava cot alGtosl e qual uu'ayutout ) of the privil ( gu9 of rho hotels trlw do it. ! ul , , b or : m tt u of + k. g'lo'ss peopla do everything iii the howls oat and ihcru ' ' except elwp , 1'huy you act ( fit the pinraas nod listuu htho 1,1uds , they fragment the L1r rocros and bnvliu ( alloys , nunLnltogotlicrhnru n t or } ' guur lima on just as little money nv it would cost ie live in Now York. Lung Branch is full of Loaniing houses ; many ut ( leer full of thupr'icnhuussort , kept by landlonle whit hnru invhionaLlu bulrlint ; hrnscain Nul. fork in the win- te r null take a 1rod uumbur ct their b oarders with chow , llul iii the streets ruunitig back to the village of llmg ltrnmch find iu Atlantiurillo , near by , there nine IIIry.Ulle of be1n1111c hllllel'd for 'Iouplo ' of nndurnto , uicuis ; , whore lies. lFuul ; mutt ! n ifoem ; live fnrfruni $ II to $ .G a week , tool whom single ycmiug men nru htkcu mtt it rut $ li fu SIU , Thu board is not allhmnibut it is na good nd tie seer. nu Now lurk hash huuso , ' 1'hu urukiu ; ; 13 of t11U 1191IM11 ardor , but n short n nik lakett tLu honnlor dun n to Occau nruuuc > nod lien hu all foul just as pttnul na ihu bust. of thorn. Sleepsltond flit ) ' parfornts vuty much Ilw sumo duly for Cnnc } ] shod that the vtlingu ut Long 1rautlt tines to nhd ; is guuurnlly 1uon n as ] mug llrnuch by the rich 3uwnwr visitor. Iluru , within a ten minuics' walk of the lh iltlilnn or llnn- hattau , eau ntny find plunfy of euthages u huru uatE accouunodatiuus twill hu givuu fur $10 tt n cok. It would bu strutchiu7 ; tlw truth to say that the Loard iu these phew ww lirrt duv3 or us uu BBCOIIII C11199 , but it is its good is eau be got for the deny auyo heie also. It ores ( be rmucniburud that nnu square wool ss ill Cll9t Il9 much at cue of the crack hotels nv cot s { Lulu u euk'3 board cool lodging at ihu 4het p911t'111 ; hay bunrding IumRUS. .11uug the , min road , ton , lmuliug to the islnud many ventnrtt Hone nod Hpoculntit'u lnudladies try their loch Ly opentugsmuuwrbuatiliug huusuH , 1'Ie vent arcs nru usunll } ' uusueasshd , nod they retire discoutliUcd fit the end of sonsrn , But ( hero at u nhrnyN plenty to throw thomsoh'es into the breach the 3011 Sun fallowing , ' 1'hcy usually lilt mip with great facility , but a lutt with bad duLty and the lowness of prices lhuv du nut uflnnlly mnku both mul3 niuct. ' ( 'Ito Hca son is Bhut t , 1t begins oboe ( dilly 1st and colds Gns nrda the : lOth of , Intuat. Lt this aePUll sYCUks tine the profit newt ho auulu , nod any lovul hundud huuilndy will see at secs that it cmuutt bu nuulu. 'That why ] ul ul hcadad 1nudLuliett du not , ns tofu , nsflumo these risks. Evun at Saratoga anti Newport the tr ash Uxlafa ns fill a)1pClldnu of fnshiuu , Thu ] fitter is the nmttt exclusive of fill come svnturiug places , being really n city of 1'Ieh I'CHIdm1CCR , hilt tl1U Inndlndy cannot be kept out. Like the fly , she alights turd trill only be displaced by luraiatcut at tacks , file ] titan but temporarily. At Saratoga situ scabs herself uder the vm' ) Nlmdol v the hotels , bat seats are ve ry dove thorn , and aloe cm ; clrur no su ch wicus as her 81atCl' in misery fit Lnu' lirnnch or Sheapalwnd Ill } , ( loud board uia } ho get in Samtogn by 1nnsLluld and wife at $50 n week , lief ant much leas within n mild of the cantor. Along the Jersey coast-at Smlhrigltt and 11onmruth Bench-O + YIIL'C8 trill only cull or let property on 11111 express cmuli lien that the osnlur or lessee permits no honrding hruau on the property uudur at furfeituro of the ngrcuntunt. A body Lune ( Tmntiser. , Y , Sun. Astroll onllrashingtottHeights revealed tq a correspondent n fnshionabhi 'girl fashionably playing ] own tennis. She hod more than the average huigltt of her sex find was synunetrically . Ilan figure sous increased in what he alt I pIsus w nv 1 ersey bodies , At all events the fabric in was elastic , worm ( and sonndess. In his opinion ( Lure was uo corset under it , else slw could let possibly have been so aup plc nor would ovary uevmnent of tie muscles below her ehouhlor Llades hnru " buret visible , lie does not lflu to think tlutt ale was CrI19CIOUaIy on uxhibltiun , fire ] that her poses and nctimt inure studiously. Womms utny like to hnuw that her skirt was short , striped lull acne ( ; that her atoclimgs wore bloc ] ( ; that 1lCr 9)IOCA ) w'CCD alligator NlIII , Cllt dnlY , and that , as to her lint , their fancy umst cmnetruct it out ui the bare ussortiun that SVas big 7UId so CCCCIItrIC in aLnpu that no architect ceuld give nu idea of it on allor without at least n huudrod cross. auction 1iuwH , I CLOSING OUT CLOSING OUT 1' HUMMF.U fODI6S AT IIUSiIMAN'H. It will pay you to see Nun's Verilioga , b ut inga , Dross Coeds , Silks , Ladies' ' , Geutlmmmu'd nod Childrlnfx Undurwmsr , osiery , Clmea , Our prices nru nlwnyfl rls low as the lowuflt , nod often lower , ee Ehmn at Itualunan'Ho , --o--- Cotter dries line prntuuq. I'ItOI'OSALS FOR I3.1'CAVA'I'ION. Settled prn i Huls will be received at the ollicu of Dufrucuu tC 1lruudolaHOhu nmtil o'clock p , ill. Gil 1Vunhtondny July 18th fur the oxcnvatiom ut Seluml llcuau le be boil ( nn Duluwnro.SKinq stn , 1'Innn cud NIteClflGttlrI1N fine out file at the oUicu of 1)ufromnu tC Mmululedulul , . 14,3t ] 1Y , IVOItTIIhIAN. ( ) ute carload of Window Ohms just ru- eeiyed at c , I' ' . ( Innihuno'd , ' ' ' ' ' NO'VICI 1'O CONTIIAC'I'OIIS , Sealed proposals will he received until ' o'clock it , At , July ] 7111 1883 for Uw ruction of n three cry brick , with xbmu 1Nlsmnmlt , School ( Is use to bu erected out Inn nrdntroutbefrsvuuntlthnnd lOthtreufs Onulha , Iv uL , flaw sold npucificutiond GF e $ cunrut thurlicuof ( DufrmerClituuduln aehn , ArchftlcG ; + , 'I'ho right f , reject any or all buds , ro nul'vah Humid bu ] $ f , the ] tight ltuv lJidhup O'Connor. Jy ft U . . _ . . , , . . . _ . _ J rr 1iVllltu Lead amt A11xetl 1'niutt ( Go o Cjoodujuam.'s. V11NNA ; Corn Ituulovur Is a 80115 and 1'AtNl.rJOi wul ; far Corns , and is guttruu toed TG uu1R or uinuuy 1tI FuxuF.m , J'rial ii aunty , For dole only by Fronk Roy. ors at the A1lllnrd ] lulu ] I'harntacy , 18-into i TO WHOM 1'1' MAY CONCERN , "o Inlblle please take ttotleu that I mutt the sole lIto Frelcr of the grrMury $ Gru , Nm hid hoiutlt 10th street , meld wits so ever since that npuniug of said store , lusv ing nulur hod an mussucintu , to pratnct my iuturcat 1 giro duo notice that 1 shall not pay or ho ro3lNmatblu for any dubla incurred by any party or parties Blgniug thcmnulvos as my company , li' . PRriiwfou , OUAu1 , July 10th , 1&13 , Jyllb't T HAT "KN01P14d1)(71 : IS l'U11'lat NIDS : : SU UFiIlN4TILITIUN.tNU II } : Will ) IV FXI'FItDNI'E : ; ; SNow'd TIII : P.IId'1 ; l1F' TAR. RANT'8 BELTZCR APERIENT U01.9 NUT NE11 'rut 111 : TIrLh TIIAT 111 : IL44 IT w'ITIIIN Ills PON'Elt TO tl'.Ilto OFF' PEVEItS , IIIIdoUS A1TICRS , ) lI.U.riiu.4 : , ASP 1115 11,1S ,11I41NG ( P11(111 ( .5. UldtlllrlItEUS'f/NAl'14LI1'I'll : ( tit hlril'ILd : , A TFASI'til1NFUL : 1N A ULAS4111r iI',1Tt:11 : , DFblth : F.1TIS0AUlN LINU.k ( 'IIAIt1t , ANU NO 1YId } : MAN 11'ILL IIF : 11'ItllltlOT IT. } Yni 9A1E lit' A1.14 lilhlOtlIflTS. N EBRASKA LOAN AD TRUST CD , IIAsT1NO4 , Ntal. Capital , - - $250,000 , JAS. It. IIr.11tTw'Eld : „ rrcIdctrL A. I. C1.,11mE ; , Vie..I'r Orient. 1 ; O. w RIt91Httn'rearurw , a P. W lsil ; u..t'allrr UIIETOIIS : ; 4anrodAlciandrq I1N11AhIltllYfr 1 , 1. Clarke 1 : lL iY'bteq Oro. Ili Pratt , Jar. h , Ilrnrtadl , D. M , ) Iclallinucy. First Mortgage Loans a SpoaialtY 71dS CougNiiq' fundvhcv n pcnnnncnt hints India ] . flan xhctu school hand , and other legally laru'd Mu utdpnl Sreurltlr + to Sebrakn ami Ire IIflpldatlI sit llwuwdfnr'rule . 6nulnndoolrmprotnl Lmnv h , all a ell wlll'd cuunnor utlw / slots lhnatgh awpondhlo had cone + txnulenlr , sv E , L. Morse & Co. REAL ESTATE fBARUAINS , 1622 Capitol Avenue. I ; s ( lit 8.IL1-TtOhour. : mid lets In Ar'andlish Place , 81,9,10 , rend 81 , 2SV , t ( url , hail0ee un 1011)2 O11to at 8 per ( 'tilt. 1\w lolr 111 Shhui N n i hhtfotl 87tX ) rich 1l0 cosh , I alancu III S apml atuntal Io ) lnrnte at S her tent. 17(1 acne faun 11tar Ctevbm IOsa , t0 0011' , lloibcr , IS non's torn , rn acnw llnolhymldtlote'r. , Tcn11r , etoeke fnri tii implimctttr It 111 bu soil it It It Ih0iIi ( It , leinvl , Pike 821 ) wr lure. Salon lots lie fates nod Ileedraddlllon 8:00 tmrh I cosh lutinuuo on lone. Ctie 1.ert lots It the city. . T , a mil cue halt non's Ihlely huprnttrl and ulecly ] 'rated , coal cottage houvo of S room , briek cellar end gnisl ncll , 1011 bearl.ig fruit lrcer , bed i.s other .malt fruits , will be sold at n bnrgnln , guO t rui.aueh.r sullbig , for purtleulars call at ulllce. Ibrty acne ( , 3 odl's N. IV. of rity , 2 h0u.cv2harn. , 2cite livid benriog halt troy' and grnlH vinto , all under culthatlun. PriceI.out 11tn haudn'd 'u rcI } Ilillu N. iV. of 1'tkhum : Slnllun,145 aeree euilitahvl , batellCO pamltev. 11"aoes , bunt , mil Iltdng water. l'rieo 87.evJ ( , J etlsh bal mice on unto fit S per edit Twn hundreti mnl slaty three acre stuck fnru , In Douglas cauuty Nvb „ improrsl , I'rleo 820. her acre. Clinics farm of tad aer's , 0111) ' h , a mile , front the city of Yauktnn , D. 1' . , ten dollars iwr acne , ti taken hnnllxtely. Nice hoar , and lot at ( lrand IHlnud , Neb. 1.Ot 6doi92 , ( hNNI Neil , silad0 trees , C ti ho purchased at the low tine , of 81,200. BIOV cub , balanooon 11o nice lots , 66x 152 at fraud Island , Neb. Only 876 each , Twenty to thirty ilmtax for rmt _ Loans Negotiated. NEBRASKA LAND AGENCY. 0 . F. DAVIS & CO. , ( SUCC1.98Oi1H Ti ) DAVIB S HNYD11IL ) ( tuuurul Dealer. h1 REAL ESTATE 1605 FAIINAM ST. , ( nfA11A , have for sale 200,000 acrev caretully .ideated lands Patient Nebmskn , at lux' prlnn cold on easy ( emu , hnpreted fann9 for sale lit ii tiglu9 , Dodge , Calfar , Platte , hurt , CuuIug , Harley , IYnshlugml , Slorlok , Hounder. , find Butler Cuuuildx. faxes paid In all purls of the State. Money leaned on impnn od forms. 1'ublloAlxaro ht ullko. utrrospondonco - „ r dllkRa : Oldest Real Estate Agent , Notary Public and Practica ! Con- veyancer. ' Glnrks culls Ilnusee arid hots , ItevIhenro Lots and Ilushrss , lads all mror the city , and all additions , bo tlldetl IIIIIIreYCd aIlI UOIIIIprOYdl IHIIiN IOWCr than uivother , a nnL mar10 t " ; 111 ; - - - - M. R. RISDON ! IllSllfflIOO ltSl'Idt9INT8m : I'hrcnls Assuranca G , , fit London , Cush Assets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + ,16/MO.O0 NeNf'hostrr , Y , Y. , U.pltal 1,0NqaskW Thu 11e dianlH , ill Nux ark , N. J „ Capital I,2/6/NNIIN1 / Illrunl I'Irrt I'hlludcl hla , C'apltul. . . . . 1,2a1,1X0nh , , , . . . . . . , . . . . Id'10,016.Iq 01'FICEltunm 10 , Omaha Natlunal ; Muni ( Itulid hlg , 'I'9n.LuaY No. 376. eve adlY United States Depository. FirstOF' -OF' OMA1fA-- O ur. 13th and Farnam Sts , The Oldest Baskin Establislimen t in Omaha , HUCCESHnlH ( TO 1i01INTE 11110TIlEItR , Organized in 1868 , Ortnniaml ) nn a .orison ] Itnnk iii 18119 l HlJltl'hUH Ohl ) I'Itoh'i'1'H :1i1110,0U : C ovncetu , ANU nutYCtuea. IIY.HMAN IDVaTSX ( , PreNIdeIIL t Juuiv A. CNrtultros , Vlco 1'reldunt. AUuuaiiTA Iuusinic ( , 2d Vice I'rcnldcnt. A. J. t'Orff aiON , F , 11 , DAvis , Cashier w , ii. SIaaQVINK , Assistant Cashier , 'rransatts a general bmlking Inlvlncse. Issues tire certhlratcx In aring Inks + + t. Irun's drafts iii. Ha F'raucl.up toil wlnelpul eltlrs bit the ] lied ] ] HGd.M Ahu Loudon , iluLllu , IiIlnLurah and the prluelpa I cities ul thu tmnluun0 of Eungw , - JAMES MoVEY , Practical Horse Sheer Status a N1ecialty of Roadsters and teioiturloot ho r sus. Hhutw , ioJgn , street fut. 11th sect 12th , 01 McCARTHY & BURKE UND PTAKERS ! 218 14TH ; STREET , BET , FAUN AND DOUGLAS , I If f II I I MEYACOI , id1I'Oltq'EIIS OF I HAVANA CIGAftS I ANI JOltltElt4 OF DOMESTIC I I i i ! AETIOLi $ I'itOl'ItlE'l'GIS OF 'till's FOLI1O1VING CELEBRATED BRANDS. Roina Victorias , Especiales , Roses in 7 Sizes from $60 to $120 per 1000. , ANU'P111 ; FO1dUWINi 1E.ITINU FIVE CENT CIGARS : Combination , Grapes , Pro rocs Nebraska , Wyoming and Brigands. WE DUPLICATE EASTERN PRICES . Sl1Nl ) 1'Olt 1'itlt l : 114'1' ANI ) 1. ttPIFSti e Anheuser-Busch 1f eMt45 BREViING ASSOCIATION , 1lU'OL r. R , v " _ r * , 1 CELlliltATED ; ' ' ' "L'IV " t . , . Keg and Bottle'd' ' Beer 1.ny . .Iyr s ' c/ fX r , 1 w „ hid ] : xcullunt 1 ; fur spcakmr for itself. M fU IN G ORnI + , R' ' til : x o1 TILE atn , , , 51:11. Ult 1 11EAl I , iIlEelt AYLb , Will be Promptly Shipped. ALL OUR GOODS ARE MADE TO THE STANDARD' ' ® f ® ur G-u r n.toe. GEORGE HENNING 1 I Sole Ageul for OniafiwainVtile Vest. 011ce ] Corner 19th and liarey Streets. E. B. CHAPMAN & CO ; r Wholesale Grocers 1213 Farnam St. , Omaha ! Neb. , Double and Single Acting Power and Nhnd I P lIMP 9 S T EAIYI PUMP S ! F e Fi Eugiuo'I'rimunings , 1 Iiuiug iirncltimery,0 Bulting , Ifume , Bhu svmdl Iron Flttinge , i 5tualn I'aukiuh fit sehnlemdu nod re1nil. IALLAllIY [ NJNllt11rl'E > uSr CHT)1tCS ' AND SCHOOL BELLS , Corner 10th Farnam'St. , Omaha Nob. FLOU t * Tds flour it Uuulo at Salem , Itlehnrdtou Car , Nebraska , u , the Corltbincd holler Stone 8ystom. We giro 1XOLIMII'I : rdu : of our Iluur to min and iii u place , Nu har'u uwnud ; u 0ruueh at told Gpltol avenue Ouudu. w'dtu for Prices. Addrusx either ' 'p 11LTIN'I'I1T3n ef , LInYPS , , m16uta 6m Hnlem or OuiahaNob , ; I r I r war. . . . - , , . . ' s < , " 1 TILIS I TI i ' 1 Boilei' Iroli s OMAIIA , - NEBRASKA. Skull all kinds of Sloan ( . Itoiori , Hmulw Stacks , lireeehlug l.nrd , w'utvr aid Oil Twnks , and d0 u genera , plute.hruIt buduuss , helm irlug dunu In City amid cumtry. All walk Done at Eastern Prices and Warranted ! HrconJ haul Ilnllurs x111 hu ku d iii hood , Ilutfig hod many ) uarLexwrfuncuUl ; ihu trod , in dlHeront 'xirta ' . , hnvhig the tu'st ail Gwls In the h'tutw of lhuemudr shop Blwp vtr , 10th anall 1ercuSnrcls , J. M. WILSON , Proprietor. ' ] ire I ] E ] c I . D 9 hiANUFAtrrUluiit of 1 Cornices1 1iuduw Finias , Bk + llghts&cc 11drteunlhmStreet nn 'Nub J. H. C9BSON. AU1ACTOIIY. COItNEII TYIi11'1'Jl ANI ) 110W.1Ill 'I 115 L 'Ill. - - - - - I'urticular attention given tnropairing , Hatls elt cc vuaranteed. C OLIN TORAGE FOR BUTTER & EGGS IN I4AItGN OIt SMALL QUANTITIES AT SMALL COST. llTWarehouen and ItefrlgeratrerHola303. ; 6p6,807)fowardetruet OouhaNe4lIApplyto C01riD11RtI1dI1 ; Merchwnt , I '