. - - - - - . - . - . - . . - - - - - - - - . - - . - - - - . - - . _ _ - - - - - . - _ _ % _ - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - . . - _ . - _ _ _ . a-------- _ _ _ - _ - - _ - . . - - - - . - - - - - - r- - - - - - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' .t w ) / l - 1 - - ' 4 I I ¼ H U TUE DAILY BEEMAllA1F1UDAYJULY ) 13 , 1883. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - TilE DAiLY 13 * O1VIAHA. Friday ? iI- J nly 13. -The 1J ! St.ntM CIflUt b4P.fl hi nil. oiceiI ; term 3CiterRY. : _ rroApet 11111 ctnetcry IN 1fttfl xtcn. Fiv1j Impmve.l. -The annut1oxcflri40fl nnl , icnf tim U. P. band , ft )1CMflt ; will occur in .AugtlRt. tb1 3-car. -Jimmie IlCfldOtI311 , thnpPqulAr i.aksninit fo C 8. Goodiici } w 1naIGPPY Wcdncdy by the nr1Vt of a fine boy at. IiI. hou.o. Tim young boy arrIcI n the , atIy hour of i a. sn. , tfl(1 ) iu.comc to iLny. 1ret a twe1o WUfld. r and o fltR hi inothor &m lsth iHng w.U. -you rcllur z tcRt. .flVRI o1no thR hOt wcnt-icr. 1iua your Luo4ne. lint1 3110 WIt 1ts .rcs n.I . take yi.ur furifl * a thnnctonL , va tm siou , City i-note , you will ha" a .kllg1tt1l . trip , -Thorn ont Sbtttn1j , nuit auf -uf ditITh3tC00f tlc : .eacojVoiItii1ay night -.ludgo lkwckc heard t1o co of tlIoStatcvM. Ito ett % ItuvdIin whlclttho .1ef.ii1ai.t . wa ch&rgc. -with threatening the fin of a man named I , , : iicariI ( ; , Tim ioii City route , with it , ptillrnai palace sleeping cai anti solid trilnw da3ly be tween Council IIkilT.i and SL 1'at1 , 10 Mhor an' ! only tlircct zinc to St. l'ftul , MllncaIkII J.ake Minnct'nkc. atiil nil poIi.Lq . n the nortL tveiit. -For Clear Like , Mliinnaiw.Ih , St. Vni _ _ nI Lake MIrIIicthnkLh tftkfl the Sh.iix CU -route. Low rate round tr1i cxcursian ticket n .ato at ivriiiciial OIIICC.q. Train leave Omaha at 6 p. m. -Tue ntteition of the city cuundl1 or hi honor , the mayor , (411tUll ( ) ( be directed to tb condition oiflto alley between Iariiatn silo : DoilgiM , 00 Twelfth. Teasis , are rirocl thor cvary pay. -The Nobria.ka Commercial Mon's. AMHI dation are noW fully lrePuh ) to reedy apphicationis for iflClflbCIhliP. IihlUlkH may Ii ObtftiflCd by adresing Goo. E. Croshiy , Secret Ary , lock box 20 , Omaha. The AMociatio tstarts ; out v'ithi shout. 200 charter Meinhorsi. i lively listcrcMt IN lnsuslfeHtod by zii , am ! fros tim proMent outlook the inoinber4ihis will renc ; h000 by the nCXt annual lnettIng. t -Mk49 Lulu II. Straight , nged years.lie . ycstortlay at the roi.idonc of her hrotlsc in.law , Mr.V. . 1' . ] IIlis. The doceMed cain to Omaha on Susishay , . 'fssly INt , In Io'pe' . benoitting her falling health. 1or a few 1a USO dango Heomed to ho dolug her gOth ) , hi - lioon Kho grew wrnsoantt sliest e.eriIay. Iii home WM iii Nowcastho , 1)a. , Dstt It iii not yi -sloternilneti whether intcrinozit will take pla hero or-whether the body will be forwarded Newcastle. . -A lot of boys in the neighuiorhooU Twenty-fourth anti Cas.i Ntrcots hiao late been playing Buffalo Bill. On Mrniilay nig about 0 o'clock Edillo Ubel , 12 yearn of a living sin the north side of Caii,1 near , fourths , was istanding near ii target , whsicis ti younu- cow boysi were .hootlng at when the poor 1narkHmanihsIp of of oslo o' ' their ntis ber , isihl to be Johnnlo O'Brkni , yoisxig UI r ccIvod a bullet wotnul in the lof sub , no the bhioIIbhcr ( rout a 7 shiootct , Stitith Weston. . . TIIATOVEIUi1I' , .ii , . - cp ; : ? Wa-oI. CliaNo will iiof sigh siny 11101 Varrants at - , The moinboru of thin var4IM workb : dopartnioiits connected wtlitho citgoi ,43rflflIOflt are liable to bo a ] iti lnCct ths inonth in getting their pay as i -whilo ] io signed tim ; tion ordinance , doca nOt5 , . pea to sigI any warmuL's titil Is satisfics himself of thu exact conjjtjoj t.hio City's fiiInncc8 , na ho claizn& now , a ho did when elected , that time j at overlap and that tlioro ia no inonoi1j JI general fund IIO11 which Ito can hqafli draw. The 3rayor8ont a letter oil this Httbi to City Treaaurur , Buck and thu lat replied t1ia wisilo itwas not.liidutytosia , what money was paid out stud what it. wit paid for , as the Mayor and Clark dro , the warrants , lid had ijovor the lcHs abon 48.OOQ n tim gonural fund tud cool moot drafts to that amount. , . The letter was then referred to the cit . , ' clurk who ahowoci tl1sLt there wa ' S9OOO reniail1ifl ill tim getters1 fund a the close of the liscal year , which wo us ' dcr8taud can properly bo used for PaYs ! oxponseB iflCtt'2Od ill JunotJtoltuitii10fll . of tim fiscal year. v. \Vltat there i in thu uinyor'ss late . eve cannot be said , Isut it will probab : : - develop in a few daya , and a inousio in ' bo looked for. - 1Y - Buck'cfl'H Ariuca Salvo. - t TJiogroatost medical wonslor of the wor : 'Warranted to 8pUodIly cure Burnn , Cuts , 1 Cer1 , Halt 1housn , Fever Sores , Cancor'iPIl ChIlblaIa' , CornIl , Totter , Chapped htuudse - all .sktn orupttoni , guaranteed to cure in cv . . cents rofundoil. f 41n.tanc , or money - be : _ _ _ _ - - . - Omaha Be Band. Thu above lflUiCt1l organiatioII , c corning which a little Isifttory was liahod at the tii1o of its orgauizatiougzi grand concert Wethisday evening at -cluiil , tlioobjootbeing to gotfundnf.r ; purcha8O of uniforms by Auguatl , Thoao Wsi8 A large attendance , arni t l entortainanent throughout wait oaio" f < I i-cal excellence. J. IL Bapsingte ' t C. H. Kolslinyor and family a ; yi Lulu , Kiiig took part in the : ercises , alt , acqustting thoisisolwe 4 a highly creditable manner , tlc latter : a song doing particularly well , T broom drill wa well done , and the mu by the baud flattea-hig o thu proudest of the organization , Another coasc 'will be giveas at in early slay , vlicsi . iarile vIse took part its the ontirtni ' inept ; last ( Ljltt willagain appear , * + Councilman ItfldOrliOn , 1 ( . O31AILA , July 12 , 1883. E. 1bEwATiR.-In your iss 9f tIm ittis inst. , you accuses ! mu as 1 .sng txmrced by the Union I'ncitic to vt for Coh.nndo saististono. I viI1 atato you in soot faUlt that iii my case it is a o , : i : address you , hoping you will the geistlonsois's 1)art , and excuse yet zsolf a far Lth I ani concernoil , sia a sue ber of our city council , and a "U. 1 ; employep. Yours &o , . - - WM , ANDEJi4N. SVot give Mr. Andorssn the beselit 1iiiinl. It 18 jiassing r4tao1 so -'rnr ; , that every thalon Eiciflo eanploc k the council Bllould voior this jobs ib I 1)io the earzset rcisiozthtaflco of tex iw 4515 tLfld thiMJtuiito - _ ICOWOTCIIERS. . bolsalc tcaliu of i1ch Coy. - Bold Operatton ot the SIxty Antmals ? Jjping , Forsbnio months ptsL a Kytomatio cous-ao ofthievery Ft'bccn ' going on in OanaliL , the stolen property always 1uing ft COWS iinUl it wrs no krngcr a-fo to leave these nnimals aist over night. It. s csthnsitrd that ever itixty cows lla4ij boOn taki in this manner , and ior- lssps iaoi' . tlsr.n that. South Oisslia suf. fcrid tIm vorsst , and Ilohonsinn.town was the ( ) * q'CCal ! uiohsi of the Josef stealurs until ii was ; nearly cowloss. Tiuie sitolcit aittle were tnlceti right front the silictis or yards of the oivlsurs I and 'included sortie of the most valuable . ones iii the city. It.wsus , gathered hare P and there that the thueves after gettisi I their 1shisisdor tsJk it to thu lIstchiurs ) sold iioltl it though in one or two litataticos at least tills rule w : not. ( olloweil. ' ] 'hic Li botches-a sIlpiosrng the COWLS to belong to . thu parties who olrercd them for isnic , ' ulirdilMdti freely sass1 8old the isseat right I over their counters , soinctitaics to the . owners thiutaiselvess. It us further claimed by the pohico that one or two butelsurs 4'tooil iii' ansi klRtW what. they wore l . slonig. One officer who bios beosi working up t the titattor sisisi who IllaLkoSi the latter I , stsLtdiIietitRayii that. two or aisoro express. . 111011 vore iii the ssclieaiiu auid lusuled thu hides saver to Council hindu for sale , to 1 1rcvciit , their being seesi suit itleistilied in this city. ( . ) n susuthiur occasion a 108(1 tIf hides wore dumped into the river for the Halite PlrI ( ) , ; At one tiiiio a cow waw taken ti ) 0150 hotelier who recogisized it sot 'l'oiii Casey's p1 CO'i _ siflhl refused to kill it. Again at cow 0 was killed lit the southiwcsit part of the :1 city null the hide and OiitrsLiltl left ott the C spot. spot.So extotusive ihiti thai. operattuiis of the . 1)01(1 ( gauig 1)eCiliO that every cow owner WILtS ailaruwsi , ( Lull the Nebraska lbs-tie 0 sitU Osittle Tusurancu collipany ofrered a 0 reward for thu detection of the criiniisals. . The 1)011CC have becis at work for tots Ii ( lays or two weeks , suid were confident ' - they vere on the right track. TWo 111011 a have beets sjsottcd , asiti it hi wn.s expected that the as-resist vould be 1fl010 yesterday , thougis Use iinitsc cannot iso puitlished until the fellows an 1 4 issued. It will be apt. to go PrettY hare r- viths the i-ascnls if they , as-u caught nut I0 if they should show their faces in South ) f Ollsslhia they would staisd a cluuieu of be s ing strung up to a latnp.poist , it - BIJIIjII1t5. r t o The Monthihy Jt0hr ( Sf ( lie Trtiuteci to ottlse .i. N. E. Church. of 'l'lio trustees of thin A. M. E. chits-c ] have just. tutidu their monthly report wit ] p. , , sill nltleal for aiti Ill the work of urcctiat y. their new liunso of worsltii , whichi vihl ii Ito locatetl at thu ClItUP ) Of Eighstcutit.h me IyVcbster streets 111111 will be ii really fin ii. 1101180. 'rho following is the , cl ? .lNT1t1Y ( tttt'0itT. sir collection I ii the chins-eli. . . . . . . 81 2 & Sunday collection front receipt hooks t2 r h3r.iiiglst forward. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 7 'I'otal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Il1) ) I'aid siut-Stavetes & Suit. . . . . . . . . . . . 78 t I'Slll iii lumber iliiisaksl. . . . . . . . . . . . -10 0 10 . Totahjoild to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ( ) ' 10 l'iiiroY & Kiiapp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 ( To l'omeroy & Kiiapp , brick ( lotiatell 17 0 ' 9 . Total psiisl to them. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $77 0 V. To Samuel Rccso for lrlutlng..2 . is i' ( ) Mr. ] wing , haulitig brick. . . . . . . . 0 . Coal for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i o : Jisihsitico Iii treasury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fl 0 AI'l'IAL l'lt All ) . . 'Vo , the trustees and iieinho of Lie A. M. E. church , haLve ngrecl to have ou a building oiiolosed so aisto occu1iythu base 0 tilUiLt at lrcsont , uiitil We are batter nlht T to complete the work ; and to do this ii , will coat tie $4,400 , inciuIing what hills : c ( boots done. The following 10(1510(1 j)0' y 'ons wci' apoiutc(1 by the trustees n 8 thlir nCctg of July flthi to assist ii ratishig stifllel. . to 1151Y the debt , Ploa.su .su1p thesis tl jj anid yow gift. wsll l procrly ' . j)1ict1. 'rittt50 gels. , y tiotnosi are requested t. the trustees t. report every first. situ ! " 'rd Monday. I. 'j11 sests gentlemen have 1)eUi ( l1ljRhie(1 Ia witit a book , s'hiich vill citable Jieiii Li. i1i give each person a recutpt : Drayton , 'J'hsntsias Vinegar , Charles .sO1) ) tit OVSiflVilhittni l'derriitits , Andrew 1It , . , i dricks , 1l. 0. Curt-y , coniesFltrllltIi5 sue J Fifteenth streets ; flastiptonVsttsots sty Smith Cofice , lliirrison IlucksierVIZ lutist Oglesby , Paxton house ; y.autl S'situns , Ibcllry L. Browis , Dausich I I 'I'htouuts Has-graves , itobort .i'liI8Oil 1 : 0111 M , Watt , Frank hell. os Will those friends wh rp.ioived tir old ciroulars from thu board f g.ustoes a fos ry dayti ago respond tiow ? And wIll 05101 3)0 ! pastor and congrcgatioOf the itbverss churches of the city lwJt WIthi as mud as flv&or ton dih1an't If tto , you vil iii. vioasu'ond it r Isd itto either one o ib the conunipo oi our pastor , and s-c cefyu a soipt for the , souno , Yours fo lye J. v. .lOttI0N , 03) IL S. CLtiNNAN , Tl1054. OAMI'liELL ti 1 , , y. 'v. I'OIITISII , st. Trustees. iso , . . 1' P. .1. 'Waw.lAts , of , . Secretary. n , ' llIltL. MITChELL , I'astor. _ _ _ _ ' _ _ _ _ II A JSIIO t3al' : l'rcHont. 1n Mr. f. I : . AllisOn , IIutchIInBoIs , Kim. ho Sciomi ltIi life by a .iiaiplo trial bottle of 1)r ic King' . Nnw 1)Lacvory for cotsetunptloit , which LCy t 'procua-o a laigo bottle that cciii rt isl.IIV 'rsrod him witch doctors , change o II ohltn'mt'i ' itil everything else hash ( alotl. Asth . a br.ncIiltl , hmoarsmosioss bevero coughiM , ale In. sIll tIlItlIt null bug dIonia , , It I. gunratttee , LI ) cure , Tdal botticis tree at C. F , ( ioiidnscis' drug sst.ure. Large slzu $1.00 , - . - ( flTTlNG UIitIY. V uc - ) U. Tiso Htreet 4is1t Company Vsiiithii Ito 'lIls SITIWI , to V sot For sreral days ltstst a force of 11101 has beit isusuly ciigngod cii NOltiI 15th lii. tVV0Ctjfl grading and laying tIc and miii , , ) , for the Oiisalas IJorso Railway Co.'s track. 'I11i3 will now ho tmanaferrc(1 from 1titJ of to 15th , , to allow thtd vsis-hc of pilvilig LIst s ; . former to PrOceed V1L1UnIL hllterfcriii wi.il ! the rutuhihig of cars , the ojibr.ttioai s. so1isg the ' same us tUIt } wbcii rsilt1 oi . iOLh titrect Ulithi LI few tlaysi ago. I ) ' Tko Iare sewer pipes have also bucit distributc along bixteenths buhveuss lougns stnd Farioun and wiii bc put ( lowr5 very soon. The jOl ) of taving will be done mmiv 4iatcly after the Iouglas sLrct jOt ) 15 completed , which will ho by Saturday if not by this ovesilng. Tin : UTAit COMIkIIflBION. Tim Work of itegletratlon Comp1et.dDu1tn AgaInst Usc CotnintsslonorE. lion. A. 8. l'stddock , of Beatrice , WLQ is a member of the Utah commission , nr rived in this \Vedtsosehay night. On hs way up ho was lutes-viewed by a .lou isal reporter , mud the results are given : Although Mr.l'addock has notbeen in Nubrwika forsoveral wceksthio commission hisci 1)0011 in iteattioti until a few days ai , whicis they took a recess. 'I'horo as-u live members of the coninsission. and tin-eu estuatituto IL hU0ttti1. Mr. l'atldock worked steadily nil the first part of the season , but has iitt. been in attendance for several weeks hiat. Thu ox-Senator itiforins us that. the work of registration is all completed , and ehectiots of ( ) thiCOTh and a legislature vill occur oti the first Monday iii August. lIe. will Icaive for Utah its about two weeks , ( ( list will st-ly until imftor the election. 'I'Ite tsiitire niachilisory of thin election is lit the hiatels of thin live coilliiiissioners. 'flicy hOVe thu nhtIflhlstiiieiIt. ) of all the ofhicers , simiil control the niatiner of thin ehoctitm. 'rho 1ilygauisists arc tluturtiijiietl to test the validity of thiti law , ausil a dozemi or ems-u stilts for danisages have beets insti. titted as teat stilts iLglliiiSt thu votnmiiissioti 1y whoisi it. 1111.5 ( lelrivcd of the elective franchise , tinder the irovinsiolis of thimi I1siitiiids law. 'J'lid chief inteicst now will center in the report of the commissioners. Thu electiots will tell whuthwr thin Inonoga- lilutits of thu territory will co-operato with thin ( lentiles in uxtorininat'ing o lygainy , 504 thso tientimitetits of thio incus. hers ulected to the legislature will be vcll kisowis , just as is thu case hero at all elections. 'rise report of thu conimis- Riots will be nuado in thu light of this revelation , and it will hrn a impor of no small intorwmt. - Raid Estnte Transfers , The following ticesis were filed for rue- oni in thu county clerk's oflico.July 11th , reported for Tiii' ilna by. Aisies' real eatato agelloy : L Peter Justeson and wife to Edmuisd i l3tirrutL , w. (1. , lot 4 , block 2 , Kountzu'a I 4th suhi. , $1,450. L Augustus Konntzo anI wife to Mary I Grasur , w. d. , lot 24 , block 0 , Kountzu's 1 lrdtuld. , $250. - Byron Reed to ltohcrt II. Clarkoon , d. , lot 267 , Prositect lull Cemetery , $50. Byron iteed to Fred [ 1. 1)avis , d. , lot 273 , l'roslect Hill Cemetery , 50. It. Palmer suiti wife to Johu A. Psic. ' 3 Chore , iv. d. , part of sec. 8-15-13 , $675. 1rslthsis Lund and wife to m1tirtiii Skew , . ii. . of . . 0-16-12 v. , iisv. sic. . sec. - - , $1,000. Ii ilary A. Friek and husband to Pslaiy Is Miller , w. (1 , , lstrcol iii io-is-ii : , $700. , CAI'iTAIj hfilili CONCE1tTH. U Th. . ft i-st ssstss air esitertain snout ol U the seas n , I 'I'hiu Psisisical Union Brass and itec(1 Bun1 will give a grand free concert or V. Capitol Hill , Ott Saturday next , lzustiiii from 5 to 7 p. as. The following is tin ( a prograinmiso : - ilarcii-Mntroen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Laissk 0 - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bolt 0 l'iece characteriitiquo-Air do Ia 0 ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - lbs-n ( usmrt.ott-Barcaroin..ICieslci Itratnht Ilohirs , Schimidlur . . Bohillaun. . . . \Valtz-Sohiatemt Lioler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Marchi-tirni'l Chsainbolain..Ihlisglobes - ' ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iiccolo Solo-Niehitisigalti . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( a.i Ic .Juhiiis l.'r I'sitjtotirri\YtiiId's 1'OaCO .Tihsilco..lhoye , 3 IlIisLlo-Bewegtns Lohien. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1fctot r - BUN STROKE. - Tim First Fatal EfThct of Old 501's Rays I .A. IIIIIII hauled Fredurick .Lurgciss , witc . worked in a Itriek yitttl in South Omaha1 \Vcdneday afterIsoosi overcome by thn 1 excessive heat and drojpcd to thu groumul iii tin iiisemssiblo comitlitioti , . lie IILH tnkcii up null convoyed to St. - .JOSUlhl'ti hospital 111)01St. 7 o'clock but liii , club was too soriutis for huts aitid aftui hiiigna..8 itnul trturt1i1y lie died. .1 Its-gumss ' , % ns but. 41 37051r. of ago. Tin reiitaiiis woru takui , to Uiidcrtakei. Ja ) COl'ti cstslbhiauiisieiit from which thu htir. jill wilt t.ku itlaco. Nt ) ilil1tleftt. Wa , ( leCsiiWl _ 1 DiftIlit. . ' V i'Istshies. : Saturday next. the Siuu . , 'it b11 C meet 1lio Uiifoa. Pacifics at the 3L , 1IVCIIUIS grounds. This lromiiisus to bi , 0511) tif tIm best gautses qf the season , tim Sioux City tullisi iiuinbor alnosig it 13 ittuimibursi stiiso well known profesaiutialti , ¶ 'I'uoaday , Wednesday and Thursday lrLhi , 16th and 17th , thu Port IIUron'si , of ii Port Iluromi , slichsigsus , are to be saicri. l licctl. 'l'hit'tio gaInes si-ill bo very uxcitint I. the l'oIi huron's. ' lealsi thu Nortliwost. es-is luaguu , I ; _ _ _ _ _ - I'EItSONIlia. Clarencti hitch i sit the i'axton , 1) . 0. Paterson , \Vayni , , iii In tOWli , \Vin. MIi41 , of Froinomst , I in the city. MrnIF. . l't3ck wont tA ) Ioisyer Vethnesday , lien. A. S. Paddock its iii the city to-tisy. 1L M. Grlmiie , , of Os-tI , ii at the Millard. hi. S. iteoth , of lAncohis , is at the MIIhirtl. S N. II.Varrtsms , of Chicago , it at the Psix. tots. i . Mr. ii. Tersigrums left WedneMlay uvemsing for f Oregon. 1 P. 1. liawkliit , Jr. , of Leatlyille , Is a guest I at.thstt Millard. S Ir , Mom-car umstl faintly have htarteI for Sothi SprImtgH , Idaho , MsiJ. atel Mr , I ) . It. Whuerer , r Phatts. iisoiith , weruiui towii yesterday. [ artimi ( haisrici mid elsilil , of Tecuinsehi , s-u. . gistereil at ( ho Millard to-day. 1)r , (1.Collie. ( . , supesititemimlesit of thu I dorm st-hiuol sit Kearney , I. In towmi. I Major \VcIls Vfllai-tl , Suhisibtemico Iept. U. 1 5 left last uVdslIisg ( tsr Clicytmuo. I F. J , Ihstppai , Jr. , auid I , I. Jtmspal { , of the I Uisttimi Stork Yards , Clilnigo , aims St thio ihlI. las-tI , I F , $ . ' 1's-railway nail Cisas , Ihivliaahs , ( If I Ksuisss City , ar guwts of the Paitun to. di ) ' , ( lea , E Godfrey and S. 5. Lowe , two leash. I lug Dodge sussty casitaihit , were 1st tOWli yestorthay. . V .1 , V. 'shiiitotm of Rochester , , N. Y , a COtiiU ; ; ( ; ; : : ' . P. C. co. , Is. In ( ) tnaba on a vIlt. lion. John Ti. Wb'4or tiM returned from ( ; rven Lake , Cul. , is usnlner re'sort ownosh by Omaha ; iartIe. Mis' . Coo loanu ) and Mn. . ( leo , 1' . IlitmiM hays gone to DCttOIt and thie'Thouisazuh I.thsuuls . for the Nummer. Mr. A. Toozor , loader of the Unloit I'aclfic band , stud hiss plqtsr , Mrs. Brewster , have s-c- aIvetI , news of the death of their niothier iii SVat. IsIsA. . Cnihckshank , % to hiss been quite Ill for tsotno time past , has recovered sufhlcscntly to trayel , and yeet.tu-Jay afternoon he left for 6so oast. Mess. Henry Wirt and ( lito. ? . F'orncy , of lfanover , Pa. , caphtahi.ts , iiaie arrived In this city on a tour of Isheasum (1.1 VChl M busitiotis. They will remain oer is thay r two studying the cIty and lit future adso visiting their ohih friends ansi neighbsns , Metc. Tolin (1. .Taeoh , anti II. N. hlittinger , nftr which they will go to the far West , hlitti. 'I' . st. i1iiriiiiott , of Lincoln , is iii town. town.Mrs. Mrs. harmon , 3liss Marie Ilsu-ruon atuh 1111514 Jmiria hIa-isson , of Fairbury , ore at the MIIIanh. Itiguue 3tosrc , of W'cst Point , Is mit. thto Millard , A . I ' . I Iiiwc , , isf Blair , Is sit the 3llhlartl , ibsis , C . : \r. I.simiihsortsri is In toyn. S. M. ] iaikor , of SiIvpr Crock , I. at the J'axtsn. II. I Irowms , of ' 'nrfoIkV. ; . .1 . balk situ ! .1. I'lsII .laeger , of lotiji City ; Thomas Sowell , of Lincohia ; N. * , I las-sling , of Nebraska City , and \V , 1) . fllI , of Beatrice , sue suauing the Nchraskzi iicoide at thu l'axtoti msighL 3hIsi litnsia lieclit , a tharinimig atol aCCAOfl- ishished young lady from h'eru , Ills. , wilt ) has ICefl Iii Omaha for the past year visiting her hrothinr. Mr. Max Jieclit , the druggist , left for home \Vcdtiesday. . It ii not unlikely that she may snake Omaha her Isermilalseut Itotno at an early day. 0 , M. irtistp , of The I's-airia la.riiier , is in tiso city. V l's-esiltletit EiI. Mclntyic Secretary \Vliecler , of the atatu hoard of agriculture , registeretl at the Paxtomi last night. J. M. Bus-k. , of Lincoln , superintendent of tickets atiti gates for the next state fair , Is In towsi , \v. P. Sumner amid wife , of Scheylor , are at the l'ax ton , Mlasi Joiio Morrissey siut ! Miss Francis Stone , of ) , ate ! Mists Nellie God- man , of Des Moimies , as-u guests of the Paxton. 0. 0. Kiiig , of Kansa.s City , Is sit the Pax- tots. lix.Gov. Fiiriias is in the city , Iiou. B , N. ( irencll , of Ft. Calhoun , is at tIm Poxton. lion. Lewis , A , Kent , of Minslen , is a vii tor at the l'ttxtoii. lItii.VV. . H. Muiiger , of Fremsiotit , is at the l'axton , E. S. Schirassi , of Ikaver , lii at tim l'axton. \v. It. ? sloora stiitl 11 , lheaa-dsloy , of Clarks , are sit the stihlartl , , v. ii. Diakenson itsiti fatuity , of Idaho , arc _ guests of the Millard. [ V. Ahlyii , of Custer , nut ! J. F , Jhitchihinrt of Aslihami , as-cat tIm sIIlhaid , Dr. 8. B. 'l'siylor. 01 Blair , is at the Millard , _ _ lION. WM. ( JAItNABY , The Funeral Olscquics ycstcrda S Aflcinoon , Thu OlsCqUies for thu late ibis. Win , Carnaby , of this city , who died ni . itawlimis , Wyo , , while on a trip for the bemselit of Isis isciilthi , were held at O'ClCk , ycstdllay afternoon frosis tie r fsunihy residence 011 .Nortit 17th street. his fellow etuploycs iii tim Unioi r I'ncific shiojis to the number of 500 sus I 1ieiidt.'tl work aisti attended the funurai in ii body. They isiet ut Isnlf-irnat otsu a .Jourorsii Square , sinti marched to tie . hiottae , hicatled by the batid who played dirge SIS tue vs-occasion left the square. S ls'ifty sitenibers of the St. Geoige't S society nts(1 the incmhes-s of the Oitiaiu I Cricket Cliii ) lUtSeIill)1C(1 at the house , A. delegation of seventy Sir ICisigish from tililt cavalry comsiniandry , tsiitiei ctiititiiaiislci' Sir 140015 II. ICauty , ltti ( I . i.recedcd . by a baini , also attcaideL. 'I'm omitiiu cotismisandry would hia'u tsiriied nit hut for the uxti'eino heat , As tiso hour appointed for tins scrvicc . approached an itmimneisso tiii'oisg of 1)001111 ) . aitid coitcourso of csn-rittges filled tin 5 streets iii front of aini atljoinimtg List hmotisu , anl the tioivices becatiiu deepl iinli-cssivo. Numisbet-ti of thu legisinturt who hint ! been associntt'd with : IIi' . Car naui.y iii the past scssioii , atid count3 ojhicmla , railway users , tucisihiors of orders , I. . liIr , V f all classes wilt ) liati knows as man and a friei'il , ! ? . etecin isisis as a I unite in the residuring of of r0141)ect. Duiegatloiss wearing thi , rose and tisoso whose unibloin was tlu shamrock stood sidu by side wiLls reps-c . f5emstatjves of the local goverinitent , bar tug their 15051(18 fl hiomior to 0110 who wa - at tincu a simsiple , lsioICSt citizen and r tomI8ciot1cious legislator. Thies servicca sit thu Vhlotiso were ccii. iluctctl by Rev , Jolt55Vilhisitns , rector of S.t , Iias'jinbas , according to the ritual of hiis , , chui-cli , the clergyisian takimig isis ho- ) sitios : upon the porch that sill tnighiti join 115 thu services. Floral decorations , profuao and benuti. fish , wo contributed by friends. Tue St. GeOigUVsocity was roIresdmitetI ) ly a cross of white fts.'wnra andamilax , bent-in thu title ' ' - " 'St. 000i-go" 'illOli thu bar sits ' 'Society' ' tiiisii the 8tlittlllrtt bi i-ct ! letterti. The Cricket club sent a wlist. hiIIoW ) with tue Imiitials C. 0. 0. " i rCIVUISL tlingoiially across thso face , 'I'lte Osnalia ( lieu club's double ( lion- . totto sang. 'l'Jio t1tsartetto consisted of Messrs. It , W. fli'cckenridgo , F , S. South , \V. \Vihkimss , A. I ) . ! ilorris , II. I ) . Est.slbrook , F. 11 , Schmidt , II W. Snow , atiti C. K. Cs-nIle. In conclusion of son-ices sit the house , thus-v romulus-ed tue hiyiiims , "lie'hio is tlirsghit , " i-itIi sisehi beastly ssitl fouling that aiistiy i'ui-o istoveti to teams-si. 'l'hio TflOCCitSiUll 10 Prospect lull was iii the following os-tier : , 0. 11. band , Usdtsit l'acifio iaiilVll3' uaiiployos , anclud- imig thu l'ioiiecrs , Umsion J'ncific band , ezirringes convoying churgyimsen , family naid glee cLub , hoariw , escos-ted by Kisighsts 'I'einpiar , carriages conveyitig friotsds , U1oii munching the VcoImiotor the burial su1.vhco yaLs coitlttctett by the Knights 'Finisplas' , lushestiirCctiOll of POSt Coin. anamitior Sir (1. ( W' . J4itiimsgtsr. 'l'hie glee chub saiig thu hymn , 'ConsoIation , " in clossmig , 'I'iiero has inst been for isiassy a day ii ftiisural so largely atteiided or with snore Stticuro ilioLLi'aiuhti. - THESTATEFAIR , I Nocting of ilie Board of Nallacrs Last ETdllill , 1'relliiiInary Steps for a lUg 'Week of It. Thu board of ltianngcms of the state board f agriculture suet last ovutsing at the oflicu of the Nebraska Ice cossipany. There wore iii atk'tulance , l'residctit McIntyre , Secretary Wheeler , Treastir.ir llartmatin , atiti ? ilcssrs. iiI. Dunhiauii , ItobertV. . Fiirna.'i , S. M. Barker , li. N. ( ireiiell and Lewis A. Kent. Mr. Iunhatn reported thtnt lie isati beau in correspondence for some tirmie with I. N. Fisk , a well1 hOWls nero- naut , in regard to ttssmking otso or imlore litIll0hi ) ( i.SCCtlSiOIisI during fair week , its cast ) of stinking a series of nsceiisions the lco for four would be $350. Fish says iso has ins1u it great. ninny ascensions aiiid guarantees Iso will give satisfaction , 'Vise borrd ' , 'sttiLs him to agree to go teat at certaimi height and travel a cerLiiu dis. Lance. say two issues front the driving park. ' 1Ir. Dunham rettiarked that lie tlitlti't ' vauit it like the one sit , the Iowa statn fair , where tue siorotinut , who performed - formed ois a trapeze iii siiitl air , hind to lift Isis legs lii ) to get. over the sheep Peils withiotit , striking. itr , Dunhaumi vats aipointcd a comitiittce of one tI ) sict for tIm btai-d in the niatter. Bordohf asitiVolf , of Frumnotit , sent ill a cotitnusiiicatitts , inquirittg as to the tuniss for exhibitiomi rooimi for fitsu fancy cakes sitid table orssaiticiits. 'l'hie show is Iroiniac(1 to be at novel as vehI its a crc litablu one both for the fair auid the exhibitors. iIr. Dunham vais also deputized to act in this iiiaittei. 'l'hie Nurtliwosteris Electric Lighit and Power cOtiilaIiy made a l)1OP0SitiOil through its istattiager , PiEr. Clark , to l11t UI ) 13 ati'c iatiilut , of 2,000 caisdlo power each and keep the sainti lighted dtsrisig the six evenings of the week for $1,500 or $750 and half the gate receipts over $1,500 catch uvmsiiig. He also offered , if they got thus contm-.tct for lighting the grounds to fisrasishi lies-se- , a twenty-eight - - Ilower oligine to furnish niotivu power during the day tiiise for $200. A majority of the board accused to op. pose the light isi account of the expense and the ditliculty of iir.iwiiig ai crowd to au ovunhsig 1)urfornsnnce. 'Ike receipts oil the tWO iiighit.s last year were stated LA ) liavo reachel only $32.50. Mr. Clark thititi stiade a new proposition atid the whole mmiatter was referred tea a special comnssiittee consisting of l'resi- iloiit Pilciuityre , TruasureiIlarinian and Cimairman Dunham. A contract was al)1)rovt'd ) s'ithi E. P. Davis , of the Oiiialia Novelty Irots I works , to fitrisishi the motive power tiur. istg time fair for $180. Mztjot- Chambers , Mr. McIntyre and Mr. Dunham were authoi-ized to visit the iiieeting of the CilicaLg ( ) Dilving Park itSSOCitLtiOhi next veok and HOC if they , . could isiake arrausgeiiit.'iits to have sostie of the fusest hioiscs coino to Oiiisthia. The Boats-U of Managers will visit tue fair grosisids this inornihig to cotisider the subject ( if removing the sheep sheds from the north to the south side of the ground , as the imulilesitcist incas au-c clamoring - oring for niorooomn. ItV was determined to advertise at osice r for bids for furnisusimig forage atisi for a band of isisisic duritig the week. It was stated incidentally thsit Mrr. Julius Mey. . Cr proposes to make thie board a very advantageous offer to play for theni with I thd Musical Union brass and reed basal 3 asid that the bands at Belie Creek , Cal- i hioun , Frensont , Lisicolsi and Columbus , would all hIlt ! . J It was determined by the bonn ! to make Friday of fair vcck cliildresi's day , I whom : all the school children in the sUite - within certain ages will ho admnittcsl fi'eo , 1 they caine as schools sisiti in charge of their sulcrilitonlelits ) or teachers. fish Ii aIIlicatioiss for this privilege sisust be .1 made to Messrs. McIntyre , Dunhiniti and t Ilartinamimi. Arl-sutgoinomsts were talked over for the ) ti1tiii4itimig of the daily prgiaimuiine , amid S for time iintige for the class stiperimiteis. I dents. A Iro1)osition ) ) to fit 'l the attic of V l'owei hall for bunk roomas , viieic parties . charge of the inachimiery could sheep , I. tiiscusicd. lii regarti to liaise bail , ? ili' . ( lrenell Vt meported thiait. lie lint ! conferred with time t hoesmi iIiauiageis amid was quite slsie that a gansu or several could be au-i-singed with S ti0itie good foreigti clubs hmeio , to try thu ti. P. . ) boys. _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - \Tii't Coimi ileisiover ss a EVItE atml p AINLIS , ' CUIL } for Coimis , and is guanimi. I teed vo cuiso or mooney imiirur.snt. : Pries , - 25 cents , For tab otily by Frank Hog. es-s at tue 1\lihIaitl I lotch Pharmacy. 18-hue NOTICE TOCONTIIACTOHS. eaied hii01)tSalS ) vihl lo received. until . 12 o'clock A. M. .Juiy 17th 1883 for the brick , with stone - lhWaid sits-eeL . Omaha , Nub. Phamiua ama ! sitecificatiomia to I be scums at. the ofhice of Dufremmo & Mendela. I soisis , Archmitectg. 'rise right to reject any or sill bids , ro- . served. Send lid8 to the Itigimt Hey- 1115115)1) O'Coiitier. JyO if Grand Pacific Hotel CORN IItI0 P N/NT/I AND LIIRNEY STS. oI.ttrt . . . NED. OPENED MAY 17th , 1883 , 'i his Betel contains 100 s-colas , alt out..lIu rooms , auti 80 nioms 01 the firit hour , especially sida1.tt.d t.'r aansple loom. A cuisine of .uieslor eccilcsscu , Head. I5siarter. tor thu state trasit , , Hpeclat Inducesnesit. to tiu theatrical Irofsidon. Hotti bitu&teit IIi o block. troiiide1.uta. lies-so omrs pass time doorsbotts , ia. cicry the mInutes. SALSAN & AYtSTOIITII , 0 lnfants and Children Without Morphine or Nnrootlno. What gIve. our Chihsiren ros chsks , What cures their foyers , mates them sl.ep ; tt. 'TI. ( natnrIa. When Rabies fret , timid err liv turns , What cum-r.u their colic , kiLls their worms , Suit Cttorhii. What quehtlv ! cures ContJpst Ion , . Sour Stomach , Colds , IndIgtion : Hilt Cntorla. Farewell then to Morphine Syrups , ( astor CII amid 1'aregorc , and itaui Crsatom-In. Centaur LInimoflt.-Anb. . olnto euro for Rhonnintiam , Sprains , Burns , Galls , &o. , anti an iflStftfltVflflOOflS Pain-rollover , - PhtET ! 1'IhI lhh'M.N MACIlhN1 V GENTJIV. NtITIIIII CNSTI5'ATIXCOl.IC ( , tiAtllItl(1A , I imsv : , t uti t I il I lIt ltI\V1t. CtM l'I..t I 's-s. ( 'AN li ! I 'Uilll I il's' A lIt'Sl Nil 'I I I t : I IlT.l5 tTI it .tl I I NtitOV i I I IV : m.YSTI : iiVtl I I I'S V 5 II II ' 5 i'PlotTI { li : , 'II I lslT : A % t I 8AI'iSi' II ti : 'Y , t'AlIrI ( 1 'liAtmtY ' vr IV ! I is sF.tsoN : , is V 'I u.k. 14i'HINI't't. 01' , TARRANTS SELTZED. 1.PIt- lENT . , 'rlEN IN A nm.s o WAT1:1I : , w he'll \.mtr. talNTt.JIItJF's'I ' , Wllhl.E TONIX ( IIEALtNO TIlE IIIIIIT.tTEt ) I iTESTINE. S PE C IA L NO TICE S tlrSpoctalsm will Positively not be inserted unless paid in advance. TO LOANoney. . ° s' ' " TO I.OAS-Tiie Omaha SalsgsILusk , Is L now proparoI t mmiake ioaiis on Onsalsa city or Ilouglas ( 'Utility real e-.tate at curs-cut. rate of Interest. No consamsission cliargesi. 338 tt ° TO LOAN-'ile lowest rate , of Interest M flcinlq' tian Agemsey , 55th & Is.ugtas. V TO i.OA-Ca1l at law oltico of 1) ) . L. 1ONEY , , ror.lu , 8 , Crcigtston illock. ,10NO' l.OANEI-Oi Clsatttl miortgagc , , rooni 7 Neisraska Nutlonat Itamik miullihlog. 1S4.tt hELP WANTED. eandymiuaker. Good wage will tie 1ald. Ad. dre , ii , " lIeu ifllt. 3St tf. ' \ . ' ) - . a goo.I lri for general Iiotsework at721 smith Ith street. 4-I-i3I is \TANTI:0-tolaborcnsat : Florence Cutof'ages -LOO day. miisIreor , J. C. 3lurpisy at tue Vorks - \ANTEDA btacks.rnitii at iloren'ce Cut.ntf , In. \ \ quireist .r. MursIlyat tlsossorks. 403-141 \ ANTEm-Agoosu Shoemaker One able to ( Ic tlrst-clastsesied and veat1 siork , cats obtain a slttiattuim by addressissg .1. .1. lmutlack , l'anktoim , Ila. ! - 401-18 \ TANTaITwoladies : audoung man toIntruct tim book.kccl . lug. Good m4tiiatlons fursilstiosL J. lm. Siim.ihI , into euiuas. 4JOVIlb V' \TANrluAn : a'.sktast , 1jsok-itccjer. iltist is rite \ a geniI ha , , , ! . l'crisaiieit , , , Ittiutioti for a tolls- letent illll , . Aldrci4s 1' . .X. 1k-u olIli-c , State aIarv tiatectL'tI ausil meforetices. V\ V \TANTfli-Last copyist. Only ten da nork , .AIIrcsl "is- ' lIce chico. 49i1-iif , , V\ \TNTI'I ) % good feeder for slouble cylinder Press , RtOisce , at tltI olike. Jtf J of tllISC ) , anti care of cliildresi. Apty at 14u3 uiglas t. 1) . ii. .tosiess. 473.12 ' 7ANTE1)A girl at 2423 Caito5 as untie. 470-181 - ' uIri for general Itoube. \TANTEfl-ietcr't ivork , t1efL.remce-s , reIuiroI. Call at 1022 CIII. eagostreet. 5o5-10 TEI-Midstlo tged woman a working isouse. keeper on a fanls. Must have referemice for ciiaractcr aiti.l capac1t. Inquire of A. .1. m'oppmcton. 4t1-13I . .v TANTED-Ami expcriestced.lrygoodsateiman. , ( icorge I' . Ilrown n > ollo 1 0. 471-tf I7ANTF'D-A ; aiter. 0O0 a stock. No slouch need alpl1010 Ifarney St. 477.121 - ' 7VANTEiTwenty ( canisters (0 itrae1non , 100 Ia. Foreris. II , MANNWKILEI1 , 474'lSt 11th St. near l'arnliani , - \TANTEI-GIri for Iouesvorlc , 17th itreet , thirst ' \ Iiosonortli front T.eaveuiwurth , cast side. 470-12' - : ) - barber. None other neesi apply. \ \7ANTFi-tssod ( ; otst wags for a go. ) ! lisa ! , . 050 5. 13th street. 402-12' V\ \ % girlforgeneral housework. Alt. 1ty at N. I : , Os- . lath amtsi iotlge. 501-12 \ \rA\TEl-A Goattaim toy to stork Iii reotaurant. tlcnry Coops , 215 5. 12th , .treet. 400-121 -'V \ gui mrs a faiiily of Two , InquIre ot Mrs. N. J. Ediotus2l14 , Chicago St. 451.12 COOK-\Vamtttsi at liorenco Cut-off , lii STAN iref .7. C. Murphy , at the works. 415.12j . . . ' . 'INTEI ) liI3ltI)1&TEL5'-A tras lint. Six i1ieCc _ Must doiitlo lii orchestra , is liii 'tumkee liobissosi's , , Ilaliroad ! sow. Also a coisssetcmtt aceilt. Lsstg eiigagesncnt , A1111re54 , statIsi tossest terms , else Vcek , lied Cloud , Nets , 483-121 C 00lSTONI mAsoNs- , timid work siltis Saim. : XV hami & Beck , Creitorm , lossa. Apjty sit Clias. KsJ- gus-toil's , 4 l0-53 \ . . % iImurictmtfLVl ; : . roI ( Soosi ivages , easy sitIosm , convenient to city. itmist hase good referesices. Address "II , II. ' lice otIk-e. 440-I2 'S TANTEt ) 15181 KIIATELY- seconti girl. Must ite neat amisS strosmg and a good Vaitri Refer. ( flees reqiilrud.Vagcs 8.5o per week. Apply at CoL 3m. ' 1. l'atrlek's , , Saunters street , liens' Grace , 442 t21 W TANTEI-hty a lady scud gentiemna , , islth small child , one or two roomims witl , board good shade vP1j.awR ! , ut-sIred , ; isricu 110 object ; reference. , cx V Address. .03-ilt " ° tj'MilIanI Hotel. % yANTED(1lrI at tIiuiiIaveiioui..i Good Wi5 V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 447-lit W ANTED-A dIning rOoiugirlmmtthu Oscidrnta . 440.tf ANTEt-cood barber ( shltctoruna ) shop on sisaress. 25 amid 5ic ssork , Address 11 , Iiaynor , Sidmiry Nub. , 412 12 \ANTEI-A . dissfilgVrooimi girl at the CiIj 892 tf 17.tNTEuon.I cook attho Enunethouse. Womiuui lreferresl , 255,121 % /ANTED-A good gesierat ( Seed wages and .tcasly work ti'e ' year rouliti. LOWII'I' &JL I1kFY'reimionteb. ass-ia , ' \TANTEIlsrivy iault ( , sinks , . cleaim isItim sanItary eieaier. tSatifactIosipjar. asiteed , J , ii. Smitith box 422 Osuaha. 51611110 ' % \TANTEI ) TO EXCIIANG H-Gus-moan lessson for iVocal lessons by a lady eXlsr1eileesi I , , the a. veur or convermsatlontdmisutlod. , , Address 81 , cRy , _ , _ _ _ _ 298.itsatt ' itt , Is , iotx1 cook and Iaumidru'ss. All5iV at 1708 Call. tnritk steed 244.tf ' tli vuugu i-iir L' isicu . . 'lrclIilltry , , light nmisipleasaitt . i at ths.ls homes ; 2 to .5 aIay easily amid quietly mns.is work own sent by imialt' 110 camIss siitgl ala stantIm for rei41 I'leasa a.tIresm'itellablu Mamiufac ( urlisg Connsaml3' , a , drasmer 'IT , _ _ IS.S _ tU-tIs.ssat till Is ? i' - - , - - - - - - SITUATIONS WANTED , 'I' ' A vituatlomi ass a short Isaimil ammiaiueii. sit. 3luderat.j salary , Address ° ' .X" this oltice. 473.13 5ITUATIONV.tNTl:1 : , A otIng comlisle latelvar. iii otl ft.sisi Sn ileagianti , is itIout clslisiren , Iii a Isotet , or any otimer liccbtiitablu. Ilusbamli I. , ) (10 gun. cralsiork , sslfuauooic. Inquire at llklsorii Valley Iiuusccor , Silts ansI ) lodgc. _ _ _ _ _ 11bCELLANEOU8WAN ) - & ' ni for sIngLe gentbrt. % S CItItego amsd Fttriiaiii , idIlt msd 2111s , Address J. U 11co , , sitboo , . 8l.12l FOIt1tEii1jusea anti I lilNl'IkslraUc . cott.a5e , month , V 22h0Calltorn.tre.t. P I grvet , bttss.sn Daitmptsrt ais4ChiIca. d.lsl -olt nlcrV A new flc roon COttd I2OOp4) ' I mOnth. ilouthrMt ( 'or , of 6th intl hickory streetS 407.14 hinNT house SVtrnT4 Itt ! , , in.2si FtIll tit'tt. Inquire txsr. ( Thiragn antI 15th. 4SVIII V du1 luVNvr : A floe iRs'Isleflet' 0th ansi IluFt , . .O. 0 2tli start , . s-Vt : ; . 5 , , , tth sits-ct , 535 , ' 5 , , lath street , sl. 's-woO room homcs , , l0. E1eCti new 1' . romn hau'eq , $ O. 40s.l4 DAI.Lt' ) tiiiO.4 , 1421 l'srnam trtet. I'urnl.ltsil tonimmi for light 1501156' 4 kttVplng , Front rno2ui , ' 5 Itli good slew of lsrIIe , rIser aciCotiiis-lh , Itiuffi. Shaslt' , neil ventI1atiand cityssatIr uitsil sess-.sge on , ssusltloor , % 'ery desirable , selsinni and not long vacant. Ilcemtt'S hisoek. rorner- 8th nissi llossaril , t.tX-141 ) ' IIENTllou'e at S. H. corner 1Othnd Pad' F'11 Inquire 910 l'nclfic St. 47fs-131 ) imii' : ; t cottage 0 roosut ssss.l cellar. ( 5ooj I1tIt andclstern , , sis Csmbforniastret , butetn 25th atmil 25th. lisquire 618 2i-t street 405-12 V - - lIt 111.NT - } tirtsl'sltosl tacmmtctst at 1017 'toIgo strcet. 401-17 tO lisimst amsil Ftirnitiire IsisSale. . sesst istasf- I ( less eetite. NIes iieighlsorhsn'd. AtlsIrr"t U. . , , Ilecotlice. 40.1-lOt llgNT. New teems furmmlqhesl or tmnturnishi.'d , JOh1 litsa ru , iefeiumiee { , i.qtilre1 , 1610 1 iaCfl- 115-ct. i:8.tf : I : ' Ott ItCNTltalislqsillVly , ftiriml..hesl looms v.11 ssiotlrrsi conienleisces , .515151) at 1(113 lodge 151 V 4T.S'lOt 'Olt It HN' F-Nessh' fsmnsishesl , rooms v. It ) or is 5th. I outloam-sl , , 414 2OtIs St. cUrlier ( 'as.4. 42l4' V l1llNlSllil ? ) linoiai to remit 2112 t islifornia St. 1 421.141 , eli lils1'Vlouso ! in gns.i relair 123 tins-thu 50th V : a4-121 F oil illNTilegtsmit fsiriaislisil ruomn 18111 itostge. V V ass-isi _ - V V 11 iIN1'--IIsstmso , , f9 &timiVtStiianiVi&fjo ) I Stiects. lmi'taIrc at 1318 hariIiamtm , StreeL l.tf i-oii RENT-Two msisctiltriek silrs amif'bicintTh. just belsg , fluslied , $8u. three tlotsrssmiorthof Nub. NatIsitiat 1l.imik. .5. t.IIl5IAN. aaO-tf I1ENT-Tti lady stlv , , mm cozy little fliriIstcst , I roomsi , smith gas , oimli 0.u0jerinoistti'2uu0 asSt. . : t7s-tf. Foil amid CalIfornia st. 267.tf .toit 1IENT-F'iso rosin cottageutth good barn. ' 515 Iii oxceilemit condttioi muitl is cit located. itj.tI C. 5' , 1)iilSCOtf : ) iLiM5 AN ! ) i5OAILh-3lotk'rn oii : IUiiNlsiiiI , iVl2 tIosic Itt. _ _ 001'imnt _ ' hALE. - - - - V 51101' FOil SAI.H-A go.t Pi5tg shop JJA51N1SS In a toss is of I ,3O0 tm'tlimtion. ; ( ) itlv cisc oIlier shop iii tov.lm. Stock isill invoice Iroims 0.O ts $1,000. tksisI reasoils for scum' . .tddrr54 care of I' . 51. sharp & Son , Onmatia'eb. _ V V Olt SAI.l.V : I V 5 roomsi 1101)50 DII loasel groummsl , 5i8i ! ; ) . 4 r000i ttouse cmi leased grotmmsil , * 1270 , 3 room hon-so ois teased groimnil , 1225. it , 4 zoo ! 5 acre lot , , and a large msuiisbcr of choice city lots at sucial bargaimis. 1l.tLLOU 111105. , iDa-It 1421 Farmiamn Street , SALR-A first class restaurant. Part cash , . Fall cii balance. Vrite to or hilquiro af I ! , 1) . Trni ; , Wcepiiig Water , Nub. 409-t4 at , , , gaits at liOS llarmtcy St. 480.521 : FHATIitltS F'tlt ) SALU-Mrss. Keen , hard V QHuSt , bet. 10th and 2utI , . 430t0I V JOIt i4A1.R 011 IIENT-Afise room house , barn , sell , cisturms , large lot , good Incatlomi. Apply t S. ( I. Stesemisois , No. 1013 Cas , street. 434 tf ' . - , et OflIeUiVWW'Omi , Tsi , amd two spleimsllsl horses-si Ill drls e Souble or sIn. gte. Cath at sortoml'sgrocery stssru , Seth and llaven- ilort. 454 tf SALH-Lot S. W. cor , 10th aol Clark street , 1 -I 602u ) feet. Immquire of 5 , th 1)amnon , or\S' . V. uric , titO Farnaims stect. 447.10 1 'Ol1 SALt-A good laino at reasonable rate. Ad. stress 1054 Webster Strest. 00)tf- I OIt SAt.I-1lorses , Wagons , llanscis , Etc. , at Emnigrunt Statito , Cumuimigs street. 259-lisa l ; uolt. SAL1-Okt rtews1apers In iarge suid small .juaiititiesi at this oIIicc. tf tf'h & , 'h brake , 2 dusters , heater , isicker prc.s ' etc. Can v.Vork either rutted or green stuck , also sha'ftIiig , pul. V 1o's , amid belting forslrivriig the above , also cisc is- hi. I' . engine vitIs bolter , lnilolzastack amid all flatures coinjlete. Address WIl.LtAit TAll' , Charles sity , ioWa. 295-Suit J1Oll SATtl-A first class second Isand top buggy. . Call at 5319 lIndsey street. 397t1 IIIISCELLANEOUS. k. . : S tamerisigand all Speech Iso edinientsperntancms0y t cured , byflr. II. Canflctd Ilouse , Omimaha , until August first. The doctor has muaslo sspeccls Inmjcdlniemst a scciatty the Inst ten 3VCSSVS , and is o iseil acqimalnti isitli the natuic , eause amid cure that he guanstoca all cases taken tinIer treatment. Circulars aisdreferctices sent osi asplicatioIs. 4i5-25v&v.2t 5 5 I OTICF-Toall salonti keepers or lersomis selling I Intoxicating tljiior ( ( to , loltmm Turtle after this I V date , v.151 be tlsted to the lttilcteit , of the ian' . Sly 1 I , cater of lsis sii0c , 3IAIIY IUltTLH , 498-lit .tllly 12 , 5583. . - - - _ _ _ _ if' I WOULD lute to Sloth a good Isoiste In a good family bra Isoyof l3years of age , aTUI girl i4 years of age. Asspsy of 1' , ( 1 ° Q4 Farusaimi street. ( .02-141 J . i.ioIt : SAI.I : Oil EXChANGE-Full lot and thrao dweliistgs corner iii 11111 nitd t'tciflc streets. Nina lots in sittitim Omisalia. Also RIO acres of lansi near Santon , Neltra'sha , and biiilsling and stock of clotliltig No. 804 1cntIs street. Wilt e1clsaiIgu for Nebraska farni tassiSs , i'urther particular , at Coo. II. i'cturson's Clothing Store , b04 'i'esttls ( treat. .lI30.1ost.tf ' rit5. . . ' , , Cllcagss , theimsot pow. erfisl imlagntitic l'tssiiRn ' , ioeates all m aiim and ( iiIt.IC. Cures all tlioi.c guess up by other sisysciamis. Cotisuitatlois free. S. 'iv. cor. 15th amisS Capitol are. I ilUc. iooiii { 10. 407.175 irelsared to teach cimttimsg froisi the 5) . H , Tay _ _ or s,3VsitcIti ctsarts i's-ice sLtu ) , Imieludiit dsart. Call at 012 N. 14th street , betnes-sm Cass simitl Califor. ssia. 472-12' V ' 'lt5l il5i'ENSAlI\-'l1sc frec dis'eissary , tm con. itectliiii v. ills ( iso ChIlil's I Iosiita ( and Route has. V been located cii tlio curlier is ! lUlls cisC I ) otmgl.ts atrecta until the stew Isullslimig Is Ititisheti. Attendance v.111 ho glvcneverv tnorsmimsg ( Sunday elceitesi ) from 10 to I I o'clock for the truttusesit of the needy , sick and , ssoffrrlmmg. 873.tj JV .5. nlJloiON : , attorney at law , sf Arapaboc. I I' ci ) . , v. Ill helms the cite is few days at the oilico of ( I. V. Ante , . lie has aitaff-dozumi tracts of land In F'urnas county , on llepubilcals 5th er , v. Rh timber and stiller , v.hmcli he v.111 selimit a lsargaisi , for cash. 423-121 EDWARD KUEHL , MAOI.STER OP l'ALMYSTERY AND CONDITION. Jj AI.154T 400 Tenth street , 1ettveen } 'arnamlm ansi liar. fey , will , ' .itl the aId of guardlai spirits , obtaiii lot any one a giance of the past and creseat , amid oa certain condition. In the future. Ihooti and Sboe& Imiadu to orslcr , l'erfect ssatl.factlom , guiractutkZ. e ' jtOY * I it I , _ & IoIIw&l A'p. ROYAL 1t.1' 5 E ,1 4KI$0 POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thl powder 061cr varies , A marvel of p rity5 strength and ssltoksomneness. Slurs economics thus the ordinary kliids , and cannotbo old In comapet tion v.111 * the usultitudsi of low test , uses-S v.ciglst , al a * o plmosshato Pv.der , Sl I only tim cans. lIds-Al ISO l'OISPIVK 07 WA tr..4 N.w Yoek j ( a _ _ _ , _ - - - - -