Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 13, 1883, Page 7, Image 7

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    - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - ----r-- - " - - - - I T----- ; .A _ ----rT7-J iT I g j --T- : ; : c /L7 . .
, i
. ' , F ' . 1 - r'I : / .ff.i 'Cr 1.
; ' 1i1 : : DJllX BEE-FRf1)AYJWv t : , 1883. .
- - - -
Dry Goods and Carpet House.
' \ .
JIAe the arge etock aiitl ehoket iLtter.4 of-
. Ever Brought to the City and at
I-acwEiE : ric
. .
lb Not Fall to Call ad ExaIe Stock DefFe PoichasIg1 IIKNSS [ Bros1
Thu Ltrgest : ltltl Most Rcliabli Ilouso for
; , .Miio ! , Toys Failcy goog.
ehei3 LidefflaD and ardman Pianos1 Nestern1 Eastern , Cot1age Burdette Organs1
- - _ _ _
; r cr E i i -
, . . .
. - The following nrc the ttre of nrrlvnl anti dcparturo
.of trains from tht , Ioc.1 depots. llic tmIn btart from
the Union l'acftlc 40pt about ten iitiitite earlier
'tbau below 8tated , 01)11 ) arrive at thu depot aloti ten
.mlnutes later.
Trah on iaol lines ami IC. C. rim on Chicago time ,
% a halt hour fater thaii local. S'ahash traln run on
.st. Loui- time , tventy niiiintc faotcr than local. U.
1 _ , . anti Lincoln traitis run on Council BiutT time.
CIIICAOO , aocit ist.n AiD rAclEic.
Depart. Arri e.
- ' Atlantl&Ext . . .5:30 : P. m. I Pacific E . 11:4 :
Ex and Ma1l. . .DOa : in. I i : anti lail' . , ti:5 : p. m
fle Moiiieac' . .7l5a. : in. I Des 3loinei ac. .O.
Depart. ArrI e.
- .ChlcagoEx' . . . :35p.m. : I Cetinall Wi&fT ox. . . .0.35
. ' .31a1l and Ex. . . - 1145 in j Mall anu l-x . .7o : p. m.
ChICAGO and ouTIwsnmN.
- ' 1)cpart. Arrive.
Atlantic Ext . . . . . .j5 p in. I'aelflc Ixt . . . .fl:15 : a. in.
31a11 and Ext. . .0:20 : a. m. I Iail and Ex' . 0:15 : p. in.
Accoin ( Sat.5:50 ) : p. iii. Accoin ( Moii ) . .1:45 : p. ni.
Depart. Arrive.
Mall aiiil E-e..9:55 : a. in. I lxprosa . . . .0:3 : . in.
\ . . . . . . . . : , P. in. j Mail anti ix. . .6:5 : i. in.
, , LIoN r.&ciFIC.
Iepart. Arlvc.
Ovcriantl E . . . .11:50a.m. : I OrerianlEc . . .4:00 : p. in.
Lincoln Et..11:30 : a. in. jlenver Lx. . . .8:00 : a. in.
Denver Ex..7:00 : p. in. I Local l-x..0:30 : a. in.
: Local . . . . . . . . : a. in. I " E'c..9:05 : a. in.
Emigrant..5:20 : p. in. I " lix..0:00 : a. in.
Depart. Arrive.
Mail aiid1 . . . . .0:45 : a. in. Mail anti lx. . .4:3 : p. ni.
Cannon flail. . . .4:50 : P. Ui. J Cannon flail. .11:05 : a.
Depart. Arrive
For Sioux City.7:55 : a. in. Frin Sioux CltyO:5O : p. in.
t' ForFortNiobrara I Fnn Fort ilobrara
' . . . . . . . . . . . ' : . in. i , . . . . . . . . : . in.
" For St. l'aul. . . .7:40 : 1 , . Iii. From St. laiil.S:5O : a.m.
Leave Oiiialia. Arlves at Omaha.
Mail mid Ex. . . . 7:45 : a. in. I Faciflcl0:45 : a. iii.
.Atiantlc Ex. . . . 5:40 : p. ni. Mail and Ex. . 7:25 : ii. in.
All trains daily.
( CiiiCAOO , niLwAt'KEe ANI ) MT. iMiL.
Leaves Council HiulTs , Ariveo Council illuffs.
Mail and Ie. . . ' 0:20 : a. in. I Malt aTil Ex. .8:55 : p. in.
, Aiantic E'c. . . tA:15 : ii. iii. j Atlantic l'c . . g9:1O : a. In.
Lea' . o Council ifitiffs. Leave Onialia.
8 a. iii. 0 a. iii 10a.m. 11 a. l S a. iii. 0 a. iii. ba. iii. ii
in. 1. ) . iii. 2 p. iii. 8 ' . iii. 4 I a. in. I In. 21P. in. 3 , . In.
l.iII. 5 P. In. Oh. iii. 4 ) .III. 5 ) . Iii. S p. iii.
Street cars run half hourly to the Union Pacific
depot. Oii Sillillay the cars bciri their trips at 0
o'clock a. iii. , cud run regularly dtir1ri the day at 9 ,
11 , 2 , 4,5aii.lUo'cloek , andruii to city tiiiie.
Oldest Real Estate Agent.
- . . - .Notary Publlc and Practical Con-
Clarke sells houses aint Lots , Residence Lots and
11U51I1085 Lots all oer the city , miii all auditions , he.
ltlcs iniproveti and UiiiilIproci1 ( anus lower than
4 any other agent. Iliar 18-
s : - .
The Natural liierai
From flrrcstcrII ( ) iltllO llliliie , Itecoininentled Ii
. 'the highest medical authorities.
.3 - FItEI'K 1iLLENDEIt ) & ( ' 0. ,
S.lo agents for the U S. and Caizada , 515 , 117 , 110 ,
im 8tr-et , York. a2341 in
r .AutilLEP&t.
otllne,4wrak. ; m&n O Ift.
aVedhytJAIIIIUOC ) tu.t-olUnsovs ,
$ aur duttf * &YOId rJgb' wmt. o : . . '
, IIUIUJntI ML ci u I I tP loath irc. ( Ii ,
Map utt.r. ; nrMt * UM
It IOU &T 7QUD .nt1 8flff.Ibt .tott l4r
LI.cUOI1 or dbip& LInO I U you rj
Iia ci old or
orh&ltb Gr1LCUIail lnic LM(1 rsl ; Ca O ttt $ .
, jtlOIJLIJ. , : '
Wbtvr 7oUre ,
. , h.eey.r IOU tCbI iiu&113 tro , -
. $ ijstem
.na 7ollr
'si-ed. cikilIl1I. toli. tii Ou
, Tflt5n . TeII(4 (
, I. 0 ! ittiaUh&tIilC. [
, TuoutifozisUw. ij timsiT ' I #
Isk. I4op
l1t. * .
( :4p4 % , kUnel 0. . 1. t
er.narVrO7fl II. 4 l41-.s'
pl4I , IjIe,55 lAd ftrcis.
'tthCOfla&l. ' . 1 Uj ) ? bib C.t ? * Ir
.IUlIl. . Wood tru&IeoIjId.
Otj & 1 hr LOl.L000.
cDp IlIttmr3 vU I
lIyo'Zsrsmm .
I 8bD.lI4
) jWdkIOL1
.ow.1trUs4.trl NEVER 1U1c1iLe.
III t my " '
.nviout C AlL
4 lIfe. Khi '
I .uod hunt Ie4itr 'I
- . .0.1.
Lii th. . * b. from iiidlserrttoap , sir. , . , . or , lhsr elitsi III
v.&k. ow sIrIIS. pbyicstly 4riIDed Ir4 uIiI IS
PSIlSIS itt's dull , . topsrIy. es l.s prml.
i..iIIy csrsd , wItt.I IQUUCb lardirinel kZ4II1S4 by4osISrs
llwri st , * lbs rii ThI MiCsl IIItty uya Tb'
ilt , fli.Ilig ? 'rI'OIJ IleblilIr , l'i.yIC&I Jhu , .t . ,
LI vLnly .pstie4.3 by 1II E .Sl ' ILITII IIiII.LE. ? ' Iv.s
) iptles. esss & . , vred , .tc.rIsa { iitoiitIu IS ( sli s4
rt $ irrl , effIi,5 , iily. 1i.MisI , ILI
l.l.s. C.b..ll.II , , * , .t pby.IsIl ( ris.
HAfli4TO : ' IIEUEDY ( SO. . d U , huh SI. , Jw Tk.
VV3tciD Cornice-/orks /
1111 Douglas St. . . Omaha , Nob.
- Calvanizea Iron Cornices
, tjTflorinerViiiiiow , Fiiiial , Tin , Iroii aiid Slate
Itootin1 ; , .S1ielit's patent Metallic Sk light , I'atcit
iuiJiistel Ratchet Bar niitl Bracket Sheiing. I aiii
the general aceiit for the above hue of goods. iron
Fencing , Crestiiigs , flalustrades , Vcraiitkts , I ron hank
Itaitiligs , Viinlov IhililtIl , Cellar Ouard4 : also general
agent for l'cerson Hill pateiit Inside Blind.
617 St , Char/es Sf , , St. Louis , Mo ,
A REGULAR ( IItADUATE of two medical colleges ,
has bocii engaged longer in the treatment of CliitON.
IC , NEItVOUS , SKIN ANDIILOOI ) Diseases than any
other pliysiciaii ii , St. Louis , 1)5 city laier 5)10w ) alid
nil old residents 11110W. Consultation tree and invited.
When It is IIICuiVCIllCIlt to 'iSit tue cit3 for treat.
iiieiit , nicdicine can bc hent l3 iiiail orexpress every.
vhiere. Curable cases guarailtupd here doubt ox.
1st , It i frankly btate.l. Call or Irlte.
Nervous ! rostmtiii , Icblilty , Mental and PhysIcal
\Veakness , Mercurial and other affections of 'fliroat ,
Sl.iii and Bones , hllooti Impurities aiidlflooIP&sIson.
lug , Sklii affections , Old Sores and Ulcers , linpedi.
ilIclits to Marriare , ltIeuiiiatisni , , t'iics. .Siecial at.
teiitic.n to cases trout iverworhetI liraTri. SUltGitJAL
CASES recci'.o s1ecial attentIon. 1)beaes arLiii
froiti iiliIlrLhieIlce , Excesocs , indulgences ,
marry , inaynot ,
" -ly , , causes , coilseliucnce and cure. Sailed for t5c ! ;
postage or IltainIol. Id&w1y
Natloiral Baiik
Capital , - - $100,000.00
C. W. HAMILTON , Pros't.
M. T. BARLOW , Cashier.
Accounts solicited and kept subJect -
Joct to sight chock.
Certificates of Deposit issued payable -
able in 3 , 0 and 12 months , bearing
Interest , or on demand without in-
Advances madoto customers on
approved socuritiosat market rate
of interest.
The intoreito - . ' . ,1urnOrS are
ciosoive..ardod and every facility
compatible with principles of
ooufld banking freely extonded.
Draw sight drafts on Englandlro
land , Scotland , and all parts of Eu-
I 0 p0 ,
Soil European Passage Tickets.
Collections Promptly Fr ! ado.
United States Depository.
First atioll Bailk ,
.0F OMAhA-
Cor. 13th and Farnam Sts.
The Oldest Banking Establishment
in Omaha ,
organized in 188 ,
Organzed as a iatiOilftI Baitk in 1863.
ot1'l'I'u. . . . . . . . $200OO (
orrieros AND PiIIECIOiIS
l1ERMA ( HOt7NTZIi , l'resident ,
.101111 / . , CIKIOIITON , Vice l'resldent ,
AvovbTLs IUU.STZIi , 2d Vku l'resldoiit.
A , J L'oI'ILrTQ.
F. If. IAs'iS , Cashier.
v. it , llpoQrira , Assistant Cashier.
Truns&ts a gerlerill banking busijiess. hsue thus
certificates bearing hiuterest. 1)ravs drafts on San
l rarn-Isco and lrluu ( Ipal ritiei In thus UniU4 States.
All ) Lontluii , hiubliui , Edhiuburth and thu iriIuciiL
cIties of thu wntlnent ( 'S Europe.
Itesldeucc , No. 1407 JOOCS St. Office , No , hM'7Far. '
nani street. ( Juice hours , P2 in. to 1 p. to. , arid S i , .
UI. to 5 l' iii. Telephone for oiIioe , 97 , htusldonce ,
1)r. PAulson Irns Hot o1d 1il Cresct'iit
1111111 , 'tVil1ov Creek , " ( III 1tIC1I 1w ill-
tCl1(1 t ) build tim S8hiltflhilllli. 'l'lio out'
h , soul that ill lliIzt'l Dcli , kiuuvl )
: t ' 0l'jiiilueihii' It l % this IIllt thst
1t'iibit 1)tuiklo ) ( ) for $3OO. ( )
I IailIllt' ( biiitl fIhluisIheti tlit' iiitiir fur
thu 11I1Y ( 1lil1t. 'i'iiu .Itlys
Se111 to jI1V better eu'ry titHe they thlhli
11. II. ? ltUft'a1f'4 tltl fiuiiily 1iore ,
agcl over tvtiity. ii ; holy ticaul.
'l'Iio lIt1V ( ) ICiit Ittlhlso ill fitst npprnndi-
ilIg COihl1lht ) itIll. .1111111 E1i elillur iS thoihig
tilil C4)1lhiCOVOlk ) 811(1 it IS JIiI11tSOlil * , ill.
'I'ltOlUaS ( ) welI , hiviiu hear flii eity ,
IlilS Ituat ii $ IflO 1iors' , titi nuiinrtl gett lIIL
fntct j)1L1 ( vhu1o stflrtilig , tsillg it.t'tf
itltlt tititil it ; received ilhjIhries catl5ing
George Edgar yostui-dity ciutseti tlit'
1IITCMt ( If SalihuciVitlker nlld a fellow
haul eti 'i'ltlliht ) , ' ' VIlO vot'ks i II lnhhll e'
btlck yard , oii it clialgo of stealing l5 of
fl 1111111 hllt1itet lILsjCt' ) while the latter
vas : ts1o , , ut 4ltX. ) ( ) hert's itlooll.
'Vito cases of I IV. I . I 'aloe itliti 1) . S.
Locle , kiiowit as ' 'Slitirty , " OrPested for
getting titi , lihlielt the liest of it iii a liuto
t IaI1O , i itvo : Illicit toiit I II iictl it iitil i I IlhIbty
ticxt , to give tiiiio tO get $111110 vithie.s
who itto iiuetletl.
'I'l Ic acc uiiiit gi 1I 'I'i l I : 1 i : : flilOhit
j isticoaiitiiait ilFiestilig a enuiluctor
1)11 ft 1)111(111 lltciIie tVI1III i tltClili. nIl
tliiotiglt the cotilitry. 'i'lio 1).iilv Novs
, uf Chicago 1111(1 ( thu le'troit lilCt ) ) itlO
itlilOlig tIiou giilig it still fort her citct-
latinit. Council llItit ( llC ( Ot before
the world lV ) 'l'lI1 : . ' 111itt : is sure.
- -
TO AXI ) 1It ) .
'ri i't It ions Vui' F'Iiiig tip LtIIg1IIIII
.V'II1It' * LI' ( ' Seio l1at,1cvaiitt , attiti
F'OIWltVl lhoet'ti ( 'ihy
itiiiL Coiiist.
. _ t the last Iflectilig of tim city council
a 1iotitiit \.ns hroseIttctl , sigiied by ItlOUt
no hiiisiiicss 111011 of tipper flroaIlv1ty , ask-
lug tliItttlIe city do the lIecesBtry lulling
Oil Vahigliall it011110 , so tliitt the couhity
cotilti mit in its iirlniseel htitlgo , niitl thus
Pitt the ltVtJihhlU ill contlitioll for the travel
due it. The petitioii was treated as iiiost
lCtitLOIlS liit'e been treated of late ,
tossed aside without any consitleration ,
501110 0110 doigiitiig to ronuu-k that the
COtlItty would hot Pitt it bridge inanywny ,
and there was no use of thu city to fill in
dirt , simply to be waslicti otit : tgailI , atid
llOt tlScl. 'i'iiis Is IlIMtit. aS 111110k satisfaction -
faction as citizi get from trying to get
the council to act oii aiiy lilatter. ' [ 'his
matter has liceit toIscl luther iiiitl thithier
for 801110 time. 'IVhlCilOver tim county
board is iiitcrroittcc1 about it , they say
tile3' have the bridge all ready to be 1nit
in , : tiirl they have htiitl , it being the
iron bridge lUW beiiig 1nit in at Sixth
street ; lInt there vas no use to lulL
ill a bridge so long its tim city would
not 1111 up ailti Iflilko the flYtlilUe lIltasible.
The council , Whlell 1)rcsscd , juts tile
IhltlIle ) onto the couiity because it is IIOL
ready to 1)tlt the bridge ill , niitl hiclice
those Whir ) flYC interested are sent from
One to the other and nothing is (11)110.
Gardner township hiits its iiioney ready to
put into iniprovilig the road leading into
the it'oiiuo , but all improvements are oii
a stand still while tile council sends voti-
tions to tile county board , : tnd tile littLer
scuds tiloIn back again. Tile sighiors of
tue JIetioll hiavo got onto tue shuttlecock
game , and arc 1mw rjtuto wrntiiy at being
ti'illcd with so long , aiitl thieii RflUblCd
by tossing their Ietition aside.
- - _
Real Estate 'l'raiislbrs.
Tile following deeds were flied for to-
cord ill the coulity clerks's oflice , July
12 , reported for The Bun by P. .1. Mc-
1rLilcil ) , real estate agent.
0. It. I. & 1. H. IL Co. toYin. . Zur-
ether , sv .f ii vj 25-74-m-$320. :
Luly E. Miles , Adinx. , \Vihliani 0.
Pierce , part of s e .j ii o f 15-74--40-
t DAvis Sopor to Jesse W'rigiit , s o .j S % I'A
2675381,200. . -
J.Y. . 1)avis cL iti to Anna Schlnidt ,
part of 1) ) , 72 , 30-$63.75.
Caspar Foster toAugust Ifuboit , lot ,
block 'I , Miiideii-$300
, JCiflette Matthucs to Cellteilnial Mill
Co. , part of llock 5 , Avoca-$300.
Total sates , $2,233.76.
* Far more valuabletiiautiiose golden
applL' $ of IICsleridcs ) are the life , health
itiitl icauty of 'IV0lhltliilOl ( , 1\lrs. l'iiik-
ititiii'TegotlLble Compound restores alid
[ ) rCSOlVCS all tileso.
- - -
, VIlitC 11011140 Secret tries.
Cleveland Leader.
'l'iie gentlelnell who iitvu : scl'ec1 as
private secretitritis to tue I > losilelltS (
the United States for thu 1)15t ) 20 yei'.t '
have nil coiio out lIretty well
ui.ricli , ITr. Liiicoiii iuul two secretaries.
.JOilfl hay and .J. C. Nicolay. 1'1r. lilly
luarrieti a ulaughter of tlflasa Stone , Ilild
tile latter's viIl , opene(1 a few ( lays 8111cc ,
gives Mr. hay $100,000 iiiitl his wife
$600,000. ! lIV. Nicolay is lilarsilal of the
l'llitUd StlLteS HIhiuroIllu court at a salary
of 5,000 it year , a hf. jmsitioll.
CobI1c1 lhllCOCk ) , OlalIt's secretary ,
IBado large 8111115 of hhlOlIU through ins
COiIllCCtiOll 'itit tile \\'ihiSk ) ' Itilig , SYIIS
indicted , tried 1111(1 aclutttel. (
\v. K. liodguis , SViWhIl 1 Iayes ( llscov.
crud U [ ) ill 1utih1l1C8Otll , 1id ioit hiitvu ii
dollar Wiholl lie WeIlt. \\'itsiiiiigtoii. .
: N ow 110 13 1171 attorney there , 811(1 ( 18
1uesidolht alIti director iii half a dozen
stock COhflifluhiCS titat are likely to walit.
' 'influence" \Vasiiington ,
, J. Stanley Jirowii , before lIe woilt vtIi
Gell. ( i'lLlllJiIl , % .1IS II HteiUglnjIil'V , at. 875
IL hilIiltih , i Ii Li Ill geologi cal si I EVO olilces.
\Viieii ( : uhiold died. l'renilelIt Arthltil'
k illhiy ( tutiutui tsa lCtlIhl 1 ii ii ii , bitt ljrinvu
uleclilhiMl , ztiitl ILL oiice t'ciit iiito lIhltthhheIt3
all II IlIrtlier of Lieutunaiit Il1ltelIllIhl ( If
tue JiliVy , Its a llaliker anil luoker. 1irw'll
lu11ect ( JIlt uf this lIfter a time iiiiil is iiow
the litIsilteils agelit. ofIis. \ . Garfield.
l'rcsidont Artllllr'JI secititary , F. , J ,
Phillips , is it ijijiet , hlIhilSsliIhhilig yohIll"
gclltlCillaii , for WihOlil tile presuluIlt SViiI
( loUlItlesIl provitle ihalllSOlllCly ( witti Ito
1CIIYWI the 1urcsidciitiiilciiiiii' .
it ii 4 % iIHvel Viiiitit1.
Can tiiy ( Ills tiring ii a ca.u of kidney oi.
liver CIliilIIlliilt that Eieeti Ic itit-
ters 'sill oat 5iC11iiY ) cure ? W'u Sily they cai
Hot , 11 $ tillIll4lIIlI5 ( III COC5 already iIorIilaIIoust.
is cureul atot wiiui are (11111) ( ' roeoiiiiiaouiuii II
1leetr1o Bitters will lurove. Bright's disuiaia ,
( liilbCtA5. , tteak hack , or aiy urinary wnnplaliit.
( iULCklY cured. 'Iisey iI11I1Y tim ilIO4l , regul.
late tile bowoi atlit act directly IIII thu ills.
cased part-i. , Every bottle gtlarautee.l , Fur
salu at t,00 , a bottle by C. F. Goodman.
h1VS tNl ) UIItI1S ,
1111111 Arp' ' D1ocuses o an tiitrcitjng
Topt--Tho VItIUC of a
IIeaIth ) ( Tffl .
_ tt ituItiu ( ( In. I t'ouuthtuut lout.
\.t , eitt to another piciii
tit 11Cr
111t3' nial. liatt a I0rht1t1 it
( ill
a bt\vhl Ill i bc11t1l glove close luy a big
, ptiIg1 . toitl a long table siuleu1 aiitl
t.o feasted ( lIt lIrigilt ( ycs 1111,1 , flied
chicken niul jolly cake' , amid liapp faces
: tiitl icc cream , ittiti sweet slilhies atiul
111C1ry laughter 1111(1 ielhloluule all iiiixed
Ill ) Ingotlier , IUII1 % . (3 staid till lmiist luliul.
night 811(1 lii'itii tile ( .1itlliopean ( lub go
through their extcise. of 111111k 1111(1 lCul.
nIg niul coulposition , niitl tilell drive iholnu
by hIloolhligilt , 1111(1 ( 1 think
is a lit tie yothilgor itini Ill-ott iV tihuthi CS.C1
illIti t.ehlovjllg her ytttitli ill CollSeullhellce.
J hovel. st % the like. tint' luellulo nr. ,
gdt hug huiat-iotis , iiiitl tro fndiclihlg IIIII1I2
thunit ever tiii . ) 111g. 'J'hihs lhihkes three
lleigililorilOod I hi it Itt t Ic While
lImit1 tilt'3' 1tlO tixiiig WI ) for ahluuillel. , lImit
III. wife is gctt illg ruNItly.'e have got
Ii or oil t of t ho eliiiitiiov concm , ititil it.
ltiks ltS though we ili lievt'r get her
litek again. lIlt' , ( JiIlluilS ( , 81)8 ho to
lilt' , ( lilt Ot1 CVCt Sec Rilcil it Cr1111 of girh
nil liavo gtut a-grtViit' ill tlit' couutiyl
\\'ell , says I , 1 rCcktlll till ) ) ( , are at
1101110 at work. o , iir , says ilti , there
itill't iilU-ull' itIl l(1S ) ( llliVili.t. I've
COIl II ted chIt ill ) ill tIlis lloiglhluu rhtu ii iI , iilll
there itre about tw ( ) gil Is to uliO boy , tiil
WIllit is 4lliO , tile giils 1110 tllll slIlaltest
111111 l111V0 got tile best eulhlcltt i'll. (
\Veli , there is it reason for t'verytlhillg
ItlIll it ( NUISO for tivtIl' dEed , but I doml't
klIOW il3 there arc 1lune gitis titan lRys ,
1111(1 1 1sil 8ihllCItlIl ) VOlhlI ( t t.ll Ine.
Sonic folks Sa it is it Sign of l1eitt' . 'l'lio
girls it1e tile stnattest , I know , fut they
h1ite t lie I hOst CIhlCttill . I ofu'ro tile
tV1tt tile luV8 W01C 1 > 111 f1Ilt1-ll 111111 tile
gina kept ill t ho blekgluhlm : Ill , 1 in t 110W'
tile 1lOV.9 llltVC to work , 1111(1 ( so [ ito girls
iU0 seitt to scilool itlul to col1ee , 111111 thu
IlOSS liavt to help PitY for it. Fliis is the
FOilsillI ih3' tile glYls itto tile sniartestaiul
lii ) ' fear Is that they are a little t'o .siiiiut ,
alIt1 Vtlll't lllitl1'3' tiiese young fellows vhii
L'lll't (1111)tO ) it little lOtt'y ( 11101 don't know
Wililtiher Byloll wrote Sitakespenro or
Shakespento 'l'Ot ( ) i3y101l. Hilt I reckon
they vi1l 80011Cr or later. Mi-s At-p says
tiiitt ; gi l'lS Illltt'l' _ ' too 511011 , llllyi 1tV , 111111
she don't. Witllt any of hors to marry tiii-
dor 20 , tiitless tile otlur is t very splelItlid
(1110 ill all lesiocts. I Feckoil ( lint is tilt )
1.citsoli silo VChtt I,1l itt svceL sixteen , bit
I tiiiiik i\lr. OilIOllS is llliSttk0ll. 'l'ilti
cCmlsitii sil0VS itbolit. as lilll liuy , cliiltlroii
ill ( icoi'giit its girl children. Wo's'o ' got
six Imys tnd. four girls 1111(1 tililt is tbout
righlt. Tiioio is Ihtoro anxiety itlotit. tilt )
git-Is. 'l'iwy are sorter ilcildess ititti tie-
l)0l1bClIt ) , ahll we iiitvo to watch these
young fellers lnighlty close ftj fear of
trollbie , for the olti saying still holds
'A ioit is a 51)11 till lie mularrit's a wife ;
A. uliuuigiutcr is i tiatigilter uill the tiays of 11Cr
lifo. "
it is ilhigilt' sail to see it girl CollIe back
to her father s Ilotise to live aftol' she has
been mntrried a year or two. I'oor tllingl
She ilevor kiiuw what it good hiwno sue
iiitil until she left it , anti i' 1111(1 ( by she
CollIes CrOOIilig back , pale iiiitl saIl , mtnd
tile 1111111 Rile trusteil goes aliotiher wily.
This is tiio wreck of a life. No mutoro
inilliilCss for her. No womubor tue par-
cuts feel anxious about their daugilters ,
and tile daughters ought to think anti
1ioiider it long tune before they Ihiarry.
A father's 1101180 itiitl a mother's love are
niigiity hard to beat , But then it happy
Inltrringo is tue Iligilest state of iutppi.
11038 , amid every girl otIgilt to look for-
WaI'J. to it. 'I'llcro are lots of cleveryoung
111011 lit tue lailti-yotlng 111011 of good
priiiciples , ittiti Who iiiivo been rtisel by
good iitrtiiits. Tile girls ought to Illitte
with 'ciii , li1Ol1C Or 111) 1)101103' ) . I\Ionoy \ is
a good tilillg , but princiule is better , amul
if it young fellur itits got both , mid doll't
drink nor g1llnblo , alhel is indlistrious and
healthy . , t'ily , lie is all righit 1111(1 ( , if I
\s.uts a girl , 1 would pIlL him oit Il'Ollatioil
itmid say , I tlliilk you itre a vcr good
milan , ilIlt yoU kiiotv 1 'iii ai : tligoi , iiiitl
if- . \Vell , if ill. ) scuiuictl to doubt imiy
being nit angel , I vould jlhst tell ililul to
go ilOIlCO. If it young Illail ( lOll't bnk up.
011 his gil-i as all niigel before ho marries ,
110 hOver viii itfterwitrtl , ititil if [ was
ii girl I would be an angel as long its I
Ct ) tild.
As a geimeriti tiling tilt girls lsiluW too
hilIiChl allxiety to liiarry. 'I'liey are too
sweet 011 tiiti boys. They ollgiit to stitiid
tlF and look reserved itiitl Jureciolls , itlld
ilhit. Oil .JtJltlslllOiil airs , aiiii say , \tIhhIlg
milan , ) OIL ( bOIl't kllow who von ILiO foohiiig
IvitlI. I 'lii a trcitsimre , I ilili. I s'oigl 115
JOliillM , 111111 Still wortll $1,000 a lohhIltl. )
\\'cil , illey itre. A gRti , ilice , healthy
girl , wilt ) Cliii lihilke her own (11088 ilhid gut
U p it good sui I1itul' to cOiuilithi3' ) , .111 tI is not
itsiiltlilel Li wait oIl tile table vIuilo they
Itt-u catimig is just s'orLll allohit $1,000 it
1,0111i(1. , But that is liotiiiilg coimhluiIrL'd
Witll wiiitt. they will ho al-tb. Vhiy ,
: i\hi-s. An , hits ciut. ( lilt amiti lililde at least
2,000 gariuiuiits of one Bolt or illiotlioF.
She has sewed 500,000 stitches , itiiui
JlltCiilJl ) ( iiiitl tiitrlitul , 111111 t'iuiiiiiid faces
flhil feet , 1111(1 ( ccl hilled intl r mon m ml cmi lo ,
Sue hiiis tied tip 500
; til(1 (
111111 iuris
crs tilOlls1tiitl tears.
kissed jul13 vntchini 'clii by iiigiit.
111111 (1113' ( , iilltl keeps Oil t'atc1iimig ,
tiiiil iight 11(1W ( wli'ite I ion writing on mily
l1iitzl she is lookillg away lIji tile big
1.oitul 1111(1 8113'Mi ' 'I'mul ilflitiIl uoiuietliing
.vii I ihilililul I to ti id II litys ; tii ey itie LQ ( ,
little to gu , tll by tiieimuuulvea. " 'l'hitilu
are two little llolhluws , iiuiu just out of
8011001 111111 they and Carl iiitvu got. ii cul , t
( It' it ilOFO apiece timid gone off ( III It ' 'ltCtlr-
81(11 I ' ' aiiul I ciii I 'CIII the ill fantry caval i'y
ititti tell ilis , A11l it is all iight , lint Nile
it licic sowing with her specks ( Ill 1111(1
over itmul 1111011 l oks tip thu ioiiil itiitl
ilIt's ' "J'Jil80 ( Ciiilllell ( have ( Ivolfitaid
their tiiiiu. I 'm afraid soilluillilIg hits
1lilIpellOu1. ' ' If they dulu't COiiU IAck SI01I (
I know that I will huiiyu' to stint iufter ' 01)1 )
for tililt iN always thU SS'113P. Jlhlll , Arju is
worth itt bitst s.,000 it ) ( ( , nmitl silo
voigiis right tuimiart. ilmiti hoops ii.gettiilg
IwIlyler. I itill rich , I iiiii , I fuel
wealthy W'ihtIIlU'Ol I bOk mtt her ,
1 lilet all old fIluilti tue other tilt ) ' , ltlld
' lie ' ' I list viaii coulti
81t'8 : j you SCII lily
loy ; I 'Ill fixing hums tiiu forcoiiogc , 1111(1 lii )
is jhlst thu NIlhitIttiNt. lIlly ill this cotmiitry.
I Lu is a lilithilni oliitor. I ho hits got gifts ,
ill ) 10111. lIe $ llCilhs now hike I lwiry Clity.
I I e took thu iui cdiii I ii tleeliiiuiiitioii , I
WiNil you C1)tlld see Ihihul ( Iii the stage. I Jo
is jllst isJliCllhitl ( , lie is. ' '
I illIlkeul at liimhl luiIlirhlfIlily , zimul Nil ) ' $
I : ' 'It's sitti , s'ury 13:01. : 1 iius'cr knew a
illItlIral 0lilt5)F to ho aiiy account , I Wits
it IllitUlill orator 111111 it ruimicui 1110. I've
never ieeii itny iiccouiit , I took a pewter
lilCdiIl WilIJil I wits young , tutu I 'vu Hover
gotten 0'Cl it. It tii for NlIeiIhillg ml
siluOCli . 1 tliuiiiitt thou that I uind
wiiippul tin ) battlu suf life tllll there was
11(1 JIlOtU worlis LA ) CtlIjthCI' ( ' but. I vu iiul
to fmght. 011 U0ff hiilCO , iiiuil lii ) ' hiledill
didn't do lilt iltl good. 1 t'iSil you
WUU1l gllur(1 your boy agtinst liledills 1111(1
ICiilg a flatUrllh orator , 'i'lltirt )
is but 0110 reliwdy for as
iutturail orator , tiiiil that is to
lilUEl7 rich amId - settle down mId wait
for : : ! ) LI-bkhp ,
CQlllllClhCCllIjitts1 ( Tlucy itro rh.ltt. ttsif III
I mitt way , olnofhut's they do lig1lt 'V(1l (
CtIlSlllt)1ing , I knew a. hbatihiWl ot'ttttr tO
( e Olecloti to the Legisztuire , atud a lIret.
ty girl In the galiery sins. iiiln as lIe was
ilatumraIIoratimig aliti f1l iii love with
hilt)4 4fl lb hll1rried 11cr
, iuI 1ie s-q
rich , ailti tiloy nro getting fliohlgfirst rate ,
atid 11(11 % ' itt , gets a t'.aIi evoly ( 'tiler day to
si'etk : at 801110 college , alIt ! him nec1ts
0111 all niiil goes to 1liflt , but it's nil time
Sllite to 111111 , for lie gets iiis 1111160 ill tIn'
h1ahcls ) , niul t Ilfit ' 5 vtuuuiishi. 111 t i he is flil
exceptioll for Illek , alliltlle v1uo in-u
lIilllllitl orators llt'NhIlt l'lesulinIm Oil his
good fortumle.
I dlil't know but ohio phiuce for hioyi ,
anti tluat IS soi'ii. Put 'CIII to tv uk niib
, LetI 0)11 ) at it , for ItIloiless IS tilt Ptrullt :
of all lon't luia , out niiy pai-tictihar
tVit(1t ( ) ( lt calling , lut , 'keep 'cuut at work
auitl it will lliilll ttlt itself. hialtits luiiiiie
lll life. Life is it illIlllle ( ( If hIallils , and
If ii 1)413' ) hIlts It ihitilit ( If irk iit is util
_ _ _ _ _
A ltutiuai'lcn huh' 'l'rihuito.
SiIhIity ( ) llrcliuimIro , of 1 'iLti tnrg I 'a. , vrltei
' ' 1 htvn , isotl lIlL \l. : llAi.I , ' ilAl. .
slt Ft ) Ii tilt ) 1 .IT . , ' ( iiiiui , years , w ith tii1
ll1IIIt. ratl13-iIug riiul t. . 'i'lio tel k'vluug I uutlti.
cure tf i I all s 1 % lthsamut , I w otnierfimi , l'll ( ,
l11lii Ililil rack of that I stihv , tticiihu'iitut to ii tight
cough , sooii uIlsslltellr : I iy tIii ti , of a $ IHIItlfiIl
nivonliuig Li , direetluuis. , l y Ito froqIuiItl % v
seiiuls for I I all's 1 taIitiui I IlstOtih ; of it liv.iciaui ,
111111 hIellIth k SPOCIIIIY lttIIt'iI ) lll It-I use ,
A 'I'11r1fl3' Sitimit.
; t \ I ( lVihhl'li t1tlor iill ( hInd Ileell ( Ill it
llliSSltlll Ill Ethl'0110 tliI 191001111 t ei'eil oIl ii is
w.ty vest ' . 'ihlI ) Vitil t iiree liewiy ittilamiced
wl.cs , I I o rt'iiilily imltru'11uecb tilelli to a
ltllOlteI' ) . luuteliiio viui ; it lil'ilWhIy , igllo-
InIlt , hhiliIl-ilitihlbetI Williltu' ( If forty or tu tl' ,
iumtul lior lIlt to be hint of uitutige ill
tile Well-llhlltlCud ) : fiuiiiily uhiicii thu older
CIlltClIlpllteb ) ( , Silo Viti4 to ' 5itk itfter
tilt tlliilOStit ( cCtIIlthhly , " its
lie expressed it. SlIrnIl Will
it IleIth 1'1 lIllilsOiliO 111)1'lflg ) % 'flhllitil ,
hut slllile lClihiuiuiCflt , uisci'riiilile , 111111
ho 5:1 : iii t lInt shiu hind been it sd nil ulhlla'inn
Ill \\'nhts ) , Site fill' 1l1'ilCtielll list tIlil ,
iiis ithitit leimlg ) tu , iuiitke 1101' ii
hit his dlildroli. 'L'lhu tiiinl , riutta , vits
it llloomning Itlietsiuito : last of twunty or
140 , iJIhito PlOtt ) ' in her COal'se W'113' , mtuiit
the ) ) ( bill lltt 11001)1 ) it Il000ssitry to
ask tIle elliot' why he 1111(1 cliulsehl her.
' 11103' WUt'O Cvibehitly iii love Witil eacil
I itii iii. , vhich t ) Vit'I IltIt IIirJlliMiltg ill hIll ,
tilotigll IhilirveloIls iii her , cOlIsitIel-hig tIlalt
he was sixty 111111 ugly. She viis to 1e
the utuecit ( If tilu reotgalli7.Cl establish.
llIL'llt. ' ' \\'ill there be 11 triple wctldiitgl"
wits cmiiiuiretl. ' 'Yes , " tile ultiur replied ;
' 'Ire eall tile CUl'ChIhtfly it scitluig , ititti ill
perforiiieul ill secret. , 'I'lloreafter I sllall
Ibid a iiore itllllOVetl ) ltlsitiimi ) before the
Chlurcil , for iioltl ( lint poiygitmny is hIlt
( lilly it privilege , hilt also it duty wilicit no
saint dlii 1u eiltiruly excused from fultiht.
ing. 'I'lioie 801110 ililsitittiullt ablut
suhliling 11)0 ouit its V. llliII5iomIilly , bec4ittso I
had titkelt but 1)110 ) vife , ltlll 1 ( lOll't St1) .
1 sitotilil ihitt't received the
1)1150 ) ) itpoint-
Illeilt if I ilitil lint givcnt itssllritnee of llt'
ilhtCIltiOl1 to brimlg black two or more
WIves , "
It is ileidolli tiiitt.ytl willfeel illiwell
or iiticr from iIldigestioll if you use
Brown's Ii'oit ttors.
- -
01,1) ILEESE.
Oils of the Famous Bad Mcli ot Toxita Who
Loved Little Children.
Lareiho , Tux. , CcIrroqlouidant l'liiiaileiphla ltcs.
I liltIt " ( ) ld liceso" here for the lirst
tulle Ill 1874 atud relleweti tile aciluilihIt-
1111CC yesterdity. ho is thu typiciti Texas
bad 1111111 , illld 1118 record illi it slayer of
his fellow IhiCIl exteiitls over it lueIi(1tl ( If
tweiity-livu years. 'I'lau first tinmu 1 mulct
hunt I wits iii it Ciitlii ) ( ) iiure. 'L. 1\Iexican \
ball 'ns in foil blast , atli tile lUllClI Ivolo
rumluimig , 1111(1 ltlsilless itt tue bar was
fiollrisiliilg. SIIlIcmily a iiuisit foil ImJtlml
the rooln , tue ditiico stojpoul , tile gaIn.
blurs cCitSCl lbtyiIlg , ailti tito freshly-
ordered driiiks rcmlillillcd untouched. I
looked itt'Ollmll to Ioztrn tile CitlhltO Of this
untusual (1UiCt 811(1 ( RitW ' 'Olul Reese"
sUtliuling in tue ( lOOl'W'lty. I hiiul hovel'
mimet ililil before , Ilhlt 1 itt 011cc rucogilizeil
111111 fromn descrilltiolls givell lile ly lint
ailmllirel's. lie ( liii hilt 111(1k tue dos-
Ilurailo. his 0)08 Were 111110 itlll large.
I Ic had it dihiiplcd cliii , allil ins milolltll ,
althlollgil Ill-lit alltl resoitite , wits
gullrded hiy full , red lips , and tile
thiulur one drooped , w'hiicil is , accoidiiig
ti Iiiysiogmmum musts , it 81110 lhlicittiill ( ( of
w'eakmloss ill lt WOIllitli 1111(1 ollulnimlacy ill
It liiilll. Contrary to Li to 11811111 fitsi iion of
the froiltior , his hair t'ais cut close , and
it lllSollltoiy ciitiel. lie suits ( il'eMSCul
\OI , . quietly iii sailor IliItCk , itllll aside
from Li IC rak isii soIl ilIrtiru , w'l i huh sii rotiil oil
hi face imii ° iit have iitsseil liii' tIll iil(1 ( °
iou t iii vi Ihi Ly attub' ' ' Y i Ut lh1lio ( . .ntl I full'
tiiimi''s cllrlial ( huitit iII11'ltIIitl. [ i I e StIuld ill
tilu ( lorwlly ( for it Iuiilltlto amId thou it- ,
\itmhcol iiito tue luhuldIC of tilu roolil. 11 i
lii lit ) O'C3 l'ltmilel ) ( itt'Olllid Li i a Kpnrtmmlumi t ,
itiiil liii ally rest ud oil a iu1m,71i1l l'il full itor
tabltN . .
u4ittiuig at (1110 ( of . ; io.j.
) ) uriiell hoW ; lilImthi , 11'lle long.
' ( ) . shiiftil 11),0e ) uiicomiiforta-
? ily , mu. did I nit IIIIL'V ( ) ( ) ' oh U ( If ti ic
tin illJlOIlit ( six-sli outol's , viuicit 1 ) liNt I eul iii
his belt , } 'iiially ' 'Oid iteeso" s1niku ,
01111 llCii1tiiI I us avolls uhuiu'ly mid W'ltil
great distiiwthiess
I ' 811111 S tuirgis , ' ' ile 14111(1 ( , 1111(1 ( tue lu im ig-
ilitil'dl ( fehlot % ' tittrtetl , , ' 'if ' I thought. you
cdre half thu 11)1111 Oli Ciitiiml to ho I
would kill you allele yom sit. ' ' I Jo JIaliseul
. Cimlti maimedVlieml
a I ihihihL'hlt ( hIll t.hieii ( :
I kill it 1111111 1 Wililt iiiiui Lii lie it good ititu.
You are a ( lilLy tiliuf mId ( . ( Iliteitljitiilu
coward to sit there mid take IL. ' '
'i'li em-u u'its iiitii i ug ( If Lb u 1 nilly i Il Li I is
tleciilration , or iuitlici' there uits iii ) lflaV-
itulu , I II his viy ( If lulilk i m ig it. Dii o could
set , thiiit ho liicilllt. wiiiit Ill ) liii'htl , amitl tue
iIhig.hlairel ( fellow HL'tihmlutl to be Nt , COIl-
S'iliCCl , fiz' , lie iiovei' laisCl iiiis eyes , 1111(1 (
iiis hiillidu iitiiig listless b' his side. I Ic
rested hiIlcImilfIrtnbly uimidur thu steady
lIhazo ( If ' 'Old ' iteesu's' ' eyes , innu'over 1111(1 (
finally raised his Ileitol , Old Iteuse hlwmlL-
el tl ( the dotim.
I ( I it ' . ' ' lie saul . ' lId if y Ill ( lOil't
wltmlt mlii ) to fom-get lilyhohf ilmol k-ill a COWulJ'b (
jiovur get lii iiI ) ' vily. ' '
'J'lho hulmg-iiailcul feilow 105(3 to hInt feet
iiiatl 81111111 hl\Vil' . ii is hilltstei'8 ' uyu followed -
ed i ii ill LII tb i ( IIOi' ( , 1111(1 ( sviieii it. closed
iloililId 111111 he Woilt to tilt ) inu iiiiul imivi.
ted Uel'31)Oll ) ' Ill ) lii ( lrilll1 , 4 II i'esiioIll'
ed , for it S1l8 rulI b1miowll tliitt Old iteesil
coiisiilereil it it ImhIltull ( ilisult to refuse his
lioniitillity , aiil would be JIetty ) ( tilt to
HiiHIt thu Iiltil WiRI was ieckluss enough
to ulecilmic his ihivitiltPil. I IhILiCC(1 ( ( tiiiit
110 ( k only rater Iii , oscif , ( hIll Li iu
frielil ( Stun iiltrulduhcetl 118 ilftOl'WlLld , tIid
1mw tluitt Old Iteeso stius strictly tuinjuci-
iite.I .
I I J J hits iio iiiiiiii 1 ' ' Sllid I I his aId.
lihirem. ' ' I IC ilt)1tiiLii' , $ , ( ' '
litir curses ; Illit. if ) ' ( Itl thiiiihb ho ililIt old
ii- 1 on the shout , just tmy him oiicu ,
I hiitil it iohig cIiivtirsltiIll : ( wJtiuhiiimi tiiiit
nighit , 111111 thu Iliore I suatV ( If bun the
buttei' I liked iiilil , I Ic hind ii cluuiiiing
hug IuiillllIel , Wits it ) ( ) ( ClJiivriIiItiiii1i1liSt ,
1111(1 read some , obaurveil ImloitI , amid hluvur
' 'tilhkeul 810)1) ) , " tIlitt ha , ho 5Pk0 about
IhilmIseIf 1111(1 Ills lhlally ( illrilig ticeds with
ii r'-ix Uii
0 H E A P E S T
They always have th largest and best stock.
1 % great. deal of litiltleiico itiitl Illodesty.
I I Is fI-iclld gavu lilt time ilistll'y Of ilis
trotlilil ) ) 'Itil tue lnilg.llluirctl felhw.
I I-gut is a gInuhIlitIl' , ' ill ) M4till , ' 1111(1 (
wiieii lIe tirst eanti' ihCro evciyboily was
afraid ( If 10111 , 111111 lIt ) sorter i'ltli the set-
ticinont. Old loose was away then. lie
011111(1 11110k llel'O ab > otit tvo Ihiontlis itgl ) .
'i'llU ( lay lie retlIriled lie vas ptssillg ;
ithollg the strt'ot , ViiCll ho met a little
bIl' ( cryllig. Old llt'se is 'ury fond of
Cillh(1l'OlI anti they all like 111111. lie
1liCk11 the little foilou III , , uliicd iuis
tctrsititti : illu1lhirtd tile C1U150 ( If his tloulbhe.
llctW'Celi ills 8(11)5 tile Ito ) ' ttihub Ilis story.
ilti W'lts tiuu ( lIlly 8(111 ( of a lIolr widow
Wtlihilhi u'iio lives down by tile liver ailti
111)05 wltilhiillg fiu' the gitliillirrs. Early iii
t hits ipiiilg 511111 St ii rgis I intl 0111 PhtyeIb
him it t o mit ( Cliii I II tllilt hitrse , lll'ohhl ilullig
hit PitY llilhl $ ti it week for lInt Nurviceit ,
( litl tit be iilile to 110111 illS Illfltliel' , the
little fellow took cisargo of thue gitinluler's
c4llttllo utitil grilolhleti 811(1 ( fed ililhi full-
Nixtueli weeks , TIlemi HtllVtjiiu sob ! tile
ahhilfllll (11111 ( Ills hlOiiiCeSWCiC Ilub lohigor Fe-
.1iliretl. . lie itiul just 1)0011 ) ill to ask
Sturgis for ills lily , mtuitl tue gitulbller iintl
1111. * ( ) lll' hot 1111111 ililIl u IntL hiul Pit cii ed
iiilll ( lilt of the CitSillt ) .
ii 'I Ic kicked 3'Oli , Ilil lie 1' saul Reese ,
nuul tiioso bluto yes of ilis Ruhtppcl.
( I 'YIs , AilS , ' fitlteieil tile 1)0) ) ' .
' ' 4illl he'Oll't 1111) ' 3'lll ( your mulilney ? '
( I 'Nt , sii , ' wilihillerel. [ tue boy ; 'iltl
lhlOthluV 1100118 it.
'I i tililik he'll ja ) ' , ' itnsweretl Reese ,
'You runt ligilt ilollle , 110W' , amiti i'll ho
dowit Li ) BOO ) 'Otl 1IFOHO1ILI ) ' muiti lIrihIg tile
llitliOy. '
' 'Sttirgis was pretty Ilusil thou and was
rtInliilig it lig gaillo. Old Reese weuit
tbowit to see bun. 'uVoll , sir , it's ollly
about it t'eek il ( ) thiitt lIe recl'ercb ( fruini
that imltUt'VieV uuid wnt itIbu to ho ltbolut. "
Olil Reese wnihctl iiito the saloon ,
citihed for pun aIlti ulmipel' until iiiittio out
the followilIg libl
lAmtiulo , TEX.ts , Aug. 8. 1871.
Sum SThlliols ,
To 'l'ims WIllOW \VIilTIt'il Kin , Ir.
To iicrdimig iUIIY 16 weeks , at. 82 Pr
weulc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tu kicking iiiiiil 111(1 wiacil lie miskilil
for lais miiuio' , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50.00
Tit CIISL Of CIhiCCLiOii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Beo'ul ilitYlilOmit
lie walkt.ul tip tu tile 1111)10 where SLur-
gis vata ( le1tlillg mitniitu mtIltl lititi this bill
beforu Ililmi.
"Sturgis , " lie said , ' 'pity this little bill
amid iuii reeltit. "
'l'ile gltllll.lur ghitllcetl itt thu 1)1t1101 ) ,
jllihillel Li , Ihis feet , jerked unit. his six-
silOItOi' ( 1111(1 . uillidC. . ' ' 'fl 1w tI-ti if I
( hI ! "
' 'I tilihik ) 'Oil will'criotl ' 1uesc , itnil he
knocked the follow ( luWil
Before lie cotihi regain his feet , old
house was 1111011 hhilil , lie jerked tile six-
iiiioote' out ( lfStllrgiM's ' iiitiul and beat iiimn
OVer tilt hicitli VI'Itll it Imlltil lie cried for
" \'ii1 ) 'Oti lIlt ) ' tue bill ? " itsked Reese ,
lailuillg tue ttiX.Ihiluotel' to hit. lull ngitii.
' "Yes , ' ' itiiul lIe paul it ,
BIlL Reese was lint tilrolmgil with iiiiii
yet. 'J'llol'e wits a .Iuistice of tile Peace ill
Larembo mit tue tihile , a recuiit iiistltlltloml.
old Reese know tllat tim gaiiiblur w'oulil
ililVe iiiiit nirestud fur tile ItMsilthlL iimiil
CoihlIlel huh ) to uay it hue. I Jo 101(1 ( Lw,1 ,
111011 to COhilO forwitrul as Vitlle)4lii , mii (
iii tiioir ptesellcu , mililtle
tiiat lie ( Reese ) hind Ile'oJ' Jiipt.
ijj ; ; ,
Nuts Yiiiig-- ' OJullios 1' . 111)1118 ,
ill liltl Netu' Y Climb Stt1ilo , moiiys that
he is ii lob , . . , (11111 ( I Ole I Ilgil t Wits
mit tiickcI V iiiotm mhiatiluiil so iicii to lue could
only ci' stiuras OIl ills liilIl(15 ( 1111(1
kuiuu : ' St. .Jiicihci Oil wits uipphjetl tt'ice.
" fl-i' thIs hiu took hims untcii agiii the
Vxt Iiigiit , WIled.
M- -
iuu ci Nsvllia ( : i : I ) 'It ) iii : 'Ii I i : iiiL : .
\vlio iitvi : i'ti'i ' lliim ii , litAtyKY1A
'lESi' . LAiAiiil ) ) 1O i - ,
Hard and Soft cd ,
COKI 01 ? WOOD. j
amAtL.rAcwmII 'ii I
Pierc & BralorcL
Ionnerly dish .t J'5
' BUrn
' 1'ltN4\1
218 14'I'IL S'J'ItEE'J 11'1
JohnD , pbody , M. D4
. . .
1tesidt-uc , 171 Bout' .
Tue lt , ) of the tcrsl" Short.
S H 0 RkI hiie' , lii intuitevtioii s iti the
Coil , 'rale haulS ( If a great m-naul ,
0'll % I' ) S aut ilc-a itt ju.t ut hat Is
euItllR'uh 1w the law cliiugiiu. *
I N E lie a SitrL l.ltuc , ( tuhk , 'itilo
mitt th la,4 of aeoillmIuola-
I t lonq sll of hikiu art , hint-
I'hyl I , tlIO greatest rsilt ay in Aitierlea
And S-I : . Paul.
I t uI , 115 aih , , ohicratco 0 % Ct 4til 1111kM of mail Iii
NOt tiirti I ihiiuolo , lVlui'oilui , , Ii luuteuota , , loia atuI
I lakuu , ( ; ail , SI ItO iiuaiiu liuas , I raiehc , auil CIIlilO (
titts IvaclI all the great llL-iiIe's , coiltre4 of the
Northioot auth l'utt IVest , it naturally aiqers , tiun
ult'cripl , , of Short , l.iuiv , allul lict Ilunite betsi ceo
( 'ltiu'ng , , l in ittlkti' , St. laul auil II inlie.olis.
( 'luheilgit , MliIvloIIee , l.a ( 'r-'e atiul t'iiiomia.
( 'hiient , ' , St Iiwatiit-e , .1 1tnleruu antI Ilieiutaie.
Ciiiag , , ) , .hilaaitloo , Kail tisiro nnl Stiiinuiter. .
( hiicagu , IhliOulllite , Vatnaii tutu ! .fvrrihl.
( 'llhWgn. Ii Iia-thte , Iliaver Ilanu anI , Oihukoiu.
Chuicagi' . .lhioiil.ce , Vntkeqiia , anti Onu'ition , oc.
( 'hileagu' , , I il ftllt (0tlttIiOtl anti l'rnhrie ulti Clilcul.
( 'hihingo , ) hllmuikee , (1watonua ( antI YaIrliaut ! ,
( id , .co , lic1'it , , lncst I'io ' auth B iiienul l'oiult.
t'li-iug' , lIgll : , lt'tkfoni antI Ihultuilne ,
( flduagu , t'i iitouu , Rock l.luuuii , uut Cedar liaptuls.
( 'Idnig , , , ( 'lOliltil hlliOlo antI Oinaia. ,
( 'itleitir' , , Sinu City , Siouve l'ailu artil'iinkfnn. .
t'lIlia : , ' , illwiukeo , i itlilell autil Chanuierlaitu.
hiek Iblaill , I ) lilutIlIle , SI , l'sttl anl II iiuiucatoilui.
I lt ctlort ( , Cahiiuai , St. l'ltill auth 'd iiuiucapolis.
l'uilnuut Sleipers aiit tllol-'iIeut , lImIng Cars itt th
I % , , ihi lirt ) nuti mu tie lualul linti of the C H I
antI uery attL-uttInil is pai to i1.eulgtrs Ity eolirtii-
005 eul1i4i CS Itt tiuo e'ullianv.
5 , :4. : MIilllll,1 , , A , V. II. cAlul'ux'rmlI : ,
( , 'ihaiiagcr , ( ieiii l'uts , AgeuL
j. 1' . ( 'l.Altl1 ( lEO , It. IIIAFI'olll ,
( Ieiil Stupt. , Assttieu'l l'ass Ag't _
J > I
- '
- * Y
_ ' \ '
' l
/ /
I Ill 1
. ' C IlI I
! : : \ ° - ,
- .
ATI.ASTA , CA. , April17 , 1183.
lu * 1878 I 'ItS thu ' , icthtn , d a torrllIii lliiol l'nioii
aiul , after ieinr , troateti by three duysiclaus was ( OIl.
iiitul to mity led , hot aluic to rauu moy hianl to niy
110101 .NkittiIliI t'ltts , of ilol , antI u-euliicel iii clght.
( rein 18 , siual , to 135 ' , ) , . I thou hgaiu tim use
of SWii 'i 4'iClFie , nuid hui 1CM tinuit ( hires macnIbs
I uts oultlrLly t oil , , Ligliell I 00 , itul , iit o miover had
a StliuitolIl iufti's .i , , , , , 1 r it is.I , tint hocia
for _ viit's H1 iu I lidlo , U I would ba a , beeiu In mity
giRtIl. 'I ' .JlifN 1' , lJiSllOi' _
, - -
Tiull : ) TugluH' mi'nu'os ' TW'I IiiS : YlTiIDu'r
1l11 lul- '
IlorCIiriaIhiiCIiIIIfltIIuu , Inade muio a ( ri'iile. , After
tryiig , tO , , 3 ears , nuil thu morcir1' anti
i'tItII1Ii trri llleiIt illuOl I u-a. a skeleton nuill tiiiaiiu to
the auu tiulI , , I tzuo i'reahiuii ( IIIl to tab a coors , ,
of H. 5 , M .tfter takiug , litres liottlew muiy op sitito
liegati to , 0 , and I gaiiiel hich ra , ilh' , V1icui
I iIZltl tali ttt lvii ittie , I felt tti veil its i 01cr dhL
it Is mis tllthu ilioutthts utiii I ttiok 8. 8. 8. My
itcait ii .iil , n jtell te arc gokl , 11(14 ( 1 ant illu to Ottoild.
Ou nlh3'U ' litjiiwss I cauiget. CHItS. 1litfl.
, , Sirigs : , , .hiuu. I , 1883.
$ lOoo Roward.
iiil be jail tu' ail Chemist into will tInt ! , emi
Aitalysiii of 100 bOttleS i-i. ii , H , , iuiimi particle ( If 31cr-
cloy , itlith , i'uitassiuiui , or gait' mllilleral sumjstaiuee.
'liii : HI1-i 131'lCiFiU CO.
trmt-er 3 , ? .tlaiita , Ga.
itsfVritu for thu little hok , , , t idcli will bu muiaiItt
free ,
SiATF : OI Ni:1IRAHKA : , -
i" ) ( ( UVSTY , }
At a votnlt ) i'iirt ' la-il at tlto counts' court roomu
liii for , all , cttuinty , .1 lily 3rd A. 1) . 18-33. it
h'reiet , , A. 21 ! , Chauht , IL-k C'iuisity .Iuiigo.
lcieasod 1S1 tito , chatter of this Jsttutu of ! artim , W. iCeiniudy ,
Oii reiilig , nuid Iiiiuig this Petitiiil ( of 'l'hoiiias .1.
Vitzuirnrris , i'nu ' log that a ccrtiui ituitrujutisiut , , n fib
II thIs c''urt ' 11(111 ( ( Iiu Ito thu laot s-ill anti
estatjiii I of slit , lleetNeI ( , antI abel a iuoeiiid ilustru-
twit ouu Sic itluil ) ) , ) to IIO a Cislicil tir saId.
till 111,1 testaiuiotut tiav Ito ihuuly irolateh , Iiluul aunt
ecom uiel as I its iabt II iii tool teataiiuuit of saul uleceai.
I anti as a tiolicil thueret , , anti that itotithoilor anti
lalites A. Creigittotu muully lie nl'Iulmltod ' exulclitaris
ItilultIf ,
( IriltretI , ( hint .miiiy 1)0th , . A , I ) . 15(3 ( , at 10 i'cbock
I. m , , i aooiiietl for hirariug sahl letltitiut , when aU
cr5000 iulterL-tLi in saiti mutiuter at
iiia7 aPPear i
ittlilty coluu t I , , ii iti-itl , in antI for said aluti
11101 iStOIC It III t Iiu hr1 Cr of Itetitloiler ctIuIltr , mo6
'U ' fliIl ( cii , and that notice of thiu , , euuluuy , Of ahtL
ct ( liii ahil I 1w iiriurhij
thereof 1)0 gitwu to all 11cr-
lilt-u iuiteretetl Iii sail muintler , 10' , tmbltsling a copy
f this urtiur In thu Ojilahia ially ) 3ev. a non
rilduti luu said iuluuluti , for thrvo stiCtsit Ireoka
rIur to $1111 ihanf hearing , A. It. ClfAIlylcg ,
IA trutu , , , County Judge.
.Iuihy it lit en
-rAil : ( Nihil14sicA : ,
I ll'tli..t , , ' ( oIuvxry. SF3. -
lIt this ( ailiuIt clmrt , , held at thu county court roona . -
I aiuil fur sli : cohlultvJ 11110 Htl A. 1) , 1s'3.
I O5&II t1 A. Ii. Ciltills ick , Citlmilty Judge ,
lul this mnatturuf ( sill u Cf iWtrlek Ilcuavoekdecija.j. .
0 , rwuhluig uuriui flhiIg , lu letithOII of AloauIer
cGlavlteio hirothuer Of ileceit , nI ) lug that adiulnia-
ntiitii itt saul ugtto lila ) ' I , a Sittoil Josiah ICunt
rjor5 u.rtbers fur hie.rhi n,4 , haying buomi
f.btilhiihltI. -
, ,1. , ii-tI , 'that July ilth , it , I ) . 18.33 at 10 o'clock A.
, ) , for hearing saul Putatiohi , nhuii all
' 'tluIty ( ) irL'itLsi III saul liliutter Jluiu' ahllear at p
b 1IE i'Olmsu to Iii , hid ! , iru aulti for said coiuiuty , amid 1
ito gifl , toil ; a ? thu ) Ira ) er of ietitiouuer , $ ) ioultl miot
l'tt tint , J hat no hcii Id the lwiItteIlCY of said
loll , . , ' thereof Ito gli-out to all per-
ut thii tinier , . the matter , by luUbblshIliilC a copy
'rintel ' Iiu saul . , iMlle , lice a
'nor ' to slulil july l. ' . ; ( lures successive n cuss.
It tots
U St ) iJ.1uisJ ( , II. CIIAIIWICIC , '
- - . - - - . Coumity Judge ,
H'1 ' IllShll11nce Allt
I'IIIII Assimmiu ci. , of I.Ontli
Aslet , . , Cash
( ItlICstUr , J , ' ' ' " ' . ' . ' ' .
IO.jerilaits , ( ) ; Nunark N'J ' IlOoOtooo.ou
rarti 1'lru , ' , , , a1ua 1,2ThtjOO.j
I'liiaihtjijhuf ,
' . ( auhij . . . I
( flieR's 2OOooo
Etijid ' , ,
' } 'YIL'EI(1111 , Csi'ltai. . . . . . . . . . . : : : h:239o1s. :
: (
, Omaha
' ' NatIo
. 1'1hns No. 3T. lJank BuiLt
ictIan aCoffllssIofl Meichf I
i.L Al'rc. jb To ,
CCJ\S'rhtv : ,
l42RDougIaa roet. C !
\ . . 9
- It