Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 13, 1883, Page 6, Image 6

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7TT ; DAILY 8 E---CUUNCILBLL'FrS , 1 + 'IL1bAY , JULY ] 3 , 183.
= z _ - - = = . - -
Friday Morning July 13.
_ . . _
_ o mot. z ;
f g sun cntimoN MTExtl
1 at rrler - - - - - ' - - . 90 ( rntA her week
Stall - - - - - - - 11aoo , s'r fear
omcE :
No , 7 Pearl Street , Near Broadway ,
Cheap Railroad Tickuta at Bushuell's.
Thelcity council is to meet ngnin next
1lfonday ovening.
I = Theta are thirteen prisoners now in
Jai1e Shcorltze'a care. All Illeli.
TLoinns Sullivan , Ed , 1Vilsmt anti
.1ntne ; Vnn Wnllnpiii were ench fitted
$ , , GO ycstenlny for being drunk ,
L. C , Brockett is making the front of
bas stare fairly chino with fresh paint and
general rotlovah ° n.
The evening glitntnor Gickcrs ngain ,
This time it is n hnu lsomo pull for its
old tinio enemy , Vaughati. Il hat noxtl
Dr , hart is putting a now front to his
410ic on Mttiu street. The froths of cut
steno anal pressed brick , nml is looming
up quite handHmnOly ,
p. M , Connell is gradually getting set ,
tlud in his new quarters on lain street ,
811(1 whorl jD Rhnpo will have a iIU tin ,
derttking establishment ,
-Permits to marry were yesterday
gnwi John I ' IIronphruvihIe , of Carroll ,
: old Carrie From , of Indopmulenee , Mme , '
l rcd'arning and Atinu Meyer , both of
.Avoca ,
The Little 1Vindsor , whose card np
] oars in another column , is anining pat
Tonngo rapidly , and holding it too , 1'h u
table is nil that is claimed for it ,
Ellen Wtckltan was cmuplained of yes '
terda for throwing a stick of wood at t t
neighbor , Ellett Kane , The case is to b to
head in etail to aay.
' .1 gontlmnnn of cola , was arrested you
y terday on n charge o { running away mind
( tnothor man's tvlfo , 101(1 wti5 held t °
await instructions From too officers at At
Jantic , where he is wanted.
The powder louse c , l es have Lem n
continued again two weeks , to give thi e
companies a chance to show whetlie r
they are really in earnest in their prong
iso to get now locations and remove th e
' building now complained of ,
-If too city authorities want a fu 11
and accurate report on bad aidotvulk 5
'tut tjicni employ Booms young mother t
wheel a baby carriage through l vnriou is
tarts of the city. She will nee all th e
111,3 , and downs and bad breaks.
The work on Main street is progres s
ing wc11 ; 'It is completed to Twel [ th
avenue , leaving four more blocks t"
finish. The assessuleitta nro nindo at 11(1
property owners are being called on to
pay up.
r The mayor and city marshal rcaltr mid
yesterday the condition of souuu of ti
alloys , at least ono of thorn just off
Dian street. They tried to dive thro e g h
but the mud was too deep , pad they g gat
stuck , breaking the harness ,
" - 0ficor'Cusick ( , yesterday traced up at id
recovered ono of the gold chains stol min
from Mrs. Davis' store , It was in ti
] muaR of a colored Iran who claimed t
1 ' have bought it of another fellow w Lo
fouua it.
t During time absence of ; Auditor But ka
: arrnngmnolts have boon made by wimi ch
Mayor Bowman will bo on hand at t ] o
city building to attend to inressiuj7r bn si
+ ) mesa from 0 o'clock till 10 o'clock in ti
f .morning , and from 1 o'clock till 2 ° clo c k
in too aftormoon ,
bor. Owen Cunninglmnni hind solno so rt
of n dispute with Mr. Gibson , of the St ,
.loo house , the difference eing mho ut
forty cents. Cunninghan clnima Gibs ) t1
lilt him over the head with a bill a mil
bones had Gibson arrested , ThoB latt ° r
gave bonds of $200 to appear for trial lit
time 17th.
' : -All licenses , except those of salem is ,
expired on time 1st of Jul ' , Tliu rune w
alit are conin in slowly. The great mist
t kick soemc to be. out thutrt of mix arc sJ
njetl ; who are called on to give 1G I or
Limo y'car , $1 for the nutk0lg out of ti no
' 1)011(1 ) , and fifty cents for nlnkin out ti °
, f licener and thimi each wugou
1 j Yosturdny the Bluff City fire boys li nd
apliotographtakml of the lioso cart wi tL
ita ( lrii eri Olh'or ! lake , thu faith { mil
' ] torso , ' Old Pttt"anti last but not lute t ,
f tSllepf' ! time po dog , recently Itonur cd
witli a hatdaano collar b Mr , and Mm a ,
i t Dr , Hardin The picture is ea tecinl I'
designed an n recu g ujtion of time kin
noes of these donors of the recent hen a'
mrotau giftto " $ hop. ' '
1 The su lurior court'it to be rear aniz ed
-to-day. Judge Aylcsworth Is oil fore
In Daknt.a ein
lut . , acconl wnie(1L 1 mix
t j X ttdDr , Moose's ' , Jmist cu Vnu h nn
18 to climb into time woolsack in hits imlac o ,
, Deputy Marshal White , who is n faith fun
officer of the court , , iq oil , too , for' ' a f ew
days , and E. Itosecrana is taking I his
i placo. Time utill won't ' atop grindjug ,
1Tho colored mat Dodd , arrested far
stealing a watch from F , llnrrisot , w Iw
attolids the cigar stand itl too Ogd on
f ] iousp , had Idtf oianinntion before Jud go
y 1ty15sworth.ycatarduiy , , The ovidu nro
wM . ltttlq' laokum g-enough so to lea vo
i amtechnical hole , through which Do as
cmlY.rcd out. , though tIme court iii d he
c [ , gmg'liim ' gavytho Scotch verdict ut
"guilty , llut not . proven "
Thu nuw , gthlotfo club bas sLlrtua out
, l with about'twontY mombursr Itua lots its
S Tootps now in pretty good shape fora h u
jjuning , the being P rovidat with va '
t ou 'gymnastio ' a1r ) arnhis for tlf m ( be 1ys
to. . train time muscles with. A ready ng
t TU02u ix to bu in connection t'itli the en
t43rprtso , as a sound mind in a sou mid
Led is what the boys tsunt , llnoy Lit.
en to make the club room ! an attntct i v'o
p taco for tjlo Inmubcra to s Hood th air
aparo eveuijngs , jn social converse rc nd
ing and exercise , Time entuiprisu stn ran
out with the promise of bemnb a gr eat
success ,
1The' examination of Clausen , for t Ito
murder of tIvo Don several
yenta it g °
was begun at I'aeifmc Junction yestord y
Time jroaccutloil to Itnlkillg out n stio „ br
allowing of circumsttuittal ovidcpco.v Juo
blcCieary , who in
noly saving a life s ±
tcuico for liis part in too numrdurs , slat 1111
tltut Clausen did the shooting , mid t [ tat
ihuy divided too [ tlundrr. Sane of t hp
guards of the , euitenliu
nptes cittln I to l iii
tercePtot which Clausen , wh il0
aten'n ! $ a tens on aiotimor charge , suet to
3ic re fryijn tvhieli 'P1auset" nrgcd J Ic
Creary not to give butt away , proms i tug
: u return to try aIt
bet hint out , w1 tat
bp , Clausen , was ant free. Sonue
.sattans testlfie d to , in which Clat son copy c 9 :
! mart , seem to fasten the guilt of an nc
comlico. [ Thp case u'illnothtiatncludcd
fo r n day or two ,
Mcclhirg'a cracker factory is about
ready for n roof ,
0 , 1' , linrplty now lies n tutu boy at
his house , and is joyous of course.
A delivery wagon was whirled along
F irst nvmuuo yesterday noon by n run
away tenon.
L , 0 , Kintme , the democratic cnudidate
for governor is hookt4l in speak to Commit'
cif lllufls Jniy'14.
Iln inrs cruckgd the safe of Ainsworth
tC Cods. Inmber ofllce at. Avoca , n taw
uigLGo ago , mud got nwAy with $11. ;
The sussll pox easeR have recovered ,
a nd the quarantiuu is raised , se that no
further tear mesa be felt , for time present
at least.
Three delivery horses belonging to the
Boston I'et Comjany ) a store are dawn
with mho epizootic , pork eye , or 5mnu
ti ming of the sort ,
Constable Skhmur , while serviugpn
I , ere yesterday , was a11nCIIlY attacked hY n
savngro dog , but gat away ntiuua pert of
h is c5othiug , The dug ts'nxu't ' mad , but
Tom was ,
Pohcentat 1S artier has so far recovered
from his illness its to be able to ho out.
and shout again , old in n tow days ox
[ uccta t0 be able to rosuuw his duties
a gain.
The wo11 worn Story case , in which
too dofmulalt is charged with swearing
ton false story in connection with the
Callieou liquor cases at Oakland , cnuau
up before .f ustnco Schuh. yesterday , mad
tans continued until to dny.
Suticietlt money has been raised now
to enable lire. Evans to rebuild her
h ouse , lately burned , fir. ( tau , arnica
is credited with rnisinj ihu money time
$ ouerosity of otlmer citizens willingly giv
l ug support to his enterprise.
'Vito funeral services of Tlonns Blank ,
stone , wLo has been employed in various
p minces here mud out time railways , onto
yesterday. ' 1'lw colored RTnaous
teak charge of ho tumoral the Harmony
band furuiHhing time music. .
.1. I { , Powers , who was register of the
state IIU1d ollico at. Dos MoiucA for four
years , and clerk of Cans county for Rix
years , is to upon n new banking LouSein
Avoc't , A muss two story brick budding
is to be eructed far that purpoHU.
11owe & Son lost ono of their best
caumries too other day , Lyn niurdorou
cat , but ycatar(1ny kind fortune sea
thorn one to take its place , mho littl °
slanderer alighting on n cage hatgin lI
over time store front , and easily heir g
A , T , F13ckmgor is now menu of ti e
pr0udust muudlerrl of ihu bar. ' 'lme boy
tLuugh small uuw , may yet become th e
junior member of Flickwgcr 1C Sun , II e
starts out iu life UrigLt enough to becom u
501110 day n worthy partner to n wui th uy
father ,
TheNonparoil line evidently got fright '
noel out of primitiugoail onto connuuni '
11(1cationscrjticisimi r the board of education
It might lose IIIU few 1)m1ci it u0w 6ref s
from pubhshiug the proceedings. Sue h
ie ' ' "
'indepontlant" journalisun ,
f Time hay unlrkot looked lively ycator -
clay , amt the crowd of landed w'ngon
about the , scales rmuiuda one of time [ ac t
that the city has no n0icial scales or cit. Y
weiglunastur in active operation , tlt U
council having fmzon out Capt. lVillimna ,
who was elected by tlmepcoPlu , „
° u Ianytnonil & Climpboll , oE this cit y ,
have boon ivott tliocontract. 'for buildiu g
n brillga itt . Their hid tv as
higher titan others , but time city though : t
it would be cheaper , coneiluriug rIunlit y'
as Raymond 1C Camboll ( ( mover too tor Y
half way work ,
o One of the uteinLore of tho'schat ml
bean , ! niter lottin4 some of time bet t
tuneltors go , and filling their minces wit 1 (
inexperienced ones , urged his fellots ' -
Dontbors to raise the wages of time iii '
experienced tuuchure. Itiui ght its wu 11
love boon dune , turd had the faros end °
In the case of John Evans , cLn gu I
with assaulting n 0ormmt umnol Nlo 1
ecluludor ( , Justice Abbott yesterday btic ,
cidod to bind Evans over o the d trj ct
court in the Ruut of $ rOD. ' 1'hu difficult y
seemed to have arisen about the right c d
way often lnnu nclu their property j n
Gardner totvnsliip , nnd Evnna knochu d
his loan dgwn tlu ou tnuus , punieLiu I , r
biro quite 5uveruly ,
The trouble in the Baptist. chore h
5001115 tot to be hushed altugethu
Charges are being prupnrud nguiust sum to
of the distallucted weuibora , for 'usiu g
their tongues too freely , while they i n
defense claim that tLu charges pre maul e
to keep tLum f tom voting on curtai 11
'questions , they being suspouded ! rut n
' that right , while charges mire pen(1iu b'
Its hnrll work ill arena ( ! .
Tu work of paving the Idluy botw o u
Main mums Bancroft xtruete iy'ux ioetod to
ba begun to dny and will 110 iii'
through , to n .
nomIlotion ) within t u st.
wouke , It Las Leun a teng tiunu in gut t
tong aGtrtuap but it is to be h0rod 1 110 w
tlmxt it will be rnahed , dung. I1Tuast a'
Regan 131va , t hic0urrish , of Di s
blonneal inru the contractors , and iii r'
{ egnn le + nouv 011 the grounds with tLr cu
car ' loittI k f time stone , wlmiclt is ubtnju mid
j'roin near Enrlhnut , Iowa.
Somu of the county supuriutundeuta bt
thoafatu , iaepnahng out their nunatine o
moats for tonohor's ' institutes , are urn k
ing itFarnhnnm's hTnuunl' ' paw of t1 nu
raulsltos [ , and yet Council Blull'a line n
school bens rondo up of mw1 Lucy vii tic
mercantile afiuira , who 6nlcy thu kno Is
o Hutch about educational nllitil'e ib ° t
they can gut uo lwip or suggustous of
value by consultini ; Supurumtmlau Ot
ta r 1 hnu a , ally lattice 1jn0 ru hhn entire 1) '
uvon iu the selection of the toneho rs
uulor hire , 1Yisuuncut , time ) ' .
'rime lawn party gh on last uvunimig mil
Judge James' vruunae lay the ] spiscop n
1lnnadlos ) roves n rainl success ni mil
an en'o alilo occasion. Time rounds u
beautiful at all timua' ' but ! mast nibhu t1 t o
took to thmnsult'eandditiautlattrnetiol Is ,
Laing brilljnutly antics , turd thronged 1 , y
n gay Coln inn of led guntlumu u ,
while thorn wits nnistu in the air , alum :
loaf jtl quaatit eta excellent in ( unlit J ,
'I'hero wore b oths at witch those d w
siring secures ice Groan , cake , leiuonnd U ,
etc. , and uthera lit which rations attic ! L'S
built of plain and Gmuy nuudlu tra rk
onto ou , sale. All this auinell tvi all
sociability ulaatl the occnewit a hnpi '
ate tu all , atticeta ! 1 , , amid n finamei n' l
success na vyell ,
. . .
- - - -.rF---
Ur , 1'uati Dentlet , l41'au 1 alruet ,
NollofT ' 'j' '
All thbep wlto were aunia rod , ity ti o
tylihtnlto'cxI } > loaiou , ab ' Col. , hentlp
are rct utisi0a 144 Inotit at'11Iai"Nalii I's
fiutUranY ut'blJlb , July 141L' 0 ¶ t
, . - ' 0 , b1ri 7linE F , , , ,
Chal71In11 ,
llcr Iinshand Fiuds Her Ill a Brothel
Bnt ForQtYos All and Takes Her
Back ,
Tlrnlol'ller I'nrnuutur , Hbo Itewrns
Ronne and ltencw's llcr Vows.
Yesterday three was n strange lnuke'
up between husband and wife , after n
Ruparntion of many months. Tim Parties
concerned have lived nt or near Uscooln ,
in this state , also husband Lciug n young
mat of prominent family and of pros ,
purnls business , tvltilu Qme wife , young ,
too-hardly onto than tirenty yenta of
ag e , is the daughter of n plnysieinu , aul
of rntLer aristocratic ! daily , too , It
RUClllfl that. Aho bncnme iufrttuntud with
months , man , told nfl the otlmur ] ulHbaud ,
ntur being uuarriud Lute sloort time , lima
snow trouble in which both were prub
ably nt blame , Abe deserted Linn , mad
joined too man with w'hmn she fancied
h erself uaoru in loin than with lair lnms
band , ' 1'11is was eight uunthR ago.
Si nce then the 'husband had Loco trying
to gut soma trace of her w'hurenbouts ,
tim id lonrnin g that she u a4 in ihix city ho
rut Du tut bSherill' Clatterbuck t ° 110111
iiim fndyter ] , Thu hour niglit
or two ago sImind n tv0uinn answering Imur
dLACCI Ito Il Rlttlll g in Clio Park iUi u
emu tied following tI1C111 beOallme so BatIH
flh'll that tutu was alto menu tvnntcd that to
informal Limo anxious LusLnnd by tole ,
gu , alt. Ott the latturs arrival the oltieer
took him to where the wife was , They
! Quad her in a w ell known house of
IroHtibitiou , mud time mum far wham she
iuul forenkmt Lur hn5batd and for6 rotten
sacred vows , fled like a coward , Thu
Rcmnu for n time was nit exciting ante , mud
ti me xtrtmgu nauutiug between 11UALalll
mud wife was nnytlniug but easy for either ,
l ie had not court far revuugu , loonier ,
and he uR quickly its [ nUa9t1110 illallU this
oviamit to the excited tool surprised
y oung svamm . Ile freely confessed teem
it em what ho led dcawed to but his faults ,
raid , urged her to return to his home , na
h o would freely forgive n. They talked
t he whole matter over for hour ! , time
wife confessing that she had bent
u ntrue , but cbuming that situ line }
hustovvwl her eiuluarnmta on mm other
Haul huymul the one , for women she Lad
desurtod her husband , She had tired of
the life o [ sin , mul yet Ale ! oared her
hllabdtlll would harm the man u'lte had
broken up his hone , See made hint
plulgu himself that ho would not even
prosecute Lim , eta various other confes
stoics , Ux , CCRalmlB of CeIClltalCU [ atoll tall ! ,
hurl dhIg ( s nassul between thorn , the
talk Ltstiinb until break of arY , the oGi
cur iu the nacaltimo buiug in waiting t °
tithe any such official action as n chnug e
of circmusttutces might necessitate ,
Pence sins uuulu with the coming n
nwruiug , ud all turns of the treat
agreed npmi. Time party repaired t
Lrenllfitst at the hotel , and took th e
0unviug'a hs'tin for houme again , with ih
avowed duterntiuation of together livin g
down the ugly record of time pest.
J , A , Tusk and u'Ife , of Logan , micro h1 tin e
city ycntanlny , mud toed at the ncifc.
1V. A. Binger , of Oakland , was in the cit. y
yesterday , mgroctbng his acgnnintmncua of th
legal fraternity tool others ,
C. Ii , Ilesao , of Ihnndnnun , Tulloys k Cd ,
tstnrtcd last evening o ° n business trip throng ] 1
Nebraska ,
L 1i , Glbldmt and wife , of Jamestown , N
' " were at tom I'nelfia yostorlap
] h Cluixutnu , ut albiugdun , Ill. , was mama b
yesterday's comers to mho 1'ncific .
1 [ . Swan is seeking rust mad health at th °
Lhorokcu Springs. 'r
1isaux Kntunnd ] .izzloGortnur , of ( : usher
had , , are vlsltiug their cousin here , 1is5 Lul n
Stophmtsoe ,
1' , F , Story , vvhu recently uront G , Cnllfu
non with his dnugutur , fu mho Laps of inpmn '
hog her health , has rotnreed , ] Iu reports iii
daugLtar as nu butter , mud hnr left Lur that °
J , lI , Nation , of ] .iucuLn , Nub , , was in tit o
city yesterday.
O , 1V , Ilurvey , of Vi F ateeloo , visited tit u
lUulfs ycxtardny.
] , ltltchhnrt , of Ashlnud , Neb , , xtoppo d
at time Ogden yesterday.
n .
, I , V , ] Ihlchmnd mad D , lie"IeinxeLehne r ,
of11uuu uud , tools 311 Cnunuil lllnlfx y'extc r ,
day ,
Justieo Feitor , of Onkhuul , sas in the cit
ycstenlny , es ss'u4 nlwu Prank Shinn , n wul 1
known attorney of the ammo place ,
J , S , Itmnl mul witu , who live but it few
nlilex from time city , were hcrc yesterday on
tlnulr , , sauna from n visit to Dakota , turd dlnod
with Mr. lhnlty ! lotto ,
Jacob b'ouamuyur started yesterday for a
vlslt ti , his old iwmito in Gurmmny. 'rime
Alnonnorchor doh gave hint n nkw little ftcm.
sill xtmig ,
Cenductur'I'itu.r of time C. n , tt ; Q , + It nn w
oujnylug a Inyutt , amid has started for hid old
haute bt Boston. lie wllt ha heartily web.
coined back ngebt by the traveling Public , he
Loing nun of the tnvuritox In his chsxd ,
Mayor nantcx has retluuod from the cast
slab hb fomlly , ] fns dmtghtor , hiss 'itIumtbo ,
avh0 haw bent away to school , ruturnod w1tL
thou ,
JaLn N , Iluldw6l and inutily left Inat nlgli t
fur Splrt ( Luke , where they Lupo to refresh ,
their spirits by rest tad rucreat/wn. /
.lint , lYllliaum Fuller , who has been vlaith , g
her dnugLtor , ) ire , 6uoly , for some tlmo , L , gw
returned to hot boom in Iturllngtomi.
Cuurgo'1',13rauduu , of llullofoutaino , Ohio ,
1s at mho Ogden ,
U 5 , llotdurt , of Now fork , cone to time
Ogden yesterday.
Clusrlux Denting has Iult his runt ustatu bits'
( neat lu ] ) nkotn tunR undoFh to nmku a vlrlt to
Ltd old Lune Lem , the first ebb , back ht sus
oral years , Ills sister , 3i/1t [ / Grtvco DmnhtI { ,
bar Uumi qulto Ill , and as sash as situ ix able
her lam-other will take her to ihu Cherukvu
Spdng. ,
11L + t Itunn Flood , daughter of Chief Field
mud :16sater : E. 31 , Glover , hits grandson , limo
returned ! rein a visit tx Grata Idmul ,
llby 11uhLanl , w ho has Leer Quo of timeliest
tstuhers ; lu time school hero , had aces1led a
pwfernwl IWattlon of respoosiblllty ht the nor ,
t td school ut Iilver FullsS'is , ' 1'hua tubs
city' loxes ono of its corps shout It comid Illy
apttO uad cue whom this city should have
qudcuvurud to L uup.
al. man aull'uring from debility std 'loss
rti npputitu ; took two battles of ! ! nod's
5araaparilla , guimcd tutu pomlts and got
To Our Customers I
In lo0king over ilnu Suvmitysix days of our existence 0.4 n firm , we fins that we
have reason t ° tlmank oar friunds for time
Very Large Sales we have Had.
live thought the Peohle of thia city would appreciate a stock of
Couuncnsurntu with mho size o { the city , and are nlettsml that we micro lot mis
takmi. 1Ve shall 1)ult. in this fall even n
L arger Stock of the New Choice Styles Only
11'0 have arranged with atomic of time largest. mauufaetttruts to haudlu their
Aunt Iumuco corn give our cuatnnlers time Lomolit of Special Designs ,
502 Broadway , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS.
hm'ALIIt : $ IN
MHIIIIOAN I'L.1STr.It , IfAUt.tNI 8IWEII : I'11'E , IIAlnl AND SOrr con. AT LoWIST : i'RICE. '
No , 34 Pearl Street , - - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA ,
' tl I II
- " 7
Merchant 8 Tailors. t-1
7 tuldl 9 Mmiui Street ,
( , ) 19 Slab , street and 17 Pearl street ,
L B ataTa ,
l B ty -u _ 1'rcecrlptlons Compounded at all hours. iDe Broadway.
MAX MQII , l U , Grocery , 215.1atu Street , ] Intel , .17 and 210 Main street.
J , M , BARSTOW M. D , , Comer Fifth 5trect and Fifth are.
. + , Comm 1gln [ and Fifth ntp statn + , Ilesidunco , tJ00 Willow avenue.
s + OIIIce east nnterlau Express.
- - - - - - - - - -
S WAG IdER . ' ' AN ! ) FEEU ,
s , still contn : .t for ( nncrals at rcaseuable rates , 22 Fourth street
_ _
- -
'J , M. Sr I , JOHN ' Ca.CA. H BUYERS , holesnlobunereggs felt , ablp , tuna peal
llmftby retum malh ] 4611ruadway-4-
- - - - - -
, Comer Main and First avenue.
Broadway 51cat Market ,
PETHYBRIDGE & flERBCRTZ , 327Bruadway.
- -
: rI1IlC1iAA"1' TAILOR ,
, Stock Complete , Suits made at reasonable prices. No. 605 Slain BL'
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
in ran riteGTnlt AND BUILDER ,
G , F. 'VI ' ITH , Corner 7th and Broadway , flans and spcciflcation , furnished.
_ . _
- - - - - - - - - - ' - - ' " " -
, , I have the tarlety that brings patronage. 124 Matn street '
J AMES FRANEY , A rllstlo stork and : reasonable TAILOR. cheuar ge . 972 Broadway.
} sad Ilonschold Supplies. 303 Broadway.
, James Block. -1T1'ORNCYS Iii stale and kderal courts.
F STOCgERT & CO. Manufacturers 1'hw Furniture , Upholstery Coals , Curtain x'
. , mul Window Shades 307 Broadway.
SANITARIUM And Lath house , 421 and 423 Broadway. I. Sovcrslgul'rop. 1' . J , ) toot '
goiery , M.D. l'luyxlci'n.
- - - -
Yl7rhulsaul Huuulox ,
, Otlicctlray'sstaldc. No , Scott street.
P. J flENNESSY Slm mfactunr of iir11lSF : C01.1..11tS ,
. , , Trade SuppBed.Slm , titlt mul7th
JUSTICE 01' Tlltl'IACC : ' : ,
, , Notary Publlumwl unmoral Coltcyancer ,
t SMITH & NGU ru'v ' ,
, . , Broatlua , upposlc ( Now Opera Ilona Refitted 11,1660per da F '
DE UA Y & CA SS EL. CNT1Lt ) 1'OIIS C'umur ANI Seth ) ItUILHIItS street : amid Avenue 0.
Y 11 , s fought andsold , 2o2llmadaay
Out' Now Lotut amid lntprovctnmtt Co ,
hnvestigatinu into the nlattor convinces
nit that ottu of the most equitable , reasonable -
able mull feasible plans of building houses
ill that proposed and in operation by : hu
itlercahttlu Loan , 'I'rust and ltupruve
ntentt company Of this city. By invest ,
imig in shares in this institnhmt , which is
backed by , some of our bust and most rut-
liable huelncss ulmt , it beconos possible
and coopantivuly easy far a eau of
unnlento utemut to secure a contfortablo
humu for hiutsulf amid fauily. AI taking
n curtain nunt6br of shares , of a curtain
monthly payuo0t , in it fuiv years a man
can ouvim It house of his own for about the
80.1110 ns he pays monthly for rmtt 1Vo
believe the lllereatile Loot aid Trust
eontpnmy , , by organizing turd opening up
for business , have filial a lung felt
want in Council Illull's , 'I'hoir plats std
systua of loans will bear the most care-
fuI set ' 'y taud uxnuunt m tie a1 , it llitl we
hltv'u min hesitancy in 'u ' ouounciug thole
reasonable tumid equitable , and hacked b
umutlmmiuu of ht nor and imiteggrit , As
time camlino exists it becomes nt once tut
institution of vttluo and credit to oar city
mu ! those who desire homes. ' 1'lieiy 'Ires '
jdont is A. liirkland + ' vice president ,
Judge Pealu ; suerutary , 1 , It , Iiuery ;
treasurer , Cob. Beebe , mud tlwir obhcu is
jn time bmtsmnent of Shurnrt ileiLl
lion's now block , corner Fiust avunuu aunt
I'earl street. jaui'1y. .
Times , comes. , II. A , I'tssr '
CuuUcII Blttar , lay
Esfablislwu - - 18513
Dealcru him } 'urgfen and iunuesllo Excbango and
Ilo"mt5vcurlllcs ,
-1 3ItF30N11xa-"Iarta N ti ,
bmuan eutarycc t , duselutsd and streuIhcned
eta , It . edvertlotment lou' rue In cur
ia + l.ea In repl tohniuldtw wowlllsayIhatthereje
uu n ldeungl bpmmbug about this. en thu contrary
lhea.htnlstrtareter Idgldylmdursui. luteruslai
. ( ( may get .ealcettclrculant giving all Imnlcula"
, . Ems Medical W.l'.Otux ' 615 , BuSalo ,
> . Yr/rul-Ju Eteu , nll'ly
LoansReai / Estat E
No , 39 Pearl St , , Caunoil Bluffs ,
City Property ,
We hnto vacant lots In all parts of the city at from
54)t ) ( ) up , for sale un mmdhly paymsula
No , 5 : . ( louse , a mums , cell , cl.tern , 4large lots ,
plrnt , of fruit , on Renton street ; cheap , „ ( VO.
Nu , tali--A desirable reddened on Sutenth street ,
near itlootner school , bulldiug. nearly nsx' ; aSu ( ° .
No. -Ninety feet trout , corner leanl St. and so
rood at nano , opposilu court housel5SUU. ;
Business Chances ,
No. 2a.For sale or trails , a.lnck of hardware , et
a g.ssi bnsimie. , Isdmit In western Iowa. will trwle for
fannorcil min'urt ' ,
No. slintel , thu uuly 0,10 Inatoa o of 700Inhab ,
Imams , : S rrnnmis , iiIU1 g + ssl barn , well located , will
sell cheap or tra.le for a farm.
No , 10. A ihu republlean paper In westerm , loaa ,
nttielal cnumty 1 uu er suit large mwtronage , seryche.p
If ) )1t , 50011.
We ah. , hssa a mmnber of choice farms In western
roue , fur sale cheap.
w u hate money to loan on fsnns andelty I rolwaty ,
at fnui , a to 10 mwr cent.
Fire and Tornado Insurance ,
Best of cmnlwuics represented , P.1ultablo rater
and fair treatment , 1.ossns adjusted amid paid at tltt
1dFS , ll. J , Hilton N. B. ,
2S BroadwayCouncll ; Blutrs ,
Justice of the Peace.
Omaha nod Council Bluffs.
lestatepast illeution.geney , InOdmIFeItow' .
block , user Savlugr 1L iik , JaneS U
To The Trade !
, ,
\e take pleasure incalliugyournttmationtothofact that tvehavenialo such arrah
mamma as will enable its to sell you
Rutlilior Boots , Shoes , Etc
Here , as Low as you can buy them East ,
' 1Vrito for further information ;
u. T. LINDSLY & CO. ,
412 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
a a
1 l ti 1
, .
Parties , Soctnblus amid Tonics suppltud on short notice , told goods delivered to all
parts of the city ,
W. T , BRAUN'S European Restaurant ,
404 West Broadway , - COUNCIL BLUFFS.
R. S. COLE & CO.
Kinds Lightning
And Ornaments , Also wood mul Iron I'mnp. , , Wood Tubing and Oas Pipe and l'im'o Flztures , for both
wood and . . Iron . . . . I'uoqs. . . . . . . . . . Onlert . . . . . . will . . . . receIve . prompt attention.
No , 604 South Main Street . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA.
r Feh15 ed tf
New Store , Freah Goods , F.ow I'rlees amid Polite .tttendants.
' 3 w .3 { First Door east of Metropolitan Hotel , 1L0YEltmtOnnnit I Coundlllluas.
Tall-Paper and PJindow Shades and Paiotiog Jo all its Branches ,
'c ; . : L and 20 - - - - North Main fit. '
h3ouht and JSolcll.
Done Loaned , Abstracts Furnished !
7E' . , x. MoMBHON
No. 4 Pearls Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS
fi rOvisiOlls ,
21 , 217 and 219 Si. Main lStroot ,
. t
337 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Little Windsor.
e ttiraiit
Amid Pay Hoard. All the Delicacies of the season , and the flnct table In tine city. -
i ,
Hard Wood , Yellow Pine
and Red Cedar Lumber ,
Oak and ltal Cedar I'iIIngCcdar Te1egroph I'nleaand
Fcuca Posts , Oak Dimension Stun , ItridI , o Material
of all kind. , at lied hock I'riccs , A Specialty In
for brickyard purpeseL A full supply of wornI and
for coal a a ay. on land at yanlopps is eltp scale ran
Main street Omnue,50S , Firut Avenue , between 51a1n
and l'earl.treeta ,
St. and 11th Ave.
The Shiest quality and largest stork west of Chicago
of 1Vo.den soil Metalio Caset , Chlls attended lu at
di hours. t e drfyrwmnlwtitlontn quality of gaels
or prleu , Our Mr Srorgan lust served as undertaker
for forte years and thoroughly understands hls busi
meas. 11 areruooa,511 Broadway. U1'IIOISiEIUNO
1t all Its bmunches pruunptly uttealed to ; al.o cags t
Ix ) hug amid lambrequias. Tdegra ) do euJ mall
rulers tlllr wlthuutdeity.
Health is Wealth.
MYar pllnm m
a i..CWfS
TR EATN Et4'f. : _
fir. E. C. West' . Neno and Brain Treatment ,
g + ( a mantes ! s we IOo for hysteria , Dlulnese l'a oval
.ion , , hYta , Jrcrsons Neuralgia , Headache , Serious
I'rostralion ' caused bx the use of alcohol or tobacco ,
w'ekefulness Mental De'oression ' , Softening of the
tiraln , resulting in Insanity and leading to misery ,
decay and death , I'rcmature Old Age , Ilarrenness
iosa of touter in either .ox , Involuntary Luse
Hpermaborrham caused by over exertions of
rouself abusoorover Induigence. Eaehboz
taut mnu mi1( treannent. 1 .Oo a box , or
boxes for 15 0o. Seat by mali prepaid on recclpt
To cure any ea.e , iYith tacit order receives ! by us
for six boxt. aceompanial with 15.00 , uuw lllsond the
Purchaser our wrlttenguaranteetorefundtImemoney
the treatment dues not a ect a cure , Guarantees
Issutrlonly by 0 , F. GOODMAN ,
milk , w l Dntr'ist , Omaha Ncb.
Graham Paper Co , , }
217 and 2)0'Nurtl , Male lit. , St. I.ouis.
I10oK NGts'a , , } PAPERS19tA1' { ' &a
! I
tiTCash laid for Rags and Paper S ck , Scrap Iron
owl 5letala
I'a ur Stock sVarehouser , 12 h to If ? North Rath
trees , rmy24.3m