r J 11 rsr , DAILY 13 + . ' U11 1I111 , 10 171DA1't1ULy ' 1. 8 , . & . - - - - - . - - - HVI4L VAPOR COOK STOVE I ClI I I gr.ra ° ; ! t nr , FiYJ -I l r i The TlonCer and wily VxtOr { CO ) Slot o ! lint Iu .tool thu teat of } cars nod gts'eb entlro and l + erkct satistectlou. Over 100,000 Now in Use I Now Pntont Hull Ovon. Patcutremovmboanti ) interchan'eaboJet ) OrLfrc , rendersug our buner , ( Indestructible. New One Vahe Uunlcrontuo\ctvStotc4. NoWSatetyltcsenofr , For Summer use these st new are ItnU pcnsibla , For terns to nenta , price U t and catalogue , Addrer , 11UfJ. VAI'Olt STOVE Co. , l0 2041 tku 2nt w10 ( Cleaetand , 0 I I Have Found It ! Is'a4 the nxclaniation of a u.a . tiei he gnt a box of Eureka I'tlo Olnlmcnt , ttlilth l a siull.10 and st e cure for files nud all Skin Uiscnres. 1 ifl ) cents by I ruail , pu4tpald , The American Diarrbtva Cure r llaa Ntood the lest for twenty } cars. Sure cure for all. lerer falls , Ui trrhnea , Uysculary , and Cltole ra MOrl1io. Dcauc'S ' FcYCr aid All Toilic & Cordial , 'I r : It Is Imposdblo to supply the rnpll saloofthe same. SURD CUItC t1'.11tlt.1N1'Ih : For Feter and Ague , and of Shdatb l troul'lc. ' PRICE , $1a , . w.J. WHITEHOU'SE L.ifO1tATO1tY , lain ST. , OM 1IA , Ni:11. : For Sale by all Druggists' ' Or scut by Express on receipt of price , to&cOnt j , P.ec .ua. e rcn N.APnSaINYA oa wpbe Only Perfect substitute for Mother's 1 .lUk. The niost nounshtugdiet for insnlidr and nursing mothers. Conuuendcd by all 1'hyoicianv. 1cc t. $ ul all cline tteP. Sold by all dnlegists , rf7 cents. Send for the pauglhlet. T.M1TCALi'ACC . , ne-Lu&th :566 41 Central \Vhnrl , Un4ton , Mass. 1 e HORNES 9 Electric Belt ! H ( p / , . This Electric Bolt will Cure the Follow- Jug Diseases Without Medicine. I Pains in the Hack , Illps , Head or Limbs , Nervous 3 Uubilty , Lumbago , General Debility , Ithunmatlsnl , Paralysis , Neuralieia , Sciatica , Uiseaseof the ] idney'sr Spinal liseaaes'lorpldLlverGout ) , Sexual Exhau r r Lion , Seminal Emloslons , Asthma , Ilcart hisease , Dysxpsla ; , Constipation , Ery stpclas , Indigestion hernia or Itupture , 1nq otency , Catarrh , 1'fles , Epp ' 0. losyDumb Abue , d. t Omaha -Testimonial. ONAI7.1 , Nen. , April 12 , 1883. + WRW.J.flours,101wabashAvenucChicago : ' DEAR II -I urei c 1 one of your Electric Belts Is Denver , Cob. , 1)ccenber 188 : . It relieved the psln across my kidneys and strengthened them so that they gisenomoretrouble. Tlwspinalirritrtionltra lies ed Intmediatelywhich nothing could have done. Your agent here ltnr sold then , to parties for pilaw , -sexual weakness , neuralgia , paralysir , and femal weakiiess , with whorls 1 am acquainted , and the re stilts In each cue tnorethan meet ctpectatione , 1 can refer any unu to these Parties who desire It. Qltespeetfully , 1)11..I. N. POItTEH , 1013 Capitol rave. , Ouulha. 6ffFur sale at C. F. Goodmane Drug Stara , IIIC F'arnam street , Omaha , .Er L Morse & Co ° ' tt' ' REAL ESTATE 'BARGAINS ' ' , 1622 Capitol Avenue. Ir "Olt SALE-Two honsoe and lots In 31cCnndlle h place , 81,000and$1,210 , casts lalai " ' on long time at 8 Per cent. Two Iota In Shhn'i addition $100 cad 100 cash , balance In 5 ( iUal annua i payu.ents . at 8 { wr cent. 170 acre farm near Creston Iowa , 1 ° acres timber , 45 acres corn , 20 acre timothy and clorex. Tcam4 , stock , I fanning Im ilmenta w111 be sold wit the place 11 dcelred. fetter $27. Pc are. 8c-en lot. In Yates and Itealsaddltla n i' $260 each I cash balance on time. Cheapest iota in the city. Two and onohalt acres finely Improve. t h. and nicely located , good cottage hots e of 5 roumsbrkk cellar and good se eu 100 bearing fruit trees , besides othe C ewall fruit. , w Ill be sold at a bargal n good reasonslur scllhlg , for partleular na call at otilce. Forty acres , 3 mlles N , "Y , of city' , home. , 2luuns , 2 wells 1001 bearl11 fruit trees and grape line. , all rude r eultlsatlon. Price $1,000 - Two hunIrcd acres [ tulle NV. . I , EIkhom Statlon,145 acres culllvat& balance pastures , Ibuvex , barn , an f Il1ing water , Price $7,1X ) , I cash ha I ; slice on time at 8 per ant Two hundred wet slay ( Luce an ° .tuck tuna In nouglas county Neb " improved. l'rice'2o. per acre Choice farm of 160 acres , only two mil e 8 from the city of Yankton , I ) . T. , to II dollars per acre , If taken lunnallately. Nlca house and pot at Uranel Iala11 + j , Neb. lot 66x132. Oood well'sha + fo treas. Can ho purch + wat at the to rime , of $1,200. $400 cash , balancu on Three nice tot. , 66x33 ! at Orand Llwo I , Neb. Only $75 each. Twenty' to thirty houses for rent , Loans Negotiated , llim8ballIl & Taylo : Li OFFER A NEW STOCK 01' 'HARD WARI , f % FULL AS 401LTSIENT 01' I BUILDERS' MATERIAL ' Hawott style , la Uronzc Coati. Carpenter a ; il Hachlnfsts Tools. Warranted Cutlery and Bu : falo Scales. I 1/07 AOUOLAS 8E , : : OMA1lA , : s l PROSPECTIVE BEEF WAR. ( l 171000 at TrallSC4r1111 Dl'CSSCd 13CCIt I Increased Freight Rnte3 to Uo Charged fa r "Chicago" 13cef The Etloct tt n:11 } lave on the COnawUOt is 1 l ; I'1I 1O proutises to pro trotI 1e uhenti for the demurs fu ahd shippers of sshnt is k nown ndarc9sndurCitirstqu Leaf , becnusu O f the iucrense ( ( talcs of ieight which Conuuissionur Fink , the t nuk line I adjudicator , has ducidal it ' 110111(1 ; Iny. llu has h d ilia subject uudcr errr"sidern + tiou for soma tnnc , nud it is stated ui6't [ ' I grand authority that he trill ruconunond to tlto 13ontd of ILtiht'ny Agents at its next luecting that the rote per 100 1rounds On dl cssed beat five Chicago to elm seer' board shall bu 77 cents instead of 01 cents the prusett utter Lira stock pays Lot d0 crate par 100 , tool this incrcnsu is at unst ! 10 par cent , over ( Ito lieu start ( tutu , ' 1'111 rceuunuoudatiuus of this Couuuissioucr , it is bcliuvcd , will hu nduptcd by a utajuri ty of the freight tool svhmt they cmue to gether , but all tm ! roods ntu trot ux1tect ed to ngreu to it , In New York the dutlltrs in dressed but say thltt such rates will 1)1) ) ) ruiuuua h1 their 1/11aI11CA4 / , mad that the ) ' swill 1)0 ) driruu acct of the mark- ' et . If this should ) ) ) ' lruu it will Icns u the business agtin iu QIU 11111119 Of tile li ve stock men. scLo eau uwiptdntu primate to shit themsuA us , as they didttyear ltgn , ss hel lice ( Leca tu nhuost n luxury to parsecs of moderate moans , 110 , hint. chums that , from the statistics to has at hood , it costs 1u.7 crate per lUU pounds to ship litro stuck 1111(1 27.1 cents for dressed beef. As tllu luttur erica is nut rounum active according in his inforntntiun he w ill rucmnmmul the iucratau. Thu roost of the Loaf is sent Last over the Chicago mul GrnudTrunk lailronds { nod UlcMich igau Central. Couuuissioner Fimik , in his final report , regarding the ruLttisro rater of dressed Leaf m l hive stock shipments , gisroa the uxtt3t cost of ahippiug live stuck from Cltietlu ; to New Turk , as agreed upon by th e } out executive conunittuu of the ra ilroad pool , as follows : For attondutta : , food , bedding nod y1u d gu , par 100 pounds of live stock , as estiuuttud by the re presentative tLu Guuu ] Trunk , 7 ce nts ; aLriukagu of beef ss hilo lice stock is Iii transit , l j pounds par lOD pounds , at ! I cents pnr hound , 15j umlta ; carol , cents ; deduct front value of oflitl , highest estimate , 7 cunnta , uutkiug the lo west usiimntu 15j touts. if , instead of estimating tlnu cost for attuudnuis , betiding - ding , feed and yardage at 7 teats , as gn'cu by rtes GrnndTruukrupresuuGttivu , D cents per 100 pounds , the price agreed to by the other ineubers of the commitN toe be accoptud , this cost would be in- c reased to 17 : aunts. Taking the estiutato of the representative of the Peunsyh amn Railroad , G cents per 100 putouts for the oflitl instead of 7 cents , the extras cost would be further in- c reased to 10j cents , which is the higln est estimate per 100 pound for additional cost of carrying live stock from Chicago to 1" n York. 'Phu report also deals . wit11 the extra coat of shipping dressed beef franChic'tgo to New York in addi- ti on to the freight charges , and gives the result as follows : Shrinkage of dressed b eef while in transit ; ono turd onu half pawt.is per 100 pounds at D cents , 131 colts ; lowest estimate for icing per 100 pounds , 5 cents ; tota118 cents. Allow- in g for icing in transit an additional 5 cents per 100 pounds , as clainte(1Ly tLo r epresentative of the Grain 'Fronk , but objected to by the representative of the Pennsylvania , and also allowing 4 cents additional for rufrigrnting priorto to the beef Lenig loaded in the cats at Chicago , ( a s agreed tp by the representatives of four of the trunk liuea and nbjucted to by the representative of the Pmmsylva vin , the total extra cast 'pf shipping dressed beef from , ' " to tlrosr York w ould be 27A CCIltB. _ _ _ _ O if. P. BEGMONT'S BItIJE. 'f ile Story that hie. 1Yill bur liar a 1)1. vbrCe Revived. Correspondence Philad0lphin'linles. NEwI'oar , R. 1. , July 2-In grim Do- cmubur last a fashionable wedding took , place in this city. The bride was 1liss Sallie R'hitimig , of New York , a grand d aughter of tile ] ate Judge Swami , of Otto , The bridegroom was a young and hnndsouu ladss ho hind just resigned from the navy , His naou hits Olive' Hazard Parry Belmont , son of August Bulwont , t he Now York banker. He was also a grandson of Conuuodurc Matthew CalN Lraith furry , who negotiated the treaty b etween this cauuhy and Japan anon } y ears ago , and Lu was nat od on honer of his uncle CDUUnod ru Oliver ' h azard Perry , the hero of the battle of L ake Erie , and the uutLOr of those 1110111. eraLle words , " 1Vu hnvn met the enemy and Lo is ours , " and in whose muunnry n l ife-size at , ttue is to ho erected hare. The ( stltuo of his grandfather adorns Touro Park through tlnu 6unaroaity of liter mother , Direr , Belmont. Guests came from all tie leading cittcn to attend the w edding. PJIL [ 1rC8eIlt8 were costly and t he congratulations hcarty. Diva. 1Vliit ing , the mitother of the brute , desiredthut the wedding should occur at "Swan' lutist , " a.4 it had becu alto hounu of hur Lunerod tether , and so she , } d elayed her return tun lice New York ] coma until winter , in order to eole bratu the appnroutlr } happy event. 'rite now1 ' nemi ried couple , followed by 11171. IVhitwg and her two unnnarric ( daughters , aoou sailed for Europo. After n tow short weeks , the bridogromn , it 3 s alleged , gave his wife and her ftunily , t good deal of trouble and nnyateriotxly loft their aplutmels mad often staid from home for weeks at a time , 1Vhn t took place will doubtless ho told in caner ' Tllu young bride's family wuru x11 nlerti tied that they took the stclunor far hems loosing the bridegroom to wander nLDu t rat will , 'r'ite latter , learuiug what inn l occurred , packed his trunks 1111(1 followed arriving m New. York twit or thrc e tvouks after his + s ife bud Inndcd , 1ita Whitiugllnd her three daughters rums to Newport lord took pusacssfon of "Sn'au huuat , " where the young nud 11nttdar x u Lrido-tPLD iss0ou to bucouoa outlier - received the congratulations of a Lust o ftTelds , 1Ir. Behttont , opal his arrival in Nti w' York , publiely denied that tlloro w any trouble between himself and his wife lie , however , ra ained in New Yoe I three weeks before conning to Newpor t and svheln llu did route lie wits in ren nut Y with his utatiier an(1 drove direct t r' "Ilythesea , " the hol o of his ruvrtts , 0 n IteiloYuu nveuue nud tune oliiley d u' , the writing of this letter he 11115 hove r called ut "Ssvamihurst , " whore , it shoal d be stated , hu would not have boost t o ceived upon any considoration. liefar u he arrived , say u week , a relative of At r , Iiulnunnt culled at the otlico of tLu hoc al paper and caused Gbe published the fn ct that " 110 , 0 , If , P , Iiulmqut lord arrive d at 'Oakland , ' where lie would pennanen t ly reside , " "Oakland" is in the adjoinii tg town of i'urts ; tlaulll , antj tuns purciulseti tsuly ) lip a1M' ttgo b } tile. August liuhnout , + Issoteq hover occupied it. It is " a''pu , ( Huey farm -iu ( nut , ono of flu' 1"squat and host arms upon Uo islnud of lthodo 15111)1(1 ) ( , iu ilia moantiuu' , 1105 % . e ver , 111q,1VLitiu hod consulted cotta. Rul , and , it is tuulKrstoo(1 , hod tondo all tLe pruliminarica for sccuriug n Rupu11 tun , anQ it is ssorthy' of uuttuu ihnt Silo called upon hur lmvyer ou'1'hulsday last , w hile lie 1Ya9 engaged with the ceuuittcu of the associntiel organized to erect n $15,000 Rfaho to the mumm'y' of Comuunlnru ( ) lisur llnrnrd l'crry , and upon that tiny a p blie nuno ncuutent u.ks . 11111(1(1 ( for artists to send in proposals , & c , , for the work. 1itm ] lclutuut is frwquuntly matttpen the fneaonnblo thunntghfnros and at the ( ! , tsiuo nlln clsue he'o. ' 'ieru is touch sy'ugttthy' o'only ' 6cjt1'ea7d cur ills ' Lrult , u'ip IS n fnCotltd Ill Nusvport so ciuty. Sim is frugal utly seen n the fnslniutlal lu drives. iTu , ! vos in el egant style , and her Rla 1)105 ) arc auuu met tLe L1'.4t. ' IlW s"M ) ll 11n. , bri n + 'it fa it' , 1111(1 ( this uforiulau { ( ascot is the 01) 0 dark spot npou the festiu tlOOk , for both fnuilius have hosts of friends and both move iii iLu same It is muluratoud that both [ + artcs will ask for a divorce , 1r. Bhuunt , nn th e ground of desertion Ile will claim thni lie has a hon I rat "Onhlmtd , " sehora his uifu would ho sselame , svhilu the srifu will ask for a speedy sopntntiou a , on Otite' b'rounds , which swill Lu uuu u tmblie at the IIrotor , iintu , lrriends of both parties lutru vainly uudelu'nrt i to eli'cet a recuucilintiuu. Iles , 11'hiting tend her t55 ( ) uunuuriud duughlew nru do tornniued , nud it is nudurstuod that hur nuu'ricd daughter is equally ill enruest. ItUMitlds'S 1SY ItAllt. 'PhuColorndu l'ooljto lie Grot luucd Tenlpurnrily , Sp ecial bkpntches to 11u : 11sI ( . CONSTIIFUrION Fin tlIt1S : , Cnn'ulu , duly 12-'I'ho ltailway Ago will publish statistics of railway building for the lust half of the curruut year that show the construction of 2,501 ! miles of 1111 1111 hack out iucludutg switches or sid toga 011 ltd lines in 35 slatx1 fwd territo- ri es , During the corresponding period teat year 4,9l10 miles were cnmistrncteh 1'hu dilliteuco , is accountable for ou the ground that last year was extraordinarily fa vorable for the early corometceuelt of work ss hilu tlw ruve'su has beat the rasa this year , lit 1981 , n Lutt ! 100 ; { wiles sseru laid , Duly :3,3110 laid ill the first half , The Age estimates tlno construe. tiou for the ettiro ycu ' at 8,000 miles , C alifornia lends tLus for with 200 miles built in 1883 ; Dfmnt , , nu next with 1117 ! , N ow fork 103 , Pennsylvania 1817 , Utah 156 , IdnltD 122 , Arizona ] 20 , TiIK COLOILtUO 1'OOL. The Colorado traffic association has be en in session in this city yesterday amid tD.dny considering the recuactmmnt of th e 1)0(11 ( et Cosiness hest of the Missouri river as the existing pool expires 31st iushtut. Thu mennLera were unable to reach all understanding on percentages. .f. F. Tucker was appointed nbittator to fix the porcet'tges ) under uxistinb' Po ol it was thought his suggestions would ho vulunLlu but as Tucker is now a14t and viii out return for aouw time an adjourn- welt Paka' until August pith. In the unean time the existing pool will rmntliu in force. TIIi WLmulINO ASSOCIATION. At a meeting of the east bound trunk 11110 heCO to-day it lrna agreed that the forusur east bound weighing association moat go into euect August lat. All freight after that data to be weighed uu ter BUpCCYIaIOn. Burial of Archbishop Purcell. CINCISINATI , July 12-Archbishop Purcell'x burial took place to-day in the little cemetery at St. Martins , Ohio. Rev , Dr. Cnllaghau was celebrant of the Sregorian mass in the chapel. 1Vlncu the prdcession reached tire cemetery priests su rrounded the grave , nets with lighted ca ndies took a position within n snail en- cl osure rand the peuplu furned ) Ox tlno out- aide of the enclosure. L ( thin position tLe ] lenudictus was sung and the body lossered to the final resting place. Before tlno burial the costly ornaments 1111(1 ( gilts of friends were ronwved. IIu was buried Path only the BllllI1L'Bt [ elllblellla. - . _ Crsunlty and Cri ie , CIM3IAIION'H CY'LONS. Douai : CITY , 1 { s „ July 11-A cy- cl one struck Cinuuvn Scalia ) , on the .t. , 1' , & S , I' , , eighteen miles , vest of here , rat 4:30 : p , iii. t „ dny , and wrecked six buildings , hostiles a largo livery barn. N obody } vas injured. Ono large build- in g , occupied as n billiard 11allsvaapicked up and entirely turned. twice around and sot dnsvu 50111(3 yards , ( way uninjured , 'r ite micas ore down , anti no particulars a re able to Lu had. h A KKNTUCKY TQItNAIO ) , ] I0I.TON , Ktls , , July 11-A tornado struck Soldier City , n town of two true' lredinhnLit'tnta eighteen miles west of horn last night at lU o'clock , completely dauolished sixteen buildings old mjural is cumber of othex. Among the Luild ing blasvn down were two gunuul stores , ono drug store , unu ] ivory' atttblo and NUYCT I reRl(1eflCea. A woman and one child stns kille(1 ( outright and sonic fifteen injured , several seriously. 'J'hu storm tt'ns9ed from north directly sluth , 1fr , ,7tU ) ] IL'ilaull , the ox-sheriff of this count living n mile south of Soldier City , loss t bier barn and hie lint 1101180 suns Llowu from the foundation ; Crops mire dent raged lento , SUICIIEI , IN A 01tAi : , Tlroy , N. Y. , duly 12.-Ex Justic Rutux SI Dfunn , of Ltuulxingbnrgt one 0 f he most promiuelt citizens , ant hi x tLroalt from cur to ear this uu7rhing , I1 u sots ( "anti sunatrnck thruu wceh ux a go old bud aiuuu cmnplninul of puiua it I h is 11011(1. Vern ICIhd , NEW YouK , .July 12-Jay Goub gives public notice that in couaequune e of the utcunvouielco to ninny holders o f Wcxturn Union stuck by reason of mat icions and vexatious nutter , he has err ranged with the DJurcnntilu Treat con pang G , i11Yt111CU all sued sGckhOldel35 till ° anluwnt of tLuir dividends emi tlaai mnun t to hint. Criminally Llbollous. I'rrrauu au , July 12-1V. , l , IHaut G u uullgm' , and I , B. Kaunedywliturof Lit A1lugluury Isuning 11ni1 , wuru cnmiv ctu t his afternoon of cru wal libel on 1 Ltu I. 1Vultur , Jr. , a nwulbct' of the Allegluun City Council , Thu article which pruvuku the libel , accuxed 11'altor of rising hi x Olficial pesitiou for pe aanul gains , Served 111111 1ti1hL CAItSti , ill , , , July 12.-At ] curt It I'rttiriu , Uvellro lndca ( row huru , n felt 11 ulfrtp occttrrod hetwcou Douglas Dowd y and ] lie stator's huabaud , I3uck 11'illiam s , the result of on old family feud. Dowd y wont \Villituns' residunco 1811110(1 with a knife and cut Nillinms several unto x , 1 hu Initur ran but was followed by Cow r. dy , 1u then drew his oss'u knife an d I , sGljhed ( iost' to ilia heart , liard ; dropped dead. Ti iI-G1tAI'll NOTES , Ir ) Ball , of Simi City , "a + dnmr ed at Stunt lnko , liuetfn'1'isla carrot ) ' , 1mntl , 5' hue hntldug , Cllallrf A. NI hty , sherill of 1Vnpelln rauuty , 1"wa , dirt rat Ilttuunta I'lnu : + dn } uurcuiug of utnlntinl fia cc , huUcati(1aa ; 1or the U qcr , J1ls Issippl vnllovx , , ( air weather , light + ruinhlo s + iudy stnhnunry or slight tlsu ht trnylrrahtm , ,1 rgw'ciml from Springliuld , Vermont , sn } x $ , O lAkl dnuulg0 u'11v duo thuiu by wnh'r vrs trrllm' nftrnuo . Sarrral xlunvrl ,1 nu't un th e hhl unrlh of that village and rho c urnt cvnu ( wutriuq down the nnrn.u' valln , care } hlg I ns1 a } br.I ( . ; , Q4 , Luildiuge and ahugn cunuunt ) of pnapcrty u ( vuious kinds , Ataasengertrdnonthe ; l'enusvlv ula road eau tutu nu opcu xu Ilrh near llunlcr town , l'1 ' 1'111 rngiun and thrnu rocs st'um rhea n oft rho frock mul u aut , 'I'hr rugi nrcr nod bnggngmurtcr srrro ujurrd , N , S , ' [ 'eugda , n noted colored to + litt , ins of 1Hsxir + ipi , st 4 Gum1 guilt } ut the nutrder of his ts11o. At n m'e'ting Of the Iowa ( band LodgO of l'nlnrrd 1lnvunsLt iturlhtgtu , the folluuiug ufl3crna Scorn dectrd far the ruvuulg year : J. 11 , Shepard , Cruu111natcr ; ; .1. C. 171 , 1 , Uep my l7rnnd % l aster ; 8 , Il. 1lnrtin , Uruul ; Sl'u I 11r 1Ynrdnnlnuuw ; ] lil.ryiur , l7rnud Junior 14pnlcu ; ll , holds , ( ltuudl'lesaurer ; Urotc Clellz'ett , Gruel Secretary. Ivltt , ' 1'a sslg , dealer Iit leaf tohaceo , ( 'Id. ctg , , msc ( nn nxaignwc t. I inl4litiut , SH , . Ulkl ; ptrfaravd creditnrt + $0,0011 ; a + sutt + ttn knua u , 'I'hn nnntdl ! If ilubrous in C'iuriuuati udluuntrd Inst. t , ( 4t nftur n + niuting s ; u iuus ' pl cuuuuittrovture , , , G\tiondnu ( uu'nnnial pnr pose , St , lewiv lent obu4eu for thn next plnv of uteuting. Thu 1lavaadutvott4 buns. ' rojrctrd rho order for the erred of 'l' . .I.lutnlb Jr , of the ' 1'ru habury lutshuuxu for ( ( , ntrngd ) f the legislatuty iu rctusiuq to produce thn prir tu list of unutu4 0 ( paulurx , tsbosu bodice Imd hero diasccted , l Q'1l(1)iIl. ) 1LttSVllae , CAI , , , , illy -'pndtty lle uis llugnrly lord Ilauy Duss liug , two "hold ups" mot Jnttus ; Lyon and n S wede 3 stiles from town sluuttng 1,1 un and beating fhu Swede with tt club. 'I'huy theu robbed ilium , 'Phis uvetiug llug ar ty and DOSSIiug n cru arrstd lull jailed. Itittur they u av taker fives jail ; uul Inntg L } citizens. L } mt nud rtes S wede will both die. limo Itnll. Ilt'FP.ti.oJuly 11.-Now York 7 , Itullh IO d. Crvll.tNu , : , , July 11.-Cievehu l 5' I'hilndulphina 1 , Cntetoo , July 11.-Provideroo I.1 , Chicago 11 , DnTUolrJuly 11-Do"ton L3 , Detroit 2. I11OIMAN'S GRAND BAAlt. TIii O1tiLIT 11OitT0AUfn H.tLh still contimiues , and goods are Laing sl aughtered without regard to cost , Thu h ese svLieh have just Luet luldud bA the sl aughtered list are being rapidly tits' posed uF. hose teurU9 suverttylivu netts w ere Havoc before sold for ten cants , Ze phyr is still F11'E CENTS per uulncu. C. EIVHITC , Agent Outalul National Bonk. Fresh Lilne , Juice at SOe per bottle at CDetlntan's , -r WOItT11Y TO VISIT. It Would be useless to try and find a lours attractive Idace Jtt tlueenty thew the cetaLlishwott of 110 , WuL Guntlemiuut'e t tor. Sixteenth fwd Casa. Yesterday Mr. Guntlenmt received n cuusiguuwut of punrnts and other variety of birder. Bath the crockery and grocery stores are filled [ to overflosviuq with fine goods , and ts Lel uvur Dlr. Gettlenat strikes abar6min hu always gives the benefit to his patrons. Logs ho atilt sells at litu par dozentvhich is for below any dculor in town , --a--- At lIubernuut's , the reliable jeweler , y ou gat bottom prices , A. CRUIOKSHANK & Co. ar e closing out their entire stool ( of Inl ported hand EmLroided .Calln111 at the following greatly relucud prices ; 25 dozen forute'ly sold at 35c , nosy 20c. 25 dozen fornwrlysaid at 'tOe , uuw 25c. 25 dozen formerly sold at (30e ( , 11(1W ( 35e. 25 dozeIt formerly sold1 at 75c , now 50c , 25 dozen formerly sold at $1.00 , now fist , All sizes , 12 to 14. ' . A , C1tUICKSIIANI { & CO. j i 2-tilur ( sllt Shoulder braces for goats and ladies at Cm(1uuul's. CLOSING OUT CLOSING OU9' SU11MEIt (1001)8 Al' IIUNiIHAN'S. It will pay you to sea Nult's ' VCilillgs , Buntings , Dress Gonda , Silks , Ladies' , Gedleuen'x and Children's ' Underwear , osiery , Cloves. , Our prices are always its ] ow na tLu lowest , 1111(1 ( ottun lower. Sou thorn ILL Iiualuutut'x. T Music. Tlm iinettt stock of 1)1111100 ) stud organs b , be sold at bottom lrtices , Piuuos fees 6225 upwards. Organs as low as $3s at Iloxpu a Music hull , lfilUDodge street. , July' 101w , Cards amid weddine stationery Cotter's. LA1IVS , , TAKK Y/Un , FKATIIEIIN and tips t(1 the new dye 11(11180 1o huvu then cleaned , dyad uul curled , Oflicu 107 kS , 15th st , , uppoxitu postolliw. HunanunT ( C D111.irh. 11Tnchinu Oil in quantities to suit a t One carload of ) Viadow Class } just r p , xcoivud ut C. ] ' ' . Guuduuun'a , Plenty frush lislt at Dietz & Roaol atUlll. Cotter does line prmta1 . the Nebraska National Dan 2 OF' ashcan , Neal , P aid Up Capital 112x11,00 0 Surplus Fund , may 1 , 1883 16,00 , 0 UII111Cf01tq : R. ] l. JOiINSON,1'rwldeul , (1I Stole , Jehnsrm d : C0 A. 11'U1.A1IN : , Ylru I'resldmtt , of ISusGnl , s ' - , Y , 3H/IlS1 : , ( 'I R' , V. 31o1t81 : s Uu , J011N S , CQIJd1R , of (1. ( 11. k J , H , Cullhts , J , M , 11'OOLW01tT11 , Cuunsdhr 6 Albtnuy , ut Law , H. ItEEh , ul hymn neat b 0u , IL Is'.1'aWx , ( klshlcq fur roan } ' ) ( 'eta Carhlcr of th 0 I'Irat Nallonal herder of Outaha. Thin bank opewl , for burlaOx4 April 21 , 1832 , ITN IIIIIIt1r'0118 : ANI ) hTICKIIOLn1ItM Sr a wnuug the Icnding butluces tort of rhuahn , and It s Luduesa la wnductwl whh espu lul rcluroua Ie th u beet xnd bteruatlug Intirettxul IlanercantlSu , Iminn " ' COId.FUffONH : rauhro prompt dtcullot u , d charges lowest ubtahnLlo hero or thewhuru , iNTEIt1S1'alloxattut thou Jcatlts ; uwu lava r' atte tennswaduwu ( arauntsullulukaandhanke rv . F'OItEION N % CIIANUE , Uotinunrnt Ilunda rvd County and City Sccultlw taught an4 wed , ZT E r 3 ± r BEMIS , 15th ann Douglas Sts , Nu 1 Liege hnnsc nl hl ram4 , 3 cellars , cl it1 u , rril rte. 1sorylhing : ( ) n , ' + lelr , full tat : ! and VI dntrr streets , 2 ilm1"o of D 0,11111" Intl , rwnl , hot nail rind aa. Ior , gowl lmrll , full Jul , natr t'Idcagn nod ( qh PIr.rt , $ , aO. 3 n(1Ilae if S Th,11N , bath tonal , rluvcla , cell , cis , tern , lure , etc „ near I'M unit t'undog , 45.11. . 4 11u , story house of 8 mn , r , c Ihr , n ill and ml. . limit , on Lodge , nnr 1Mh stucrl , F11,0a1 , 5 Irgr , lull Ina P , ry hnt1"o , 8 or feu Heats , full hut , ete „ ( Ill Jones , near loll. 'beet , ti4Jsxk D Uae and uuedaalf star ) ' hue + u ( if 3 rooms , n 11aq brick tonndatlon , heat' fmtrut , ut I'oer C4.sho Sisters In Shhul n nddlthut , 11,1) ) 7 I louse of U 0nnuv , well and rlstenb ono and 0110. hall lot oil Owe , uotr 1 ; llI al ttt t , $ iakl , D Ilonwof 111nuuasNlustnnrloreta , etc. , uue halt lot , oil 11)1 Ii , near tl'elwtcc , $ .Sa4 + . 0 [ I louse ( if ulsut r' nnuw , relLar , well nod cldrnl , 111 11)1)1 ) hear sl'cbder , $ Iax , ) 10 Inoue lnmse 8 nnsnw , guts ) eeitar barn , ear „ tat WxtllllteQon 11th street utter Center stnet N lnhl Kett + P , , tdal. 11 1\s o story Inuno hewn 1 nwu1" , lull lot on fhlcn F' , , uatr 231 slrCt'tl't,71M1 12 115110' housel routlw , kltrlmn , a ( tl , et , ' . Ibhhl b.trn , lull lot nrnr 2t : % nod Sliuau streets , e2.tl4t , ] 3 llrick house our nod .mo bolt stag , tour nhntN and klb hel , large tore , (1n tlhcrm.u , lemur IOtII at rcut ) , lit-ill. hl hlge , $1,5X , , 14 Ltrye hellunu and aurhdf xlnry hnnrr , ill roOIINbrlck fum + datlo , a erlhing rompk'le , lot $0 ISO fret un She naal utenue , near l'op' pletnnN , $1,5t5) . 15 'I' w0 slur ) ' hrlik house of 0 lnotnr , 2 stovers , { moll cellarcisternIIcll , etc. , mtiir 211 must Mason Pnrrts , txsl. 1G3Xrw hmwo of 0 raonw mul IciMhrn , crlku , elr leru , ale. , on 17111 uenr htctsuu street , F1f411. , 18 'I'u a story Iwuvu uI U ruumv , Istwuwnt , rclk.t , elstcrn , nell , lot 1O' I het uc.tr St. 11nry's ntr 1110 amt 'Id street , YI,5a1 , 10 Iluuru of U rooms , goal n Ilar , lull lot nn luny' euworthi , near 1711. street , K1,05U. 2) 1lsuhonsiamlu III U rounw , our of 8 room , , , b wcnent , rlrten , , wr11 , etc. , on t'kriu near 19th street , 81x51. 21 'lltrcu nrnro of grmuul am , , ! old tit. Mary's rouvent sIthshout 18orruolus,3 sturlcvou SL Na ry'H as cmeuppaitu IS'oulwortli x resblm e , Sl0 , . alt. 21 IlOUre ul 3 roams , rtstenl , hill lot , on IDth aunt Jackson street „ 1,550. 23 llouau of 5 ruunn , cellar , etc. Full lot un 5O , 1114.0 I'icreu street , (2,600. 24 Large boom of 1 rrrour , cellar , ! tell nud cistern. let NO by 13 : fat m , Cnllhrntla nrnr lOth sleet , $1,000. 21 Ilutwo nl 2 rumlN , u eil , rixten , , etc. , nrnr 1'Icrru and l8llt street , $ Ikx : ) . 20 11tu huurrs , 5 r < suw cnrh , cullers , sadl , cistern , coal shat , etc „ ucar 210. nud Cuudug streets. Largo lot , Q3tdO. 21 II(1uso 0 0nunr , ono old ouu ludt story , on Charaa ) , near Saunders , strict , $ 2,010. ' ! 8 Imro brick boom ut D roumN , cellar , well , rWtrm ete , near 18th stret6 wit Nt. lfar's 51 (11110 , $7bO . 211 Uuulnrge IIOIIPe Winn nxuw , and 0110 of there ronut4 , troll , etc. Lot Wt00 fort , near lathh and N lcholai xtrccts , $1,0(5) . SU 5umll Iwuso 4 rooms , two lots , uu 17th street , uenr Nicholar , 301 ' 1'u a large hmlaas , one ut 7 rooms and one n6 ronmr , two Tuts , aim 1Sth , ucar Nlcholas stmt , $1,000. 31 llunse 7 0nnnv , half lot on 55'cleter near 21st street , $2,500. 32 'I'w o hnur0s , eta nl 0 romu4 and mlu of 0 motto , oil Cldeago , ucar lath ( full hot ) $1,500. 33 1 w la story IIIIIINe ell T1x111M , half let on 1S'elsrter hear 10th street , > ! , roo. 3l llrick hot.vo or 111 ns.ns , cellar , well and cuter , , , nn Gass hear 11n , strict , t3,80o 3 8 Largo brkk bonito o/ eight comas , LnU , room , cellar , well , cistern , cte , mt F' nna11l , hear 17th street , $12,000 , 37 Two hmeas , , Duo cottage , and mto two story house , tan lots on Chicago ucar 20th street , $ e , .800. 3SLargo aces lease of 10 memos , lot 110x88 tout ou Chicago , near 20th street , $7,010. 40 llousu of 11 rooms , tat 230 by aLMt , 400 tact on Sherman aveule , , acv Clark street , $11,100. 41 1101140 uS ruon.s . , briclt basenu'ut,14x:4i real , tat 40x140 feet till iOthuc r Ivnnl street , $1,000 4 2l [ onse ul 7laryru rumps , baxcucut , bdh . etc. Lot50ix13Ullat$7,000. 43 Iluasu ul H n + omx , l i tut un F'anmm near 18th street , $0,81' . 44 Store w Ilh roou.s nhuau nn 1)oJge ) , hear post of lire ( ou leased grolmd ) $ I)0. ) 45 Ilm)4e of 9 roouv , rose nhal , cto on IDIh urn Sherman srtcat , $700 , 46 Sumll hansclhrcu rvouN , m1 lensed gmmnd , Icuao to ren for too years , on H rt , hear 25thh struot 8211) 47 Iiuuse ul 3 roomy , rILar , err , lot 112x170/ed ! on 12tH , near Casteilar street , $2,510. 48 Ilmwu of it roouw , tut 20100 fact Oil 10th street ucu Cupitul nacnuo , t4Uo. 4 9 llmlto of 4 nnn)4 , rrihr , Hell nud chtcrn , nn llamay , near 20th slant , $2,550. GU ' ( loco hones , anu of G slid 2 nr 4 rooms each , wrllaistonetefoil lot on 17th near Junec street , $5,215) 51 Hamse of 510011)4 , cchLit , well , etc „ coo-half t nn College street , nrnr $ t. Nary' 's nvcnuu , $22,01' . 52 Ilnuxu of 7 Heroes and huvrmmd , theca quarter s of a tulle iron , c11d of rcl street car hue , $1,100 , . LOTS. No. 1 tst 30a1401eet on i7tlt near Imnl street , $525 2 Full lot on Slt. I'kasamt areme , hear 03l stre w t ( x Ill dIvIde ) $1o , ' ) . 4 lot on l'arnam , near 25th street , $1,5(5) ( , 5 Lut581x132fut ml I'ortlan hear 25th street , $ aop1 , 51 ' 1'wu full lots on 1'aruaus near 25th atroet , auu fo elsoo aul (1110 for $3,000. U'1 ol$3d hear Clark street , $ OW each. 7'r'wolotaon Rhennan scone nrnr 1'oppletod s resldcnco , 81(5x1 ( cnrh. 8 Fumr lots (1n 17th street , near I'upplutods real. dcneo , $150 rah , D Lot SOx10U Suet on 18th street near Nt. llar's ac. ctum , 32,2(56 lU xlxircn lot. ' cu 8t.11ary's as cnnu , S611ary's can' volt pfuputy' $2,000 to $4,05 , toc11 , 12 Four uvn s tilt Ua1uuart { sterol , near city ) bolt I $2,000 , 19 i'nll lot oil iauglaa ) , nrnr 2411 xtrr0t , $1,400. 14 Twulot. un IIth sreet , nrcr Lake's addlllm school hourc , $1,001' , 16 Fivu ucrvs near l'roqect 11111 la uletery' , * ? 00 ) te r acre , 101'm1rIota m , 1lndhmt aronlc , ucar I'opplrtol ' street , ( near lark ) $310 0a + h , a7 Lot 0n 10th htreet , hear luatanwortll , YI,0UI1. Is Lot err ( 'a.aueu21'tstreet , C2t00. , 'u51'aurlolsueum2311wu11'urnwn street , $2,3,0 to $ : iUal etch , 24 'Illreu lots lit Nlxoi N ad lltlon , two n0 Charll ut street nod Oeu un Idaho street Haar Coining , $555 ua41 , 25'en humllfml reddruru lots on Ilauillto , abet high an l sigldl,1tt15 , Ui tc f. ; cueh , 20'1'woacres onUAphulatcnuu Aar city Ilmlta 61UrxI l'Hero. ' . 27 F'eur acres on ( Supllol ascl.uu . , ncor clt ) Ilmlts t $1,155) per arru. 71 Ten ucrex nn Uau nwrQ { near 1'latwtnt street t $1,007 'nran' ' . ; ! 8 ( Imuwt on 10th stn + tl , uptorllo { Unuman'a ( irate cry' , to ho iii I lit lots of Ito fact front nud tun ulug leak le rallinad , toll per front foul , 30 'I'wa huts ott reward nor rtatudurx strict , cnnw r lot @ 701 , Inal ie oil lulnlllg rorntr $ ( I5) . 301'so lots a1 Lhuloa ; strict uuar Saunders , . )15 0 each. 91/huaces , nn L'mudug auJ hurt slttutx , eta Aralen y of 4arru.l Iliad , $3,001. wl1111111.10. 32'litres quurtersof wt tort. mt Cullfonda atrc ( lit-or AuulO11y of fuarrud heart , $1,115) . 83 Lot of Callforida hoar 21st street , 31,1)00. 35 ( ) ltu.talf ) lot un bard , rwr 111th strul , 750. 31 'Ilacu lute ( ill ( 'all aill .acct , steam $0111111 , r $ t4sl , ach for hlsldu nud e6SA1 fur corurr. 110'frrttilotalitI1i us wldUlun , eau falrgruunl , tuiku ellcr , ST 11vm tidrd4 of n pot o , rulintud , near lSnt street $ 2,500. 38 Two tldr + ls of a lot on rallrowl , near 15th strr ( t BItASk GIOCaroer lot o , iMIt tearI t kaon strict , (1,800. /U Ilull lot o , 10th , near huuglnx strict , 02,1x5) ) . 41 FnllewnuTl4oul/urtlitarglststreet / , $ ! , N15) . 4t 1'slolottom OcraGlr hear Irrnushred , 32aenel k 43 Lot ilurill feat 111 Rhetutau niece ucar Clur street , 31,1011. 44 Lot 23s0Ufuten12thnearUumglasstreetma ) . (1 tiller 45 lot mt 234 l + cur Ilmce strict , fMt5) , 4t l so lull tilt Ili111 meet "cur Null w'ork. , (2 roe. 47 Acre lot h Olsu' a ldinun , um tttlilirell u ' r liatmdcrs streth , > " 'sxb 48iMIOltUhldonstrcclmar t2u11dugstrett , Wwr 411 Acre tut lu Olru's aI41Uon , ( ill Canurou n wr Rawulcrsstrect , IlskueHtb fA Illook hI Ito d's widilon ) , ucar fete ground , l l to 51 Lot on Parker rtnvt near Uing , 850 , 52 Full lot Un I'ler "car La dwvU struts , $1UVO. V , F1EORKS II I I Y1.A.LTr00 TfJ , i J ? ! 1'o C1'aooi'8 ' ooiloos , 411i Jy I 4 SEND FOR PRICE' LIST TO THE HFAAQUAATERS. r Tffi II I I n easer-Busc Ot , r = 4rgp BRENING SSOCIATIO I ' . . - - :1\ IlitAT11h.D 1 Keg and Bottled Beer' " - " : 'l'hia Excullmlt reer s1Ieaks'fin' itselt , 5l . t 5lr kw t , r , * ll fU hr UkDldS { I' R(11T ( A1cY I Alto OI' ' TIII . ! , a , 1 , USCIIBft . ' ( SIA9L ( lit IiiE ENTlltl'a aL 1 I t - STOUI5lr2 s'i + : ' . . l Will be Promptly Shipped. ' ALL OUR GOODS ARE MADE TO THE STANDARD GEORGE HENNING Sole Agent for 0111:111:1 : : ; uul the 1Vtist : Ullico Corner 1311 ! and iharitey Streets. Er E. CHAPMlN & CO , Wholesale Grocers' r ! 1213 rnam. Sts Omaha Neb. ' and Single Acting Power and Hand Plilvips STEAM 1 , , I , i ' " 'Engine Trimmings , Milling Dinchiuery,1 Bolting , llosu , Bruit ; mul IromFittinge , Steam Packing rat tslutItsulu nud re1nth 1TLTaIAAY W1ND DIILLSr CIIU1t0J3' ' AND SCHOOL BELLS , Corner 10th Farnam''St. , Omaha Neb. SALEM FLOURt 'rah Flour Is male nt Ralum , llich4nlsan ( 'or , Nubrwkn , ht thu Cnmblllal Itallor Stma System. Wa ; c gi ve F\CLU81Yh solo of uurllulu to oua ilnn hl n play. tYu lime nlwuud n hrnuch at 1018 Wpltol arontl ° Otnuh , . , 11'ritu for I'rlces. Address ulthcr , i , p E1 LY3NTTN 7 tq , Ri'-s , , . lulDluke Oti , i SalumorOuutluiNob. , , E I _ d - _ _ , _ _ TILST T 9 S Boiler K ontnHn , NEII1tASKA llulld all 11111113 nl ' ' ' suit ! s , wed tin a gnnara Ndentl I > 'Iro ' , IbMVinc'xxkulluaxt I plug d + nu lu hity raisl Gwntry , All work 1 Done at Eastern Paces and Warranted. I Nt + oond haud Hollers w81 tw kept oh , hwuh IlnYlug hlul ninny yearn uxlerlmlaD , the trwln lu dlftermtt pacts ' lhurnnutr Iramaufldodlcangbusntlsluctlun , h4rhlg ale best sbuaal , touts lit the State. 8hot ) tor , IOth anli'Irrcuxtreeta , J. M. ft/IL30N / , Proprietor. 3fANUh'AUl'l1IlEll OF OF' ST1lIC1'GY 1'IIIST CLARR . . : .r o e ; tai \ ' 1Q A 1Q F , 7jc2p7zy rf"S D'il'xt clwa ( I'niuting told 't'rimming , Itupuiriug prnuptly dmto , ' 17111 ! Jlnrnuy Street , OD1AIlA , NEB' t. 1r 11 ' 11 J1' u as + , ifs y 1 r , oasv SIGN WRITER & DECORATOR. ' . : h ! WIIOLFSALE k HFTAIL + 4 , t WALL PAPER. r LIT M' 1 WINDOW SHADES & CURT .Il1i , Cornices , Curtain Pales and Fixtures , i PAINTS , 0 IL & BRUSHES' , f ( JOT South Hilt duxat , ODIAIA 1 NEB1tAPl ; , d , , ' f j