Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 13, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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    .1 TIllp DdiLX 13ELOAi Aiid Ii'1tInAY JULY I:3 : , 1883.
i'uhllshed r t T ? mnrnlnQ , etropt NumL y , The
ontl Dtnndnl' mnndng silly.
YCM' nr nAtt.
One YC.r . . . . , . $ IO O Three llnnthR . . .Ra.n
, . . ) , . . . . ,1.00
t1r 1RRtIX srr. , ru Rasusn rvtar + rRnse + u.u.
Trnx + ' ( '
Year , , , , . . , . . . , dLtw ) Three Dlnnth + 't. , . . . , $ to
Sia tlnntht. . . . . . . 1.011 One M'tith , . . , t )
AmrrirnnNowstAnnhunrSolo Arent. Netr.doal
en to Iho Unlte I States.
tNRR1 + IDUrxC
All LornnIInkAttnn + relaling to Ncwi and E(1ltorlal
mattoNshnaddhoa4Jrel.ed to the Entmi lw Tun
nRR. ,
see + r. + + LkTTRA.
AU itudnm + Letter and Iteinlttaner's shnuld ho
Midres.cI to Tiii Iii N Pt'M.tAIII + o CoMrAST , OMAHA.
haft. , ChlrkR and I'odnlllee . onkra to he made pnl
aidetotheonlerofthec.oln ny.
E. ROSEWATER , Editor.
} 1 11. IIALL l1O VI , but hie will have to
go , all lhu Hanle. Air , Ihtll cares Inure
for the loss of ardrtry thatu he dwcs for the
10. + 8 e ( reputatioh , which Ito pt ut0uds is
fnrnlvcd ill his hasty IiiAllllssd.
IT is rcpurfe11 flint I'resideut Arthur
has alnndnned his Vu11eTRt ( lw trip on
the grtnld of its UXPmtse to mho govern.
IUCllt 'I'iliR hH rofruahing , if true , IVhen
the ptnct1cu lOCIIICa geuer 1 , WU nlny
look fur the pllftiod 11i110IIiUIU.
11'IAT is the trouble tt huh the grading
on Shonnnn nwcnluu above the bridge ?
Street Colnuliasiuner Aluanuy would oh )
u e1I b ) invustigntc the cnhditioh of thu
strut which is dauge'uhIM nflor dru'k to
life itnd limh of atn utd hest ,
( Iuueral Crook has ruturned ( ruin
N'avhiuglott happy Ind thu doulllu Rhtr
lf a tuajnr guuernl'a l'lrlllletta ) intercRts
hi iii morn just now that any' rhuwrn
nbnht Cite preshdunuy , Ilu laves for
Arizona ill a fee days to tench the Oliri-
clhnas Sunday nbsurvancu.
IVntas Dr. llihler IN Hhttidhiilg ( crocu
tide tears ar er'Puul hull's Ruinintry tok-
ing off , he aadu baste to tender hia pcr-
a0hal clhgrotuhtti0ns to A1 r , Couult ,
with the nssurnhcu that ho erns well
Ileaed with ) the chh ige. 'I'huro ho
mithing muru despicollO than ion nrrant
' 11tH lalcat charge nainst Senator
Dianderson iz that ho prompitly Put a
stop'to a aystetn of addition , ( liv'isiln
rout sileneu in the eusten to office that
: hlul boon in operation for nearly nix
yearn in thu govurtilo t building. That
is a species of nthtek that the aunntor can
hear with Christian compoauro.
According to tllo Lincoln Icoi crn
the Saline county papers that have nu
nutulcml the aIlohittlhlehlt ) of one 1)r.
Paddock , of 1Vilhur , to succeed Mathew -
son q'1 supuriutendent Of the 111RIU1e ] ton
1)1(41 , do not spunk by thu card. Notil
hg of the kind has lCUll dunu , mill tt e
jtdgu front the tone of the uxpreuion a t
lieadquartors that Iotllihg of thu kind i s
A ONE of the first frtit8 of the ducjRjot I
against the barbed wino uwnopoly is a 4
propusititnl fruit thu iIIenIbor8 of the coin
bination fonhud by the o vuorH of the
. patunfs to reduce ruyaltios , whiosoanioutt
t Ia Itearly half the present cost of bnrbod
wire , nod barbed wire today iii the chief
cost of turning 1VCSturt ploinn into gnw-
ing gt nhhde. 13essenue steel , which huts
chcnpeled ntilroa11ssogroatly' , world hnvo
chuilpewd barbed w iru fuucing equrlly if
it were not for the royalties exacted by
these patuhts ,
itHeuhlstol I'ufwxrr , well deserved
thu uxtondud Interest which hats followed
tite mfrs of his death. No prelate wits
over Inure faithful to his ehureh aid in
.spiritual mnttu s fee have ever heel nble
to render a buttee account of hl Htuwnrd
ship , Evuii the great edahlity that
clouded the latter day's of the life of thus
( vu11untblo man furnished a testimony to
the purity and uprightness of his chnrne-
tor. No lour thought of aitying it word
against the honesty of the good Archbishop -
bishop , lie wits ii good man but he nits
not it financier and his lu + aiHtants utfur-
tdnate1y happened to bu of his own
pattern ,
' 1'IUtio states have hold iulporalt pu
litic.l eulvontiOnR within the last muntb ,
la-u isauod plnlfnnhs cud auuiluntet l
oflicurs. Lt Iowa intotust cuntero d
1 around the lr 1tibitiou question , and hu
practical fatatacisut hits saddled 011)011 tli u
rupublicau party ill tint statu an uhldwroo
y meet of extreme suthptuury legislation
which will certainly result fn a large los s
i of votes and may socttru the election o
1 ) tlw (1ennOcr tie ticket ,
Butlt tire ruiittblicans anti democrats ii
i Ohio have hold lwlveittions , end tlt
tuulpuranCO queltiOIt will be i
I distirbhng influence there also. 1
wretched dallying with thu ha
) sue of liquor tixatioit mu
the nomiistun of o eongmrntivul
tulkliOUn caudidutu agahtat a n uilik
Judge Motile ) nrku the outlook fu
rupublic hl success in llhio Inure thit
I'unusylvmlia hull lien nepublican eon
Youtiuu ( u IVudnea(1ay anti 11aniinatu
t sumo utiillwrtutt state otllcurs oil
plutfonlu whose 1)111) phulk that calls fu
counted is the one which otetia tba tL
distribution of .the surplus treatuty rev u
flue autahg the statoa , a plan vhosu chic
value hit the eyes of the extreme pr1)tu c
tiouuts is that it would compel a mail i
LOILLUtCO of the present syatem of hig
tariff for the pnt ° etitlu of iudustrlal nu
mjpoliata ,
It ills ) ho ) noted that in every state u x
Copt Potmsylvaitla both iwlitic4l parti
ltavo dodged as far ae possible a tupun
oxprttUiou of 8ehitiutent on the tat-i
issue , while in Penuesylvunia aluto lb
disturbhiig question of teuportutce di
sttt ) force itself into ptOUiitUUeu $ ,
' .
Tilt ? tr u.S OF PfOSI'J:7llrY. :
The country is have- suffering ( ruin the
results of tun great Prnspority. The
1)0,0111 of the tired year , , beginning with
1878 , , which followed the ivu years of
depression after { tae pauie Of 1878 wits at-
( ended by evils which are alone responsi-
bla for the present cuulrtctinn in the
Volunlo of trade and the anlallness of
pruftA in almost every him o of llllsiticsn.
R'itll tllu rutlrn of prosperity cene P15(1
P return of entrnvngnnce which had
been greatly curtdhct during thu
preceding depression , Thu year 1880
sate althllpnrls of ntercltai hizo which
hind declined froth $025,1O0,000 in 1871
to $122,000,000 , in 1878 , juugl If ) $6,50-
000,000 , A lrtrgu proporfiuu of this increase -
crease was it articles of luxury , 'l'Ilo
expohsivuhess of living nod fining btsi-
ness , stiululnted unwou pro(1hction ( and
uxceasit u annpetitiou at hnulu. 'I'hu
itdust inl ' of Iho
prudhetivo pnw'u cotni-
try WItS forced t ) the highest tutsiou and
thnnsa1111H of Iii ii Is null faactorius , cit
hanged beyond the legitiuultu
rcginrentuntn ( if trade , flooded
the uiarkuls with their
twat cs. Railway iuilding into sections
tvheru the prospects of future growth
were depetuled 1114011 to lhoilt llresellt He-
chrities , was ngoiu pmisbcd forvard with
eager haste , bled ushlte 111111 stock spec-
ulatiuh uncu muru cahC to the front tnith
idl their old frenzy ; and illtlated scbielnes ,
bilekod only by 114)1ICH ) turd nahnfitinal
chielly by resistless energy , ilppLaled to
.let of tveillth aid engulfed millions Of
floating cilpittl ,
q'ltu ihu'iliblu reaction has set ill Pilot
for six tlwlltlls thw country has hiceti lIPy-
itg the debt of its too great haste to
gut rich. MnglliOcumit 1inrvwots last year
alone pres'udell a guuurtl crash itnd the
wend h reserve of our agricultural ihtur
esh acted as a (11th ! to the current of
otisatur which tlreentelled to precipitate
author paOiC. A gelernl cry of warliug
sett lilt. I'nnttCtiou began ill be curtailed -
tailed aid the closing of tunny mills and
factories was tlw result , lint butter nod
more Cllenuragiig ti noi all , hudirItual
OC011eilly' atlld HO1111da' IlluthiOds 0If Ilnsi-
11055 were at uncu ihnigmiritted. 'J'llu
large uullIlwr of failures during tlw past
six hlohths hnvo helm to it great extent
the result of the cnforeenleilt of ihoro
cvneurVativu ways of doing Luslltess aid
a hedthRtl restriction of credits. Aid
the outlook is daily boentling nwru
ortblu 115 nhuntfactuurs amid denlors take
t ) heart tltu lesson of the year.
If reports from Utah , fortified by in-
turviuws with Various mumhurs of the
ldillthlll8 collllllissioil Limo tl ) ho huh ieved ,
that body nru having a hard timiw of it in
its attempt to abolish polygauly and iuci-
deiitolly Murnlal i ) % 'er ill the honor of
the Latter Day Saints , ITmnlur the law ,
tilt commission hots ieomi in lpuration for
more than a year , fruitlessly attunpting
to tlolvO tfw Mnrmunt prnhle I
by statutory otactnmotts nod red
tape reguhittiohs. A gelural ruvisllu
of alb io voting lists in the territory has
heel undo with a tiuw t ) excluding all
pohyg misty , 1111(1 thu first real test of the
-alto ) f thu liar is to occur on August 0 ,
whet a'ounty oficors ) , Hhorilfs and munl-
bes of thm legislature will be chose. in
each of thu ttt OutyfOur counties of the
territory , 'flue COliltllissiOllerH have nor
coniploted tliu Hulectiol of judges of
ulectio11 , tl receive And calvnss tlio votes
1111 that OCCPSIln,101(1 nru resting 1)n their
ours and atwititing the nuteunlu. i } ntis-
takun idea as to thin extent of
polygamous practices iii Utah aid a be-
hlef that thlu dlsutframlehllaelllcat of viuhll
tors of the law would leave the church !
shiomii of its llnlitiClll plwur is largely no-
Spohsihlo for the defects of the Edutuuls
hill as they lire nor discovered by tilt
euuunision. 'l'ho act provides that no
punon guilty of polygaaunis practices
shun be punnitted either to t'oto ( It- hold
olllee , lull the cohhuisaioners hate coil-
struod this to llisulfrulchisu any persel
who has ever lived with nmro tlum one
vifu at the same time. But even with
this generous interpretation of the
act which bars out all the promihun t
Monuuns , the Guntilos will be in o heavy
nlinn1Ly in the coming elections in et cry
county ha thu territory , nod the politico I
pusver in Utah will still rust in the hands
of the church has fully its it now loos.
iiloanthuu to add zest to the proeue(1ing s
ten suits intro alt-catty peon brough t
against the cohuniHsio11 by citizens e f
Utah fur illegal diaonfraneltisund t
dnniagus hit each instnucu I u
I ing placed at $1,200. As tit
suits will be tried before Murumul juriu
f veto alight n ° tunrally be oxpucted to b e
slightly prejudiced , the situation is by
I 110 1nCiuls it cheering oho ( all ? tilt ) Corn
u nli8sh ° n huts tumlHUrtrily ntljottriitttl until
t the best legal advice can ho secured foil
1 } Vushington Pit the subject ,
Tllo Utah pmbluht iS it ) erplexing on u
t and scents as fur from sohiliot uI
Y today its it Wait tent y'em11 ago ,
I' iT atilt it cold chill down the backs 1)
tt the Ohio dunlnertoy' , tt ltun young Allen
a. 'l'htrllmt refused to dulursu .1udg u
JIOUdly's nmuiuatial ,
o CoslnEScitho min the mhntlnary dhR
r penal 0f Duunis 1enrtey by the tnttiuuo
U ahth iulnopOly confd uitcu , thu 1lansa
City Journal sayn I " } 1'hon 31r , Donni a
of Kunrnuy' arils ruhised itltiltission to th o
Anti huuwpOly-convention at Chicago , li 0
declared that the men eompesiug it him 1
h formed a ring 'to binektlail the nail
r rada , ' Aid ho also mnwunccd that lI u
Weald ihinuudiatuly' otgmtizo it hew party
lie laa since made two or three epeueli'
is in Chicago , but lw has furnished n o
re prof to sustain his declaration about th u
/r / blacku ailing ring , nor hiss Ito made ntucl
C headway Ill t e nrganir lion of a nut v
d party , Mr. Keantoy will agitate or
silliest anything else , se long. as fund s
lire ftntished hhmii to pay oxpentscs ; but ,
Wbloll the ItUpply ceases ho Schll cease.
Mr. Ktnrooy is I fraud of tloifirst water.
LGwrLw ; hXrIiWIilnb' .
A1r , I'ostnnstor hail has busied blhiii
self vary Ialclt ht bearing tales to thio
dumoc'ntic orglut concerning his attempt
to gel thin departli01tt to rule out the two
republicnn dailies of Onlalla front the
nahls on account of their sy'stern of pro-
Iiihuu diSh'ibuti0t auutig weekly sill-
scrhiors. This was oviduntly done to enlist -
list thin editor of the Jlrrnf(1 in his own
be11a1L ' 1'110 honorable bilk forgot to inform -
form Ir. Biller that the question as in
the legitimacy of our systmn of prani
ems tuns vohnllarily submitted to the do-
partneit at the request of the publish-
eI's of this pallor , anol that the solicitor
of the po5tufhicu depnrtulent decided that
it u ns in ho vinlatinh of the statute
( ii. of the regulaliohs Of the postotlicu d -
partmtnt. Thu ease of 1'nteu's bogus
lottery paper eaow up litter 111111 it tats IC-
Clnt Cd a RWin(1lo because lie was clhotuet
ing it lottery turd mailing out a circular
to ticket hnldorl under thu pruteusu tluut
it wits a nuwnpapur when ill fact it had
lie stbseribers ,
Aid while swu are ninut it let us advise -
vise 1)r , Miller to sweep bofone his awn
fluor. For years lie hats ileLt im111I11R1iig
upon credulous advertising patrons and
gutting thuirmoney tinderfalse pretenses ,
srIiicli , if practiced by mg' uthur bush-
( less tlnm would place ltiht behind iron
bats. Large Hiinus hate been fllcheol
frati morchluitH amid nianufncturcrs
at haute nod abroad for ndvertising
ill thu ll'cekly JTcrdd , with the assnr-
uncu amid guarantee that it hind n larger
oireilntwu than nay other pitpd' in this
suction , Whel in fact thw publishers
knusv that they did not circulate over
tine llwltlred Copies , ( If which fully two
bum lied welt to eastern uotvurtisers , at-
1)tlld' ituhdred to uxelmiulges , 1111(1 o beggarly -
garly six luuldred to fanners and other
bona 11(1(3 stlhscri tot's. It hits i/cell linire
pi ofittblu for thu proprietors of the
Jterrtlf to print it blanket sheet and sell
the space for all that it would bring
duel to pay for canvassers tad travuling
agenIH nod Prmnimns. Not that thu
bubblu lips burst , Pod that advertisers are
bughnuiug to lit t out that tile ) Lavobcenl
fleeced , the JlclvI(1 howls about l1)ttury
So far as thu 11EE is cutcurmied , its mix.
tehsit'e weakly clrcubation is u1d the no-
suit of gift distrilhtinn. Five ycmS ago
before it ever guru a single pru1)litm , the
} VEEICLY Imp had a circilolion of over
three thoustlul : , mud it bas donblctl front
year to year to year by dint of hard trek
and by runson of its excellence lull n
Vey uxteimsive systehl of advertising.
IVu hnvo nailed oht miearly 100,000 san
plu copies every' year , tool we Pity large
shills every year to other papers for Pd-
vurtisitg our wcukly. For instance , we
paid tilt ) Now York Tribune $2 a line
aid thus Toledo lilitdO $1 a line , and in
0111) ittsttllCt $1100 Was paid to Kellogg's
nawspapcr list P11(1 $000 fu the } Vosto'n
Newspaper Union , This amid the fact
tint we have published a pallor that
Beets thw wants 1)f the 1)001)1 ° is the se
erot. of our success. } Vu have found that
advd tsitg a good thing pays , and that
is Probably why it does not pay the
herald to advertise its worthless wares t )
People tvho do not wiuit them.
A SldlI UOi ll 1'lu'ty.
Now 'Vat-k Tinnes.
' 1'1111 Iuluolulccd purpos0 of tlto nnti-
htotopoly cultfeeneu lit Chicago wits to
forma a tuv political party , but nu sooner
did the delegates got to talking that a
wide divorguneu of oputton was rotveitted
as to the uxpedieiiC ) of attomlpting anything -
thing of the hind. 01e of the prineilmtl
objects of preiitlitlury attack was tlto 11x-
istmg ruvohue systunl of the country , but
the fury oxtruaws of ditl'urelcu of opit
ion existed Iunoug the delegates as to
what the revenue system slwuld be.
Sonte of them were in favor of absolute
true tradu , a ductriho which no ) exlatillg
political party is prepared to treat its
nnloag tilt possibilities of the present or
near future. Others were in favor of
carrying protection further thtu it hat ;
ever gone yet. For a set of men who
prop ° su to form it 110W party , the anti-
tumuolists ) have exlnbltud a remarkable -
able tliKlt greened its to thu basis on
which it stool ( rest ,
Thu only real but ? of union anion
thorn 8001115 to be a desire to bring railroad -
road corporations under governutunt con-
tml , but thus is a atlllject with the iutri-
cies nod ditlieulties of which tile ) Hltov
u4) fitnlilinrity. 'a'hoy proceed on the as-
stnuptiut that the ralroad corporations
of the country , with their divot-so and
codlletili g , ittorusts , constitute a uo-
hO )1l ) which levies trhhutu a ) on indts-
to l it-into to enrich their liana , Burs
ami l controlling vlBrits and that they
should be sub action. But
dunnu ; iati1)11 is that it llatfornt , nut ? cun-
ddnniii g evils Au(1 abuses does tot mhlu'
t' the. Thu Iroldunt of dealiml g with
riihlmada in tlluir rulatiun to thu ppbliu is
' 0110 of great illlmrlnnee mid dificult'
hilt no man at the Chieltgo conference
gtt'o any u idenlee of understanding it or
of being abl0 to suggest n nwtllOtl of
a ltealiilg withl it.
( ) ite nE the illcidentl charges made
itgaunst the railruula was that they had
I atlun ) uillunls of acres of the publio
bands ; but atalet is a queer word'fur
rational men to apply in this case , inlts-
haluh to the grope of land were msdo by
f congress for tlw purixso of aiding in the
I duveit pulunt of uuw territory amid pto-
muting its suttlunicut. Thera is no doubt
that the policy' was carried oft on too
liked n scale , am ? tlutt mticli wrong huts
been done in failing to enforce the for-
- fuitlres provided for by law. The rail-
I weld Cvmpenttiulls lave been tu ) 111uch
filvereli its against the mtctllal or w'utihi bo
settler , Itut the evils and abuse
(1u nut discredit the entire policy nod lire
not to 1)u abided by clamor about curl- ,
ate stealing.
In thin iteturoroneois niako-u I of the
conference , to vbieh delegates - all
manner of associations were aunt , the
greenlttckers were somewhat ails lieu.
one. ' 1'beir Om limit' 18 , to all imiteutS
cal ) ur ) ea duftntct and if there to be
I nabili of nowhart
tale g a now ' they lit1tone
to take a I alut in it 113ut Crtunbaekur-
ism has no neat place in an aunti mnonopoly'
I ntovuuttutt. 'Iho national linking sys-
r lout , egulnst which its hostility is lust
uuw directed , is as ftu as anything could
well ho from a ntonopxly' ) , Lt view of the
rapid relluetieuu allot the pouiblu extine-
tion of the nntionxi debt , tllero tire very
serious questions in 1)O considered with
reference to the future basis of n11nti1)tlni
currency but the Chicago conference
displayed nn imiCnpacity' for dealing with
this prohleal , as complete at that which
1t RhnWed for any kind 1)f pohitIrltl Work.
If ever n new- political otganizatn n is
to ho started which is to live ad PC-
cohlpliRh nnytiiiig , it swill hate to colic
into heirg through n Process edirely
different frlnn that of tf to t'liic o cal-
ferelce. It will lore to s riim froth the
convictions of n u under of
pen [ to who think and feel alike with no
rt to saute great issue. It will be the
oaffs ) rite' of w ile know what the
wttlit amid who have sohlo definite idea ( If
time mnenus by which it is f , be attained.
Conferences like that which has takdl
ilacu at Cllicago are harmnless , allot tlloy
mdicato n otissatisfactiol more or less
witu sprend with the poSitioll of tresellt
parties amid thu general course of pllbllc
nlfilirl , hilt they are Iltemly useless as n
means of concentrating opution 101(1 jm )
muting the ru1)rganlzatibtt of politlull
To the Libor of the lice :
AI.ilmON , Nub , , July 1L-I see by the
BEE that sonic sucker has invited Gcneral
Vmt IVyek to cone amid see the country
from Fort Niobrara to Itapid City , over
which thu new afar mama lays. Now if
the ( loneral accepts that invitation lie
will comu back better satisfied with the
course he has taken ill exposing the steal ,
lie will say ( told he can say ) it inure than
over truthfully that ho would not give
oho quarter section of his Otle c0umity
Ltrmil fur the whole blessed country frnu
the Atihuichadnra to lhuf5do Grp for
fur iing purposes. It iS fit for nuthiig
but a cattle range , or those who miow Ie-
cilll ) it , ludiaus and aquasthutepcrs ,
1l a opiludl appears to prevail among a
great uiauy that the great Anleric mI
iR sort of which
desert a will-n-the-wisp
recedes hack as tbu tide of ehigratioh
udvnnces , and will finally disappear alto-
gothe' , limit let nay one go from the
head of the ICeya-Ptlia across to the
Itepu1)licmi , striking it sous sixty miles
a1)lwu Culbmtson nod thin nl0ke another
shirt about fifteen miiles ) tvcstfrom Albion
tied take a uortlavcst course , but nearly
west until ho strikes the Niobrara , ouu
hluidred i one btmdred ant ? fifty miles
above the fort , amid if 10e don't find all
the desert lie wants to thud then I will
agree to set tip the beer , and that is only
a garden patch compared with what lays
LOyend. ilOW dill'ereut is the course
which Valeutin ° mid the Geitentl pursue
in their oflicial capacity. One votes fora
high tiri11'aml it Li" revenue and then
tries to got mill the hones for his friends
to pick that ire can , while the General
goes for a low tariff and to prevent lull time
stealing lie emi. In comparing the old
war horse's record the General's its n
representttivu of the 1Ieoplu with tbmtt of
1 Aleltiuo and it is iko coal aringg the
vast proportions of Chiniborazo with that
of n niolo hilL
Supreme Court of Nebraska.
Vl 1)NESIAY , JULY 11 , 188:1 :
E , II.1Vgoloy , Esq , , of Cass county ,
was admitted to practice.
Scales vs. Paine. Leave granted to
withdraw files.
Simpson vs. Jenutings. lllotion for
continuance overruled , old cause put at
lice ! of docket
C. B. iC ( railroad company vs. Painter -
ter , told B , eC M. railroad couljany vs.
Chicago lumber company. Contuuled by
consent ,
Leighton vs. } } 'bite. Submission set
The following cruses were argued and
submitted ;
Ilroudbt'rg vs. Babbott.
Buckat'dr vs , Dunbar.
Garland vs. Wells.
B. , C 111 , It , It. Cos. . Schinotz. Er-
rqr front Cass county. AOirmod. Opinion -
ion by Lithe , elm. J.
1. The owner of land taken for right
( if way by n railroad company having ro
sidedupou itnd improved it for several
'ears , who swears that hu kllowa wilat it
Is worth , is a coinpetett twihlessaon the
questiOmi of its -altio ,
2. So , till , are other po'sons who
lla'u resided for years ill the imn ° tudiate
neighlborn00d of the land , amid whio seen ;
il amt oxahtihatiomm , to 1)o well informed
of its situation , condition timid value ,
: i. On the rial of n ( luestioti of dun.
ages for at injury to grot fug crujis ,
neither scieuee nor unusual skill beh'g
involved , the witnesses should be Confined -
fined in their testimony to a statdtelt of
the facts showing the jury , amid should
tot 1)u permitted to express opiniOmlS its
tl the anluuut of damages or loss ucca-
siomwd thereby.
4. An award of damages , wider the
statute , far right of way for a railroad
dnbrtcus only those dit ungos which play
reasombly bo anticipated upon the PS-
stint tion that the road will be built and
o ) Orated with duo care mid skill and
no unnucessa in'u ' to IrOVert ) '
outside of the right of why.
G , Ain a real from the award of corn-
n1IRSiOhore takes
to the district eourtonl'
those natters covered by the award. It
does not iueludu wanton r negligent in-
jurlc5 done to rowing , cro lS uaide of
the right of way during the construction
of the mad.
0 , 'flue objection to an instruction that
it is not sufficiently explicit , especially in
civil eases , will not be regarded unless the
mutter was brought to the ntteittion of
the trial court by a inquest for ouu that
was satIsfacterp.
'Tay'lor vs. Courttoy , on triad.
Court adjourned to Thuradoy lit 8:10 ;
o'clock ,
No Confrmatfon of the Report Can be Ob-
tanned As Yet ,
NEw YotE , July 12-No coatirmati0u
of the rOpert of n strike among the opd -
ntors of the Western Union Telegraph
Cohipahy Could be obtained , to-tiny , .
1'ltml the stateutonts made by a pmnu
nu nt nlennbcr of the Ilrotherhood of the
Knights of Labor , it would be inferred
that mu ) strike was itnilinoht Thus mein-
ber , whu ha at presdtt in the otlieo of the
Associated Press , said that the organization -
tion , winch is secret , emnbtwced 10,000uut
of the ai,000 tolegngdi ; opctntorS in the
couutry' . At time last annual meeting of
dolegatea of the llrotliorhood at Chicago ,
last Ahuch , the Executive Comi01nitteo
wits PlItltorizell to secure all increase hl
lilt wngea of telegraph operators , Ac-
cor uig to a nuWSlIAper , recenltly startoli
for cireuLation attong telegraph linen , aunt
to the pureon referred to the above ) "ohs.
ctlssmolt" is geill g on a11nomtg the brotliems
over a Pliut fur building tulu ra ) h lutes
tinder a co-operative stck coo iron ' to
be Grned by the operators tliamseti'es.
It is conceded Itowei-cr , that no pros.
pectuS of the alleged ahemo "ill eontetn
'dattoh" ' is ut ii , it could not be
learned illother of itwthu talk of a co
o ) oratito telegraph was a part of
the tr'ork of the Executive Conuudteu to
secure all iilcreaao ill wagee ,
STATI .1OTTiN ( ; ; ,
, l1 mltfit of men and toaus frmu tic To-
clunseh Ilne of the B , k 11 , camped nnrth of
tor n Saturday etening tl work On the I' . I' .
gap Ictwcmt licatlioe and Ltacoln. 11'ork
tva + naively comhlonced last week alxnit half
it ny between the two ldnces , and 11(1W that
the wcstlier 1 + fa orahi a for grading the dirt
will Is-gill to fly all along thin lino. IVork I ,
I"'ygre. ' . + lgg rapidl mimed on tlm'I'ecmtnyeh line
model track will hel to Filloy , fu0rtemt tulles
east of lkratrice by 'Jlinredny next. Tlio
grade llaS iK'en Trull . washed between Finley
aud'I'eclimseb , null. the track will not In ,
tllrough to thn latter plnee uetf near the close
of Jnly , tvitll gavel weather the mdire line
wntdll hate been (10111 by tidy tint' ,
'Jim big cnnnn which uas made liy Jlr.
Shuaplaul for our celebratlon it-all finished last
Saturday nil ( min Monday , tl order to be safe
from the flkeliluand of an aechdent , It was taken
doeil on the bottnnl west of the city to la
trite ( . It was loaded with n charge of pnu
der , and exploded by means of n slow tnntcb.
'I'Ilo first discharge svrmit oil all right , and It
way loaded again , The second thine two
isnuuls of Inteder were put lit , tied oil tap of
the charge w'a' put some bricks. This alts too
ilnleb for the nation , nud w ben thin chnrgo cx-
oded It burst Intl n mtilher Of pieces.
Iteporter ,
Uuniiig thin terrific tlnmder sbamit last Fri.
day milglot the resideilco of 0 , AL Carter was
struck by li ghtl11g knockieg off fart of the
cbllilney of thou cant cud Of the house 811(1 ( Ilatla
Ing dotvllo , + rd Haile gh the bracket oil which
the cldiluley tvrs bnflt , from theiicn thhnght
the sink nod carpet into tile floor , 11rs , \ ' mu.
IIardin , who was sleeping' nu the lotulgo , was
considoraldy stntnied , I'he emnniudcr Of the
fnlu0y csatped submit , AIIIIIAIlll ( Iazctte.
Ion horses were shllpped to Creighton last
Saturday by thin gnvcrnulmit contractors for
the Suadco hidiamis tiny were takmt to the
nrency an Sunda' , 'flits stock by purchased
with nmouey duc the Sautee's haul their muds
in 1lhntc + otn.
( iradieg co11uuenced on the 1Vakefiuld and
CC IIr anutty branch road hit week , mid the
work is to ho pushed thou , gh 8t Once. It is
said that a 11)111 ) town will hu Inid nut in a few
days , about two ulles south-west of Norris.
Vui. B.1'horile , trelsurerof Adams coumi
ty , lies just received n year's sciltence to the
euiteiltmry for mnbezzling cnnatyfnnds , dlr.
il'horne ho seventy years old , nut ! his wife
tins present when the senteuice was pro.
The official report nukes the shortage of II.
S. Lovejoy , late receiver of tow huid utlicu at
Ninbrnra , 515,300. Ilis IHrdsalcil will be
hold respnnsiblo for tills sou.
Alice ( menu , aged fuurteeui , living near Fails
City , waS burned b/ death by the exiliiMilltl ) of
n can of nil from whtcli shin was pouring upon
tlw wood in the stove.
Fullerton has field n conference with Uldon
Pacific officials relntivu to obtaining the build-
hig of a read thin scasml , 'rho result is said
to 110 satisfactory- .
Au ntbmtey' of Weeping 1Vater who tvs
misrepresented the prospects of this Fourth of
, fitly was burled nu effigy last week.
Al. ltnbcrtsuu , of Schuyler whin was bitten
last week by it rattlesnake stied frolil trying
too touch 0t the svhtsky cure.
Saunders county's mversed valwahrou et
w'htichi is nu increase of $2GS,232.OS over thw
assessment of 18& .
The B .1 ; 1I _ couqay finished anther sur-
t'ey of the route between Nmnalut City and
Sahemit last week.
Thom are 1,200 mtmt lit work repairing the
railroad in the Nemaha valley , ; aid more are
called for.
Wymoro is excited over the pmpect of hay-
ing.tho Kamisas Diagonal railway reach her
Long fine amid Ainssvortln in Brown county
are at swords points over the county scat ques
Thirty-eight buildings have been erected in
Valparaiso during the pint four months.
Cedar comity is clornoring for direct railroad
comuumicatiml with Omaha.
A bank has been opened at Valentine called
the Charry county bank.
Charley \Vuuda of Ashland , was drowned
last week hi Salt Greek ,
The railroad agent at Plum Creek sold 81 ;
500 of tickets in , Jute.
Prairie chicken shouting trill soon be in order
throughout the state.
Humboldt is bravely repairing her losses
from the flood.
The acreage of corn throughout the state has
nearly deal cd.
Wahoo is to bo made an international mun-
oy ofGco.
Iimntet lus dedicated n uuw Christian
Carpenters are busy at David City.
11'ullcrtoii has two church buildings.
Dakota Doings.
BiutAtt'K , D , ' 1' , , July -Justico
Collins , who conducted the cxauliiiation
iii the Demoro case at Maiden , gave his
dccison this nlmTiiag , discharging 11far-
ghhs Aiiller amid llloorc , holding that the
hohieilu w1L9 jtstifiilble in view of the
the threats made by the O'Donald party ,
who were escaping front arrest at the
time the sheeting occurred.
Copious rains fell in the lllissouri river
country last 1lighlt , exteluling nortlawttrd
front a point two miles above Bismarck ,
TIie rainfall was light at this point.
News Notes.
MINNEAroLrs , Judy 11.-Miss Parry ,
who was abducted from Syracuse by hour
inotller , lives here. It scents her bother
last winter drove nwr out of the house
and site wont to Syracuse , where site
has buem since. Her mother loft here a
tt'eek Ingo to bring her Lonie , the girl
liming hind $5,000 ill property loft herby
her utele. It is believethe mote is
the cause of her mother's desire
to have 1mer daughter back.
PIICAnnLrut.t , July 11-The Promoters -
oters of the South Perna R , R. Co , have
appointed Dr. Hostetter , IL K. Twomb-
1y' , T. B , Gowen , W. K Vmiderbilt and
w. C. Whitne a committee to take
charge of the construction of the line.
All the stock is subscribed Wit. H.Vaut-
derbilt halding the list , with $5,000,000 ,
Dr. Hostetter fullowillg with $2,000,000.
- - - - - - -
South Alnerieitn Notes.
LIiiu , July 11-T7terewus n prolonged
ctrthquako here yesterday morning at
530. ;
A latter to ( ien. Lynch , dated 'Fat-nun ,
,1111) I , reports Col , 11 multi dispersed a
number of lfontiuegrits of tllo 4th , in
Cosec1)tilt ) , killing seventy-five and losing -
ing ell1 ' one nhul. On the ( nth hu en-
cutulteed uuwthter party lit PilClln , killing -
ing six , mnong them Col. Rios , sub per-
feet of Augmt.
IO.tyAQuti. , July 11-A meeting trill
be held hero Sunday to receive applica
tiuns for the president , to be elected by
vote slurtly.
OL ' " 'qR
kz _ ' H
1 PL PliI1lf.
Rhoumalism , lYeRuralgla , Sciatica ,
Lumbago. Backache , Headac-Ile , Toothache ,
Hu. u. , Mrads , I runt alllea.
laD ALL UTil DOUILT raixa aaD at'ilr&
5tt b , Drut.u.d .ben. racy Csau s bottle.
LSrwe.u 4. to , , , WiM
teww. . is 5. TtMIW.(11x ) IWi.srn rtt.5. A.
& CO. ,
China an Glass ,
St. Louis Mo. maP23m
Dry Goods !
' . ,
Washington Avenue and Eifth Street , - - - ST. LOUIS. MO ,
Wholesale Grocers !
Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco.
Lath , Sliill1e , PiCKetL
Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA , NEB ,
Wholesale Druggist !
Pllts , Oils , Yarilisiles aiM illdO 1ass , ,
: . f c l 1
Hail's Safe ai Lock Oil ,
1020 I'n1 12LLm Strout. Omaha.
Sliades. r
Wholesale qiothiers !
1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREET COR.13TH , " .
Carpenters' Materials ,
SasbI Doors , Blinds , stairs , Stair Railings Balusters Yiudow & Door Frames , &e ,
Flatclaw fac111tla1 for the manufacture of all kind , of Moulding , . 1'lardng end hatching a hlty.
On1en from tilt country x111 be pronui.tlr executed. ail
Addreu all com ununlaUon , to A. MoyEmu , ! 'ropdetor.
And work o f thus kind will roceiro prompt attention , ° pg dy ,
lo , t
. 8 ,
Growers of Live Stock and Others. .
Our Ground Oil Cake
It 1 , the beg aid ehedpe.t foal for . stockof any kind. One pound t , equal to three hound , of corn ,
Stock led withi Oroumd . OU , like le the F.11 and Wiuter. Instead of runntna down , will inere..e 1n welrht.
ad be Ia , . good ua.rketAW condition iii thu . It-TOm. Dairymen , & . * wen w other , who use It an to t1Iy to
I a crrtL Try ! t and fudge for youroel'ee. 1718 $2&0O er toe ; no eh.rge for pick. . Addrru
w'm r tisEEi ) OIL l O1PAIiV , , Neb.