' . - - - - - S THE DAILY BEE---OMAIIA. MONDAY JULY ft , 188g. THE DAiLY BEE. - OMAHA. Monday Morning , July 9. LOOAL BIIEVITIES , % --Mr. John Xerr. tm the I.t four yean with ? ! . Itc11mii k Co. , of tb1 city , left SLttrihy eonng for Portlanl.Orgou. where he ccts to I1)cto ltfl(1 go Into the b1t4nsM of r.lftlng . , .heop. . Mr. Kri-r k , courteow' , pleMant. AIII Intelligent. gentlomzn an(1 ( aft excellent 1JIt1flO8R man. IH lcparture from onmiia l regrittd t)3 not cnly Ilellinan & Co. , but a great many warm frleittl lwkuuj. Mr. Kerr WM tolng well ht'rn but afttr the lflM Ift ) II famIly thu. suhtig ho felt that ho couhi not remain here nh.y . longer. 4h1 I 1hI him (1od.pee Rfll NUCCesM hi the grcat notthwot. Jo lkr , the man ho iluit hhH girt fatally auth thicit .mlclde.1 . at $ houx City , SatIftlay aght , formerly worked for Markol avid Swolx , at the trnnMfcr. 1li gkl over there jilted him alt. . ! ho otmt IA ) Sloim City wheru ho pkkc.h . up nnot1er womnaim hio sorcd him time salimu . lie mbabhy got tired .f . itmclm huinesmsntuI lotennhtmed to cmiii it once for all. I ho wn.s emily alxmt 21 years of ne cml wa.s generally lIked by lil4 fellow ammmptny. . ( irl hmoiiltl be careftil hioroaftor who they fool with. - -TciI. Giebu hmrt reccived a bmtter 1mm hjareih , , 'J'oxa.M , stating that a imiati imniie.l : Charles I'otcrAon , who recently arrived frnni Omaha to work in a coal mine , wont bathmimig in thu Itlu ( ranmio river and wa.m . .lrowmmeil . , , lie left. a trunk , oino 1othlng , a watch ztmiI other art1clm. 1hh. . relative. . can obtain further thor InformatIon by writing to Mr. Grehie. -In the ( lh4trict court Saturlay e enhmig.Itidge Ncvlhlo m.entoncel . Mike Qiilnlin , the silk thief' to four years at hard labor , and Jhmn Iovitt. ( A MIX years fur highway robbery. I bury 'Vhl. lIamI4 , commicthd on a hIlo crime ss Ith. . luviLt IraM not sontMIIcCd , a lie hind two ( layH mimoro im which to file a itiotion fur a miow trial. -ilarluw , Vilson k C1)'i ) $ 'Inntmuotlm tin " In fmoni lks tohmie laht tmol's" came iiight on the Bock islati , ! train and fltOllUl ( lYCI at the ? bhihharl. , They arc on rent to 1)onver amimi leave for that point on time 15. & M. train thii mnomnitig. 'I'hmorc are about thirty of the party mnt1 they will visit Omaha on their return in the fall. -The plaintiff in the caae of Harvey vs. Murray , a putt to recover nmnoy for work nut ! wages , tried to gain hilt. stilt in time tltstrlct court by Introducing a forged contract In ovi. Ieneo. it WtU4 proven a fraud by several vIb- ncssef and Mr. harvey Is liable to be a defendant - fondant in a cthnlnal ult next teniu. -A. postal cart ! w ycstortlay rocolved by he city marshal from Macon , Georgia , notify. ag him of the death of , ! ohuiu Iagergron , nnd asking information tom to his relatlvem lucre. It WM probably inutilcul bcforo tim telegram appeared In The ( flobo.1)omocrzut. ' , -Mnrrlod.-At the residence of Patrick Dore , } : . .qq Eighteenth aim. . ! Mniiouu .treotiu , July 4 , 1883 , by the Rev. .1. W. luumk1 Mr. harry Gardmmr , of Omaha , anti Miss Jouuimie A. Miller , of Lincoln. % --tr. Samuel Avery , proprietor of the flue ' korticultumal gardouuui utoar Fort Omaha , yeui krday loft. at this offlcoit sample hutC ( of Turner nor rai4pborrifll. The fruit was miehicioums and no finer can be ritlecil anywhere. -Mr. CL 0. Stalcy has accepted the hroio utitiout mnatlo by Meu.ors. Anderson , Itittusol nun ! others , to give an euutertaiuinucuut Iii the umaturo of a testiunoumial benefit In tltI city , tutu ! Ill name tint date at an early tiny. -Thou muijouruted torni of the United Stuites court will begin In tlul city on the 12th Inst. hutit will probably last two or three days inuiy , . .5 c after whIchJuuigo Duundy will go to Chicago. BoartI of Trado-Tho regular nuouthly meeting takeut jlC0 Monday evening , July 9 , at 8 p. m. The board of diroctori. will nuoetat : : 7:30. Thioma.s Gibson , secretary. , -Barber & Co. have cxponiod 2UG89.Ol : for hiubor , teaming am ! freight ouu ctmcrote 510110 since they connuicuicoti work on 1)ouugla t street. -The liohucuuuian 'I'nrneru. . gss : a mu grant ! 1iic ale itt. hluutcahi's park yesterday , the C. S. P. S. participating. It vnuu a beautiful day uuumul , they euujoycd a flute tune. - 'rimeVooduuun Liumsecul Oil works are 44 nuutning again with a capacity of sixty barrels uor day. Forty uuion are cuuiploycti , ' -44t 51)OCial uuicotliug o thu Ouuuahma Chub S siil ho Itoh ! at iEa 7ticyor's hail tu'uuuuuri.w A cvcutlng. -Governor Dawns offers ' 2OO for time ciuiu ' I turo of 1l. Shears , who killed lulartium Knight. -'flue Auguistin Daly party loft for Ieuuvur Oft the 1 ! . & M. yesterday uuuoruuiuug , -Tho\Vabash , traiuu tiei au hour. miii. . ! forty inimut.cs late ) 'cuterday. . . r-.Suuuulay 'ruts bright uuuutl J utt cool euwuugh fou' eiuiufort. , f . . -Cijdtnl ledge No , 8 uumeets to'night . for worhI t . LTrmuIu tiohlan don't go imuw ut the banks. : ' 4 I _ ilto 1.lat of Cortlanult place , a now tel. ditiiuu , opposite Juui1iVnolworth's residence , $ w wM filed &turtlay , -The boys of No , ! .Eitgint , Co. gave a social Friulay night which uw tohi attended. -The casetu of Ciuns , amid' Mary &hrote , who lure Indicted for muniergi ! over the tuni. -An effort hi being made to have the son. tonco of Emil l'epperkoruu reversed and a new trial granted , --1''o StoutEs v.10 uuoW owneil by ] lhmohuiu & ] dcksoui , one as a Jewelry store , and the othi. Cr for itiait0s , organs , jdwvlry tout ! sihor uuro. , Thu utow store k Iui Croutuso's blockon , 1tItst , t"iLHoui. . James E. lloyd Satturdutv vecolvcd * 4 tu cabegi'ain ! Irma I.Iverpool , auumuuuuuueiuug thio safe arrival of tim steauuuer l.Viscouuiuu . , hutuviuug on board his datughton. , ? .llssos ] leaimra nuuui ? ulargtu'ot lioy , Mr. S. S. ( JulduhI nut ! vlfo nuutilr , 111dm and daughter. L -lr , Edholni of the unit of EtIhohun & 'i t. . Ericksuui , juweleru , returned fruout a tu11i , through the interior of the sttu nut ! uelwuts the crop huroslet hurlhllauut. Couii especially r is nbuuidant , nut ! as mu rule , free front. weculs I icol In a flotuu Isidag c4)uttUtiout , -'ext uuuonthuly uutootluug of the Onuahma Jtaui amid lhuilthiuig 45soeiatiouu 'alit Ito bulti l'hursdiuy , J Wy 19th. 'I'ltuu who viiI sub. fcribe for uutock before that date , will iuu lii r sauna at urlgiital rate. ¶ .Fiuose vluo vill wI.hi ' : to suluseuii'o after that ehuto , uutuust pity huruuiti. - nuns to the iunuuuutt of n cmnoul profits , OhIico ilouhlurti's coal ufilce , 11th st , ; July3 , 7 , 11 , 14. 'I. -Tluo olnullutugu itubilsltod by Jack Cuirley , ihu ux.chuutuuiplouu of the south , lutes been no 1 % ceiulud by Baby 1arnes"thuNcbraskui ! ginuut , ' . liarmuos will muicet hint at Counicil Ill uuhlis oui Tuesday night next , ant ! fight luluuu with sof I : , glove , Quocuuumburyrulusm , 25O a side. I ' J ) -Fur over two years the Sixteenth stroul . unezchantd hove been trying to decoy a dontisi ( to the n rtluern pazt of thu tuwn , F. N , Con : : , , I net' , who has been in pturtner.blii for so long s1th A. S. Billings , decided ki meet the wanbi of the rc'iu1ents ' of North Omaha , anti ho limo. opened jun offire at No. 612 North Sbtocnthi street , over Andrew , . boot auth ushuoc stare , - The last trial for thuts term of the district court ¶ sM concluded Fx1dsuy-that of time Indictment .gaIust Henry Wlihlauns , coloreti. for thuorohbery of Owen Wilson1 a I'olk county famnuer , near 9th and 1)ouugltus streets. In this city last winter. 1)istrict Attorney ( louiwln conducted the prosecution and Cal. Sunythu the defnco. Vhhhiamwa. con'.lctcd and his ac. comphico , John Loirett , she WM Indicted with him , ilCmoletl guilty , -l'ho 11ev. Thonno. C' , hail wilt take charge of the South SVest l'rtnthytcr1nuu claurelu on Taeuutietlu street , Mr. hail Is a son o lh ) % , John hail , 1) , 1) . , of tue } 'Ifthi Aeuiiuo l'recl'tcdsn church of Now ork , hlu gruel. uuated from l'rinceton college in 1879 and Union Thueologic.'ul seunhoary in 1132. lIe is salt ! to ho a ouuuug unaui of ocehient abilities anti munich iumomiso uuuuul s ill receive a welcome In our city where lie hits zissuuuuieI , time of the unisMion In Smith ( ) mahma , which hma. la'eui built tip by the earnest efforts of that retiring iuutor , the lte' . I" , 1 ! , litiys , Strength ftfll health go together. Oh. taut this happy phiyaical etato by uusiuug a bottle of Brown Iron Ihitterum. . - I'IJflEIO ' % VOJtKS. 4 Curti frouuu lion. .Jaunc. , A. Cinigli. , 1"u tme E4itor of the lito : lut } 'ri.luuy . lumoruuluig's ieu3tuu of thu 11cr. aid tlucro uippouired au oditoriai in vhuichi , unulci tjo'tji' of ihiaclusuuing Limo puiviuug uiuiest'uoui , Di' . ? .l iller uumakea a unc'auu , thu. uuuanly and tutu entirely uuuwuiltud for ver. aummuil zittnck tioti ) uuue , Ifo luutuinuuntos ( hunt I alit iii aoune way CoflhleCted with it ring thmiut seeks to force Siutuc Falls grauuite upon this city as a pav'umug muuuutcrinl. Of course such a ehuirgu zugaiuuuut a city ullicor if it cuuuituinted frouuu a reapomi'ullo aouurce would call for iunuuuc tliatc and thorotuglu iuivosigat'moui by the uuuuynr and city council , nut ! os'eut na thu case 1)0W ) atauttle , although the charge 00)1)05 ) frouuu a man notorious for Ida voutality , I trust that if uuuty citlzeuu of Omaha entertains nuty doubt of uny official integrity he will couuuo forward aiim ! douuuantl of thnu proper authuoritics thin ! they take cognizance of the charge alum ! give tlto uuattr a aearcli'ung amid ox' hatuative investigation , If the result of such an investigation would ho to ahtow thin ! Dr. ItTiller is itow and luau been a colossal liar an. . ! alandoror , it would be a matter of no surprise to the people of this city orstate , If Dr. Miller seriously - ly 1)CltO'ftt whutut lie writes concerning lute , hue uuhuniuld call upon the city atluori. ties to investigate inc tipout huiui charges uiuid demand that if fouuid guilty I ahouhi ho iuunnudimituly kicked ( ) tit of ofhicu aiim ! forever diumgracwl in the eyes of rospcct4u. 1)10 111011 , Dare lie call for such an uuuves Ligation ituumi luring out his proofs. During the hriof tune that I have been cha'irunaut of the board of jnuhulic works I have endeavored to give the pcojio of title city it clitsa of pulIic imnprovoincuufs that SVIulld hicicuiuter serve as unoiuuuncuits for me and for those vhio govciui this ci ! ) ' . \Yluilo such imnprovonuenth were hieing made , couisctiuueuitly I feel jut no uuinod to apologise for thu paving Of 10th stiout with Sioux Falls granite , or the puLs'ing of Douglaui street with Trinidad asphual. tuuui. Those pavoiuieuuts will speak for Lliuuuiaelvoa now aiim ] ut the future , Dr. Miller , of course , forot to search the record 1)I'OVimttS to writing tim etlito. rut ! in quo8tioui. llutd he done so , Ito could not have found. that ulAftur it tIter- ought iuircstiatiouu of the merits of each , " tIme council fiutally decided to lot part of the nIviuug be doito with utaphualt nut ! part with Colorado anunlatone. Siunplybecause time council did not "finally decide" ally- thing of the Iduid , on the on ! ) ' streets where the councilbad thoprivilogoof deck ! . hug undortho law ; thuoydccidodforColorado ear touio and Sioux Fahlsgrnuuitu , 'Why or udor whutt influences they made such a decision I ant unmthlo to state. tier. tainly they did ito ! consult mute nor 1 theta in the lIrcunisos , They exercised their privilege tuinler the law and they yill itt ) doubt cheerfully assume the ro SJOuiaibulity. 1 vnnt to say to Dr. Miller that this is but the first chapter of , Jmuuics. Contioversy is not 2utvitei ly mite , uteither will it ho a'oit1ed , JAuEs OItsIauiTo. - A Blessing mo liii 1Iuiuukhul. Tim these timuics ilicuu our Nowspuuuois are flooded with 1intouit uuuetlfcltnu mulvcrtiumemuuouits , It is gratifviuug to hiuiow what to proeuro Lhuuut will coratlutly cure you , If you are Bilious , blood on t of order , 1i you' inactive , iii gouwually ( leluliitatetl , thuro is uututhing in the world tiunt will cure you so ujtuieklv . Electric Bitters. They are a bleutsiuug to nl uuuunkiuud , nut ! onut Isu lund for .1111) . ' lift ) ' cents a bottle of 0 , P. tio.ul. . uuulut' ; . DIE1) . } 'UIIIIMAX..Iuu this city , .Tiuly 7th , mit 4:10 : a , in. of ( iatrio fever , ? ulrf. ( iortrtuuitu Fuhrman , uigeul 44 yearn and 2 uuwutths. Funeral , Tuly 8th , at 3p. in. fiouui her late residence , 519 South IOht street , A BOLl ) BUIIGJjAU. , lIe He'cretes lliuuiselr In a i4torc , sntI Iik s Nutl Ilavon with Clgars * Ut(1 ' 1')1)Ittt , ) . It will o reniomuul)3rud that teunu six weeks : mu Iuut'glars cnteu'ed the grocery store iufA.hJ , Qvistgutrtl , coiuici uuf Cajd. to. mu'tuuieiiauid Suveuttoenthu street , uuutul apli'ohuriJttl several boxes of cigars niul a t1ttttt it of ttijuacco , gaining ulcecas thutouughhu : collar wittiltiw. 1li' . Qvis- gitrd ita tjUte surprised Sumubty uuuouniuig , ( ft Opeuulhig his atmuic , to linul that hue huutti been visited tiuriuig tIto night ! by soumue lucIoui or jtt'rstuis for Limo saute Ptui'l)03e. .t lIftul ropoiui' visited Tuir , Qvistguu.l . yost unduty , tuuil lentumeul thin ! uio uuiti'auuce limit ! becit inaule front time outsidu , but tIme hmti'tllu' ! httLtluittcrut.ed Iuiuiusohf itt the stove during the ovcuiiumg , mumuul mifter gutting tlurouglt with his womk luau ! opouued the uiflIiU ) ) ' iliuiwot' nnti tttkimtj it key thieve. hem , opeuuoti time back ilotum' , leaving it ouch , It buimig fiuuuitti iii that comulitiout on Stuuumlut uuoruuimmg. I ! w'as umuuloimbtctlly a bolt ! 1)1000 hf w ouk , as tutummuediuttuly back of the store is a house iii which is ut sick child , vitli whunmu sonic cute Is ct.uustttumtly . 'UI mitt cualmtuteu. 1 t SVLUI uuuiluubtodly the , vork of the tiei'stuit vhiuu counumuitted the previous burglau'y. Mr. Qvistgaid esti. mutates his loss at aIOtm ! $85. I'xeItetI Timiutisututtis , ' All oer the lout. ! ama goiuug imub ) ecstasy over I Dr. King's Nov. ' Iiscovery for Constunuittituum , , Their unulookoil fur recovery Ii ) ' the tiuutoly use of titls great life Saving ucuutody , catuses thuouui ttu go itcitrhy wilt ! in ltim humalsu. It iii gunraumteotl to [ ktitii'eIy cure Severe Coughs , : , Ohtl $ , Astluuuia , I lay Fe toe , Brouichdtbi,1 [ oat-so. minis , 1oss of Voice , or Lilt ) ' niluetloum of the s brent and i4umugs. , a MILLIONS IN IT ! 1flic Assessed Valnatlon of Dollg1s Couuty1 It Shows an Inorenan Oer ( lint tuf 1882. Since the counpk'tion of the work of time board of eqtuahiu.'ttion , County Clerk Ibtumner hias been bus3' preparing a sum- uuiary of time aaa samont lists of this county , to be forwztrded to the auditor of state n required by law. This work was counplotcdoui $ nturday and from it the following statistics are gathered : Time total nsessed valuation of real nut ! Personuul ProPerty is $10,913,724.83 , , of vhuicht $7,275 , 1 65 is realty amuti $3,038 , . 559 Poreolialty. The increase in valuation of teal cut. fate tum the cotmuity , in ronuid uuimiuiberus is $1,187,008 , hum ! 0110 ; reciumc ! showing a decrease over the 1882 umsawusuuiouit. The rajiroinlum are taxed for luersonal ProIory ) as fohlotvs Chulcagt , & St. I'nul Iiiway..S ! 71,97.82 tJtuioui l'aeifle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : tir21sO 0. & It , V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0. & S.V . . . . . . . . . . ( .0.820,1(1 ( \v. 1j Telegraph (4ulumi.utuuy . . . . . 1,001.110 The folIwiuu , shows the valuation by wards ztuutl llreemuitts , sithu the valuatiumut for 1882 and thut .hifI'ujrujmtccs Ii mu . . ' , I , I'utol'lutmy : , Jh. . 1882 liii , , I I.e. . lot snr.I 9ul ; : , : m91 , r.17 73th18 2.1 . " . . 10,8T0 1l4t.00 , 10.879 . . . 8.1 . " . 1,32tif0 : 1,100,310 174,902 . . 4th ' ' . . : ; : , 81 0,181 , 11,751 , 1.thu " . 271,115 9XI'dfl 17,839 . . . 0th. . ' ' I 38GP , $ 133,1.79 . 4,0043 lotmghtu . flIM.r : ; 03,880 705 Elkht.rmu , . 19,015 : U,73 ) . D12 , , Saratoga , 20,170 20,82t. . . . . . . . 11,055 Chicago. 18,120 DfW'0 230 SIC4uullti , 50,704) ) 10,850 8,1110 Uuuiouu , . . : mnmw , 12,180 2t,2 \v. Ounuuhia :3.,93'l : 2n,33l 7,877 .l1lhirtl . , . : miioo : 3ISa.S 1,815 .1e1reriomi. 2'2,48 ( ) 2i,2l0 270 i'hattc , . . 80,300 19,5041 30,791 , Jloremto. . 18,610 12,295 1,320 HaS ! , MTLTE. 1882. 18R'3 lime lcc , Is ! ivaud 5t11tfllO 435,7)1 ) 116,11)9 ) 2d " . . 797,080 565,114 212,830 , ad " . 1,583,710 , 1,472,315 l1l,395 Ithi " . 1,106,230 03-1,920 281,810 5th " . . u77S85 75tlrh 123,130 6th " . 787,620 571,522 210,098 rotugh. . . . . . 235,530 193,407 37,123 , . . . Elkhnruu. . . (16,1)80 ( ) 88,971 8,006 Saratoga. . 169,455 164,180 5,275 Chicag. . . , . . 100,825 03,015 7,780 McArdhe , 118,105 130,8111 17,211 iluulon. . . 149,035 85,387 3,648 I \v. Omaha. 210,205 251,515 . . . . . . 11,250 Millard , , . . 107,015 80,020 IS,389 .leffenwum 89,7115 89,535 2.O ( Plattel. . . . 101,07(1 ( 113T02 I7f08 : Floucuice , . . 71,675 59,145 12,530 - MLJ1t1)FItElt WANTEI ) . GOV , Jawes Proclniuuus a Itowutril Jot' ( lie Arrest of Sliotirs. 'Eti Slteirs , the uuituideter of ? .Inrtiuu . Knight is still a ! large , Thu tlelay 'iii notifying flue authorities of lImo tragetly gave the slayer ut good chinuice to make hula escape , and lie uvt'ailetl hinuself of time opportunity. Time following circular , prilttei out pus. tuti cards , 1uuts been sent out broadcast , nut ! it is 1101)0(1 will result in the capture of the criuuuinnl. $200 uinnutn. Tw' ( ) huuudred dollars will be puiki by the State of Nebraska for the arrest and conviciioit ( if 0110 E. D. Shatto , alias Ed. Shears , for the murder of Martin Knight out thu ) norluiuiL ! of .luly 11th , 1883 , in Omaha , Douglas county , Nebraska. Description-Age 32 ywurs , height ! 5 feet (1 ( or 8 incItes , weigh ! about 170 P01u11I3 , dark browut hair , sandy uuiomis taooe , sniall ( lark blue eyes , face much suit-burnt , low forehead , badly wrinkled ; hat-ge nose , tipor tooth on right side gold filled , usually curries lien. ! on ono side , wore , whieui Inst scout , dark suit and light colored shirt. Arrest nun. ! telegraph. P. N. MTuEuL , Sheriff , Onmahia , Nebraska. Pt RE. A itEhiluulgist lihixe lit South Omaha , A ! 1 :05 : thus mourning utit tlaruui of the \vIta semi ! jut fruni , box H , lhei"s distillery , nut. . ! wits rcsp.uitietl . 10 by the entire ( IC. itt'tiuiuhit. : 'l'hiu fire Pt'O'Ctl to be iii the undUe of it huick Inuilding just uitutihu of lloyd's pack. iuug Itotuse , tvhmichi it iii saul uses ! as a luud rehiumory , No. 2 laid lieu' hioso anmi iuluuyed out thu flutuutes for s.uuuie . timuio , ito that they did HOt slitead outsitlo of the building. 'l'htu extent of the damage cotilil no ! be ascer- tahutod at the late hioumi' at shuich the tire occurred. A. HAl ) BREAK. Au Osuinhia Pohiecuuuan Lseui Ills Star fbi' iisorderly Conduct. 'l'iiuro is a vmtcancy out time police ftn'co to.tlay whm'uchi did lit , exist on Saturday oveuihig , and outo of the officers , Mr. Eugene Pickarti line boon imnlelin'mtely auspenloi ( , nut ! will uiot ho restored to his position. 'rite chmarges agahutat 1iTr. PickuntI inc thuitt ycatortlay mnoruuiuig aftet' null-call , iheui lie hint ! started to his hiomimo iii Stuithi Oumuthuut , Ito tutoppeti at a sutlonui out tue vuty ututti tlt'amik a little muimno tItan vuui gotul for huiuui. utt lengthi the buutouuior tufimseti to give luiuut uuuiy more , nun ! told luiuui hue was iuttocieuutod. lie then s'euit tutu ! to ut 1.1101) hUnt' I ) ) ' ituuti iui(1niietl of .uuuo . ( , f the atteutlamuts if ho thought hue 1it8 tlt'mmuik , to which the uuumuui vuiuI'ued tied mts his ( Pickinti's ) Inmsiutess , lint that hue thmmoighit hue Imuuui been btkiuig t.oo uuutuchi , l'iekmtrsl thucut wont judo time sutituinu aguuimu , ituiti mstOlt toturuteti into tiu sleuji autti wont iuttt , time back i'numu . , mutt ! wio. tuuhkiutg tO the piOIiiuti' for a few muiumumtes , Imuuu hue suddenly caine tutu ! mid onleted time yomuutg nuutmu 'iun ui'uts sitting ou the stops to gi ! out of that , 'l'huu youiug nian Lnmiuuiltl what ( or utmul PrttOstCtl tint ! lie hind ilomuc nuuthuiuig , wimuruimpon Pickutrtl at muck hun ( , i'eL the hueuul with a cauio itiud woulti Iut'u ituuu'mshueit him severely if Ito hind not started Uti 'I'entiu street out flue u-tin towmutls Fitrnhuuuun , followed h' the othit'tjt' vhto kolut calling out to Jumtvo humi st4)p.e(1. ) . Outu or two jztrties started to check the young umuan , lint lie sutiti mDnut't stop uutu , I ant goimig stntilut to hmuailmittnrters as fast as I c-mu go. ' lie arrive. . ! a ! thue jail breathless am ! unado a eounphutimmt agani4 ? .ir. . l'ickartt vIto was at 011cc ium formed by l'tliirtuhmutl ( itthtiio ; tint ! hue was indefinitely sUSpuhttlOI tluil his star taken away , lie was allowed to start htummtu hut muuhisequenthy wouut back nuid .rcuiowe.1 . thmo trouble auth upon this hue ns to. ( tlTC5itCl aiim ! PIlL III CflflflOlliOHt. lb will prb11y be brought up before Jumigo ilciucke for disorderly conduct. hc iSOMINI3) . The U. I"s Reeeiv their 'lhriflg ( 'oat. Sntturda"fi gaulle . etweemi tin , ( ran.l . As'euiuics numl I'uuimn , Pacifies' lurciveti a veritable sturhirise party for flue hioumuc team , they being bciuutifmuhly ' 'downed" by the visit'rs. The U. P's vore cvi- dently ' 'otr' and by it continuous chain of errors all. . ! hooso ) ) allowed tint ( lrauud Avettuies to "tote oIl" a cool half ulozeit riuuus , whuile thio visitors takiuug ad. vantage iii errors autd a decided loss of uiur'e miii time Part of tIme Union Pacufics , usimcceeded iii preventing them front reach. big time plate throughout the whole gauule. Notwithust.nn.litmg . the iiicqtiahity of the score , the ' 'Grand AVCliUCB' ' will huaruihy boast of their victory of Saturday - day , for the three precemhing games with ' 'ouir boys" settles t1uuite coutcltuaively time relative uuierits of the two clubs. ( hut time othuor huaimd1 time defeat will iuriailY ) li'11S& ) lilt invugoratiuug tonic to tIme 1Tuihiiit l'acihics , nuid have tue effect of ( iisehhing the illusion tImid liartitl : lirute. tice 'uvihI citable them to uuuaiittaiui their 1otitioui , 85 cimamiupituns of time northwest. lii tue gaumues pruuutiscti by the lulnuiuir malinger , ilr. C , T.I. Lord , the t'nioui l'ut- cificum will have to face stronger batteries than tIme Crand Avenues lrcsentcI , nuiti with this fact undisputed , it devolves upon - on Itir. Lord to iuisis ! uupoti rigimi practice b' hum cliii , . I I they do this it will take huh , ball Ihut'ci's , iui every sense of the wortl tO repeat the miose of Saturday. It vihl i.it . 1w out of place to uumntiouu ngudui the excellent unanneu' in vhmichm TiEr. Dtuvinney uuuipired tIme gaines , or the scarcity of "kicking" intlmuhgcd iii 1) ) ' eithiei' uiitle lleutt1C(1 , ( is time score : C utAtl ) ot'4 Aid. Ii. I uu. u'o , A. : , 1)wyor , s. N 5 2 2 1 1 ( I ( ioriuiaut , . . auul 21 . . . . . . . . . . (1 ( 1 1 2 7 0 1initz ! , lb..S 0 0 12 U I Cnuuuiiuighuauuu , I , f.-I I ) (1 ( I' . I ) 1 Overbcek 8k tutu ! p . I 0 1 1 0 B.munan , r. f. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 0 0 2 0 1 .houiounaeher ! , 2i..4 0 1 (1 ( 2 I linker , o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 I 1 8 2 i Cariuthicrus , c. I..4 1 1 (1 ( 0 0 Totals..3 0 0 27 11' 4 Uiue. 1'Mmme , Alu. uu. p0. lii. .t. : . IuEclCelvy , C. f..4 0 0 1 0 0 Famikhioumutor , I , f..4 0 0 0 0 0 Whitney,2b..4 0 0 3 2 3 Joley , : fb..i o i 1 2 Sneed , a , i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 1 2 4 1 Brhrgs , r. f..3 0 0 0 2 2 Bandie , c..2 . 0 0 9 0 1 Rockwell , lb.1 0 0 11 1 1 Salisbury , i' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ° 0 : . Totals . . . . . . . . . 31 0 2 27 22 10 By iauuiuuguu . , 1 2 : t a t ; mu r s iTninui l'aeltic. , .0 0 0 0 0 0 (1 ( 0 00 ( it-mid AvemuasO 0 0 1 4 0 0 0 l-6 Time of ( hiuuie Ouuo hour and 35 uuuintites. Fanued lItmus Grand Avenues 3 , 'rw n.Lne 1hits-Oonnaui. Pa-sel Balls--Ban.hho 3 , Baker 2 , Wild PitchSalisbury. . Struck Out - ( b-nut ! Avenuies 3 , U. P. 5. Uuuupire1)an J. 1)ev'mnuioy , of St. Louis. Buckien's ruulea Salve. Thio greatest umietlical wotutler of the world , \Varrantcd to speetlily cure But-its , Ctut.s , U ! . cot-H , Salt hllicuimu , Fever Sores , CauiccrsPiles Chnhblains , Corns , 'fetter , Cuiappod hizuitlasand all shut eruptiomus , gtuarauiteetl to cure iii ct-cry Instance , or umtOuieV rcfuiidoul. 25 cents PCt- box. - - - "NUiSANCES. " TIi Euul'ou'cenicuit of nut lunpormant. City Ordinautce. By virtue of a resolution recently pse by the city council , b.Tarshal . Guthi- rio is hikiuig steps to enforce the city ortlinamice sjuotcd at that head of this arti- do , which hut' , for a long tune been a ( bat ! letter. As uttany of the tuierchiants and citizens (10 ito ! understand the ro- tittireuuteuits of the law and ilnagiule that the itcion of tim pslice is arbitrary , the following is published for the information of those ebitceruied , being section 2 of chapter 8 , Chases revised ordinances , en- title(1 ' 'Nuisances " ( , : Ssc. 2. [ Vehicles ut' articles in streets. ] ' 'it sluuhl be uuihtwful for uiui3' ) ersOut to Place or leave or joruuuit to be placeti or loft within the lintits of miii ) ' such avouttic , street , tulle ) ' oX' ait1uvalk , any wagoii , car ! , diuty , bari'ow , hmauid.cutrt , sleight or OtltCi' vclmicl , or unty itiuutbur , tiuutber , WOl , atomic , brick , In. any other article or tiuhuig wiuuutsoevor iii such ummutuuuiur as to obstruct or interfere with time public tulle .if any smicit at'cuttue , sticet , umiluy ot' sidewalk , eu uuumy luart thereof , i.e . to 1)111CC or leave , mir iuimmuit to Ito phitceti in. left tvithuiii time limits of aIm ) ' suchu avenue , streut , alloy or sidewalk , mtuiy hottrls hoops , unils , imoopiron , crockery , glass , I5tle1' , itsiucs , or any other rtmlabishi wlunb- evei. , ci' to bmui'mt miui' of the sutuuie within such limutits , or to obstruct any such aye- Hue , trcet , alley oi' sidewalk , or any gutter or trater course , by fomiciuug or building , or by filling or by removing thiorefroni any earth , steno or othmcr inn- tonal , or to interfere iii any nianitor withithuc public use of auiy Part thereof ; aiitl _ every person vioiatiumg tint provi. sions of thus section shall be dmeutod guilty of counutuitting a nuisance , aitch , on comivictioui thorofor , shall be lined in a summi utot less fhian $5 nor nioro titan $100 and iuiadditiomt thioroto Inuty , in the dis- crotiout of the court , be iuuipriaouie.l for a toruui unit to excoeti 30 days. - A 11IEVElli iINNEIt. Tu'etusmuurev 'sVhitniorc , of' t hut , Opei'mt ItmmsO , l4eavluIg for tIme 1'cst , ' . .l'uc&ttnmrcrVhtitmnmro , ( if Iloytl's opera house , will leave to.iuoii.w . for Deuiver , SuIt Lutho Cii' ) ' fuLl ( itittul' tvestermt Piiits ) , tshero lie huts btmsiuiess witichu will uuigumgo his tiummu dui"tuig time uuuuiumuuer uutouiths. Vestet'dit ) ' Ito iumvittttl his fvieuuds of the li0sS to dine with huiumu nun ! ? .Eminager . 1hcu1 at the ? Eiihiiu'd hotel auni the invi. tuition wits respounluti tt ) y nil. A ri. vmtttu table uvaus furuuishwtl the iuarty , mitt. . ! itfter a smlmuhittmouis meal , \Vhmitmmiore's huenltlu aiim ! a liout voyage was dnink in stuitk1immg ehmautijuagume. Tiuu''hiitumuturu hits btmoui in Otuinlmit ( unhy mtbom ! a your , butt hue huts mantle uImuuu ) fiientis , lioth with tint umutvspuipev ( inter. iuit ) uttl ulsetvhtcru , lie is a geutimil coumu. I)1tmiimt , iuttl a gcittluuututmu iii over' respect of the WOil , its vohl its hrniug nut eelleuut. tyritci' nun ! a gooi ticiunmice. lie leaves tt'itlt tIme heat wishes of mill , itutil we ni-u glutd he will tetui'xt in tIme fail nut ! ucammunu his poitioim for utmiotitur yearVe svislt htiuti a vleatu1 ! ( iu'uucuiles , Crockery , Latimules. Evei'y- thing of 'tVlNsutAuL $ . 2024&2022 , Cutttimig St. 'iVhmomi ytutt bimy ynurgoods visit limo cs tabliohtmnout of A , 1)OItQ1. , 5 , ' - - - RANKA _ ! ! FILE. Goiira1 llowar Fropii ! for th PrcsicnI , 4 I"Iying 'bsit front AilJntnnt Con- cu-uI Iruni , ( leneral Crook having carried hzbs 'iui ' ! with tue luresitleum ! concerning time mlisim. sitiout of the hostile A1uachies , will heave W'ashiuugton at once out hula return he An- Ziftit and is expected in Oumualtit Thuurzwlay or Friday of this week , where he will it , . lenin two or three ( lays. It will hat- source of grittiflcatioui to the cemmuitry that lie hail bcout susta'iuied by thw adunimilatra- tiomi ill liii. views nb.uumt . the hiostiles jut Ari7ouua , and titero is lie longer any doubt of a html nut ! satisfactory settlouumeuut of the luulinn troubles iii tint ! territory tin- tIer Ida uuiauutgcuuiemit. A1thtl.t ) ( iL' nE : . Iultt'M. I len , B , C. Drtmmn , utdjmmtnuit'geneial of tint army , mtccoinpauik'd by Titajor L. F. Barr , jmmdge'adt'ocate t' . S. A. , utrrived iii Ouuunlia Sunday Imbruing. 'I'lioy nere lao ! mit tue transfer by General IJowaid 1111(1 1mm nils nut ! Cud. 'l'ayloi' , and brtnmghit over to ( lelartuncuit headquarters , whtere they spoitt an hour or two , and then tic- i.autetl . for Sul ! Luike City , where they go ( iii oflicial buisiutess. i'ILSI'AIIATIOSS lout Til C i'itCutI IJiNT. l'ack trains ahtl other umucatis of traits- portittion are luoluug couiccntiuitctl by Ocut- era ! lIow'ard at lrt \ Vmtshiahdeyo. . , to take the irtsileult , Geuiernl Shteridaut , the secretary of war and tlte'ir Part ) ' to tint 'ellottstiiue hark shortly. : IILM V ( ) utlIts. , Itecituitui , Eaumies A. Shiarkey , Charles A. Phelps , .bohuit l'adtlen , Gcei'gt' Ihnutdt nun ! Hubert IInuu'is , enlisted at Fort Omutalm , Nub , , arc assigned to the 4th I mifantry. Cajututuut W'ellsVillatti , Couuiutis.snry of Stibstateutce S. A. , will report in per- soil it ! these Headquarters ott Enisimiess Couimtectc(1 With the Subsistence Depart- macmit , nut ! out completion thereof lie ts-ill rcturui to him. . POPCt statiunt at Oheyeuiute , W'yomuiiuig. st'utvEvlNe Thu 'iiLLOw'sTOM. i'-sJtK. Several tvecks. ago ( leneral Sheridan made applicatiout to' the tvar department for tInt dohiil of Lieutenant Dan C. Kingunan , U. S. engineer , to make a survey - vey of tint roadus and superiuttend the diabmirsontent of the money othd by congress for the iutproveuneuits in the hfellowstomto Park trader the clint-ge of the secretary of tvnr. Ltstu week Lietut , Kiuu"nuaui reseived notification Hunt in , itadueeui ordered to. West Pohit , Long 13auid. ! It has since transpired that by tire personal re(1nw3tof ( eiiera1 Sheridait the order will be revoked and that Lieu ! , Kiuigmnauu wihi be directed to hrosecute the work in tint national park no was original ! ) ' designeti by ( loneral Sheridan. The Industrial school of TrinLty catho- dm1 closed its sessions Saturday amid. the gii'ls , 104 in utuuutber , . were taken to a picnic iii Flauiscoun park. After thick' Ituncheout out thieve and some simtgiuig by the school , Prics were awarded mte Ic- lows : For punctuality---ltnth Blunibury : tntl. Gertie Pugsley ; a Bible picture book fromu the deaut. For general sowing-Mary JOhtutllOUJ , Sopltie Leiuter and Matilda Olcsoui ; books ft-sin Mrs. Clnrkson , Mrs. Davis and M Attics. For hemming ( among the little ones- Julia Larson and Lama Toozcr ; a wax doll fromn Mrs. Wakeley. Forgathiering-Lio'.iu Galutline ; a thiun- 1)10 from Mrs. Dr. Millet' . For greatest iultlrovcmfleflt-GCrtlO Pugsloy ; a put from Tilts. Pratt. The school will reopen on tile first- Sat tirtlay in October. Grand Pacific hotelS S COiLSER OF N/MT/I AAW IIARNEY&7S ! : o31umA . - . . - : tii. OPENEDMAY l7th,1B83. , 'Ihuls Hotel routbuins 100 rooms , all outu.do rooms , anti So rooms on the Itt-st floor , e.qedativ . anapSeul for iuanuie liken. A cuisine of superior excoltazice. ili-sti. quarters for ( ito state trade. SpecIal Imuuccmeutw to the theatrical Profession. lintel sittiateti five blocks from dei.obi , hOt-so cars yaws the dociwboth way. . , cuery the uuuiuaitu-s. SAbSAR & Mb SORTII , BALL'S ' S cA U I , , 1.7 Os. % CORSETS Every Corset Is warranted saUs- I&ctorl to its Wearer In cvor ) way , or the manor wtU be rotunctod by ( ito Zeion from whom It was bought. Tb. only OOr.et pronounced by our lesdint rijilcfsni oi IR.lerioLIs to it. . w.rvr , end endorarut v ia4lai ia Lh. ' toast oomtoriibi. sad perfect OLUIIII voz..i ya m&di. ' & P1110E8by l'o&tije P&141i Uu.lt l'rs9elvtt. $1.50. $ elt.A4JuU.g. Ii.Q b4.a4 ( eztrisc&vy ) $1.00. Nersl.j , l4Q - Sn' coettli soo. l'ie Uealtk ) eei-etss ( ' $ ktrt.5epp.eUg. i,5O. r , .a. bi le4Ia Retail eiii .vsrL.i , mLQo VQM' VUi * VUi , . A - - - r- - - - - Infants and Children Withont Morphine or Nirroofine. Whit ghes our Children rosi cbeoks , cures their frnrs , makes theta sleep ; lu- ' 'Ti. Casiari , . . rw r ni fret , and OtT ivy turns , kwht cures their coilc , k1U their worms. , , But Castorfa. ; What quIckly climes Constipation , I. Sour Stomath , Colds , ltutllgestiomu : t lint ( instorlis. } 'arsuwtIi then to Morphine Syrups Castor Ott and Paregoric , andflail flail Cnatorth. Centaur L1nImont.-A. , solute cure for B.houmntiem , Sprains , Burns , Gall , , &o. , anti en 1nthnthneoui Pnln..rcllovor , E. B. FELLOWS , UPHOLSTERER MATTIESS MANUP GTUIERI All iJnuls of tiioIsteriuig Onna to onto , oui short notice , i'urnltuur. , repaired. Chain , uvsated , eta. No. ni Nnra Sitceuut ) . street. ALMA E. , KEITH , DEALEL ! IN Fine Millinery. hAiti GOSDS , LtVES , ULNOS , ETC. Stxk Entirely Fresh and New. lOilOtiiStreet , Opp. Po.utoffiee - 1jANCUOUANI ) LASSITVtfl' . So COMMON IN TILE SPItING IN lii. CATE A TO11'ID CON1)1ilION O1Y TIlE LIVEItAND A SIjUGUISII CiCVLA- ! TION OF 'rni LtFE.UIVIINCI FLWI)8. A TIA-SJ'OONIFUL OF T.A1RANDS SEITZEit A1'EltIENT IN A. GLASSOT" \VATEIt h1A1F AN hOUTIt BEFORE BItEAICFAST WILL GENTLY ltEL1lV1i AND REGULATE TIlE LEVEl ! Qt.'ICK- EN AND PURIFY THE CLRCULbTION , IM1'AItTS NEW L1FKA1D'V1COR TO EVERY FIJNTCION OF TEFE B DY ALL DRUGGISTS lAVE1T. S1EOIALNOTflCES. _ trSpocia1s will Poattivoly not be inserted. unless paid In advance. TO LOAN-Idonoy. ° TO LOAN-The Omaha Stoiuigs Batik Is M hOW 1.reluareti to tnke loans on Omelet city or Doudas county real estate nt.'mrretit u-aLoof inthrati. No counmissiouibarged. . 'tiIONflY , TO lOAN-The : eirt rates ot Interest 1i fleuuils' Loan Agency , 15th & Douglas. ttMtf 7i4'ONEt' TO ICAN-Call nt-law , ttleo cut I ) . t. _ L,1 Thonias , room. ' 8 , crcIghtn , Illock. . oNCi. 1.0ANEuOi : Chuttel tnortgagc. room 7 .1. Nclraka , Nattoal iiauik Betiding. 154-ti . HELP WANTED. - \ \ ' ) g..oti . exiertuiicetl Imouior abtho flI lard hotel. 41141 7t'NTi1)girt for oncrutd ! hou.ewomk. Cue y that 'an cook. ( , .oti oagt , . . 11)15 CaluItelave- utile , S. } . cur. 20th. Aupiy l.eteeen . 9 antI 3 : 413-9 - - barber ( I.tte . to run 051.01) . Ofl ' \rAcrEn-ooout shares , tn and SOc tuork Address ulItuuior , Sidney , Nob. 412.12' 1A7 AN1'CD-A girt at 211 Daeuiuort stre-etu VI' 403 11 7ANTED-Scvcre1 girls fon'kttcluen work at the V l'axton hotel. inquire fortlie stesani. 407-9 - 7ANTE-k girl to do sua-ondwork. itefortnoes ' S rt'mtllrecl. A1u1iy S. E , cor. 20th andCaltforutla. 406-7' ' (7ANTED-A good girt to go to I'ine ItidguAgen- , V cy. Small ianutlv. Good , wages , . alt. ) shirt uuiakers nuid geol girls for gcrierabiiotu-eusork. ApplY at 217 N. 111th St. Eunpl ymuientoiftuo. 4059t tJOAItIE1IS WANTftI-At 1212 Capitol avenue , .1 : ) between 12 and i : Sts 4029t TXTANTED-0001 girl , ( Oernutui lirek-rrrd. ) 23rd y ) street , 2d uiorth of F'arnain. 416.10 VTAN'1EI-A lInIng resin and kitchen girl , 1300 y Capitol ave. - good giriIunmnecliately at S.V. . cor- \ \rATEu-A acm 22nd and St. Ilamy's ase. Muut legonulcook washer uiui ironer J73.7 - \r.tNTuD-A uiti.iiig . room gIn at the ertigliton ' \ lu.ui' . : u-tt - ' XT.tNTii-'i'ao n.ilaors at lAttlefitId'sSamatoga , hairy. - TANTIDi'ouuIau , cook aunt chambermaid. Ii- \TANTID- .itulre CaiIforu.In 1vue corner u ith anti flougia.s St. i93-Ut . \ANTEl ) -A COOk at the Iluirmoy .St.mostatiruut. ' \ ( loud teage' . . :190-st : TAN'1il-tte trackune , . , ru ( muarrmflen. t0 inV - V liorera for city work. 11. 3iANgiLEut , 355.7f ljtIu St. hear 1'uruain , Iunjdc.yuutt-iit .tgt. - ' ' ) - good , , ounaui cook , Cit hOtel , ecs' ' \TAN'l'CI-A 90th 101(1 Barney St. M TATEt-Secou took at the luunwt house. Woman IreferrcI. 25&i2t TANTED-A thoroughly competant girl ho do I S generai iouswork , in a famIly of twix AIy 2324 lougias St. , 3.19. . 1 'tTANTED-Girdto tb generalhouse-sork2OliiIlurt S S St. 310-7 'V'OUNO T.A1 WANTED-To learn shortZaest. no J _ charge. Oltusation bemi courpeteuit. Address "Steno , ' lieu ottv. 517-71 IATANTEI-Js guoul general , blacksmith. t'xid I I wages anti steely work tittysar rou& lowltY .t IlAriggy , Fremont fob. 5'1B - ' ) ' ' taults , sinks , neil ccsip.ols to ' \TAN'lEi)1'riv1' cleau tu ItIt . .amuitary cieansr. . Satlsauctio , . guar- anteed. .1 , MI. Smith box 422 thualiut. 316-tune 17ANTEl'n ) } LXClIANOGeriutu Kssouus for , S tocuil lussouts by a lady eSiterleuteL-ul ii. . the Sn- tour or COiO4rb.ltIOflaiultetiltL _ Adu.hess 3 ! . CIty , 290Steat t _ . T.tN't'14) 2 gael mcml towork. FIrst lint-c S. ' fair n.tuiti' , . 'roesley limo's. 315-tf ) - girl for gsmueral honetuark , unuuttbu \ \rANTCI-A geed cook , ttaher and ironer , AIily at 2420 lIarmn St. Mrs. .1. 31 , 'Ihui-stouu. 201-I : "S N-reiu--uIr fur gutiiurttt liotes.aork , host be 1 gc..1 cOOk aud iauisimss. Ajj4v at 1704 ( 'nit. frnIattreet 211-ti - - - tr'Jl : : ; Oil YCUNU. lIEN in c ty or country , .1 tiku mdcc. light aunt p1ca.suit w i k at their OWI % liouuiQ.4 2 to .i auiay easily StiLl quIetly tunic ; work i-emit hi mali ; u.n . esujia ssing no staini , for rvm'iy i'jeAni uetdress IteilaUc 3iauoufacturiuig.Coiu.maty . , i'.t. , dmuaer FT. . tIll ISS.tu-th-sat hr 2i SITUATIONS WANTED , ' : . - ' - : ) A . , sltulati.m bi a gletery store ) i a C T gs.i , str.ui iu , i tu liii ejuerIei.tt- . no , 11. . lttii UrLct 493-91 & Voitug miii $ . i.&ktSn . 'uy . ' co.3ing . Cieluings , Adulrees J. ii. lice ulitci. ' \ % TA.S'rEi ) I1 , fluu oluiwtci ) udiugisiv ; a . , as as.-atauut Isiok.ki.t-1tr or ua'iikr. , d.iteu _ ll1t ibth St. CIt3. 2)1.01 % 'AN1i-1J 1i.u.k.ksj.Ii. or ut1tt ! % usk to d. V V taieiuigu. Aiiires , F. It. II. 1k-i , i.ttIit. 'Ja9-Of _ % T.STll-.t sItuation IIa young menu , Iii a store V or chIco , has haul scitmai ycarsexperiencu in a gei.trai store. Adiriss iv. N , lieu etitcu , 33-1-91 \\T.tN'IELllatu In store or Ovate Sara sn.au-t . i.tuy . , . 15 ) ears oki. ( inst iln.n. ! I ) . IL Ne1so , , 614 botutlu 10th itreet , Omnaita , Ceb. 400.10 - \ T.AN1El-A itituatiomu l'.i orivatu ( entity by au cx. . coachuzaiu , Ai.piy 217 N. iCItu St. w - ' - MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. _ _ O hi ) IltoN WAN1tIrl am not , ' Ue to i.e a few ( -irs of ea' ( scrapiroti 11 it tt , I.etouhts . i'e,7 ow figure. t'orrr'pon.lt-nce sulicItcd. ) , IUtlIlch. rist corner lflsice tuod li2tt St. Iemuvcr CxId& ' FOft RENT--flou.eg and Love , 1i(1iifi.ae 1 hIs for tao , iOi61'araam. 14i4.7 1)00115 ) 'Olt itISTttmItsb.foi' ? two gi-ntlemen 1' JIJ tsrnzum. , uoIt iticr : Ifiumse ( . asuus' , 1th .0 r-onenlcncs , . ' Iuutitt- lto1biui , 919 Sniuslets St. 1Ot. ( - 1soit 1tg-r A goc.1 piano et peM'onsbh , tte.id. . .1 dross lPi4 % Veb'ttr , Street , 93t1. 1 iIENT-large nicely fumr.tshs'd front roonj with clc.et , 1811 hinet.port stiest. 4Ii-9f t011 1llTh'Tttiig-Co of C rooms. 2O hth. StuPCaIIfernIa-t. - , 371'ilfl 11'011 8INT-lIouseingood U St. 1114-12 ! I-lout iiMN-r I-'lrt la , , room with ( card it l&t3 ij liowsrd5t FOR 1tlT Iltgstit fturnl.Iic-d u-oem 596 Do.ige. 1135-1 2u poll ImE.T liti'e ot , CPultnc , fIt. betateit 1411 , A .1. 15th ln'jiulr at corn. r Chicago and 11-tb. iOht 115tT'-liou.s ( , ta II'OTnI on 13th an. ? Uha Strcet. x.eittlre . st ISIS } 'arnhatn btrvcjt , ntitt ' tOit ltsT ThS f1rl Il.r tinl , 1a.emcut , of N , . . 2t5i ( au 04. 'flue mi.-t , lcsIrul.le house in the _ % \ % ill excliuuugy. reid ( cur lstri , 32t ) 11 Is COt ltlN1 Tie , suueufl lrt ? "tort-s anti bisemnuit U just beiuig IItt-iiti tui. : ; tltrxe .ioori miortlu of Ncs .atk.inl flank. s. I.lifi1N. & 43tf " ( , uteTmm.'trti ui uhf. ) ' , nhidttre a1 .5 ( k'ttlit , Trta.tu-seq-tlkc , , I OlLltIN'l' : liu1tulV , a n.z > little ftlrntsh&d rove. . , w it ) . guts , u'nie , Ct1tuerunontb 24111 aS St. 875-ti. A Nice newiy fitnuiPe-i cool rr.sn with 1'Iat. . . I. . . lot 1C15 ledge St. r iWO Cottage' . for nuit 51(11 ( Ii rooms in inch at ) . a month tii :131 : * st. b.'tw-ems k.uuuauui and louu4- in' . . luuqtuln , tn thu 11441.10' rtiyo t'urrulsln.t ri.uu.u . , Sc r rent to single ge.utIei"m _ J . APtlY tl0i9Io.Igo lIt. :154.7' : ' OR I1ENT-1.nmge fnut , rot. . . wIth toy window , with bo.itel , motion. imltproveinent. 1718 ioda JOlt ILENT-ROomu tu lilt hoard , northeest conwr 19th nnd CalIfomni , it. 207-ti I Olt ItENT-Five room cottao with good bai . .tIl in ext-eVent condition and ash locite44 , 103-U C. F. IMIISCOLL 1 iUIINIS1IEL ) ftOoMS AND IIOAIWL'Slodern &e .J : ' cniemuce. , 1812 Dodge t : 004.lntf ' 1tESlI hilt-h cowior daic. ituqulroofl'.lt , basis j..lllsotith l4thSF FOR 6ALE. j'mui : o.Luu-cttot.u reidcneo , taurythltug ( mu 1st I class ordet near Mt. 3tar's air. Spedstofftrtor only us its.da4s. . I'FAfl { , opposite i'tt , utflce. 397-9 1oit SALE-$121) tom' choIce acre' thicts # usr citj. . 395-10 1'IXiK.O p. PDstQt&e. TieR ; SAIL -Fouripendld hones. I1inleor doe .5. ble dr1vcr. Nortoi'i Oroecry Store , 701 N. lOUt street. 274-ti -liolt : SALft.-ltorst.u , Wligons , liarusse , P3e. , .4 .1 EmIgrant Stalle , Comings stm.eL 258.lm Ott SALft-000 itetut ycariunghoifors. F 900 he-sd 2 y-ar oltl boilers. 41-0 " 8 , 4 and 5 year nh1'heifot. 300 " I and 2 year old steers. 4c0 " 3 and 4 year oil steers. 300 " nuheul calves STRANG'nitos , Cattle contractors , Tilde , iVbolauud 'l'aUbw it-ralers , SlouxCityIome , 5S2.1ni . .4 ciii SALE -Old uluw-s1uapet-s 0l talga no.1 snaIl quantities at thIs ottice. U ; uoit SAL1---Fiax mill machinery co.lstiflg o brake , 2 dusters , beaters pIcker , pu-eeu , c. stork either rotted or greet stock , alou uthaitlu. . : ; , pub ' 1 104. , antI beitiuir for drivi.g.tite . utbite , also one 33 11. 1' . cugino with ioiicr , s.uukestack , . amtdali fitumas complete. Address WILLIAM TAIT , ( 'tarIe' . ( .ity , Ioaa. 255-3nul F Oil SALE-A first cia's second luatud'tnp iitucxy Call at 1319 llarmittv , street. 25111 I tameringand Cit SiCCil 1mui.ct1tn.cntsi'ornuanttti. ; I cured , iyIr. 11. Juivenbtughatjtuie Canflelli nhud Omaha , until Atigust first. 'the , ioctor l.a-u uitadt speech lmpediunett , a 5CCiaity tiucinut ten-yesrs.aa ) j is so sceli acqurnlntett stitli the , uatture , caere anti curt ' that ho guamutees eli nt-es taken tinder treatment , Circulartu anti reference , setut on alIik-zsta 418.1w .kt itt ltFDCCiI ) ! 'ENT.-i. 25 1.ouuo . for O2 ( ) l'er uiuoutb , . tel house for 3O inontit 12 house for $10 u P1011th 020 hotno for 315 mnuunth. I S 511 house for $10 per inenti , . The above to good tcnsnts who wIll ltss-s' for eec ' year. B000Sut tills1. j , j 41711 'AIEN Ui'-Ity sitiocrluirtsboutiltly2 , e' . old bay mare. S-aiim uuare"v.astraded tosotr.u Omaha man by Mr. 11mw n , of iVest Omaha , about ' weeks ago. Owner can base mare by calling aC Of- trance's bail , on 16th.truut betwecn Farriaun and liouglas , ) utta1ta , atnLt jaiuj.cimn' . 396.71 Ii. tV , oAIu'nNTm. T AUCTION-For sal11 , 23 : iomt1s atbride stuck A anis , Saturtlay at ii a. in , nd 2 p n. Ally one wishing to Ilircilaso irfu.ro that tIlute call , Ios ( t.y calling at the abuse ilate. O5'F--About ii p. mit .iaiy ut-Il. a oorsidorniiestznu . _ 4 of mutomuer beta veil ( tr.tbId. Store MIMnIC luau The tfuttler w iii be liberally reward.1 on return zig it to this 0111cc. 300-71 I O1t Flute iiottuu titid li-ddlug .lant . at 1.01 . prict. Cali at lm.tiis . 1. Arnold No. i2jiN.rtitil'th . St : uot-lt - iOfi1-NSAlti'-TIte.freai1kiauu..ary in cesuu- -F1tIiF i.ectI.n. . with the ChIlls lu.pitatand . lLontc ha. Icon io.nte-ui on tita cut-Hem of 16th toot io.igiau-tttets iiuttii the ulLIt building Itjttoitc-.t. . Attoaut1anc V. iii to giver. t-tr ujuorutlug ( Stoiday incepted ) ( mitt 1d tt. i 1 o'tlock for tutu treatment of titu un-ti ) , 4k ant sulieriuug : t7a-tf ' 'I'iAYi'i-lromSiuinn'S { additics. twIne year oil L yy uutare COIl. btszcd face niud white hind. fc.ot LIlbersi reward sIii be laid for return to , ltio. lttlnj. ter 25th and Cuts , , brick yttrui. $31'tOl 'AKIS V1'-liy the utdorslgmssl.us.reul , cow with sshite slots cit hotly : and face. Also nest In tacit ear. Cow was wtth calf sshe. found. Owuer can Itase satno e-alliugc.n 1' . Larsosi , Jones ttrvet , be" tweeli 6th antI 7th , ansi tat hug carees. tIO-toeW ) FoiL HLLE-4u xere5 , houms.- , brit , tu-es , k. , near Florence , $9,500. Wilt enoluange forfarm land. 372.10 SIIIIIVIIIL & oit HALE-Ifonoc and citolao.cuorier. , 5t near I ! . i , . 1)ei.ot. 2'.o0. lee : eash baltuies ii. nionthiy " la3ulents. 151)11 ) ? JOSi'M ! ; 1306 tinxaey St. Ounahs. 905.71 EDWARD KwHL , SIAOISTE1L OP l'ALSIVSTEItY AND CONDITION ALIST 493 Tsu.th . Street , betwoea Varuusm and lIar. ney , will , whit the aid at guardian seIt1ti , obtain for any otto a gisuucu of ( lie jast amul present , and ot * certain coatliflons In thu future. bouts and Shoes mends to cater. l'erfcct satisfactiot , guaranteed. k AKI $ POWDEt Absolutely Pure 'this towder nuier i-nra. , A nutty' 0 strength autut witolcaunwuiess. hero -tJ the ortiIni kinds , and canu.otbo suid/ , sitlu the iuultltitda iti low te't , stied ( ' ih3Itltatu 10510cr. Sh1 outi > ' Imi caul ' 1 mIte l'owmuzit VC W , Itreot New Yui 1W' .