f TIIL DAILY CUL'NCIL'BLUrFS , MONDAY , JULY :1 : , IFS. ' DAILY BEE. ioUNcIL BLUFFS. Monday Morning July 9 , 1 sunscfll'noN 1tATFS : ) , ( atrtcr - - - - - - 20 cente pct week Pf Mau - - - - - - - - $10.00 per Year OFFIOE : No , 7 Pearl street , Near Broadway , MINOR MENTION. . + ee Jocph Itcitor'8 aprtug styles , Cheap Railroad Ticketa at Ihishuell'ss. ' Additionnl local news on aoveith pogo , Thu city council meets iti adjoltrne(1 . .eIion ( hfa evening , Thu apirihtalf8ts had another plensnut social Saturday wcning. Tito IIUW Sixth street bridge is about Cem1eluted except the nIIracIIes. ) ) Res . Father O'Shea conduclol AeI vices at the Catholic church yesterday , .hiek I'caegoy , the horse , out the nine , is new min the market for 4,600 , , high Jack , Ilex , Mr , Clakey , of Sprmifield , 0. , ( ) CCl1iUCl the Presby'turbtl i1111tit yester- day.Mare Mare money is siill needed to carry out all the propnscd plaits of the Y , M. C A. 'The annual Episcnpalean lawn party is to 60 given on Judge Jonos' grownia next 'l'hursdny evening. .I. Dickey d Son , whose blliltlilig was injured by the recent stormy are fast getting - ting everything to rights again , Dir. . Paulsen discovered Saturday that burglars or snc11k tliiuyea had leeii trying i. . secure an entrance to his office , hat lad failed. The doors of the calnlonsu should bu tied with apiece of twine to keep thou from flying open and letting prisoner's fall out , 711rs. George T. I'1uolps' ' condition yes- Lenlay afternoon seemed n little uwro favoible , though she was still very IoW indeed , A number of Odd Fellow olthusiasta welit to Neola Saturday night. to attend the Public installation of the of'ucera of the lodge there. p The young folks of the various churches have arranged for union prayer lne.'riul gs before the regular Sunday evening - ning preaching services , to be hot first in one church then another , Dirs. Baringer an eccentric old lady living alone in a little hquac , hack of the court house , reports that she has been raided by sneak thieves , who stele munerous small articles. Tluo trotting matt ) Sunabiue is tore- main hero sometime , training at the track. If there is anytluu g that the driving ark reeds especially it is sun. shine ) and of a staying q uality. Fidelity Council No. 160 , Royal Arcun in , have passed resolutions ap- projuriate to the sad bererveueut of N their brother , ( Icorge II , Ferguson , whesu mother recently died. There was extra good music at thn Congregational church yesterday , Miss Westeott , of Keokuk , playing the organ , ' and a rjuartuttuconsisbng of Dhs. Ifaver- stack , Miss Jossl n of .fanesvillu' .Vis „ and Dleaars. Ford and Spooner , giving the vocal uinlsiC. The Fourth in Council Bluffs this year was ono long drawn out. It closed Sat- ' urbay night by the prenisel display o f fireworks , which bad weather necessarily caused to ho postponed until then. The display was at the eornorof Ilaucroft and Broadway and was very fine , Justlco Abbott is an onthusiastieworker in the Orand Anna' of the Republic. Saturday night lie planted n post at Dial. very wit47 charternemborrs a larger number Lunn any other post in the state has started wit. Other )0ata are ox. ( lectcd to be instituted stud at Hamburg , loudorsou and Sidney , and the one at hilnnwpod is to be reorganized. A woman from Terre haute , Ind , , arrived lucre Saturday 1111(1 sought the aid of the olleo to fund ur husband , whom she eliu lied deso ted her and whre she Jleud WWI in this city living with another woman. Her husband wan found , he being at Work in a barber ahoylp in this L city , rand Auro enough living e with another woman , 110 claim that he hats a divorce front wife No. 1 , and she is taking ceun- aol : ts to what she can do about it , , I. L , Fornuui's two daughters while drivimi gabout the half-nub track at the fair gioumid , Saturday , hind a unurgw ca. arlro fuon Aerious iujtu , ' . A bughy , in which Mrs , Jerry Meyers was driving , struckthu ; wheel of their ) ( thou both out , but Atuin mil ' enough , ; Hot sdribual hmitiui g either ono of 'the young ladfeHY Thu horse then ran awe mnasl in g the vehicle and cutting his hfud Riggs rather badly , 4 The fellos'a , arrested for recklessly slupotiug firu works of Broadway were given adccturo by dudgo Ayloswortli' ' on Saturday , and then discharged , They geoff tt off oaaenough , It is to ho ho nod that t before uiiuuther Fourth the countof 'hwi i l liars sonu ; ordumncu restrieting tirowork s O 801110 extellt , at least preventing so ltrohfsoubus and caroldas shootiuug on nhtn mud Maui street , whore timer e are always such crowds wt he sf owalk aad sir eta every holiday , ) . g - - - - - . Open for work , Pryor'd14e1 : Job I'1iin I t lug Oltlcg , 7 l'cam 1 street , C. m e , 1)r , ) Vest , Dentist , 14 Pearl sttcet. PIaclnp , tlto I'olleo. 'I'iie police were clumged abort some e yesterday. Ofilcers4Bropka and Lcomnrt 1 11(1W ( go nuij lay tlty , the othoi , go nt uights. 9t eor arhyto takes ltliddl ) , Broadway , .Cuklck Contritl Broadwa ) y Claugh'.Vest BnAadway , had Duller South Mafu street , Qlleer IViu'nor is on th sick list at preset , GhxrLEs1EN-Your Ilup Bitters has' I.eun of great value to uw. I was lab up with typhoid fever for over tw mwuthsm a could gut uu relief until tried your Ifopl3ittorn. ' 1'o those suffe lug with debility or nlq' one in fuebl hadthi' 1 cordially eecoiuuund than' J. 0 , STO'IEL , 083 Fulton st Chicago , Ill. Mandel's is the place to get big ba gauus in furniture , household goods , ut - ' - - ( IDIy 26 cents 11 meal at Mrs. Gray's , l _ - - - - - Casady 0.C Orcutt keep a full asor' 1 vent of carpets the year round. A. H. Mayio ; d ; Cowill remove to-du , lhoir cube and coal yard to their mi quarters , at 639 Broadway , opposite T Nonpareil. ' a T1iI : OLI ) STOILY. A Itnusnd Yonne Man 1'ays 1 'llly 1)bllnra fo' One Lesson In the 1Vnys of thmo World. It anions almost useless for the gross to warn pcoplo not to give up their utofiney to strangers wider any circum- stances. Tho' mild , old ganto has Leon plnyod agafut this tune on n young watt front Kansas , who came to this city on the Iansas City train , While of route lucre he formed the acquaintance of a geutlu mnnly nppoariug , solidly wealthy looking sort of a man , who node himself very' genial , and won time young man's cotulidenco ; Time latter was going to Stem Fnwciaco , and time stranger by cue of time strange coincidences which , however - ever , nlways hntspoi , was going thorn ten. Ho was n big ) nerehant there , lie looked like it , Time merchant expected to troll a liras awaiting lui11t in Outnhn , and iii that case would sell his ticket ts'hioh Ito Lund houghit , to time young moan for littlu or nothing , On renchmiug thus city , a pretended railway official tackled the merehauitforpaynmmtof snub freight bill in advance , lie wouldn't Wait and m s the merchant hind miot r uito' cash outigdu ] w borrowed $ tie of his young friend , until thme' could et across time river. Ito then svout to look after the gouda turd their sliipnaet , and is probt- ; tly ) still hooking after then r ; as he bas not rcpnrted IA t time young uuui sinco. It ACL'llls 'massumg ' stnutge that nor ) VIII thus Ic11ll their mhnme . If a friend or nei ghbar w mmita n loan , eu for n ahert tiulba oi' Amuihi amout , lender will think it nil over , nod time chances are lie will deuamal security , hunt up the 0.b ablwi of title , turd take every precaautiomi , limit this sane sort of a fellowwill lend to nut entire strmwcr , fa a strange city , with mm security , 1111(1 with hardly nu inquiry. Onq , ecmmmtl excuse is that "I had no idea he wns mile of the chuffdence fellows , 11'11y , lie wuul nicely dressed , amid talked jest like n geuutlennu , amid he Aceulcd so homiest , " A great ninny have aim idea that a eonfiduuee luau is a omaustrosity. Ile tnny be so ntohttliy , hut , ms a rule , they dlguiae this fact by floe feathers 1111(1 au honest strut. At least they ' ) lay their ) art well unough to deceive time umiini- tfateil , The railway companies could do much to lop this robbery of time public , if they chi e. It m pltours frc etil - that nnil way mint Flo estlionselvesuamui especially " peanuts" confidene "Eio ivo time at on tha train "pointers , " B ' sullimi their wares , getting Ia bill chman ged amid in other ways , the fwd oat wlmo can be worked aw , hat mono tt passenger its , and than give this to time hhr er for a onsideration. The latter thuemm reor coeds to work the victimim as best he cei. Conductors , too , boiug sharp observ crs , often know that conlidece men are on the trafmi , amid yet fail to Wart time passengers or patch proccodings , It Is believed that ; iV the cone pet would hold conductors 1p sotally responsible for nil games turned op their trains , the confi dunce business 'would ' end very s poedi ] As to the railway and ( lo mt toliceuun- they do out a arentl wnsulor than - soli es iii ally wu concorucd' at least so far as the potection of the public is in- volvod. 11110' do vor well for guideposts - posts to ] ) oilit out tramuis iutd time ticket window but soulohow they umuldomn or hover arrest mummy coulidetce con. If this is they do not know then their ignuranoo is deplorable. If it is because they do riot smut to arrest them their conduct iii suspicious , They try to justify tlmensolves by saying that they cannot give brafua to fools wino d0 not know enough to keep their 11mnoy. Per- hops ahoy have no such gift to spare , but it 1s the feeble in mind mni body wlmanu it shall be theft special duty to protect , instead of protecting time eharp , cunieni- cal classes. Mrs..T. A , Cray hums refitted her res taurnut , 21 and 23 Bryant street , iii flue shape , amid is serving meals at only twenty-five cents. IFTayor Lynuar at Oakland , Council Illufrs furnished nuany ceiobre tfotma in this s'ucinity with oratory. Among them wns Oakland , Dlayor T , maml being time chosemu orator there. 7'he Acorn of that plutco says "tiiu oration wins prn- nouncetl time best over delivered mit Oak- 1nnd"mend PrOCOCl18 to summimummnrizo it thins : IIo revimwud the history of time Anuuri- cmtn colonies' iii their strug to for iudo- , ) umulmmeo frmn time oppression of Great Britain. lie divelt a nun the elunmge wrenght in our ' ' by time late rebellion nod showed hosv u 1 ) to that po ihd We wum'e a free nation umtly , in ammo and not in reality. lie mud 11 tribute to time loyal lend who foil upmn the field of battle in dufece of their coun- try. 'l'lmis Part of his speech brought tears to Limo eyes of ulnny nu old soldier present , lIe 81)0kc of the pro. gross uhndu by time Umimted States min time past century ; hnss' time loennutivo , time reaper , thiesewiug nuchimie , time tuiegrrph , nni the tine phone had su ereodod time old-tunic stage coach , time sickle time mimic- die amid the letter crrier , lie urged ar- l - an uvory citizen time inlpurtaneo of taking paart 111 Auumuricami polutica , for through he mud' ' milt wish to h0 uuduratoad as midvocnt hung partizan politics , yet no nyami could justly houst of Autoricaut citizun81mip svlmo , did not not crystallize leis suntuments through time toot mist of time ballot lhyx , Ho gave sane od advice to time boys I ubbut leavlmmg tlad flunu for time city , amid then closed with'fsln ' appeal to uvey nun ) to dal his duty his gountly at nil bows' and all ) rill be svull. . - - - - Our Now Lmsu unntl Iuuprovwueut Co : Inn estigatinm into time matter eom'imicus us tlmnt eau of time ti'lost equitable ; reason- ablo'nnd frasible pleas of budding houses is that proposed nod in opeTmtiou by the jlleie mmtile Loan , Trust amid Ihgpruvu- m nyont cnnij uuiy of this city. . By invest- iug fill shares iii this hlatitutlot , which is backed by , souw of nn' best amid must me. ' liable busuwas utun , it buconmes possfblu m amid cuuu ummuitivuly cosy for a main of u immoderate umumis tq seouru a comfum'tnblo laomitu for Iminselt mend fnunily. Jim taking a ccrtnin nmmmuber of shares , met a ce'tafu a uunlbly puq'nont , in mm fuw ycnrs m mimamy cm otvu a house of leis own for mbout time I sauna ms hue pays mmnutidy for rout. 'lV bulius'o time Dlurcnutilu l.ouui amid ' 1'rua coulpauy , by orgammtizilrg amid opening ul for bualmless , have lulled 11 long felt want in Council Illadfs , 'fhmeir pl11tms mil : ) systunm ut loumus will bear time most care fill sorutuuy and exnnmiuation , amid w u r- bib O uo hesmbucy in 'mmououtong ' ; then reisonmble and aunable nod backed Iy C , rontioison of honor uuul into grit a time of ounce A1 cote men' exists it bucones 11 ftyatitutlun i f .111ue tumid credit tO our cit y t- amid those who desire nouns. Their ices is 'F , Kirldand' vice prosftteht ideat Judge I'o.ul.u , ' secretary , 1 It lluer y , y treasurer , Col. Beebe , and their ollleu 1 ow in the basuumuut of Shmmm nrt iC MeM Ifu hots new black , corner First avunuu muy Pearl street , juu27.ly. 1 FINIHIfiN(1 TIIi'I FIIN. Time Closter { ; Itaces at. the 1)rlving l'nrk , anti tire Winners. Time Driving Park association certainly merits much praise for time pluck amid perseverance alewn in arranging an(1 carrying nut so oxcellort a progrnnnho as they providctl for time oltortafnntmmt of the public. IL is to ho regretted that their otterprise was mint more heartily - tily apreciated , and ruoro practically supported , .then such aim onturtafnatont Its that offered oil Saturday is given to all at the nonuinnl auto of 26 coma , it seomua as Hough there should ho enough in at- tundnnco front the city alone to pack time amphuithuater amid crowd time grolndd. But such wns not the ease , time attendance - ance boiug duly' fair. Of course threatening - ening s'eather,11nd time cxpcricneo of time dronchum 6g rain of time Fourtlm , had sonic- thin to do with it but aside fronm that there was too ltttcil mmI1atim1 . Tlllt FItaa FOut ALI , svlus loon by Big Soap , the following being time amiiuuary ; lug Snap . . . . . „ . . . . , . . . . .i 3 1 1 Iucrcco. . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l 3 : u Little Sioux. . . . . . . . . .i . 2 2 1 'limo , 228.1 : , 2:2I : , 2:24h : 2'371 , Littlu Sioux wan uD his bad behavior , ht time first hunt hue uunle several haul breaks amid was set back For rumumiur ) , amid in time nthler bents Imo wont off his feet frequently , 'ante 2:3.1 : rm.lss proved n ) 'cry rx'g contest. Time startols were ' 'Joontmehmc Boy , " .1. IL Buh11n , Katmsas City ; "Cnledeuin Chief , " 'P , 1bullock , St , Chair , Dliclm. ; "Dbmy Clark , S , Di , Beardsley , Ouut11a. ' ) 'Imo result was as follows : May Clarke. . . . . . . . . , . . , . . , , . , .1 1 2 1 Cnnuhmmelmelin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 2 1 'i Coledonimm Chi eL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 1 Tiute-2:101 , 2:373 : , 2:35S' : 20.6 ! . lm time ladies showing of graceful r'ul ' iug mmd skfllfnl horsenn11ship Lucre were but two emmtries , Dliss Atln Itich and Mrs. Hall , lioth hulies rode very finely , but Limo latter nmet with a mishn ( ) mil fol lowumm g out time instructioma of the judge to ride arommd in n smiudl circle. She ss ns on n sbumge horse , and n rather spirited one , amid in turning short sue was thrown to time ground , but fortmumnte- 1y ekcaped injury , Dtias Rich was given time first prize , 11 saddle and bridle , and Mrs. Hall n silver cup , Thu race for gentlemen's roadsters , double teen , proved quite interesting and misusing , George .Visnor's team won n atraiglmt heat , P , Boynotto's Leann second , amid llloses'.Vise trmird in the first hea , and distanced in time see- tumid , N , L , Ilall'a teaul was distanced in time first heat. Time time was 3:23 : and 312j. ; It is aeldom that you will fool unwell o ufl'er frmn inhgestiom if you use Brow'n's Iroi ttera. - - - - - - - 1'E1tSONitLS , hisses Katie mind llnttio ] linxshum , daughters of George Blnxsitn , time well known bout and shoe nmerchnnt elm Soutlm Maur street , left last ovouing for Chicago. Hiss Katie is n teacher in the public schools and during time last tern taught in the mill school. Miss Hattie graduated - uated last week at the Sisters' academy. They will return iu time for Miss hate to ru- sutne her duties whulm school oemis S. b , Keller , J. F. Sparc , .h M , lbmttlmews. E , Ii. Gardiner and ( l. Ii. Jneksoo were auumg tlw Odd Follows who represented Council Bl offs at the iostalhation at Neohs Saturday os eulug. They report n royal ommtcr talmniuult. : J. E. Ware , of l'lauo , ill. , T..T. Southerm , of Dlnttooa , Ill. , mid N. S. Packard , of Plo no , formed n trip of agricultural implement moon at the Pacific yestorloy. Charles Howard and wife have returpod from Allchlgau , whither they had boon called by the illness and death of Mrs. Howard's father. Dave Bown + an , the well-known imntol clerk , mow goes to Cherokee Sprlmigs for a couple of weeks recreation before returning to Omaha. . F. L. Clark , time assistant auporhitondent of time American express company , is now off for Dom'er on a short business tell . George Cnrsmmllms returned from a visit to his muilug interests is Limo west , mrd is very sauguiuo as to the futuru wealth. lli.s Eueea Jusslyn , of .lntmesvlhhe'iVfs. , is um tIme city min a visit to her sisters , llrs , l' , lt. l'ryorauad u1 ms. lh'.V.'J'ilton , nuv , Mc'ul eeoumy and Stephelm McAfee leave far Colfax Springs t + wnorruw and will ho ni- gout ubuet a week. , Ttuues Wild , swim list's near this city , loft lust eveamimlg mom a trip to California , aecom p + udetl by 11hs wife. ( . . 1V. T.nswm3' mid Italy mind harry Ilmuet tumid lady , of furry , forced am happy quartette um time l'neilie yesterday. Miss hlnttlo lumupper has retlrmod honpo fimmi ntteudiog school Ja . Jacob Nom umeyer expects to start him u few days on a visit to ( lenmauy , City Author Berko expects to start tide wwuk for hle Mexico trip , Mr. aad Maw. A E. Brown , of Cleveland , aria at time Ogden , Chines ] lufmnk , of Jeliorsu11 , Iowa , was hm time city yesterday. Rev. S1' , Boyd , of Fnlrfield'wale In Uue city Saturday , Henry Voss , of Oomhu , waesln time city yes- terdiiy , II .T , V' , McGee , of Now York ; is ma Ogtlemm hoase guest C , J. Arnuhd , of Chicago , reached the Ogden yestenluy , It aemmis impossible that n remedy mndu of ouch comnnoh , simple phuts nu Bops , Diaudrnkolandeliou , .Cc , , should hmku so mnuy' uumd such great cures is Ihitters tit ) limit svlen old andomg , ricmmitl poor 1 ustoennd doctor , laai 'ue and cditoi , all testify tAm lmm ing bon omr ad by timumn , you miuust huliuvo and try than y'uur ulf , nod doubt min ] otbger. Swedish fovement Cure Far the treatment and cure of dry , bath , dead i' r falllag hair or Iwidueas , at 712 Droatlway. Council Bluff. , ( as soon as roosa are vouq.lctel ) ; until luau thou taqulru for Pr. nulgu , acna.C thu way , at hat Coy llouse. Comisultatlun or 'exaudnallon at hl , 1101115 Lree em charge. HAT'IHI'Atfl'ItN(1PAIFANTEED. Saleof prlea + fur nuNee ) ' mid i urber trvahncut. I HhaIulwu of heat w him .tluumlatlug lotion , curl I tbuo 25cts , Hhaw ast of brad alum but fait Imtl + , t0 cts. ell ! Brun half prkw t 9hnau wuu/huadwllhvntnrhhdlontllppingond , of hair fir dead or laulhlg heir Sc , b0 the. Cldldrea I taall prlro. ' ! laud u1ane.lla treatment for ha.tl and feetbu etc , Cldllreim 'aAf price. ' ssulp sslth btiunilatbag Oils for tick ! wereI'uatturimia uug wrruu half prko. s reHre wclal attention glsen to 1wr.une sery weal. ! ) ' 0 r a. wmbyut to heart affcttltm , soul yuuuy mwrwuu 1J.lo w d dasutupment lam Puberty. Extra cimrgee where palace delru treatment a the rv.tdcncc , To Our Customers ! Lt looking over time Seveumty six dnys of our existemico as n frny , we fluid that we lmro reason to tlmamlk our friends far time Very Large Sales we have Had. 11'o tlmouglit time people of this city would appreciate a stock of CARPETS & CURTAINS ComuaoiswTrto with time size of time city , amid are ' ) lensed that we were not ntis- taken.Ve shmrll put uy this fall even n Larger Stock of the New Choice Styles Onl Y , , % e have nrranged witim soumo of time largest mwuifuetuyers to han(11c thuir PATTERNS , Attti imenco calm give omlr cmatomiers time betmufit of Special Desiglm. CASADY & ORCUTT , 502 Broadway , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS A , H. MAYNE & CO , nFALImou : : iN Liffle Louisville MICIIIOAN I'LASTEII , ilAllt AND H1wElt : 1'n'u , IIAIt1) nn SOFT COAT , AT LOWEST I'IIICE. No , 34 Pearl street , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , J M , PHILLIPS , WIOLISALE : ASD It1T.tIL : BOOTS AND It1T.tIL'SHOES ! Fine Shoes a Specialty. 413 Broadway , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , NUGENT & SMITH , Merchant Tailor FIRST CLASS GOODS AND THE DEST OF WORKMANSHIP GDARANTEEDI 1 and 9 Main Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS nIR CTOR Y , c t cxL 33LtUITra1 , x. JO r ) N BENO & GENEILAi , MEI1CIIANDiOE. i CL' 18 Slain strcut and 1 ? i'oarl street , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L. B , CLARK & CU/ F'rescriptlonuCompounded nuuGGlsTS. atnilhours. ] Ordlmrnadway. . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MAg NLUH L11ni , Orecery , 216 Maui Street. Motel 110U811. , 217 toad 210 Mtinstivt. V J. M. BARIIOW , M. D. , ( 'enter OFFICE , trert'ataai Fifth ace. 1) I3 , J. F. W RITE . . , Curare Stain and Fiftha up etairs. Residents" , 000'Willhw aseuue. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . O [ 'Tllll'EACI : , N SC :1 URZ. onmco over American Exprese. . - Y. - - - - - - - - - - - - - SY. Tin -L1PFItY : ANF'EEn , 4. S v AGiVE u. , 11'111 contract for famiemis at reasonable rates. 2'Fimrtli street. _ - - - . - - _ _ _ . _ U M , S 1 LI1 JOH ' \r iv C.CAt f l t H BUYERS , TVholosnltLuttereprepoul- tryatadfrill. , filaip tons. Draft by return mall 145 c adwar. - - - + - --A NEwB00TANllHIIOEST011F- S 21. A PIERCE. ConterMalnanylFtrsbavurato. „ ; - PETg BRIDCE & HERBBRTZ Drnadx ay1oatbtarkab , , 3-21hroadway _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - J A ( JtiOB D UCH , Stock ( bmpiete. Suits EIlC11ANT made at reasonable TAlL01t price. , . No.805MCin St. _ - - - - - - - ---1- - - - - - - - - m co , : T'nlcrou nxD nmlDFat , G , F S 'fl ITH. Corner 7th amid Dradway. Plane and gechticatlnnsfurnlcliak - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , ; , DEAL@It IN FINE NAItNESfi , VY , vv SHLRMAN , I have the variety that brings { eatruaagu. i24Mnlnatreet. JAMES FRANEY , Art.btle Work and reasonable charges. 872 nroadway' . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HI ) WE & SON and ilousuhnkl Supplles FuRS1TUmHTOVFS , , 3Fa : nroahwy' . - - L iNDT & - R ART ) James Dhwk , 1Tl'OIINEVS 1'mrtlce AT iu.tatu LAW , and federal eoruts. _ MauhLtctnrers Floe Fundhec , Uphol.terv Geods Curtains , L' . STOCgERT & COy and Window 5hadec' 3dlnrnndway. _ _ - - lath huusu. 421 and 4.T linsadwny. 1 , . Soserelgn , Prep , r . J. Shmt SANITARIUN [ gonwryt.0.1'hysleiati. _ . - - - ' - ' - - - - - - - - - - Y1T'IItINAll1' HUIeFOS , vy CAGY , Olllcu , Dray's atoble. Nn 12 Scott Nreet. - Slauutncturer of IIOiLSICOLL Alitt , P _ , J. H LNN E SSY , Tr.ulu Supplled. 8h1 .treet , lietii met , &h anti 715 aru , - - r JUSTICE OF TIIP 1'EACI : , EDWIN J..Li lI r , Notary rubllomadGcnurnl Canvs aacer. 41511rlbulxa ) . _ . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , ) h NIIItTTN , l6E Y rrJbE HUUSE , Broadway opposite New Owra lieu , . . Iteatt d $1.0150 per day. DE C J Y & C.ASSEL. CONTIIACTOILS Corner AND Sixth BUlLBEiLS. street and Av.nuc 0. - - Thy NEW AND SECONDd1ANl ) IIOUSEHOL1) 000115. . yT , , ALMY Bought and cold. . .uroaduay' . SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTiCE.-Sieclal , adiortisuments , such a Lunt , FoundTo Loan , For Salc , To hient , Wants , Bard- tug , eto , will lam inserted In thls cetunn at thu low rata of TEN CENTS PER TJNE for tw ) first inturtlon and FIVI- CENTS t'Elt LINE for each subsequent In. scribe. Lease , adsortteuuwnta at our ulitee , No. 7 l'uarl Strcetnear Dradwa ) ' , _ WANTS , 7ANTED-A dlning count girl at the Weateru ' 1 ltou.u SUS Inoaduay , , . . . FOR SALE AND RENT , M - - - Olt IIIN'I'- : New hoiso 110 fiat Ascauc , Beim rooms , Julia , ) lulyeeii , corner l.tjnsenuu and Otll Htrcrt , HtrcrtT T .t1wAEN-Cuuipktcuamt tulbuuauwltdhagtiwld { A and stock , w artli t ksi for tulo for 8Itx6 Iugniru : at3371iruatsayoreholt , 1) . A.n1NED10r. ° ' t5,11E--A hone , han + andwieatcen . , F nrchanl , and other hoprol enicmla , abe dulry tam. . loes.local.t tat head of lirteuhsus. 'I'eanta. loo' natal lung tlnw if ikutre L Inquiru of s1'laoutas Jolmeon on preadws. - Vrml Smile. Tl + e humileco cugwts mil houaekecping utenatlm In . 3SlxthAsmara dlmohuts mud rate- ltou uNu.b + fullw uaesl. Thu furniture wn. mode to order by A , it. bninamnrt , lya.lon , ) tae. , and carpets are Ihglblc : wllcm ahd humwdel by'1'wu > , taught S Ch wn of ihbton . ' iat 4 atltl0 , u0. , tatm be bee'ti t'acll d0. ) ucell ml Thuduelling8138iathlsemwfur ( ealu or teat. Early iso.casion an lam gitcn' Al.o 1 Goldnnl Eauttern bttgg ) built b y Etnmtl S r iulnller of liostorm Mass. 1 gold uiuuntul light double { hanuaa , Iold I alomdal ( 'aueull Ilanuro. , lacier been usal baggy tlume.e ita.Lut bomu u.u carriage and hnrneas an lam recn at Uru } sClRnlaa Council Illuti. , In. Jady - Dlssolutlon of Copttt'timCi s1I1p. Notice k hereby glace that rho msartnenhlp lately ualellul , to tweet H. C , Iron amid 1' . J Sic ) lal + oa at , Council ) Huff. ' Iowa under the tint. . of of Job tt1Mo lichen ustdrat on the thirtieth day 1'amr.uuat ' t0 that terms of the artleloof oolarhienJdp 8.0.110. . ' . 1' . J. McMahon t The bueluuaswRl ; bo conducted lu Suture by V. J , ue Milton. ODELL & DAY , Loans , Real Estate ANA INSURANCE , No , 39 Pearl St , , Oouncil Bluffs , City Property. 11'0 Lai o vacant lots In , of the city at frmn 5)x up , for tale nn naontldy let ) ntunts. No. fY Ilousc , 0 reams , 5 % all. titcn + , 4 large lots , plenty of fruit aim llentnn street ; dhuap , I2 n10 , : u. Imo , ,1 de irablu reldeucu en Suseritl + trcet , hear Illonmcr schtau , hulldiugs nearly mica ; t'SJx0. ' Nta. 4 _ Nhicty feat front , curlier heart ht. amid so. coed as amine , oppsulte court house ; 15,500. Business Chances , No. 28.-I'or talc or trade , a atork of hudwnro , at a god hnshaoss msdut b ) a ustepm lea a , ) fill trade for farm or city Ivurty. No. Sm. -Iltdeiie only eau Inntoss ii at 700 inhah Itauls,25rooms , aithgo.alharta , ii cll located , x111 tell cheap or tralu for a farm. No , l0-A Ilse republiran pupcr Itt wcsturu luxe , nlllrlal nnoty paIwr email laru ; mwtronagu , su-yclicap If .old .ant. iVu al.n hate a number of choIce faints In tsuaten , leu a , for .tlu cheat. LOANS , iVu haio mnuey to loon on farnea andtity pro1wrty , at Iron. u to mu lwr cent. Fire and Tornado Insurance , Ikat of eonquniua n'pre.cntel. Gpdtublu rates and fair truutumd. IsasuS amu.ted email taut at thin ullh e , burs 11. J HilIou M B , . , I , , I PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , 328 Brotdwaycouncu : Bluff. . . - . - ' , 't I / To The Trade I Pl'o take pleasure iii cirlliutg your attention to the fact that we haremade such arraefrge luents as will enable us to sell you Ruhlier Boots , Slioe , Etc1 , Here , as Low as you can buy them East , " mVrito for further information , . CO. , 412 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa , . 'I' s , 1 CollIediollely Parties , SOClahlCS amid Picnics supplied of short notice , and geode delivered to all parts of tho' ' city. w T. BRAUN'S European Restaurant , 4041Vcst Broadway , - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , JOHN R , MARTIN , Plumb8r , I I Filler. nos a full Iliac if Bath Tab. , Sink , nollara , itra . and Lead ( lnda , iead and iron 1'ises , am OUlags. Joh lung prn + nptb attcndal to. First-clue. cork guaranteed. No 11 Pearl Street , - - r - COUNCIL BLUFFS Broadway Steam Laundry f I ' 7291 W3 P $ RO .nW l1 , Y. A , C , LARSON , - - - - - Proprietor. LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY , r , Ii a1J4dArftIt. ? . s 504 Broadway and 10 and 12 Main St „ Council Bluffs. PROMPT ATTENTION AND CLOSE PRIGS ON 'MAIL ORDERS. HOUSES , LOTS AND LANDS \ ( ll3ought nssd t5ttalcl. Money Loaned Abstracts Furnished . P J. MoMSHIDN r No. 4 Pearl Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS SULLIVAN & FITZGERALD , Dia1LERS IN 1 y 4 { ' c t ffl'ooorios : , , IMMx ( IRSTION JCx13 T' DRArni ON THE BANK 00' IRELAND , DUBLIN , FOIL SALE870. BROADWAY , COUNCIDJiLUFFS CRESTON HOMSE MAX MORN „ - - - - PROPRTETO'R. ' 215 , Q1'7 4axsd 219 f5f. 1V a > oi > n Street , . ( + COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA , - - - - - - MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , T11E LEADING fEATanl Is1 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs. P Overton , DIALER IN Hard Woad , Yellow Pine and Red Cedar Lumber , Oak and Reil Cedar 1tilingCelar Telegraph l'olesamd Femu ) 'outs , Oak IHniension Stuff , Drltrge Material of all kbuls , at Bel ltoek 1'dcec. A HpeclaltY In WOOD AND COAL tor brick yanlpugtose' A full supply of wont and coal nlways on hand at yanl,802 , and 804 Maln street. Otllce , 605 Flnt Avenue , betacea Malt ) and Pearl atreets , Time. . OYVICKN , Ii. N. ra'.xv. OFFICER & PUSSY BANKERS , Connell Bluffs , In. 1856 Establishea - - Deniers In Furgien and 1)umcstlo Eacitaragu neat hone Securities. _ _ wINTHERLICH BROS. 111011 Brss Foillthy Cor , 0th St , and 11th Ave , COUNCIL BLUFFS , . . IO"'A , MORGAN , KELLER , & CO. , UNDERTAKERS. The tlnrot iplality and iaryrst stoekwcat of Chicago of 1Vudrn email ) Irtallo Caw' . . Calls altendal to at nillmurti. We dcf'raugittltlnuiuqualityofgu.la or pdres. Our Mr l.urgua has scrsad a& rmdertaker for fun ) S cnrr amia tharutty ltl } ' u + dtntan dshl.buel. lies. , Wamertwm.,311 Uradsvay. UI'IIOLSTEIIINO lu all R. trenches prumptly atteadnl to ; also eaglet Is ) ing and latnbrolulns , Tekgraphiu and email alum , turd wtnaoutdelay , DUFRENE & MENDELSSOHN , ARCHITE OTS t3NtELOYED TO OMA1iA NATIONAL BANK UILAINO , MRSLEJ. HARDINGkMD. Medical Electrician. AND ) CYNECOLOCIST ! 1 ! Gnadmatu of Electra Pathlc tmsStutlanFhilulelplala Wan , i9k a Cor. Bro adway & Glenn Ave g , . CBUNelr. DLUIIr'S , On A , a ft. treatment of all dlsedga and I.abdol dlucultles : esl llar to females a ei eciaity ' , W. R. VAUCHAN 7 Justice of the Peace. Omaha anti Couneil Bluffs , Real estate and elllaetlon agency. In Odd Fellow's , Wick , user Savings Dank , jane t ! 1 II 4 ' . BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS , ¶ An excelleatappetleiug tonic or . - , , A azgnlsttulluvor , auwuee ovcr the -Sc' i ' . whole world , cures U s me e 1 j : : 1)larrhaaFcreraudAyuoana dleordersufthe hlgeetlve Organs , A few dna 1e Impart a de toua ' . tlavortonglaeeofcl + amn agnoeud tic to . lFryItbut : -i' bewaruofcouutertelte , Ask your grocer or druggist for thegenulua article manumclured by DlL J. O C (1 , ii , IFIEOEItT & HUS. J , YJ , WUPPfflNAHBSol11 Agent. ' e "r altttrblLV,1 ' a G1 IJrarlwayN.'Y. u 1 ' 'TANR00D Po.lthcly Itestorvtl In from two to 10 .11 day. by Iluelean 1'e utable Confection. For , .anleulars aldre. . Sae 1letuo Medical Ca 15 0 , Box , ilsu , St. Louir , Mo. Jull.ddtw'.sma r r i