r TIdE DAILY BEE --UIIAilA , FItI1)AY JU1.1' 6 , 1333. \ HREWORKSJ FLAGS Z311LL500N 51 , IiIEIoko11s I [ T eeg , SEND FOR PR/CE LIST TO THE IIEAfIQUARTERS. ( 1 0 t jl ' ' r B e w l l ) 9 ; ELLS 'I'IIE BESI' COOKING STOVES IN THE CITY. 'ISteM 'tuttMfolk the prefnum ( at the New fork ltatu I'llr ht 159 : , where the ) ecru put 1)n teetoal trial by elperico.rd Judges , In cuulpetitini with Ie.dlnc l a trrn Brn1)d + , which ere far to wrier to nil \S'ettrnt Stti es , ( tpecinlly in l l1llty of Iron , Finn L'Akbr ; and ce mom ) In nil klnd + nf file ) HAR.DWA R , ] E. 1 521 South Tenth Street. -vctM : S : NvD : HR , SLSNui tl ruIu it 0) ) ' of STIIIC1Th' FnlST.CLA S , ) . . f > q Vi _ "N.C lQ 0 l 111 VI\L1/VIRY \W , L\yLL' \ First-class Painting and ' 1'riauniug. Bepairilg pro11lptly dour . 13111 Hanwy Street , ONAIIA , NEB. 3'II > v . M. BRUNSWICK & BALKE Compiarny. .1PNl 6th , 16S3. 1n order to protect the public ngaintt the It'ipo itlun of Jlountebnnke I t our lice , we have ruucluded to utter / BILLIARD MATERIALS AT COST. , l'L1.1t : , : 11'fill : vLLOIvIN(3 PllicH : ; 2 „ Ite4 7nnihar Ivory billiard hbdln , per ie t. . . . . . . . . fl SIi.LIAhiD CLt O Tg3. l ; . mmiiufal'tuntl far hat Hinunlc5 & Fil + at tenicrv , . BspueiaUy and.olcly To. 1 , 71 inched wide , per ; mhL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.I0 Nii. 2 , 74 iliClie. wide. P er ) Ilulgnun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . N. ) . 1 , 74 luches wide , lwr lard. . . . . . . . . . . . d Numinal I'ir. t ucoud Third Tnbie. If'I'able I Quality. I Quality , . , I'ur Bed. . . . . . . . . . . y17 ai $16 in , . + 1a rx ) } . PurCushion . , . , . t00 4(10 3 60 bqU h'.M 110th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ ! ( .t 10 00 16 00 For that. . . . . . . . . . . rl0 ( a -tat for ,11 Th l 1 or Cii 1iion. . . . . . . . 4s ) 3 60 325 /659 th 5 . _ ] loth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3) ( e.1 17 no 15 00 For lied. , . . . . . . . . . . la i12 54) - $ II 25 . For Cushion. . . . . . . . . $51) 3 W 2 75 418 1 4.tb S 1 Roth _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IT 5(1 ( is 14 . . 1U1 T1LS. fkst French Billiard Chalk , per grn. + . . . . . . . . , . $ fa ) Best French Coe Tlps,100 , ht a ) ,1)t , . . . . . . , . . . .QL 00 I'OCKETNFPTINfS--I'dngesLentherntlnes our.tcdpurlet(6).8 ( ) 00. Orders must inrarlablr ho acemnpauilrl by rcntittauuo , mid bnuu be irected to our prhnipal wanufao oriel. THE J. M. BRUNSWICK & BALKS CO. , CHICAGO , CINCINNATI , NEW YORK , S'I' . LOUIS , ttrotnaha olllce , fl ) ) South 10th btreet. cal mSu I I LOUIS BRADFORD , DrtL1B : IN 1.r Sash , Boors , Builds , Sll1os , Lath ETCLOw PRICES AND fOOD : i1UIES , I ! Call and Get MY Prices Before Buying Elsewhere Yards Car 911 , ana 4r - . . Douglas , Also 7th and Douglas , , Double and Single Acting Power and Nand . PuMPS , STEAM PUMPS , . Engine Tlmuling5 , Dtining Dacllinuryl Belting , ( lose , 1111(15 a(1 Iron Fittings , Steam Packing at wholesale and rulafl. H 1LLAI.1Y 11 JND N1Lis , ClrtJiwij AND SCHOOL BELLS. Corner 10th Farnam 'St. , Omaha Neb. Anheuser-Busch BRENING ASSOCIATION . , 't l0 MARk , ' ' r ( 'ELEBTL1'I'El ) T' a Keg and Bottled Beer lr , , , 'I'11is flscullcut Beer 11101111 for it5uht , 4 t 1 S'u'I' H U , . Oltul'lts ; Fl.u1r . u'I' 111' 1111 : s , , , R BUSCHBfl , . ° , + , ' 5.11 h u1t 1 u F 1' „ 1l1.l11 1 ; 111:51 i& 4) T Si10U15M 'Will be Promptly Shipped , ALL OUR GOODS ARE MADE TO THE STANDARD f cui r ii i t1J r ( aJ ii t e e. GEORGE HENNING iiulu Agent for Oinout ) anti the 'West. Ofioe Coi er 13th anal 1fa11iCy Streets , ( A SPORTIVE ELEM t NTS. TII Llghillllh P1 ys SO111C CiFiolls FFcaks. I'no Ilnu.r. Strut k 1)11 the I'oui l Ii. . . i 1)nting t he steed 1Ve(1ut'sday nfterlu 0n two hlttsev in the northern part of tau' city 04 CI. ( . .nvek. One of these was the Il't h1Cwxs ( if Dl t. . Isnae Jolulsni , t8Itt hurt street , 1111(1 the other that of Dr. S , 1) , Moen , , Ile the s11nn' Mock but flouting - ing 011 11'obster street. 1 'ri that lalltll'd house ens formerly occupied by C. C , I Iluusul , Es(1 , , who had n telephnno st ire run to the hrdlse but Hover hail nu iitstul went put i1) . .1 11nok was 6nt(11e41 o1) the outside wltU lull the whe wrapped 11rou11(1 it 111141 left 11n11ving i1) a 10011 nginnst t11e tvcntlid 1 onnliug. 'I'I o 88llle wIII ) 1'11111 306115 1111(1 Ca1111eet5 with D1 , titoteer's house. At the time of the strakt 11 r. Iluusul u + ttsittig11cnr his u f11d4)w , lie living nest dour I1) JnIlls } , u and ho says ho son nu (1(511 ( of 1ightIiiug 1nit thought 50111(3 ono 113(1 0xpi0(1e(1 a hnob i1) tau. house , ilo tlliuk5 that it Was a quad dc111 the 5111110 kind Of a freak of electric. ity i that nhich baened up the exchnllge n few sveuks ago. The wires became nroeehalged null the elcctrieity Ilu1 dustu to taut hu4)k on the outer viil1 , where , tindiiig 1)e outlet , it tan half way around the lou't ' 811(1 11x- Pl4)dud. It tlleu tore ( lft'fl lot of the sveatherblarding 811(1 Lured a round 111)10 thiough the wall into the bed ruoiii i1) the sueon11 5toey. This 114)10 lucks as if 11 bell luul Leeu lined tlunn lt the Isall Prow the inside. The high tnulg tau 11usvu 1)u t11u inside lull incited the top utl' the haired of a loaded glIi ( i Iv1iioh st0011 against tlleI vnll awl did 114 ii explndu the ch81ge , 'Thal it hegiul plityitig sh'ntlu mlties over the door. It. 2igatgged harI. fuel forth ac1'oss titer floor 1ua'iug n black ouu'k ' mltil the thslr lut/kCl like 3 st'euthieesc'vie011i31) . hav- fng rot tired 1)l this , it tune a silk 11111- hi flit into slnuls lint did not 11nnu1 the fnnnle , cud thou went di vn into the kitchen , where the 8111110 tire work were kept up. It played ilhutit taw floor , Melted the tin water spntlt iiig , 1111(1 raft 111)0111. 011 thin walls , setting the paper on fire. D16s , jJulnlsonstond i1) the centeruf the kitch- wl fd the thou but lsas entirely inlhiu'oi- ed cud the only 1 iolellt oil'uet of this e1)- ' 1.144115 turd i tiuful stroke of lightning nits that it knocked down a horse flat nltH standing in front of the house. ,111' . BOIIS0l niul his fanny felt the force nI the electricity next deems if they a'mu inking a shock from a gfdvimie Battey. As before Sfnted 1)r. Dleccrs Ioalse was illsit visited - ed oil unlcli the sa3e curious c0ndiict witnessed. It is a uuly eel novel sort of experience and thought not so tiOlclt Its the old fnsliinned lightlliiig it is not a plcislult ( 1'IHiter to hittro al)44ut , The Colored Convent 11)11. I3 Itnsivcr to a call whllehtlvas p11Illsheil iii ' 1'ni ; lhU last vicek a largely attended meeting of the colored peoplu of this city ns5eoblCd itt itc vis' ' ii ill 1)u Dbaulity evening - ening last for ( lie pw'pose of electing twelve delegates to tepresclt 1)nuglas eoulity i1) the state cii115 eilhelt , ViliC11 is to hO held hero on the Ishtf August next , Tn n rcnarkthluchnraetei : stics of their wcetiug were the nrderlg uuuulen i1) w11id1 it sviis coo luctCll al(1 the great do- glee of interest wtulifestcd i1) the pro- cecdings nn the p11tt of those n 1)o welt prcent. Dr. 1V , ll. C. Stcvclson was chosc11 I'resideut , C. 1V. Teeter Vice l'i'es. , inld Dar , Cole , Sec. -1ftti rcadih g the call a iii utiuu was oualC and carried that a co11neitteu of three oh u1)1111natlnns for taw convu11tfnn la. . ilppOintod lip the chit ir Thu ( ' ( iii IHi1 tee consisted of Price S11Bdurs , 1V , ll. hitter , C. 1V. Puker , \Vfide the coau3itteo store out intet'cs- ilog sliceehcs wore onde by "Futile' " 1Vasbnigtun , 115. II. flnwhle 113(1 oUters , The committee rchu'ned tire following geltlenel as nominees : 1V. 11. Butte' , Charles . Porte , W , H. C. Siuphien- son , l'1 ice Sauudets , IV , 1V. i'orterJolut , LOSt'IS , Cyrus I ) , 11elh , .1 , it. Siulpson , .luncs ; 11'itSJlington , Sinou 1Villin11ls , 1V , It. Cnulblu , A. 1V. Parker , Thu rupert of thlu cc 111111itteu was nnnn- uaou5ly adopted. By uudion the Chairauul vies authorized - ized to allpuiut cuuunittees of three and sevutl lespectiveiy on rec013tion of visit- jag delegates stud genel'lll a rangellw11ts for the cmivuutiou , fund 11154) for a grand hiilidity mite hai11ulcnt to 11c give ) on the etcllillg of August 1 , to 111150 farads to defray the expeilsesof the natio11nl (1x10 gatio11 to 14iui5villu and return. - - - 'I'11F1 IDEAL COFFEE I'OJ' . A largo invoice just rcc0ivod at .1 , 13. F1'e1Cll tl ; Co. . - - - ' - - - ! ) r Vail C11111p s Ollicu till ho i1) Frenxur'sBlock , Itno31 1 and 2 , over Edlnlw IS : Iricksojls , e1) uud after the lot of .1uly,1881. jut :3t : - - - - - -T/to bleat f ) tL c + ; Po ( , Nu loser 44f delicious coirco Hhu111d du without it. For Mule by .I. B , French tC Co , 2'ltc Idea (7ujfc ! 'o ( . ' r1 ( ) lover of ( tulicious cotl'cu 511ould do without it. Fm' side by .f. It , French 1.C Co , _ - - 'Plitt fourth at thttl'rlson. Sts a btl Ib ) pntcli to Tilt Ill L Naut:5v1L1,1 : : July 6.--'I'11o ' Nntionah Iloliday this year star must nppropriatuly celebrated at the Prison. It is an uvont ahvays looked for with enthusiasal by Uw 1I11nfttC8 , 111111 the i'egtdiir o0ea'rewu fills uvury lilt n'itil pieiunn'u and j1) ' . Nouu11pprecifllu butter the secret 0f litl cit' tip111 those stho a1) chopriveil of it , an (1 celtuinl' Ulu un o ieelit of an hue' of it without thu restayint of their iris. 1)n life , Crlnnut awl i but to ( ) thoughts imd Iiu of a wnulit to thuul. ' Thu usual concert wits give ) then by taw prison choir nud orchestra. .111 the purfnrnuuices brought lot th iums of genuine laugh te' . 'Uliu accasiuu svns u11lttcloll by tlit' pruscuee of a flair gat h- eing of I + iiuhl puoliiU,11ud tiiuhindue541 of two young lathes , hisses Parke' null Ili se. DIis4 l'arkel' fururel thu n1) (1iuinc0 lvitlt a dcelnu11tion ; nud Miss Ilnn(4 niUi ttv i nulos. IcclulatIoil ) nuts halos Welu abloly'rua11erud and heartily applauded. I iu concept n'lls couch h11(101I by the singing of thu'1lted , 1Whito 1111(1 Blue , " it had lusted for two full fifties , 'Vito BICn were thou marched in the 'aid anti wcro told that if they behaved no IcrY ( they would ho allowed an hour lnf uujnynteiit. At the command of i "thick Itauk9' thit-c dicers were given to the 11'at11cL To 311 uhiservet , it Has i11dee(1 a deep stn(1y to unto 11tul sue thr uclilig of these niou. .after n ge11eral l huuid-slink iiig , niectl turd it lo'e auatt ille11t1 nCPO nululget ! Iii. After andh.nu' mill a huh I Huts si 'itt , tire order stas again given to fell 1)l , ,111(1 the stun score mmclied to the Iull Meuse , to h a' ' take 1)f l11e holiday ti inul'r , 1111 earn n hioll p1n'S lint thitt 511Ia1ICSt 1'Ilt't lit thin rejoicing. Ltnnonndu lvalshed away the 511 long look 0(1 for weal , nud than fits of tliu fuare and the est. mingled with the smoke of cigars , [ uruishcd eudi won , wont up it I'teell ntoiosphere. As a whoht' the eelebnttioli Hns a sutc0ss 111111 the nlen 1s ere eager' to say hats- they a1) pteciltted 11'iudeu Nnhc + kmdncss which I raised (110111 ( tO t'ujoy , all told , four 11ouls of pleasure 1111(1 liberty , /llr'lirll/hex h'ut ( ' , The new lint to Cnlifornia is new upon fur business , and ulsscl 01.1 e1) route to 111(4 I'lieltie ( ' ( 1'a thus illle haae a choice of more router than ntli'ted li' ittt other lieu out of lhualtn , 'rnttrist 1iektits to Col4)tado at grcatll 1't'dliced ' tulle , O4)4)d i ' liitrs 11uu' 011 ) ) i 1'r turn until Octoberi1st. ; ( irrat eiiotetif routes. Call and see , :1. 1i , Boittii. , Corner pith and Tnrtulut , 'Picket 't ' eat , Iieodlf 7/11 ! ( Ira ! Cltfli'r 1'0 ( . No ] ) yer of delicious ( ( lute $ h4)11111 (1u without it. Sold by .I , 11 , I''reudl ,1 Co. - 'III ' IE 1DE,111 COFFEE 1'O 'I' . A Inge inroieu just received by , I. It,1 French tf. Co. - - ® i 1)t1. Fiegeullunln , Mount 2 , it 1)151. ) ' 5 I Block , huh and Capihtl Ave. July 6th lit. . - _ - - NQ'r4CE , Aii i'Insterelnale teilucstctl to lnuet at tln.irhall Sattu(1ay uveuiugJuly 7th , fur the ptirpnse of electing nllieeis for the u11snuig y'ea' . By u111ur of the to111- aiittee. , hdy 6th , 3t 77,1 lrlxal'tjlcc 1'i ( ( I Nn lover of delicious cotrce should do withutlt it. Fop sale h ) ' J. 1t , French .1 Co , - ' - - 1IAMMOCTCS , , B1ItUS and 10141) ; FSiI [ at 1Vst. GENTI.H5IAN'M erockelp ; store. -s- J'ClllllStel' $ hold their regulnr iiteeting at'l'huhi Ilall Friday July 11th at 7'3O 1' , 11. By order of tltu Secrot81yv. _ - - - lluportawt notice.---Viceless of St. ( Gorge.-'Phie next regular nieetiag viIl fin held in the llnitltt out church , 17th fwd (11is11t1'Ctfts , this evening kTTlul'Bdlly ) at 8 p nt. I t is i11gllItaut thirst every welnbet should he Ptesent Its the prnpo8el now CIllbtlttltOlll1rill ( he ( IISC(15setl nod a Ihutl tote htken. .1 , Rorwuti. , Sle. /7r ( ' fICOG L9Jcc PO ( No lover of delicious coll'ee I.htndd 1144 without it. Per sale by .1. It. French d' Cu. Fresh Lime Juice at 6011 tut bottle at Coudlluat's. _ ' 1'IIE ' IDEAL COFFEE P0'1' , A Inge. invoice jest received at .I. It , Fruueh & Co. - - - - 5rs . . - ' q9 EtIGS 16 cents pur dozen. 11'51. ( hs : TldtAN , .1 1113f.:1.f : . TIlE llIAICOFFEE ) 1'11'1' A large iiivoice just received at .I , It. Ffellcht 1.L Ci , TRADE NOTES. LET 111111 ROA1t. --Ifter 1)0IILVH ) of lain , flood aud rood , the Ii1)u 11ns eoliie to the sarfueu lignin and will continuo to roar fur Dl1)4)eu's No , 1 Ila'uesses loin Sadlely. .lul3.2n1 -11'o sell fwauturu , ( .upet 110(1 h0uxo hold goods cllcaller tl1t11 way horse in tw11 , 1212I triiua : street. 7jln1 ' 1'11E 1u1IiCOFF1E POT. .1 huge i11toice jest rucuftul itt .I. It. Fretleh i Cu. IICIINI1 ) of UfA\ , Nervous 1Wenkness , 1)ys at isia , tilt- poteuw , Soxtunl debility cured by 1VelPs "Health IIeuu ser. " SI'J'C1.11. ; ORiTNASCE NO. 3117 I'nr IcrJ lug n r.priul tax for the anudructlnn are ) re eiiru of xlduwnik. . Ire it onlal11al Ii ) the ( 'la ) L'ounrll of Ihn ( 'ity of ( , Bale , . HYITiux I. 'Chat thu.utcral sulrtd eat opponltu l1) lhu fulluttlug du.erllwd prrodu.M , t'5 it : I ! .1 , Kuuntze , H 17 It. lit s u k 201 Oma11a 1'0,12 lien , F , Slill + , it 5,1)1 14547 , ( huuha$54,11 : . 11og1a ; S. IIIIL 1. 12 ( t , lot 0 , hit 215 , I luuthu , 4Cc. liI.naii.nSS'.liftlot. ( Iuk21)1 , " 81 ,16. tugrilcn S.'Inaldt , P. T. H , of nrc. Ilue , lot 1 , Ilk 210 ( Inlalia t'7t0. IYaok 1'11 unka , Ii. 11S' . I tat Innnhatile 2417 $1.i td. I'lul ) Nrl o11 , Sv. J it a , u k 2u7 , ( hnahn , 20ctw , H. H. ( aldw cal , lot i , u k 130 , 0uiihu , ? 53,00. 111(1. N. w'Imlru , N I lit S , u k 135 , I1,10. l/r1) : ylllard , H. I lot 5 , nt. ; O11mhuI4),10. v. 11. Ilihbnrd lot I,1)k , 105 , thuaha , } 29o7. I. J SicUiwcll , bit 0 , bk I Urnllt Frunckruddilion Omaha , Y10,51 , S' . II. CIIOnta11 , lot it Lk10'rclitl'rouclerati IIIb n Omaha , 82(1,16. C , I',1'agkntrt , IT S 1 : . 10 ft , lit 111 , ) alfreys add. Olnuha , l5,72 llcing thu co.t mid etp.01.w , ap uuted Iy the Clt ) Cuuncll fur rnlbtntctlug had r + pa lring tlie.ldawalk , ii trout of and udJulnlog , uid prrmhus by % in. T. lia11inger In puruumuu of u centaur into , d Into Ii ) the City of ( Mahn , with SS'ul. ' 1' . ILdiIii it and after thu failure 1)I the owner thereof l1) di line iwntu , after duo notice , he and the Baum lira herehy re.pectively lellud and u1ue.u.d ngulnrt each i t wild lulu , purl. of lot , , und pnnIi.ru , lutyuble to the City Trewiurer wltldll aft ) ' ( (0)ua ) ii fr.itl data. Sec. 2. fadw onll11uro xhall take effect and be hl forte ( rout nud alter ltd pawwge. I'a + val Juno 19IbS3. W,1 , IJAKEIt , President City ( 'uuuciL ' Altebt. J. J 1. ( t JtwKIT,19t clerk. Appr.vul . ) ono 25th 1H93. C. H. CIIAHK , Stayer. Tlwbu tarel are duo nud payable to Cit'Treagnrer , andwlllwcmnudellnquentlugu.t ) 11th IH&1 after which data a Pwnally of ten rrelit all ) be udlal to- gethtr with Interebt 1)t alto ruhl if onu Jwr rout per Monet Pa ) ubll hl ud1 IIU , 1'Itl'MAN In1CK , Juit2(1 City Treaxurer. ) hitter of A pphuuhun of Jte i ii Kaulmunu for Ligiur ( l.icenbe , NI1'II'I ( ; Nollit. ) beret. ) gh.'rl that .hurh liauhnanu did 111.01 the 20th de. ) ' of Juno t II , )1) a , III. ) heir uppll. eatlnn to the 11ngir until lily ruuurll ut Iauuha to sell utnlt , spirit nius and u11onr IllIours at No. 011 10th stret1 , I'Iftii word , Ontulu , Seb „ from ( lie Illll day if .1111) Ib53 , to law I Itlt ( Ii ) of I tctidur 155:1 : , 'f there be ito objeetlo11 , remun.lttulru or pretest Illyd within two weeks ( rims Jn11u20th A. D. lh53 , lhu said Ilrcusu 'A III 1. + ' rent. ) , .i.ti'u . ) ltAl I'Si tNN Appileuut. 'I ins ullAlnlirc nuwspupcr wlllpublhhthuabita hut leu uneu ew h wt , k for Iu a weeku 1)t the i'n .n..1) of till nl.plkant. 'rho 'it ) if Iluulha i + sit to P,1) rh.lnedt urcwllli J. .1 , I. ( ' . Jt tvir , : nil2tlcw I3t1 ( tcrk , ) latter of .Ipphtydihdi if I tin. Itaner fir IJqunr Idren.ia NI iJ1Cl. Nntlta In lareby ghee that ( 'h1) + , Bursa did 01.411 Ihn 2011 , dq : ii Juuu .t. D. 15x3 , lllu hl + up , Iha tlon to ( lie 1104) or uud rat ) maul' ] ] of O111uiie , for II- eon.ato.eiI 11alt , siliritu0ux uud .111(414 iiquori at Nu. 611 10111 Street I first ward , ( ltnutm , Bch. , front ha ) of July lhti3 , h , the 11th day i t ( ktnhr 189 , If there 1o nn objuttioll , reuxnnlrunru or protest mud wlthlu two weeks froni Jmtu20111 , A. D , IShc , the sell fu'aiu sill l .a grantol. CI1AH. 13A1'Iil : Applleant. Tiua ( IsAilA Itr 1tawbIOpet ) x111 publibtl the uebovu aotlcooncecaehweek for two suck. at the atpanu of thu applicant. Thu city of Omaha Is not to be charged thefawllh , J , J , L U. JrWSrr , 322.2wJew City Clerk , _ . . TUTT'S I PILLS 1 I 1 1 SYMPTOMS OF A 1 TORPID LIVER Imae of Appetlto Bowels eoettvo , P11111 in Um ltnnd ; with n dull on sntlon In the back part , Pain undo , Ute Shoulder blttdo , AllineaS aftm fating , with n dlalnolutatlon to ex. grtIott of body or mind Irritabtlit9 t tomtter , Low epirtta ; with a feel ni othavlu noglootetleoxnoduty % Venrlnoee Diz.tnees , FlutterinR al the heart , Dote before tim.yes , Tel ow Skin , lleadnoho gouorally oval lbo rlgltt 'yo negtleegnaee , with at . , ' oolorotl Urtnn , CONSTIPATION. I'VTT'S 1'l 1.1.n4 rite eal + eelell trlnptrd to 311.11 ( i.e. nre 111)5(4 e ( Irct.punt n rhnuae of toellui a it . .lani.h ( ho.unerrr. 1'110) Inrrelue ( h + i.t'petit(4nndeenAi I)1n ) t..ly lnTnkn nn Tle.h , IinnIii. , 111 It nuurl.hed , mid I,5 their 'raule Admit nu the Illt(4ttivolh'anu. Itep Ulnr S ( + ni. nn + pmduraL Ii lea truu. .t. ' In + nnv st.iv.v f ankT fl 1)n on wlliearllt ehn1)gn to n thzt.MR lit.u'Ki' ) a.ingh.ai'iOirnlluuntdultrF 11 110)uuf.nnounnlenfor Ad.inttntdnnrnu ly , told bybntauht.orscnlllycc.n.ut ( trd tof. SI.Oe. oI''ktcl : , 311 ,111IUIIAT St. , Iv. T. ( Il.eTI'TV $ 31AShL.ri h"I.I.f.1. . i.4T CATARR H Sanford's Radical Cure ! The On lhd andu U ) till.tllou t 1,11,1 , Ilate ) , .1nu ricnu'I'ioe , t'aoudbtn IYr , ) latlgnld , i9otur itl..tnul , Ih : + . , Fur I lls lunualiate rellrf uud'.Cnu umut rnm of . 't eq farm i f I titarh , from ii .1u11 a Ilrnd Cold r hdlu. cent ( n lln + ln.t of Smell , lSl.Ic , nod ilearhlgl'nugh , hrnurhlll. , tut ) lodple11t ( ' tUllef iii lll ( tld11ulrs iii guy nud t' , ( I ) nM' , . NIIIIIIni like It. Iirnteful , frn ntd , uhok'xuui. . four Iwgln + 11nw ( Ir + l upidi + 'allnt , trod Ii rnpidraditvd , l rtnuurnl , and 110cr fnlllnr , Ihw lsdtlo Itiolird enrr , one Ilthdanrhal S.dteut and Saufnrd'a hthuler , null In nun parkaav , for11dng u eutn ) .ln Irenluteitt , of all dnlgai.tt tar SI. hk hum Snnfonl'.litdiea ) ( I'uticr pnlg nod ( 'hrudal Ci. , Ilttufl , I'urIinielkf nud pn'veutlnu , C QI.LI S , the INS1'AN"I' IT IS 1i Pi.li n , 1 VOLTAIC , "f Itheuntatb'ut , Ntunth in , Slat. ( hit , ( 'ungllr , ( 'uid + , lank heck , I i V s , . + f 1tninaCt ) and ilnwel + , Shutting 1'.111. , Nuudnw.t , II ) eterln I1) . P : Mule Ihdnt , Pn ) , Ihttiint. UJ"Ix'P. " (2)ea1,1,1Nit ) ( ' , , Illlllrot. Fey - , y p 4tm.llnlari.t ninth r ddclnicrl , 1) u + ea1,1,1Nit ri.IH1'hlts(110,111:1' ( : . EELCTRIC'I'iti \'I'iti ( ' aATflilty Iv5111iN1n : PLASTERS wltli uPnrou.Flntternndlnugh ) 1)t Pahl , 2r. ntertuhcn + The Oldest Established BANKING HOUSE IN NEBRASKA , CALDWELL , HAMILTON & CO. , Bankers. Bllsllte55 tnulsllcled sane 3s that of au i11Cneporntud ltiulk. Aecounts solicited 11ntl kept subject to sight check without notice. Ce tilicntes of dop4)5it issued pay3blo n three , six turd ttrl'lvu utill t11'I , hcnr- 11g futurest , 1)r nit deuuuul s'itho3t iii crest. Advauucs it ulde l1) ciistn11nals 1)n np prnvetl securities att math rt rates 44f in- tet'cHt. tet'cHt.'I'I 'I'I f11terest51)f eu5tinuun's are closely gwudeil nud ovary fiteilily couiPitt ible ) vi tll jiiiIicipicsof Holilld balking freely uxtal3led. 1)rlns' Sight lh'afts 011 E13glaud , Ito Iaul , Scnthuld , and all Parts of Iui'opo. Collections Promptly Made. United States Depository , First I'Titbi ' ! ii Bailk , -OF ODI.III 1 Cor.13th and Farnam Sts. The Oldest Banking Establislinent in Omaha , SUCessu11s : Te KOl s'rii : 1111OaClla. Organized In 1858 , Olganiicd ns a Nat itoull Balk in 18(1I. ( CitP17'rtii 1 ' aaaaa - - ' $ , tURPIiCS AND I'ItO1I'I'h $ It Oeao of 1.1l/u5 : A.e nmEA.llntt llxaAl. ( iin11/x I'rt'nllellt , I JolrsA. Cueunnuv , ( 'Iru 1'rr + blent. .tti4t Hi l s hn1'tTi1 , : d She I'r , sldant. A. J. I'urt0rio. I' . If. iAle , Cahitr. v. 11. Slroyriml , .t.xlbtunt ( 'u.lder. Trn11sarta n gi nend Innikih g basin , + ns. I , + ne + fitutu eemtlllrahw buuring Inleri'.t. IInuw. 1lrnftu ell Snit F11nIC1.1 I/allll uiueipnl cltIes l1) Iha 111,111'(1 , Hhd.w , Also iuuolnn , iinblln , FAlinburgh lull lhu prluelpnl cltlnu of tic rontlne11t of Enr. ( . . u + . _ - ' NEBRASKA LAND AGENCY . . ' ( HCCF ; 9SUIL4'ru ntvis k HNS'nlIL : ) ( Ienerul nrulcrn I1) REAL I ESTATE Ibi3FA11SAI4WI' , , OSIAIIA. ltune Or.io.l.000.rre ) . + rarrfull ) .rleetiii hlltdt to 6uutera Nrbraukn,1)t low' prhu huh on cut ) temtd. bnprnrt.l ( attn. for urie hl Diuglu. Didgu , ( 'olfut , Platte , Item , ( : inning , Har. ) , n'uJlluglun , nerlrk , 'unutlru. Haundrn , until Iintkr ( ' . 'l'atex paid In all wit. If tau State. ) lone ) Innirl tarty. . Nobly 1'ublloAlea 1 iiiuttllt . Iifr. , I.nubitt. Huh hi ltal Tunis & Kneller , xx. : . E. DENTISTS , i lOT l'A I1StII H:171' : ( I tit Stair. , ) fora Nltru Otide ( tutu ttIl ( ' 4uututdl , ) 1)n Imnd fur lbu pubdrtt e.trw thuh of t'eth , II2 Ito JAMES MOVEY , Practlcttl Horse Shoer. ) hike. u sibx'Wlt ) + ,1 IInAda i. uud trmitlliud hurl st'u. Situ- , Dodge strut hat. 11th nut 12th , Ill Ihellur , " l.or. . 1 = EDWARD KULHL I f ) lAIIH1'IIt : OI' I'UJ1t'H1'EIlY AND ( ONIII'I'H ) . AIAH'F 491TonlI ) sin-vt , hvt uteu l'.rltatn nut liar. tie ) , will , wit11 rho old of guutlian xpldb , , obtain for any Cuu a glance ut tha pnxt uud Iwuettt , , nud on 'artaln eondltloui hl the fuluru , flouts anti Shoe. outdo border , I'eifuetatiutaetim.zuarautv'it CARPET SEASON ! ; J. B. DETWILER , I t invitesthc attention of the puhihe M hi' I IE E Large and Well Selected Stock I IE E OF t ( 1TEW , 1t t 1i 1 cii i 1I I Enbracmg all the Late Patterns in everything in , the J Carpet Line , 1 1I1 1 Shades. ( . r. . , , . 1N LIIt.l. ( Ql Arl l115 ) A li Bottom hricesr t ( I LACE CURTAINS A SPECIALTY , V r mow D TWIIER 1313 Farnam Street , - - - Omaha , Neb. , W I L. L I . . liC S ' CORNER 15(1 , AND DODGE. Below we give rites to convince you that goods are . cheap and now is the time to buy. Our Motto , 66 i11 Blifteroi& & " is strictly adhered to. We mean to give you bargains in all our departments. ' Ladies' Gauze Vests , Cents. . Ladies' Gauze Vests , 25 Cents. BEATS THEM ALL ! 0111' Sale of 46c lose Still Coilhiulles . i Prices of Fans greatly reduced , Children's ' Parasols 25c. All our Parasols to be closed out. A good un- laundried Shirt ; with linen Cuffs andbosom,45c. The best unlaundried shirt in the city for 85c. Take one home ol approval and compare it. Very Low Prices on All Our Dress Silks , Satinst &c. Closing OutlOur Muslin Underwear , Cltolnise , and Drawers , 25 Cents , 12 yards Frnituthe { LiunlDluslin for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 J2 yards Chevoit for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 12 yards ltroeale 1)1'es5 ( hoods for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 I2ynnlsnodlinghmufor. ( : ( . . . . . . , . . , . . „ 1 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,70 12 yards Lund GJughno for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (12 ( 12 yards C llbleachcd 1St a.1in fur i..60 13 yards Crash 'I'uwoling fur. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tie 12 yards h isll Lncofor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , ,1G 13 Linen Nflpkhis for. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60 , 12 111),1 La(11c5 Ilnso for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00 12 pair Dt11c11iutt 1Cnit S1)x for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I.00 1)r s Fine Shoes or Ladies. I Burt's ine Shoes or Men. I'rieoHUn Itllour goads have lhIICell a tumblt , After the stoclc is sold f we lutvu cash enough left , we propose to take a SUMMER VACATION L. Br SON. Corner Fifteenth and Dodge 5th. COLD STORAGE FOR BUTTER & EGGS IN L ItGE Olt SMALL QUANTITIES ; 1.1' SMALL COS'P , t Si'urehou a and Jtefrlgeratori haI,1501 ) , 66 , MA Ifoanrd strut Omaha , Nth. I Appl ) ' w Commission Merchant. f Jittu t ( J. H. CIBSON y yAIIFACTORY. . CO11NIIL'l : t 1h l'I'lI'uNII hR ) V.1111) ' 1Ittll'18. . ' , . , OM .ZZ r r r l'urlieularnltetitloughuutout µ b.itluttt eattuiudcud , GALVANIZED TE 1 I . C01dPLETE , $5OOUU. b "Wire Netting Fence , " for Farms , ) Lawns , Cemeteriesr Shec 1'/ &cr cheap u as barbed wire , If not for sale in 1 your town , write for illustrations to t the manufacturers ) E. HOLENSHADE 936 Lake Street , - Chicago , lit J ei