? - - - - - - - - . - . - - - l . - - - ! ? - - - - - - - R \ -'E _ _ - TIIE IAI1,1T BItECU CTNC'II ' I3LL.i4'TS LlN 1SDA ' , JULY 4 i8 3a TIIE DAILY 1 EE. &flTNCILBLUFFS. , _ I odneaday Morning July 4 - sutkgCRl'710N 1tATt $ : fly Carder------ : o Irnts per week ny Mall - - - - - - - $ to.oo pr 'tear _ OFFICE ; No. 7 Peul ltreett , Near Broadway , MINOR MENTION , Sec Joseph llciter's apriug styles. Cheap Railroad Tickets nt llushnell's. Alrs. Bradbury'n restaurant , 8 1 Araitl street , The rncex thin niternonu Will he fm- utensc. Taltu them in. 'I Ic Union nvcnuu job is a "ticad give- : way nu the ctnlucil , Mrs , .lncohs yesterdny coneludcd to plead guilty for keeping rowdy house uud wttx ( lllly f nail. The I'rCxbytel f Ut yuuug folks lied 'a plelaaft xocia111uit evening , and n lively Kale of fire wnrks. Capt. 1Vilson clniuls $18.500 from the city for da11agus cauncd to big property by the floods , B , F. Cntue , who colinnitted suicide at the Pacific IIoune , ix anid to httvo had quit. n hea y life insurance. A large delegtitinn front lllauchard to- getlu'r with n baud are expected to join tit the paculu hero today. Soave games of pokur are heaui from alt hca.yr played on the sly , but faro , keno , antl'other ganies still aectn hushed , An att6mpt' wax made to enforce the fre ci tcker ordinn11co until the Fourth wets fairly ushwed in , bat it proved al. miat ( futile. An alarm of tire Was caused yesterda } morning by the burning of a little Imuno in Shcetsville helonging ti 1t.Ir. Evans , Soup of the school liounea are becoming - ing tau popular resorts tit night for coupler Who act air if they either want tel l fl. nnnted or ought to b& Two brothers , both well ! long in years , and , sell known hero , their inane being Burry , worn fined yerterlay morning for being drunk. A lady traveller is ruporled ax being robbed lit the Union Pacific depot yester- di1y , An usual the policy know little shout it and'say iUxa , A half doz01t slteup at (1nw ere to go with thu big barbecue at the driving park tliitt 11001) ) , and 1,000 loaves of bread are i nepured , so that the multitudes uuty be ' fed , Old. Siedent upf favues the extirblleh ing'of a newer aystum independent of Indinu Creek , 'rho council lus adopted hfa resolution instructing the engineer to report tin such n aystum A house nonr the Nortloruistern depot was being tlloreti yexturdlly , when the rea' part of the house spread , allowing the chitnr ay' to full nod en in ing aumu inn - n jury to Arr. lluifulat , the occupant. There nro eevoral pieces of property conteudcd , for the ppaiilpf of Union 1 avc1ihe , which , are nottyet'pith ! for by + f the city. Wotid it not ho well for the + city to pay for wlutt thu } ' gtit b V fore the y , gate it nWay 4) u roadway , Thu Bluff' Coy . 'ntenutcr ' got stuck j ycalenbny in ci'osaing tlw water main at Glee avenue , one wheel ainkiug in the fresh filled dirt , 'I'ho lire team got discouraged - couraged and if ) lld not full. A ping mule toaul lost the plow of the petted fire bursa and pulled the wagon out. Ben Smith , the colored i u ii in reatod far 5l ( ) tiig Oscar Diukinsou , was so bully Ilseti 1111 hinnelf ycatorthay tluit he could nutappcar , in court. Dickinson was fueling ntthdr poorly , too , yuhterlny. TIiu ball has not becit foal , it having lodged saautvh01'e ill Dickilistiyr'n xlllilil. der. Thu suull pox patiunts on Broadway , went of the Northwestern tiepot. arc do. big w'e11. A wutchlnnala is employed by the city to kuup close qutuuutiun , sit that it his lecu considered needless Lt , keep thc'fng flying , ltntl it htis bceti 'pulled duw n lest it entso more alarlnt to passersby - by and strangers fn the city than the facts warrant. Jinni Chapuini may workk on the sly , aid when tie trap is fixed got the cotm cii to sjiriiug it , but ho socinat lli k'tho' 1)ol4icfts'.to cotito out fn ldI p3itofi/ap4f gratrI don thu gobbling up of Uiiop , avenue. , lie leaned over the rail and urged the aldermun to hurry up and pass the ondi- nanco before the people could ho hoard on trl11oatio ) , ur ally opposition given a voice , but. he dare not 01ulorso scheme in , his editorial columns. Open for work , l'ryrir'a Ilan Job Print. ing Uplou , 7 Pearl street , , t - - 1)r.11'est , Dentist , 14 Pearl street. Oiler your Ice Cream fecexeti for the 1 r'ourtlt of DrYoL aL WitIOnT 001 ! roil. Huy. _ - - - - - - - . . . . . . . , . . r rllt5o nu , . Edwarl Van rllt Ysq , , of Vail , low" , who lee , lei undertreatulmit here for sudous nil. many , lets returned huuiu fculiug much hut. bur , . ' Afuckay , having been granted twonioutlrsleave , hasguile , with b14 family , to Callfurala , for rest anti rocrcatlo i. 1tlbtMhmle 1' , Vaughan Icavuv todnorrow for Atlanta , Georgia , Ott u vialt to her grand. father , Judge Bibb , A/aater / Jullan Cleland , sun of Ituy. Ur , Clehaud , of Ifeokuk , la b ) the city , virithig friends. lie Informs ue that his futhnr , in company with Dr. Craig , lutenda to take a pleasure trip t1Js month , to Wiswrwin. /Ilobt , 1'erclval hies returned boats feeling extra well , Mr. Zurbaugh'r little girt , on Seventh aao- Aue , who liar been Talte III'wlth ' diphtheria , Is vow pronounced ooaraleaacentbyherphyxlclan , , i ' . . , . , . . . , -.w u"o Sl'1 + CNr , ny..wt-tea. ' sad vl' t r itO S'MAN'N QVLCi'IiI , It Conlnlns Nix , Arrows , 1t'hfeh He iihoots at the Unlou , \vPnue Scheme , dlnytr Bowman , who is openly uppus ud tO the council giving the Union i'aci- fe the right to Union Avenue , the pco Pies' huulevitId , and not the alder11lmPs hnulevanl , Las returned the onlinnnco nisigned , and aceonipaniod by objections , its briefly lstated in yesterday's Bxis. , helm Chnpntai's organ , or the Organ's Jolni Chapman , has utterly ignored Lhese objections , and is they contain much concentrated food for thought , vo ; ire than in full , First , That the granting of such right of way tosaid railroad catnpany , uud its usual occupancy for a railroad , is lend will be suett a radical diversion of snftl avenud from its orighual intended use , as will ehtirely destroy it as an nvcnuu for public travel , ; "Second That this betelits svlid , I it is chained the city will recek0 for the use of said revenue by stud railway will not , in my judqmalt , cantponsnte the city aid its iulnubitalts for the loss of said revenue , for the purpose for which it was originally purchased. 'I'hinl ( 'but said railway cnnipany neither by the acccptauce of said gnutt nor by the terms of said a uliuauce , is 1)01111(1 ( to receive nu l bill all Council Ithtlrs freight at and froul its proposed depot at thtr juncture of L'roadwny and Union Avunuo , thereby innki ig it n rcgit Inr frofght nlatlOf of said corn Iany at that willt , but can in its such frogltts at that point and bill th01u the saute as now at the trausferstntiou. 1 + 'ourtli 'That 51 ( + 11 ordinance (1(105 lint stipulate Or fix tlto rates for freights or passer grors between the iTalon l'aciflek. Pot 1111(1 tlt , Proposed ltrondtra' duItit. Fifth'I'll Fifth , l tit the city con ue il buns nu pownj right ur nutlon ity in huts to defeat the svlll tend rote of the pouplu tltuicof iii thepurchase of said avenue for a bottle. yard by 'ivin told granting the sautu for a rib ht Of t n y for ut single or double trtack iaiIwat. , - ' { to said railway cnnpapy the privileges and rirhds , con. furred 1the ordinance conflicts ss ith the a ) irlt turd tet'ma of the ordinitnca , the use of streets by the Council Blufff street railway , approved December t 7 , 1877 , Afnyor Bowauna hits 110 veto power , so his objection will probably 'not affect thill legality' of the urdintiuee , but he might , while le was about the business , have stated sonic Other stroll objections. One is the uuscculy haste with which an urdinnnee pre red b' n Union Pacific writer mi lur the t ( te , ilmnedinto dicht- bon of lnion Pacific ofliciitls , tuns rushed through the Council , without giving - ing the people a chlulce to give voice to their known opposition. lie might have shown how the scheme was a pet ono of tine Union Pacific ho ho able to atauid on Broadway with a club ; furnished by the city , with which to bent the life out of any pro posed building of another hrfdgu across the river. If thin Iruiuu Pacific carries its point , it will take especial pains , whenever the pco do chuuor for anuthtur bri(1'o and a 1-ill is ) lnuliu' in Congress , to allay the cluuua' redtciii qLg antes anti ilei'Wlaili' + iecniliille(1tItIc ( iS IIIIU thou as soon its the Ipcode [ are lulled into a sl11iut sense of satisftictiou , the prsu killed or postponed , the Unions Pacific will increase its rate all lensed its i ucco11nnodntions to suit itself , Thu AIuyur's call also wtu'ued its pee , flu not to think for a nuaueut that the little flag sbttioui iIro lased on Broudsvo will n trnsfer , ' 1'liu through tratit sr Il not be brought up to Ihual raY. The chaltgus of passedger , the bnai11ess in fact will still be at the Union I'ncitic du tot , ' prouliscd Tho'onl'discorniblodffl'erelicu hit thnt'folks ' ula ride in n stuaii ear iii- stead of n street ca' . Thu ( luunu Inca CtUltlQt nuuku fast halal , as tinlt would en- dangur life toad limb inside of the city , the only advantage pretopded to 1)o of- lured is that the tlu11uu 's will run every half hourr instead of ewe 110111 , but f' this tliti city was askutl to 'ivo t ) $40 000 itmay nut kco Thu U11iunPacilic unity ur ) the 'promise. That company l is actin g ae it always laws acted for is wn inteioat anti uotfur the city. Even if it is ; io- - fag h ) 1' ' Y the lrnion Pn01he , let that cunnpauy pay for its 'fight of ts aty' iii 1Vnodtshcd. 'I'IIF i' ( ur,1C'10(005 ( , Ituportutu Changes Buhig Recklessly - ly hlldo and Yet the I'nbLIe dIUWrnI Cnpaoity , Thu h0urd of education is ntakug , great clutigus in the public schools , aid yet then' ( is strangely little thought or uatten- tion given by tllu peoplu , Such sulaumos its that of Union Avenue soeuu by touching - ing the packet hocks of the people directly , arose n storm of indiguuttiuii , and 'CL the education of the youth , and th i handling of the tuiirerse scouts bad moroly'for ' its purpose is full ) ' , if not ueru ( ntporta11t. Tide apathy is dno in ptU to the fact the inure humbhi , ) ufu 'r and less influential classes fool tluat' they cannot ltolp tlaoluaolvea , std jhu ignorant classes rat irally do not op , prcci1u the sltuntion , while olio of the ricrl sad morel lira uinunt parents Ore able Ito gujrtliolr eltlldrun odueatOd odsowhero , One liroininoitt nrerehunt yeato5day ro- nsrkdlti "It don't concern ono vary nnichif the school did go down instead of up , 1 uatsond lay childrou away to sohool. Let the board go to. " The notion of the board in soloctiot of teachers Afolduiy night shows how little they appreciate the nceda of the school , and the nppOlutments i11dieatu 6uuatiam policy , uutd lack of judgeuenL 'There itru 51)1110 gaud teachers rutained , but others hue been utiu nfuted t" puuitfotis of bunoetanou' which they arc expected to fit without the Recessary experience , Sovdral young girla swith no particular fitness for the position have been selected by the lsard , nod if under thin sort of mauagtnuunt the schuole pruspe' , it will be a alu priyu , 'l'ie schools luau solute of their beat tuaehoes and it is staid that others will also leave. In a cumber of ensue these teach- um lore accuptod ongaguuh01uts elsewhere. Auioug those w hu drop out of the corps nose' are Miss 'I'lickingor Miss Ilubbarl , and Aiiss liuwitte , all tuncliors in the school On the hill , m ; ? rnmiuier depart. meats ; bliss Wright , Alfas 1ilboiirnnud Alias Barker of tutu Blooutur school , Ono of the moat serious losses is that of the 1indurgarton schools , uud the droppiuig out of Miss Eddy , one of the bust and most succeasful tcuchcre of that eystlun , in the whole land. Chicago nod other cities atu otthueiastfo over the 1in dergarten , Laud the resulta as this far ahoss'n huro , have been woudotfull l'bo I p041tt11 c'lildrell of the nell tu tie can until thtenlaelvea of private schools , but tlinse 0f the Issirer people cannot , 'flu nand is npparently sit slnlbbing the sapcrintOndent as tO get hfut to Ic sign his p0sitimi voluntarily , though he has n contract to r01uaili nuntlier year , Itlid thus reliesu thctiuselves of the uecestitynf stating reasons for de siring it chnugo , l'erltnps these reasons , if t01'sely stated , would not meet frith aft' public uudorsemunt , It is certain thitundcr , l'rof , Fnrnlmtn's tilnna etnciit tltu schools have been built up , gbutt if the hoard lean good reasons for clan e tile ) ' let the Iubliches e the bone. fit , anti ho frank null ( tun nbott the ant- ter , ] butt n quiet rathn11pt at freezing out looks as if there were personal motiren nctuating theta , Thu most charitable cuttstructio11 which can lo plnccd upon the action of the hoard in that , with one exception , they know little ubuut educatioaul mnttcrs , 'rile- laity be good b11sinrsw uunt , honest , rnterpdsin iii other diruetionn , and yet sshirlly tutlitto nerve as n101ubu s of a board of uducation , and if they do 11"t hnt'e intelligence or uxpeiienen tit regal to school matters they are liable to make "Rl'fl1'u lilishlkes , as they aeelll to be being. - - Ottt u' lorui anti huprorrtnrat Cu , ht'ostigatiou into the matter eouiv'iuces us that auto of the Most uquitatie , reason - ab10 timid feasible plans of huildiug houses is that prop 5Cd nod in npenstion by ; he ulercamiIilo 1.0:111 , 'J'ruat until huprove- mitc11t cumpluty of this city. By fnvest illg iii sltitl'es I t i Lit is illstltutu un , which is backed by nutuu of iii r best uud trust Fe- Iu t1do business iii ell , It bec ii iten pnssilile nud cunquuatis'ely easy for a niut of mud01ato atenns to seeare a cot tt urhtble home for hiulsuhf std family. In tithing a eueteiII nuutber of al aees , at a c01'taia tutu ntlily p iyDlettt , iu a fuw yeas a Hein call ( lVwti it hlouisti of Ilia ns'll Gtr about the salute as he pay's niuuthly for rent. 1Vu brliove thu dhrcutlilo Lufnt turd Trust Cnagauly , by otganfzing nod npetlitig up for bnsiuesx , luiro tiled a long felt uilat in Council Itlufrs , 'I'I oii pleas aid systetlt of boats will bear the most careful ful scrutiny until cxnutiuaiumi , and wit hmu flu hesitancy in tronouucing them teasounable and er uitnbte , and bucked b gentlemen of itotior and integrity. As the cougsuy exists it becomes at once an iustititti0u of suiluu nod credit 111 our city tillll those tvho desit'u hmaes. ' ( 'heir pres. id011t is ' 1' , A , Iirkhuid' vice ( reaidcut Jud'c Peake ; aucretar 1 , It , Booty ; Cud. Beebe , and their oilico is in the baaentelit of Slul art tG AIcAIa ham's new block , corner First avonno and Pearl street. jan ° 7 ly. -em Tim frstcompletu t slatina of the Bl- blo in the higfish laguugc waspriuted in the year m:5. : A perfi ct copy of it sold for $1,750 , lit 1858 , Thu Book of CuvuuOn l'ruyer has been traltslated ltito inure thuun sixty languages , aid a ntilllon copies of IL are prftdel every year. , Tunics Franklitis old priming press , at which his brother Begjnutitt worked as an npprcutice , is on uxhihitlou at the Old South Church , hasten , It fa reps the property - erty of llle MnssachtlseUs Chnrititblo Me. cha11io Assnchdiun , to which itvlts pro- seuted by Mr , Julu B , Murray , some years sure. lJlnckWoml says or Ocorgo Idiot's aiodo of composition : "Shu wits the most careful - ful turd accurate nutuug uuthnrs ; her beautifully - tifully written tuunuseripl , free fromn blur w erasure , and with every letter tlclicatelyr 'tad disliuctly Ilnishued , wits 0111) the nul- ward and visible sign of inward labor , ' which she had taken to work out her ideas. Ihu never draw any of her f acts or tmpres- 'uious front second luuulsuud , thus , in spite ( .f .hit number turd variety of her illustrations - tions , sbu haul rarely nor 'h to correct tither proof sheets. Vu'hen n child begna : to tend it becomes delighted with a newspaper because it reads of names nod things which are fa- millar , and It will progress accordingly. A newspaper , in one year , is worth a quay tors sclhoollug to ii child. Every littlier must'coesfder that Infornlatloi is ed with advanceaent. The mother of a 6uuily , being one of its heads , and havinn n inure lutntedinte charge of children , sleuld herself be Instructed. A mind oo- etpled becomes fortified against time ills of bite , and Is him-need for tuty euergency. Children amused by reading or atuly ale of course more c01nsderate. unit more cash' ly managed. A nupid pcllntnn cult unto thirty words ht a nilutlte. To do this he must draw his pen through the space of it rod , sixteen and a Ludt' feet. In forty nilnutes his pen travels a furlong. We make , on an its cr age , sixfecn curves or tunis of tin pen in riting each word , 'tYriting thirty words id ti untuutu , we must tnalta .1St ) torus to each niuilo ; In ma hour , „ 8,000 , ; In a day III' Only five hours , 144,0110 ; in it year of , y)0 ) suck dnys , 43,200,000 , The utatq therefore , who umdu 1,000,000 strokes with ltia pun was not tit all remarkable , Islany teen-nowapuper writers , for insttutce- utuke 4,000,000 , Item we lutve , in the ag. gregnle , n marl : ; ioo tulles long to be tnuw al on paper by such u writer la a year , Strength and henlth go together. Ob- htitl this hat 1) lhy'sioat state htY using at Brown la bottle of Iron Bitters , NitLer tells - thfourthl book of Fla "Dorlans , " that In Lesbos , and sane other pawls of Greece , each under the lend of some woman of distinguished go- nuts for the cultivation of poesy , music rollnomont , and grace of mtutuers , and the other clegaft arts , girls wore sent from distant cities , and oven from for. olgn lauds , to ho eucated in these so- deuce. Supuho was the head of one of them. She culls her louse "Tho house of tle Servant of the Muses" SPECIAL NOTICES. + NOryell-sKClal { advertltcment , , surh its Loat , Found , To Loan , Fur Snlc , To Rcnt , want , , Itoanl big , ulc „ w iii be I , + eertt.t lid Illa , lV litin at the low rut. of TEN CINTN ; I'F3t IINI : for lle , drat Ln ertlon aiid Ii % 'I CE41N 1'FIt : LINE for enrh auhrrquent lu .ertlu0 , Lraiu iobertleuieda at our etner , No. 7 i'tsrl Siren , near Ilroa + loov w ANTS , _ _ _ , r.\h"1'IIt-'rhrco : thi n.okra by CAIt1.ilO Itroa , 1 llb nrl , Palley Inua - FOR SALE AND RENT , h nwtutl i'-Newhoutuill ( trot Aru"r. ! Hunt J but yltiI is n , trnucr tttiqcoot. uud 0th I , , not. Far Stilt , ' ! lie hirnlturu carjets slid hiuiceketidug bite , ll + lit ImnauNu.x13alsthlicnnr , Ahumtnewandati- 1111) .t.l , 'lilt , funiltuto was mudo t. urtlrr lq , t , IL , Ibstnui , Bias. , anti mrpeta am Ihiglbh atterl , and Iuiirtal by'Vt iucy , ltright S Ch en d fo.ton , Can hit atcn etch day buttnil 4 suit 0 pt tit 71o , dwelllti xni slsth , , rein , la fur aalo or root , Early Iwacaiou till , bu ghcu , Also 1Ioidunl lullcrt , buggy 1111111 Ii ' tauotl , t Qulaalrr " 1 lioio , ltaw , 1 gold mauntol light touhlo harm s , l gold mm"itut (5 + rapt lramtas , neer bcou a tal , l buggy' Iunw.a ( l asluulouiu uw hrrlugu and hariio a ( ttn I,0 aeco tit Umy'a.tublea , T' U. ( tutu Council 11lufl , la , July 2. - Iissolntial of Copnrlncihlp , Nollcv la hrrvly gl"s , that the ynuiuemhlI Irately ealatlug let.vvn 5. V. Ilostl and IS J , Alt. llah ut of CbunelI tituS , ' Ints tuider the tin. of . and llo llalimf u.grel , eu Ihu lldtlt4 uay of June' 110,3 PW tiSut to the tents of lliu articluof ropartncruhl. H. Clto.u , It J. Ma Jlshon flit , biulucss will i. ; couducttd In futuru by 1' , J , llo Nahai , N. Ci u.tls' F. , : ' . , Dtt rr , CASADY & ORCUTT ! Ql ! > SIr r Ir RArHPt ® UUJUI r c. : Only one in the City. Stock now Complete. MAIL ORDEFtSi si03LICITFD. CASADY & ORCUTT , 502 Broadway , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , A , H MAYNE & CO iEALEIts is Bulk LouisviIle& b11C111OAN I'1.AMTFIt : , IIAIIt AND Sl't % FIi I'lI'E , ILUtl ANIi sol'I' ' COAL. VI' LoWt' IT 1 Jti'C No , 34 Pearl Street , - - - - - COUNOiL BLUFFS , IOWA , J. M. PHILLIPS tt'uioLEKAII : D it1 l' lt BOOTS AND SHOE I Fine Shoes a Specialty. 413 Broadway , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , NUGENT & SMITH , FIRST CLASS GOODS AND THE DEST Of WOAKMR N S HIPGUAAANTEEDI 1 and 9 Main Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS DIRZC'i'ORY , COTJL\TCIL II3LVl"- ara , 3A. TO U N BEND ( 'I. l ORNIRAL : bnnc1I.1N1isF ; : . , , , la nuhn street and 17 Pail street , - - - - - - - - - L , 'B V . & CU , . I reteriptlons Compounded ll10.1CUI5T5 at all hmto. , doe itroadoay. - - - - - ' - - - - - CItFSTnN : ltit151 : . MAX N1 UHI1i , Urt. cry , " _ 10 Ual. Sweet Hotel , 317 and inn bl + sln street. J , M B STOVV M D , Corner Fifth , street and Fifth as e , - - - , li } J F h' VHI rE oprlct- : I , , . , , Corner Main mud fifth up .tnir ltcsldcuec , 009 Willuu _ - - - N i ti.URZ J ( rien0F'TIIE1'I.tcn : , . . . Oaice o'er .ttnerknn Exprra. _ . - - - - - - - - - 's , TIYFit' : ' ANIi F1SED-- , SWAG eVER - , Will contract for fimerab of ren.nnable rater. 33 Foirtln atn et - - J , M S ( r JOHN & C (1 , C A ( i , H BUYERS , twhnleialobutter try timt fruit. Slap egg. , to po n i- , Draft by return nisll , 140 llroaduay. -v - - NEtrnooTANISiiOEST011F : , S A PIERCE Corner Alain and F'Ir.t au-once. PETE I BRIDGE & HERB ERTZ , 9:7 bleat wny Market , , nEla1RAP1' ' .OIt , JACOB gUCH 71'Ia.OIt Stock Complete , 511115 Blade at rl'0.80IInb10 p rlrcd. No , nOJ bLttn 5tt ' CO'TltttTolt AND numz.Dlat , G F S ITH Corner 7th and itn aduuiy , Ilannnd specilicatiuni fnruiehcd , _ mr TM ' uEA1.Fat IN F1NE IiAiLNIsy. : vl vl SHERMAN , I has. the sartety that brhige patronage 134 , Mann street. JAMES FRANEY , Atltlcw'orkamireasonable charges. 57Itroulous. HIs vy & SON' at d Ibai-eliuld Suppllc. , : t ) Uruaduay. - - ll'I'OONuYS : AT LAW , LINDT & 11 ART , .lauiu.liioek. I metlee in atatu and kderal emirt. . L Slnnufaehiren flue I'miituru , Uphul tery Uaod. , Curtain , , & CO STOOKERT Aa , nod Whidui. shades : , u7 Brt tiIany , - And batli limue , 431 anti 428 Iiroadwnp , h. Saiereign , Prop. P. J. Mont SANITARJUNI goruery,31.I.I'halciatt _ - - . v1TII11Stlt' : : ' SUIIOE/S , WADE iA 1:1 : , Oflim , Ihay'a stnblu No , 14 sentt street _ , - - - ' P. J Li ENNESSY , ' 1mde Supplied. Matiufacturerof xlhatreetbotwrei IIOICSCCOLLAlhi 0th , anti 7th are. - - - - - Ji'STICEOF' TIIE I'F.ACE , EDVPIN J ABBUTT l'ublkanti utnoml , , ( , Notary Canseyanmr 4tltroadway _ _ . _ _ - . T9AlITlI a NOItTOV- fl V ERE HOUSE , Broadwa ) ' uppcetlta Now Olivia house , Refitted Sb l1AO p' r day. _ _ _ . - ! - - - - - - - ! - DE CAY & CASSEL COJl7lACrOltS Cornier AND slxtlatreetand.tenueI nUILAEIts , , - - - - NEW AND SECONI ) IiANU lfOUSEIIOLU (1001)5.- Y' H AL MY fought atideold. 21Droxdaay. Swedish Movement Cure Far the treatment and cure of dry , Harsh , dad or failing hair or batdnesi , at 713 lhroadway , Cuuncll Ittun. , ( as aiam a ro lul. are completed ) ; uutll that tiuiu inquire for hr. llwtgo , aerou the way' , at the Coy Iluu.e. Consultation or cxmtilnatlun at hI. nob. tree of charge , SATISFAIYr10N UUALIANTE D , 'the doctor hae"n Halo the great shaker and Indian lllaal Itemeely , for the cure of cstarrh a.d Contuaqu thin , I'nt'o VU cents er hottlo. Putarrh Is of aecml dlaercnt klnd or gralest No , I. Iu ! ottt'ataal , , b much likoa coma ni cold , iillhmm'oudt.chargcs from the head , auto uud tlnwt. , No. 2. Dry mtarrh , ultla heat Inihe taro and head , hot dhilurol akin , dry , larth , , de.d or falling hair and baldncaa , No. 5. Sunfuluut Catarrh , h known 1)y excouhe dandrua , and emptiona ; a Ih uud brl tling hair , had lacath , l.n drlta , fnrgctlulneus , l.ad droann , hcad achy , hot a tIer discimq a frotni none and ey ON , flew- mlgla , wllh baldness and hllocy. Nu , i , ( lcneral catarrh of We blood tcattlte ht wonkues , deldlit' , abort breathingamulin oak pulse , heart trouble. kidney aaectlotui , with ( her coil- plaintandindi , ulnatit.IO'attendantIrpront dl. , rolomtinnt of lbw akin , suit glans , , tunket appear' alit'u tilt , eyes , JHARRIS. . S , E , Cop. Farnam and Tenth Sfs , UuTs CAST-OFF Ci OTIIINO , HIGHEST OASH PRICE PAID , aw call or send Poatal Card , - Tunis & Kneller ! xx . T7. I . DENTISTS , STi rUpstatra ( ) Nltru Oxide Ou lept consiauuy oa hand toira .lws oxtractlua of Wuth. I ODELL & DAY , Loans , Real Estate AND INSURANOE No , 3D Pearl St. , Ofulloil Bluffs. City Property , w'e haw tacant Iota In all puts of the city at trmn , tO.00 up , for taut nn monthly 1' ) uwnt. . No. G' . tbni e , a Hann. , well , eLteru , 4 Iargr Iota , plenty of fruit on ltentoi.11eel , : cheap , + 40004 Nii.aurAJuirablere.IdciceOtt Scicnth strttt , near Illnouwr teho.d , bulldlutti flrarlu eau ; = 1e x ) . No. 4'Nbcty , feet frond , curlier loanl $ t. uud ae rood a , ems , opp , alto court hotue ; Ebrnt Business Chances , No , e0For aahu or tra.le , a.tia k of Imnhiare , at a good bnsloesa I.hat ii. . uo.tent Inca , 11'In trade for farm or city 'tru ' arty. Nit ol , - ( , the only uuu Irma , a of 7(0) ( ) l.haii Itante , 3A roan , , ii lth god lure , will Ir.'utcd , aill .ell ehe.ip or trade for a bunt. No , 10.-A Iii a rupnbllrm proper In weatrni futa , ottldal trsuuty lutper and tt fte yatr"nay e , u eg rhtwp U sold atoll. ire alao ( rase a tuunber of choltu ( anus pit wealern Iowa , for ado cheap. LOANS , tVu halo uosw ) to bun on tarns mnlcity prc erty , at front 0 to 10 iwr cent , Fire and Tornado Insurance , itot of eoiuymulue rrpreauutod. F7tuitaWa rates and fair ( msn.e t. l.u.ca aipa tud and paid at lhl. ntltlY , . . H , J. HUtonf M D. , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , 932 Broadway , Council Bluffs , : : Ti : - : - - - _ t- r' ' .i To The Trade I 1 , We take plOavuro in calling your attention to the fact that we have made such arrange- utents an will citable us to sell you , Rithher Boot Shoes Etc ' , , Il , 'i Here , as Low as you can buy them East , 'Write for further infurnlatinn , z T CO. , 412 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa , 4. . R , S. COLE & CO. , - A.tNL'FACT1'RIIt , AND pE tLlats IN ALT , Kinds Lightning IE E I ,1ud unmment. , ll + n ta'o.l , nod iron I'iunp , wool Tubing and ( inv l'Ipe and Pipe Futures , for both 5 % oil and Iron I'uuup ' + nnlcrsiiill recehe pmnptattention No , Got South Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , 40 Feb If enil tf ( III. CALLACHER 7 , G'Ftc RIii Net More , F're.h Uoudt , Low Prime and Polite , tttendant pUY First Door east of Metropolitan Hotel , ; 1'0tX- PETER C , MILLER w'IIOLBSALEAND IIETAiL Wall-PaPcl and Window Shades and Painting in all its Dianchesl FRESCOING IN MODERN STYLE , Noe. 18 ad 20 - r r North Main St WRIGHT. 1 II a rdrare. 504 Broadway and 10 and 12 Main St „ Council Bluffs. M PROMPT ATTENTION AND CLOSE PRICES ON MAIL ORDERS. HOUSES , LOTS AND LANDS ( Ii i I ' is c 1).t and Sold- ° Money Loaned ! Abstracts Furnished I . ' ROSZ ± de McMAI30N , ( No , 4 Pearl Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , t ( SULLIVAN & FITZGERALD , f , 'K DF'ATEIt' IN ffloooIlos ! , Frovsolls ! ! , Boots o.ii ShOOS / 1 IMMIGRATI O N 1'iGENTS. t DnAI-n , ON TIIE 11AN1 ( OF 1nEI.AND , DUBLIN , FOR SALE , 343 naOADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , B S TERWILLIGER DEcoulviolt AND DEALFat IS F.tNCY I , i W L Si. i E7 i 31 Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa , s CRESTON HOUSE , MAX MOAN , - - - - PROPRIETOR. 2113 , 217 aU d 210 S. Main Strout. 0 COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - - - - - IOWA MRS. D. A , BENEDICT , 'tuft : TF tp1NU DFLtLBIt is 1 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , . , Pa Overton , DFALEIL : u Hard Wood , Yellow Pine 'and Red Cedar Lumber , Oak and ) utl Cedar PillugCedar Telegraph. . 1'nleaand l'ente I'o.ta , oak Dhnelialun Stull , liripo Jlaterlal of all kin ha , at , k'h Ruck Crke. , A sy rclany In WOOD AND COAL for brkk y and puryrase . A lull supply of wool and coal always on haul at yanl , 502 and 801 alaht street Quote , fus Flr.t Aente , iitween Abin and Pearl x.13. sx 3T ' r , wiIotrll.LK orltrn is 13t ¶ V TER' Prompt Cash Paid , NI , enanml.alon eltarged , So iii ftwQuotatlon. 513 itruadtay , Coeinc l hies. , soft. orrlcxa , In , H , rrar.T , OFFICER & PUSSY BANKERS Council Bluff , , ] a Esfablishea - - 1856 Dealers In F'urgIeia ad , hnie tte achatigu anii lfunie securities. WINTHERLICH BROS. IOll & Buss FOlffiy Cot , 0th St. and 11th Ave , COUNCIL BLUFFS , . IOWA , or _ _ u . , MRS. E , J , HARDING , M. D. Medical Electrician AND GYNECOLOGIST ! Oraluateof ElectropxtldolnstltutlonPhilalalphia Tenn. 0 ffice Cop. Broadway & Glenn Ave I COUNCIL itLCFFN , oil : ' . 1 1I I The treatlnertl Z all dheates and Itlnful dllieulues p eculiar to Icwaho a apen ally , - - - - - - - - - - - - MORGAN , XELLER , & CO. , UNDERTAKERS. 'f ho Shiest quality and largeat stock seat of Chicago of w'ouden and lfetallo Oases. Calla attende4 to at all h ( tin , we defy competittonln quahityof goods i or price. Our Mr Morgan hasacrsedasundertaker to r ft rt' ' ) cars alit thoroughly understand , his bual na $ t , tlareroomt,31111roaway UI'IIOLSTEIIINt h , a II its hmnchea pmntptly attended to ; ahao carpet la yLng alit lambrequlna Telegraphic and wait rd aia hilled w lthout delay , W. R. VAUCHAN J u stice of the Peace. i Omaha aid Council Bluffs , Jt , , ' heal lealateandcollection agcncy , In Odd FoUn'y , block , user Savlugi Bank , Iwid y .